#Nick Van Owen
littledozerdraws · 8 months
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my JP charms are finally here!! I'll be selling them at VIECC this November! (and online after the con) 🦖🌸✨
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littledozerbaby · 1 year
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winchester-burger · 5 months
basically a big vibe check
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pocket-lad · 9 days
Hear me out- that scene where Nick finds the baby trex? Maybe he finds Adelaide and rescues her too 👀
How did Adelaide end up with the baby rex? The world may never know. But I sure do love this idea.
The wails of the baby T-Rex really grated on Adelaide’s nerves. At first it hurt her ears, then her heart, and now her head. Not once did she get even remotely close to it, despite her curiosity. But it seemed harmless, considering the gash that ran along its leg. The wound was longer than she was tall. And it was chained to a post that was driven deep into the ground by a Bean. It wasn’t getting up any time soon.
That didn’t mean she wasn’t in danger, though. It was dark and humid after a short bout of rain, and creepy crawlies almost definitely stalked around every corner. Then there were the bigger animals, including the adult T-Rex that would want its baby back soon. And not a Bean to be found.
Adelaide set her sights on a small patch of grass that would hopefully help conceal her from some of those dangers. Trudging through the mud took a lot longer than she would’ve liked. The suction of the wet ground held her legs fast, and she strained every time she took a step, which was only exacerbated by the bruising and soreness from the whole ordeal that got her in this situation. She stopped short when she came upon a lake.
No, not a lake. A puddle. But it might as well have been a lake as far as she was concerned. It stretched out in both directions, so going around would take who knew how long, especially in the sticky mud, but the water was murky, preventing her from getting a good gauge on how deep it was or what lurked within it. Adelaide glanced back at the screaming infant, then slowly shuffled forward into the puddle.
Despite the heat of the air, the water was frigid. She huffed and puffed as she waded deeper, holding her bag up by her head to keep it dry. The waterline leveled out at her waist, and as she passed the halfway point, it quickly receded.
Adelaide thought about her life indoors, and how much of it was spent longing to see the outdoors. It wasn’t all it was chalked up to be, that was for sure.
She also thought about borrowers who supposedly lived their whole lives outside. She’d never run into any of them - there was never an opportunity for them to cross paths, and they were almost definitely elusive - but she certainly didn’t envy them. This sucked.
Adelaide made it to the other side without incident. Well, sort of. Her clothes and boots were probably destroyed for good, and she was soaked to the bone, but she was alive and no more injured than when she started. She had just made it to the thick bunch of grass when the world lit up in a brilliant orange flash of light. Then the soundwaves of the explosion reached her ears, so loud it knocked her off her feet, followed by faint screaming and shouting.
Adelaide thought Nick and Sarah were supposed to free the dinosaurs, not explode their camp!
But there was no time to register what just happened. She dove into the grass as the ground repeatedly quaked and she watched the disturbance of the water in the puddle with each tremor, hoping it wasn’t something that could eat her.
It actually was something that could eat her, though it probably wouldn’t. A tall man appeared out of nowhere, running toward the baby T-Rex. He stopped right next to Adelaide. He didn’t see her, but she didn’t know if she was relieved by that.
The man bent down to free the dinosaur, and Adelaide saw that it was Nick Van Owen. In a perfect world, she’d have nothing to do with Nick, but this was far from a perfect world. Maybe even the opposite.
Out of all the Beans that could happen upon her though, this was at least one of the better ones. It was now or never. She needed to get his attention or he’d be gone, and she’d be right back where she started, which is to say, in a lot of trouble.
Adelaide ignored every instinct in her body and ran as fast as she could into the open air. But after the first step, her foot stuck in the mud and the momentum made her fall forward. Growling in frustration, she pushed herself up and continued on, unsuccessfully wiping the mud out of her eyes. She yelped when she suddenly ran into something and stumbled backward. It was hard and slippery and very, very big. It was a shoe.
Adelaide tilted her head up and up and up to see Nick Van Owen staring down at her. She thought she might throw up.
The shock on Nick’s face suddenly morphed into a calm determination. “Adelaide?”
Adelaide nodded. There was no way he saw it from so high up, but she seemed to have misplaced her voice. Fallen over like this, just his shoe was taller than her.
“What other tiny people would be running around on this island?” Nick muttered in response to his own stupid question. Receiving no feedback from Adelaide (that he could see or hear), he pushed on. “Let’s get you out of here.”
In the blink of an eye, Nick crouched down and reached for her. Adelaide yelped.
“Woah, woah, you hurt?” Nick asked, hesitating with an outstretched hand. They were running out of time.
Adelaide’s heart pounded as she took in the sight of his hand. Each of the fingers was just as tall and just as wide as her. Each one individually held more power than she did in her whole body. It took a moment for her to register the question, but she shook her head no. At least, she wasn’t hurt in any life-threatening way.
Closer to her level, Nick saw the movement. “Alright, well, I just caused a lot of trouble back there, and I don’t want to stick around for the aftermath, so…” He reached for her again and this time, he ignored Adelaide’s cries. A scared borrower was much better than a dead borrower.
The fingers wrapped around her, seemingly in slow motion, and yet Adelaide couldn’t fight them off. The familiar movement of being yanked off the ground was made worse by the large, unfamiliar hand attached to the large, unfamiliar Bean.
Upon feeling the admittedly odd sensation of a struggling person in his hand, Nick opened it to look down at her. She immediately halted all movement, scared she would throw herself right off the high platform, but her fearful eyes stayed trained on Nick.
“Easy, easy, I’m saving you,” he said with only a ghost of a smile on his lips, but it disappeared when the problem became clear. He glanced between Adelaide and the T-Rex, trying to work out a way to get them both to safety.
Adelaide didn’t like the way Nick considered her. It felt like he was making decisions in his head about what to do with her without consulting her, and she was a little miffed. “What are you looking at?”
“What am I supposed to do with you?...You think you can balance on my shoulder?”
Adelaide floundered but ultimately nodded.
“Perfect,” Nick said. “Hold on.” Without warning, he deposited her on his left shoulder and drew his hand away, already set on the T-Rex.
Adelaide clung on for dear life as she moved from his hand to his shoulder and then fell when he bent down. Her knuckles turned white and she let out a small scream. She only just caught the way he ripped the stake out of the ground, his muscles flexing from the effort.
Before she knew it, Nick had the baby in his arms. She could feel the way his posture changed, straining under the weight of such a large animal. In comparison, she weighed nothing.
It was a silent trip back to wherever they were going, minus the piercing wails of the baby T-Rex, probably because Nick was focusing on the dinosaur and Adelaide didn’t want to talk to a Bean. She tensed when he waded through some deep water and tensed even more when she heard Sarah’s voice. No Ian.
“Oh my God, are you out of your mind!?” she shouted, eyeing the screaming infant. It was too dark and Adelaide was too small for Sarah to notice her.
“She’s got a broken leg. Let’s get in the car before they hear us,” Nick explained. He sat the dinosaur in the back of the car and climbed into the driver’s seat. In one quick motion, he rolled his shoulder forward and caught Adelaide in his palm. “You alright?”
Adelaide screamed as she fell and let out a quick exhale when she landed. She forced herself to sit up and look around at the dark interior of the car. Nick and Sarah were both staring. “Never better,” she said sarcastically.
If this were Ian, she’d flop back into his palm and rest her sore body, but this wasn’t Ian. This was Nick, who was virtually a stranger.
Nick picked up on the sarcasm but chose to ignore it. “You don’t look alright. Here.” He reached out with his middle finger toward Adelaide.
Adelaide scrambled back as far as she could go without falling off his hand, her heart pounding. But there was nowhere to go, and the finger just kept coming. And then it made contact with her face, the force of which pushed her away slightly. She sputtered but dug her hands into his palm to prevent from being knocked over as he essentially stroked her face over and over. She tried in vain to push the finger out of the way, but it was too strong.
“Cut that out,” Sarah said, watching in confusion. She was still caught off guard by the presence of the small woman.
Nick ignored her. He pulled away to examine his work, and he thought he did a halfway decent job clearing the mud away. He could at least see Adelaide’s face now, and it displayed a mix of shock, disgust, and anger.
“Don’t do that again,” Adelaide said.
Nick spoke as he placed her back on his shoulder so he could drive. “Relax, we’ll get you back to Malcolm in a minute. You’re safe now. It’s all good.”
“That’s not-” Adelaide cut herself off before she said something she’d regret. She didn’t want to piss Nick off when he literally held her life in his hands. She’d scold him later when she was safely back with Ian.
For now, all she could do was hang on, ignore the two unignorable Beans in the car, and listen to the ever-growing wails of the baby T-Rex. It was going to be a long ride.
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could you do a bisexual Nick Van Owen (Jurassic Park) icon please? take your time and don’t forget to hydrate and rest :]
oh my god i'm so sorry this took so damn long. anyway, here's your icon!
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bonkwosher · 1 year
What Characters I Will Write For
Heyo, I'm new as hell to Tumblr but I have been writing on Wattpad for years. Decided I might as well post on here considering how much I read here. If this post is weirdly formatted I'm sorry, I'm trying!
All X GN!Reader, I don't particularly like writing ships
Jurassic Park/World
Ian Malcolm ~ Jurassic Park/Lost World/Dominion
Nick Van Own ~ Jurassic Park Lost World
Franklin Web ~ Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom/Dominion
Alan Grant ~ Jurassic Park/3/Dominion
Wednesday/Addams Family (1991/1993)
Rowan Laslow ~ Wednesday
Eugene Ottinger (Platonic) ~ Wednesday
Gomez Addams & Morticia Addams (Poly) ~ 1991/1993 Addams Family
Young!Gomez & Young!Morticia (Poly) [If you insist] ~ Wednesday
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Gustavo Fring ~ BB & BCS
Jesse Pinkman ~ BB & BCS
Badger ~ BB
Lalo Salamanca ~ BCS
Nacho Varga ~ BCS
Lalo Salamanca & Nacho Varga (Poly) ~ BCS
Domingo ~BB & BCS
Howard Hamlin ~ BCS
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke
Rufus Whedon
Duncan Locke
Bode Locke (Platonic)
Scot Cavendish
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Captain Raymond Holt
Jake Peralta
Rosa Diaz
Charles Boyle
Terry Jeffords
Pedro Pascal Characters (As I watch more of his content)
Agent Whiskey ~ The Kingsman: Golden Circle
Joel Miller ~ The Last Of Us (Show)
Javier Peña ~ Narcos
Oberyn Martell ~ Game of Thrones
Dan Stevens Characters (As I watch more of his content)
David Collins ~ The Guest
Travis "Trapper" Beasley ~ Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
Frank ~ Abigail
Assorted Random People (Usually bc it's one from each fandom)
Stu Macher ~ Scream
Stu Macher & Billy Loomis (Poly) ~ Scream
Dewey Riley ~ Scream/2/3/4/5
Benoit Blanc ~ Knives Out/Glass Onion
Ryan Ezahler & Dylan Lenivy (Poly) ~ The Quarry
Travis Hacket ~ The Quarry
Vander ~ Arcane
Albert Wesker ~ Resident Evil
Philly Bárzaga ~ Far Cry 6
Captain Cold/Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller) ~ The Flash/DC Legends)
Barry Berkman ~ Barry
Peter ~ Abigail
Sierra Six & Lloyd Hansen (Poly) ~ The Gray Man
Other Characters!
Feel free to request others (Especially if they are in fandoms I already write about)! I might do them, it really depends on the character. Don't be afraid to ask whether they're on the list or off!
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yourfaveiskenough · 7 months
is Nick Van Owen (from The Lost World: Jurassic Park) Kenough?
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Nick Van Owen from The Lost World: Jurassic Park is Kenough!
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finnofamerica · 3 months
Photographs & Pleasurable Acts - Nick Van Own X Reader | Fluff / Smut
Summary: You and Nick have been dating for a while, and you love to find ways to instigate his affections.
Word Count: 2,257
Date Posted: 03.05.24
Prompt: So reader and Nick are friends and talk occasionally and reader asks Nick to photograph her and with each picture she takes pieces of clothes off.
TW: AFAB language was used, mentions of Boudoir photo shoots, and panties were used as a gag, breeding / impregnating terminology.
Note: This is pretty much a continuation of Dinos & Dutch Bros, it is not required to read that fic prior, but you are always welcome to.
|| Masterlist || Request Here || Fandoms/ Characters || Req by Anon
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Nick Van Owen. 
God. What could you say about Nick Van Owen? 
Ever since the beginning of your relationship, he’s been amazing. He’s not perfect; you still have little arguments, bad days, etc. But you never let each other go to bed angry. You take your time to calm down, apologize, and discuss what upset you with a clear mind. 
Not to mention he’s cuddle shaped. Sure he might not be buff, but his work requires him to be in decent physical shape, but your favorite thing about him is the little belly pooch he maintaned. It was so perfectly soft and squishy, you loved to lay your head on it as you watch TV in bed together. 
“Wake up, Darlin’,” Nick kissed your bare shoulder, giving it a gentle rub as he coaxed you awake. When that didn’t work, he resorted to peppering your face with kisses, “Wake up, my love.” 
You groaned and rolled over, burying your head in the pillow to escape the sunlight streaming in through the window. “Mmn don’t wanna.” 
“But you gotta,” He peppered more kisses over your shoulders, “You have 3 bookings today. You gotta get out of bed.” 
You just groaned again, this time flopping over to face him. 
“You going to get up?” He asked. You shook your head. “Alright, well, you asked for it.” 
Nick went straight for your sides, making you squeal as he tickled you relentlessly. You writhed under his touch, squirming in an attempt to free yourself from his strong grip. You feebly tried to fight him off, pushing ineffectively against his shoulders. 
“Do you surrender?” Nick pinned your arms above your head, a fiendish grin on his lips. 
“Yes.” You relinquished breathlessly, “I surrender. I’ll get up.” 
Nick positioned himself between your hips comfortably, peppering kissed along your face, you could feel his erection pressing against your thigh. 
“Good,” He gave you a peck on the lips, “But first, I want to taste my delicious girlfriend.” 
You rolled your eyes at him, sighing softly, relishing the feeling of his lips and scratchy stubble against your neck. He kissed his way down to where your shoulder and neck meet, kissing and sucking on the skin there. 
“You’re not allowed you leave hickies,” You breathed.
“You’re a boudoir photographer. I don’t think anyone will care,” He returned, moving down to your bare breasts, leaving hickies on the tender flesh. Breathy moans fell from your lips, back arching into him. Your hands found his hair, tangling up in it as his tongue flitted across your nipple. 
“More,” You moaned, “Please, more.” 
Nick slipped his hands between your bodies, applying circular pressure to your clit, only riling you up more. You ground against his hand, willing desperately for that familiar heat to build in your core. 
“Such a greedy little thing,” Nick teased, pulling his hand out from between you.
“No.” You whined at the lack of contact, a pout forming on your lips. 
“Too bad, Beautiful. You’re gonna be late for work.” Nick sat back on his heels, erection standing proud in front of him, bobbing gently with his pulse. “But don’t think I don’t want you. You know I do.” 
He swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing to dress himself. 
“I’ll see you later.” He leaned down to kiss you before he took his leave, leaving you frustrated and horny. 
All day, as much as you tried to throw yourself into your shoots, you just had a hard time focusing. Every position you put your clients in you imagined yourself in those position, being taken advantage of. Head hanging off the bed, cock filing your mouth as Nick fucked your throat. Bent over the bed, arms cuffed behind your back, getting railed to tears. God you wanted Nick inside you right now. 
That’s when you got the idea. You knew exactly what to do. 
You hurried off to the changing room. Sending Nick a posed selfie captioned “Just thinking about you.” 
Nick: What you thinking about?
Y/N: Wouldn’t you like to know?
Nick: I would like to know. 
Y/N: Meet me at the studio later ;)
The plan was set. Now, all you had to do was wait. 
The door to the studio clicked shut. Nick’s footsteps echoed across the hardwood floors as he approached. Your eyes tracked him as he halted in his tracks. He hadn’t had the chance to see your outfit until now, and his jaw practically hit the floor. 
“Are you gonna stand there looking dumb, or are you going to take my picture?” You asked flirtatiously. You were sitting on the corner of the bed, posing in your delicious outfit. Nick was a sucker for well fitted leather, and that skirt your were wearing hugged your body in a way that left him drooling. 
Nick dropped his backpack, mouth practically agape. 
“You look stunning.” He finally managed as he pulled out his camera, attaching the correct lens. He was nearly as familiar with your studio as you were, finding the flash attachment with ease. “Like seriously stunning.” 
He put his eye to the view finder, focusing in on your frame, gently lit by the soft lighting of your studio. Mostly lamps and fairy lights, for this shoot, at least. You waited for the shutter to click; as he scanned his photo, you stood slipping off your leather belted jacket. 
Nick didn’t even register the change as you switched your posing, now laying with your head hanging off the edge of the bed, one knee bent and propped up the other leg straight, showing off your near stiletto heels. Your hair fell loose to the floor. 
“Have I told you that you’re beautiful today?” Nick asked, snapping the picture in the new pose and peering back down at his work. Again you changed positions pulling off your shirt to reveal your lacy black bra underneath. 
“What’re -“ Nick cut himself off, entranced by your figure as you moved to kneel on the bed facing away from him. Muttering under his breath, “Oh fuck me.” 
“Seeing something you like?” You teased him, running your fingers through your hair. 
Click. Click. Click. 
The shutter snapped in quick succession, capturing your movement, and only a glancing of the side of your lacy bra. 
“Gorgeous, I’m seeing a whole lot that I like,” He returned. You could feel his eyes trained on you as you reached behind your back - click - and undid your bra, slipping it off - click - and holding it out to the side to drop it on the floor. Click. Again, you changed positions, now laying diagonal across the bed facing him, ensuring that your breasts looked round a full beneath you. 
“I’m gonna get real artsy with it,” Nick’s dorky personality started to show through as he framed you in the lens, getting your eyes peering through your lashes up at him. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his antics. Click. 
You stood, slipping off your leather skirt. Now left in nothing but your crotchless fishnets, lacy panties, and heels. You knelt one knee on the ottoman, bending over the bed, showing off your ass. 
“God, Y/n,” Nick breathed, taking the photo. You stood straight, slipping your panties down your legs, getting ready to pose again. He set the camera down on the nearby desk, stalking toward you. 
Nick placed his hand on your hip, pulling you back into him. You could feel his erection pressing against your ass as he growled in your ear.  “No more posing. I want you. Now.” 
“Then have me now,” You teased him, wiggling your ass against him, your goal accomplished. That was all the permission Nick needed to push you onto the bed. “Or are you not man enou-“
“You’re talking too much.” Nick picked your panties up off the floor, stuffing them in your mouth, effectively gagging you. You giggled around the fabric, thoroughly enjoying this side of him. “We are keeping the heels on by the way, you look hot as fuck in them.” 
You crawled up further on the bed, though still over the edge. Nick’s hand guided you to bend forward, arching your back, exposing yourself more to him. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he complimented; you could hear the vague sounds of him undressing behind you, then the soft thud of him dropping to his knees. “This entire shoot all I could think about is how badly I want to taste you.” 
His hands caressed the curves of your hips, pulling your cunt level with his face. His cooled your already soaking core. Your breath froze in your chest, hips gyrating against your will, begging for attention that wasn’t coming. 
You whined through the gag, rocking your hips, silently begging for the attention that you wanted so badly, ever since he left you deperate this morning. 
“Such a desperate little thing,” He teased.
You silently wished that you’d known that he was a tease before you started dating. You cursed at him through the gag, making him chuckle at your muffled protest. You continued you curse him out, the words dying on your tongue with a whine as his licked a long stripe along your labia. 
Nick devoured your pussy like a man starved, focusing the flat of his tongue against your clit, moving in slow deliberate circles. The moans coming from you were getting more and more desperate, making you whine as he finally slipped one of his long, thick fingers inside you, quickly locating your G-spot. 
You could feel that familiar coil building at the base of your stomach. It was like Nick could tell how he was affecting you and slipped in another digit as you whined, gripping the blanket, pushing back into him. 
The combination of his tongue and fingers was damn near overwhelming; the continuous pressure making quick work of you. The knot tightening in your core coming undone around him. Your juices soaked his fingers and his face, causing him to make obscene slurping noises as you whined and writhed beneath him, your moans muffled by the fabric stuffed in your mouth. 
“You taste so good, Darlin’,” Nick complimented, “What have you been eating?” 
Aftershocks rolled through you, your breath labored. Nick flipped you over, laying you flat on your back, crawling up the bed to match you with a stupid little grin on his face. You couldn’t help but be endeared by him. 
“I want those sexy heels wrapped around me.” He demanded as he adjusted your leg to sit over his hip, the black fishnets you were wearing creating a delightful contrast against his skin. He lined up his thick cock with your entrance, using the precum seeping from the head as additional lube to coat your already wet entrance. Gently, he pressed his head to your entrance, slowly pushing his way in, stretching you out around him. 
You turned your head, hiding in the soft plush blanket, as you let out a small whine that you’re not proud of. The way his cock filled you - it’s like it was made just for you. Nick slowly retreated until only the head of his cock remained in you, then he thrust back in, harder and faster this time, forcing a gasp out of you. 
“You’re so cute when you make those sounds, Darlin,” He complimented, taking an easy pace.  Nick leaned down to kiss you, providing a comforting weight. He balanced himself on one arm, gliding the other up your side, finding your breast. You whined, bucking your hips into him as he rolled your nipple between his thumb and index, lightly pinching the pert nub. You hated that he knew how much you loved it when he played with your nipples. 
“You’re such a tease,” You sighed, letting the pleasure roll through you. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just want you to enjoy yourself.” Nick lowered his lips to your skin, running his tongue against your sensitive flesh.  He rocked into you, each thrust rubbing against your G-spot, spreading that familiar warmth and tingling sensation through you. 
“Nick,” You moaned, rocking your hips into him, coaxing him to pick up the pace. Your fingers gripped his shoulders, clinging to him as he bit and sucked on your neck, leaving a trail of hickies in his wake. 
“Fuck, you feel so damn good,” He kept his pace steady, rolling his hips against yours. Adjusting his position, he propped your hips up, the head of his cock stretching you out, nearly hitting your cervix. He gripped your hips, pumping faster now. 
“Fuck, Y/n,” He hissed, “I’m gonna fill this perfect pussy.” 
“Please, Nick,” You begged, arching your back toward him. He fucked you hard and fast in shallow strokes, hips stuttering as he edged closer to coming undone. Nick leaned all the way forward, covering you with his weight, arm wrapping around your shoulders as he leveraged your body back against him. 
“I’m gonna cum,” He gasped out. “I’m gonna impregnate you. See your belly swell with my child.” 
“Fill me, Nick, please.” 
Your name fell from his lips with a curse as he spilled over, hot seed overflowing from your cunt, dripping onto the mattress below. 
Nick collapsed onto the bed next to you, breathing labored, and pulled the blanket over the two of you. You smiled at his tired face. 
“Do you wanna get sushi on the way home?” He asked thoughtfully, making you laugh at the absurdity. 
“Yes, Nick, I’d love some sushi.” 
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mossiestpiglet · 3 months
Desperately need a 200k Roland Tembo/Nick Van Owen pretentiously philosophical angsty slow burn where they’re stuck on one of the islands, alone together, for several weeks, and surviving the dinosaurs is the least of their problems.
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Ellie: You guys worried about Ian?
Nick: Totally!
Alan: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?"
Nick: And what'd you say?
Alan: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno."
Ellie and Nick:
Ellie: He's lucky to have you as a friend.
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btrflyng · 1 year
(First part of this poll is on my blog)
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littledozerdraws · 1 year
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Jurassic Park brainrot is happening 🌿
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1morey · 1 year
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Nick: peekaboo is essentially just making fun of babies for not understanding object permanence
Ian: i’ve made fun of babies for less
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pocket-lad · 3 months
CH 9- Nick Van Owen
“Oh,” Ian said. “That’s fine.” He thought about how deep and how fast the stream must look from Adelaide’s perspective, especially if she couldn’t swim.
“So, we can just go… I guess,” Adelaide said.
Ian didn’t move from his seat. “Have you ever tried?”
Adelaide looked up at him, confused and a little annoyed. “In what circumstance do you think I’d have the chance to swim? I haven’t found the lake in your walls yet.”
“Ha, point…point taken,” Ian admitted. Sitting next to her like this, Adelaide couldn’t even pretend they were on the same wavelength. They sat the exact same way, side-by-side, but he rose up taller than any building. She forced herself not to back away.
“You want to learn?” Ian asked.
“Not really.”
Ian laughed. “I can just hold you, then.”
Adelaide looked up, searching for his eyes, but they were simply too high. Ian didn’t realize how absurd that suggestion actually was, but it was either that or stay filthy.
“Okay,” she said quietly. Adelaide slowly peeled her jacket off her body, removed her bag from her shoulders, and took her knife off her belt, setting them all in a small pile away from the edge of the stream and stalling for as long as possible.
Ian lowered his hand for her to hop on. She did without hesitation, but that wasn’t the hard part. The hard part happened when his hand lowered toward the surface of the stream.
“Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait,” Adelaide yelled. She could hear the rushing water and felt cold flecks of it spring up onto her skin.
Ian paused, awaiting further instructions. When none came, he said matter-of-factly, “I won’t let you drown.”
“Yeah, but what if a fish tries to eat me?” Adelaide laughed, but behind the joke there was truth. She took a few deep breaths. “...I trust you….On the count of three?”
This was stupid. This was so stupid. She could live with mud. But before she could second guess herself, Ian was counting.
“One…two-” The cold water splashed against her body, forcing her backward against Ian’s hand. The shock was the worst of it, going from mildly warm air to freezing water. The movement of the water was off-putting as well. She knew if Ian wasn’t there, she’d get swept away in the current, never to be seen again.
Adelaide sputtered and splashed, trying to gain her bearings. When she finally stood up, she realized the water was really only up to her waist. She could do this.
She scrubbed at her face and arms as fast and as best she could, washing away the ground in dirt until she couldn’t see it or feel it anymore. She also tried her best to ignore Ian hovering over her. Knowing they were on a time crunch, she called it when she felt mildly clean.
Ian lifted her out of the water and set her shivering form on the ground next to her stuff.
“I distinctly recall saying on the count of THREE!”
 “It wasn’t so bad!”
“It was actually weird and horrible and freezing, thanks. But also… thanks.”
“Of course. Probably one of - one of the weirder things I’ve…done,” he said.
“Alright, don’t look!” Adelaide said as she opened her bag to pull out her spare clothes.
“Okay,” Ian laughed, turning away.
Adelaide did feel a little nervous with Ian’s back turned, but knew she was being completely irrational, so she hurried up and changed into her new clothes. She was still pretty wet and her hair dripped down her back, but the dry clothes helped immensely. She couldn’t say she felt completely clean, but she felt a lot better. “Okay,” she said, calling Ian’s attention.
“Excellent,” he said. Before he hopped to his feet, he cupped some water in his palms and splashed his face. Water sprayed everywhere.
“Watch it!” Adelaide yelled.
“Ah…whoops,” Ian said, but he was obviously amused. He wiped his hands off on his clothes and held one out. When she stepped on, he cupped his hands around her and blew hot breath onto her body, hoping that would suffice as an apology.
Adelaide recoiled. "Ew, stop! Gross!" she exclaimed. Ian's breath smelled like a dying animal and the invasion of her personal space was too much. No matter how much she trusted him, she couldn't stand to be anywhere near a giant's open mouth. Even if the warm air felt kind of nice.
"Suit yourself," Ian shrugged. As he stood up, he set her on his shoulder and they heard Roland call off the break. Just in time. “We are gonna teach you to swim when we get back home, though.”
“We’ll see,” Adelaide muttered. She never had any reason to learn and shouldn’t ever have any reason to learn, but here they were.
They rejoined the group, and instantly Kelly asked to be carried. She looked exhausted, and Adelaide couldn’t blame the poor girl. Not only was Kelly facing threats no adult should face and was probably scared out of her mind, but the humidity and uneven terrain made for a very difficult walk. How was a child supposed to prepare for or deal with any of this?
“I can’t, sweetheart, I’ve got Adelaide,” Ian said.
Adelaide felt very guilty all of the sudden. She knew Ian was struggling with their relationship and she didn’t want to be another wedge splitting them further apart. Also, she didn’t want Kelly to resent her (for multiple reasons). Also also, she certainly didn’t want to be a burden to Ian.
Without thinking much about it, Adelaide offered to ride with someone else. “No, it’s fine. I’ll, um, I’ll go with…um…” She was hoping Sarah was nearby. If she could trust anyone else here, it would be her. But with Sarah nowhere to be seen, she went with the only other option in the vicinity. “...Nick!”
Upon hearing his name, Nick turned in their direction, oblivious to the conversation.
“Della, she’ll survive. She has two completely functional feet. She can walk,” Ian said, but the sentence was pointed at Kelly.
“Seriously, I’ll be fine,” Adelaide said in a voice that did not sound fine. In fact, it sounded scared. “Nick, is it okay if I stay with you for a little bit?”
Nick looked dumbfounded. “Um…sure.” He hesitated then reached for Adelaide on Ian’s shoulder.
Adelaide yelped and Ian stepped backward with his hands up. Nick stood there, confused as to what exactly was happening.
“Okay,” Adelaide breathed, shaking. “So, uh, first of all. No grabbing. That’s - that’s not, uh…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, too frazzled. In the blink of an eye, Nick's hand could've yanked her off her perch and carried her off to God knew where. It was a stark reminder to always keep her guard up around Beans. Even 'friendly' ones. It also didn't help that she was still shivering from her time in the stream, unable to retain enough body heat while she was still wet.
“Here,” Ian said, and he held his hand out for Adelaide.
Adelaide began to regret this decision, especially after Nick reached for her. She obviously couldn’t back down, but she proceeded with much more caution, intently watching each of his fingers for any sign of movement. Not that she'd have much time to react. Clearly.
“I don’t bite,” Nick joked.
Adelaide knew he was joking since Eddie made that exact same joke earlier, but he didn’t know how real of a concern it was for her. She forced a nervous laugh. Why did Beans find that so funny?
Slowly, she shuffled onto Nick’s hand. Adelaide reminded herself she’d already been there before, back in the collapsing trailer, so she should be completely fine. Granted, he was holding her captive in a massive fist at the time, but he definitely didn’t hurt her.
“Do not go far,” Ian warned Nick with a pointed finger, then turned to pick up Kelly.
“I’ll. Be. Fine , Ian. I can already see you stressing out,” Adelaide assured him. She paused, then added, “Go talk to her.”
Ian gave her an imperceptible nod, grateful for the chance to talk (semi) privately with his daughter. But before he walked a couple paces ahead, he also made sure to give Adelaide a look that said, behave.
Adelaide rolled her eyes from down in Nick’s hand as she watched him walk away. The sudden realization that she was completely alone with Nick hit her like a truck, and nerves began to worm their way through her spine again. Realistically, Ian was well within earshot, but a million things could go wrong at any moment, and her mind conjured up all of them at once.
Adelaide looked straight up at the underside of Nick’s chin. She gulped, but was able to choke out a repeat of Ian’s request. “Please don’t go far.”
Nick knowingly smirked. “You got it.”
Trying to counteract her pathetic admission of nerves, Adelaide pushed off of Nick’s hand and immediately got to climbing up his olive green T-shirt.
Nick froze in his tracks, eyes wide and tracking her progress, arms hovering uselessly in mid-air.
Once Adelaide reached his shoulder, she gave a little smirk of her own. Giants freaked out when she did that, and though she wasn’t sure why, it made her feel powerful and mischievous. Good. Let them freeze.
Nick shook his head to clear the feeling of tiny people crawling up his body (causing Adelaide to give a quick, annoyed shout.) He expected Adelaide to say something, considering she asked to ride with him. When she didn’t, he was content to walk in amicable silence.
It was true that Adelaide had nothing to say; she didn’t even know where to start, so she just kept her mouth shut. Another reason was that she was focused on working out Nick’s walking pattern. It was still casual, but not as casual as Ian’s. They were similar heights, too, but the gate was just off enough to require concentration.
Eventually, Adelaide got the hang of it (mostly), and that also happened to be the moment Nick reached his maximum threshold of boredom.
“So…how’d you end up here?” he offhandedly asked.
Adelaide jumped, used to the pleasant silence. His voice was much louder than Ian’s. “Like here here, or…?” she clarified.
“Well, looks like we’ve got a lot of time, so,” He gestured vaguely to the space around him, giving Adelaide the floor. She assumed this meant he wanted the full story, which put her fight or flight instincts on high alert. Her first instinct was to tell him off, to let him know it was none of his business, but she had to remind herself that he was just curious. He was just trying to fill the time. So, Adelaide took a deep breath and tried to tell the most bare bones story possible.
“Uhh…I mean, I guess I lived in another state when I was little. Then I got kidnapped and shipped to Texas. I found Ian’s house, I lived there on my own for eight years, then Ian kidnapped me, but then we became friends, I guess, then he dragged me to Jurassic Park the First, and then he tried to get me to stay home from Jurassic Park the Second, but I said if he goes, I go, so. That’s how I got here. You?”
“Woah, woah,” Nick said, gesturing for her to slow down. “You can’t just drop something like that, like it’s nothing, then ask about my boring-ass life.”
“I’d hardly call it boring,” Adelaide interjected, thinking about all the cool shit she’d seen from him so far, and something told her that was just the surface. Whether Nick heard her or not, he kept talking.
“You were kidnapped?” The tone of the question was much more casual than Adelaide expected, as if he were asking how her day was.
Still, Adelaide’s defenses rose. She didn’t know his intentions with this information. “Twice. Why?” Her demeanor grew spikier by the second.
“Just making conversation, s’all,” he shrugged, sending Adelaide into his neck. She pushed off it, body rigid and alert. Then his words sank in. She relaxed a little. She was being ridiculous.
“No, right, sorry, um… just a little protective of information regarding my… kind, y’know?” she admitted.
“Understandable. I wouldn’t tell us either. Especially if-” he indicated the kidnapping.
“Yeah, um, the guy knew about us or specialized in us or whatever. He took us to sell as pets.” Adelaide made sure to emphasize the pause after that part, hopefully making Nick realize why his ‘pet’ comment offended her so much. She couldn’t bear to mention the part about her parents, so she didn’t. “I escaped somewhere en route and went to the nearest human house I could find. Blah, blah, blah, eight years. One day I get stupid or lazy or whatever and drop my guard, so Ian finds me and holds me hostage till I tell him information about myself.”
“And you still trust that guy?” Nick blurted.
Adelaide gazed up ahead at Ian, who was laughing with Kelly, while she thought about her answer. “Yeah, I mean, he let me go. And also he’s done a lot of things to build up that trust over time. Wouldn’t you do the same, if Ian weren’t here with me? If you found me on your own? Beans don’t react logically to people like me.”
“Hmm,” Nick hummed. “You know, if you allied yourself with the right people, we could take down guys like him and whatever organizations they’re working for.”
“And reveal our existence to the whole world? No thanks.” Ever since meeting Ian, Adelaide considered options like that, but at the end of the day, the risks far outweighed the benefits. And if, by some miracle, borrowers were able to rally public support, that still didn’t stop the government from doing what they wanted to do. 
The silence dragged out for a while until Adelaide remembered to be polite. “And what about you? How’d you get here?” she asked.
“Money,” Nick said, but then elaborated. He talked about his background in photography and documentary filmmaking, how he traveled to the craziest places for odd jobs. It really did all come down to money in the end, but there were added benefits - women, awards, saving the Earth. He explained his affiliation with Greenpeace, which was some kind of organization working toward a ‘greener Earth’.
Adelaide listened in awe. She knew her scope of the world was much smaller than humans, but it never ceased to amaze her just how vast it really was. This was a completely different reality than she, and even Ian, experienced.
Their conversation was interrupted by Roland calling for another break. That seemed odd, considering they took one not too long ago, but nobody was complaining.
Nick plopped down on a log and Adelaide clung on for dear life. She started to ask a question, but Nick shushed her. She was going to protest until she realized they were eavesdropping.
“Come with me,” Roland said to some guy. “And you. If he’s alive, we’ll find him. The rest of you keep right on. Ten minutes, you’ll reach the ridge. Wait for us there.”
“Ten minutes, you’ll reach the ridge. Wait for us there,” Adelaide repeated in a bad imitation of Roland’s accent. She and Nick laughed, unable to help themselves. “Why is this guy in charge?”
“He is in charge because he’s an expert in his field - tracking, navigating, and hunting large predators,” Roland said, turning to face them. The smiles dropped from their faces as he approached, gun resting on his shoulder. “If you would like to lead the rest of this expedition, Miss Adelaide, then be my guest.” He stared down at her, waiting for an answer.  Adelaide shot to her feet, eyeing the gun. It was maybe three feet long and looked heavy, and despite the fact that the most dangerous thing in her immediate vicinity was a Bean, the gun scared her infinitely more. They were deafeningly loud, and Adelaide knew that if she were to get shot with one, there wouldn’t be a trace of her left.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size,” Nick said, trying to keep antagonization to a minimum but having trouble.
“I have. Many times. And then it got boring.”
Nick changed the subject. “Who’re you looking for, anyway?”
“Dieter Stark. Disappeared maybe fifteen minutes ago.”
“Good,” Adelaide blurted, drawing all eyes to her. (Or at least, Nick tried to look at her, but she was too close to his neck for him to see properly.) She shifted uncomfortably but held her ground.
“I know you may have had your differences, but no man deserves to die here-”
“Yeah, like Eddie,” Adelaide goaded. She didn’t know why she kept bringing the man up. It wasn’t like she was close to him, but the fact that he saved their lives without a second thought deserved respect. But in the end, it wasn’t about him. It was about making a point, making the InGen team feel bad. Adelaide felt a little guilty using his name for her prideful cause. 
“-He is one of my men. He will not be left behind,” Roland finished without blinking.
“Easy for you to say. He didn’t dangle you by your leg.” Adelaide could feel herself digging a deeper and deeper hole. Her brain begged her to stop, but her mouth didn’t seem to care.
Roland crouched down quickly, putting himself closer to eye level. Adelaide jumped, then shifted closer to Nick’s neck, which at least provided the appearance of protection. Roland noticed this but chose not to say anything.
“Get out of my space,” Nick said, and Adelaide could feel him tense up.
Roland ignored him. “You’d be happy to know, Miss Adelaide, that Deiter’s most likely dead. I will give him the courtesy of searching, but I highly suspect he’s gotten himself into more trouble than he could handle.”
With that, Roland stood up and took off. Adelaide let out a deep, long, sigh and wiped the sweat from her forehead. That man was intense.
“You like picking fights or something?” Nick asked.
“Do you?” Adelaide shot back.
“As a matter of fact, I do. You just gotta be able to finish what you start.” Nick stood up, leaving Adelaide with those thoughts. He called out to everyone to keep going, and the group obliged.
What made Adelaide the angriest was that Nick was right. She couldn’t act nervous and scared if she was going to antagonize Beans, and she couldn’t antagonize Beans if she was going to act nervous and scared. It was just so hard to keep her mouth shut sometimes. And on the other hand, Beans had no right to use their height advantage to purposely intimidate her just because she felt like there was something worth standing up for. At least, that’s how she justified it.
Movement caught Adelaide’s eye, and she saw Ian struggle to stand up. His leg must really be killing him, but she knew he would never admit it. She should probably go free him from carrying Kelly.
“Can you take me back to Ian?” she asked.
Nick also saw this and understood. “Yeah, sure thing.”
Ian was just about to lift Kelly up when he saw Nick approach. His heart pounded and his head immediately jumped to everything that could be wrong. When he saw Adelaide sitting calmly on Nick’s shoulders though, he relaxed.
“She’s sick of me already,” Nick said with a smile on his face, and before he could grab Adelaide, Ian’s hands were already there. Nick flinched, mildly uncomfortable with the invasion of his personal space, but Adelaide quickly hopped on Ian’s hands as he pulled them out of the picture.
He put her on his shoulder and nodded a ‘thank you’ at Nick, who returned the nod.
“You know I have to ask. Is everything-” Ian began.
“Yes, everything is okay. He didn’t hurt me, he didn’t call me any names. We had a lovely conversation,” Adelaide rattled off.
They walked silently for a moment as the sun slowly set.
“How’s your leg?” Adelaide asked. She figured she’d given it enough time so that her request to go back to Ian and her worry over his leg wouldn’t be connected. She was wrong. Ian saw right through her.
“Is that why you came back? Because you saw me, um…?”
“No!” Adelaide said a little too quickly. “No, um, Nick is um… I actually hate him now. He hurt me and called me names and we had a terrible conversation.”
“Mhm,” Ian said.
Adelaide changed the subject, but it still wasn’t a comfortable one. “How did it go? With Kelly, I mean?”
At this point, Kelly had already run off to talk to Sarah, so they didn’t have to worry about her hearing the conversation.
“It, uh…it went good. We had a talk, and it was - it was good.”
“Riveting,” Adelaide said sarcastically. Ian just laughed.
They walked on, and Adelaide told Ian about Nick and his adventures and how cool she thought he was. Ian listened patiently, but he knew people like Nick. He kept his opinions to himself, whether good or bad, not wanting to taint Adelaide’s opinions on the world.
It didn’t skip their attention that Roland and his men returned sans Dieter Stark, and after a little more walking, they decided to call it for the night and make camp.
Right. Camp. Sleeping. Sleeping in front of Beans. Falling into a state of unconsciousness with hostile Beans everywhere. It was in that moment that Adelaide decided she wasn’t going to sleep that night.
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wellthisisnerdy · 2 years
*breaths heavily*
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