#Nightlight approves
alexandraisyes · 2 months
Sending a second one for more regular dca ship headcanons because i love those as well.
But before that...one more tsams thing. Anything that gives Solar 4 arms and his partner finds it hot ( I just NEED solar to have 4 arms. Not only eclipse. He is a eclipse also be would give the best hugs.) okay carrying on
Sun/Moon regular DCA.
Moon likes to try and sneak up on Sun and try and scare him. Sun always knows, but does sometimes let him 'win' for the kids as it makes them laugh. Sun doesn't do it often the other way around. But the times he did he wasn't caught
One of their favourite things to do is practicing for the shows they give the kids. Mostly because in then if they fall and end up tangled up together. They ideally check in with each other with kisses. It's usually a lot of laughter to.
Sun likes how large his hands look on moon. He knows they are the same size...but still.
One of their favourite date spots is the west acrcade. They can play games together/against each other. And dance. It's perfect
They are extremely touchy. Because they are separated and I can see you. And you are here and it's amazing.
Moon is the one that got all the pillows and blankets for their bed. Sun the plushies. They cuddel close in it every night.
During a work day, moons hat got incredible dirty and he couldn't wear it for the rest of his shift. And it made him really upset, when moon had been called away as part of his security job. He and the kids made him a fake paper one and gave it to him when he came bsck He wore it the rest of the day. He still has it. And wear it on some special occasions
Well that's another one done. Writing headcanons is fun xd
Yes yes yes all of this. All of this is canon in my heart of hearts; they are the silliest little gay robots and they love each other. I love when they're sweet with the kids and each other and the kids making Moon a paper hat is so fucking cute I'm screaming. Noffy this is wonderful.
Ask Game - Send Me FNAF/DCA/TSBS Ship Headcanons
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kirain · 10 months
Gale sucks. He eats my magic items.
I gave Gale a ring that puked pretty colours, a crusty pendant that thought it was a nightlight, and an old boot that expected me to stand in water during combat just for the chance to give an enemy a slight shock—and one of those items I bought at a vendor with 20 gold coins I yanked from an ogre's ass. People really be massacring entire villages just to get a crumb of approval from Astarion, but whine because the wizard needs to munch on three pieces of a jeweler's finest rejects. 😒
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And he does that because he doesn't want other people to die for his mistakes. He apologises and thanks you every time. Like, calm down. Give him your sock.
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rreskk · 6 months
HEYHEYHEYYYY love your work sm.
can you pls write about Trevors love for tits? without sex, maybe, as you wish. just so that he would spend a lot of time on the tits, touchin', saying something about them, licking, kissing, etc. ANDDDD PLSSSS NORTH YANKTON ERA, LOVE YOUR FANFICS ABOUT THIS ERA. 😥😥😥😥
Summary: It was a busy and exhausting day. Trevor was in a mellow mood and wanted physical affection in the most calmest way.
Pairings: Fem!reader/ Trevor Philips
Word count: 728 - short and sweet :)
TW: Suggestive?? (no smut though)
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“Have you turned the heater on yet?”
Stumbling occurred within the small motel room before he appeared out of the cluttered maintenance cupboard, his coat wide open and white shirt covered by this thick, cotton sweater. Gifted by you months prior.
Trevor nodded his head momentarily and removed his coat as it was tossed aside onto the lonely desk in the corner. He rolled up his sleeves and immediately adjusted the untamed mess of his hair, grease at every surplus and molecule, the hair shining off the nightlights glow.
“Yeah, yeah.” He responded in his usual outside voice.
You decided to test his honesty and raised your hands towards the radiator beside the bed. Trevor snickered at your wariness. He crawled onto the empty space beside you and waited for your approval, his eyebrows raised.
Warmth slowly poured from the electric heater; your icy fingers loosening up at the joints, finally feeling after being out in the cold all day running from bar to bar with Trevor and his friends. It was nice before a debate turned into an argument, and soon you were sat beside his friends wife in awkward silence, watching Trevor attempt to wrestle his friend in the middle of the bar.
You were supposedly angry but couldn’t stay like that for long. Something about his chocolate eyes and how it sparkled in the moonlight. You pathetically took him back into the motel, resulting to present moment where his arm started to snake around your waist and pulling you from the radiator.
“It’s on.” He whined and fell onto his back, bringing you with him.
The length of his arms – lanky yet firm – kept you in place. It moved from your waist to your chest.
“Hey.” You softly smirked and tried to look back at him, but he wasn’t seen. Trevor had snuggled against you enough to disappear from your sight. His face so cruelly nuzzled against your neck that it made you shiver.
“Warming up now?” His voice occurred from the fabrics of your shirt.
From that moment, you knew he hadn’t of turned the heating on. There was no noise coming from the heater beside the bed. He was obviously trying to cover it up with his body heat. And it was working.
“Mhm.” You blankly lied to feed on his pride, instantly feeling him grow more handy with his fingers.
Your shirt had been shuffled around until it came loose around the front. He had arranged your body to access the chest easier from behind. Trevor’s smirk could be felt against your neck as he began teasing you, his fingers slowly approaching your bra, sitting at the wiring.
No words were said since you didn’t want to break his concentration. By the pace of his hands, Trevor was taking his time. He was calm and collected. Encouraging him to undress you with eagerness would turn his tranquillity into mere energy and lust. In a day like this, so wintery and in bliss, you didn’t want that. So you stayed quiet and allowed him to play around with your chest.
“My favourite bra.” He announced after feeling the fabrics that covered your breasts. The fact that he could name his favourites of your bra from touch said a lot about his observations and sensory memories.
It made you smile, nodding gently. “Yeah.”
A small sigh left his lips and he sunk further against you.
Trevor took a few minutes then unclipped your bra as it fell from your shoulders. Delicately, he pulled it down your arms until your chest proclaimed freedom. He couldn’t see but he didn’t need to. He simply took you into his hands, the skin-to-skin contact making him groan with pleasure. Nonetheless, he was not aggressive like he usually was.
Instead, you rested your eyes as he lovingly groped at your breasts.
His hands were rough but in the best way. The skin was dry and hard on your nipples; it was a sensation that made you shiver in a humorous manner. Like being scratched on the back. It tickled nicely and was a relief to the tension held in your shoulders.
“The heaters not working.” Trevor finally mentioned while playing with your chest.
He chose the moment you were most at ease – typical behaviour. He knew you too well.
“I know.” You returned with a smile. “I don’t care.”
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
knock knock who's there it's me 🥺🥺🥺 politely asking for an update on de-aged max?
WHO'S THERE, oh yes, more de-aged Max.
(this link shows the stuff I’ve already posted in chronological order if the tag isn't working. But anyway, this bit follows directly on from this part.)
The package with the new nightlights in arrives after lunch, and Max pads silently around Daniel's apartment after him, watching him set them up. The Jimmy or Sassy cats come too, of course, winding their troublesome selves around Daniel's feet and the trailing wires. They are an accident waiting to happen, so Daniel tries to make Max giggle by doing a silly dance to step around the cats, but Max is quiet today, like Daniel's little shadow, and just hooks his little fingers through Daniel's belt loop.
There's a cat shaped light for the hall outside their bedrooms, and Daniel has to position it on a little stool because there's not a useful surface near the plug. It has a selection of settings, from a changing wave of colours to single colours at various brightnesses. Max carefully touches the cat's head, in between its ears, to get it to change colours, before settling on a soft blue glow. The one for the bathroom is shaped like an otter, and Daniel has to move some of their shit out of the way to find space for it on the counter. There's a new package of Pokemon-themed face cloths and towels and a matching toothbrush that he hasn't sprung on Max yet because he's waiting for bath time, a routine Max still does not approve of and Daniel hasn't figured out how to make fun yet. Max could go back to being big at any moment, but until he wakes up his normal size again, Daniel is committed to ensuring that Max is clean and fed and safe and warm for the duration, even if Max seems to believe that baths are a very bad thing indeed, and bath time in general is exhausting for them both.
Even given that Max does not approve of bath time, and he keeps wetting the bed and Daniel hasn't slept through the night since that brave little knock on his door last week, getting to spend all of this time with Max like this is great. He wouldn't change it for anything. He's sort of dreading the moment it all comes to an end and Max wakes up normal-aged again, if he's honest.
It doesn't make it any better, however, when it all goes wrong when Daniel tries to set up the night light he'd got for Max's bedroom.
"No," Max says, little arms folded, bottom lip jutting out, cheeks red.
"No?" Daniel asks, after he's tried to put the animal themed night light on the drawers by the bed more than once, and Max has pushed it away.
"No," Max says again, stamping his foot.
"Don't you like it?"
"I'm not scared," Max says. "Take it away."
Daniel hadn't been entirely certain if Max was afraid of the dark before he'd ordered the nightlights. It was another weapon in the online parenting websites' arsenal of tools to combat bedwetting, something he thought he might try, but one look at Max's bright, scared eyes as he mutinously maintains he doesn't need it, and Daniel is convinced he's terrified.
Which is— well.
"Okay," Daniel says. "That's okay, Maxy-Max. Can I tell you a secret?"
Max still looks mutinous. He hasn't unfolded his arms, his little bottom lip sticking out. He's frowning. It would be cute if Daniel wasn't secretly so worried.
"I'm scared of the dark," Daniel says in a whisper. "But I didn't want anyone to know, so I never had a light. But if you don't need this one, then maybe I can have it in my room, so I won't be scared any more. Do you think that might be okay?"
Max's expression does something complicated. His eyes have gone very wide. He's looking up at Daniel like he's one of those monkeys with the huge eyes. "You are not scared of the dark, Daniel," he says, after a moment of staring, unblinking, up at Daniel like a very worried little alien.
"I am," Daniel says. He lets that settle for a bit. Max looks worried, but he's also thinking. Daniel's learned to recognise that thinking face.
"But you're a grown up," Max whispers. He twists his fingers into Daniel's t-shirt, just above the waist, like he can keep hold of Daniel if Daniel tried to leave him behind. Daniel's not leaving him anywhere.
"Grown ups can be scared of things," Daniel says, in as gentle a voice as he can manage. "Big Daniels are scared of lots of things." Max looks amazed, and more than a little bit worried, which Daniel does not like. "I told you I was scared of the dark," Daniel says. "I don't like it in the middle of the night when I wake up and it's all dark. I don't like it when you go swimming in the sea and there are fish and they swim up to you. Sharks are scary too." He does a pretend full body shiver, to make Max laugh, but Max isn't laughing. He sits down on Max's bed, and pats the mattress next to him. Max obediently clambers up next to him, tucking himself into Daniel's side. "And can I tell you another secret?"
Max nods uncertainly. His fingers are pulling on Daniel's t-shirt, holding on tight.
"Charmander scares me," Daniel tells him, "because his tail's on fire."
Max's eyes go even wider. He blinks up at Daniel, then buries his face in Daniel's t-shirt, mumbling something that Daniel can't make out.
"What did you say, Maxy-Max?"
"You'll get in trouble," Max whispers, without unhiding himself from Daniel's shirt.
Oh, Daniel thinks, and does not cry. Instead, he wraps an arm around Max's shoulders. "It's okay to be scared of things," he says, without much hope that Max is able to listen and understand. "Nobody gets in trouble here for being scared of things. Everyone is scared of something."
Max shakes his head, face still buried in Daniel's side.
"Do you think you can help me set up my new nightlight in my bedroom?" Daniel says. "That way, tonight I won't have to be scared any more. And I was thinking that we could put the light on in the bathroom, and the one in the hall, and I'll keep my bedroom door open too, and then it'll be light if I wake up in the middle of the night. Is that okay, Max?"
Max tucks his hand into Daniel's, but won't let go of him.
"Do you want to sit here for a bit? We could look at your flag book for a bit, if you'd like. Have a cuddle."
Max shifts a little, face tucked into Daniel's side. "I know about your flags," he says, because they've been reading about Australia, and about Italy.
"You do," Daniel agrees, reaching for the flag book on the drawers by Max's bed. "Do you want to pick a page?"
Max flicks through his book for a while, before coming back to Daniel with the book open to the chapter on South America. If there's ever a point where Daniel is racing again, and there's a geography Grill the Grid, he's going to smash it. Race Max to the winning place. But not yet. Not just yet. Daniel leans down and kisses the top of Max's head.
Max looks up at him with a worried little smile.
"Do you know who my favourite little boy is?" Daniel asks.
Max's brow furrows. He shakes his head.
Daniel leans in and blows a little raspberry into Max's ear so that he giggles and squeezes Daniel's hand. "You, Maxy-Max. You're my favourite."
Max is quiet today. That's okay. His hand's tucked into Daniel's. One of the Jimmy or Sassy cats comes and sits on the other side of him, and Max strokes their little fluffy head. Daniel reads him the flag facts about Brazil, about Argentina, about Uruguay. Later, he can set up the nightlight in his bedroom, on the drawers by the door so it'll light up the hallway. He'll leave all the doors open so that the light will bleed into Max's room, and hopefully it'll help. Hopefully he'll let Daniel buy him his own nightlight. Maybe one day soon he can say that he's scared and not worry about getting into trouble for it.
Until then: this. He's okay.
Thank you to @flawlessassholes for reading this over! And the other lovely people who listen to me go on and on about small Max.
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archive245 · 23 days
childhood with the legacy of gods character headcanons
- mia and maya would force killian gareth and nikolai to princess tea parties (they pretended to hate it but went all out)
- remi was an ipad kid
- lan and bran would pretend to be other
- mia and maya would have to be in the exact same outfits or they would cry
- sledding down the stairs contents were a very common thing in the sokolov and carson household
- nikolais fav childhood movie was cars, killian was finding nemo(bc yk daddy issues)
- annika got one of those kitchen sets for Christmas and would cook with playdough for adrian
- levi and astrid would have those charts that if they do something good they would get a star: lan stole the stars, bran acc got the stars, and glyn drew on the stars
- nikolai would chase the girls around with bugs
- remi had a nightlight till he was 13
- cecily was the last to learn how to ride a bike, ava was first
- creighton loved spongebob and heavily related to patrick
- annika was scared of the cookie monster
- cecily and glyn def believed hogwarts was real and had a “ew muggles phase” (sorry not sorry its a cannon event)
- on the rare occasions aiden and elsa would fight eli would chant “divorce! divorce!”
- nikolai and killian took just dance very seriously, same with jeremy and gareth but for mario cart, but they all were second or third bc vaughn always won
- damein kidnapped nikolai with a bunch of cookies, mio did not approve
- lan remi and eli tried making wine with a bunch of grapes after hearing wine was made of grapes, bran called them stupid but was intrigued and joined
- jeremy tried cutting annikas hair more then once (they all ended up horrible)
- uno nights would go crazy
- nikolai would loose his backpack every week
- killian would wear shorts in dead ass of winter
- this how they (killian, nikolai and gareth) befriended jeremy (Jeremy is the one crouched on the floor)
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smoochhyuka · 8 months
All at once
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Pure degeneracy.
○o。content warnings! NSFW, group sex/orgy, fem!reader, reader is implied to be thicker/chubby, lingerie, sub!reader, fwb!Yeonjun (implied that both like each other more than they probably should), sugardaddy!Jun, Jun is the one orchestrating this whole thing, mentions of previously recording *videos*, mention of alcohol at the beginning, unconsensual distribution of said videos (with the members), loser!txt, perv!everyone, mean!dom Jun (but no insults, just mocking), it's implied no one (except Yeonjun) has actual experience, txt is a little zesty but no actual action between them, swearing, group masturbation, voyeur!Soob, cuck!Jun, dom!txt but everyone is listening to Jun, slight infantilization of reader (pastel princess), ddlg dynamic between Jun and reader (no daddy kink tho), cunnilingus, breast play, anxious and slighty insecure reader, reader is held down, detailed descriptions of their penises, reader gets a foot massage, pussy lover Tyun, lots of cum and no condoms (reader is taking contraception), penetration, their living room is not correctly described but I have specific things in mind ok, formatting all over the place bc I couldn't decide on one, very long, lmk if I missed anything!
Yeonjun has urges, right? Every man has them, it's lonely for someone like him to spend every night by himself. But since there is no time in between his schedules to satisfy a woman emotionally and romantically, he opts to satisfy several sexually.
You know he likes to switch up his girls, and it certainly doesn't make any sense to you at all, but ultimately you don't mind. You're his favorite, after all.
Every time he has a weekend to spare he takes you on expensive dates, whatever your heart desires - You need new clothes? "Leave your wallet at home, jagi." You're bored with your city lately? "Pack a bag, we're going on a cruise."
And on top of that, he is so respectful to you. If you aren't in the mood for sex, he understands. If you feel emotional lately, he is ready to listen. It's not that he doesn't care about you, or thinks you're replaceable because "you are seriously special.", he just isn't ready to commit yet.
He was equally understanding of your hesitancy about sleeping with his team members.
"Did you even talk to them about it?", you ask bewilderedly. You're on FaceTime with Yeonjun, he's sitting in his dimly lit hotel room, only wearing a slutty, white wife-beater and a pair of black boxers. A pair of glasses on his head keep his orange hair out of his face, sipping on a can of beer. You were already dozing off as the man woke you up by his unexpected call, only the light of the screen illuminating your face.
"It's actually funny you say that", he grins, only slowly starting to sober up, "I wasn't the one suggesting it." He and his group are about to wrap up their tour. Since it was limited to Korea, it only took them a few weeks to hold all their planned concerts. "Who the fuck would suggest something like that, other than you?", you can't help but swear due to the sheer irritation you are feeling right now, not taking the offer any serious, "Especially with me, why not Chungae! Or Mihyun? They must be everyone's type." Yes, you know most of the names of Yeonjuns other girls and their Instagram accounts. It's an unspoken rule that you must approve of them before they become a fixed part in his rotation. "Jagiya", Yeonjun sighs, rolling his eyes jokingly, "You forgot that I broke it off with Mihyun? She wanted the princess treatment, although I told her from the start I'm not the one for that. And of course, Chungae is very pretty, but she's not you." You're rolling your eyes now as well, hoping the bad lighting doesn't expose your giddiness at his comment.
"Besides," he continues, this mischievous grin coming back, "I don't have any videos to brag with of anyone else." After hearing this, you feel wide awake again, making you finally sit-up, and you turn on your nightlight. "First, I am the only one you have any recordings of? Second, you SHARED them?" He is clearly not taking you seriously, as he can't help but laugh. "You know, none of them have any game, but they're still men, you know? I am a good hyung, and I show compassion with them. Porn isn't nearly as hot as seeing a woman you know do it.", the alcohol is making him ramble slightly, you have always found this endearing, but right now it's not enough to save him from this mess. "And my other question?", you pry. Yeonjun rolls his eyes again, somehow making it look even more sassy than before. "If you ask so many questions at once, of course I forget them. Of course, I have a few pictures or snaps saved from a few, you know, but why would I make the time to film an actual porno with them? No one is a match to your charm." He winks and sends you a kiss, but you ignore it, trying to out-sass him. Since you feel oddly proud at the fact that Yeonjun is not just uninterested in filming the other women, but also bragging with your video, you decide to drop it and just relish in this feeling of being desired. "Okay, who proposed the... orgy?", you're barely whispering the last word, feeling shy just thinking about it. "So, you want to know what happened exactly, right?", he asks, stretching his arms. You nod. "Then let me tell you from the start..."
Everyone is stunned at what Soobin just said. Yeonjun even pauses the video that the whole team has been jerking off to on Kais hotel bed, earning a low groan of annoyance from Beomgyu. Taehyun is still leisurely stroking his dick, examining the close up of your glistening pussy, the pause being at the perfect moment. The other three are staring at a very confused Soobin, looking for further clarification. "What is it?", the leader decides to break the silence, uncomfortable to be in the spotlight like this. "What did you mean by 'you'd love to watch us in reality?'," Yeonjun asks immediately. "I wouldn't watch, but I'd definitely eat that pussy.", Taehyun comments, still not looking at the others. "She's seriously my type, hyung...", Kai chimes in, now looking at Yeonjun. "Eh?", the oldest is now leaning back into the cushions, pressing the space button to continue playing the video, "And you, Beomgyu?" He immediately turned his attention back onto the laptop, massaging his balls, "Maybe we should fuck her all at once, that'd be really fucking hot." Dick now abandoned, Yeonjun is thinking about whether this is even possible.
You don't recall agreeing, but here you are, changing into your light pink lingerie and touching up your makeup in the bathroom of the TXT dorm. They returned last night, today and tomorrow they have a day off before easing back into their regular activities the day after tomorrow. According to Yeonjun, it's the perfect time. You look at yourself in the mirror -- to play it safe, you decided to lean into your cuter side. You know Yeonjun holds appreciation for your sexy side as well, but there is no way you would be anything else than submissive in a room of five hot men wanting to fuck you. The light colored lace, paired with the bows in your hair and around your ankles, almost seem innocent, if it wasn't for your shaved pussy peaking through the see-through fabric. Although risky, you decided to go heavy on the makeup, the glitter and the blush giving you a soft, doll-like look. You know you look good, but they're five people...
Three careful knocks, so quiet you almost didn't hear them, followed by another pair of louder ones, take you out of your daydreams. "Are you alright?", Yeonjun asks from the other side. You unlock the door, letting him inside. He's stunned at your sight, scrunching his nose while his mouth is forming a small 'o' shape. "If you feel like backing out, I won't mind taking you to my room by ourselves.", he grins, cupping your face with one hand, making you look up at him. He can sense the worry in your face, the small pout on your glossy lips gives it away. He's again, wearing his trusty wife-beater and a pair of basketball shorts. "In all honesty, I am a little self-conscious...," you admit shyly, surprising Yeonjun by how far you have already slipped into subspace. He takes his second hand to squeeze your cheeks slightly, leaning into the trusty dynamic. "Why would you be? Didn't you see how everyone was looking at you earlier, while we discussed this?", he presses a kiss onto your temple, "You can always say no, you don't need to do anything you don't want to, okay? But there are a lot of perverted things everyone wants to do to you right now. Including me." You both hold a little bit of eye-contact, before you nod carefully. "I am so proud of you.", Yeonjun expresses.
Hand in hand, you go into the living room, where the other four are eagerly waiting, everyone is skimpily dressed already. You were too embarrassed to look up, so you weren't able to see their reactions, but by the amount of compliments they are giving you, you are safe to assume they were positive.
"Please sit down with us.", Kai requests, with a small slap on your butt Yeonjun encourages you to do so. They are urging you to sit down right in the middle of their U-shaped sofa, right between Kai and Beomgyu, Soobin is sitting on the far end of it, manspreading, a small tent in his gray joggers already visible. Yeonjun sits down right across from him. Closest to him is Taehyun, who sits closely next to Beomgyu. He's trying to keep a respectful distance at first. Kai, on the other hand, is scooting even closer to you, shamelessly staring at your thighs and tummy. You're wondering how they came up with this order, maybe the two won rock paper scissors?
"Well", Yeonjun breaks the heavy, lust-filled science, "what did I tell you guys about pleasing her?" Your heart is pounding inside your chest, you're trembling in anticipation. Your anxiety didn't leave fully, but it's getting alleviated by the pure filthiness of the whole situation. Pussy's getting so wet, you're so turned on sitting between these men. You feel like prey, about to get absolutely destroyed.
"You said to take it slow", Beomgyu is the one to answer first, "Can I?", he asks politely, delicately turning your head by your chin to him, massaging your bottom lip with his thumb. You just nod, unsure what he's asking for, but eager to take everything. Contradictory to his words, Beomgyu crashes his lips onto yours, almost immedietly sticking his tongue into you. It's very wet, sloppy and you can sense his inexperience, but his enthusiasm makes up for all of it.
Slighty sweaty but long and slender fingers creep up your thighs, up your lingerie to play with the lace trim. Kai drops his head on your shoulder, his nose right at the nape of your neck and you can hear him inhale and groan, probably by the smell of your sweet perfume. Since your eyes are closed, you can't see why he removes his fingers and lifts his head again, you only feel the cushions next to you rise for a short moment and then lower again, implying Kai stood up for a short moment. "Someone doesn't know how to take his time.", Taehyun comments, a moment before Kais head returns to his spot, now groaning a lot harder, almost panting. Your still kissing Beomgyu who fully took your head into his big, soft and fairly cold hands, intensifying the kiss. But you get interrupted by another hand, which grabs your tits rather harshly, making you yelp and pull away from Beomgyu. "Seriously, dude?", he complaints, directed at the blonde culprit who is already stroking his dick. You feel so hot, your head falls back. What do you do? Should you start groping them too, take Kais cock in your hand, play with Beomgyus t-shirt, or ask for another member to join in? Right now your arms are awkwardly fixated behind your back, you needed to get them out of the way as the two slid closer to you.
Before, with your eyes closed, you were able to fully enjoy the sensations you were feeling and almost forget about the other three, whose presence now, dawn on you. Not them personally, but by their sheer amount, you're overwhelmed yet again.
Kai removed his hand, instead carefully placed it on your thigh, his strokes a lot slower. Beomgyu began to kiss your neck and cheeks, unaware of your feelings. You look over at Soobin, than at Yeonjun, who both look at you a little concerned. "Ya!", the oldest exclaims. Slighty startled both men let go of you with a big question mark on their faces. Yeonjun doesn't even need to say anything, he just pats the space between him and you obediently go up to sit next to him. "You're not going to get worked up like that, mhm?", he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, "Getting you comfortable and wet is the most important thing.", now saying it a lot louder for the others to hear too. Taehyun looks at you both with his big eyes, who is suddenly sitting right next to you. "Lay down, please.", he asks you, Yeonjun guiding your head to lie on his lap, your pussy now facing the younger. He scoots even closer, lowering his head while lifting your legs on his muscular shoulders, pressing feathery kisses on your thighs. Now you're the one groaning, holding eye contact with him. "She is a little bit of a masochist...", Yeonjun reports, "You can tease and edge her all you want. She doesn't need to cum yet." You look up at him, just by being reminded of some of these long nights, Yeonjun edging you relentlessly for hours, tears form in your eyes, eventhough nothing has been done to you yet. "What are you already crying for?", he mocks you, twisting your nipple slightly through the thin fabric, "We need you needy and desperate tonight. You now that."
A shy but very surprising kitten lick at you swollen clit is enough to erupt a pitchy moan from you. By this confirmation, Taehyun is confident enough to press firm kisses onto the pinkish bud and to even tease your hole with his index finger. You close your eyes again, trying to focus on the pleasure instead of thinking about the others burning stare. With a little bit of advice by Yeonjun, Taehyun is able to eat your pussy just right, alternating between licking your folds and sucking your clit, only teasing your sloppy hole, never fully entering it. With glossy eyes you look over at Soobin, who hasn't done anything with you yet. He is leaned back into the cushions, your eyes immedietly meet, since he is watching you closely. Before you reflexively close your eyes due to Taehyuns hard sucks, you see how Soobin squeezes the now big tent in his pants a lot harder. Your legs start to shake, you`re so close to your orgasm, as both men let go of you simultaneously. You can't help but whine and cry at the lack of stimulation, wiggling your hips pathetically. "Fuck!", the younger brunette exclaims, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Yeonjun is laughing lowly, stroking your head.
Due to your delirious state you don't notice how everyone scoots closer to you, only as two cold hands take one of your feet into them, you can sense their proximity. Not feeling like opening your eyes yet, you just enjoy the massage as to get down fromt that almost high. Only as someone starts to kiss your cheeks you open them, blonde strands covering your vision. Kai is sitting on the floor, next to Yeonjuns legs, his cock already in an angry shade of red due to his own edging. "Who gets to fuck her first?", Soobin asks after a while. "I want to eat her pussy too!", Beomgyu complaints, now having moved onto the other foot, sitting behind Taehyun whose leaning into the older one, his head thrown back onto Beomgyus shoulder. The two are about to switch places, but Kai objects. "Only if you let me play with her boobs." Yeonjun sighs, "Maybe we should have thought of a plan beforehand." Everyone shifts around, doing as they please without asking you. Not that you would have argued anyways, you submit fully to all five men.
Kai pulls you up and sits you on his lap, your back facing him, legs spreading in front of Beomgyu who kneels on the floor in front of you, sitting between Kais legs as well. He doesn't waste anytime at teasing your abused cunt, burying his whole face in your pussy. The blonde, this time a lot more carefully, kneads both of your tits, slowly pulling down your top in a way that practically torments you. The fairly rough lace rubs against your hard nipples, "please!", you beg, begging for his slender fingers to finally expose your tits and rub on your sensitive buds. Immedietly Kai gives in, as if he was growing impatient as well, and pleasuring both at the same time. Since you have been horny for so long, it doesn't take long before your legs shake again, but this time the two don't pull away -- Yeonjun is actually the one dragging Beomgyu by his long hair as to stop you from cumming.
"Since I am nice, I won't fuck her first.", Yeonjun announces after scolding Beomgyu and Kai, "I probably won't at all tonight since four people are a lot to handle." You can't help but feel disappointed by that revelation, four are a lot but if the fifth is Yeonjun, you can handle it. "I don't mind being last", Soobin declares, sitting right next to you and Kai for quite some time now, edging his cock, "As long as no one cums inside her." Everyone reacts loudly, apparently all three have planned to creampie you. "You guys are gross, would you have fucked her with someone elses cum already in her?", Soobin complaints, he actually stopped touching himself at the thought. "She's going to look real cute and drowsy after two cocks...", Beomgyu thinks out loud, "But stretching her out, knowing she didn't even get fingered is going to feel way too good..." Everyone agress, you feel like you're in a board meeting. "Maybe the one with the slimmest dick should go first then, it's going to be better for her as well.", Yeonjun suggests. Since Kai and Soobin have already started stroking, only Taehyun and Beomgyu need to pull down their pants to reveal their equally as hard and red cocks.
Since Beomgyu is by far the girthiest, he definitely doesn't go first. Eventhough he isn't the longest, you start salivating by the thought of being stuffed full of him.
Soobin already decided to go last, and you're actually glad about that, since that massive cock is almost as thick as Beomgyus but also a few cms longer. You're not even sure if you were able to take him like this.
The only one who is equally as long is Kai, but it's a lot thinner in comparison and has a cute curve to the side, you know he's going to reach places no one else will be able to.
Taehyuns cock is the most similar to Yeonjun, lenght and girth wise they're in the middle. But that's actually positive, both have cocks that aren't overwhelming like the others, you can always take Yeonjun happily without needing to prepare so much. Besides, Taehyun probably has the prettiest one: his head has a pretty, uniform shape with a lot less foreskin than the others. It's completely straight and sitting stiff against his abs.
The order is obvious.
The others go to sit a little more to the side, leaving you to sit next to Taehyun. You both look at each other with big eyes, his hands on his lap. "How do you want to do... me?", you ask timidly. Knowing Yeonjun would never allow you to pleasure yourself right now, you massage your tits as to at least satisfy yourself a little bit. The brunette swallows hard at your display, you watch his adams apple bob. "I didn't get to play with your tits yet...", he mumbles, patting his lap as to calm himself down, which you misinterpret. Yeonjun does this gesture often, with him it means to sit on his lap, so you just do the same to Taehyun. He is surprised, your tits bouncing in his face, his cock twitching at your boldness. At least he thought you were being bold, in actuality you were just listening to cues and obediently following them. Knowing both of you, Yeonjun can't help but notice this misconception, trying his hardest to surpress his laugh at your cluelessness. You both don't notice though, Taehyun just goes for it and helps you lower your hips down onto him, hissing at the feeling of your wet cunt ingulfing him. You moan louldy at the highly anticipated stretch, throwing your arms around the mans neck. He places his strong hands on your butt, slowly moving you up and down his length to help you adapt, until you're able to do so by your own. Finally he can suck on your nipples while you ride him, the added pleasure only making you whine pathetically, making you almost forget the other four staring lustfully at your back. Now feeling bold himself, Taehyun slaps your ass. You instinctively ride faster, bringing him closer to his orgasm than expected. Barely managing to clumsily pull you off his dick, his cum drips onto the hardwood floor. With tired eyes and a lopsided grin you dismiss him, with that facial expression he could actually go another round, but its finally Kais turn.
He asks you to lay on your back, wanting a full view of your tits and tummy. His long dick even reaching deeper than the one before, his head rubbing a spot you have never felt before due to the curve. You moan loudly, especially as he presses one hot hand on your abadomen to feel himself pound into you. Due to his edging, he cums even faster than Taehyun, actually pulling out at the perfect time and cumming all over your belly. You're left feeling a little dissatisfied by how quick it was, wanting to relish this new experience, but knowing you have two to go, you don't dare to ask for more.
The switch between Beomgyu and Kai goes even faster, you barely noticed them exchanging spots. "Your ass looked so good earlier", he tells you dreamily, "Let's do it from the back..." Feeling the strain on your body, you slowly sit up and turn around on your fours. Ass up and head onto the cushions, since you don't have the energy to hold up your body. He definitely doesn't mind, as well as the others, who are turned on by how deep your arch is. You yelp the moment Beomgyu enters you, expecting a stretch but not this, it's actually bringing tears into your eyes. He rubs circles into your hips, noticing the difficulty to slide into you. Beomgyu is careful to stretch you out slowly, making sure to pull out a little bit occasionaly, until he is balls deep in you. "You're doing so good...", he praises you, making your stomach tingle by the compliment. You expected him to be a lot rougher, considering how he was acting earlier, but his strokes are deep, sensual and moderately paced. Seeing how fast his friends just came, he really wants to drag this out. But he too has been hard for quiete some time now and the way you clench tightly around him, it doesn't take all too long, deciding to just cum in his hand as to reduce the amount of sperm that has already accumulated. You lie down on your belly, Beomgyu takes advantage of it and bites into it, making you yelp yet again. "I couldn't help it...", he apologizes.
Last but not least, Soobin approaches you, having enjoyed the show thoroughly but also in need of your cunt. You swallow, feeling a little bit of anxiety. Taking Beomgyu was already quite difficult, but this will be another level. "I think I'll also do missionary...", he mumbles, before you could react he already flipped you on your back. Since he hasn't really participated before, you expected him to be a lot shyer, just trying to stick it in like the others, but it's actually the opposite: having watched you this whole time, he exactly knows what to do. Instead of his cock he takes his right index, middle and ring finger and pushes them deep into your cunt, moving them around carefully as to stretch you out. "Ugh, don't brag!", Yeonjun spits at him jokingly, making Soobin laugh. After some time, Soobin decides you're ready, placing a pillow underneath your butt and placing your legs around his waist. "I'll try to be gentle.", he grins, slowly sinking into you. Due to his fingering beforehand, the stretch isn't as intense, therefore entering you doesn't take as long as Beomgyu did. But what he wasn't prepared for was the way your gummy walls feel around him, the tired, fucked-out expression on your face, the bounce of your tits... his cock has been yearning for pleasure, for an orgasm all this time. His heavy balls slapping against your booty cheeks, and your cunt tightening around him, almost pushing him out due to his size, are the final straw needed for him to cum deep into you with a moan.
He pulls away carefully, you can feel the cushions rising again, making you realize he too moved away. You slowly open your eyes again after gathering yourself. Yeonjun is standing next to the sofa, looking down at you mischievously. Even though four men fucked you ruthlessly, he knows how much your pussy is throbbing for an orgasm.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I love Nightlight reader so much! I would die for them. But what's the story behind Monty? Damn you for creating so many endearing characters...
Monty's parents were in a stand off. Their mother wanted them to grow up with a normal life, their father wanted them to be a hunter from youth. Father managed to win and to combat any worries about them being lovely he brought Nightlight into the picture. He thought this was good for two reasons because friends may betray you and a bot is less likely which he tolf them as well. Monty was also extremely afraid of the dark back then which increased their bond
Fast forward to teens and their mom put her foot down. They were enrolled in a public school but would not interact with anyone else. Nightlight grew up with them and they were like childhood friends. The pair were inseparable outside of school. Their mother did not approve of this.
The family takes a winter trip where the mother successfully abandon Nightlight in the forest. Their father stepped in and blamed it on monsters to fuel their hatred and they've been looking for you ever since
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clefaiiiry · 2 months
Light and Dark
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finally finished my t4t luxhwei propaganda you can blame my burnt out brain for this
hopefully i'll be able to work on some longer projects now, thanks for your continued patience and support folks <3
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Even after travelling Ionia for months, Lux is still enamoured with their buildings.
Back in Demacia, if you wanted a house, you had to find a stonemason, get approval to build within the city’s limited footprint, get more approval from some other administration- The whole process was just agonising. But in Ionia, one only needed to ask the land to grow with you. The spirits would coexist with the humans who wished to share the land, the magic infusing the very ground you walk upon and the home you spent your life in. Or at least, an evening.
Their tavern room is rather small, containing only the barest of necessities but it’s cosy and adorable. Lux runs her hands along the curling branches and weaved leaves that shield them from the elements, and the magic beneath hums with her, warm like a comforting hug. Monsoon season in Ionia is unlike anything they had in Demacia and Lux could probably spend hours watching the downpour. She follows a droplet as it trickles down the pane, then another, then another. She should get back to sleep, they were heading further east tomorrow and she would need her strength.
But what keeps her awake isn’t the storm, but the quiet, muffled sobs from the other bed.
As she sits up straighter and turns, the sound is quickly stifled, but it’s too late. She watches the small heap of blanket on the adjacent bed for a long moment, intently listening for a breath, a word-
“Hwei? Are you alright?”
In the dark, she can see the shape shuffle, but can’t quite tell if he’s looking at her.
“I’m sorry for disturbing you.” Hwei’s voice is soft as a prayer. “Don’t mind me.”
“No, not until I know you’re okay.”
“I’m fine,” he says without missing a beat.
“Then why are you crying?”
“I-” He cuts off his own refutation with a scoff.
“I’m gonna brighten things up a bit, okay?” Lux says, as though trying to soothe a cornered animal.
Hwei doesn’t reply, but she continues regardless, light dancing down her fingers. It’s only a small mote, one that she raises just barely above her head, but it’s enough to illuminate their room in a gentle glow. The moment drags, painfully so, until she wonders if he’s somehow managed to go back to sleep. If only a nightlight really was all he needed.
The floor is cold when she slides her feet from under the blanket, each step across the rug a near soundless pat, pat, pat.
Even when she knees beside him, he doesn’t look away from the wall. Hwei curls in tighter, as if he could escape the moment entirely.
“Can I lay beside you?”
He hums and she leaves the little mote to hover above them, wriggling under the covers. She keeps her distance for the time being, leaves enough space between them so he can breathe.
In the soft light, he whispers, “I was back there. In Koyehn.”
Lux watches the back of his head, but keeps her hands to herself. Waits as he takes a shaky breath. When he turns over to face her, he looks exhausted. 
“It’s okay,” Lux says, offering a little smile, “you don’t need to be afraid.”
There’s that look in his eyes that she can never discern, when he descends into a part of himself she can’t follow. Into the darkness she cannot illuminate.
Hwei shakes his head. “That’s the thing, I- it doesn’t scare me. It was horrific, but- It was so beautiful. That part of myself, the part that feels that way, I’m terrified of what it’s capable of.”
Lux reaches upward, taking his face in her hands. His skin is clammy, his hair a wild mess that sticks out at odd angles. When their eyes meet, his swirl in violent purple.
“I’m here,” she says, because she isn’t sure what else she can say.
Hwei is shaking, even if she weren’t touching him she could see as much. “I don’t understand why,” he says with a breathy chuckle as he lays a hand over hers.
“To keep you out of trouble, mostly,” she laughs. 
Lux wriggles closer and when he doesn’t pull away, she bundles her arms around his lanky, boney frame. He’s put on some weight since they’d met all those months ago in Qayanvi, mostly at her insistence, but he still feels somewhat frail under her hands. Her fingers cannot slide smoothly through his hair, and Lux lets out a huff.
“Can I brush it?”
The sound he makes is noncommittal, but he sits up anyway, watches her as she rummages on the bedside table for the hairbrush and settles back behind him, her legs either side of his.
It’s a steady process, working through the kinks and knots with utmost care. The world narrows to just the two of them, huddled in their tiny Ionian tavern room. No Koyehn, no Demacia, no demons or mage rebellions or anything of the sort. The tension bleeds from Hwei’s muscles as she works, his breaths coming in quiet little sighs.
She pushes his hair over one shoulder and presses a kiss to the narrow column of his throat. Hwei immediately stiffens, holds his breath.
“Is this okay?” Lux asks.
He takes so long to formulate his reply that she’s already started to pull away- “Yes. I think so.”
Lux smiles. “Tell me if it stops being okay?”
“I will.”
Every move is slow and predictable, a hand moving toward to link their fingers in his lap. Hwei sighs and leans back against her, tilting his head against her shoulder.
Lux’s hands wander. They go up as far as his shoulders, playing with the hair that tickles the base of his neck, then down again, over his chest and across his ribs. They leave trails of warmth in their wake, and Lux wonders if the magic brimming beneath her skin has any effect on him. She peers up at his face again, but from this angle it’s obscured by his hair.
It’s so easy to drift like this. Her touch is warm, always warmer than his. Now isn’t the time to lecture him on his poor circulation, gods know he’s been told enough times. His breathing grows so faint she thinks he’s somehow managed to fall asleep but when she squeezes his hand he squeezes back.
Tentative fingers dance at the hem of his nightshirt and a gasp catches in his throat. Her hands jerk back.
“No, it’s okay. Touch however you wish. Just-” He looks away. “Can you leave it on? You can take these off,” he says, plucking at his pants, “just not the shirt. Please.”
Lux smiles, presses another kiss to his jaw. “Yeah, I get it.”
Hwei sinks into her arms, pliant as her hands dip lower. One settles between his legs, pressing but only barely. The pressure is light, but it’s still enough to draw out a shaky little sigh.
Lux smiles. “That’s it,” she whispers, carefully untying the laces that fasten his trousers, “relax for me.”
It’s a team effort to shimmy his bottom half off and Hwei is beautifully soft underneath, breaths coming in quiet little sighs as he screws his eyes shut. Her hands rest at his hips, rubbing slow, careful circles. She tries not to think too much on how he can definitely feel her heat pressed against the small of his back from this angle. She hadn’t even realised how hard she was until that moment.
Hwei waits a moment, then a moment longer, the silence and stillness dragging and stalling between them. He finally opens his eyes again and cranes his neck to look at her. Still, his words fail him.
Lux gives his cheek a kiss, chaste and sweet, then she readjusts her position, lifting her legs to fold them above his thighs, effectively pinning him. The breath in his throat stutters on the way out. A flush blooms across his face, down his throat and across his chest. His skin always gets blotchy when they do this. She can’t help but smile again, dipping her hand across his inner thigh.
Lux’s hands were soft once, back home before all this. They’re still softer than Hwei’s, but she’s starting to grow her own calluses. They trail upward to the juncture of thigh and body, sit there for just long enough that Hwei lets out a huff. The pad of her thumb sweeps featherlight over his clit and Hwei jolts, letting out a high whine.
“We’re going at my pace,” she says, smiling sweetly, “I know you can manage.”
He slumps back against her obediently, and while he is terribly pretty like that, she decides to take pity on him. She brushes her fingers through his soaked bush and along his folds, rubbing a languid, steady rhythm up and down. Hwei starts to pant, heat radiating from him in waves.
“That’s it,” Lux soothes, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “you shine so beautifully like this.”
And he mewls, honest to the gods. He squirms against her legs and rolls his hips as far as he can muster against her hand. Lux presses him back down with a giggle.
“Now, now. You were being so good. Don’t spoil it.”
“I’m sorry-” The sound it draws out nearly breaks her heart, his thighs shaking against hers. “I can be- good.”
“I know you can. You’re always so good for me.”
A shaky breath escapes him as he lets his legs fall apart and Lux rewards him by dragging her finger further, easing back the skin until his clit is fully exposed. It’s hard and pink and Lux can’t help but think how lovely it would be in her mouth.
“So pretty here too,” she says with another kiss to his cheek.
Her finger circles his clit, teasing and much too delicate. She knows he can handle more, but why give him it when he makes such lovely sounds as is?
Her cock is throbbing against his back, twitching and red hot. How she’s managed to ignore it for so long is a miracle in its own right, but she decides now is the time to utilise it. She grinds her hips up against his back and it punches a choked gasp from him.
“Do you feel that? What you do to me?”
As if he’s also only just noticed, Hwei somehow flushes an even deeper shade of red, the splatterings of blush across his skin surging. He squeezes his eyes shut again, a wheezing gasp falling from his lips.
Lux slides her hand further, massaging a finger into him, whispering encouragement as he takes it deeper. 
Then a second joins it and he clenches around her, so hard it borders on painful. He keens, high and needy, his legs quivering and tensing. She works him through it, peppering him with kisses as he rides his completion.
Even as he recovers, she doesn’t withdraw. Keeps her fingers nice and snug as she watches him come down.
“How did you like that?” she asks with a melodic lilt. 
Hwei only whines and nods.
“You wanna keep being good, right?” Lux grins, wiggling the fingers still buried in his cunt. 
He suddenly goes tense again, but nods regardless.
“Great! Then you can give me another one. I know you can do it!”
Returning to the task at hand, she rolls her wrist, crooking and spreading her fingers, watching his expression with rapt interest. Hwei stutters around a moan, his legs struggling to decide if they should open wider or clench shut.
Lux curls her fingers upward and Hwei jolts beneath her with a broken gasp. Enamoured with the response, Lux pushes faster, massaging the little spot she’s found and draws out a torrent of pretty sounds. Hwei shudders, tossing an arm over his face as he pants and whimpers.
“Ah-” He cuts off the sound as he covers his mouth, chest fluttering in arhythmic quivers.
“That’s it, you’re doing so well.”
She twists her hand to grind the meat of her palm into his clit and Hwei groans so loud Lux briefly worries about their neighbours. Only briefly, Hwei is still falling apart under her hands.
Hwei is near convulsing now, spasms wracking his muscles as he squirms under her persistent stimulation. He cries out, raw and wet, tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyes swim in pinks and gold.
“Lux- I-I can’t, not again-!”
“I know you can, starlight. That’s it, just let go for me.”
His back arches one last time as his voice crumples to a whimper, cunt meekly fluttering around her fingers. She does love his art, deeply and truly, but like this he is magnificent. Beneath his weight, Lux doesn’t need to grind much more to come undone, tilting her head back to moan alongside him as she spills against his back.
The sheets have been thoroughly ruined, but for now, her attention returns to Hwei. She watches as his chest heaves, skin blotchy red and shiny with sweat. His eyes, shimmering gold, can only open the barest of inches, his unruly hair plastered to his damp forehead.
“You shine so wonderfully,” she says. He moans and hides his face in the crook of her neck as he gulps precious air back into his lungs.
Lux withdraws her fingers, taking a second to marvel at the state of her hand. Slick drips from them, and she lifts it to her mouth to suck them clean. Hwei can only stare, mouth slightly agape.
Then she pulls them both back down to the bed. She extends her arms and bundles him into her chest. He follows the warmth, clinging to her like she might float away. He breathes heavily against her skin, still shaking as he gradually returns to his senses.
“You did so well,” she assures, brushing his hair back to kiss his forehead.
Hwei sighs against her. “I can’t feel my legs.”
She giggles. “Awh, I didn’t work you that hard, did I?”
He only hums, nuzzles his face further into her chest. “We won’t make much progress if you keep doing this to me.”
That earns him a poke and Hwei huffs. Even as they settle, their magic does not, rumbling beneath the skin as if to break free and merge into one. Lux wonders if the land itself could make that possible.
It’s still raining outside, ringing loud in the quiet of their little nook of the world. Still, Hwei shakes in her arms, even as his breathing slows.
Lux strokes her fingers through his hair and kisses his forehead again. “I know it’s hard when there’s a part of yourself that’s terrifying,” she says, feeling how he stills.
“I- I just worry that I’ll lose myself to it,” he whispers, as if admitting it might make it so.
“You won’t,” Lux says.
“How can you know that?” It isn’t angry, simply tired. Hwei somehow feels heavier in her arms.
“As long as it disgusts you, you’ll resist it. And you’re no pushover, you’re strong enough to stand against it.”
Hwei stares at her, blinks, then chuckles. “Your confidence is admirable.”
She grins and squeezes him so hard that Hwei squawks, wriggling in her grip. Lux bombards his face with kisses and he can only weather the storm with giggles of his own. Her smile is blinding. “I hope it’s infectious too!”
“Ha,” Hwei says, eyelids drooping, “I certainly hope so.”
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Sleep Paralysis: Collab'oween Day 1
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GN!Reader/Male!Unspecified Creature.
Warnings: Rape/Non-con; Maybe feeings of claustrophobia and references to the ocean; Fear of death but no physical harm to reader; Utter helplessness; Cunnilingus/Analingus (you can read as either, I don't specify genitals for reader); Penetrative sex; Creature man has a prehensile pp; 3rd person POV.
Word Count: 2080.
Notes: I'm not doing all of the days, just the six prompts I wrote! Please make sure to check out all of us doing this together: @undead-merman @letstalktea @inkyquince @angrelysimpping Also big thanks to Merman for making the banner and divider and all of their wonderful work on this project.
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It gets closer each night. They know as the sun fades, as their eyes shutter closed and the warm fingers of Hypnos keep their lids heavy that it's only a matter of time before the personification of sleep partially releases his hold on them and that reality will blend with their nightmares. 
For months it's happened every night. They awaken without control of their body, not even able to blink, as eyes watch from the darkest corner of their room. It's just a trick of the mind, they know this, but it doesn't make it any less terrifying. 
They'd gone to their doctor. Been referred to get a brain scan by a specialist to ensure it wasn't anything malicious causing the paralysis. All tests came back fine. They were sent home with pills and a regiment to follow. None of it had helped. The only time it ever left was when the dawn broke. Winter was on the horizon. Shorter days. Later dawns.
Then, they'd thought that it wouldn't be able to hide in the dark if there was no darkness. They'd filled their room with nightlights in every corner, left them on as they went to sleep, confident that they'd finally be able to get through the night. They hadn't. The creature cared not for the lights strewn about the room. It was a void of blackness, sucking in the light and refusing to let any stray ray out of its grasp. 
Fine then, it's sunlight it doesn't approve of. UV lamps were bought and installed. Their electricity bill would suffer, so they tried to stay away from electronics during the day to compensate. There was a pile of unread books just begging to be read, afterall. Yet, as night fell and sleep abandoned them once more, the creature remained in its corner. The blue hue of the UV lamps only made it more threatening. Cold, sterile. Dead. 
They couldn’t even sleep through the day. Something pulled at them, keeping them awake even as they lay with their eyes closed in their bed with the room made as dark as they could for the day. Only when the moon was out could they find a fraction of rest.
After months, they found themself getting used to the creature. It was a black blob with (admittedly creepy) eyes - no discernable features, no intent of ill-will it would seem. It just wanted to watch them through the night. 
It just had to move, didn't it? It had to reach a clawed hand it had never seemed to possess before out toward them, its frozen form a threat again for the first time in a long while. The skin (If it had skin) was a black as the void it made; it was hazy due to the smoke that rose from the flesh. The only part of it that continued to move. The smoke. 
Perhaps it was the home. The place they lived was haunted, wanting to torment the poor soul living within. With little money left due to the lamp expenses, they desperately pushed every new lamp into a large box and took it to a car-boot sale. They were all new, but half price anyway. They just needed enough for one night in a local hotel. Just one. To see if it would work. 
Each night that passed as they sold the lamps, the creature got closer. Like it knew. More limbs came out from the haze; the other clawed hand, long seemingly muscled legs, the torso unfurling and appearing to be as large as the rest of it. A beast. A tall beast that could rip someone apart just by strength alone. Still it's face remained shadowed, the smoke dripping down like hair.
Not every lamp was taken, but enough so over the weekend event that they had the money to stay in a hotel. A single bed, no TV, shitty water pressure in the shower. It was only on the first floor but the windows were painted just all the same. At least it smelled clean.
Hope sent them to sleep that night - a tentative hope that was on the verge of snapping as each second ticked by on the old clock on the wall. 
That hope snapped the second their eyes opened with the street lights sneaking through the curtains. It was here. Worst of all, it was closer than it had ever been. Crouched on the edge of the bed, tall frame leaning over so that it looked down at them with those bright white eyes. This close it was easy to see that there was no pupil. No iris. Just white. 
Tears welled that they could not blink away, blurring their vision and making the creature even harder to make it. Panic grasped them tightly, their heart hammering in a chest that refused to twitch. They needed to breathe more, to take in deep, filling breaths. But they could only take in standard breaths as their head began to swim. It felt like being suffocated. 
If they could scream, they would. Especially when it moved right in front of them. It never moved when they could see. Never. It was now. That elongated hand reaching down, a claw tracing the path of the tears as they fell down their face into their hairline. Some of the tears fell into their ears. It made them itchy. 
The creature didn't keep its attention to their face. Its claw wandered down their body, pulling the blanket with it as it exposed them to the cold air of the hotel room. Their pyjamas were lifted, their tummy exposed. Would it start there? Rip of their innards and eat them as they could do nothing to watch? 
Slowly, it pressed its hand flat to their skin. The warmth was a surprise. A creature of such darkness should emanate frost, but its flesh bordered on burning as it pressed down. Would it crush them? Would it contribute to the suffocation that felt it was taking hold? 
It would not. At least, it wouldn't yet. Every touch was gentle as it flipped them over, every adjustment it made of their body made for their comfort as their head was turned to the side so that they could breath with their body laying on their front. It didn't feel right. It shouldn't be so gentle. 
The tears from their left eye now fell over the bridge of their nose and into the eyeline of the other. It merged with the other falling tears as they wet the pillow. 
Beside from the ruffling of clothes and the creaking of the old mattress, the room had been silent. As had the creature. No neighbouring rooms made bangs or bumps in the night. A harsh ripping broke the silence. Their clothes. The creature was removing their clothes. Tearing it to shreds with its knife-like claws and discarding the fabric on the carpeted floor below. 
Goosebumps rippled over their skin as the night's air fell on it. The creature's flesh was the only warmth they could wish for - and they couldn't only wish that it would stop and leave them alone. 
It was a coward. Turning them over so that it didn't have to look in their wide eyes as it tore them apart from behind. Taking their clothes as a butcher would a pelt. Taking advantage of their sleep condition, or perhaps causing it itself so that they couldn't run or fight back. 
Such a strange thing, to feel anger after all of that fear. If creatures like this beast could wander the earth, then perhaps their anger would fuel their spirit enough to find a second life after death and seek vengeance on the wretched thing. 
Despite the feeling that they couldn't breathe, they did not pass out. They wished they would, that they could drift off into nothing before they would feel the beast's claws in their back. This mercy would not be for them. 
And neither would the claws. Not as the creature lowered itself, the bed shifting as its long legs came to sit on the floor and its hidden face lowered to the back of their thighs. 
A tongue, long and thick, teased up their thigh until sharp fangs nipped at the flesh of their ass. The tongue returned quickly, flickering as it found its way to their hole. 
More anger. More rage filling their heart as they desperately plead with their libs to just move. Just the littlest amount of movement - a twitch, anything! Nothing would come. 
It kept poking, prodding, lapping away at their exposed hole while disgusting pleasure whispered up their spine and choked their breaths. ‘Stop,’ they tried to beg. To scream it until their throat would bleed. But what was the use? They’d been begging for months and yet no one was listening. If there was a god or even multiple of them, they’d long since been forsaken to this demonic presence. 
There’s a strength to the beast. It lifts them as if it were nothing, their limp body folding as it hoists their hips up and presses it’s face even deeper into their core; that damned tongue flattening and giving a smooth, languid lick that has their eyes rolling back in their head. It should have stopped at this indignity. Why didn’t it just stop there?
It took its fill of their hole, still following with its tongue as it lowered their body back onto the mattress. As if it couldn’t bear to part with them. And sure enough, its stocky form rose over them again, that red-hot skin pressing to their back as something new wriggled and writhed against their saliva-dripping core. It meant to mount them.
One last push. One last demand for a finger to curl, to prove that they weren’t locked away inside of their own body. Underneath its body. A wall of flesh pressing down, closing in and taking away all of the air in the room as their anger slowly drained into sorrow.
That tentacle-like cock of the creature burrowed its way into them, spreading them open and penetrating deep. Strange guttural noises were snarled by their head, the beast having its pleasure while their tears returned. Every thrust of the hips was more like a roll, like a wave coming in toward the beach and retreating once more. It was graceful, powerful, threatening to take them away with it into the depths below. 
How could they swim against the tide without the ability to move? How could they possibly stop the water from encasing each and every part of them, leaving not a single inch of skin dry? 
Their mind refused to wander away, instead it focused on the smell of burning the creature emanated. It grasped onto every touch and grab the creature made at their skin. It couldn’t kick or scream anymore. Just like the body it inhabited. God, they were so tired.
Sweat gathered on their skin, the heat from their creature making it feel like a sauna in the cheap room. Sharp nips were given to their neck and shoulders, fanged teeth having a taste or maybe even marking what belonged to it. Its tongue came back to clean their cheeks of tears. 
Why did it have to feel so sweet? The slow build to the orgasms that hit in waves matching its hips pulling in and out. Its cock moved by itself while it would thrust, slowly undulating, causing their throat to seize from how intensely their nerves lit on fire for it. 
Almost. Almost they were freed from being there. It was exhausting being used so thoroughly, their eyelids were heavy and promised the sweet release of unconsciousness. It never came.
Who's to say how long it stayed on top of them that night. They couldn’t see the clock, couldn’t say when the beast woke them from peace. It stayed until the sun’s rays peaked through the cheap old curtains. But it left with a promise, a lingering hand on the back of their neck as it rose up, thumb rubbing over the freshest bite. It would be back. 
They still felt numb when control returned to their limbs. Felt numb for the rest of the day until night fell once more and that fear built. All they could focus on was the fact that the semen dripping from their hole never cooled in their frigid winter air seeping into the room.
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invisibleraven · 4 months
"Stay with me, please!" for Reggie/anyone
Sleep had never been Ray's friend, not since Rose passed. He found the bed too big and empty, with no warm little body to cuddle into when he awoke in the middle of the night.
Maybe he should think about getting a dog...
Either way, he figured maybe a glass of water would help, so he crept down the stairs to fetch one, forever grateful for the little nightlights they kept on so he could maneuver around the hallway with ease.
However when he got downstairs, he had to pause by the family room, looking at the bodies sprawled out there. Julie's bandmates were crashing there after a gig-Ray didn't mind, he knew none of them had the best home lives, and he'd rather have them there under his roof than sneaking into the studio to sleep in the middle of the night.
Ray ached for these boys who had become like family to him in a short amount of time, and who had brought Julie back to herself more than any therapist recommended by Victoria ever could. There was music in the house once more, and if the least he could offer the guys was a warm place to sleep, he would do it.
He got his glass of water, sipping it slowly, wondering if he should go all out for breakfast tomorrow or just let everyone scavenge whatever they wanted at their own pace. His brood were early risers, but he knew that the guys were not. Maybe pancakes would incentivize them to get up before noon?
Suddenly Ray heard a whimpering and rustling from the living room, and he went out to investigate, stopping when he saw Julie was there-he was sure he had heard her go to bed in her own room. She was sitting with Reggie, running her fingers through his hair, looking at him so very softly.
"It's okay cariño," she whispered. "It's just a bad dream."
"Julie?" Reggie croaked, his eyes opening up, giving her a soft smile. "Did I wake you?"
She shook her head, the smile never leaving her face. "No, I was just getting back from the bathroom, you're fine. You wanna talk about it?"
Reggie nuzzled into her palm, grinning up at her, though even from his vantage point Ray could see it was strained. "I can think of better things we could do..."
"Reggie..." Julie sighed, rolling her eyes at him. "Talk to me, please. It doesn't help to keep it bottled up."
Reggie's face fell at that, finally sitting up, though Julie pulled him into her arms, playing with his hair once more, putting him at ease.
Ray strained to hear what he was saying, but could only catch snippets of whatever he was whispering into the mass of Julie's curls.
"Bad dream...dad...worthless...fire...broken..."
Julie held him all the tighter as the tears started, pressing kisses to the crown of his head. "It's over now, he can't hurt you."
"Not while I'm here, I know," Reggie said, then notice Julie's yawn. "I know you should go back upstairs but will you stay with me please? At least until I fall back to sleep?"
Julie cradled his face in her hands. "I'm not going anywhere."
Reggie beamed, then pulled her in for a tiny, sweet kiss that Julie returned with the utmost softness.
Ray bit back a coo at the adorable scene-though he was totally going to be giving Julie a talking to about her hiding her relationship from him and initiating bad checks the next time Reggie stayed over.
But he also wondered if he could renew his fostering licence and fix up the guest bedroom so that whatever parts of Reggie's dream that were close to the truth no longer became his reality.
He watched Reggie and Julie curl up together on the floor, hands intertwined as they drifted off to sleep, looking as devoted and besotted even in slumber that made Ray pang for those innocent days of teenage courtship. For when he and Rose were that young and in love.
He wondered what she would think of their daughter's new beau, but given Julie once claimed she felt like her mother had sent the guys to her, Ray figured she would approve.
He slowly made his way upstairs, back to his big lonely bed, but he found himself a lot more able to sleep now. He had a plan, and a lot of teasing to implement in the morning.
Because what went better with some good natured joking from your father than pancakes?
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natsuki-bakery · 3 months
⁎˚ ఎ Little! William Birkin ໒ ˚⁎
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Well hiya! Can I please request headcanons for a little! William Birkin? I feel like I'm the only one who headcanons him as an age regressor
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•Even as a little, William is incredibly curious about the world around him. He loves conducting "experiments" with everyday items, often resulting in messy but adorable outcomes
•William has a favorite plushie that he clings to for comfort. It's a small, well-worn teddy bear named "Mr. Fluffles." He takes it everywhere and can't sleep without it
•He likes to dress up in a mini lab coat and pretend he's conducting important research. It's a way for him to emulate his older self and feel important !
•Building blocks and chemistry sets designed for children are his favorite toys. He can spend hours building elaborate structures or mixing "potions" in his little lab
•His favorite snacks include gummy worms (which he calls "specimens"), apple slices, and cheese sticks. He likes to line up his snacks and pretend he's categorizing them for an experiment
•Before napping, he insists on being read a story. His favorites are science-themed children's books or tales of adventure and discovery
•In addition to his plushie, he has a small blanket with a DNA helix pattern that he finds comforting. He likes to wrap himself in it during quiet time
•Bedtime involves a specific routine : After a bath, he needs his favorite pajamas, a story, and a cuddle with Mr. Fluffles. Nightlights are essential, especially ones that project stars on the ceiling, as they make him feel like he's exploring space even while he sleeps
•The local science museum is his absolute favorite place to visit. He loves exploring the exhibits and asking endless questions about how things work
•He enjoys listening to soothing classical music or ambient sounds of nature while playing or resting. It helps calm his often overactive mind
•He looks up to his caregivers with immense admiration, often mimicking their actions and seeking their approval. They play a crucial role in guiding his scientific curiosity and ensuring he balances play with rest
•He enjoys drawing and making crafts, often creating detailed diagrams of imaginary creatures or inventions.
•He loves watching educational shows and cartoons about science and space. His favorites include "Magic School Bus," "Sid the Science Kid," and any animated movies about adventure and discovery!
•Birkin is very careful about safety, often mimicking the precautions he’s seen in real labs. He insists on wearing "safety goggles" (plastic toy ones) and "gloves" (his mittens) while playing with his chemistry set
•He has a small tablet or learning device with educational games. He enjoys games that involve puzzles, matching, and basic coding
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DNI: basic criteria, DSMP, vivziepop/h4zbin h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl, nsfw/k!nk, anti-agere, anti Christians blogs
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 82- K-Con 2016
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Chapter Summary: BTS have a horror movie night and a member pranks them by scaring everyone. Jin and Jennie film promos for their upcoming wrestling match against each other. Jennie and Jungkook hang with her family and announce they are dating to her parents as Jungkook works hard to get the approval of her mom
Words: 10,000+
“Can we have a horror movie night?” Taehyung suggested as he strolled in the living room.
Everyone in the dorm was casually playing on their phones and lying around. Taehyung wanted to spend more time with the members and thought that a movie would be the best idea. Especially a horror one.
“H-horror? Can we watch a comedy instead?” Hobi stammered with worry.
“What are you afraid of? It’s just a movie. Relax, it probably won’t even be that bad,” Yoongi grumbled, taking his headphones off.
“I’m not afraid! I just think a comedy would be more fun to watch,”
“Uh-huh. What movie are we watching, Taehyung?”
“Wait, can I pick it, hyung?” Jungkook asked with an evil smile.
Hobi felt a soothing hand rub his back and turned to see Jennie giving him a warm smile.
“I’m not one for scary movies either. But hopefully, it won’t be too bad,” she told him which made him calm down a bit.
Bangtan and a horror movie. What can possibly go wrong?
The smell of buttered popcorn filled the room as the members sat around to watch Paranormal Activity 3. As the movie started, everyone let out a yelp when the lights went off and looked around to see Jungkook walking back to his seat.
“Don’t do that,” Yoongi grumbled as his heart rate began to go back to a normal pace.
“I told you a comedy would have been better,” Hobi grumbled.
“Do we have to have the lights off when we watch this?” Jin asked.
“Why not? It makes it more fun, hyung,” Jungkook replied with amusement.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck.
“You’re telling me,” Jimin added.
Getting scared from just the first seconds of the movie, Hobi began to cling to Jennie. Feeling her wrap her arms around him, he began to loosen up. As the movie progressed, his body trembled as the suspenseful music grew before screaming with a few other members at the jump scare. Jennie covered her eyes and flinched throughout the movie while Hobi remained terrified. 
When the movie was finally over, which seemed to be taking forever, the only person who seemed to have appreciated the movie the most was none other than the Golden Maknae.
“Ah...what a great movie,” Jungkook said with a grin.
“No way, that was scary,” Jimin shivered.
“C-can we all sleep in the living room tonight? Please?” Hobi stressed.
“I second that. That movie was creepy,” Namjoon added.
“I’ll get the blankets,” Jen got up from her seat.
Jin and Jimin helped her set up blankets all around the floor with pillows and comforters for everyone.
“Do we have a nightlight?” Hobi whimpered.
“Sleep with me, it’ll be fine,” Jen laid next to him and brought him into her arms for comfort.
“Me too,” Jimin clung onto her from behind.
“You guys are scaredy cats. It wasn’t even that scary,” Jungkook shrugged and got under the covers.
“Oh, would you leave them alone? Stop it,” Jen scolded with a disapproving look.
“But it’s true, Jagi! They are just dramatic. It wasn’t a big deal,”
As the night went on, everyone slept soundly but Jungkook who was getting tired of Namjoon’s noisy snoring. He cringed whenever a loud snore came to his ears. It didn’t help that he was right next to his hyung too.
The Golden Maknae was lying on his back with his hands behind his head. Staring up at the ceiling, he realized that he was bored and still wanted to do something. Glancing over at his hyungs and girlfriend, a mischievous idea popped into his head, and threw the covers off himself. Minutes later, a loud bang was heard which quickly awakened everyone in the living room.
“What was that?” Yoongi grumbled, voice heavy with sleep.
“Maybe it was just something outside?” Jin inquired.
A loud crash made everyone yelp and look around in alarm.
“It’s so dark in here! Someone turn the light on,” Jin said.
“Ahhhh what is going on?!” Hobi exclaimed in fear.
“Everyone remain calm. I’m sure it was nothing. Let me see if I can find a flashlight or something,” Namjoon said.
“Wait I found a light switch,” Jennie said after slowly moving over to the wall.
"Oh, good," Jin sighed out of relief.
“The heck?” she switched it twice but nothing happened. “The lights aren’t coming on!”
“What do you MEAN the lights aren’t coming on!?” Hobi squeaked.
“Are we going to be OK?” Tae asked with worry.
“Yes, we are. Maybe the power is out?” Namjoon suggested.
Before Jen could speak, she let out a frightened scream when a pair of arms grabbed her. Her scream made the rest of the members scream and scramble around frantically, wondering what was going on.
“Are you okay!?”
“What’s going on!?”
“What happened!?”
“Who is doing this!?”
Various questions were shouted at her as she continued to scream and try to escape from whoever was grabbing her. When the arms released her, she fell on the floor and began crawling away.
“Something just grabbed me!” she yelled.
“Can anyone see anything?!” Namjoon shouted.
“Ahhhhhhhh~!” Hobi cried when his legs got grabbed and began getting dragged across the room. “Somebody help!“
“I got you!” Jin managed to find him and grabbed ahold of his hand to pull him back.
Once Hobi was released, the panic stopped and the dorm was dead silent.
“...everyone all right?” Yoongi asked cautiously.
“Hell no!” Hobi asserted. “Somebody broke in and is trying to kill us!”
“Okay, I doubt someone is trying to kill us. I mean we’re BTS. Who would want to kill me? World Wide Handsome?” Jin asked.
Another loud bang made a chorus of surprised cries occur. But then when they heard the sound of a chainsaw, everyone began to try to run around the dorm in alarm, bumping into each other since it was so dark.
“Okay! Somebody is trying to kill us!” Jin frantically yelled.
"I don’t wanna die! I don’t wanna die!” Jimin whined.
A loud laugh stopped everyone from freaking out as the lights all around the dorm came on. There was Jungkook in the living room, looking cool and collected in contrast to the terrified members.
“That was worth it,” he giggled.
“Wait that was YOU!?” Hobi yelled.
“Maybe,” he smiled evilly.
He took joy in making the members suffer. He can add this to his successful attempts. 
“Not cool!” Jin added.
“That wasn’t funny! I was really scared! Why I oughta-“ Jimin tossed a pillow at him and missed.
“Welp...now it’s time to kill him,” Yoongi bluntly suggested.
“Right ahead of ya! Get his ass!” Jennie ran after him with the rest of the members.
The next morning, Jennie continued to help Taehyung with his lines for his drama as they looked over the script. They stood in her room with only her having a script in her hands after he reassured her he did not need a script anymore, showing progress in memorizing his role.
“All right, ready?” she asked.
“Yes. I’m ready,” he beamed.
“Okay. Action,” she called out and began to walk.
He walked after her and whined, “Why not?”
She stopped walking and scolded him, “Do not complain to me. Why did you not speak up then?” 
Grabbing a hold of her arm, he went on, speaking his lines perfectly while shaking her, “I did not know because I was hiding. Please take me with you. Talk to Master Wehwa for me,”
The way his face was scrunched up and how he begged made it so believable that she wanted to say okay. But she went on with the script,
“Hold on,” she removed his hands from her arm and began to walk again, “Tell the others,” 
“I do not like the others. I like you,” he stopped her and gave her a charming smile.
Fighting the urge to smile back, she remained in character, letting out a scoff. “How can you say that so openly? I don’t know what to say,“
His large hands grabbed her cheeks and he got closer to her face. He looked down, staring deeply into her eyes before pressing his forehead against hers. Although the forehead part wasn’t in the script, it was great improvising.
“Do you think I am a baby, too?” he asked. “I am an adult. I can withstand it all,”
Moving his hands from her face, she let out a sigh, shaking her head. “Goodness...yah. Why do you like me?”
Taehyung stood there for a moment, pondering. She liked the detail of his acting, and how he would add the smallest things when giving his lines.
“I do not know,” he responded. “I just think you are cool,” he lightly chuckled, giving her a boxy smile.
Ending the scene, she smiled back and patted his head, “You little kid,”
“Yay! How did I do?” he asked as she tossed the script on her bed.
“Tae, you got this in the bag! You said everything perfectly! Even though this is your first time acting, you are doing an impressive job. Like the detail of your acting, just everything. A lot of viewers are going to be impressed. I won’t be surprised if you get more acting gigs when the drama releases.”
“Ah...Ennie...” his face warmed up from her words. Gently grabbing her, he pulled her in for a warm hug. “Thank you for not giving up on me. I’m glad you gave me that extra push to do this.”
Pressing her cheek against his chest, she held him back with a smile.
"Of course. I was not going to allow you to give up on this opportunity. Let me know if you need any more help!” she pulled away.
Once she finished up with Taehyung, she went on to clean the dorm.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Yoongi asked when she went to place one of many gift baskets with nice smelling items for the guys’ rooms.
“Doing you and everyone else in this place a favor.” she announced.
“Which is?“
“Y’all need better smelling rooms! It smells like sweat, blood and tears,”
“Now you’re just exaggerating. It doesn’t even smell that bad, Smartie,” he stretched from his nap.
“Do you not smell the foul stench I smell monthly? I can’t do this anymore. We’re using candles and other Bath and Body Works goodies, courtesy of me.”
A loud sigh came from Yoongi, “Here you go...”
“Hey! You’ll think me later,” she reached for one of the air fresheners and sprayed it at him, causing him to wave the spray away from him.
“Quit it!” he demanded over her laughter.
“Sweetheart, we’re cleaner than the others. I think you should focus on giving these items to them,” Jin complained.
“Nope. Y’all room stinks, too. Anything else so I can bust your bubble?” she remarked.
Her answer caused him to stare at her in disbelief.
“I-I think our room smells just fine!”
“I’ve been living with you guys for years and my nose has gotten used to the horrible smells you guys create from time to time. I can’t deal with it, anymore. Since it’s about to be summer, we’ll be enjoying these scents. I’m also putting them in the studios. Deal with it,”
Jin and Yoongi glanced at each other. With equal annoyance, they mocked Jennie when she left. 
“Deal with it,” they imitated in a high pitched voice.
“I heard that!” she yelled, making them flinch.
After cleaning, she took a deep inhale, enjoying the fresh scent. Proud of what she did, she went back into her room to take a break. The purple-colored walls were decorated with photos of her family, friends, and the members. A special frame with a photo of her and Jungkook sat nicely on the nightstand next to her bed. A smile came across her features as she looked at the finished product of the photos connected to strings against her wall. She just finished decorating the wall yesterday.
That Baekhyun poster, however, was not leaving her wall anytime soon, no matter how many times the members teased her for it.
“Such a fangirl...” she murmured with amusement.
Laying on her bed filled with stuffed animals and pillows, she scrolled through Twitter until she saw a tweet from Billboard about Shawn Mendes. The tweet had many Armies asking for her to watch it. Curious and excited, she played the video to find out he mentioned her.
“Were you able to find the girl with the guitar?” Shawn was asked as a pleased smile came across his face.
Jen noticed how his eyes widened with happiness at the question which made her heart soar. She of all people making one of the men she admired musically smile like this. What a dream.
“Yeah, I did! I uh, I was pretty nervous to meet Jennie at the Billboard Awards.” 
“You sat near her, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, we had a great time. We were sharing snacks during the show. She had a ton of smarties with her.” he chuckled at the memory as he thought about her telling him about her love for the candy. “She baked me for me, too. They were really good! I just had to post them on Instagram. I’m really looking forward to getting to know her more and having a future collaboration one day. Our voices will sound great together,”
Jen let out a loud squeal and clutched her phone against her chest after that. Wow, he really said that with his whole chest and in front of millions watching him.
She tweeted him in response, ‘Our voices WILL sound great together. We're going to create something amazing. You have my number! We'll be in touch :) #Fangirling’
The tweet blew up immediately with Armies all over it, cheering for her special moment with Shawn,
'He has your number!? OMG. Jungkook take notes and get IU’s number! We waiting for a collab!'
'They have each other’s numbers!?’
'Omg she moves fast’
'Jennie wtf how!?’
'Queen winning once again!’
'I am so here for this! I hope they sing together soon!’
Today was the day that Jennie and Jin would film their promos as future Bangtan Bombs for their upcoming match. Yoongi sat in the middle of the room on a chair while two other chairs were next to him as they began to film.
The rapper cleared his throat before starting the program, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first episode of Yoongi TV where we give you the must-see K-Pop Wrestling interviews. Today we have two unique guests with us. First, let us introduce our first K-Pop Champion to the stage. Our beloved and extraordinary Miss Bangtan...Jennie!”
Jennie walked up to her seat and sat down with her K-Pop Championship around her shoulder. Jungkook, Taehhyung, and Hobi sat in the audience, cheering for her while Namjoon and Jimin stood in the background as security guards just in case something went down.
“Smartie, it’s good to have you,” Yoongi said.
“Thank you for having me,” she beamed.
“You are the first K-Pop Champion, how does that feel?”
“I am honored! I will wear this title proudly and be the best image I can be for this championship. It’s still so surreal that I was able to win this title,”
“You surely deserved it,” a small smile came across Yoongi’s lips.
“Awwwww, thanks, Suga,”
“It seems you have an upcoming match. Are you preparing well?”
“Ah, yeah. My boyfriend-“ she began but stopped herself when she realized her mistake and covered her mouth immediately.
“Ah! It wasn’t me this time!” Jungkook pointed out while everyone laughed.
“At least this isn’t live and we can edit it out,” Yoongi added.
“Sorry! Sorry! It’s becoming a habit,” Jen grinned sheepishly, adjusting herself in her seat. “Let’s start over,”
After getting settled, they went back to the filming.
“It seems you have an upcoming match. Are you preparing well?” Yoongi asked again.
“Yeah! I’m getting tons of help from Jungkook and V! They’re always motivating me with the workouts and we also rewatch my match to point out any strategies I can work on for the next bout,” she answered smoothly.
“I see. We will all be watching how well your training has paid off in the next bout. Although you only wrestled Jin, are you thinking of challenging others in the future?”
“Who do you have in mind?”
“You’ll see~!” she teased.
Yoongi let out a sigh, “Of course, you won’t say anything. As long as it’s not me,”
“It’s not, ha-ha,”
“Good. Speaking of your match with Jin, I’ve been told it will be a nontitle match. For those unfamiliar with wrestling terms, that means that Jennie’s title will not be on the line for this match. But if Jin beats you, he will be granted another opportunity at your title. Smartie, how confident are you going in for this rematch?”
“Fairly confident. I will not underestimate Jin, though. He will be unpredictable this time, I’m sure,” she answered honestly. “But I will have my guard up and try my best to prepare for whatever he throws at me.
“All right, well then let us welcome your opponent...he is built with handsome shoulders and a handsome face, Jin!”
Jin walked out, throwing out flying kisses with a happy smile on his face. He took his seat that was on Yoongi’s other side. The oldest member ignored the loud boos coming from J-Hope and Jungkook as he continued to look unbothered.
“Jennie,” Jin smiled smugly, getting into his ‘heel’ persona for their filming.
“Toothpick,” Jen mocked his smug look.
“That title must feel heavy around your waist and shoulder when you carry it. It should feel heavy since you won it by a fluke,”
“I’m sorry, who tapped out again?” she looked around, pretending to be confused. “Oh, right...you did. Over...and over...and over again. And I’ll do it again,”
“You’ll know your place after I take the title away, you little brat!” his voice came out harsh.
“Uh-huh,” she shrugged. “Just make sure you don’t whine about that ‘handsome’ face of yours when I kick you in the face,”
“Settle down you two,” Yoongi spoke up to restore the order. “Now Jin-“
“Worldwide Handsome.” Jin corrected.
“Worldwide handsome!” he raised his voice.
Yoongi let out another sigh. “Worldwide handsome...you lost against Jennie once. What will you do now that you have an idea of what her wrestling style is?
“Her wrestling style is generic at best,”
“Generic?” Jen stared at him with a stank face and rolled her eyes.
“I have been training and rewatching our match as well,“ Jin went on. "I have seen a lot of ways to take advantage of our match. Let’s just say the match will go swimmingly and you shall see that her winning was a fluke,”
“Yeah, okay...okay,” she grumbled.
“How do you feel about your rematch?” Yoongi asked.
“Although I am baffled that I will not be receiving a title shot for this match, it is okay. I feel good about this rematch,” Jin proudly said.
“Jin, smartie beat you in an effortless bout-”
“Wait wait wait, effortless? You are calling her performance effortless? Do you know who I am?” he snapped.
“Yeah, I do...”
“Do you know who you are in the presence of!?”
“Yes, Jin-“
“Handsome Jin! How are you saying the match was effortless? It was a fluke! I was going easy on the little brat, but I will not make that mistake again!”
“Excuses...” Jen commented.
“I was! Besides, I’m worldwide handsome! I have better things to do than continue to wrestle with the likes of you. But I want that title so I will be beating you and beating you again for it, and then it will be mine forever. I will relax at the spa with the title and retire from wrestling,”
“Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. Retire? You barely wrestled! I was kicking your ass the majority of the match,”
“That’s not how I saw it!”
“So if, and that’s a big IF, you win my title, you’re not going to defend it?”
“Nope. I have better things to do.”
“Which are?”
“Being handsome, duh!”
Yoongi let out a laugh, shaking his head.
“What are you laughing at? What? You don’t think I can beat this little squirt?” Jin rambled.
“Well, you did tap out,” Yoongi shrugged.
“You are a terrible interviewer! You are not supposed to be unbiased! Ugh, you know what? Fine. I’ll show you.” Jin got up from his seat, pointing to everyone, “I’ll show all of you! That she is a fluke!”
Grabbing the nearest pillow from the seat, he went on to throw it at her. Jen threw her hands out in front of her to catch the strike just in time.
“Hey! Not cool!” she shouted, grabbing a pillow of her own to throw.
Jin caught the pillow with ease and rushed up with the pillow she threw to get a few cheap hits in as they both began to strike each other with pillows.
“Hey! Hey! Order! Order! We need security!” Yoongi laughed as Namjoon and Jimin rushed in to try to break it up.
In the end, Jimin managed to hold back Jin while Namjoon had a strong grip on Jennie. Jimin had to jump on the oldest member’s back to get him to calm down while Namjoon had Miss Bangtan over his shoulder.
“You know what? Fine! I want a ladder match! With a bag of Korean meat hanging from the top of the ring!” Jin announced.
“You’re on!“ Jen agreed.
"Handsome Jin and Miss Bangtan in a ladder match for Korean meat? Army, who do you think will win? Stay tuned for more information on this highly anticipated match,” Yoongi said before signing off the filming.
The flight to New York seemed to have gone forever as Jennie impatiently waited for the flight to land. Those goosebumps always came whenever she was back home. When the flight announced they were in New York, she was the first to rush off the plane as the members laughed at her excitement.
“You’re so excited,“ Jungkook giggled.
She laughed and wrapped her arms around his arm as they walked together. 
Namjoon cleared his throat as he walked past them, murmuring, “Watch your movements you two,”
She immediately removed her hands from his arm as they kept walking. It almost slipped their minds that they needed to be mindful of how they acted towards each other in public. As soon as the members were in sight of their fans, the gasps, screaming and cheering began. The crowd waiting for them was bigger than Jen expected as she waved and responded to as many fans as she could.
It occurred to her that she forgot to give Jungkook back his black 158 Alife jacket that she wore. It was extremely noticeable how big it was on her which sparked some curiosity among fans.
‘That jacket doesn’t look like her size!’
‘Whose jacket is that?’
‘She probably borrowed it from one of the members. No big deal.’
‘Wait isn’t that Jungkook’s jacket?’
‘If so I hope they’re dating!’
‘I hope it’s his jacket. My OTP is soaring!’
‘She wears clothing from the members all the time, no biggie!’
‘If that is Jungkook’s jacket which seems highly likely, then I think that’s so cute!’
When Bangtan made it to the hotel and got settled in, JenKook prepared for their makeup with Smartie episode. It was finally Jungkook’s turn for the episode and they needed to get everything situated and make sure things were fine before they went live. Including protocols on how to not act like they’re dating on camera.
Easier said than done?
Sitting next to each other with makeup scattered on the table, they made sure the camera was focused nicely.
“One more question before we go live,” she said.
“What’s up?” he glanced at her.
“Am I going to be alright?”
The question made him chuckle lightly. Knowing Jungkook, he was probably going to make her look crazy to prank her.
“Baby, you’re in a relationship with me. Nothing is ever going to be alright,” he answered with a smile.
“Oh joy,” she responded sarcastically, getting a light kiss on the cheek from him.
Turning the record button on, the live stream appeared and thousands of armies immediately came on to view another episode of LetsPutMakeUpOnSmartie with the Golden Maknae!
‘Finally, it’s Jungkook’s turn!’
‘My OTP!’
‘I love you!’
‘YES! It’s Jungkook’s turn!’
“What’s up, guys!?” Jen happily greeted in English. “We are here with another episode of doing makeup with Smartie! And look who we finally have! Our favorite Golden Maknae, Jungkook!”
“Hello~!” his bunny smile appeared on his face as he cutely waved.
"Yes, it is finally Jungkook’s turn. I guess this has been highly anticipated,” she chuckled.
“I will make sure this was worth the wait. Jennie, can we speak English for this live?” 
That took her by surprise. The eagerness of his voice. He truly wanted to impress her and their fans that he could hold a steady conversation in English. She had been teaching him English every week for a few years now. She had no doubt he will do well.
“Of course we can!” Jen went on to speak in her native tongue. “If you don’t feel comfortable as you continue to speak, it’s no worries, okay? Don’t overwhelm yourself,”
“I know. I want to show my skill. To you. You taught me well,” he said fluently.
A proud smile came across her lips as she nodded, “I’m glad. Okay, let us get started. What are you going to do to me today?”
Perhaps that question came out in a dirty way because some perverted fans began to freak out over the question.
“A lot of things,” he answered.
"All right, I think I’m ready for it,”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, goofball. Come on,” she gestured for him to begin.
Jungkook started with the basics, making sure the foundation and primer were on her face. But then he grabbed the highlighter and started going wild with it.
'Oh nooooo not the highlighter’
'Kookie NOOOOO!’
'RIP Jungkook’
'Poor Jennie’
“For crying out loud, why do you have to put so much highlighter on me?” she complained.
“It is not a lot. Only a little,”
“A little to you! It doesn’t feel like a little!”
“Trust me,”
“I’m getting concerned,”
“Too late,”
He let out a giggle as he continued to work. Looking over at the comments, he went on about K-Con, “Army, Jennie has a special dance for K-Con.”
“Don’t spoil it!”
“Just one spoiler?”
“No. They don’t need to know anything about what is happening behind closed doors,”
“Clothes doors,” he pronounced, making her chuckle.
“Closed doors,” she sounded out. “Closed,”
“Closed,” he said correctly.
“There you go,”
“Army deserves to know what happens with you behind closed doors for your dance,”
“They’ll see on stage!”
“Can I tell them, please?”
“Okay, the spoiler is-“
“Aye, aye, aye!” she covered his mouth, getting out muffled words in response. “Anyway, keep a lookout for my special performance! It’s going to be lit! It’s the least I can do for our American fans,”
A shriek escaped her lips when she felt him lick her hand to make her release him.
“Ew, what is wrong with you?” she complained, wiping her licked hand on her jeans as he laughed.
‘Jennie was that your jacket you wore at the airport?’ was a question that made her get butterflies.
She could just ignore the question and pretend she didn’t see it. Or she could just answer it.
“The jacket? It’s Jungkook’s,” she answered truthfully, causing some to freak out. She quickly thought of a way to move the question from any sudden assumptions and blurted out, “I was teasing Jungkook about his jacket. I really liked it and wanted to wear it before I could buy my own. He wouldn’t let me like the other members would let me wear some of their hoodies from time to time. Especially if it was cold and I didn’t have many layers on for the weather. So, we made a bet on the plane. If I got a higher score on Temple Run than him I could wear his jacket. If he won, I would have to treat him to a new pair of Timberlands. Of course, yours truly won,”
“You got lucky,” he grumbled, still bitter he lost. “But you look pretty in my jacket.”
“Thanks, Kookie,”
He then went on to put on eyeliner in her eyes. When he was done, he went on to lift up her chin, gazing deeply into her eyes.
“Let me make sure they look good,” he said softly.
Jennie began to forget that were live as they proceeded to stare. After a moment, she realized this and started laughing, which made him laugh.
“You’re staring at me all serious. Don’t do that,“ she responded.
"Are you nervous?” he quipped with a teasing smirk.
Oh, he was really pushing it.
“No, I’m not. And you’re spending a lot of time on my eyebrows. Should I be concerned?” she questioned.
“No,” he smiled and continued to color them in.
She felt him begin to color in the middle of her forehead which led her to exclaim, “Oh my God... what the heck are you doing? Are you-are you creating a monobrow!?!”
Jungkook just hushed her and resumed working on her face. A knock on the door occurred and Jungkook went to open it to reveal Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon stopping by to visit.
“Hey Jen-whoa,” Namjoon’s eyes widened at her face.
“Oh-mah-gawd,” Jimin murmured in English while Taehyung giggled at the sight.
“Is it bad?” she asked with a cringed facial expression while the comment section was filled with laughing emojis, variations of 'LOL’ and greeting the three members.
“I’ll let you look at your face when he’s done,” the leader replied.
“What are you three up to?” Jungkook asked as he opened up some red lipstick and began to place it on her cheeks.
“Wait a minute, why are you putting it on my cheeks? It’s for my lips!” she complained.
“Your lips are fine,”
“Well, I would have thought you would put some lipstick or something on my lips.”
“No need. I like your lips better with the lip gloss you use,”
Jimin let out a squeak, trying to restrain himself from their banter while realizing that they were on live. Namjoon cleared his throat and decided to quickly talk about how happy Bangtan was to be here in New York for K-Con.
Meanwhile, Jen’s face was still feeling warm from her boyfriend’s words. The urge to kiss him was getting higher. Thankfully she had some self-control and decided to crack her knuckles to take her mind off things. She then noticed the room got quiet and she looked to see everyone staring at her weirdly.
“What? Why did it get so quiet all of a sudden?” she asked.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” Jimin cringed.
“This?” she cracked another knuckle, making them all wince.
“Ugh, please don’t do that again! It sounded so weird,” Tae whined.
“Guys relax,” she laughed.
After a few minutes passed, Jungkook announced he was done and brought the mirror over to her. He seemed pretty proud of his work while Jennie cussed at the sight of her face. Her face looked bright as ever thanks to the highlighter with uneven red lipstick on her cheeks which she assumed were supposed to be blush. On top of that, she had a monobrow and thickly colored eyebrows. She looked ridiculous as Jungkook’s laughter filled her ears and he ended up getting smacked upside his head.
After cleaning up her face, she went on to meet with Angelina In Tribeca, New York, at a restaurant. They booked a private room to get away from the public and can happily catch up without any unwanted visitors.
“It’s going to be in LA! You’ll be there, right? For K-Con?” Angelina asked, telling her more details about the XXL Magazine.
“Yeah! I will! I can’t wait to see you in action. You deserve this and more,”
“Thanks, hon. Things are really coming up for me. Oh, and my brother misses you a lot. You need to visit him soon so he can stop nagging me all the damn time,”
“Aw, I’ll make sure to visit him soon. He still likes WWE?”
“Unfortunately...I can never hear the end of him talking about it,”
“I’ll buy him some wrestling figures,”
“How cute. Layla and I have been getting closer again. I missed hanging with her,”
“I’m happy to hear that. Hopefully, I’ll run into her in LA or something. Hear anything about Hailey or Trinity?”
“Not really,”
“I dunno I just hope they’re okay and we can all move on from the drama,”
“One day,”
After Angelina told her more about what was going on with her life, she asked about Jen’s. It was the usual, preparing for K-Con, their comeback, and future plans.
“I saw that Shawn Mendes video! Any song plans?” Angelina grinned.
"Yeah! So, I'm going to be attending one of his concerts and performing I Know What You Did Last Summer! We'll also record it, too! I'm super stoked!"
"Ahhhh, I'm so happy for you!"
The next day, Jen scrolled on her Tumblr to check out what people have been saying about her live with Jungkook. To say the comments were all making assumptions that they should date or maybe date got her to be surprised. Was it that obvious?
‘Intense, loving eye contact feat. JenKook,’
'No need. I like your lips better with the lip gloss you used. What are you trying to say Jungkook!?’
These were just a few of many captions from the various posts created by fans. She thought the JenKook ship pages were adorable and followed a few. It made her realize just how much love they have for each other in their eyes. It was unavoidable and wondered if one day it would be too obvious and would have extreme speculation that would cause K-Pop articles to be created. She was also grateful that people enjoyed seeing them together.
Deciding to stay positive about it, she entertained herself with the JenKook tag and then went on to get a quick workout at the gym before going to rehearsal at the venue.
She took a selfie at the gym and posted it on her Instagram, 'Get them gains before K-Con!'
And of course, Matt Rife continued to comment on her photos, although she still had yet to notice since her comment section was always flooded with comments. 
MattRife: damn and she works out?? We need to go to the gym together. When is the next time you are in LA? I can be your personal trainer
Jennie went to stretch, warmed up on the treadmill by running, and then went on to do some punching and kicking on the bag. It woke her up fully and she felt great after she finished. She noticed a BTS fan patiently waiting until she was done with her workout. It looked like they finished working out a while ago.
Wiping her sweat with a towel, Jennie smiled and eagerly gestured for the fan to come over to her. The fan took the gesture as a surprise and approached her promptly.
“Hey! Good morning! You got a workout in too, huh?” she greeted.
“Yeah! I like to work out in the mornings before getting my day started. I was shocked to see you here! I hope I’m not bothering you,” the fan answered.
“Not at all! It’s nice to randomly run into those that helped make BTS who they are today,”
“I wanted to tell you that I love your work and I love you in BTS. You are my bias. And I hope you and Shawn Mendes sing today soon!”
Their words made Jen’s heart soar.
“Awe...thank you, you are just the sweetest,”
“You’re very welcome! Do you mind signing my water bottle? It’s the only thing I have right now,”
“Yeah! I don’t mind!” she happily took the bottle and started to sign it after asking for their name. “Are you going to K-Con?”
“Yes! I’m so excited to see you perform live with BTS. I always wanted to see you live but never got the chance. 2016 is my year though. I’m grateful,“
After chatting, she took a cute selfie with the fan who was extremely grateful for taking the time out of her day to chat with them.
At the venue, the members finished their dress rehearsal and were unwinding backstage while the rest of the acts went on. Jennie was disappointed that she was not offered an MC role like Namjoon and Ailee. When she found out Namjoon was MCing with Ailee, her heart broke as she wished it was her instead. But she was grateful. She got to meet her at King of Masked Singer and has since developed a growing friendship with her.
“Ailee!” Jennie beamed and rushed over to her, embracing her.
“Jennie! It’s nice to see you again!” she answered, hugging her back.
"It’s good to see you, too! I wish we were MCing together. But orders are orders I guess,”
“Yeah, it’ll be fine. And besides, one day we will share the stage. And it won’t be an MC role.”
Jennie’s heart soared at her words and she couldn’t help but give her another hug.
“I’ll be looking forward to your performance!”
“And I’ll be looking forward to yours!”
They asked a staff member to take a picture of them hugging and they both posted it on their Instagram.
As Jen walked around backstage, she felt a soft tug of her hand before she could walk further. Turning around, she saw The8 smiling at her.
“Long time no see, friend,” he greeted.
“Oh my gosh! Hey!” she pulled him in for a big hug, “How are you!?”
“Very happy to be in America. It’s our first U.S performance. A little nervous but I hope we do well,”
“Trust me, it’s going to be an exciting time. Seventeen’s first U.S performance. Wow. The crowd is going to love you. The U.S CARATS are going to be going crazy for you guys.”
"I already feel the energy,”
She laughed, “I know right? K-Con is about to be wild! You’re going to have a ball. This is only my second time going but boy oh boy has it been awesome,“
"How do you get over your nervousness?”
“I love being home in America, so my nervousness ends up turning into excitement as my adrenaline pumps. But just breathe and have fun with it. You got this. I can’t wait to see your stage~! Tell Mingyu and the others I said hey if I don’t run into them,”
She also ended up taking a picture with him and they both posted it on Twitter and Instagram. 
Later backstage, Taehyung, Jen, Hobi, and Jimin pranked Jungkook by throwing a bunch of water balloons at him. This was to get back at him for the prank after the horror movie. They prepared the balloons last night, hiding them in a gym bag. Throwing his phone aside, the Golden Maknae began to sprint after them, not pleased to be drenched in water.
Jennie widened her eyes and yelled, “Oh sh-“ before scrambling away with the guys.
They ran all around the venue, desperately trying to get away from him and his wrath.
"Split up! We need to split up!” Jimin suggested.
“We need to stick together!” Jen said frantically.
“He’ll kill us all regardless! Let’s just run while we can!” Tae exclaimed.
"V, I am LOVING the positivity, right now," She sarcastically shouted.
“Less talking more running!” Hobi yelled.
“Get back here!” Jungkook shouted, causing them all to run faster.
Suddenly, Hobi tripped and fell while the rest of them ran on ahead. It wasn’t long after Jungkook caught up with the rapper. Hobi screamed in fright as he was grabbed by the younger member.
“J-Hope!” Jen shouted, looking back.
“Don’t look back, keep running!” Jimin exclaimed.
“Keep running!? What about J-Hope!?“
“He’s very dead as we speak!”
“Lord have mercy,”
She lost Jimin and Taehyung along the way when they ran to different places. She could hear their screams and yells, which meant that they’d been caught or seen by Jungkook. Adrenaline washed over her as she ran down the hall and tried to open up a door but it was locked.
“Oh come on...” she complained. “Are you kidding me? Is it really locked?”
She heard footsteps and turned to see Jungkook running her way. Evading his attempt to grab her, she made another run for it across the hall but he was high on her tail. When she turned the corner, she screamed out of shock when he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back, against the wall.
Welp. She was done for.
“H-hey honey,” she greeted nervously.
“Hey, honey,” he smirked, greeting back in a low voice. “So, this was your idea?”
“What made you think that?”
He placed a hand against the wall which made her flinched. He then leaned in to press his forehead against hers.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
“For what exactly?”
“Your fate,”
“Can I use my get out of jail free card?” she asked with a sheepish smile.
But it was too late as he began to tickle her against her will as punishment.
After playing around, Jennie and Jungkook prepared to meet her family. It took a lot for her to agree to this and she just hoped and prayed it would go smoothly to tell her parents, specifically her mom that she was dating Jungkook.
They stood at the front door of her house, wearing matching outfits. Letting out an exhale, she held his hand and looked at him, “Ready?”
“Yes. Are you?”
“Hm...a little bit,“
"If you want to do this another time we can,” he squeezed her hand.
“It’s all right. I want to tell them who makes me happier than I already am. I will be okay. Come on,” she rang the doorbell.
“I was beginning to think you forgot about us, kiddo,” her dad opened the door, smiling brightly at the both of them.
“Never! I missed you! Dad, you remember Jungkook, right?”
“'Course! Nice to see you,”
“Nice to see you, too,” Jungkook grinned and shook his hand.
Her dad could easily tell what was going on as he couldn’t stop grinning. He was patiently waiting for something to happen between his daughter and Jungkook. He had seen all those cute pictures and videos they would take together. It was bound to happen at some point.
“Baby! You’re finally back!” her mom rushed up to hug her, attacking her with kisses.
“Mom!” she tried to push her away but couldn’t stop the endless kisses all over her face. Her mom released her and turned to Jungkook, “Oh, you brought the members?”
“It’s just Jungkook. I wanted him to join us for dinner. I hope that’s all right,”
Her mom nodded and smiled, “Of course! I hope you like lasagna,”
Dinner went smoothly with her parents and sisters, who were anticipating Jennie to finally announce that she was dating Jungkook. Including her dad, who was waiting for her to say something. The only one oblivious to what was going on was their mom. So, after they ate, Jen turned to Jungkook and nodded.
“M-Mom, there’s something I wanted to tell you and also you dad,” Jen spoke up.
“What is it, baby?” her mom asked, setting her fork down.
“I wanted to tell you that I’m dating. I’m dating Jungkook. We started dating a couple of months ago,” she smiled nervously, awaiting her response.
“Ahhh about time! I noticed when you two were at the door. I fully support you two,” her dad said with a cheerful look.
Jungkook smiled and bowed, “Thank you. I will treat her well,”
“I have no doubt son,”
“You know we’ve been waiting for this day. Of course, we’re thrilled! But you already knew that.” Vienna giggled as Alani agreed.
The only person who hadn’t said anything was their mom who looked puzzled. She did not know how to feel as she felt various emotions from the news. Sure her daughter was happy but Jungkook wasn’t who she thought her daughter would be with.
“Erm...“ her mom murmured.
Whenever she began a sentence with that sound effect, it meant she was about to be brutally honest and wouldn’t be holding back from how she was feeling.
"I just...thought you would date someone black instead,” her mom admitted.
That caused tension at the table.
Of all things to say, she had to say that? In front of Jungkook? It hurt Jen that she said that. Why do race and skin color have to be such an issue when it comes to dating? What was the big deal? Couldn’t she see that she had a great guy in her life? So what if he was Asian and not Black like she thought she would date? Who cares? Why did that matter?
Jungkook held Jennie’s hand under the table and squeezed it.
“I'm sorry but I dunno...I just feel like maybe he just wants to know what it’s like to be with a foreigner,” 
“Hey, come on. It is definitely not like that. Don't do that,” her husband stepped in.
“Not cool, Mom,” Alani frowned.
"I promise you that my relationship with your daughter is not like that,” Jungkook spoke sincerely. 
“Can’t you just be happy for me?” Jen spoke up as her eyes began to sting.
“I’m sorry honey I just...he’s...not what I expected,” her mom answered with a frown. “I need to get a little used to this. He’s handsome and all but there are so many fine young black men out there for you,”
"Well this Asian boy stole my heart instead of a black boy and that is OK,” Jen stressed. “I’m happy. It’s not always what you want. I never looked at the race, I looked at who he is as a person,”
“It’s okay,” Jungkook spoke up, staying positive. “I will do what I can to prove to you that I have good intentions, Mrs. Walker.“
The Golden Maknae was bummed that her mom wasn’t that fond of him yet. But that motivated him to make sure that this would work.
“I like him even more,” her dad said. "I apologize for my wife, she’s a bit closed-minded,”
“We can fuckin’ tell...” Vienna grumbled, rolling her eyes.
After dinner, Jen and Jungkook got picked up by one of their managers and sat in the back seat of their black van. Once settled in the car, Jen couldn’t hold back the tears and started to sob.
“Baby...” Jungkook frowned.
His heart ached as he watched her cry. He went on to hold her, trying to do what he could to comfort her.
“And that’s why I didn’t want to announce our relationship to her," she murmured. "We shouldn’t have come here,” 
“I’m glad we did and I’m glad we told her. It will be all right. It will all work out. I promise. I’m the Golden Maknae, after all. Here,” he took some smarties out from his bag and gave them to her.
She stopped crying at the sight of the candy, wiped her tears, and kissed him on the cheek. Taking them, she began to munch on the candy.
“Thank you,” she murmured, feeling better with her candy.
Jungkook responded by giving her a kiss on her head, getting a whiff of the nice-smelling hair product she used in her hair.
Following that evening, Jungkook offered to play some games with her to help her get her mind off the disapproval from her mom on their relationship.
“YES! THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! WOO! LET’S GOOOO!” Jen shouted and slammed the controller down.
She instantly got up and ran around her hotel room, jumping up and down in victory while Jungkook whined, falling back on the floor.
“NO!” he exclaimed. “Something is wrong with this controller. It has been glitching all day! Let’s play again!”
She laughed loudly. “Oh well!” she took out the matching Captain America pajamas she bought. “Wear em, I won fair and square! We are NOT playing again, I won three times in Tekken, take this L and happily wear this with me.”
Jungkook sighed loudly and stood up, grabbing the outfit. “It should’ve been my Iron Man pajamas that I bought for us.”
“Hehehe, not tonight~!”
Once Jungkook changed into the navy blue Captain America shirt and pajama pants, he walked back into her room to see Jennie smiling widely.
“Ooh, okay! You look good,” she praised and approached him, trying to adjust his shirt. Her hands began wandering down his chest. “Gosh...um, maybe I should’ve gotten a bigger size. Your muscles are just bulging out of the shirt, it looks a bit too tight on you. What the heck?”
“That sure is a strong grip you have on me.” he teased, making her take a step back and remove her hands from him.
“I was just...checking the sleeves of the shirt.” she averted her eyes.
He continued to tease her, “Oh really? Are you sure you didn’t just buy the shirt a smaller size on purpose because you wanted to see my muscles? Or shirtless?”
“No! I did not! You just keep working out and growing larger whenever I want to buy clothes for us to match. But suddenly whenever you buy matching outfits for us, it fits perfectly. Something doesn’t add up.”
Jungkook giggled in response and took a look at her pajamas. “You look cute in those. Really cute. Maybe this isn’t so bad, but you’d look cuter in my Iron Man pajamas, just saying. It’s not too late to reconsider.”
“Nice try but no,” she replied, amused. She had on a tank top version of his shirt along with white Captain America shorts.
“Worth a shot.” he shrugged.
After gaming for a few more hours, the two stood together by the bathroom sink to brush their teeth while Jungkook filmed them nodding and moving their bodies to the beat of the music playing in the background. He then filmed them wearing one of Jen’s face masks from America.
In bed, Jungkook let out a sigh of contentment after he rested his body on top of her with his head on her stomach. Occupied on her phone to check out Twitter, she gently ran her fingers through his soft, messy hair.
“Hey, check this out,” she called out, wanting to show him a meme but didn’t get a reply. Looking at him, she noticed that he had dozed off. “You fell asleep quick, wow.” she chuckled and watched him sleep, thinking of how cute he looked.
As K-Con arrived and before the evening started for the concert, Bangtan arrived for their Hi-touch event. The room was full as screaming fans cheered for them. The MC/translator announced them and began to ramble on about things Jen wasn’t listening to. She kept her attention on the various screaming fans who had various K-Pop merch on, their phones recording, and Army bombs. She saw a big sign for her and laughed, pointing out the fan.
“I see you,” she mouthed with a grin, earning an excited reaction from them.
“JENNIE, I LOVE YOU!” a fan screamed, startling her but she ended up laughing at their enthusiasm.
“I love you too!” she shouted back, making more fans scream.
“Jennie, you’re back home,” the MC acknowledged. “What do you want to say to the U.S fans?”
“I just want to say this is so overwhelming and I love your energy. Thank you for always embracing me when I come home. Keep it going. Continue this positive energy,“ she happily said on her mic.
After they were done with questions, the fans lined up eagerly for the hi-touch. They saved the country’s fan favorite for last, as Miss Bangtan happily stood next to Taehyung, awaiting to meet fans.
It was cute to see a diverse set of fans who were both nervous and excited to see them in person. It amused her that some fans asked if they were real.
“Hi Jennie!”
“I love you!“
"Oh my God, hiiiiii!”
And many other sentences she heard whenever she tagged hands. Out of all the members, it appeared that Jennie was the most excited about the hi-touch, although she wished the hi-touch didn’t go so quick and there would be more time to interact with the fans.
“Can I have a hug?” a fan quickly blurted out.
“Of course, I’ll give you a quick hug,” she gently pulled her in for a firm hug, swaying side to side before releasing her.
“No hugging, no hugging,” a security guard scolded the fan.
“I want to hug them. It’s fine. Leave the girl alone, please, thanks,” she immediately replied and turned back to the girl. “You’re fine, girl. It was nice meeting you!”
The fan was shooked and couldn’t think of coherent thoughts as she blurted out another 'thank you’ and proceeded to walk away.
What made the hi-touch even more fun was that Jen finally got to be face to face with one of her biggest fans from YouTube. The boy that fanboyed over her during the fire MV, Noah. Jen had requested in advance to let him be the last person for his line and not let the next line go up yet because she wanted to personally interact with him. When fans noticed that Noah was actually in the room, they began to anticipate what was going to happen as his friends were filming a vlog for K-Con.
“Noah, how do you feel right now? You’re about to be face to face with Jennie,”
“I’m freaking out man...I’m about to be in the presence of a Goddess. I dunno if I’m ready,” he replied as his friends teased him before he got in line.
Back to reality, as Jen touched the hands of everyone in the line, she placed her hand down and placed her hands on her hips, staring down Noah. She noticed the way his Adam’s apple bobbed to show how nervous he was.
He awkwardly smiled, “U-uh, h-hi,”
Continuing to mess with him, she raised an eyebrow, taking a good look at him before breaking out into a smile.
“Hi, Noah!”
“Oh shit, y-you know me?”
“I do! Your reactions about me are pretty cute,” she giggled, pulling him in for a hug as everyone cheered for him. “You’re so adorable,”
Jungkook stared at the boy, feeling jealous as he poked the inside of his cheek while Noah told Jennie all that was on his mind, from her being beautiful to how great she was in fire. Jungkook scoffed at how the boy made her so giddy and how he had a dreamy look on his face after being kissed on the cheek by her.
For the concert, Jennie felt right at home as BTS performed on stage. The surprise she had for the fans was her dancing in water just like in the fire music video. She wore the exact same outfit with the shorts and dragon tattoo while breaking it down, hyping the crowd up. Her powerful movements along with her hips blew everyone away. She even ended up splashing some of the close audience members who excitedly loved every second of it.
When she left the stage, she quickly dried off and went back on stage to go over to her happy place, the DJ Booth, to hype New York up and perform Fire from the booth.
“Y'all know this one! Say it with me! Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’ hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!” she shouted with the crowd.
The crowd was louder than her which caught her off guard.
“Damn, y'all loud as hell!” she shouted, making them laugh and continue on.
When the show was over, confetti hit the stage as everyone went on stage to wave goodbye.
“Jennie! Here!” a fan shouted, with an American flag in their hands.
She happily took it and placed it around herself, walking around with it with a happy smile. Tears began to flow down her face as she became overwhelmed with joy. Noticing her crying, Jimin jogged over to her, hugging her behind with a smile.
“It’s okay~!” he said, turning her around.
“I’m just happy to be performing again in America,” she explained, wiping her tears as he proceeded to cheer her up.
Jimin walked with her to the rest of the Maknae Line to find Jungkook beginning to do the dab with V.
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“Oh God, here we go,” Jen laughed at them.
Like the meme he was, Jungkook began to dab repeatedly while Jen laughed out loud and then joined in. As everyone left the stage, Jennie was the last one standing, turning to the crowd, and looking at everyone. Placing her hands over her heart, she smiled gratefully and thanked the crowd once more before having some last-minute interactions with lucky fans.
Jungkook had beaten many battles, but this one was an obstacle that he had been preparing for ever since he started dating Jennie.
The battle? The approval of her closed-minded mom.
He knew all about how much her mother wanted Jennie to date a black man. He remembered the conversation he and Jennie had alone in the dorm when she vented to him after she had that family dinner.
Why was it so troublesome for her mother to realize how serious he was about her daughter? This love he has for her is not “puppy love” or “something casual.”
He isn’t someone that was going to sleep with her and move on to the next person. What he has with Jennie is something he had been hoping to have for years and he was not going to let go of this love so quickly because of a closed-minded opinion. He was determined to change her mother’s mind. To show that the Golden Maknae can overcome anything and that included this. He was crushed to see Jennie look bummed when her mom voiced her disappointment in their relationship. But it also prompted him to give her mom something he had been working on since they started dating.
To do this, Jungkook had told Jen that he was going to go hang with a few friends which allowed her to spend time with Ailee and the rest of her peers instead. He did not want Jen there with him, he wanted to speak with her mom alone. It was better this way. He wanted to do whatever he could to get her approval before they had to leave.
Jen’s mom watched him smile shyly at her. She was counting down the hours when he was going to show up on her doorstep. She had a feeling he was going to visit her sooner or later.
“You are such a persistent boy. Well, you’re here so come on in. I made lunch. You can have a plate of my sandwiches.”
“Thank you,” he bowed, speaking in English the best he could.
Thanks to Jennie, his English was coming along better than expected which had surprised her mother who would always stare in wonder at his clear pronunciation. She had assumed the language barrier was going to be an issue.
As they made their way to the kitchen, she gave him two sandwiches while he sat at the counter. She decided to make small talk and ask him how the K-Con event went while he eagerly answered her questions and noticed how his eyes lit up when he spoke about Jennie and her performance. 
She watched him curiously as he devoured the food, enjoying every bite. Jen’s mom felt a sense of happiness to see him eat so well and offered him another plate which he happily accepted.
‘This boy can really eat...I like that,’ she thought.
After washing the dishes, she dried her hands and placed them on the counter. Letting out a breath, she stood in silence as Jungkook looked down at his lap, waiting for her to say something.
“She is my youngest,” she spoke, making him look up immediately as she turned around. “You’re here to talk about my daughter, aren’t you?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“I..I always pray that she’s safe, being miles away from us in Korea. I try my best to be a supportive parent. Even if that meant her being far away from home. I am aware that you and the rest of the fellas love and cherish her. And I am aware that she loves you unconditionally. But I am just not...I just can’t accept the fact that it isn’t who I thought she’d be with. We always date within our race. And somehow you popped in and...got her off track. I have never seen her look so happy for a young man like you. It boggles my mind.”
Jungkook watched her ramble as she tried to get her thoughts together.
“Why do you love her so much? Why? I just...I just think this is puppy love. That’s all that it is. And maybe in a few months, you two will go your separate ways and find other people.”
“I have something for you,” Jungkook took out a large envelope with both hands, “It expresses everything and answers your questions. Please accept this and understand where I am coming from. Read the letter first and then scroll through the book,”
Curious, she grabbed the item and opened up the letter. It was to her and her husband, as Jungkook expressed his feelings and journey towards dating Jennie since he met her. He waited patiently as he watched her read everything. He wrote everything in Korean and got assistance in translating everything into English so Jennie's parents could read it all. He felt like he expressed himself better when writing instead of speaking it out loud. He had been writing and drawing his thoughts about Jennie since he started to fall in love with her years ago.
It made Jennie's mom emotional, with the choice of words and how raw it was. The book caused her to cry as she looked at the drawings and pictures about him and Jennie over the years. It made her feel awful how she acted towards him. How she didn’t give him a chance when she first saw him. She understood that this love he had for her daughter had been building for years.
“I...“ she murmured, wiping her tears. "This is...beautiful.”
“I hope this will help you understand where I am coming from, Mrs. Walker,” he smiled. “I love Jennie and always will. I hope you will approve of our relationship,”
She nodded and walked around the table as he stood up. "May I hug you?" she asked as he immediately nodded.
She kissed his forehead and went on to embrace him, making his eyes go wide.
Did it work? Did she have a change of heart?
Pulling away, she placed her hands on his shoulders, “I want to apologize for being so ignorant and biased. I am sorry, Jungkook. Please forgive me for my behavior and poor choice of words,”
“You are Jennie’s mother. Of course, I will forgive you. It is okay,”
“Please, let’s start over. Come back for dinner and bring Jennifer too, please. I should make this right,”
“I’d like that Mrs. Walker,” Jungkook smiled, feeling good about the future.
Hours later, as he was told, Jungkook came back with Jennie.
“Are you sure she isn’t just pranking you?” Jen asked as they made it back to her parents’ house.
“She seemed serious,” Jungkook said as Jen opened the door.
“Well, I hope it’ll be civil,”
What caught them by surprise was that they smelled...Korean food? Curious, they walked to the dining room to see her parents and sisters waiting for them.
“There you two are! Come! Sit down!” her mom beamed.
“Took y’all long enough, I’m starving!” Vienna complained.
“Wh-what’s all this? Korean food for dinner? What?“ Jen asked in disbelief.
The table was filled with many dishes that made Jungkook feel at home.
"I wanted to expand my cooking so I made a few Korean dishes and then ordered some take out Korean food. I hope you two like it,” her mom announced.
“I dunno about you but that beef looks good as heck,” Alani said as Jennie and Jungkook sat down.
Jennie was baffled. Her mom deadass made and ordered Korean food and was cheerful toward Jungkook. What happened?
“Before we eat, let’s pray. Join hands. You too, Jungkook,” her mom smiled sweetly at him, grabbing his hand.
After praying, they dug in.
“Um, what is that?” Alani asked, pointing to a dish.
“That is kimchi,” Jungkook informed her.
“Kim what? What is in it?”
“It’s mixed with many veggies. Like cabbage. Try it,"
Curious, she put some on her plate and took a bite.
"Holy, this is good! And even the kimbap! You made the kimbap, mom?”
“I tried! Does it taste a little like home?” her mom asked Jungkook.
He nodded. “That and more. It feels...welcoming,”
“I’m glad. We’re happy to have you in the family,” she turned to Jennie, “You have yourself a good man. I’m happy for you,”
That made Jennie stare at her in surprise as she began to tear up. "Mom...thank you,"
"I'm sorry for being so ignorant,"
"It's okay. I'm happy you approve of us,"
“I knew you’d come around,” Jen’s dad smiled.
As they continued to eat, her mom praised Jungkook for eating a lot of the food, “Jennie, this young man can eat! This is like his third plate! I love that!“
“Yeah, I would have to order extra food when we eat together,” she chuckled.
“Oh, I started listening to more of Big Bang,” her dad spoke, “They are one badass group. Their song Bang Bang Bang is catchy,”
He began to dance and sing the song, making Jungkook and her sisters laugh.
“Dad...no. Stop,” Jen cringed, feeling second-hand embarrassment with her mom.
“Well, I’ve been getting into EXO like you requested. They ain’t no joke. I have been loving their stuff,” her mom added. “The short one is adorable,”
“Xiumin? He is~! They’re awesome! Do you have a favorite song?” Jen asked.
“Heart attack,”
“Excellent choice,”
“Speaking of K-Pop artists, I love IU! Her voice! Ugh! I’m turning into a huge fan. I’d love to see her in concert,” Alani said.
Jungkook perked up at the mention of IU and grinned, “We will get along well,”
“You like her, too?”
“I do!” he began to ramble with Alani about her while Jen and Vienna had a separate conversation.
“I dunno about you but you need to hook us up with Jay Park’s fine ass. He sexy!” Vienna gushed over him.
“I haven’t met him, though!” Jen laughed.
“Not yet! DM him or something,”
“Why don’t you? You the one that wants to see him,”
Jennie’s parents watched Jungkook interact with their daughters. He’ll fit right in with the family. 
After dinner, Jungkook helped clean the dishes with her mom as Jen watched them, puzzled. She was thrilled about her mom’s change of heart but still bewildered. It was like a whole 180.
What the heck happened?
“Be safe you two. Safe travels,” her mom hugged and kissed Jungkook's cheek goodbye after hugging Jennie.
After leaving the house, Jennie grabbed onto his arm and walked with him to where their pick up was.
“Okay, earlier she was totally against us. Now she’s supportive. What did you say to her?” she asked in wonder.
A smile came across his lips as they kept walking, “Honey, I’m the Golden Maknae for a reason,”
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chillysaint · 2 years
nightlight sweep
Ceo of Artisaint approves the ongoing sweeping of Nightlight 👍 keep going Nightlight army!!
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ravennaortiz · 7 months
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Chapter 13 of the Juice and OC Stormie Rayne story.
Warnings: As always this is an 18+ story. General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing, smut etc. Mention of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault/harassment are in some chapters.
Tag List @danzer8705
Later that night Stormie was humming softly to herself as she tucked Isabella in for the night. "Mommy?" yawned Isabella as she snuggled her unicorn stuffy. "Yeah sweetheart?" replied Stormie as smiled at her sweet girl. "I'm glad your my mommy" replied Isabella as she closed her eyes. Stormie was silent for a moment before kissing her forehead. "I'm glad too my sweet Izzy girl" she murmured before turning on the nightlight and shutting the door.
Stormie silently made her way to the living room as she thought over the last few years. Stormie hated to admit it but she still struggled with if she made the right decision or not. No matter how much she loved Isabella and wouldn't trade her for anything. She still wondered if she was selfish for bringing her into this world when she herself was still a child. Did she traumatize her like she herself had been? She also couldn't help but wonder if she was good enough. Not just as a mom but as a human being in general. Especially now with Juice.
"You okay?" asked Half-Sack as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen where Stormie was absentmindedly making hot tea. Stormie jumped slightly at his voice. She had been so loss in her thoughts she hadn't heard him approach.
"Kind of....just get into a slump every now and then" she replied as she offered him a half hearted smile. "Want to talk about it?" asked Half-Sack.
"I just doubt I made the right decision....if I'm a good mother or not. I think its finally hitting how much I missed out on life and stuff is just a bit overwhelming right now." replied Stormie as she felt tears start to well up.
Half-Sack felt like a knife twisted in his guts at her words. He had always felt guilty about leaving her alone with their dad. Now that he knew what all happened that guilt was even worse.
"Storm, Isabella could not have a more caring and devoted mother. She has not wanted for anything. It doesn't matter what you did to provide for her because at the end of the day all she knew and knows is love and that her mom put her first." stated Half-Sack as he moved and pulled her into a hug."I know it wasn't easy and I know you did things that you didn't want too but you have raised a fantastic kid. I wish I could erase all the bad shit for you."
Stormie simply nodded as she let him comfort her. "Thanks" she murmured after a few minutes once she had calmed down. "Weird day" she mumbled as she wiped at her eyes with a small laugh.
"One could say that" chucked Half-Sack as he stepped back and leaned on the counter. "You rode a motorcycle for the first time, went on a date, got into a fist fight and were arrested. Did I miss anything?" he inquired with a smirk as he ticked things off with his fingers.
"I think that's a bout all" replied Stormie as she pretended to think.
"I'm pretty sure I saw my best friend and baby sister kiss on the club security cameras" stated Half-Sack.
"Might have happened. Might be in my first relationship" shrugged Stormie as she poured honey into her tea and stirred it.
"Well for what its worth the big brother approves" replied Half-Sack with a laugh.
Return to Chapter List
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silentiaray · 2 years
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The Last Teleport - Masterpost
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This post will contain some spoilers on characters in future, so if you haven't read comic first - please do.
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General info on slimes
Guide for making a slime
Color coding for answers and reblogs: Silentia Muffin1304 Vancody
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Comic pages:
Pt. 0
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Pt. 8
Pt. 9
Pt. 10
Pt. 11
Pt. 12
Pt. 13
Pt. 14
Pt. 15
Pt. 15 (Extra)
Pt. 16
Pt. 17
Pt. 18
Pt. 19
Pt. 20
Pt. 21
Pt. 22
Pt. 23
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Slime Science №1
Slime Science №2
Burnt Pie
The Song
Slime Ranchers
Moon Greenhouse
Culinary Battle
The baby is growing up
The Diary
Once upon a Council meeting
Beach Episode
Morion's Drawing
A Tarr
The Flashback
The Flashback 2
The exchange
Plush Kaffie
Nightlight Lummie
Halloween Special
Hot Halloween Special
Echo Cafe Plan
Moon Settlement Plan
Siri's Special ability
Secret Styles tool
Diving suit Viktor
Ponyfication art challange
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Author's Characters:
The Council
Alister (The Lord)
Fan Characters:
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Our Social Media:
TLT discord server
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The Last Teleport is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Monomi Park. Portions of the materials used are property of Monomi Park, LLC. ©Monomi Park LLC. credit for dividers goes to @cafekitsune
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hoshalicious · 1 year
i'm sorry ↬ choi san
you cannot help but blame yourself for feeling like you caused something irreversible. you just wish you could take everything back the way it was.
genre: angst warnings: major character death; lowercase intended word count: 1,712
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you opened your eyes as you sat up from your bed and gasped for air. you feel sweaty all over your body and you looked around your bedroom, seeing a soft nightlight shining across your bed and hearing the leaves rustling and rain pouring outside.
all you did was nothing. just staring out the window thinking about the dream you just had about your fiancé as you could see the silhouette of the bushes from the window; processing what the hell just happened. you cannot stand having these dreams anymore, and there was nothing you can do about it.
the only thing you wanted to do is to sleep and never wake up for the rest of your life. just being able to hold his hand, feeling his lips touch your cheeks, hearing his voice affirming you how much you mean to him. he's everything you could ever ask for and you could never be with anyone else but him.
but if only you didn't leave the house that night, your happiness and your future would still have been bright. if only you weren't angry about something that was so fucking simple, none of this would have happened.
san had been coming back home extremely late for the past 2 weeks, and even though you were not the jealous type, he was not responding to your concerns and it always made you feel so worried about yourself. his immediate answers were always, "oh, i've been working overtime." or "i've had plans with wooyoung, don't worry much about it, darling." but your mind can't help but to think that he's been seeing someone else. or perhaps he's doing something behind your back that you don't approve of.
you've realized that he hasn't been talking to you as much as he usually does. he's such a talker, and knowing this made your thoughts think of even worse case scenarios but you're too scared to even confront him about it. you thought to yourself numerous times that it's just all up in your head.
you asked san as soon as he got home from work if he was in the mood to go shopping with you the next day, but he had been refusing to go with you.
"i'm sorry, baby, i need to save money this month as well."
at some point, you couldn't hold in the anger you have been holding for a good couple of months. calling him a liar, him trying to see someone else, and refused to show his phone to you. that alone made you feel so downhearted, so you decided to leave and spend the night at a friend's house and block his number.
the moment you found out you lost san the morning after had to be the worst day of your entire life. your lip trembled, you could feel the pressure of tears coming to your eyes before you started to mourn when wooyoung told you the news. all because he wanted to see you and apologize to you until he passed from a collision with a drunk driver.
the immense pain in your heart was preventing you to breathe properly, the pain from your voice was enough to show how much guilt you're expressing.
if only you kept your mouth shut that night, none of this would've happened. if only you stayed home and resolved the problem with him, none of this would've happened. the one time you started letting go of your emotions, it affected someone's life; and from that day forward, you swore to yourself if any problem occurs between you and one of your family members or to your friends, you would stay by their side until the problem came with a mutual solution.
the bright and positive y/n you once were, changed completely. the emptiness of your heart from not having the love of your life being right next to you every night drenched you most of your days. even waking up knowing that he's no longer here anymore was painful enough.
[ ; ]
"y/n, wear a cute dress tonight and go all out! i have something to show you!" wooyoung told you on the phone. you were in no shape to even get out of the house, but you were hoping to at least forget about him for the night. you haven't took care of yourself in a long time, so putting on makeup to make yourself look very presentable made you feel better than before.
it was your birthday too, but you never told his friends about it. it's a possibility that your late fiancé told them, but how in the world would they even remember?
the memory when you realized that the place wooyoung took you was extremely dark, you could not see a single thing as soon as you opened the door.
suddenly the lights turn on, and a big group of people appear from behind the chairs and under the table yelling, "surprise!!," making your heart jump and look around to see all of your close ones in one building.
"oh my gosh, thank you so much for this, you really didn't have to plan this for me!"
"oh y/n, i..." there was a short pause before he continued, "...hope you'll enjoy yourself tonight!" wooyoung responded.
returning home after a very long night of celebrating your birthday was something you had looked forward to the moment you felt physically exhausted from dancing with your loved ones. taking off your shoes as soon as you walked through your front door, entering your room to switch on even more comfortable clothes felt like you were gonna pass out in any minute.
seonghwa, hongjoong, and wooyoung followed you home as they were helping you drop off all of your presents. they planned on spending the night at your place, so they brought their belongings to make themselves at home.
you sat down on the end of the couch while the other were changing. you were staring at the presents in front of you while thinking about the moment before wooyoung called you to get ready. even though you had an immense amount of fun with everyone at your party, the sorrow you had felt beforehand was still there. it did not feel right.
"...y/n." you snapped out of it, turning your head to see seonghwa calling your name multiple times to catch your attention."
"oh my god, i'm sorry, i spaced out. what is it?"
hongjoong let it a slight laugh before he proceeded to speak, "i asked how did you feel today? did you have fun?"
"i did! you guys didn't have to do all of this for me, i appreciate everything you have done for me."
"you deserve it, y/n. there was no way we weren't going to not celebrate it. we're so happy that you enjoyed your time with the others." you happen to stare at the floor as you're hearing seonghwa's words. you could feel yourself starting to cry, but you weren't going to let that happen. you could never understand what you did to deserve such loving people like them.
"thank you so much literally. but why? i didn't think you guys would do something for me. i feel like i didn't do much for any of you." you look back up to the three of them, and you see them looking at each other.
there was a moment of silence before wooyoung sighed, scratched his head for a few seconds before he looked back at you. it was now hongjoong and seonghwa's turn to look at the floor, making you feel nervous about what they're going to say next.
"y/n..." wooyoung uttered. "we did this because...wanted to do it on behalf of san."
"what..." hearing his name made your heart start clenching, unable to breathe for a split second. rapidly looking at the three of them, you could see hongjoong and seonghwa's faces immediately staring up at you.
"he...saved up a shit ton of money for your surprise party to happen. the amount of overtime he worked, the numerous times he hung out with me to plan everything out, he did it for you. i had always see him physically and mentally exhausted, and no matter how many times we told him to relax with his hours, he did not budge to rest for you."
[ ; ]
the thought of wooyoung's words from earlier tonight tore you down completely. from him breaking down everything that had happened in san's perspective, everything made so much sense. if you were in san's position, how would you tell your s/o that you had worked so much just so you could plan a surprise party for them?
you could tell that him not being able to spend time with you as much as before was so unfortunate. you just wished that he could've told you how he was feeling, but he couldn't even tell you why. the thought of you seeing yourself angry at him the night you two argued made you feel an insane amount of guilt in you. you feeling that way must've been the reason why he couldn't even reach out to you.
your eyes started to water, your body started to shake and your hands grab the sheets on the bed you're currently sitting down on. your eyes could not hold back your tears and you could feel the intense pain in your chest growing into you.
the attempt of you making any noise was a fail and you involuntarily let out a loud sob. you were so tired, so exhausted from living, and you cannot bear knowing your other half is no longer with you. you could not stand thinking about how san felt having to hide everything from you just so he can surprise you.
your bedroom door slammed open immediately and the lights started to turn on.
"y/n--hey y/n, what happened??" wooyoung, seonghwa, and hongjoong assured you as seonghwa sat next to you and leaned closer.
"i'm so sorry, it's all my fault! it's all of my fucking fault that san is not here! i'm so fucking tired having to live on how i ended up having him not be with me anymore. i'm such a shitty person, i just want to say sorry..."
abi; june 13th, 2023
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