#Northerly wind
trucenz · 7 months
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ofglories · 7 days
|| @toadmiretoweepover lionel: 「 factual 」 as always, princess.
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"I am known for being honest, Lionel. Shall I add 'annoying' to your title as Yvain's best friend? I did leave it out to be polite but you can be so terribly annoying!"
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Pier by Northerly Island and Other Poems
By Arsh Siddiqui Pier by Northerly Island The lucky ones could see it clearly long ago A viridian grass carpets the murky lake bottom Leafy and bushy vines stretch to the surface A foggy blue glass seals all below from the lake breeze Debris lines the rim and top of the glass Flecks of white and thin brown sticks rest above The further you look the more the glass hides the green It shimmers and…
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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An Arctic fox gives a huge yawn before curling up to keep warm from a strong northerly wind in Churchill, Man. About the size of small house cats, Arctic foxes remain active all through the long northern winter, often following polar bears to the sea ice to scavenge their leavings. 
Photo: Dave Sandford
2023 Canadian Wildlife Photography of the Year
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
words to use instead of air/wind?
Air—the mixture of invisible odorless tasteless gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the earth
Wind—a natural movement of air of any velocity
Airflow - a flow of air; especially: the motion of air (as around parts of an airplane in flight) relative to the surface of a body immersed in it
Airstream - a current of air
Billow - to bulge or swell out (as through action of the wind)
Blast - a violent gust of wind
Blow - an instance of air moving with speed or force; a blowing of wind especially when strong or violent
Bluster - a violent boisterous blowing
Breath - a slight breeze; air inhaled and exhaled in breathing
Breeze - a light gentle wind
Buran - a northeasterly wind of gale force in Russia and central Asia usually identified with sandstorms in summer and blizzards in winter
Chinook - a warm moist southwest wind of the coast from Oregon northward; a warm dry wind that descends the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains
Current - the part of a fluid body (such as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction
Cyclone - a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure, advances at a speed of 20 to 30 miles (about 30 to 50 kilometers) an hour, and often brings heavy rain
Draft - a current of air in a closed-in space
Eddy - a current of water or air running contrary to the main current; especially: a circular current
Flatus - gas generated in the stomach or bowels
Flurry - a gust of wind
Gale - a strong current of air
Gas - a fluid (such as air) that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely
Gust - a sudden brief rush of wind
Headwind - a wind having the opposite general direction to a course of movement (as of an aircraft)
Mistral - a strong cold dry northerly wind of southern France
Northeaster - a strong northeast wind
Norther - a strong north wind
Northwester - a strong northwest wind
Puff - an act or instance of puffing; whiff
Respiration - the movement of air or dissolved gases into and out of the lungs
Scud - a gust of wind
Sigh - the sound of gently moving or escaping air
Slipstream - a stream of fluid (such as air or water) driven aft by a propeller
Southeaster - a strong southeast wind
Southwester - a strong southwest wind
Squall - a sudden violent wind often with rain or snow
Storm - wind having a speed of 64 to 72 miles (103 to 117 kilometers) per hour
Stream - any body of flowing fluid (such as water or gas)
Tailwind - a wind having the same general direction as a course of movement (as of an aircraft)
Tempest - a violent storm; a disturbance of the atmosphere accompanied by wind and often by precipitation (as rain or snow)
Tornado - a violent destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud that progresses in a narrow path over the land
Updraft - an upward movement of gas (such as air)
Uprush - an upward rush (as of gas or liquid)
Vapor - a substance in the gaseous state as distinguished from the liquid or solid state
Ventilation - circulation of air
Waft - a slight breeze; puff
Westerly - a wind from the west
Whiff - a quick puff or slight gust especially of air, odor, gas, smoke, or spray
Whirlwind - a small rotating windstorm of limited extent
Williwaw - a sudden violent wind
Windblast - a gust of wind
Windflaw - a gust of wind
Windstorm - a storm marked by high wind with little or no precipitation
Zephyr - a breeze from the west
Hope this helps with your writing. Do tag me, or send me a link. I'd love to read your work!
More: Word Lists
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sunflowerzyk · 3 months
Contiene: Dragon X Fem!Reader, Monster Romance, Slow Burn, SFW (por ahora) .
You travel through a portal, To a stereotypical Medieval to fantasy era with all kinds of magical creatures and different mythologies, just myths in your previous life. Wonderful monsters in your eyes.
But you must continue to work even here, as an assistant to an elf apothecary who offered you work, sending you in search of ingredients where you cross paths with your next opportunity to explore new places. A dragon.
Version en Español
— Just get these plants, the map is in your bag, and there's the usual transportation.
That grumpy goblin muttered with little patience, pointing to the faucet that was a few meters away from the two of you. Sometimes-you wonder how that tiny body of your 'boss' can contain so much anger and bitterness without exploding into streamers and brightly colored paper.
— Roger that, ....
You hummed, with your boss in the palm of your hand you gently set him down on the window frame of his store. Opening the bag that hung at your side, pulling out the piece of paper, drawings of the herbs you needed to find with their names written carelessly in a language you knew very little of even now, your pronunciation was horrible.
You looked at everything out of the corner of your eye without giving it much thought next to the map<<snowy mountains>> you managed to decipher, your brow furrowed slightly.
— Will Comet reach those heights?
you asked hesitantly, glancing sideways at the griffin that was easily twice your height, before returning to your boss, who was frowning at you.
-—He will if he has a good rider.
He hissed, before turning and leaping out of the frame and into the hut. You were definitely hoping he'd explode into rainbow sparkles someday.
You let out a snort flying between amused and frustrated. Stashing the map and list in the bag again, adjusting the strap so it wouldn't fly off.
— Well boy...I guess it's you and me against this world.
You whispered, making an awkward attempt to climb into his saddle. It would be just like any other day of collecting. Just coming and going, following directions with no incidentals. Pulling on the straps of the griffin unfurling its massive wings, flying off in a northerly direction.
— She's not coming back.
Murmured your boss's wife, a little golden-haired, pointy-nosed elf with worry in her voice.
— If she's worthy to live she will, if she doesn't, it's one less burden for us, winter is near.
He muttered coldly.
— You could have given the job to someone else more capable.
— No one accepted, they're smart.
— So is she.
— But she trusted us.
Yes, a mistake, or a little nudge to a different story...
— Oh Shit!
You hiss, falling to the side of the griffin mount as you try to turn as if you were going to run away.
Everything was fine, Except for the torturous autumn winds whipping through the snowy mountains (no snow hard.
It was almost noon, there was an embracing sun that could not penetrate the strong winds at all. Although you had adequate clothing, a fur sweater, boots and pants to withstand the cold, the wind almost blew you off the road more than once.
Thanks to Comer your huge scream that broke the path of the blizzards you recorded it to sneak under it and collect those herbs you needed, too impressed with how resistant they were, hidden among the stones not to fly away.
But. a gale much stronger than the rest flanked your moaning stance as you pulled it up to take off on your return.
You were on the ground, wide-eyed.... watching him, him a fucking Dragon over four meters tall, the whole package complete with scales, teeth wings claws and piercing eyes that seemed to gnaw at your soul.
Your griffin immediately lowered its head in the dragon's presence, like a scolded little puppy. You no..... could not move and bow.
Since you arrived in this world you first asked for dragons, receiving mocking or accusatory looks from others in your direction. Everyone said they never left their territories. Caves or whatever you call them. Being extremely territorial, for you, a small human it would be better to be far away.
And now? You understood why.
Just stretching your head back painfully just to look at him.... or look directly into his eyes was uncomfortable.
You observe her features...you always had a thing for dragons in particular, perhaps a reverence or fascination for such elegantly terrifying and lethal creatures.
The Dragon. He watched you from his full height, you didn't know what he thought, he was probably like the others and was debating whether you were a dwarf, a deformed offspring of a giant or a fairy without pointed ears.
And it wasn't incorrect your guess, Because in his head, He was genuinely debating to find out your race and whether you were too stupid to understand that you should lower your head in his presence. Or very very very stupid to know that you weren't intimidating with...those huge eyes.... Staring at him.
<<What kind of a creature are you?>>
You asked yourself barking your head, leaning closer.
Immediately Comete stepped between the two of you, placing his body smaller than the grafin but larger than yours on top of you, still with his head down. But unable to be at ease without trying to protect you, the only rider who had any regard for him.
— Get out of the way.
growled the huge Dragon. It moved its huge armored paw toward Comet, wrapping it firmly around him and ripping him off of you. Throwing it over the edge of the mountain.
— Comet!
You gasped. Finally aware of your situation, seeing your transport being tossed around like it was nothing turned your stomach.
And hearing the Dragon's growl sent its considerable amount of electric shocks into you.
He turned his gaze immediately to you when he heard you speak, completely intrigued by the softer, squeakier sound of your voice in comparison to his own.
You quickly became mute without knowing what to do. Returning your attention to the huge dragon with a dry throat.
The Dragon was as anxious as you, finding a different creature wandering in its territory would merit death by incineration, but you were bold and did not lower your gaze no matter how fixed it looked at you....es interesting.
Until you break the silence,
Beginning with a quick introduction of your name, making a small bow in the mother tongue of that kingdom.
— I come in peace
You added with a tense jaw. Raising your hands in surrender.
<<....., little one, Foreigner with a terrible accent>>
He hummed in his head, moving a little closer to you, just a few centimeters.
When Comet comes back flapping awkwardly against the wind current that doesn't affect you because of the dragon's huge body and its wind-repelling body heat. Making you feel vapor in place.
— You are with life..... Comet!
You whisper excitedly, almost comically, prancing in its direction.
The dragon instead lets out a cloud of steam in your direction so that you shut your mouth. Glaring at the gryphon again, who stood with a firm composure, ready to protect you (try).
You didn't know you could be eaten because if Haci were the dragon he would have done it from minute one.
A small shiver ran through you as you returned your gaze to him and he to you.
The growl that came from deep in his chest and made his scales vibrate and the ground filled you completely, leaving you unable to stop looking at him again.
You left him captivated with your menacing stare.
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vespertin-y · 2 months
i promised you all i would talk about the venti stuff in SSAT and keep that promise i shall!! quick background before we start
-there is an area of the event that is Clearly Mondstadt. it's called the kingdom of breezes and bells, all the inhabitants are gliding squirrels, it's haunted by the footsteps of a great and terrible dragon, etc. (whether the rest of the forest is also mondstadt and the entire hexenzirkel backstory to the event is irrelevant here).
-in this area you can find a flying squirrel named clanche who complains that the residents of the kingdom have forgotten the lessons taught to them by the "brave northerly wind", and will tell you the story if prompted:
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now, as far as mondstadt's four winds are concerned the north is boreas. but in his third character story venti is referred to as "...a single thread of the thousand winds that roared through the northern lands", and i think this story fits him much better, yeah?
clanche says there are many different versions of this story, and the fairytale world is already an altered reflection of the real one, so who knows how much of this is literal and when the real parts even took place. but it's not hard at all to see a version of this happening post-decarabian, yeah? not only was old mond traumatic, venti has personally rent the land apart with wind. he knows what it can do! the idea of a period where he was scared to even blow the petals off a flower is honestly crushing 😭 poor guy.
i also find it fascinating that the idea of a windless land is being brought up yet again...mare jivari when will you come home from lore
please do share your thoughts on this if you have them! i feel like im only scratching the surface here...
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months
The Tombigbee River Phantom
The Eliza Battle was a sidewheel steamer, launched in New Albany, Indiana in 1852, which travelled regularly on the Tombigbee River between Columbus, Mississippi and Mobile, Alabama in the United States in the 1850s. She did the same in February 1858.
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Advertising for the Eliza Battle
Captained by S. Graham Stone and piloted by Daniel Epps, the Eliza Battle left Columbus with a crew of 45. The ship was only able to travel so far north on the Tombigbee when the river was regularly flooded in the winter months, and made stops at Pickensville, Gainesville, Demopolis and numerous small piers on its way downstream. When the ship left Demopolis on 28 February 1858, it was fully loaded with 60 passengers and more than 1200 bales of cotton. A strong northerly wind set in during the already cold night, and the air temperature dropped into the minus range in the two hours after dark.
At about 2 a.m. on 1 March 1858, about 32 miles (51 km) downriver from Demopolis, near Beckley's Landing, the watch noticed that some of the cotton bales stored between the main deck had caught fire due to being too tight and were now burning. The fire, which was partly due to the strong wind, soon got out of control. The boat drifted further downstream and got out of control. Cut off from the lifeboat by the flames, the passengers, some of whom were clad only in their nightwear, were forced to go into the river to escape the flames. Some survived by floating on bales of cotton, hoping not to freeze in the sub-zero temperatures, but for many this was not the case. The Eliza Battle eventually came to rest above Kemp's Landing and sank to a depth of 8.5 metres. The few survivors were rescued by local residents, 33 or 45 of whom lost their lives in the freezing temperatures.
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Eliza battle Tombigbee River 1858, by Ralph Richards
Now the Eliza Battle is no ordinary shipwreck, on the contrary she is said to surface regularly in February as a burning phantom trying to finish her route. But she often fails. She is also supposed to try to lure unsuspecting people who see her and want to help, because she is obviously in distress, and drag them down with her.
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vandaliatraveler · 1 month
Debby swept through the area on Friday. Yesterday, all that remained of the storm was a strong, steady breeze. Few things will connect you to nature more quickly than the wind riffling through aspen leaves. The quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Canaan Valley is part of a disjunct population located well south of its normal northerly range. The high elevation of the valley allows species normally found much farther north to thrive here. Along the Middle Ridge Trail in the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge.
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viiioca · 10 months
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day 17 - sea
from the journal of Estelle de Laussienne, 20th of the 4th Astral Moon, 4 7U.E. There's something very romanticized about the sea breeze, isn't there? Those stories we loved so well as children certainly seemed to think so. It's calming, refreshing, cleansing, so on, so forth; whatever a grim, quiet man might need to brood over some tragedy in the solitude of nature before the next act of the narrative begins. They always describe it as clean or crisp. Brisk. Bracing. How enticing! I certainly believed them all until I docked in Limsa Lominsa. I am no professional wordsmith, but perhaps I can paint a picture. It is late afternoon, when the temperature is highest and tides are lowest. I am in the markets, along with hundreds upon hundreds of other gentle citizens who have been marinating in their own sweat since morning tea, as we are gripped with a heat wave and humidity so hellish it has me questioning my faith. It is the zenith of summer, when the sluggish tide movements struggle mightily to properly exchange water out of the bay, and the wastewater grows ripe. The markets are situated in limestone tunnels, which make for a cooler midday, supposedly, save that the only method of exchanging air is through a hot, wet breeze that meanders casually from one end to the other, depositing not only the very specific scent of rotting ocean matter, but all the various excretions of the hundreds of bodies I am unfortunate enough to be downwind from. These are the nice markets, full of legal goods and respectable importers for Limsa's more moneyed professionals. Like Ishgard, wealth can be measured by altitude here; I have opened a clinic in the lower levels, closer to the water's edge. There are spaces where the water overflows at high tide and leaves behind a sort of -- grime. The markets there have fish that rot on the rack by end-of-day. There is a tannery operating up the canal that dumps an utterly eye-watering amount of piss and pigeon shit into the water (a smell so foul I can only describe it with equal terms). If that wasn't bad enough, the wind carries all the wonderful perfumes of everyday beamhouse operations to all of us who are simply trying to mind our own business. On my first day of work, I asked a patient what the godsawful smell was, and he promptly introduced to a colorful local expression involving Llymlaen and bowel movements. That is not to say the city is without charm. When the air cools, and the breeze comes to us northerly, from colder waters; when the sun sets behind the limestone spires; when I sit with strangers and a bottle of wine and a table full of these little delights -- thin ribbons of cured ham and toasted bread, olives and olive oil, bits of octopus and fried squid and potatoes spiced with sweet and hot peppers. The people here are friendly and brimming with conversation, happy to sweep foreigners up into their lives once they've passed muster and all the purse-cutting has been successfully thwarted. I don't regret it -- I only wish I had been, perhaps, a little more forewarned.
[roevember 2023 prompt by wintertitania]
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--prompt from @nosebleedclub "london fog" (18 September)
Everything froths up like a tidal wave; people rush through in their teams' scarves, not knowing whether to trust you or not. A misaligned beret is your only claim to fame; shame lines on your face in little sparkles from a foreign lotion.
Golden amber emerges from your scarf, a northerly wind twirls and mocks your lack of rhythm, but abundance of inhibition. Warmth only allows a little moment before it flees like a crow; only dark feathers and a lukewarm London fog remains. --Elda Mengisto
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mayhem-neverending · 6 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Word Count: 2,632
Warnings: cannon violence, cursing
Obito and Hina slept peacefully while you shivered against the bitter chill. The night was dark; clouds covering the light from the waxing moon and the otherwise bountiful sky of stars. The clattering of your teeth and your muscles taut against your frame kept you from falling to sleep, but also tired you further. Your lids would fall every so often, only to be lifted again by a gush of northerly wind. 
You steeled yourself against it, wishing for fire, but more importantly, debating whether the tiny use of chakra to circulate heat through your system would be worth the risk. You reached your gloved hands and pulled out a small wrist watch you had forgotten about. It was almost half-past five. You inhaled the icy air through your numb nose, a steadying breath. You reminded yourself to be patient; less than an hour was left before it was reasonable to pull them from their slumber.
You thought of Hikaru while you waited. He was probably warm and cozy, tucked into a bed with your mom, considering it was now the weekend. You hoped beyond hope that he was alright for Kakashi, and you hoped Kakashi hadn’t been overwhelmed. A two-year-old is difficult, such a headstrong one especially. You imagined Hikaru had probably given him a run for his money more than once, and the delightful thought cut through your haze of crankiness. 
You held onto it for a few moments while the cold did its best to drag you back down. That tugging brought you into a flurry of thoughts about Hina’s child. You thought about the two little ones playing side by side, creating mischief, just as the two of you had done. It occurred to you then that you hadn’t asked Hina what its name would be. An ugly feeling curled in your gut, accompanied by the pained expression your cousin could not hide when it flashed over the blankness. 
This should be a time of celebration for her. She should be receiving baby clothes, toys, all the essentials while eating cake and joyously laughing with her family and friends. She should be whispering to her husband in the corner, giggling and sharing looks of love that you could have never fathomed for yourself. Looks that reminded you of how wondrous and magical and full of grace the world could be when you saw them at their wedding, hiding their conversations behind half full champagne flutes in the candlelight. 
A tear froze early in its tracks along your cheek. It wasn’t fair. You could be grateful all you wanted for her getting the chance to experience love of fairy tales, but it wouldn’t cancel out the sorrow. She deserved to live and love and raise her baby with a father and a family that chose her so wholly. Her child deserved to know their father, and would have been made not just better, but brilliant by the warmth of their love. 
You grit your teeth and angrily wiped at that frozen tear while others made their escape. In the midst of your angry thoughts, a calm voice emerged and reminded you: The only thing you can do is bring her home and be there by her side with as much love as you can spare. 
Shuffling entered your train of thought and you managed to dry your face before the tent unzipped. It was still almost pitch black, so you couldn’t tell very well who it was until they called your name. 
“Hina? What are you doing up?”
“I’m ready to keep going,” she croaked. 
“Are you sure? We have a few more minutes before I planned to wake you,” you replied, attempting to make out her features.
“No, let’s go. I don’t want to be out here any longer than I have to,” her sentence was punctuated by the tent zipper moving even further up. 
“Okay, then, let’s get this show on the road,”
Your group passed through the town you had stopped in early enough that not much commotion was in the streets. You were grateful to make it through without the call of the vendors as you passed by their empty stalls. Hina was heavy on her feet, too, no matter how much she tried not to show it. It wasn’t just her feet concerning you, though. It was a dangerous game to be walking so much so close to her due date, especially with the stress she had been through. 
You didn’t mention anything to her, though. Instead, you kept a watchful eye on her while she waddled along the main road. It had been decided between you and Obito that you would travel down that road all the way back. There was no chance she was making it through the heavy snowfall that you were reapproaching, so the two of you kept on guard, passing people every so often as the day began to wear on. 
At some point you also took a bag from Obito. He kept insisting that he was fine, but you could see his discomfort in the gentle downturn of his lips. So, the three of you traveled closer and closer to the border. The closer you got, the more you wished you were already home. The quiet from your companions left your mind unoccupied, but you struggled to break the silence unless it was for a short stop to rest. 
You finally passed the border sometime in the afternoon, and you couldn’t have been more overjoyed to put Akujia behind you. The three of you stopped for a dinner break, maybe an hour or two after. Obito had spotted a rabbit off the side of the trail, and before you two could blink, he skillfully captured it just out of your line of sight. He came back into view with it, proclaiming that he was finally going to be eating some real food for dinner. 
It left you with a silly grin, even as Hina gagged at the process of skinning it and putting it on a stick while you built the fire. She looked between your expression and his. He had puffed himself out at the chest and kept glancing over at you out of the corner of his eye while he worked. She tilted her head to the side with curiosity, but her lips stayed sealed. 
The three of you ate in peace, not minding the greasiness of the animal and truly relishing in having something hot in your bellies after being in the cold for so long. You sat in a semicircle, with Hina on one side and Obito on the other. She hardly glanced at him, though she hardly looked at you, either. She was in better spirits, but she seemed to be in a lot of discomfort. 
“I’m ready to have this thing out of me,” she groaned, leaning back and placing a hand on her massive belly.
You huffed a laugh. “Now don’t go saying things like that. We have another whole day to go before that thing is allowed to come out,” 
She gave you a half smile. “Still, he’s awful heavy,”
She paused for a moment. “Who’s going to deliver him?”
You blinked. You had completely forgotten about that bit. She looked at you expectantly, and you frantically wracked your brain. “Well… anyone at the hospital should do just fine, unless you had someone in mind?”
“Oh, I thought you’d do it,”
“You were trained in the medical field,” she stated matter-of-factly. 
“Sure, but I’ve never delivered a baby,” you raised a brow.
“I want you to be the one to do it. I trust you more than anyone,” she asserted resolutely.
You looked at Obito as if he could offer help. “I think you’d be a good fit for that job, actually,”
Your jaw dropped at his statement. “What?”
He nodded thoughtfully and glanced at Hina, who shot him a small, grateful smile. He returned the gesture, if a little unsurely. 
“If that's..” you faltered. “If that’s what you want, of course I’ll do it,”
“Good.” She stood slowly and wiped her hands on her long coat. You two followed suit, and you were back on the road before you had truly rested. 
The next stop didn’t come until after dark, when Hina almost couldn’t keep going. Her feet had started to drag and she looked positively miserable. You set up the tent and she slipped in much like the night before, passing out before properly getting comfortable. Obito took the first watch again, so, being exhausted yourself, you said a quick ‘goodnight’ and went to sleep.
You were awoken sometime later by commotion outside of the tent. At first, it sounded like several pairs of boots in the snow, then it amplified into crashes, grunts and shouts. You reacted after the first shout when your adrenaline kicked in and plunged out of the opening of the tent, a kunai in hand.
There were five or six men in black all attacking Obito, who was deflecting their attacks and attempting to push them back from the vicinity of the tent. Kakashi’s command to not kill unless necessary came to mind as you joined the fray. 
A man to your left spotted you first, and you met him head on. He had a thick dagger in hand, and it glinted in the moonlight as he swiped at you. He was slow, though, and you were able to dodge his attack easily, taking a calculated dive to slash at his femoral artery. You made your mark, sliding beneath his legs in his overly wide stance. 
He howled in pain and fell forward to the ground. You had no chance to look at him, because another attacker was on you without a moment’s notice. This one was thinner, likely someone who could match your speed better. His blond hair flowed eerily behind in the moonlight when he lunged at you. He was using a katana, and narrowly missed your right arm. 
He laughed cruelly as he swung again, his accomplices' voices mingling with his own as you could make out a crude taunt thrown at Obito. You could tell he was holding back, only pushing them away instead of taking them out. This would be child’s play to him if he were giving it his all. 
“Gonna do something, little girl? I’ll kill you and that Zen’in bastard, no matter what you think is going to happen. I’ll slice it right out of that bitch’s belly,” 
You snarled at him and made your move, catching his blade by feigning a lean to the left and moving right, effectively catching your blade on his exposed neck. But it wasn’t quite deep enough and you moved back, just out of his range. He swung wildly at you, one hand on his bleeding neck.
“Hey, Obito!” you called mid jump.
“Yeah!?” His kunai clanged loudly with an opposing one.
You backed up so you were closer, both of you catty-corner and facing toward your attackers. “Kill ‘em,”
“Are you sure? Kakashi said-”
“I’m making a judgment call on-”
One of them cackled. “No one’s dying but you three,”
That’s when Obito let his blade arc wide. You plunged your own into the gut of your attacker. A nasty gurgling gasp escaped him before he fell. You spun around to see the attackers’ bodies fall to the ground with resounding thumps, one after one. 
When the last one was down, Obito turned to you, breathing heavily with blood stained hands. Despite his state, you could see his eyes shining under the moonlight. 
“Fuck,” he breathed.
“We need to leave, now,” you said hurriedly. 
The tent unzipped and Hina poked her head out, tears streaming down her pale face. Shakily, she asked, “Are you okay?”
Your eyes met and you inhaled sharply. She looked around at the dead men and back at you, fear marring her beautiful face.
“Dammit! We’re across the border, so all the bags are going in a scroll, I don’t give a fuck. Obito, can you carry her? We’ve gotta get out of here,”
Obito was staring at the bright blood on his hands, and you could see a tremor run through them. He didn’t hear you, it seemed, so you instead turned to Hina. “Get your coat back on and come stand out here,”
She disappeared back into the tent and you followed behind her, hauling the baggage out and opening your backpack. You rifled through until you found a spare sealing scroll. With haste, you piled the bags on top of it and signed above it. They disappeared and you shoved the scroll back in your backpack. You slung it over your shoulder and walked over to Obito where he was standing stock still next to the mass of bodies. 
“Are you okay?” you asked in a low, urgent tone.
He glanced from his hands to you and back. Scratchily, he choked out, “I don’t- I don’t know,”
“I’m sorry, but we don’t have the time. More could be on the way,” 
In a swift movement, you used your water style jutsu to wash the blood from his hands. He blinked in surprise and looked at you, his senses returning to him. “But Kakashi said-”
“Let’s go, please,” you nearly pleaded now. 
It only took a half second for him to nod in understanding, and he walked over to a shivering Hina. Whether it be from the cold or the dead, you weren’t sure, but you weren’t going to stick around and find out. You had to move, and fast.
He swept her up in his arms. “What about your tent?”
You glanced at it and back at him. “Not important,”
You nodded at each other and jumped up into the thick trees. You could see Hina clinging for dear life as the two of you flew between the overgrown branches in the dark, but you didn’t dare look further behind you than that. 
She would continue to cling to him for the hours you fled from the scene and back to the Hidden Leaf. The sun came up after a long time, but you did not stop. Breakfast came and went, and so did lunch, but not once did you stop. Only safe in the forest surrounding your home did you even consider slowing down. But even then, you and Obito silently agreed not to stop. 
Hina slept in his arms while the two of you kept pace. Obito didn’t even act like he was tired of carrying her as his home came into view and his speed renewed. All either of you could feel was relief, and a distinct need to make it. He worked through it, arms and shoulders tight as the two of you stepped up to the barrier and finally crossed through. 
You opened the unlocked door to his home so that they could come in and shut it behind him. Obito grunted as he placed a still sleeping Hina on the sunken couch, and you went to the counter in the familiar kitchen where your phone was. You turned it on, your exhausted body slumping against the cabinets and onto your bottom while you waited for the lock screen to load. Obito came up next to you and followed suit, leaning heavily against you.
“We made it,” he uttered under his breath.
“Thank Kami. We made it,” You made eye contact with him, and pulled him into a loose hug with the last dregs of your strength. 
Still in his lap, you unlocked your phone. You leaned against his broad chest and clicked the call button. It only rang once before a familiar voice answered, relief already leaking into his tone.
“We’re home,”
Tag List: @mostlyunsure, @humongousdreamlandbear, @ichaichahatake, @mandy-yeager, @detectivestucks
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ofglories · 4 months
|| @toadmiretoweepover lionel vc: nah, kay's got some issues. it's hilarious however that you think that dinadan is sane when he's being friends with tristan and some forgotten knight nobody, so he's off his rocker too.
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"Who doesn't have issues among us, Prince Lionel? And, setting aside Dinadan's terrible taste in friends with Tristan, he's rather sane I must say. If not him then I volunteer Lord Palamedes. I refuse to be the only sane one with all of you boneheads."
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duskstargazer · 2 months
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Toby pulled into the quarry with some empty trucks. He was excited to see how Salty was getting on.
“Once more we sail with a Northerly gale
Through the ice, and wind, and rain…”
The sound of Salty's singing carried across the quarry.
“Them coconut fronds, them tropical shores
We soon shall see again!”
Several voices - which Toby came to realize were that of the trucks - sang out.
'I know that song…’ Toby thought.
“Ahoy there, Toby!” Salty called out over the trucks’ singing. “What can we do fer’ ya?”
“Actually, I’ve brought you and Mavis more empty trucks.” Toby smiled.
“Aah! Perfect! And not a moment too soon!” The new diesel beamed.
“May I ask, what song was that? It sounded familiar.”
“Old Maui. I first heard it in a dockyard in Ipswich.”
Toby gasped. “I used to work near Ipswich! On the old tramways there.”
“Aah yes, beautiful place it was. Huge area fer ships despite bein’ an enclosed dock.” Salty sighed. “Every once in a while ye’d get some good sea-like breeze.”
“Mm,” Toby agreed, “one of the many things about Ipswich I miss. Yarmouth as well. We have a harbour on this branch that I’ve found not dissimilar to those dockyards. Maybe I could show it to you sometime.”
“You two had better not be thinking of leaving this whole work order to me!” Mavis shouted, indignantly.
Salty and Toby both laughed, but soon got back to work. Toby decided that, someday, he’d take Salty to see Knapford’s coast line and harbour. He knew the dockside diesel would enjoy it.
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ffxivxd · 9 months
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Ixali forenames have male and female variants depending on their birthwind.
For example, those born under a Northerly wind can be called Uzal or Itali respectively. Others include:
Southerly- Azel or Ateli
Easterly- Ozol or Otoli
Westerly- Ezul or Ethuli
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carlos-in-glasses · 10 months
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Thank you for the tag @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @welcometololaland and @tarlosluvr 💜
Chapter 2 of Where All This Love Comes From is up on ao3 now, so I'm sharing a snippet from chapter 3, in which teen TK is having a difficult day:
At 3:10 p.m., TK walks with Mike back to his place, scraping his fingers along a frosty chain link fence that cordons a park, just for the pain of it.
They sit cross legged on Mike’s bed, the window open next to them while they inhale from a bong and breathe out against the northerly wind that rushes wild into the room, ruffling soccer ball-patterned curtains and lifting untacked edges of band posters. TK tries not to shiver because it’s not tough to shiver. He sits so his feet are tucked warm under his legs, and watches the lilac sky swirl above them, releasing a fresh fall of creamy snow. TK sticks his hand out of the window for the flakes, as if to catch summer rain after a heatwave.
Mike chuckles into his bong hit. “You’re crazy, dude.”
“I like how it feels,” TK tells him, giggling and wanting to cry.
Open tag and tags below!
@ambiguouspenny @basilsunrise @bonheur-cafe @catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89 @eclectic-sassycoweyes @freneticfloetry @goodways @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @jesuisici33 @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @ladytessa74 @lemonlyman-dotcom @mikibwrites @noxsoulmate @never-blooms @orchidscript @paperstorm @inkweedandlizards @inflarescent @sugdenlovesdingle @strandnreyes @spaghett-onaplate @reyesstrand @three-drink-amy @thisbuildinghasfeelings @theghostofashton @redshirt2 @wandering-night19 @rmd-writes @carlos-tk @herefortarlos @alrightbuckaroo - Tagging with no pressure, if you want to share/haven't already! ❤️ 🩷 🧡 💛 💚 💙 🩵 💜
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