#No 'fic update but you get this instead
vhstown · 5 months
reminder that ppl who make stuff on the internet for free don't actually owe you anything at all like ... as sad as it is that ur fav comic / fanfic hasn't updated in god knows how long that person has a life 😭 can we not harass people and be compassionate and patient and understanding thanx
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simplykorra · 1 year
the bittersweet between my teeth - chapter fourteen
It’s been almost two weeks, but Ava still isn’t used to waking up in Beatrice’s bed.
There was no grand discussion about it after that first night. At no point did either of them really talk about how nice it was to fall asleep together and decide to keep doing it.
They just sort of fell into it again and again for the first few days.
Given how hard the last few weeks had been for her, when Beatrice woke up that next day after a full night of sleep she cried.
Ava laid in Beatrice’s bed, held her and let her cry for a good twenty minutes.
Then they spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing around their apartment. Ava played games and Beatrice watched. They ordered bad food and Beatrice told her how hard it had been to eat - how nothing had taste and every bite felt like a chore.
So Ava slipped out for five minutes to run to the nearest store and bought them three tubs of ice cream.
It was the mint chocolate chip that finally got Beatrice’s attention.
That’s not to say that Ava’s presence was some kind of magic pill that fixed everything. No, as much as Beatrice loves to tell her that she’s special, she isn’t quite that special.
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deiaiko · 11 months
#5.3 Hwaryun
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"I suppose you're looking for me?" A familiar red-haired woman approached Grace, her lips carefully smoothed to reveal no emotion.
"I am." Grace acknowledged her presence and gave her a friendly smile. It had been so long since he last heard her voice, and it was grounding in a way that only a guide could be. There was something different about the way she looked at him, but Grace supposed that it was to be expected.
"What is it that you want to discuss with me?"
Grace hummed and felt like humoring her a little. "Take a guess."
"You do know that I'm not a mind reader." Hwaryun gave him just the briefest hint of a smirk, and it was all he needed to see to know that she already knew what he wanted. "But if I had to guess, perhaps you want to join 'us'?"
"That's right," Grace confirmed.
"Very well. I will arrange a meeting with the director for you, but I'm sure you'll be accepted after he tests your strength."
Grace could already picture how bad the test would go, knowing Hansung. But knowing what the outcome would be eased some of his worry. "Thank you, Hwaryun."
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rotisseries · 16 days
every time I get on tiktok and am reminded how popular the attitude of not reading incomplete fics is I'm just so sincerely confused cause there is so much joy in just. watching something be created over time idk
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hella1975 · 11 months
obligatory 'i feel a bit bad to that one anon bc it's the usual case that your ask wasn't actually bad so much as a bit annoying but alas it's the breaking point of something that's been bugging me so now im making a post about it' disclaimer but if you really really REALLY feel the need to ask me when the next update is going to be on a fic - and please ask yourself if you really need to - then i have some things for your consideration. the first is that i have a tag called 'taob updates'. when i am writing taob, i talk about it on here. initially and mostly, it's bc i genuinely enjoy sharing the experience and it helps me get my thoughts in order, but also it's my way of going 'hey, taob is happening! look!' if there have been posts in the 'taob updates' tag lately, then yay! an update is imminent and/or i tend to actually SAY on those posts how long i think the chapter will take. 'what if there haven't been any posts in that tag for a while?!' i hear you cry. 'what if you're actively posting for another fandom and clearly enjoying yourself and dont want to constantly have cold water dumped on you for a thing you currently aren't thinking about?' well.... maybe.... maybe i am not writing taob at that time..... and crazier yet.... maybe you demanding it isn't going to make me switch interests at a moment's notice.... food for thought x
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taegularities · 1 year
hi hi. uhm small thing regarding cmi. if you're a reader, do lmk what you think please 🤍
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
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pas de deux
Pairing: Michael Clifford/Ashton Irwin Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Key Tags: Ballet, Fake/Pretend Relationship, The Nutcracker, Strangers to Lovers Word Count: around 50,140 Read on AO3
Michael Clifford is an up and coming choreographer who has been brought to the Minneapolis Ballet to revamp their production of The Nutcracker.  Ashton Irwin was a ballet prodigy who stepped out of the spotlight after a devastating injury five years ago and is now ready to return to dance.  After they begin fake dating to protect a secret, they end up spending a lot more time together than either of them anticipated, both inside the rehearsal room and outside of it.
Now complete!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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bellarogness · 11 months
I finished thing and i got idea from fanfics and my broken brain 🧠 I based Zukos hair off mine cuz I cancer patient and that's how my hair grew out from bald
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@ssreeder yer fic one dem I inspired by
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Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase & Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo & Everyone, Nico di Angelo & Gleeson Hedge Characters: Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, Gleeson Hedge, Mitchell (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: so i've been sitting on this fic since middle school okay, and im aware that its likely in no way original OR unlike anything else you've ever seen before, it's that obligatory-three-days-in-the-infirmary-fic BUT, it starts AT THE END of those three days, Starting Over, Friendship, Developing Friendships, learning how to be accepted, Learning Self-Acceptance, Self-Acceptance, but in order to get there, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Hatred, Self-Doubt, emotional roller coasters, Canon Compliant, at least up to a point?, not sure if i'm going to keep ~certain~ aspects from TOA, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, like seriously who let these kids fight TWO wars, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health Issues, Leaning to Be a Kid, Nico di Angelo Needs a Hug, Nico di Angelo-centric, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson Friendship, Percy Jackson is a Mess, listen percy fucked up a LOT okay, but that will be addressed, Percy Jackson is a Good Friend, Will Solace is a Good Friend, Will Solace is a Mess, lets just establish that EVERYONE IS A MESS, Protective Jason Grace, Nico di Angelo is Trying, Nico di Angelo is Scared of the Dark, AIJFKGJKSDLJFKLJSD, that was NOT a tag when i was in middle/high school, i am SO FUCKING EXCITED that thats a tag now, Nico di Angelo is a Mess, LMAO how did i miss that one before now, i'll probably be back with more tags later, Will Solace is a Ball of Sunshine, Will Solace Has Anxiety Summary:
He doesn’t remember the last time that he had the time to do something as simple as just look up. He’s been running for so long, he’s been trapped and let go and pushed and dragged across the world and back again, and he doesn’t know how it happened but somehow he has found himself standing still—maybe for the first time since he found out he was a demigod. Maybe for the first time since he and Biance were brought out of the Lotus and back into the real world, when she’d cupped his face between her hands and promised, “Now we’ll have a real life, you and I.”
He wonders, as he often does, what she would think if she could see him now.
Starting after Nico's three-day-stay in the infirmary, the repercussions of being alone and fighting in two wars—across the span of only four years, might he add—begin to manifest. Featuring the formation of new friendships, reconciliation with old ones, self-reinvention, and the revolutionary concept that it's okay to just be a kid and need people sometimes.
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allylikethecat · 5 months
Just a little Ally status update: I'm going to post a shorter part three of the Christmas fic tomorrow and we will then officially be getting a part four that wraps everything up (hopefully before the end of January...)
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skelebab · 8 months
when the fluff hits so hard you start beatboxing
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xoxoemynn · 1 year
everybody please stop posting for a bit, I am very behind.
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prompt-master · 1 year
I've been meaning to ask but do you hate Danganronpa now?
Oh no no not at all. I love dr! And I love ghau!
But I need you to understand that I am literally constantly rotating ninja turtles in my head and there's a MOVIE. SOON. this will continue to last fo a good bit
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un-pearable · 2 years
at all times fighting the urge to rewatch s1
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sabraeal · 1 year
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
If You Dare! My hakizana fics are not usually SUPER popular, but they tend to garner at least a little interest, but that one didn't even get a blip 🤣Too bad, that one was going to get smutty in the next chapter or two. ONE DAY.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
That would be To My Esteemed Enemy with three whole kudos, which is both surprising and not, because it's a fic with a pairing that is more popular than my main ship in that fandom, but it 1) doesn't have any ship content in it yet, 2) is using canon characterization of Kazama, which displeases the people who want him to be a sexy villain and also the people who want him to be a uwu good boy trying his best. It's easy to say something nice about this, because I spent HOURS poring over Hakuouki lore to get this into shape and was SO PLEASED with the results. It just needs a few more chapters to really find an audience, I think, but I don't have the time right now to put my effort into it.
#asks#meme#fic meme#my posting schedule was so regular over the last year that i really lost any sort of idea of what was popular at all#because i would post something and then everyone was so used to something being posted#that they'd sit on it instead of like...ravenously reading it and commenting in the hopes that I'd come back to it#so when stuff made no splash i wouldn't even notice until weeks later when I was looking through stats#usually just to find a fic i needed to reference#and i'd be like oh okay hm that's data#when not even popular stuff gets a lot of movement it doesn't hit you so hard when other stuff doesn't either#it's been weird this year because i haven't been able to post weekly due to life getting in the way#this is cold and snow season and it makes my writing days very spotty and i'm trying to just go with the flow on it#so when i DO post something there's like an EXPLOSION of activity#it's been interesting to see how when you regularly post no one say anything unless you miss an update#but when there's no promise of an update to come suddenly everything you post is much more valuable in people's heads#i have fics in other fandoms with SUPER rare pairs#and they really only get updates once every two months because i focus more on ANS#and like those chapters just explode on contact now. everyone comments and wants to talk about the characters and what's going on#and now that i'm really only posting ANS every 2-3 weeks it's starting to be the same here too#just SUPER interesting how the human brain works when it comes to this stuff
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thechaoticfanartist · 2 years
thanks for the tag @purgetrooperfox !
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog 
Skywalker glared at the two Jedi.
You managed to tag me as I'm editing the Mustafar fight and yet the last sentence I wrote wasn't even that cool lol.
Tagging: @rollinginmoondust @jedi-valjean @jgvfhl @fate-and-destiny @thezegendofzelda @ninjasawakenedmystar
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