#No Honor Among Thieves
autumnmobile12 · 2 months
So I gotta ask...
The Summer Camp Ambush Simulation Ch. 2, did anybody notice?
“Hey, I don’t do that anymore and I was never convicted.  A person of interest multiple times, arrested twice but the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence, was almost caught but managed to pin it on a rival thief.  Take that, Takami, and thank you, Endeavor, for falling for that ruse——”
“What now?”
“——and if you, Todoroki Touya, can possibly keep that foul mouth of yours shut, it’ll stay that way.”  Sako leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.  “And don’t diminish my previous transgressions by simply calling them petty theft.  I did pull off some pretty significant performances in my heyday.”
Hawks won't make an appearance in this fic, so it's a just a little easter egg showcasing that Compress was petty enough to pin a crime on a rival thief and was not sorry about it.
Honor among thieves is dead.
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theangrymailguy · 1 year
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mrratmanstuff · 1 year
Doric should have been gay like have you met a straight druid? Thought not
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hewantshisbrideback · 10 months
Chapter 3 of No Honor Among Thieves is up on my AO3! Excerpt below.
A fortnight had passed since Bran had first brought up the prospect of marriage, and Jon was sitting atop his bed, unwilling to sleep once more, staring down at his hands as he had so many times now. The moonlight carved shadows into his pale skin, painting his veins and knuckles as it did mountains in the snow. Calluses rose, ribbed and round, fitted to the handle of a sword like a well-worn trail to footsteps. They mocked him to the tune of a witch’s words, his hands, young and strong and obedient.
We are candles , Melisandre had told him, some years ago. He had been restless then. The wind itself had shrieked for them to make haste, beating its fists against their backs at every delay, but his men had needed rest or they’d collapse before Winterfell’s walls were in sight.
Back then he’d slept no easier than now, and what little sleep he’d gotten roiled with incessant dreams of a waxing moon with teeth, and he’d wake with the sound of water lapping in his ears. More often than not, he’d paced instead, returning to maps and plans already thrice affirmed. At times he’d even taken out that old, creased letter, stained pink with his own blood. His fingers had traced the letters through the dark. He no longer needed the light to see them.
He’d been doing just that one night when the red woman had floated outside his tent, Ghost observing her silently, though Jon could not lift his eyes from the page. She’d greeted him and bent her head with deference, and when it was clear he would not reply, she knelt beside his wolf instead, offering him her hand. The creature had snuffled, and accepted her palm against the flat of his head, but did not encourage the touch as he would have once.
“We are candles,” she’d told him then, “fashioned as vessels for R’hllor. Even should they douse your light, it takes just faith in the flint and a spare hand to reignite.”
Read the rest with an AO3 account here.
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
No Honor Among Thieves
Wait to go see Honor Among Thieves after opening weekend if you want to watch it. You'll be supporting your local movie theatres more.
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animentality · 7 months
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startreklesbian · 1 year
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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES 2023, dir. Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Dale
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augory · 1 year
I’ve been skimming John Francis Daley’s (director on D&D: Honor Among Thieves) twitter and I continue to be so completely blown away by the movie’s commitment to practical effects and/or minimized CGI where feasible. I mean holy shit look at all this
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izzy-hands · 1 year
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Edgin + being completely normal in his reactions to Xenk
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crowcaws · 1 year
My favourite thing about the D&D movie is it never stops trying to be a D&D movie even down to the most minute, unsung details. There's initiative order gags (I'll go last!) there's rolling a 1 gags (setting off the trap on the bridge by inexplicably just walking up to it) there's stat gags (nobody had high enough Intelligence to be in danger from the Intellect Devourers). Almost every spell is identifiable, from Xenk using smite to Sofina whipping out Finger of Death. Simon's character arc is about his self-confidence being tied to his mastery of magic because Charisma is the spellcasting stat for sorcerers. The era of movies based on games being afraid of their source material is over.
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
A man and a woman platonically raising a child together and not falling in love has to be the biggest plotwist in the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie AND my favorite part
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danielsarmand · 2 months
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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) dir. Jonathan Goldstein, John Francis Daley
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oakenshieldbaggins · 2 months
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make me choose @jodieliker asked: Xenk when he’s hot/badass or Xenk when he’s funny/literal/overly serious
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alivedean · 1 year
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dungeons & dragons: honor among thieves + text posts bonus:
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hewantshisbrideback · 10 months
Chapter 2 of No Honor Among Thieves is up on my AO3! Excerpt below.
“Away from home, or away from you?”
“Her home is with me!”
“See reason! You cannot drag her along everywhere you go.”
“Do you presume to forbid it? You are not her mother. We need no blessing from you.”
“What – ? Blessing? What are you –”
There was still a sept at Winterfell, the same in which her mother had prayed, outside the Great Hall. It had suffered damage during the blight, but Sansa had seen it rebuilt personally, from the same humble stone her father had once commissioned for it.
The others rarely spared it a glance, although her sister had once convinced her to bring Rickon along, to meet their mother’s gods. She had been nervous at first - Rickon, and she loved him dearly, thought very little of anything southron, and most things civilized, for that matter. He was as much an animal as his direwolf. As a child, she’d thought Arya unruly for picking wildflowers.
She wondered what she would have done if Rickon had shoved a dead fox in her face back then. A few days following that first visit to the Sept, he’d done just that, and she’d been so startled, she’d nearly screamed. She managed to maintain composure, thankfully, as he’d been in a state she’d never seen him in before, his smile awkward and shy as he’d gone on to explain that he caught it for her as thanks, for sharing the sept and the memories of their mother.
Hearing this, she’d looked back at the dirty, bloody thing, taken it from his hands, and after a moment of hesitation, cradled it to her bosom and thanked him with as genuine a smile as she could muster. He’d stared at her, puzzled, before laughing and telling her that he caught it for her to eat and wear, not to keep - he’d just been too proud of his prize not to run and show it to her himself right then. But he could hand it over to the cook on her behalf if she liked.
Her face had burned for a moment, before she’d laughed as well, quickly surrendering the creature to him and thanking him once more, with a kiss on the cheek.
A few times since then, she’d happened upon him sitting in the temple’s corner, more quietly than he almost ever was, often dozing, curled into Shaggydog’s side. The impiety of a nap in the house of the gods would’ve scandalized Septa Mordane, but Sansa was simply thankful someone else could find comfort there.
He was not there tonight, however - as she’d expected. He still resented her for her part in that last disastrous conversation between them all, and would treat their shared sanctuary with the same spite. For once, she was grateful for the solitude. There would be nobody but her and, she hoped with all her heart, the gods. One of them in particular.
During the war, it had been the Maiden she’d prayed to for Arya’s protection, whenever she left Winterfell for the front. Sansa had been told again and again of her sister’s ability to protect herself, but what good had prowess done Robb? What good had experience done their father? So she would shut her eyes and kneel before her idol, and then, beneath her lids, she would reconjure the figure of the stone damsel, miraculously flushed with life, standing tall and waiting for her prayers with the gentlest of expressions.
Read the rest here with an AO3 account.
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hanathelorekeeper · 2 years
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We have not forgotten, WotC.
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