#Noé x you
fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hello again. I saw your reply and it's totally alright. I was thinking about the reactions of Vanitas and Noé when they see reader hurt. But the thing is that she is so good at hiding the fact that she is hurt that the boys don't notice till you collapse because of the loss of blood or they see the wound when she changes. I want to know how the boys will react if the reader almost dies. I want lots of comfort and to see how the boys take care of the reader. Would they freak out or will they be more calm? Would they go after the person who hurt them? P.S.- You don't need to make it a scenario if you don't like it and please make the reader female. (I am obsessed with Vanitas no Carte. I think you saw that already. But can you do this ask with Diluc, Xiao and Tighnari?) And thank you again for accepting my request. Again sorry for the long ask but I always like to explain more. Take your time and again I love your writing.
You're fine, you don't have to apologize:) I like it when people write out what they want, it gives me more to work with and less chance to screw up.
Also, it's not that I don't like either scenarios or headcanons. Just, sometimes, one is easier for me to write than the other. That's all there is to it. So no worries about requesting something specific, it's all good!
Characters Included: Vanitas; Noé
Content: female reader; blood loss; injuries; cursing; hurt/comfort
Word count: 1,2k words
Enjoy reading!
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He took his eyes off of you for just one second... and you just had to go out and get injured!
It was a messy fight. You had insisted on accompanying him and he only agreed because he thought it wouldn't be dangerous
well, apparently he thought wrong!
at some point, you got separated from him, and even though he knew that you were able to protect yourself, he couldn't help but worry about you!
you were different from him! Your body was fragile, he would never forgive himself if you got injured because he wasn't there to protect you
once he got to you, fighting his way through the masses of enemies, he saw you clutching your left side
he immediately paniced, running towards you, calling your name
however, when he arrived at your side, you simply smiled at him, reassuring him that you were fine
at first, he obviously didn't believe you, but when you got up from the ground with minimal effort, still smiling at him and standing proudly, well... what else could he do but believe your words
that being said, he still kept an eye on you the entire way back to the city, yet you never once gave the impression of being hurt
the more you guys walked and you continued to seem fine, the more relaxed he got. His heart began to slow down again and the anxiety slowly quelling down as well
but that was only until you suddenly collapse at his side
he barely manages to catch you so your head doesn't collide with the ground to hard. His breathing quickens again as panic settles back deep inside his bones
your unconscious, and seeing as you were otherwise fine, he decided to inspect your left side, the one you were clutching earlier
upon touching your shirt, he realised that it was entirely wet, drenched in your blood that now also dripped down his hands
he gulped before pushing the fabric up, revealing a big, open wound to him. You bled out of there this entire time, and only now when he looked back at your face did he realize how pale you've gotten
"You idiot!", he cursed as he picked you up and ran to the nearest city, seeing as he had no further material with him to treat such a big wound
the adrenalin was giving him the boost that he needed to get there as quickly as possible, the only thought in his head the entire time being "Please don't die on me.. please not again.."
a few days later, you woke up again, feeling disoriented. How did you get here? Where was 'here' in the first place?
You tried sitting up, feeling how dry your throat was, but a snip of two fingers against your forehead made you fall back onto the bed again
"Stay down, idiot!", Vanitas voice rang from beside you. He looked at you, relieved that you finally woke up again. You followed his request, yet asked him for a glass of water, which he agreed to get for you
you later found out that, while you were unconscious, Vanitas had stayed by your side this entire time until you've woken up again. He never went away longer than five minutes, not able to take the seperation from you for to long. He just had to make sure that you would make it... that you would survive.
after you were all healed again, he would scold you so much for being this reckless. Didn't you realize you could have died?
Makes you promise to never hide something like that from him ever again, or he would "Make you regret your choice", whatever that meant..
Oh, and for the person who did that to you? Don't you worry... he died on the spot...
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Hiding something like that from Noé... you'd have to be a pretty fucking good actor to get away with that
not only because he's an attentive boyfriend and notices even slight chances in your behaviour due to mood or other things
but also because he's a vampire and can smell blood without issue. nothing can get by his nose!
with that being said.. under the "right" circumstances.. it's even possible for someone like him to miss injuries entirely. It doesn't usually happen, but it can
And today, it seemed, was one of those days
Your boyfriend has had a pretty hectic week. Vanitas had been dragging him around all over the place, and he was exhausted. Not just a bit tired, but thoroughly worn out. To the point that his attention span was now reduced to literal seconds
When he got home that day, he was done with the world. He wanted nothing more than to go to sleep, snuggled up to you
He threw all his stuff carelessly somewhere around, telling himself that he would deal with it in the morning. On his way to the bedroom he came past the bathroom where you were currently in
He greeted you as he walked by. Had it been any other day, he would have noticed the way you jumped around at his sudden words. Or the way your eyes held a tiny bit of panic
But as things were, he didn't catch on to that. Instead, he asked if you would join him in bed, then immediately turned around and kept walking
Seconds later, he collapsed on the bed, instantly falling alseep. He awoke briefly when you joined him, climbing into his arms to snuggle up to him, however he had no idea how much time has gone by since then. And truthfully, he didn't care right now
He remembers his arm tightening around you a bit before falling back asleep. It was a quiet, good nights rest
The next morning, when he woke up next to you, he had this... unpleasant feeling that something wasn't quite right. But since he couldn't place the feeling, he decided to ignore it for now, instead choosing to stay in bed with you a few more minutes
However, when he moved his arms a bit around you, his arm felt weird.. like something had.. dried on top of it
He looked down and almost freaked out when he saw some dried and some fresh blood on his arm
He knew he himself wasn't injured, since he didn't feel any pain. But that would leave only one other option...
He looked down at you, your shirt slightly moved up your body from you moving around in your sleep, revealing to him the bandages wrapped around your entire abdomen, blood seeping out through them
He paniced, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you
You woke from that and he immediately bombarded you with thousands of questions
You tried reassuring him, telling him that since you had some knowledge on medicine, you didn't want to go to a hospital, wanting to treat it yourself
That however, will not fly with him. He picked you up then and there and brought you to the nearest ER, where you were properly taken care of
Thankfully, you didn't need to stay in there, being discharged again with just a couple of stitches, but you sure as hell gave Noé the biggest scare of his lifetime
Will scold you a bit, but will stop of you pout at him enough, telling him that you learned your lesson
Will also make you promise to never hide something like that again. Please, his poor heart wouldn't be able to take that...
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callilemon · 20 days
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dashie-nightingale · 6 months
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Spot the angst
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vampirenigh · 1 year
Sadness and guilt
Summary: You got injured and hide it from them.
Characters: Vanitas, Noé.
Warnings: curse words.
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You went with him to a party that Dominique made. And everything was fine. With Vanitas being himself and Dominique and Noé talking. But somehow somebody became a course bearer. And from there everything started to go even worse by the second.
Vanitas was very worried about you when he couldn't see you anymore but thought that you got out with the rest of the people because you are just a human who can't fight and started to help the vampire with Noé.
But it wasn't like that. You got hurt right when you we're about to leave the room. Vanitas didn't see anything because he was with his back turned to you and you got out pretty fast. You ran to a bathroom and locked the door and saw a really deep cut in your side that was bleeding pretty badly. You took your dress off and started to put stitches and bandages. After that you changed back into the dress and went to find Dominique. When you found her you draged her into a room and asked her for a new dress because this one was destroyed. When Dominique saw your wound she got a bit scared and asked you if you are alright and you responded that you were fine and that you need a new dress and a favor from her. "Please keep this a secret from Vanitas. He doesn't need to know. It's not that big of a deal." "We need to tell him! You can't just hide it! He will find out sooner or later!" "I know but hide it for me. Please... ". After some seconds she sighed and helped you in a new dress that didn't put pressure to tha wound.
When you two got out you saw Vanitas and Noé searching for you. And when he saw you he ran to you to see that you were alright. And because you changed and you were a good actress he believed that you were fine. But Noé thought that something was wrong because he could smell some blood but brushed it off because there was a lot of it around.
On the way to the hotel your would started to bleed a bit because of the movement and it started to get on the new dress. Dominique saw it and got closer to you to warn you and to help you hide it because she wanted to respect your choice. But when you got back to the hotel with the boys in front and you and Dominique in the back the little stain of blood became a big one that was hard to miss. So when Vanitas turned around to look at you and take you back to your room he saw the blood and freaked out. He got you without a word and took you to your and his bedroom to take care of you.
After he put you on the bed he started to see that you were much paler and that your eyes were a bit unfocused. He started to take your dress off and to clean the wound. When he was in the middle of it you collapsed and scared the shit out off him. He abandoned the wound and tried to wake you up. But you didn't. So he got back to the wound and tried to bandage you fast so you wouldn't lose much more blood. And after that he put you to bed.
After some hours you woke up and feel a bit of weight on your arm. It was Vanitas. He was holding your hand while his head was lowered and you couldn't see his face. "Vanitas? What happened?" When he heard your voice his head snapped to you and you saw the concern on his face. Concern that was transforming into rage. "How could you hide something like this from me! You could've died you know that!? How stupid are you? I don't want to lose someone else.. Not you... " at the final of his speech he got quieter and you took his face in your hands and kissed his forehead. "You won't lose me. I'm fine. Aren't I?" "Now. But if I didn't help you in time you would've.... " "But I didn't." "Promise me that you won't hide something like this from me again!" He looked at you with a glare that you couldn't refuse. "Okay. I will tell you. Sorry to worry you." "Good. Now go back to sleep while I go and take something for you to eat. I love you." He give you a kiss on the lips. "Love you too" and then he left.
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You went to buy some things. Noé wanted to go with you but you declined. What would happen on the way to the store?
Terrible mistake. You got ambushed by 2 men. You got to escape but with a big cut on your arm. You went back to the hotel and to Amelia. You were lucky that Noé went out with Vanitas to who knows where. When Amelia saw you she got concerned. And started to put some stitches and bandages. You were lucky again that it didn't bleed that much so you didn't feel dizzy.
After the treatment was done Amelia wanted to go and tell Noé that you got hurt. But you had different plans. "Don't go! He doesn't need to know." "He does! You can't just hide it! I can smell the blood from a mile away and you got a bandage on your arm for fuck sake! You can't hide it from him!" " I will tell him that I burned myself when I made dinner. Now come and help me cook something while he is away. And don't tell him!" You were so convincing that Amelia had to agree.
So this is how you made a big dinner for all of them. And when Noé came back from the trip with Vanitas the first thing that he saw was your arm. Not the food. So he made a bee line to you and draged you to another room leaving a confused Vanitas and a concerned Amelia behind.
When you got in the room you could've see his concerned face. "What happened?" He said that while holding your bandaged arm like it's made of glass. "Nothing much. I just burned myself a bit while making dinner. Don't worry to much. Amelia bandaged it for me." At that Noé's face relaxed a bit and then told you to be more careful. After the dinner in which Noé almost feed you the dinner because he was concerned that your arm will hurt but Vanitas helped you to convince him to not do that.
After the dinner you and Noé went to bed but the next morning when Noé woke up the smell of blood entered his nose and then he saw your arm covered in blood. He then shook you awake and started to clean your wound and put bandages all while he asked questions like What happened? Who hurt you? Why didn't you tell me?. "It isn't such a big deal Noé. You don't need to be concerned. It is just a cut. It isn't hurting that bad anyway." "That doesn't matter! You got hurt! Why didn't you tell me? And lied to me?" "I didn't want to concern you and have you not concentrating an you work with Vanitas. I got ambushed on the street. Before you ask me again. And Amelia helped me." "But next time tell me! Don't hide things like this from me! I don't care about the cases with Vanitas if I can't take care of the person that I care the most for!" At that your eyed widened. "Okey. I will tell you when I get hurt from now on." "And you won't stop me from going with you anywhere." He looked at you with determination. "Fine. You can come." Noé kissed you on the forehead. "I love you a lot" "Me too Noé."
Hey. I don't know if any of you read this but I wanted to ask you to send some requests if you have ideas. I have some left but I don't know for how long will they last. That's all and I hope that you like the post. Bye.
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briebysabs · 5 months
Naenia lowkey need better methods. Idk if they can shapeshift but if they’d approach Noé looking like Louis, could’ve convinced him a long time ago shit. Talking about some “I’ve tried over and over” YOU AINT TRIED SMART ENOUGH
Let tell what to do Naenia ok. I know in Bal Masque you tried to convince him by saying he’d be with Louis. Literally that alone almost got him but Vanitas saved him. Approach him in a dream. Which I assume you’ve been cuz wtf you mean you’ve tried repeatedly to have his name. Come in the form of Louis. Better, adult Louis. So Noé thinks in that moment he’s alive. Have Louis call his name softly and pull Noé to roll around in the grass like they’re kids again.
Have Louis ask if Noé missed him. Have him ask if they can be together forever. Just like Noé promised they’d be all those years ago. Noe can’t break his promise right? Have Louis hold his face as if it were glass and plead with lovesick eyes to make a wish. Any wish in the world, all he has to do is give up his true name. And Noé’s a deep sleeper too YOU GOT IT IN THE BAG. You can’t take it by force okay….manipulation is an option bestie what are we doing I need curse-bearer Noé ASAP (yes this was an excuse to write louinoe bc why not)
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hunieday · 2 years
"and oh darling, my blooming flower..."
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"...may your petal lips wilt only on mine."
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lavender-z-love · 2 years
Noé Archiviste X Black.FemReader
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𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: Friends to Lovers, Romance, Fluff.
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: Vampires, Vampire Bites, Broken up with, Toxic Ex relationship.
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1,304k
𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁: Here ♡
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"Here you are My Lady~", Noé said playfully pulling you along to the dining room of his home. "Noé, you don't have to– The last thing I want you is to waste your time prioritizing it to me", You stated. Which in return only made Noé upset. You were experiencing hurt. It wasn't heartbreak at this point. More like shear embarrassment, being kicked out and thrown out of a home you shared with another. It was evident that you were embarrassed, and Noé wanted you to feel anything but embarrassed. "Y/n, please don't talk like that", he pleaded. "I thought, I've established that you could stay here as long as needed." You shyly noded,"Sleeping arrangements will be up to you, the last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable."
Your face flushed furiously, "N-Noé don't be ridiculous, we're already past that part of 'sleeping arrangements'", you said remembering last night. Noé was hesitant, he didn't want to do anything you didn't like. He was frightened it would look like he had allterior motives. You reassured him that you'd feel comfortable with him at your side. So Noé gave in. You asked Noé to hug you, and he did. His chin rests on the top of your head, your face in his chest with your arms around his neck. The two of you stays like this in silence for a bit. The calming feeling of Noé's hand rubbing your back, gently lulling you to sleep. Noé picked up on what you said, slightly blushing as a reaction. "You..Mean— but is that okay with you?"
"Im positive"
Noé couldn't hide nor wanted to, he like the Idea of keeping you safe at night. "Alright, we can alwaya change sleeping arrangements anytime, how you like. Ok?" You nodded. Noé cleared his throat spreading out cooking instruments infront of him,"Now then! What is it that you want for breakfast hm?" You don't even remember the last time you had something for breakfast- you never really ate breakfast to begin with. Stumped on what to ask for, Noé give a suggestion.
"Have you ever had a crêpe?" You shook your head,"No, I've heard of it before but never tried it." Your eyes widened, realizing that Noé intended to cook. "Wait are you going to cook?" Noé nodded, tilting his head in confusion. "H-How about I help you?"
"What? You're a guest, surely you're joking. I can't make you do that." Out of the last few years getting to know Noé. As much as a sweetheart he was, he didn't know how to cook. Somehow convincing himself that everything he made was delicious. "Please Noé? I promise I'll be of good assistance."
"Please Noé?", you ask again.
Once again, he turns down the offer,"Not a chance Y/n." Once done gathering baking items for breakfast he would soon be making he turned to you. Only to be caught up by those endearing, irresistible pupple dog eyes. "Please Noé? Just this once?" He turns away..."Fine, you win– grab an apron."
Once the both of you were ready, you and Noé had gotten the first few ingredients together and prepared to mix. Now handing Noé the large metal bowl, observing his actions to make sure he didn't mess up. Flour, sugar, salt and eggs- Noé took a whisk and began harshly mixing, in the proncess accidentally spilling some of the batter. You shook your head is displeasure,"Oh Noé..."
He smiled softly,"Whoops! Sorry Y/n."
"It's okay but..", you leaned in close to Noé, gently wrapping your arm around him. "Let me help, your whisking is a bit..uh—". Your hands on his, guiding him on the proper way to whisk. "See, Noé use your wrist instead of moving your arm- and go gentle."
Light laughter surfaces,"Whats so funny?", you asked Noé. You didn't realize you'd completely taken over the cooking. Noé was on the side of you leaning onto the counter watching you this time. You blush bashfuly,"O-Oh..I'm sorry Noé. When I get focused, I tend to—." Noé cuts in,"Don't apologize. Its endearing Chéri."
Your heart pounds vigorously, with his romantic gaze on you like that...You're heart was sure to fall out of your chest. He was so cute..fuck! You continued to help Noé and guide him, in the end you make perfect crêpes...In taste anyhow...
"Um..Are they supposed to look like that?" He gasps, dramatically,"Chéri! Don't you know?"
"Know what?"
"Don't judge a book by its cover." You look at Noé raising your brow..
"Right..Im just saying because it doesn't look like the image on the recipe."
"Just take a bite! I promise its fine! Besides I helped make it." You sighed thinking to yourself, 'Thats the problem Noé..You were mainly the one trying to cook and you cannot do so.'
Noé held a knife and fork, cutting the monstrous creation the you helped make. Cutting it with the knife, he scooping it up and holding it up to your lips. Without hesitation your lips part taking in the food.
Surprisingly, It tasted fine. "Noé, you're right...it's really good!"
His grin follows him ear to ear. Once again he was so cute, you didn't want to tell him otherwise even if it was bad, the taste definitely made up for how bad it looked. Taking some whipped cream from your breakfast on your finger you lean over the table rubbing it on his nose.
"Well thats not nice Y/n.", he chuckled.
"Its a way of saying thanks for the breakfast."
"Of course ma belle chéri, anytime."
The two of you finished the breakfast, enjoying every bite of it. In the end the plate messy with whip cream. "I'll take this to the kitchen—".
"Wait, Noé..",your eyes shed their natural brown color. "I do apologize in advance, but—",you stopped mid-sentence grabbing the messy plate and setting it to the side. Your fingers getting a little left over whip cream,"I am a little thirsty."
Noé didn't expect this, you never drank from him before..you didn't need to. Being half vampire didn't require to survive off blood. You needed normal food. Nonetheless, he was always willing to provide. You swiped the whip cream from your fingers to his neck. He gave himself up to you. Placing around you, pulling you into a hug.
Your tongue tracing his tanned skin to where the whip cream was; biting him there. Little grunts are released from him. When you pulled away, your eyes met.
"Sorry for the sudden bite-", you apologized as your fingers touched the wound site.
"Don't apologize, It's only fair. I bit you this morning chéri.", he reassured with a smile,"Besides! I've offered myself to you many times and you've finally gave in. Take as much as you need. Okay?"
"Good..Im about to take a little more", you warned. Going to the opposite side of Noé's neck before bitting. One hand cups his cheek and the other on his shoulder. Noé yelps at the puncture, grasping your wrists.
Seems like for once, getting bit by a vampire..It hurt a bit. His breathing, heavy.."Hah...Y/n", a sigh escapes. His fingers slightly tighten around your wrists.
Once you're done with your feed, you pull away. Noé looks up at with crimson puppy eyes. "How does my blood taste?"
"Its beyond exquisite..I can't really find the words", you shyly scratch your chin. "That makes me happy. I'm glad you like it."
"I hope it didn't hurt too much?"
Noé leans to the side in dismay,"Noo of course not!" It was quite obvious you'd taken quite a bit of blood, he was a bit dizzy. So strange, he shows symptoms of humans when you take too much blood.
"Oh Noé, come on lets sit on the couch for a while. Let your dizziness subsidie."
"Yes ma'am!"
You sigh of relief, what would you do without this cutie?
Written December 15th
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mirick-vn · 1 year
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"Are you that interested in kisses?"
except they're actually about to kiss
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winchifrost · 2 years
Hello vnc fans~ >:3 c
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hello! Could I request Vanitas and Noe coming home to a massive feast made by their s/o on their birthday?
Spoiling your significant other...always very cute!
Characters Included: Vanitas; Noé
Content: gender neutral reader; overall just fluff
Word count: 920 words
Have fun!
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Having a birthday this early on in the new year meant that there weren't really all that many fun things to do
the weather was still cold most of the time, so not many people were and and about, prefering to stay in the comfort of a warm home
Vanitas was one of those people to get bored rather quickly when there was nothing exciting happening. Sitting around and doing nothing wasn't really something he enjoys. He's always out looking for some fun
his own birthday is no exception to that rule. Sure, he likes to spend that day with you, his most favourite and most important person in the world, but he still wants to do something
he's just a tad bit dissapointed when you tell him that you don't have the time to entertain him today
but he doesn't have much time to complain because a knock on the door sounds
Noé is here, dragging Vanitas out the door as soon as he lays eyes on the black haired male
they are out the entire day, doing whatever within the city (maybe causing some chaos here and there) but overall kept quite tame
he had a fun day, though it would have been better had you joined them on their endeavours
but as soon as he enters the house again, he is suddenly hit with the smell of freshly cooked food, which is suspicious to him
didn't you tell him that you didn't have time today?
he walks into the kitchen where he's greeted with an entire menu. It was like a four or five course meal
astounded, he just stood there, surprised by it, until you got him out of his trance again
apparently, you saying that you didn't have time was just a farce so that you could prepare all the food in peace. Noé just made sure that he was occupied the entire time
Vanitas wanted to be mad at you and say something, but seeing as all the food consisted of all his favourite dished, he bit his tongue and kept his mouth shut, thanking you with a kiss instead
you both enjoyed the food you made, talking and laughing while eating. He really liked your cooking, it tasted so good to him, better than anything else he had ever eaten
after you were both done, you took care of the dishes and all the cleaning up, telling him to just relax
later, you joined him in the living room where the two of you cuddled a bit more before you both decided to just take things up into the bedroom, where Vanitas thanked you properly for all the hard work you put in for him...
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such a sweet man, and boyfriend!
honestly, there is not much decieving or anything else to be done with him
just straight up tell him that you have something planned for his birthday, but that you need time to prepare it
he will happily give you enough time, actually all the time you could possibly need
just say the word and he is out the house. No need to worry about him, he can find a way to pass the time
though he keeps telling you that you don't have to do anything for his birthday, but you keep insisting, so he just lets go of the topic, letting you do what makes you happy
so excited to find out what you have in mind for him. Can't help himself but trying to figure out what it could possibly be while being all hyped and giddy
once it's time for him to come back, he almost can't contain his excitement anymore. Like, literally, if he had some sort of tail, it would be wagging like crazy the entire time
immediately upon entering, he is hit with the smell of your cooking
excited, he throws his shoes off and runs into the kitchen, where you're currently in, adding the last finishing touches to the last dish
Noé takes a second to look over all the food, recognising all his favourite meals, divided into an entire five course meal
happy to receive such a thoughtful gift from you, he hugs you close to him, showering you in kisses, thanking you over and over again
you smile and giggle at his affection, but soon swatting him off of you, telling him that the food will if you don't start eating soon
you best believe he's enjoying every single bite he takes like it's the last in his life
he always tells you how divine he thinks your cooking is, but seeing him enjoy it so much is an entirely different feeling. One that fills you with pride that you're able to get that reaction out of him
after you're done, he stands up to take care of the dishes, but you shush him away, almost ordering him to leave the kitchen to let you take care of the mess
you need a bit more convincing but in the end, he relents, letting you handle it while he relaxes in the living room, though he keeps an eye on you from there
as soon as you're done, he pulls you onto the couch with him, where he cuddles you close, arms tightly closed around you
this time, no complaining or anything else is enough to make him stop showering you with praises, kisses and thank you's
after all, he has to show his appreciation for you in some way, right?
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callilemon · 4 months
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I can't believe 300 of y'all like my silly little blog/art! Thank you for sticking with me on this journey! Cheers!
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sapphireneil · 6 months
His special Gift // Demon!Leviathan x sub!m! Reader NSFW
CW: frustrated Levi, Demon form, tail shenanigans (tail fucking), *unprotected* anal sex, teasing, marking, usage of petnames for reader, dashes of praise and degradation, breeding kink mentions, established relationship, implied pet play
Obey Me! Leviathan x sub!m! Reader
In honor of his birthday <3 - dedicated to Noé
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You watched in frustration as Levi stormed out of the living room, off into his own. You and the brothers had wanted to get get him a signed edition of the Ruri☆Tunes game which had been a limited edition on Akuzon. Unfortunately they were sold of in a few seconds, making it impossible for either of you to get one and since they went on sale the night before Leviathans birthday, all of you were left empty handed… almost.
You get up, leaving the living room and paying no mind to the dirty comments the brothers were making. Heading to your lovers room, you fumble a bit at your clothing, adjusting your uniform so the suprise you had prepared, wouldn‘t be spoilered.
That done, you knock at his door, allowing yourself in, as he didn‘t respond, seeing your lover curled up in his favorite gaming chair, gaze fixed on his DDD. „Hey…“ you spoke, with caution, as you spotted the horns on his head and the tail that had wrapped around the chair he sat in. You knew that he would never hurt you, and that you could avoid it even if he'd try, considering the pact you'd made, but to provoke an already hurt demon, never was a good idea.
So all you did was unbuttoning the upper part of your uniform, revealing the seams of some velvety lingerie top, which left your collarbones bare, a light purple dog collar lying smug around your neck. Attached to it, was a small metal plate, heart shaped, the engraved letters reading your beloved's name - Leviathan. The metal made a slight jiggle sound, causing the purple haired male to look up at you, finally, his pupils widening as he processed what he was looking at, blushing, mouth agape.
"Whoa-" Levi gasped, blinking in disbelief, putting his phone down without a second glance at it.
You took this reaction, and his fixed gaze, as an invitation to undress yourself further, eventually leaving yourself in only the top and some brief underwear, which did absolutely nothing to conceal your already raging boner. With curiosity you gazed into Levis eyes, watching contently as his split tongue darted out briefly to wet his lips, eying you up and down. There's silence between the two as his gaze grows more lustful with the second.
Before you could speak up, his tail wraps around your waist, pulling you to him, with more force than actually would've been necessary, but it only illustrates his need for you, so you weren't going to complain as you comfortably settled into his lap, the black tail still snug around your waist as he tilted your chin up, forcing you to look in his eyes. Where frustration was just a second ago, now glistened want.
"Thats the best surprise gift I have ever received ~" Levi murmurs, his tone hushed, lower than usual, as he finally brings his lips to yours.
You sigh into the kiss, parting your lips as he hooks a finger under the collar, pulling you closer. A few moments its just tongues battling for dominance and small moans of desperation until you need to part for air, lips all red and puffy.
"Awww, won't you look at that, so eager to please me puppy~" he coos, making you whine and thrust your cock against his, the precum already staining your pretty underwear, as you whine, desperate for friction. Levi just chuckles, his tail loosening around your waist, just to sneakily make its way into your panties, making the fabric rub against your already painfully hard cock. Swishing, his tail made way to your hole, showing how exited your beloved was. Very exited.
You gasp, hands grasping your beloveds thighs as you felt the tip of his tail inside of you, moaning at the sudden stretch, your back arching, as a signal for him to proceed, eager to feel these parts of his tail inside you which would make your panties burst at the seams. As if he had heard your thoughts, Levis tail retracts, leaving you empty and whining from the loss of touch. „Take these off for me okay baby,?“ he whispers, right next to your ear, shivers going down your spine, as you remove yourself from your lovers lap to oblige to his request.
beautiful Lingerie joins black clothing on the floor, now only the collar was left on your body, the metal plate clattering slightly, as you move to settle back down in your naked boyfriends lap again, straddling his thighs with yours and hooking your feet behind his back. „Such a pretty puppy… all mine“ Leviathan whispers, barely loud enough for you to hear, and yet it causes the butterflies in your stomach to spark.
The purple haired quickly kisses your flushed cheeks, before his mouth makes its way to claim you as his. In a matter of seconds, your neck and shoulders are plastered in bite marks and deep purple hickeys, his forked tongue apologetically gliding over your irritated skin, making you whine and buck your hips up in desperation, your cock rubbing against his. This made your boyfriend whine in response, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, swallowing your moans as you felt his tail inside you again, stretching your insides. „Feels good…“ you whine, in an desperate attempt to fuck yourself even deeper onto your lovers tail. Leviathan did nothing but visibly enjoying the obscene picture in front of him, which only added to the sensations his tail could feel when you clenched around him, wanting him even deeper inside your womb. Levi let out a low hum as he pressed one hand on the bulge that his tail left in your womb, right over your neglected dripping cock, where you wanted him most. Desperately you whine, burying your head in the crook of his neck, as you try chasing your orgasm on his tail. „Look at you my dirty little pup, fucking yourself stupid on my demon tail… but it isn‘t enough, is it?“ he coaxes, his voice way too gentle for the dirty words that left his mouth. You let out a moan at the embarrassing words, inching yourself closer to him, your dicks touching, just for Levi to breathily moan in your ear and pull back his tail, now the scales were wet and sloppy. Whining in protest, as you now felt incredibly empty, but before I could even question the cause of his actions you were cut off by his tail lifting you onto his cock.
Levis hands now on your waist, forcing his entire length deep inside of your womb, deep enough to almost kiss your cervix. You squirm and writhe in pleasure, begging for him to move. "You're such a pretty boy, aren't you? Mhhh im gonna make sure to breed you all nice and full~ so that everyone knows you're mine and mine only~" he says, his voice almost dangerously low, etching into a growl. His hands still stayed flush on your waist, keeping you in place as he started thrusting into you at a steady and fast, causing you to wrap your arms around his neck, as if anchoring yourself onto sanity. He bounced you on his cock like a helpless little fucktoy, and yet your hole kept sucking him in greedily as he penetrated that sweet spot inside of you, making your legs shake and moans spill from your lips. "L-levi~" you breathe out, signaling how close you were to your release. That was all he needed to steady his pace, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he got close too, the end of his tail now pressing both of your cocks together, jerking them off in a pace that matches his thrusts of his second cock. You can only hear him moan out your name before his spills from your lips as well. You fill his hot thick cum fill up and paint your insides in white, the rest of the seed painting Leviathans chest.
Both of you need a while to catch your breath, slowly coming down from your high when Levis hands release you, and you fall forward into his chest, lacking the energy to hold yourself up any longer. Carefully, Levi pulls out, not wanting to hurt you, before wrapping you up in his comforting embrace. Just before you slip into dreamscape, you hear Leviathan mumble something in the crown of your hair
"I don't need birthday gifts as long as I have you, my love."
Whoaaaa, that was another long one- this originally was supposed to be just a short drabble, and it sort of escalated into...this
Hope you enjoyed :)
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rierice8 · 2 years
Idk if u still write but id love for the reader to bite and drink vanitas blood while hes pinned down, panting, whimpering, gripping the sheets, getting hard asf… basically what jeanne did.
OMG DOWN BAD FOR VANITAS- and yes I do still write! Sorry I’ve been in Ireland with my marching band! That’s why I answered so late! We won some parades and it was so much fun, shout out to my roommates. I’m now back home though so I’m back to writing my requests!
But anyways ahem ahem, yes, ahem. I love this request-
Word count: 1234 words
(Not me being a little bit of a simp)
Vanitas x male vampire reader
!!Suggestive content but no smut!!
Synopsis: you were feeling jealous from earlier and craving some blood and Vanitas was taking too long to show up…
Thirsty vampire
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You were tired. Rather drained, in fact. Vanitas and Noé had dragged you to another raggedy part of Paris to heal another curse bearer. It was a wild chase, they were quiet and stealthy, especially for a curse bearer. After hours of running back and forth, Vanitas finally managed to capture and cure them. Of course, the woman was rather touchy with your boyfriend after he helped her find her true name. You hated it. Noé had questioned if you were alright because you looked and felt very tense, which you were. Though at the time you had just said you were tired. You swore she’d tried to kiss Vanitas and yes, it made you jealous. It’s even an underestimation to say you were jealous, you were fuming. So clearly now that you’re home and Vanitas is off frolicking with Noé instead of being with you, you’re done. By that you ment pissed beyond belief.
You sat on your bed, waiting for him to show up. Just sitting, and waiting, and sitting, and waiting. You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood, tasting the metal of your own blood made you crave a drink.
Almost an hour and a half later, you still sat on the bed, unmoving. You’d sat through sun set and now it was dark outside, yet still, Vanitas was no where to be found. Every minute thst passed you grew more and more upset with him. First he let that curse bearer touch and flirt with him, and then he doesn’t even come back. When the door finally opened at midnight, your eyes were red.
“Oh, wow, it’s already rather late! I hope I didn’t keep you waiting on me and Noé too long,” Vanitas said with his usual catty, carefree voice.
“No, no, not long at all. It’s not as though I waited five hours in this room wondering why you didn’t tell me where you’d gone,” you spat, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in your words.
“And so? Its not like I have to tell you everything I’m doing, when and why. You’re just a jealous boyfriend,” Vanitas laughed annoyingly just to rub in the statement.
“Really? Fine then, I am a jealous boyfriend. I saw that curse bearer drooling over you after you cured her, and you just let her touch you and even try to kiss you. And you didn’t even come back and tell me that you were going off with Noé, nor did you invite me to come,” you began to rant.
“You looked tired,” he shrugged. At that comment you lost it. You grabbed him by the arm and dragged him closer to the bed. You pulled his coat off and undid his collar.
“Slow down, wait! What are you doing?” Vanitas gasped as you trailed your hot tounge over his neck and collarbone. He didn’t do anything to fight you though, so you continued. Finding the perfect place, you bit down. Your fangs penitrating the soft surface of his skin.
“Ah!” He moaned at the feeling. You sucked fervently at his neck, like a man dying of thirst. You pushed him down on the bed one hand gently resting on the back of his neck and the other holding you up. Your knee pushing at his clothed dick.
The motion in itself made Vanitas’ whole body jolt and him to let out a large moan.
“Oh mon dieu- mmmmh!” Vanitas was gasping for air at this point. His long nails were digging into your arms, though not enough that it hurt. You were too overwhelmed with the taste of his amazing blood to care either way. You kept sucking harder and even started to move your knee around.
“Ah! Mmm-mph! Stop— ah! Stop it!” Vanitas moaned into your neck but you couldn’t hear him, you were too focused on drinking from him. You could never get full of his blood, it was yours and only yours. You let your fangs slip out of him and licked up whatever excess blood came from the wound. Vanitas was sweating and panting on the bed sheets. You could feel how hard he was from this alone. He looked at you with his half lidded vibrent blue eyes as though he wanted you to continue. He was undressing you with his eyes.
“If you think that you can pull a stunt like this and then get the relif you crave then you are sorely mistaken. I drank from you for my pleasure and my pleasure only,” you said as you turned around to leave.
“Wait! So you’re just gonna leave then?! Thats not fair,” he said out of breath and in a more whiney tome than normal.
“Yes, I am going to leave. And don’t touch yourself while I’m gone or I’ll ignore you for a month,” you said coldly and walked out of the room. He ran after you and grabbed your arm. You stared back at him emotionlessly. His eyes were so hard to refuse. Vanitas kept eye contact with you before biting off one of his gloves and scratching his neck hard enough it bleed.
“You should probably clean that up, before I have to waste it,” he smirked. Who were you to reject that, it was such a hot display of disregard for his own personal safety. Not even just that, he was too desperate and it was making you feel desperate too. You lent in again and bit him in a new spot now, sucking again as hard as you wanted.
“Mmmmmf— mmf!” he tried to silence his moans with his hand. You let go of his neck and looked at him. You tore his hand from his mouth and instead intertwined your fingers.
“I want to hear everything I make you feel,” you said before gently and slowly unbuttoning his shirt, after it was on the floor, you violently and suddenly bit the other side of his collar. Vanitas’ hair was a mess, just like him. He was panting and moaning so loudly you were sure Noé could hear from the neighbouring room. Vanitas tries to do something, anything, but he fails to even move his hand an inch.
“Nghh- ah!” All that could be heard in the room was a light gulping and Vanitas’ occasional whimpers. When you’d finally decided you’d had your fill, you let go with a sigh. Vanitas was under you panting wildly. His pants had a wet spot, so clearly, he came in his pants.
“Oh? And all I did was bite you,” you laughed. He immediately knew what you were referring to and looked away, still panting.
“Oh shut up, you know you weren’t just biting me,” he said arrogantly, already back to his usual self.
All you did was laugh at his cute disselved state. Blue hair spread all across the bed, three different bite marks adorned his neck and collarbone, his shirt somewhere long forgotten. You trailed your cold hands up his abdomen and watched him shiver with anticipation.
“I can’t stay mad at you, Vanitas,” you whispered.
“Huh, why not? Too pretty, am I?” He said cockily. You laughed,
You continued to trail your hands up and down his milky skin.
“What are you doing, mon chérie,” Vanitas asked. You smiled,
“Nothing, just admiring your build,” You whispered. The night ended in a comfortable silence after that.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask for Vanitas and 12) “Chivalry is dead, and you’re the one killing it.” for the 900 followers event?
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): The Case Study of Vanitas
Pairing(s): Vanitas x Gender Neutral!Reader
Prompt: “Chivalry is dead, and you’re the one killing it.” (Dialogue Prompt #12)
Notes: Vanitas is such a brat lmao
Also, lowkey inspired by that one scene in Elf with Will Ferrell
The old shower turns on with a squeal of the bronze knob and a rumble of the pipes, and steam erupts into the air. You quickly strip out of your clothes and step behind the shower curtain into the borderline boiling water. Your skin tingles as it adjusts to the temperature, and you shudder with delight. 
After a long day of Noé’s and Vanitas’s shenanigans, a long, hot shower was just what you needed. 
Plucking your shampoo, you lather some in the palms of your hands before massaging it into your scalp. The suds run down your neck and onto your back as you turn to face away from the shower head and start scrubbing the soap from your skin and skull. 
You begin to hum, the song being one you heard on a violin in a plaza earlier in the day as you moved on to the conditioner. While you let that sit in your hair, you scrub a bar of soap all over your body to clean off the grime and dirt from earlier. 
It was then that you heard something. 
More humming? 
Dangerously off-key, but there nonetheless. 
You peek through the shower curtain, and there he is. 
Vanitas. Sans his cloak and sits on the bathroom counter, humming as if he wasn’t in the room when you were showering. 
You shriek. 
This causes Vanitas to jump and slip off the counter, banging his head on the way down. He curls into a ball, holding his head and letting out a pained whine. 
“Are you okay—wait, no—what are you doing in here?! When did you even get in here?!” You demand, and he just lets out another pained noise as he sits up, his right hand still massaging the back of his head where a bump is already starting to form. 
If he hadn’t just snuck into the bathroom, you would’ve felt bad for him. 
But he snuck into the bathroom. So you didn’t feel bad. 
At least you didn’t until you got out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, and saw his hand come away bloody. 
So you quickly dry off and get dressed in clean clothes that had been folded neatly (under Vanitas’s cloak) on the toilet seat. Had he been attempting to join you for a shower? 
Creepy. You may have been dating him, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t still slightly unnerving. 
You help your lover onto the bed in the adjacent bedroom and go back to the bathroom for medical supplies. Then, grabbing some gauze and antiseptic, you return to Vantias’s side, where he declines any help.
“I can do it myself.” He says quickly, and you roll your eyes.
“Let me help. Plus, you owe me, scaring the living daylights out of me like that.” You mutter, and he relents, hissing as you dab a rag with the medicine onto the bump. 
It’s silent for a minute before you speak.
“What were you going to do in there?” You ask seriously, and he shrugs,
“Was trying to be chivalrous and was going to wash your hair for you.” He said, and you huff,
“Chivalry is dead, and you’re the one killing it.” You reply dryly, and he lets out a haughty laugh before wincing at the volume and holding his head again.
He recovers quickly and turns to face you with a mischievous smile,
“I am the epitome of chivalrous, and you know it.” He teases, and you raise your eyebrows,
“Name one time.” You say, and he falters for a moment.
“Um… I held the door open for you?”
“That’s common decency, Vanitas.” You retort, and he deflates.
You snip the gauze with a pair of scissors and secure it so the blood doesn’t drip down his neck. Then, you hold an ice pack to his injury and press a kiss on his forehead. 
He blushes a bright red but smiles sheepishly as you press another to his nose.
“All better.” You say, and he hums,
“Do you think I could join you for your next shower?” He asks hopefully,
“Absolutely not.” You deadpan, and he just whines.
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
This is my first request, I'm sorry if it bothers you, here it goes Vanitas x fem reader who is taller than him.
No bother at all! Feel free to request whenever you want! Hope you like it^^
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Sometimes you failed to understand how petty Vanitas could be. He was of average height and never once in your life you thought he would be mad at you for being taller than him. You and Noé - both being taller than Vanitas - were literally just standing there, while talking about the latest cafè Noé had visited, when Vanitas rushed in pouting. He must have been already upset for something else, but the moment he noticed how you two had to lower your gaze to look at him, he lost it. Immediately after, he went away complaining and mumbling about how you two were making fun of your height difference. "What's wrong with him today?" you wondered, but Noé didn't know the answer neither. Another day, you caught him standing on a stool while trying to reach a shelf. You fought really hard the urge to laugh - if he had heard laughing about him, there was a high risk of you getting said stool on your forehead. What you thought was funniest though, was how he could have clearly reached that shelf on his own. He was just being dramatic. As usual. You really don't to make fun of him - it just doesn't feel right, it may hurt his feelings but his often unpleasant behaviour makes you change your mind. At the end of the day, Vanitas has to deal with both you and Noé teasing him, pushing objects to higher shelves - which results in Vanitas kicking Noé's knee and a lot of items scattered across the floor after Vanitas had hit the shelf. The day after, you suddenly had an idea! You carefully approached Vanitas, while he was quietly drinking his coffee, still half-asleep. As soon as you had the chance, you lifted him up in your arms - holding him bridal style. Before he noticed you were the one carrying him, he started moving relentlessly. "Let me go, I'm not a child..." he pouted, his cheeks blushing. "Why? You're so cute, Vanitas.". You can be sure you'll be the next one he will kick after this one.
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