#National Wear Purple for Peace Day
rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Wear Purple for Peace Day
National Wear Purple for Peace Day is celebrated annually on May 16. The day is not just an ordinary observance to promote peace, but it’s an extraordinary practice to entice aliens to visit Earth due to its peaceful state. Okay, first let’s just focus on promoting peace around the world. Whether the founder of this holiday is serious or not in making this event about the extraterrestrials’ visit, we human beings always long for peace, right?
History of National Wear Purple for Peace Day
The origin of National Wear Purple for Peace Day is still unknown, like aliens, but that doesn’t mean peace is. Peace is well-known. Most of us know exactly how it feels. It feels really good — no conflict and no violence. Sadly, some people in other parts of the world don’t feel the same. If you google “Is there a war going on right now?” you’ll most likely see results showing that conflicts are going on. It’s unfortunate. That’s why wearing purple for peace is a small act of advocating for peace throughout the world.
Is world peace possible? We believe it is attainable, and that it begins with us. Some people have probably lost faith in humanity, and this can hold us back. That’s because we choose to be pessimistic, but when it comes to peace, it’s better to look at it from the positive side. It may not be as easy as it sounds, but it’s worth trying. If we stay focused and restore our faith in humanity, then world peace is definitely coming our way.
World peace is a state where people in all nations experience freedom, happiness, and peace within. Who doesn’t long for such a heavenly state? No conflict, no violence, no war, and no fighting — world peace is worth fighting for. What we need to do is to create peace within by relinquishing the negative emotions such as anger and nurturing the positive ones such as compassion. If we succeed in establishing peace within ourselves, then peace will spread throughout the world. And when this happens, then world peace is gained. So, why purple? The color purple is associated with royalty, nobility, and ambition. It can also represent spirituality, wisdom, and peace.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day timeline
1901 Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to those whose lives and works are aimed at maintaining and promoting a better world.
1920 League of Nations
The League of Nations becomes the first worldwide intergovernmental organization with the principal mission of maintaining world peace.
1945 United Nations
The United Nations is founded to stop wars between nations and provide a platform for dialogue.
1960 Gandhi Peace Prize
The Gandhi Peace Prize is created to pay tribute to the modern era’s leading advocate of nonviolent resistance.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day FAQs
What is Purple Day all about?
Purple Day means increasing global awareness about epilepsy.
Is purple warm or cool?
Purple is neither warm nor cool.
What chakra is purple?
It’s purple chakra, or crown chakra, or the thousand-petaled lotus.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day Activities
Wear purple
Tell others
Maintain ours
First and foremost, wear purple as the day indicates. Show the world that you long for peace by wearing a purple suit, purple T-shirt, purple sweatshirt, or purple hoodie.
Peace is contagious. The more people know about the day and join the celebration, the more we can see how close we are to attaining the world peace that we are all hoping for.
It’s impossible to share something that we don’t have, right? So, before we can spread peace, it’s essential to first maintain peace within ourselves. That’s when it becomes contagious.
5 Facts About The Color Purple You Need To Know
Purple dye came from an accident
There’s a phobia caused by it
Two nations use purple on their flags
It symbolizes privilege
America’s oldest military award is colored purple
William Henry Perkin accidentally discovered synthetic purple dye (mauve) while he was trying to synthesize quinine.
Just like other color phobias, there is a phobia of the color purple called ‘porphyrophobia.’
Dominica and Nicaragua are the only two countries that use the color purple on their flags.
‘Born to the purple’ means born into a reigning family or privileged class.
America’s oldest military award that is still given to military members is the Purple Heart.
Why We Love National Wear Purple for Peace Day
It’s fun
Peace is needed
Purple is a nice color
National Wear Purple for Peace Day can be fun. You gather with others who are also celebrating the day and talk about how you can spread peace to others.
Peace is always needed by most of us, if not all. The day is a reminder that peace is worth fighting for and that conflict is never a fun thing.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day can be a day for those who never wore purple or didn’t have purple clothing. Wearing purple can make you stand out.
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lacroixqueen · 5 months
embers and earth ch. 1 (zuko x jin angst)
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Summary: jin finds out "lee" is actually firelord zuko, the new leader of the fire nation. angst and mental breakdown ensues
Word Count: 1.2k
Pairing: zuko x jin
Tags: angst, jealousy, yearning, prince x peasant
Author's Note: this was inspired by fan art but I for the life of me cannot find the artist's name just if you are out there just know you inspired this fic so thank u :v
Jin was absolutely furious the day that she found out. 
She remembered being over the moon the night before when the Earth King announced that the Hundred Year War was finally over. That the fire nation inherited a new leader who would forge peace between all four nations at long last. She recalled sleeping a little bit more deeply that night. A sigh of relief. A breath of fresh air. 
She even had a pep in her step when she ambled into the main marketplace of the Lower Ring in the morning. For the first time in her life, she didn’t need to worry about her safety. She remembered having to escape with her family when fire nation soldiers attacked her village when she was only a little girl. The fear in her father’s eyes. Her mother holding her tight and telling her not to make a sound when she cried. 
But today was a new day. A fresh start. 
She was picking out the ripest cabbage in the stall when she noticed a couple of Dai Li agents putting up posters around the square. She swore to herself she saw a glimpse of a face that looked all too familiar for comfort. She almost didn’t want it to be true. Because if it was, it would confirm too many questions she would stay up asking herself over and over again. 
A small crowd was already beginning to form around one of the posters. She eventually elbowed her way through and made it to the very front. And there it was. 
Firelord Zuko. Future of the Fire Nation. Forging an era of peace. 
Except it wasn’t “Zuko”, or whoever that was. It was Lee. The boy with the scar from the tea shop. She reached out reluctantly, as if she touched the poster he would come walking off the page. She placed the tips of her fingertips over the purple scar that ran across his triumphant face. 
But it’s not possible. Lee said he was of the Earth Kingdom. A traveling circus, was it? Now that she thinks of it, it did sound a little bit too barbaric to be real. But none of that mattered. 
She was fascinated by him. She hung onto his every word. Even though it’s not like he had much to say in the first place. 
After their date, she remembered how excited she was to see him again. She planned out an entire day with him in her mind, replaying the scenarios in her dreams like she was the director of a play. She recalled feeling a bit ridiculous about it, like some giddy fangirl. But she didn’t care. She had never wanted anything more in her life. 
But surprise quickly melted into confusion, which devolved into anger. 
How could he? she thought to herself, trying to piece together the puzzle but it still didn’t make any sense. 
The last time she tried to reach out to him, she burst through the doors of the tea shop, wearing her heart on her sleeve and ready to confess her undying love to him, without so much of a care in the world. But he was gone. In the blink of an eye, tossed away into the wind. 
“Where did he go?” she asked one of the workers, almost dissociated from reality. 
“To the Upper Ring,” he replied, sweeping some dust out of a corner. “His uncle got a job offer to run his own tea business. The Jasmine Dragon, was it? Yeah something like that.”
She felt her own blood run cold. She would only ever occasionally venture up to the Middle Ring, but Upper? She wouldn’t stand a chance. She would be ushered out as quickly as she came in. Not to mention she had no idea where this new store was even located. 
She was inconsolable for several days, of course, but in the back of her mind she knew she couldn’t cry forever. Because time heals all wounds, as her mother would say. 
And she eventually moved on, even though there was always longing within her that she could never quite shake. An ache that pulsated every time she remembered that she would most likely never see him again. 
Her thoughts were beginning to spiral at a rate of a million miles per second. Was he lying to her that entire time? Was that what he meant when he said “it’s complicated”? 
She paused, her entire body frozen. 
Was that how he lit up the lanterns at Firelight Fountain?
She couldn’t even process what was happening, but next thing she knew, she had already scrunched up that stupid poster, much to the crowd’s bickering and dismay, and shred it all up into several pieces. 
Tears were beginning to bud at the bottoms of her eyes. So that’s it. He was a firebender this entire time. But why lie about it? Why keep something so important from her, when he knew how much the fire nation had hurt her family.
Why was she acting like some sort of dramatic schoolgirl? It’s not like they were officially together or anything. It was just one silly date. Why did it mean so much to her anyway?
She walked briskly home, attempting, but failing horribly to conceal her tearstained face.
She opened the door to her modest home, without even bothering to close it gently, and stormed up the stairs to her bedroom. 
“Jin, were you able to get the vegetables I needed?” her mother called from the kitchen but she wasn’t even able to muster up a response. 
She flung herself onto the cot splayed out in the middle of the floor, grabbing her pillow and holding it close to her chest. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid, she kept telling herself. Why did she care so much anyway? It doesn’t even matter. None of it. 
Lee or Zuko, what difference did it make? 
He was still going to be a million worlds apart. Whether that was the Jasmine Dragon in the Upper Ring or the palace in the Fire Nation. 
She could weep and yearn for her entire life, and then what? He would just descend into the dilapidated shacks of the Lower Ring and sweep her off her feet? She knew the chance of that happening was zero to none. So why hope? Why cling onto this tiny shred of faith that had no meaning otherwise?
She played with the thought a little bit, after all, she was a hopeless romantic at heart. But the fantasy dissipated as quickly as it formed. 
It’s best to forget any of this ever happened, she decided for herself after an entire afternoon of contemplation. There’s no use in staying in the past. Besides, he probably never thinks of her these days. He’s busy running his own country, and creating a new era for the world. 
After all, why would some Earth Kingdom peasant ever cross the firelord’s mind?
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walks-the-ages · 11 months
If you are in Michigan state's 12th District, please reach out to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib to show your support!
Like and share the original speech on twitter here .
[ID: Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, a brown-skinned Palestinian American woman, gives her speech to congress. She is wearing a dark purple suit with a traditional white kufiyah around her neck. Various members of congress are in the background, many of them tearing up as her speech goes on. Partway through the speech, a congresswoman in a green suit and green headscarf comes up to hug Rashida in support as she cries during her speech, holding a framed pictured of her grandmother. end ID]
I’m the only Palestinian American serving in Congress, Mr. Chair, and my perspective is needed here now more than ever. I will not be silenced, and I will not let you distort my words. Folks forget I’m from the city of Detroit, the most beautiful, Blackest city in the country, where I learned to speak truth to power, even if my voice shakes. Trying to bully or censure me won’t work because this movement for a ceasefire is much bigger than one person. It’s growing every single day. There are millions of people across our country who oppose Netanyahu’s extremism and are done watching our government support collective punishment and the use of white phosphorous bombs that melt flesh to the bone. They are done watching our government, Mr. Chair, supporting cutting off food, water, electricity, and medical care to millions of people with nowhere to go. Like me, Mr. Chair, they don’t believe the answer to war crimes is more war crimes. The refusal of Congress and the Administration to acknowledge Palestinian lives is chipping away at my soul. Over 10,000 Palestinians have been killed—majority, majority were children.  But let me be clear: My criticism has always been of the Israeli government and Netanyahu’s actions. It is important to separate people and governments, Mr. Chair. No government is beyond criticism. The idea that criticizing the government of Israel is antisemitic sets a very dangerous precedent, and it’s being used to silence diverse voices speaking up for human rights across our nation. Do you realize what it’s like, Mr. Chair, for the people outside the chamber right now, listening in agony to their own government dehumanizing them? To hear the President of the United States, we helped elect, dispute death tolls, as we see video after video of dead children and parents under rubble? Mr. Chair, do you know what it’s like to fear rising hate crimes? To know how Islamophobia and antisemitism makes us all less safe? And worry that your own child might suffer the horrors that six-year-old Wadea did in Illinois.  I can’t believe I have to say this, but Palestinian people are not disposable. We are human beings just like anyone else. My Sity, my grandmother, like all Palestinians, just wants to live her life with freedom and human dignity we all deserve. Speaking up to save lives, Mr. Chair, no matter of faith, no matter ethnicity, should not be controversial in this chamber. The cries of the Palestinian and Israeli children sound no different to me. What I don’t understand is why the cries of Palestinians sound different to you all. We cannot lose our shared humanity, Mr. Chair. I hear the voices of advocates in Israel, in Palestine, across America, and around the world for peace. I am inspired by the courageous survivors in Israel who have lost loved ones, yet are calling for a ceasefire and the end to violence. I am grateful to the people in the streets, for the peace movement, with countless Jewish Americans across the country, standing up and lovingly saying “Not in Our Name.”  We will continue to call for a ceasefire, Mr. Chair, for the immediate delivery of critical humanitarian aid to Gaza, for the release of all hostages and those arbitrarily detained, and for every American to come home. We will continue to work for real lasting peace that upholds human rights and dignity of all people and centers peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians. And censures no one. And ensures that no person, no child has to suffer or live in fear of violence. 71% of Michigan Democrats support a ceasefire. So you can try to censure me, but you can’t silence their voices. I urge my colleagues to join with the majority of Americans and support a ceasefire now to save as many lives as possible. President Biden must listen to and represent all of us, not just some of us. I urge the President to have the courage to call for a ceasefire and the end of killings. Thank you. And I yield [the floor].
If you are outside her district, now's the time to start hounding your own representatives for supporting the punishment on Rashida for the 'crime' of speaking out against the genocide of her people
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
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Happy International Women's Day to you Sisters!
"The old threads are unraveling,
Get your needles ready.
We are stitching a new quilt
... of humanity.
Bring your old t-shirts,
worn out jeans, scarves,
antique gowns, aprons,
old pockets of plenty
who have held Earth's treasures,
stones, feathers, leaves,
love notes on paper.
Each stitch
A mindful meditation.
Each piece of material
A story.
The more colour the better,
so call in the tribes.
Threads of browns, whites,
reds, oranges
Women from all nations
start stitching.
Let's recycle the hate, the abuse,
the fear, the judgment.
Turn it over, wash it clean,
ring it out to dry.
It's a revolution
of recycled wears.
Threads of greens, blues, purples
Colourful threads
of peace, kindness,
respect, compassion
are being stitched
from one continent to the next
over forests, oceans, mountains.
The work is hard
Your fingers may bleed.
But each cloth stitched together
Brings together a community.
A world, our future world
Under one colourful quilt.
The new quilt of humanity."
~Julia Myers
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traegedys · 2 months
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࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         emma d'arcy,  twenty-eight,  non-binary,  they/them.    announcing  the  arrival  of  ARWYN  of  house  MALLISTER,  the  LIEGE  of  SEAGARD.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  ASTUTE  and  OPINIONATED  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  taking long horse rides and disappearing for hours, distracted by something pretty that they wish to draw.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the faint smell of salty sea hair that sticks to one's silver blonde hair + the sound of graphite on parchment among nature sounds + tanzanite coloured eyes watching the rough seas and wishing to be among them .  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE MALLISTER. 
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# basic information.
official  name:  arwyn mallister.  nicknames:  none.  noble  title:  liege of seagard.  date  of  birth:  tbd.  age:  twenty8.  birthplace:  seagard.  home:  seagard.  nationality:  westerosi.  gender:  non-binary.  pronouns:  they & them.  orientation:  bisexual.  monikers:  to be added.  languages:  common tongue, high valyrian ( the basics taught to them and their siblings in a very lowkey way, the rest the picked up in their travels ) along with some dialogues picked up in essos.  accent:  to be added.
# physical information.
faceclaim:  emma d'arcy.  ethnicity:  white.  hair:  valyrian silver / blonde.  eyes:  tanzanite shade of purple.  height:  5 feet 7 inches.  build:  slim but athletic.  scent:  sea salt mixed with sandalwood.  dominant  hand:  they are ambidextrous.  allergies:  they are sensitive to dust and strong scents and might sneeze a little.  scars:  a few on their arms and legs.  distinguishing  features:  a gosh darn beautiful nose.  clothing  style:  they usually wear coats over pants to give it the idea of them wearing a dress.
# personality.
label:   the adventurous, the daydreamer.   mbti:   to be decided.   enneagram:   to be decided.    element:   water.   star   sign:   aquarius.   temperament:   sanguine.   character   inspirations:   to be decided.   deadly   sin:   pride.   heavenly   virtue:   kindness.   godly   parent:   athena.
# drives.
hobbies:  horseback riding, hawking, drawing, taking walks.  religion:  the seven gods ( non practising ).  alliance:  house mallister.  personal goals:  to support their family and make up for leaving.  would they choose family or power?  family.
# familial ties.
parent one:  desmor mallister ( father ).  relationship:  to be decided.  parent two:  talisa mallister nee pendaery. relationship:  to be decided.  spouse:  none. relationship:  to be decided.  sibling:  to be added. relationship:  to be decided.  other:  royal house targaryen ( first cousins, once removed ). relationship:  to be decided. 
arwyn  is  a  child  born  of  fire  ━━  eyes  as  purple  as  deepest  amethysts  and  hair  as  blonde  white  as  the  unspoken  truth  of  who  they  are  is  ignored  ━━  and  they  are  born  in  the  calmest  day  seagard  had  seen  for  a  while;  there  is  no  chilly  breeze,  no  sound  coming  from  the  sea,  no  sounds  that  show  restlessness  amongst  their  peers.  that  same  peace  had  found  its  home  in  arwyn  mallister,  a  child  so  quiet  many  thought  them  mute  the  first  few  years  of  their  life.  parents  worry  about  such  a  small  child,  born  before  their  time.  their  father  is  the  most  easy-going  of  the  two  and  so  arwyn  sticks  to  their  father's  side,  uses  that  comfort  as  a  shield  from  the  worries  of  everyone  else.  worries  that  were  erased  as  arwyn  comes  into  their  own  self.
much  to  everyone's  wonder,  they  grow  up  to  be  a  young  liege  that  exudes  charm  as  much  as  beauty,  a  presence  that  rivals  the  sun  ━━  the  result  comes  as  no  surprise,  that  valyrian  blood's  charm  shining  through  (  the  dragonseed  grows  and  grows  and  grows  and  it  leaves  behind  nothing  but  a  roaring  fire  ).  at  their  father's  side,  they  master  the  art  of  bow  and  arrow  and  crossbow,  as  well  as  horseback  riding  and  hawking,  by  their  mother's  side  painting  and  reading  become  welcome  hobbies.  still,  for  all  of  arwyn's  talents,  the  maester's  had  but  one  complaint:  their  mind  wanders  during  lessons,  wishing  to  be  anywhere  else  but  where  they  are.  arwyn  does  not  hide  it,  preferring  the  freedom  of  the  surrounding  paths  than  the  knowledge  found  in  old  books.  but  they  endure,  they  learn  (  slowly  but  they  learn  ).
being  brought  up  as  the  spare  has  both  their  ups  and  their  downs  ━━  having  their  sibling  get  all  the  attention,  it  allows  arwyn  many  opportunities  to  slip  out  unnoticed,  take  a  horseback  ride  somewhere  and  stay  there  for  hours.  and  many  of  those  times,  arwyn  finds  themselves  at  the  docks  of  seagard,  hiding  away  among  the  common  people,  playing  with  the  kids  that  don't  know  who  they  are.  the  older  they  get,  however,  the  harder  it  becomes  to  hide  who  they  are,  what  blood  they  have  within  them.
and  when  the  seagard  docks  become  too  small  for  their  adventurous  (  yet  wrapped  in  solitude  )  mind  and  they  take  to  travelling,  all  the  way  on  the  other  side  of  westeros  and  then  the  narrow  sea.  all  of  it  on  a  whim,  they  told  no  one  before  they  found  themselves  paying  for  passage.  it  takes  them  two  years  to  return  home,  at  twenty-six.  their  parents  are  not  happy,  to  put  it  lightly,  and  arwyn  spends  the  next  two  years  making  up  to  them  and  becoming  the  perfect  child  and  supporting  liege  to  their  older  sibling  and  heir  to  seagard.  still,  there  is  that  sense  of  adventure  and  individualism  that  calls  to  them  from  the  sea  and  somewhere  far  away  from  westeros. 
# wanted  connections. ( TO BE ADDED )
connection  name:  connection  type.
connection  name:  connection  type.
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scaraberri · 1 year
Celestial Symphony
[02: Reunion Post-poned]
[scaramouche x Fem!reader]
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Word count: 3k :)
Note: god this took weeks
Eula, Sara , Kokomi , Noelle , Kazuha , Aphria(?) , Scaramouche , Elliot(?)
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You follow Eula further into the garden, Noelle following closely behind you two. Eventually, you reach a less crowded part of the garden, There weren't as many people there and the silence was refreshing.
The three of you found a quite place to sit and admire the sky. It was pitch black but the stars illuminated it.
"SO. How is everything at the manor"
"Its fine, I'm still shaken up from all the new rules but I'm getting use to it"
"How has everything been with your father"
"Well its... really awkward"
"How so"
"Everyone I'm even at the same room as him, we just don't talk, and he just tells me what I need to do and leaves"
"And the duchess "
"Not any better, I'm positive on the fact that she hates me. Every morning when I sit done I can feel her staring daggers into my skull"
"I heard shes been leaving the Manor more often these days, perhaps to avoid you?"
"Most likely"
"I don't understand why does she despise you"
You turn to Noelle, and she instantly covers her mouth
"O-oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to interfere my lady!"
"Its fine noelle, think of this as chat with friends"
"Why does she despise you"
"Did you perhaps do something as a child that may have upset her my lady?"
"Umm..not that I remember- i mean recall"
"Maybe she felt threatened when you were born, i know for a fact that she loves power over everything, if that were the case it would make sense for her to hate you"
"Thats probably it."
"Well we had enough time chit chatting  here, its time that you stop avoiding and start small talking with some nobles"
"Can we just...not"
"Look alot of nobles saw you enter through the gate, if they don't see you at least talk one noble aside from me they'll mistake you for a coward."
"Don't worry my lady i'll help you with your speech "
" Noelle and I will be there you assist you, of course I'll introduce you to a noble figure that had been in your shoes before"
"Been in my shoes... what di you mean by that"
"You'll see"
You return to the section of the garden that the entrance is. As you silently dread the meeting with the few nobles eula will introduce you to, although you can't get your mind off of her earlier words.
'Been in my shoes, what does she mean by that'
The jingle of gems breaks you from your train of thoughts. You look to were the source of the noise is coming from. And you see a female with pink hair and blue eyes, she seems to be wearing a light blue gown and closely behind her was a tall female with purple hair.
"Lady kokomi, lady sara, a pleasure to see you"
"Likewise, is this the girl you mentioned eula"
Lady kokomi and Madam Sara
Lady kokomi was also a commoner once, she use to live in a secluded part of inazuma known as watasumi Island. it was known to be and independent state, that cut its ties with the Royal family. However this was a foolish decision. As it had no militarily nore did it have any form of export. Watasumi was also infamous for its farm land, so there was a great famine
Weak and secluded, in the eyes of the nations it was the perfect property. Watasumi was constantly under attack. However, things changed after Lady Kokomi entered the picture. She had convinced the priestess at the time to restore the ties to the Royal family, and under her guidance watasumi had become a peaceful state once more. she currently owns most of Watsumi and rose to the rank of the marchioness. As for Lady Kujou. You don't know too much about her, aside from the fact that she works with Lady Kokomi.
You phase back into reality when you hear Eula call your name.
"Yes, lady kokomi, lady sara this is [y/n] [ l/n] the current heir to [l/n] dutchy"
"[L/n]…I never knew the duchess had another child."
you stare at Eula as she does the same.
"It's a very...complicated situation, lets first find a better place to have"
It had been a few hours of chatting but you and Lady Kokomi got along immediately, perhaps it was the fact that you had a lot of things in common, or maybe its the fact that you both admire the differences. like for instance lady Kokomi was interested in military treatises, and although you didn't know a signal of this when it came to the art of war, you found yourself interested the more she talked about.
as you two carry on the conversation, one would noticed three figure standing aside and watching you two converse.
"Well...they seem to get along," Sara says with an unsurprised look on her face.
"Like magnets"
"since when did you start describing things in such a way"
Since I met a certain young queen in sumeru"
"Sorry to interrupt but would you like anything my ladies"
"its fine, you don't need to be so formal Noelle, there are barely any people around"
"is that your talking so informally"
"Archons, you irritate me"
Although you and Kokomi got along quite well, Sara and Eula got along like oil and water. No matter what the other says they will always find a way to insult each other. It's expected with the pride and stubbornness the both of them have, what's not expected is that they completely miss the fact that someone had been following them and eavesdropping on their conversations.
a certain purple-haired male had his eyes on your group from the moment you walked through the entryway.
Just then another noble had entered your conversation with Kokomi. She had silver hair and was wearing a dark blue dress. Although you had never seen her, Kokomi knew instantly who she was.
"Aphria, It's so good that you could join Us"
"it is a pleasure lady Kokomi is this duke [l/n]'s new heir, I've heard a lot about you"
"oh- um it's a pleasure to meet you Lady Aphria"
"Please no need to be so formal, I understand that you've only been a noble for a few months so don't feel pressured into being so formal with me"
"oh- uh thank you for understanding."
'she seems nice'
"so lady Aphria how has your business been recently "
"not very lively, though I did recently start funding a certain project."
"A project? Of what kind"
"While I can't exactly disclose it now, I will tell you it involves a certain Docter"
"Oh, do you mean...Dottore?"
"Are you really sure about funding one of his projects, He is currently being closely monitored for all the rumors about...experimentation"
"Well that's precisely why I'm funding it, I want to know exactly what he's doing"
"Sorry we shouldn't talk about such gruesome matters in front her"
"Ah your right sorry lady [y/n]"
"it's fine, really I don't mind it"
Aphria noticed how you'd seemed to be fighting the urge to ask something
"do you have a question?"
" well... do people really experiment on other people"
"Unfortunately They do, although a lot of people have been trying to cover it up on the fact that the test subject are all slaves, it doesn't change the fact that those are still people"
'wow, and here I thought the duchess was bad but people like this really exist'
"well it was a pleasure to meet you, [y/n], but I must leave now"
Aphria looks behind Eula and Sara, who are still fighting. her eyes meet a pair of violet ones.
"Someone is waiting for me until we meet again Lady Kokomi and Lady [y/n]." with that she left in a rush.
You noticed that she was staring at someone but before you could turn and look Kokomi asked if you would like to go to her favorite part of the garden, which you simply couldn't refuse.
Aphria walks behind the neatly cut bushes that were not that far from you. she sighs as she sits on the grass right next to Kazuha and Scaramouche who have been following and spying on you through the bushes.
"SO? She's a normal person"
"did you even ask her if she remembers me!?"
"oh please, you could do that yourself!"
"Seriously Kuni, you should just go and talk to her"
"Exactly and if you wanted to stalk her you could be more discrete than whatever we're doing right now"
"I dont want to stalk her- Ugh you both are so useless"
"Excuse me, I'm not the one that's stalking my crush over here, lovesick puppy"
"Mmm more like a kitty"
"Could the both of you stop it I'm not stalking her"
"oh so your not gonna deny the fact that your obsessed with her"
"I'm-! not THAT obsessed"
"Be realistic the only thing you've been talking about the past few years, was how SHE was doing"
"Oh so you ARE a stalker"
"I advise you two to shut the fuck up before I convince my mother to banish the both of you from Inazuma"
"Hmph! the all-mighty prince Scaramouche becomes powerless when he falls in Love"
"SHUT IT!!!"
"They do say that there's nothing that cant defeat the power of ones feelings"
"pretty sure no one says that Kazu..."
"What happened ?" Aphria and Kazuha ask simultaneously
"She's gone"
"See this is what happens when we let you sort your feelings yourself rather than doing it for you" Aphria argues as Kazuha Continuously nods his head.
"What are you gonna do now, TALK to her???"
"stop nagging me I'll do it eventually"
"By eventually he means 50 years" Kazuha deadpans
"How did this start anyway..."
"Is it time for me to give you a story time"
"Yes now spill it"
"well it all started with a two soulmate-"
"Summary Kazuha"
"right so basically, we've known her since we were kids. At that time we were introduced to her by shin"
"whose shin?"
"your eX-bOyFrIeNd" "[n/n]'s stepbrother"
"fuck off, anyway Kazu continue"
"well at the time we didn't really know about the situation, with [n/n]'s mother and the duke, so we were surprised but we got along just fine since [n/n] is the sweetest angel ever, except for when you piss her off"
"Kuni! Kazu!" Shin yells at the top of his lungs. He had just found out about the existence of his step-sister, and he couldn't be more excited. he visited you, much to your confusion and your mother's horror. Right then he was dragging you by the hand to introduce you to his friends.
"Hi shin" Kazuha spoke enthusiastically.
"What happened this time"
"It's not anything bad, I just found out that I have a sister"
"Huh" "Excuse me"
As much the boys wanted to believe Shin’s magical tale of him miraculously getting a little sister, they knew better than him that he was, in fact, oblivious as hell Which is why the both of them constantly find him in trouble. But after Shin had explained the situation, they were left bewildered. Of course, it would be impossible for the duchess to have another child, for starters, she’s kind of old, and she also doesn’t care about the child that she currently has. You don’t need eyes to see that she’s only there for power. But aren’t they all?
“Wow, that’s certainly a story.”
“And believable one”
“Yup, I mean look at her she looks just like me. But small and a girl”
“So, if it is certain that she is your sister, then it’s nice to meet you, [y/n]”
"I-it’s nice to meet you too’’
“Shin, you’ve scared her…”
“Ah- I’m sorry [n/n]”
“After that, we were friends, until…the duchess found out”
“What happened after that”
“That hag made sure Shin didn’t visit [n/n] which made it impossible for us to find her.”
“Well not impossible for you since you found out where she lives after a week”
“Oh my god, Scara!”
“What. they didn’t even try to hide it, I just wanted to know if she’s safe”
“You did just want to know, isn’t that why you forced your butler to become friends with [n/n]’s mom so that you would get a daily report of what she was doing.”
“ugh…fine maybe I went a little far with that, but in the end, she didn’t end up getting hurt so..”
“God you’re pathetic”
Before the dark-haired male could fight back, they were interrupted by someone who had spotted the trio sitting on the dirt. “Can I know what you three are doing here”? The three looked up meeting the gaze of Scara’s mother Ei, or Aphria, and Kazuha the queen.
“Your majesty, what a surprise to see you here” Aphria replied, trying to switch the topic before asking them why they were sitting on the floor.
“Well, this party was hosted by the royal family so isn’t it normal for me to enter, but that’s beside the point what are you doing sitting on the dirt” Ei replied
The three immediately stood up.
“You see your majesty we were just watching a person that looked familiar to us,” Kazuha said while dusting his pants, looking anywhere but at the queen.
“Was this person perhaps an ant for you to sit on the floor?” She asked again
“You’re not letting that go are you” Both Kazuha and Aphria are afraid of Ei but to Scara she was nothing but a person who shared the same surname as him.
“Look you three are still young, but you are old enough to get a chair and watch. Besides Aphria is with you, you don’t want her clothes to get dirty”
“She can swim in mud for all I care” Scara whispered not loud enough for his mother to hear but loud enough for Aphria to hear, who was staring dagger into his skull after hearing that.
“Well, all right I leave this little prick in your hands, please keep him under control. I can trust you two, right?”
“Of course, your majesty, We’ll take very good care of him”
“Ok then take care.” and with that she turned to leave
The silver-haired girl waits for the queen to leave, and when she does, she turns to Scara and gives him a good smack to the head.
“Does it look like I care”
“you did care when you were searching for that dress, too big, too small, too white, too pink- “
“Kazu, could you stop exposing me or I’m going to sew your mouth shut.”
“So, you got her that dress, looks like you spent a good amount on it, she looked good”
“All right you two we really should find them, maybe instead of hiding in a bush we could wear disguises”
It doesn’t need to be said, but Kazuha Is the mediator in this friendship.
“Wow, I’ve never seen tulips like these before.”
Kokomi showed you around a part of the garden filled with tulips. You two continue to admire the flowers while Eula and Sara and Noelle stand closely behind. While having a mini-debate.
“I’m just saying that the tenryou commission should just give the land to nobles to handle.”
“Well, I don’t think you noticed but nobles are too stubborn to spend their money on a patch of land so that’s why we give keep land so the soldiers can have something in return for their efforts”
“Noelle how many is that”
“Still 57 to 60”
“wasn’t my point about the nobles being stingy people true”
“Unfortunately, yes but It’s not the reason why the tenryou commission handles the land.”
“it’s because they have military activities there right”
“57 to 61”
“Wow Sara aren’t you a general commander there, you should know more than me”
“shut it we just haven’t had a war in a long time.”
“Do you want a war” Kokomi suddenly appears from behind the three
“Oh, are you two done looking at the flowers”
“Indeed, did you enjoy the tour [n/n]”
“I did thank you Kokomi”
“Well in case you ever find yourself in a hard situation I’m only a letter away.”
“Should we get going my lady?” Noelle asks
“Let’s do that”
“Well, I’ll be heading to the tenryou HQ then”
“Oh, what a coincidence, I’ll be there too”
 “Oh really, I don’t see a paper of resignation on you”
“Paper of resignation- I’m not resigning I LIVE THERE”
“All right then we’ll be leaving now”
“Then we’ll see you another time lady Kokomi, lady Sara”
Kokomi drags Sara out before the two women start to fight…. again
“And you, have a safe trip home I would hate it if one of my students gets into an accident”
“See you tomorrow then lady Eula” you while giving her a small bow.
And with that Noelle leads you to the gate, you may not notice it but till you reach your carriage, if you were to look hard enough you can see three nobles, two were unusual noble women, only they weren’t women.
“Scara this is stupid.” Aphria says, but it comes out somewhat muffled from the fake mustache she’s wearing.
“Shut up can you stay in there for a few more minutes”
“You know you look really stupid with all that lipstick”
“Perhaps you could have gone a little lighter on the blush too,” Kazuha says while covering his face with a fan.
“Ugh I don’t know how to do make up okay”
“Clearly, I mean anyone with half a brain cell would know that mascara is the eyes and NOT THE MOUTH”
“Could shut up you little-”
“She left”
“Wait what-, ugh”
“Does that mean I can take this off” Aphria motions to the suit she’s wearing
“Yeah yeah, we’re done here”
“Oh, great I was sweating under all of this fluff” Kazuha twirls the skirt of the gown he was wearing.
“Really though Scara I’m disappointed, you were so excited about meeting her again, and you didn’t even talk to her”
“well- it’s easier said than done…”
“Well, your going have to figure something out I mean this whole party was a waste”
“I’ll try”
“All right then, we see you another time your highness”
“Goodbye Scara” kazuha waves
As Kazuha and Aphria turn to leave, Aphria nudges Kazuha and speaks.
“You shouldn’t be that casual with him in public”
“But you’re the one that called him a love-sick puppy” Kazuha replied
“I was only speaking facts” Aphria fought back
Though to the prince this falls on deaf ears. Even on the way home, he was quiet. Even after getting home and getting ready to sleep, he was quiet, which was unusual for his butler, Elliot.
“Young prince, are you feeling all right- “
“I got it!” Scara exclaimed, which startled Elliot
“You got what...?”
“Don’t worry Elli, I was just thinking about a problem.”
“Does it have to do anything with the young lady you like”
“Yes- wait how did you know about that...”
“It was just a hunch” (it was painfully obvious)
“Well, it’s solved now,” Scara says while preparing himself for dreamland
Needless to say, both of you had a good sleep tonight
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destroyerofnations92 · 8 months
Chapter one of up unto the overturned keel has been made public on my Patreon. If you enjoy Daemyra, are Team Black, or just really like the Rogue Prince and his Delight, go have a read.
If you're interested, I have several other multi-chaptered WIPs, as well as more chapters of the above-mentioned story. All of them are set in the wonderful World of Westeros (Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon).
up unto the overturned keel [House of the Dragon]: “Tales of great kings and mighty warriors are whispered with revery amongst the smallfolk, but how do things change when a peaceful king makes way for a martial one?”
a dragon’s wroth [House of the Dragon]: “Much had been written about Daemon Targaryen – brother to a king, husband to a queen and father to yet another queen – and even more had been said of him, but none could deny the devotion to his blood.”
i wake and feel the fell of dark, not day [House of the Dragon]: “Rhaenyra and Daemon’s rage would be whispered of for generations to come. As would the bloody trail of death and despair that followed in their wake.”
the girl in the green dress [House of the Dragon]: “Only fools wake a slumbering dragon. Let this fool not be wearing green as well?”
amidst salt and smoke [Game of Thrones]: “It has been seven years since Bran the Broken was named Lord of the Six Kingdoms, and Tyrion Lannister has rebuilt the realm, bringing forth peace and change. However, tensions with the independent Kingdom of the North and the Lords Paramount endanger the prosperity created by the Lannister lord’s Handship, as does the Hand’s own instability—for he dreams of those he has lost. What is real and what is not?”
You're in luck because there is also a one-week free trail before you have to commit to anything. 😉
For those interested, below is a short snippet of chapter one.
The maesters murmured amongst themselves for days after the birth, with lesser courtiers chiming in at times, whispering about the queerness of the young prince: silent, yet according to the few maids that were allowed near him by the babe’s mother, he burned hotter than a Dornish summer’s day.
What newborn does not weep? Does not shed any tears at all? Instead just watches those that stand over his hand-carved dragon crib with those deep purple eyes. No smiles, no tears, just staring. And that damned heat.
The royal family must have heard the whispers. How could they not? Yet, it was only when the Prince of Dragonstone confronted Lord Rickard Connington about his gossiping and threatened to disembowel him in front of his young wife and children, that the overt speculation died down. Though Prince Aemon knew there was still talk of his beloved sennight-old nephew within the halls of the Red Keep, at least it no longer happened within his or his lady wife’s earshot, nor that of his brother and their sister.
When born, the prince’s eyes had been the darkest of purples, closer to black than anything, yet with an unmistakable shine to them. As expected, the few tufts of hair on the babe’s head were the traditional Targaryen platinum, but more silver than white. The maesters believed that both might change in time. His eyes could lighten up and his hair might to on more of a blonde or white hue, but decades later, both would remain the same.
The birth of any prince or princess of the blood was always a cause for celebration, and while the King was jubilant at the birth of his youngest grandchild, it was Alysanne who adored the newborn prince above all else. The Good Queen would spend entire days within the young prince’s chambers, just looking at him, while he stared back at her.
Daemon. A name the prince and princess had only settled upon a day prior and which would be formally announced to the court soon enough. While many would assume the newborn prince was named after the Conciliator’s uncle and former Hand of the King, or even the Conqueror’s first Master of Ships and his most loyal of supporters, those who truly knew the Spring Prince and his sister-wife knew better.
Prince Baelon and Princess Alyssa, more than any Targaryen since the sorceress queen had perished four decades earlier, had a deep-rooted admiration of the ancient Freehold and its near-mythical prowess. When dragons still roamed the sky by the dozens, grand buildings were erected, perfect roads lay with the magic of blood and fire, and Lords Freeholders were worshipped as gods come flesh, a great dragonlord sat as First Lord for more than half a century… Daemon the Blackhair.
The Blackhair, much like his name suggested, missed the famed Valyrian white hair. Born a scion of the House Volterys, many assumed he was a bastard born of his mother’s dalliance with one of the lower blood, a servant maybe, though his powerful father seemingly paid the rumours no mind. His ascendency to the parriarchy of his ancient house at the age of seven and ten would have been considered controversial if he had not yet claimed the dragon Ghidorax. Nearing her fourth century, the grand she-dragon was considered the mightiest mount in at least ten generations.
Though the Volteryses were considered traders rather than warriors or politicians, Daemon would make a name for himself within the Civic Legions, and be granted command of its most elite of brigades at the young age of one and twenty. There started his meteoric rise: from command of the First Brigade to the entire Civic Legions, Archonship of Mantarys and Consulship of the Gierūlnon – the ancient assembly of lords freeholders – and finally, to the vaulted office of First Lord. The most powerful man in all of Valyria, maybe even the known world. For three-and-fifty years, the Blackhair sat on the Blood Throne and in that time he brought Ghis to heel, forced the Dothraki from their borders, and even settled an outpost in the west.
Who better to name their son for?
Also, check out my Linktree for all my social media and fanfiction accounts.
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ash-l31gh · 2 years
Raiden Ei x Adeptus Reader(Y/N) Headcanons
• you weild a cyro vision and (weapon of choice)
• She doesn't like the idea of you leaving for to long
• Ei is rarely not see with you as you are her most prized possession
• She made scaramouche to originally protect you because you don't like fighting he still has a high amount of Respect towards you
• You wear a purple necklace that has a glow to it with an 'eye' in the middle EI is essentially watching over you
• You go to stores to get sweat things and other supplies of things while they want to give it for free as your the Shoguns lover but you still may them
• The plain of Ethuamia is not the are you stay. You both stay in a castle like domain that's really beautiful you designed it all
• You attempted to help EI cook which was ended misrebly she tried her hardest ok 😭
• She LOVES scuddling most the time
• You own a few cats, kittens and kitsunes Miko sometimes joins
• You usually can be found around the Narukami Shrine, Kamisato Estate and Watatsumi island your close friends with Miko, Ayato, Kokomi and Gorou
• They have prepared little date things for you privately and got the things for you both EI personally has a liking towards those 4
• Once a year there's an event called 'The Eternal Sparks and frost' where Electro and Cyro can be seen racing across the sky and is rumored to be the day of you two getting together and a week of peace for all
You were currently stuck with EI as she clang onto you sleeping peacefully with cats with their kittens in their stomach and kitsunes around curled up with each other . You woke her up saying "Angel, its 4pm and I want to get some treats for everyone in this house" which earned a grumble from EI and muttered "Fine, no longer than an hour" which earned a chuckle from you. You kissed her forehead before you got dressed in a (favorite color') kimono with (a matching color) lightning striking your waist with a (matching color) frost pin in your hair that was but in (preferred hair style) with curles at the bottom. Once you left with a small kitten held to your chest, you arrived at the shop your a regular at "The regular I suppose Y/N" said the shop keeper "yes please" you responded with. Within the ten minutes, the food arrived in a bag and you handed them the money with extra before you left with a "Thank you, Enjoy your day" and went to a pet shop while the whole thing essentially repeated itself (didn't feel bothered to re-right it) "how about we visit Miko before we leave" you said to essentially no-one but your kitten before you climbed the mountain along the sides on the pathway. Once you reached the top, Miko was there reading some of the newer books. "Hello miko' you greeted and was replied with "oh? I didn't expect you to visit today. What's the occasion??" "Nothing at the moment I thought I could pay you a visit so you know in still alive" you joked which earned a chuckle. "Now you better get going. EI isnt going to be happy now is she?" "Oh yeah, I'll visit soon and bring some new books for you to read maybe from other nations who knows" you said before you teleported back into the castle. You put the bags on the table before you made your way to your girlfriend that was reading a book that was gifted from the traveler, she noticed you were back and said "Scuddles. Now" which you didn't want to decline to you hopped right back into bed with her and dosed off the bed with the kitten between you to comfy and purring..
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blackbird0blog · 2 years
Naruto Fanfic Recs
An amazing OC-insert that needs more love. The characterisation is great, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where the author will take us!
Summary: Itachi and Kisame pick up a strange boy from a primitive tribe who accidentally transported himself to the elemental nations... from another universe. These guys may call themselves ninja, but Mirya's pretty sure they're ultra badass gods, whom he has happily apprenticed himself to.
The lonely crossroad inn is peaceful beneath the paling stars, the air cool and damp but holding the promise of another hot day once the sun rises. Itachi hesitates, staring up at the one lit window on the second floor. He’s trying to figure out why Kisame isn’t alone. 
There’s a second person there, on the opposite side of the room from Kisame, both of them holding still. The Sharingan can’t see chakra through walls very well; all he can tell of this second signature is that it’s child-sized and quiescent. That doesn’t guarantee it’s not a threat. He knows, much better than he wants to, how young killers can be. But considering Kisame’s love of battle, he supposes if there was going to be a fight it would already have happened. Try as he might, he can’t think of any reason why Kisame would’ve picked up a child. It’s too soon to collect jinchuuriki. Kisame isn’t the charitable type, nor is he a pervert. They haven’t taken any kidnapping missions. They’re not recruiting at the moment, not that he knows of. What can this possibly be about?
While paranoia has always served him well, at this point he’s just getting eaten by mosquitoes for no reason. He leaps lightly to the narrow balcony and slips in the window. 
His first glance tells him Kisame is genuinely relaxed, lounging at the low table with a nail clipper and a bottle of umeshu, so he can take his time studying the other person in the room: a skinny red-haired boy sprawled starfish-like on a futon, covers shoved aside and pillow soaked in drool, wearing nothing but — “Is that my underwear?”
“Well, mine would be too big,” Kisame says reasonably. “No need to whisper, he’s dead to the world.”
“Mine should be too big as well.” He’s fourteen, not… whatever this boy is, eight or nine.
“Safety pins.”
“Why do you have my underwear? What happened to his?” It’s a silly thing to get stuck on, but he can’t seem to let it go. His relationship with Kisame is not one that admits to underwear. There’s a professional distance. This is outside his comfort zone.
“It was in my laundry, no idea how long it’s been there. Have you eaten? I saved you nimono and a couple rice balls.”
Itachi doesn’t sigh, because he isn’t expressive like that, but the impression is there in the slow way he turns to the table. Still, he’s not angry, only confused, and Kisame is the most tolerable of his new colleagues. “Thank you, Kisame-san,” he says politely, and doesn’t speak again until he’s finished the cold stewed vegetables and rice. Kisame returns to his manicure, trimming rough callus and hangnails that might catch on clothing or be a distraction, touching up the lacquer. When he finishes eating, Itachi takes the bottle of remover and gets to scrubbing off the chipped black stuff he has on. “May I borrow your lacquer? I’ve run out of mine.”
“Are you sure you want to match?” the swordsman rumbles with gentle humor. “What if the other missing-nin make fun of us?” Itachi’s flat look only makes his smile wider, but he hands over the bottle of purple.
When he first joined Akatsuki, Itachi thought the nail polish part of the uniform was rather silly, but it actually does help keep his nails from peeling or splitting after exposure to harsh weather, fire jutsu, and so on. Even Konan can’t make him care what color he uses, though.
After fifteen minutes of silence, Kisame finally gets tired of waiting for him to ask, and says, “He walked up to me in the road and asked if I’m a god. He thinks he’s dead and this is the afterlife.”
“Why is he in our room?” That’s the thing that most needs explanation, in Itachi’s opinion.
Kisame ignores that. “Wait until you see what he was wearing. As far as I can gather — which isn’t very far, because he was drugged out of his tiny mind — his clan decked him in gold and drowned him in a bog. He was supposed to ask the gods to save them. He’s declared himself my servant in exchange for sending them good fishing.”
“If I hadn’t let Samehada have a snack, his chakra would be announcing us to the world right now. He’s got tons of it and no control at all. Didn’t seem to understand what I was talking about when I mentioned it, and his calluses look like boat work, not weapons, so I’m guessing he was raised civilian. He must have pulled some kind of instinctive teleportation jutsu on the verge of death.” 
“Kisame, are you saying a civilian child invented something like Senju Tobirama’s Hiraishin while drowning?”
“Why not? Red hair, blue eyes, outrageous chakra, sealing tattoos, comes from a lost clan starving by the sea somewhere? I honestly think ‘ignorant remnant of the Uzu diaspora instinctively teleports somewhere warm’ is more likely than — I don’t even know — someone dunking a kid in ice water and shoving him at us for kicks.” He finally turns to Itachi. Looks him in the eye, unafraid of the Sharingan, which Itachi has always appreciated. “He was hypothermic. Do you know how hot it was today?”
“I’m wearing the same thing you are,” Itachi says dryly.
“Exactly. He was wearing a fur coat, fur-lined boots, and thick wool clothes. Samehada says his chakra tastes like whale. They eat whale in Snow Country, don’t they?”
Itachi studies the boy again. Pale as paper, and thin in a way that says famine rather than growth spurt. There are blue-green geometric shapes tattooed around his bony wrists, and a series of dots, spaced in triangles, on top of one foot. It obviously means something, but the pattern is completely alien. Itachi supposes they could be primitive seals. Sections of his hair are kinked as if they were recently in braids. Itachi blinks at Kisame. “Did you brush his hair?”
Kisame shrugs. “Kid fell asleep in the bath,” he says, as if that’s an explanation.
Itachi is beginning to suspect that Hoshigaki ‘Sharks Eat Each Other In The Womb’ Kisame is not as heartless as he claims to be. Although maybe he just likes being called a god.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.16
Academy Awards Day
Ask for Athletic Day
Bike to Wherever Day
Biographer's Day
Border Guard Day (Poland)
Chive Day (French Republic)
Drawing Day
European Maritime Day
516 Day
HAE (Hereditary Angioedema) Day
Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
International Celiac Awareness Day
International Day of Light
International Day of Living Together in Peace
International Day of Protest Against Shock Treatment
International Day of the Boy Child
Let’s Get Creative Day
Love A Tree Day
Martyrs of Sudan Day (Episcopal Church)
Mass Graves Day (Iraq)
Middlesex Day (UK)
Moonwalk Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Biographer’s Day
National Check Your Wipers Day
National Classic Movie Day
National Day (South Sudan)
National Dengue Day (India)
National Denim Day for the CURE Foundation (Canada)
National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day
National EBT Day
National Horse Rescue Day (Australia)
National Piercing Day
National Public Transportation Career Day
National Waiters Day
Nickel Day (US)
Ohio Players Day (Dayton, Ohio)
Pencil Day
Red Hill Holiday (Russia)
Ride a Unicycle Day
Romani Resistance Day
Sea Monkey Day
Sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" in Rounds Day
Sneeze Without Embarrassment Day
SPLA Day (South Sudan)
Sun Bear Day
Sylvia Asteroid Day
Teachers’ Day (Malaysia)
Try Not To Be As Stupid Today As You Normally Are Day
200k Day (Ukraine)
Ubald (Jesus, Pennsylvania)
Wear Purple For Peace Day
World Agri-Tourism Day
World Barrett’s Day
World Bloodless Surgery Day
World Chartreuse Day
World Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) Awareness Day
World Day of Heavy Metal
World Education Support Personnel Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gluten-Free Beer Day (Portland, Oregon)
Hires Root Beer Day
International Ezerjó Day (Hungary)
International Pickle Day
Mimosa Day
National BBQ Day
National Coquilles St. Jacques Day
National Strawberry Milkshake Day
Root Beer Day
Spaghetti-O's Day
Independence & Related Days
Batavian Republic (Established in Holland; 1795)
Boshka (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
British Columbia (Admitted as a Province; Canada; 1871)
Intercontinental Republic of the Americas (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Lombardic Republic (Established; 1796)
New Somerset (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Sikkim State Day (India)
3rd Thursday in May
Brown Bag It Thursday [3rd Thursday]
Global Accessibility Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
Hummus Day [3rd Thursday]
International Vyshyvanka Day [3rd Thursday]
Mental Health Action Day [3rd Thursday]
National Apéritif Day [3rd Thursday]
National Notebook Day [3rd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 16 (2nd Full Week)
National Foul Ball Week (thru 5.21)
National Transportation Week (thru 5.33)
Festivals Beginning May 16, 2024
Asheville Beer Week (Asheville, North Carolina) [thru 5.26]
Beer Garden (Jackson, Wisconsin) [thru 5.17]
Bergkirchweih (Erlangen, Germany) [thru 5.27]
Calavaras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee (Calaveras County Fairgrounds, California) [thru 5.19]
Glyndebourne Festival Opera (Lewes, United Kingdom) [thru 8.25]
Greek Festival (Paramus, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
National Morel Mushroom Festival (Boyne City, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
Orange City Tulip Festival (Orange City, Iowa) [thru 5.18]
Pasadena Strawberry Festival (Pasadena, Texas) [thru 5.19]
Paso Wine Fest (Paso Robles, California) [thru 5.19]
Rooster Days (Broken Arrow, Oklahoma) [thru 5.19]
Rose’ Revival and Other Cool Whites (Kirkland, Washington)
Saint Petersburg International Book Fair (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 5.19]
San Diego International Fringe Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 5.26]
TETWP Beers For Boobs (Twin Falls County, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aaron (Coptic Church)
Abda and Abdjesus, and companions (Christian; Saint)
Abdas of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Advanced Tree Hugging and Arborial Sex Day (Pastafarian)
Aleksandr Laktionov (Artology)
Alfred Pellan (Artology)
Andrew Bobola (Christian; Saint)
Beige Fraggle (Muppetism)
Bismarck Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brendan the Navigator (Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Eastern Orthodox Church)
Carantoc (a.k.a. Carannog; Christian; Saint)
Caroline Chisholm (Church of England)
Domnolus (Christian; Saint)
Eir’s Blot (Pagan)
Gemma Galgani (Passionists Calendar)
Germerius (Christian; Saint)
Hadrian (Positivist; Saint)
Honoratus of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
John of Nepomuk (Christian; Martyr) [Bohemia, Czech Republic]
John Sell Cotman (Artology)
Laura Wheeler Waring (Artology)
Margaret of Cortona (Christian; Saint)
Martyrs of Sudan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Peregrine of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Possidius (Christian; Saint)
Say Goodbye to Bad Relationships Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Simon Stock (Christian; Saint)
Skinny Dipping Day (Pastafarian)
Studs Terkel (Writerism)
Tamara de Lempicka (Artology)
Ubald of Gubbio (Christian; Saint)
Woody Herman (Humanist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Wikipedia launched.)
Agent in Place, by Helen MacInnes (Novel; 1976)
Annie Get Your Gun (Broadway Musical; 1946)
Beer The Movie (Film; 2006)
Breaker Morant (Film; 1980)
But Seriously, Folks…, by Joe Walsh (Album; 1978)
The Day of the Locust, by Nathanael West (Novel; 1939) 
The Eighth Day, buy Thornton Wilder (Novel; 1967)
Fame (Film; 1980)
Godzilla (Film; 2014)
Great Lion of God, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1970)
The Great Train Robbery, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1975)
The Iceman Ducketh (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
I’d Love to Take Orders from You (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again, by Elton John and Taron Egerton (Song; 2019)
Just Dogs (Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
Le Triomphe de L’Amour (Court Opera; 1681)
Little Gravel Voice (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Live at Leeds, by The Who (Live Album; 1970)
Lucky Pigs (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
The Magic Shell (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Film; 1956)
Moonlight Becomes You, by Mary Higgins Clark (Novel; 1996)
Okey Dokey Donkey (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1958)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Album; 2000)
Pet Sounds, by The Beach Boys (Album; 1966)
Pink Aye (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1974)
Que Sera, Sera *Whatever Will Be, Will Be), by Doris Day (Song; 1956)
Shrek (Animated Film; 2001)
The Soft Machine, by William S. Burroughs (Novel; 1961)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Film; 2013)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Film; 2002)
Summer Wind, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1966)
Sweet Liberty (Film; 1986)
Swimmer Take All (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Tai-Pan, by James Clavell (Novel; 1966)
Tennessee River, by Alabama (Song; 1980)
Top Gun (Film; 1986)
Two Gun Goofy (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Johann (Austria)
Adam, Cvjetko, Ivan (Croatia)
Přemysl (Czech Republic)
Sara (Denmark)
Esta, Este, Ester, Esti (Estonia)
Essi, Ester, Esteri (Finland)
Brendan, Honoré (France)
Adolf, Johann Nepomuk (Germany)
Botond, Mózes (Hungary)
Adamo, Margherita, Oderzo, Tiziano, Ubaldo (Italy)
Edijs, Edvīns, Inese, Inesis (Latvia)
Andrius, Ubaldas, Vaidmantas (Lithuania)
Sara, Siren (Norway)
Andrzej, Honorat, Jan Nepomucen, Jędrzej, Szymon, Trzebomysł, Ubald, Wieńczysław, Wiktorian (Poland)
Natan, Paisie, Sila, Teodor (România)
Svetozár (Slovakia)
Honorato, Simón, Ubaldo (Spain)
Ronald, Ronny (Sweden)
Brand, Branden, Brandi, Brandon, Brandy, Brannon, Brant, Brenda, Brendan, Brenden, Brendon, Brenna, Brennan, Brent, Brenton (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 137 of 2024; 229 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 9 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 8 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 8 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 17 Magenta; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 3 May 2024
Moon: 61%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Caesar (5th Month) [Hadrian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 59 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 27 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.16
Academy Awards Day
Ask for Athletic Day
Bike to Wherever Day
Biographer's Day
Border Guard Day (Poland)
Chive Day (French Republic)
Drawing Day
European Maritime Day
516 Day
HAE (Hereditary Angioedema) Day
Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
International Celiac Awareness Day
International Day of Light
International Day of Living Together in Peace
International Day of Protest Against Shock Treatment
International Day of the Boy Child
Let’s Get Creative Day
Love A Tree Day
Martyrs of Sudan Day (Episcopal Church)
Mass Graves Day (Iraq)
Middlesex Day (UK)
Moonwalk Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Biographer’s Day
National Check Your Wipers Day
National Classic Movie Day
National Day (South Sudan)
National Dengue Day (India)
National Denim Day for the CURE Foundation (Canada)
National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day
National EBT Day
National Horse Rescue Day (Australia)
National Piercing Day
National Public Transportation Career Day
National Waiters Day
Nickel Day (US)
Ohio Players Day (Dayton, Ohio)
Pencil Day
Red Hill Holiday (Russia)
Ride a Unicycle Day
Romani Resistance Day
Sea Monkey Day
Sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" in Rounds Day
Sneeze Without Embarrassment Day
SPLA Day (South Sudan)
Sun Bear Day
Sylvia Asteroid Day
Teachers’ Day (Malaysia)
Try Not To Be As Stupid Today As You Normally Are Day
200k Day (Ukraine)
Ubald (Jesus, Pennsylvania)
Wear Purple For Peace Day
World Agri-Tourism Day
World Barrett’s Day
World Bloodless Surgery Day
World Chartreuse Day
World Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) Awareness Day
World Day of Heavy Metal
World Education Support Personnel Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gluten-Free Beer Day (Portland, Oregon)
Hires Root Beer Day
International Ezerjó Day (Hungary)
International Pickle Day
Mimosa Day
National BBQ Day
National Coquilles St. Jacques Day
National Strawberry Milkshake Day
Root Beer Day
Spaghetti-O's Day
Independence & Related Days
Batavian Republic (Established in Holland; 1795)
Boshka (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
British Columbia (Admitted as a Province; Canada; 1871)
Intercontinental Republic of the Americas (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Lombardic Republic (Established; 1796)
New Somerset (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Sikkim State Day (India)
3rd Thursday in May
Brown Bag It Thursday [3rd Thursday]
Global Accessibility Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
Hummus Day [3rd Thursday]
International Vyshyvanka Day [3rd Thursday]
Mental Health Action Day [3rd Thursday]
National Apéritif Day [3rd Thursday]
National Notebook Day [3rd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 16 (2nd Full Week)
National Foul Ball Week (thru 5.21)
National Transportation Week (thru 5.33)
Festivals Beginning May 16, 2024
Asheville Beer Week (Asheville, North Carolina) [thru 5.26]
Beer Garden (Jackson, Wisconsin) [thru 5.17]
Bergkirchweih (Erlangen, Germany) [thru 5.27]
Calavaras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee (Calaveras County Fairgrounds, California) [thru 5.19]
Glyndebourne Festival Opera (Lewes, United Kingdom) [thru 8.25]
Greek Festival (Paramus, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
National Morel Mushroom Festival (Boyne City, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
Orange City Tulip Festival (Orange City, Iowa) [thru 5.18]
Pasadena Strawberry Festival (Pasadena, Texas) [thru 5.19]
Paso Wine Fest (Paso Robles, California) [thru 5.19]
Rooster Days (Broken Arrow, Oklahoma) [thru 5.19]
Rose’ Revival and Other Cool Whites (Kirkland, Washington)
Saint Petersburg International Book Fair (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 5.19]
San Diego International Fringe Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 5.26]
TETWP Beers For Boobs (Twin Falls County, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aaron (Coptic Church)
Abda and Abdjesus, and companions (Christian; Saint)
Abdas of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Advanced Tree Hugging and Arborial Sex Day (Pastafarian)
Aleksandr Laktionov (Artology)
Alfred Pellan (Artology)
Andrew Bobola (Christian; Saint)
Beige Fraggle (Muppetism)
Bismarck Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brendan the Navigator (Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Eastern Orthodox Church)
Carantoc (a.k.a. Carannog; Christian; Saint)
Caroline Chisholm (Church of England)
Domnolus (Christian; Saint)
Eir’s Blot (Pagan)
Gemma Galgani (Passionists Calendar)
Germerius (Christian; Saint)
Hadrian (Positivist; Saint)
Honoratus of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
John of Nepomuk (Christian; Martyr) [Bohemia, Czech Republic]
John Sell Cotman (Artology)
Laura Wheeler Waring (Artology)
Margaret of Cortona (Christian; Saint)
Martyrs of Sudan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Peregrine of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Possidius (Christian; Saint)
Say Goodbye to Bad Relationships Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Simon Stock (Christian; Saint)
Skinny Dipping Day (Pastafarian)
Studs Terkel (Writerism)
Tamara de Lempicka (Artology)
Ubald of Gubbio (Christian; Saint)
Woody Herman (Humanist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Wikipedia launched.)
Agent in Place, by Helen MacInnes (Novel; 1976)
Annie Get Your Gun (Broadway Musical; 1946)
Beer The Movie (Film; 2006)
Breaker Morant (Film; 1980)
But Seriously, Folks…, by Joe Walsh (Album; 1978)
The Day of the Locust, by Nathanael West (Novel; 1939) 
The Eighth Day, buy Thornton Wilder (Novel; 1967)
Fame (Film; 1980)
Godzilla (Film; 2014)
Great Lion of God, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1970)
The Great Train Robbery, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1975)
The Iceman Ducketh (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
I’d Love to Take Orders from You (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again, by Elton John and Taron Egerton (Song; 2019)
Just Dogs (Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
Le Triomphe de L’Amour (Court Opera; 1681)
Little Gravel Voice (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Live at Leeds, by The Who (Live Album; 1970)
Lucky Pigs (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
The Magic Shell (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Film; 1956)
Moonlight Becomes You, by Mary Higgins Clark (Novel; 1996)
Okey Dokey Donkey (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1958)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Album; 2000)
Pet Sounds, by The Beach Boys (Album; 1966)
Pink Aye (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1974)
Que Sera, Sera *Whatever Will Be, Will Be), by Doris Day (Song; 1956)
Shrek (Animated Film; 2001)
The Soft Machine, by William S. Burroughs (Novel; 1961)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Film; 2013)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Film; 2002)
Summer Wind, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1966)
Sweet Liberty (Film; 1986)
Swimmer Take All (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Tai-Pan, by James Clavell (Novel; 1966)
Tennessee River, by Alabama (Song; 1980)
Top Gun (Film; 1986)
Two Gun Goofy (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Johann (Austria)
Adam, Cvjetko, Ivan (Croatia)
Přemysl (Czech Republic)
Sara (Denmark)
Esta, Este, Ester, Esti (Estonia)
Essi, Ester, Esteri (Finland)
Brendan, Honoré (France)
Adolf, Johann Nepomuk (Germany)
Botond, Mózes (Hungary)
Adamo, Margherita, Oderzo, Tiziano, Ubaldo (Italy)
Edijs, Edvīns, Inese, Inesis (Latvia)
Andrius, Ubaldas, Vaidmantas (Lithuania)
Sara, Siren (Norway)
Andrzej, Honorat, Jan Nepomucen, Jędrzej, Szymon, Trzebomysł, Ubald, Wieńczysław, Wiktorian (Poland)
Natan, Paisie, Sila, Teodor (România)
Svetozár (Slovakia)
Honorato, Simón, Ubaldo (Spain)
Ronald, Ronny (Sweden)
Brand, Branden, Brandi, Brandon, Brandy, Brannon, Brant, Brenda, Brendan, Brenden, Brendon, Brenna, Brennan, Brent, Brenton (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 137 of 2024; 229 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 9 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 8 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 8 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 17 Magenta; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 3 May 2024
Moon: 61%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Caesar (5th Month) [Hadrian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 59 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 27 of 31)
1 note · View note
rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Wear Purple for Peace Day
National Wear Purple for Peace Day is celebrated annually on May 16. The day is not just an ordinary observance to promote peace, but it’s an extraordinary practice to entice aliens to visit Earth due to its peaceful state. Okay, first let’s just focus on promoting peace around the world. Whether the founder of this holiday is serious or not in making this event about the extraterrestrials’ visit, we human beings always long for peace, right?
History of National Wear Purple for Peace Day
The origin of National Wear Purple for Peace Day is still unknown, like aliens, but that doesn’t mean peace is. Peace is well-known. Most of us know exactly how it feels. It feels really good — no conflict and no violence. Sadly, some people in other parts of the world don’t feel the same. If you google “Is there a war going on right now?” you’ll most likely see results showing that conflicts are going on. It’s unfortunate. That’s why wearing purple for peace is a small act of advocating for peace throughout the world.
Is world peace possible? We believe it is attainable, and that it begins with us. Some people have probably lost faith in humanity, and this can hold us back. That’s because we choose to be pessimistic, but when it comes to peace, it’s better to look at it from the positive side. It may not be as easy as it sounds, but it’s worth trying. If we stay focused and restore our faith in humanity, then world peace is definitely coming our way.
World peace is a state where people in all nations experience freedom, happiness, and peace within. Who doesn’t long for such a heavenly state? No conflict, no violence, no war, and no fighting — world peace is worth fighting for. What we need to do is to create peace within by relinquishing the negative emotions such as anger and nurturing the positive ones such as compassion. If we succeed in establishing peace within ourselves, then peace will spread throughout the world. And when this happens, then world peace is gained. So, why purple? The color purple is associated with royalty, nobility, and ambition. It can also represent spirituality, wisdom, and peace.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day timeline
1901 Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to those whose lives and works are aimed at maintaining and promoting a better world.
1920 League of Nations
The League of Nations becomes the first worldwide intergovernmental organization with the principal mission of maintaining world peace.
1945 United Nations
The United Nations is founded to stop wars between nations and provide a platform for dialogue.
1960 Gandhi Peace Prize
The Gandhi Peace Prize is created to pay tribute to the modern era’s leading advocate of nonviolent resistance.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day FAQs
What is Purple Day all about?
Purple Day means increasing global awareness about epilepsy.
Is purple warm or cool?
Purple is neither warm nor cool.
What chakra is purple?
It’s purple chakra, or crown chakra, or the thousand-petaled lotus.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day Activities
Wear purple
Tell others
Maintain ours
First and foremost, wear purple as the day indicates. Show the world that you long for peace by wearing a purple suit, purple T-shirt, purple sweatshirt, or purple hoodie.
Peace is contagious. The more people know about the day and join the celebration, the more we can see how close we are to attaining the world peace that we are all hoping for.
It’s impossible to share something that we don’t have, right? So, before we can spread peace, it’s essential to first maintain peace within ourselves. That’s when it becomes contagious.
5 Facts About The Color Purple You Need To Know
Purple dye came from an accident
There’s a phobia caused by it
Two nations use purple on their flags
It symbolizes privilege
America’s oldest military award is colored purple
William Henry Perkin accidentally discovered synthetic purple dye (mauve) while he was trying to synthesize quinine.
Just like other color phobias, there is a phobia of the color purple called ‘porphyrophobia.’
Dominica and Nicaragua are the only two countries that use the color purple on their flags.
‘Born to the purple’ means born into a reigning family or privileged class.
America’s oldest military award that is still given to military members is the Purple Heart.
Why We Love National Wear Purple for Peace Day
It’s fun
Peace is needed
Purple is a nice color
National Wear Purple for Peace Day can be fun. You gather with others who are also celebrating the day and talk about how you can spread peace to others.
Peace is always needed by most of us, if not all. The day is a reminder that peace is worth fighting for and that conflict is never a fun thing.
National Wear Purple for Peace Day can be a day for those who never wore purple or didn’t have purple clothing. Wearing purple can make you stand out.
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worldrandom · 2 years
Holiday Weeks
certified nurses day, international clients day, international read to me day, national lets laugh day, national automatic door day, national backyard day, national chocolate caramel day, national poultry day, national stretch mark day, pretzel sunday, red nose day, st. josephs day, schools library media center week
act happy day, alien abduction day, bock beer day, dogs in yellow day, feast of siant joseph, french language day, great british spring clean day, hufflepuff pride day, kiss your fiance day, national jump out day, march equinox, national proposal day, snow buring day, spring beging, world flour day, world frog day
angola carnival day, astrology day, big bang day, credit card reduction day, harmony day, march new moon, memory day, national 3-d day,  national ag day, national aries day, national califorina strawberry day, national countdown day, national crunchy taco day, national teenage day, we day, shakespeare week
american red cross giving day, as young as you feel day, gryffindor pride day, international goof off day, world cloud secuirty day, world water day, texas cowboy poetry week
atheist day, chips and dip day, cuddly kitten day, national chic day, nayional puppy day, ok day, world math day
common wealth, flatmates day, national cheescake day, national cocktail day, world tuber culosis day
bed in for peace day, earth hour, greek independence day, international waffle day, maryland day, national medal of hobor day, national omazing you day, old new years day, walk in the sand day 
black marriage day, british summer time begins, epliepsy awareness/purple day, lve long and prosper day, make up your own holiday day, national spinch day, nike air max day, wear a hat day
celebrate exchange day, international whiskey day, international scibble day, national acoustic soul day, national medical science liaison awarness and appreciation day, national spanish paella day, quirky country music song titles day, viagra day, world theatre day, world autsim acceptance week
american diabetes alert day, eat an eskimo pie day, national black forest cake day, national hot tub day, national something on a stick day, national weed appreiation day, respect your cat day
knights of columbus founders day, little red wagon day, manatee appreciation day, mermaid day, national lemon chiffon cake day, national smoke and mirrors day, niagara falls run dry day, national mom and pop business owners day, pay it forward
doctors day, land day, national folding laundry day, national pencil day, take a walk in the park day, world bi polar
anesthesia tech day, crayola crayon day, eiffel tower day, national crayon day, national prom day, national tater day, transgender day of visibility, world back up day
april fools day, edible book day, education and sharing day, every day is tag day, fossil fools day, international firewalk day, international pillow fight day, lupus alret day, national fun day, national loyal day, national 1 cent day, nickelodeon anniversarvey celebration day, take devin tobaccun, national day of action, u,s air force academy day, child abuse awareness month, earth month, jazz appreciation
0 notes
purplesurveys · 2 years
When was the last time you did clay work/pottery? I can’t remember which year it was but it has to be around 2017 or 2018 when I went to this pottery session in Vigan. What I did turned out to be pretty good! but I had to leave it behind since they still had to bake it and we weren’t staying that long enough in the province.
Do you like art, hate it or just not mind it? I love art. I’m definitely not the type to analyze it and be familiar about art techniques and terms; I just really enjoy looking at it. I’m also starting to go to more art galleries and exhibits because of it, since for the longest time I only stuck to history museums.
If you had to choose would you prefer dull pain for 12hours or sharp for 2? I’d take the sharp for 2. I’m bad with pain.
Koala or Kangaroo? Hmm, kangaroos I guess.
Do you know the words to the national anthem of your country? Of course.
Is your country ruled by a president, prime minister, queen or other? President. One that I hate with every bone in my body, unfortunately.
Does blue occur in your national flag? Yes. Fun fact and I think I’ve shared this but have another round of it anyway: Blue is placed on the top half when the country is in a period of peace. If we’re at war we flip the sides so that blue is on the bottom and red is on top. Fortunately I’ve never had to live through seeing the flag have to be flipped.
Talking of flags. Do you like football/soccer? If yes, do you play and what position? I do not follow football at all.
Would you rather be a Model, Famous Scientist, Singer or Chef? I’d love to be a chef. That’s what my dad is but also - so I can feed myself endlessly.
Would you rather be a pilot, crime scene investigator or estate agent? Pilot!
Does making others happy really make you feel happy? It really does. So much so I’m always willing to sacrifice stuff on my own side just to make people happy. For the most part it’s harmless but there have been moments where this tendency of mine has ended up toxic for my wellbeing.
What colour literally doesn't appear in your wardrobe at all? Purple. As much as it’s one of my favorite colors, that doesn’t apply to the things I wear. Purple never really did look ok on me. Also pink.
Do you actually read the answers others give to your surveys? I don’t make surveys but yeah, I do go through people’s answers.
Did you ever swear at a teacher in school? Why? I have never sworn directly at a teacher. But I’ve definitely badmouthed some with friends.
Have you ever pricked your finger on Holly or another 'sharp' plant? Not my finger but other parts of my skin like my arm, yeah.
Speaking of Holly, do you adore Christmas or does it bug you? Neither. It’s more like I don’t really care for it and the reason it’s celebrated. I do like having that time to spend with extended family though, plus I always appreciate the 2-week work break the holidays are able to give me.
Have you ever wrote your own short story? What about a novel? Or perhaps you started and couldn't finish? I have definitely attempted to write one-shots before but they will never see the light of day, and I’m very grateful that my brain has forgotten their plots for me.
Do you prefer SciFi/Fantasy/Action/Horror or Rom/Com/RealLife? Like, when it comes to movies? I prefer ones with more realistic stories.
What do you have a lot of faith in [note: can be anything]? Activists.
Think of a material thing you want. Name it here (material, made or bought). Would $100/60 be enough for this item? How about $1000/600? What is 100/60 dollars? Anyway I’d like to have a loft bed - $100 is not enough for it but $1000 is definitely more than.
Would you rather have a big house, a lot of kids or a high flying job? I’d love a high-flying job as long as it doesn’t suck my soul dry.
Have you ever been to a creepy/haunted/abandoned place? What did it look like and what were the circumstances? Nah. I had the chance to, but I chickened out before I could step inside. It was a white abandoned house that was right across Laurice’s, when we came over to her place three years ago. What's your favourite dip? Mayonnaise or sour cream.
Chocolate Cookies or Fudge Brownies? Brownies, as long as you meant double chocolate cookies because I am not a fan of those.
I give you a little baby puppy. What do you name him? Would depend on their personality, which is always my attitude towards naming pets.
Is crime a big problem in your area? In this country in general, yes. Recently kidnappings and disappearances have been all the rage among people my age, but apart from that there’s also a whole lot of homicide and drugs and it certainly doesn’t help that the previous administration launched a violent drug war.
What's your town/city most well known for? Rice cakes and pilgrimages. Do you know a Jack? What's he like? How about a Lisa? What's she like? I don’t know anyone with these names.
Are most your friends older, younger or the same age as you? Mostly older since they’re friends from my org who entered college earlier than I did.
Do you subconsciously hang out with those with the same star sign as you or as each other, perhaps due to certain personality traits? Nope.
Name 5 objects that you don't have but would like right now? Stacks upon stacks of cute new clothes; a few pairs of new sneakers; a pair of AirPods; a projector in my room; and a waffle maker.
When you have children, would you like twins? It wouldn’t be the end of the world but I’d certainly be freaked out initially at the prospect of taking care of two infants at once. Do you know any twins? If so, what are they called? Vaguely. We had a couple of twin pairs in my high school.
If you were given the choice to choose your child's gender, would you? Yes, I’d love a girl.
What instrument would you love to learn how to play? Piano. I’d never stop playing if I only knew how to use it, I think.
Does the sound of knocking/tapping startle you? Yeah, it definitely can.
What's the scariest story/urban legend/creepypasta etc you heard? Maybe those stories on subreddits that have kids saying the creepiest shit, like how they somehow know they had a twin sibling die or suddenly name-drop a dead relative that’s never been mentioned around them.
Do you miss someone currently? No, I’m fine on my own right now.
When was the last time you were in hospital? What for? May 2020. Needed to get a blood test done for what ultimately turned out to be a UTI.
When was the last time you went to the dentist? Around July to get a wisdom tooth extracted. Then ate a chicken sandwich immediately after, lol.
Do you get along well with your family doctor/your doctor? We don’t have a family doctor. We kinda just go somewhere new every time.
What personality trait does nearly everyone in your family seem to have? We don’t handle confrontation well and always skirt around uncomfortable topics, if not ignore them altogether even if it’s the glaring elephant in the room.
0 notes
lesbeauien · 2 years
Some of my most favorite completely pivotal, campaign-changing moments from Critical Role Campaign 2, in no particular order:
-mail fraud
-walking through a literal, not-space-related, massively long tunnel-like worm hole from one continent to another. with no DM prompting to do so. they chose this.
-blueberry cupcakes
-almost killing a weird purple dude with a weird geometric object, letting him go only for him to get killed by the government an instant later, and then being like “well I don’t want the GOVERNMENT to have whatever that is” and stealing it back on a whim. and then just. carrying around a powerful magical relic of unknown significance. for months. just jangling around in their bags and occasionally being whipped out for a once-a-day reroll. this thing started a WAR and then disappeared from under the noses of TWO NATIONS and these random adventuring chucklefucks had it the whole time
-appearing for an audience before a queen of a foreign land wearing BDSM gear and whipping out one of their lost religious relics
-The Wildmother loving her weird pink son enough to give him THREE successful divine interventions
-relentlessly attempting to become best friends with a war criminal even after learning that he started a war
-accidentally stealing a pirate ship. not ~accidentally stealing~, actually on accident stealing a pirate ship with no intentions to do so prior to stealing the pirate ship. and then going “I guess we’re pirates now.”
-Fjord flipping off a sea god and destroying his weird sea sword and then refusing or forgetting to get rid of the weird sea orb inside him and then going out to sea after he pissed off the sea god. multiple times.
-Yasha cannot make a wisdom saving throw to save her life her free will and it changed the course of the story. multiple times.
-negotiating peace between warring nations, and then dipping out to go organize and attend a cult convention
-going to their first ever big city and being like “what do we do now? crime? is crime what we do now? crime?” and committing treason and conspiring to murder a city official and joining a crime syndicate led by a wet dude who later turned out to be Jester’s dad
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tenjiiku · 2 years
vindicated at 10pm
Ran-san -- you do not know his full name -- meant nothing to you seven months ago, before you met him in that dingy bar a block away from your neighbourhood laundromat. Nothing, in the sense that his existence was unascertained by your mind, not in the apathetic sense of the phrasing. Though, after becoming aware of him, you sincerely did wish you could still mean the latter.
You sit at a very secluded and quiet ignominious bench -- part of three others, a stone slab of a table in the middle -- located in Mikawadai Park. There is a roof overhead, long rectangular pieces of metal, and it filters the gleam of the moonlight into straight streaks of luminescence. It (being you, not the bench nor the lighting) is a very pitiful sight to behold on a Friday night in December. No one is around -- no one cares to be around -- as you hum the tune to Oyoge! Taiyake-kun. It is very cold tonight and you are shivering but you do not get up because the weather makes you feel alive after a day of living like a zombie.
You are exactly like everyone else, and yet you find his pair of noir-coloured dress shoes covered in snowflakes appear in front of your solemn -- fallen -- face. 
“You look like shit,” Ran-san remarks as though narrating a National Geographic program. He holds out a niku-man in one hand and a an-man in the other, close to his mouth, already bitten into. He wears a black coloured trench coat, with a black coloured turtleneck underneath and black trousers.
He has purple streaks in his hair -- something that you’d laughed at when you first encountered him -- something you would laugh at now, if not for your pity party you were currently throwing.
“Go away…,” you whine, a bit more pathetic than you wanted to let off, “I can’t today. You are too much.”
“You’re paler than usual,” he ignores you, holding out the niku-man, presumably for you, “take this. I cannot have your death on my hands.”
“Why can’t you?” You soberly ask, “It’s not as though you don’t have any already. I will simply be another, you can write me off as a business expense.”
“Right, yes, but the thing is -- that is strictly business. I like to keep it separated from my personal affairs for my own peace of mind.”
“Is that what I am?”
“A personal affair?”
He pauses, before his lips lift into a smirk and he answers, “If you would like to be.”
The crinkle that forms between your brows is deep and sharp. A snowflake falls on it and melts in less than a second.
You do not say anything to him, simply look up with clacking teeth and puffs of cold air leaving your mouth. Your nose feels as though it is going to fall off your face. Glaring, you grab the meat bun regardless and he takes your action as an invitation to sit next to you.
“Why are you … like this?” His large palm, larger than your face, gestures towards your stiff frame currently hunched over nibbling at your meat bun like a street rat.
You burp, and cover it up as a hiccup, “Like what?”
He points an accusing finger at you, face amused, “Exactly that.”
You swallow your bite and your pride, and display an expression full of both forlorn and annoyance. 
“Ran-san, I do not understand you.”
He hums, and decides to eat his bun as well. The yellow street lighting barely shines on the two of you. One moment you are intently staring at the lamp post with moths gathering around in pairs hovering near its source, and the next, you are folded hugging your legs, bun held in your hand formed into a fist.
Ran-san straightens his once leaned-back, relaxed posture. He places a firm hand on your back that sends shivers up your spine. “Are you alright?” His voice is a deep baritone, and he sounds genuinely concerned -- a first time in a while.
“Yes, yes. Stop touching me, please.”
He listens almost immediately, but they remain hovering over your back covered in the puffy winter jacket you don. The cramp in your abdomen tightens, and your right leg jumps up and down like a cricket as you rock back and forth. You wish to see Ran-san’s face right now. He is traumatised, no doubt.
“You eat somethin’ weird?” His voice is shaky. You smile a little before it fades away from the pain that shoots through your stomach.
“I’ve had cramps all day,” you manage to mumble, staring blankly at your boots, “didn’t feel like eating anything at all.”
“You have eaten something — right?”
His tone is accusatory. It reminds you of your mother. You turn your head towards his, right cheek pressing into your legs.
“Mmm,” you hum, pondering, “I’ve had a couple of tangerines early this morning.”
A quiver racks through your frame, and your teeth clatter synchronously as you form your hands into fists, covered by woolly, overtly-cartoonish mittens. You suck in a breath, eyes dilated as you watch the puff of cold air appear in front of you from seemingly out of nowhere. 
Ran-san is not as nearly amused as you are, though. He scoffs a small, “You are hopeless,” before standing up -- all six feet something of him -- from the bench.
So I am told, you whisper to yourself, but he has already departed. You know you told him to stop touching you -- but you did not want him to leave. You also did not mean the latter. But you were ill. Another -- more paltry piece of you thought how utterly presumptuous he had been. As if you had told him to find you, as if you had told him to come barreling into your life.
You wallow and simmer in your anger for twenty minutes, before the coldness breaks you out of it. You yawn, checking your watch. It is 10:59pm. You decide it is time to leave now.
It is when you take your eight step down the sidewalk towards your home, is when a familiar -- presumptuous -- voice stops you in your tracks.
“Oi, kid, where’re you going?”
You hate that he calls you that. But you turn around regardless because you are a childish woman made of straw. He is standing underneath the streetlight a couple of metres towards you. Taking one earbud out of your ear, you tuck your other hand into the pocket of your coat.
“Home?” You state, questionably. He shuffles with a new plastic bag in hand. It looks heavy. You crane a brow. “Did you… want me to wait, Ran-san?”
Without saying a word, the strange man makes his way towards you. He stops, a foot away, and holds out the aforementioned bag out with his lanky arm. You drop your earbud, the furrow between your eyebrows only growing -- but you take the bag regardless. Gazing inside, you notice a small box. The smell that invites you is that of warm rice cakes and soup. A couple packets of heat patches and two energy drinks rest haphazardly on top.
You blink looking back at him. Ran-san isn’t looking at you, but at his feet. Snowflakes cover the fur of his luxurious trench-coat, but he stands in front of you with adolescent embarrassment. Cute, you think, so cute.
“Thank you Ran-san. Merry Christmas.”
You bow. He makes a sound between a ‘tsk’ and a grunt. You tilt your head, back still bent and watch as he walks back the way he came from. When he is further away you stand back up.
“Yeah, yeah” he waves his right hand two, three times, “Merry Christmas, kid.” and leaves into the night. You watch until his silhouette has disappeared from your vision -- you watch him until you cannot anymore.
Ran-san talks adeptly with virtuosity. The first month you had established each other as your respective drinking partners, you had naively -- not wanting to think -- assumed he was a businessman working at another nameless corporation as yourself. 
That was, until he had shown up with blood on his blazer.
You did not point it out until an hour into your meeting -- when dinner had been served -- and you can still remember the face he had made as you changed the topic to how delectable the pork gyoza was that day. Yet, much like then, you were still completely unable to discern what his expression had meant. And, still, much like then, you maintain disregard for both the face he had made and his line of work. He has not objected to your doing, and a part of you believes he is glad you do not prod, especially when he has not made an active attempt at uncovering yours. A part of you, knew however, you were drinking partners with a very dangerous man. However, another -- more idiotic -- part had thought, that if faith had so graciously written you (a mere twenty-two year old part-time college student and intern) to meet with Ran-san (a twenty-seven year old who probably killed people for a living -- literally) you were in no position to refute destiny’s plan.
It would also make for a good story to tell your grandchildren, you resigned. That, and he was not too dreadful to gaze at whilst drinking your atsukan, and so this partnership continued forth.
But, even you had your limits.
“Ran-san I believe you are stalking me,” you murmur, cheek in your right hand as you mindlessly stir your drink with a straw with your left -- where he sits. 
You are in a new bar, twenty minutes away from your home, but only five from your work. It is quaint and small, the only people here being the owner and three obnoxious Yomiuri Giants fans causing a ruckus in the corner near the television. Ran-san typically joined you for drinks in the small izakayas either across from your local laundromat or the one outside of Roppongi station. So -- this was out of the ordinary for him to be here of all places. 
You can feel his smug smirk. 
“How so?” He inquires, taut body leaning in towards your side. You turn your head to look at him to only already have him swivelled in your direction. You huff. 
“This is my first time coming to this bar, and yet you appear.” You point a finger in his direction, an accusing one at that. He snorts. You glare.
“What do you mean? I am a regular here. You can ask Keiji. If anything, you are stalking me.”
His tone is so inculpatory and obdurate it hurts your head and your pride. So what if you know the bar owner’s name? You think. You turn your stool chair to him, knee brushing his abnormally long legs -- feeling daring. 
“Oh, oh!” He guffaws, voice deep and cavernous -- nothing like the men you have entertained before, “Impossible, you say?”
You nod, matter-of-factly as you raise your glass to your lips, “Yes, I am much too stupid to be stalking a kobun.”
Ran smiles at you, the kind of smile where you know he is going to follow it up with either a snarky remark or question. He rests his chin on his interlocked hands, elbows impolitely placed on the table of the bar. 
“Is that what you believe I am?”
You place your drink down, sniffing, “Yes.”
“What if I told you I am actually an oyabun?”
“Then I would apologise,” you answer, as though you had rehearsed your responses, “but your reaction tells me you are not.”
Ran-san tilts his head, smile only growing more cocky and larger and handsome. He plays with the dish of edamame beans he had requested from the owner -- Keiji -- you now know. “My reaction?”
“Yes, would you have not had my head if I disrespected your position like I did?”
Ran-san only but hums. You roll your eyes, turning your chair forward. You bite the inside of your cheek when you think that you are already missing the heat of his leg -- the sliver of the surface you were touching, that too, fabric to fabric. You were pathetic.
“Anyways, we cannot meet anymore.” You state, soundly and confidently.
“Why not?”
“Have you not been listening to what I said?” You jeer, going back to stirring your drink, “I do not want to die, though I may look the part.”
“And you think I want you to die? That is why I keep bothering myself by sharing the occasional drink with you?”
Ran-san sounds genuinely confused and mad. It is different, he is always so typically arrogant. You watch as he clenches his jaw, shaking the ice in his glass and decides to sip his whiskey.
I’m not quite sure what you want, you want to say. I am twenty-two and you are twenty-seven -- if you are not lying about your age. What could you possibly want from me? But all you manage to do is grab the beer can and saké bottle and pour yourself another drink.
A silent moment of pondering is all it takes for Ran-san to continue the conversation. You’d noticed these moments never lasted too long. You had surmised Ran-san felt very uncomfortable in the quiet. You had no qualms if he wanted to fill the silence with his own comments -- you loved his voice, after all.
“You remind me of my brother when he was your age,” he mumbles, so casually. Your eyes widen. This was the first time he had mentioned something from his life in a while.
“Is that a good thing?”
He looks at you without blinking, “Yes.”
Folding your hands together and putting them in your lap, you gaze towards them. The heat in your cheeks grow as you feel his stare bore into your face. You wish the Yomiuri Giants fans could grow louder to distract him and give you a moment to breathe.
“He… is in the same line of work, as you, I assume?”
Ran-san sighs, and the ice in his glass clatters as he presumably lifts to take another drink. You do not know where to put your hands.
“Regrettably.” His tone is solemn. You frown.
“Oh,” you mutter, “but--… he is with you. Which is good, I would think.”
“I suppose so.” Ran-san chuckles, “If you are simple-minded like that.”
The previous commiserate glower on your face shapes into a stern glare once more.  You whine, “Ran-san, you’re mean.”
Ran-san finds your anger amusing -- he always does -- and laughs a psalmic chuckle. But, he does not continue the discussion, which is out of character, because if you were as well-versed in this script as you thought you were, this would be the time to voice his line. He still doesn’t, even after two minutes. You think it is both the alcohol and the undisclosed desire to be close to him that urges you to carry on what he had started.
“Having a sibling must be nice,” you measly state. You rub your right eye out of mortification. 
Ran-san tilts his head, “Do you not have any?”
“No,” you shake your head, right hand wrapped around your glass. You turn your stool towards him again. He leans a bit closer.
“Surely you had parents.”
“No,” you shake your head once more, “Did I not tell you I grew up in an orphanage.”
“No.” He says. You feel your heart drop to your stomach. Stupid woman, you think and curse to yourself.
“Oh. Then please forget what I said.” You lay your right cheek against the bar table, accepting defeat. 
“Hey, hey, why?” Ran-san urges, pushing himself up and looking down at your pitiful frame. He looks all too almighty from this perspective. You talk without thinking.
“I don’t want to die. I’ve seen people die -- have you seen people die? -- it looks gross honestly and I don’t want to go through it right now. You can come back when I am fifty-five.” You explain, and instantly regret it. Ran-san’s face falls and you conclude that this is your last night on Earth. It is a shame that you would be going out like this without ever seeing Ran-san shirtless. Or crying. You would take either.
After a while he says, “I have.”
And because it had been a while and you were a perverted girl who had already forgotten what she had said, you muttered a, “What?”
Ran-san doesn’t answer straight away, which gives you time to recall what you had spewed. “Oh,” you drone, thinking of that night, “oh. Right.”
But then, of course, he goes back to being him. Shamelessly, so.
“I also personally do not like getting my hands dirty unless absolutely necessary. Blood is hard to wash out, you see.”
You mellow.
“Ran-san, please stop telling me all of this. I do not want to be implicitly involved.”
“What was that? You’d like to know where the deal is going to happen with our recent supplier? That would be north of Shibuya--”
Whining loudly and absurdly, you shake your head, covering your face with your hands as though that could possibly stop him from being an asshole. “Ran-san, you’re mean. I hate you.” you say for the umpteenth time that night, but Ran-san only laughs at your complaints.
“That’s a shame,” he sighs, leaning his left cheek into the palm of his left hand, gazing at you with lidded eyes, “I’ve begun to really like you.”
You stop your antics and drop your hands from your face. You look at him to already have his attention on you.
“You are… you’re joking, right?”
“Huh?” Ran-san smiles amicably, raising his eyebrows and feigning innocence as though he had not just dropped a bombshell -- that, too, four drinks in --, “Whatever are you talking about?”
“That’s funny,” you snort, huff, and laugh. But he does not return any of your amusement, which only increases the rapid beating of your heart. You feel hot. You feel the yellow of the bar lighting pierce into your skin. You feel him everywhere, but he is only beside you.
“I don’t know what you’re on about. I find you quite beautiful. I love your face.” His lanky index finger and thumb form an ‘L’ he places underneath his chin as he winks like a fox, “It’s totally my type.”
“Ran-san…” you pause and look at your hands and look at your drink and look at the Yomiuri Giants fans that have now quieted down, “you are embarrassing me.”
“Am I?”
“Yes, yes, please stop. Please.” you squeeze your eyes shut.
Ran-san chuckles, “Oh, but you are so cute.”
“Please!” You squeak. He laughs, deep from his stomach at this. He is so handsome like this it makes your cheeks ache and stretch inside. “You’re a bad, bad man.” You complain, hiding your face in your hands, fingers parting a little bit to see how he reacts.
“I know,” he laughs, then breathes and murmurs through his laughter, “ah— but I think I really like you. What shall I do now?”
You look at him -- really look at him. It is moments like these when you can completely and utterly disregard where the two of you came from. It is naive of you to think these things, but Ran-san must share that same sense of naivety if he keeps coming back. So, you can ponder on stupid questions: How he grew up -- how he liked his coffee in the morning. It is so simple and mundane it sends your heart soaring. In this moment, Ran-san is so beautifully yours and you can forget whatever he is, because this is all you need to see of him to know him. The heat in your chest grows into a fire, and you find yourself speechless. Ran-san, I’m scared, you want to say. Ran-san, I really like you. What are we going to do? You think.
But Ran-san is smarter and older and quicker than you ever will be.
“Sorry, start acting normal again for me, okay?”
You nod.
It is midnight when he says he will walk you home. You don’t argue or pout or make a fuss. The heat in your head from the alcohol combined with Ran-san’s previous confession have left you utterly vulnerable and malleable to his every move.
So even as you stumble out of the bar, clutching onto Ran-san’s coat and he says -- not asks -- to carry you, you do not stutter or refuse. You lean into him and let him do the work. When he picks you up and his warm hands hook themselves underneath your knees, you suddenly feel like a teenage girl again. And if you try hard enough you can forget who Ran-san is and pretend he is your high-school crush.
“Ran-san, truthfully you scared me a lot before I knew you. But I’m not scared anymore after getting to know you, which scares me more.” You mumble halfway into your departure against his shoulder you lay on. Your hands rest inches away from his chest, fisting his coat.
He grunts, adjusting your weight before murmuring a small, “Yeah, yeah.”
You hope the reason he doesn’t talk much on the way to the train station is you. You long to make him feel nervous the same way he does to you.
When you pass the Rainbow Bridge and make way to Tamachi Station, is when Ran-san lets you down. You stay holding onto his coat. He turns himself around and cranes an eyebrow at your state.
“Can… we stay like this, for a moment?” You whisper. Instantly you regret it, but you still cannot find it in yourself to care or to stop. You just want to be next to him, you want to be close to him. “I’m sorry, I’m drunk. We’ll forget this in the morning.”
You shut your eyes. Faintly, you can feel his gloved hand rest itself on your snow-covered head of hair. He strokes the top of your frozen ear and you melt against every single one of his touches. Tamachi Station is sequestered and dead-like on a Thursday at 12:30am, but you can still hear every one of his small sharp inhales.
“I don’t want to forget this.” He says, dignified and true, “I don’t want to forget you.”
You look up, hands still resting on his chest. He looks at you with something you cannot explain. Has he ever looked at anybody like this? A senile, envious part of you hopes he has not. 
“I know you thought I was joking, but you’re-- You scare me too, actually.” His voice is unusually weak. Ran-san dresses so sumptuously and presents himself so precariously you sometimes forget that he, too -- despite the many titles he may have -- is only a man. He is only ever a man in front of you. He is only ever Ran-san.
“Impossible.” You state.
“That again?”
“You are far more mysterious than I am. I am a wet log.”
“Hm, yes, you are a bit…” he squeezes your shoulders and it makes your stomach flip, “squishy.”
His gesture sends your heart fluttering. He is so stable at this moment. You feel like crying when you think about leaving him, only to meet him drunk at another bar. You want to be more than that -- you want to be more than drinking partners. But you do not exactly know what entails.
“Ran-san,” you murmur his name like a mantra -- clutching onto the sleeve of his coat like an oversized child, “Ran-san. I don’t want to die.”
“Stop saying that.” He scolds, softly caressing your head, “People are looking.”
“Ran-san, I’m tired of feelin’ alone,” You ignore his command and continue on rambling, “Ran-san, I’m a stupid girl. But I don’t wanna die.”
“Shut up.” He hisses, squeezing your shoulders. But behind his eyes he cannot hide his concern nor interest. You can discern each of his subtle tone and language -- it scares you, it disarms you.
“No one’s around,” You stammer into his warm jacket. Even in your intoxicated state you can sense the faint footsteps of passerbys. But you would continue to act childish and be stupid if if meant you still had Ran-san’s attention.
“How many drinks have you had?”
“I’m not lyingggg,” You sing, very frivolously, “There is nobody around except you. Whenever you’re around I can’t see anyone else, are you a witch?”
“Historically, witches are said to be women.”
You poke his chest, “Then-- a sorcerer.”
He sighs, “You’re a piece of work, woman,” but does not stop softly touching you.
You look up at him again and ask, “Why did you carry me here, then?”
“I told you already,” He exhales. His voice is hushed -- as though he was sharing a secret. The fire in your stomach burns your lining.
“Ran-san, you shouldn’t like me. I’m a stupid woman who only eats tangerines on her period and spends her Christmas alone at a park and talks to dangerous men like you.” You explain, but he only shakes his head.
“Ah-- but I’m a stupid man, who likes to eat a lot and does not like the holidays, so don’t you think we’d make a good match?”
You fall silent. You look away from him. The hand on your head stops its caresses and you bite your lip. However, it only stops to move to your cheek. Your breath hitches as he manoeuvres your face to force you to look into his eyes. He’s bending down a little to become eye-level with you and the thought of the most dangerous man in Roppongi -- at least to you -- being so gentle and sweet with you sends your mind soaring.
“But,” He whispers, “if you want me to leave, I will. Although I don’t particularly want to.”
“Ran-san, you’re mean,” You begin to tear up and he only laughs in your face and wipes it away with a glove-covered thumb, “I like you so much.”
Leaning forward, he places a tentative kiss on your forehead. You look down, flustered. He makes you feel so weak -- it feels so nice.
“Have a good night.” He brushes the part he had kissed so gently with his thumb. You instinctively close your eyes and lean into his warmth. His voice is liquid smooth and it sounds just right in your ears -- reaches parts of you you did not even know were there before.
You nod. And as you walk up the stairs to the train station area, you feel his gaze on your back accompany you all the way up. You feel it until you cannot feel it anymore. 
And when you tuck a hand into the pocket of your coat and find the crumpled receipt of Ran-san’s order with a number haphazardly scribbled onto the back of it, you smile and place a hand on your forehead.
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