orcinus-veterinarius · 8 months
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Dr. Mando, licensed veterinarian, coming to you in May 2024 😊
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babygirlwolverine · 2 years
it’s finally here. in just over 12 hours I will begin taking the NAVLE (a 7.5 hour exam! - the longest exam of my life holy heckie!) to become a licensed veterinarian. im absolutely shaking with nerves and anxiety. I’ve been studying since june, but I still don’t feel ready. all I can do is my best, and whether I pass or fail the exam, im going to do the best that I can and im proud of myself for everything I’ve done to prepare and study for the next exam. and then finally after the exam is over I can have a little break from studying and working to actually enjoy life again and to spend time with my family and be online more to cry over destiel. I won’t find out the results until mid-January, so it’s going to be a nerve wracking month of waiting. but tomorrow im gonna celebrate finishing the exam, for better or for worse, because completing this exam is such a huge deal. anyway… all of this to say, wish me luck on the NAVLE, yall! im gonna need every single ounce of luck and prayers and good thoughts for the exam tomorrow 💙💚
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radmista · 8 months
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It's come to my attention that it is NAVLE season! To all you 4th year vet students, good luck, get some sleep and rock that 7 hours of hell!
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conderkyl · 2 years
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Why does NAVLE studying just make me feel dumber?
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What is the NAVLE?
The veterinary medicine programs featured by OzTREKK are AVMA accredited, which means graduates of these programs are eligible to sit the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) along with graduates from AVMA-accredited veterinary colleges in the United States and Canada.
But what's on the NAVLE, and what do you need to know?
Read on!
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
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This one goes out to my fellow med/vet/grad school homies ( @criminalskies I’m looking at u babe )
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singlethread · 1 year
Vet med is weird bc I’ll get asked a question and not know it and doubt my entire education and then I’ll get one of my navle prep questions right and feel like a genius
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夏 by Kätzchen
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orcinus-veterinarius · 10 months
Well, tomorrow’s the day…
The day I take the NAVLE!
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babygirlwolverine · 1 year
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I PASSED THE NAVLE!!!!! YA GIRL IS OFFICIALLY GONNA A VETERINARIAN!!!!! I PASSED I PASSED I PASSED!!!! No more studying!! Graduation is in 9 days and then I’ll officially get to say I’m a veterinarian!!!! I DID IT!!!!
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marathimajja · 2 years
पुण्यातील नवले ब्रिजवर सतत होणाऱ्या अपघाताचं काय आहे रहस्य?
पुण्यातील नवले ब्रिजवर सतत होणाऱ्या अपघाताचं काय आहे रहस्य?
पुणे येथे असलेल्या नवले ब्रिजवर आपल्यास साताऱ्याहून मुंबई कडे जाणारी वाहने पहावयास मिळतात. याठिकाणी काही वाहने सावकाश तर काही वाहने भरधाव वेगाने येताना दिसतात. तीव्र असलेल्या उताराच्या ठिकाणी असलेली वेगाची मर्यादा हि साठ च्या आत आहे. तश्या प्रकारचे सूचना फलकही त्या ठिकाणी लावलेले आहेत. स्पीडगन मध्ये लगेच याची नोंद होते. जर या पेक्षा जास्त वेग असेल तर तुम्हाला दंड भरावा लागणार या भीतीने मागून…
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aquaquadrant · 5 months
life update. doctors HATE her: local author in complete remission for severe crohn’s disease after just one week of treatment.
jk but also not really?? i had my first infusion a couple weeks back and not only did i see improvement literally the next day, but by the end of the first week all my symptoms had disappeared entirely. not just the GI stuff, but my mouth ulcers, joint pain, and episcleritis too. it cleared up so quickly and so completely that it honestly didn’t even feel like i had crohn’s anymore.
… right in time for finals week LMAO but the good news is that i got thru it, school is finally over and done with (third year in the bag) and other than studying for my navle in the fall, i’m off the hook til end of summer.
WHICH MEANS... writing time. oh boy am i excited. i don’t wanna promise a specific date but i had already been chipping away at the next htp chapter and now there’s nothing to stop me from giving it my full attention. so uh, keep an eye out for that 💃
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VetPrep questions be like: You perform a CSF tap on a cow with suspected listeriosis. What is the cytology?
And I’m just... When am I going to do a spinal tap on a cow?! There are so many other diagnostics and clinical features we would use before going to a CSF tap?? When is this happening in general practice? 
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retrieve-the-kraken · 4 months
(This is the third time I try posting this, Tumblr’s been weird on me lately…)
More Omar from Furuvik (I’m sorry for the staggered posting, I’m so jetlagged…)
Sorry if it’s a long start, but I started recording from the moment something started happening.
Now that I have seen him up close, I stand by my assessment: Omar is the most beautiful man ever. It’s not the cameras, it’s not the lighting, no editing, no photoshop. He is just unbearably beautiful, dare I say even perfect.
And that outfit. My god. The most perfect navle peeking out from under the hem of that tight little top. As he said recently reading from thirst tweets, “a tiny waist for men to grab”. No truer statement has ever been spoken.
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