#Narutoverse culture
x-authorship-x · 1 year
what if for the language thing english and other languages exist but only in small countries. like instead of english being the main universal language its japanese, so only small unimportant places use english. that way it technically exists but no important people use it so theres no need to know or recognise it?
I mean, that's a possibility but Shisui didn't recognise the roman alphabet either so there's no romaji. Also note that LYLA said he was speaking in a dialect of Japanese (of which there are arguably 3, arguably 16, or as many as 47) so there is linguistic variation across Narutoverse (which I've brought into my other works). However, besides the fact the show has romaji and the occasional 'foreign word', no one canonically speaks English in Narutoverse.... so I decided to run with it.
Also I was gonna use this as an exploration to push forward plot later on anyway because Shisui is gonna want to learn these alternative languages for himself...and he'll have to look outside of his universe to do it!
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no-nic · 4 days
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tip: you can fix any boring canon couple by making them t4t ❤️💜
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
Why are the Uchiha considered a non-oppressed group? Naruto's fandom, specifically pro-Konoha readers, tend to claim that neither Sasuke nor his family was actually oppressed nor discriminated against prior to their killing; furthermore, some tend to state that it's for this supposed reason that the massacre was justified, as not only they perceived no injustice when presented with evidence of their treatment at the hands of those in positions of power (who should've had guaranteed their survival at the very minimum, as that was the reason for the village's creation), but also consider their plan to coup a consequence of their "traitorous" nature; a disservice after everything "Konoha did for them".
Some other fans, not much smarter than the first group, are willing to admit some of the discrimination they suffered; but they are reluctant to see such conduct as a learned animosity, labeling it as a "modern occurrence" (when speaking of Hiruzen's timeframe). According to them, the Uchiha had just begun to be discriminated against, so their reaction was disproportionate; apparently, it's mandatory to wait for such bigotry to be repeated for a few generations before considering it a systematic occurrence rather than an isolated event.
Genocide doesn't happen in a vacuum, it's not an option that is plausibly considered if not after years or decades of cultural and political repression and degradation. It's the growth of a slow but consistent process of dehumanization, to the point where those taught under such a regime of thought truly consider their life, rights, and opinions far more valuable and important than those they degrade.
Arresting or even killing the clan members that actually wanted to coup would've been far more understandable had those in power seen Uchiha humane enough for their lives to be considered, to matter; yet the elders quickly saw mass murder as an enticing option, sending one of the kin they wanted to exterminate to do their dirty job so they wouldn't lose "one of their own" and still look pristine.
They were able to do so and still see themselves as agents of peace because they were taught that they were on the right side of history, as the story was told from their perspective; the handwriting of their mentor shines dark and spotless on the parchments of their national library.
And, as for them, there were no real losses that day, their life continued. And those responsible for the death of dozens kept smiling, kept walking amongst the classmates of the children they sent to murder, telling them to fight for their memory, to give meaning to the pain by growing.
The fandom still believes that their death was requited, necessary, and fair; putting the blame of the genocide at most upon two sets of shoulders (Danzo, Hiruzen) instead of (at least) six (Tobirama, Danzo, Hiruzen, Koharu, Homura and Itachi), because they truly think that such an idea can be created out of thin air and it's not the consequence of an oppressive system that it's constantly demoting a specific group's value; because they truly think that the Council is acting on their own volition and isn't abiding the structure set by those before them. To them, four men and a woman created and taught themselves their own moral, social, and cultural parameters for this specific portion of the story before renouncing them and subscribing once again to their teachers (who somehow are painted as ~agents of peace~).
But alas, let's dissect some of their arguments, perhaps like this some of their brilliance shall illuminate us:
Their doujutsu and overall pride as a clan. The Sharingan is probably the most powerful doujutsu inside the Narutoverse (slightly less so than the Rinnegan but that needs the Sharingan as a base to develop), which for them translates into their clan having a “natural advantage” over others during a battle; thus, if they are so strong, how come they are oppressed? For them, that’s a contradiction because they can only phantom oppression if it’s visible, as in physical: literal submission through physical strength. Yet the Sharingan is canonically expressed to be a rare outcome inside the family, a rarity that just a few members of the clan possessed, so it’s a “natural advantage” that not many Uchiha have nor had at the time of their murder. But the tale hasn't finished, because there's a recurrent joke amongst these antis, for "how come the Sharingan is so powerful yet they were whipped by Itachi in just one night!", they shout, hyena laughter amidst their group; yet they don't talk further as not to attract detractors with quick wit, as they don't take into account (can't take into account) not only the prior point but also Obito’s participation -who was in charge of killing the strongest members of the clan but Fugaku (the later who decided not to fight), and without minding the context in itself as Itachi sneaked into clan members' homes and killed them when their back was turned, as he took advantage of the trust they bestowed upon him.
They were the ones who were “entrusted” by Tobirama to make Konoha’s citizens respect the law -summarizing, they were “given” the Police Force. In this specific regard, the police force inside the Narutoverse is directly compared (and therefore, read) to its real-life counterpart, yet: a- The Uchiha’s job was to be carried inside a military state, most of the citizens inside Konoha have tools at their disposal to either evade or fight back the Uchiha's "authority". It's difficult for them to read such phrases for it shatters their self-insertion; how come Naruto isn't about my self-perceived value inside the country I inhabit? b- The Police Force’s power, influence, and control were directly limited by the Hokage, they couldn’t arrest ANBU members (meaning those who were, one in charge of spying on them, and two a big portion of Konoha’s forces). c- Uchiha couldn’t aspire to be something else but members of the police. The only ones who could work outside that specific force were those individuals that abandoned their identities as clan members and swore allegiance to Konoha. Only Itachi (the perpetrator), Shisui, and Kagami (who were luckily dead before the events of the UCM transpired) were shown outside such a limited sphere. No other clan was shown to need such extreme measures to work in their chosen field. The fact that the prison was constructed to be inside their compound prior to them being moved to the outskirts of the city isn’t enough for them to understand that this specific job was forced upon Uchiha. "It's easier for them to keep an eye on the prisoners," they claim, clicking their tongues, yet won't see what it politically entails, for Uchiha members can never detach themselves from their duty, as it was physically adhered to their lands. "It's a duty they could thrive on," they vomit, and they did, yet no one sees -because it all happens inside their own compound. Not a single clan is shown to “have one specific job” inside Konoha but the Uchiha. d- Nevermind the very real and canonic impact that such work has amongst Konoha citizens, as the lesser members of Konoha's militia grow resentful of those that "control" them; in addition, such position also prevents the Uchiha from properly integrating amongst the general population, as they can't commune completely with those they need to keep tabs on. Was the Police Force ever rebuilt after the UCM? ANBU forces were quick to absorb their duties after the Kyuubi attack, decreasing at a much faster speed their position inside the place they built. The Police Force was dismantled and forgotten after the massacre, further proving the real irrelevance of such duty and the actual hidden purpose in its creation. e- How come the Uchiha "monopolized" a force that was literally and canonically given to them? How did they take over and denied anyone else's presence inside that structure when not only did they not create it but the prison was built by the government itself inside their compound? Someone with fewer brain cells than them will think that it's Konoha's government the one limiting the nature of the members that had to forcefully take care of that task, as clan compounds have restrictions on who can enter; but not them -oh no, ah, the wisdom of these people amazes me...
Their members’ popularity. Specifically, Sasuke and Itachi. What they say while fidgeting in their seats is simple: "how come Itachi (prior to the massacre) and Sasuke (after) were so praised by non-Uchiha if they were discriminated against"? And, ah, we could've finally reached enlightenment; yet their worldview is irrevocably simplistic, as systematic oppression doesn’t always translate into direct discrimination at the hands of other citizens. The Uchiha clan was moved to the outskirts of the city without any other family raising any eyebrows, they don’t have to be spitted on by other shinobi for them to be oppressed, that’s limiting the notion of discrimination/oppression to a single factor -the physical one, without minding the others. To explain it in lesser terms, as we must crouch down to speak to them to be on their level, saying that the Uchiha weren’t discriminated against due to lack of physical aggression, and I guess a genocide isn’t enough aggression for some, it’s like saying a man is a misogynist only if he slaps a woman. That way, monetary, social, cultural, and political domination are left out of the discussion, therefore, it’s limiting sexism to individuals’ actions rather than seeing the system these men were raised on and that it built their resolve to, finally, physically attack a woman. Uchiha were the only ones whose value was tied to their biological nature -no other families inside Konoha found as many restrictions as they did (might I remind you that there was a clan that happily enslaved their members and no one seemed to care?), their biology was enough reason to keep them both away of positions of power (meaning that the laws/decisions that influenced their lifestyle were made for them without a single Uchiha consultant), and restricting their movements inside their village. And I know many of these antis will claim “oh, but name one of the other noble clans (but the Nara’s, of course) that are actually in a place inside the Council, none of them were!” And you see, they miss the point by a mile, because the issue isn’t only the Uchiha not having incidence nor right to (at least) vote inside a village they founded, but specifically them being denied such presence under the premise of a biological predisposition that they have no control of. No other clan, whether they are or not at this point in time inside the Council, is denied a future position under those premises, they either can’t achieve it due to their lack of connections (Minato Namikaze, member of a non-noble clan was made Hokage due to his relationship with Jiraiya) or having not enough rank to participate (Morino Ibiki, also from a clan not specifically important, is the Head of the T&I Department).
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nardo-headcanons · 6 months
that music headcanon question and post was genius! can you do that for the rest of the villages pretty pleaseee 🩵
oh my god, that was quick lmao i just had to do it. two minutes after posting, goddamn. here's a music headcanon i have for you, anon.
tagging @danceofthexdragons because she was the one who made the initial request c:
Music In The Narutoverse
I think in Kirigakure, most music that can be heard originates from either the union of fishermen or monks, as many cultures have been. wiped out due to their ongoing political unrest. As for the fishermen, some popular instruments are steel drums, which can sound like this or like this. Gamelans are often played near the temples up high in the mountains, the wind carries their sound across the village. Radios aren't really used.
Iwagakure's traditional music is very percussion heavy, using various kinds of drums and gongs. They have fallen in love with the guzheng, aka the moon guitar. Another instrument originating from there is the erhu, which Kirigakure citizens also really enjoy listening to and consider a high class/fancy instrument. These are the kind of songs Iwagakure ninja can hear in their radio, Onoki's favorite is this one. High up in the mountains, sounds like these can be heard. These horns are used to communicate between different valleys.
As a stronghold of trade, Kumogakure's music has been shaped by many cultural influences. One of the more traditional instruments in Kumogakure is the cowbell/agogo bell. Kumo citizens enjoy music from all across the shinobi world, including songs in foreign languages. As a rather technologically advanced village, it is not uncommon to hear electric guitars and synthesizers be used in their music. Here are some songs I think could be heard on the Kumo radio. As for Killer Bee, here are some of his faves.
In Uzushiogakure, an instrument that could often be heard in traditional music is the anklung, as well as the t'rung. Music was often performed for the whole village, and everyone was invited.
As for many western instruments, those have originated in the Country Of Knights. This country was only mentioned in the movies, but for the sake of it, I will consider it canon as well. While their traditional music sounded somewhat like this, sounds like these here weren't uncommon as well. It was popularized by immigrants from the country of knights.
As stated before, Madara Uchiha was a skilled pianist, his sharingan allowed him to read sheet music while playing, here are some of the pieces he played. Madara often played this piece for his siblings to make them laugh.
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kyriolex · 4 days
Why on earth would Kankuro call Shinki "Gaara's adoptive son", particularly when speaking to Shikamaru? Shouldn't he be "our nephew"?? Is there some cultural context I'm missing, some family drama...?
If I recall, Kazegakure was very dedicated to the traditional line of succession. Temari says her home village was sexist (and given Narutoverse gender politics, that’s saying something), so she couldn’t inherit the title of Kage despite being the eldest. Gaara not having biological children and adopting his heir likely caused some drama in the village. And I recall that Kankuro felt a bit distant from Shinki due to how ‘intense’ the kid was. So he probably doesn’t see Shinki as a nephew the way he does Shikadai.
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Madara & hindu cosmology
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It's a thought I had following this post here
It's interesting that Madara never wished to resurrect his loved ones contrary to Obito. It seems that Izuna's death but more precisely the valley of the end’s defeat marked for him a definitive rupture with "this world". He was not interested anymore about his own desires. If you think about it, he was not supposed to be part of this collective dream that could have longed an eternity from the perception of those inside the dream. If everything had gone according to his plan, he would be just there alone watching people slowly dying in their cocoons.
Actually, I’ve realized recently that from my western perspective, I didn't pay attention to the Buddhist cultural aspect and in some instances the hindu cosmology. There is between both religions cultural bridges that we can't really see in the West shaped in judeo-christian background but from an asian/japanese audience it's implicit. In hinduism there is this idea that the material world is but a creative dream from the imagination of a god. He manifests himself in a sort of trinity:
Brahma the creator
Vishnu the protector
Shiva the destroyer (in order to recreate a new world) and note that Shiva is also associated as the Lord of dance. Shiva Nataraja destroys the cosmos, each steps is creating movement in the dissolution of the universe. It's a doomsdays to end a cycle and allow a new one to be born.
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Shiva Nataraja, Lord of dance and destruction
Madara's plan is a way to attain this godhood state, to annihilate the world and recreate it again. We first met him during the apex of the 4th shinobi war, impersonating in a way Shiva, he destroyed the current shinobi world. From his perspective it's a failed world, or should I say a dream who turned into a nightmare, created by another god Hagoromo and perpetuated by his spiritual heirs Hashirama/Naruto. Obito in creating the Akatsuki and collecting the Bijuus, was incarnating one of Shiva's steps. He was preparing the dissolution of the world by perverting the shinobi system and hastening the apparition of the true "Shiva".
Madara’s Brahma phase can be paralleled with him being the second Sage Rikudou and having access to all the chakra on Earth and opening his third eye which represents in hinduism and buddhism the invisible one who brings mystical illumination and visions in the realm of high consciousness. If his plan would have succeeded he would have been a type of Vishnu protecting the new world. Alone, but keeping safe humanity inside his dream.
And as odditiesinnaruto said, time in a dream can be infinite. If Izumi was able to have a whole life with Itachi and "dying old", Madara must have been capable of putting someone in a dream where they exist and continue their life through their imaginary descendants for generations and generations, for centuries and millions of years which represents few seconds in real life. He would have literally created a Madaraverse inside the zombified Narutoverse (it sounds really like the movie Inception). And in his dream, somewhere the Uchiha clan and the whole world will "exist" in peace forever. It gives me vertigo!
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baronvonriktenstein · 4 months
Let's bring back fun ask culture one ask at a time! 😁 ❤️
The last popular ship you drew/wrote/thought about is fighting the last rare pair you drew/wrote/thought about! 😱
Who's winning?! 💪
(I say ship but if you feel more comfortable to do your last popular character vs last rare character instead that would be cool as well! 😁 Also feel free to ignore this ask completely! Please don't feel any pressure to answer ♥ )
Sending good vibes frienddddd! 🎇
uwu thank you 💚💚
I dunno, i dunno. I gotta backtrack a bit, because I've been so focused on OCs for such a long time lol
I guess thought about as I was scrolling through drawings were. . .
Gonou/Hakkai x Kanan from Saiyuki vs
Shikamaru x Hinata from Naruto
Well Shika and Hina are very skilled ninja,
Kanan doesn't seem to have any strong fighting abilities, but Gonou/Hakkai is a mass murderer turned demon so like
uh oh
It's difficult for me lol
I lean toward him but like yeah Narutoverse ninja abilities like their jutsus and stuff to add an edge to them
Incidentally, I also drew Henry Townshend & Cynthia Velasquez from Silent Hill 4 recently and it's super easy for me to say they'd lose in a fight.
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 1 year
OKAY !!!!
i saw the boruto leaks this morning and i won’t lie, they actually had me hyped for the time skip. i know weird cuz this manga is ROUGH and i have a love-hate relationship with it because i love naruto and boruto doesn’t really feel like it lives up to it’s legacy
that said, i wanna share my opinions on the designs✨✨
i won’t be posting any images in case others don’t wanna be spoiled and because the official release has not happened
i’m gonna start with the main character
(under the cut in case it gets long)
boruto: overall i think he looks boring. i said it was too simple for being the main character, but that’s not necessarily the issue. what i mean by it is the colors make it plain and simple. he’s the main character and those colors unfortunately do not make him standout. also, i personally think his face is too cluttered. he has the headband on, two whiskers on each side of his face and then the scar. it’s a bit much…
shikadai: ehhh he’s alright i guess. not bad, but nothing impressive
inojin: OH MY GOSH WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIS HAIR ??!! he looks even more like sai !!!! which is fine cuz he’s his father but why would you cut his hair ???!!!! the yamanaka clan are all about the ponytails. their blond tied back hair is what they’re known for and… they just chopped it off…
chocho: okay SHE’s CUTE !! i like her design. out of all the girls, her’s appears to be more ninja-like
himawari: i think she looks adorable ??!! idk she’s just cute to me !! i do dislike how uneven her hair is but ehhh i suppose that’s just uzumakis (karin had the choppy hair). her outfit is okay with me. also looks fine since it provides mobility since they’re ninja. i do think the sunflower design is a bit much… but nothing that can’t be overlooked. her choker… why does she have one ?? feels kind of unnecessary xD overall she’s adorable. i think the long hair suits her and makes her look like a girl since her short hair made her look more like a gremlin than a human child xD
eida & daemon: they’re boring. nothing’s changed NEXT
code: i LOVE code, but his design is nothing we haven’t seen. he wore it in the chapter prior to the hiatus. i will say i’ve always adored the gothic look he has going for him♡
mitsuki: HE’s BEAUTIFUL !!!! i love how he looks but i will say his clothes… in black and white it kinda makes him look like a huge blob >.< but overall he’s pretty pretty !! lowkey wish he’d gotten some eyeliner to make his eyes look more like orochimaru’s and wear his style of earrings as well, but oh well. we can’t have it all :,))
kawaki: OMGGG I LOVE HIM !!!!! his design idk why but i adore it !! the baggy pants and huge jacket just reeks of his fashion sense xD it suits him perfectly :3 i especially love his longer hair. i think he has one of the better designs
sumire: i think she looks CUTE !! i will say her design is so plain and looks basic but overall i think it’s one of the more decent ones regarding the girls. a little short, but that’s ikemoto ://
sarada: sigh… i saved her for last because i am NOT A FAN of her design ._. it just doesn’t look right imo. she looks like she changed in the dark or threw on the first thing she saw for a quick grocery store run. she has some bodysuit as if she were training and then just threw on the jacket and most random shoes to go out. her shoes literally look like 1980s leg warmers… like why ?? not to mention the collar is unnecessary and if her jacket has the uchiha crest on the back, why does she have earrings of the uchiha crest?? it makes her look tacky :// i do like that her hair was kept short and it sports the uchiha spikes ^_^
overall i think the designs are fine… i like them, but at the same time i don’t. this is a manga about ninjas. these designs feel like the narutoverse got thrown in a modern AU. let’s not forget the reason naruto is the way it is, is cuz it was inspired by traditional japanese culture. i understand in boruto they’re getting more modern with the tech, but that doesn’t mean throw away the traditional aspects naruto had. if anything, the clothing made it feel more authentic and true to it being inspired by traditional japanese culture. boruto feels more like a shonen manga trying to be an outdated fashion magazine at the same time. i understand ikemoto is inspired by jojo, but that’s jojo. the fashion is a whole different kind compared to the naruto one. if they want us to see this as naruto’s sequel, these designs don’t help it at all
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sasukeless · 2 years
What do you think Sasuke would major in? I see philosophy, maybe politics ? I feel like he'd grow up to be very opinionated about politics and stuff, like if we keep the kinda canon pipeline hole would be from a minority ethnic groupe , also I feel like he'd be into climate activism or maybe something to do with animal research, like on reptilian species at risk of extinction... Maybe even literature? He strikes me as a very well read individual who actually enjoys art and literature in general especially historical and cultural heritage pieces ... Overall I really never understood why so many people put him in the engineering or economy party ? Other than the famous " to work fory parents firm even this I am not passionate about this " trope ..
okay im gonna start being honest that i dont have this as well thought as you and my tags were just more jokingly because business major sasuke is so overused when nothing about sasuke gives the impression he would major in that but yeah.
but in general i dont judge much the major they give him because the problem with sasuke is that its such a character that its soooo difficult to take away from canon and put into a random modern universe setting to me. like sasuke's whole personality is based on te events that happened to him but if we take sasuke out of the narutoverse and into a modern au when the massacre of his people doesnt happen or hes isnt raised in a system where hes meant to be used as a tool who would he be?? like sasuke its even more difficult than naruto who we see having hobbies like growing plants at his place or just loving eating ramen etc. most of sasuke's actions in canon are directed to his arc because thanks to itachi's influence sasuke made killing his brother his life goal but also his whole focus (which is really sad to think of). even in the databooks is listed that sasuke eats healthy and his favorite things are stuff like training, this all obviously is because his mind is mostly focused in how to get stronger all the time. thats why my favorite type of fics are (or were since i dont read much these days) the ones where they explore sasuke in his travels post war where he has an opportunity to breath and find things he likes to do. i feel like naruto would teach him about gardening especially if he gets to grow tomatoes and all.
but again in a modern au its just difficult to see sasuke i think something with animals would be nice and he does seem fond of animals in canon. literature too, since sasuke is known to be smart i think he would enjoy it. i dont know about politics, i can see him having very strong opinions but not really majoring in it (unless we translate the uchiha massacre to the modern au too then yeah hes plotting the entire goverment and country's fall who knows)
i also dont like that trope of sasuke doing a major hes not interested because pressure from his parents. i would probably like it more if they added the fact that its not just sasuke doing things to get praise from his parents (although in canon its just his dad he wants the praise from since w mikoto this isnt shown) but also because of him feeling less because itachi. like i feel ppl forget that yeah sasuke loves his brother endlessly but even before the massacre he had his issues because itachi seemed to be great at everything which imo gives their dynamic more naunce
anyways sorry i got carried away from the actual question and that i couldnt give u an answer im not usually into modern aus especially when it comes to naruto because i feel like a lot of meaning in the dynamics and characterization gets lost
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x-authorship-x · 2 years
Authorshipp i love shisui sm but i kinda have trouble following your series cos idk where they start and where they end and which ones connected to each other? 😭 do you have a directory or smth sksksk or are they different settings where the same thing was that shisui never died? Thaankss btw
Hey! ✨
I totally understand the confusion, I only have one proper multi-fic series but there's a lot of topical and thematic overlap, so let's see if I can't clear this up a bit~
I'll colour code what fics in my series are directly connected, what fics are crossovers, when a fic is a (collection of) one-shots, and note when my headcanons (like teammates, Mangekyou shenanigans etc) are particularly important.
This list is predominantly Shisui-centric but I have included a few of my general Narutoverse ones (few though they may be)
Eyes SERIES: Shisui doesn't die, whether that's by AU, Time Travel, or Reincarnation
No Tomorrow: Shisui wakes up two months before he dies. Inoichi-Shisui platonic. Squad Two (Kakashi, Shisui, Genma, Raidou, Tenzo). Mangekyou shenanigans.
In The Eye of the Beholder: Shisui and Tobi time travel to the Warring Clans Era. Squad Two mention. Mangekyou shenanigans.
WARD: Konohan Orphans are raised by the State. Shisui, Gai, Kakashi, Anko etc found family.
Messenger: Shisui interrupts Minato's fight with the masked attacker on the night the Kyuubi is released. Shisui-Inoichi platonic. Mangekyou shenanigans.
The Red Ally: Naruto/LotR. Shisui is the Tenth Walker in the Fellowship.
A Concept of Loyalty: Shisui kills Danzo when he steals his eye. Mangekyou shenanigans.
And All The Stars Seemed Closer: One-shot collection. Shisui pairings. Mangekyou shenanigans. Squad Two mention.
THE 'A' IN ANBU STANDS FOR SURPRISE ADOPTION: Shisui and his ANBU Squadmates (Kakashi, Genma, Raidou, Tenzo) accidentally gain a reputation for child-rearing. Squad Two mention.
New Leaf: Shisui is reincarnated to the Warring Clans Era. Mangekyou shenanigans.
HOPE AU: I hope you'll reach those places SERIES
Part One (WATER): No Tomorrow: Shisui wakes up two months before he dies. Inoichi-Shisui platonic. Squad Two (Kakashi, Shisui, Genma, Raidou, Tenzo). Mangekyou shenanigans.
Part Two (AIR): Until Dawn Breaks: post-NoT, Shisui battles trauma on a special mission, facing new enemies and a few unfortunately familiar ones too. Inoichi-Shisui platonic. Squad Two (Kakashi, Shisui, Genma, Raidou, Tenzo). Mangekyou shenanigans.
Tomorrowland: One-shot collection in the HOPE AU-verse, some Alternative Universe, some what-ifs, some directly from the series-canon.
☆ෆ°*。☆Authorship Ficlet Fest '22-23!☆。*゚ෆ☆ SERIES
Collection of One-shot prompts (see my submission post in the #Torship tag) for 2022-23. So far, all ficlets include Inoichi-Shisui platonic and/or Squad Two mention.
Arda Adventures SERIES
The Red Ally: Naruto/LotR. Shisui is Tenth Walker in the Lord of the Rings Fellowship.
He Bled Red As Dawn: Naruto/LotR/Atlantis crossover. Uzushio is the Lost City that sank beneath the surface millennia ago. When Gandalf falls whilst battling the Balrog of Moria, Shisui, accompanied by Crystal-Heart-Kushina, finds him.
The Red Istari: Naruto/LotR. Shisui wakes in the Southern Harad Desert after dying in canon. Becoming known as 'The Red Demon', he sets off in search of answers and his own kind... namely, 'The Grey Istari'. Culture, World-building, Mangekyou shenanigans.
Yamanaka Shisui SERIES
Some of my fics that centre on my headcanon-ed Shisui-Inoichi platonic bond.
Never Trust A Blonde (Especially If You Don't Know They're One): Naruto/HP crossover. After finishing his mysterious summer internship at the Department of Mysteries, Shisui is in for a surprise when the time comes for himself and his fellow sixth-years to be assigned their Mentees. Shisui-Inoichi platonic.
Tomorrowland: One-shot collection in the HOPE AU-verse, some Alternative Universe, some what-ifs, some directly from the series-canon. Shisui-Inoichi platonic. Mangekyou shenanigans.
Messenger: Shisui interrupts Minato's fight with the masked attacker on the night the Kyuubi is released. Shisui-Inoichi platonic. Mangekyou shenanigans.
Tumblr Drabbles:
Fics directly crossposted from asks I've answered here. Some are connected to the HOPE AU, some are not. Ask games are linked in the endnotes.
Wherein I make an argument for Hokage candidates
MIGHTY: Kakashi refuses to become Godaime. His favourite quip for shirking duty is 'make Gai do it'. At the end of his patience, the Sandaime decides to do just that. The future significantly improves, when you think about it.
SUKEBAN: Kakashi and Tenzo accidentally circulate the news that the Senju Clan has a male Heir. Tsunade absolutely isn't going to let a rumour like that go untouched. The village falls apart and is mended in very short order.
(excluding oneshot collections as timings may vary)
Starts when Shisui is a child:
Yeah Kunai are cool... But have you had dessert?
Starts before Shisui's Canon Death/Age:
He Bled Red As Dawn
Starts at/after Shisui's Canon Death/Age:
HOPE AU (No Tomorrow, Until Dawn Breaks)
In The Eye of The Beholder
The Red Ally
A Concept Of Loyalty
New Leaf
The Red Istari
Hope this helps!
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Hi Ellory! ✨
For the Asker's Ask Game:
1) Bone of the Father: I love all of your fics so this was really hard to pick... Until I remembered this one and it was a done deal. I adore the way the father-daughter bond was unplanned but they both grasped onto it so desperately. The way Hariana adapts, the way Marvolo instantly switched from murder to protection... I think it's fascinating, frankly, and can only hope that, if the whim and inspiration strikes you, that one day you might do a sequel. Perhaps of them living together as family or maybe TMR's pov, going from an unwanted orphan to an isolated dark lord and wraith... To a man with an adoring daughter of his own 🥺 (and how he'd react to someone interested in his daughter like five mins after he got her, first vassal grandson or no 🤭) even if you never do, my imagination is enough because that fic is just *chefs kiss*, so visceral and urgh-! Thank you for posting it ✨
6) Siriana Black making magical lace to wrap around her cut hair, it's just really visual and romantic in that desperate, slightly dark fairytale way... I also always remember "Siriana shorn off her hair, and James climbed the night-sky stair"...
11) More crossovers probably, I'd read them even if I didn't know the other fandom. My reasons for this are because of what we've seen in the three crossovers you've done: this amazing, electrifying, compelling ability to just... Enfold other universes/fandoms into your style/AU-culture. Like Mycroft plucking at the evidence of Pleione's world and background to piece together a hope for a life together, of how well Wednesday slotted into MoD-Harry's ideal love, how you handled Narutoverse without involving HP and it was mind-blowingly detailed and addictive. I just think seeing you work with crossovers is amazing twofold, both enjoying the content as a reader but also getting to see how you reconcile your style/AU with them!
Tumblr media
Thank you, Anon! This put a huge smile on my face.
I have tried several times to write more in Bone of the Father with no luck. If that ever changes, I will happily share the result with you all. 💛
I appreciate that! Maybe I'll consider trying more fusions/crossovers this year.
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Sharingan no Kakashi
Volumes Covered: 1-27 (first part)
Hatake Kakashi, the copycat ninja, has been a fan favorite amongst readers of the Naruto Manga since the very beginning. For as long as I have been on Tumblr, his image has been plastered everywhere to the point where his design is known even outside the manga’s universe: many people who are not usual consumers have seen at least one panel/screenshot/fanart of him.
When I first read the manga, I too became really invested in his story (he was the mysterious, possibly good-looking kind of character that as a teenager was appealing to me) but as years passed (more so now that I’m currently re-reading the manga), that appreciation shattered, or rather, dwelled.
This is not to say I hate him, nor that I’m encouraging enthusiastic readers of the manga to dislike him, my particular mention of this relies on the need to give those that choose to read this post a warning, for I will be analyzing particular aspects of his character that can (and should) be considered negative and/or controversial. 
Now, I’m not going to perform a detailed list of everything his character does during the first part of the manga because not only would it be excruciatingly long (and I don’t see the point in doing so for it beats the purpose of this meta), but also, because not everything about him is to be noted. In that sense, I chose some topics that interested me the most and that I consider important (if not central) to his characterization.
Long post:
Types of relationships
How does Kakashi Hatake interact with those around him? What kind of relationships does he prefer or does he have and how does the social aspect of shinobi’s culture shape the bonds he manages to create?
Mentor-student / commander-soldiers
During the first interaction of Team 7 (meaning, the one they have on the rooftop, not the one where Naruto pranks him) Kakashi asks the newly formed group to share personal information outside the data he already was given about them, however, when is his turn to share, his responses are extremely vague and general (here), preventing the team under his command to have any sort of knowledge about him outside of his military role. Furthermore, the way he decides to reply (that is the wording of his answer to, let’s remember, his own question), is not only empty of any meaning but also seems to be on the verge of mockery. Considering the way he acts and how other sensei ask the same thing (we can see that during Guy’s flashback), we can infer that the question wasn’t of his choosing, and he’s most likely following a script. 
To give some context to this introduction, Kakashi up to this point has performed the same questions for at least a few years to different groups of Gënin which failed to pass his test (we don’t know exactly how many, only that he’s being failing teams for years) - so it’s not weird for him to lack any sort of interest in this team since it might be no different from the ones he already failed. 
In addition, during this exchange, there are two dynamics that he introduces: 
1. The dynamic between a leader and subordinates (in the general aspect). As a commander, Kakashi is not required to share personal information with his underlings, they -however- are bound to share/do whatever he asks of them due to his superior position in the chain of power. 
2. The (non-existent, yet highlighted by this particular absence) relationship between teacher and students. Kakashi seems to start their link by severing it from the very beginning: he distances himself from the team, choosing to favor the dynamic leader-subordinate over the mentor-student (this will be cemented during CH 35, where he calls them “soldiers under his command”, and reiterated on CH 43 -where he refers to them as “subordinates”). Iruka becomes, by juxtaposition, one of the only real “teachers” inside the narutoverse.
The type of relationship we see between Kakashi and Team 7 (particularly Naruto and Sakura) seems to be replicated by every other Konoha team we are introduced to, except for some dynamics that can be put, in some way, inside the latter category: Kakashi/Sasuke (this dynamic in particular is presented in quite a toxic manner, I’ll expand on this later on), Asuma/Shikamaru, Gai/Lee and (to a lesser extent, since Team 8 was never focused on), Kurenai/Hinata.
About Kakashi and Sasuke’s dynamic (the one I mentioned could be more or less put inside the mentor/student category, although that specific label isn’t as strong as I might have implied), the headcanons about their relationship overtook many aspects of their canon interactions. 
It’s true that Kakashi favored Sasuke and it’s true that one of the canon reasons for him to do so was that they shared the same chakra nature (lightning), so Kakashi was more able to help Sasuke to develop some techniques. However, there’s a fandom misconception that Kakashi was planning and/or actually helping Sasuke with his Sharingan -but that’s simply not true. At no point in their training are we shown how Kakashi tries to help Sasuke once he “awakes” (rather, gets conscious access over) his doujutsu, furthermore, I don’t see an actual reason for him to do so:
First, Sasuke probably knows a lot about the Sharingan (he grew up in a clan where many members possessed it; canonically, his father and brother were users. We don’t have confirmation about Mikoto, but because of how the Sharingan might be inherited she might possess at least the genes). They had conversations about the Sharingan and Mangekyo (x, x), and Sasuke saw it while being used multiple times in its basic form (x) and even in its Mangekyou form (x), meaning, theoretically, Sasuke was more prepared and educated than Kakashi, even with no experience. Second, the Sharingan is quite literally Sasuke's nature; I don’t think he needed much help (if any at all) on how to use it. 
Beyond their chakra nature training, there’s not much Kakashi does or even proposes to do. Additionally, for Kakashi, training Sasuke also meant to do the least amount of effort while also implicated to gain the most prestige: Naruto was unstable -the Seal of Minato was tampered with by Orochimaru during the chünin exams which made him fail on basic skills (even those he had already mastered); Sakura didn’t reach the final stage -and for some reason, that meant no training for her, as if she didn’t need it the most*, while Sasuke was already internationally famous for being the last Uchiha: he was the main “spectacle” during the Final Stage. 
*[Sakura’s need to be trained after her tie with Ino is to be discussed in a deeper manner. The chünin exams are not real exams but displays of the military forces of each village, hence why Sakura wasn’t trained after her failure and why the focus was on both Sasuke and Naruto. The third stage of the exam is a spectacle for other Kages and Daimyos to see, hence why she -almost literally, mattered not].
To add to this discussion about Sasuke and Kakashi’s relationship, it’s important for me to touch -at least briefly (for going in-depth with this will extend this post to an unmanageable degree), Kakashi’s projection of himself onto his student. Let’s look at their similarities first in order to dispute them after:
a- They are both geniuses, which puts them in the “highest” position inside their respective teams: This particular aspect of them, in addition to receiving the constant praises of their peers during such formative moments of their life, made them particularly arrogant (this doesn't diminish the training Sasuke subjected himself to as to reach such level of skill, here).
Yet, while Kakashi refused to cooperate with his own team (Minato’s) and relied upon his newly achieved rank (Jönin) in order to tell them what to do (x, x, x) Sasuke creates a bond with his teammates to the point where Naruto -who, by all means, would refuse to obey Sasuke during their first interactions, often follows his lead or trusts his judgment. In this specific aspect: Sasuke constructed a bond with his team, while Kakashi didn’t.
[Their context while growing up is vastly different: Kakashi had to deal with something Sasuke didn’t: the dishonor that suicide brings particularly in Japanese society, x (and vice-versa, as Sasuke witnessed his brother murdering his entire family), however, both of them shared the pressure of knowing that they were the only ones capable of "bringing their families’ honor back", so it isn't weird for them to act in such manner.]
b- They share similar personalities: This is, of course, partially a consequence of the prior point (you’ll notice that Neji, also a genius, comes off as arrogant -yet I will not focus on this aspect particularly), but the main reason for this similarity is that traumatic experiences shaped their personalities and the way they approach other people. 
They both are rather passive-aggressive to others (now that I think about it, Neji is also like that -and a traumatic experience was indeed the reason behind such a mindset), yet Sasuke modifies his behavior the more time he spends with his teammates (he cheers up Sakura when she’s depressed, acknowledges Naruto’s strength during the chünin exams and saves their lives multiple times even when doing so puts his own life in danger and thus, jeopardizes his ultimate goal: kill Itachi). 
Kakashi, for his part, was far crueler and linear with his teammates during his youth (and I’m specifically making a comparison between kid Kakashi and kid Sasuke for that’s the parallelism Kakashi draws -which is the basis he uses to judge Sasuke’s actions later on), his response to the trauma of finding his father’s dead body was to live for and live by the rules established for Konoha’s militia to follow -to the point where emotions were aspects of himself or his teammates that he refused to acknowledge; in the same manner, he prioritized the mission’s success over his team’s safety (unlike Sakumo). Later on, with both Rin and Obito’s deaths, Kakashi modified parts of his personality in order to model himself after Obito (not the real Obito but the perception he got of specific parts he chose -or thought worthy of mimicking -more of this will be discussed in the Nationalistic Mindset part of this post). 
c- They both possess guilt complexes from which derived a strong feeling of inadequacy: This particular aspect is intrinsical, I believe, to Kakashi’s approach to Obito’s dogma (I won’t be expanding much for this is tackled, again, on the Nationalistic Mindset title). And again, both of them share a similar complex, yet their reason to have them is completely different (yes, they both might have survivor’s guilt, but it’s not the one I will speak of): Kakashi’s remorse lies in the fact that he wasn’t able to protect his teammates (once he formed a bond with them), he failed Obito -who died to save him despite Kakashi’s earlier attitude (I’m not diminishing Kakashi’s life, I’m pointing out Kakashi’s possible perspective about Obito’s death), and later on he failed him again when Rin died (he also failed Rin herself for not be able to prevent her kidnap). The manga doesn’t show us much of Kakashi’s trauma, but it’s somewhat safe to assume that he models his personality after “Obito” in response to this guilt, making himself someone “worthy” of both their teammates' sacrifices: he vows not to fail at protecting his teammates again, (“I will never let my comrades die”, here) for that’s what Obito taught him (here).
Sasuke’s guilt also has to do with his own incapacities, yet his main issue is that he wasn’t able to do anything against his family’s murderer (he arrived at the compound after they were killed), and it’s this specific event that germinated and blossomed into Sasuke’s core objective: Avenge and restore his clan [honour]. He could do nothing then, but he will do so one day. None of his family members “sacrificed” themselves for him to live (Itachi might have killed them to “save” Sasuke, but they would have been murdered regardless; sacrifice implies that those who perished took a conscious decision to die in another person’s place), so their background is nothing but different. 
In addition, these specific events (including Sasuke’s incapacity to fight against Gaara during the invasion or against Itachi in Shibuya), shattered both their conception as geniuses (which, in lieu of the arrogance they constructed around it, makes the fall from grace much more difficult to bear), which pushes them to extreme changes: Sasuke, to flee Konoha in order to polish his abilities and achieve his goal; Kakashi, to make his life a memoir of “Obito’s dogma.”
Personal bonds
The types of relationships Kakashi values are first shown in CH 8 when we are introduced to the Memorial Stone. He refers to those who are carved in such space as his “best friends”, a statement that is (at least) questionable once we learn Kakashi’s background and how his relationship with Obito and Rin actually was prior to their death. The only possible explanation about why they are his best friends is that he developed a deep connection with them after their death (in lieu of their sacrifices and the feeling of guilt such occurrences brought upon him), it’s possible (headcanon alert!) that he also twisted specific memories of them in order to elevate them and -later on, force himself to become someone “worthy” of their sacrifices, as he did modify the original quote from Obito.
In that sense, Kakashi’s relationship with Guy (at least during their first interactions) is particularly blown out of proportion, out of the three jönin-sensei, Guy is the only one who stands alongside Iruka (hence, against Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai) and asks them -but mostly Kakashi, to reconsider their decision to register their rookie teams in the exam. Kakashi replies by laughing at him, justifying his choice by stating that “what they lack in experience they make up in surprises” (I guess “surprises” encompasses the fact that one of them heals almost instantly thanks to Kurama and the other one already has the Sharingan, which replies absolutely nothing to the actual matter at hand), and finally proclaiming that team seven will make Guy’s team “eat dust”. 
After that, their next interaction is during the preliminary rounds, where Kakashi ignores Guy yet when Lee is fighting Gaara, Kakashi claims to be (literally) disappointed in him for teaching his student a forbidden technique, even if later on tries to cheer him up when Lee loses. And yes, the interactions are hilarious, yet the relationship is carried solely by Guy’s character for Kakashi is particularly closed on his one-sided relationship with his deceased team. That’s my point.
Emotional Manipulation
I have established before Hiruzen’s approach to the Will of Fire (exploiting people’s bonds and emotions in order to tie them to Konoha rather than a person/clan; basically constructing Konoha as a symbol that encompasses those who are dear to the shinobi, creating a nationalistic mindset where family=village. x), now, how does that dogma interact with Kakashi, influencing his actions and interactions with other people -particularly (but not limited to) Sasuke?
Kakashi has linked Sasuke’s capacities to the Uchiha Clan’s value since the bell test (CH 7), and repeated the behavior more cruelly in CH 18, and again in CH 27 (albeit this time positively, in the face of an enemy). The technique he uses to “push Sasuke forward” (in the sense of giving him motivation, since Sasuke’s bond with his family is intrinsic to him) can be (should be) considered emotionally manipulative. Should Sasuke fail or perform at a lower level than expected, it means the Uchiha Clan’s honor downfall.
Furthermore, Sasuke is not the “finest hope” of the clan, as he called him, he is the only hope since the only other member of the clan is Itachi, who massacred them, and Kakashi is aware of such circumstances. It’s different in Naruto’s case (Kakashi also displays emotional manipulation towards him) because he’s not linking a traumatic experience to his value -furthermore, he’s not linking the honor of an entire (deceased/killed) clan to his value, which is what he’s doing to Sasuke. The caption on Sasuke’s panel is “stab”, the words of Kakashi were purposefully chosen in order to downgrade Sasuke’s ego (I’m not denying he still uses them to “motivate” Sasuke -I’m questioning his methods). If we also take into account that Sasuke, at this point, has seen Kakashi’s Sharingan (and believed him to be part of the Uchiha clan) it gives his input more weight since Sasuke’s doubt about whether or not his teacher is related to the clan hasn’t been addressed yet (Sasuke didn’t ask nor does he know where Kakashi got the eye, and since he doesn’t know doujutsu can be transplanted yet, he assumes he might be a distant relative). 
In this sense, is to be added that, one, Jönin-sensei vow upon their clan’s honor that their students are ready for the Chünin Exams (CH 35), and two, Hiruzen, in CH 65, states that shinobi defend not only the balance between nations -but also, the honor of their village. It’s no surprise then that Kakashi is so insistent on tying the Uchiha’s honor to Sasuke’s name (Naruto is an orphan to whom a “generic” last name was given -even if it’s his mother’s, he represents no clan nor has any knowledge about his family, Sakura’s family name isn’t renowned nor important enough for him to even care).
However, and despite the fact that Kakashi’s abasement of Sasuke is harsher than the one he performs on Naruto, it doesn’t imply that such degradation doesn’t exist: Back in CH 10, after Team 7 is attacked (and for the first time for the three gënin, might I add), Kakashi says to him, “it never occurred to me that you would freeze up,” meaning, he elevates him first (implying that he did consider him capable enough to respond to an attack of such caliber), only to dismantle him from the previous conception he -apparently, possessed. His words leave such an impression that Naruto cuts himself with his own kunai: from a narrative perspective is a powerful moment -but hadn’t been for Kurama, Kakashi would have had an injured student (he even mentions he could bleed to death), so why apply such psychological pressure to a gënin that has already a lot of emotional stress from the earlier attack? From a teacher’s point of view, it doesn’t make sense, however, it does make sense from a commander’s point of view, something Kakashi has actually had experience on (Team 7 is literally the very first team he passed), so his methods of “teaching” are yet to be polished. 
[Jönin-sensei is a title where jönins (soldiers) are told to pass on their experiences/techniques to future members of Konoha’s militia, without being given pedagogical education to interact better with their students. Being a teacher (that is, a person actually capable of educating, with everything that it entails), it’s not important -being a good soldier is. This is incredibly highlighted during this interaction back in Chapter 3, where Kakashi calls this pedagogical situation a “mission”].
But this type of approach isn’t reserved solely for those under his command, showing that Kakashi either is not using it consciously as a tool -but rather is the way he was approached and, therefore, believes to be the usual way to speak to others; or that he’s constantly on “shinobi mode”, meaning, he uses every tool at his disposal (always, ever) to achieve the result he considers is the best (I, personally, believe this option to be the most truthful to his character, for he performs emotionally charged speeches to his own peers). 
An example of the point previously made: During CH 22 [Wave Arc] Inari and Naruto get into a fight, Inari screams at Naruto and the main character responds by calling him a crybaby. After the confrontation, Kakashi finds the little boy, and we have an interesting interaction where Kakashi talks to him and (without Naruto’s permission) tells him part of Naruto’s background for no real reason but to appeal to the emotions of Inari and build a case for his student (which isn’t strictly necessary, the kid doesn't have to like Naruto and -likewise-, Naruto doesn’t have to like Inari for the mission to be successful). 
What we see is what follows: Kakashi applauds Naruto’s way of handling trauma (he doesn’t cry rather, he hides his feelings) and, by juxtaposition, he brings back Naruto’s claim about Inari (him being a cry-baby) in order to criticize the young boy. Inari -who is a kid younger than Naruto-, is a coward and uses his pain to justify that supposed cowardice, Naruto doesn’t, which makes him better and should be reason enough for Inari to one, get along with him; and two make him a role-model.
Now, Inari is a civilian who lives in a civilian village and his experiences have nothing to do with those of a shinobi. Kaiza (Inari’s father) was publicly killed because he tried to defend his hometown, but he lacked the tools a shinobi possesses. Naruto grew up in a hidden village and the shinobi’s approach to death is completely different from what a civilian kid might be taught or experience. Naruto doesn’t have to know this, so his hostile reactions towards Inari are understandable from a character’s point of view, but Kakashi's reaction isn’t. People can argue that Kakashi, like Naruto, was taught and lives solely under the cultural aspects of his village, which is the reason why he brings Inari’s experience to his own sphere of understanding, yet while we can see that as his reasoning, it doesn’t mean we should condone it, as he has more experience outside his cultural bubble.
His words are successful, as we see here and here. Inari internalized both Naruto's and Kakashi’s speeches and instead of running to escape and reach safety, he decides to help his captive mother (who has been taken hostage by Gato’s men). Let’s add some more context: a young, untrained boy is forced through emotional manipulation (and here I will spare Naruto due to his lack of experience, but not Kakashi, who might understand things through the veil of his own culture while lacking the knowledge of civilian rules -yet he is aware of civilians incapacities during armed conflicts and still “pushed” Inari to take action against Gato’s thugs by glorifying Naruto’s behaviors) to “stop” being a coward (meaning: to confront trauma in a particular manner: the shinobi way, that has no claim in civilian society); and his life had to be literally saved by a ninja as a consequence. Furthermore, his cowardliness wasn’t an issue he was already struggling with before the shinobi arrived to the island, it was an uncertainty introduced by the group (brought in by Naruto -who knew no better- and cemented by Kakashi). 
It’s when Sasuke “dies” and Sakura recites one of the shinobi rules, that we learn that Kakashi and Naruto were judging Inari’s “cowardliness” through the perspective and internalization of the same rule Sakura is now reciting. Inari, as a civilian, can't be judged by those premises. 
I have pointed this out in some other posts but there’s no harm to reiterate: the pass from childhood to adulthood -unlike in the civilian society that follows different rules, is marked by the bestowal of the headband. That is, adulthood has little to do with age and more to do with rank. With that mentality, Naruto and Kakashi’s behavior towards Inari is slightly more understandable since, to them, his age is not an excuse to behave like a “child” (furthermore, Kakashi took the Chünin Exams when he was six, meaning he was considered an adult since that age). Yet, again, where Kakashi fails is in understanding that Inari is not governed by the same principles that he is. 
Nationalistic mindset
How do the Will of Fire and Obito’s apparent dogma interact? Did Kakashi’s character really have the possibility of seeing Konoha as an oppressive state that considered him nothing but a mere tool? Did he have the “potential” to rebel?
Back in Wave Arc, among many things, there’s an interaction between Tazuna and Kakashi, where Kakashi mentions that a previous Hokage (we aren’t told who) taught his people to “fight for what is right”, selling the idea to the civilian in front of him that his hidden village (specifically) is the “good” side against the “evil” side (Zabuza, Gato -even other hidden villages). However, this particular speech of Kakashi, which he gives solely to Tazuna and not to his subordinates (who, by Tazuna’s standards are children), clashes with the prior idea that “missions’ feuds are high and we do what we are paid to do” (assassinations or babysitting). Meaning: there’s a narrative to be told to civilians to shape their view of shinobi (particularly Konoha’s), and the actual reality that only Team 7 (as ninjas), gets to see. 
In addition, during Kakashi’s second fight against Zabuza (CH 30), Kakashi states that Konoha (therefore, he), knows about the swordsman’s attempt to coup and kill the current Mizukage -alongside his wish to raise funds to attempt another coup after his failure. We learned previously thanks to Haku’s background that there’s a bloodline cleansing currently happening in Mist; a genocide on such a large scale can’t be kept secret that long -furthermore, there’s no indication that the murders are happening quietly either since those who possessed Kekkei Genkai were pushed to hide their bloodline; and if Konoha knows about Zabuza and his attempt to take over the government, then they surely know about the reasons behind it. 
What I mean by this is what follows: Kakashi and Konoha claim that they fight for “the right thing” to those civilians they encounter, but do nothing -neither military nor diplomatically, to stop those massacres from occurring (nor do they take a stance against them either, as it reduces Mist numbers and weakens their military power). They’re still pretty much in touch with the Mizukage that carried out/ordered such killings, for his government was the one that told Konoha about Zabuza’s attempted coup when declaring him rogue. 
Kakashi downgrading Zabuza for working for Gato is, in a way, absolutely comical because not only is he working for an authoritarian regime, but he also downgrades someone who (even as despicable as he might be) is actually trying to do something against those who wronged him. Kakashi (under Konoha’s mindset), can’t differentiate between a person’s ambitions and their ideals, they might seem equal on the surface, but they are intrinsically different: One goes after an individualistic goal, and the other one is founded on the possibility of a communal achievement. To Zabuza, another individual raised under shinobi culture, killing innocent civilians to gain funds in order to bring down his oppressive government is a plausible course of action (we can make a value judgment on this, but this does not dispute the idea of Zabuza taking actual actions in order to overthrow the oppressive government in his village).
As said before, Kakashi doesn’t seem able to differentiate between personal ambitions and ideals, therefore, he will never be able to take a stand against Konoha. Hence, the belief/headcanon where Kakashi rebels against Konoha or has the “potential” to do so should Kishimoto “allow him to” is contradicted by Kakashi himself, to the point where he defends Konoha even when it’s not being questioned (building it in a positive light).
Furthermore, there’s an interaction that pretty much confirms this: Here and here. Kakashi admits that the belief system under which a shinobi’s life is valued “bubbles beneath the surface of his mind, disturbing him” (he also uses the plural, referring to the ninjas -as a kind, which means that from his perspective everyone feels uncomfortable with that mindset, and yet, no one seems to question it, for those who questioned are then labeled as missing-nin). Even if Naruto later on promises that he will create his own “Nindo” (and by context, that destiny is presented as opposed to the “I’m a tool” mentality previously discussed) and Kakashi smiles, there’s no actual denial of his current belief system. 
Kakashi was intended to be the representation of a nationalistic/pro-shinobi system mindset, as he follows the narrative’s stance (which, in turn, follows Naruto’s). Even after everything Kakashi said to Zabuza in order to degrade him (like, for instance, questioning his standards for affiliating with Gato and staging a coup), the moment Zabuza says “I won’t kill Tazuna because I won’t get paid, so let’s not fight”, Kakashi immediately agrees. His problem with Zabuza isn’t that his mindset is different per se, but that is opposed -at that moment- to Kakashi’s and his mission, once Zabuza is not at the other end of their fight, everything is forgotten/forgiven (he simply doesn’t care anymore).
Later on, because of this nationalistic ideology, Kakashi is willing to sacrifice his students’ well-being: Again, the Chünin Exams (analysis I made here), are nothing but staged wars in order to display each village’s military forces to draw the attention of potential customers; therefore, even tho Kakashi knows about Sasuke’s condition (Orochimaru giving him the Cursed Mark) - he stands against Anko when she asks the Hokage to pull Sasuke out of the exam. Even though he later on warns the child the fact that he allows such a dangerous situation to occur while putting the whole weight of the issue on Sasuke’s shoulders, is rather telling of his priorities.
Kakashi’s phrase (well, it isn’t Kakashi’s phrase but actually his interpretation of Obito’s) “I will never let my comrades die” (x) is solely true until Konoha’s wellbeing (in any sort of way, including prestigiously) is on the line. Dying is the only thing Kakashi protects them from, physical or psychological damage isn’t included.
The idea of him respecting and following Obito's true dogma is an absolute contradiction because Obito’s core ideology and Konoha’s are intrinsically contradictory, they can’t coexist and still be truthful to their basis. To Kakashi, Konoha is the symbol of peace -of his comrades, so the physical existence of an individual isn’t as important as the symbol’s survival, therefore, sacrificing his soldiers’ wellbeing to give the village more leverage during the chünin exams isn’t a problem -unlike them dying at the hands of Zabuza, which would mean Konoha failed on the mission and lost three gënin in the process.
And here I'll add this: Obito's actual phrase was "Sure, in a ninja’s world, those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders …. are lower than garbage. However….Those who do not care for and support their fellows…are even lower than that! If I’m scum…the rules are no good to me! And if breaking them makes me the wrong kind of shinobi…then I’ll crush all the so-called shinobi!!" here. In lesser terms, Obito's dogma is this one: If a system (shinobi's/Konoha's) prioritizes political/warfare success over the lives of those fighting for it, I will not be a part of such a system - furthermore, I'll rise against it. 
My claim of Obito joining Madara in his quest as something always existing at his core sustains mostly in this. Rin is a catalyst, for I'll admit, he didn't turn completely against it until her death when the system personally affected him and those he cared for (can he be blamed when he was taught to be loyal to it? It isn’t weird for him not to see such flaws until they impact him specifically, we can’t fault him for something so humane), yet his beliefs are right there and have always been there. 
The very important, very much intrinsic difference between Obito and Kakashi's approaches is that Kakashi (and later on, Naruto) puts the weight of his comrades' well-being upon his shoulders and his shoulders alone (his trauma with Obito's death, who sacrificed to save him, and Rin's who was "killed'' by his hand, are probably the main reason for Kakashi's specific approach to his former classmate's dogma), while Obito disputes the very basis of the issue. Obito isn’t blaming Kakashi per se but the rules that Kakashi, as a commander, chooses to follow indisputably (x, x). Obito will gain no awards or recognition for saving Rin while compromising the mission, on the contrary, he'll gain the same punishment Sakumo did: ostracization, now not only from the Uchiha but also from the general population. 
And here's the thing: at that moment, his respect for Konoha is so little that he doesn't care - going against the rules is going against Konoha, fine "I'm scum, I'll crush the so-called shinobi!!". Here Kakashi "fails" (yet it's to be mentioned he's a child soldier in distress and in the middle of a battlefield) to externalize the critique and place it upon the rules (hence, the system) where it belongs, rather, he internalizes it and blames himself, believing that he's responsible for everything since he was "too uptight" to bend (x and x).
Obito and Kakashi’s opposition comes from the answers to these questions: "What are they fighting for?" and "Why are they fighting for it?" (the what's and why's in narrative and character-construction by Dushman-e-jaan). The first answer might be similar as they both might answer, "Konoha", particularly at that point in time; it's the why, which drives the what, that's different. For Kakashi, as established prior (although, during his childhood, that might have been the answer as that's what he was told to do and what he was taught to want, rather than a personal conviction), Konoha in and of itself is what matters, the place, the land, the symbol of peace; while Obito's core belief would push him to say "Rin", as in, an individual; hence, “the people”. Then why would he choose to sacrifice Rin (the people) in exchange for the survival of a place created to ensure their well-being? In his eyes, it makes no sense (and yes, later on, he “betrays” his own core beliefs as he carries out the UCM for a "greater good", yet he does that because he considers the real world to be hell, so he cares not for it -x,x-, as the only world that matters it’s the I.T one). 
Obito was written by Kishimoto to be Naruto’s “dark” parallel, as he was a morally good child (wanted to become Hokage to stop the war, helped ladies on the street, even sought his master advice and changed his stance on Kakashi after Minato’s speech) that the environment transformed onto one of its darkest consequences (and well prior to Madara’s intervention as he claimed he would crush the “so called shinobi” shall he need to). Meanwhile, Kakashi reflects the pro-shinobi stance as he never even begun to question it when a child (the same could be said for Neji, who showed revulsion to his personal situation, and was definitely closer than Kakashi to rebel, yet he never questioned the status quo in itself).
It’s difficult to give closure to a post this charged and long (as of now, it’s fourteen pages), so I’ll finish up with this: Whether you agree or not with this post, try not to just blatantly insult me (if you end up doing it, oh well). I genuinely don’t care if you find my analysis revolting, and it’s just as easy as ignoring my blog altogether or creating your own post with your own takes and reading of the manga; I have no problem discussing these topics, but if your entire argument relies on your personal headcanons and you provide not a single panel of evidence I’m ignoring you, so don’t bother.
Here it is, spent months on this post (it depended on my re-reading of the manga, which is why it took this long), so I hope you guys enjoyed it and I want to personally thank those who read all of this, I genuinely appreciate it.
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nardo-headcanons · 6 months
What are your thoughts on music in the Narutoverse? 🤔 What kind of music do you think Konoha citizens listen to, what do you think is popular in Suna, I have my playlists and I may share one of these days but your take? 🙂🥰🎼
I have never thought of that before, omg. I hope to GODS this post doesn't sound insentive at all. If it is, please let me know so I can educate myself and take it down/mend it.
I think there are radios in the shinobi world, which offer some music variety. Most shinobi don't really have time to learn any instruments or anything like that. I'd say that traditional Konoha music often involves the koto, a shakuhachi flute and other traditionally Japanese instruments.
I'm currently writing a fic where I incorporate my headcanon that the Uchiha clan owns a crustry dusty piano which hasn't been tuned or played in ages, but legends say Madara Uchiha himself has played that piano.
I think Suna has the richest and oldest culture on the entire continent, and most music probably originates from there. Wind instruments are rather popular, one of them being the ney flute, the arghul, Another instrument that can sometimes be heard is the Duduk. When it comes to string instruments, it would be a sin not to mention the oud, and another one being a special type of lyre, also known as a simsimiyyaa The voice is also often used in Suna music, being regarded as an instrument itself.
Nowadays, many soap operas and dramas are written/produced in the land of wind, adding a very dramatic, emotional sound to it as well. Sunagakure radios are often filled with songs like these. And I think while Kankuro enjoys them, Temari has grown tired of them after hearing them way too often.
UPDATE: Here's part 2 for the rest of the villages
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blackbird0blog · 2 years
Naruto Fanfic Recs
A great crack OC/SI-insert. I just wish there was more!
Being somehow reincarnated into a world you previously thought was fictional and is filled with bullshit ninja magic killers isn't fun. It is even less fun to find out that any foreknowledge you may have been able to use to your advantage is pretty much as useless as your ability to quote pop culture references like a champ.
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, and very, very far away, I did not have to deal with this shit. This kind of language may shock you, but while I look like an adorable eight year old, in actuality I have almost twenty eight years of experience and the temperament of a crotchety old man. If I had a lawn – oh man you can bet no one would be stepping on it.
I raise a darkly tanned hand to the sunlight and sigh, blowing a wisp of blue hair out of my face. I had initially been overjoyed upon realizing that I had maintained a relatively similar skin tone to my original body. My curly hair also returned for a second round. But, of course, I cannot have nice things.
I may be in an anime, but my hair color is just ridiculous. I have blue hair. When I say blue, I mean blindingly bright HEY I’M RIGHT HERE CAN YOU SEE ME I will burn out your eyes aqua blue. Not even the nice shade of blue main characters get. It is pretty awful. And with this whole ninja gig it’s probably gonna get me killed.
Oh, yes. Ninjas.
Lucky me, I was reborn in the Narutoverse. Apparently. Huzzah.
Honestly, this was not a hit my already waning sanity could really afford. Not only was I pushed on into reincarnation instead of facing the pearly gates, but I found out I was spit out into a supposedly fictional world.
I mean, after a couple months of my baby self drooling all over myself, I could kinda get over it. The whole “reincarnation” thing. Well, as long as I never think about my family, all my friends-
-Yeah. As in, can’t think about that at all. Ever.
…Hm, where were we?
Ah, yes. Basically, I can get over the whole “reincarnated” part. Not so much the whole “living in a military state that fully endorses the use of child soldiers and freedom is a thing of the past” part. I am an American. I was practically suckled on the sweet nectar of freedom.
(I may no longer take myself or life in general seriously. If you hadn’t guessed.)
One must also consider the blazingly ridiculous things that happen to this world. I could only stomach so much bunny goddess before I was out. Like, how would I even go about fighting half of these things without OP to the max abilities? Well I’m not planning on it, so I suppose it’s a moot point.
To put this in perspective, while it has some relative good points, I really dislike most of the Leaf’s dictatorship, freedom sucking, shove-you-full-of-propaganda self. My life is in ruin.
I sigh again and gaze at my elevated hand, “Poor Yorick. Alas, alas.”
Hm. What was the rest of that quote?
I hear a sigh, “Miki-kun, please stop interrupting class.”
I look up and see Iruka-sensei staring at me, his gaze slightly pained. His hand is frozen half-way in his now habitual motion of massaging the bridge of his nose. Ah, that poor man. He is some of most fun I have in this life. I can’t help but feel a bit bad though. The only other kid that gets his blood pressure this worked up in Naruto.
Even then he tends to resort straight to yelling with that one. I can tell he doesn’t know how to deal with me. I’m too out of the norm from what he’s used to. My personality, or mostly my seeming babbling words, tends to put most people off kilter. I don’t make many friends this way. But I also tend to be able to do whatever the hell I want without much censure. Are you going to talk sense into crazy?
I blink guilelessly, my arm still posed in the air, seeming to be ignorant to the stares of the whole class. The kid next to me slowly scoots away. I say, “Ah, sensei, I am very sorry. I’m sure no one could concentrate, that having been such a half hearted recital. Perhaps again…”
I sit up straight as if to project my words, but only get out an “Ala-” (ah, now that I think of it, “Alas” goes first, right?) before being cut off.
“NO, no, that’s just- fine. Miki-kun. Please keep further comments in your head unless they are related to class.”
The rest of the class laughs as I bob my head complacently. I consider the pros of telling him why the works of Shakespeare are relevant to all matters of life, but decide not to push him. Iruka-sensei is a good guy all things considered. I don’t like to mess with him too much.
Too much.
He goes on to lecture about whatever this class is on. I think I’m in history. It would be super interesting if the amount of propaganda being shoved down my throat didn’t make me want to choke. Like, this is North Korea level of censorship right here. I’m kinda surprised we don’t pray to the first Hokage, given how much he’s propped up in our books. To the point he is literally called the god of shinobi. Then again, I guess the appointment of real Ninja God goes to the Sage.
I mean, it’s not that I think all the facts in this damn book are straight wrong. If Konoha wins (we always win), it’s recorded as a win. If we lose (Konoha has a history of very few tactical retreats), we lose. This happened then. These institutions were established here. The spin they put on everything is what makes me dizzy.
“The honorable first Hokage singlehandedly brought the entire world of shinobi out of the dark ages. He established Konoha and brought prosperity to the land, making a safe haven for all of her citizens. Now it is your turn to uphold the First’s Will of Fire and keep Konoha safe for the generations to come. Blah, blah, blah.”
Come on, the textbooks tell you to do things. This is not even trying to look like unbiased learning. It hurts us.
Most of the cultural and historical stuff goes like this in every book available to civilians and academy students. I can’t vouch for stuff available to ninja level, but it’s overall disappointing. Having been an International Studies major, cultural stuff is kinda what I do. Did. Whatever.
I can piece stuff together from what I knew previously and what I can get wading through politically charged texts, but it’s not easy going. If I had been a Clan Kid I may have been able to get my dirty paws on some choice info, but no such luck. You’re looking at an Oliver Twist. Olivia Twist? I still can’t quite grasp the state of gender equality here. Kunoichi are generally badass, but a significantly less amount fill out the forces. In fact-
I’m ripped from my musings by the ring of the bell. The kids quickly fling themselves from their seats and run to the door, ignoring whatever Iruka is trying to yell over them. The kid next to me seems particularly eager. I casually take a look at my hand and see that I had accidentally been carving pieces of wood from my desk. Again. Oops. Time to go before sensei notices.
I push my hands against my mutilated desk and attempt to casually mosey my way to the door. I skip down the steps, not trying particularly hard to avoid the stragglers. I take a glance at Iruka out of the corner of my eye. My inattention causes me to bump into someone. Red fills my sight.
Small hands quickly push me away, causing me to stumble. Bright blue eyes glare into my brown ones, and a sharp tooth scowl fills my vision. “Hey, watch where you’re going!” Uzumaki Naruto growls at me, his spiky red hair disheveled.
Ah yes, did I forget to mention that Naruto has red hair and the plot is shot to hell and back?
Silly me.
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avenger-hawk · 2 years
(genocide anon again) "the Uchiha genocide is a war crime that must be punished. Sasuke and the others needs therapy. We must help them and give them justice, not by writing fix-it fics but by calling out all those who are ok with this systemic injustice and exploitation of underage characters" that's stupid wtf? Because like... these are Shinobi? The existence of Shinobi like that in a real-world scenario would be unethical. But like beyond that, it's like... So Shinobi literally exist to carry out the "dirty" work of fire country and it's daimyo. And ANBU carry the dirtiest of dirty work. Assassination and Clan Elimination orders are par for course I'd assume, what makes the Uchiha Massacre "special" is that it's a) a pretty large clan, b) one of the main clans c) one of the founding clans of Konoha. (And what makes it a "genocide" is that it meets the UN definition of one but I don't think Narutoverse has a UN or the Armenian genocide, Simele Massacre and Holocaust which led to the coning of the word genocide.)
And like, what makes it "special" and more or less "horrifying" to the people in Naruto was that again, it was against one of the main & founding clans of Konoha. Which means that if this wasn't just "itachi snapping and testing his strength" as was said publicly, that meant that the same could happen to the Hyuuga, to the Inuzuka, to the Nara , to the Ino etc. How much of a bloodline limit, skilset or influence was "too much power" to warrant the elimination of a major clan? That could threaten or even collapse the entire clan system of Konoha. Heck if the hokage (and not Danzo bcs if that happened he'd definitely be killed, either by order of the hokage so he wouldn't have to deal with all the other clans or by assassination by one of the clans) went and 'publicly' (very flexible definition of publicly) ordered the extermination of the Uchiha, he'd probably face an insurrection led by every major clan because that'd be considered an active threat to all of these clans.
The outrage wouldn't be over the fact that it was a clan elimination order, they're shinobi and that's ANBU they've probably carried out similar orders at the request of the daimyo. What would cause the outrage is that it's a major clan and a bit over that it was a clan of konoha. But even then, if the Daimyo ordered the death of a small clan in Konoha and the task was given to one of the ANBU to carry it out, they'd be unhappy about it sure, but they'd understand.
Another sticking point would be that the order was given to someone of the clan to carry it out. This wouldn't normally happen, because that's just inviting treason. If you wanted to inspire disloyalty in your shinobi, that's what you'd do. I'm assuming that the Uchiha were a special case in that they were too powerful as clan to have a non-uchiha carry out the massacre — in that non-uchiha shinobi would've failed and been killed.
But like, yeah, they're shinobi. Assassination and elimination orders aren't all that new to them, that's what they do. That's the job. It's that it's one of Konoha's major clans that makes this event "special".
And like sure, I like to think of Sasuke and even Naruto (the destruction of Uzushio) as survivors/remants of genocide. But that's more on the... loss, loss of people sure but also loss of heritage and those who could teach you it. The disconnect with the 'culture'. The dying traditions... etc.
I like to explore these things.
But harassing people over a massacre in The Ninja Anime is... stupid.
(genocide anon, if that wasn't clear)
Yeah I don’t like to engage in discussions that compare the Naruto universe with the real world and even if you apparently say you don’t either it’s exactly what’s happening here?
Ofc like I said it’s stupid to use real world arguments for a universe where war is normal, children go to shinobi academy and fight in said wars, it’s ok to put an orphan in an apartment to fend for himself and it sure ain’t no therapy or UN (which, since you mentioned, didn’t even recognize all real world genocides, like Ukraine’s Holodomor) and no one cares about what defines a genocide.
I don’t understand why ppl can’t accept the Naruto universe as it is...countries are ruled by Daimyos, that rely on shinobi for protection, espionage, war and whatever else. So ofc shinobi do the dirty work, there are also samurai but they’re less relevant than shinobi, because their universe is more reliant on sneaky manoeuvres, forbidden techniques and so on.
The Uchiha clan was incredibly powerful and probably always feared and thus at some moment the discrimination started, they decided to rebel against this and in this context Danzo used Konoha’s fear and intolerance towards them to convince the other elders and Hiruzen that the only solution was to destroy the whole clan, using Itachi. Maybe because only an Uchiha could kill others, maybe because he didn’t want other Konoha shinobi to get their hands dirty with such a horrible command.
Ofc it’s horrible to lose one’s clan, traditions and identity and Sasuke held tight to what he remembered of them. Naruto didn’t have anything to remember so he suffered for different reasons, like being lonely. Sasuke remembered so he suffered the loss of everything he knew, had and loved.
(It’s very clear who you are...I guess what’s less clear is that I don’t believe anons saying they’re genocide survivors. If in the beginning I told myself to just leave hints of my distrust. Then I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but the way ‘genocide anon’ became your identity looks like you kinda found the perfect label to be a tumblr special snowflake. Not my problem, but I don’t want to interact with liars. I prefer “simple” nobodys)
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Lord Indra, the natural hero who never was
or why Sasuke and Madara always shine despite the whole plot in their disadvantages.
Hero : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability. b : an illustrious warrior. c : a person admired for achievements and noble qualities. d : one who shows great courage.
Going out of my MGA writing retreat cave for a sec and share with you some of my researches...I don't have great knowledges of vedic texts and Indian culture but to what I read so far (correct me if I'm wrong) Indra is the King of the devas and Heaven. In similar fashion, Zeus king of other gods in Greek mythology. Indra controls storm, rain, and uses thunderbolt as one of his most deadly weapon. He is both the archetype of the mighty warrior, the slayer of great evil (asuras) and also the life-giver. Because you know, rain fertilises earth (if you get the metaphor 💦... 👀). One of his most famous story is how he destroys Vritra the monstrous snake/dragon, also called an asura, who was responsible for holding back waters and created drought. And by doing this, Indra slain the archaic forces blocking the creation of new lives.
As a Naruto fan, I get now the inspiration for Otsutsuki Indra. Sasuke's preference for raiton and kirin, Madara as a god of war and user of storm release, the symbol behind Sasuke killing Oroshimaru in his white snake shape, susanoo although a japanese god is still god of storm killing an other massive snake...
It's kind of funny because Indra is, based on the Vedas tradition, the allegory of the perfect hero. He comes alone, strong-willed, powerful, and slays any obstacles to the natural cycle of life, and by doing so he saves humanity from chaos. And it's precisely what is despise in the Narutoverse about the characters assimilated to him, namely Uchiha clan and Indra Otsutsuki. Indra opposing his unfair father is bad. The Uchiha clan defending themselves against oppression is devilish, Sasuke seeking revenge is detestable, Madara looking for a world purged of evil is absolutely hideous.
There is as well many shinto inspirations but I'm mostly reading here the story in a Vedic perceptive and you'll notice something else about the asura's. It's not a single god but a group of demons always confronting the devas. They are seen in a negative light, the anti-gods, the power-seekers ect... And it kind of makes sense with Naruto who can't progress on his own. He needs to be constantly help and surrounded by people. He is also notoriously possessed by a powerful demon who manifest himself in the beginning of the story when Naruto is corned to anger. Notice also that the only way to control this demonic force is either the sharingan assimilated to shinto spiritual strength or Mokuton from the Senju being assimilated with Buddhism spiritual strength.
So now you get where I'm going... isn't weird that mostly Narutoverse is respecting mythologies and adapt them to its own storyline. For instance the sannin legend, Kaguyahime story. But for Indra and Asura it's a total reverse of values. Intentionally, the good is bad and the bad is good.
Yeah but the plot Al Hekima, don't forget the plot ! I know, I know... If your main character is a boy possessed by a demon, befriends with 9 others demons and it's apparently normal, it will end up this way.
Maybe I'm not objective after all but even before going deeper into analysing the Narutoverse, Indra and the Uchiha clan being seen as cursed and evil by nature, the people who went astray and needed to be beaten into submission, always left me unsettled. Literally, I couldn't comprehend what was wrong with them which justify so much hate. And in opposite Naruto being possessed by a demon is blatantly black magic. His father is never questioned about doing it to his son, neither Hiruzen to the young Kushina, or Hashirama to his wife (in this case they may have both agree). I know it's just fiction, but art doesn't come out of the blue. It's ingrained in the artist's set of value, cultures, emotion ect... And the author stressed in interviews that he wanted to bring positive value to his younger audience. I'm just questioning sometimes what are actually those values? For the Uchihas the idea was to forgive, to not fall into hate, and move on. But forgive without justice? Putting the pressure of moving on solely on the victim and never put the perpetuator in a difficult position? Never ask any apology or reform from the aggressor? The victim needs to forgive with no assurance that it won't happened again. Believe it, right? and eventually the victim needs to help the system who harmed him to keep going... Anyway I'm rambling at this point but that's always my major philosophical disagreement with Kishimoto.
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