#National Brisket Day
rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Brisket Day
Take the plunge and try your hand at making one of the more complicated but also most delicious cuts of beef, the ever-popular brisket.
The word primal has many meanings, but all of them come back to one meaning “first.” The word speaks of the beginnings of things, from our ancient lineage as human beings, to the animalistic force that lives within each of us. Appropriate to our thinking, then is the meaning of primal when applied to cuts of meat.
The primal cuts are those that are severed from the carcass first before the smaller and less important cuts are removed. The brisket is among these cuts, and while it requires a little know-how to make it properly, when properly made it is nothing less than the choicest of the primal cuts. National Brisket Day encourages you to explore this cut and everything it has to offer.
History of National Brisket Day
Some things take time, and a good brisket is one of these. Brisket is a popular cut of meat to serve as part of any family affair, and it’s long cooking time ensures that it is a big hit when those who know how to prepare it. Brisket is a tricky meat in that it comes from the animal tough, but if you find a particularly well-marbled piece and cook it correctly, it will become fork soft and simply peel apart, making it the tenderest of tender meats. Of course, there are hundreds of variations on how to prepare brisket, including the use of various hardwoods in the grilling process to ensure a nice smoky flavor. Some people marinate them, some don’t, and many like to serve it with a sauce.
The history of brisket dates back to ancient history – practically ever since humans reared cattle. People would sacrifice their animals on special occasions and eat every part of the animal, including the brisket cut.
Texas BBQ brisket is one of the most popular ways to prepare it. Here, chefs marinate the meat for between 24 and 48 and cook it in a unique wood or charcoal-fired BBQ oven. Careless cooking often resulted in tough meat, so people developed techniques to get the most out of the cut. After all, if you could make brisket taste good, it was a great way to get delicious and cheap meat.
In the old days, you couldn’t store meat in a refrigerator. The technology simply didn’t exist. After 48 hours following the death of the animal, the carcass would begin to turn, meaning that the butcher had to cook and eat it fast.
Friday evenings, therefore, became the traditional day on which people would cook up the remaining cuts of meat uneaten and unsold throughout the week. People found that barbecuing meat and adding marinades and sauces provided the best flavor. And so the rationale for holding National Brisket Day celebrations was born.
National Brisket Day is also heavily associated with smoked meats – not just brisket. Again, butchers had to use smoking to preserve meat so that it wouldn’t go off. For that reason, they took cuts of meat, such as rib-eye or tenderloin, and put them in smoke sheds. This process killed off all the bacteria and created compounds that would inhibit the growth of harmful bugs in the future.
How to celebrate National Brisket Day
Well, it’s pretty much inarguable that the best way to celebrate National Brisket Day is to have yourself a deliciously prepared brisket.
So besides cooking a hearty brisket meal, what else can you do to celebrate brisket day?
Well, one idea is to go for a meal out at a local restaurant that still serves beef brisket in the traditional style. Ideally, you’re looking for an establishment that takes the cheaper cuts of meat and then prepares them in such a way that makes them taste far more expensive than they actually are. By going to a local restaurant along with your friends and family, you’re showing your support for everyone involved in the supply chain, from the restaurant owner to the cattle rancher.
Many restaurants make a point of serving brisket. They want to prove that it is possible to make even the cheapest cuts of beef taste amazing. They see it as a challenge. Some, for instance, use special tenderizing techniques and serve it rare. Others rely on slow cooking methods. The great thing National Brisket Day is that there are so many recipe options. Barbecued brisket is a classic, but today’s chefs are so inventive, you’re now spoiled for choice for how they prepare your meat.
National Brisket Day is also an opportunity to highlight the environmental costs of food waste. As people, we often throw away a substantial proportion of the food that we buy. The tradition of eating brisket, however, reminds us of the fact that food was a scarce commodity in the past, and that it is important to make use of every part of the animal. Throwing away food is both costly and damaging to the natural world.
So there you have it: some simple ways to celebrate National Brisket Day. What will you do?
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murderousink23 · 1 year
05/28/2023 is Pentecost Sunday 🕊🌏, National Burger Day 🍔🇦🇺, Mother's Day in France 🇫🇷, Menstrual Hygiene Day 🌏, World Hunger Day 🌏, National Flag Day 🇵🇭, Turkman Carpet Day 🇹🇲, National Brisket Day 🇺🇲, National Burger Day 🍔🇺🇲, Day of the Tree 🇻🇪
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missathlete31 · 26 days
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Glen and Brisket from Twisters movie Instagram!
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[-That's right. -I like it, man. Great job. -Thank you. FIERI: Fish and guests stink after three days. Just wait until you see what he's doing across town when we come back.]
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grodyego · 2 years
* walks out of work drenched in blood but with a paper plate stacked with smoked brisket *
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razorblade180 · 1 month
[Over a year ago]
Paimon:Why do we have so many Nymph’s Dream pieces?
Aether:I was trying to get the other set for Dehya; it clearly didn’t go smoothly.
Paimon:Should we dump these?
Aether:Nah. Some of them are actually really amazing. We’re going to the nation of hydro soon. Someone has to like it.
Paimon:Who would’ve thought we’d meet only two hydro users who didn’t care at all?
Paimon:Like….at all.
Aether:Thank you Paimon. You didn’t have to say it twice. Time for Plan C
Paimon:We had one?
Aether:Yep, right now. HEY MULANI!
Mulani: *in the distance* WHAT’S UP?
Aether:*thumbs up* And now I’m free of regret and the future burden of immediate artifact hunting.
Paimon: So what are you going to do with all the perfect Whimsy artifacts piling in because of Emilie?
Aether:…I’m not desperate yet, but maybe one day I’ll be okay having The Knave around.
Paimon:You went to her birthday BBQ.
Aether:It was for the kids and she cooks a mean brisket.
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crowcaws · 6 months
Inspired by a twitter thread i saw, I, Australian and certified dumb of ass, will now list every main American state and what I associate it with/what I think it's about/famous for WITHOUT GOOGLING. These thoughts will be stated as fact regardless of whether or not they are true.
Alabama - Banjos. Reese Witherspoon lives here. Shares a border with Florida for some reason. Fifteen people live here. I'm glad i'm not allowed to google because i feel like i'd find things i don't want to know.
Alaska - Mountains. Balto. State flower is a tree of some kind. The roads are just the tyre tracks in the snow of the vehicles that came before whispering "trust me". Kodiak is here, where Pitbull famously said 'keep fucking around, we'll be on the moon next.' I think this is where Mulder and Scully got fucked up by a brain worm.
Arizona - Desert but not the Las Vegas kind. The granyon canyon. State flower is a cactus. State bird also a cactus. Bella Swan got fucked up in a dance studio here. It seems very scenic.
Arkansas - The name of this state makes me think of rusty old utes and that's it, that's all I've got. "Pickup trucks" or whatever. Grow up.
California - The great Lucille Bluth once said, "I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona" but personally I think i'm with Michael on this one. California has Hollywood and an ok tourist beach. Green Day are from here. San Francisco seems cool though, I like how it looks like a city designed specifically to kill skateboarders and cyclists. State flower is a grand theft auto PS2 disc. Population: more than Australia.
Colorado - Mountains. Elks and Deer and Eagles and Giraffes on ski slopes. Much domestic tourism, have never once heard of anyone from outside the US specifically visiting Colorado though idk. Verdict: America's New Zealand.
Connecticut - The dry weetbix of states. I think of monopoly but I can't remember why. State flower is a dandelion that has been stepped on. Biggest export is men's office attire, specifically brown two piece suits and those short sleeve button ups. I only found out today that there's a C in the middle of Connecticut I always thought it was 'Conneticut'.
Delaware - Delawhere the fuck is this state I have no idea. Probably still cooler than Connecticut. Famous for combination fast food chains and buildings that clearly used to be a pizza hut (you can tell by the roof). Idrk what Cracker Barrel is but I can tell you the employees spawn here.
Florida - Biscayne bay. Manatees. Shaped like a sock, or something else. Famous for hotels, motels, and holiday inns. Would be a fun state if not for the fact that every politician in charge of it is fucking it up so so bad. One of the few places in the USA where you can see the Southern Cross constellation. Miami Dale forever RIP Logan Horseman.
Georgia - peaches. atlantis. brisket. no other thoughts detected, moving on
Hawaii - Famous for killing James cunt Cook which is honestly a deserved and certified W for Hawaiians. Plagued (and I do mean plagued) by tourists, including Australian Prime Ministers ignoring national emergencies.
Idaho - Sleepy. Things don't happen here but when they do they happen so much because nothing happens here. National flower is probably like a daisy or something so so normal.
Illinois - Chicago bean. It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. WatchDogs the game. Famous for girlbosses who kill their husbands. Population 11 millions.
Indiana - Rainy probably. Honestly I only remember this state exists because of Stranger Things, which I understand this is like someone saying they only remember Australia exists because of Crocodile Dundee but look. Population: At least 10.
Iowa - This is such a place to be from if you're moving to the big city because all the other waitresses at the diner back home said you got a voice worth payin for and you finally stopped letting your papa tell you what to do. Famous for crop duster planes. State flower is long grass.
Kansas - Famous for scarecrows, wheat and the like. Probably fun at Halloween actually. Great place to fake an alien sighting. I just remembered Dorothy is from here. Population: Yes.
Kentucky - Fried chicken. NASCAR. Speedway. Derby. State flower is a blown out tyre on the side of the road.
Louisiana - Very wet but in a pretty way. Birthplace of the Saxophone. New Orleans is officially the strongest reason I would ever be tempted to set foot in this country. New York wishes she was this beautiful. Famous for the Vampire Diaries spinoff The Originals.
Maine - Next to Kentucky. Lobsters are from here which means there's water, but don't ask me where. Famous for The Vampire Diaries. State flower is a rose, beautiful but generic, like a YA protagonist.
Maryland - Rural but in a manageable way. I think of letterboxes with the family last name on it. Grandmas love it here. Hairspray the musical.
Massachusetts - Ohhhh Legally Blonde. Boston. Harvarb Law. The colour brown. When pronounced it's a very nice name for a state actually.
Michigan - I reference 'can't have shit in Detroit' almost daily but I know almost nothing else about Michigan.
Minnesota - Mini Soda. Also a good state name. No idea what's here, deer or elk or beavers. There's no way to know for sure.
Mississippi - I like this state name less but only because it's hell on the lisp i battle to mask. It's named after a river. It's on the coast. Next to Pennsylvania.
Missouri - A lot of M states happening here. This place is famous for nothing. I don't know what the capital city is but it's definitely a place you move to for your job instead of like. On purpose. Population: 3 million. It's in the middle somewhere.
Montana - This state's main export is horse girls, very Saddle Club coded. It's on the Canadian border, but it shouldn't be like that. It should be in the middle. Hannah Montana's dad was all Nashville but he's basically from Toronto. Fucked up if you ask me.
Nebraska - When I think of Nebraska I think of those depressing Walmart carparks where there's nothing for miles except for the Walmart and one lady pushing a flatscreen in a trolley to the dodge ram she parked 600m away from the entrance so it won't get dinged by other car doors, because god forbid her utility vehicle show signs of wear.
Nevada - viva rock vegas (the flintstones). There's a salt lake here but NOT a salt lake city. That's somewhere else. I think there's motorsport here. NO WAIT THERE IS because i saw charles leclerc on the sphere on tv and he was so wide and i laughed so hard i choked on my own spit.
New Hampshire - What the fuck is New Hampshire that's not real. I thought it was like some beach suburb in New York state. What the fuck. Regardless. I bet you could pull up to the side of the road in New Hapshite and buy an avocado no questions asked. Probably like the USA's Byron Bay.
New Jersey - Everyone from here says it's bad. It makes me think of t shirts with a longer sleeve t shirt underneath and 2000s pop punk music. Gerard Way.
New Mexico - High School Musical is set in Albuquerque. High School Musical is also the only reason I can pronounce Albuquerque. This state is famous for High School Musical.
New York - She's talking over the rest of you and for what? Wall Street? Ugh. Kinda like the Melbourne of the USA.
North Carolina - I feel like cowbutch lesbians do numbers here for some reason. You could disappear into the hills with a woman in a tank top and assless chaps here if you were brave enough. Men do live here but they're treated like a new cast member on the fifth season of a sitcom, this one's for the girls.
North Dakota - Dakota is Carolina's femme girlfriend and they're in love.
Ohio - This is like that town in Cars that lightning mcqueen gets stuck in and the tourist cars are like oh we're only here because of a wrong turn. Yeah. You might find fireflies here though. Also Ohio is for Lovers or something.
Oklahoma - Swear word for Christians. Absolutely nothing happens here and if it does i feel like it involves chasing livestock.
Oregon - Prairies. This is where the Prairies are. Famous for the people who died while trying to be Not In Oregon.
Pennsylvania - Famous for The Office. And Dracula jokes. That's all i've got.
Rhode Island - Famous for winning Miss United States with the flaming batons routine in Miss Congeniality starring Sandra Bullock. Very small state. Possibly the smallest one but who's to say.
South Carolina - If north is for the lesbians, south is for the gays.
South Dakota - As above.
Tennessee - Country music and whiskey and line dancing, which is actually kinda hot when goth girls do it. Overall, Tennessee is the USA's answer to Gympie, which is a question that nobody asked. Overall i just think of the colour brown. Famous for Hayden Penterre. Penetentiary. Pendulum.
Texas - A South Australian would say Texas is famous for it's adorably small cattle farms. Lucky for me, i am not South Australian. This is the state that other states call redneck and racist to hide the fact that they are also redneck and racist, perhaps more so. Contains two of the main cities to name boys after. Dave Strider lives here. (Sorry for the Homestuck jump scare so late in the game.)
Utah - Salt Lake City. That bass pro shop monolith was here. In general i think of the colour orange. Home of the Hellmouth Sunbeams.
Vermont - Vermont is a state in the same way the spleen is an organ. Population: Zero.
Virginia - Is this not the same thing as Vermont?
Washington - Famous for Bella where the hell you been loca. Twin Peaks is probably set here idk i forgot all parts of the show that were not log lady. White House. Effervescent.
West Virginia - From the lyrics "Mountain mama. Take me home. Country road" we can determine that West Virginia has Mountains, Milfs, Homes, and Roads. I know nothing else about West Virginia.
Wisconsin - Wiscaaaansin. Whis-cahn-sin. There are definitely elks here. That 70's Show is set somewhere beneath the surface of this place. Population: grandparents and elk. I feel like you could get fucked up by a creature here if you're not careful. It's got trees and lakes and shit creatures love those. I think Yellowstone is somewhere around here.
Wyoming - Great lakes? Great lakes. This state is actually all lake. Idk. I like the name though, the verbiage of it all. Wyoming my way downtown. State flower is an empty wrapper blowing by down the street. Population: 800,000. Definitely a place you could go missing and never be seen again.
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therobotmonster · 11 months
And today's video is sponsored by Scentberg.
Look, we all live busy, harrowing lives, so none of us really have time to smell good. So spend your few days of vacation down in historic Scentberg, the smelliest city in the nation, but in the good way.
You'll be exposed to a variety of pleasant yet indescribable scents as you walk our well preserved cobblestone streets and are overcharged by employees of megacorporations cosplaying as local business owners. Amble down to forth street for a blast of 'Wandering Wick' or amble to the sea of "Sunset Implications", or take a deep whiff down at the bog for a frozen yogurt and a whiff of "Aural Lavender Surprise".
My personal favorite is the blasted heath above the old cemetery, with notes of pine, ash, hazelnut, caramelized sins and roast brisket.
So come on down and try a free stroll around Scentberg today, or subscribe to Scentberg by moving into one of several abandoned homes on the outskirts of town.
Now back to the video.
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 4 months
happy national brisket day
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Brisket Day
Take the plunge and try your hand at making one of the more complicated but also most delicious cuts of beef, the ever-popular brisket.
The word primal has many meanings, but all of them come back to one meaning “first.” The word speaks of the beginnings of things, from our ancient lineage as human beings, to the animalistic force that lives within each of us. Appropriate to our thinking, then is the meaning of primal when applied to cuts of meat.
The primal cuts are those that are severed from the carcass first before the smaller and less important cuts are removed. The brisket is among these cuts, and while it requires a little know-how to make it properly, when properly made it is nothing less than the choicest of the primal cuts. National Brisket Day encourages you to explore this cut and everything it has to offer.
History of National Brisket Day
Some things take time, and a good brisket is one of these. Brisket is a popular cut of meat to serve as part of any family affair, and it’s long cooking time ensures that it is a big hit when those who know how to prepare it. Brisket is a tricky meat in that it comes from the animal tough, but if you find a particularly well-marbled piece and cook it correctly, it will become fork soft and simply peel apart, making it the tenderest of tender meats. Of course, there are hundreds of variations on how to prepare brisket, including the use of various hardwoods in the grilling process to ensure a nice smoky flavor. Some people marinate them, some don’t, and many like to serve it with a sauce.
The history of brisket dates back to ancient history – practically ever since humans reared cattle. People would sacrifice their animals on special occasions and eat every part of the animal, including the brisket cut.
Texas BBQ brisket is one of the most popular ways to prepare it. Here, chefs marinate the meat for between 24 and 48 and cook it in a unique wood or charcoal-fired BBQ oven. Careless cooking often resulted in tough meat, so people developed techniques to get the most out of the cut. After all, if you could make brisket taste good, it was a great way to get delicious and cheap meat.
In the old days, you couldn’t store meat in a refrigerator. The technology simply didn’t exist. After 48 hours following the death of the animal, the carcass would begin to turn, meaning that the butcher had to cook and eat it fast.
Friday evenings, therefore, became the traditional day on which people would cook up the remaining cuts of meat uneaten and unsold throughout the week. People found that barbecuing meat and adding marinades and sauces provided the best flavor. And so the rationale for holding National Brisket Day celebrations was born.
National Brisket Day is also heavily associated with smoked meats – not just brisket. Again, butchers had to use smoking to preserve meat so that it wouldn’t go off. For that reason, they took cuts of meat, such as rib-eye or tenderloin, and put them in smoke sheds. This process killed off all the bacteria and created compounds that would inhibit the growth of harmful bugs in the future.
How to celebrate National Brisket Day
Well, it’s pretty much inarguable that the best way to celebrate National Brisket Day is to have yourself a deliciously prepared brisket.
So besides cooking a hearty brisket meal, what else can you do to celebrate brisket day?
Well, one idea is to go for a meal out at a local restaurant that still serves beef brisket in the traditional style. Ideally, you’re looking for an establishment that takes the cheaper cuts of meat and then prepares them in such a way that makes them taste far more expensive than they actually are. By going to a local restaurant along with your friends and family, you’re showing your support for everyone involved in the supply chain, from the restaurant owner to the cattle rancher.
Many restaurants make a point of serving brisket. They want to prove that it is possible to make even the cheapest cuts of beef taste amazing. They see it as a challenge. Some, for instance, use special tenderizing techniques and serve it rare. Others rely on slow cooking methods. The great thing National Brisket Day is that there are so many recipe options. Barbecued brisket is a classic, but today’s chefs are so inventive, you’re now spoiled for choice for how they prepare your meat.
National Brisket Day is also an opportunity to highlight the environmental costs of food waste. As people, we often throw away a substantial proportion of the food that we buy. The tradition of eating brisket, however, reminds us of the fact that food was a scarce commodity in the past, and that it is important to make use of every part of the animal. Throwing away food is both costly and damaging to the natural world.
So there you have it: some simple ways to celebrate National Brisket Day. What will you do?
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murderousink23 · 4 months
05/28/2024 is National Burger Day 🍔🇦🇺, Menstrual Hygiene Day 🌎, World Hunger Day 🌎, National Flag Day 🇵🇭, National Brisket Day 🇺🇸, National Hamburger Day 🇺🇸🍔
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art-of-manliness · 4 months
The Art of Manliness’ Ultimate Guide to Summer
The summer months are here, and with them, a change in mood, expectations, and itineraries. If you (and your family — you only get 18 summers with your kids, after all!) want to make the most of the season’s unique possibilities for fun and memory-making, below we offer a list of the many summer-related resources we’ve published over the years. Hopefully they’ll inspire you to throw a backyard party, swing in a hammock, take a hike, read a book on the beach, and generally enjoy the heck out of the sun-filled, laid-back days ahead. What to Wear When the weather warms up, a new set of clothes in your wardrobe gets put into rotation. It’s harder to dress stylishly in the summer than it is in the colder, layer-friendly months, but you don’t have to (only) default to t-shirts and shorts. The articles below will acquaint you with alternatives that look sharper, yet still keep you cool, and even offer some tips on how wear that t-shirt better when you do opt for it. Read these style guides to specific sartorial pieces: * Summer Smart Casual: 3 Getup Ideas for the Office, Date Night, and Weddings * The Guayabera * The Classic Camp Collar Shirt * The Polo Shirt * The T-Shirt * Khakis * The Seersucker Suit * Boat Shoes * Mohinders (My #1 recommendation for summer shoes!) * My Go-to Sunglasses for Summer And check out these overview articles as well: * A Man’s Guide to Summer Dress: Part I and Part II * Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Casual Summer Style * Summer Style: How to Dress for an Outdoor Social Event What to Do Warm weather, school vacation, and holidays like the Fourth open up new possibilities for recreation, relaxation, travel, and general mischief. If you’re looking for ideas on how to while away your summer days, or just want to better execute your excursions and adventures, consult the list below: * 18 Things Every Man Should Do This Summer * 23 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do * The Ultimate Guide to Fireworks * 10 Awesome 4th of July Traditions  * How to Make a PVC Blowgun * How to Make a PVC Archery Bow * How to Make a Marshmallow Shooter * How to Make a Potato Cannon * How to Build a Man-Sized Slip-‘n-Slide * Backpacking Basics * The Complete Guide to Hiking (And Enjoying It) * Podcast #711: How to Plan the Ultimate Road Trip * 39 Things to Do Before Leaving on Vacation: A Handy Dandy Checklist * The Complete Guide to Flying With Babies and Toddlers (While Avoiding a Defcon 1 Meltdown) * 5 Ways to Streamline Your Next Camping Trip * Podcast #895: The Essential Guide to Visiting and Camping in the National Parks * The Great American Road Trip: Thoughts on Driving Across the Country What to Cook In the summertime, you’re less inclined to heat up the house by turning on the oven, and more inclined to take your cooking outdoors. When you’re firing up the grill, you’ll want to consult these articles, podcasts, and videos to become a master backyard chef: * The Science of Grilling * Podcast #612: Grillmaster Secrets for Flame-Cooked Perfection * Podcast #720: The Secrets to Making the Perfect Burger * The 3-Zone Fire * How to Light a Charcoal Grill * How to Grill Perfect Chicken Breasts * How to Grill the Perfect Burger * How to Grill the Perfect Steak * How to Make Your Own BBQ Sauce * How to Make Your Own BBQ Spice Rubs * Smoking Meat 101 * 3 Easy Marinades for Your 3 Favorite Meats * How to Smoke Brisket * How to Smoke Baby Back Ribs * How to Smoke Pulled Pork Also be sure to check out these fun tips for leveling up your next backyard BBQ: * The Best Way to Hold a Burger (According to Science!) * The Best Order to Stack Your Burger Toppings * The Best Way to Ice Drinks in a Cooler What to Read You often have more time to read during the summer, and you may be wondering what book to pack for your upcoming trip. Any of the recommendations on our many book lists could fit the bill, but as people are often looking for something lighter… http://dlvr.it/T7WjL6
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malbecmusings · 1 year
Bellingham, Wshington
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July 25: So long Bellingham. We didn't see much, but we found a good BBQ restaurant and, most importantly, the peeps at the hotel and FBO were awesome. Gas is a little higher here at $7.20/gal but that'll look cheap compared to the prices farther north.
The first order of business after getting checked into the hotel last night was to find dinner. Shoutout to Big Stick BBQ; I'm a little too far west to find my favorite Eastern NC BBQ, but the brisket was pretty damn good. We spent a couple of hours catching up, comparing notes, and making plans, then went back to the hotel and promptly crashed.
The temperature this morning was a cool 54°. Goodbye sweating, hello down jackets. We had breakfast at the hotel (a big thank you to Danis for taking care of us early) before Jose hauled us to the Fred Meyer and to the airport. Even with shuffling 5 planes up to the pump to fuel up, we were wheels up by a few minutes after 8.
The plan was to go from Bellingham to Ketchikan to refuel before ending up in Juneau, or an alternate location if everything aligned. We skirted Vancouver and followed the Strait of Georgia north until we turned direct to Ketchikan. I've been on, and in, Puget Sound. As stunning as it is from the surface, it's insanely beautiful from the air. With the view of the vast Pacific off to port, especially breathtaking at the 140 mile-wide opening to Queen Charlotte Sound, it was easy to imagine the #NextChapter when we'll be sailing north instead of flying. (or motoring as the Inside Passage makes for terrible sailing)
Although we don't have any real use for them now, I've been teasing the Boy Scout about getting floats. All I could think about as we flew over the island-dotted waters was how sick it would be to look down, pick a spot, and land on the water. Maybe do a few dives off the floats before having lunch and flying off to find the next interesting spot. After today I don't think he needs more convincing.
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The Ketchikan International Airport is located on an island across from the town of Ketchikan, which appears to exist solely to cater to the cruise industry. Like many other towns in Alaska, Ketchikan is not connected to the rest of the world by any kind of road; it's accessible only by water or air. We topped off the tanks (11.29/gal) and continued toward Juneau.
About halfway to Juneau we passed over the community of Wrangell which lies opposite the Stikine River Delta and several glaciers formed from the Stikine Icefield. There are several National Park and State Recreation cabins available but we couldn't see any way to access them short of a boat or a float plane (hey cowboy). Flying over them confirmed they were a no go. What we did find was a multitude of gravel bars which was the perfect excuse to put the new tundra tires to work. For the most part the ground was sandy/gravel and pretty smooth but the big tires made the landings like buttah. After finding a wide gravel bar where we could park and tie down all five planes well off the water, we set up camp in the tree line overlooking the river. A few tried their hand at fishing (no luck) while the rest of us gathered firewood, did a little exploring, and chilled. A little river-bar happy hour soon commenced around the fire while we thought about what freeze dried delicacy would be on the dinner menu.
I should add here that I'm not a boy scout. I grew up sailing, not camping. Tonight's events were the most boy scout shit ever, and it was awesome. More flight-seeing, including glacier flyovers, tomorrow before we head to Juneau for a couple of days. Assuming the local bear population doesn't get rowdy in the middle of the night.
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the-choosey-begger · 1 year
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National Brisket Day
May 28th, 2022
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winterrose527 · 1 year
I had a sudden memory of two years ago when we freaked about icon Jeffrey Garten?
I was just reminded of this because barefoot contessa just posted Ina’s 2023 Rosh Hashanah menu which is a three course meal complete w/ homemade challah, matzo balls, honey cakes, brisket, etc that all, according to the article, will take three days of planning and prep and she finishes the post with a taunting “How easy is that?” And it made me laugh so much and then I thought of you!!
These kinds of asks are the reason I am still on this website.
Jeffrey Garten is a National treasure (Ina garten is a galaxy treasure).
Considering my last two times sitting on the beach were spent planning my family’s Rosh Hashanah menu with my aunt and mom I relate to this DEEPLY because they’ll fully say they hardly did anything.
Also, I’m going to be Ina Garten for Halloween and I’m considering putting a name tag on my dog calling her Jeffrey because she thinks everything I cook/bake are the best thing ever.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 4.17
American Academy of Arts and Letters Charter Day
Asia Asteroid Day
Bat Appreciation Day
Bay of Pigs Anniversary Day
Day of the Great Victory (Kampuchea)
Blah Blah Blah Day (a.k.a. Blah Blah Blah Memes Day)
Book Day (British Columbia, Canada)
Canterbury Tales Day
Children’s Protection Day (Japan)
Drunken Marathon Day
Ellis Island Family History Day
Emancipation Day (D.C.)
Equality Day (Canada)
Evacuation Day (Syria)
FAO Day (Iraq)
Feast of Random Walks
Fire Service Day (Kazakhstan)
Flag Day (American Samoa)
Ford Mustang Day
417 Day (Missouri)
Hex Sign Day
Horse Day
Hug a Cactus Day
International Day of Mastering Conversations That Matter
International Day of Peasants Struggle
International Ford Mustang Day
International Haiku Poetry Day
International Refrigeration Day
IU Day (Indiana)
Migration Service Employees Day (Turkmenistan)
National Day of Action for Higher Education
National Ellis Island Family History Day
National Go Orange Day
National Hickey Day
National Kickball Day
National 2A Day
No Limits For Deaf Children Day
Nosy Neighbor Appreciation Day
Nothing Like A Dame Day
Palestinian Prisoners’ Day
Pansy Day (French Republic)
Poetry and the Creative Mind Day
Roadway Worker Appreciation Day
Saint Grotus’s Day (Malcolm in the Middle)
Thank An Herbalist Day
Thetis Asteroid Day
Toothbrush Appreciation Day
Tortoiseshell Cat Appreciation Day
Verrazano Day (New York)
Veterans’ Day of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops (Russia)
Women’s Day (Gabon)
World Drum & Bass Day
World Hemophilia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Malbec Day (a.k.a. Malbec World Day)
National Cheese Ball Day
National Crawfish Day
Pineapple Cheese Day
3rd Wednesday in April
National Banana Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Canadian Film Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
National Early Years Teacher Day (UK) [3rd Wednesday]
National Officials Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
Purple Up for Military Kids Day [3rd Wednesday]
Transplant Nurses Day [3rd Wednesday]
Youth Homelessness Matters Day (Australia) [3rd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 17 (3rd Week)
National Pet ID Week [thru 4.23]
Independence & Related Days
Charter Day (Canada)
Mayursia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Syria (End of the French Mandate, 1946)
Virginia (Secedes from U.S.; 1861)
New Year’s Days
Lao New Year Holiday
Myanmar New Year
Festivals Beginning April 17, 2024
Bogota International Book Fair (Bogota, Colombia) [thru 5.2]
Brisket King NYC (Pig Beach, Queens, New York)
Flower Parade of the Bollenstreek (Haarlem, Netherlands) [thru 4.21]
International Istanbul Film Festival Istanbul, Turkey) [thru 4.28]
PEAK 2024 (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 4.19]
Feast Days
Aleksandr Golovin (Artology)
Anicetus, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Bean Bunny’s Day (Muppetism)
Bernat Klein (Artology)
Chariot Festival of the Rain God (Nepal; Everyday Wicca)
Columella (Positivist; Saint)
Cormac Instructions Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Donnan and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Haiku Day (Pastafarian)
Innocent (Christian; Martyr)
Kateri Tekakwitha (Canada; Christian; Saint)
Mappalicus and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Money Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Nick Hornby (Writerism)
Nimble Fairies’ Scattering (Shamanism)
Regina Ghazaryan (Artology)
Robert of Chaise-Dieu (Christian; Saint)
Sherlock Hemlock (Muppetism)
Simeon, Bishop of Ctesiphon (Christian; Saint)
Simeon Barsabae and Companions (Greek Orthodox; Martyrs)
Stephen, Abbot of Citeaux (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Thornton Wilder (Writerism)
Tinkerbell Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tom Twinkletoes (Muppetism)
Yom HaShoah (יוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה; Holocaust Remembrance Day; Judaism) [27 Nisan]
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Rama Navami (Hinduism) [9th Day of Chaitra]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 107 [28 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [17 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [14 of 30]
Bell Hoppy (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Blue Exorcist (Anime TV Series; 2011)
Box Top Robbery (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 41; 1960)
Bright Road (Film; 1953)
Bugs Bunny’s Overtures to Disaster (WB Cartoon TV Special; 1991)
By Love Possessed, by James Gould Cozzens (Novel; 1958)
Caveman (Film; 1981)
Concerto for Piano, by Emánuel Moór (Piano Concerto; 1908)
Crank: High Voltage (Film; 2009)
Den of Thieves, by James B. Stewart (Book; 1992)
Desperado, by The Eagles (Album; 1973)
A Fault in the Vault or Banks a Million (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 42; 1960)
Fetch the Bolt Cutters, by Fiona Apple (Album; 2020)
Game of Thrones (TV Series; 2011)
The Great American Melting Pot (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Heart & Soul, R&B version by The Cleftones (Song; 1961)
Hic-cup Pup (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1954)
Imitation of Life (Film; 1959)
Let’s Go (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1937)
Light’s Out (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
McCartney, by Paul McCartney (Album; 1970)
Mickey’s Amateurs (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Mother Goose Melodies (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Out of Africa, by Karen Blixen (Memoir; 1937)
The Peregrine, by J.A. Baker (Novel; 1967)
Planet Rock, by Africa Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force (Album; 1982)
Porky’s Duck Hunt (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Radio Girl (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Rocket Man, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
State of Play (Film; 2009)
Tina: The Musical (West End Musical; 2018)
The Watcher in the Woods (Film; 1980)
The White Mountains, by John Christopher (Novel; 1967) [Tripods #1]
Winner by a Hare (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1953)
A Wolf in Cheap Clothing (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Today’s Name Days
Eberhard, Rudolph (Austria)
Ilija, Inocent, Šimun (Croatia)
Rudolf (Czech Republic)
Anicetus (Denmark)
Ege, Eike, Hiie (Estonia)
Otto (Finland)
Anicet (France)
Eberhard, Isadora, Max, Wanda (Germany)
Rudolf (Hungary)
Anicet, Arcangelo, Roberto, Rondolfo (Italy)
Rūdis, Rūdolfs, Viviāna (Latvia)
Anicetas, Dravenis, Giedrius, Robertas, Skaidra (Lithuania)
Elise, Elsa (Norway)
Anicet, Innocenta, Innocenty, Jakub, Józef, Klara, Radociech, Robert, Roberta, Rudolf, Rudolfa, Rudolfina, Stefan (Poland)
Simeon (Romania)
Rudolf (Slovakia)
Aniceto (Spain)
Elias, Elis (Sweden)
Harding, Hardy, Holden, Raleigh (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 108 of 2024; 258 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 9 (Xin-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 8 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 18 Cyan; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 April 2024
Moon: 68%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Archimedes (4th Month) [Vitruvius]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 30 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 28 of 31)
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