bitterkarmaa · 5 months
Ur not gonna believe who just lost another duck <- this loser
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ghostowlattic · 1 year
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I Love It So Much It Hurts 
biosynthetic-gelatinous gastroneural companionship partners (BRAINSLUGS), batch 2, Ghost Owl Attic
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javiar · 5 months
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Neurological Demise
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inter-volve · 11 months
Not sure of the date of this. Sometime in the last week. (Today is July 18th)
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gravityofforteana · 1 year
If my hypothetical indigenous humanoids practice telepresence at the neurological level—perhaps by manipulating the electromagnetic fields that constitute “consciousness” Mac Tonnies
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yepitspain · 2 years
well since my doctor refuse to do anything about my symptoms except ordering the same bloodworks that come back as fine each time(he literally told me he won't do anything else 😃), here's my main symptoms right now (which are what i talked to him about exactly)
Chronic Pain
1 to 3 on the Pain scale(of 10) at the very least each day
If i have work, i finish the day most of the time at 7 or 8 on the scale
This pain bc of work is mostly from the lower back to my feet
This pain includes the one in hips and lower back and is often so bad that it provokes an urgent need to go to the toilet where i will have diahrrea
The pain is often so bad that I need to do breathing work to try and calm myself and i have difficulty continuing to work.
This pain causes me a lot of stress before and during work.
I also have a lot of pain in my hand, wrist and fingers which is exercebated by work
I have chronic pain everywhere (each joints), but those talked about before are the most present.
My ankles (especially the left one) is really unstable.
Chronic Fatigue
Always tired. Worse because of my job
Sleeps most of the time i'm not working. If i'm not sleeping, I'm at least laying down or sitting.
Neurological Symptoms
Carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and cubital tunnel syndrome in left hand
It has been around 2 years since the problems started
I'm unable to write or draw for more than a few minutes without feeling some numbness and tingling in my hand.
I'm right handed so it happens mostly in that hand, but my job makes me use my hand a lot so I often get similar symptoms in my left one
Happens a lot when I sleep
I also have weird numbness that travels from my feet to my head and causes a little bit of vertigo after a few hours on my feet. It's a weird feeling and is almost constant when it starts, but there are "shooting" of numbness from time to time that goes a bout of vertigo that is worse.
This one is hard for me to explain...
I haven't had my periods since the start of December, so around 7 or 8 months (this post is made in July) and it's impossible for me to be pregnant
In 2021, I had 6 periods in total.
I have a lot of acne and body hair.
I am overweight.
A lot of pain and it worsen when I talk or eat.
My jaw clicks and pops and it seems like everytime I open my mouth wider than needed to talk, it sublux. Aka it pops out of its socket and immediately goes back in.
My mouth opens in a sideway V. So it goes to the right then center itself again.
I can't open my mouth wide.
My jaw will sometimes lock and presumably, the only reason it doesn't stay that way is because my joints, including my jaw, are somewhat hypermobile?
This is all of my main symptoms right now. One thing I didn't mention is my stomach problems that causes me to often go to the toilet with diarrhea.
Some of the illnesses I've considered are fibromyalgia, FND and Multiple Sclerosis. The only one that is apparently dismissed is MS since I did a MRI last year and there wasn't any lesions... (an mri I had to beg my doctor for btw)
I really want to change family doctor(I've wanted for a while), but I don't think there are anyways to do so in Canada/Québec until he retires which will apparently be in 2 years. And then, I will have to wait for years to get a new one and the thought brings me so much anxiety and grief over the fact that I may never know what's wrong with me...
I want help to find ideas of what illness I could have and ways to manage the symptoms at home...
If you live in Canada/Québec, I would also love to get an idea of what to do with this doctor business.
If you can't help, please consider sharing this post 🙏
Thank you so much for reading all of this.
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deadlyangelic · 2 years
Anyone else out there who has Neurofibromatosis Type 1, such as myself!? Follow me! Let’s be friends
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argotess · 2 years
Having a rare neurological and vascular disorder that isn’t noticeable from the outside and is very difficult to be diagnosed is such great fun!! I love it so much!! Every time I tell people about the humongous pain I am in they always say I am exaggerating and they think I am faking it!! I totally suggest everyone to fake having TOS at the prime age of 18!! It’s not like I had to quit all of my lifelong dreams because of a “faked” disorder!!
I have been very lucky to have been able to be diagnosed and not have struggled too much before they figured out my problem but the struggle before it was awful and once I got diagnosed my situation barely changed.
We need to change the adult perspective on teenagers faking chronic pain and rare disorders, we don’t do this for attention. If we tell you something is wrong, please listen to us.
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tctrojan · 1 year
FND # 4 - Affects of FND (Part 2)
FND: Functional Neurological Disorder or as it is known to a few within the medical profession and those suffering. Is as it says on the title a functional issue. An Issue with the brain where message or electrical impulses do not go to the required section of the brain. This mainly happens during times of stress. Yesterday was one hell of a stressful day where my body refused to work right.…
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2-kamikou-1 · 2 years
i need an answer to something for writing purposes
say you have a tumor in your pituitary gland and you get surgery to get it removed
does your pituitary gland act as normal? are its different functions affected differently? for example, if the tumor was affecting a couple things, like idk,, your growth and your appetite, after getting the tumor removed would only one of those function normally? does it depend? what does it depend on?
i need answers that google is not giving to me
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room42 · 2 years
Celine Dion: Doctor reveals Titanic singer could sing again amid diagnosis with terminal neurological disease
Celine Dion: Doctor reveals Titanic singer could sing again amid diagnosis with terminal neurological disease
Celine Dion was forced to postpone her world tour after being diagnosed with an incurable and extremely rare autoimmune disorder but a neurologist is hopeful her singing days aren’t over. The 54-year-old shocked the world this week when she revealed to fans she has Stiff Person Syndrome, which impacts the central nervous system in the brain and spinal cord. But neurologist Dr. Satonsh Kesari, MD,…
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disabledopossum · 2 years
...whelp, it happened.
I broke down and bought myself a cane. My leg is not getting better, it seems to be getting worse and I cannot walk well without leaning on my wife. My pride took a hit today; but I know I cannot keep putting things off.
I had my primary care send a referral off to a neurologist ( for my seizures, so I can get a possible brain scan and see if I need to go on seizure meds) and then figure out where I need to go from there.
Going to also try and figure out what's going on with my leg and do some more tests, so I can find out what pain condition has been plaguing me for years.
...because I'm sick of not knowing.
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spartanmemesmedical · 2 years
Seizure / Epilepsy
Overview A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. It can cause changes in your behavior, movements or feelings, and in levels of consciousness. Having two or more seizures at least 24 hours apart that aren’t brought on by an identifiable cause is generally considered to be epilepsy. There are many types of seizures, which range in symptoms and severity. Seizure…
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jeramyhope79 · 2 years
The New Normal
I’ve been home six days. I’m extremely ecstatic being home with my wife and kids; words can’t express the joy🥰. I’ve started building a new routine at home. I was trying to get back on the cooking roster and ‘light’ house cleaning. I went for a drive, and saw extended family; I even managed a day in the office yesterday, however FND is a killer in relation to fatigue. The Story So Far Need to…
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sleepy-spoonie · 2 years
I was given the opportunity to make a 2-4 minute video for Global Genes about one of my rare diseases, and I'm super excited about the chance to do so, but I'm not sure which one I should feature...
Would you guys help me choose?
• Chiari 1 Malformation
• Intracranial Hypertension
• Narcolepsy type 2 (without cataplexy)
• Occipital Neuralgia *this one is considered 'somewhat' rare*
I don't want to try to feature all of them, unless I can figure out a quick & creative way to do so without making it confusing for the viewer (not all viewers may have a rare disease or chronic illness.
We are given total control over the video - what medium we want it to be in (i.e. interviews, b-roll w/voice over, comic, etc), so I'm excited, I just have to decide which rare disease to feature!
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