#Nearby Child Specialist Doctor
I was exactly halfway into my second pregnancy, and up until that point, we were so ecstatic to be expecting again — a baby we’d been praying for. We kept talking about and imagining the joy it would be to bring our new baby home to meet our 2-year-old daughter. But at my 20-week ultrasound, a day that is supposed to be full of excitement and awe, we received devastating news. Our baby, a second daughter, had many severe and insurmountable skeletal and organ issues. Fetal specialists told us that it was extremely unlikely she could survive because all her major organ systems had significant development issues. We were blindsided and heartbroken, and yet somehow clear-minded. We chose to do what we believed was best for our unborn daughter as well as for our family; because that is what you do as parents. And we saw the choice we ultimately made as an act of love for her. We respect and honor that other parents have chosen — and will continue to choose — the only other option our doctor suggested to us — to let the pregnancy take its natural course and provide specialist or palliative care as needed. And that is the point. Individuals and their families — no matter where they happen to live — must be able to make the best choice for them. They need to be free to choose their own act of love. I believe now more than ever that anyone’s reason for seeking an abortion is valid. Who are we to say it isn’t? What we didn’t know when we made our decision was that in addition to being so difficult emotionally, it would be made so much worse by the abortion bans recently enacted in Idaho. Because of these cruel laws, my Idaho doctors could not provide me with an abortion — something they could easily have done before Roe v. Wade was overturned — in my own community supported by family and friends. We had to spend the following days cold-calling countless clinics in nearby states where abortion is still legal, but found out that because of all the other new abortion bans in states across the country, many clinics had closed, most had no open appointments for several weeks, and still others considered my pregnancy, at 20 weeks, too far along for me to receive care. The thought of waiting out this pregnancy, possibly for weeks, or however long, while trying to get through the day working as a chiropractor and still being active and present for our toddler was more than I could handle. All I could think about was whether the daughter I was carrying was already suffering; my anxiety and sadness were overwhelming. We both felt hopeless and heartbroken until we reached a Seattle clinic with a last-minute cancellation. Although relieved, there was so much we had to do to get there in the haze of our grief. There were flights to make, hotels to book, a car to rent and medical care our health insurance would not cover because we were going out of state to access and receive it. One of the most tragic — and degrading — parts of our situation was knowing that people in my home state of Idaho believe this is acceptable, denying me bodily autonomy. We will always be grateful to the clinic and team in Seattle for offering us professional, compassionate care. I am a person of faith and for months after my abortion, I kept telling Brandon there had to be something positive that would come out of this experience. Several months later, I learned that the Center for Reproductive Rights was putting together a challenge to Idaho’s abortion laws, and I knew immediately that moving forward as a plaintiff in the case was something I had to do. I’m proud to be one of the many women and doctors challenging and broadening these laws. Physicians in Idaho must have greater discretion over when abortion exceptions are warranted, and the decision should be the patient’s in consultation with their doctors.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 2 years
Chasing Shadows (9)
AO3 -> first, last, next
Fandoms: Danny Phantom (DP) / DC universe
Summary:  THIS IS A CROSSOVER.  As Bruce Wayne begins to slowly recover from the loss of his son, two   separate mysteries open up old wounds. Who is the unknown leaving clues   hinting at a return to Gotham, and who is the phantom pretending to be   his lost son? Is it just a coincidence they’re active in Gotham at the   same time? Or are they connected?  
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, and questionable mental health
Parings: none
Notes: originally uploaded to AO3. Cross-posted to tumblr
“Daniel Fenton (14) has been declared dead after being rushed to nearby Amity Memorial Hospital after receiving severe injuries from an accident involving one of his parents’ dubious inventions. His parents, doctors Madeline and Jack Fenton, infamous parapsychologists and inventors were working on what they stated would be a portal to the land of the dead. This so-called portal was being built in basement which had been converted into a laboratory which violates several local and state ordinances. An official investigation has been launched by Child Protective Services to determine if a case of criminal neglect led to the accident. Their surviving daughter has been placed in protective custody…”
Bruce could feel the migraine starting. Even with Constantine being able to give him a general area where he believed Phantom might have originated, he still had to pour over thousands of missing persons cases and death records. But, he believed he finally found the identity of the meta.
According to the publicly available records, he was dead. However, the information from the hospital provided a different picture. He’d been brought in unresponsive with severe electrical burns, but he had been resuscitated and stabilized. Although his vitals did not appear to be conducive to living, but his charts suggested he was alert and recovering in the following days.
The various specialists heavily documented Daniel’s information, most likely believing his recovery would require study. Most of it fell within what would normally be found in a patient’s charts, but there were a few strange mentions of the IV ports falling out and abnormally quick healing. Possible early documentation of the abilities he would end up developing.
But what was strange was how the charts ended. There was just a mention that the boy was found dead in his room and attempts at reviving him failed, but there was evidence of editing and possible tampering several hours later. Though it took much longer than he hoped due to the lack of Oracle’s equipment, he found the source, something called the Ghost Investigation Ward which was under the control of the Department of Extranormal Operations.
They must have been monitoring his parents’ research and swept in to grab him when they caught wind of what happened. A month after Daniel’s “death”, the charges against his parents were suddenly dropped, but their research and equipment had been seized. From what Bruce had seen of their various blueprints, Fenton tech could have multiple applications for military use. The government’s interest in them made a lot more sense after accessing them.
Frustratingly, their data had little information about Daniel. They had a few documents outlining the theories they had regarding what happened to him and whether or not he was to be classified as living or dead. If he ended up classified as dead, the list of experiments they wanted to run were enough to make him sick, but he couldn’t find any records of Daniel ever being at any of their facilities.
Was it possible someone else got to him first? Metahuman trafficking was a known issue, and traffickers preferred to grab them as soon as their powers manifested as it was harder for the metas to defend themselves. Or had he escaped in his own and somehow fled? He hoped it was the latter.
Frustrated that the boy’s trail went cold, Bruce turned his attention to his parents. It was difficult from him to determine whether or not they may have tried handing over their own son. The handful of photos he could find of the family together suggested the parents cared about their children, but with their profession, there was a chance they could have rejected him. Perhaps he should reach out to the daughter, Jasmine, first. She might be able to help him determine whether or not Daniel should be reunited with his family.
“Is this him?” Dick approached the computer on his right.
“I have a strong reason to believe that’s the case.”
His son chuckled. “Unreal. Jason managed to find another kid with the family traits.” Before his accident, Daniel Fenton did bare a superficial resemblance to Dick, Jason, Tim, and even himself due to sharing the same hair and eye colors before his accident. “Do we have any idea where they might have met?”
“I’ve lost Phantom’s trail after his reported death. He may have gotten picked up by traffickers. I’m in the process of starting to piece together possible reports on that end. As for Jason, I’ve tried to contact Talia. I have reason to believe she might be funding him.” The timing of her appearance in Gotham during the Hush plot bothered him. If she was assisting him, it helped explain how his coffin had been replaced and where he might be getting his funds and equipment. But the question became why? What did she gain out of turning his son against him?
“Let me guess, she’s being less than cooperative.”
“As weird as it sounds, I’m thankful to Phantom.” Dick glanced up at the computer screen. “However they met, he seems to be helping prevent Jason from completely losing himself to the whatever the Pit and the League did to him.” There was something left unsaid.
“I just can’t shake this feeling we’re going to end up losing him again when this is all over. Maybe it’s all this talk about ghosts, but I keep remembering all the legends I heard about as a kid about the undead.”
“Dick, we’ll bring him home.”
“I’m not sure he wants to come home.”
“Pick any place you’d like. It’s my treat!”
Tim shared a quick look with Stephanie. In the wake of Gotham’s gang war and the realization the Red Hood was Jason, Dick had been a little clingy. They all knew he felt a great deal of guilt over what happened to Jason, and in the wake of both Stephanie and Babs getting into situations where they could have been killed, Tim couldn’t blame him for wanting to spend time with them and make sure they were okay.
Right now, he wanted to treat them to dinner. Cass had been invited too, but she declined in order to help Babs set up some of her surviving equipment in the Batcave. To be honest, Tim didn’t really want to go either, but maybe the distraction would help him think better.
The confirmation Jason was back brought a great deal of confusion. Before the hints and the reveal, he used to think that having Jason back would fix everything. His death was the reason for Bruce’s downward spiral and the pain that nearly tore the Wayne family apart. Tim was just a bandage, a placeholder, while they healed. But Bruce and Dick hadn’t chased him away once they got used to the idea of him being around. Instead, they seemed to care about him and want him as a part of their family, and Tim loved being Robin.
But, Jason had returned as someone barely recognized by those who knew him. Though he initially thought maybe Jason would want the position of Robin back, that didn’t seem likely, especially with how he said Bruce had brainwashed them. It was so strange to hear that from someone who had the same training he did. Jason had been such a shining light as Robin. Did he regret ever having donned the cape? Was he upset to see someone else wear the colors he died in? Or maybe he didn’t think teens should be heroes?
Then there was trying to reconcile the fact his childhood hero nearly killed him. If Jason had pressed that knife against his throat a little harder or had placed it in a different spot, Tim would have bled out in minutes. But he hadn’t. In fact, he had even mentioned he just wanted Bruce’s attention as opposed to doing harm. He also didn’t make any move to fight Phantom or try to get him back once he’d been freed. There was also the admission Dick recorded. Jason seemed troubled by his actions towards him, at least that’s what Tim hoped.
“Earth to Tim!” Dick waved a hand in front of his face. “Where do you want to eat?”
Steph snickered. “Have you been spacing out this entire time?”
“I honestly don’t care…” Catching sight of Dick’s slight frown, he decided it would be best to humor him. Glancing around, he was going to pick whatever jumped out of him when he caught sight of a tall man with dark hair and an unusual white streak on the opposite side of the street. Beside him appeared to be a teenager with the same dark hair. “Dick, look!”
“Who’s that with him?” Even on her crutches, she wasn’t going to let anything get in her way of getting a good look.
“I think it’s Phantom. Come on!”
They followed on the opposite side of the street for a couple blocks. It seemed strange that Jason would be so willing to walk around in broad daylight, but, legally, he was dead. No one would think to connect the man currently walking down the street in slacks and what appeared to be a blazer with the teen who died years ago. If it hadn’t been for his hair, Tim didn’t think he would have recognized him either.
While they moved, Dick quietly explained that Bruce believed he had ID’ed who Phantom really was. If this new teen was Phantom, it helped explain why they had such a hard time finding him.
The two came to a stop at a small Chinese restaurant at the edge of the Diamond District. Where they seriously just going to go to dinner?
Dick must have been thinking the same thing because he apologized to Steph for a moment before scooping her in his arms and running across the street. Tim followed, trying to ignore the honking vehicles they dodged.
“Table for two, please,” they heard Jason tell the older waitress as they entered.
After gently putting Steph down, Dick walked up behind his brother and patted him on the back, making Jason stiffen. “Make that five.”
For a moment, Tim was convinced Jason was going to punch Dick. The way he glowered at him combined with an unnatural green flash in his eyes quickly reminded all of them he was just as dangerous, if not more so, than the other rogues of Gotham. Yet, as quickly as that look came, it vanished, replaced with a more neutral and guarded expression.
“It has been a while that you’ve both been here.”  The waitress gave them a knowing smile. “Follow me. Just make sure you don’t break anything during your talk.”
“Same as always,” they said at the same time catching them both by surprise. Dick’s smile brightened while Jason’s expression turned stormy. Nothing else was said as they followed the waitress to a back room that only held one table.
“What’s the deal with the waitress?” Phantom asked after everyone was seated with menus, and she left the room. His voice didn’t have the odd distortion to it. There was another difference. His skin didn’t have the greenish tinge to it either. Instead, he looked a healthier shade of pale.
“We’ve been here a time or two in the past. Usually after fights at the Manor,” Jason explained as he glanced back at the doorway and frowned. “I’m surprised she recognized me.” He almost sounded troubled.
“I recognized you.” Dick’s voice was surprisingly soft, though his eyes narrowed in offense when Jason snorted. “What?”
“Not until I took off the helmet. If I hadn’t done that, you’d still be convinced I was just an imposter and that the real me was still a pile of bones. Or whatever other bullshit alternative Bruce came up with.” He flipped the menu over. “I honestly thought you figured it out that day in the warehouse, but I gave you too much credit.”
Tim watched the interaction with a growing awe. While Jason’s posture remained guarded, there was no hostility aimed at his brother. Instead, they both spoke with an ease he hadn’t expected. While it was too soon to tell, whatever animosity Jason held towards Bruce didn’t seem apply to Dick.
“Don’t let him fool you,” Phantom interrupted as a mischievous grin crossed his face, and if Tim wasn’t wrong, his eyes literally seemed to light up with amusement. “Jay was disappointed it took you that long.”
“Do you really want to start this?” A pink tinge appeared on Jason’s cheeks even if he kept his expression neutral. “I have a very distinctive memory of how…” He didn’t have a chance to finish.
“No. No. No! That’s okay!”
“So not fair! Don’t you know the hero community thrives on blackmail?” Steph complained. “Anyways, it’s nice to officially meet you two. I’m Stephanie. Thanks for saving my life.”
Jason’s eyebrows shot up. He he not expected her to thank him? Or was it her friendly attitude? But he recovered quickly and gave her his name. Dick then introduced himself for Phantom, and Tim followed suit but squirmed as Jason stared at him. There was something unsaid and turbulent in his eyes, but he didn’t seem angry. But that didn’t mean much from someone trained by Bruce.
When it came time for Phantom’s turn, he glanced at Jason, who in turn nodded once and gave a slight motion of his right hand. Was that some code for ‘don’t give away too much’? “I’m Danny.”
Dick tilted his head. “Your parents wouldn’t happen to be inventors, would they?” Phantom, Danny, flickered so violently that Tim thought he’d vanish for a moment. He stopped when Jason put a hand on his shoulder, but the teen continued to look panicked.
“How much do you know?” Jason’s eyes flashed green as the air around them seemed to drop several degrees. The information they received from Constantine suggested Jason might now have abilities, but none of them knew with certainty what they might or might not be which made all of them uneasy at the display.
Dick held his hands up in a placating manner. “Just the basics. A bit about his family, that an accident happened, and how there was a coverup.”
“Do you… do you know what happened to my parents?” Danny’s voice was quiet, and he was glancing down as he fiddled with his shirt. The temperature started to go back to normal.
“From what we can tell, they’re doing fine. I bet they’re missing you though.”
A small smile crept onto Danny’s face as he looked up. “I’m glad. They threatened to hurt them if I didn’t do what they said.”
Before anyone had a chance to respond, the waitress announced herself as she came back into the room. “Dumplings on the house! No, no arguing. When was the last time you ate a good meal?” She shook her finger at Jason before pointing at Danny. “This one is all skin and bones. Eat and grow big and strong like these two, okay?” She nodded at the brothers. “Can you believe this one was this tall last time I saw him?” She gestured to show Jason wasn’t quite five foot tall before his death. “Anyways, time to order.” A few minutes later, the waitress was on her way.
“I was not that short.”
Dick gave his brother a knowing smile. “Jay, you were tiny.”
Before Jason could say anything, Steph decided to speak up. “So Danny, who’s idea was it for you to pretend to be Jason?” She took a bite of dumpling. “Oh! These are good!”
“It was my idea!” Danny’s eyes seemed to glow in delight as he also grabbed a dumpling.
They all looked at Jason for confirmation. He didn’t reply immediately, but instead pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. It was something Bruce did all the time, and the familiarity of it made Tim do a double take. “It was his idea. Started off as a joke, but it ended up giving Bruce enough pause to not immediately chase Danny out of Gotham.”
The meta nodded in agreement. “Gotham’s probably the safest place for me right now. There are so many other ghosts around making me hard to detect.”
“Gotham’s haunted?” Tim had heard the stories but never really believed them.
“Yep.” Danny popped the p but didn’t elaborate.
“You’re still going to need to stay low for a while between that stunt at the Clocktower and Bruce sticking his nose in places it doesn’t belong.” Jason mentioned as he moved his hands in a slight but unfamiliar movement. When Danny made a similar one, Tim realized they had some form of unspoken either code or language. It didn’t look familiar to him, but Dick’s eyes had narrowed slightly suggesting he might.
“If you let us, we can help,” Dick offered.
“Thanks, but I’m not interested.” All of them, except Jason, stared at how matter of fact Danny said it.
“I know we might not be your first choice, but we have a lot of resources, especially Bruce.”
The air around them seemed to drop several degrees again as Jason leaned forward. His eyes took on an unsettlingly green tint. “If you ever gave a shit about us being family, then promise me you’ll never take Danny into that house.”
“You know better than anyone what he’s like.” There was something unsaid in that statement, something Dick seemed to understand as his expression turned grim.
The waitress announced her presence again. She seemed to have a knack for knowing when things were getting tense. Was it just a coincidence? Or had she been listening?
After setting the food down, she wagged her finger at Dick. “Don’t argue with little Jay. Spend the time catching up.” She then smiled at Jason. “Good to see you back. We missed your visits. You finally grew up, but your hair makes you look like a punk.” Laughing at how he started sputtering, she gave him a fond pat on the shoulder. “Can’t wait to tell my grandchildren how the good food here helped you grow so tall.” She then vanished back through the door.
Tim quickly took a few bites as Jason sulked. He actually sulked as he tugged on the tuft of white hair. “It’s not like I can do anything about it.” That meant it wasn’t likely it was dyed. Tim had heard stories people who went through trauma sometimes went prematurely grey, so maybe that’s why he had it. Jason noticed his stare and raised a questioning eyebrow. “You used to follow us,” he stated after taking a bite.
“You saw me? Bruce didn’t even know. Wait…” Every once in a while, when he was taking photos, it seemed as if Robin was posing. He figured it was just coincidental, but if Jason knew, then he had specifically done that for Tim.
“I think he sometimes overlooks kids, wants to believe they’re innocent and all that,” he explained after taking a bite of his own dish. “It was too dangerous for me not to do that growing up. Kids were sometimes used as lures for more nefarious things. OW!” Danny had elbowed him in the rib before making a ‘get on with it’ gesture. “Alright, alright. Tim, are you okay?”
That question caught him off guard. Jason must have sensed his question as he gestured to his own neck. Oh! “Yeah, Selena helped patch me up.”
“Good.” It wasn’t an apology, but Tim could sense Jason’s unease. Maybe he really hadn’t intended to hurt him.
An uneasy silence fell between them as they focused on their dinner. Eventually, Dick decided to speak up. “Jay, what are you planning? You’ve been killing people. Unless you were framed. Have you been framed?”
“Nope.” Jason just smiled at the donning horror on his brother’s face. “It’s not like I don’t have morals. There’s a reason I didn’t kill Scarecrow.”
Dick’s phone rang, but he ignored it as he leveled a look at the younger man. “Jason!”
He rolled his eyes. “Do you really think His way is working? The so-called treatment at Arkham is a joke, and don���t get me started on the security there. Blackgate’s not much better.” Contempt briefly crossed his face. “Fix the revolving door. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll consider stopping.” His chair scraped across the floor as he stood, “Are you ready Danny?”
“Yep! It was nice meeting you. Thanks for the meal!”
“Wait!” Dick tried to follow them when his phone rang again. It had to be Bruce, otherwise, he wouldn’t have answered it. Strangely, Jason stopped in the doorway to watch. “Can this wait a minute? I’m kind of busy here…” He listened for a moment before staring at Jason. “What did you do?”
“What? Can’t a guy leave flowers on his mother’s grave?” The grin Jason gave him made Tim’s hair stand on end. “Oh, you’re talking about Shelia’s grave. Maybe ask Bruce what really happened that day. ‘Loving mother’, my ass.” He gave a slight salute before shooing Danny through the door. “See ya later, Dickie-bird.”
Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO) - Originally introduced in Action Comics (Superman) #775, but recently popularized in the Supergirl TV show. The role of the DEO is to monitor those with extranormal superpowers and to prevent any threat to the general public. To me, it makes sense that the Guys in White would be under their jurisdiction.
I accidentally decided I loved this waitress while I was writing her. I hope she comes across as motherly and a bit pushy as she sounds in my head
There are 3 different and official heights for Jason regarding when he died. 4’6, 5’0. 5’4”…. I’m going with just under 5’0”. Jay just looks so tiny all the time as Robin.
I know this gets murky in both the later comics (especially during the batshit crazy days) and in the fandom, but Jason does have a very specific moral code in the comics regarding who he will and won't kill. You see this in the Red Hood: the Lost Days and even in Under the Red Hood.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
I have read ‘Theo X Mc but Mc is already pregnant with Arthur's baby…’ now can we have Theo find out and Arthur tell Theo he loves MC?! Please bring on the drama! So excited…
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Photo source: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/vectors/social-media-influencer">Social media influencer vector created by storyset - www.freepik.com</a>
This one took me a bit to write. I wasn't sure how I wanted the scene to happen, but I'm pretty happy with this. Approx 1100 words of some love-triangle drama with Theo, Arthur, and MC. A continuation of A Baby Between Them
Arthur paced in the hall outside the birthing room. His nerves were on edge. The need to be in the room with her ate him from the inside, leaving his chest hollow and sore. Her cries pulled at the nerves in his limbs, making him twitch and fidget. A puppet with an unkind puppeteer.
At least he wasn’t alone in his misery. Leo leaned against the wall nearby, an unlit cigarillo resting between his lips. Though he pretended a languid ease, his eyes were narrow and there was a pinched ridge between his brows. 
Vincent sat on a bench, a sketch pad open on his lap. He was drawing flowers, but the dimensions were off, turning the lovely shapes into something strange and unsettling. The images did not help Arthur’s nerves at all. 
And then there was Theo. He sat next to his brother, his expression rigid. He smelled of whiskey, tobacco smoke, and fear. His coat was undone and his collar hung loose. They’d been out drinking when Leonardo arrived with the news. The baby was coming, finally. 
They’d rushed straight from the bar to this private hospital to find Vincent waiting for them in this hallway. Le Comte was inside with the doctor, a specialist from Vienna. Aside from the nurse providing them with updates, the last two hours were just this - pacing and tension and silence, broken only by the sounds of labor in the room beyond and Vincent’s charcoals on paper.
Arthur felt as if he had a weight on his shoulders, pushing him inexorably down, onto the floor, into the floor, beyond it into some abyss where he could allow himself the pleasure of being nothing. A place to shed his guilt and the sharp, hot knife of unrequited love. Or at least, suffer there in a private hell instead of this hallway. 
“Sit down.” Theo’s blue eyes looked almost grey in this light, bled of their usual color by worry. 
“Can’t, old chap. Too nervous.”
“Then take your pacing outside. It’s annoying.” The Dutchman’s voice was pinched and tight, wound up to a high point of tension. 
Arthur shook his head. “I need to be here. Close to -” he gestured to the delivery room. To the woman he loved and the child that was likely his. He’d counted the weeks, back to that one night when he’d seduced his best friend’s wife. That one intoxicating dream where he’d let himself believe that maybe she could love him as more than just a friend. 
Foolish, really. He was a failed doctor, a hack writer, and a pathetic womanizer. There was nothing there to fall in love with. But he thought he could be better, for her, for the child. 
“I can walk with you,” Vincent volunteered. He stood and took Arthur’s arm, tugging him gently toward the door. 
Arthur shoved him away, more roughly than necessary. “I said no.”
“Don’t push my broer.” Theo was standing now, his gaze turned hot. 
“Then tell him not to touch me. I don’t need a damned escort. I’m not going anywhere.” 
Leonardo pushed off from the wall. “Let’s settle down, yeah?”
“Bakkes,” Theo growled, not even bothering to look Leo’s way.
Vincent gasped. “Broer, don’t tell Leonardo to shut up. He’s trying to help. You are being . . . unreasonable.” He settled a calming hand on Theo’s shoulder.
“You should listen to your brother,” Arthur smirked. “Maybe you need to go outside, hm?” He knew he shouldn’t needle his friend, but the pain and emptiness pushed him on, begging, daring anyone to punish him for his transgressions.
“That’s my wife in there,” Theo said, his voice low and quiet and dangerous. “My child. I need to be here. Close.”
Leonardo cleared his throat. “Should probably step outside, Arthur. It’s for the best.”
Arthur spun, glaring daggers at the Italian. “For the best? For who?” He pointed at the delivery room, his hand shaking. “I love that woman. I’ve been here for every moment - every bloody moment - of this pregnancy. I deserve to be here. To hold my child - my . . .” He paused, shuddering as he realized what had come out of his mouth. 
“Your what?” Theo grabbed his shoulder, pulled Arthur around to face him. “Say that again. Look at me and say it again.”
“My. Child.” Arthur grinned. “What’s that, Theo? Can’t do the math? Let me help -”
The fist moved faster and more eloquently than Arthur’s tongue. Crashing into his cheek, cracking the bone of his jaw. Splitting his lip. He could taste the bitter salt-and-copper tang of his own blood. 
“I was going to let it go,” Theo said, so softly that Arthur had to strain to hear it. “I know how you feel. In love, sick with it. But I won’t let you put this between me and my wife, my baby.” 
Arthur punched him in the gut. The slight creak of ribs, the sudden exhalation of breath as Theo gasped. Then it was chaos. Kicking. Biting. Punching. Every blow, every hurt, only made Arthur fight back harder. “Hit me again,” he shouted, and Theo obliged. 
He could hear Vincent, distantly shouting at them to stop. And Leonardo’s calm response to let them get it out of their system. 
The problem was, Arthur could never ‘get it out of his system.’ This hopeless, desperate, hungry love. In this moment, he wanted Theo to kill him. To end him so that he could find peace in that final darkness. He told himself that would be better for everyone. So he fought even harder, holding nothing back. Hoping Theo would also hold nothing back.
He let himself be pushed back, held down. Felt Theo’s solid weight on his chest. The brittle crunch of his nose breaking under Theo’s fist. His ribs cracked and aching. And then a heavy stillness as Theo stopped hitting him and instead, pulled him into a hard, brutal embrace. 
Arthur felt his swollen eyes well up with thick, hot tears. They spilled down his cheeks and soaked Theo’s shoulder. A ragged sob tore from his chest as the emptiness in him filled with an agonizing sorrow. 
Theo held him, his grasp an inescapable prison. The bonds of friendship and a shared love snared them both, choking them with emotion as vast as the sea. 
The delivery room door opened, and le Comte’s voice broke through their struggle. “It’s a girl.”
Theo released Arthur and stood, his legs wobbling and unsteady, his face bruised and swollen where he’d taken hits. He held a hand to Arthur. “Come on.”
Arthur wanted to push him away, to hold onto a thread of anger. Something to hold his despair at bay. But he couldn’t. This was his friend. And he was offering Arthur something that the writer never would have, had their positions been switched. A place in his family, a role in the life of this little girl that belonged to them both. 
He took Theo’s hand and stood. Together, they limped into the delivery room. Two men, hopelessly in love. Friends and rivals, united for now.
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archive-of-fear · 8 months
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Name: Scorched Girl 
Source: Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina 
Category: Avatar/Creature (depending on your definition) 
Alignment: The Desolation 
Description: Scorched Girl is an Abnormality, an inhuman creature born from the collective human consciousness, one of many contained by Lobotomy Corporation and used for the creation of energy. There’s little directly stated about her backstory, but it seems that much like the Little Match Girl she’s based on, she had dreams of a happier life she saw in the lit matchstick’s flame, but either became overzealous in her attempts to make the dreams last longer and enter the happy world she saw within, jaded at the people around her who were happy while she wasn’t, or some mixture of both. In any case, she burned herself to death, possibly taking the rest of her town with her. Upon breaching, she will target a random employee and attempt to self-detonate in their vicinity, often killing other employees standing nearby in the process. This is implied to be done out of resentment, as reflected by a few of her Abnormality quotes:
“I am coming to you. You, who will be reduced to ash like me.” (LobCorp)
“If I must perish… Then I’ll make you meet the same fate.” (Ruina)
Additionally, here’s a quote taken directly from her Abnormality story log:
Excerpt from Abnormality Specialist Doctor ’s Research Log> “The charred body represents the child’s crumbled hope, while the ever blazing flame represents the obsession for affection. It’s always in conflict with the contradiction between these two.” “We paid a boatload and that’s all they have to say?”
Finally, here’s the flavor text for her unique E.G.O. equipment, Fourth Match Flame:
The archetype was already charred at the moment of extraction. Although the exterior is scorched, it has no adverse effects on the E.G.O’s performance. The ashy design reminds one of the hatred against all the merry things in the world, and the desire to burn it all. The light of the match will not go out until it has burned away the happiness, warmth, light, and all the other good things of the world, so there’s no need to worry about it being quenched.
– Lobotomy Corporation Artbook
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ratfolkconservatory · 2 months
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Age: 24
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Chitterskit was rescued as a ratpup alongside Bitbite and Toffee. Upon discovery, she was found to be in critical condition and was rushed to the conservatory for medical care. She was stabilized but her time in the laboratory she’d been freed from continues to haunt her. She developed an anxiety disorder in the following years.
Due to that experience, Chitterskit is nervous of new people, especially humans. The only ones she trusts are her adopted human father as well as the conservatory staff. Chitterskit got her education at the Foundation and has a college degree in engineering. She absolutely loves tinkering with gadgets.
Currently, Chitterskit deals with some heart issues. This makes dealing with her anxiety much more important.
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Age: 24
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Toffee was brought to the Ratfolk Conservation Foundation after being rescued from an illegal laboratory with his siblings. At the time, he had only been a ratpup. Since then, he has grown up with help from staff at the facility. Because he is unused to life outside of the conservatory, he tends to have trouble making decisions for himself and can sometimes seem clingy. He is often found with his two siblings: Chitterskit and Bitbite.
When alone, Toffee often writes. He is a skilled journalist who pens the Conservatory’s newsletters. He is also studious and loves to study other biological beings.
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Age: 24
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
This guy is the trickster of his three siblings. He is known for playing harmless pranks or sneaking into places he shouldn’t be. Bitbite even snuck off of conservatory grounds as a child at times, just to cause minor inconveniences for the nearby town. Despite multiple attempts to discipline him growing up, he never seemed to let go of his troublesome inclination.
Bitbite is wonderful when it comes to hiding and sneaking. As an adult now, he utilizes these abilities to help the conservatory sneak into places much like the lab he came from. He has aided in rescuing many other ratfolk.
Due to the experiments done to him, his face was unrecognizable upon rescue. One would think him undead, but Bitbite is very much alive.
Cake Rat
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Age: (???)
Gender: Unsure
Pronouns: She/Her
Cake Rat was created on accident when Chitterskit got into a few anomalous devices that the conservatory had in storage. Though made of cake, attempting to take a bite out of her is ill-advised as she tastes repulsive.
This weird pastry rat has to stay out of the sun to keep herself from melting. Despite this, she’s very funloving and is constantly trying to race other ratfolk around the tunnels, climb onto staff members’ shoulders, or stick upside down to the ceiling. The conservatory staff are usually attempting to calm her down out of fear that she might end up hurt. She also refuses to be called anything but Cake Rat.
Dr. Ritzi
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Dr. Ritzy is the conservatory’s ratfolk medical specialist. His main talent is in ratfolk psychology, but it branches out to other areas as well. He works in the clinic on the conservatory grounds where ratfolk who are anxious and stressed can stay when they need some extra worryroot and rest.
The Doctor is a very sweet ratfolk, who grew up after being rescued by the facility and is incredibly passionate about ratfolk care. He is very gentle and understanding, but also strict when he needs to be. His favorite food is guacamole and he secretly nibbles on it straight from the cup.
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drprashantgandi-1 · 2 months
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Does Your Child Sniffle, Sneeze, or Itch Constantly? As a parent, it's concerning when your child is constantly dealing with sniffles, sneezes, or itching. These symptoms can disrupt their daily activities, affect their sleep, and generally make them uncomfortable. Understanding the underlying causes and seeking appropriate medical advice from a pediatrician near me can help alleviate these issues.
Common Causes of Sniffles, Sneezes, and Itching in Children Allergies: Allergic reactions to pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and certain foods are common in children. These allergies can lead to chronic sneezing, sniffles, and itching. If your child exhibits these symptoms, consulting a child specialist near me can help in diagnosing and managing the allergies effectively.
Common Cold: Frequent exposure to viruses, especially in school settings, can lead to recurrent colds. Symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, and sometimes itching. A visit to the best pediatrician near me can ensure your child receives the right treatment and advice on boosting their immune system.
Eczema: This skin condition causes itching and rashes. It's crucial to identify and manage eczema early on. Dr. Prashant Gandhi, a renowned pediatrician in Borivali West, can provide the necessary treatments to keep eczema under control.
Asthma: Often associated with allergies, asthma can cause coughing, wheezing, and itching. A child specialist in Borivali West can offer guidance on managing asthma symptoms and preventing flare-ups.
When to Seek Medical Help Persistent symptoms should not be ignored. If your child continues to sniffle, sneeze, or itch despite home remedies, it’s time to consult a healthcare professional. Dr. Prashant Gandhi, one of the best pediatricians in Mumbai, is highly recommended for his expertise in treating pediatric allergies and respiratory issues.
Treatment and Management Allergy Testing: Identifying specific allergens through testing can help in managing symptoms. The best pediatrician in Borivali can perform these tests and recommend appropriate treatments.
Medication: Antihistamines, nasal sprays, and other medications may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms. Consulting a pediatrician Borivali West ensures your child gets the right medication tailored to their needs.
Lifestyle Changes: Reducing exposure to allergens, maintaining a clean environment, and using hypoallergenic products can significantly reduce symptoms. A child specialist Borivali West can provide detailed guidance on these changes.
Vaccinations: Keeping up with vaccinations, including the HPV vaccine and polio vaccine, is crucial for overall health. The vaccination centre in Borivali offers these and more, ensuring your child is protected against various diseases.
Why Choose Dr. Prashant Gandhi? Dr. Prashant Gandhi is recognized as one of the top 10 child specialist doctors in Mumbai. His extensive experience and compassionate approach make him a preferred choice for parents seeking the best child specialist near me. Whether dealing with common colds, allergies, or more complex conditions, Dr. Gandhi provides comprehensive care tailored to each child’s needs.
For parents residing in Borivali West and nearby areas, finding a reliable and experienced pediatrician is crucial. Dr. Prashant Gandhi's clinic is well-equipped to handle a variety of pediatric health concerns. From routine check-ups to managing chronic conditions, Dr. Gandhi ensures that your child receives the best possible care.
Aayushi children's clinic and vaccination centre | Dr. Prashant Gandhi
Address: Aayushi clinic, A/306,mangal aarambh near mc Donald, s, RM Bhattad Rd, opp. Kora Kendra Ground 2, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092
Phone: 097020 70304
Website: https://drprashantgandhi.com/
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drsumitchakravarty · 4 months
Find Best Pediatric Care In Faridabad
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Pediatric Care in Faridabad
Pediatric care is a critical aspect of the healthcare system, especially for parents seeking the best for their children. In Faridabad, a rapidly growing city with a mix of urban and suburban communities, finding quality pediatric care is paramount. Dr. Sumit Chakravarty, a renowned name in the field, has been providing exceptional care and services to children in this region. His expertise ensures that every child receives personalized attention, leading to healthier and happier lives.
Faridabad is home to a diverse population, and with this diversity comes a range of health concerns specific to children. From newborns to adolescents, pediatric care covers a broad spectrum of services including routine check-ups, immunizations, growth and development assessments, and treatment of various illnesses. Dr. Sumit Chakravarty's clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that each visit is comprehensive and comfortable for both the child and the parents.
Child Doctor in Faridabad
When searching for a child doctor in Faridabad, parents are often overwhelmed with choices. However, the reputation and trust that Dr. Sumit Chakravarty has built over the years make him a preferred choice for many. His approach to pediatric care goes beyond just treating illnesses. He focuses on preventive care, educating parents about proper nutrition, hygiene, and lifestyle choices that can significantly impact a child's health.
Dr. Chakravarty believes in a holistic approach to child healthcare. This includes addressing physical, emotional, and social aspects of a child's development. His clinic offers a warm and welcoming environment, designed to make children feel at ease. The friendly and knowledgeable staff ensures that each visit is smooth, reducing the anxiety that often accompanies doctor visits for young patients.
Pediatrician in Faridabad
Choosing a pediatrician in Faridabad involves considering several factors such as qualifications, experience, and patient reviews. Dr. Sumit Chakravarty stands out with his impressive credentials and years of experience in pediatric medicine. He has completed rigorous training and continuous education to stay updated with the latest advancements in child healthcare.
Parents in Faridabad have consistently praised Dr. Chakravarty for his compassionate care and thoroughness. He takes the time to listen to parents' concerns and addresses each issue with patience and expertise. His diagnostic skills and ability to formulate effective treatment plans have earned him the trust of the community. Whether it's a routine health check-up or a more serious health issue, parents can rely on Dr. Chakravarty for top-notch care.
Child Doctor Near Faridabad
For those residing in the outskirts or nearby regions, finding a reliable child doctor near Faridabad can be challenging. Dr. Sumit Chakravarty's clinic is conveniently located, making it accessible to families from neighboring areas as well. His commitment to serving a broader community means that children from both urban and rural settings receive high-quality care.
Accessibility is a significant factor when choosing a pediatrician. Dr. Chakravarty understands the importance of timely medical intervention and offers flexible appointment schedules to accommodate the needs of busy parents. Additionally, his clinic provides emergency services for situations that require immediate attention. This ensures that every child receives prompt and appropriate care, regardless of their location.
Child Specialist in Faridabad
As a leading child specialist in Faridabad, Dr. Sumit Chakravarty offers specialized care for various pediatric conditions. His expertise spans across numerous sub-specialties including neonatology, pediatric cardiology, gastroenterology, and more. This comprehensive knowledge allows him to diagnose and treat complex conditions that may require specialized attention.
Dr. Chakravarty's clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and medical equipment, ensuring accurate and efficient treatment. He collaborates with other specialists when necessary, providing a multidisciplinary approach to child healthcare. This integrated method ensures that every aspect of a child's health is addressed, from preventive care to advanced medical treatments.
Top Pediatric Doctors Near Me
When parents search for the top pediatric doctors near me, they are often looking for someone who combines medical expertise with a compassionate approach. Dr. Sumit Chakravarty fits this description perfectly. His dedication to pediatric care is evident in the countless positive testimonials from parents and children alike.
Dr. Chakravarty's clinic stands out not only for its medical excellence but also for its patient-centric approach. The friendly atmosphere, combined with the doctor's approachable demeanor, makes each visit a positive experience. Parents appreciate the detailed explanations and guidance provided by Dr. Chakravarty, empowering them to make informed decisions about their child's health.
Comprehensive Pediatric Services
Dr. Sumit Chakravarty offers a wide range of services to cater to the diverse needs of children. Some of the key services include:
Newborn Care
Newborns require specialized care to ensure they start life on a healthy note. Dr. Chakravarty provides thorough examinations, monitoring growth and development, and offering guidance on breastfeeding, nutrition, and newborn care.
Vaccinations are crucial in protecting children from various infectious diseases. Dr. Chakravarty follows the latest immunization schedules and ensures that each child receives timely vaccinations. He also educates parents on the importance and safety of vaccines.
Growth and Development Monitoring
Regular check-ups are essential to track a child’s growth and development. Dr. Chakravarty conducts comprehensive assessments to ensure that children are meeting their developmental milestones. Any concerns are promptly addressed with appropriate interventions.
Treatment of Common Illnesses
Children are susceptible to a range of common illnesses such as colds, flu, and infections. Dr. Chakravarty provides effective treatment plans to manage these illnesses and prevent complications. His focus on quick recovery and overall well-being is reassuring for parents.
Chronic Condition Management
Managing chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, and allergies requires ongoing care and expertise. Dr. Chakravarty offers specialized management plans tailored to each child's needs, ensuring they lead healthy and active lives.
Nutritional Counseling
Proper nutrition is the foundation of good health. Dr. Chakravarty provides nutritional counseling to help parents make informed dietary choices for their children. This includes guidance on balanced diets, dealing with picky eaters, and addressing specific nutritional deficiencies.
Why Choose Dr. Sumit Chakravarty?
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Sumit Chakravarty brings years of experience and expertise to his practice. His qualifications and continuous education in pediatrics ensure that he is well-versed with the latest advancements in child healthcare.
Compassionate Care
Parents value Dr. Chakravarty’s compassionate approach. He takes the time to listen, understand, and address each concern, providing personalized care that meets the unique needs of every child.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The clinic is equipped with modern medical equipment and diagnostic tools, ensuring that children receive the best possible care. The comfortable and child-friendly environment helps reduce anxiety and makes visits more pleasant.
Positive Reputation
Dr. Chakravarty’s reputation in Faridabad and surrounding areas is built on trust and positive outcomes. Numerous testimonials from satisfied parents highlight his dedication and excellence in pediatric care.
Holistic Approach
Dr. Chakravarty believes in a holistic approach to healthcare, addressing not just the physical but also the emotional and social aspects of a child’s well-being. This comprehensive care model ensures that children thrive in all areas of their lives.
In conclusion, when it comes to pediatric care in Faridabad, Dr. Sumit Chakravarty is a name that stands out. His expertise, compassionate care, and dedication to the health and well-being of children make him the ideal choice for parents seeking the best for their little ones. Whether you are looking for a child doctor in Faridabad, a pediatrician in Faridabad, or the top pediatric doctors near me, Dr. Chakravarty's clinic offers comprehensive and trusted care that you can rely on.
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deepasrihospital · 4 months
Deepasri Hospital: The Best Multispeciality Hospital in JP Nagar, Bangalore
Deepasri Hospital
When it comes to finding the Best Hospital in JP Nagar, Bangalore, Deepasri Hospital stands out as a top choice. Known for its comprehensive range of medical services and patient-centric approach, Deepasri Hospital is a premier Multispeciality Hospital in JP Nagar.
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Why Deepasri Hospital is the Best Choice in JP Nagar
1. Comprehensive Multispeciality Services
Deepasri Hospital offers a wide array of medical specialties, making it a one-stop solution for all healthcare needs. Whether you need care in cardiology, orthopedics, pediatrics, gynecology, neurology, or general surgery, Deepasri Hospital provides expert care in each field. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive well-rounded, coordinated care.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities
Equipped with the latest medical technology and diagnostic tools, Deepasri Hospital ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. The hospital’s commitment to maintaining advanced healthcare infrastructure guarantees that patients receive the best possible care.
3. Experienced Medical Professionals
At Deepasri Hospital, a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors, surgeons, and healthcare professionals is dedicated to delivering top-quality care. Their expertise across various medical fields ensures that patients are in capable hands.
4. Patient-Centric Approach
Patient comfort and satisfaction are top priorities at Deepasri Hospital. The hospital’s patient-centric approach ensures personalized care tailored to each individual’s needs. The compassionate and supportive environment helps patients feel at ease throughout their healthcare journey.
5. Convenient Location
Located in the heart of JP Nagar, Bangalore, Deepasri Hospital is easily accessible for residents in the area. Its convenient location makes it a practical choice for those seeking quality healthcare services nearby.
Services Offered at Deepasri Hospital
The cardiology department provides comprehensive heart care, from preventive measures to complex interventions. Patients receive expert care from experienced cardiologists using advanced technology.
Orthopedic specialists at Deepasri Hospital offer both surgical and non-surgical treatments for bone, joint, and muscle conditions. Whether it’s a fracture, arthritis, or sports injury, patients receive top-notch care to restore mobility and improve quality of life.
The pediatric department is dedicated to the health and well-being of children. From newborn care to adolescent health, the team provides comprehensive medical attention to ensure every child’s health needs are met.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Women’s health services at Deepasri Hospital include routine check-ups, prenatal and postnatal care, and advanced treatments for gynecological conditions. The team is committed to providing comprehensive care for women at all stages of life.
For neurological disorders, Deepasri Hospital offers specialized care to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Advanced medical technology and experienced neurologists ensure effective treatment plans.
General Surgery
The general surgery department performs a variety of surgical procedures with precision and care. Patients can expect safe and successful outcomes for both minor and complex surgeries.
Deepasri Hospital’s reputation as the Best Hospital in JP Nagar, Bangalore is well-earned. Its extensive range of multispeciality services, advanced facilities, experienced medical professionals, and patient-centric approach combine to offer an exceptional healthcare experience.
For more information and to experience premier healthcare, visit Deepasri Hospital. Discover why it is considered the best multispeciality hospital in JP Nagar, Bangalore, and how it can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.
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sanjayrithik · 5 months
How to Find the Perfect Pediatrician in Karur for Your Child
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Skin is the most important for everyone, so we need to get the best consultation from the best skin doctor you may search out: Skin Hospital In Karur | Laser Skin Hospital In Karur | Best Laser Skin Centre In Karur | Best Skin and Laser Centre In Karur | Skin Doctor In Karur | Best Skin Doctor In Karur | Cosmetology Specialist In Karur | Best Cosmetology Hospital In Karur.
Embark on a heartwarming journey in search of the best pediatrician in Karur to nurture your child#39;s well-being. Discover the sanctuary of care at Sanjay Rithik Hospital,where expertise meets compassion.
A vital choice that can significantly affect your child#39;s health and wellbeing is choosing the best pediatrician in Karur. Finding the best pediatrician for your family#39;s needs are crucial in a place like Karur where there are many physicians in practice. Let N#39;s explore some key steps to help you find the best pediatrician in Karur.
Start with Recommendations
One of the most effective ways to begin your search for the best pediatrician in Karur is by seeking recommendations from trusted sources. Ask friends, family, neighbors, and even colleagues for recommendations. You can learn a lot about the caliber of care that various of the best pediatrician in Karur pediatricians offer in your community from your personal experience.
Online Research
Use online assets to enhance your hunt. Use web search tools to track down pediatricians in Karur and investigate their sites. Search for data about their capabilities, experience, and administrations they offer. Focus on understanding surveys and tributes, as they can offer firsthand records of the encounters different guardians have had with a specific pediatrician.
Think about Area and Openness
While choosing a pediatrician, consider the simple entry to their office from your work environment or residence.Selecting a doctor who is nearby will save you time and work with arrangement booking, especially in case of a crisis or when your kid is sick.
Visit the Pediatrician#39;s Office
Plan a visit to the workplaces of the pediatricians you&#39;re thinking about. Observe the workplace#39;s climate and the staff#39;s neighborliness notwithstanding tidiness and association. Your adolescent will feel more quiet and happy during visits assuming that the setting is warm and kid-accommodating.
Observe Interaction with Children
During your visit, see how the pediatrician collaborates with kids. A decent pediatrician ought to show restraint, caring, and talent at reassuring kids. Center around how the best pediatrician in Karur attracts your child and whether they carve out a time to address any concerns or questions you could have.
Finally, our conclusion is we all need the best guidance for baby care and skin care. For that reason, you may search out: best pediatrician in karur | newborn baby specialist in karur | best vaccination centre in karur.
Contact Us : +91 89030 09723,+91 75983 23022
Visit Our Website : https://sanjayrithikhospital.com/
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healyhcaresposts · 7 months
Pediatrician In Kukatpally
Title: Pediatrician Services in Kukatpally: Ensuring Child Health and Well-being
Introduction: Pediatricians play a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of children. In Kukatpally, a bustling suburb of Hyderabad, accessing quality pediatric care is essential for families. This article explores the significance of pediatrician services in Kukatpally, highlighting the role of these healthcare professionals in promoting children's health, development, and overall well-being.
Understanding Pediatric Care: Pediatricians are specialized doctors trained to manage the physical, mental, and emotional health of infants, children, and adolescents. They provide a wide range of services, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, developmental assessments, and guidance on nutrition and parenting. Their expertise extends to addressing complex medical conditions and coordinating care with other specialists when necessary.
Importance of Pediatricians in Kukatpally: In Kukatpally, as in any community, pediatricians play a vital role in ensuring the health and development of children. Families rely on pediatricians for preventive care, early intervention, and treatment of childhood illnesses. With rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles, children face unique health challenges, making access to pediatric care even more crucial.
Services Offered by Pediatricians in Kukatpally: Pediatricians in Kukatpally offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of children and their families. These services include:
Well-child visits: Regular check-ups are essential for monitoring growth, development, and detecting any potential health issues early on.
Immunizations: Pediatricians administer vaccinations to protect children against various diseases, preventing outbreaks and ensuring community health.
Management of acute and chronic illnesses: From common colds to chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes, pediatricians diagnose and manage a wide array of health concerns.
Developmental assessments: Pediatricians evaluate children's physical, cognitive, and emotional development, providing guidance and interventions as needed.
Parental guidance: Pediatricians offer advice and support to parents on various aspects of child-rearing, including nutrition, behavior management, and safety.
Why Choose a Pediatrician in Kukatpally: Families in Kukatpally benefit from choosing a local pediatrician for several reasons:
Accessibility: Having a pediatrician nearby ensures easy access to healthcare services, particularly during emergencies or for urgent consultations.
Familiarity with local context: Pediatricians in Kukatpally understand the unique health challenges faced by children in the community, allowing them to provide more targeted and effective care.
Continuity of care: Establishing a long-term relationship with a pediatrician fosters continuity of care, enabling better monitoring of a child's health and development over time.
Cultural sensitivity: Local pediatricians are often attuned to the cultural norms and preferences of the community, ensuring culturally sensitive care for diverse families.
Convenience: Choosing a pediatrician in Kukatpally means less travel time and hassle for families, making it easier to prioritize regular check-ups and follow-up appointments.
Pediatrician Profiles in Kukatpally: Several esteemed pediatricians serve the community of Kukatpally, each with unique expertise and experience. Here are brief profiles of some prominent pediatricians in the area
Conclusion: Pediatricians in Kukatpally play a pivotal role in ensuring the health, development, and well-being of children. With their expertise, dedication, and commitment to excellence, these healthcare professionals contribute significantly to the thriving community of Kukatpally. Families can rest assured knowing that their children's health is in capable hands, thanks to the presence of experienced and compassionate pediatricians in the neighborhood.
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mslitelife · 7 months
Best Child Nutrition Consultant is Going to Help Your Kid Grow Properly!
If you are overweight then you should start exercising or start taking a proper diet for weight loss. People have become so busy that they can’t take care of their body and health. A proper nutrition and being on diet can help you a lot to lose the body fat and exercising also. Working at least for an hour a day can help you to be in a good shape and can lead the way for a better life. And you can also consult or take the help of doctor or nutrition specialist nearby you.
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Weight loss can lead the way for better life
At the best weight loss clinic in Mumbai, now you can get more help regarding this aspect! The weight loss specialist is a certified professional and gives the best advices to the people about diet, nutrition and weight loss. Now a day’s people are out of shape because they eat fast food and eat unhygienic food that keeps them unhealthy. They also don’t exercise which keep them unhealthy and overweight. Specialist suggests that people should exercise and eat food with proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. If can’t get idea about how to lose weight or for proper nutrition, you should consult your nearby weight loss clinic.
Give your kid nutritional foods
Child nutrition has become a major issue in India. There are many kids who are suffering from malnutrition as well. By visiting the best child nutrition consultant you can bring an end to this problem. They give you the best advice and best nutrition foods that will help your child for a healthy life. Nutritionist has the knowledge and experience to help children for a proper and healthy life style. Good nutrition is the vital thing during the childhood. If the child is not provided with proper nutrition, then the child may suffer from diseases and won’t have a healthy growth and development.
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drvaishalisharmablog · 11 months
Best Fertility Doctor in Delhi: Your Guide to Finding the Perfect Specialist
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on finding the best fertility doctor in Delhi! If you're struggling with infertility and looking for a specialist in Delhi, you've come to the right place. With numerous clinics and doctors claiming to offer the best services and treatments, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your specific needs. In this guide, we'll provide all the essential information you need to know about choosing the best fertility doctor in Delhi, including factors to consider, tips for making an informed decision, and more.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Fertility Doctor in Delhi
Experience: One of the most important factors to consider is the doctor's experience. Look for a specialist with a proven track record of successful treatments and who has been practicing for several years.
Specialization: Fertility treatment is a highly specialized field, and it's essential to choose a doctor who specializes in this area. Make sure to research their areas of expertise and certifications before making a decision.
Success rates: Another important factor to consider is the clinic's success rates. This will give you an idea of how likely it is for your treatment to be successful at that particular clinic.
Cost: Fertility treatments can be expensive, so it's crucial to consider the cost when choosing a doctor. Make sure to research and compare costs at different clinics before making a decision.
Reviews and testimonials: Reading reviews and testimonials from previous patients can give you valuable insights into the doctor's approach, success rates, and overall patient satisfaction.
Importance of choosing the right fertility doctor in Delhi
Choosing the right fertility doctor in Delhi is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, infertility can be a sensitive and emotionally taxing issue, and it's essential to have a doctor who understands and empathizes with your situation. A good fertility doctor will provide emotional support along with medical treatment, making the journey towards parenthood more manageable.
Secondly, fertility treatments require specialized knowledge and expertise. Choosing an inexperienced or unqualified doctor can not only result in unsuccessful treatments but also potential health risks for you and your future child.
Moreover, fertility treatments can be expensive, and choosing the wrong doctor could lead to unnecessary expenses without any guarantee of success. By choosing the right fertility doctor in Delhi from the start, you can save time, money, and emotional stress.
Pros and cons of local options
When considering fertility treatments, one of the factors to consider is the location of the clinic. Some individuals may have the option to choose between a local fertility clinic or traveling out-of-town for treatment. Here are some pros and cons of each option:
Convenience: Choosing a local fertility clinic means you won't have to travel far for appointments, which can be especially beneficial if you need frequent visits.
Familiarity: You may feel more comfortable receiving treatment in your familiar surroundings and being close to home during such an emotionally taxing process.
Support system: Having your support system nearby can make a significant difference in your emotional well-being while undergoing fertility treatment.
Limited options: Depending on your location, you may have limited options for fertility clinics in your area, leading to fewer choices and potentially higher costs.
Reputation: Local clinics may not have the same level of reputation as larger, out-of-town clinics, which could affect their success rates and quality of care.
In conclusion, when looking for the best fertility doctor in Delhi, look no further than Dr. Vaishali Sharma MD (AIIMS). She is an experienced and respected expert who will be able to guide you on your journey to achieving a successful pregnancy. Her IUI cost in India is among the most competitive and will not break the bank account or require extensive financial planning for you to receive her exceptional services. So, what’s holding you back from getting a consultation with her? Make sure to reach out sooner rather than later since wait times can get quite long. Her years of experience speak for themselves and have been proven consistently with helping couples achieve their dreams. Don’t go at it alone and take advantage of her expertise today so that tomorrow can look a whole lot brighter.
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Understanding the Cost of IVF in Gurgaon: Factors and Considerations
In recent years, Gurgaon has emerged as one of the leading destinations for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments in India. With its state-of-the-art medical facilities, experienced fertility specialists, and a thriving healthcare ecosystem, Gurgaon offers hope to couples struggling with infertility. However, the cost of IVF in Gurgaon, like in any other part of the world, can be a significant concern for many prospective parents. In this article, we'll delve into the factors that influence IVF cost in Gurgaon and provide valuable insights for those considering this path to parenthood.
Clinic Reputation and Expertise
One of the primary factors affecting the cost of IVF in Gurgaon is the reputation and expertise of the fertility clinic. Renowned clinics with a high success rate tend to charge higher fees due to their track record and experienced team of doctors and embryologists. While choosing a clinic, it's essential to strike a balance between cost and reputation, ensuring you receive quality care without breaking the bank.
Type of IVF Procedure
IVF treatments can vary significantly based on the specific procedure required. Conventional IVF, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) are some of the common IVF procedures, each with its associated costs. The complexity of your case and the recommended procedure will impact the overall cost.
Diagnostic Tests
Before starting IVF treatment, both partners typically undergo a series of diagnostic tests to identify the cause of infertility and plan the appropriate treatment. These tests may include blood tests, ultrasounds, semen analysis, and genetic screening. The cost of these diagnostic tests adds to the overall IVF expenses.
Fertility medications are a crucial part of the IVF process, stimulating the ovaries and ensuring a successful egg retrieval. The cost of these medications can vary based on the dosage and duration required. It's important to budget for medications, as they can be a significant portion of the total IVF cost.
Number of Cycles
The number of IVF cycles required varies from person to person. Some couples may achieve success in a single cycle, while others may need multiple attempts. Each cycle incurs additional costs for medications, monitoring, and procedures. It's essential to discuss this aspect with your fertility specialist and plan accordingly.
Additional Services
Some couples may require additional services such as egg or sperm donation, surrogacy, or advanced treatments like Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) alongside IVF. These services come with their own costs, which can significantly impact the overall expense of your fertility journey.
Insurance Coverage
Health insurance plans often do not cover fertility treatments like IVF, although this is slowly changing. Check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage, if any, that you may receive for your IVF treatment in Gurgaon.
Geographical Location
The cost of living and healthcare facilities in Gurgaon may be higher compared to other regions in India. This can affect the overall cost of IVF treatments in the city. Consider traveling to nearby cities or towns if cost is a significant concern, but ensure that the quality of care is not compromised.
The cost of IVF in Gurgaon can vary widely based on several factors, as outlined above. While it can be a significant financial commitment, it's important to remember that the goal is to achieve a successful pregnancy and, ultimately, parenthood. Therefore, it's crucial to choose a reputable clinic and work closely with your healthcare provider to create a treatment plan that aligns with your financial capacity and specific needs. IVF can be a challenging journey, but with the right support and planning, it can lead to the joy of welcoming a child into your life.
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drprashantgandi-1 · 4 months
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Recognizing and Managing ADHD in Children | Best Pediatrician In Borivali
Recognizing and Managing ADHD in Children Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children. Early recognition and management of ADHD can significantly improve a child's quality of life. If you suspect your child might have ADHD, it's crucial to consult a pediatrician near you, such as Dr. Prashant Gandhi, a renowned pediatrician in Borivali West.
Recognizing ADHD in Children ADHD manifests in children through a combination of symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Here are some key signs to look for:
Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play. Frequent careless mistakes in schoolwork. Often forgetful in daily activities. Hyperactivity:
Fidgeting or tapping hands and feet. Inability to stay seated in situations where it is expected. Running or climbing in inappropriate situations. Impulsivity:
Interrupting others during conversations. Difficulty waiting for their turn. Blurting out answers before questions are completed. If these symptoms are persistent and disruptive to daily life, it might be time to seek the advice of a child specialist near you. Dr. Prashant Gandhi, a top pediatrician in Mumbai, can provide a thorough evaluation and diagnosis.
Managing ADHD in Children Once ADHD is diagnosed, managing it effectively involves a combination of behavioral strategies, educational support, and sometimes medication. Here are some approaches recommended by experts like Dr. Prashant Gandhi:
Behavioral Therapy:
Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding good behavior can encourage children to manage their symptoms better. Consistent Routines: Establishing a predictable daily routine helps children with ADHD feel more secure and less anxious. Educational Support:
Individualized Education Plans (IEP): Schools can provide tailored educational strategies to help children with ADHD succeed academically. Classroom Modifications: Simple changes like seating arrangements and reduced distractions can make a significant difference. Medication:
Stimulant Medications: These are often prescribed and can help improve focus and control impulsive behaviors. Non-Stimulant Medications: These are also available and might be recommended based on individual needs and medical history. Consulting a pediatrician, such as Dr. Prashant Gandhi, ensures that your child receives a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. He is recognized as one of the best pediatricians in Borivali West and can guide you through the process.
Importance of Regular Follow-ups Regular follow-ups with your pediatrician are essential in managing ADHD. They help monitor the child's progress, adjust treatments as necessary, and provide ongoing support to both the child and the parents. Dr. Prashant Gandhi, one of the top 10 child specialist doctors in Mumbai, emphasizes the importance of these follow-ups in achieving the best outcomes for children with ADHD.
Finding the Right Pediatrician Finding the right pediatrician can make a significant difference in managing ADHD effectively. If you are searching for the best pediatrician in Mumbai or a child specialist near you, consider visiting Dr. Prashant Gandhi in Borivali West. His expertise and compassionate approach make him a trusted choice for many parents.
For those in nearby areas, Dr. Gandhi is also accessible if you need a vaccination centre in Borivali or are seeking specific vaccines such as the HPV or polio vaccine. Whether you're in Kandivali, Dahisar, Malad, or Mira Road, Dr. Gandhi's clinic is well-regarded for providing top-notch pediatric care.
In conclusion, recognizing and managing ADHD in children requires a collaborative approach involving parents, educators, and healthcare professionals. Consulting with a skilled pediatrician like Dr. Prashant Gandhi ensures that your child receives the best possible care and support, paving the way for a brighter future.
Aayushi children's clinic and vaccination centre | Dr. Prashant Gandhi
Address: Aayushi clinic, A/306,mangal aarambh near mc Donald, s, RM Bhattad Rd, opp. Kora Kendra Ground 2, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092
Phone: 097020 70304
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pedsav · 1 year
The Benefits of Having Pediatricians Near Me
Access to quality healthcare for your child is paramount, and having Pediatricians near me can make a significant difference in ensuring your child's health and well-being. Pediatricians are specialized doctors trained to care for infants, children, and adolescents. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of having pediatricians nearby.
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1. Convenience: One of the primary advantages of having Pediatricians near me is convenience. You won't have to travel long distances for routine check-ups, vaccinations, or when your child is sick. This accessibility can save you time and reduce stress, especially during emergencies. 2. Timely Care: Children's health needs can change rapidly. Having a pediatrician nearby means you can access timely care when your child requires it. Quick medical attention can make a significant difference in managing illnesses and ensuring a speedy recovery. 3. Establishing a Relationship: Consistency in healthcare providers allows you to establish a long-term relationship with your pediatrician. This relationship fosters trust and ensures that your child's medical history is well-documented and understood, leading to more personalized care. 4. Preventive Care: Pediatricians focus not only on treating illnesses but also on preventive care. Regular check-ups and vaccinations are essential for maintaining your child's health. Proximity to a pediatrician encourages regular visits, reducing the likelihood of missed appointments. 5. Access to Specialists: In case your child requires specialized care or consultations with other pediatric specialists, having a pediatrician nearby can facilitate referrals and coordination of care. This ensures that your child receives comprehensive medical attention when necessary. 6. Emergency Care: Pediatric emergencies can be stressful, and having a pediatrician nearby can provide peace of mind. Your pediatrician can guide you on the appropriate actions to take during an emergency and be readily available when needed. 7. Community Connection: Local pediatricians are often well-connected within the community. They may have knowledge of local resources and support services, making it easier for you to access additional help or information if required. 8. Familiarity with Local Health Trends: Pediatricians near me are likely to be familiar with prevalent health concerns and trends in your area. This knowledge can be valuable in identifying and addressing region-specific health issues that may affect your child. 9. Counseling and Guidance: Pediatricians not only provide medical care but also offer valuable guidance on parenting, child development, and nutrition. Having a pediatrician nearby means you can readily access expert advice and support. 10. Peace of Mind: Perhaps the most significant benefit of having a pediatrician nearby is the peace of mind it offers. Knowing that your child's healthcare needs are well within reach can alleviate worry and help you focus on providing the best possible care for your child.
In conclusion, having Pediatricians near me comes with numerous benefits, including convenience, timely care, a strong doctor-patient relationship, and access to preventive and emergency care. These healthcare professionals play a vital role in ensuring the health and well-being of your child. If you're a parent, consider the advantages of having a trusted pediatrician nearby as you prioritize your child's health and development.
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sunriselifecare1 · 1 year
child specialist in gurgaon
Finding a child specialist in Gurgaon or any specific location typically involves searching online or consulting local directories, asking for recommendations from friends or family, or contacting nearby hospitals or clinics.
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child specialist in Gurgaon
However, here are some general steps you can follow to find a child specialist in Gurgaon:
Online Search: Use search engines like Google to look for child specialists or pediatricians in Gurgaon. You can enter keywords like "child specialist in Gurgaon," "pediatrician in Gurgaon," or "children's doctor in Gurgaon." This should give you a list of potential doctors.
Doctor Directory Websites: There are many online directories that list healthcare professionals, including pediatricians. Websites like Practo, JustDial, or Lybrate allow you to search for doctors in specific locations and provide information such as their qualifications, contact details, and patient reviews.
Hospital Websites: Visit the websites of hospitals in Gurgaon, such as Medanta - The Medicity, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Artemis Hospital, and others. These websites often have directories of their pediatric specialists and their contact information.
Ask for Recommendations: Ask friends, family members, neighbors, or colleagues who live in Gurgaon if they can recommend a good child specialist based on their personal experiences.
Local Medical Clinics: Check with local medical clinics or healthcare centers in Gurgaon. They may have pediatricians on staff or be able to refer you to one.
Health Insurance Provider: If you have health insurance, you can contact your insurance provider for a list of pediatricians or child specialists in your network.
Online Reviews: Look for online reviews and ratings for pediatricians in Gurgaon. Patient reviews can give you insights into the doctor's reputation and patient satisfaction.
Check Qualifications: Ensure that the pediatrician you choose is board-certified and has the necessary qualifications and experience in treating children.
Location and Availability: Consider the location of the doctor's clinic and their availability for appointments. It's important that the clinic is convenient for you and that the doctor's schedule aligns with yours.
Call for Appointments: Once you've identified a few potential pediatricians, call their clinics to inquire about appointment availability, fees, and any other specific questions you may have.
Remember to conduct thorough research and consider factors such as the doctor's experience, reputation, and compatibility with your child's needs when choosing a child specialist in Gurgaon.
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