liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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Top 10 Rated Episodes
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xmdart · 1 year
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Eric had briefly caught a glimpse of Nerida with her hair down one day, from afar, after Quidditch practice. So he got curious. Didn’t expect to find her so pretty, and for his heart to skip a beat. Especially as he got an earful from her.
Some more Eric x Nerida content! Where it all began. And then he started courting her openly... probably
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trashblog07 · 6 months
Hey guys i have officially experienced my first A03 writer curse. I experienced a 4.8 earthquake at school while taking a history test. Everybody’s fine i’m fine. I just wanted to share this
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dragcnbreak · 2 years
thanks for 14 seasons 🫂
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sargeantsarmy · 8 months
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ejzah · 1 year
The One Where It’s Twins, Part 2
“Wait, I think I see them,” Kensi said, arching her neck to see above the crowds of people milling around the airport. “Oh, no, that guy’s wearing a three piece suit.”
“Yeah, definitely not Eric then.,” Deeks agreed.
With they very little convincing, Eric and Nell had accepted Kensi and Deeks’ offer to visit for a week. As soon as they’d started discussing when to tell people about her pregnancy, Kensi knew she needed to tell them in person. A phone call or zoom, just wasn’t going to cut it.
“Shaggy, Wonder Woman!”
Nell suddenly appeared through the throngs of people, pulling a grinning Eric along with her.
“Nellvarine!” Deeks shouted back, catching her in a hug as she ran at him. Once she was finished doling out hugs, Eric followed up just as enthusiastically.
“It’s so good to see you guys again,” he said. As they headed outside, Eric tilted his head up towards the sun. “We keep promising ourselves we’ll come back to LA more often, but then it never happens.”
“Yeah, Tokyo is amazing, but it has nothing on this sun. Or the friends who live here,” Nell agreed, tilting her head up towards Kensi as they walked arm-in-arm.
Kensi gave Deeks look and they drew to a stop.
“Well, I think we have something that might keep you coming back a little more often.” He retrieved the two boxes they’d brought with them. They’d intended to wait until later, but now seemed the perfect moment.
Nell’s box was small and square while Eric’s was a larger rectangular package.
“Ooh, presents!” Nell happily accepted hers, and if either of were confused by the unexpected turn of events, they didn’t show it
“Oh, this is beautiful!” Nell carefully extracted a delicate silver necklace with a turquoise, silver backed pendant. It spun as she held it up, revealing an inscription on the back. “Auntie Nell.”
At the same time, Eric unboxed a t-shirt that read “Crazy Like My Uncle”.”
“Kensi Marie Blye and Martin Atticus Deeks, do not tell me you’re pregnant,” she said, voice trembling and with a would-be severe expression.
“Sorry, guilty as charged.” Deeks shrugged, holding up a copy of the sonogram.
With a little happy dance, Nell ran into Kensi’s arms, careless of the passersby who stopped to stare a little. She moved on to Deeks, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he spun in her in a couple circles.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe this!”
“But, I thought you couldn’t,” Eric murmured. He winced almost immediately. “Sorry, that probably sounded really insensitive.”
“No, you’re ok. We keep questioning it too. At this point, we’re calling it a miracle,” Deeks declared.
Shaking her head, Nell took the sonogram from Deeks, and studied it more closely, Eric peering over her shoulder. His brows furrowed after a minute, then rose significantly. He drew his finger across the image in a circular pattern.
“Wait, why do I see two heads?”
Nell looked up so quickly Deeks was surprised he didn’t hear something crack.
“Shut the front door!” she shouted. “Twins?” When Kensi nodded, she ran forward and gave them each another hug, her enthusiasm infectious.
“Wow, congrats times two,” Eric said. “This is amazing.”
“We think so too.” Deeks leaned down to kiss Kensi’s head and she looked her arms around his waist.
Shaking her head, Nell studied the sonograms again. “These Densi babies are going to be the most spoiled children in the entire world,” she declared happily.
A/N: You know I had to include Nell and Eric.
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ncisladaily · 1 year
Since the show is wrapping it’s 14 Season run tonight, I would like to say a lot of thank yous today to a lot of people. 🥰
1st, To all the Series Regulars this show had over the years! A very special thank you to letting us get to know you all and to love you for so long. Linda, Chris, Todd, Dani, Barrett, Peter, Adam, Eric, Renee, Miguel (NEVER FORGOTTEN!!), Nia, Medalion, Caleb and Gerald, thank you all so much for all the memories! 🤗
2nd, To all the followers this blog has amassed over the years! I’m glad you all found this fun site and decided to stick with it.
3rd, To all the wonderful fan content creators on here for all your fun stuff!
4th, To the OG admins of this wonderful blog. Thank you for making and preserving this blog for as long as you did, and to Megan for passing this on to me in 2020.
It’s been a real blast to get to report on this show and to make and share fun content on here for so long of a period.
And not to worry, this blog ain’t going away anytime soon. :) New content will always be welcome (just keep being inspired!). Plus, we enjoy getting to talk about what the cast is doing! We’ll always gladly report on any future cameos in other NCIS’s.
And plus, if a Hetty prequel, or any kind of prequel or spin off to this show happens (it’d be soooo wonderful though if a Hetty prequel was made though!), we’ll gladly report on it with vim and vigor! 
Cheers to everyone 🍷, and I hope you all enjoy the final episode and the 1 hour retrospective!
-Maria ( @blogger360ncislarules )
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
I’m hoping it’s the last one but it’s probably Nell and Eric that’s not happening.
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blogger360ncislarules · 8 months
Nell takes up photography
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Description: Hello everyone! Since there's still plenty of writers around, and there's also some budding new ones, and since I enjoyed last year's event, figured I'd run it again this year!
This year, not only are all ships from all 4 NCIS's, (popular, unpopular, underrated, or happened in canon or not), allowed. But all platonic ships are allowed as well!
Sign ups end on December 5th at 8pm 8 EST, more details in the link.
I hope you'll have fun this holiday Season. -Maria (please signal boost the best you can).
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dominicvail · 2 years
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liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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tivajunkie · 1 year
No family dinner tonight after all, which means I get to watch live!!
Unrelated, if Neric shows up tonight I don’t think I’ll be able to emotionally recover. 😭
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trashblog07 · 4 months
Hey guys! So next week after i take my regents! I’m gonna start the script for the ncis la video lmk if there’s anything specific you want me to include :)
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booknerdinglasses · 2 years
it’s so adorable that Nell was flirting with Nate to get Eric’s attention like omg
and that Eric stole a flower from hetty’s desk to compete with Nell when she sent herself flowers I mean
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sargeantsarmy · 2 years
Nick being cared for after the game because he deserves it for real
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