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Heinrich Semiradsky (Polish, 1843-1902) Naiads, ca.1880s Ryazan State Regional Art Museum
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geekynerfherder · 4 months
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'The Naiads' by Annie Stegg Gerard.
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dootznbootz · 5 months
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3/4 Naiad Penelope (along with siblings), half-naiad Tyndarius and Icarius, 1/4 Naiad Clytemnestra slkdfj klsd
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Botanic Tournament : Aromatic Herbs and Spices Bracket !
Round 2 Part 2 Poll 1
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Mint :
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Nepeta/Catnip :
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arireynes · 8 months
Day 25: Naiad
Thinking about walking through a forest because I've heard tales of a waterfall where magical things happen, and I just have to see it for myself. As I approach, I'd find a beautiful woman stretched on a flat rock beside the river, her silky dress looking like it's made out of water, her skin tinged blue. I'd know she wasn't human, but I couldn't help but approach her.
She'd greet me with a smile, inviting me to sit by her, and I'd accept, unable to keep my eyes from her. I'd know she was flirting as she leans close, her dress dipping, and I can see her breasts, making my breath hitch and tremble.
When she finally touches me, hand stroking down my cheek, then lowering as she slides her fingers down my chest, I'd plea for her to take me, and she'd be more then happy to oblige. Laying me out beneath her, the water from the river following her command to hold me in place, and she'd fuck me nice and soft, enjoying the way I cry out and beg, arching into her.
I'd know as soon as I left that I would go back. Magical things really do happen there.
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thewinedarksea · 1 year
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f/f february: dryad & naiad
requested by @agentduckorico
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thequeenofsastiel · 6 months
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nehalenniaspeil · 1 year
water element
herbert james draper — the pearls of aphrodite [1907]
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yoel-o-fellow · 1 year
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Scribbled some naiad fashion ideas.  Myrisad outfits are typically very light, very translucent and have minimal fabric so as not to get in the way of the wearer while swimming.  Their clothing serves as embellishment rather than function, for it does very little to keep the wearer warm underwater.
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*kicks down door*
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lilaceas · 10 months
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dootznbootz · 3 months
You mentioned Telemachus having sharp Naiad teeth. Imagine if he used those teeth to take out all the suitors. With Odysseus’ help of course.
Sadly, would probably leave him open and vulnerable to attacks :'D So he probably wouldn't unless really desperate.
Sharp naiad teeth are more for "I can rip through any fish scale and bone and be fine." as an adaptation for water life than for battles between mortals. Odysseus watches so lovingly seeing his Water wife and Water son devour whole fish.
Telemachus is around 37.5% Naiad and he'd probably be using water from the canals to trip suitors. Even then, he can only work with a certain amount of water. Penelope has MUCH more control and she's kind of there as well. Imagining Odysseus seeing a bunch of dudes drowning, only to realize it's not Telemachus, itches my brain. He starts cackling and gets a special bloodlust when he realizes she's "there". It's another reason why he's so hurt when she firsts rejects him as "We were basically flirting during our dinner, you drowned some suitors. You KNOW it's me! WHY?!" but uh...He doesn't know that Athena had to tell Penelope not to drown the "stranger". She was mostly trying to make sure Telemachus stays safe and along with you know, killing the suitors now that she has "permission". There's more to it but yeah lkasjdf sounds nuts but I think it'll work.
Penelope looked him in the eye during that dinner, tears still damp on her cheeks, and says "You say all these things but My Odysseus, who fidgets with his clothing and who bounces his knees in time with my own, would never leave me weeping while he sits. He would throw his arms around me!" "...He would if he could." Then he goes to sleep outside and she's pissed and he's a mess. :D The "Beggar" looks nothing like her husband but he moves and talks just like her love, his voice unsteady as he praises her. What the fuck is going on? Basically she knows it's him but also is like "Why would he keep himself from me?" Like how Odysseus tells HER during the treebed scene
And Athena is editing her fanfiction document for these two as "You little fucks weren't supposed to be doing this! I kept your tears from falling, Odysseus, why do you have to be such a sap?! Shit! Back to the storyboard."
Anyways!!! :D
Naiads usually don't bite people unless they feel they have no other option. Odysseus is an exception as he does have ONE "special bite" from his special wife because he's a little freak who wanted it rdtfygufgh. Penelope bit Palamedes on his forearm as he held her back as he took Telemachus from Anticlea and Penelope rushed after him. Odysseus is haunted by the image of both his wife and son sobbing while her teeth are stained with blood. He gets sick pleasure seeing that scar on Palamedes' arm before he gets him killed.
And as a whole, there are actually a couple "rules" Naiad born soldiers have to follow that are very important within war.
With battle, even if you ARE naiad born, you have to ask the river god "Hey, this is getting really bad. Can we work together for this?" As River gods are usually like "I am here for your consumption, bathing, and healing. You will not use my water for violence." (Why Achilles gets his ass kicked and why Naiad born soldiers don't just "drown people")
If someone/something is attacking your river or YOU, like an animal wreaking havoc (like the big catfish! :D ) or a person trying to kill a single naiadborn, then self defense is fine. Daphne got turned into a tree because Apollo outranks nymphs and the river gods. River gods don't fuck with Olympians but he still wanted to protect her.
Though once you have your own water source (canals, vase full, etc.) you're technically free to do whatever you want with it. (Penelope loves this loophole 😈 The Palace waters are hers. and Telemachus' too but you know.)
With the war aspect, however, there are so many wounds that are like "wow, you probably have an extreme infection or should've killed you eventually". BUT it's convenient when you have Naiad born soldiers that can "heal you up" (Penelope's brothers are part of Menelaus' army btw!!! :D )
It's kind of why it's become a "If a man is still alive when they're picked up and rescued, that doesn't mean shit. A naiad born person will fix it before they even bleed out. If they don't die instantly, they just come back."
Same with fighting among nymphs btw.
Even if you're naiad born, you can't just act like how you do at home with a foreign river. Feel free to jump and swim and wet your scales but stay out of their business. If the naiads of Athens decided to punish people by poisoning the waters, you, as a Spartan naiadborn, do not meddle! Can't start purifying it to give to the citizens. Maybe for your OWN people who came with you on the foreign expedition if you ask but don't meddle with foreign river problems. Each culture is different.
Took a while for Penelope to adjust and improve relations with Ithaca naiads because of this. And when Tyndareus and Icarius were exiled, it was a culture shock for them as they're 50% naiad. Even with non-naiadborn, it's a shock. Menelaus and Agamemnon were in Sparta during their own exile had to adjust too, though Menelaus definitely fit right in. (I'm so excited to write about 18-20 year old Agamemnon's first interaction with 9 year old Penelope. It's a misunderstanding at first but it's wholesome. Spoiler: Have you ever been in a place and then a random little kid starts talking to you and then they give you a leaf or something? YEAH >:D It's that but sillier. It's cute.)
Honestly, I'm playing around a lot with the whole "Sparta being very military-focused" thing as it's really kind of fun to think of people having children with naiads/naiadborn as somewhat of a strategy. If you can't have demigods, nymph born children are still better than fully mortal ones. It's why there ARE so many naiad born and why interactions are basically informal in Sparta in my fics compared to other places. Like Ithaca.
I got really offtrack but in conclusion: There are special rules and customs of each freshwater source. And how battles are affected by it. Telemachus doesn't bite any of the suitors but probably uses water to help him and to heal his and Eumeaus' wounds.
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hecatesdelights · 5 months
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womblegrinch · 2 years
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Norman Lindsay (1879-1969) - The Naiads’ Hour
Watercolour on paper. Executed in 1929.
17.7 x 15.4 inches, 45 x 39 cm. Estimate: Aus$15,000-20,000.
Sold Leonard Joel, South Yarra, Victoria, 15 Aug 2022 for Aus$23,000 + B.P.
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magicislikelove · 5 months
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Naiads turn for the DND Npc character design series! I designed these ones off of different bodies of water, and I love them all!
(References and inspo, plus a closer look at each down below! )
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nehalenniaspeil · 1 year
water element
edward john poynter — the cave of the storm nymphs [?]
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