#Nathan x Win
seanfalco · 1 year
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I'll be there when your heart stops beating, I'll be there when your last breath's taken away. In the dark when there's no one listening, in the times when we both get carried away.
newest commission from @alpinenightshade 💚
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A Royal Spooky Fuck Up | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’ verse
An oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 4,7k
Warnings: Strong language, ghost stuff, mention of death
a/n: Soooo we ended up forgetting to tell you guys something lol we thought it was pretty dehumanizing to call each of the Nathans "Lyddie's Nathan" or "Win's Nathan" so we gave them nicknames. Lyddie's Nathan is now Nate and Win's Nathan is Nats. Hope it's not confusing and that you enjoy our second quad adventure for the @sheehalloween
The year was 2022, life was just starting to look normal again, as normal as it gets. It was the end of a long eight show week in Six, where Lydia had been playing Anne Boleyn for a few months and she was rewatching The Crown. 
"Oh my God," she sobbed. No matter how many times she watched the scene where King George VI was found in his bed, she always cried. "And she wasn't there, Elizabeth wasn't there!"
"I thought you were anti-monarchy?" Win said as she walked through the living room to find her wife in tears in front of the telly.
"I am! I'm very anti-monarchy, I'm practically an anarchist," she wiped her tears with her sleeve. "I mean, King George got us through World War II, he was a great person. It's just a hobby, but I don't support it, our money pays for their luxury while everyone is struggling with the energy bills... horrific!"
"Yeah, no kidding, it's disgustin'," Winnie scoffed, though she plopped down next to Lydia on the couch. 
"Oh shit! Did yeh hear?" Nats cried, skidding into the room. 
"Hear what?" Win asked, frowning at him.
"We just saw it online, the Queen kicked th'bucket," Nate tilted his head seeing his wife's red puffy eyes. "Oh shit, bad time?" 
"THE QUEEN DIED?" Lyddie screamed. "She was okay a couple days ago! What happened? She can't just die! What the fuck? Out of nowhere?" 
"Well, not exactly out of nowhere, love, the woman was nearin' 100..." he murmured.
"So much for anti-monarchy," Win grumbled, rolling her eyes. 
"Yeah, she was good and old, one foot in th'grave an all, y'know? People have been waiting for this for a while..." Nats added.
"Everybody knows you can be a republican and still like the Queen! It's the Queen! The only one I've ever known, the only one my parents ever knew..." Lydia tried to work through the shock. "And what's the alternative? Carrot finger Dumbo and his mistress?"
"Th'alternative? Uh, I dunno, abolish th'whole bloody monarchy?" Win muttered. 
"Don't know if y'know Lyds, but um- back in Ireland we're not her biggest fans," Nate sat down, stroking her back. "Pretty sure the chants in the streets now are Lizzie's in a box... but we're all here, we love ya."
"Yeah, course we love yeh. It's gunna be okay," Nats assured, sitting down on her other side.
"They've been here forever, they're not going anywhere," Lydia clung to Nats. "Oh no! The corgis..." 
"The corgis will be fine," Nate murmured. "I think you're still gettin' over Betty White and Sond-" 
"Don't say Sondheim or I'll cry..." she breathed, nearly a whisper. "I was gonna meet the Queen next month, the Royal Variety Performance."
"Maybe we should turn off Th'Crown," Win suggested, grabbing the remote and turning off the television while the boys comforted her. 
"Hey, would it make y'feel better if we tried t'conjure th'Queen?" Nats exclaimed, snapping his fingers as he thought of it.
"You're gonna... conjure Queen Elizabeth? Won't she be angry at us? I mean, our flat is a dump next to her lavatory, let alone the rest of her palace," Lydia pouted. 
"Well then guess you'll just meet the new King and Queen when you're singin' next month..." Nate teased. 
"Queen consort! Camilla could never! And the new King is a self-proclaimed tampon, no way! I wanna meet the OG." 
“Well, maybe we won’t conjure her physically,” Nats mused, tapping his bottom lip in thought. “What if we used an ouija board just t’talk to her?” 
“How would you even know if you were actually talking to Queen Elizabeth?” Win snorted.
"We ask? Ghosts don't really have a reason to lie, do they?" Lydia watched as Nate made her a neon pink board. 
"I guess that one time Jamie just omitted the fact that he was dead... he didn't lie," he sighed heavily.
“Or if they’re evil spirits,” Win said, pitching her voice low for effect while wigging her fingers ominously.
"Don't be silly... we can all see ghosts, if there were evil spirits roaming around I think we'd know. The ghosts we see are the ones we attract," Lyddie scoffed, trying not to think too much about that possibility.
“Serve yourselves then,” she shrugged. 
“Aw c’mon, Winnie, at least come out your fingers on th’plancette,” Nats said, gesturing for her to join them around the coffee table.
"Please stay with us, just... don't move it around on purpose," Lydia asked, somewhat scared of what could happen. She didn't wanna end up like the Exorcist girl or another stupid child who misused the board. 
"She wouldn't do that, it's okay, none of us would... maybe me, but I'm givin' you my word," Nate assured.
“I promise I won’t take th’piss,” Winnie said, holding her hand up solemnly before grinning at her wife and placing her fingers on the edge of the planchette. “So, how d’we start this thing?” she asked, looking at Nate.
"Oh, this is exciting, it's like The Craft... only hopefully with a better ending," Lydia cleared her throat before closing her eyes.
"When you're done don't forget t'say goodbye," Nate warned. "Okay okay. Hello spirits," she nodded and he covered his mouth not to laugh. "We are holding this seance to reach a very special person, we hope you all understand. Only positive energies are allowed in this circle and we humbly ask Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of Windsor to come forward."
For a long moment, nothing happened, and the four of them held their breaths, their fingers trembling on the planchette, but it didn’t move.
"I guess I should explain... your majesty, I'm Lydia Young, I was about to perform in the royal variety show with my wife Win. My Irish husbands are here too, but no hard feelings." 
"Well, some hard feelin's, my family... sorry we can talk politics later, Lizzie," Nate shook his head just as the planchette moved to hello.
Win’s brows rose and she nearly pulled her hands away. “Holy fu—“ she breathed. “It’s actually moving.” 
“Ask her somethin’ else, Lyds!” Nats urged, excitement coursing through him. He half wondered if it was only working because of his and his twin's medium powers.
"Um... your majesty, did you attend your son's second wedding reception wearing white as retaliation for when Camilla wore white to his first wedding?" Lydia asked. 
"Seriously? That's your question?" Nate chuckled and for a long time, nothing happened again.
“Did we lose her?” Win wondered aloud, watching the board for any tremble of movement.
Instead of drifting towards the yes or no, the planchette vibrated slightly before moving to the letter S. 
"S? what does that mean? I, M..." Nate watched it in confusion. 
"Simon? Why is she talking about him?" Lydia felt another shiver, but instead of excitement, this time it was fear.
"Guys, I don't think we're talkin' to th'dear departed Queen," Winnie whispered, her mouth going dry. She wanted to pull her hands away or yank the planchette to the 'goodbye' scrawled in the corner, but she couldn't move.
"Oh well, I think we have the wrong person, so... we respectfully ask to end this seance and say goodbye," Lyds stammered, but her hand was pulled as the spirit started to spell another word. 
"Oh shit... MU... MUR... Murder, that's just great," Nate grimaced, shaking his head and regretting every decision he made that day.
"Simon and Murder," Win mused. "Oh fuck... I think we're talkin' to--" her exclamation cut short as the table beneath the ouija board began to vibrate.
"Sally? Is that you?" Lydia asked and the planchette surged towards the yes. "Oh, for fuck's sake, we know he killed you, you were gonna send us to jail! For a self-defense murder!" 
"Wait who's Sally?" Nate asked before his mouth fell open. "Oh... the corpse bride lookin' cunt who gave me shit for that brick on her windshield!"
“Yeah, our probation worker,” Win added.
Nats opened his mouth to ask what to do next when the lights began to flicker ominously and the planchette began to move again. “What’s she spellin’ now?” he yelped, hoping no one could hear how freaked out he was.
"Justice... oh please! You're dead!" Lydia cried, but she didn't want to upset the spirits. "I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry. It's just that he had to do it." 
"We're good people! We never killed anyone cause we wanted to. Please fuck off," Nate pleaded.
“Let’s hang up, this call is goin’ nowhere,” Win said, dragging the planchette over to the ‘goodbye’ in the corner. “See ya, y’frigid bitch,” she muttered, wiping her hands. 
“Guess she’s still pissed at us, even after all that time,” Nats mused. “Y’d think she’d mellow out after findin’ her boyfriend in th’afterlife.”
"Maybe they went to different places," Lydia pointed one finger up and one down. "I mean, Tony wasn't amazing, but he didn't do that to us cause he wanted to either. He was possessed." 
"Maybe," Nate shrugged. "Can't see her anywhere, so it's over. Don't worry." 
"I'll call Simon to put a Greek evil eye on his door," she jumped in search of her phone.
"I don't think Tony woulda turned violent unless he already had violence in his heart," Win murmured thoughtfully as she picked up the ouija board to put away. "But I'm glad that's over with, it gave me the skeevies."
"Probably, think we all got powers that had to do with who we are. I've always felt really vulnerable, so I got a shield. Nathan is dumb so he can't die..." 
"Hey!" Nate laughed. "Don't think that's why!"
"I was afraid of bein' seen as a leech, so my power's leechin' other peoples'," Win muttered, still kinda sore about that one, even if it did come in handy.
"Don't say that, your power saved us so many times," Lyddie emerged from their room with her phone to give her wife a hug. But just as she took the other woman in her arms, the bedroom door slammed shut
Yelping in surprise, Win jumped into her arms. "D'you think...? It couldn't have been Sally, could it? We ended the seance..." she whispered, a chill running down her spine.
"She never said goodbye, but... Nate said he couldn't see anyone," Lyds held her protectively. "It was probably the wind, I left the window open."
"Right, yeah. The wind..." she agreed hesitantly, shaking her head, her voice trembling slightly. "C'mon, let's go make something to eat."
"Yeah, there's some leftover curry, I can toast some bread," Lyddie tried to not freak out for everyone's sake. 
"Yummy! I'm starvin', all the supernatural shit really drained me," Nate hopped on the stool and leaned over the counter.
“Are you really not even a little rattled?” Win asked the boys as she pulled the dish of leftovers out of the fridge for Lydia. 
“Nah, what’s she gunna do?” Nats scoffed, lifting a shoulder in a half-shrug.
"Your mum and our brother have t'make the biggest effort t'visit. What makes Sally so powerful that she could haunt us?" Nate agreed. 
"Don't worry baby, nothing is gonna hurt us, I'm here," Lyddie smiled reassuringly.
Lydia’s words placated Win for the time being, but by the time they were getting ready for bed, more strange things began to happen. 
“Nate, did you filch my clean pyjamas from th’bathroom?” Winnie huffed, emerging in her towel, her hair still dripping.
"That would've been a great idea t'see you naked, but no... someone got there before me," Nate gave his brother an accusatory glare. 
"I can find something for you to wear," Lydia offered, opening the top dresser drawer and screaming when the bottom one opened as well, hitting her legs.
“What, it wasn’t me!” Nats cried, his exclamation turning into a sharp shriek of alarm as his wife cried and jumped back. “Oh shit! Lollipop, you alright?” 
He quickly rushed to her side and kicked the dresser door shut. Suddenly the lights began to flicker faster and faster before the door slammed shut with a whoosh leaving them in darkness. 
“I’m fairly certain that wasn’t th’wind this time!” Win exclaimed, having jumped into Nate’s arms atop the bed. 
"Yeah, we might have a problem," Lydia murmured, letting Nats embrace her. "How can we banish her? She's so salty for no reason! She took my brother's phone, he was just trying to get it back." 
"I don't know, I'd call my priest uncle, but things were a little awkward after the... y'know, fake possession stunt," Nate shared a look with his twin before loosening Winnie's towel to get a peek at her goods. "Ooh, nice, never gets old." 
She gave him a halfhearted smack to the shoulder but didn’t bother recovering herself. 
“I’m gunna ignore th’bit about a fake possession, though I’m definitely curious,” she said, looking between the two. “Maybe we should call a priest though? Not your uncle, but a priest?” she asked, her gaze going to her wife.
"Do you know any priests? I've never even been to a church, my mum's a former Catholic turned atheist and my dad's a Jewish hippie," Lydia covered them all in a force field as one of her Tony awards was launched from the shelf. 
"I don't know, maybe there's some 0800-priest. Do we know any pastors maybe? Or monks? Maybe your dad knows a rabbi!" Nate asked.
“No, sorry. My family never went t’church either.” Win shook her head. “Maybe we could call th’local parish? See if they can help us?” She suggested, wincing as several books exploded from the shelf.
"We can't sleep like this! Let's go over there right now, I'm not letting this cunt hurt you. Nate, get us dressed, we're leaving," Lydia demanded. 
"Right now? It's late," he said, though he followed her instructions, snapping his fingers to dress all of them up. "Could be dangerous." 
"Not as dangerous as sleeping with a vengeful spirit in our house. Someone will have to help us."
“Will anyone even be there at this hour?” Nats asked, quickly shutting his mouth at the look his wife threw him.
"If there isn't, we're spending the night with my parents," Lyddie shoved a few essentials in a backpack and headed to the door while covering herself and the others still.
"What if she tries t'follow us?" he wondered as they walked across the estate to the big cathedral.
"Then I guess we better hope th'priest is in," Win murmured.
As expected, the doors at the church were locked, so Lydia banged with both fists while Nate tried to unlock it. 
"Hey! We need help! We messed it up and now we're haunted!" She screamed.
After several minutes of their pounding and Lyddie's screaming, the door finally swung open, revealing a very disheveled looking man. 
"Yes?" He exclaimed, leaning heavily against the church door.
"There are millions of bloody priests in the world, why the fuck he's the one helpin' us?" Nate hissed. 
"Oh my... this is... this is new," Lydia's legs nearly gave out when she saw him, an exact copy of Nathan but with some facial hair. Not much, but enough to make her weak in the knees. 
I fancy a priest, I'm so going to hell if I die one day, she thought, even more turned on by how sleepy and messy he looked.
"What, may I ask are y'doin' bangin' on th'door at this hour?" The priest asked, his gaze taking in all four of them. 
"Oh..." Win breathed, discreetly reaching for Nate's arm, subconsciously trying to remind herself that she was married. 
"We're bein' haunted!" Nats exclaimed, breaking the silence. "We need an exorcism, STAT!"
"We're so sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you, but it's really urgent," Lydia tossed her hair and fixed her posture. There was nothing wrong with being attracted to this guy, it'd not like anything would ever happen anyway. "There's a vengeful spirit throwing things around the house, we were trying to communicate with the Queen and things went south. We really really need your help," she pouted slightly.
“Why were y’tryin’ to talk to th’Queen?” the priest scoffed, amusement breaking the annoyed expression he wore. “Come on in, I gotta get dressed,” he murmured, gesturing for them to follow him.
"The royals are sort of a hobby of mine," Lydia obeyed, turning agape at Win like a giddy fan meeting her idol. "Even though I'm not exactly a fan of authority... can I ask what's your name, father?" 
"Get a grip, you're married! And thinkin' what you're thinkin' about a priest is a sin for sure," Nate whispered in her ear. 
Win met Lyddie’s look with one of her own and had to fight to stifle her snicker as she overhear his hissed warning. 
“Uh, it’s Kay,” the priest answered distractedly, leading them to his office, which doubled for a bedroom. “Sit wherever y’like, make yourselves comfortable, and I’ll be back in a minute,” he said, gesturing to a few worn armchairs in the corner while running his other hand through his close cropped curls.
"Thank you," Lydia smiled, already grateful to Sally for being so stubborn. 
Nate took a seat and pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her like a dog protecting his bone. "You're shameless, woman," he scolded. 
"What? I didn't do anything, and you are right. We're married, for over ten years, you should be over your silly jealousy by now. He's a man of God, I could never!" She fought not to laugh. "I just hope he can help us with the house. Right, Winnie?"
"Yeah, I hope so too," she agreed, sharing a tiny grin with her wife. 
"Okay, now get me up t'speed," Kay exclaimed as he returned to the room wearing his vestments. "You said somethin' about en exorcism?" he asked, sitting down on the arm of the chair opposite them. 
"Yeah, we're bein' haunted by th'ghost of one of our probation workers," Nats explained.
"Almost fifteen years ago we were arrested and had to do some community service. My brother and this probation worker were having some sort of relationship," Lydia winced thinking about it. "She passed away during an accident and today when we tried to communicate with spirits, she's the one who came forward and she's really angry for some reason. We were wondering if there's anything you can do."
Kay looked thoughtful for a long moment. "I can come and bless your house, I s'pose." 
"That's it?" Nats exclaimed incredulously.
"You say that as if you can do it yourself..." Lydia gave him a pointed look. "That would be great." 
"Sorry, we're not exactly wired t'trust priests," Nate muttered.
Kay winced and opened his mouth before shutting it again, deciding better not to ask. "Since I'm awake, I suppose now's as good a time as any," he said instead, getting to his feet. "Shall we?"
"Yeah, we're so sorry by the way," Lyddie got up, fixing her skirt. "That whole mess might just make me religious." 
"Mhmm, the mess," Nate took her backpack so she wouldn't have to carry it on the way back.
"Oh hush, you," Win hissed, nudging his shoulder as they filed back out the church and back into the night. 
"D'yeh think this'll actually work?" Nats wondered in a hushed voice. "No offense to our lookalike priest," he muttered.
"I really hope so, this has t'be worth it," Nate rolled his eyes, following behind as the girls led the way. "Otherwise we'll have t'move out or some shit."
Once back at the house Nats entered hesitantly, looking around to see if Sally was still around. "I think th'coast is clear for th'moment," he said, turning around to let the others in.
"Ah what a bitch!" Lydia gasped when she saw their stuff scattered all over the floor. "Sorry, I didn't mean to curse." 
"You sure?" Nate held up the two halves of her destroyed signed copy of Junji Ito's Uzumaki. 
"That cunt whore!" She yelped and immediately covered her mouth, shaking her head in embarrassment.
"It doesn't bother me if you swear," Kay assured her, pattering her shoulder lightly as he stepped past her, surveying the room.
Suddenly a vase fell from the mantle, smashing on the ground and making them jump. "Wow, you weren't kiddin', that's one angry spirit," he murmured.
"We have no idea why..." Lyddie shrugged, taking Nate's hand when she noticed he was staring daggers at Kay. "You'll fix my book later, right? And our trophies..." 
"Ask him..." he huffed stubbornly but quietly. 
"Oh come on, are you 33 or 13?"
“I can fix them,” Win whispered. 
“Sometimes it’s not fair you can do that,” Nats grumbled.
"Thank you, my lovely perfect wife," Lydia stuck her tongue out at the boys. 
"You're too soft on her, Winnie," Nate folded his arms.
“And you’re getting your knickers in a twist over nothin’,” she snapped back. 
"If y'say so," Nate couldn't deny that fella was being more than generous helping them out in the middle of the night.
“Not to worry,” Kay said, turning back to the four of them. “I’m going to th’cleanse your house now.”
"Thank you so much, do you need us to do anything, father?" Lydia asked tying her hair up in a ponytail. 
“I’m gunna sprinkle some holy water in each room as I pray. All yeh need t’do is follow me,” he explained, reaching into his robe to grab his vial of the liquid.
"Yeah, of course," she took Win's hand, not for a moment doubting that plan was going to work. It only made sense... Nate on the other hand was quite unimpressed.
Winnie squeezed her wife's hand and followed after Kay. Though she didn't believe in the whole Jesus thing, she hoped that this prayer thing would work. 
"How much you wanna bet this is gunna work or not?" Nats whispered to his twin.
"I bet a threesome that it's not gonna work," he whispered back smugly. "There's no fuckin' way one of our variants is a priest... he must be a fake, only doin' it for the free accommodations."
"Deal." Nats shook on it. 
"What are you two on about?" Win hissed as they passed through the living room to the kitchen where Sally had left another mess. 
"Nothin'," Nate flashed her a charming grin. "Just talkin' about how much we love our wonderful wives. There ya go always thinkin' the worst..."
Kay sprinkled a few drops of holy water as they went, his voice a melodic prayer. Winnie gave the Nathans a doubtful look, but held her tongue, not wanting to disrupt the cleanse.
I think there's something wrong with me, this is turning me on, Lydia thought, making the sign of the cross and shaking those thoughts away. 
Kay continued his prayers, making the sign of the cross before leading them onto the next room. 
Suddenly as they returned to the bedroom, everything began to vibrate violently, but he merely raised his voice louder, unperturbed as he flung a spray of holy water across the space. "Leave this house, spirit! By the name of God, I command ye!" 
"This is exciting," Win breathed, grabbing Lydia's arm.
"Oh you have no idea..." she brought her wife's hand to her chest, where anyone could easily feel her heart racing. "He's not even scared, he's amazing." 
Nate rolled his eyes, trying to look as unfazed, even though he was a little bit freaked out. The lights were flickering and the sounds of the objects flying around were deafening. It all got worse until it finally stopped, leaving them in the most peaceful silence.
"--In God's name, amen." Kay finished his prayer and smiled, turning to face the four of them. "Looks like she's left." 
"Oh thank God," Win exclaimed, while Nats still eyed the room reluctantly, just waiting for Sally to return.
"So that's it? That actually worked?" Nate scoffed, only thinking of the threesome he'd have to sit out. 
"You're a lifesaver! This is incredible! I have no idea how to thank you," Lydia laughed, unable to contain her excitement. "D-do we pay you? Can I bring you lunch tomorrow?"
"Oh," Kay exclaimed, somewhat taken aback. "No payment is necessary, but..." he hesitated, turning his grin on her, "lunch would be nice, after wakin' me up in th'middle of the night," he chuckled. 
"What if she comes back?" Nats cried, scowling at the way Lyddie was gazing at the priest. 
"I suppose, let me know and I'll try something a little more advanced," he answered, frowning slightly. "But in th'meantime, maybe no more tryin' to contact the dearly departed Queen via ouija board."
"I promise we will never touch another board again, we'll let the Queen rest," Lydia nodded, already planning what she was going to cook the next day. "I'll make sure to update you tomorrow on the whole ghost situation." 
"Yeah well, thanks," Nate sighed, his face unbiddenly showing exactly how jealous he was. "Let's hope she doesn't come back," the last thing he wanted was to invite him over to get rid of another poltergeist.
Kay nodded. "It was my pleasure, good night to you," he said, following them back to the front door and stepping out into the dark street. As soon as he was gone, Nats shut the door heavily and let out a loud sigh.
"Winnieeeeeee!" Lydia squealed, jumping around, it had been a few years since a new variant had appeared. "We're ghost free! Well not really, but the bad ones are gone I hope." 
"Thankfully," Nats sighed, catching her around the middle.
"Guess I'll clean the mess then," Nate muttered, waving his hand to fix what was broken and get it back in place even though he swore he wouldn't do it.
Win laughed at her wife's excitement before turning to Nate and winding her arms around his neck, stretching to do so. "Thank you, babe," she whispered. 
"Yeah yeah..." he tried to fight a smile. "What don't I do for you two?" He held her in turn, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
She smiled, tilting her chin to look up at him. "Think we can resume where we were when I was in your lap with naught but a towel?" she purred, twining one of his curls around her finger. 
"Now that's a plan," he lifted her in his arms, disappearing with her clothes even before reaching the bedroom. "So much better."
She giggled, letting out a yelp as he tumbled to the bed with her. "So glad to have our home back t'normal," she murmured, running her fingers through Nathan's curls.
"Me too, from now on we only summon the spirits we know," Nate mumbled against her lips. "I kinda bet a threesome with Nats and lost, so I'll keep you tonight. All mine."
"Guess y'shoulda had more faith then," Win teased, opening her mouth to him, grinning into the kiss. "But mmm, I like th'sound of bein' all yours tonight."
"Stop with that face, I'm not even looking and I know which face you have," Lydia turned in Nats' embrace and touched the tip of his nose with her own. "See? I knew it."
"And what face is that?" He asked with a laugh, pressing his lips to the tip of her nose.
"It's cute, you always scrunch your nose and your lips do this thing when you eat something you don't like or when you're jealous," she teased, scratching his scalp gently.
"Yeah, yeah, obviously I'm jealous," he grumbled, pushing his lip out further.
"As cute as it is when you're jealous of us, you know there's nothing to worry about, have we ever fucked another Nathan? We met several... and this is probably the only one who doesn't want anything to do with us," Lydia assured, stealing a kiss.
"I know," Nats murmured, pulling her closer by the waist and deepening the kiss.
"Good, you're the only one for me," she whispered. "Well, not really, but you get the picture."
Tag List: @firstpersonnarrator @elliethesuperfruitlover
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That moment when you realise your father isn't some boring rule follower dude
Cabel: "You have a PORSCHE?"
Man is flaggerbasted
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x-mensirens · 5 months
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gagakareem10 · 2 months
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A request gift for @caulfield-ley cause she found the hidden detail xD
I love these two together, it makes me cry 😭💕✨️
I was Inspired by this cutscene (the outfits, not the scene itself)
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And BONUS! (pregnant Elena and idk why did I do this😭):
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Uncharted © @naughty-dog
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userlaylivia · 6 months
please nobody say anything about stydia, they are still endgame to me idgaf about the movie and it's implied they'll get back together eventually anyway they are show endgame that's all that matters!! and pls don't say anything about chair/roschel their my otps and I'm allowed to ship them! I also ship dair in gg and have more of them on my blog so!!
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whowouldwininafite · 2 years
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jozstanko-art · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to my dearest @super-unpredictable98!  I will forever love this quad of misfits and you 💚
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
Still thinking about how Stars managed to get 8 wickets last night as the hurricanes just threw their wickets away
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unluckiestmember · 2 months
Hey so I LOVED your X-Men x sweetheart reader and I was wondering if you could do a similar head cannon of X-Men x kind reader but their reaction to you being good with kids. I just feel like they would have various opinions or feeling if they saw you interacting with a child.
Coming right up!
X-Men '97 X Compassionate! Reader
Characters: Nathan Summers/Cable, Scott Summers/Cyclops, Jean Gray, Remy LeBeau/Gambit, Rogue, Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Morph, Logan/Wolverine and Jubilee.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: So how did you guys feel about Deadpool and Wolverine?
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“Well would you look at that! Seems someone knows how to get along with the kiddies… Oh don’t mind me, keep playing.”
Cable isn’t used to hanging out with children or being around them due to his workload, but he does enjoy the presence of kids that look up to him. He hasn’t really thought about wanting kids because of his fear that the disaster of a future he’s from would be too harsh for a child to be raised, let alone he is scared that something will happen to them.
However, when he sees you being so compassionate with children, it makes him reconsider a little bit! The sight of you and the kids at the local shelter on his base laughing and playing together makes his heart sour. Whenever he finds himself down in the dumps and needs a good boost or reminder of what he’s fighting for, he will just watch you and the children happily running around and realize why he’s the famous freedom fighter the young ones and yourself admire.
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“Huh, you’re a natural at this! Makes me wonder how things would be when you become a parent of your own kid.”
When he sees you taking care of children on and off missions, Scott can’t help but stand and watch you with the biggest smile tugged on his lips. The sight of you all happily living your lives without a care in the world makes him remember the civilians he is fighting for. And more importantly, it makes him think of giving the family thing another shot!
Can you blame him? The way you are with children makes him daydream a perfect life away from the mansion raising a family together and properly being there for your child. Though there is hesitance to it all due to the result of Nathan and his last relationship, if you assure him, then he will definitely try to be a father again. Because with you by his side, can he really fail again?
Jean Gray
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“Aww! Are you playing nice? Mind if I join in? I’m sure they would love to see my powers in action.”
Jean has thought of having a family with you when everything is settled down. So before she can have this ideal world of raising a kid with the love of her life, she can get a peek into a potential future in the brief moments of you caring for children, mutant or human. Whenever she sees you taking care of a child, usually during a mission, she will assist you in any way and naturally take up a mother role she’s used to having around the mansion.
The team can always find you two trying to make sad or distraught children on missions turn their frowns upside down with some powers or just speaking to them and making sure they are heard. You and Jean are definitely the go to for young ones, and if you both around children confirms anything, it’s that you two would be great parents someday.
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“Look at you all go! Mind if Gambit takes a stab at this, mon amour? I’m sure I can win their hearts. I won yours, didn’t I?”
Gambit is used to dealing with the younger folk of the world because of his time around them back home. So when he’s around children, he can easily adapt to them by playing some mindlessly fun games, pulling off tricks with his cards or telling some jokes. That’s not surprising though. What’s really surprising is him finding out you’re a pro when it comes to little kiddies!
When he found out you were a natural, he was beyond impressed by you and even let his mind wonder on a more intimate possible future down the line for the both of you. Around children, he’ll have you both as a package deal with you as the caring caretaker and him as the funny guy who will not hesitate to flirt and send signals your way in front of the kids. With how much he’s flirted with you, the kids always mistake you two for a married couple! A married couple… That doesn’t sound half bad.
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“You got these kids all excited, running and screaming like a bunch of baby banshees! You’re a natural, babe!”
Rogue wasn’t a big kid person on missions. She simply gets the job done and if there are children that need assistance she leaves it to someone who can be more intimate without fearing they’ll hurt them. She stayed this way until you showed off innocently how well you were with younger civilians.
At first when the mission called for dealing with kids, Rogue watched you from the sideline in silent awe of your tender love and care for children that were distraught or needed a distraction. Yet with time, simply watching you gave her the courage to join in and actually help out by giving out free rides on her back or showing off her immense strength. Together you two are a happy fun couple kids love to be around as much as Rogue just loves being around you. Now whenever there’s a mission with the young ones, she’s more than excited to tag along with you and live in the moment.
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“May I cut in? I can play a mean game of tag!… Really?! Then round up the kiddies because I’m it!”
Because of Genosha, Nightcralwer is just as good with children as you are! He enjoys his time with the little ones around town or during stakeouts because of how accepting they are of him and how much their laughter fills his heart with joy. Now mix your own laughter in because of your handling with them and the blue devil was sure he was getting a slice of heaven.
The both of you are so well together and with others that the team delegates you both to taking care of the children on missions and making sure they’re okay. Around you both, the kids can expect a bunch of games to be played and a lot of memories to be made. Whenever a mission calls for babysitting, Nightcrawler knows exactly who to call on to assist him in having a little bit of fun on the job!
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“The future of mutants is bright if you’re around to bring such laughter and happiness.”
Though Erik has children of his own, he’s pretty subpar for a caretaker let alone a babysitter of mutant children. He tries his best of course, but the lack of fatherhood he was allowed made him a bit rough around the edges. Luckily he can depend on you to pick up where he lacks and he thanks you deeply for that.
Everytime he takes a moment to look at you with kids just minding your own business and being giddy without a care in the world, it makes him wonder if he’d be open to trying to raise a family once again. He knows with age and with the weight on his shoulders, it may be harder for him. But if you’re by his side, he wouldn’t mind giving it another try and stepping up to the plate to be a better father than he ever was for Wanda and Pietro.
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“Hey, if the kids want to see a few tricks, send them my way, alright? I can throw them for a loop and think there’s two yous running around!”
Morph is decent with children, but they mainly leave that kind of work to you. When it comes to the more emotional attachment, they need a bit of work on that, but if you’re talking tricks and jokes? Then they are the right person to work with on missions dealing with kids!
They use your connection with children to playfully throw you for a loop by shapeshifting into someone and tricking you a lot just to get some laughter in the air. Most of the time he succeeds but there have been a few times where both of you just team up in some funny interactions that are bound to leave the children happy in your presence. Honestly, Morph wouldn’t care so much, but since you’re around? They don’t know- You just bring out that side of them! And they kind of love it!
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“Of course you’d be good with the children, what did I expect?… Don’t mind me, I’m just keeping watch. Have fun.”
Children and Logan don’t mix that well. He just finds it annoying to babysit when he already does that with the teenagers at the mansion. Add that with some crying, whining and begging and he becomes pretty livid. Which is why he doesn’t like missions that deal with kids. That is, unless you’re there to help him out.
He finds your handling of children to not only be a big help for him but also a nice change of pace. It’s adorable seeing how kids easily gravitate towards you and how you let them do whatever they want. Whenever they have you pinned down in a game or surrounded, Logan can’t help but laugh at the cute little ambush before he breaks everything up. He doesn’t like kids and he still can’t stand them. But you make them more bearable, so there’s always that!
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“Hey, babe! Send the kids over here- I’m gonna do a mad fireworks show for them!”
Jubilee is, surprisingly enough, really good with kids! She’s a lot like a cool aunt to your nurturing parent bit! She thinks it’s cute that you’re good with children and even compliments you around them when she’s not busy with other kids on a mission. The firecracker can rely on you to assist her or even stop her from making whacky moves that could get some children hurt out of pure excitement.
It’s not hard for everyone to know you two are a couple because of how much she calls you by pet names or makes fireworks that send signals to you if not make some look like you. It’s awfully sweet of her and it makes you comment that not only is she a great girlfriend, but she’d also make a great mom. Though, it’s highly recommended to hold that because if Jubilee hears you speak of motherhood, she’ll cringe at the thought. She likes kids, don’t get her wrong! But she could never be a mom!
If you got any requests for X-Men '97 or Arcane, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
795 notes · View notes
seanfalco · 1 year
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Commissioned the talented @imrights for some art of Nathan and Win and I couldn’t be happier >w< 💚
22 notes · View notes
Straight Outta Czechoslovakia | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’ verse
An oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 5,3k
Warnings: Strong language, smut
a/n: Happy holidays everyone! So we decided to do some seasonal fics for our favorite timeline anomaly causing deviants. We have a couple of Christmas ones coming soon, but for now... Happy Hanukkah my dear mutuals and readers.
"My dad is very excited to celebrate with us, he hasn't done this in a really long time so please just... don't do anything stupid," Lydia asked, handing each of them a blue kippah. "And keep these on." 
"As if we ever do stupid stuff..." Nate scoffed.
“D’yeh put this on your head? How d’yeh keep ‘em on?” Nats asked, turning the kippah over in his hands.
"Yeah, let me do it," she grabbed a couple of hairpins to keep them in place with all the curls. "You're gonna like it, it's exciting, and the food is amazing."
“I’m so excited,” Win exclaimed. 
“And hungry,” Nats added, grinning as he bowed his head for Lyds to affix his kippah. 
"Of course you're hungry, like always," Lydia laughed, pinching his cheek. "But I'm excited too, It's been ages since I've been there... you all look amazing."
“She's right, you look rather handsome,” Winnie murmured, looking Nate up and down as she took his arm. She was wearing a surprisingly modest outfit for the synagogue. 
"You two are still hot, even with all the coverage," he tugged at her blouse to look at her chest. "No bra! Oh, I like that..."
“Hands off,” she hissed, smacking his hand away, though she wore an impish grin.
"What? It's alright, you're my wife!" He tried not to laugh. "It's not wrong t'do this, I'm just checkin' on the goods."
"They'll still be there when we get home," Win laughed. 
“Is there anythin’ important we should know?” Nats asked, gingerly touching the top of his head as he straightened to make sure the skull cap wouldn’t come off. 
"Hmm no, it's pretty simple. We'll just watch the service, light the candles and enjoy the party," Lydia took his hand as they headed to the door. "Dad asked us to meet them there." 
"C'mon, let's go meet mum and dad," Nats exclaimed, pulling Lydia along with him.
The walk to the synagogue would be a little longer, so they decided to take the car, which ended up being a fifteen minute drive. 
"Shalom!" Charles held his arms open when the quad arrived. Simon and Alisha as well as Linda were already inside.
"Shalom!" Win exclaimed, hurrying to embrace her father-in-law. "It's so good t'see everyone."
"We missed you," Nate joined the hug, always happy to see him. "Thank you for invitin' us!" 
"Of course! Are you kidding me?" He laughed.
"We're excited to celebrate with you," Nats exclaimed, slinging his arms around Charles. "Plus Lyds said there's gunna be some kick arse food later."
"Oh, I was sure that you'd be looking forward to that," he chuckled. "Yeah, I even made challah, lots of it." 
"Daddy! I miss your challah so much..." Lydia groaned. 
"I know, that's why there's a basket full of them at home, all for you guys." 
"Shall we get inside?" Win suggested, eager to see what the synagogue looked like.
"This is where we separate," Lyddie gently kissed each of her husbands and took her wife's hand. The interior of the building was quite beautiful, grandiose but without being too flashy. "Women on this side, men on that side. We'll see you at dinner." 
"Wait! We can't sit with you?" Nate frowned. 
"So sorry, babe, it's tradition."
"Ha ha," Win joked, sticking her tongue out at them as she followed Lydia. 
"That's okay, we get t'sit with dad," Nats said.
"And Barry! That's pretty nice, quality man time," Nate flexed his biceps dramatically. "It's been a while ey?"
"Some people say they do that to prevent people from being distracted, but you're so distracting to me..." Lyddie whispered in her wife's ear. 
Win smirked at her words. “Don’t worry, I’ll try not t’be too distracting,” she teased as they took their seats with Linda and Alisha. 
As Nats took his seat he glanced across the aisle to where his wives were seated and blew them a cheesy kiss.
"I'm sure you'll all be quite distracting later at dinner..." Lydia giggled quietly, pretending to catch her husband's kiss and bring it to her lips before drawing a heart in the air with her fingers. 
"It's really impressive and kinda sickening how clingy you are still, after what? 10 years of marriage?" Simon smiled as Nate winked at his wives. 
"What? You and Alisha are having issues?" Charles asked. 
"Yeah, I guess you can say so, but not marriage issues."
“What kind of issues?” Nats asked, shifting his glance to Alisha.
"We've been planning for a baby, it's been years," Simon explained quietly. "Now that we're actually trying, we're not having any luck." 
"Baby? Jesus, we're too young for that!" Nate yelped. 
"Nathan, we're 33."
“Oh, right,” Nats mumbled. “When you’re immortal time kinda loses meanin’.”
"Don't worry, Si, it can take time," Charles murmured as the service began. "And you're still young, despite what you say. It'll work out."
Once the service began, Win listened raptly, holding Lydia’s hand. It had been many years since Lyddie had last been there, but it felt like she never left. The prayers were still deeply rooted in her brain and she found that comforting.
Nats, on the other hand, tried to pay attention, but his eyes kept slipping to the girls while his thoughts kept returning to what Simon had said. Would the girls ever want children?
After lighting up the candles, men and women were allowed to mix again for the party. There were kids running around and spinning dreidels, the teens were isolated mingling amongst themselves, and everyone else was talking, eating, and dancing. 
"What's that face?" Lydia asked, noticing how distant Nats was.
"Hmm?" He asked, pulled from his thoughts. "Oh, just thinkin' bout somethin' Barry said, but it's not important," he added quickly. 
"What? If it's bothering you, it's important. I know you," she insisted as she made his plate, getting him a bit of everything: kugel, brisket, latkes, challah...
"It's not really botherin' me," he shrugged, not really wanting to bring up children right at the moment. "Oh my God, this all looks amazin'," he groaned, changing the subject. 
"Find us a table, I'll make Nate's and Winnie's plate so we can all sit together," Lyddie suggested, handing Nats a few chocolate coins. "Until then you can munch on the gelt." 
"Looks like you were able t'survive the service without us," Win teased, running her hands over the collar of Nate's dress shirt.
"Barely! I nearly died," he cried, throwing himself into her arms. "I can't be away from my girls for too long."
"You poor thing, you," Win laughed, patting his back soothingly. "Well, you have us now."
"Really?" He tried to get another peek at her chest, but Lydia smacked his hand. 
"Pervert!" She scolded. "Your brother is securing our table, we'll be right there with the food."
"You'll get a good look when we get home," Win promised, following after her wife while Nats sat down to save their table.
"Ooh chocolate," Nate was quickly distracted. "You look weird, more than usual, is this about Barry havin' unprotected sex with Lisha?" 
"Yeah, I guess. D'you think th'girls will wanna try for kids anytime soon?" He asked, watching his wives move across the room. 
"Them? Hell no," Nate snorted peeling the gold wrap from a coin to pop in his mouth. "They love the freedom. If they ever want kids, that's not happenin' for ten, fifteen years." 
"How d'yeh know though? What if they wanna settle down and have babies?" Nats asked, frowning as he noticed a man eyeing the girls.
"They like to travel, tour around the world, go out and drink until morning, shag all over the flat... can't do all that with babies," his twin shrugged following his brother's gaze and huffing. "Ugh, another one."
"I have a weird feeling," Lydia murmured as she got the second plate ready. "It's like a weird numbness mixed with my heart racing, I usually feel it when I'm about to-" 
"I have never seen you two before, I would remember two beautiful faces like yours," a voice like Nathan's called, but he had a different accent, English was definitely not his native language. He looked somewhere between the boys and Sean.
"Oh!" Win exclaimed, looking the man up and down. "This is my first time here," she said, letting him take her hand to kiss.
"Encounter a variant... hi, yeah, we're trying to get back in touch with our spirituality," Lydia grinned, letting him take her hand next. "I'm Lydia, this is Win." 
"I'm Eli. Nice to meet you, ladies," he certainly noticed the wedding rings, but that didn't seem to intimidate him at all. "I haven't been coming every week as I wish, but I'm happy I came today."
"A Jewish Nathan variant?" Win whispered, leaning in toward Lydia. "What are th'odds?"
"There's a priest one, I guess that makes sense," she waved at Eli, happy he didn't fluster them further, hopefully he would see them with the boys and back off. Right?
"Y'gotta be kiddin' me," Nats groaned. "Should we go over there?"
"We trust them! We trust them! I don't think we- I'll go," Nate marched across the room to make sure that bastard knew they were taken. "Hey wives, I'm kinda hungry..." 
"We're coming," Lydia laughed, giving him one of the plates she was holding. "Come on."
"It was nice t'meet you," Win said, wearing a grin as her husband pulled her away. "You're still jealous after all these years together?" She teased.
"Nice to meet you, Eli! Chag Sameach!" Lydia shouted as she followed them. 
"As long as these twats with our faces keep tryin' t'get in your knickers... yeah, I'm fuckin' jealous," Nate scoffed.
“How many times do we hafta tell you two you have nothin’ to worry about?” Win sighed. 
“At least once more,” Nats muttered.
"You have nothing to worry about," Lydia grinned. "Now let's eat, let's see how you like my ancestors' food." 
"A Jewish Nathan... what even is Nathan without religious trauma? Bein' raised with that catholic guilt is part of my charm," Nate mumbled, his mood quickly changing when he took a bite.
Win rolled her eyes, but she too moaned softly as she began to eat. 
"Oh my God, why haven't you ever made this kinda food for us before?" Nats asked, looking at Lyddie.
"To be fair, I don't know much about Jewish food, but I'm sure dad still has grandma's old cook books and I could learn," she smiled, attacking her father's challah. "I really wanna connect with my roots, both from my mum and my dad." 
"I really like this, and the rabbi seems like a nice guy, maybe we should convert," Nate suggested. 
"And have you circumcised? No way," she laughed. "Besides, you're not ready to give up bacon and cheeseburgers."
Nats winced at the thought. "On second thought, I like the beast th'way it is." 
"We can learn the recipes together," Win exclaimed, taking another bite. Though they were sitting with their husbands, she could still feel Eli's eyes on them.
"Yeah, I'd love that," Lydia agreed, also noticing how the man was still staring with a smirk. He wasn't intimidated by the husbands, he was glad the husbands looked like him. It must mean he is their type. 
"Why is that wanker still lookin'?" Nate nudged his brother's arm.
"He's definitely bolder than any of th'other... us'es," Nats muttered, shooting a glare at the other man.
"That's cause you haven't met the German bartender... I wonder how he's doing," Lydia giggled, sharing a look with Win. "When was the last time we saw him? Four years ago for B's hen party?" 
"WAIT what you talkin' about?" Nate frowned, nearly choking.
"Nothin', nothin'," Winnie was quick to say, thumping Nate on the back. 
"Lyddie!" Nats whined. "Why are we just now hearin' about this?"
"What? He's never done anything, he's just... chronically horny," she shrugged. "None of us ever slept with him, or kissed him." 
"You're bein' weirdly specific," Nate gasped. "What have you done with this fella?" 
“That sounds awfully suspicious,” Nats grumbled, picking at his food.
"We... danced with him, and it was ten years ago! So did Kelly!" Lydia yelped, carefully omitting the part when she touched his abs. "Can I remind you that you two tried to get a girl's number on your stag night? It's been ages."
“Only t’prove we could!” Nats exclaimed. 
“Well, perhaps I’ll prove I can still dance with a man and not shag him,” Win countered, standing to go ask Eli to dance.
"All Alisha saw was you hitting on a girl so we danced and- Hey! Honeypie! What about me? I wanna dance with him too," Lyddie followed. 
She always felt rather stupid, like her wife's appendage. The variants talked to her only because Winnie was there too.
"Hey, would y'like t'dance with us?" Win asked, ignoring the Nathans' incredulous stares as she stood at the edge of Eli's table.
"Won't your husbands mind?" He asked so cynically, it was clear the answer wouldn't change his intentions. 
"A dance is just a dance..." Lydia murmured, making sure her father wasn't watching. 
"Of course, it'll be my pleasure," Eli took both of their hands, heading to the dance floor. 
Win smiled at him, hoping it would drive her husbands crazy. “This is my first time celebrating Hanukkah, won’t you help make it memorable?” She asked, sharing a grin with her wife.
"Of course, making things memorable is what I do best. Too bad they are watching, I could make much better memories if we were alone," Eli teased, leaning closer so only the two of them would hear. 
“You’re terrible!” She laughed. “I’m surprised you’re still single.”
"I don't really plan on marrying, my fiancé left me during a trip, I've never seen her again," Eli sighed. "I think my chance is gone, I simply try to enjoy myself while I still can."
"Don't say that! I'm sure you'll find someone to spend your life with," Lydia said, his trick working perfectly.
"That... that fucker! He knows they're taken!" Nate growled, eating very angrily what was left on his plate.
“They’re not gunna do anythin’, they’re just tryin’ t’rile us,” Nats muttered, leaning back in his chair to watch them, though his blood boiled.  
"Well it's their loss, I could be fingerin' Win under the table and givin' Lyds sexy treats..." he grumbled.
“We could get them back by leavin’ em high and dry when we get home… but they could always just get each other off,” Nats pointed out.
"Hmmm technically yes, but I could casually have smoke and do that thing with my shirt, that would make Winnie want me specifically," Nate quirked an eyebrow. "Y'can do the same with Lyds."
Nats’ lips twitched impishly, understanding the idea immediately. “Deal.” 
“You mean, you like to flirt with every girl you can?” Win asked, leveling Eli with a knowing look.
"No, but when I see two girls as beautiful as you... I can't miss the opportunity," he grinned. "You're married, not dead. A kiss wouldn't be the end of the world, right?" 
"Kiss?" Lydia breathed, terrified when she twirled, ending up in his arms.
“As tempting as that sounds, I’m afraid we’ll hafta pass,” Winnie said, placing her hand over his mouth to prevent him from pressing his lips to Lyddie’s.
"Y-yeah, you are very handsome and your accent is adorable, and I heard you speaking Yiddish, that was..." Lydia cleared her throat. "But we really love our husbands." 
"Pity," Eli didn't seem defeated, he still had hope if they kept meeting every week or so, he was bound to be successful at some point. 
“I think we better be getting back. Thanks for th’dance,” Win said, taking her wife's hand and pulling her away.
"See you around," he winked at them discreetly, reaching for a cigarette in his pocket. 
"I was not gonna kiss him, you know that right?" Lydia whispered.
“I know, but I thought he was gunna kiss you,” she whispered back. “How mad d’yeh think the boys are?”
"He was, I was petrified," Lyddie cried. "They must be fuming right now!" 
"Oh hi, you're back," Nate leaned back calmly. "Had fun with the knockoff? He seemed handsy..."
“Almost as handsy as you,” Win quipped, perching in his lap.
"But I'm your husband, I've got rights," he whispered, kissing her neck gently before pulling back. "Don't worry though, I won't bother you today."
“Oh?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “Is this payback for dancing with Eli?”
"Maybe, maybe I'm just tired after such a long day," Nate faked a yawn. " 
“Oh I see,” she said, knowing what he was up to. “That’s alright, I’m pretty tired too,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Maybe we can take a nap together when we get back," Nate didn't back down, the way she smiled at that man still burned in his mind. 
“Sounds nice,” Win mused, turning her face into the crook of his neck, her nose brushing his throat as she took a deep breath, inhaling his scent.  
That sent shivers down his spine, but he took a deep breath, if anything she was probably just as needy. Or so he hoped.
“Have fun?” Nats asked, trying to act cool and aloof.
"Um yeah, he's very charming and it just proves that we can be around the variants and not do anything indecent," Lydia didn't want to admit she freaked out when he tried to kiss her, but she was quite startled.
“Yeah, I guess it did prove that,” he mused. “Hey Charles, can you tell us what th’meanin’ of Hanukkah is?” He asked, changing the subject.
"Well um, it's the festival of light to celebrate taking back a temple in Jerusalem that has been defiled, it's about reclaiming our faith," Charles explained, noticing something seemed slightly off.
“That’s so interesting,” Nats exclaimed, reaching for another slice of challah.
"Yeah, and after the temple was cleansed they lit a candle that should only have had oil to burn for one day, but it lasted eight days, that's why we light the menorah and celebrate for eight days," Charles added. "Is everything okay with you four?" 
"Yeah, it's wonderful," Lydia smiled.
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Nats agreed, slinging his arm around her shoulders.
"Good, that's good," Charles nodded, looking at his wife who shrugged. 
"Are you still hungry, baby? Do any of you want anything else?" Lydia asked. 
"I'm full," Nate murmured, holding Win close.
"I'm good too," she said, offering Lyddie a warm smile. 
"Me too," Nats said, though he frowned slightly. "Actually, I'd like t'dance with my wife, if that's alright," he said, taking Lydia's hand.
"Of course," she felt her heart race, there was no comparison dancing with any other man. "I hope I didn't upset you, Eli tried to kiss me... he didn't though! We rejected him."
He tensed for a moment before letting out a relieved sigh. "I'm not gunna lie, I was pretty jealous earlier, but... I know you or Win would never actually do anythin' with that prick," he admitted, taking Lyddie into his arms to sway to the music.
"Awww of course not! I never did anything bad with any of your variants... not intentionally, there was that one time in Belfast, but I thought that was you and I felt horrible," she sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. "We're you gonna tease me and leave me hanging?"
"That was th'plan, but I don't' have th'heart for that," he admitted, resting his cheek against her head.
"I didn't want to make you jealous, I thought he was nice... but I didn't want to shag him," Lyddie whispered. "But it's cute that you didn't have the heart to torture me."
"I know, th'only reason you're drawn to those damn variants is cause they look like me," Nats murmured, huffing a wry laugh. "I love yeh too much. I'm gettin' too old t'play head games."
"I love you too," she stroked his hair with a frown. "You're not old, I like your silly games and I don't want you to mature. I just want you to be you."
"Would you ever wanna have a baby?" He asked suddenly, the question bursting out of him out of nowhere.
"What? Where is this coming from?" She laughed, in contrast with how sad his previous statement made her. "I mean, maybe one day? Definitely not now or anytime soon."
Nats frowned at her reaction. "It's just... Barry said he and Lisha were tryin' for one and it made me wonder if you wanted to as well," he muttered.
"Not now... we're too young for that, I wanna go to college and do so many things before I can settle and have kids. Why? Do you?" Lydia asked.
"N-not really. At least, not yet," he admitted. "But I started thinkin', and I got worried that you wanted to and just weren't sayin' anythin'--"
"If we got pregnant by accident, I'm sure we could make it work, but I promise when I'm ready I'll let you know," she assured. "We have so much to go through before we do that." 
"Yeah, course," he breathed, relief filling him. "Hey, is that dick watchin' us?"
"Yeah," Lyddie smirked. "Kiss me, you're the only one I wanna kiss and he'll see that. But kiss me like you mean it."
Nats didn't need telling twice, dipping Lydia low and kissing her like he meant it.
"Perfect," she mumbled, definitely feeling warmer after seeing how passionate her husband was. "Wow, I think he knows now..."
"Good, cause you're mine," Nats drawled, setting her back on her feet.
"You're so sexy right now," she cried. "I really want you."
"Oh yeah? Should we go somewhere?" He teased.
"Yeah, but where? We can't fuck in a temple, that's too much even for me," Lydia mused. "Let's get outside."
"You got it, Mrs. Young," Nats chuckled, taking her hand and pulling her outside.
"Wanna get a smoke? Or would you like t'dance too?" Nate asked casually. 
"I could use a smoke, actually," Win said, slipping off of his lap. 
"Awesome," he pulled his old lighter and a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. "Did he... try anything?" 
"He went for a kiss with Lyds, but she pulled back and I put my hand over his mouth," Winnie said as she followed her husband outside, the chill of the winter air pebbling her skin. 
"In front of everyone? The nerve!" He looked back over his shoulder, spotting Eli and with a simple gesture making the chair move from under him. "Doesn't matter..." 
"Yeah, I think he might be a bigger player than you were," she said, taking a cigarette and leaning in to let him light it for her. 
Nate chuckled, but that comment somewhat hurt him. "He's older... than I was, than I am- look," he covered the flame with one hand before closing the lighter and looking up at her.
Win frowned. "I love you, you know that, right? I wouldn't have married you otherwise," she murmured, holding his gaze. 
"I love you too, it just made me feel had t'think he's more... charming or somethin'," he admitted before taking a drag and turning his head to exhale. 
"Nathan... no one's more charmin' than you," she sighed incredulously, surging forward to kiss him. 
He finally smiled against her lips, happy with her response. "The only reason we worry is cause you're both so outta our league." 
"We chose you," she whispered against his lips. "That's all that matters." 
"We're the luckiest fellas in the world. I was pretending, by the th'way... I do wanna get handsy with you and I'm not too tired," Nate breathed. 
"I know," Win laughed, dropping her half-smoked cigarette to the ground before pulling him closer and placing his hand on her chest. "How about we get handsy now?" she whispered. 
"Ooooh you're such a bad girl!" His hand slid down to her ass. "I could make us invisible and we could... have some fun." 
"Is this blasphemous?" She giggled, letting her hand slip down his chest.
"I mean... I don't think so? We're not in the synagogue, we're just next to it," he lifted her skirt pulling her knickers to the side to feel her up. 
"You're so bad," she breathed, shivering in the cold.
"You're the one who suggested it..." Nate huffed a laugh. "It's cold isn't it? Wanna do it in the car?" 
"Mhmm," Winnie shuddered. "Please? Warm me up, babe."
"Don't worry, I'll make it hot in no time," he joked, unlocking the car for them and turning the heating on before he went back to kissing her. "Better?" 
"Much better," she purred, hiking her skirt up for him. "How can I resist you?" she asked between kisses. 
"You don't," he groaned as he tried to undo his trousers and free his cock. "You surrender and I shag your brains out." 
"Is that how it happens?" She chuckled, her laugh husky as she slipped her knickers down, a little awkwardly in the cramped space.
"Exactly, can't resist your sexy husband," he slid into her, kissing her neck roughly, trying not to mark her too obviously so everyone else wouldn't see when they went back inside. 
As Nate's lips connected with Win's neck, she let out a low moan, her cunt clenching around him tighter. "I love you so much. You're so perfect."
"I love you too, you feel so good," he murmured against her skin, biting her gently. "I wanna mark you up so bad... when we're back home I will." 
"Do it," she whined. "I want them t'see. I want them t'know I'm yours," she breathed, catching his lips momentarily, sucking on his bottom lip as she pulled back.
With her blessing, Nate started to leave hickeys all over her neck and her shoulders. Everyone from their family was pretty used to seeing that sort of thing and everyone else didn't matter. 
"Feel better knowin' I'm yours?" Win asked when he finally pulled back to admire his handiwork. 
"So much better," he tried to catch his breath, the windows were steaming up and he was starting to sweat, but nothing he couldn't fix once they were done. "Y'look so hot like this." 
"Now fuck me, baby," she purred, grinning up at him, her arms snaking around his shoulders. "I wanna be full of your spunk when we go back in," she drawled in his ear. 
"You want more, do you?" He picked up his pace, thrusting with abandon and letting out all that pent-up frustration from earlier. "Yeah, y'little tart?" 
"Yes!" She cried. "You're so sexy when you're a sweaty mess," she whimpered. "I'm so close." 
"Come for me, baby, all over my cock," he breathed, ready to blow as well. "Milk daddy's cock." 
Win threw her head back in the cramped space as she came, her nails biting into Nate's shoulders. "Oh fuck, baby!" 
"That's it... You're so good t'me," he huffed, climaxing only a few seconds after and nearly collapsing on top of her. "I love you so much." 
"I love you too, baby. More than anyone in th'world. Well, other than Nats and Lyds," Win chuckled. "I think I worked up an appetite after that. Shall we go back in?" she asked, running her fingers through his curls to push them from his sweat slicked forehead. 
"Yeah, let me fix this mess, get us presentable again," Nate used his magic to get them dry and make the clothes brand new. "There we go, let's get in there." 
"I'm glad you don't wanna play this mind game, too bad about the hours of teasing I'd happily endure," Lydia giggled, leaning against the wall once they were out of the building.
"You're terrible," Nats murmured, pressing her up against the wall, his hand slipping up the outside of her thigh. "We can always go back to th'teasin'."
"I think it's a little late for that," she took her knickers off from under her dress and handed them to him. "I'm already very horny."
He laughed, balling up her panties and stuffing them in his pocket. "How would y'like it if as punishment I didn't give these back once we're done?" he teased, freeing his cock and hiking her leg up to slide into her, making sure no one could see them.
"I think that's very interesting... I like your ideas," she moaned, holding onto him for support. "Oh, I really needed that. I needed you."
"Yeah? I needed you too, so fuckin' badly," he groaned, wasting no time in thrusting into her roughly, setting a quick pace.
"I don't like making you jealous, but you fuck me so good when you're jealous," Lydia wrapped her arms around him tighter, seeking his lips.
Nats moaned into her mouth, chasing his pleasure, one hand slipping between them to circle her clit with his fingers.
"Oh! Natty, I'm getting close! Keep going, just like this," she gasped, urging her husband to look at her. "I wanna see you when you fill me up, daddy, please?"
He pulled back, pressing his forehead to hers, panting hard as he fucked her, feeling his balls clench before spilling inside her.
She came almost instantly as he filled her, that sensation never failed to make her melt in his arms and explode with pleasure. "Feeling better? I sure am..."
"You know it, Lollipop," Nats sighed, pulling out. "I love yeh so much."
"I love you too," Lydia fixed her hair and her dress before stealing another kiss. "This is how it's supposed to be, I'm happy like this."
"Yeah, me too," he agreed, tucking himself back into his pants and letting the glamour around them disappear. "Wanna go back in for the rest of the celebration?"
"Yeah, I think we better," she grinned, taking his hand. "I definitely need to replenish my energies after all of this dancing and shagging."
"Me too, I'm starvin' all over again," he laughed, noticing the way the windows on their car were fogged up.
"Looks like our other halves also decided to make up," she smirked, opening the door to get inside.
"Sure does," Nats chuckled, his hand slipping down to the small of Lydia's back as they reentered the synagogue. 
"Perfect," Win exclaimed, letting Nate help her out of the car and back inside.
"There you are!" Charles cheered when the four of them finally met again at the table. "Had fun?" 
"Lots," he smiled triumphantly.
Win adjusted her cardigan, but there was no way it was going to cover all the dark hickeys Nate had left behind.
"Nice," Nats murmured, eyeing her neck.
"Thanks," Nate high-fived his twin. "It's an art." 
"Pervert..." Lydia laughed quietly, munching on her sufganiyot.
"I'll be right back, gunna grab some more food," Win murmured, rolling her eyes. 
Up at the buffet table, she ran into Eli who looked her up and down, an eyebrow raising at the state of her neck. "You look like you had a good time. I was surprised earlier, women usually like me." 
"Yeah well, your face is nice and the rest of you is too, but... You're not them," Lydia joined them, grabbing some grape juice for herself.
"You're definitely good lookin', but we're happily married," Win said apologetically.
"I can respect that, but if you ever change your mind... you know where to find me," Eli gave them one last look before joining his brother at the other side of the room. 
"Wow, he's insistent!" Lyddie breathed. "Kinda hot, but I love our little morons."
"Me too, I wouldn't want anyone else," Winnie sighed, gazing across the room at their husbands.
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
arda x turkish!reader? maybe comofrting him after the loss or something
After the heartbreaking defeat for Turkey in the quarter finals, Arda finds comfort in his partner.
Arda Güler x turkish! reader
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The atmosphere in the stadium in Berlin was electric as Turkey faced off against the Netherlands in the quarter-finals of Euro 2024.
From my seat among Arda's family, surrounded by a sea of Turkish flags and jerseys, I watched intently as the game unfolded.
In the 22nd minute, Arda made a breathtaking dash towards the goal, weaving past Dutch defenders with skillful precision. With a thunderous strike, he aimed for the top corner, but Verbruggen, the Dutch goalkeeper, defied gravity with a spectacular save.
The collective gasp from the stands mirrored my own disappointment.
"He was so close!" Arda’s sister exclaimed, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.
"He'll get another chance," I reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Arda's influence on the game was evident, and in the 35th minute, we erupted in jubilation as Samet Akaydin capitalized on Arda's brilliant assist to give Turkey the lead.
Arda's sister clutched my hand tightly, her eyes shining with pride for her brother's contribution to the team's success.
"That was amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. " His assist was perfect!"
As the game progressed into the second half, tensions rose once more. In the 56th minute, when Arda was fouled by Nathan Aké,
I gasped in concern, my hand flying to my mouth. "Is he okay?" I asked, my eyes glued to Arda as he got back on his feet.
"He looks fine," Arda's sister replied, watching as Arda lined up for the free kick. When his shot hit the post, I groaned softly, my disappointment evident. "So close," I murmured, shaking my head.
The game took a turn in the 70th minute when the Netherlands equalized, and in the 76th minute, Turkey conceded an own goal, leaving the turkish fans in stunned silence, and giving the dutch a 2-1 lead.
The Turkish team was visibly shaken by the own goal, and I could feel the disappointment radiating from the players.
Arda's sister sat back in her seat, her hands covering her face in disbelief. I put a comforting arm around her shoulders, feeling the weight of the moment.
With time running out, Turkey pushed forward relentlessly, desperate to level the score. Arda, determined to redeem himself, tried again to hit the goal.
His shot sailed towards the top corner, but the Dutch goalkeeper managed a miraculous save, denying Turkey a goal once again.
"I can't believe it," I murmured, my voice trembling with emotion.
As the match entered extra time, the atmosphere was charged with tension and anticipation. Turkey continued to press forward, but the dutch defense held firm. Despite their relentless efforts, they couldn't find the breakthrough they desperately needed.
The final whistle blew, signalling the end of the match, and therefore also the end for the turkish team in the Euros 2024.
"They fought so hard," I said quietly, my voice filled with pride despite the outcome.
"They did," Arda's sister agreed, standing beside me. "Arda played his heart out."
Together, we joined Arda's family as they waited outside the stadium. When Arda emerged, she embraced him tightly, her emotions raw. "You did your best, Abi," she whispered.
Arda hugged her back, his own emotions evident. "Thanks" he replied hoarsely, his voice filled with gratitude.
When he approached me, I could see the apprehension in his eyes, fearing my reaction to the loss.
"Arda," I called softly, stepping forward and enveloping him in a comforting embrace. "Seni çok gurur duyuyorum."
He hesitated for a moment, then buried his face in my shoulder, his body trembling slightly with emotion.
"I'm sorry" he murmured, his voice choked with tears. “I really wanted us to win“
"You played with heart and determination," I reassured him, gently stroking his back. "You gave everything out there. That's all anyone can ask for"
Arda pulled back slightly, searching my eyes for reassurance. "I thought you would be upset" he admitted, his voice wavering.
I shook my head, cupping his face in my hands. "I could never be upset with you, Arda. Bizi gururlandırdın," I said earnestly, my own voice thick with emotion.
He managed a small smile through his tears, his gratitude evident. "Teşekkür ederim," he whispered, leaning in to kiss my forehead tenderly.
"Come with me," I suggested softly, taking his hand in mine. "Let's go somewhere quieter."
Arda and I walked silently to the parking lot, his hand tightly holding mine as if afraid to let go. The stadium lights cast long shadows across the pavement as we made our way to the car, the air thick with unspoken emotions.
In the quiet of the car ride, Arda's grip on my hand remained firm, his eyes occasionally glancing over with a mixture of sadness and gratitude.
"Seni seviyorum askim, " he murmured softly, breaking the silence, his voice laced with emotion.
I smiled reassuringly, feeling the weight of his gratitude. "Seni seviyorum," I replied tenderly, emphasizing my unwavering support.
Arriving at my hotel, we ascended to the room in solemn silence. Inside, I turned on the TV, seeking the comfort of a movie to distract us both.
As we settled into the couch, Arda lay his head on my chest, his body draped over mine, seeking comfort in our closeness. I ran my fingers through his hair, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
"You did amazing, askim. I'm so proud of you," I whispered, my voice soft and soothing. "You're my hero, and you'll always be. No matter the outcome, you'll always have my support and love."
Arda sighed contentedly, nuzzling closer to me. "I needed to hear that," he murmured, his voice filled with emotion.
"I'll always be here for you," I continued, my fingers tracing gentle patterns on his back. "You can always count on me, Arda. I believe in you more than anything."
As the night progressed, the tension from the match slowly dissipated.
Wrapped in each other's embrace, we eventually drifted into a peaceful sleep, the weight of the day's events easing with every steady heartbeat.
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callsign-bubbles · 5 months
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the lonely letters. dr ashon crawley. 2020.
credits - nathan danette / unknown / kevin shea / zac bondurant / nathan danette / mapleleafs on x / mark blinch / graig abel / keith srakocic / bruce bennett / bruce bennett / john dunn / bill streicher / mark blinch / TSN / sportskeeda / sportsnetwork / lance mcmillan / frank gunn / kevin sousa / NHLI / frank gunn / klaus andersen / john e. sokolowski / wikipedia / google search results / Gotta See It: Tavares scores in OT to win Maple Leafs first playoff series since 2004
a little playoff hype hope for our boys! i have so much faith in this team and i believe in us all the way :)
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sluts4matt · 6 months
Can you do one where y/n is inlove with nate since she was 14 but she's the sturniolo tirplets little sister and her best friend is in love with nate now she's 19 and still in love with him, she is dating this bot but he's not so nice to her and nate gets mad at him and one night y/n gone to nate while he was in LA and tells him that her boyfriend broke up with her because she didn't want to lose her virginity to him, nate is there for her so she kisses him realizing she betrayed her friend and brothers but nate tells her he likes her back they go on a couple of dates and 8 mouths later y/n loses her virginity to her high school crush meanwhile they have sex y/n best friend comes over and her best friend and her brothers didn't know they were dating till they hear her moan/or nate and y/n feels like bad friend but none of them actually care
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pairing: nate doe x sls!erika sturniolo
summary: she had hidden her feelings away for years, but with growing up and toxic relationships it was all starting to resurface.
warnings: none
word count: 1631
authors note: a miniseries, whaaat. i am so fucking sorry this took me as long as it did @mssturniolo, next chapter in a few days most likely.
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having feelings for your brothers' best friend had always been a no go. or at least that's what the movies always taught me, i found myself loving the trope from a young age, before i truly understood what liking a boy meant.
now i know, and am in fact involved with the same beloved trope of all of my favorite movies.
the feeling was planted when I was fourteen, my mom and brothers brought me to watch a friends hockey game. his blue eyes and blonde curls captivated me basically immediately. of course, i knew about the infamous nathan doe, he had been nick, matt, and chris' best friend since middle school.
i just hadn't had an actual conversation with him until he skated up to our area. nick, matt, and chris had all been freshmans' in high school while me and nate were still stuck in the eighth grade.
he had skated right up to us, the biggest smile i had ever seen, which i had thought was impossible because of the contagious one chris almost always wore. "hey guys'," he grinned, "hey erika," he said, the name falling from his mouth as if he had spoken it a thousand times before.
my cheeks flushed as i nodded and gave him a small wave. the butterflies felt instant and like they weren't gonna go away. the buzzer rang, signaling for everyone to get in their positions.
we watched as nate skated away on the ice, the silver blade of his ice skates carrying him away. "always such a sweet boy," i heard my mother marylou state from beside me.
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after watching the game and watching nate score the winning goal, we all made our way out of the arena, nate quickly joining us. he swung an arm around chris' shoulder as he fell in stride beside me.
"you guys did good," i state, ignoring the heat i felt going to my cheeks. "yeah?" he asks, his boston accent thick, and i can tell he wants me to keep talking. "yeah, it was pretty impressive," i say. "im glad you thought so," he replies, and his smile is even wider now.
i feel my face heat up more as the words 'he's talking to me!' repeat in my head. "you guys staying the night?" he asks, turning to the three boys who all looked basically identical.
"can we?" the three of them ask, practically jumping up and down. "of course!" marylou answers, and the four of them start cheering.
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my alarm blared, bangs coming from my door. "hurry up erika," i could hear nicks agitated voice, "you're gonna make us late," he continued with a groan.
i looked over at my phone, seeing that my alarm had been going off for ten minutes now. a gasp left my lips as i got up, frantically moving around my bedroom.
i pulled the first clothes from my drawers that my hands landed on, pulling my pajamas off and replacing them. i quickly put on deodorant and brushed my teeth before brushing through my hair. i applied a few layers of mascara to my eyelashes, watching the black envelop them and make them longer and bolder.
i heard nick groan once again, as i walked to my door. i opened it being met with his eyes staring down at me, "what's the point of an alarm if you don't wake up to it?"
"hurry up," chris sang from the bottom of the stairs, "we have to go get nate."
a smile was brought to my lips, before i quickly replaced it. nate and i had gotten closer in the past two years, most of our freshman classes were with each other so we grew accustomed to each other's company.
he always came to our house after practice or games, sometimes he would just show up unannounced to hang out, typically with the boys, sometimes me if they were busy.
he was an incredibly sweet person, he was always helping around the house and never expected anything in return. he was also extremely funny and had a great sense of humor and could make even the toughest situations funny.
"bye mom," the four of us stated, walking out the door. me and nick got in the back of the van while matt and chris sat in the front, matt being the driver.
nick started a conversation with the three of us, one that i mostly tuned out, only catching a few words here and there. the drive to nates house was short, like always.
matt parked by the curb and i watched chris pull out his phone to send nate a text. not even a minute later nate was walking out of his front door, a black baseball cap sat backwards on his head, his blonde hair peaking out slightly.
he wore a grey sweatshirt and black jeans, a bag slung over his shoulder. a wide grin appeared on his face as he saw the car, running and throwing himself into the back.
"morning," he smiled towards us all, scooting in beside me. "morning," we all mumbled, giving tired smiles. "why are you so happy," nick grumbled, leaning his head against the window.
"because we get to go to school, where they'll teach us, and fill our heads with knowledge," he said, grinning. "okay, now the truth," i giggle, poking his side.
his hand grabbed my finger, holding it. a smile stayed on his face, as his thumb grazed over the back of my finger, sending goosebumps up my arms. "i just have a good feeling about today," he answered. "okay psychic," chris joked, not taking notice to nate's hang wrapped around my index finger.
"well im glad you're so happy," matt added, smiling at nate. "are you guys excited for homecoming?" nate asked, looking at us. "no," me and matt respond at the same time, neither of us were one for big crowds and god knew that's what homecoming would be.
chris and nick on the other hand, had already bought tickets and were planning their outfits. chris was planning to take some girl named juliette while nick was trying to figure out how to ask his best friend to go as friends.
no one knew who nate was going with, at least not me. he didn't talk about it much in all honestly, today had been the second time i've heard anything from him about it in a month.
"who are you taking again?" chris asked, turning back to the three of us. "ava," nate smiled, causing my heart to drop. ava michaels was pretty, i had always envied her.
the way her skin looked flawless and clear all the time, her clothes, everything. her eyes were a deep blue color, and her hair was a dark brown color, almost black. her lips were plump and naturally pink, she was known as one of the prettiest girls in our school.
"lock it down bro, we'll be popular forever," nick joked. "it's not a date," nate chuckled, "just friends," he added, causing me to let out a breath i hadn't realized i was holding.
out of the corner of my eye, i could see nate look over at me, though i chose to ignore it. the rest of the drive was silent, except for the occasional joke or two.
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when we finally arrived, matt parked the car in his original parking slot, putting it in park before he turned the key over, shutting the ignition off.
the four of us unbuckled and exited the vehicle, following the stream of kids entering the school.
the day seemed to move by in a flash, and i had found myself in the library, sitting next to nate, waiting for the bell to ring so the librarian could tell us what our english teacher had planned.
"did you do the homework?" i heard nate whisper. i looked over at him, his head was laying down on his crossed arms. "yes," i state, already pulling the paper from my bag so he can copy the answers.
i watched his eyes widen slightly, before a small smirk fell onto his lips. he sat up, scooting his chair closer to mine. his knee brushed against mine as he copied the answers, the touch sending a shiver down my spine.
he was close enough that i could smell his cologne, and i had to admit that i liked it. "thanks," he whispered, putting his paper away as the librarian began speaking.
"welcome, welcome, mrs. wilson called out sick very last minute, not giving us time to find a substitute," she explained.
"so instead you all will be working with a peer partner, groups of two, mrs. wilson says she doesn't mind who you work with as long as you're quiet and respectful," she finished, a smile appearing on her face.
"any questions?" she asked, but no one raised their hand. "perfect," she grinned, "get in groups of two," she said.
"hey partner," nate grinned, and the butterflies in my stomach erupted. "hey," i smiled, feeling a blush fall onto my cheeks. "so what do you wanna do?" he asked, his knee bumping into mine again, this time purposefully.
"shakespeare?" i suggest, and he nods, a smile on his lips. "what's your favorite play?" i ask, pulling out a sheet of notebook paper. "romeo and juliet," he smiles, making me smile as well.
"i knew you were basic," i joked, and his jaw dropped. "im not basic," he defended, a fake gasp escaping his lips.
i laughed, rolling my eyes as i wrote the title of the play on the paper. "we could compare and contrast the original play with the movie," he suggested, and i nodded, writing.
"good idea, let's start."
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @lily-strnlo @etvar12 @iloveurgf @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolho @mayhem-72 @nicksmainbitch @sturniolowhore @imwetforyourmom @novasturniolo03 @catalina-island @stars4chratt @gbaabyyyy @monkeyscientist22
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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