#Naples mafia
muadweeb · 2 years
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mudwerks · 2 years
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(via Tumblr wills fake Martin Scorsese movie into existence)
This is where it gets interesting to me: 
After searching for the origin of the boots’ bizarre claim, a user discovered that the label likely referenced 2009's Gomorrah, which was indeed produced by Domenico Procacci, was released in the States with an endorsement from Scorsese and is also “about the Naples mafia.” (Gomorrah is based on a non-fiction Roberto Saviano book about the Camorra and has spun off a TV series of the same name.)
The film is from 2008, and was released in the US in 2009.
The Italian spun-off TV series is in fact one of the best TV productions ever, in my opinion. (ahem) Watch it in Italian with subtitles, it loses a LOT in the dubbed version. 
And there is a LOT of stuff in the series that could be parts of Goncharov, including Russian and Italian mafia interaction. 
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Name that film …
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windsroad · 2 years
People keep asking things like “why are they Russian if it’s set in Italy” “why is it set in Italy if they are all Russian” ALL these questions would be answered if you’d just look at the shoe
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my entire family after they go on a wild goose chase to find goncharov (1973) bc @panicatthechuckecheese and i spent the whole day telling them about it and saying they should watch it:
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il-sicario1 · 29 days
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Camorra sicario guns seized by the carabinieri aka the italian police
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eugeniedanglars · 2 years
the problem is that the more we all post about goncharov the angrier i get that it's not a real movie i can watch because it actually sounds really fucking good
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rebewatson · 2 years
It’s kind of annoying how everyone associates “Winter is coming” with GOT, when it was first said by Goncharov in Goncharov on the boat scene with Mario.
Mario: “you only get one shot to do this”
Goncharov: “how mario? Winter is coming to Naples. The water is freezing. I’ll never make it in time!”
Mario: “if you had one shot, one opportunity, would you capture it? Or just let it slip? Now is your chance Goncharov.”
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muadweeb · 2 years
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Goncharov (1973)
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
yes i already know what it is but i would like to hear more of Seaside For Your Health please <3
for those of you who are not jon my good friend jon (with whom this fic was brainstormed in the most literal sense) this is my SECOND fic for the wolf and the watchman. which as I said earlier I said I would write No fics about.
...and also this is in fact the fic where cardell and winge go on an ENTIRELY TONALLY UNSUITABLE ITALIAN VACATION!
look I think I'm allowed to spend thousands of words on winge not actively dying of consumption and cardell going someplace warm where the water doesn't remind him of death and both of them having a nice day for once in their cold sad lives.
“Good morning, Jean Michael.” His words are dry as ever, but today, sound less as if they originate in a throat entirely crusted over with rust. “Hardly morning anymore,” Cardell replies, with a tip of his head to the window. Winge pulls himself upright, his newly folded legs allowing Cardell enough room to properly make himself comfortable on the bed. “You ought not to permit me to sleep so long,” says Winge, but Cardell only scoffs and shrugs his shoulders. In that moment, what he wants more than anything is to push Winge back down and keep him still, to cast him solid in sunlight like an insect in amber until he’s satisfied with their rest. But Winge is already hauling himself to his feet, bracing himself against the headboard with both hands until he is confident that his legs will hold his weight. It’s rare now that Cardell needs to draw him out of bed and set him on his feet himself, for with his recovering health Winge has regained that strange energy and passion that had burned in him as he investigated. It is with that sort of methodical yet quick movement that Winge prepares himself for the day, donning his sole suit of fading crow’s-feather black as Cardell waits and watches. Cardell leans back, bracing his head against the wall, and makes himself comfortable while Winge dresses. There is enough idle talk to fill the room to his contentment — of the city, of their neighbors, of the Roman ruins in the foothills — anything at all that he thinks might pique Winge’s interest. Winge nods along as he buttons his waistcoat nearly to his chin, occasionally interjecting with a quiet hm! and a look back at Cardell. That is conversation enough for Cardell; he is perfectly satisfied to watch Winge ready himself for the day and trust that he will live to see that same day through.
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ITALIAN / ENGLISH TEXT Se sono in pochi a conoscere Goncharov (1973), quasi nessuno ricorda l'adattamento che la Rai tentò, con poco successo, di portare sugli schermi italiani verso la fine degli anni Novanta. Come spesso accade, essendo la storia ambientata a Napoli, molti degli attori che figurano nello sceneggiato sono interpreti fissi di Un Posto al Sole. Gli unici fotogrammi che sono riuscita a reperire sono quelli di questo video di promozione. La colonna sonora utilizzata per la miniserie Rai è la stessa della pellicola originale, composta da Jordan Dean. Spero possiate apprezzare quanto me questo assaggio di eccellenza italiana, come al solito ingiustamente sottovalutata.
Marzio Honorato (Goncharov)
Marina Tagliaferri (Katya)
Marina Giulia Cavalli (Sofia)
Maurizio Aiello (Andrey)
Patrizio Rispo (Mario)
Riccardo Polizzy Carbonelli (Goncharov dopo la plastica facciale / after plastic surgery) While Goncharov (1973) is known just by a few connoisseurs, even fewer are the ones who know about its Italian remake made by national television towards the end of the 90s. As it often happens when a media is set in Naples, many of the actors for this production are also part of the cast of the popular Italian soap opera Un Posto al Sole. This is the only footage of the Italian adaptation I managed to put my hands on. It features the iconic score from the original movie, by the one and only Jordan Dean. I hope you’ll be able to appreciate this bit of criminally underrated Italian excellence as much as I did. (Cast is listed above. The YouTube video features English subtitles).
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leseigneurdufeu · 2 years
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brinconvenient · 2 years
I wrote all of this on a reblog of a great post  by @mortalityplays that explains how Twitter’s broken copyright protection system is finally letting the world appreciate the up-til-recently lost film “Goncharov,” but it was a reblog, so I don’t think enough people are seeing this. And honestly, it’s just like tumblr to go hog wild on a media property without knowing even a scintilla of the actual history of it. 
I know that Martin Scorsese is getting a lot of love for tumblr’s favorite new rediscovered film, but (and I can't believe I have to fucking go all filmbro on this, but I fell down a hyper-fixation rabbit hole on this a while back) what's pissing me off about all of this, is that everyone, including op, keeps giving Martin Scorsese credit as the director, when the title card clearly shows "Martin Scorsese Presents" (I think it's the snippet in the 3rd tweet, maybe the 4th) which means that Martin Scorsese was the DISTRIBUTOR.
Like. Ok, so Scorsese graduates film school roughly the same time as George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola, Brian DePalma, and the rest of the Movie Brats, coming up with Steven Spielberg etc, launching the American auteur era of film, but smack in the middle of research for Mean Streets, Scorsese encounters this film by the mononymic Italian director, Matteo (JWHJ0715 was his member id number in Italy's version of the Director's Guild of America - pretty sure they stopped requiring directors include their guild number in the credits after Fellini refused for like 20 years and they just gave up trying to fine him. This is also what inspired Lucas to cow the DGA into submission on the credits at the end thing for Star Wars).
And Scorsese is just fucking blown away. Like, it's everything he's wanted to do since he went into film school. The symbolism, the interpersonal intrigue, the conflicting loyalties between love, honor and duty, the family you are born into vs. the mafia family that finds, accepts and trains you, the constant ethical tension between doing what's right for your morality and what's right for YOUR family vs. what's right For the Family.
I mean. Jesus, look at Goodfellas if you want to see how Scorsese tries to touch on SOME OF THAT when he finally feels like he knows enough to even attempt to approach Matteo's mastery.
Of course, that's not even touching on the Cold War intrigue about the Russian mob operating outside of Soviet Russia and the whole KGB subplot aspect of it all.
Anyway, so back to 1972. Scorsese is just absolutely blown away. The Godfather has just come out and America is mafia mad! Scorsese has had some modest hits. He thinks that Mean Streets is gonna be his big break, and he sees this movie. Not only does he dump his original lead actor to cast Robert Deniro because of it, he decides that he's gonna use the connections he's been making to get this film in front of American movie goers, to help finance the films he wants to make.
So he just, he just fuckin COLD CALLS Dominico Procacci and says "I know people and I can get this movie seen over here" and Procacci takes the meeting... Like, the balls on Martin!
But Procacci doesn't tell him that the real Russian mafia is already sniffing around. Anyway, Scorsese gets the distribution rights for the US and starts getting prints made and ready to distribute to prop up the mob-movie-fever so he can ride it when Mean Streets hits later in the year.
Like, the film was already in cans and at the theater, when the Russian mob knocks on Marty's door and have a very convincing conversation with him.
Next thing you know, all of the prints are back at the warehouse where, reportedly, the fucking Russian mob counts each and every single one. Then they toss the fucking master on the pile (I don't know where they got that, does anyone have that story??) and set it all alight, while Marty watches his future go up in flames.
But then they just fucking walk away and Martin Scorsese, with britches full, goes back to his car and doesn't even see the bag of cash in the backseat until the next day. Business concluded.
Gotta give Old Ivan credit. Just like Matteo depicted - they keep their fucking word. Martin Scorsese decided to stick to the Italian and Irish mobs in his movies from then on, and leave the god damned Ruskies alone.
Of course, none of them knew about the test prints back at the warehouse of the company that was hired to make the copies for American distribution. I could be wrong, but isn't the leading theory about the provenance of the Twitter copy that someone probably found one of those test prints in some corporate asset auction or something?
Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I just hate seeing Matteo getting left out of the fucking conversation, especially now that arguably his greatest work is finally getting attention.
Scorsese has been basically fanfic AU-ing "Goncharov" his whole fucking career and now he's gonna get actually credit for the original? Not on my fucking watch, thank you.
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il-sicario1 · 20 days
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Camorra skinned faces
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annecriedpower · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time I misread any word beginning with G as Goncharov I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. 
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flowersforvax · 2 years
I think I need to go outside and touch some grass
I just legitimately got a little mad at a tumblr shitpost whose vision for Goncharov clashed with mine
post on hold; i just googled "goncharov mario" because I couldn't remember his last name, not expecting to actually get a result and THERE'S A TV TROPES PAGE. ANDREY "THE BANKER" DADDANO???? IS ANDREY'S FATHER ITALIAN????? anyway
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