sluggybasson107 · 9 months
Previous poll here
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conceiteddemon · 9 months
Love how Lightkeeper Nekari was like ‘please don’t kill this man. I’m doing the bare minimum trusting you to not murder this guy PLEASE’ and then smashcut to 55 mins later when they’re handed back a corpse Nekari just sighs like ‘yeah that’s on me I should’ve lowered my standards.’
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infestedviscera · 2 years
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nekari61o · 9 months
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HEHEHE heres some other info
- i go by neb BUT my other names are nul and kari! you can even call me nekari if you'd like :3
- you can use my art for nearly anything (edits, pfps, wallpapers etc!) plz dont trace, use for commercial purposes or claim my art as yours (and definitely do NOT use it in ai), i also super duper love credit
- you can expect ship art / rarepairs in this blog!!! but i'd really prefer if proshippers did not interact
- i like to sculpt with clay and i like to edit
- my birthday is april 20 isnt that CRAZY
- i have an artfight! called nekari of course
- i LOVE making new friends feel free to tag me in posts / send me asks! even though i might not always answer i super appreciate it
ANYWAYS thank u for reading i have a non-art related account right up my sleeve @pooeyfart
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2minutetabletop · 2 years
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The Nekari Wastes – A Desert Adventure Setting
Allow Garm to take you for a walk in the desert in this week's article – just be prepared for some unique undead! You can read the whole thing behind the link:
→ Read it on 2-Minute Tabletop
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nickwildelvr · 9 months
mutual i love your art so much it makes me want to run away into a forest and never return... also your interests are so awesoesauce i would likje to talk about the silly shows if thats okaey!! 🥺
YES OFC NEKARI UR SO SWEET… I would love to talk about the silly shows and TYSM!!??? 😞😞❤️❤️❤️ yuor art is just as yummy… It looks so edible.l. And I want to cook it into a pie and eat it🤤 love u mutual mwah😍
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kolej-postasi · 4 years
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Ziman, nişana heyînê ye.
Zimanê civake kê xwe buna wê ye . civaka zimanê wê ne bê kesitîya wê nine. Heyina wê dûmahîya civakên  di ye, Siya kesên di ye.
Bi vê nêrinê hemu ziman rumetên mirovatiyê ne. Tacên serê mirovan ê. Şunde mayina zimaneki, şunde mayina mirovatiyê ye.
Ku ziman bi rengek i xweşik, bi dengek i zelal  u şêrîn ne we pêk anin, Ra yên mirovati yê kûr cîh na girin. Mirovatî nikare li kevneşopên xwe yên taybet xwedi derkeve. Di dirokê de hemû civakan serpihatiyên xwe, sitran, xewn û  ceribandinên xwe, bi zimanê xwe yê dewlemend  parastine,û gihandine neviyên xwe.
Ji ber ku nivîs demeke dereng belav bû ye , di serî de hemû wêje, bi devkî pêk hatine. heta demên nêzik ji ev rewş bi vi awayi berdewam bu ye.
Mîna  hemû gelan, Kurdan ji demeke dirêj wêje ya xwe, bi devkî pêk ani ye. Wêje ya wan, ya devkî gelek qaim bû ye û pêş keti ye.  Mirov dikare bê je ketiya nava vêjeyên sereke yên devkî.
Lê belê piştî nivisandin u xwendin pêş ket, wêje ya Kurdan  li hember wêjeyên di şun de ma.ji ber ku , li hemû herêmên dinya yê pirbûn û belav bûna dibistana, Wêjeya nivisandi pêşdebir. Lê mixabin, Li hemu parçên Kurdistan’ê dibistan, ne bi zimanê Kurdi û pişti demeke dirêj  hatine vekirin. Ya xirabtir, li gellek herêma Kurdi hate qedexekirin. Balkêşe ku; nemaze li der û dora dibistana axaftina Kurdi mina gunehek mezin hate dîtin.
Zarokên Kurdan beri ku fêri xwendin û nivisandinê bibin, mecbûr man e ku fêri zimanê serdesta bibin. Bi vê re ji, roj bi roj, gav bi gav ji çanda xwe, çirok û helbestên xwe, ji sitran û  serpihatiyên bav û kalên xwe dûr ketin e. Ji  ra yên ku  ji hezar salan ve stûr bû ne û gihane ber kemalê, qut bû ne. Mina  çiqil ê di nava avê de geh bi vir ve çû ne , geh bi alî yê dî ve.
Demeke dirêj, keseki derfet ne dit ku bi Kurdî bixwine, an ji binivise. Çiqas ku hinek xebatên kesane çê bûbin ji, veşartî ma ne û piraniya gel, nekari ye ji va xebata istifade bike.
Pêş de çûna teknoloji yê û zêde bûna navgînên ragihandinê, serdestî li serdesta kiri ye,derfetên xebata nivis û xwendina Kurdî zê de kiri ye.Li hemû parçên ku Kurd lê dijîn, pirtukên Kurdî tên nivisandin, Rewşenbirên xwedî berpirsyarî, ramanê xwe bi Kurdî tîn ên ser ziman.
Lê bi rasti, ev xebat hêji negihane sinorekî ku mirov bikare bêje valahîya holê  tijî di kê.
Nemaze li bakur, xwendin û nivîsandina Kurdî, gelekî şund e ma ye. Di nav bawermendên Kurd de ev rewş  hê xirabtire. Ne xwendin û nivisandin tenê, bi pirani axaftina Kurdi ji bi şunde avêtine.Heger mirov hinek xebatên piçuk cuda bikê, tê dîtin ku di nav bawermendên Kurd’de nivis û xwendina Kurdî gelekî kêm ma ye.
Bi rastî dûr ketina vê civakê ya ji nivîs u xwendina zimanê xwe,  tişteki gelek balkeş û ecêbe. Weke ku tê zanîn jî,  bingeha nivisa Kurdî, xwendin û şirove kirina Kurdî di medreseyên İslami yên Kurdistanê’de hatîye danin. Xebatên wêjeya Kurdî, di serî de ji medresan despêkirine. Heta ku medrese hatine qedexekirin ji, ev rewş berdewam bû ye.
Lê mixabin ku mirov li vê  rojê dinêre, tê ditên ku  dengekî  bi Kurdî, dengekî ku hêza xwe ji dewlemendî ya gotin û ramanên  zanyarên Kurd standî, di nav Kurdan de xwe nîşan  na dê. piranîya  bawermendên Kurd, ji nêrin, gotin, xebat û têkoşînên misilmanên Kurd, yê di dirokê de hatine û çûne, dûrin. Haya wa ji çanda  Kurdi, ya bi rengê İslamî pêk hati, nîne.
Ev kes bi gotin û biwêjên Tirk’î berê xwe didin Kurdan. Bi nêrinên ku  bi haveynê çanda Tirki meyine, di meyzênin pirsgirêkên gelê xwe. Ji ber ku, bive neve ji piçûktayiya xwe û pê ve li  van tişta fêr dibin. Di fêrgehên “İslamî” de ji, va gotina  di bihîzin,
Hate dîtin ku, Xebatê bi vi rengî, nêrinê bi vî awayi ne çareserî kî tine ji boyî Kurdan, ne ji têkoşîneka ku hêza xwe ji nêrinên İslamî standî ye , pêk tine.
Dive bê zanîn , xebatên ku Kurdan, ziman û çanda wan, êş û pirsgirêkên wan nedin berçavan, di nava Kurdan de pêş ve naçin.
Kesên bivên di nava gelê Kurd’de  xwe bidin pejirandin, dive  ramanên xwe, nêrinên xwe, çand û hunerên xwe, bi Kurdî binên ziman. Divê bidin nişan ku heyîna Kurdî, dewlemendîya çanda Kurdî, ji boyî wan ji giring e.
Ji ber vê yekî divê di serî de xwendin û nivîsa Kurdî li nav van kesan  belav bibe. Giringe   bi taybet, bavermendên kurd, , vî karî pêk binên. Çiqas bizor be jî, divê  xwe bidin ber vî barî. Jiber ku , pêşeroja  gelê Kurd, pêşeroja xebata İslamî ya di nava Kurdan de, bi vê yekê ve girêdayi ye.
Kurd, îro agahdarê mafê xwene. Kesek nikare êdi wa bi gotinan  mijûl bi kê.
Dive bê zanin ku  Kurd, têr bune ji  biratiyeka liser ziman qedexekirinê, li ser asimilasyonê, liser, koçberkirinê ava dibe.
Îro Kurd dizanên ku zimanê wan, çanda wan, serpêhatiyên bav û kalên wan newin parastin, bi dilek paqij newin pejirandin, biratî nayê tê wateyî.
Ev gel, westayê êş û tevkujiyên sedsalaye. Ev psikolojî heye ku xeletiya bi wa bide kirin. Pêwiste  bi fêhm kirinê, arikariya wan bê kirin, de ji xeletiyan dûr bikevin, di xeletiyan de winda nebin.
Kesên xwedî raman, xwedî gotin, xwedî hêz û zanîn ku li vê mijarê xwedî dernekevin, di demek kurt de wê pirsgirêk geleki mezin bibe. Ji ber ku kesên bi xewnê Kurdan bileyizên, hêvi û bêriyên Kurdan ji boyî armancên xwe bişixulînên, gelekin.
Ku rastiya mijarê ji aliyê bawermenda ve newê pejirandin, sibê wê mafê keseki nebe ku  li ser mijarê şiroveki bi ke. Mafê kesekî dê ne be ku çêtirdîtinên Kurdan rexne bike. Ji boyî pêşanîya, wan gunehkar bike.
MART 13, 2007 | HAKSÖZ*
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aspi-girl-blog · 7 years
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J’ai commandé une illustration à @lys-nekarys, je suis impatiente de voir le résultat !
I ordered a drawing to @lys-nekarys, I can’t wait !
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Rough Rampager (Antipaladin Archetype)
Sometimes simply called rampagers, there are those antipaladins who, above all else, serve gods of destruction, most notably Rovagug in the Golarion setting, which is what this archetype is tied to.
While the vast majority of antipaladins are chaotic evil (the exceptions being archetypes), they still often have personal motivations and diverse interests, such as power, wealth, indulgences, and so on. Rough Rampagers, however, whether due to their god’s influence, fanaticism for their cause, or a lack of interest in anything else, seem to exist purely to destroy, kill, and befoul.
Some may lead or be part of destruction cults, held back only by their masters until the time comes to unleash them, while others may ride alongside or ahead of the greatest servants of whatever dark god they worship like bloody heralds, taking the first pick of who to slay and what to destroy before moving on, lest they get caught up in the violence of the great beast they presage.
If ever there was an archetype for NPCs, this would be it in most cases, for Rough Rampagers truly embody the stereotype of “chaotic evil impulsively doing anything for the catharsis with no filter or restraint”. Admittedly a powerful will could keep them in line for a while, but it takes a good player to use this in even an evil campaign without derailing it.
 In the presence of a rough rampager, blood seems to flow without stopping, which manifests in two ways, the first being that using mundane methods to stop bleeding or keep someone on this side of the threshold of life find the process more complex and difficult to achieve.
The second being that their aura rapidly accelerates blood lost, and with it, the death of their foes.
However, not even magical healing is proof against these antipaladins, as they generate a magical resistance against such effects, forcing healers to focus or risk expending the magic to no effect.
A simple archetype, this is one that simply changes out what the various auras of the antipaladin do, replacing those debuffs and buffs with those that slowly damage their foes and make sure that those they slay usually stay down. The other abilities remain the same, so with that in mind you can build these antipaladins any way you like, though certainly they will favor melee combat, casting buffs and debuffs to increase that potential.
 The interesting thing about this archetype is, that while one can indeed run these warriors as faceless destroyers, npcs that may get an ominous-sounding name or title to build up the encounter with them, that need not be the case. If it suits the narrative of the game, consider creating a story for your rampager and how they came to be such monstrous beings, and find a way for your players to discover it. It could certainly go a lot of different ways.
  Kiervaug Jungle has become a place of nightmares, even by the unforgiving standards of most rainforests, due to a rift to the abyss deep in its heart twisting life within and unleashing demons and baregara within. Not even the vanara natives are safe, for already corruption seeks to take them, most notable is the ferocious Fanged Ape, a warlord who has forgotten his own name, and seeks to water the already bloody jungle with the blood of all sapient life.
 Losing his parents at a young age, young Donoi was left to the care of the kikimora fey that had just invaded their hovel prior to their death. Needless to say the house spirit was a less than ideal guardian, subjecting the youth to torment after torment and working him like a slave at pointless tasks for her amusement. Looking for any escape, the youth eventually heard an answer to his pleas. Slaying his surrogate ‘mother’ with his newfound power, he left his home, eager to show the world the “hospitality” she had taught him.
 A testament to the hubris of her homeland, Nekari was trained from birth to be an antipaladin of Thanatos, the first Grim Reaper, and slaughter in the name of her nation as a perfect soldier. Needless to say, it didn’t work out, and her rampage would have continued, had it not been for a recent shake-up in her faith. An unexpected act of kindness has her questioning her worldview, so now she is hunted by not only her former masters, but also the very dark god she worships.
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sluggybasson107 · 9 months
(also feel free to suggest ship names for some of these couples if the ones I used weren't good)
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conceiteddemon · 9 months
There were some little inconsistencies in the first Tide and Bone chapter that I’ve been gnawing on but I think I’ve pieced together the Maw’s plan that makes everything make sense with the new context given to us in the asylum directors letters.
Parts of the break in mission seemed too…smooth? It was bothering me that there was a screaming beast transformation followed by a murder/resurrection in the backyard and that none of the guards, who were explicitly stated to be on high alert and had timed periods of feigned casualness drilled into them, didn’t go check on All of that. And maybe guards who work for greyslate have seen/heard their inmates do some weird shit and have learned to look the other way as long as it happens within the bounds of the sanatorium, fine, but in the middle of the night? In the backyard?? It seemed pretty sus to me before I realized
The Maw and the Serious Man had set up a Candela investigator honeypot
Here are the facts:
1. Sarkas’ escape from the sanitarium went oddly smooth, RIGHT after he witnessed some magic bullshit go on. It went so suspiciously that Rajan theorized that he might have been let out.
2. Sarkas had no proof of what he saw other than his word. According to Matt, a lot of Candela cases turn out to be ‘a drunk guy’ or ‘neophyte woman making big deal out of nothing’ or ‘mob hysteria’, so when Sarkas, who was previously in an insane asylum and had a background as a distrusted OUP, came to Candela with nothing but his word, it seems set up to appear as Baby’s First Investigation. Nekari and Cosmo, who are both old hat, heard about this assignment and thought it seemed ‘routine’. A little parting gift walkabout for an incredibly old man.
3. The Maw seems to mainly prey on the vulnerable. It took Rajan’s sister as a child thrall, and attempted to take him as well. This is speculation but if the Serious Man knew Raj’s mother well enough to stroll around with her, then it’s likely that she was involved with the Occult. Combine that with greyslate being a place where they put OUPs out to pasture, and her line about the circle having her ‘favorite flavors’, it seems like her preferred thralls are those who have had bleed exposure before. Investigators are both strong and vulnerable, and would make great thralls because they haven’t been ‘used up’ like the inmates were.
4. The director’s letters stated that the Maw needed stronger thralls as the current ones burned out too quickly.
So we’ve got the perfect setup to nab a few grade-A thralls, people who are in a line of work where disappearances happen regularly, are susceptible to the Bleed, come with a host of issues to feed upon but aren’t ‘greyed out’ yet like the inmates are. It seems like the perfect plan! Nab a circle, get strong thralls to get digging, set up some misdirection on where the group disappeared to once they are brainwashed and you know more about them.
Unfortunately for them, Cosmo rolled up with a guy who knew EXACTLY what he was fighting and had a chestful of locusts, a monster woman to engage the enemy monster woman in a kaiju battle, a backup triage lady since the first triage lady was preoccupied monster battling, and another dude with a personal vendetta who literally physically cannot die.
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thatawokenhunter · 6 years
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My girl Nekari looking gooood in preparation for Valentines/Hearts Day😍
\My screenshot/
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fursuitpursuits · 7 years
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RT @Kenara_Girl: Nekari and Gunner @michaelmcphail3 ready to take on some AlienS. Pic taken at @Capitalscificon #FursuitFriday https://t.co/wlem5XuIJP (Source)
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petslifefrance-blog · 6 years
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Le Chat’viez-Vous: Le phénomène Harry Potter a brisé les records d'édition et de salles de cinéma. Mais les experts en matière de faune sonnent l'alarme sur un triste inconvénient aux contes de JK Rowling du jeune sorcier troublé. Le commerce illégal de chouettes a fait un bond au cours de la dernière décennie et les chercheurs craignent que cela puisse mettre en péril la survie de ces prédateurs distinctifs en Asie. Les écologistes disent que le #harfang des neiges Hedwig - qui reste le fidèle compagnon du jeune sorcier pour la plupart des séries de Harry Potter - alimente la demande mondiale d'oiseaux sauvages capturés comme animaux de compagnie. En 2001, seules quelques centaines ont été vendues sur les nombreux marchés d'oiseaux indonésiens. D'après les chercheurs Vincent Nijman et Anna Nekaris de l'Oxford Brookes University, ce chiffre était passé à plus de 13 000 en 2016 dans un article sur l'écologie et la conservation mondiales. À environ 10 $ à 30 $, le prix est abordable pour la plupart des familles de la classe moyenne. La question est d'une importance critique parce que les hiboux offerts à la vente sont presque tous prélevés dans la nature. En conséquence, ils demandent instamment que les hiboux soient ajoutés à la liste des espèces d'oiseaux protégées de l'Indonésie, soulignant que les chouettes peuvent sembler mignonnes sur le marché mais meurent généralement rapidement après avoir été retirées de la nature. Pour sa part, Rowling a condamné la garde des hiboux comme animaux de compagnie, l'augmentation du nombre de chouettes abandonnées a incité l'auteur à s'exprimer. Si quelqu'un a été influencé par mes livres à penser qu'un hibou serait le plus heureux enfermé dans une petite cage et gardé dans une maison, je voudrais profiter de l'occasion pour dire aussi fort que possible, « tu as tort », dit-elle. « Les hiboux dans mes livres n'ont jamais été destinés à décrire le vrai comportement des hiboux » J.K.R #hiboux #chouette #animauxdecompagnie #harrypotter #jkrowling #protectionanimale #play2magic #potterhead #hedwige #gryffindor #serpentard #poufsouffle #serdaigle (à Poudlard École De Sorcellerie)
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aspi-girl-blog · 7 years
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lys-nekarys et moi à notre cours de danse Irlandaise.
lys-nekarys and I, at our Irish danse class.
(via GIPHY)
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xlnc1 · 6 years
Natural World (2012) Jungle Gremlins of Java
Natural World (2012) Jungle Gremlins of Java
BBC Natural World (2012) Jungle Gremlins of Java
The slow loris is the real-life gremlin, extremely cute but with a venom that can kill. Now it’s also a YouTube superstar with millions of hits. Dr Anna Nekaris travels to the jungles of Java to solve the riddle of its toxic bite, but a shocking discovery awaits.
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