scp-230 · 14 days
Bill shorten retiring after fucking up the NDIS and creating stereotypes that disabled people are misusing taxpayers funds for alcohol, drugs, vacations and sex
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cripplerage · 5 months
There's a vacant wheelchair accessible government house that has been available since at least last year, maybe longer, during a housing crisis.
Despite asking again and again, I and many others have been deemed "not disabled enough" for disability housing. There are no accessible housing options in the private market.
I'm so angry.
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myrtaceaae · 4 months
Hey aussie folks! The Labor government has a nasty new bill to overhaul the NDIS that will fuck the way we disabled australians manage to live. Here is the link to send the email to stop the bill.
Please click the link and send an email it takes literally a minute, and means everything to me and other disabled australians on the NDIS. We only have until Wednesday night.
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well, shit is getting straight up untenable in Australia!
that's why we got a new bio, also because we are sick of the anon's just block us damn.
but no legit, they are fucking up the NDIS and THAT IS BAD, it's literally the only governmental support for all disabled people in Australia by the way it's the "national disability insurance scheme" aka NDIS.
so uh BAD, real bad, extremely bad, uber bad.
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there's more, uh so yeah!!!! FUCK MAN.
I do hope people don't die, because this is just going to lead to people seeking help from the gov't dying in the meantime.
or if the gov't says "yeah your not disabled (is disabled) get zero accommodations loser" then well that's BAD.
I already know like tons of people who couldn't get NDIS money and they were straight up disabled, and people who desperately needed those accommodations and couldn't because the government just straight up would not listen and help them.
it's pretty fucking telling that more than half the disabled people I know in Australia literally could not get on the NDIS.
this is just making a already shit situation worse, I haven't been able to go to the dentist, GP, or the eye doctor people in more than 5 Years!!!!
FIVE FUCKING YEARS, I know people who are straight up 2 seconds away from being homeless due to not being able to work and not being able to apply to the NDIS.
like it's fucking bad, if your parents won't boot you off your centrelink you can't get your own centrelink and can't access any accomodations or disability money, if your blak (aka aboriginal) your just extremely fucked already now times that by 4.
like dude, THIS IS SHIT.
and I know disability ally's are mostly American based, but by fuck WHAT THE FUCK, THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN.
the NDIS is not perfect there's shit ton of corruption and scammers-
(I actually know a family who's like legit scamming the NDIS lol no I don't mean like "oh those physically disabled's" I mean like they are using the money on like 3d printers and shit lol they are assholes and racists)
but like, it was barely working for people before. this is going to take the people it was barely working before and fuck them over too.
it's gonna fucking suck man, I am fucking scared for everyone.
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Disability rights activists operating under the title of the Sicko Liberation Organisation picketed outside the office of NDIS Minister Bill Shorten last Thursday.
“Ritalin has the mic right now,” said the organiser, leading a small huddle of aggrieved protesters who felt blindsided by Labor’s recent reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
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hell-on-sticks · 1 year
Today the major hard-right political party in my country put out a video about the National Disability Insurance Scheme. For those overseas, the NDIS is a system by which disabled individuals can have funding plans supporting disability aids, from wheelchairs or prosthetics to sensory equipment.
It's an attack on disabled people every time some politician who thinks we shouldn't be a burden on the taxpayer starts taking potshots at the systems that give us the ability to live our lives. That our lives don't have value and come down to the dollar amount we cost the government, even though it's known that NDIS participants contribute $2 to the economy for every $1 received. But it doesn't matter. To them we're scammers. Leeches. And every day is more and more demoralising hearing these people rant about how we're scamming the country.
The NDIS is far from perfect. Providers hike prices if the client is an NDIS participant so they get more money. Many disabled people in desperate need of major aids like powerchairs aren't considered eligible. But it's a step, and participants aren't scamming the Golden Ideal of the Taxpayer. Disabled people are people too.
Australia isn't really spoken about in a lot of disability discourse, but the NDIS is constantly under attack, and people are left in need unable to access vital disability equipment. The government and politicians assign a dollar amount to our lives and for too many of us that number can be zero.
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thexie-and-stars · 10 months
Did you know: The government might remove autism from the ndis FOR GOOD REGARDLESS
Basically, the amount of people with autism is "more than forecasted" so, they think some people are faking which, if you keep recources away because "some people are gonna fake it", that's not an autism problem, that's a criminal problem.
What the actual fuck Australian Government.
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r3musmoony · 1 year
bruh why is the NDIS so unnecessarily complicated what the fuck
(for those of you who don’t know the NDIS is just the ‘National Disability Insurance System’ which is like, if you have a disability that impacts your daily life and you need adaptive technology or aids the NDIS will pay for it (as long as you actually need it for your disability and the reason you need it is directly linked to your disability))
rant beneath the cut lol
I’m considering going on it to help me pay for my wheelchair (cuz 5000 AUD is impossible for me to save) but like, it’s so complicated and i need an official diagnosis and evidence supporting WHY I need financial help to afford it and WHY I need a wheelchair in the first place and it’s like ughhhhh just trust me when I say I need it like wtf. Doctors are notoriously bad at telling people when to use mobility aids because they consider it ‘giving up’ which is fucking stupid, like I’m ‘giving up’ because I want to be in less pain but still go to class and live life?? how does that make sense!?
Like srsly all I wanna do is just live life, go to my uni classes, go out with friends and eventually dates but I also know that I can’t do that without help! and at the moment. yes, crutches are helpful in that but also so was my cane and now after only 7 months of using it, it’s not helping as much as it did when I first brought it.
The pain that started in only my left hip has now moved to both hips, my thighs, my knees, hell even my fucking arms hurt sometimes and it’s not getting any better! I just don’t understand why it’s seen as ‘giving up’ when all I wanna do is just, live?? and be able to go out??? and be in minimal pain???? like jfc can someone please explain to me why that’s considered giving up? because I truly cannot understand it!!
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[id: black text on a purple background reading: “this post is for cripples only”. there are two of the wheelchair disability symbol in black on each side of the image. /end id]
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beetlebong · 1 month
The NDIS bill will be passed today. I'm heartbroken.
Since my plan began, NDIS has repeatedly stomped on my dignity, my autonomy, and my self-worth. I can't survive without it, but the hoops I've had to jump through to access the things I need have made me lose hope more times than I care to admit.
This bill is going to make things so much worse, and it's hard to even conceive that right now. But let's stick around out of spite. They want disabled people to give up and stop being a 'drain on resources' while they turn around and spend millions on arms deals. Nope, fuck them to hell and back. I'm not giving them the satisfaction.
Thank you to Jordon for advocating for us so tirelessly 🙏
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cy-cyborg · 11 months
I did the stereotypical "taking a binder full of evidence to your therapist to back up your claim that you have autism" thing today lol.
My therapist is able to diagnose autism in some circumstances, but unfortunately, due to my history, she can't diagnose me without input from other specilists (long story), which I dont have the money for. She thinks, however, a diagnosis might not be necessary for me to get the support I need due to my complex history. Basically, all my pediatric reports (neuropsyc, psychological etc) indicate the problems and support needs were present even as a little kid, A diagnosis was sought out, a lot of testing was done, it was well documented by several specilists across multiple fields, but they just never agreed on the "why" so nothing ever happened. Despite that, government agencies in the past had recognised the need for support, so dhe hopes that what I have now, even if it's not a diagnosis, might be enough to convince the NDIS I need more help than just my physical disability. My LAC also backed this up, saying that the "why" in complex cases like my own doesn't always matter to the NDIA, so long as there's documentation that tests had been done and were inconclusive. It's not an easy route, by any means, and it might be a fight, but it's possible. That's better than nothing.
At the end of the day, I don't care if my "cognitive and intellectual difficulties," sensory processing issues, executive function difficulties and all the rest come from autism, some mystery side effect of meningococcol (sep) + meningitis, a brain injury from the fever/lack of oxygen during men-sep treatment or some combination of the 3, I care that the struggles I'm experiencing are being acknowledged and I care that someone is finally taking them seriously and trying to help me get the supports I need. I'd love a clear-cut diagnosis and a reason why, if just for myself, but I'll take what I can get at this point lol.
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cjadewyton · 6 months
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Note for my Aus followers.
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cometconmain · 18 days
Oh but we can't have the National Disability Insurance Scheme costing taxpayers all that money. It's unthinkable. Disabled people getting support to not starve and rot in their own houses while casinos go bankrupt? Not on our watch!!
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the-deviations · 20 days
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The former Labor leader says that when he joined the Australian Workers Union 30 years ago, he was "driven by the belief that everyone, regardless of circumstance, deserves an equal opportunity".
"The same principle … brought me here (federal parliament) in 2007," he says.
"A determination to always stand up for the underdog."
oh so very fuck off
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phonakins-blog · 1 month
Odds are, Bill, the sun WILL come out tomorrow, but the vulnerable will be worse off, and I don't see Labor changing that any time soon
So Bill thinks we’re all getting a little hysterical when we say that people will die because of the NDIS legislation they’ve pushed through with Pauline’s help. He tells us not to be anxious and that the sun’ll come out tomorrow. I know it will Bill, it’ll be above average temperatures all week on the East Coast and all. But people will be worse off, and have their care needs neglected because…
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still so incredibly, incredibly, pissed and angry about the NDIS changes.
people are already dying, important things are already canceled, what the fuck was the point?
save a couple billion dollars?
okay? now people are dead what was the point again?
it's not going to help people like me who SHOULD be on the NDIS for support and life shit.
(hi I suffer from post-covid! and severe debilitating asthma! not to mention learning disabilities that make things incredibly inaccessible to me because the government THEMSELVES don't make shit accessible!!!!!)
(I live in hell YAY!/j)
not to mention all the people on the waiting lists who are literally straight up dying, we already have mortalities!!!!!!
we've only had the NDIS since 2013, I grew up without support from the NDIS because well I was born in the 2000s lol and it took a solid few years after that for it to work out some kinks and by the time it ended up being okay as a thing I had been disabled for 10 years and had 0 supports lol, and my family had been paying out of pocket.
also like my entire family didn't have any disability supports before me either, no one had them in those days, no one in the old country we only really got anything literally in 2018-2019 for one of my bisnonni THAT'S HOW BAD THE NDIS IS BTW.
at the very least she had a carer for some time, but it was not even a possibility for such a long time.
that again, one of my other bisnonni was completely fucked over, same problems effected her even worse in her own right.
(NDIS actually care about old people challenge: FAILED)
ALSO imagine having rights! hahahahahah.
(actually sobbing rn. most of us DO NOT, we are payed less then abled people!!!!)
I am bitching and moaning everyday, because I'm not stupid none of us are, even us stupid people (ily fellow learning disabled ppl and intellectually disabled ppl) we have been greatly fucked over for decades and decades, and still with the bare fucking minimum shit it gets snatched or abused or we get scammed.
it's fucked, it's so, so, fucked.
medicare doesn't cover optical, dental, or a shit ton of other things.
the government straight up hates us all, I can not tell you the amount of bullshit I've been through, the ableism is intense!!!!! it's why I got so good at masking my very obvious learning disabilities fuck all of us for real.
like, the depression and STRAIGHT UP FEAR!!!
dude, fucked up shit.
I have so so many stories, I can't even begin to tell you.
honestly shame on 'em, I'm using my newfound free speech to bitch and moan.
because like, I do not genuinely think half the things that allow me to bitch and moan about being disabled was a thing when I was a kid, like genuinely!
honestly I wish international disabled allies could idk join in and be angry with us, we have all been through hell.
and it's fucked.
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doilyboily · 1 month
fucking hate that Bill Shorten, one of the many reasons the NDIS exists, is now trying to push disability rights and support back to where it was before the NDIS was established :')
to anyone who wants more info, check out Greens Senator Jordon-Steele John on TikTok, he has multiple videos on the subject, and addressing how harmful this proposed NDIS "reform" Bill will be.
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