#Natural Weight Management
blazing-spectre · 2 years
Is the pathologic to disco elysium pipeline real
If it’s not it absolutely should be. Basically if you like one game, especially for the writing, there’s a 90% chance you’ll like the other
The way I see it is less of a, “One leads to another,” and more of a, “They’re two rooms in the same house, and they’re next to each other, and once you open one of the doors, you’re more likely to open the other.
#honestly the disco elysium to pathologic pipeline would be even better bc it would mean more people playing pathological two#asks#anon#personal#pathologic#disco elysium#hey do u like complex east European stories about the nature of humanity and nature and the different ways people influence the world?#do you want your Every decision in a game to be meaningful?#does the idea of being a dude who spends ages walking to other peoples houses to unravel secrets and get told lies#does that appeal to you?#what about dialogue trees where you Really need to think about what you’re saying?#how about learning what is magical and what isn’t and if that distinction matters?#what about games where So many of your actions have consequences of different natures?#then try Pathologic 2 and Disco Elysium today#fucks sake there’s no leveling or skills in pathologic but it still manages to be more of an rpg than most of the ones that have come out#recently simply bc. u get to. actually play a role. and make decisions based on what part of the role you lean into more#disco elysium is the less stressful of the two but. they’re both amazingly written with beautifully complex stories and mechanics that#will slap your ass so hard with their narrative and immersive effectiveness#both games are ridiculously immersive#in pathologic I feel like the weight of it all really is in my hands and that that means something to Me as the player#in disco elysium the writing is so good that I saw an innocuous detail on a character wiki and started crying because#I felt like the characters in that game were so True and knowing that Kim Kitsuragi did crosswords out of work hours#that just felt like a punch to the gut for some reason.#yeah#hope that made sense!
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sporesgalaxy · 3 years
also shout out to fellow collapsed arch havers out there i wish upon you shoes that support your ankles and fit your arch support inserts if you have them
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invasato · 2 years
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miss girl in my home official
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pwl-centers11 · 3 years
6 natural ways to lose weight without exercise!
Many people are suffering from weight problems, even after trying a lot, they are not able to lose excess weight. People who are overweight do not make any effort to lose weight. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Some people also suffer from a number of health problems as a side effect of these. And there is also depression.
Now the poison is - how to lose this extra weight?
For those who are suffering from weight problems, there are some easy solutions to lose weight in a natural way. Let's find out about 7 easy ways to lose weight naturally.
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1. Eat 4 hours before going to bed
Many people who wake up at night have a habit of eating certain foods before going to bed late at night. Again, many people fall asleep after eating dinner. This habit is very harmful for the body. Eat at least 4 hours before going to bed at night. When you go to sleep after eating, the digestion process slows down. As a result body fat accumulates. So if you go to sleep at least 4 hours before going to sleep, food is digested. As a result, the body is protected from excess fat at least a little.
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2. Spices
We eat a variety of spices in our daily cooking. Several of these spices are helpful in weight loss. Peppers, ginger, cinnamon and other spices play an important role in weight loss. Using them in regular diet will help to lose weight. Sprinkle a little cinnamon powder on the morning jelly bread, or mix it with milk. It is very effective in losing weight and keeping the heart healthy.
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3. Green tea
Green tea or green tea is very useful to lose weight. Each of these grains contains polyphenols and corogenic acids which help in reducing human body weight. Green which increases metabolism which is the main condition for weight loss. It is possible to lose up to 15 pounds a year by drinking 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily. And yes, without exercise. Just drink green tea instead of your daily tea or coffee! The American Chemical Society presented at a meeting in San Diego that green tea reduces weight. After drinking green tea for 22 weeks, 16 people with overweight problems were found to have lost an average of 3.75 kg.
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4. Waking up early in the morning
If you want to lose weight, make it a habit to wake up every morning. When you wake up in the morning and start the day, the body is much more functional, resulting in more calorie loss and weight loss. And if you want to do something extra, try to get up and sit up without the help of your hands. This will put pressure on the stomach and reduce belly fat. It is also better to wake up every morning and walk outside for a while.
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5. Drink plenty of water
Drink plenty of water every day. Drinking plenty of water increases the body's metabolism and the body can easily absorb nutrients. Drinking plenty of water also flushes out contaminants from the body. Food is easily digested by drinking water, so the body does not accumulate excess fat easily.
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6.Lemon-honey drink
When you wake up in the morning, mix two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey with a glass of lukewarm water and eat it. After a while you can eat breakfast. Lemon-honey drink is an infallible method to lose weight. However, with this, you must take a moderate diet and do some exercise if possible. Then you will lose weight quite quickly in a natural way.
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frumfrumfroo · 4 years
When people protest to anyone saying Ben is inherently loving or compassionate, I wonder what they think people in real life who do terrible things are like. People can be inherently compassionate and loving and run from that, or suppress their instincts and do commit awful crimes. But you’d think from the way antis talk that all villains, fake or real, were twirling their mustaches and plotting evil for the sake of evil every second of the day
The dehumanisation of people who do bad things is genuinely a very dangerous mentality. When you otherise the ability to do wrong, you lose all possibility of dialogue, empathy or forgiveness with wrong-doers (who then cannot heal and will never stop being wrong-doers). And you eliminate self-examination about your own behaviour, your own capacity to make mistakes or do wrong. ‘I can’t be wrong, I’m a good person! They must have deserved it!’/’My [cause/group/identity] is good and right-thinking so whatever we do must be just!’
There is no such thing as an acceptable target to dehumanise. It is degrading to both perpetrator and victim to engage in and is an ethical black hole that is always the beginning of justification for the most heinous shit of which people are capable. As soon as you’re saying someone is less than fully human because of [x], that they can somehow abdicate their right to personhood, you are on the way to thinking it’s okay to do to them whatever you want. How you treat others reflects far more on you than it does on them.
I’ve had so many exhausting, point-missing messages every time I mention that he’s compassionate and has a highly developed moral sensibility. Like yes, congratulations on your total rejection of nuance, you’ve cracked it, people are never complex or contradictory. We’re all 100% rational all the time and no one has ever been misguided or blinded by fear into thinking the ends justify the means. No one has ever scapegoated others based on superficial shit for that sweet rush of social capital that allows you to feel righteous while being objectively awful. Certainly not you, right now, thinking it’s okay to harass and bully real people on the internet because they like the wrong fictional character.
#when I said he had the most sensitive moral compass of the st characters holy shit#the idiocy that invaded my inbox#you can think the most about your actions and feel the weight of your decisions most heavily and still make the wrong choice#like I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to conceive of him as a real character with complex motivations#but he thinks he's doing something necessary#he doesn't believe he has a choice#this is a decision he's made based on his experience and his understanding of the world#which has been warped by his trauma and deliberately by Snoke#but he is SUCH a compassionate person that it can't be suppressed#he is compassionate to his enemies#and bro I'm just going to say it#he's a much more compassionate person than Rey#I have several posts about this but it's still amazing they managed to have him embody all the sw themes and values#which they don't understand and tried to throw away#while their protagonist is a Nietzschean ubermensch living in a deterministic hellhole without the possibility of agency#perpetuating this ontology of violence that is the modern zeitgeist#fuck them all#I want a restraining order where they aren't allowed within 100km of sw#his impulse is to help people- that is his natural inclination and he is the only one of the st trio for whom that is the FIRST impulse#where f/nn wants to withdraw from what's happening and rey is focussed on her survival and retrieving her childhood#that's fucking INTERESTING#but no fuck nuance and conflict#it's not like this could be a great parallel to Anakin and how his first impulse was also to help others in TPM or anything#it's not like we could come full circle in a way that actually MEANT something and didn't render the entire story pointless nihilism
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theygender · 3 years
Ughhh nonbinary dysphoria fucking SUCKS because there is literally nothing that I can do to fix it
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taronunwin · 4 years
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A year of Taron Egerton [223 of 365]
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wellnessmatters · 3 years
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I Just Walked
I have never been one that enjoyed exercising. To get on a treadmill or go to a class has always seemed just necessity instead of something I would describe as fun. There are a litany of other things I’d rather do than scan mindlessly at a tv while I walk or have an instructor shouting out moves I can’t follow and feel goofy doing. To me the best exercise is when it happens without being planned,…
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nambaa-shikkusu · 3 years
#tw: ed#i don't have an ed and this isn't actually about ed but i didn't know what else to use for the warning and i figured people with ed might be#affected by reading this and that's why i used this tw#anyway#i just can't help but thinking that i want to lose weight. and like. i know that it makes no sense from a rational pov. i even think that#from a moral pov it would be wrong because it's against everything i believe in and i don't want to encourage others to do the same#but it's so hard to fight this will.. especially when you spend so much time on social media and see pictures of skinny celebrities and i#influencers. i just wish i could look like that. i'm a healthy and fit person and my face is alright but i always feel like i'm not pretty#enough. i wish i was beautiful. i wish i could wear all the cute clothes i wanna wear and look like the people on instagram. i wish my face#wasn't so round. it looks so bad in pictures. i just. there is no reason for me to lose weight.. i know that. i weigh 62 kilos and i eat two#meals a day and a snack and i work out regularly. there is no way for me to weigh less without dieting but i can barely even keep my current#weight. the only reason i manage to stay at 62 is because i'm at a relatively stress-free period and the moment i start doing#stressful things i gain weight immediately... like there is literally no way for me to be a thinner person and stay that way long term but i#just can't let go of this idea.. i've been struggling with this literally my entire life.. i just can't unlearn this shitty beauty standard#and it's literally everywhere.. i'm so jealous when i see people who clearly have never had to struggle with weight loss and are just#naturally skinny.....
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ex---hale · 4 years
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LB 🥰🏡
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sciencepurelibrary · 3 years
Flaxseed is Key For Healthy Lifestyle - Increase Your Fitness Level
Flaxseed is a superfood that may do wonders for your body. If you are not aware of the benefits of flaxseed for good health, you must read this article.
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kaixinke · 3 years
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tata1q3 · 5 years
I'm 41. I am 6'1. Weight 125 lb very underweight. I went to two doctors and they said I have to gain 30 pounds. This is because of depression, stress, and childbirth. Weight Gain Journey🙄🍰🍝🍜
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sathishtalgur · 4 years
Weight Loss Tips
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huphilpuffs · 5 years
hi fellow chronically ill peeps do any of you have ~less common~ advice for sleep? mine is getting worse again and i’m kinda really desperate to avoid going to the doctor about it
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