versinator · 3 months
Nevetted nyugvásra
Nyugta szárnyalása sötétes rémeitől Omladozó csattogna dagadozva hagyván Zengjed kinyitottad helyért szellemétől
Fátyolomnak alakján emelé hordván Fedezzen tehetsz futom ellenébe Keletig hűv gerjedelme hazudván
Pálcájától berkek tudám leplébe Enyészettel rezgése rettegd jobbomat Rózsáskert kebelemre mirtuszágat kelyhébe
Leánytól temesd dőlsz áldásomat Helyig kényt rémlenek fényektől Tündökleni elhágy keblü nyoszolyámat
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pictureday2005 · 1 year
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mimikyuno · 10 months
homura (after a whole movie dedicated to the mechanisms of her inner psyche and set in a world that is literally her subconscious, populated by little dolls that are the manifestation of her emotions and self-hatred, after a whole movie where we get to see that she loves and cares for her friends and above all she deeply loves madoka, after the most heartbreaking scene in the history of anime where she realises madoka never wanted to sacrifice herself, after sacrificing herself to try and keep madoka’s wish alive anyway and keep her safe from the incubators, after being saved by madoka and feeling undeserving of it yet again, after finally giving up on trying to preserve madoka’s wish and creating a universe in which madoka can be happy and her friends too and the incubators eat shit, after showing how much she hates herself for it): i’m evil! i’m a demon! i’m evil incarnate!
people: yeah that checks out, homura is evil.
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chronicowboy · 1 year
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girls when hozier noah kahan work song
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lindalofbroome · 9 months
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28 - Growth
'But we cannot knowingly leave someone at the mercy of the Granous!' Lief hissed. 'They will ask him their infernal riddles, and when he cannot answer them they will start biting off his fingers and toes. They will kill him, Jasmine!' 'Better that they kill a stranger than that they kill us,' Jasmine said. And Lief knew that she was repeating a lesson she had learned only too well in the terror that was the Forests of Silence. For a moment he hesitated. He knew that he should not let his heart rule his head in this. But then the piteous cry came again, followed by a scream of pure agony. 'No!' Lief breathed. He started forward. 'Wait! I will go back and fetch the guards,' said Barda, catching at his arm. Lief pulled himself free. 'There is no time for that!' he muttered. 'Come with me or not, as you like.' He began to run, and Jasmine and Barda followed, as he knew they would. DELTORA QUEST 3 Dragon's Nest Ch 7 Dragon Hunt
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sisterofthesouth · 8 months
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(commission for @mynamesdrstuff)
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calciferousoai · 2 years
The velma show sucks major ass and a better use of your time would be to watch Mystery Incorperated. Another good use of your time if you want a slightly dark comedy with adult jokes is to watch the Tin Can Bros' Solve it squad. It's genuinely funny and is a spoof off of scooby doo. Pls watch it and don't give this horrid abomination that is masquerading as a TV show the time of day
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leoleolovesdc · 11 months
Bruce acts like he's Stephanie's father but never treats her like a daughter
Stephanie never acts like she's Bruce's daughter but she treats him like a father
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coreaflame · 9 months
Bee barrb
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drew this just now & Without reference and omg i did him so dirty jm sorry for forgetting what u look like barrb
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also skme reqs i finished a few weeks ago but never posted . @plushii-gutz @seashellcake errsorry
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amorettopedri · 6 months
and a big fuck you to the barca fans who were dragging pedri these past few weeks (and months) and yapping about selling him 😁
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versinator · 1 year
Nevetted ákácok
Hevülés aranyféle kardomon györggyel Vagyona lelkeinkben feleséget sebeimre Dühít álomvilág léptedre kedéllyel
Jobbágyát zavarai gyorsult nevetésemre Rabolva tombolj óráért fekteted Buzgóságban késtem csattogsz bűnömre
Fekéllyel korma panaszolva elszeretted Asszonyostul csatánk csilló uraságáért Tűzdühe nemvagy szájízt féltetted
Állathős hencegek bábszínpad lelketekért Feledéshez nászmuzsika tanod gennyel Bitók eltávozottak bejutok önmagáért
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whaledocboi · 6 months
even she was weirded tf out
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also bros similarly to last year, exam grind is starting and i need to actually lock in cos its a little more serious this time, so we'll see how much im gonna be around, take care
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the0verboss · 3 months
Achaia kisses Karlach on her brow, the bridge of her nose, her cheek, her chin and lastly her mouth. He brushes his thumb on the same spot high on her cheek bone. This secret silly affection is one of the reasons she loves him. It's kind and gentle.
Until they're standing face to face with Gortash, who's calling Achaia his favorite Bhaalspawn, and she can see where all his most prominent facial scars are.
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lindalofbroome · 8 months
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wish we got more of doom hanging out with lindal and steven (and nevets) aka big boi squad as i fondly call them
(there's a little bit of them in DQ2 when doom finds out that lief and co have gone underground and returns to del with lindal, steven and nevets)
and then i couldnt help but draw barda too lmao. he is an honourary part of big boi squad BUT not actually part of it (because i think it's funny). he is part of the squad by marriage and thats all. he's lindal's husband thats it. he's a big boi but they dont care 😂
and jaslief,, for scale??
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aralioideae · 3 months
I feel like we gave up on the fight against voter id requirements way too quickly actually we should be demanding that the next government roll it back but everyone's just given up and accepted it? there's this idea that well its happened so we should move on and like, why??? why should we move on??? It was a bad move and it can be undone so why should we just accept it???
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csekofanni · 1 year
Ültem, és azon gondolkoztam,
Hogy lehet valaki ennyire csodálatos?
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