#No your not hun
Makoto: Hold the fuck up.
Kirigiri and Byakuya:... What?
Makoto: Hold me, I'm the fuck up.
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thatfrenchacademic · 3 months
Got once again told that I was "good at making conversation" and had "people and communication skills"
and that is the biggest lie I ever heard
so a girl will end up writing some sort of "practical guide to making conversation, by a recovering agoraphobic".
But also. If you need a "how to people when no social skills" guide right now, my absolute no bullshit guide is The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook (2018, 3rd ed), esp chap 8 and 10. Includes: how long is appropriate to look at someone in the eyes? What are good conversation topics for your neighbors, your colleagues, your boss, your date? How to safely practice social skills/conversation? How to handle shaking/blushing/sweating/nervous stuttering? How is talking to a group different from talking to one person? How to gracefully end a conversation? How to ask for a change at your work schedule? How to start getting better at it *progressively* without being overwhelmed?
It's not a feel good self help/self improvement book, it is not a magic remedy with secret formula, it is more of a "let's learn a new language", with homework and notes to take. Give it a try, it is very easy to find it online
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And if you put your, put your heart in it, heart in it Then we'll do more than just get by together...
Hold Me Like A Grudge - Fall Out Boy
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devil-in-hiding · 24 days
I feel kinda bad asking this but I had a really shitty day and was wondering if you’d be able to write any comfort content abt the 141 guys. If not that’s totally fine ofc
oh hun i hope it’s gotten better )); im sorry im just seeing this!!
i hope it’s okay that i’m going for a little on the run route
because the boys would see the tension in your shoulders the minute they come down for breakfast, and your replies that morning are short and blunt, and you’re out the door before they can say anything
Price is the one to find you hours later, curled up against Maggie on the couch and he sinks down next to you. “What’s wrong pretty? You know I get worried when you shut us out.” He frowns, rubbing your arm until you lift your head to meet his eye, and his gaze softens.
“I just.. I don’t know.. I woke up upset and it’s just gotten worse through out the day. I thought it would get better but it didn’t and-“ you cut yourself off, taking a deep breath and Maggie presses snout into your belly, whining softly as she looks up at you.
“Take your time love.” Price murmurs, pulling you to his side and he feels your shoulders shaking. “I just didn’t want to be angry with you all for no reason, you don’t deserve that.”
“You think we’re not use to some misplaced anger?” He laughs, but he sees the way your face falls and he gently tilts your chin up so you’ll look at him. “We are here for you. You’ve been there for us since we got here pretty, we are more than happy to take care of you for awhile.” He caresses your cheek, pressing a kiss to your head before arranging the three of you to where you’re laying on top of him and maggie is tucked into his side, there is not nearly enough room for the three of you, but hearing you laugh when Maggie barks, leaving wet kisses on Price’s cheek to which he cringe’s, turning his head away.
“Damn it Mags! Stop!”
“She’s just saying thank you.”
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
Listen, listen, I love rdr2 and rdr2 fanfiction very dearly, but one thing I wasn't prepared for was my english skills being put to the test with reading how southern accents are written-
"J'st a scratch s'nothin, y'dont hav'ta worry. Was only some'n small n'all."
Many, many apostrophes..
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danmei-action · 2 months
Claim your donated prompts!
Thanks to the generosity of our donators, we have SFW and N/SFW prompts to give away to the fandom! If you would like to claim one and are not able to donate at this time, message mod @stiltonbasket to do so (@danmei-action is managed by multiple mods, and group blogs cannot send or receive direct messages, only asks). Do not include your prompt in this message; just let us know that you want to claim one! Please make sure to tell us whether your prompt will be SFW or N/SFW.
If you receive a reply confirming that we have a slot open for you, screenshot the message exchange and submit it in the "proof of payment" section of the prompt form, and fill out the rest of the form according to instructions. You can find the prompt form here.
Make sure to check the spreadsheet linked here to see which fandoms are available before sending a message!
(Note: we will only reply if your prompt is chosen to be filled, as we may receive more prompts than we have available slots between here and our Twitter account.)
Currently Available:
For any fandom: 10 SFW, 1 N/SFW
For Qi Ye: 1 (ANY RATING)
For Golden Stage: 1 (ANY RATING)
(check original post for updated availability)
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junespriince · 1 month
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Balor lore just dropped,,,,
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lunavagans · 5 months
We all agree Vio reads a lot, right? He‘d probably need at least reading glasses fairly soon if his luck and that glorious Hero‘s Spirit let him down (shh, we ignore how that fits into him and archery for the sake of the bit). But (according to personal experience) before one gets dearly needed glasses, they typically run around doing… expressions. Just imagine that „calm and collected“ (to quote Red: „cool“) guy going
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Blue: … This is getting embarassing.
Red: Don‘t insult his efforts, Blue :( You can do it, Vio!!!
Vio: At least I possess the reading proficiency required to have a chance at deciphering this sign.
Vio: That we did. And we‘ve established that not all memories are shared, didn‘t we?
Green: Alright, that‘s enough, guys. The sign reads „Do Not Keep Going, Visitors Unwelcome“, by the way.
Red: Oh, we should continue! Whoever‘s at the end of this path must be lonely from not getting any visitors :D
Vio: I agree, we should send Red ahead. That lonely person will be overwhelmed by his demeanor enough to not harm him and we can look around in the meantime.
Green: Maybe you‘ll go instead, your charming disposition today is sure to brighten up their day, as well.
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unforth · 9 months
Ngl as a small business owner who puts out something extremely pirate-able and who has never earned enough to make a pay check, this...
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...is extremely upsetting.
Do y'all realize that most small business are maybe a handful of people? Do y'all realize that company's like LLCs exist to protect owners from legal and financial repercussions if the company falls apart? I'm not a company because I have stockholders, I'm a company so that if the business goes bankrupt the banks can't seize my fucking house. It's not evil to use existing legal structures to protect my family's assets. It's not unreasonable to ask people not to steal from businesses like mine.
It's like on Tumblr when it's One Artist or One Author Doing The Thing Themself you guys are all about it but the minute anyone tries to collectivize to do better we go from One Person Against The World to The Embodiment of Capitistic Evil with no in between, which is especially insane coming from the website that claims to think individualism has turned toxic and we should do more with community organization. The minute lots of people are involved in a business, there HAS to be legal structures like contracts and shit to protect the people involved. The Lone Creator Forging a Path is great for that one person. What about everyone else?
And so... some of us try to make a company to lift up a group.
And then I see shit takes like this.
Maybe. Maybe DONT fucking pirate from literally anyone just cause they've got the word "company" I'm the name?
Maybe remember that for small businesses, yes even when they're a company, there's a single person, or a family, or a group of friends, who are working their asses off to build something, and actually? Stealing from them makes you a FUCKING DICK.
Like. You realize we're just people right? Other regular people trying to survive the dystopian hellscape that is the now?
Maybe stop acting like you're automatically entitled to the labor and creations of others solely because you've decided that there is an entire huge category of people it's okay to steal from.
Like honestly. What the fuck.
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mejomonster · 3 months
If you never saw qi hun (cdrama adaptation of hikaru no go made by iqiyi, free on youtube sometimes) then u did not yet witness the fact that. Shi guang and yu liang are in a slow burn enemy/friends to lovers, including the WALL in between trope, the cell phone call looking through the window with leaves blowing in the wind as they lock eyes for the first time in years, the WATCH gift and breakup, the Went Missing with his ghost bestie on the Mountain so was rescued, the playing pair go, the staying in the temple together and bonding as they do chores, the spying on each other and asking if the other mentioned him nonstop, the trying to get to each other again, and of course moving in together. (Along with, you know, the angst and heartwarming and very gneuinely lovely story about friends, growing up, and having passions for things you care about even if you arent the best, which hikaru no go always has).
I am never going to be over the watch scenes. I cant even express how much the Bad Buddy watch thing just reminds me of the Qi Hun scenes gifting the watch and giving it back during the break up. Just. I mean i dunno how shippy the original was. But qi hun shipped shi guang and yu liang and fully commited to their vision, and gave them a happy ending.
Also it is. The only competition hobby story ive been able to finish. Because it recognizes many people can love things (like go) and never be the best, will fail or trip on the way to dreams, may even need to give them up. But the simple act of doing what you loved, even badly, was worth it. The friends you enjoyed your time with, that threaded into your life, care about you regardless. Not everything is about winning or losing. In a way its like chu ying learning, like yu liang. Its about being with the people we care about, and doing things we like. Win or lose, its worth our time. The montage of yu liang and shi guang at the end playing many pairs is one of the send offs of that message, of the people in all kinds of places in life, who are all kinds of people, with their simple enjoyment and importance as people.
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edandstede · 7 months
awkward.. izzy deserves justice in season 3 and they wouldn’t make it without him, hope this helps :) i hope you never get your surgery bitch
good to see the canyon being normal as usual
anyway here’s my page for my top surgery fund
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Cletus: *says the most enby ass shit despite being a cis guy because he thinks conforming to norms of any kind is for pussies*
ALSO CLETUS: *sees Venom and Eddie being romantic with eachother 2 seconds later* HA! I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE A FA---- BROCK!
Headcanon that somewhere in the multiverse that there is a symbrock wedding and Cletus shows up just for cake, shoves it over, then leaves fast as fuck thinking it's genius.
"Cletus, gay people are real!"
*literally omnisexual and demi* "NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!"
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khaopybara · 9 months
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Episode 1, before losing his apetite just by the sight of his father.
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sonics-atelier · 1 month
FYI I am ingenious and a minority and a poc so kindly leave us alone 🙏
Also I don't see this person post a SINGLE word on their blog about illyrian treatment and ACOTAR's racism, ALSO, how can you come @ people for problematic shit when you like a series that treats tribal and indigenous culture like a gross stereotype? ( The Words of an indigenous & POC )
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smittenskitten · 2 years
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(+) Falling asleep on beloved's shoulder
Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart (2022) Blueming (2022) Not Me (2021) Given (2021) Light on Me (2021) To My Star (2021) 2gether (2020) Why R U? (2020) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) Guardian (2018)
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This dumbass is gonna blow himself up
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Happy 4th of July (to those who celebrate)
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