#North nose 4th house
pricklypear1997 · 1 year
Drunk FMAB ramblings
Edward: omg he’s short and full of anger and depression. So relatable. Favorite color is red, same. “You mean this shrimp fried some rice?!?!?” Adorable. Will literally fight god if he has too lmao. Isn’t atheist as most would believe…. Doesn’t give up. Loves his little bro.
Al: loves cats uwu same, my brother, but my bff is definitely him and she’s like a sister to me lol, plus taller than me :((((. Al is a cinnamon roll. So adorably sweet. Who could hate him??? Seriously??? Will brighten anyone’s day! Such a book nerd 📚. Idk. I think he really likes reading. :) ngl my little bro is like him too. Tall as hell wtf… I feel so protective of my little bro but honestly he doesn’t need me 😹😹😹
Winry, the perfect girl, she’s wonderful and great at making things. So patient with Ed :3 I love her piercings. She’s probably really good at math xD so smart and self reliant too! Loves Edward so much. So sweet :))))
Riza; so strong and cool. Damn sharpshooter. Wish I could be as good with a gun as her. I’ve never held a gun before lmaooo. She’s so cool. She’s definitely a bit sad tho. I get that.
Roy; omg he’s funny but dumb 😂 idk why he’s dumb but he is. ._. He’s so different from me but I completely understand his end goal. That patriotism and love for his country 🤩, I 100% get that and I feel like I kinda have the same end goal as he does, even tho… personality wise, I don’t relate to him at all. He’s such a fucking manwhore lmao.
Ling Yao; funny funny guy, so similar to the mustang tbh (I wonder if Roy is part Xingese too), so funny and chipper. Loves food. Loves his country too, again so fucking based. Imagine being emperor of your country, hell yeah! I love his smile lmao 🤣
Mei Chang; really cute, her braids remind me of central Asian hairstyles :) Central Asia is so cool man… I’m 1/4th central Asian (and North Indian) ok?!? I like her little panda/cat too. She’s so sweet :3 a little red bean dumpling 🥟.
Lan Fan, mysterious cool girl. She literally cut off her arm to throw Wrath off DAMN girl. Her loyalty to Ling is WOW. I’d like to learn more about her. We didn’t get enough of Lan Fan.
Olivier Mira Armstrong; oh my god she’s so cool (and hot!). Sword fighting badass chick. Fur coats and all… damn. So cool and scary. She’s so honest, I love that about her. Very Balkan of her to NOT beat around the bush!!!
Alex Louis Armstrong; mustached muscly freak who’s actually really nice, but kinda scary. I actually appreciate him much more now than I used too. A heroic good guy 👍🏻. A gentle Giant. Probably really good at cooking too?
Izumi Curtis; I love her. Strong independent woman who’s also a house wife and loves her husband. Is a house wife who subverts every sexist stereotype of house wives. So damn cool. She lost a child through miscarriage. :( loves kids but is a “tough love” kinda gal. Doesn’t mess around. She’s really great. I love her relationship with Sig.
Sig Curtis; a gentle giant. Loving and understanding husband. Loves Izumi so much 😭 so patient with his crazy wife! That’s dedication right there! Probably really good at cooking 😀
Ok now the humonculi;
Wrath; a cautionary tale. I actually really like King Bradley. I get him. Really angry lol. Bad ass. So good at sword fighting 🤩🤩🤩. Actually loves his wife… his story is actually sad. Who were his parents??? Orphan…
Envy: ; wtf a palm tree??? I hate this character but idk why. He/she/they irritates me. I like the cute tiny lizard form though. I really adore lizards :3. Kinda angry and angsty. I don’t get this character lol.
Lust; sexy lady roflmao. She’s really pretty, it’s true. Her nails on fleek 10/10. She’s an interesting character and I would’ve loved to see more of her. She died too soon.
Sloth; “what a pain ______ is”. I feel ya bro. He’s scary and muscly, but sleepy af. He does not give a single fuck 😹😹😹
Pride; snot nosed brat! I can’t stand this kid. 🤠 I think pride is my third biggest sin after Wrath and Sloth tho… but this kid was so annoying loooool. Spoiled little rich bitch 🤣
Gluttony; fatass. He’s kinda gross. Resembles a big fat drooling hungry baby lmaoooo.
Greed; we ALL have greed to some extent. He’s such a player. Goofy ass. Funny. Gets all the ladddiiiieeeessss. He wants to rule the world? Or he really just wants good friends who appreciate him???? A chill guy. Slightly annoying but tolerable xD
Father; what the fuck is that thing??? Dwarf in the flask LMAO. Shadowy figure. A weirdo.
Ok back to humans;
Maes Hughes; the best dad ever! Spoils his daughter rotten! A great guy. Everyone is sad he died. I can see why Mustang really appreciated Hughes. He was such a great and kind hearted friend 😄. Made everyone feel better.
Miles; ok actually really cool. I get that 1/4th “other” feeling. Idk why but he’s really interesting. Looks cool :) he’s gonna help save Amestris AND the Ishvalans.
Scar; I I understand his anger. He’s very human and I appreciate that Hiromu Arakawa highlights his humanity despite his wrathfulness. He made a lot of horrible mistakes but we all know he’s on a path of redemption. He really likes cute things :3
Buccaneer; loyal as hell tough guy 🤣 acts so mean on the surface; but is actually nice and just wants SOMEONE to notice how much he cares lmao.
Kimblee; what the fuck? Kinda reminds me of the Boltons from ASOIAF. Long black straight hair pale faced and creepy as hell. Complete psycho and bloodthirsty as hell lmaoooo.
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rainy-astrology · 2 years
ATEEZ Yunho Birth chart analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May change later.
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March 23rd, 1999
Gwangju, SK
10:32 PM
☀️♈️, 🌙♊️, ⬆️♏️
Sun Aries is exalted, so it has a lot of influence in his chart. Placed in 5th, he's very creative and artsy, he shines best on stage for sure. He's very expressive and passionate
Moon Gemini in 8th makes him quite talkative and curious. He's a very devoted and loyal person. He's also probably a bit moody and intense at times (probably enhanced more with Aries' sensitivity and being a Scorpio rising...)
Moon square mercury really confirms the intensity part. It may be hard for him at times to separate feelings and thoughts, resulting in sensitivity. He needs to really think about his feelings and understand them before doing anything bc he could end up hurting others unintentionally.
Pisces Mercury in 4th shows he likely gets bored of routine, of doing mundane things. He needs spunk in his life to get anything done. He is quite warm and welcoming to others - if I recall correctly, I'm sure it was Wooyoung who said Yunho feels like home
Scorpio Mars is very passionate and serious about whatever they pursue. They will always go after what they want, nothing can stop them. Mars in 12th though shows possible passive aggression...Mars in 12th people always seem confused about their anger - how to express it apropriately and deal with them calmly, so they tend to repress anger and/or end up lashing out. Yunho has said his anger is his weakness and so always tries to be positive in order to not explode. He seems uncomfortable with more intense and "negative" feelings
Aries Jupiter in the 5th enhances his creative side. It also makes him quite funny and witty. He loves having fun with others and overall being positive. Sun conjunct Jupiter aspect is very positive; makes him generous and helpful
Venus Taurus people are usually very comforting and chill to be around. He's pretty gentle in the way he shows affection - not as affectionate as Wooyoung but far from cold. In 6th, he can be giving and thoughtful; likes helping other people; acts of service. He may find a romantic partner through work
Taurus Saturn in 6th makes him very disciplined and serious about his work. He's never lacked in his performances and singing; idol career was honestly a very good choice for him
Venus conjunct Saturn could indicate acts of service as his main love language. Like I said before, he's not a very affectionate person like Wooyoung, but seems to express it by helping others and overall being very kind. He is more calm in the way he shows it (which I think is an Earth venus thing though...not super openly affectionate but gentle yet deep in showing it though)
Aquarius Uranus and Neptune in 3rd...Uranus could mean he's a brainstormer, he thinks in an abstract and fun way. Neptune gives a lot of imagination, an important tool in creative outlets (Yunho's ANEWS series...especially since 3rd house is communication...)
Sagittarius Pluto in 1st can make him a bit intimidating to others. Intuitive and intense. Noncomformative and has a disregard for rules sometimes. Very impressionable person, especially with his Sun trine Pluto aspect. Constantly going through personal transformations bc he wants to improve and grow
Sagittarius Chiron also sits in the 1st. Possible self esteem issues. May put other people before himself
Leo North Node in 9th...Wants to find meaning in his life, develop freedom to do what he wants
Scorpio rising...Passionate and may be intense to other people, may come off as serious at 1st glance. He has the long ish face shape and nose, he sometimes has the strong gaze that most Scorpio risings do
Leo MC is all about self expression and creativity. He seems to be doing that pretty well, I don't think he's very shy about putting his ideas out there
Overall, he seems like a very fun and creative person with a deep intense side. He's probably uncomfortable with expressing that intensity though and prefers to have a positive mindset instead. Some struggles with his self worth and impulsiveness
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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bestiarium · 2 years
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The Nodamkenowet [Penobscot mythology; Native American mythology]
The fear of what strange and dangerous creatures may lurk in deep waters has always been a part of humanity. Pretty much every civilization has stories about aquatic creatures. Among the native Penobscot people in North America, tales were told about the Nodamkenowet. The spelling of this name is not set in stone and varies a lot, sometimes it’s spelt Nodumkanwet or something similar. The name roughly translates to “grabbing [someone] from beneath the water”.
Nodamkenowet resembles a human being – most often with long red or reddish hair but sometimes black hair – but with the lower body of a fish. This is very similar to the classic European idea of a mermaid or a siren. The creature has a flat, broad face which appears human but has long, sharp teeth. It enjoys watching people from the water by swimming just under the surface, with only the upper part of their face above the water. Sometimes, the Nodamkenowet sneaks up to bathing women and touches their genitals as a prank. For unknown reasons, when these aquatic beings find a human corpse, they fill its eyes, nose and mouth with mud.
These monsters can be found in the waters of Passamaquoddy Bay.
When Fannie Eckstorm – an American folklorist – interviewed Native American people in 1919, she was told by a native woman that a Nodumkanwet lived under her house. Several of the local people claimed to have seen the creature as well, indicating that belief in these beings is still alive in recent times. It is said that if you stamp the ground hard enough, the Nodumkanwet may appear. Eckstorm was also warned that sightings of this being usually herald some kind of disaster. The devastating cholera pandemic of the 1860’s, for example, was supposedly preceded by an appearance of one of these creatures.
According to the 3rd source I listed here, this creature is synonymous to the Apodumken of Maliseet and Passamaquoddy folktales, which is pronounced something like “ah-boo-damkin”. It also claims that the lower body of these beings resembles that of a snake rather than the tail of a fish. The author also mentions that an Apodumken has hairy hands that end in vicious, sharp claws. Additionally, this book states that in the Passamaquoddy version of the legend, the monsters are huge sea serpents rather than humanlike beings with a tail. These snakes have huge fangs and possess the ability to command animals who live in the seas. There are only 12 of these beings in existence and they come together once a year, at a grand feast where they devour kidnapped children. During this event, the snakes take on a human form and dress themselves with expensive clothes. But I found no confirmation for the claims of this book, so please take them with a grain of salt. Though there is some credibility to the part about giant serpents: the 4th book I cited here confirms that there are versions of the myth where the Apodumken was once a human woman who was afflicted with a vile curse and transformed into a monstrous sea serpent.
However, I do believe the Apodumken and the Nodumkanwet are different versions of the same (or at least a closely related) myth. The creatures are powerful spellcasters who delight in casting spells and curses on innocent people, and sometimes kidnap human children (but sometimes also adults) with the intent of eating them. When a desired victim has no intention of entering the water by themselves, the Apodumken comes out and drags them into the depths.
Given that the monster is said to prefer eating naughty children who misbehave, we can assume that this story likely originated as a way to dissuade kids from doing bad or dangerous things. In this case, playing close to the water’s surface.
Kevin Hawk claimed that in the Pacific Northwest, the name ‘Apotamkin’ (or related spellings) refers to a different monster: this version is a furry, ape-like humanoid creature with a tall body covered in reddish fur. This tale gained popularity in recent decades because it was mentioned in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. In the original myths, this monster is not a vampire but a dangerous forest creature that kills children who venture too deep into the woods. It can attack by means of its paralyzing cry, which can make your heart freeze, killing you instantly. Though it has little similarities with the other monster named Apotamkin, both tales were likely intended to scare misbehaving children. While the stories about the sea monster are a common myth among the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy people, the ones about the red forest creature are not and I can hardly find any source on them. So I am not 100% certain whether they really exist, or whether they’re a product of people confusing/mixing the fictional vampires with actual Native American legends.
Sources: Speck, F. G., 1935, Penobscot Tales and Religious Beliefs, The Journal of American Folklore, 48(187), pp1-107. Nabokov, P., 2007, Where the lightning strikes: the lives of American Indian sacred places, Penguin, 368 pp. Packard, C., 2021, Mythical creatures of Maine: Fantastic beasts from legend and folklore, Down East Books, 200 pp. Fee, C. and Webb, J. B. (editors), 2016, American Myths, Legends and Tall Tales: an encyclopedia of American folklore, ABC-CLIO, 1160 pp. (image source 1: Carolina Eade. The image was not intended to picture this specific mythical creature but its appearance resembles the description of the Nodamkenowet so I thought it fits with the text) (image source 2: Imnurhest on Deviantart)
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mssleepy876b · 1 year
TGM Fic Possible Chapter 2
summary: An reunion with between Bradley and a childhood peer makes waves during the prep for the Uranium Mission.
requested? No, just a possible start to a story.
word count: 1578
warnings: No
a/n: Please give feedback as might be the start of a new story. @seresinhangmanjake @tongue-like-a-razor @bratshaws @bradshawsbaby @roosterforme @beyondthesefourwalls @townmoondaltwistle
Chapter 2
Ellie smiled as her memories of growing up with Maverick filled her mind.  A buzz of her cell phone caught her attention from the crowd as the Hard Deck filled up for the night.  A text message awaited her from her dad.  “Warlock shared the results.  Good job, Mini-Me.  Mom and I are proud.” Her ears filled with music as the piano began to ring out filling the air.  A familiar head of hair sat at the piano bench; Ellie’s heart jumped into her chest.  “Oh, God, No.  Please let him be here for something else.  Please.” She thought as she moved to face the piano player with tears at the edges of her eyes.
                His voice and a familiar tune filled the room.  His focus on the keys and his song made her smile with memories of how important that song was to her Uncle Maverick and his dad Goose.  His callsign and cheers filled the air around them when their eyes met.  She gave a small smile as he moved through the crowd to greet her.  “Ellie?” he said quietly.  Her nod was enough to encourage him to pull her close into a hug as a laugh caused his chest to vibrate against hers.  Her nose was filled with his familiar cologne and the scents of the skies.  He looked her over as he stepped back.  “God, Ellie, you look good.  Different but good.  How are you doing?  Last I heard you were in DC with Slider.”  She chuckled slightly as he led her to a nearby pool table with other navy members surrounding it.
                She stepped to the other side of a small table as she began to answer him.  “I was in DC until about a month ago.  Mom asked and Uncle Slider helped me transfer near home.  Been here at North Island for a month now.  Working directly with Admiral Bates. “
                “Explains the promotion, Lt. Commander.  Congratulations, Ellie.  You deserve it.  But not in the skies?”
                “Rotator cup surgery about a year ago.  Completed the paper assessments and re-quals were today.  Cleared to return as soon as Warlock decides.”
                “Tommy?  Sasha and Chris?  How are they doing?”
                “Tommy’s a CAG now on a carrier.  In the Med somewhere.  Loves every minute of it.  Sasha and Chris are good.  The kids are growing so quick these days.  3rd and 4th graders now.  Sasha’s running the New York to Atlanta trek lately.  Got a lot of challenges and respect built up for herself.”
                “What about your mom and dad?  I know you said Aunt Sarah asked you to come closer to home but any news?  Your dad is brief in his emails.”
                “Mom’s good.  Dad works at home a lot these days.  Keeps her busy as well as keeping up with us.  Dad’s health hasn’t been great, Brad.  Last thing they told me it was in remission, but I am concerned.  He barely talks on the phone anymore.  It is always by text or email.  I know it took a lot out of him, but I am scared there is more they are hiding from me.”
                He pulled her into another quick hug, “Ellie, I am sorry.  I need to go out there if I have time.  I need to see them and catch up in person.  Still in the big house?”
                “Of course, Mom will never let that place go.  She loves it.”  Ellie said with a smile returning to her face.
                A male voice interrupted before Brad could speak again.  “Bradshaw, who’s the lovely lady?” one of the officers in uniform said as he approached them.
                “Hangman, bug off.” Brad said moving to stand toe to toe with the new man.
                “Rooster, be honest.  You know she is out of your league.” Hangman responded.
                Ellie reached out to Brad touching his arm before he responded as she moved to stand.  Her eyes met with a female officer who flashed a look of recognition on her face as Ellie moved to stand at her full height in front of Brad.  Another officer, Fritz, recognized Ellie as well.  “So, you must think you are Lieutenant Serein?” she asked with chill entering her voice looking him over.
                “Of course.  Only the best of the best for you, Darling.” He said with a smirk.
                Ellie took off her baseball cap, shaking out her blonde hair, and moved to stand toe to toe with Hangman.  “If I wanted to be with the best of the best, Lieutenant.  I would go to visit my father the Admiral, or to the Med to visit my brother, the CAG on his carrier, or just hang out alone as I am one of the Best of the Best.  Top Gun Class of 2012.  Don’t think that just because I am in civilian attire that I can’t handle a cocky lieutenant.  Thanks to my father, brothers, and my Uncles of the Top Gun class of 1986, I will always be better in the skies than you.”  She took a deep breath and turned to face Brad.  “Brad, I will see you later.  Phoenix, nice to see you again.  Fritz, don’t think I forgot about that drink you owe me for saving your skin with the CAG that last flight.” Ellie tapped Fritz on the shoulder as she walked past him.
                She was almost to the door when she hear Phoenix’s voice echo out.  “God, you are so stupid, Bagman.  How successful of a career do you think you will have by pissing off Iceman’s baby girl?  First day back at North Island and you start it by pissing off Ice Queen.  While Ice Queen will handle you in the air, her father as an Admiral has a lot more reach, Bagman.”  Everyone, other than Brad and Fritz, looked at Phoenix in surprise making Ellie smile again as she exited the door and headed off to her car for the night. 
                The next morning, she met Admiral Bates in her office.  She was shocked as she entered and spoke to him right away, “Admiral Bates, sir.  Did I miss a meeting?  Did you need something?”
                “Calm down, Lt. Commander.  I was checking that you were in uniform.  Do you have your flight suit with you?”
                “Yes, sir.  Here in my duffle.”
                “Good.  You might need it later.  Be down at the training hangar by 9.  See you then, Lt. Commander.” He said moving out the door.
                Her uniform and hair was pristine as she greeted Admiral Simpson as he entered the hangar where she was standing.  “Lieutenant Commander, I heard about your re-quals.  Good to have you back in the skies.” He told her.  “Bet your father was proud.”
                “Thank you, sir.  It feels good to be back in the air.  Yes, sir.  He texted to congratulate me last night.” She said quickly.  She then watched as Cyclone motioned for Warlock to start the meeting.  She stood at Cyclone’s side as Warlock addressed the group.  She recognized Hangman, Fritz, and Phoenix along with Brad.  She felt her heart drop as she saw the recent Top Gun graduates from each squadron including Fritz from her old squadron.  She immediately knew the mission they faced.  She paled as she saw Maverick walk from the back of the hangar to face the group.  Her family was right in the middle of this mission and her heart sank.
                Ellie analyzed the information and helped Maverick break down the flights with the group as the 2nd day progressed.  She could see each mistake as the teams made them.  She could tell that the pilots seemed too cocky to understand or listen to what Maverick was telling them.  She shook her head as each team failed.  It was at the end of training day 2 as tensions flared.  Hangman and Brad began to bristle against each other, and Hangman brought up Goose.  Ellie’s face paled.  As the group settled keeping Rooster and Hangman apart, her heart felt full of ice against Hangman.  After Maverick dismissed them, Rooster left quickly but Ellie went nose to nose with Jake.
                “You really enjoy being an ass, don’t you, Serein?” she snapped out.
                “What does it matter to you, Elsa?” he said smirking.
                “Do you realize that you not only purposely hurt Rooster but Maverick too?  One of the hardest things Bradley had to watch was his mom raise him alone because she never could replace Goose.  Plus, my Dad and his class had to step in to be father figures in Brad’s life.  Maverick has never lost the guilt over Goose’s death.  He told me so many times how as the pilot you are so responsible for the lives of your WSO or your wingmen.  He warned me how hard it was to have to face the consequences of mistakes in the air even if they are not your fault.  You always feel responsible for those on your team.  Your cocky attitude will get someone on your team killed, Serein, which is why no one can trust you in the air.”  Ellie took a breath as she felt both Phoenix and Fritz at her back.  She stared down Jake with the cold look inherited from her father and the ice in her voice.  “If you ever bring up my Uncle Goose like that again, it will be more than Rooster that they will have to keep off your back.  I’ll personally kick your ass, Serein.  And that is a promise. “she said as she stormed out of the room to find Bradley.
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mysticmonastro · 2 years
Houses in Astrology
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Each house of our horoscope corresponds to a different area of our life. Different aspects of our living -Artha (Material), Kama (Pleasure), Dharma (Duty), and Moksha (Spirituality, Salvation) are governed by these houses. There are 12 houses in a horoscope chart - in both western and vedic astrology and each house holds one zodiac sign. Also can be said that each sign rules one house of the horoscope.
Artha Houses - 2, 6, 10 Kama Houses - 3, 7, 11 Dharma Houses - 1, 5, 9 Moksha Houses - 4, 8, 12
The images above shows the horoscope patterns of Western and Vedic astrology. The western astrology uses a wheel symbolism whereas Vedic astrology uses a square diagram with diamond and triangle shapes within in.
The above horoscopes considers the 1st house to hold the sign of Aries. This horoscope where the first house has the 1st sign of the zodiac is called the Kaalpurush's zodiac chart in Vedic astrology.
The sign in the first house (and consequently the other houses) of an individual's chart will change depending on which sign was rising in the eastern hemisphere at the time his/her birth and is called the rising/Ascendant sign - which determines the overall personality. It is called as the Lagna in vedic astrology and also known as the "House of Self".
The First House : The first house denotes many aspects of our persona - including our sense of self, physical body, color, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigor, skin, natural disposition and tendencies, general candor, honor and dignity. Prosperity and general well-being, longevity, age, suffering and name, fame and reputation can also be determined from the first house. In our body - the first house represents our head, forehead and upper part of the face.
If there are any planets in the first house of the zodiac, it will affect the mentioned aspects of the individual personality.
For example : If a person has Sun in their 1st house they will have a very strong and dynamic personality. If there is Venus (planet of femininity and beauty) - the person will have beautiful features. (Given there are no other planetary aspects onto the first house)
The Second House : The 2nd House signifies of our family, earning ability, speech, food, bank balance, revenues, oratory and observation skills, memory. It's also a signifier of jewelry, precious stones, metals and documents. In our body, the Second house represents our face below forehead - nose tongue, cheek, chin, face-cut. For example - if Moon is in the 2nd house, the person will have a round shaped face. It can also denote our morals (truth or falsehood) and miserliness or liberality. For example - if Jupiter (the teacher planet) is in the 2nd house, the person would be always truthful. If Venus is in the 2nd house, the person will be a sweet, pleasing talker. North Node in 2nd house may give an individual lying tendencies. They could also sound proud or have a harsh voice.
The Third House : The 3rd House is the house of siblings and cousins. It determines our self-effort, courage, valor, firmness, heroism, motivation, reflexes. It also signifies short travels and represents all communication means- correspondence, letters, media, mobile, television, telecommunication, radio reports, signals, messengers, etc. In our body the 3rd House represents neck, collarbone, shoulder, arms and nervous system.
The Fourth House : The 4th House represents our home, mother and emotions. It deals with the movable and immovable properties, real estates, mines, gardens, agriculture, etc. It represents our psychology, early education - school, college, childhood and domestic environment. It's also relates to vedic and secret texts, boats, oil and water, milk, herbs, caves, wells, ponds, etc. It can be signifier of any personal resting place for an individual. For example, Venus in 4th House individual would like to have a very well decorated and furnished house. Sun in the 4th House would want to have a extravagant house setup. Moon in the 4th House makes a person very homely as their thoughts and emotions are all about their Home Sweet Home.
The Fifth House : The 5th House is a Happy house as it represents Children and Love Relationships. It denotes Creativity, Recreation, Romance and Innovation. It also represents past life tendencies. It represents tastes and fantasies and is a signifier of various entertainment forms like cinema, opera, drama, music, dance, drama. It's also a house of speculative businesses like gambling, betting, lottery, etc. It also represents profound learning, wisdom, religious affinity, chanting of mantras and spiritual practices. In our body, the 5th house represents belly, waist and Pancreas. 5th house determines hobbies and enjoyment. Negative influences on 5th house may lead to addictions, love crimes, etc.
The Sixth House : The 6th House is the house of service, routine work, diseases, competition, enmity, struggle, debt, obstacles, nursing food and dietary habits. It also represents employees, subordinates and servants, pet animals and tenants. Malefic placements in 6th house can be indicative of separation from partner, divorce. 6th House is also dress, clothing, industries, public health, sanitation. It also represents maternal uncle. In our body 6th House represents lower abdomen, intestines, etc.
The Seventh House : The 7th House is the house of Marriage. It represents partnerships - life partner / business partner, dealing with the public, legal bondages, contracts, arbitration, international relationships, wars, foreign affairs, public image. It is also seen for death predictions. In our body 7th House represents the reproductive organs.
The Eighth House : The 8th House signifies circumstances of death, loss, obstruction, theft, fire, famine, scandals, ill-repute, suicide, etc. It signifies inheritance, legacy, insurance. It's also the house of Occult, yoga, mysticism, psychic talents. It also denotes sudden events, accidents, infections, defeat, disappointment, robbery, obstructions, blame, sexual scandals, underground activities, etc. In our body, the 8th House represents hips and scrotum. To avoid the bad impacts of 8th house placement, we can try to incorporate the few good things of the 8th house like Yoga and other spiritual practices.
The Ninth House : The 9th House is another happy house indicative of a person's Luck and long distance travels, sea voyages, land travels, etc. The 9th House represents Father and teachers. It's indicative of our higher learning, dreams and visions. It's also the house of Faith, Religion, Pilgrimage and Charity. In body, the 9th House represents our Thighs.
The Tenth House : The 10th House is one's job, profession, career. It also symbolizes authoritative figure, fame, status and success in life. It marks rank, respect and reputation, honor from Government. It's a signifier of boss, superiors, employer and Government. It might represent adopted son and is a main indicative of one's means of livelihood. In our body, the 10th House signifies the Knees.
The Eleventh House : A happy house of Gains and Friends, the 11th House represents goals and wishes coming true. It represents unearned wealth through profits, opportunities, easy gains, trusts, etc. It also signifies elder brother, elders in family - uncles. It represents our admirers, supporters, well-wishers and groups of friends. It also represents son/daughter-in-law. In our body, the 11th House represents the shin and ankles.
The Twelfth House : Twelfth House is the house of losses. It signifies sleep, dream, higher consciousness and bed pleasures. It's the house of intoxication and solitude, imprisonment. It denotes foreign travel and stay, expenses, waste and extravagance, donations, charity, sorrow and sin, sedition and segregation, misery and misfortune. It represents fear and inferiority complex. In our body the 12th House represents out foot.
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hedgiwithapen · 2 years
"Candice sold you out." Jonathan and either Jordan or intergang person.
(this is ONE  of TWO, THREE if you wanna get into Crossovers. links will be provided as things go up) Jonathan wrenched the door open, barely noting that it wasn’t locked.
“Candice?” she’d been upset on the phone, something her dad had said, or done. Jordan was practicing flying with their dad somewhere in the North Pole, and his mom was busy tracking down another lead for her next big story. He’d left a note, a hasty scribble that has ¼ explanation and 3/4ths apology for taking the truck Uncle Tal had left for him, which he wasn’t supposed to drive except in emergencies. But comforting your crying girlfriend because her dad spent the rent money was an emergency, right? “Jon,” Candice grabbed him in a hug, the damp of her tears getting on his neck and the shoulder of his shirt. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what else to do, I--” “It’s okay,” he said. “We’ll figure something out.” He wasn’t sure what, exactly, there was to figure out, or how to figure it out, but his family’s track record was looking pretty stellar in terms of figuring out weird, impossible situations. That had to count for something. She made a choking sob, drowned out by the slam of a door. Jon turned and froze. Gun, his mind supplied helpfully staring at the  hands of the two men who blocked the door. He reached for the ELT in his hoodie pocket, eyes wide. His dad and his brother and his stupid other self may all have been bulletproof. He was not, and neither was Candice.  “Nope,” a male voice said from behind him, where Candice had been standing, and he felt something metal touch his ear.  Jon flinched, his hands still too far from the pocket and beacon to do any good. “If it’s money,” he said, hating the way his voice cracked. “You should look for it somewhere else. Robbing the Pergande’s--.” “Is that what you think we’re doing?” the voice asked again, but Jon didn’t dare turn to see. “I guess you didn’t get your mother’s smarts. You better not have her recklessness, either.” Too many conflicting worries fought in his head, trying to drown him.  His mom? Who were these people-- were they after his  dad? How would they have known about that, Mrs. Cushing hadn’t sworn she wouldn’t talk about it, but maybe someone had seen something. Had they already tried to attack mom? The house? How could they have known he’d be here, unless….” “Oh, putting some of it together?” the man holding him at gunpoint asked. “ Your girlfriend here, Candice, sold you out.” But Candice doesn’t know about dad, was his first thought, and then, she wouldn’t. But--.“You said you wouldn’t hurt him. You said you’d let my dad go.” Candice’s voice was tiny with shame. Jon’s heart felt like a rock, lodged somewhere too narrow.  For her dad, she would. That’s what families do. “I certainly hope I don’t have to hurt you, Jonathan.” The voice went cloyingly sweet as pressure bore down on Jon’s shoulder, the arm that still wasn’t quite on par after the break. Jon’s stance locked for a heartbeat before his legs buckled and he dropped with a short cry. Would dad hear? He should. “ But that’s going to depend entirely on if your mother can learn to keep her nose out of my gang’s business. And so far… well, I’m sure you can guess her track record.” He couldn’t help but twist to glare. “Yeah. I do. And I know about her friend, too.” The masked man shook his head, leaning down. In his off hand, he held a familiar yellow inhaler. A bracelet set with a bright green stone glinted ominously at his wrist as he gestured with the gun. “So do we.”
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sol-a-soul · 2 years
⛓: this is more for myself than anything, to be able to understand astrology and study it well, and keep track to not forget anything. however i figured other people would find it useful as well. i will always update it if i find it to be useful or necessary! <3 if i got anything wrong, please tell. look at this as an information pit! <3
these are mainly descriptions of what is ruled by what.
1st house self, appearance, beginnings, body, firsts, attitude, identity, life views and morals
2nd house money, work, routines, priorities & values, habits, ambition, material stuff
3rd house mind, thoughts, communication, siblings, childhood, interest and hobbies
4th house femininity, family, children, home, emotions, self love
5th house romance, love, joy, fertility, emotion overflow, self expression, creativity and playfullness
6th house health, analytical nature, pleasing attitude, pets/animals, organisation
7th house relationships, sharing, life-long decisions, future partners, interpersonal style, equality
8th house intimacy, sex, boundaries, privacy, goals, society
9th house intelligence, education, will, mental stimulation, religion and culture
10th house masculinity, fame, success, career, reputation, public image, mental health
11th house personal bubble, social relations, friends, ignorance, technology, hopes, future
12th house healing, closure, karma, spirituality, secrets, subconscious, after life, old age
the sun individuality, pride, succes, energy
the moon personality, emotions, intuition, sensitivity, desires
mercury communication, thinking, sensory, learning
venus sociability, friendships, luxury, values, skill
mars dynamic energy, will power, aggressiveness, sex drive
saturn ambition, freedom, restrictions, realism
jupiter optimism, justice, health, wealth
neptune idealism, illusions, creativity, psychic powers
uranus news, sudden changes, knowledge, clarity, innovation
pluto transformation, sex, spirituality, evolution, extremes
aries head, brain, face
taurus throat, neck, lips, jaw
gemini lungs, hands, arms
cancer breasts, ribs, chest
leo heart, sack, spine, forearms
virgo stomach, intestines, lower spine, fingers
libra skin, kidneys, lumbar region,
scorpio bladder, anus, nose, appendix
sagittarius hips, nerves, thighs, alteries
capricorn knees, joints, teeth
aquarius leg, ankles, blood
pisces feet, toes, lymphatic system
1st house rules Mars which rules Aries
2nd house rules Venus which rules Taurus and Libra
3rd house rules Mercury which rules Gemini and Virgo
4th house rules the Moon which rules Cancer
5th house rules the sun which rules Leo
6th house rules Mercury which rules Gemini and Virgo
7th house rules Venus which rules Taurus and Libra
8th house rules Pluto and Mars which rule Scorpio
9th house rules Jupiter which rules Sagittarius
10th house rules Saturn which rules Capricorn and Aquarius
11th house rules Saturn and Uranus which rule Aquarius (and Capricorn)
12th house rules Neptune and Jupiter which rule Pisces
north node your destiny and karmic path
lilith strength, growth, shadow self, impulses, psyche
chiron pain and healing
fortune ur big 3 <3 (sun, moon, rising)
vertex uncontrollable fate
ascendant (ac) the way people view you
descendant (dc) relationship with others
imuni coeli (ic) origins, trauma, family, security
midheaven (mc) reputation and desired self
cardinal signs aries, cancer, libra, and capricorn 0, 13, and 26 degrees
fixed signs taurus, leo, scorpio, and aquarius 8-9 and 21-22 degrees
mutable signs gemini, virgo, sagittarius, and pisces 4 and 17 degrees
🖇: my knowledge on the degrees isn't far stretched, i will be updating this part as soon as I will be more educated on them.
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astrojoy · 3 years
Astrovations #10
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🌙 NN in the 10th doesn't always achieve success, if it is in bad conditions then effects will totally do the opposite. Someone close to me has this, even at a leo degree, however the affects of the other aspecting planets were good enough to create anything but what you'd want. However people with this aspect I have commonly seen be really hardworking. Especially if it's in Virgo (virgo rules the 6th) or Capricorn (capricorn rules the 10th). Probably Aries as well? Using up a lot of themeselves and their own energy in their work 👀 please take a break every once in awhile and treat yourself right to some peace if you can! 🥺🙏
🌙 The degree/house of your POF will have influence as to how you earn your POF. For instance, I have my POF in cancer, but its degree (8°), a scorpio degree in the 9th house. It was recently activated, and in this way. I nurtured or brought clarity- (a type of comfort) and in a scorpionic way, like the occult, more specifically, tarot, and it was a foreigner from another country (9th house) also pay attention to transits as this activates it. My transit that day was my venus (in the natal its in my first house at 8° in scorpio) and it was ontop of my POF that day. The person I brought clarity was a female who has a venusaian sweet and caring charm! 🥺
🌙 Asteroid Child Persona Chart can actually give info on how things will go in the household or how you will raise them. (EX - Saturn in 4th = traditional household (maybe sometimes strict) // Venus in the 1st = sweet, well mannered, and good looking kids)
🌙 More often than not. No matter how many conjunctions between major or inner planets, north node closely conjunct north node or south node conjunct north node in synastry is the most common I've seen between people being super close or meeting even. A definite soulmate connection is seen here
🌙 In synastry, Person A's saturn conjunct person B's ascendant can indicate person B viewing person A as really mature or serious. Sometimes cold as well. In relationships, sometimes this can seem as a restricted relationship, where person B feels held down in some way
🌙 Uranus in the 9th can indicate unconventional beliefs. If it's conjunct saturn then these might be stiffled by others who don't agree or the effect might not be as great as it would be if Uranus was alone
🌙 I've seen a lot of Pisces placements get sicker/injured easier. If you were to ask me I wouldn't have a clear answer. Idk why man 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
��� Sun as atmakaraka in vedic astrology can play out in 2 scenarios from what I've seen and experienced. Either the person grows up super insecure with a dad (or some type of authority figure, like teachers-) that is/are egotistical or narcissistic. Or the person grows up with an inflated ego and is overly confident in themeselves, they could have had a dad who wasn't this way or their dad helped boost their ego. The 2nd option doesn't like to admit it either from what I've seen in someone with this placement. But that was just one person 🤔
🌙 I refer to Geminis and Sagittariuns as the peanut gallary. They can be hilarious from what I've seen
🌙 Capricorns can have a quirky side to them that alot of people don't get to see unless you're friends with them. I have 2 silly capricorn dominant friends with this lmfao 😂 one of them has been a best friend for life. I love all you guys
🌙 Venus in the 1st ideal partner has to definitely look good whether they like to admit it or not. This is especially strong if libra or venus rules the 7th
🌙 Fire mercuries I've seen have been very charismatic. Sounds quite stereotypical to the fire but I can't deny what happens
🌙 Fire in the 2nd/3rd can have an easier time eating spicy food. Meanwhile I've noticed more water signs in these houses commonly can't handle it as well. Water in the 2nd could get a runny nose or get watery eyes
🌙 Libra in the 12th is gonna have karma in relationships in some way. It can range from major to minor. Whatever planets in this house are, can tie into this. (Ex - Sun in libra = Ego issues, possibly feeling insecure in love or relationships / Mercury in Libra = Communication problems or feeling awkward at times. May not speak as much or may feel cautious about what they say etc..)
🌙 Sun in the 12th need sleep more often to rejuvenate/heal their soul. Sleep is an Energizer in a way
🌙 Moon in the 12th rejuvenates their emotional/mental health by sleeping or doing yoga/meditating
🌙 If anyone bullies someone else it's normally about the topic of the house where the victims chiron is placed unfortunately. The chiron during this day might be activated as well
🌙 Venus in the 1st I've commonly witnessed being teacher pets -not seeking attention- but always being on their best behavior and trying to stay on their absolute good side. If they're a scorpio/cancer/capricorn/pisces rising then I've seen that they won't go out of their way to do it, instead they will wait until they are called on by the teacher or they have to talk to them about classwork etc. I've heard Sagittarius risings be both ways tho
🌙 Looking at your usual natal chart, find your 10th house ruler and where it's placed, then look at your vedic D10 chart and where that same planet is placed. This will help get a better idea attaining to career. I'd check the same zodiac as well ❤
🌙 I've seen a lot of Uranus in the 1st look really pretty tbh
🌙 Neptune retrograde in the 1st will probably have instances of stalkers more often in their lives or younger years unfortunately, just from what I've seen and heard sadly 😕
🌙 Moon in harsh aspects to chiron can indicate wounds created by the mother. Maybe an abusive mother verbally or physically 😔
🌙 Uranus in the 12th indicates hidden enemies online
🌙 I never thought about this until now, but people who have their MC planet in the 12th, I heard that they may be behind the scenes moreover, however for people with their MC planet conjunct ascendant this might lessen the affect, since the ascendant is how we are presented to the world and what others see. In some cases this might mean being behind the scenes at first then bursting out of the scenes at some point because this planet conjuncting the ascendant is the planet popping into view
🌙 Uranus/Aquarius/Aquarius degree in the 10th can indicate a career based around technology or humanitarian things. Technology could be as simple as working on a computer for the job and as big as making a phone brand 🥳
🌙 Moon opposite Mars in synastry shows arguments. Especially if one of the planets is placed in the 3rd house (this is also true in the Juno chart so this might be on a new list about juno)
🌙 In the Juno persona chart Uranus in the 5th can indicate unconventional way of the partners having fun. Or the spouse might really enjoy technology. Play video games etc.
🌙 In the Juno persona chart, if a planet is in the 5th and it's ruling zodiac is in the 8th, sex could be a source of fun and might happen often 👀
🌙 Pisces/Neptune in the 6th can get sick randomly because of unknown things or sudden injuries, this is because pisces rules the 12th house, also indicating hidden enemies. My older brother has this and has gotten bitten randomly by a poisonous spider (a hidden enemy 😩)
🌙 Mars in the 4th can show more energy at home, or aggression, and be non-aggressive in public. Also either an aggressive mom or dad
🌙 Mars in the 3rd has a possiblity of a person having hyper siblings or aggresive siblings. Arguments could be often 🤷‍♀️
🌙 Cancer Moons or Pisces Mars are possibly the type of people to feel bad after teasing someone. It's not like 100% but rather, I hope I didn't hurt their feelings 😔❤
🌙 Speaking of Cancer Moon, when they grow up a bit more in childhood, they tend to be quite nurturing and protective of their siblings and family. Since moon indicated the mom, there could be a specific protectiveness over the mother or if their is a younger sibling then it's them. The younger sibling because cancer moons nurture often, it's a mothering tendency for the guys/gals, they can't help it and when they see someone younger their heart becomes that way and goes in to caring mode
🌙 Mars conjunct Uranus or in Aquarius is passionate about defending others and doing whats right. Biiigg humanitarians here. They can also really value freedom and they actually can't live without it or it can take a bad toll on them. These were the teens who wanted freedom from the restraints of their parents. They hated being overprotected if they were and wanted to do whatever
🌙 Mars conjunct Uranus, if gamers, can be extremely competitive in them. They may even win often? Also first person shooter or games like mortal combat could seem particularly fun
🌙 UGH Virgo moons are so sweet oml don't even get me started. You guys just have a big heart 🥺
🌙 Gemini Moons probably have a knack for writing!
🌙 Mercury conjunct Venus/Venus in 3rd/Venus in Gemini-Virgo can possibly indicate pretty/beautiful handwriting
🌙 Also I've seen Gemini Moons be so playful! They are chatty as well but definitely when they find something they really enjoy to talk about. Even if it's a gemini moon in the 12th house, still talketive but just might have a lot of thoughts running across their mind often
🌙 Libra placements enjoy cuddles a lot. Hugs feel amazing and are really a healing factor
🌙 North Node is immature wherever it is. It's discovering it's area in your chart. It doesn't understand it yet
🌙 I have been seeing some re-occuring themes, sure during transits conjunctions are important, however when a transit planet passes over a natal planet, at the exact same degree, then the natal planet is activated by the other and there is an amazing transfer of their energies, it will be felt way more than just a normal conjunction (EX - Venus at 2'21° and Mars at 2'36° both at 2 degrees)
🌙 Transit Jupiter on the degree of your natal Mars can make you have more energy that day! (Had this happen yesterday and I was hyper af)
🌙 My little brother is an Aries Mars and for some reason I've always noticed but people seem to get so agitated near him when he isn't even doing anything. You know that feeling when you get annoyed or irritated so you sigh or huff? It's like that? Weird right? Idk why at all? It's specifically my mom who does and she's an Aries Sun? Who knows man- 🏃‍♀️
🌙 OH ALSO speaking of Aries Mars. I've noticed when they get mad they tend to need to take their anger out on something through energy? Whether it's playing games, art, etc. My little brother has this in the 6th, he tends to get physically aggressive so he needs to be able to take his energy out on a punching bag or by cooling off ya know? Some people have different ways of handling anger. Also as a cancer sun he can get petty in arguments lmao but hes a chill dude overall
🌙 Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 12th probably think a ton. Always thoughts running in their mind or they just think on their alone time. This can lead to periods of self reflection too! Very creative people. You guys should write fantasy books or something, your imagination is so amazing 🌻
🌙 Planets in the 12th indicate a knack at using their intuition. They probably use it a lot in making decisions or while doing day to day things. This placement can also indicate spirit guides and it may be that each planet represents some main one(s)? Also when we see these planets it can give a high chance of receiving hidden messages from them. Most likely in dreams or other 12th house ways 😉
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achaoticeternal · 3 years
the 1 // d. malfoy
DRACO MALFOY X MUGGLEBORN!READER folklore/evermore series masterlist
Summary: he couldn’t see past one thing, and because of that, he left. but it could have been fun, if he could have been the one. Word Count: 2.9k Warning: Blood Prejudice. Angst. Lost love. A/N: it is implied that the reader is not in slytherin but a house is not specifically mentioned.
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It’s funny how the simplest things one sees in their everyday life can bring back a spiral of memories - good or bad. Green apples, paper airplanes, and the combination of silver and green were now forever tainted in your mind. It was silly that something as human and simple as blood and family had to be the downfall of what was thought to be a love that would last a lifetime. And however hard you would try to cast away and thoughts or feelings or symbols of him, memories always had a way of persistently reminding you of what was no longer yours and possibly was never yours...
Hogwarts, 4th Year
September welcomed you with the last tastes of summer warmth before winter came stalking back, only to bring the tundra with it. It was the year of the Tri-Wizard Tournament and a year of making new, international acquaintances with the women of Beauxbatons and the men of Durmstrang.
Your summer had been less eventful than that of your peers whom a great majority had attended the Quidditch World Cup and some even experienced the Death Eaters return. Rumors had been around about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named returning and which wizarding families would side with him. Of course, house and blood prejudice played a part in it all, but you managed to look past all of the controversies in the wizarding world. Over the summer, you had grown into yourself and blossomed into a beautiful witch who was very bright for her age. Others around the school had noticed as well, including the men from Durmstrang that created competition for the boys of Hogwarts.
However, with it now October, none of them caught your attention yet as you walked back to your seat in the arena with Hermione after leaving the Champions Tent to check in with Harry, whose name had unfortunately spouted for the Goblet of Fire. Today was the first challenge of three, and you had done your best to be supportive of your friend.
“Hermione, please calm down. Harry will figure it out, he always does,” You glided down the steps in front of her, looking for your fellow Gryffindors.
“But a dragon! This challenge is unbelievably foul! And that Daily Prophet woman has made this all so much-” As Hermione rambled on, she paid little attention to her feet and accidentally stepped on the back of your heel.
The misstep along with the shock had caused you to lose your balance and begin to take a tumble down the steps. As you felt gravity pull you down and prepared yourself for the inevitable pain with it, a pair of arms and a masculine frame had caught you before the disaster could occur.
“Careful, (y/l/n), we can’t have you harming that beautiful face. It would be quite a shame if you took a nasty tumble down the stairs,” he spoke, his tone a fine line between flirtatious and condescending.
“Oh, I-” The boy helped you balance yourself on the steps again, and you finally lifted your head to meet the eyes of your savior, “Draco.”
“Are you alright, (y/l/n)? Not to frightened by the dragons, are you?” His grey eyes peered back up into yours as you were slightly taller than him due to the steps of the stairs.
“No, no, of course not,” You shook your head softly and smiled to the boy, “Thank you, Draco.”
As if on cue, Hermione had invaded the private moment between you and the Malfoy boy, “Excuse us, Malfoy, but we would like to go sit with our friends before Harry enters the arena.”
His gaze broke off to glare at Hermione, “Oh yeah, you catch quite a view of him cowering away from the beast. I bet he’ll forfeit the challenge five minutes in.”
Draco’s entire demeanor had changed from a strange kindness to a smug arrogance as he sneered at the Granger girl. You didn’t want anything more to come from the encounter, so you caught Draco's attention again by lightly fixing his hat that had become lopsided, “Thank you again, Draco, but we should really be getting to our seats.”
His eyes flickered back to you and his features softened again, “Well if you feel like joining me in cheering for Krum, there will remain a seat open for you.”
With that, he allows the pair of you the breeze past him as he returns to his seat. A warmth stayed persistent on your cheeks as you made your way next to Ron, who looked quite disgruntled.
“(y/n), what was that back there?” Hermione questioned as the pair of you took your seats,
“What happened? Harry say something?”
Before you could speak, Hermione replied, “I accidentally tripped (y/n), but Draco caught her before she could tumble down the steps. Which I guess is somewhat lucky, but he flirted with her.”
“Malfoy?!? But he-,” Ron looked at you, both quizzical and worried, “Did he do anything? He jinx you?”
“Um... no,” You looked between the two of them, lost in their confusion.
“But Malfoy can’t stand muggle-borns, even if they are kind or pretty as you, (y/n),” Ron wrinkled his nose at the thought.
“That’s just it,” Both yours and Ron’s attention snapped to Hermione, “I don’t think Malfoy knows that you’re muggle-born which probably is in your favor, you saw how he looked and spoke to me.”
A canon erupted, signaling that Harry would enter the arena in only a moment. The shock of it all had left you confused, “it was probably just a one-time encounter. Let’s just watch Harry, and let that just blow over.”
With that, the three of you cheered for the Gryffindor boy and mostly forgot about your encounter with Draco. Sure, the memory of it would continue to puzzle you and keep you up at night to only be lost in thought. Yet, December rolled around quicker than anyone expected and with it, exciting news.
Along with the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the tradition of the Yule Ball would fall on the eve of the winter solstice. Many girls around the school were already gossiping about dates, dress, and dancing even though many of their male colleagues seemed to be quite opposed to the event. That was until the school announced that the Weird Sisters would be playing a set at the ball.
Of course, the main chatter was who the champions were taking to the Yule Ball because every girl wanted Cedric or Viktor to ask them and every boy was lining up to ask Fleur. Yet poor Harry couldn’t seem to catch a break-even in finding a date for the night. But Hermione would be quite the talk of the town once everyone realized that she was Viktor’s date for the ball, and he had taken a further interest in her. The pair of you chatted as you walked towards your classes together - she was going to the astronomy tower and you were going to divinations.
“I still can’t believe you snagged Viktor Krum! I mean I’m not exactly surprised with both your beauty and brains-”
“Oh stop that,” Hermione blushed and tried to quiet you down, “Who are you going with? I know that you’ve been asked at least five times today!”
As she showered you in compliments, you saw the flash of platinum blonde hair breeze past the pair of you with a few followers trickling behind. It was undoubtedly Malfoy and his crew who were also headed to Professor Trelawney’s class. 
“I haven’t said yes to anyone yet,” you admitted timidly.
“What?!? You have to be kidding me, (y/n). I know at least half the Durmstrang boys would love to be your escort for the night-”
“I-I know that, Hermione,” you flushed as the pair of you paused on the stairs, “I’m just... waiting for the right person.”
“Alright, just make sure you say yes to him. Or else I fear Harry or Ron will ask you,” You bid each other goodbye and separated to your designated classes.
As you made your way up the north tower to try and make it to class a few minutes early. Even though other students may have found her strange and overbearing, you knew that she was deep down a kind lady who wished the best for everyone she crossed paths with. Yet before you could make it up much further, you felt a light tug on the hood of your robes.
“Oh!” you jumped slightly at the shock.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you, (y/n),” Michael Corner smiled as he glanced up at you, “do you have just a quick second?”
“I do, but let’s step into the window sill so that we’re out of the way,” you suggested. He stepped over onto it first, before offering his hand out to you, “Thank you.”
Few students passed by the two of you and up into the north tower, there was still 5 minutes till classes started but you still hoped to be early enough to snag a seat in the front.
“Well, how can I help you, Michael? Did you get my notes from Cho? I asked her to pass them onto you, but I can make you an extra copy-”
“No, no, she passed them along to me. Thank you for that. Potions is sadly not my area of expertise,” He smiled as a little blush dusted his cheeks, “I actually was wondering if you had a date to the Yule Ball? And if not-”
“(y/l/n)!” you heard Draco call and quickly hurry up the steps towards you, “Thank Salazar I found you before classes started.”
Draco paused next to you, giving you the kindest eyes before his gaze turned towards Michael. His expression changed into that of one mixed with jealousy and disagreement, “Corner, shouldn’t you be out in the greenhouses. Why don’t you leave (y/n) alone before someone gets the impression that a Ravenclaw is going to skip class.”
Michael glanced at you then over to Draco before disappearing down the stairs. Before he completely vanished from your sight, he looked back up at you with a very apparent look of disappointment in his eyes. Draco now took the spot where Michael was previously and held your right hand in his.
“(y/l/n), I don’t know if you realize but you are quite a wanted woman recently,” Draco smirked, his grey eyes flickering across your face as if gathering information.
“I guess so... I mean with the ball and everything, I have gotten plenty of proposals.”
“So I’ve heard, but you’ve yet to say yes to any of them, or so I’ve heard.”
“Correct again. I haven’t given my word to attend with anyone, but I did promise a dance or two to a few gentlemen,” you tried to analyze the situation as best as you could, but Draco remained unreadable to you. He also knew how to put up a good front.
“Well, (y/n), I am hoping that you’ll give me the pleasure of being my date to the Yule Ball, and hopefully, you will allow me to take you to Hogsmeade in the next few weeks,” his face had softened as he waited for a reply, his smugness and confident stance faltering under your gaze.
“Draco, are you asking me out? As your girlfriend and to the Yule Ball?”
“I figured- you know... two birds with one stone.”
“I would love to be your companion to the Yule Ball,” You beamed at him, “and your girlfriend.”
That day had long passed now. So had the Yule Ball and your entire fourth year. Now you were at the end of your fifth year and Draco no longer treated you like a prized possession, let alone sparing you a glance. 
At some point in your relationship, the sweetness of being in love ended as he began expecting behaviors and ideas from you that you never expressed before. He still held Slytherin above every other house and expected you to treat those not in Slytherin's house the same way he did. He wanted your attention and affection at every second, instead of allowing you to be with friends and he rarely ever returned affections either. But the worst behavior that Draco partook of that crossed every line for you was the blood prejudice. 
He held being part of the Sacred Twenty Eight to a higher degree than necessary in all aspects. There was a difference in being proud of your bloodline and then being prideful of your bloodline. And the Malfoy family very much fell into the pride of being Pureblooded Wizards. 
That was when a puzzle really clicked into place for you. Yes, Draco had loved you for you, but he also needed his parents to love you. He tried to pressure you into a perfect little box that he could wrap up and present to mummy and daddy. You understood why he felt the needed to continue being the perfect Malfoy, but you couldn’t understand why he thought it was okay to pull you into it. His parents would never accept you for one reason. 
“I don’t understand this, (y/l/n). we took a break just like you asked and it has done nothing. I know you still love me, so let's stop this ridiculous behavior. My parents want to meet you again. Mother loved you and I’m sure this time father will...”
“No, Draco. I don’t want to go back to the Manor,” You shook your head and took deep breaths.
“Well, that’s odd, but we can go to your estate-”
“No, can’t you listen-”
“The Three Broomsticks then, but please, I need you-”
“No, Draco, you aren’t listening to me,” tears threatened to spill as you felt your heart begin to shatter. You had never lied to Draco, but the truth about your family had never come to the surface.
As far as it concerned the Wizarding World, the (y/l/n) Family was also a part of the Sacred Twenty Eight Pureblood families. You understood the confusion and had to explain it to many of your friends and professors. But now Draco had to know the truth, even if it meant he wouldn’t be yours anymore.
“I’m not whoever you’ve painted me out to be,” your bottom lips quivered as you took a deep breath, “I’m not exactly who you think I am.”
Draco’s whole body dropped, “what do you mean?”
“Yes, I am part of the (y/l/n) bloodline, but I’m also a muggle-born.”
“No, that doesn’t make sense.”
“My grandparents had five children. My two uncles, my father, and my two aunts. All of them great wizards, except for my father who had no magical abilities - the only one in our family. He married my mother, who is a muggle. However, I am a witch.” you confessed it all, praying that he would understand. Maybe he would love you enough to glance over this fatal flaw.
“A squib? Your father is a squib and you never bothered to mention it!”
“It wasn’t that important I thought, because I’m still a member of a Pureblood family! I thought that you would see over it because it’s such a small hiccup.”
“I- no, I can’t just look over it. You know I can’t and you know I won’t,” Draco glared, looking at you with the same disdain that his father had when speaking of muggles.
“Draco, please. We can lie and just paint over this. I’ll even get my family to lie, but I don’t want to lose you. I’ve never felt like this with anyone, ever in my life,” A few stray tears managed to escape your defense as you begged him.
“(y/n), we both know who my parents, who my family, who we are associated with. I can’t risk it and neither can you.”
“I love you, Draco. And everyone knows it.”
“I love you too. And hopefully, you will get it through your head while I can’t love you anymore.”
During your sixth and seventh years, you never spoke to Draco, let alone offered a glance in his general direction. He shattered your heart after you had thought you had found your person, your soulmate if you will. The only thing the shocked you was that he never mentioned or let lose the dirtiest secret of your family. It wouldn’t have changed much but still have hurt you enough in many social circles.
Even after the Battle of Hogwarts had passed, you still hadn’t made up with Draco and even Harry Potter, his schoolyard nemesis, ended up coming to terms. All your friends were engaged, married, or dating. You had also tried, but nothing ever came of anything you attempted to pursue. The spark you once had with who you thought was the love of your life never reappeared with anyone else.
However, you heard from the newlywed Potter’s that Draco had married - an arranged marriage - but married nonetheless. To Astoria Greengrass who was two years your younger back in school. Both purebloods, caring for their family lineage. The news had come to you at the end of another failed relationship and felt like a ton of bricks on your chest.
No, the Malfoy prejudice was in no way your fault. You had done everything you could to salvage the relationships and love him unconditionally. But sometimes you wonder...
if one thing had been different, would everything be different?
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ivorytowerblr · 3 years
NaNoWriMo 2021: Nov 14th
So I have now finished Chapter 3, and as is my way, there is a lengthy discussion about politics and efficiency. Also, Khadgar being mad about something silly and inconsequential. You know, the usual.
Title: Warcraft: Invasion (Vol 1 of Reborn AU) Word Count: 21117 (of 50000) Includes: Violence, mature sexual content, strong language. Summary: It was a dark and stormy night when the rift opened. From it spilled warriors of an alien culture bent on finding and destroying the cause of a sickness that plagued their world, all unknowing that the true cause was right under their noses all along.
Five years after the birth of his son, Llane Wrynn, Crown Prince of Stormwind, would learn of a terrible threat to his people, his nation, and his very world. The only natural thing to do is send his son to the protective walls of Northshire Abbey and, all unknowing, to the protection of a great hero, the prodigy-knight Mara Fordragon.
When sickness ravages your very world, you have no choice but to do whatever it takes to cure it, even if it means traveling to another world by means of the foulest of dark sorceries. It means standing at the side of a butcher, a monster, an abuser, a warrior, a chieftain, a hero to your clan. It means putting aside what is right to do what you must.
All these threads and more weave together to bring about a war like any other; two worlds will never be the same again.
Previous: 1st . 2nd . 3rd . 4th . 5th . 6th . 7th . 8th. . 9th . 10th . 11th . 12th . 13th . 
“It does, and it doesn’t,” Adalia said. “Early in the founding, the settlers from the north realized that you need two key, important parts of any society: people who lead, and people who follow. When one must walk in single file along a precarious path, someone needs to go first. Perhaps they are braver than their fellows. Perhaps they are offered up as bait. Perhaps they are scouts leading the way to find safe paths for others. Perhaps they are fleeing something and hope that whatever is behind them sates itself on those between the leader and the predator. Whatever the case, that is where leaders come from, and in Azeroth it was no different.”
Uther closed his eyes briefly and imagined walking a narrow swamp path, the road only barely above water, the planks half-sinking and unsteady. He imagined one who prodded at each with their walking stick and then took a step, wondering if each might leave those the guide led sinking into the morass. He nodded.
“In Azeroth’s case, the first king held that to be a nation, they needed a leader, but that didn’t mean that they were the only one who held any importance or power.” Adalia gestured briefly, drawing shapes in the air. “And so the Houses were created. Those who wanted to lead but agreed to follow. There are a dozen or more of them, sometimes as many as thirty, or as few as ten. Their lands are parcels all across the provinces -- the territorial subdivisions of Azeroth -- and each is autonomous within their own lands with a few exceptions, and those exceptions are vital to how Azeroth functions.”
This all seems complicated, Uther thought, but nodded for her to continue. “It must be, for it to have worked for so long.”
Adalia’s gesture this time was a so-so motion. “It functions. How much it works varies on how much wine Llane decides he needs after meeting with the Council of Nobles for fruitless hours on end. The exceptions are those of roads, of trade, and of the army. All the roads are owned by the ruler of Stormwind. They oversee their construction and maintenance, and have the right to collect taxes from those who benefit from their existence.”
“Wouldn’t that be everyone who lives or travels in Azeroth?” Uther asked, and Adalia raised an eyebrow. Uther ducked his head shyly. “It’s true.”
“It is true, which is why everyone pays their road taxes,” Adalia said. “This leads into why trade is controlled by the ruler of Stormwind. They regulate both trade internally and externally. If one noble had control of the fruit trade in Tel Abim, they might deny others those rights. Or someone might cause deliberate shortages to drive up wool prices, or wood. Someone has to make sure that people are getting what they need and not starving in the streets.”
Uther nodded again, and hesitated. “Do they always do that? I’ve read some histories of the rulers of Stormwind, and they weren’t always good people.”
“No, no they were not,” Adalia said. “But I will get to that. The final exception is the Royal Army. The nobles are only allowed a small number of armed retainers, but the footsoldiers, the marksmen, the a-- artillerymen, and the knights are all members of the army, and we have as many of them as the ruler of Stormwind deems necessary. In some eras, there are many of them, and they make those around us worry, even if it’s only to drive back the trolls. In others, the army is small, and much of the defense is left to the knights while those who would be soldiers instead are farmers, traders, and shipwrights.”
“Please, correct me if I’m mistaken, but... those three things sound like the three most important parts of a nation,” Uther said. “And not too different from what the Tirans think are the most important parts of ruling a nation, though theirs involve more, um, sailing and less roads. I think.”
Adalia smiled, and looked quite proud. “They are the most important parts of just about any nation that exists. Even if you never intend to go to war, a nation still needs to protect itself from threats. They still need to make sure their people can travel freely and can eat bread and drink wine that doesn’t cost them a year’s salary. Some nobles might not care for what happens outside their lands but most do, because of one important thing. Can you guess what it is?”
Uther considered all he’d been told, frowning slightly. “Is it... taxes?”
“It is taxes,” Adalia confirmed. “When you ask people for money in simple trade, they care little for what you do with it. The goods or services have been exchanged for coin, their part in it is done. Some may wish to be a little more credulous, but often it’s nothing more exciting than buying apples or wine or chickens. When you tell people to give you money in the form of taxes, they immediately wish to have a say in how that money is spent.”
“You were just saying that they want to exchange goods or services for coin,” Uther said. “They’ve given the coin, they want the services. Or goods. They want to make sure that their taxes aren’t being spent on things they aren’t supposed to be spent on.”
“Exactly, you have a keen mind for this,” Adalia said, and paused as outside, they heard the children thundering through the corridor again, this time with Bolvar proclaiming himself to be a terrible lion, come to eat tasty boys (and girls). She smiled and shook her head ruefully. “It is hypocrisy, of course. Many nobles will spend the money from those who work their land on luxuries... but not too many, or their farmers will rise up to overthrow them. A trusted retainer might stab them in their sleep and take over. Some of our nobles are shrewd, some of them are cruel, some are as kind as they can be, but all are wary.”
“They would have to be, if they don’t want to get stabbed,” Uther said solemnly. “So... is that what this Council of Nobles is? People asking how their taxes are being spent?”
“Not people, nobles,” Adalia said dryly. “If farmers and villagers want to ask how their tithes are being spent, they ask the nobles. If the nobles want to know, they ask the ruler of Stormwind, which is indeed what the Council is for. Each noble house is represented save for that which the ruler is from - it was deemed unjust for the ruler to have two voices when the other noble houses had only one. This doesn’t stop the ruler from making alliances with the noble houses to influence them, and often their spouse’s family is key to those negotiations. My own family has its allies, as do the Wrynns. They may not speak, but they are nonetheless heard.”
“So, who rules the provinces?” Uther asked curiously. “If the nobles all have their own lands, and the king rules Stormwind, but his house doesn’t speak on the Council?”
“No one,” Adalia said. “There are villages whose mayor is elected by popular vote, though they aren’t usually nobles unless they’re very minor. They don’t deal with local politics. The mayors report to the nobles and make sure that those who elected them keep the peace. Provinces are territorial boundaries rather than distinct entities, and no one rules an entire province. The nobles wouldn’t allow it. That’s why they’re so protective of their lands - and everyone lives on someone else’s land.”
“What if you have a problem that’s affecting an entire province?” Uther asked, aghast. “Who asks for help?”
“A good question with no answer,” Adalia said. “If it falls under the ruler of Stormwind’s purview, they can do their best to help, with the agreement of the majority of nobles. If it doesn’t, an individual noble might petition the ruler for help, or gain agreement and cooperation from the rest of the nobles with lands in that province. Some might just try to fix the problem themselves if they think the ruler or the other nobles won’t help.”
“Why wouldn’t they help their own people?” Uther asked. “The Light teaches us to care for others.”
“Not all follow the Light’s teachings,” Adalia said. “They might say they do and even give money to the churches, but they don’t believe. The Light can be too gentle at times. I have often wondered if it wouldn’t be better if a giant bat or a tiger appeared in the night to stalk those who starve their farmers and sleep on silk sheets, but apparently that is vicious tribalism that smacks of primitive beliefs, and carefully curated murder is considered superior.”
“Never mind,” Adalia said, and sighed. “At any rate, there have been many terrible rulers in Stormwind, and any number of terrible nobles. Before King Adamant, Light keep his soul, the previous ruler of Stormwind was nicknamed the Daemon-King. Before that the king was indolent and lazy, letting the nobles do exactly as he pleased until Theoren Virigoth got his head cut off by Warren Baewyn and the Daemon-King’s reign began with the insane Queen Sinthia at his side. There has been peace in Azeroth for twenty-six years, but I fear no longer.”
Uther opened his mouth as Mara’s voice roared through the hallway.
“Prince Varian! Stand firm in the face of danger! You must put up your lance and challenge the great beast,” she proclaimed, causing several of the studying monks to wince. “For I know his great weakness!”
“What is it?” Varian asked, and Marielle echoed him. “How do we fight him?”
“He,” Mara said, her voice a stage-whisper. “Is ticklish!”
“Nooooo!” Bolvar cried, and he fled down the hallway, pursued by the trio. “Help!”
~ * ~
“So, to summarize,” Khadgar said slowly. “There is a war of cosmic proportions taking place above our heads that virtually no one knows about, because thousands of years ago a group of mages empowered one of their own to combat extra-planar beings called demons so that they didn’t rampage through Dalaran killing everyone with a spark of magic and cracking open their spines to drink the fluid--”
“Is that wording necessary?” Sweetberry demanded, glaring at Krasus. “It’s fanciful and not wholly accurate.”
“--and the last one served as this Guardian of Tirisfal for over a thousand years, then refused to give up the power because no one could stop her until she decided to find a nice conjurer to seduce, got pregnant, had a child, and pushed all that power onto him when he hit puberty,” Khadgar concluded. “Do I have that right?”
“It is a summary without subtlety, nuance, and the weight of this position and responsibility,” Antonidas said dryly. “But it will suffice, I think. Yes, you do.”
“This is insanity,” Khadgar muttered. “In fifty years, people will read about this in history books and say, ‘why did no one notice an entire nation of mages have gone utterly mad?’”
“I very much doubt that anyone will be writing books about the Guardians,” Antonidas said. “Given that the Order of Tirisfal and the Guardian are both extremely secret institutions and no one should ever hear about them outside of a select few.”
“There’s a chronicle, I’ll pack it for you,” Krasus said, and smiled as his fellows looked at him, aghast. “Did you truly think that no one has ever recorded the deeds of the Guardians? The volumes are kept in private libraries, but they do exist. Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.”
“Madness,” Khadgar repeated, then held out his hand. “Give me those lists, if I’m to do this, I need to get moving.”
“The Kirin Tor and the Order of Tirisfal thank you for your assistance,” Antonidas said, his tone so bland that it made Khadgar angry and exasperated all over again. “We’ll give you everything you’ll need for your journey.”
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religioused · 3 years
Words Never Die
by Gary Simpson
1 Samuel 3:1-20 (King James Version) And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. And it came to pass at that time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see; and ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep; that the Lord called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I. 5 And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me. And he said, I called not; lie down again. And he went and lay down. 6 And the Lord called yet again, Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And he answered, I called not, my son; lie down again. 7  Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him. 8 And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child. 9 Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. 10 And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.
11 And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle. In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an end. For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not. And therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever.
15 And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel feared to shew Eli the vision. Then Eli called Samuel, and said, Samuel, my son. And he answered, Here am I. And he said, What is the thing that the Lord hath said unto thee? I pray thee hide it not from me: God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me of all the things that he said unto thee. And Samuel told him every whit, and hid nothing from him. And he said, It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good.
19 And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground. 20 And all Israel from Dan even to Beer-sheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord.
There is an old public domain hymn titled “Kind Words Never Die.” Sadly, angry words take on a life of their own too. In no realm does that seem more accurate than political and religious discussions.
Three general principles you might want to look for in this sermon. (1) Ridicule and insults can cause religious and political divisions and political tension. (2) We can reflect on how our theological beliefs and political news consumption may cause us to hate others. (3) Look for ways to build people up.
There are times when a dose of Biblical trivia feels right. And this is one of those times. In the Septuagint, 1st and 2nd Samuel were called 1st and 2nd Kingdoms, and 1st and 2nd Kings were called 3rd and 4th Kingdoms.(1) A few people think 1st and 2nd Samuel would be better named Saul and David, or 1st and 2nd David.(2)
First and Second Samuel were probably written about 900 BCE(3), and the events described in 1st Samuel might date back to somewhere between 1200 and 1000 BCE.(4) The book was written after the division of the nation into two kingdoms, the northern and the southern kingdoms.(5) The events in the book of 1st Samuel take place during a time of political change. The children of Israel were transitioning into a monarchical form of government.(6) We see a shift from the leadership of priests, prophets and judges to kings.(7)
As we look to contemporary issues dividing Canada and the United States, we may find parts of 1st Samuel, a book written for a people divided into two kingdoms, valuable. A major theme in 1st Samuel is that the main characters, Samuel, Saul, and David, all “make mistakes that cost them dearly.”(8) This last point, which seems quite trivial, could be important. Religious institutions and religious leaders, combined with political institutions and political leaders, made mistakes that could be challenging for North Americans for many years. Decisions relating to the creation and operation of residential schools made by the Canadian Government and church denominations hurt generations of Indigenous people. Contributors to the NIV Foundation Study Bible observe that Samuel’s ministry is built on a foundation of an “attitude of listening.”(9) And listening could be critical to the future for people of faith.
There is some literary foreshadowing in the passage. Samuel means “requested of God.”(10) We can get the sense that there is something special about Samuel, and that sense increases as we read the narratives in 1st and 2nd Samuel.
In the ancient Near Eastern world, prophets gave messages from God. Should a god not give messages through prophets, it was considered a sign that the gods were unhappy.(11) Contributors to the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible indicate that some people speculate that Samuel was in the temple area at night in hopes of receiving a “divine vision,” but there is nothing in the Biblical passage that supports that conclusion.(12)
Verses 15 to 17 are worth exploring for a moment. Warren Wiersbe draws attention to the fact that Samuel got up and went about his daily duties. He gives Samuel credit for being mature enough not to run around telling everyone that God gave him a special message.(13) I am not sure if it was maturity or dread of telling Eli the message God gave Samuel. Because Eli was almost like a foster father, Samuel might have loved Eli. His love for Eli might have been why Samuel was reluctant to tell Eli God’s message. Samuel did not want to hurt Eli.(14) Eli had a long vocational calling as a judge, having judged Israel for 40 years. Knowing Eli's vocation might have made it even more difficult for Samuel to deliver God’s stern message.(15)
Eli appears to threaten Samuel. He says Samuel must tell the whole truth and not to hide anything from him or God will deal severely with Samuel. Eli may have spoken strongly because he realized that God did something “rare” when God bypassed him and gave Samuel a message.(16) Eli, who recognizes physical maturity does not always go hand-in-hand with spiritual maturity, takes the rebuke God gives him through the mouth of young Samuel.(17) I think Eli shows significant maturity in his willingness to seek out and to accept the message Samuel gave.
Moses understood the children of Israel wanted to have a king.(18) There could be many reasons why the children of Israel wanted a king, a person of power, leading their country. They might have been seeking power, prestige, and a feeling of safety. Chapters 8-12 of 1 Samuel describe the establishment of a king for the children of Israel.(19) Was a desire to have a powerful leader, a person who could protect people of faith, a factor in some Christians being involved in the Capitol protest, a protest that claimed the lives of people? Did some people of faith believe they needed a strong president, a virtual king figure to protect their faith? We may never know.
When protesters took over the Capitol Building in Washington, DC., a few Americans carried crosses and Christian banners. Photos show somebody put up a noose. There was a massive juxtaposition between the images. As Canadians we cannot look down our noses at our American neighbors and congratulate ourselves that this could never happen in Canada. Increasingly strong and polarizing rhetoric is not just an American thing. We have the same problem here. Polarizing language between conservative and progressive Christians is both a Canadian and an American problem.
There are a few things that we may want to consider when reviewing how you live out your religious and political convictions.
• Is our shared theology and understanding of the Bible helping us feel more compassion for others, or are we finding ourselves progressively feeling more angry with those who do not share our values or our doctrine?
• When we hear a politician or a minister speak, do we find ourselves feeling increasingly angry because we believe that we are being cheated?
• Have we studied, to understand, and not to prove other people wrong, the beliefs of other Christian denominations and other world religions?
• Do we find ourselves engaging in calling members of other religious or political groups names? Do we find ourselves calling either progressive or conservative Christians names?
• Do we decide to vote based only on one political issue?
• Are there times when we seriously want to punch people who disagree with us on core issues?
• Do we spend hours each week listening to all news, all talk shows? Are we feeling anxious and angry after we watch hours of news and opinion shows?
If some of the things I mentioned seem to describe you, this might be a sign that you need to focus less on news and theology. You may want to limit your consumption of news to the morning news and the evening news. That might help you feel less like your core values are being assaulted.
Anglican theologian John Stott states, “No theology is genuinely Christian which does not arise from and focus on the cross.”(20) Historically Christians have seen love and grace as being symbolized in the cross. This means Christian theology is only genuine Christian theology when it shows love and grace. A prime test of love is respect. When we express theology in a loving manner, we attempt to show respect for those who disagree. The use of sarcastic language, ridicule, and insults might win the argument, but it generally loses the war, since the tactics offend and alienate.
I am going to conclude with a story.
Lawrence Welk is a big band leader who had a highly successful career. There is a website that estimates the net worth of celebrities. According to the website, when Lawrence Welk died in 1992, he might have been the richest person in show business, possibly being even more wealthy than the legendary Bob Hope.(21)
I hope that I recall the story correctly because it has been years since I read Lawrence Welk’s autobiography. As I recall the story, Lawrence Welk was reminiscing about his early days in show business. Welk and his boss, the leader of the band he was in, were eating in a café. Evidently, the food was pretty awful. Lawrence Welk complained about the food. The leader of the band complimented the waitress on the coffee. Later, Lawrence Welk asked the leader of the band why he didn’t complain about the bad food. The bandleader replied to the effect that whenever the waitress heard his name, she would think about how he complimented her for the coffee and whenever the waitress heard Lawrence Welk's name, she would remember how he criticized the food.
I encourage people to change the topic from political concerns and religion to other topics and to look for a reason to praise. Your kind words will be remembered and will build a bridge.
Kind words can never die,
Cherished and blest,
God knows how deep they lie,
Stored in the breast:
Like childhood’s simple rhymes,
Said o’er a thousand times,
Aye, in all years and climes,
Distant and near.
Kind words can never die(22)
End Notes
(1) Joel Rosenberg. “1 and 2 Samuel.” The Literary Guide to the Bible. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Univ. Press, 1987), 122.
(2) Rosenberg. (1987), 122.
(3) Marshall Shelley, et al., eds. The Quest Study Bible. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zandervan Pub., 1994), 358.
(4) John H. Walton and Craig S. Keener, eds. New King James Version Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zandervan Pub., 2017), 480.
(5) Shelley, et al. (1994), 358.
(6) Walton and Keener, eds. (2017), 480.
(7) Rosenberg. (1987), 122.
(8) NIV Foundation Study Bible. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zandervan, 2015), 283.
(9) NIV Foundation Study Bible. (2015), 286.
(10) Merrill F. Unger. Unger's Bible Handbook: An Essential Guide to Understanding the Bible. (Chicago: Moody Press, 1967), 187.
(11) Walton and Keener. (2017), 486.
(12) Walton and Keener. (2017), 486.
(13) Warren W. Wiersbe. The Bible Exposition Commentary: History. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Victor, 2003), 216.
(14) Walter J. Harrelson, et al., eds. The New Interpreter's Study Bible. (Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 2003), 399.
(15) Bruce Barton, et al., eds. Life Explanation Study Bible. 2nd ed. (Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Pub., 2004), 413.
(16) Shelley, et al. (1994), 363.
(17) Christian Community Bible. 2nd ed. (Madrid, Spain: San Pablo, 1988), 277.
(18) Kenneth Barker, et al., eds. The NIV Study Bible. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zandervan Pub., 1985), 372.
(19) Barker, et al. (1985), 372.
(20) John Stott. The Cross of Christ. (Doners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1986), 216.
(21) “Lawrence Welk Net Worth.” Celebrity Net Worth. 2020, 16 January 2021.
(22) Abbey Hutchinson Patton. “Kind Words Can Never Die.” Public Domain Hymns. <https://www.pdhymns.com/SheetMusic/B_Normal/I-Q_Normal/K_Normal/Kind%20Words%20Can%20Never%20Die_N.pdf>.
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tetelfuentes · 4 years
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                            My Dream Place: South Korea
     South Korea has been one of my dream places that I wanted to travel to. It is the number one place that is on my bucket list. When I hear South Korea the one thing that comes to my mind is KPOP, I’m a die-hard fan of KPOP groups since when I was a child and I really wanted to meet my Idols there and attend their concerts and have a picture of them and it is always one of my dreams to meet them and had a chance to talk with them.
    The name Korea is derived from Goguryeo, which was one of the great powers in East Asia during its time, ruling most of the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria, parts of the Russian Far East, and Inner Mongolia, under Gwanggaeto the Great. Its citizens enjoy the world’s fastest Internet connection speeds and the densest high-speed railway network. Since the 21st century, South Korea has been renowned for its globally influential pop culture, particularly in music (K-pop), TV dramas, and cinema, a phenomenon referred to as the Korean Wave and it is an extraordinary country filled with beautiful beaches, thriving cities, ancient temples, remarkable natural scenery and most importantly, friendly people with ancient history.
If you wanted to travel to South Korea here are the top 5 various attraction that I have been researched;
1.Big Buddha Monument of Sinheungsa Temple in Seoraksan National Park, it is the Great Unification Buddha in Seoraksan National Park, South Korea. The Buddha is the largest seated bronze Buddha statue in the world, at 14.6m high, excluding the halo, lightning rod, and pedestal.
2.Deoksu Palace, for a modern exploratory opener, begins your tour of Seoul at the central and historical Deoksugung, the Palace of Virtuous Longevity, whose gate faces City Hall Plaza.
3.Gyeongbok Palace, Gyeongbokgung, the Palace of Shining Happiness, was Taejo’s residence and the seat of power. He and his successors used it until 1592 when it was burned during warfare with Japan.
4.Changdeok Palace, between Gyeongbok and Changdeok palaces, is one of the city’s largest surviving areas of traditional Korean housing (hanbok).
5.Traditional markets, any foreign visitor to Seoul should venture into a proper market; if not one of the neighborhood markets, then certainly into one or both of the great central markets downtown.
Culture and Tradition;
    South Korean culture and tradition are really interesting to learn, including their language which is hangul. Hangul is the name of the Korean alphabet. Although the spelling, alphabet, and vocabulary differ slightly between the two countries. There are five major dialects in South Korea and one in North Korea. Despite differences in the dialects, speakers from different areas can understand each other. The Korean alphabet is easy to learn and Korea enjoys one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
     Despite the political unrest that resulted in the division of the region, these two countries still share the same culture and traditional values. Korea is divided by boundaries but still united by culture. Korea is greatly influenced by Chinese and Japanese cultures. This influence can be seen by Confucianism, which established many traditions that can be seen in modern Korea today. These traditions include the ethical code of conduct in social life and showing respect to the elders and family. Koreans also believe in sincerity and loyalty and follow certain codes of conduct while meeting, eating, praying, and even celebrating. At times when many other cultures would shake hands, Koreans bow. They bow as a sign of gratitude and respect to the person they are meeting.
    Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity are the main religions. Buddhism is the religion in Korea with the most followers and its teachings have a great impact on Korean lifestyle, culture, and art. Yungdrung is the main symbol of Korean Buddhism and can be found in all temples and religious places in Korea. The division of Korea has also caused a divergence in religious life in the two countries due to the different political structures. South Korea has been characterized by a rise of Christianity and Buddhism, while North Korea is considered a secular state.
    Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, vegetables, and meats. Some of the famous Korean dishes include bibimbap, bulgogi, and dakgalbi. The Korean culture is based on politeness and respect and this is evident in Korean table manners.
These are the Do’s and Dont’s when you travel to South Korea;
Take off your shoes when entering inside- It’s a basic courtesy to take off your shoes when entering someone’s house or even some restaurants. It is in most Asian cultures. You’ll be required to take off your shoes at some of the restaurants or even cafes but it’s completely natural in Korea so embrace it.
Do not sit on the elderly’s seat- A lot of Koreans still have a very Confucian mindset where the elderly should be highly respected. You will hardly ever see a young man or a woman sitting on the elderly’s seat even when the subway is crammed. The seats are called “priority seat” but somehow they are always occupied by old people in Korean subways.
Recycling is not an option- Did you know that South Korea is the world’s second recycling leader by achieving 59% of the recycling rate? Koreans do not toss everything in one bin and if you do, you will be frowned upon by someone right away. Koreans are super strict when it comes to recycling and even the trash bins on the streets are separated; recyclable and regular waste. Help the country keep its reputation as a recycling leader of the world and keep on recycling while traveling in Korea.
Some of the public toilets are unisex- Don’t freak out! Surprisingly enough, unisex toilets are not a rare thing in South Korea. It’s awkward for Koreans, too. It may be far from the unisex toilet you’re picturing right now because they are usually like one bathroom that men and women share at the same time. Coincidentally. There IS a door though, for the ladies toilet and outside there’s a urinal for guys, all inside one bathroom. It still means that someone could walk in while you’re doing your thang though, which would not be the most pleasant experience.
No need to tip your server- You don’t have to tip the server when you dine out at a restaurant. Even at a bar, tipping is not required and young Koreans would not tip the server or the bartender. In some fancy restaurants and bars, you might be expected to, but still not a must. In extreme cases, some servers might feel offended by getting tipped. Tipping can be perceived as pity or an arrogance since there’s absolutely no such culture here, so just don’t bother tipping when dining out.
Speak basic Korean when asking for help- Some people from English speaking countries tend to speak English right in the face of a Korean. Like, I mean, you’re not in your country, you’re in South Korea where 99% of people speak the Korean language! A, not all Koreans are good at English, B, it’s not very polite to ask a local Korean for help as if the Korean should be able to speak the language for you. Most Koreans would still give you a hand but there’s a better, more respectful way. Keep this phrase in mind “Choisonghamnida, young-eo hal jul aseyo?” (죄송합니다, 영어 할 줄 아세요?). It means “I’m sorry, do you speak English?”
Do not write a name in red- It’s a taboo to write someone’s name in red color. The history of the reason is debatable and not clear but still, most Koreans find it offensive and unlucky. Just letting you know, number 4 is considered unlucky, too. Some buildings do not have a button for the 4th floor and just replace the number with the letter “F” which stands for “four”.
Do not blow your nose in public- I know you can’t help it, but Koreans do not blow their nose in the subway, at a restaurant, or in class! I have so much respect for Koreans holding it in so well but anyhow you will see zero Korean blowing their nose in public. Some older people do but not the young Koreans. They would just sniffle until they can go to the bathroom and blow the heck out of it. When having a meal, in particular, don’t even try to blow your nose on the table and just go to the bathroom and take care of the business.
Take advantage of Wi-Fi- South Korea is seriously one of the most technically advanced countries around the world. You will be stunned at how easy and convenient it is to use free Wi-Fi everywhere, including restaurants, malls, subway, bus, and even just on the streets. There is no data limit, time limit, nothing. Take advantage of it as much as you want. Every local does it.
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mr-ys-phantasma · 4 years
Soprano and the Phantom Chapter 1
My entry for the “Once Upon Another Time” project by @a-partofthenarrative
Beauty and the Beast, Phantom of the Opera version. Enjoy.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away, but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.
The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart, and as punishment, she transformed him into a deformed hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle, and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.
The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 31st year. If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair, and lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?
In the nice small town of Rouen, a bright new day had started for all. The town, not too big and consisting of small cottages and two-storey houses, some of them packed together. Stands and small shops were at the bottom, selling and serving local products.
The streets of the town were paved by limestone rock, giving it a nice crème-yellow appearance. It matched most of the houses and lead people all around the city as it forked into roads and alleys.
In one of the houses at the outskirts of the town, a true beauty lived once with her father. Her name was Christine Daee, daughter of a Swedish violinist who retreated into the small town for both health but also escape.
Christine exited the house, her curly brown hair bouncing with each of her steps while she gave a white pearly smile to the people.
She had many hobbies, one of them was singing and found her songs accompanying her lonely life. Fuelling the fire of adventure she so much wanted.
"Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day, like the one before. Little town, full of little people Waking up to say…"
She walked her brown woven basket at her right hand and waved at her fellow townsfolk.
"There goes the baker with his tray like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell. Every morning just the same. Since the morning that we came to this poor provincial town"
The Baker noticed her and smiled. "Good morning, Christine"
She returned her smile and jumped over to him. "Morning, monsieur!"
"Where are you off to?"
"The bookshop! I just finished the most wonderful story, about a beanstalk and an ogre and…"
He ignored her happy talk and turned his attention inside. "That's nice…Marie, the baguettes! Hurry up!"
She shook her head but kept her smile. Unlike everyone else, Christine had a love for books. It was her retreat into mystical adventures she could never have, and all started when her father would spend hours telling her stories and legends of the north.
It was rare for a woman to be educated, especially with books but she was an exception. She never felt ashamed for it and followed her heart which yearned for a change, for something new but knew she would never have.
"Look there she goes, that girl is strange no question. Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?" a woman gossiped, leaning to her friend.
"Never part of any crowd."
"Cause her head's up on some cloud" the Barber joined, overhearing them from his shop.
"No denying she's a funny girl, that Christine"
The smiley woman ignored them, not really caring about what they thought of her. Perhaps she did have her head in the clouds, but things were so much better up there than down below. Once getting some bread, she jumped on the back of the wagon that rides through town.
Everyone greeted and smiled at each other, starting small discussion; they were a small community after al. Everyone knew everyone and gossip travelled faster than wildfire.
Christine left out a sigh and jumped down once she had reached her stop, the book shop. "There must be more than this provincial life!"
She entered the small shop, overcrowded with dozens of books of all genres. Too bad she had read all of them and no one seemed interested in their content other than her.
"Ah, Christine" the bookseller greeted her, a smile on his face from seeing his favourite customer.
She smiled, feeling a relief once being inside the shop. The short man was the only one who never judged her for her love of books and needs for adventure. He was her supporter from the very first day along with her father.
"Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed" she said and handed him the book which she had inside her basket.
"Finished already?" the man asked, slightly impressed since it had been only a few days.
"Oh, I couldn't put it down! Have you got anything new?"
He laughed and shook his head before placing the book back on the self "Not since yesterday"
Christine was unfazed by the news and she quickly climbed the ladder, going to the 4th self. Her eyes scanned the titles. "That's all right. I'll borrow… this one"
"That one? But you've read it twice!"
She chuckled. "Well it's my favourite!" she explained as she swung off side of the ladder, rolling down its track. "Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!"
Her mind replayed the scenes, a feeling of excitement to read the story all over again and let herself be submerged into the adventures it held. She walked towards him with the book and the man smiled.
"Well, if you like it all that much, it's yours!"
She was taken back; such an act of generosity was too much for her. "But sir!"
"I insist!"
She quickly hugged the man, finding it hard to express in words how she felt. She released him and gave him one of her most sweet smiles, her brown eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Well thank you. Thank you very much!"
She then left the bookshop, skipping a step once in a while. A small change in her routine fixed everything and she daydreamed the adventures of her book while her townsfolk judging her from the background.
She zoomed everyone out, keeping locked inside her thoughts and emotions. Her imagination running wild while the need to be the heroine of that book kept growing.
"Look there she goes That girl is so peculiar! I wonder if she's feeling well!"
"With a dreamy far-off look!"
"And her nose stuck in a book!"
"What a puzzle to the rest of us is Christine!"
She found her way to the small fountain in the middle of the town. It was her favourite place when she needed an escape and often, she had company; the local sheep. She would sing and talk to them, being her true friends that listened without judging.
"Oh! Isn't this amazing! It's my favourite part because you'll see! Here's where she meets Prince Charming… But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter 3!" she sang and petted the sheep closer to her.
"Now it's no wonder that everyone called her a 'beauty' Her looks have got no parallel!" a woman in the background sang, observing the peculiar brunette from afar.
"But behind that fair facade, I'm afraid she's rather odd Very different from the rest of us…"
"She's nothing like the rest of us. Yes, different from the rest of us is Christine!"
Not too far away, closer to a more open area of the town a Geeze hunt was taking place. The majestic birds flew across the blue sky, only for one to be shot down. It fell on the ground, not alive any longer and a slightly tanned man walked towards it.
He had a slightly exotic complex and stood out due to the red fez on top of his head. He was skinny and not that tall, but his green eyes showed some intelligence. He walked over and quickly put the dead animal into a bag before turning to the shooter.
"Wow! You didn't miss a shot, Raoul! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world!"
Raoul De Changy was a charismatic man with short light brown hair and stunning blue eyes. His body was trained, and his clothing showed the wealth of his family, along with the insignia sewed on his jacket.
He let his gun down, a smug smirk of pride on his cupid shaped lips. "I know"
"Huh. No beast alive stands a chance against you…and no girl for that matter!"
"It's true, Nadir and I've got my sights set on that one!" he said and pointed at the faint figure of Christine by the fountain.
He knew her since they were children but as they grew older, they also grew apart. She became distant and buried her nose into old books, preferring an imaginary world than the real one. He grew responsible, carrying on his family name and focusing on skills he needed.
"The violinist's daughter?" Nadir asked as he joined his side, and both watched the young woman.
He gave a nod. "She's the one! The lucky girl I'm going to marry"
"But she's—"
Ignoring him, Raoul continued. "The most beautiful girl in town"
"I know-
"And that makes her the best. And don't I deserve the best?"
"Well, of course, I mean you do, but I mean…"
Once again, poor Nadir was interrupted. The man by his side too caught up in his own world to listen.
"Right from the moment when I met her, saw her. I said she's gorgeous and I fell. Here in town, there's only she, who is beautiful as me. So I'm making plans to woo and marry Christine"
He started walking towards her, earning the attention of any other woman in the town and most specifically, the young women.
"Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy? Monsieur Raoul, oh he's so cute! Be still my heart, I'm hardly breathing! He's such a tall, strong and handsome Vicomte!" One woman sang, talking to her friend and trying her best not to faint.
Christine by now she was walking back to her house, easily passing through the crowd. Raoul tried to follow but struggled to catch up.
"Scuse me!" he tried while people chatted and continued with their day. "Please let me through!" he was once again ignored. "Just watch I'm going to make Christine my wife!"
At last, she managed to catch up with her.
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hotastrotakes · 4 years
Hi there! I was wondering if you could read my chart? 🥺 Taurus sun (7th) , Gemini moon (8th) , Scorpio rising, Aries venus (5th) Taurus mercury (7th) , Aquarius mars (3rd), Leo jupiter (9th), Gemini saturn (8th), Pisces uranus (4th), Aquarius neptune (3rd), Sagittarius pluto (2nd), Gemini north node (7th), Capricorn chiron (3rd), and Leo midheaven? Thank you so so much 💗
Taurus Sun: Stubborn yet sensual, Tauruses don’t like to deny themselves worldly pleasures. You seek comfort and relaxation in your day-to-day life, and you don’t like to go out of your comfort zone to have new experiences. You don’t like sudden change, and you can feel very overwhelmed when it feels like events are out of your control. Tauruses are stereotypically very passive, so you have a tendency to just let things happen to you, instead of seeking them out. It’s in your 7th house, which means you hate being lonely and search for companionship. 
Gemini Moon: Your moon represents the way you see yourself. You have a very rich inner life, one that only you are privy to and don’t often like to show other people. Geminis can be considered duplicitous, but in reality they just don’t show their true selves to people very often. It’s in your 8th house, which means you seek security in caring for other people. 
Scorpio Rising: You’re a man of mystery in everyone’s eyes, but you’re so magnetic that people want to get to know you despite your distance: in some ways, it’s your aura of secrecy that draws people in. This is the strongest ascendant, meaning it very heavily influences the way other people think of you. 
Taurus Mercury: Mercury is all about the way you communicate, and as a Taurus, you think before you speak and don’t make hasty decisions. You speak in a very disciplined way and even though you may not seem so, you’re decisive and stick to your guns with classic Taurus stubbornness. It’s in your 7th house, which means you’re very cooperative both personally and professionally. 
Aries Venus: This is one of the most difficult placements. Aries is a sign of aggressive masculine energy, and Venus is a planet of sensitive and feminine energies, making it very difficult for the placement to work well. You tend to be very flirty and intense when you approach people, and you’re a boundless source of energy in all your interpersonal relationships. You like when relationships are new and exciting, and you thrive when your partner is someone you can just have fun with. It’s in your 5th house, which means you seek pleasure in a hedonistic way. 
Aquarius Mars: You’re fiercely independent and like doing things your own way. If someone tries to pigeonhole you or force you to do things a certain way, you’re likely to rebel. “Authority issues” is the best way to describe this placement. You thrive on being intellectually stimulated and you’ll fight very hard to maintain your individuality. It’s in your 3rd house, which means you become very volatile and impatient when you’re angry. 
Jupiter in Leo: Leo is a very naturally lucky sign, and Jupiter rules over luck and success. You may have success in your friendships, and you like to work towards your ambitions with creativity and spontaneity. This may also manifest as luck in finance. It’s in your 9th house, which means you’re an optimist and a seeker of stimulation. 
Saturn in Gemini: Saturn is a rule-oriented planet, and an air sign like Gemini isn’t great at following rules. You like to do things your own way, and your moral code might be a little grey. However, you’re excellent at communication with other people. It’s in your 8th house, which means you’re patient and willing to transform yourself for success. 
Uranus in Aquarius: Aquarius Uranus: Uranus is more representative of a generation than it is of an individual. Uranus in Aquarius means that your generation is very unconventional and seeks more intellectual stimulation than the generations before it. It’s in your 4th house, which means you’re emotionally balanced. 
Neptune in Aquarius: This is another planet that represents a generation. Neptune is a planet that represents imaginative consciousness, and because it’s in Aquarius, that means that your generation finds creativity through intellectualism and idealism. It’s in your 3rd house, which means you’re artistic and intuitive. 
Pluto in Sagittarius: Pluto also rules over a generation in the aspect of power and control. Because it’s in Sagittarius, your generation is likely to be independent and optimistic, always looking towards a brighter future. This is also the planet of wealth, meaning that you may have exciting financial prospects to look towards. It’s in your 2nd house, which means you have a strong instinct towards financial security. 
North Node in Gemini: The north node represents career options that you could be happy doing. A Gemini has a lot of options, but first and foremost, they’re communicators, meaning you could find happiness teaching, writing, or speaking publicly. It’s in your 7th house, which means you put a lot of concentration into maintaining your relationships.
Capricorn Chiron: Chiron is all about health, and Capricorn is all about stability and hard work. This placement means that no matter what obstacles you face, you make sure to put your nose to the grindstone to ensure you’re healthy and happy. It’s in your 3rd house, which means although you may have a lot of baggage that emotionally affects you, you’re trying to overcome it.  
Leo MC: [disclaimer about not taking career advice from horoscope blah blah blah] Leos are natural leaders, the alpha of their professional and personal lives. If we’re considering careers, some kind of management position or team leadership roles might be suited for this placement. 
tell me how i did and send more~~
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sevenseasofrog · 5 years
Lads ‘n Lasses
pairing: highschool!ben x fem!reader
summary: single sex schools are never boring
word count: 2982
a/n: wagwan gs, this might not be to everyone’s taste but i’ll see how it goes, this is the first time i’ve imagined myself as the reader while writing ?? not as someone else reading it ?? it’s also set in a manchesterish sort of place bc i had a major mind block trying to write about anywhere else other than where i actually live ,, that probably sounds weird idk aha, it’s defo an au where ben basically is still in education and all sorts of chaos takes place as the year moves forward ,, anyway ,, enjoy !! if you have any questions or likewise feel free to send an ask bc i see how it could be semi confusing ,, love u all a lotta :) ❤️
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here’s also some stuff that could make it less confusing (especially if you’re not familiar with lingo from north west england, i’ll maybe add to this with each new chapter that comes out :)
St. Mary’s/ Mary’s- the all girls school the reader attends, quite middle class and full of students who like to make drama for their own entertainment, strong focus on languages and arts
St. Peter’s/ St. Pete’s - the all boys ‘brother’ school to St. Mary’s, very laddish with a focus on sports and science
Niamh & Maria - the reader’s two closest and longest friends
Tram/Met - British version of an overground subway?
Shout - another word for a houseparty
Snide - unfair
Swear down - saying you are telling the truth
also, the reader and ben are between the ages of like 17 and 18ish, the whole thing isn’t very accurate to the uk school system but it works a little better like that so yall are gonna have to go with it aha
ps, this chapter is spilt in two bc i got very carried away when writing it and tumblr has a word limit, hmph. however, that does technically mean that i can say i’ve written two chapters not just one ?? go me !!
Chapter 1: September
4th of September, the night before a new term, new academic year and a nearly fresh start. Your last year at St Mary’s had not been something you were dreading so to speak, and now it was finally here. Thanks to upcoming exams, you only had a little over five months to get through before freedom, and eventually, a completely clean slate at a new, far less intimidating school environment. Anticipation building, you called it a night
6:15am. You woke up to the painful sound of your alarm clock, early morning sun peeking through the split between the curtains. Eager to silence the blaring noise you crawled out of the comfort of the duvet and hastily clicked the stop button in the centre of your phone screen. You made your way into the bathroom, careful not to wake your parents, brushed your teeth and quickly got undressed before stepping into the shower, letting the cool water run down your back without getting your hair wet, since you had it cut and washed yesterday afternoon. Slipping on your school uniform you caught eye of yourself in the mirror and decided that you had nothing to lose by putting on a little makeup, you had time after all. It was about 7am when you made your way downstairs, the house still quiet with only you awake. These mornings were the ones you liked best, just you and your own thoughts, with no one to bother you other than the dogs. It was still relatively warm during the September days so you chose to leave your jumper hung over a chair in the kitchen, putting just your blazer over your crisp, white blouse. Throwing an apple and cereal bar into your bag for later in the day, you figured that you might as well also pack some paracetamol and chewing gum for good measure, knowing it would come in handy eventually. You headed into the hallway to sit on the bottom step of the stairs to put your shoes on, tying the laces as tight as you possibly could, slung the black tote over your shoulder and grabbed your set of keys, which were usually on a hook which your dad had attached to the wall earlier in the year.
The walk to the tram stop was pleasant enough. There was no real breeze and you walked with your hands in you pockets to the beat of the music. Skipping down the steps to the platform to buy a ticket for the week, the change rattled in your pocket, and you had to cover it to stop anything flying out. Once you had finally managed to get the machine to produce a ticket after it spat out the coins you tried to use a few times, you spun round and walked towards the sheltered seats down the further end of the stop. It was only 7:45 by this stage and there were still very few people around. Missing the school rush was certainly worth it for you, and it also meant there was time to grab a coffee on the way to school with Niamh and Maria, who both got on at later stops anyway. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, deciding to text your parents, as you did every morning to let them know you were okay. You skipped a few songs before slipping your phone back into your pocket and looking up to examine your surroundings, following a good few weeks of not coming to the somewhat grimy metro stop, nothing had changed. The ground was still caked in chewing gum, graffiti littered the ticket machines, and the bin was, as ever, overflowing.
There was one thing different though, slightly odd too. A blonde haired boy who you had never seen before was stood on the opposite platform. Weird. It was then that you noticed he was in the uniform for St. Peter’s, with a backpack hung on one shoulder and a gym bag on the floor- grim move from the newbie. It suddenly hit you however. He was on the wrong platform, and could end up getting on a tram further into the city centre rather than away from it. God, this was awkward. You could leave him? it would be kind of funny? but also a bit snide.
Don’t do that you told yourself. Deciding to ‘start the new term right’ you cleared your throat before shouting across
“You going to St. Pete’s mate?”
He looked up from the ground, obviously somewhat confused, checking to see whoever the person who had shouted was talking too. Luckily, this was quite easy, given that he then noticed that he was in fact the only person on the platform. You gave a wave and as friendly a smile as you could muster given it wasn’t even 8 o’clock yet, in a desperate attempt to get his attention, which just so happened to work.
“Um, yeah. Why?”
“Because given that you’re on the wrong platform, you’re gonna have a very hard time getting there”. His jaw dropped a little
“You are joking, right?”
“Nope!”, you popped the ‘p’, just for emphasis, “So... are you just gonna stand there like a lemon or change platforms then?”. He quickly picked his bag off the ground and jogged up the steps to the bridge. As he crossed you rolled the waistband of your skirt up, realising that you previously looked a little to nun-ish for your liking. By the time you had finished fixing up your appearance the mysterious blonde was plodding down the steps, towards you. Shit. Now what?
You had just about composed yourself by the time he reached you.
“Ben. Ben Jones” he spoke, before offering his hand to shake.
“You’re very proper aren’t you!?”, you thought out loud “guessing you're not from up here then hm? Name’s y/n l/n by the way, I go to St. Mary’s”, you said, trying to remain friendly.
“Yeah, moved up from Bournemouth at the start of summer. My parents wanted to come up here so I had a chance of getting some sort of sports scholarship or something for rugby, y’know, for uni and that”. He spoke with quite a low, quiet voice, but definitely had a southern accent that you couldn’t imagine going any time soon. Now he was stood nearer, you had managed to get a clearer picture of Ben; he was very well built and had the physique of a genuine sportsman, He wasn’t too tall- but still taller than you by a considerable amount. His facial features were mostly soft, although his nose looked like it could have been broken in past games and he had the most striking green eyes.
“Well, you’d have had a pretty difficult time getting anywhere if you were stuck in the centre of town.” you both let out a laugh.
“Honestly, I’m such a melt, only I could do that on one of the few days that being on time actually matters”. You broke eye contact momentarily to see that a tram was approaching.
“Right then” you said, stepping towards the edge of the platform. “We’re a bit early but I normally get a coffee anyway, you can come if you want? I mean, you don’t have to get this one if you don’t want but if you do then the offer’s there..” You trailed off, noticing that you had waffled on a bit.
“Aha, no it’s fine! I’d be happy to get this one, you’re literally the first person I’ve spoken to who’s like, my age so it’s not like I have anyone to wait for. Plus, I’ll probably get lost if you abandon me now.” He looked up with puppy dog eyes after picking his gym bag off the floor again.
Stepping on the tram, you decided to offer him your first piece of valuable advice; “Right… Well. If we’re gonna be mates I better give you the rules of the road up here”.
“Go on then, local expert”, he said with a smirk.
“First things first. Don’t put your bag on the floor. It’s crusty and makes you look like a gimp”.
“Noted”, he spoke as the pair of you sat on the grey seats.
“Second. Most of the boys are maniacs and the girls are awful bitches, I’d say that I’d help you figure out who’s who but you’ll probably be able to decide for yourself”.
“Hm, you’re really selling it to me. The brutal honesty is a nice touch”. You gave a playful punch to the side of his arm, with a grin smeared across your face.
“Swear down mate, you’ll thank me later for this though.”
The journey passed in a flash, the pair of you talking like friends reunited. You learnt that he had a beagle named Frankie, lived not too far from you, he played rugby for teams but also enjoyed drama and music.
“You’re quite the character aren’t you! can’t say I took you for a performing arts kinda guy”
“Well… What kind of person did you take me as then, all knowing-y/n”
“Well Ben from Bournemouth.. that would be telling wouldn’t it, I can tell you however that this is our stop though”. You both stood up, grabbing your bags and heading for the doors of the carriage. You had a text from Niamh and Maria earlier on in the journey saying they’d be late and there was no point waiting for them, so you carried on the walk alone with Ben.
“If I left you here right now, would you have any clue where to go?” you questioned, genuinely intrigued.
“Erm.. no… I would have to stand around for a bit and hope someone takes pity on me”
“What about google maps though??”
“Hmm.. Let’s just say that there’s a reason I don’t take geography”
The coffee shop was about the same distance from the tram stop as is was from school, and it was about 20 past 8 when you pushed open the door with a small chime. It was a cosy little café, situated on the corner of the market street with wicker chairs outside and brown leather sofas inside. You never stayed in however, much preferring to enjoy whatever you brought during the rest of the walk to school. Today was a latte day, no questions asked. You liked to rotate throughout a few different drinks, depending on your mood. Ben stood close by as you explained how you’d most definitely be on black coffee by this time next week, but you might have the odd pumpkin spiced latte as September moved into October, just for novelty really. He gave out a small chuckle,
“You really are in a league of your own aren’t you? I’ve known you like an hour and I’m convinced you hold the secrets of the universe or some shit”. You liked Ben. He was good company and you had a fair bit in common;
“and what if I did hold the secrets of the universe huh?”
“I’d use the black market to sell you to a looney philosopher somewhere or other and make myself some fat stacks.” You both doubled over in complete hysterics. Would it be weird to say that you’d never bonded so quickly with someone? yeah, probably you thought, brushing the idea away quickly. Your giggle fit was quickly broken up however when the barista announced that your drink was ready, you fished the loose change out of your pocket and handed it over moments later,
“keep the change mate” you said politely, turning on your heel towards the door once again.
“You really are quite the angel aren’t you?” the boy walking next to you said “ooooo, keep the change mate, I’m y/n and I am the source of all life and joy” he mocked.
“You know it blondie”, you retorted with a smirk.
You had walked a fair deal further, now following the main road and considerably nearer to school when Ben reached into his inside pocket .pulling out a cigarette and lighter. You silently watched out of the corner of your eye as he held the stick in his mouth and lit one end, he inhaled deeply before taking it from between his lips to exhale. Before his could bring his hand back up however, you plucked it from his fingers and drew a breath from it yourself before throwing it down and stamping on it. Ben simply stood with his mouth hung open looking dumbfounded. “Whoa steady on...What the fuck was that about then? Oh… and for the record, you owe me a cig now!”, he spoke with a tone of shock mixed with annoyance
“Boo-Hoo”, you spoke back, “But neither of us can have a first day back if we get excluded before we even get to school you dimwit. There’s teachers stood by the traffic lights down there”, you pointed further down the pavement. “See for yourself if you want…” you trailed off. Ben looked a little guilty, realising that he could have got you both in a good deal of trouble,
“Ah, Right, Okay… Sorry about that..”
“Don’t worry about it. Honestly. It’s fine, you’re new! You’ve got a lot to learn still”, you gave him a reassuring smile, but you could tell that he still felt a twinge of regret.
The pair of you carried on the walk in a comfortable silence, and as you approached St. Peter’s a thought struck you. “Right. After school, wait for me here, I don’t really want you being lost in a new town stuck on my conscience all night”
“How noble of you, Miss y/l/n! How will I ever repay you for this selfless act of charity!” He exaggerated, running his hands through his hair as he spoke.
“We’ll have to see about that one won’t we, I guess”, You hitched your bag back onto your shoulder properly. Before he turned into the courtyard of his new school he grabbed your arm,
“Wait a minute... you give off way too much chaotic energy for things to run smoothly. What’s your snap or your number or something incase something goes horribly wrong” He spoke again, with a slight twinkle in his eyes.
“Hm, go on then, I’ll give you my number then you can just add me on snapchat with it too if you really want. Two birds with one stone ‘n all that”, you reached into your bag and pulled out a pen. “Gimmie something to write on, chop chop matey!” you spoke hurridley, realising that you only had 10 minutes before you needed to be sat down in your first registration of the academic year. In a panic, he stuck out his hand, and you began to scribble down the first few digits.
“Fucking hell! I thought you were writing it down not tattooing it!”, he took in a sharp breath.
“Hm.. What.. Wait! Shit, sorry.. I’m a bit heavy handed”. You finished writing the numbers down with a conscious attempt not to press quite so hard and then threw the pen back into your bag.
“Aight then, I’ll see you later yeah?” He looked up at you,
“See ya later lemon boy”. You shot another smile before continuing on a few meters further down the path and approached the gates of St. Mary’s.
Hello old friend, you thought before taking a deep breath and turning into the school, with no way out for the next few hours at least. You stepped hurriedly through the labyrinth of corridors before reaching the room where you’d be registered. Throwing your bag onto your usual desk you could feel two sets of eyes on you.
“y/n l/n, You have some explaining to do! go on then, who’s the boy?” Niamh began, a devilish grin on her face.
“Gimme a second to sort my life out yeah? I just need to get my bearings then you can interrogate me”, you spoke, followed by a heavy sigh. After you put your bag in your new locker you returned to the desk where you were greeted by your long time friends once again. “Wait a minute, how do you even know? started hiring government spies or some shit?”
“Erm, no. But that’s quite a good idea actually. If you’re that desperate to know, Lewis sent me a message asking if you’d got a boyfriend over summer..” You let out a scoff before Maria could continue. “He still really likes you ya know?”
“Yes mum, I do know, you remind me most days” You all let out a laugh, attracting some attention from the neighboring tables.
“We’re off topic, you still need to explain yourself and we have like, 3 minutes until the bell goes” Niamh interrupted, she had always been the most conscious member of the group, as much as both you and Maria hated to admit.
“Right, I’ll keep it simple. I was at the met stop and he was stood on the wrong side so I told him to switch otherwise he’d never make it to school then he told me that his name’s Ben and he’s new and he’s in our year and then we got on the tram and then we went to get coffee then he decided he wanted a smoke and then I told him off and then we got to school and then I told him I’d meet him after school then I walked into school and now I’m here with you two” You barely paused for breath and gasped before either of your friends could continue, both of them looking shocked and rather confused.
“Right. You can explain that all again later in a bit only at least 76 times slower. ok? thanks? nice” is all Maria managed to respond before the door swung open and your teacher walked in...
Hope you enjoy !!❤️
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xerrey · 5 years
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•  Animal: dog - pies, cat - kot, fish - ryba, bird - ptak, cow - krowa, pig - świnia, mouse - mysz, horse - koń, animal - zwierzę
 • Transportation: train - pociąg, plane - samolot, car - samochód, truck -  ciężarówka, bicycle - rower, bus - autobus, boat - łódź, łódka, ship - statek, tire - opona, gasoline - benzyna, engine - silnik,  ticket - bilet, transportation - transport,  tram/streetcar - tramwaj
• Location: city - miasto, house - dom, apartment - apartament, flat - mieszkanie, street/road - ulica, airport - lotnisko, train station - stacja kolejowa, bridge - most, hotel - hotel, restaurant - restauracja, farm - farma, court, school - szkoła, office - biuro, room - pokój, town - miasteczko, university - uniwersytet, club - klub, bar - bar, park - park, camp - obóz, store/shop - sklep, theater - teatr, library - biblioteka, hospital - szpital, church - kościół, market - supermarket, country (USA, France, etc.) - państwo, building - budynek, ground - ziemia, space (outer space) - przestrzeń kosmiczna, kosmos, bank - bank, location - położenie, police - policja, army - armia
 • Clothing: hat - czapka, dress - sukienka, suit - garnitur, skirt - spódnica, shirt - koszula, T-shirt - t-shirt, koszulka, pants - majtki, trousers - spodnie, shoes - buty, pocket - kieszeń, coat - płaszcz, stain - plama, clothing - ubrania
  • Color: red - czerwony/czerwona, green - zielony/zielona, blue - niebieski/niebieska, yellow - żółty/żółta, brown - brązowy/brązowa, pink - różowy/różowa, orange - pomarańczowy/pomarańczowa, black - czarny/czarna, white - biały/biała, gray - szary.szara, color - kolor
  • People: son - syn, daughter - córka, mother - matka, father - ojciec, parent (= mother/father) - rodzic, baby - niemowlę, man - mężczyzna, woman - kobieta, brother - brat, sister - siostra, family - rodzina, grandfather - dziadek, grandmother - babcia, husband - mąż, wife - żona, king - król, queen - królowa, president - prezydent, neighbor - sąsiad/sąsiadka, boy - chłopiec/chłopak, girl - dziewczynka/dziewczyna, child (= boy/girl) - dziecko, adult (= man/woman) - dorosły, human (≠ animal) - człowiek, friend - przyjaciel/przyjaciółka, victim - ofiara, player - zawodnik/zawodniczka, fan - fan/fanka, crowd - tłum, person - osoba
 • Job: Teacher - nauczyciel/nauczycielka, student - uczeń/uczennica, lawyer - prawnik/prawniczka, doctor - lekarz/lekarka, patient - pacjent/pacjentka, waiter - kelner/kelnerka, secretary - sekretarz/sekretarka, priest - ksiądz, policeman/policewoman - policjant/policjantka, soldier - żółnierz/żółnierka, artist - artysta/artystka, author - pisarz/pisarka, manager - menadżer/menadżerka, reporter - reporter/reporterka, actor - aktor/aktorka, job - praca
  • Society: religion - religia, heaven - niebo, hell - piekło, death - śmierć, medicine - medycyna, money - pieniądze, bill - rachunek, marriage - małżeństwo, wedding - ślub, team - zespół, race (ethnicity) - rasa (etniczność), sex (the act) - seks, sex (gender) - płeć, murder - morderstwo, prison - więzienie, technology - technologia, energy - energia, war - wojna, peace - pokój, attack - atak, napaść, election - wybory, magazine - magazyn, newspaper - gazeta, poison - trucizna, gun - broń, sport - sport, race (sport) - wyscig, exercise - ćwiczenia, ball - piłka, game - gra, mecz, price - cena, contract - umowa/kontrakt, drug - lekarstwo, narkotyk, sign - znak, science - nauka,
 • Art: band - zespół, song - piosenka, instrument (musical) - instrument, music - muzyka, movie - film, art - sztuka
  • Beverages: coffee - kawa, tea - herbata, wine - wino, beer - piwo, juice - sok, water - woda, milk - mleko, beverage - napój
  • Food: egg - jajko, cheese - ser, bread - chleb, soup - zupa, cake - ciasto, chicken - kurczak, pork - wieprzowina, beef - wołowina, apple - jabłko, banana - banan, orange - pomarańcz, lemon - cytryna, corn - kukurydza, rice - ryż, oil - olej, seed - ziarno, knife - nóż, spoon - łyżka, fork - widelec, plate - talerz, cup - filiżanka, mug - kubek, breakfast - śniadanie, lunch - lunch, dinner - kolacja,  sugar - cukier, salt - sól, bottle - butelka, food - jedzenie
 • Home: table - stół, chair - krzesło, bed - łóżko, dream - marzenie, window - okno, door - drzwi, bedroom - sypialnia, kitchen - kuchnia, bathroom - łazienka, pencil - ołówek, pen - długopis, photograph - zdjęcie/fotografia, soap - mydło, book - książka, page - strona, key - klucz, paint - farba, letter - list, note - notatka, wall - ściana, paper - papier, floor - podłoga, ceiling - sufit, roof - dach, pool - basen, lock - zamek, telephone - telefon, garden - ogród, needle - igła, bag - torba, box - pudełko, gift - prezent, card - karta, ring - pierścionek, tool - narzędzie
 • Electronics: clock - zegar, lamp - lampa, fan - wentylator, cell phone - telefon komórkowy, komórka, network - sieć, computer - komputer, program (computer) - program komputerowy, laptop - laptop, screen - ekran, camera - aparat fotograficzny, kamera, television - telewizja, radio - radio, tablet - tablet
  • Body: head - głowa, neck - szyja, face - twarz, beard - broda, hair - włosy, eye - oko, mouth - usta, lip - warga, nose - nos, tooth - ząb, ear - ucho, tear (drop) - łza, tongue - język, back - plecak, toe - palec, finger - palec, foot - stopa, hand - ręka, leg - noga, arm - ramię, shoulder - bark, heart - serce, blood - krew, brain - mózg, knee - kolano, sweat - pot, disease - choroba, bone - kość, voice - głos, skin - skóra, body - ciało, wrist - nadgarstek
 • Nature: sea - morze, ocean - ocean, river - rzeka, mountain - góra, rain - deszcz, snow - śnieg, tree - drzewo, sun - słońce, moon - księżyc, world - świat, Earth - Ziemia, forest - las, sky - niebo, plant - roślina, wind - wiatr, soil/earth - gleba/ziemia, flower - kwiat, valley - dolina, root - korzeń, lake - jezioro, star - gwiazda, grass - trawa, leaf - liść, air - powietrze, sand - piasek, beach - plaża, wave - fala, fire - ogień, ice - lód, island - wyspa, hill - wzgórze, heat - ciepło, nature - natura
  • Materials: glass - szkło, metal - metal, plastic - plastik, wood - drewno, stone - kamień, diamond - diament, clay - glina, dust - kurz, gold - złoto, copper - miedź, silver - srebro, material - materiał
  • Math/Measurements: meter - metr, centimeter - centrymetr,  kilogram - kilogram, inch - cal, foot - stopa, pound - funt, half - pół, circle - koło, square - kwadrat, temperature - temperatura,  weight - waga, edge - próg, corner - kąt
  • Misc Nouns: map - mapa, dot - kropka, consonant - spółgłoska, vowel - samogłoska, light - światło, sound - dźwięk, yes - tak, no - nie, piece - kawałek, pain - bół, injury - rana, hole - dziura, image - obraz, pattern - schemat/wzór, noun - rzeczownik, verb - czasownik, adjective - przymiotnik
  • Directions: top - góra, bottom - dół, side - bok/strona, front - przód, back - tył, outside na zewnątrz, inside wewnątrz, up - w góre, down - w dół, left - lewa/lewy, right - prawa/prawy, straight - na wprost, north - północ, south - południe, east - wschód, west - zachód, direction - kierunek
 • Seasons: Summer - lato, Spring - wiosna, Winter - ziemia, Fall - jesień, season - pora roku
  • Numbers: 0 - zero, 1 - jeden, 2 - dwa, 3 - trzy, 4 - cztery, 5 - pięć, 6 - sześć, 7 - siedem, 8 - osiem, 9 - dziewięć, 10 - dziesięć, 11 - jedenaście, 12 - dwanaście, 13 - trzynaście, 14 - czternaście, 15 - piętnaście, 16 - szesnaście, 17 - siedemnaście, 18 - osiemnaście, 19 - dziewiętnaście, 20 - dwadzieścia, 21 - dwadzieścia jeden, 22 - dwadzieścia dwa, 30 - trzydzieści, 31 - trzydzieści jeden , 32 trzydzieści dwa, 40 - czterdzieści, 41 - czterdzieści jeden, 42 - czterdzieści dwa, 50 - pięćdziesiąt, 51 - pięćdziesiąt jeden, 52 pięćdziesiąt dwa, 60 sześćdziesiąt, 61 - sześćdziesiąt jeden, 62 - sześćdziesiąt dwa, 70 - siedemdziesiąt, 71 - siedemdziesiąt jeden, 72 - siedemdziesiąt dwa, 80 osiemdziesiąt, 81 - osiemdziesiąt jeden, 82 - osiemdziesiąt dwa, 90 - dziewięćdziesiąt, 91 - dziewięćdziesiąt jeden, 92 - dziewięćdziesiąt dwa, 100 - sto, 101 - sto jeden,, 102 sto dwa, 110 sto dziesięć, 111 sto jedenaście, 1000 - tysiąc, 1001 tysiąc jeden, 10000 - dziesięć tysięcy, 100000 - sto tysięcy, million - milion, billion - miliard, 1st,- pierwszy  2nd,- drugi 3rd,trzeci 4th,czwarty 5th,- piąty number - numer
 • Months: January - Styczeń, February - Luty, March - Marzec, April - Kwiecień, May - Maj, June - Czerwiec, July - Lipiec, August - Sierpień, September - Wrzesień, October - Październik, November - Listopad, December - Grudzień
  • Days of the week: Monday - Poniedziałek, Tuesday - Wtorek, Wednesday - Środa, Thursday - Czwartek, Friday - Piątek, Saturday - Sobota, Sunday - Niedziela, week - tydzień,
  • Time: year - rok, month - miesiąc, week - tydzień, day - dzień, hour - godzina, minute - minuta, second - sekunda , morning - poranek/rano, afternoon - popołudnie, evening - wieczór, night - noc, time - czas, midnight - północ, midday - południe
  • Verbs: work - pracować, play - grać, walk - spacerować/chodzić, run - biegać, drive - jechać (samochodem), fly - latać, swim - pływać, go - iść, stop - zatrzymywać, follow - śledzić, podążać za kimś/za czymś, think - myśleć, speak - mówić, say - powiedzieć, eat - jeść, drink - pić, kill - zabić, die - umierać, smile - uśmiechać się, laugh - śmiać się, cry - płakać, buy - kupować, pay - płacić, sell - sprzedawać, shoot(a gun) - strzelać (z pistoletu), learn - uczyć się, jump - skakać, smell - wąhać, hear (a sound) - słyszeć, listen (music) - słuchać, taste - próbować/smakować, touch - dotykać, see (a bird) - widzieć, watch (TV) - oglądać, kiss - całować, burn - palić, melt - roztapiać, dig - kopać, explode - wybuchnąć/eksplodować, sit - siedzieć, stand - stać, love - kochać, pass by - mijać, cut - ciąć, fight - bić się/walczyć, lie down - leżeć, dance - tańczyć, sleep - spać, wake up - budzić się, sing - śpiewać, count - liczyć, marry - żenić się/wychodzić za mąż/brać ślub, pray - modlić się, win - wygrywać/wygrać, lose - przegrywać/przegrać, mix/stir - mieszać, bend - schylać się/schylić się, wash - myć, cook - gotować, open - otwierać, close - zamykać, write - pisać, call - dzwonić, turn - obrócić/obracać się, build - budować, teach - uczyć, nauczać, grow - rosnąć, draw - rysować, feed - karmić, catch - łapać/złapać, throw - rzucać/rzucić, clean - czyścić, find - znajdować, fall - upadać, push - pchać/popychać, pull - ciągnąć, carry - nieść, break - zbić/rozbijać, wear - ubierać, hang - wisieć, shake - potrząsać/wstrząsać, sign - podpisywać, beat - bić, lift - podnosić,
 • Adjectives: long - długi/długa/długie, short (vs long) - krótki/krótka/krótkie, tall - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, short (vs tall) - niski/niska/niskie, wide - szeroki/szeroka/szerokie, narrow - wąski/wąska/wąskie, big/large - duży/duża/duże, small/little - mały/mała/małe, slow - wolny/wolna/wolne, fast - szybki/szybka/szybkie, hot - gorący/gorąca/gorące, cold - zimny/zimna/zimne, warm - ciepły/ciepła/ciepłe, cool - fajny/fajna/fajne, new - nowy/nowa/nowe, old (new) - stary/stara/stare, young - młody/młoda/młode, old (young) - stary/stara/stare, good - dobry/dobra/dobre, bad - zły/zła/złe, wet - mokry/mokra/mokre, dry - suchy/sucha/suche, sick - chory/chora/chore, healthy - zdrowy/zdrowa/zdrowe, loud - głośny/głośna/głośne, quiet - cichy/cicha/ciche, happy - szczęśliwy/szczęśliwa/szczęśliwe, sad - smutny/smutna/smutne, beautiful - piękny/piękna/piękne, ugly - brzydki/brzydka/brzydkie, deaf - głuchy/głucha/głuche, blind - ślepy/ślepa/ślepe, nice - miły/miła/miłe, mean - wredny/wredna/wredne, rich - bogaty/bogata/bogate, poor - biedny/biedna/biedne, thick - gruby/gruba/grube, thin - chudy/chuda/chude, expensive - drogi/droga/drogie, cheap - tani/tania/tanie, flat - płaski/płaska/płaskie, curved - krzywy/krzywa/krzywe, male - męski/męska/męskie, female - damski/damska/damskie, tight ciasny/ciasna/ciasne or obcisły/obcisła/obcisłe, loose - luźny/luźna/luźni, high - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, low - niski/niska/niskie, soft - miękki/miękka/miękkie or delikatny/delikatna/delikatne, hard - twardy/twarda/twarde or trudny/trudna/trudne, deep - głęboki/głęboka/głębokie, shallow - płytki/płytka/płytkie, clean - czysty/czysta/czyste, dirty - brudny/brudna/brudne, strong - silny/silna/silne, weak - słaby/słaba/słabe, dead - martwy/martwa/martwe, alive - żywy/żywa/żywe, heavy - ciężki/ciężka/ciężkie, light (vs heavy) - lekki/lekka/lekkie, dark - ciemny/ciemna/ciemne, light (dark) - jasny/jasna/jasne, famous - sławny/sławna/sławne
  • Pronouns: I - ja, you (singular) - ty, he - on, she - ona, it - ono/to, we - my, you (plural, as in “y’all”) - wy, they. - oni, one
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