#Not even actual nazis
lil-gae-disaster · 5 months
(TW Holocaust/mustache man/Nazi mention)
Repeat after me non-german(speaking) folks:
German culture isn't ww2.
Because I saw under a post about white culture a comment going along the lines of "and German culture is being a Nazi!" (Germany wasn't included in the post for some goddamn reason)
And, no. Ew. Don't. Please.
yes, the time has affected our cultural traditions. (Like Easter and Christmas leaning way more to it's pagan origins since mustache man was anti-christianity in addition to the obvious)
But please for the love of everything holy, our culture isn't just that.
Our culture is already watered down to just one sixteen of it. Yes, Germany ≠ Bavaria. Just like US American ≠ New York / Alaska / Texas.
The watering down and disregard to the culture has gone so far that I, as someone who's spent all their life in Germany, don't know much about my culture. I owned ONE traditional dress when I used to be a girl. But no one taught me how to wear it properly so I probably wore it the wrong way.
I'm sorry if I make anyone uncomfortable talking about this, but I think it needs to be addressed.
This piece of history is a dark chapter in the history of my country. It's important that it doesn't get forgotten what has happened to prevent that. But please, for the love of anything holy, don't try to play ignorant to my culture by comparing it to my country's biggest mistake and biggest regret.
German ≠ Nazi
Please learn that.
I'm at times ashamed of my nationality and ethnicity because others always have this chapter of my country's history hanging over my head if they won't admit they're wrong. Or just simply when they find out I'm german.
Thank you for listening.
PS: the war, or at least the wall, also affected my culture because if you look at vote-results or any other map in that matter I can guarantee you to 90% that the past ddr and brg (brd) will have vastly different results
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there's just... there is no reason to make yet another cop show in this day and age. copaganda is not only bullshit, it is a failure of imagination.
you want to watch brooding characters with dark pasts investigate crimes in an official capacity? just use private detectives (cops have a miserable solve rate anyway). want eccentric geniuses & their sidekicks solving mysteries? i present you with armchair detectives & neighborhood busybodies. oh, you're craving a workplace comedy-drama starring overworked protagonists doing their heartfelt best to resolve community conflicts? social worker office sitcom! bitch this is ACHIEVABLE
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i-may-be-an-emu · 16 days
Some of my favourite out of context sfth ao3 tags because these are so funny (also all of these are from different fics)
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Disclaimer that these aren’t mine :)
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
aro culture is celebrating, uplifting the voices of, and practicing advocacy with the disabled people in our lives this disability pride month.
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dangerousdan-dan · 5 months
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One of my favorite John Constantine moments. The compassion behind that hug always makes me tear up.
Hellblazer #27
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laniidae-passerine · 4 months
catch me laughing in the club awkwardly because this season has a 19 year old blonde female companion from London, a space travelling left of law brunette queer boy who flirts heavily with the doctor, absolutely zero writers of colour and no mention of sensitivity readers…….and next season the new companion is a woman of colour. uh oh!
#he’s not stupid enough to do Martha again but be REAL with me. do you think this man can handle writing for a brown woman and a black man#and make it in any way genuinely tasteful. the one race he’s punched down and the other he’s basically ignored during his tenure :/#rtd seems to think because he has the lived experience of the great struggles of being queer in the 80s and onwards#which was a serious struggle and came with its issues#that he understands being a person of colour? like he wrote an episode about racism and then laughed about not needing a sensitivity reader#before he handed it off to ncuti. but it needed one because it was a stupid episode because he’s white and moreover#seems to think he understands WITHOUT actually getting any of the nuance. which makes it worse.#im just concerned to put it lightly#like chibnall’s bad habit was ‘good episode followed by a bad episode so bad you forget the good episode even existed’#but at least he got writers of colour in to make some of those episodes! he actually cared! and also fumbled real bad (nazi uniform… ://)#still. he actually gave it a pretty good shot and opened some doors behind the scenes. like the writer’s room which is just as important#and also in the scenes tbf like yaz and ryan sharing scenes as poc companions during the same run was groundbreaking#and rtd just closed them again going actually no im doctor who’s most specialist boy and we should do my run all over again#stop this man. get someone new in. he is not much better than chibnall rn like he is not batting hits#stop letting the world’s most charismatic doctor (ncuti i will get rid of regeneration to keep you. i love you. wish you had better writing)#distract you from the fact RTD is doing a ‘biggest hits’ tour rn. stop him!!!!!!! please can we have a showrunner of colour! a woman! please#rtd critical#doctor who#dw
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"the ussr and nazi germany were equally as bad" has quickly become my least favorite historical view
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protectoratenova07 · 2 years
I will never not get annoyed over people saying that Brian/Grue joining the Heroes was the obvious and easiest choice out there. Admittedly, the WOGs expand more on it, but even with what we get from Arc 4 when he talks about his trigger event, I can't comprehend how anyone wouldn't see the reasons for him not wanting to join the government sponsored heroes.
Basing this off memory, but to sum it up, Brian goes to him moms house after getting a text from Aisha asking for help. He finds her in some poor condition ( I don't think he goes into detail and it may not matter if he did cause he's not telling the full truth here) and when he tries to take her back to his dad's, their step-dad gets in thew ay and doesn't let them leave. Brian proceeds to beat him up, take his sister back, and gets powers sometime in between.
Then, he, aisha, and their dad go to the police the very next morning. They explain what happened and Brian still describes how he almost got sent to jail. Only aisha backing him up and his step-dad missing an asshole anonymous meeting saved him. And he still got some months of community service. Like, in my opinion he did the right thing every step of the way and still almost got screwed over.
Sometime later, (not immediately cause he's 14 to 15 when he gets powers) he decides to try and take care of aisha by being a villain to get enough money/backing to do it.
That's all described in arc 4. Now we get into the WOGs. Again, basing this off memory, but I can try to find them later.
First, Brian lied about his trigger, a little bit. General event still happened, but when he claimed he didn't know who the man was besides being his mom's new boyfriend, he lied. He knew that man bc it was the same boyfriend who had abused him in the past. And his mom brought him back and let him interact with his sister. Add in his mom's other problems and his dad's ("I wouldn't describe him as abusive") there was a fair bit of emotions Brian was going through that he didn't share. But at the end of the day, every adult in his life failed him and his sister. He wouldn't be willing to extend his trust as easily.
Second, a different WOG described Brian getting into crime in a panic bc aisha had done something afterward that led to her needing to get bailed out of something with money (again, going off memeory) so even if he wanted to join the wards he'd be doing it with a record. Presumably he later decided he might as well go all in on it and get aisha into a safer environment than both his parents. He probably thought it may help with keeping her out of trouble as well if she wasn't around two people who didn't know how to raise kids (not that he did either, but he probably thought he couldn't do worse).
Third, by WOG he did actually consider the wards, but after researching them decided they wouldn't be worth it. Admittedly this was moreso bc of his own hangups with commitment. Bc telling the big organization your power and identity then trying to bail wouldn't really work out, but apparently it was still preferable to a career of crime. It's not like the Protectorate would actually have authority to take a child away from their parents anyway without major proof, especially if that kid isn't a parahuman themself.
Fourth, the undersiders were generally a low risk high reward chance until Taylor joined and brought them her bad luck. They operated for a year and only got into some mild skirmishes with Lung and them being escape artist didn't have an issue with him. Besides that, they made a shot ton of money on top of the 2grand their sponsor gave them.
Fifth, I don't think we ever learned what the time table was for Coil helping out with Brian getting custody, especially given how suspicious Brian was of their mysterious boss and his motives preleviathan. Maybe Coil admitted to knowing Brian's problems and offered a solution at the start. Maybe Brian opened up with it as a condition to him joining. Or maybe after a few months of getting 2grand a relatively easy missions Brian decided to trust the boss who hadn't screwed him and ask for the money to be given to him in a legal paycheck for better chance at custody. I say that last option bc Brian is supposed to be the careful pragmatic one who thinks about his choices and doesn't do the crazy option unless bug girl decides to go full throttle and he begrudgingly goes along. And giving his personal details and a sure fire way of blackmail isn't excalty the pragmatic choice.
Tldr: he has to have some pretty big distrust of authority cause shifty parents and probably shotty police and by WOG became a criminal in a panic before going full in on it. Cause he was, again, like 15 years old.
Now, the argument for him joining the wards is that the Heroes/PRT could have snapped their fingers and given everything Brian would want. And seeing the deal Madcap got I can definitely see the idea behind it, but there are a few problems with that. A) Brian wouldn't know shit about how desperate the Heroes are bc they don't advertise that. B) I'm not sure how much power they would actually have over taking kids away from unhealthy environments cause laws and shit would probably limit that. C) as stated above, he says he almost got jailed for hurting his step-dad so I don't see him liking authority at this stage, no matter how just he was in the eyes of the law for it. D) Brian's own issues and that he's a 15 year old so he won't see the world as a perfectly rational being.
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bookshelfdreams · 4 months
There's been some news articles here that the AfD wasn't kicked out of the ID for being too Neonazi, but by being too obvious about it. RN cut ties because while they do in fact agree on politics, RN is trying to appeal to more moderate conservatives. AfD is just being too overtly nazi, especially currently. So it isn't really that AfD was too far right-wing for the others, even though RN and others may say that for publicity reasons to save their image, but that they didn't have the forethought to hide it a bit more.
I mean, that's kind of true. Part of it is definitely that Krah couldn't just keep his big dumb mouth shut. That he had to go and be #notallSS. In an interview. With an Italian newspaper. Being "well, acshully" about the most notorious war criminals in European history still doesn't go over well with our neighbours who were the victims in said war crimes (like, say, literally erasing entire villages). Who would have thought. That's the line he crossed.
(Yes, he's an idiot of truly incomprehensible magnitude)
It is also correct that Le Pen and friends are distancing himself from him and the AfD in general more because of optics than any actual political stances. This is calculation, not the sudden emergence of a moral core, I agree with that.
It really can not be overstated just how bad the optics are. This isn't just about a controversial quote.
This is also about the fact that the second in line after Krah, Petr Bystron, is accused of being entangled in the whole Voice of Europe affair - a misinformation network, revealed to have been controlled by the Russian state, and accused of having paid political actors to spread propaganda. Bystron is alleged to have taken 20,000€ from them. Supposedly, there's tapes of this. He denies it, of course, but there was enough evidence to lift his immunity and to issue a warrant to raid his office, so. (There's also reports that he initially complained about being paid in 200€ bills. Allegedly, he would have preferred smaller ones.)
Consequences from the party? He was advised by Krah to keep to the background during the election campaign. Other than this, nothing.
Then, of course there was Krah's employee Jian G., who was arrested on accusations of espionage for the Chinese government. Krah had no idea this was even happening, you guys, seriously! Taken aback he was. Shocked. Scandalized, even.
And there was the time chats came to light in which pro-Russia Ukrainian Oleg Voloshyn assured him that "problems" with "compensation" had been sovled and from May on, "everything will be as it was before February". Seems like he took money from Russia too, doesn't it? He denies it. He never answered the message, Voloshyn probably just wanted to invite him to the opera. or the message was meant for someone else. (No, really. That's what Krah said).
Again, consequences? From the party? For any of this? Nada.
This is the problem. The AfD is openly corrupt and incompetent, the chairs clearly have 0 control over their own members, and none of these absolute buffoons can behave like civilized people in public. This isn't even touching on all the many, many scandals the party had on a national level this year alone!
f course you can't be a far right populist and have manners or a modicum of decency, so the fact that even people like Marine le Pen find the AfD unbearable - honestly gives me a little hope? There's an election in my state this year, and the AfD is predicted to get about 30%. That's very bad.
I do not think any of the clowns in I&D are better people for excluding the AfD. I don't think any of them will take this as an opportunity to take a good long look in the mirror and examine all the hatred they have in their heart.
This is, however, another little act of self-destruction. Another brick crumbling from the foundation of the party. I hope it all comes crashing down.
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makorragal-312 · 10 months
Yeah ..Todd in the Shadows (a strictly music reviewer) making an hour long video exposing James Somerton (a former video essayist) for misinformation and plagiarism DEFINITELY wasn't on my bingo card for 2023.
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 11 months
Okay, firstly, disclaimer that I think comparing everything (including modern antisemitism) to the Holocaust does more harm than good in most cases—but I also think there’s a need to discuss this and I don’t know how to get through to these people without using the Holocaust as a tool for comparison, since that’s the only frame of reference they seem able to understand.
So, back in the 1930s/early 1940s Germany, there were a lot of Germans who didn’t actually hate Jews. They weren’t, like, gleefully salivating over the mass murder of a bunch of Jewish children or going around their city to find Jews to hand over to the Gestapo; they were people, like you and me, going about their lives. They might have even been against Hitler’s policies against Jews.
But maybe they also had a neighbor they didn’t like, who happened to be Jewish. And they didn’t dislike their neighbor because of that—maybe he was a verified asshole who kicked puppies in his spare time—they disliked him for reasons that had nothing to do with his Jewishness. But that still didn’t stop these good Germans who didn’t hate Jews for being Jewish from utilizing the systemic antisemitism in their society to get rid of someone they didn’t like, and calling the Gestapo to come collect.
And that is what you, who say “I don’t hate Jews, just Zionists,” are acting like. Because when you say you don’t hate Jews, just Zionists, while still engaging in behaviors that directly harm Jews—including Zionist or Israeli Jews—you are still being antisemitic. It doesn’t matter what you feel, if the Jew in question is good or bad, if you might have made a different choice had the Jew at risk been a different one. If you are utilizing your society’s antisemitism against a Jewish person or people to get what you want, then you are perpetuating violence against us, just like those good Germans did.
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irenespring · 3 days
I was going to make my next politics post about Project 2025 and its likelihood of trying to ban fic in the US but then I saw this and fuck it, we're talking about this right now.
Not sure whether my Jewish alarm bells or history person alarm bells are ringing louder, but this is getting really scary. This is Nazi shit. Full-tilt unabashed Nazi rhetoric. He's talking about assigning people numbers and putting them on buses in massive groups. He wants to do it with violence. With the Supreme Court the way it is right now, he could do it. He can kill people with impunity, as long as he's doing it as President. That is the current law.
If you can vote in this election, you need to vote for Harris. Whether you like her or not, she is not using Nazi rhetoric and elevating admitted Nazis (*cough* Robinson in North Carolina *cough*). She is the only one with a shot at victory.
We need to stop this man. If that means making a pragmatic move and voting for someone you detest on some issues but who is not going to assign humans serial numbers and round them up into detention camps bloodily---fucking pinch your nose and do it.
Take it from someone who has to spend a large portion of their week reading history studies...history will not remember your supposed reason for not voting. You will be remembered as a Trump supporter, because you supported Trump.
Tldr: We need to stop this man in this election. Vote for Harris.
#politics#us politics#donald trump#harris 2024#harris walz 2024#election 2024#immigration#alarm bells#I'm so fucking serious guys#I have had it up to here with “both sides” bullshit#Looking at you Chappell Roan#how the fuck does someone say their top issue is trans rights and then BOTH SIDES the election#but that's besides the point#I try not to get negative because it doesn't work to convince people but at this point I don't care#And if you don't like this then block me#if you're protest voting you're just willing to kill a bunch of other innocent people who didn't agree to be a part of this for your cause#I'm so tired of this purity politics bullshit#That is what primaries are for---the left gets to put its candidates through a gauntlet and pick our specialest little choice THEN#This election is literally Nazi vs. NOT A NAZI#How are we actually close to fumbling this#There is no being a single issue voter here#Even if you aren't convinced to vote for Harris because she wants a ceasefire and Trump wants to complete a genocide#Protest voting on one issue means a giant fuck you to everyone except the absolute most privileged white cishet men#And as Michelle Obama said--we simply do not have time for that kind of foolishness#Start bullshit in the notes and you get blocked#I am not debating someone who has already made up their minds to be self-righteous and short-sighted at the expense of everyone around them#I will just say that the leopards will eventually eat your face too---and you can't say you weren't warned
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weedle-testaburger · 3 months
there's something just beyond vile about how far right nutters are starting to get way too comfortable saying shit insinuating they think interracial relationships and naturalised poc shouldn't exist
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hilacopter · 3 months
Addendum to anon post:
Instead of recognizing that being like a Mean Girl from the Mean Girls movie is wrong period, they're just going "How can I be a mean girl in a way that's socially acceptable?" instead.
I've said it many times before, they care more about not being labelled antisemitc than about actually putting effort into not hating Jews. They'd rather find loopholes and tricks to avoid a label they know is bad and hurts their feelings than actually be willing to do any self reflection or improve themselves when it comes to us.
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giantkillerjack · 11 months
Favorite part about Death Note is that Light gets the Note and IMMEDIATELY becomes a serial killer fascist with a god complex.
No build-up, no Fall From Grace, no slow corruption of a good boy gradually becoming a monster. Just-- SPEED RUN STRATS. And I love that for him.
Tbh, I think there are a lot of folks (especially boys) from my high school days who would have immediately become monsters if given the power of life and death over every person around them.
It's kind of like how when people have apparently casual ableist beliefs, and you push them to elaborate on that just a little bit, they'll often end up openly saying stuff like "well, some people are just too disabled to be worth the resources it takes to support them." - Which is... eugenics. It's just eugenics, justified by the myth of scarcity. Now these folks almost certainly won't call it eugenics, or even think of it that way. But that doesn't make it NOT a core belief of the Nazis.
In a similar way, Light seems like a nice and well-adjusted boy with strong beliefs. No harm in that.
But to paraphrase Lindsay Ellis in her analysis of the Game of Thrones ending, "Power doesn't necessarily corrupt. Power reveals." [I think she was quoting someone else when she said this. It was someone who wrote a biography on LBJ. Whatever. Lindsay said it and she's smart as hell and I recommend her videos.]
And 15 minutes into the Death Note musical, I'm already thinking about how so many beliefs "casually" held by well-adjusted, nice people immediately reveal their monstrousness when talked through to their natural conclusion.
And I wonder how many of those people, given the power of life and death over everyone around them - the power to take their ideas to their natural conclusions - would also immediately reveal how their lack of self-reflection has laid the groundwork for them to become monsters.
#original#ableism#ableism cw#eugenics#nazis cw#death note#Death Note the musical#light yagami#death note musical#there's not really such a thing as casual ableism. because it all feeds into the same evil machine at the end of the day#because ableism done with hate and ableism done with love and ignorance have the same exact effects#there's no such thing as casual racism either. even if other white people would like to think that#so they don't have to actually call out people around them for holding heinous beliefs or doing horrible things#white culture#is basically the group agreement that we are /simply not going to talk about what we've done/#and we most /certainly/ are not going to talk about what we are currently doing. even bringing it up is considered rude.#it's bad is what I'm saying it's a bad culture and I don't think the world would lose anything without it#maybe then our churches won't feel like places God has abandoned. I'm an atheist. but I remember what white Mass felt like.#frankly I might not have become an atheist if when we sang stuff like ode to joy in church it wasn't the most joyless sound ever#our words flew up. our thoughts remained below. songs without thought never to heaven go. <3#man I gotta make some excellent art about that so I can stop talking about so much. but heavy excellent art takes time! so it'll be a while#nice is different than good#niceness can sometimes be incredibly unkind. it's nice to be agreeable. but in the face of injustice this becomes a cruelty.#back to watching the musical. LOVE how Light convinces himself his actions come from a place of love 💘#'we just have to kill all the bad guys!' taken to its brutal and horrifying conclusion#and the way so many people are FANS of Kira is so brilliant. i wonder if this musical's ending is better written than the [÷>%>#*than the original#edit: it totally is. the musical fucking rules.
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Since old blog got nuked, I'll make another post to reiterate that this blog is 100% against antisemitism and takes it very seriously. Jewish people are systematically oppressed and discriminated against in the majority of the world, including the Unites States. Antisemitic beliefs are on the rise. Antisemitic hate crimes are on the rise. Anyone who denies that is not welcome on this blog. Anyone who thinks Jewish people deserve to be victims of violence and oppression are not welcome on this blog.
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