#Not gonna tag all the characters
vreskah · 5 months
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Mlp AU concepts, I’ll make a comic and post on Tapas if you guys wanna read it, aaaaand im writing the scripts rn
Just know that it’s made for fans, gonna bring a lot of old concepts of mlp and all this stuff
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zarvasace · 7 months
I have too many AUs and I'm not overly dedicated to this one but I figured I might as well share what I have of it :) It's a pretty good amount!
LU Space Crew AU
There is some art here!
Most who work the celestial highways long to find a place that they can call home. Most drift between crews and jobs, whether within the Kingdom or without. Some, however, live for the stars and find home is a cramped ship with engines rumbling the ground beneath their feet, and a crew that's almost family.
Those who man the special operations ship Epona are one such crew. Nine bright characters from across the galaxy, brought together through chance, staying together with determination. Though all of them have a home elsewhere, they've found cameraderie on Epona, and none are keen to leave anytime soon.
Epona and her crew are commissioned and funded by, but not officially employed by, the Kingdom. She goes where she will, to urban and rural planets alike, seeking out cells of the Black-Blooded, a mob-like organization that has infested every corner of the semi-united Kingdom. Whether the Director of the Kingdom has secret agendas for the Epona and her crew is unknown.
Time was a Kingdom special officer, trained from a young age. He comes from the planet Kokiri, but is not one of them. He is the only registered member of the alien race known as the Deities—a near-mythical people that adopt permanent forms similar to those they grow up around, identified by colorful markings and blank eyes. Whatever form they end up taking, Deities have unusual strength and kinesthetic awareness, bordering on supernatural. They also occasionally enter battle hazes, in which their abilities are multiplied, but they become dangerous and potentially unable to identify friend from foe.
After a harrowing mission in his youth, Time deserted the Kingdom and lived as a sight-after mercenary for a time, before meeting his wife Malon and inheriting the ranch on the planet LonLon. He was enlisted for the BB mission by an old friend, codename Sheik, who ensured (through dubiously legal means) that his record was wiped clean. He serves as the captain of the Epona and has grown very protective of his little crew.
Warriors was a high-ranking general in the Kingdom's army before his assignment to the BB mission. He is pure Hylian, which is rare, as the Hylian diaspora centuries ago ensured that most Hylians in the present day have other ancestry mixed in. As a pure Hylian, many people find Warriors's presence to be rather uncanny: his hair just a little too golden, his posture just a little too straight, his eyes just a little too sharp, his skin just a little too perfect.
He was instrumental in defeating the Black-Blooded leader Cia in one of the outer Kingdom systems, directing and participating in many of the battles himself. At first, he felt a little lost on the Epona thanks to the fact that he always had Artemis and Impa with him. He serves as the Epona's first mate, overseeing logistical issues such as supplies and schedules.
Twilight was a goat herder on Ordon until he was caught up in the invasion of the Twili rebels, when he worked behind the scenes with the Ordonian resistance group and the true Twili princess to overthrow the rebels and free Ordon entirely. In the process, he discovered that he was not, as he and everyone else assumed, part Ordonian human and part Hylian, but part Ordonian human and part Twili. Due to his ancestry, he has an alternate shadow form and several physical traits that have been growing in prominence since he discovered and has been using his shadow form, traits that make him a bit intimidating to most people (such as blackened hands, tough nails, small fangs, and occasionally glowing eyes.)
Ordon is not officially a member of the Kingdom, but its princess Dusk does her best to keep friendly relations with the Kingdom despite her efforts to stay independent. Twilight volunteered for the BB mission as a bargaining chip that she could use against the Kingdom. He was determined to dislike the Epona, but grew to love her and the crew. He serves as her second mate, in charge of their combat training, weaponry, and together with Warriors (and a vote from the crew if possible), is authorized to override any of Time's decisions or policies.
Sky is, as Warriors is, also pure Hylian, but his demeanor is a bit less uncanny. He grew up on Skyloft Station, which is a massive space station that once hovered over the planet First Hyrule as a place for knights and their families to live and train. The station disappeared when First Hyrule collapsed centuries ago and the Hylians dispersed around the galaxy, assumed destroyed in the aftermath. However, it appeared again a few years ago, out of a huge rip in spacetime. The station now orbits New Hyrule, the seat of the Kingdom. Its people are struggling a bit to adapt to the new era, but many ancestral Hylians are eager for a chance to know more about their lost heritage and culture.
Sky was a teenager when the station appeared in the present day, and won't speak much about the journey. He and Sun are the only ones who know exactly how much they did to get Skyloft Station safely home. Sun didn't love sending him out on this mission, but he wanted to explore! He is the Epona's primary pilot, responsible for navigation and actually flying the ship. He prefers to fly manually, since he doesn't quite trust the new automated systems.
Wild has also dealt with a bit of temporal displacement. He lived on First Hyrule as a trained knight until its collapse in the Calamity. He got himself and Flora out on a small research ship, taking a lot of damage in the process, and leaving Flora to pilot the ship for several years alone as he recovered in an induced coma. She flew out so far that when she came back, centuries had passed on New Hyrule. Unlike most who lived on First Hyrule, Wild is not pure Hylian. He is actually part Deity, lacking the distinctive markings but with very pale eyes and a hint of Deity strength.
He helped with a minor war in the Kingdom's outer reaches, putting him on the Director's radar. Flora now lives quietly on LonLon as an engineer. Wild is the Epona's computer engineer, fixing and updating her internal systems. (And occasionally causing havoc for fun.) (He also cooks. He thinks modern rations are an abomination.)
Four is a bit of an odd case, since he was not born. He was created by Kingdom scientists as a sort of proof-of-concept android made with brand new self-propagating nanotechnology. How and why he gained sentience is a mystery to even him, but he only managed to convince one scientist of it: Dot, who provided a huge distraction and excuses and allowed him to escape. He went back for her and, with the help of a small, kind alien race known as the Minish, managed to win recognition as a person and citizenship in the Kingdom. A certain offshoot of Kingdom scientists headed by Vaati attempted to recreate the success of Four and created Shadow, who lost his body in his fight for freedom. Four carries a chip holding what he hopes is Shadow's soul or something, perhaps to revive him someday.
He often works on himself, both hardware and software, hoping to expand his capabilities and perhaps discover the source of his sentience. His greatest achievement so far has been the ability to split his consciousness and body into four, and only four. The pieces end up fully independent, but rather fragile, and separating can take a lot of energy. Four is not particularly open about his nature, but he doesn't like hiding it. He volunteered for the BB mission in an attempt to find a low-profile occupation where he could work on his own projects and be protected by Kingdom power. He is the Epona's mechanic, somewhat wary of her computers, but he loves the ship and knows every rivet and wire.
Hyrule comes from a very rural planet called Kasuto, known for its frequent natural disasters and dangerous fauna, all things made more common after First Hyrule collapsed. (it is said that Kasuto resonated with the people so far away and mourns even now.) Some of the fleeing Hylians found refuge with the dying Kasitan race, and now the two peoples are virtually indistinguishable. It's a difficult world to live on, and there aren't many Kasitans in total, but their havens are tight and well-defended. Hyrule inherited a lot of the ancient Kasitan survival traits. He looks mostly Hylian, though leaner with longer fingers, but he has a number of subtle traits: eyes that can see much better in the dark (though not as well in the light), flexible keratin plates beneath his skin for an added level of defense, and the ability to go longer than anyone else without food or water. He can withstand and survive a wider range of temperature, pressure, and air quality than most others.
Hyrule fought many of his planet's monsters to help defend its settlements and defeat a tyrannical warlord. In the process, he found... something. Even he isn't sure what it is. But he can now help a body heal faster, he can raise a hand in a storm and channel lightning through his bones, and monsters always seem to find him. On a good day, he calls it a blessing from his planet. Legend suggested him for the BB mission. Hyrule is the Epona's medic and primary explorer, though he takes a support role in more diplomatic situations.
Wind is from a tiny fishing planet called Outset in a small, close-knit system. He is mostly Hylian, though he is also part Zora. His skin is scaly in parts, his eyes big, his teeth somewhat sharp. He has some webbing between his fingers, and as he's grown, he has to trim down the fins on his arms and legs like he does his hair. He learned how to fly a ship at a young age, and learned to swing a sword by necessity.
He found some old First Hylian technology under the ocean where he lived, which sent him on a journey through his system to defeat a wannabe warlord trying to take over. Once he was old enough, he got a job on a cargo ship, hated it, and was recruited for the BB mission by Tetra, his good friend who is (reluctantly) involved in Kingdom politics. On the Epona, Wind is a secondary navigator and an in-between-er, doing whatever needs to be done.
Legend could swear that he's experienced the same time dilation as Wild but in reverse. Trained in the techniques of the Kingdom knighthood but never actually enlisted, Legend grew up on the urban side of the planet LonLon. His parents were native to the planet Kakariko, and he is mostly Sheikah, which makes his form quite malleable. He had to learn quickly how to drastically change his body by force of will alone. Most Sheikah can manage to change their hair colors or height—Legend can mimic appearances very well, and has even mastered much more dramatic transformations, like turning into a rabbit.
Through his uncle, he made a few friends in Kingdom networks, and when Fable needed help, he went right to her rescue. And he's never really been able to stop doing those things. He loves the stars, and when Fable caught wind of the BB mission, she knew Legend would want in. He did. Legend is the Epona's primary face, the talker and the fountain of random knowledge. He's handy in a pinch and comes up with a lot of weird solutions to problems around the ship.
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cartoonsbyandie · 3 days
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sundove88 · 6 months
MerMay Challenge- Monthly Art Adventure!
So, with MerMay coming up, I decided that I’d do something similar to my Christmas art challenge- aka a MerMay Art Challenge, where I draw various pop culture characters as merpeople or merpeople from various media!
Splash Woman (Mega Man)
Dory (Finding Nemo)
Mermaid!Peach (Princess Peach Showtime)
Rey (Star Wars)
Laura La Mer/Cure La Mer (Tropical Rouge Precure)
Fiona Demetria (Balan Wonderworld)
Nessa (Pokémon)
Kanan Matsuura (Love Live)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Yukina Minato (BanG Dream!)
Nahida (Genshin Impact)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sasha (Psychonauts)
Sanji (One Piece)
Doppel!Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Mipha (The Legend of Zelda)
Piston Hondo (Punch Out!!!)
Wakasagihime (TouHou)
Sayu (No Straight Roads)
Mindy (SpongeBob)
Esna (Ever Oasis)
Crimson Coral Cookie (Cookie Run)
Princess Skystar (MLP)
Killua (HxH)
Mermista (She Ra)
Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Skymaid (Flapjack)
Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Coral Tate (Project Link Up, Disney Dream Linkage)
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lazyfanphilosopher · 3 months
Literaly no one cares but I have put a lot of time, effort, and in game currency into making my collection of ORV flight rising dragons so I'm going to force you to look at them
(link to in game view of all of them: https://www1.flightrising.com/den/555734/2492224/1)
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Kim Dokja Yoo Joonghyuk
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Jung Heewon Lee Hyunsung
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Han Sooyoung Lee Jihye
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Yoo Sangah Lee Gilyoung
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Jang Hayoung Shin Yoosoung
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Sung Wukong Uriel
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Kim Namwoon Secretive Plotter
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Namgung Minyoung Krygios
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Squidja Nirvana
and I have even more but I don't feel like adding them all to this post.
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everything was fine on earth C, good traffic, ok schools, the local Gogs live next door.
And then Mary-Su happened.
status: complete
begin ==> end
surveys: 1 2 3 4
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draagu · 1 year
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combining my two current brain rots? more likely than you think
many of these are based on a convo i had a while ago that started living rent free in my head recently so woohoo finally drew them
if you have an idea for a scug as a demon slayer character then tell me in asks as i will probably doodle them, eventually
(or if you just want to see a demon slayer character drawn bc i do want to draw them more then that too)
edit: i messed up writing tanjiro ough
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kydoesthings1 · 8 months
How I think IBO characters would watch horror movies
If this has been done before I can't find any. Just think of it as my take
If anyone isn't on here it means idk how they would react. I'm sorry Turbines fans
Mikazuki - doesn't react to much of anything that happens. Will occasionally say "oh" when there's a jumpscare. Spends the whole time eating the snacks with the other hand holding Atra's
Orga - has a stoic face all the way through. If you ask if he's pretending he'll tell you no
Atra - refuses to watch them, says she doesn't understand the appeal. But since everyone is watching she'll join and sit between Mika and Kudelia. Covers her eyes for the most part
Kudelia - claims it's a good test of bravery. Doesn't scream but grips Atra's arm really tight
Shino - squeezes his eyes shut during suspenseful scenes. Yells way louder than he's scared when there's jumpscares
Eugene - says he won't be scared by a stupid movie. Got pranked by Shino afterwards and screamed really loud
McGillis - doesn't react to any scary parts. Seems to be more invested in the plot and characters than the horror. Pats Gaelio on the back to comfort him while still looking at the TV
Gaelio - really can't do gore or any yucky scenes, or he starts to feel sick (Carta scolds him for being weak) It's kind of funny to see a man over 2 meters get scared
Carta - acts like she isn't scared, but she totally is. Weak to jumpscares. Yells at Gaelio to release stress. Maybe she wanted to get closer to McGillis, but it didn't work
Almiria - is not allowed to watch horror movies. G-rated only!
Ein - acts unaffected by the blood and guts, but he gets jumpscared. Starts fidgeting during high-tension scenes
Isurugi - his frown lines get deeper when the gore gets really bad. Other than that, not much of a reaction
Julieta - makes faces when there's gore, yelps when there's jumpscares. Looks at Iok disdainfully. Eats all the snacks
Iok - tries and fails to hide how scared he is. Got pranked by Julieta after
Rustal - he's not really paying attention, is he?
Yamazin - alarmingly into the blood and guts. Bonus if it gets sciencey. Teases Gaelio and Julieta
As a bonus, select Urdr Hunt characters:
Wistario - says it'll be fun. Puts his hands over his eyes when there's gore, but he doesn't seem too scared. Eats snacks
Demner - doesn't understand the appeal, but since Wistario, Katya and Korunaru want to see it, he plays it for them. Also supplies the snacks
Katya - can't watch gory ones. Other than that, she's having fun
Korunaru - puts her hand over her mouth during especially bad scenes. If you ask her about the movie she'll say "it was nice" and nothing else
Range - shouts when there's scary parts. Him yelling is worse than the actual movie
Londo Bron - spends the duration of the movie imagining Carta getting scared and relying on him. It does not happen
Cyclase Mayer - says he's not interested, watches anyway. But he doesn't sit down and if you ask he'll reply he's not watching it
Tagging - yells and shakes Batch by the shoulders, but she might not be as scared as she acts. Anyway, she seems to be having fun
Berose - she'll watch it, but she truly does not care
aaand that's it folks! :D
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pepirfecin · 1 year
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Unfinished stuff and sketches
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elisartstuff · 1 month
Desperately tryna motivate myself for art cause school started again eugh. Anyways I found this absolute gem from 2020 where I drew BFB characters despite not even getting into OSC until January of this year :skull: I was like,, 11?
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If 11 y.o me saw the stuff he does with OSC now he'd be appalled. Also where is Liy's ARMS??
I should remake this as a joke once it's been 4 years HSBRIH
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dullntkez · 2 months
Homestar hunger games (144 characters)
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lung-worm2023 · 10 months
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I may have a problem…
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randomblognumberfuck · 5 months
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Rate my questionable taste in men (and women)
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ghostofashina · 5 months
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whatever it means
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daeyumi · 2 months
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i keep forgetting to post this but here’s the piece i drew last year for the twisted wonderland planner~
i’m really happy i was able to include so many characters 💙
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121231212i · 3 months
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Zenless Zone Zero | The person you are calling is in a Hollow
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