rthstewart · 1 day
I did 2 Golden Age stories for the Narnia Fic Exchange with extensive notes on the first one, The Doctor Is In. I also describe where I am with a planned update on Heart and Crow Make The Peace. More coming soon!!
I received 2 wonderful stories and recommend you go read them and tell the authors how wonderful they are!!
A wonderful Silver Chair AU by @syrena-of-the-lake with DINOSAURS
And a lovely exploration by a FIRST TIME AUTHOR of my crack ship Susan Pevensie/Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Deadline pushed back
Hello NFE folks!
We're pushing back the deadline for submitting fics to Saturday, September 7. That's two additional weeks to finish those stories!
More information here at the DW comm:
Please let us know if you have any questions!
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wingedflight · 1 year
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Garden Variety
Written for Glenstorm63 in the Narnia Fic Exchange 2023!
Relationship: Aravis & Lasaraleen
Tags: Post-HHB, Espionage, Court Politics, Personal Growth
Summary: Seven years after her midnight escape, Aravis returns to the Tisroc's Garden.
The Tisroc’s Garden looks different in the daylight.
For seven years, Aravis has carried only a confused impression of this place: gray lawns, hissing fountains, and long black shadows. She thinks of it as a dark place, its silence broken by the thudding pulse in her ears, its air heavy with the stink of Lasaraleen’s perfumes. How long had it taken to cross from the palace entrance to the little waterside gate? Hours , it had felt like, and her mind had taken this to suppose that the garden must be twice as large as the old palace itself.
Now, looking out over the geometric layout of the trees and flowers around white walkways and shallow water channels, Aravis feels that she has entered a different garden altogether. The air smells sweet, and easily carries a contemplative melody from the musicians’ pavilion. And though the Tisroc’s Garden is still impressively large, it is nowhere near the unending length that has haunted her nightmares for years.
A blackbird alights on a nearby branch and tilts her head. “You’re hesitating.”
[Read More on AO3]
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studioflayout · 2 years
Case UX - Simplifique
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Empresa: Contmatic | Produto: Simplifique
Desafio: Modernizar um sistema legado, evidenciando seus pontos fortes e reter a emigração de usuários para os concorrentes.
Soluções: Realizou-se um estudo de persona aliado a dados do Google Analitics para mensurar quais módulos mais utilizados pelos usuário. As opiniões expressas no Reclame aqui, quanto a usabilidade e rapídez de processos também foram levadas em conta.
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Após definida a persona e os pontos altos e baixo do sistema foi feito o benchmark nos concorrentes para análisar quais inovações de mercado poderiam ser incorporadas.
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Em trabalho conjunto com a equipe de UX e de Research definiu-se pela utilização de um Design System para padronizar os demais produtos da empresa e agilizar o desenvolvimento. Com isso o Simplifique ganhou um robusto sistema de nota fiscal e uma listagem de cadastros com multiplas funções, para deixar o trabalho do usuário mais dinâmico com poucos cliques.
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pencildragon11 · 2 months
it's storming
i don't *want* to go to sleep so i can be coherent at work tomorrow
i want to write disturbing gift porn for my friennddd
the nature of linear time, however, is such that the big work presentation is tomorrow and the fic exchange party isn't for another six weeks
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portaltributario · 5 months
Suframa - Medidas Excepcionais - Envio de Mercadorias
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guiajato-line · 1 year
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Dê uma olhada em Suporte Pratico Para Vassouras E Mangueiras Multiuso + Nfe
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grupomrmendes · 2 years
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Você está por dentro da NFCom? Caso negativo, acompanhe-nos neste artigo e tire todas as suas dúvidas. O Documento Auxiliar desta nova modalidade eletrônica de nota fiscal apresenta algumas mudanças em relação ao DANFE que conhecemos. Chamado de Danfe-COM, este documento é o espelho do arquivo eletrônico, trazendo consigo algumas especificações diferentes do DANFE convencional, tal qual ocorreu com o CT-e, NFC-e, entre outras. E o que é importante considerar para estar habilitado? A cláusula 8ª do ajuste orienta que, para estar habilitado a emissão da NFCom, o contribuinte precisa: ▪︎ Estar regular perante o fisco; ▪︎ Providenciar seu credenciamento junto a Administração Tributária; ▪︎ Possuir assinatura eletrônica válida; ▪︎ Certificar-se da integridade do arquivo eletrônico, bem como as observâncias contidas no Manual de Orientações (MOC), principalmente em relação a numeração (controle) dos documentos, quesito este que pode ser resolvido com uma boa empresa de software. A atenção e os cuidados necessários à integridade das especificidades exigidas do arquivo eletrônico são muito importantes, pois erros não podem ser sanados com uma Carta de Correção Eletrônica. Sobre cancelamento da NFCom, diferentemente da NF-e, que na maioria dos Estados possui prazo de até 24 horas após a emissão, o prazo para NFCom está atualmente definido em até 120 horas. A norma estabelece que fica a critério de cada Unidade Federada recepcionar o pedido de cancelamento de forma extemporânea. A respeito do estorno de débito do ICMS, há duas hipóteses previstas: 1) No caso de emissão de NFCom com valores indevidos destacados a maior ao tomador, para que se evite o cancelamento total da NFCom, o contribuinte deverá deduzir o valor a ser estornado diretamente na nota subsequente, destacando o valor a ser ressarcido, referenciando o item e a chave de acesso da NFcom que gerou os valores indevidos; 2) Caso a NFCom seja emitida com erro e não haja ocorrência de quitação da mesma pelo tomador, o contribuinte poderá emitir uma NFCom de substituição, referenciando nesta a NFCom com erro e a devida justificativa. Fonte: Contábeis GRUPO MR MENDES #NFCom #NFe #Damfe #NFCe #GrupoMRMendes (em Grupo MR Mendes Contabilidade) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDTopTAw2A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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*** CUPOM BLING 4 MESES GRÁTIS *** https://parceiro.bling.com.br/contadorindependente Configuração de nota fiscal NFe: https://ContadorIndependente.com.br Whats: https://wa.me/c/5511930332898 Contador Independente - Top Especialista Sistema ERP Bling. #Notafiscalbling #bling #BlingERP #SistemaBling #NFE #Erp #ERPBLING #ecommerce #lojaintegrada #MEI #ContadorIndependente #notafiscal @Todos (em Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmNJcDduRiZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amararala · 6 months
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Season 10 Pokemon Trainer Gem
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ispyspookymansion · 4 months
Hello. What’s your opinion on French horror? 👀
LOOOOOVE FRENCH HORROR NEW FRENCH EXTREMITY KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTH! i haven’t seen an extensive amount beyond that subgenre but thats probably one of my favorites. i adore how mean and gory it is, theyre so fucking bleak and hopeless and usually artistic in ways i enjoy. ive seen a good chunk of nfe and i semi frequently seek out more of it. stuff like martyrs, inside, and frontiers are staples. some lesser known ones ive enjoyed are livid, megalomaniac, and among the living
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NFE 2024: Fic submission deadline
It's tonight! By 11:59 pm! Get those fics done if you haven't posted already.
Please see the Dreamwidth comm for more information:
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lunentity · 4 months
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something i wished to bring up as i have been desiring to for a while. i will be recoining some of squidthing’s terms from when he was active in the mogai community. why am i doing this? find out in the luna lore DLC . . haha, just joking around! jests aside, i don't think an explanation is quite needed as i’m aware not many are fond of him anymore & for good reason. i do already have some plans, as well as some in my queue scheduled to post soon. if you have any you wish to see, do feel free to send me a message in my inbox & i will see what i can do!
also, i wish to mention that i will get to my NPT requests soon. i've been preoccupied with adding to my queue, as well as other things in my personal time . . there are some i wish to do, & rest assured i will try my best to get to them soon. no guarantees, of course, my request rules are the way they are for a reason.
all of this aside, i hope you all have a lovely rest of your day . . . stay safe 🖤
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084392 · 2 years
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a master rank pmd team of a gyarados and a crobat and a rookie team of a tinkatink and gible...
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wingedflight · 1 year
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Welcome to the Black Knight’s Crib
A very cracky fic for @edenfalling for the Narnia Fic Exchange 2023!
Characters: enchanted!Rilian
Tags: crack, day in the life, MTV Cribs Crossover
Summary: MTV Cribs gives viewers a glimpse into the lavish subterranean home and lifestyle of the Black Knight, notoriously-elusive companion to the Lady of the Green Kirtle.
This is a pretty large castle, but today we’re gonna focus on the East Wing ‘cause that’s my zone, you know? Black Knight Central, if you will.
It starts here in the East Foyer, not too large a room but we’ve got some actual yellow-flame lanterns to start things off with a nice homey sort of vibe. Waaay better than those cold lights the gloomy-faced earthmen use, am I right? Hehehe, such weirdos.
Anyway, foyer, where we are. Through that door: big long hallway filled with antiques--I’ll be honest, decorations aren’t really my jam. That stuff’s mostly decided by the Lady, she’s super into those tapestries that tell stories with the pictures. Like this one? This one’s my favourite, it’s got some sort of giant cat getting stabbed by a hot chick. Heheh, it’s wild, isn’t it? Who even comes up with this stuff?
[Read more on AO3]
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portaltributario · 5 months
Produtor Rural: Prorrogado Novamente o Prazo para Obrigatoriedade de Emissão de NF-e ou NFC-e
Por meio do Ajuste Sinief 10/2024 foi novamente prorrogada, desta vez para 02/01/2025, a obrigatoriedade para produtor rural de utilização da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica – NF-e ou a Nota Fiscal de Consumidor Eletrônica – NFC-e, em substituição à Nota Fiscal, modelo 4. A última determinação sobre a obrigatoriedade de Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NF-e) e Nota Fiscal de Consumidor Eletrônica (NFC-e) para o…
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