#Not putting anything under the cut. Look at my color alts boy
jonahmagnus · 5 months
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Sighs. At least we have love ref
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morbsxadorbs · 2 years
so because baron zemo’s been a source of serotonin for me lately as I’ve been trying to work on my fic which makes his snubbing in the current thunderbolts announcement suck all that much more, I thought I’d shoot some outfit photos with my zemo muse doll 💜
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photos and more info under the cut to save dash space!
I introduced him over on my fandom blog @nbraraeaves when I first got him a while ago - as I think I mentioned in the plush guide I reblogged the other day, I got him from Meizai on etsy a couple years ago a while after I first started from sokovia with love. the coat and shirt he’s wearing are part of the outfit she custom-designed for him! the pants are some generic suit trousers I swapped in, and the boots are actually from a Loki cotton doll I ordered on ebay years ago without really knowing what it was (thus making him my first doll in this style).
here he is in just his shirt, please feel free to add your own “I Came for the Low” in the background:
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anyway, onto this slapdash fashion show that I put together while no one came to my drop-in hour for work lmao 😂
1. I try to have a “casual” outfit for my plushies that travel with me a lot back and forth to my family’s place in TX, and Zemo is one that usually comes with just bc I never know when I’m going to get bit by the from sokovia bug again. I bought him this hoodie bc it’s purple, albeit a different shade from his main color, but I also just really wanted to see him in something cute and silly. (excuse my crooked bow, I’m still working on my technique)
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Just modeling the hood up, with a different angle for the embroidered details one might miss on his enormous noble head.
2. I have a puffy pirate shirt that I bought specifically to give my different plushies their macfayden Mr. Darcy moment (minus water obvs), and on Zemo I always think of him being cajoled into posing for a traditional portrait by his parents, maybe when he’s still working his way up through the ranks of EKO Scorpion:
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(I always have to tuck it in to his trousers bc otherwise it looks like an old fashioned christening gown lmao)
behold: a handsome boy! a boy of many talents!! and he will begrudgingly pose for photos!! ✨
2.5. I’ve been wearing a sword necklace I got a few years ago recently as I’ve been planning chapter 10, and I suddenly desperately needed to know how it would look if I gave it to him to hold -
with some quick thinking to make the chain itself into a sort of harness belt, it turns out he looks quite dashing wielding his family’s ancestral weapon!!
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a close up for detail (and just me showing how I balanced it):
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3. then of course I had to see how he looked with his usual coat over top, and definitely got a swashbuckling-‘92 Candyman hybrid vibe that I adore with his little frilly sleeves sticking out 🖤
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look at him. isn’t that the cutest shit. what the hell.
4. finally, I don’t have his famous bathrobe yet bc I’m still looking for the right color, but for now, here are his pajamas, which are the closest I’ve managed to come right now:
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look at him. flourishing. thriving. unbothered ✨
my next goal outfit is to replicate the first ever art I got for anything I’d ever written, this piece by my buddy Toni aka @imalsonotsure aka @three-stacked-raccons:
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[insert the Dean IronGiant “It’s ART!!!”.gif bc I’m editing on mobile and hit my image limit lmao)
I have the pink shirt and glasses, I’m just waiting on the pink cardigan to get to my folks’ house (as it was a birthday gift this past year). I’m sure I’ll post an updated photo from there once I can put it all together!!
Next likely photos will either be chibi!Maxi or his secret alt twin mini!Maxi (long story to be explained), or maybe my bat collection, which is now large and historic as I’ve literally been picking them up since I was a wee baby bat myself. 🦇🖤
anyway, thanks for humoring me and my old camera! I just really love my little plushies, and figured that I might as well start sharing them with others who might like them too 🖤🖤🖤
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
I read ur post about p3 remake... and what stumped me was the persona primes... what did you mean by thsat?
Hmmmm where to start... I’m gonna just start explaining what a Prime is, in case other’s don’t know. But don't worry I'll go into the why shortly after.
A "Prime Persona" can also be called "Custom Persona" (alt eng translation), "Kai Persona/Persona Kai" (what it's called in Japanese), or "Modified Persona" (a literal translation of what Kai means in the Japanese). We're going to go with the word "Prime Persona."
(you know me and my long windedness, under the cut~!)
So a Prime Persona was introduced in Persona 2 IS. And their role is to serve as "upgraded versions" of the initial Persona. They get a little stronger, their sprite changes a little. Really reaching for the stars (jk). Here's a pic to compare so you get an idea:
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Think of it as the middle form of a Pokemon starter evolution. So if you mean the story requisite, you get Initial -> Prime -> Ultimate.
In P2EP, the only one to get a Prime Persona is Maya, but P2EP is not where the Prime Persona was last seen. The last Prime Persona is actually Orpheus Telos! In Japanese, his name is actually "Orpheus Kai" (aka "Orpheus Modified", and boy does he live up to that). Of course OT doesn't follow the same pattern as P2's middle pokemon evolution (cause P3 is funky with the MC’s special Personas, and OT is technically the Ult of all Ults), but it's still a prime Persona.
Now, since P4 we've moved to a more "SL level up gets me a Persona evo" type of deal instead of gameplay/story unlock like P1-3. And since P4G, Persona's decided to do.....3rd tiers/3rd Ults when they "remake" (*cough*enhanced port*cough*) the game like P4G/P5R. So now the new evo line now looks like this: Initial-> Ult -> 3rd Tier
And that's all fine and good, it being optional allows devs to choose which Persona for later games, and it's always nice to feel rewarded at the end of a link with a Party member and getting a little something extra for focusing on them instead of a non-party member........but we have a problem with P3.
P3 their Personas are not tied to the SL, but to the story. And since some, not all but some, of the chars can have their SL’s finished prior to their Ult in the story. So that puts a wrench in just “oh just make a third tier happen after the SL!” 
There’s also the fact that we've already had sequels......we know it's the Ult/2nd Tier they have. But you know the devs know we might want a new Persona (or really new skin for the Persona as we get a new skill) for our party members.....so how do we fix that?
Prime Personas! It’s a lot easier to wave away it being a temp buff than a 3rd tier. Esp for P3′s situation. (I mean obvie the real solution is to not have anything but that’s no fun, if you want that then play the other versions! 8U)
The Prime Personas will be tied to the SL, and unlike P2, we’d get both an initial and ultimate variation (not all the Personas will have initial but some..... and shouldn’t be that bad, copy and paste the model, change a color portion around and add an item and voila you are done! I know I know not that easy shhhhhh it’s not like you’re asking for the moon either! XP)
The reason is......well.....again.....some SLs can be finished before story evolution. Yukari and Fuuka (and iirc Junpei if you are fast enough, but if you aren’t then he obvie falls under the Ken/Aki category) can have their SL complete prior to their Ult evolution, so they would get Prime versions of their initial persona. Mitsuru/Aigis SLs don’t start till well after their evolution iirc, and Ken/Aki have a mandator roadblock (aka, we’d only get primes of their Ult). That leaves only Shinji/Koro....who are black sheep. They don’t evolve. They never evolve. They were never going to get a 2nd tier/Ult, let alone a 3rd tier. BUT..................I think they can get away with a Prime Persona. They essentially did that with PQ1 and PQ2 (along with Goro). You know they get the blue glow and the pose changes? All it does is strengthen the initial Persona? Well that’s essentially what a Prime Persona is, a strengthened version of the Initial one!
I mean Shinji would only be available for like a handful of days (unless they increase his SL’s availability sched). Haha but hey, didn’t stop them from doing that to Sumi! 8U 
So basically the evo tree for the P3 cast would look like this:
Shinji/Koro: Initial -> Initial Prime
Fuuka/Yukari/Junpei (if fast enough, otherwise they fall under the below tree): Initial -> Initial Prime -> Ult Prime
Aigis/Mitsuru/Ken/Aki: Initial -> Ult -> Ult Prime
But yeah, Prime fits the best for this kind of thing. Avoids big paradoxes later , allows Shinji/Koro to get a buff, brings back an old idea again (and in a game where there is one other Prime existing to boot!) And you still get (an extra) reward for completing your party member’s SL! And.....might also be a good way to test the waters on a new formula, both reintroducing Ult’s as a story progression thing while allowing a Prime evol in the meantime. 
And that’s why I think that if we get a P3 remake, and they want to do the whole “new Persona/persona skin and new skill” thing, they should adopt the Primes back instead of a 3rd tier. I hope that helped my point a bit more! ^^;
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vixenpen · 3 years
Dabi smut with a teacher. Like in some quirkless au or something (He’s scarless but hella pierced and tatted), he had to pick up kid!Shoto one day and he sees his hot black teacher (Sis got thickness and curves for days, even in simple clothes) So he consistently picks up Shoto (even when he doesn’t have to) just to hit on her and when he finally scores a date with her, he’s at his limit after seeing her in casual wear and how amazing her personality is.
I LOVED this request. I had so much fun writing it and the details were amazing! I hope you enjoy
Hot For Teacher (Dabi x Black Reader) Quirkless AU
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“Ah, come on kid,” Dabi sighed, expelling a stream of smoke as he waited at the curb for his baby brother to get out of school.
He rolled down the window to air out the car and watched the stream of middle schoolers burst through the double doors and head to their respective busses or cars.
“Shooo,” Dabi groaned, “where are you? I got shit to do, kid.”
He enjoyed hanging out with his youngest sibling, and he had no problem picking the kid up, but he also had a business to help run. If he didn’t get back to the shop in an hour and a half like he’d promised Hawks, he’d get an earful about responsibility and time management and blah, blah, blah.
He leaned back in the driver seat, deciding to give Shoto another fifteen minutes before he texted the kid.
Just then another wave of kids exited the building, Dabi’s bright blue eyes scanned them before landing on the finest woman he’d ever seen in his life.
Her cream colored silk blouse popped beautifully against her rich brown skin and a pair of slacks hugged her wide hips. Her makeup made her dark eyes sparkle and red lipstick painted her pouty mouth.
Dabi sat up, turquoise eyes running up and down that beautiful body of hers as the sexy teacher strutted past to talk to parents and wave good bye to students. When she turned around, his eyes slid down to the fattest ass he’d ever seen and he licked his lips.
Damn it must be hard as hell for her students to concentrate in class.
She turned again and began walking back towards the school. Fuck! If he didn’t stop gawking he would miss his chance. He couldn’t let that happen.
Holding his cigarette between his lips, Dabi quickly stepped out of the car and took leggy strides to catch up with the teacher.
“Excuse me.”
She turned around, her big dark eyes landing on him. Immediately Dabi knew she was sizing him up and wasn’t impressed. She gave that same disapproving teacher look Fuyumi gave whenever she was put off by someone.
Regardless, he flashed her his most charming smile. He may not be a goody two shoes like these other khaki wearing dads out here, but he knew he looked damn better than any of them.
“Sorry to bother you ma’am. I was just hoping you could help me out.”
“Sure,” she smiled back, showing off a pair of pretty white teeth. “Let’s start with that cigarette. It’s against our school policy to be smoking on the premises so if you could.” She cocked a brow expectantly.
Dabi cocked his own pierced brow back in response, but quickly stubbed out his cigarette on a nearby janitor’s cart and threw it away in the accompanying trash can.
Her smile widened. “Great. Now, how can I help you?”
Dabi chuckled. “Well, ya see, I just got this new phone and cleared out all my old contacts. Ya know, new year, new me and all that,” he shrugged, “anyway, my contacts are pretty empty now. So, I was wondering if I could get yours.”
She let out a little snort of amusement.
“That’s your pick up line? How many Girls have had the misfortune of hearing that one?”
“You’d be the first,” Dabi smirked back. “Figured the usual ‘hey beautiful, what’s your name’ line wouldn’t exactly help me stand out.”
“Trust me, you don’t need help standing out.” She replied, eying him again.
“Then that means I’m ahead of the game, right?” He held out a hand, “I’m Dabi.”
Tentatively, the teacher shook it. “Ms. Y/n.”
“Ms. Y/n, huh...” Dabi repeated slowly, his eyes ran over you with a barely masked longing. “Not ‘Mrs’?”
“Not yet.” You replied.
“How soon are you looking to change that?” Dabi asked, his smirk growing a bit smaller and more intimate.
“Who said I was looking to change it at all?”
“Certainly not me,” he replied, “that’s why I asked. I would love to talk more about how much you don’t want to change it over dinner sometime though.”
You fended off a smile. You were not about to give this over confident asshole any encouragement.
“Sorry, but I make it a point not to date my student’s parents.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not a parent then.”
“Oh? So you just like to stroll on the campuses of random middle schools and hit on the teachers for fun?”
Dabi chuckled again.
“I’m here to pick up my little brother. Ah, hell, speaking of which, I actually could use your help with that. Kid hasn’t come out yet and I’ve already been here over half an hour.”
Your pretty face immediately crumpled with worry.
“What’s your brother’s name?”
“Todoroki Shoto.”
“Oh!” You looked surprised. “Shoto. I think I saw him headed towards the baseball field. I think the team has practice today.”
“Dammit! Really? Well, I better go say hi to the kid anyway. You mind, uh, leading the way?”
“Sure.” You shrugged.
Turning, you took the lead and guided Dabi towards the baseball diamond behind the school. You could feel the man’s eyes on your ass the whole way, and couldn’t help but put an extra switch in your hips as you did. Much to his appreciation.
You had to admit the man was fine as hell. The black undercut with lines cut in the side, his multiple piercings and even the colorful tattoos you saw peeking from under his fitted black tshirt were hot as hell. However, you had long since given up on bad boy types. You preferred nerds. Still a little light flirting wouldn’t hurt anything, right?
“There he is.” Dabi stated once the two of you verged on the field. He held up his hands to his mouth and called out: “Yo, Sho!”
The boy looked up, heterochromatic eyes widening in surprise.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had practice today you little half and half?”
“Why don’t you ever check mom’s texts?” Shoto shouted back. “She told you to come later.”
You snickered as Dabi pulled out his phone and checked his text messages.
“Huh. Well I’ll be damned.” He muttered to himself. “Alright, kiddo, I’ll be back in an hour!”
“Can you stop shouting and leave now?! I have to concentrate.”
Dabi laughed before turning back to you.
“Anyway, thanks a lot for your help Ms. Y/n.”
“Just doing my job.”
“Still, I would love to thank you properly. Maybe over coffee.” He said, sounding hopeful.
“Before it was dinner.” You quipped, playfully.
“I know. I‘m just planning for future dates.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “It was nice meeting you, Dabi.” With that you turned and strutted off.
“I hope you know I’m gonna keep trying until I get a yes or no.” He called after you.
As you entered the school’s back entrance you could hear Shoto shouting: “Can you please stop hitting on my teachers? I have to see them everyday!”
Unfortunately for Shoto, his plea seemed to go in one overly pierced ear and out the other because almost everyday since then, Dabi made it a point to stop and talk to you when he came to pick up Shoto.
“Hey there, Ms. Y/n. My contacts are filling up fast. You sure you don’t wanna reserve a spot?”
“Sorry Dabi, but my no dating policy extends to immediate family members as well.”
“I hated to cancel our reservations, but you’re left me no choice, Ms. Y/n.”
“Nobody told you to make reservations, Dabi.”
“Dinner was lonely the other day. If only I had a beautiful black queen to keep me company.”
“I’m sure There are plenty of black queens out there that would have loved to accompanying you to dinner.”
“Yeah, but they wouldn’t have been you.”
Dabi was unrelenting. Always complimenting how amazing your outfits looked on your skin tone, how flattering your make up was, or if you wore a new hairstyle or new jewelry.
You couldn’t lie. The attention was both flattering and refreshing. Since becoming a teacher, you usually only got hit on by studious academic types. Attractive yes, but straight laced and all the same with their game
Unfortunately a disturbing amount of married dads also tried their luck with you.
But Dabi was different.
He may have been a far cry from your usual type, but he was always perfectly respectful and even funny. Not to mention he was much closer to your own age than other men that came on to you.
He must have started bribing Shoto for help or asking him about your interests too. Because sometimes when he would see you, he’d have a new book to give you or your favorite iced tea from a cafe you always frequented. Which, admittedly, was pretty damn cute.
The tatted up alt boy was actually growing on you. So one day, when both of you least expected it, you finally agreed to give him your number and go on a date.
That was the first time you ever saw him straight up smile. Not smirk or grin. He actually beamed. Just like a little boy who’d been told he could have a puppy.
Ok, ok. You admit it—he was cute.
Hopefully, that charm would extend over to dinner.
When the big date came, Dabi cleaned himself up. Opting out of his usual dark attire for a deep blue fitted Ralph Lauren polo and skinny khakis. He even took out some of his piercings in an attempt to look more presentable. He thought he cleaned up pretty nice if he did say so himself, but it was nothing compared to what you strutted in wearing.
Dabi had gotten used to your stylish but conservative work attire. He was so used to your hot teacher look, that he forgot you probably had some regular clothes in that amazing wardrobe of yours.
And damn did you pick out the most show stopping dress you had. You wore a wine colored dress that cut low in the front showing off those juicy tits of yours and stopped above the knee. The heels you wore made your thighs look even yummier and your ass was jiggling out of control with every step.
Down boy. Down boy. Down boy.
He scolded himself.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely, Dabi?” You teased.
“I’m Touya tonight, beautiful.” He struck a pose like a GQ model. You laughed. “Dabi was that guy that kept hitting on you, Touya’s the guy that’s gonna try not to screw it up.
“Oh,” you ran a manicured finger along his solid chest, “well, I agreed to a date with Dabi, but I guess Touya could be fun too.”
Dabi licked his lip, and your eyes fell on his tongue piercing, hungrily.
“Depending on how well the night goes, you might see Dabi come out later tonight.” He replied, suggestively.
You rolled your eyes, but could feel your cheeks (and your pussy) warming.
“Boy! Come on.”
Dabi as Touya opened the door to the restaurant and ushered you inside.
The restaurant he took you to was definitely a high end place; complete with soft candle light, a jazz quartet, and a maître d’.
The chemistry the two of you had definitely translated over dinner.
Dabi was just as funny as he always was and he was genuinely interested in getting to know everything about you. He hung on to your every word about the funny things your students did in class. He enjoyed hearing your college stories. He even knew some of the books you enjoyed reading and could talk literature easily.
You discovered that he was the co-owner of a tattoo and piercing shop. He was the oldest of his siblings. And he enjoyed traveling and learning new things.
Dabi enjoyed vibing with you. He loved that your personality and sense of humor was just as amazing and substantial as that body he wanted a piece of so bad.
Dinner rolled into drinks and lasted well into the night. By the time the two of you were done it was damn near four A.M.
From that night on, you and Dabi became practically inseparable. He picked you up from school right along with Shoto for dinner after work, swung by with coffee, bought you any and everything you wanted (he does come from money after all) and after a year of dating, you became more than just a ‘Ms.’
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decalinethespacecat · 3 years
The Games that We Play-Ch.1
A simple exploration.
That's all this mission was supposed to entail.
Well, in a sense, perhaps they had accomplished such. Stranded on a new, foreign world, brimming with energy, and teeming with organic life. And with that, it was the very life that they had been forced to alter themselves to, the very lifeblood that dwelt on this strange sphere in too great an excess, and thus, should they not adhere to the laws set by this new world, it could mean the loss of their functionality, or even more, their own sparks. Of course, ironically enough, it hadn't just been themselves that had to follow this code: the very ones that had caused their stranding here had also been subject to it. And even more, one amongst their former pursuers had, albeit forcibly at first, integrated amongst their numbers. Now, as the two parties faced each other atop this mountain, five against five, the playing field had been leveled.
The two heads of the opposing sides made direct eye contact with each other, the differences between them evident in far more than just their conflicting ideals and ambitions. On one side stood the stalwart, strong form of a darkly furred primate, leaning on his knuckles as the species he had scanned were inclined to do. His eyes were dark, yet soulful, and in the minds of some of his fellow explorers, dare they say, they appeared almost akin to the small creatures that had aided and catered to their ancestors. On the other was, for all intents and purposes, a complete antithesis of everything the primate was. He bore the outer flesh of a large theropod coated in a sheen of violet with a series of green ridges trailing along his back, ending at the base of his tail. Rows of sharpened, ivory teeth lined the inside of his powerful jaws, small, yet menacing red eyes full of intent glowering back at the primate opposite of him.
"Across the galaxy," the ancient reptile spoke, voice low and smooth. "It has come to this, Optimus Primal." The primate stood his ground, along with the other four organically based Cybertronians with him. "Face to face," a smile crept onto the theropod's features. "Tooth to claw...yesss." Oh yes indeed, he had been clamoring for this very moment! "Have you anything to say?"
The primate's face grew stern. True, he had not set out on this expedition with the intent to seek combat. Yet ultimately, Primus, it seemed, held other plans for them. "I'd say, that's prime." he simply stated before bearing his elongated canines. "Let's do it!"
"YEAHHHH!" a chorus of young voices cried out, five to be exact, as they charged in unison at a collection of five pieces of notebook paper held up by a used popsicle stick glued onto the back, each of them stuck into the ground so they would stay in place. The owners of the voices came forward and did 'battle' with the pieces of cut-out paper, lightly striking and flicking the fragile, crudely drawn depictions of their current 'adversaries'.
This was the third time they needed to be redrawn, and frankly, no one was wanting to have to do all five Predacons all over again. Especially if one of them was a young adolescent with questionable drawing skills. If anything, at least they LOOKED like how they were supposed to this time. Sort of.
One amongst the five, a boy with tannish skin and a darkly colored buzz cut, grabbed the cutout of Megatron (at least, it was supposed to be Megatron) and purposefully fell to the ground, bringing the piece of colored paper on a stick close to his face, raising one hand to keep it back, as if it weighed a good deal of weight.
The jaws were close. So insultingly close. Just a few centimeters more, and that slagging ape's head would be firmly in his jaws! "Admit defeat, Maximal!" Megatron bellowed, Primal not wavering, yet it was evident that he was struggling against the Tyrannosaurus' massive head. "The Energon shall be ours!"
The silverback needed to act fast. He held no intention of obeying the violet Predacon's demand, yet he needed some leeway. He needed to at least get the larger beast off of him! "Not if I can help it!"
"Yah!" the tan boy hollered, behaving as if he had just flung a two-ton boulder off of him, yet the paper cutout landed in the grass with little more than a soft crinkle. "Surrender, Megatron!" he proclaimed, his voice far from the authoritative, triumphant Maximal he was imitating. "You're scrapped!"
'Megatron didn't retort back, the boy realizing then what kind of corner he had just put himself in.
"Uh, guys?" he called out, the other four children ceasing their 'battle' against their respective Predacons and turning towards him. "Who's not fighting at this part?"
One boy amongst them, African and with a top of short, black curls, turned to him. "They all are!" he answered back.
"Yeah, but who's being shown fighting?"
"Uh…" the other boy paused, thinking for a moment. "I think it's just Optimus and Megatron."
"Ok." the tan boy went over to pick up the Megatron cutout, his dark eyes taking notice of a nearby tree. "You mind? I can't really chase myself."
The impact was immediate, and even if it had been mere seconds, the shock that came with the splintering rock formation behind them both clearly affected Primal more than his adversary.
A fact that they wasted no time in taking advantage of.
With one swift, precise bite, Megatron put the jaws of the mighty beast he had donned as his alternate form to proper use, the premaxillary teeth that once belonged to the likes of the extinct predator tore through the alpha primate's thigh, right above the joint. Primal released an involuntary wail of agony, the sharpened instruments having torn through his alt mode's synthetic flesh and down to the fragile circuitry and wiring underneath. Not feeling satisfied with just one sample of the Maximal's mech fluid lightly bathing his tongue, Megatron bit yet again, only this time, Primal seemed to have better prepared for it. He was still in a great deal of pain, yes, yet now he could better channel it, using the horrid sensations and transferring it into an unquenchable need to fight back, beginning with delivering a hardened chop with both hands to the top of Megatron's scaly dome.
This blow had put the behemoth reptile in the same position Optimus had been mere seconds prior. And due to the blow he had delivered, it took the Tyrannosaurus a moment to realize that, surprisingly enough, the foolish ape had somehow found it in him to up and began swinging him around by the tail! As soon as the world had begun spinning for him, it stopped, only to then realize he was flying right into the ceiling of the mountainous structure, crashing down with a resounding thud that shook the entire landscape.
"Gah!" Optimus cried out, hissing as he analyzed the injury done to his leg. True, he had managed to stand to deliver that rather 'creative' maneuver against his aggressor, yet it now dawned on him that there was no way he could walk with a tear like this. And internalized repairs wouldn't be able to undo damage such as this. As if to add insult to injury (literally in a sense), the reptile had somehow managed to get up. "It…" Optimus stammered, forcing himself to rise. "It's over, Megatron!"
"It is NEVER over! Nooo!" He could scarcely believe it at first, yet given how the brute's forces traveled all this way to engage them, perhaps anything was possible. After all, what other Cybertronian before them had been forced to adopt a secondary skin of organic flesh? Despite the painful surges the multiple Energon crystals sent through his true form, Megatron did not waver, aiming and sending a missile right in the direction of the wounded Primal. "For if I must die...I shall take you with me!"
There was no way he could avoid this. Its proximity was too close. The urge to flee was great, yet Primal stood firm. He would stand tall and accept this. He had begun to shut his eyes, awaiting the inevitable. 'Till all are one…'
Yet one, he was not yet to be.
The missile had never come to meet him.
"Wait, you want me to do what?" one amongst the group questioned with a quirked brow, this time the child, despite the role, a young girl with skin slightly darker than the boy roleplaying as Primal, her thick, black hair tied back in a low ponytail. In her hands was a wooden sword, one that she had made sure to bring each and every time she met with the others. Yet now, the African boy was asking her to do something a little...odd with it.
"Well, in the episode, Dinobot blocks it with his tail."
"So, what? You want me to put this on my butt?"
"Uh...well, it'd be accurate."
It sounded absurd, not to mention difficult to pull off. Sure, she didn't really know how to properly use the sword, yet at least she could make use of it as something of an improv baseball bat. But nooooo, when she batted the "missile" away like that, they had to stop so that they could do it 'the right way'.
"Fine." she moaned, rolling her eyes and tossing the crumpled piece of paper (Waspinator got stepped on, AGAIN) in the African boy's direction. "Throw it again."
The one that had once been under Megatron's command, the one that had blocked their way and saw fit to end his life on the stone bridge, allowing the Predacons to catch up with them, had just been the one to strike the incoming projectile with his striped, reptilian tail, sending it off course and away from them both.
The former Predacon and his would-be usurper had just miraculously saved him from certain death.
This revelation was given no time to truly be dwelt on at the present, for the missile had found itself a new target, the explosion sending a chain reaction that soon caused the entire mountain to shake.
"It's going to blow!" a brown rhinoceros bellowed, the once battling Predacons quickly realizing the danger they were all in and making a hasty retreat, leaving their downed leader behind.
"Time to fade, heroes!" one amongst the Maximals shouted, a green-eyed cheetah, he making himself scarce along with Primal and the rhino, a large, grey rat also atop of the horned creature's back, a velociraptor racing alongside with them off of the mountain. None dare to look back, lest they waste precious seconds before the entire formation exploded.
Thankfully, they thought as they now found themselves a good distance away, all of them had managed to make it out of that close call in one piece. All four...no, all five of them.
Optimus turned his gaze towards the newest member of their group, his pale eyes gazing back into the silverback's own. "Thanks." he simply stated, the ancient reptile somewhat taken aback by this gesture.
"My actions did not imply loyalty, Optimus." the striped theropod clarified, momentarily averting his gaze, his voice low and raspy, yet strangely enough, sincere. "I owe you my life." He admitted the act, even if he dare not openly say it, was rather humbling. "Now we are merely...even."
The silverback took no offense to this. In fact, to the raptor's befuddlement, he simply presented him with a satisfied grin. "I'll accept that."
"Yeah, well, uh.." The rat, having long gotten off the rhino's back, wasn't exactly ready to allow this saurian into their ranks, no matter what Optimus declared. Orders or not, he'd make his opinion on "Chopperface", or rather, "Choppahface", known for a long while. Still, there was a burning question on his mind. "At least Megatron's gone, and so is the Energon!" he declared, voice rising in hope. "Can we go home now?"
It was too good to be true. The shaking of his leader's head cemented this fact. "No, Rattrap." the gorilla solemnly stated. "For now, we're stranded here with the Predacons on this unknown planet." the situation sunk in for all of them now, truly. "Megatron may be back, and there is still more Energon. If they ever get enough, they could conquer the galaxy." he could see the trepidation etched into their features. Indeed, he would be a liar if he said he did not share in their collective concern. Still...there was no other way. Their opposition had to be stopped. And whether it be here, Earth, or even Cybertron, his conviction would have remained the same. "So for now," he began, looking towards the endless, blue horizon above. "Let the battle be here, on this strange, primitive world. And let it be called," he shouted, extending his fist towards the skies. "The Beast Wars!"
"YEAH!" The five shouted in chorus, full of nothing short of absolute triumph and exhilaration, the sight of the untamed, unconquered canyon and mountainous landscape the Maximals stood upon at the forefront of their mind's eye.
Of course, after a few moments of this, said landscape steadily began to fade, the mowed, fertile, green lawn of the African boy's yard coming to consume the place stationed in their imaginations.
"Uh, ok." a voice amongst them spoke, said voice belonging to another girl in the group, though contrary to the other young lady with them, she bore lighter skin and a head of long, red locks. "So...do we go over the toy fund now or later?"
"I think we've got a more immediate problem than that." the African boy said, picking up the crumpled-up piece of paper. "Somebody's got to redraw Waspinator. Again."
The skies had darkened, the sun just beginning to set. Yet in the small, packed enclosure of the cubical-shaped treehouse, none of the five children paid any mind, a serious and passionate debate taking place amongst them.
"No way! I did it last week! It's Tim's turn!" a blonde boy with scruffy hair protested, crossing his arms.
"Last time I checked," the African boy clarified, gesturing an accusing finger back at the blonde. "You only did it last week because you skipped out on the last time it was your turn."
"Hey, I was sick that week!" he protested.
"Yeah, that was boring." The black-haired girl admitted. "I was tired of acting out that episode where Cheetor got kidnapped by Tarantulas."
"You got tired?" another girl questioned, she of lighter skin and a head of fiery red hair, even if her voice was meek and smooth. "I had to make sure the cutout we made didn't get too messed up."
"At least Rattrap got to do stuff in that episode!' the other girl retorted, looking to her wooden sword. "Dinobot was barely in that one!"
"And we can only do so many with just five of us!" the blonde added in. "Soon, it's going to get to where we're going to have to start making up our own episodes!"
"Ok, look!" the tan boy interjected, the other four quieting down. "We're getting off track. The point is that Waspinator got messed up, again, and somebody's got to make another cutout-"
"Again." the other children finished for him, he somewhat startled by how quickly they picked up on what he was about to say.
"Right, so one of us is going to have to do it. But we've got to find out who's turn it is to make a new one-"
"Timothy Leblanc!" each and every one of the five adolescents jumped at the voice piercing through their private space up in the crudely constructed, yet still standing treehouse. And whilst the feminine, rather irritable voice called out for just one of them, each didn't need to ask what this also meant for them. "It's thirty minutes past five now, and you're STILL up there?! Your father's going to get here in less than five, and your dinner's had to be heated up twice already!"
The African boy winced, looking at his friends with a rather sheepish expression. "I've got to probably get going too." the red-haired girl confessed.
"Me too." the blonde added. "Mom's going to kill me if I don't do the dishwasher before the day's done."
"And my mom wants me to help her with the...the…" the black-haired girl paused. "I think she called it a…bistek tagalog?"
"A what?" Tim questioned.
"Your mom always makes the weirdest stuff." the blonde added.
"Whatever it is, she wants me to help mix the sauce and put the onions in."
"So, who's going to redraw…" the tan boy began, only to find that all eyes were on him.
A few hours later
"Thanks a lot!"
"Yeah, totally!"
"You're always so thoughtful!"
"Yeah, the best!"
Even now, he was STILL seething mad at all of them.
True, there really wasn't a rush, and he could probably get it done during study hall tomorrow, but still, once again, he had been sacked with the task of redrawing Predacons (correction: one particular Predacon) AGAIN, when the rest of them knew well and good that it was someone else's turn! Still, in a way, he sort of knew why he got this particular task the most, mainly because he was the only one that could actually make them LOOK sort of accurate. As accurate as a fourth grader that had a decent enough grade in Art could get.
'Yeah, well, let's see them when we act out 'Starscream's Ghost'!' the boy thought, scribbling a green crayon in the thick pencil lines that made up Waspinator's outline. 'I'll be Waspinator on that one! And...oh wait, no.' he just remembered. 'We don't have anyone that can be Tigetron or Airazor.' let alone did they have anyone that could've filled in the role of Blackarachnia or Inferno.
'And we can only do so many with just five of us!' the blonde boy's words echoed in his mind.. 'Soon, it's going to get where we're going to have to start making up our own episodes!'
"Inuksuk!" a man's voice said from the other side of the door, the young boy ceasing his doodling. "Don't tell me you're still up!" the child inwardly groaned at hearing his full name. Culture and heritage aside, he still hated it. "Have you even brushed your teeth yet, young man?"
Brushed...oh shoot!
The older, far taller adult standing outside of the boy's room was knocked back by the door, quite literally, slamming in his face, a small figure rushing out and into the bathroom. "Well, at least you know to stand out of the way next time." a woman shouted at the bottom of the stairs.
"Y-Yeah...guess so…"
Not so much brushing as he was grinding the bristles in and around his teeth, yet from what he could see in the mirror, his mouth was foamy enough for it to count! Speaking of which, he took a moment to eject said foam from his mouth and into the sink, washing it down and getting out the dental floss, tearing off just enough (just as mom showed him) and tying the ends around his fingers (just as mom showed him, though he struggled more with that particular step). Inuksuk looked good and hard in the mirror at his still growing teeth, a couple of empty spaces from recently pulled ones serving as areas he needed to keep extra clean, this particular tip from his father (of whom he just realized he might've just slammed in the face with a door).
He'd have to apologize when he got out. Assuming he hit him hard.
Still, as the young boy garbed in a simple, grey t-shirt and worn down, dark grey sweatpants navigated the floss through his available teeth, he found one thought running through his mind on repeat as he went on with his (very belated) nightly routine.
"Soon, it's going to get where we're going to have to start making up our own episodes!"
"...making up our own episodes!"
Making up their own episodes...hmm.
Perhaps the better term for it would've been 'making up our own stories, as really, how were a bunch of kids going to get ahold of anything better than a handheld camera, let alone, by some miracle, contact Mainframe with a stack of papers detailing these new exploits and adventures of the Maximals?
Still, Tim thought, as he spit out the strong tasting, even stronger stinging Listerine, it could work.
Yeah, they'd have to go through the process of deciding on a plot, a script, who'd be the 'star', all things that, frankly, he would've been more than content to leave for the fine folks who were in charge of the show to decide. But, seeing as it was evident that they'd probably be playing out these reenactments with just five, Timothy couldn't help but entertain the potential Mathis' proposal brought with it. What if, just if, they did go through with it...what could they do? Or perhaps the better question was, what COULDN'T they do?
Oh man, oh geez, oh gosh, oh man! He had just meant it as a way so that they wouldn't have to act out the same stuff over and over again! But thinking about it now...oh geez, he was near slapping himself for not suggesting it earlier!
"Mathis, bed!"
"Ok, mom! Just a minute!"
The blonde boy heard the door to his room open, a hand setting itself on his shoulder.
"It's been ten." a low, feminine voice told him. "And unless you want to go through the ritual of me setting the radio on at max volume for you in the morning...and also, did you even brush, let alone take your pills yet-"
"Ok, fine." Mathis groaned, getting up from the dining room table and to the foot of the stairs.
"Clean up first."
He turned back to face his mother, she bearing his blonde locks, yet not his chocolate brown eyes. "But didn't you just say-"
"It's going to take you five minutes to get all these crayons and pencils up." she answered, a small, curt grin coming to her lips. Once again, she foiled him. As the young boy went back over to the table and began putting the art supplies back in their proper boxes, correctly, as she was watching him, the woman couldn't help but notice what her child had been drawing. "Who's that?" she asked, picking up the piece of lined paper. "One of the characters from that show you and your friends watch? Um…" she tapped her finger on her chin, trying to recall whom exactly her son fawned over. "Cheetara or something?"
"That's Thundercats, mom." Mathis moaned. "It's Cheetor from Beast Wars." well, technically, that wasn't what it was called over here, yet he and his friends were in mutual agreement that 'Beasties' sounded ridiculous, not to mention stupid. Besides, Optimus outright even said that the fight they were in was called the flipping 'Beast Wars'!
"Ah, right. He's the...leopard, right?" This earned the woman another groan. "Kidding, kidding." She scanned the crude markings meant to resemble the computer-generated robot cat (at least she thought that was what he was, she only saw the show in brief intervals), and found a strange, new figure beside him. "Who's this?" she questioned her child, gesturing to the right of (what was supposed to be) Cheetor.
"Oh, that's…" Mathis began to answer, stopping before he could finish. "Well...I don't really know what his name is, but he's somebody I made up."
"Ah, like it's supposed to be you in the show?"
"No, it's not me. It's someone I made up." the boy affirmed. "He's a Saber-toothed Tiger."
(AN-I know it's more accurate to call it a Saber-toothed cat or Smilodon, but being a kid in the 90s, and in general, a kid, everyone I knew, both other kids and adults around me, just called it a Saber-toothed Tiger.)
"Oh, ok. That explains the teeth." his mother nodded.
"Yeah," Mathis confirmed. "There's only five of us, so we only have so many episodes we can act out as the Maximals. So I got to thinking we could maybe make up our own episodes."
"And in turn, make up your own characters?"
"...yeah. Yeah, I guess so."
"Yeah, well," the woman ruffled the younger boy's hair. "You have all the time in the world to do that tomorrow and on the weekend. Right now, everyone, even Saber-toothed Tigers, need to get up into bed. And they definitely need to keep their teeth clean"
"Before they have pills in some ice cream?"
She smiled, going over to the freezer. "I guess that can be arranged. Though, I'm not sure how you could eat anything with chompers like that."
'Making up our own episodes…' she wondered, as she climbed on into bed, her long, red locks contrasting greatly with the ivory fabric of her pillow and pale pink of her sheets, as well as a majority of her room, of which followed in a similar color scheme. 'How are we going to do that when we can't even save up enough to get some actual toys?'
Indeed, before the whole discussion involving who was going to be tasked with re-drawing Waspinator, she had collected what everyone had to offer that week to the 'toy-fund'. Inu (of which she and the rest had called Inuksuk, seeing as his name was somewhat difficult to pronounce) was the only one to have actually brought a full dollar along with herself. Everyone else ranged from fifty to no more than five cents.
'Five cents?!' she remembered losing her cool at that. 'Really, Mathis?!'
'Hey, it was hot out!' he in turn retorted to her. 'And Dr. Pepper was RIGHT there in the machine!'
She was still more than a little peeved about it, but ultimately, there was little that could be done now. 'We've gotten up to twenty-five, but if each toy costs around ten dollars, each separate toy, then…' her hand traveled to her forehead, realizing in horror what this meant. 'We're going to have to get around fifty dollars total! And that's not even with tax!' she flopped onto her bed, her red hair fanning out underneath her. 'We're going to be stuck using paper cutouts for the Predacons forever!'
This pessimistic musing, however, was cut off by the cracking of her door, her blue eyes watching as a large, furred, quadrupedal creature squeezed through the opening it had created and made its way to her bedside, sitting on the small, white floor mat stationed beside it.
"Hey, Zoe." The young girl greeted the massive Main Coon, this vocal utterance being all the greyish-brown feline needed to act, hopping on her bed and planting herself at the footboard, curling up and tucking her head under her tail. She folded her hands underneath her head, still more than a little perturbed that it'd be even longer before she and her friends would reach the desired goal of however many dollars before all the Predacons could be purchased. Assuming they would even be able to find any at a Wal-Mart or Toys R' Us. "If anything," she spoke aloud to herself, Mathis' words coming back to her. "Making up our own episodes would probably mean that we'd have to do even MORE work. Because then, we're going to start making up our own Maximals and Predacons!"
'Which would be so cool!' The Filipino, black-haired adolescent mentally declared, having been warned already to not be too loud, and that she had school to look forward to in the morning. 'Looking forward to school...yeah, dad, that was a REAL good one.'
'It'll be even better if you get in those eight hours. Now haul yourself up to bed.'
Frankly, she wasn't sure she'd be getting any sleep tonight. Not with this running through her head.
'Like...like there are already characters that are toys that aren't in the show yet! Like Claw Jaw, or Armordillo, Wolfang, and…' as she continued on, listing each and every Maximal and Predacon she had seen on the shelves (Dinobot WOULD be hers! Eventually.), her brown eyes surveyed her environment before she got out of bed and locked the door to her room, then went back to her bed and cut on the lamp stationed on her dresser. She then opened the single drawer on the small, wooden dresser, an even smaller, black notebook, and a single, number-two pencil residing in the compact space, the label 'Lulu' stuck on the cover via a small piece of paper and tape.
'Ok,' she mused to herself, grabbing the two objects and flipping open to a page with just enough room. Then, she began writing. 'Now...there was Claw Jaw, Armordillo, Wolfang…'
'...some guy that's a German Shepard...don't know how that happened.' indeed, he didn't, but lo and behold, it WAS indeed a toy. Inu rolled around on his left side. 'Maybe we could start with something a little more simple. Like...like after they left the mountain, they got the ship up and running better.' Despite his eyes being closed, scenarios and 'what ifs' began playing out in his mind. Yeah, that could work. Lulu could maybe play out how Dinobot settled in...and Mikaela could come up with some stuff to throw at her as Rattrap does in the show. Granted, that in itself might've been a little difficult. The Filipino girl could play out her role well enough without much assistance, yet the redhead kind of needed some 'coaching' on how to be snarky. Bizarrely enough, she could channel the rodent-based Maximal quite well whenever the subject of the 'toy fund' was brought up.
Inu continued to ponder and think, drowsiness steadily beginning to creep in, the faces and forms of his small circle of friends steadily transforming into the characters they portrayed in their reenactments.
Yet...as he drifted off, the smallest bit of his mind that was still conscious noticed that despite the boy himself playing the role, the transformed silverback in his mind seemed to be paying attention to something or someone ahead of him. Something or someone that clearly wasn't present there before, yet he behaved as if they had been there all along.
'Thanks for the help back there.' Inu took a moment. This had to be a dream, yet...he certainly wasn't complaining. 'If it wasn't for you clearing out that path for us, we probably wouldn't have gotten off that mountain at all.'
"Oh, uh, no problem, sir." the young child answered, standing to attention like a soldier, salute and everything. He was far from a Maximal in this developing vision, let alone anything that could've ever had the potential to supposedly clear out a path, yet such details were trivial and minute to him. This was getting good, and he wasn't about to risk spoiling it.
"Despite your size, I'd be more than willing to allow you into our, heh," Primal chuckled, looking at the variety of fauna around him that were his comrades. "Ranks. Besides," he continued, extending one large, darkly colored hand. "I've always been curious about humanity and their culture."
Normally he'd totally be against this.
"Ah, here are some nice ones."
Here he was, some kid, in a time where people didn't exist yet, riding upon a talking rhinoceros as if it were the most mundane, normal thing in the world!
"Tim, you mind getting a few samples of these also?"
And even more...he didn't have a single problem with it.
"Sure thing. Just a second.'' The boy addressed both his transportation and 'favorite', hopping down from the Maximal's back and to the fertile, grassy plain below, said plain coincidently teeming with flowering specimens of all kinds. Some of these he had never seen before in his life, let alone in the pages of any book he could potentially check out from the school's library. Thus, he wanted to get the best one. The most fascinating and intriguing, not to mention definitely alien specimen…"Aha!" he cried out, wasting no time in plucking the desired flora from its place and bringing it to the brown rhinoceros. "Here.'' He presented his 'present', a strange, budding thing with fanned-out petals of primary colors.
"Now THAT'S one I might have to keep for myself," Rhinox admitted, the human boy in turn put the flower in a glass compartment he (somehow) had on his person. Dream logic, but he wasn't willing to spoil this. "Truly though, Timothy, sometimes I feel like you, aside from Optimus, are the only ones that can understand and appreciate the majesty of this place."
It was then that the child swore his heart had stopped. True, it probably hadn't, as he certainly didn't feel like he was dying in his sleep, yet to hear those words from the disguised robot, his 'favorite'...well, he was quite ready to go and pick every single thing that was growing in this imaginary field, should the rhino wish it.
His two legs carried him forward, the grassy plain and clear, summer sky nothing short of a picturesque perfect day. The slim spotted big cat with vibrant, green eyes that ran beside him was far from allowing the blonde boy to catch up. Far from it.
Impossible as it was, Mathis was actually catching up with HIM.
"You're almost as fast as I am!"
"Wait, almost?!"
"Yeah, almost!" With that, Cheetor gave himself a little bit of a boost, propelling forward and leaving the blonde a short distance behind.
Oh, it was on now.
The boy wasn't even getting tired. His legs were burning, his entire body drunk on adrenaline and whatever other chemical that flowed through his body (he'd have to remember to copy the notes off of Tim for Science class again), but by God, he was in absolute nirvana.
"Whoa, you actually caught up?!" the younger Maximal exclaimed to the human child, more than a little surprised at this.
"Y-Yeah!" Mathis shouted back. "Yeah, guess I did!" who cared about being a Sabertooth Tiger or whatever other animal, he was killing it just being an ordinary, boring….well, kid!
"...ok, look kid, you gonna stare all day?"
The red-haired girl giggled at the grey rat's annoyance. Even if she was the current source of such, she found she didn't particularly mind it. "I guess I just never realized how…"
Rattrap quirked a brow, taking another bite of the rotted blue apple (another indication this was no more than a dream. Not the giant, talking rat, oh no). "How what? You said it now, you can't leave me hanging."
Her teal eyes shifted. "I don't think you'll like it."
"I reiterate my prior statement."
"Fine," she said. In truth, she was somewhat anxious about how he'd react, yet all the same, a part of her hoped it'd be something he'd react to. "I never realized how fuzzy you are."
Any contents that once rested inside his mouth were promptly spat out. "Wh-WHAT?!" he exclaimed, scarcely believing what he had just heard. "What'd ya just say?!"
"I said you were fuzzy!" she repeated, a part of her somewhat fearful she offended him, yet another just as excited. "Right now! Your fur's getting all ruffled up!"
"It-it is not!" it clearly was. Robotic at spark he might've been, his outer skin was still a slave to its species' "quirks".
"Yes it is!" she chortled, fear finally gone and replaced with total amusement.
"It is not, kid!"
"Yes, it is!"
"No, it ain't!"
The vocal back and forth continued on and on, his growing frustration and embarrassment seemingly only channeling more and more humor for the human child, she then actually having the gall to come over and stroke him. Actually stroke him, as if he were some pet she had owned! Even worse, as he came to see as she continued to do it over and over, her hand traveling through his grey fur, Rattrap didn't entirely seem to mind. Daresay, it actually felt kind of...nice.
"Still don't know which of yous is worse. You or Choppahface."
"...you're still fuzzy."
"...it's you."
Upward swing.
How she had managed to conjure up this particular kata in such a small amount of time, mattered not to her.
"Come now!" all that mattered was whom she was doing it for. "You're surely more capable than that!" Twisting herself around, the Filipino girl lifted her wooden sword and brought it down on the winding blade of Cybertronian origin, the wood miraculously not splintering upon impact. The azure features of her idol transformed into something of a curt grin of amusement. "You really believe you have a chance against me?"
"M-Maybe?" she answered. How she was doing this, she didn't know, yet frankly, she didn't care. And now she just up and made herself look like an idiot in front of him. Great.
Their weapons continue to strike and hit against each other, Dinobot outranking her in strength and size, yet she found that her smaller frame led to her gaining some clear advantages. Ducking under his legs, she aimed to stab upwards, he, in turn, whirling around and leaping forward, away from her strike. She got up, ready to go at it again, yet on the transformed Maximal's azure features, she beheld something that, had she not been so determined to keep her composure in front of him, she could've died happy right then and there in her sleep.
A smile.
A smile that echoed nothing short of absolute pride. Pride for her, of her, of one that had called him her favorite.
"You're far from ready to be partaking in any battle." the transformed velociraptor told her. "Yet...I will say this: there is a degree of potential in you."
Despite the distance between each of them, some greater than others, the same consensus was shared among all of them that night. And for many more nights to come. If their fantasies could either become their reality or better yet, have the ones they fantasized of step into the one they were unfortunately stuck in, then their young barely lived lives would be nothing short of absolutely perfect.
Primal's best soldier.
Rhinox's number one assistant.
Cheetor's best friend.
Rattrap's favorite (though he'd never say it).
Dinobot's best student.
The ideal scenario, should it ever be granted to them.
Though even in their young minds, they all knew such things, and their idols were regulated to the television and their own minds. True, it far from curbed or starved the desire to wish and hope for it, yet ultimately, it would be for naught.
For now, they had to make do with what they had at their disposal, regulated and limited to the simple, partially fulfilling games that they played.
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youidiotprince · 3 years
happy holidays @soluxogobsc! I’m so sorry for posting this at the last possible second, but I hope you enjoy these fragments of fic for your favorite evak pairings (evak, elu, and davenzi) during the holiday season, each echoing the one before, their love rippling across the parallel universes. you can read them all under the cut.
Somehow, without Isak or Even even noticing, the holiday season had crept up on them and nearly passed them by. As soon as they started their winter holidays from their Universities, time lost all meaning to them, and suddenly it was the day before Christmas Eve and they hadn’t purchased a single gift or set out a single decoration. That evening, a bit in a panic, they divided to conquer; Isak hunched over the coffee table to wrap the gifts they’d bought for their friends and family earlier that day, and Even moved between the tree and the open storage boxes of decorations, trying to bring some spirit into their apartment.
Dispersed amongst the boxes were precious tokens of their five Christmases together, the odd bits and trinkets they’d accumulated over time, their shared life together viewed through this one time of year that meant so much to them. Even pulled ornaments for the tree from the boxes. Some were sentimental, like the strip of film Isak had gotten framed as a gift for their second Christmas together, stills from one of the many videos Even had taken of them over the course of their relationship; some were comical, gag gifts given to them by their friends; and some were just traditional, like the angel they would put atop the tree later. When Even found an ornament that Jonas had gifted to them the year before that he had forgotten about, a reindeer lifting its leg to pee like a dog, he turned to Isak, amused, ready to remind him.
“Isak, what is that monstrosity in your hands right now?” Even assumed it was the candle they’d gotten for his mom, since the package seemed vaguely cylindrical in shape, but it was buried in what seemed to be three layers of wrapping paper, all haphazardly crumpled around the object within, a few pieces of tape stuck on to try to pull it all together. Even’s eyes shifted to the three other presents Isak had wrapped in the last hour, each one worse than the last. “What have you done?”
Isak rolled his eyes good-naturedly, but Even cut off his reply. “How did I not know how bad you were at this?”
“I’m not that bad,” Isak tried to defend, but then he looked back to the gifts, the mess before him, and he saw it anew, as if for the first time. “Okay, maybe I’m that bad.”
“You’re absolutely hopeless.” Even’s lips were parted in disbelief, but they quirked up at the corners with amusement.
“Hey,” Isak warned, pretending to be offended. “I usually get help with my gifts for you, and you wrap ours for us. So, it’s honestly kind of your fault for trusting me.”
“Oh, it’s my fault? Really?” Even asked, voice teasing as he stalked towards him. Isak only nodded, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips that he fought to suppress. When Even reached Isak, he crouched in front of where he sat on the couch, their lips only a breath apart. “Are you sure it’s not just a little bit your fault for not disclosing your lack of gift wrapping ability?”
Isak shook his head slowly, brushing his nose against Even’s, raising his chin just a bit to look down at him.
“My bad, then. How can I make up for my grave mistake?”
Isak leaned into Even, closing the bit of space between their lips as the tension between them reached its peak. It was a short kiss, to both of their dismay, a quick treat before they got back to more pressing matters.
When Isak pulled away, he answered Even’s previous question by motioning to the supplies around him. “You can start by taking care of all of this.”
“We’re going to be up all night.” Even’s eyes drifted to the pile of unwrapped gifts next to Isak that he’d yet to even touch. Isak’s did the same. The clock was ticking, but when he looked back at Isak, whose eyes crinkled in the corners with his lingering smile, he couldn’t bring himself to dive back into it yet. The presents and decorations would be there in the morning. “Do you want hot chocolate? Let’s take a hot chocolate break.”
The first thing Eliott did when he woke up on Christmas morning was make hot chocolate, one for him and one for Lucas. He stirred the warm liquid with a candy cane and topped them both off with a big dollop of whipped cream. Mugs in hand, he bounded back into his bedroom, where Lucas still lay, duvet pulled up to his chin as his shoulders rose and fell in that slow, steady rhythm of sleep he knew so well.
“Lucas, wake up, it’s Christmas.” He set the mugs on the bedside table so he could shake Lucas awake.
“What?” The sound was thick with sleep and confusion, more groan than word.
“It’s Christmas! I’m bringing you hot chocolate in bed, and it’s Christmas!” Eliott sat on the edge of Lucas’s side of the bed, turning to coax him out of his sleep. He tangled his fingers in Lucas’s mess of hair and ruffled it. “Wake up.”
“Eliott, it’s too early,” Lucas grumbled, fighting to pull the duvet up even higher.
“It’s not even that early.”
“It is,” Lucas said grumpily, covering his face with his hands since the duvet wouldn’t budge from under Eliott. “Why don’t you come back to bed?”
“No, I left you a present under our little tree. Don’t you want to open your present?” Lucas had also left him a present under the tree, and maybe, just a little part of Eliott was so antsy for Lucas to wake up so that he could open his gift from Lucas. The anticipation had been killing him ever since Lucas kicked him out of the bedroom the night before so he could wrap it. Eliott liked surprises, both giving them and receiving them, but that didn’t mean he had the patience for them.
“The only present I want right now is more sleep.”
Eliott didn’t have to see Lucas’s face to know the exact pout he was sporting at that moment; it was one he knew well, the one Lucas used every time he didn’t actually mean it.
“You leave me no choice, Lucas,” Eliott said, sounding as if he really did regret what he would have to do. Because Lucas’s hands were still hiding his face and shielding his eyes, it was all too easy for Eliott to jump up from the bed and take the warm, cozy duvet with him. Lucas’s hands flew from his face to follow the blanket, trying desperately to grab onto it before it was out of reach, but the lingering sleep made his limbs too slow.
“Eliott,” Lucas whined, but he was finally wide awake and he was laughing despite himself. “Okay, but at least let me drink my hot chocolate in the comfort of my bed.”
Eliott gave in and dropped the blanket back over Lucas’s legs as Lucas reached for the decadent mug and cradled it to his chest. Eliott sat back down where he had been before and watched Lucas raise the drink to his lips, holding his gaze over the top of the mug. When he pulled it away from his mouth, there was a white line of whipped cream above his lip. It was too adorable and endearing for Eliott to resist, so he leaned over Lucas and pressed his lips to his, enjoying the sticky sweetness of this kiss. Lucas put the mug back on the table before sliding back down into the bed so he was lying flat, pulling Eliott with him. There was a fleeting moment in which Lucas thought he had won, that Eliott would come back to bed after all, but before he could properly process that thought in his love drunk haze, Eliott was pulling away, was standing up, was grabbing Lucas’s hands and dragging him along with him.
“Not yet,” was all Eliott said before he walked out to the living room of their apartment, Lucas begrudgingly following after one last exasperated sigh.
“David, no,” Matteo grumbled with an exaggerated sigh as he tried to resist David tugging him to his feet to follow him to the kitchen. David’s sister had spent the entire afternoon baking cookies, and she wanted the boys to help her decorate them. David couldn’t say no to her, but grumpy Matteo, who had only gotten more and more comfortable around David’s sister, didn’t seem to have the same problem. So far, asking nicely and using sheer force had not been working, so David made one last attempt to motivate him.
“Why don’t you want to? Are you scared your cookies won’t compare to mine?” David taunted, hoping to strike Matteo’s playful competitive nerve.
“Please,” Matteo huffed, feigning indifference, but David noticed the way he sat up a bit more, like maybe he was giving in.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed that I’m better than you.” David leaned closer to Matteo, raising his eyebrows in a challenge.
Matteo squinted one eye at him before leaning forward too, meeting him in the middle. “How are we doing this then?”
“We’ll each decorate a batch, and then my sister can be the judge?” David offered, pulling away to consider.
“Won’t she be a bit biased? Is that really fair?”
“If anything, she’ll be biased towards you.”
“Oh, good, sounds fair then,” Matteo said, smug. “Let’s go.”
“There you guys are,” Laura said, turning at the sound of their continued teasing. As always, she was listening to music as she cooked, singing along to some traditional Christmas songs this time. “I was starting to get worried.”
Matteo sat on the kitchen stool and rested his head on David’s shoulder as David filled Laura in on their little competition and her role as the judge. She adored the idea, mostly relieved that she wouldn’t have to do the decorating alone after all. She had already mixed a few colors of frosting and put them into frosting piping bags, and she’d also laid out a few different kinds of sprinkles. David and Matteo each set a tray of cooled cookies in front of them, but didn’t start decorating right away.
“Should we start?” David asked. Matteo shrugged as Laura said they should, and so they did.
There was only one piping bag for each color of frosting, and somehow one of them always needed the color the other was currently using, which led to bickering and attempts to steal the bag from the other’s hands, followed by fits of laughter as the commotion would cause the other to mess up, squeeze too much out at once or miss the cookie entirely. The efforts to sabotage only increased as they finished more and more cookies, “accidental” shoves or elbows to the ribs turning to blatant attempts to throw the other person off when they were working on more intricate details.
Once, without thinking, Matteo smashed his hand onto one of David’s already decorated cookies, which successfully rendered the cookie useless in the competition, but it covered his palm in red and green icing, which David thought was the funniest thing until Matteo smeared said palm across David’s cheek, leaving bold streaks of color there. When David made a move to grab one of Matteo’s cookies, no doubt to smush it on his face in return, Laura saw the impending food fight and intervened.
“Okay, okay!” she called, reaching in between them. “Time!”
“What do you mean? This wasn’t timed,” Matteo said, but Laura just shrugged.
“I’m the judge. Time’s up.”
Matteo and David surveyed the damage, and they hardly had one decent cookie between the two of them. There was no way Laura could pick an honest winner.
Still, after a few seconds of examining the trays, Laura decided, “Matteo is the winner.”
“But he cheated,” David countered, motioning to his cheek.
Laura laughed and corrected, “You both cheated. You just got the worse end of the consequences.”
“I knew I would win,” Matteo said, beaming.
David pretended to pout, refusing to look at Matteo as he crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly.
“Hey, you have a little something right… there,” Matteo teased, licking his finger and swiping at the frosting on David cheek.
David tried to shrug him off with a yelp before he leveled him with a glare that lacked any real intensity. “You’re not funny.”
“And you’re not so better than me after all.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” And of course he didn’t. This was precisely what he loved about him.
20 notes · View notes
thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Rockstar (Indruck)
A friend on discord, @morganeashton, requested #28 of the meet ugly list for Indruck: I’m a famous singer and you’re the new techie who just tripped and pulled the plug out of my microphone mid-concert [extra awkward if they lip sync, extra badass if they keep singing and their voice is still on point]. This is NSFW.
A peril of high quality sound equipment is that when it goes out, it’s very obvious.
The mic goes, his guitar and Dani’s bass cut out, and the effects are gone. For a moment it’s total silence as the audience watches him. 
Then he picks up exactly where he left off, notes coming as easy as breath. After a moment Jake starts up quieter than usual on the drums, giving him rhythm. By the time he finishes, the mic and instruments are back on and the applause is deafening. He smiles to himself.
He’s still got it. 
Duck knocks on the dressing room door. 
He’s so fucking fired.
“Come in.”
Mr. Cold is sitting at a mirror, takes note of Duck’s reflection.
“Ah, Duck, I thought it might be you. Mama said you were the one who disconnected our sound tonight.”
“Yessir. I, uh, it was an accident, I was movin somethin in a tight space and caught my foot on the cord without noticin’. I’m, uh, I’m real sorry, and, uh, I’ll, uh-”
Mr. Cold holds up his hand and Duck shuts his mouth. The singer turns, in his chair, face now free of make-up. His features still have that alien edge to them, the strange mix of young and old that’s made his attractiveness the subject of much debate. Duck knows where he falls on it; anyone who thinks Indrid Cold is anything other than sex on legs should get their eyes checked. 
That won’t help him, he knows that.
Indrid leans back in his chair, “you don’t need to plead your case to me Duck, for two reasons. One is that I’m not the one in charge of hiring or firing the road crew. That falls to Mama and Joseph completely, and if I ever tried to toss someone out for an accident they’d put me in my place very quickly. But more importantly, I’m not angry with you for what happened. Quite the opposite.”
“You...wait, really?”
Mr. Cold counts off on his fingers, “The space was small, so everyone could still hear me. There’s been rumors I’ve been using a dub, so this ought to quell them nicely, and” he looks at Duck over his trademark red glasses, smile widening, “it was unexpected, something that’s rare for me these days. When you get to this level of fame, everyone is terrified of not having a flawlessly executed plan. But that is not how the world is; it’s not how art is. So it was nice to have the chance to show everyone that the unexpected can be invigorating. Thank you for that.”
“You’re, uh, you’re welcome?”
Mr. Cold  smiles as he stands up, “you should sit down, you look like you’re about to pass out.”
“It’s fine, uh-”
The singer simply rests a hand on his shoulder and gently pushes. Duck sits. 
“Would you, ah, like a drink? The hosts here left a very nice bottle of tequila.”
“Sure.” Duck tries not to stare as he bends over to retrieve a glass and a bottle, pouring Duck a shots worth of tequila that costs more than his rent. Duck mumbles a thank you when he hands it to him, then gawps when Mr. Cold sets the bottle aside and retrieves a Capri Sun from the mini-fridge.
“I can’t stand alcohol. Used to try for the sake of fitting in but” he makes a face like a disgusted cat, “eech. One moment, I need to change.” He disappears around a corner, leaving Duck to wonder what the fuck the polite thing to do is. Mr. Cold is always polite to his crew, but he keeps to himself much of the time. Not to mention Duck’s only been with them since the tour started a month ago. 
A photo on the table catches his eye, and he scoots his chair closer to get a look.
“Was, uh, was this an alternate cover or somethin?”
“Hmm? Oh” a light laugh, “no, though you’ve got a good eye; we shot it the same day we shot the cover image for The Cryptids. That was a shot that was nixed because we looked too silly, I think Vincent had said something funny and cracked Barclay up, who set me off. I bring it with me to every show, a sort of good luck charm mixed with a reminder of where I came from.” 
From the faded photo, nineteen year old Indrid Cold smiles at him. 
“I take it you’re a long time fan, then.” Mr. Cold reappears in a pink and yellow bathrobe, the last color scheme Duck would have assumed he owned. 
“Yeah, over a decade. I, uh, I was sixteen when The Cryptids released their first album. Scraped together fifteen bucks to buy the C.D and wore the damn thing out I listened to it so much. Never heard anything like it. That’s, uh,” he scratches the back of his neck, “that’s not why I took the job, though. Mama didn’t tell me who I’d be crewin’ for until after I accepted.”
“If you’re afraid of looking like a ‘fanboy,’ don’t be. Do you know how Joseph came to be our manager?”
“Uh, story I always heard was he came backstage during a show on your first tour and offered.”
Mr. Cold chuckles, “he did. But what very few people know is that he came back in his lovingly homemade  ‘Bigfoot’s Boy’ t-shirt and a a lot of glitter--remember, that was the E.T tour so everyone was space themed--clearly having left the house with the intent of trying to get into our bassist’s pants, and instead proceeded to tell us he’d seen how our manager operated through the night and we could so better and here’s how.”
“He was remarkably intimidating in spite of the glitter and his argument was airtight. So we fired Hayes and hired him. He did eventually bang our bassist, but that was perhaps obvious.”
“Given that they’ve been married for like five years, yeah. Still can’t believe Barclay went from beiin a rockstar to bein’ a chef.”
“He was always an ingenious cook. He once made breakfast using nothing but the still-hot engine of a mini-van.”
“AGH, god, why?”
“We were broke and hungry and there was nowhere to buy food.”
“That’s hardcore.”
“Mostly just oily.” Mr. Cold grabs another Capri Sun, sitting down across from him, “hmm, if you were sixteen when we started, did you ever get to see us?”
Duck shakes his head, “only kinda. Y’all mainly played twenty-one plus places even after you started gettin big, then you weren’t tourin nearby. When you announced the farewell tour, my friend Juno and I drove to Richmond to hear y’all play from outside the stadium. She’s still got a picture of us from that night somewhere, all geared out, tryin to look cool enough to be there.”
“You’ll have to let me see it, so I can determine if you pass muster.” Mr. Cold teases. 
“I ask if she can send me it. Christ, I remember bein’ so fuckin bummed when y’all announced The Cryptids were disbanding, then so fuckin relieved when you said you were gonna keep makin new stuff and performin just as Indrid Cold. Your voice is fuckin amazin.”
“That’s not always the word used.”
“So you don’t sound like Bruno Mars or some pop diva, big fuckin’ deal. You sing and people listen because they ain’t ever heard anyone like you. No one in the world sounds like Indrid Cold.”
The singer gives him an odd smile, “that’s very kind of you to say.”
“Sorry, guess there’s still some fanboy hidin’ out under the roadie.” His cheeks heat up as he finishes his drink.
“I think we should both get some rest.” Mr. Cold stands, ushering him to the door, “and that we should talk again sometime. And thank you again, Duck, for your happy accident.”
‘You’re welcome, Mr. Cold.”
A famous smile that’s never stopped being weirdly captivating, “please, call me Indrid.”
“You sure Indrid wants me on the bus and not just to, I dunno, load it?”
“Yes indeed.” Ned, Indrid’s publicity man, gestures grandly to the open door of the tour bus, “now kindly get yourself and your bag on it so we can get a move on.”
Duck climbs aboard, awkwardly sets his bag on the carrier shelf as he nods hello to Boyd, Indrid’s driver and part time bodyguard. 
Indrid is lounging on a black couch, but sits up when he sees Duck, “ah good, you decided to join me.”
“Yep. Uh, did you ask me for a reason or?”
“I like talking with you.” Indrid cocks his head, as if puzzled by the question. Duck wants to point out that the a god of the alt scene, a musical genius, who could have anyone he wanted for company, seeming to be excited by hanging out with a roadie is a bit confusing.
Indrid, meanwhile, is shoving drawings and notes aside so Duck can sit down, “mind you, I don’t expect you entertain me or something; I’m working on some poster art right now, for that fundraiser, so if you have things you like to do on the road, you’re welcome to do them. My room is that way if you want to nap, and it has a t.v as well if you want to watch something. Oh, and we have wi-fi, of course.”
He sounds like a college kid showing off his first apartment and it wrong-foots Duck enough that he just grabs his book from the pocket of his bag.
“Thanks, uh, think I’ll read for a bit.”
Indrid grins, goes back to his drawing, pen scratching hurriedly as the bus jolts to a start and pulls onto the road. 
After awhile, Indrid glances at him and asks mildly, “what was your favorite album? Of The Cryptids, I mean, not my solo stuff.”
Duck taps the spine of the book against the table as he thinks, “I mean The Cryptids  has that whole edge by bein’ the first, because there was nothin like hearin’ your sound for the first time. But I gotta say...Unsolved. Whole thing is fuckin amazin, but your vocals on “To a Flame” still give me fuckin chills.”
“I haven’t played that song in a long time.” Indrid says softly, smiling, “it was always a favorite. I wrote it about someone I could never have.”
“You can feel it. In, uh, in the way it’s arranged, the way you sing, gives this whole feelin of someone who’s decided to love someone completely even though they’ll never be loved back.”
Indrid looks at him a moment, that same odd, small smile quirking his lips, then returns to his drawing. When the road gets bumpier, they move to a couch in the middle of the bus with a low table nearby. Duck pulls out his laptop and plugs in his headphones, pulls up Planet Earth as Indrid’s head starts drooping. Two episodes in, the singer falls asleep, flopping sideways so his head is in Duck’s lap. 
He should move him, Indrid will probably think this is weird when he wakes up. Then again, he looks so cute like this. And it’d be rude to wake him up. 
Duck’s to the episode on jungles when a slender, tan hand reaches up and plucks his left earbud out. Startled, he looks down to find Indrid putting it on and adjusting his head in Duck’s lap, clearly engrossed in the carnivorous plants onscreen.
“Do you want me to just turn the normal sound on?”
“No” Indrid murmurs sleepily, “this is perfect.”
Duck assumes the bus will be a one-time event, but he’s ridden with Indrid each time since. Which is why, when his phone dings, Indrid is sitting right beside him. 
“Looks like Juno found the, uh, the photo.”
“Let me see” Indrid grabs the phone from him, cackling with delight when he sees the image, “you two were really the pair of cryptozoologists, weren’t you?”
“Told you we were tryin too hard.”
“On the contrary, I love it, it’s exactly the kind of weirdness we wanted to inspire in people. And if seems you did like to collect our merch, that shirt you’re wearing was a limited run.”
“I know. I, uh, I saved up for it, way I always did if something had art of yours on it.” He slaps his hand over his mouth, embarrassed by the admission.
“That’s very sweet.” Indrid smiles at him, then lifts his glasses for a better look, “what does the collar you’re wearing say?”
“I, uh, fuck, I don’t remember, got, uh, got amnesia, collar specific amnesia, fuck, uh-”
“C, O, L...you were wearing a collar with my name on it.” Indrid’s grin takes on a hungry edge, “someone was downplaying whose fanboy he was.”
“I, I didn’t want you thinkin I was creepy, or that I was just bein nice to you because of the crush I had on you in college.”
“I don’t, I promise, though I appreciate the consideration. Here” he hands the phone back, but as Duck takes it he leans in and whispers, “but you really should wear a collar more often.”
“Sooooo how’s it going with Indrid?” Aubrey, Indrid’s magician opening act, sits down next to Duck at dinner.
“Good. Wait, shit, are people talkin about us?”
“Kinda? I mean, Indrid hangs out with the band, and with me, plenty, but none of us get to be on that bus. Not like I’m complaining, Dani and I have our own sweet ride.”
“There ain’t anythin goin on between us. It just...Indrid seem like he likes bein’ friends with me.”
“That’s awesome!”
“Yeah” Duck sighs, wistfully, “y’know, it’s funny. Even after I started workin here, he was still Indrid Cold in my head, the guy who sang like he was diggin down in my head, who did wild shit like kiss his male bandmates on stage, who was always so fuckin cool. And now he’s Indrid, this guy who’s kinda awkward and wears way more pink than I assumed and flaps his hands when gets excited and somehow that’s even better.”
“Awww, someone has a cruuUUshh.”
“Had, Aubrey. Had.”
“Whatever you say, Duck” she winks at him, “whatever you say.”
“Are these yours?”
Duck shakes himself awake. They’ve been driving all evening and well into the night, and he must have nodded off and knocked his notebook over. Which is why Indrid is now holding several sheets of loose paper.
“Shit! I mean, uh, yeah, but they ain’t anythin special.”
“I didn’t know you wrote songs.” Indrid scans the pages with a critical eye.
“Sometimes. Like I said, they ain’t anythin to make a fuss over.” 
Indrid makes a noncommittal noise and picks up a nearby guitar, tuning it, “you can go back to sleep, I’m just going to fiddle about for a bit.”
Duck lays down on the couch, and falls asleep to the sound of Indrid’s hums.
He’s shaken awake two hours later, and is thoroughly confused to find Indrid in tight black pants and silvery shirt, black boots on his feet and a deep green on his lips; that’s his stagewear, not his pajamas.
“Put on your most punk-rock outfit, and make it fast.”
He manages to get an old Cryptids t-shirt on along with black jeans that, if he does say so himself, make his ass look good, and is tugging on his boots when the bus pulls into a dusty parking lot.
“It’s the only goth/gay bar in the county.” Indrid says by way of explanation as he pulls Duck out the door, Boyd following them as Ned stays behind to watch the van (“in case we need to make a hasty retreat”).
“Wait, holy fuck, I always thought that was a myth, that you would stop at random clubs and play.”
“Not in the least, though it’s been awhile. Ooh, whoever is already playing sounds very good.” He pushes open the door, the smell of smoke and stale beer and sweat pouring over them in waves as they enter. Indrid keeps to the side of the room, holding Duck’s hand all the while, and spots the tiny merch table with “The Hornets” painted on a yellow sign on the front. 
“Wait for me here.” He kisses Duck’s cheek and disappears into the crowd. When the band finishes the song, a youngish woman waves them over to the side of the stage, strangers in the crowd turning to each other to ask what the fuck is going on.
The guitarist and lead singer reappears, giant H on their shirt,  and grabs the mic, “y’all aren’t gonna believe this, but the Hornets have just acquired a new singer and it’s gonna blow your fucking minds. Give it up for one of the gods of horror-surf, the grinning man, the mothman himself, Indrid fucking Cold!” 
The crowd screams loud enough to shake an entire coat of dust from the walls as Indrid steps on stage, beaming and waving.
“Thank you very much, Hollis. I’ve got four songs for you tonight, including something very, very new. So, without further ado” he grabs the mic, flicks his hair, “let’s prowl.”
The Hornets launch into the opening notes of “on the prowl,” the crowd cheering and hooting and singing along with so much energy that Duck can’t hear Indrid’s voice until the last verse. He claps along with everyone else as Indrid takes the mic of the stand, “and here’s one I haven’t sung in far too long.”
The bass and guitar start in a minor key, half country swing and half horror sting.
“Always on the outs, always in the dark.” Indrid shuts his eyes as he croons, “always so hungry for one little spark. Always so willing to play your game. What can I say? I’m like a moth to flame.”
Duck knows the song by heart but he’s never heard Indrid sing it live, like there was someone in the room he was hoping would hear it and know it was for them. He doesn’t breathe until the song ends; he doesn’t want to miss a single note, miss the way Indrid’s voice curls around the room as if searching for him. 
As the crowd applauds at the end, Indrid crosses to Hollis, who hands him their guitar. He loops it over his shoulder, returns the mic to the stand. 
“Now, this next song is very special, it doesn’t have an arrangement yet, so you’ll have to live with just my melodious voice.” He picks the guitar, brow furrowed in concentration, and Duck gasps. 
He knows this song, he’s just never heard it played anywhere but inside his head. Indrid sings it flawlessly, the crowd swaying in time with him, and Duck realizes he must have practiced nonstop while he was asleep. 
The short song comes to a close and he tilts his head, “what did you think?”
The audience bursts out cheering and Indrid grins, “yes, that’s about how I feel too. I can’t take credit though, it was written by a friend.”
He returns the guitar, nods to the band, and purrs into the mic, “the sun goes down and the moon comes up.”
Shit how did he know? Does he know? He can’t know.
He can’t know this is the song Duck used to jack off to. A cover of a cover, a video where Indrid growls and purrs and nearly fucks the mic as he sings. 
“You better duck, when I show up, the goo goo muck” he writhes in time with the music, “I’m a nightmare, honey, looking for some head.”
God, fuck, how could he have forgotten just how Indrid sounds when he sings this, like the monster under the bed came to life, turned out to be hot, and really wants to fuck you. Indrid is on his knees now, working the front row, dragging his free hand across his body with moans between the words.
“He must really like you, mate.”
“Gahfuck, Boyd.” Duck jumps, but doesn’t take his eyes off the stage.
“I’m just sayin’, he’s never let anyone come to one of these before. I only do because Stern’ll kill us if we let him go without some kind of backup.” Boyd pats his shoulder, heading back towards the door. 
Indrid finishes the song panting, the Hornets looking harried from keeping up with his energy. As the crowd screams and claps he bows, and hurries off the stage. In cries for an encore and the darkened house, Indrid finds him again, grabbing his hand and sprinting outside.
“God I missed doing that!” He laughs as they run, “did you have fun?”
“Fuck yeah, Indrid, fuck, you really liked my song?”
“Of course. And it seems they did too.” The bus doors close behind them, but Indrid doesn;t stop moving, “we’re both very tired, going to bed now, goodnight!” 
Duck’s about to point out he sleeps on the pullout couch, not the bed, when the bedroom door slams shut and Indrid yanks him into a kiss, tongue in his mouth and hands in his back pockets, groping him with a growl. 
When Indrid breaks the kiss, Duck’s certain he has stars in his eyes. 
“Is this alright?”
“Hell fuckin yeah it is.”
“Good” Indrid shoves him backwards onto the bed, “shirt off.”
Duck obeys, Indrid stripping his own away and tossing it on the ground. As Duck fights with his jeans, Indrid retrieves a condom and something black from a box, setting them on the bed. He notices his struggle and shakes his head as he prowls on top of him, “ah ah, we don’t have time for that.”
“Butmmmmfff” Duck gasps and moans as Indrid kisses him again, demanding and messy.
“Get them low enough for me to fuck you.” He bites Duck’s lip and sits up, wiggling his own black pants down enough to free his cock. By the time he gets them free one leg and down to his knee on the other, Indrid has the condom on.
Indrid tosses away his glasses, gives him a long once over, licking his lips, “good boy.”
Then he’s on top of him again, cock inside him and fingers tangled in his hair.
“Oh fuck, you’re soaking, god, what got you so wound up, hm?”
“You, just you, watching you, Indrid, god please fuck me.”
“Gladly, goodness, fuck, that’s it sweetheart, you take me so well.” Indrid hammers into him again and again, kissing him each time he whimpers or moans. 
Duck wraps his legs around him, manages to get his head up enough to tease his tongue along Indrid’s nipple. 
“AH! Good boy, mmmm, I knew you’d be perfect to fuck.” He adjusts so he can run his hand up Duck’s throat. There’s no pressure in the gesture, but plenty of possession.
“What do you think, shall we get you a new collar?”
“Yes, yesyesyes, Indrid, god, fuck please.”
“Oh you like that, mmm” he switches to slow, deliberate thrusts, a counterpoint to Duck’s frantically jerking hips that makes them moan in tandem, “we could get you several, would you like that? I could put them on you according to my mood and what I wanted you to be that day.”
Duck means to say yes, whines instead, grinning breathlessly when Indrid strokes his cheek.
“Good. I’d like it, too. Nnnh, god I’m close.” He stops entirely, awkwardly shifts and pulls them until he’s on his knees with Ducks ass in his lap, “but I want you to cum first.”
“I, I can try.”
“It was an order.” He reaches down, revealing the black object from earlier; a vibrating wand.
“Oh fuck yeah, fuckFUCK” his legs thrash when the vibe presses against his dick, “Indrid, sugar, ohmyfuckinggod.”
Indrid grins, wide and wanton, and turns the toy up, eyes flicking between Ducks face and cock as he cries out and bucks his hips. 
“What a good boy, getting my cock so wet” he wiggles his hips with a moan, “you feel delightful when I use this on you, perhaps tomorrow I’ll have you sit on my cock and do the same thing over and over again, edge myself with the feeling of you needy and tightening around me.”
“Indrid, fuckplease, yes, yes, fuck, I’m so fuckin close darlin, ple-fuck, ‘Drid!” He cums with groan, whole body shaking as pleasure overloads his nerves. 
The vibrator thunks to the floor as Indrid lunges forward, pinning him to the bed and fucking him hard and fast, cock thudding into him in time with his purring groans. 
“So, so good, my Duck, so very good, god, yes, yesyes” he’s moving so violently Duck is now grunting from the force of the impact, “that’s it, good boy, take what I give youAHHnnn, Duck, Duck.” His hips slow as he groans, Duck drinking in the sight of him, orgasmic and loving above him.
Indrid pulls out, condom hitting what is hopefully the trash and not his guitar case, and immediately curls around Duck, kissing his neck and face.
“Thank you, thankyouthankyou.”
Duck giggles, kisses him back, “why are you thankin me? I’m the one who just got to fuck a rockstar. You got to fuck some regular dipshit.” He bumps their foreheads together to show he’s teasing. 
“Incorrect. I got to fuck you. You, who are funny and charming and to the point, and who has taught me a remarkable amount about plants.”
“S’important to have hobbies.” Duck mumbles into his shoulder. 
“Indeed. My point is, you make me happier than I’ve been in a long, long time. And while fucking you has been on my mind has been on my mind lately, it was not actually what I planned to do first. I, ah, I” he rests his head on Duck’s shoulder, hides his face in his neck, “I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my boyfriend.”
“Hell fuckin yeah.” Duck hugs him tight as he laughs with relief, “Indrid, I wanna be with you, the real you, not the one I had the crush on all those years ago. I wanna make you happy.”
“You do that just by existing, but I have some other ideas as well.”
“Oh yeah?” Duck kisses his nose.
“Well, for starters” Indrid’s eyes gleam as he looks up at him, “how would you like to write some music with me, boyfriend?”
“I think that sounds fuckin amazin. Boyfriend.”
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corttana · 4 years
hello gamers @canidrook​ was interested in how i made this gifset so here’s a (hopefully not too long) tutorial under the cut :^)
this won’t cover how to make gifs, just the rest of the process, and i guess there’s also a couple of photoshop tips in here too okay let’s gooo
i started with the two gifs of chief, then both gifs went into their separate 540px panels with dark gray backgrounds (resized and put together in one gif for the purposes of this tutorial). i recommend sharpening the gifs at this (or any time after this) point because starting at 540px and scaling down will cause the gif to lose its sharpness. i did not do this myself because i was too lazy to correct my error lol
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coloring came next, i used clipping masks to affect the coloring of only the gifs. honestly you probably won’t be using clipping masks a lot when making gifs, but for anyone interested and/or unaware, clipping masks are layers that alter and are visible only on the layer below it
for example, if i were to create adjustment layers without clipping masks, the canvas and layer tab would look like this
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however, by clipping the adjustment layers to the layer directly below it, the coloring affects only the Gif group. you can create a clipping mask from any layer by right clicking the layer in the Layers tab and selecting “Create Clipping Mask”, or by holding down ALT and clicking the bottom border of the layer
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here’s the canvas and Layers tab with clipping, where there are now little arrows inside the adjustment layers on the left to indicate that they are clipping masks
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of course, there are other ways of achieving this same effect, but i find clipping masks to be faster. and again, not always applicable for making gifs, but i do use it often when painting or editing
here are the colored gifs
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then i moved on to adding text. i used two fonts, Couture which is the bigger, chunkier font and Avenir LT Std (not actually the exact link where i downloaded it from because i can’t remember anymore, but i think it’s close enough) which is the smaller, skinnier font
the default settings of Couture weren’t wide enough for my liking, so i edited the vertical scaling through the Character tab (found in Window -> Character)
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the left is 100% vertical scaling, the right is 70%. i kept this setting for Couture for the whole gifset
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a lot of fonts (~*technically*~ they’re called typefaces if you wanna be TECHNICAL) have variations included within its family, e.g. italic, bold, light. some fonts have an outline variation as well, but since Couture does not, i had to do it manually. i won’t go over how i did it though because... it’s kind of a dumb method LMAO
honestly i would just find a font that already has this outline variation included, it’s way easier. the Swiss 721 typeface has this, which might be a default font already installed? also i would have used this Outer Sans font, but i found it after i posted this gifset rip
anyway these are the gifs with all the text included
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there’s also a purple to pink gradient on top of the tiny text on the bottom of the first gif. to add gradients to text layers, right click on the layer in the Layers tab -> Blending Options -> Gradient Overlay
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the last thing i’ll go over is that little animated soundwave (it’s not really a soundwave but Whatever) in the first gif, which is basically just overlayering a gif on top of one another. it’s actually stock footage that i cropped to get rid of the watermark lol shoutout iStock
1. is a screencap of the original video, 2. is the cropped portion that i used
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i won’t go over how to overlay gifs, so here’s a tutorial on how to do it. no i did not specifically choose this link because it’s of destiel, but it does use the same method of gif-making as i do, which is the frame animation timeline. it’s just a thousand times funnier that it happened to be a destiel gif
at this point, the soundwave gif should be layered on top of the original gif, and the Layers tab should also be grouped similarly to this (as the above tutorial suggests)
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it’s actually important that the Soundwave frames are grouped because it’s how i changed the group’s blending mode to screen, which will make the black background turn transparent. to change the blending mode, click the necessary group, navigate to the menu next to Opacity in the Layers tab, and switch to Screen
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the black should now be transparent, and the gif will look like this
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to make the waves purple, i added a gradient map and clipped it to the group, at which point the gif and Layers tab should look like this
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there are some other shapes like the plus signs and the colored squares and stuff, but you don’t really need reference pictures for that. one last tip is to use ruler guides to make sure everything is lined up with each other. you can access the ruler with CONTROL + R, then dragging from the ruler out to the canvas, which should create a cyan line that runs infinitely. you can also snap objects to it to make lining up elements like shapes or text that much easier
and that’s it :^) save that bad boy and post it on tumblr dot com !
i apologize if this was confusing, too short, too long, or otherwise incomprehensible, so if anything was unclear/if there are any questions, you can always message me or send an ask! good luck!
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep21: Duke Puts on Duel Disk, Immediately Takes Disk Off
So last time we ended, Yugi and Tea were stranded in the middle of an ancient warfield that was hundreds of feet off the side of this cliff topped with a seldom used railroad track.
And yes, this is all somewhere in what should be one of the most populated parts of the Bay Area.
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Amazed that this school uniform can go through such rugged terrain. But then again, last season it got hit squarely with a fireball, so...this school uniform is essentially a Batman suit.
But I just want to point out that Yugi didn’t take the duel disk off before vaulting up this cliff. Tea has a bag youknow...but gotta sweat up the duel disk that our entire world relies on.
It would be very funny if this season ended abruptly because Yami either dropped this thing on the ground and finally broke it, or just plain forgot he needed to charge it’s batteries.
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And so now we just walk...kind of in the direction where they hope Joey and Tristan are?
I do appreciate that although Pharaoh is completely lost in a foreign country, he will not admit it.
(read more under the cut)
On the other side of the tracks, Joey is dragging his Sisyphean stone.
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Please admire that this entire scene takes place somewhere in the Grand Canyon. Like it’s episode 20 and I just still can’t get past how they went to California and didn’t include a single beach.
Mai has decided she’s done screaming off the back of a motorcyle, and has decided to come over to Dartz’ lair to scream where the traffic isn’t quite so bad.
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And she just rage quits.
Is this the first rage quit we’ve ever had in this show about games? Incredible.
Also, I didn’t realize you could just quit the end of the world cult in the final hours of ending the world, but I guess it doesn’t really matter much to Dartz. Whether Mai ends up killing Joey or doesn’t end up killing Joey, it’s still a soul in the Leviathan bucket so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Now, in the actual dialogue of the show, Dartz tells Valon that Mai’s basically going to get what she deserves and no one here needs to even do anything to change or stop it. But, it was still somewhat surprising that this 10,000 year old serial murderer world destroyer was so down to shell out some relationship advice. Almost like maybe he has somewhat of a fatherly concern for his stupid ass murder boys. Kind of. Sort of.
Enough to try and tell Valon to leave this one alone because she’s gone maniacal pixie dream girl and there’s no coming back from that.
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In order to have motorcycle gangs, you have to have bearable enough traffic for said gangs. That’s why we just don’t have a motorcycle gang problem in real deal California like a lot of 70′s-80′s movies would have you think. They’d only be able to drive in like...one lane, and they’d get constantly cut off and driven off the road by Google buses.
TBH the Google bus is our true modern motorcycle gang, there are just so many of these damn buses. And also, I deleted a lot of text right now when I went off about the ongoing bus war, which is absolutely a thing here. The motorcyclists are just doing me a solid by not being a car on the road and staying out of my lane.
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In a more realistic version of this show, Mai would have never made it to the desert, she’d be too busy watching only one single car able to turn right onto Octavia every light cycle because of all the damn private buses and uber cars flooding our itty bitty one way streets.
And to try and tame Mai, Valon decides to do this...motorcycle stand off?
It’s like he’s trying to catch a feral cat.
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At some point one of them stops, and like I was focused too much on how good their brakes are to pay attention to who stopped first.
Probably Valon, because Mai is completely insane.
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And so then he just...
Y’all I know they had to give Valon motivation to be in love with Mai, but this kids show jumped through so many hoops to make this very unhealthy relationship appear like Valons love was pure and true while still showing that this is a very unhealthy relationship. Kind of a hard balance.
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It’s actually interesting how much work they put into Valon’s very tragic and problematic relationship after they’ve dodged every other problematic relationship this show has brought forth.
Like the villain with a heart of gold is a trope, but it’s a trope that works. There is no hope in the world that this relationship could pan out. They’re not a misunderstood pair like he thinks they are. They’re freakin terrible and they don’t deserve each other. But he’s gonna try and do it anyway.
We get to watch Valon bargain (mostly with himself) about how this relationship (which exists mostly in his head) is going to absolutely work out, because to him, if he feels so intensely, eventually she’s gotta feel the same. Most people haven’t murdered people, but it’s still a very relatable type of situation that the show displays without getting too preachy about how it’s clearly bad news. They just introduce it for the audience to come to their own conclusions, and I was really surprised by that level of maturity.
I’ve been sitting here saying “There’s no way this show could balance Tea with Yugi and the Ghost in his head. There’s no way they can really touch on Kaiba and that paper card. There’s no way that this show knows how to do a relationship because they don’t want to get involved with that weird gray area.” and you know what? Maybe they can.
Like they’re doing it right now. Did they just need 4 seasons of people complaining to go “Fine! I’ll write out the problematic relationship! I’ll do it!” because--this works for them. They finally did it.
Now, I’m not saying it’s Oscar worthy or developed beyond a trope, I’m just saying I’m genuinely surprised to see it on this show, and they should have done it more often. It’s a super weird pairing, but way more interesting than like...all that time we spent with Serenity because I actually have something to look forward to. (which will be when Valon inevitably dies in a ball of tragic glory)
So many romance stories give me nothing to look forward to, y’all. You have to give me something. Like, I’ve been reading a lot of not great romance in my life, and you have to have some sort of time limit in place for me to care about your couple. To have only have so much time before the other person gets married, moves, ends the world--I don't care--but man that time limit is crucial and so much romance just...forgets.
Like Bonnie and Clyde, Romeo and Juliet, and other ill fated couples, Valon and Mai end up being interesting because we just love seeing people fall into pieces. Hell, I just finished watching Tiger King and damn, what makes that show so good is that you are just waiting on that time limit to see how bad it gets. (and it’s crazy, super recommend Tiger King, although it’s very clear that they pushed the drama a little beyond realism but man. Good TV.)
Of course there’s always the chance that maybe Valon just got bored. But, youknow.
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Anyway, it IS a romance on Yugioh, so we do have to very quickly drive a truck through it.
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What are they DOING here?
It took me kind of a while to remember that Mai would be going where Joey would be living, which is most likely where Raphael dropped off Arthur Hawkins. But, if you don’t remember that fact, this is the most random thing ever.
Like you got this huge ass desert in the Califorizonado mesas, and then BOOM enter Rebecca Hawkins, just omnisciently lording over all of the West and just so ready to fight you.
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Every girl interested in Yugi Muto has this thing where they’re normally pretty chill and then they just snap and get angry as hell.
PS she’s in a different outfit now, but I don’t feel like changing her font color. I’ve had some Photoshop.......incidents.......and I don’t think I have this plaid pattern anymore and I don't feel like making a new one yet.
I mean Valon’s got the green outline on his text, so I figure we’re good.
Also, Rebecca wears a tie clip?
This 12 year old girl wears a tie clip.
And like don't get me wrong, this was 2003-4, alt rock was big, and yes, we did have tiny Avril Lavigne ties at American Eagle. I will admit that I very much considered getting an Avril Lavigne tie at one point in my life, but didn’t want the commitment of needing to pair it with a skirt.
But either way, old man tie clips aren’t alt rock. The only thing that makes Rebecca’s outfit not exactly that alt-grunge Avril Lavigne look is that tie clip. They were SO close to making her look cool. Just so close.
Also the bifocals. But anyway...
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So Valon was going to straight up ignore Rebecca, because he has a warped sense of morality and will not kill a 12 year old (but will kill a 17 year old). But, Mai did ask nicely.
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Thankfully, because of Valons weird sense of morality, he did not pull out the Oricalchos. Instead he pulled out...a new mechanic!
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Fine, whatever. I don’t go over cards in this show so I don’t have to even worry about this.
And Rebecca and Duke freakin lost, because Duke is never allowed to win. Rebecca may have won if Duke didn’t join this battle with his ass luck, just throwing that out there.
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And Mai is like “wow, Valon is doing a really good job. He’s right, he IS amazing”
and she bolts.
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And back on the tracks, we see another group of our protagonists sprawled on the desert floor.
REALLY lucky that this train track only has one operating train that is currently out of commission because you should not lie down on a track like this. Probably goes without saying that this is a great way to die. But youknow...the world is also ending so sure, why not? Getting killed by a train is probably more pleasant than the Leviathan.
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And then, because we MUST talk about commuting, lets see Kaiba’s commute on this huge ass very normal plane.
I know.
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That’s just a normal ass plane.
Even Kaiba needs to take a break youknow? And maybe since he hallucinated last time he drove a plane he decided to just...not drive one for a while. Probably a good move.
On the way, we get to see Seto’s form of parental advice. It was weird.
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Like in the actual dialogue of the show Seto is just SO CLOSE to giving good advice and then just slips in these chestnuts where it’s like...well that’s gonna be like 12 years of therapy for Mokuba in the future Seto, thanks for that.
Also lets welcome back Seto’s dueling jacket. Been a while, big sleeves.
Also, the Aurora Borealis has also hit the plane, which is very Twilight Zone of them.
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Correct me if I’m wrong but Alister was in Dartz’ room during that convo with Mai.
like...just a few hours ago?
Was that a hologram of Alister in Dartz’ boardroom or did the animation team forget?
Oh Alister.
Also, I just want to point out that the same day Seto sent Roland out to fix his problems, was the same day that Kaiba got hella abducted, just a few hours later. Man, Roland. Turn around for like 2 minutes and Seto’s back into cards, they’re both abducted by cultists, and they’re both half-way across the world to California. It must be hard to be Roland.
Anyway, if you just got here this is a link to read the rest in chrono order. All four seasons.
Hope y’all are staying safe in this Pandemic time, goes without saying. Been a weird couple of weeks, but thankfully the internet is still here to help us all keep sanity.
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ bonus 2020-02-01
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Boy that sure is a new HS^2 bonus I should blogread.  And there was a commentary on the Patreon for the last proper upd8 too.
I’ll… do it sometime this weekend, not right away.  (Had a stomach virus through Monday and Tuesday that’s left me pretty fucked over and still waiting for the aftereffects to flee.)
Alright, taking a crack at both of these now.  (Both light on images and quoting, since it’s all Patreon material.)  So what’s going on here?  Are the bonus chapters splitting into separate stories perhaps, following the lecture in one and the PS^2 crew in another?  Also, from the replies on the previous:
gaaraofsburbia said: It was very good and I was very happy
Good to know.  Time to read, bonus first! *clicks link*
...the title of a book someone’s holding.  Bookmarked (with a red flag?).  Uh huh.  Good start.
> ==>
“A picture book for young parliamentarians.) ...oh wow, it’s Carapacian even.  Did the Mayor have anything to do with this book?
--Wait.  Waitwaitwait.  This isn’t-- the authors wouldn’t go back in time and show us like-- PM and the Mayor trying to start the-- nooo.
> ==>
Oh shit, never mind.  This is a book ABOUT the Mayor.  Starting from him farming on Skaia and continuing from there with a focus on societal structures presumably.  So, sort of like what I just said but not quite as goddamn heartwrenching, most likely.
You know, this WOULD have been a good opportunity for the authors to finally bring some canon awareness to all the rampant Breath and Blood visual-and-textual symbolism around WV and PM’s arcs, giving people some HINT of their potential importance outside some crazy unproven blog post on some crazy wrong person’s blog.  But I’m not really convinced Andrew or his new replacements, er... y’know.  Care.  About letting us know about all that cool shit.  Or even dissuading us if we were somehow wrong.  Just gonna... let us haaaang in the breeeze there forever, more likely.  :T
...this is still what I’m most bitter about regarding the end of Homestuck, as you can obviously tell.  Thinking -- still believing -- that we found something beautiful and deliberate he’d done, but refusing to have canon openly acknowledge any of it so that 99% of readers will never have a clue about it and the few of us who caught on -- if right -- are just regarded as nutters, and if wrong, NEVER have what we need to finally disprove and accept that wrongness thanks to his silence, thus continuing to believe wrongly and be regarded as nutters.
So I just keep reading and... vacillating.  Vacillating on whether to believe any of this will get brought up in HS^2 canon, or whether to cynically fear they’ll take the worst route:  Doing things EXACTLY like Andrew did and dropping only vague hints that keep it an implied-only, unconfirmed mystery forever.  Because that’s what made the comic popular!  And it’s “safe”.  :(
...man, gut issues really bring the pessimist out of you, don’t they.  Let’s keep reading.  Once upon a time there was a simple farmer...
> ==>
Horrible kings kept fighting and didn’t care about the land, destroying it underneath their war.  Right.  (Mostly paraphrasing here and from now, mind you.)
> ==>
WV wanted to stop the kings, but the kings had power.
> ==>
That power had to be destroyed too.  (Shows the rings.)
> ==>
Hm, the journey that ends up in the rings’ destruction to the desert?  Are we going to fill in some context here?
> ==>
--And made friends with curious creatures and powerful people!  (Showing the fake Can Town built with Dave and Karkat along the meteor trip.)
Assumedly internalizing all those practice-town lessons, of course.
> ==>
--Oh, cool!  So one of the first things WV and PM did upon coming to Earth C to start their founding process was destroy the rings, the temptation of that power, throwing it into the Forge.
EDIT: krixwell said: "I don't know exactly how it reads in the bonus update because I'm not a patron, but WV and PM throwing the rings in the Forge happened before they entered Universe C, and was shown in HS proper (8107-8111, 8123-8126 and at the beginning of [S] Act 7). It was required to light the Forge and send the Genesis Tadpole to Skaia." Ah, file that under more things I forgot about, then.
> ==>
Where once nothing,
> ==>
Earth C was founded/born, etc.
> ==>
Ah okay!  So with a backdrop of the Town Hall under construction, we’re getting some context specifically as to how and why the Mayor set up society the way he did on Earth C.  Especially the challenging question of who would govern the world and how.
> ==>
Oh shit, text dump!  :D
The problem was unfortunately compounded by the fact that when the topic of fair and effective governance is broached, most sparing intellects immediately assume a certain posture. Not one of surrender or admiration, but of abject and interminable boredom.
This fact makes it hard to treat such a fascinating subject with the proper amount of attention and enthusiasm, BUT WE SHALL DO OUR BEST TO UNDERSTAND REGARDLESS.
Alright, loving this.
Also, this’ll undoubtedly put into context just how MUCH the Mayor had to think about how society would work best to have set up -- and how little comparative thought Jane put into the process when just drafting up something United-States-like and familiar.  Remember how awful it was the childlike way the Condesce essentially kept trying to recreate her familiar surroundings and rule structure on Earth?  It was only natural that her Life-aspected protege would make similar errors, I suppose.
Back to reading this long page... I won’t just quote all the details of this representative system, because that’s up to y’all to pony up for.  But I’ll note if there’s anything interesting in it that makes me think.  Let’s see...
...Hm!  The number of seats each kingdom got in parliament was based on voter turnout... THAT’S a heavy incentive to get out the vote, if your kingdom can literally lose influence if you don’t.
On the happy occasions where the maximum number of seats were allocated in all four quarters, this was known as a "full House".
Oh, fuck you.  :)
...oh dear, that was only the beginning of the card slang.
I’m not going to list all of them here.  They make sense in context, which is even worse.
Without going into too much detail, consorts all tend to have significantly shorter lifespans than the other citizens of Earth C. Because of this, a large number of House Rules were dedicated to describing exactly what to do if a seat was vacated mid-term due to the death of its occupant.
Not the carapacian kingdom, the consort kingdom.  Don’t panic, y’all.
The DELIVERY OF JUSTICE (DoJ) was founded to keep the peace and arbitrate in all legal matters, and its members were the brave soldiers of God in this righteous crusade.
They also took care of the MAIL.
Oooooof course.  :)
Unions get their rep, if only for a pun...
Oh, hm.  The Mayor’s office is much like a ceremonial-only monarch’s office without serious power.  Etc etc...... reading...
So governing Earth C was a complicated affair, and only became more convoluted over time. But the really important thing was that, despite all this complexity, it worked. It really worked. At one point, a whole field of mathematics was developed just to explain why the interim government worked so well, and they ended up proving it categorically. It was theoretically perfect.
--ah.  And then the Mayor has a chill as he looks at the clouds and somehow anticipates something terrible happening to it all.
That’s it for the bonus.  I’m guessing the next chapter of this separate bonus story will go over some sort of threat the system endured, while the Mayor was still alive, possibly?  Or cut forward to the creators’ arrival and how that fucked a bunch of stuff up?  A sort of demonstration on why the gods who create a universe shouldn’t take charge of those living in it or such?  Hm.
Alright, if that’s it for the bonus, let’s see what’s available for Patreon commentary... here we go, just the one for the latest mainline upd8 that I knew had come out.
Sketches and Commentary: Chapter 3, How Are Your Feelings
Before starting into this, I want to note that I do have SOME ray of hope for more Awake Jade involvement to shine against my previous rant -- because that OTHER callie-controlled younger Jade body is coming, which I’d forgotten about.  As soon as the pursuit crew arrives in-system and THAT Jade finally gets there through whatever black-hole-powered teleportation magic she’s using (with Aradia and Robodave), it’ll be completely safe for OUR Jade to be awake and active at will.  Theoretically.
So... y’know, that’s nice.  Whenever that will happen.
So onto the commentary, we’re starting with that stupid ship.
(I think I actually said something along the lines of, "this is stupid, so we're using it." I know my Homestuck history. For those interested, the ship is modelled after a schooner, and continues the Homestuck tradition of spaceships that look like regular sea-faring vessels, only with additional stuff bolted on. - Pip)
...Yeah, can’t blame you there.
This is Jake’s “second best” ship. It makes me really nervous to think about what the third-best looks like.
Flying booty shorts, most likely.
...yeah, I did notice that latest upd8 playing with colors in a way the comic rarely even did, it was pretty nice.  Glad to see they appreciate it too.
...Yep, Karkat getting owned just for the sake of it, there.
First off, Jade’s outfit. It rules. Alt!Callie may have violently forced her consciousness inside of this innocent girl’s brain, but damn these threads are sweet. She’s managed to keep Jade pretty on brand, while throwing in a couple embellishments of her own. That’s what we call “making it work”. 
Yes, you’d better WELL fucking acknowledge what you’re doing by keeping Jade in a miserable isolated state for three years.  A G A I N.
Nice bit about the casual showing of Dave’s eyes as evidence that Dave’s recovering through some of his old mental blocks.
Dave and Karkat are wearing each other’s shirts, which is traditionally a very gay thing to do. Even more notably perhaps is the fact that Karkat is wearing crimson without a hint of complaint. Again, I doubt this was an intentional move on his part. Just, sometimes you’re coming out of the shower, it’s chilly, and your boyfriend’s shirt fits. Busting through mental blocks should typically come across as whispers to me, rather than shouts. 
--Hm, never considered the latter angle.
Karkat is being pretty mean to Possessed Jade. Which sucks, but this situation is incredibly stressful, and Karkat tends to react to stress by being mean. Treating Jade like an irritant allows him to put some distance between himself and the reality that he may have lost another friend. 
Guh.  That one stung  :(
Initially the panel directions here were “everybody pauses to contemplate Dirk fucking Strider” 
Mhmm, and you figured it’d be more unsettling to reverse it and remind us that the Prince is aware of all of this too.
Roxy’s heart-shaped sunglasses have become such a thing in the fandom that I kind of can’t imagine him without them at this point, so we decided to make it settled law. 
Mhmm, I figured that was how they played it.  One of the ways they’re incorporating fandom involvement.
Sometimes I feel like it should be Xam who does these commentaries, since there’s so much incredible shit going on with the art here that I’m really only equipped to comment on with shit like “oh wow, look at these colors. Green and purple huh. Wild. There’s also some light.” 
It’s pretty understandable to have the writers take the lead on most commentary as opposed to the artists... normally.
But then you’d have the weird places where they’d have to work together without necessarily giving away their game.  Like, all that WV/PM Breath/Blood visual representation I mentioned.
I still don’t know if they’re gonna give away the game on that eventually -- or if Andrew even gave them enough to go on to properly REPLICATE that sort of thing in this official continuation, even though my mind keeps telling me it’d make all sense to -- but if they are thinking about it, I doubt they’ll first show their hand in the commentary.
I love Kanaya’s new outfit.
I understand that sure, but will she be sticking with this outfit through the action though?  Looking like a mourning nun?
Kanaya’s nursery story is, of course, The Little Prince, a French fairytale from the 1940’s. It tells the story, rather appropriately, of a young Prince traveling through space looking for something he believes he has lost.
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
I’m not sure why I keep thinking about this quote. Probably some shit that has to do with “themes” or something.
Hinting that once he’s beaten down and likely dying from this stupid exodus plan, at least some part of Dirk may finally realize that any fulfillment and purpose he was looking for with this megalomaniacal nonsense was left behind in the peaceful life he fucking ruined for everyone to do all this.  The Heart-blind bastard.
God, Dave is just losing family members left and right, isn’t he? Really makes you think. 
Gdi.  :(
“Maybe it was naive to think a bunch of twenty something trauma victims could run a society.”
There it is. That’s the whole Epilogue.
And Andrew just had to let us ruin our naivety.
Wow. There really are just a whole lot of feelings in this chapter, aren’t there? It’s very aptly named. And it’s also actually the first part of HS^2 that got drafted; at least the first part that actually made it into the final draft. I wrote it earlier in 2019 when we were still kicking around ideas of what an Epilogue follow-up would actually look like. 
Huh.  Yeah, I can imagine when writing all this it would make sense to write/use this chapter first, as a knee-jerk reaction.
I do really think Karkat would have been a great president. He would have hated it, but he would have been good at it. 
I’m glad the authors are in agreement with everyone else with a brain on this one.
Did you guys know that Karkat still feels immense survivor’s guilt for murderstuck?
Yes.  Yes we did.
(Some continued remarks about how Karkat’s self-loathing is like a singularity that draws all blame onto himself in his mind etc.)
Apparently there was a metal gear reference in this second-to-last conversation?  Don’t tell me, I don’t care.
Eat the fucking pancakes, dude. 
A good place to end the commentary.  See y’all when there’s more content!
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aharris00britney · 5 years
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                                                                                                                                ASKS 14
Ok so 24 hours after I planned to do this but... last time I answered stuff was January(5 months ago). There is a lot under the cut ;n; sims, nonsims, other games, all kinds of stuff ya know
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Anonymous said: Hi! Wcif the shirt you used on your Belle hair post? (Btw, that hair is GORGEOUS.)
I have the cc I use in my previews linked on Patreon. Makeup/skin and all that will be on my resource page once I get around to updating it for my 2 new models (who will be up for download soon hopefully). Also ty <3
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Anonymous said: What make-up do you use for most of your posts?
The only eyeshadows I use are by @crypticsim or @catplnt. The makeup I use on Macie/Taylor are listed on my resource page. The other two models makeup will be added once I get them added on there but I know they both use similar stuff to Macie/Taylor.
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@thatsimmergirl91​ said: Just wanted to take a moment out and say how amazing you are ! I love all your stuff and your blog. Never forget how awesome you are 💗💗💗💗🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you so much. Like I know I am going to be typing a lot of thank yous in this post, but I truly mean them. Playing Sims/Making cc is something I did not think would be such a big thing in my life but god is it and I love doing it. Thank you again <3
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Anonymous said: You're incredible and I love all your hairs! In fact, you're my favorite cc hair creator. My question is are you planning on making any hairs with the Island Living meshes anytime soon?
Thank you! I am glad you enjoy my hairs <3 I am planning some stuff with the island living meshes. Probably just a conversion to toddlers if I am able and I might do something simple with the adult meshes to release outside of my Patreon stuff. We shall see though! Ty again
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@ayoshi​ said: When are you opening an Onlyfans?
idk babe when are you posting your birthmarks? ;)
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Anonymous said: Heya! Love your cc! You're real talented
thank you! <3 It isn’t so much talent, more or less just a lot of practice and time. I appreciate the compliment though
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Anonymous said: any tips to get high quality sims screenshots??
I have 2 methods I use. When I am taking CC previews I rotate my screen using Ctrl + Alt + the ◄ key. For my lookbooks/upcoming Sim downloads I use a method by foursims who deactivated?? This is the method/video <3
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@verdeclaroangels​ said: What skin do you use??💕PS i love u
I use @luumia​ newest vanilla default, alongside his Smooth Butts overlay, and my own fruitpunch overlay. All are linked over on my resource page <3
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@vhlori​ said: Austin queen of pop!
q king of edits! <3
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Anonymous said: i love your creations and i appreciate the time you put into your cc, i wish i could support you 💕
Thank you!! Sometimes the time crunches can be stressful but I put them on myself so I survive haha. Don’t feel the need to support me please <3 I make sure everything is public eventually so that people dont feel like they are missing out on anything by deciding not to pledge. Thank you for wanting to though, I appreciate that a ton.
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Anonymous said: Just a rant here. I'm annoyed that there are no rings in the glove category or some other category. The reason I want this is because I use eyelashes that are in the skin detail section and rings don't work and I don't want to use the accessory eyelashes because my sim wears glasses. It annoys me but that's all.
i... rant away luv i feel u
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Anonymous said: What do you do besides sims? That is all you post about and I was curious if that is all you play?
I play Roblox with @ayoshi sometimes, cause that is about all my computer can handle lmao. I have a switch so I play some Nintendo titles on there like Zelda, Splatoon 2, and other stuff. I also have been plying Fortnite recently with @imvikai @greenllamas and @pinealexple. That is about all I play right now lmao. I play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Pokemon Go on my phone.
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Anonymous said: Hi there ! Just wanted to say I've also been experiencing that problem with your 'downloads' page. I don't have a Tumblr account so I had to tell you this way. Perhaps it's a MacBook issue ? I'm not sure, but I'm using a MacBook Pro. Anyways, thank you for all the beautiful cc you provide us with, you're the best.
Yeah I got another ask about them using a Mac for it. That seems to be the problem. I am not a coder, nor do I know a single thing about coding. All I can suggest doing is going to http://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/tagged/s4cc and using that which sucks to page through I know :( I am sorry
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Anonymous said: This is really random, but I love your Sims! I normally don't like Sims with Clay hair, but GIRL, you make them work. Just want to say to keep it up, and if I had money I would support you <3
Thank you lmao <3 stan clay hairs
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Anonymous said: Literally im in this sims discord nd they were DRAGGING how you make the same sim in different skin colors and how you make such cookie cutter sims and honestly i felt bad
Meanwhile me in CAS:
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Anonymous said: This may be a strange request but what does that one alien toddler you've used on multiple occasions to model hair look like when he's older?
He uuh... idk where they are in my library tbh I can’t find them cause I was going to age him up and show ya but.. yeah idk what happened RIP alien toddler
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@amorimlulu said: Hi! I love your creations, they're incredible! I'm completely in love with two of your sims: the asian woman from the patreon 06-16 post and the woman from the ava hair post. Could you, pretty please, upload them on the gallery? I'm dying to play with them. Thank you ^^
I am planning to in the next month! I have the photos taken I just need to get the CC list together and plan it around Island Living posts, CC posts, all that jazzzzzz
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Anonymous said: Hello Austin! I really like the way your sims look, so I was wondering if you can tell me where to get the skins and lashes, please? I am new to the Sims 4 and searching for some cute looks :)
Hey! I have this stuff listed on my resource page, and I have over 100 WCIF’s I have answered along with my lookbooks for some clothes. My cc finds blog is @aharris00finds​ if you want to look there :D
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Anonymous said: can i just ask? how do you remove the shadows on hair with S4S? im a complete noob at s4s and i was wondering how you would do it?
You just need to click shadow, then make blank :) pic below
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Anonymous said: Hi, just a quick message to say THANK YOU for all those beautiful creations. You are so talented and I want you to know that. Thank you so much for making my sims look way more beautiful !
thank you so much <3 I have said it before and idk if anyone will be able to convince me, but I am not talented lmao it just is experience :)
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Anonymous said: hey, could u pls make a tutorial abt how u make ur mesh?? i love ur hair meshes so much
I have tried filming a tutorial before and I will just have to wait til I get a good mic lmao. My speed meshing videos are somewhat useful for learning but they are sped up and without instructions so take it with a grain of salt
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Anonymous said: would you ever try to recreate lydia martins hair in 3.04? sorry, but you're the only teen wolf fan thats a simblr that i know and i desperately need that lovely hair in my game. thanks!         
tbh I never finished Teen Wolf XD I stopped at the end of season 5 I think. Idk I just lost interest as I grew up :(  Also I have no idea what hair that is sdfgfvb and google isnt telling me either. If you can send a link to a picture or DM me a picture I can see if I can make it <3
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Anonymous said: Hi, could you please please upload this sim post/183989453251/e41 ! She's just too pretty
Anonymous said: please upload this sim from your post/183989453251/e41 for download? Thanks   
Idk if I still have her saved but if I do I might upload her. I will check and see later tonight lmao                    
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Anonymous said: Is there any way to put everything you make into a .zip file. I really like what you make and I wish there was a way to mass download it. It sounds dumb but really I enjoy your content
Tbh since I post hairs 3 times a month it would be hard for me to keep everything up to date. I might do something like all my CC from 2017 in one zip, and all my cc from 2018 in another? and then make one for 2019 at the end of the year. I’m not sure though.
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Anonymous said: Wheres the hair in yo profile pic? And will you upload that sim? AND can you make more clothes ur amazing at it!!! (Also, asking 4 my bff <3 r u boy or girl?)
the hair in my current profile pic is Maddie Hair, the sim is already for download, and I will have some clothes coming next month :) I am a boy :P
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Anonymous said: hello! is the model sim in your eve hair valentines special downloadable? I find her really pretty. I really enjoy all of your cc!! I love all of them soooo much.. :)
I will check if I saved her to my library, if so I will add it to the list of stuff I wanna try and do <3 also thank you
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Anonymous said: Hey! Love your hairs! Can I request a Riley hair without the hairclip?
the riley hair doesn’t have a clip so I am going to assume you mean the Peyton hair since it was released in the same month. It wouldn’t really be possible to do Peyton without the clip since it has a part of the hair going up into the clip. Without it there would be a hole and if the hole was filled in it would still look weird since the hair would be going up into nothing. I’m sorry <3
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@lacr1mation23​ said: Kinda not a question. But, i'm gonna fangirl all over you. You ROCK!!! I LOVE your CCs. BEST. HAIRS. EVAR.   Impressed like woah from Florida. 
thank you so much ;n; this made me smile lmao I appreciate stuff like this a ton
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Anonymous said: Hey I think there's something wrong w/ your Lydia hair.. could u fix it?
I’m not sure what the glitch is, so if you could send me a photo or an explanation of what it is then I could help.
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Anonymous said: I'm sorry you're having a bad day! I want to let you know your CC is lovely and I hope you have a better day tomorrow! Lots of love and if you like chocolate then I'm sending you plenty of virtual chocolate to help you feel better!
lmao idk what ‘bad day’ I was happening when this was sent but thank you!! I had a rough semester but I am doing a lot better now I think :)
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@simsloverlilian​ said: Hi lol I just think this is really funny, my friend asked me where do you get your cc? and I was like: "oh.. ahoob's WCIF place xDDDDDD" and we both died laughing.. at your place you can get amazing hairs, accs, shirts! (lol love your cc keep it up! ;))
thank you so much! I love that yall use my blog for finding cc :)
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@raha-plays-the-sims​ said: Okay... I actually want to take a screenshot of my Sim with your new Riley hair on to my hair dresser and tell her to cut my hair that way XD I love it so much! Thank you for continuing to make amazing content!
lmao i have wanted to do this before with a male hair i found for my game. I never went through with it though XD thank you for the compliment <3
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Anonymous said: Everyone!!! Stan LOONA for clear skin and good health...
stan red velvet and WJSN
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Anonymous said: I just want to say that "EVERYTHING" about your blog/cc/sims is absolutely immaculate. Your CC is like renaissance to Sims 4 modding(I ain't even kidding).Thank you for sharing/uploading them here on tumblr.  Would you be uploading any video on how you create your sims on youtube anytime soon? And what sliders do you usually use in creating sims if there are some?
thank you so much!!! I have tried recording my game before and the footage just comes out super lag. Hopefully later this year I will be able to get a computer and I could record something then. Also I don’t use any sliders or presets on my main Sims :)
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@lllac-lady786​ said: This isn’t a question, but your sims are just so pretty and you are so talented 🤩
thank you <3
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Anonymous said: Did something happen to your Lydia hair?
I don’t think so? It seems to be fine for me
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Anonymous said: How are you able to edit the new game pack when sims4studio hasn't been updated yet? I am itching to edit some stuff but I can't yet :(
I use CAS Tools! I might make a tutorial this week depending on how busy I am. Not sure though <3
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Anonymous said: How likely would you be to recommend the new pack to another simmer out of 10?
(this was sent during Strangerville) I would say 8/10 recommendation. But I love storylines and stuff in games so my opinion is very based on that.
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Anonymous said: Would you ever make male hair or recolour some of ea's so they work with your ombre accessory?
I am thinking of doing some ombre accessories for the new Island Living pack for the two ombre hairs. I am not sure if I will be able to or not but I will see :)
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@milugameplay​ said: Hello sweetheart, I just like to say that I love the hairs that you create. Thank you for sharing them with us.            
thank you <3 i appreciate the compliment
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Anonymous said:Hi! When you uploaded peach earrings, the blonde sim had a braided hairstyle. Was it cc or a maxis one?     
hey! It is from outdoor retreat GP :)     
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Anonymous said: Have nothing to ask. Just want to tell you that you are amazingly talented. ❤ I have been playing the sims since its original Sims 1 release, and have always been a heavy CC user. (Upwards of 50GB in sims 3). Never have I ever felt the need to download EVERYTHING a creator has ever made, until I found you.  So, in short, you are amazeballs. Keep it up.
this is so sweet lmao. Even I don’t have all my own CC in my game <3 I appreciate this so so much. Thank you for this
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Anonymous said: How did you learn to create custom content??Did you see any video tutorial? I'm trying to create a hair but I can not get it :(((( help me please
most of the stuff I have learned from trial and error, or help from S4S fourms and friends :) Feel free to message me with questions on tumblr or discord
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Anonymous said: I know Sims 5 is still so far away, but I still have a question! With the release of Sims 4 so many awesome creators for Sims 3 just stopped creating from one day to another. So my question is: Could you imagine yourself creating Custom Content for Sims 5? I'm asking because I seriously love every single piece you create for Sims 4, and I really wish the glory era of Ah00b won't end with the release of Sims 5. Ily! <3
it depends on the style that TS5 goes for tbh. I love Sims 4 style and I don’t know much of anything about creating alpha hairs so if TS5 goes that direction I doubt I would be able to create for it. also thank you for calling it the glory era of ah00b lmao
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Anonymous said: You have hairs named after all the girls in black pink except Rosé. Is there a reason for this?
Well I named a hair Rosanne thinking it was close enough to her name lmao. I might name a hair coming in July Rosie. We shall see when it gets to July XD
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linos-teeth · 5 years
i got tagged
in the 50 questions and the about me tag by @chngbok ty browse!! these are a lot of questions and idk who i want to bother with them (unless you wanna be bothered then consider yourself tagged) but in case you wanna know some random stuff abt me there’s a lot of that under the cut!
what takes too much of your time?
currently, fic writing for sure
what makes your day better?
uhhh ideas, music, skz (except lino bc he literally just makes me cry)
what is the best thing that happened to you today?
lino in the victory song dance practice? (wow there's a theme already)
what fictional place would you like to go to?
hmmmmm the arbor wilds, the crossroads, the forge, h-047c, watford
are you good at giving advice?
do you have any mental illness?
uhhhh not theoretically (as in not diagnosed oops)
have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
luckily not
what musician inspired you the most?
boy i rly can't say, usually it's writers or games that inspire me and music not so much?
have you fallen in love?
most likely yeah
what’s your dream date?
idk man surprise me like...going out exploring and doing things i haven't done before that don't include any drugs or stuff also movies are good
what do others notice about you?
my hair (it's long)
what is an annoying habit that you have?
biting my uh...the skin next to my nails? and my lips? i guess?
do you still talk to your first love?
ha nah
how many ex’s do you have?
how many songs are in your playlist?
i have 685 deezer faves
what instruments do you play?
piano, idk if recorder counts, used to play the oboe but...not any more
who do you have the most pictures of?
myself XD, my da/me chars, also random idol pictures for reaction memes
where would you like to go before you die?
uhhhhh a lot of places like...there's a lot of cities in europe i still wanna see and i wanna go back to paris and london and i also would love to visit like 294503 national parks in the us also maybe a desert (bc stars) and somewhere far north (for northern lights)
what’s your zodiac?
do you relate to it?
what is happiness to you?
just like...a content feeling? like...idk words for it but when you just stop and go like fuck this is rly good i'm rly comfy rn and not sad??? like just being good in your own skin?
are you going through anything right now?
not more than usual
what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
i made a few sucky time management decision throughout my uni time and still am so i guess that
what’s your favorite store?
what's a store
what’s your opinion on abortion?
i don't rly think i get to say much abt it while i'm not in a position where i can talk yknow? you should be allowed to but i imagine it's tough as shit too
do you keep a bucket list?
do you have a favorite album?
A FEW there's wildness by snow patrol and mania by fob and wild world by bastille and miroh (that's currently tho that shit changes a lot)
what do you want for your birthday?
my birthday isn't happening for a while and what i want i kinda need before so xD for my birthday i wish i could be with my family but i won't be able to :/
what are most people’s first impression of you?
uhhhhh awk i guess which is right, also rly smart and like...organised which is wrong
what age to you seem according to most people?
apparently like 16, i always get asked when i finish school
where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
on my bed next to my pillow, stuffed under some plushies
what word do you say the most?
idk honestly i don't talk much probably some expletive
what’s the oldest age would you date?
idk man i'm not rly attracted to ppl much older than me never have been if it ever happened they'd prolly be like 2 years younger oops that's like the norm with crushes
what’s the youngest age would you date?
oh uh see above i guess like...currently i'm 23 so like? not younger than 20?
what job/career do most people say sould suit you?
they don't rly say anything abt that xD
what’s your favorite music genre?
uhhh rock? alt stuff? i love some folk and some pop too and i'm a slut for lofi
if you would live in any country in the world, where would it be?
here tbh
what’s your current favorite song?
u h h probably still chronosaurus! doesn't look like it's leaving that spot any time soon oops
how long have you have this blog for?
a bit over a month now?
what are you excited for?
how pathetic is it if i say my summer course? idk just...smth new i guess i'm looking forward to it (not to being away from games and photoshop)
are you a better talker or a listener?
what is the last productive thing you did?
i finished vacuuming the house today
what do you want for Christmas?
s h r u g
what classes do you get the best grades in?
language stuff, music
on a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
a 4? maybe?
what can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
idk man i wanna go into speech therapy so?? that? or research even? but i gotta get into the masters first rip
when did you first get your heartbreak?
oh dear. probably like...in kindergarten when my crush was an absolute ass (so far, 80% of them have been there's a theme) i was pathetic
at what age do you want to get married?
idk man i guess in like 100 years when someone finally decides they rly want to put up with this mess
what career did you want to have as a child?
florist, author, actress
what do you crave right now?
hugs? and drawing skill
1. How tall are you?
i'm jisung-sized
2. What color are your eyes?
3. What color and style is your hair?
uhhhh dark blonde would be the accurate desc prolly? it's like...blondebrowngoldish and too long and i usually braid it and i have a super messy fringe
4. Do you wear glasses?
5. Do you have braces?
luckily not!
6. What’s your fashion sense?
casual and basic with a dash of experimental and sometimes a bit cutesy
7. Full name?
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8. When were you born?
long, long ago, too long ago
9. Where are you from and where do you live
10. What school(s) do you go to?
no more school for me, i'm going to university
11. What kind of student are you?
the one that kinda gets by far too well for procrastinating so badly (all i have to say in my defense is that i'm anxious as shit abt everything)
12. Do you like school?
i used to!! like...the last 3 and first 3 years were chill
13. Fav subject?
music, history, english, latin
14. Fav TV shows?
i rly only watch b99 but i would be careful calling it my favorite since like...3 eps ago
15. Fav books?
my current fave is less by andrew sean greer (aka it was my fave last autumn and i've read like 3 since and they weren't super great)
16. Fav pastimes?
uhhh writing gaming music and lately, giffing too!
17. Do you have any regrets?
a couple
18. Dream job?
i mean i do still wish i could just like...do smth artsy like be an author or an illustrator but i'm bad at writing and literally cannot draw at all so
19. Would you ever like to be married?
yes absolutely
20. Would you like to have children?
kinda yeah?
21. If so, how many?
22. Do you like shopping?
only for a limited amount of time
23. What countries have you visited?
denmark, norway, france, the uk, spain, italy, austria, slovakia, we also drove through switzerland like twice
24. Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
uhhhhhh basically all of the end of the world/war scenario dreams i've had?
25. Any enemies?
does myself count
26. Do you have a significant other?
27. Do you get along with your family?
yeah? we're not super close but we don't hate each other
28. Do you believe in miracles?
29. How are you?
not terrible
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fountainpenguin · 5 years
Ex-“Refusal” Prompt
“Refusal” is a Prompt that revolves around Timmy’s Dad, Sheldon Dinkleberg, and some of the other Dimmsdale characters in their age group back when they were Squirrely Scouts together. In this draft, the Scouts go camping to Dimmsdale Flats, and Dad and Sheldon clash during a hike. I left in all my character notes in case they’re of interest to anyone wanting to explore Timmy’s Dad’s or Sheldon’s characters.
This is a really fun Prompt that was really coming together and I think I could have polished it up nicely, but I was a little bothered that a piece meant to explore Timmy’s Dad’s character had Flappy Bob for a narrator, and I’ve since found a way to portray the Dad-Dinkleberg conflict in a much more interesting way for me, so I don’t need this version anymore. “Refusal” will be one of our first Prompts once 130 Reasons comes off hiatus, so keep your eyes out.
Characters: Robert “Flappy Bob” Ferguson, Thaddeus “Dad” Turner, Sheldon Dinkleberg, Louis Bickles, Bennett Buxaplenty, Oliver Buxaplenty, Pappy
A lot of kids by this age might have started asking questions like where do babies come from, why were they here, and what were they supposed to do? When Robert Ferguson voiced those same questions, he tended to be a tad more literal. As Mr. Turner blasted “[Song]” and “Stayin’ Alive” the whole way to the outskirts of town, and Sheldon and Louis bellowed the lyrics out at the top of their lungs, Robert sank into the beaten cushions of the station wagon and covered his eyes.
Where did babies come from? In his experience, they were unceremoniously dumped by their parents on whichever unlucky saps happened to be in the area to care for them (and whenever he asked Mrs. Twittafly, she swore he’d been hand-delivered to the Dimmsdale Orphanage in a silver basket by a ghost).
What was he doing here? He honestly had no clue. One morning last February he’d hopped out of bed to try squeezing in a little juggling practice before the Powers That Be were awake to tell him to knock it off, and he tripped over the folded uniform lying on the floor. Robert knew the rules: Do as his mysterious benefactor ordered, or the seltzer bottles would get him for it. He joined the Squirrely Scouts immediately.
And where were they all going? Dimmsdale Flats. Population: Too boring to be bother mentioning.
He’d been crammed into the back seat of the stuffy car for thirty minutes, his sharp and angular thirteen-year-old body more than a little too big for the uniform he was wearing. Was it really too much to expect his benefactor to provide clothes that actually fit? On either end of the back seat, Louis Bickles and Sheldon Dinkleberg danced back and forth in what little space they had against the dirty car windows. Oliver Buxaplenty had claimed the entire middle row for himself. He was a Buxaplenty. They could do that.
Directly to Robert’s right sat Tad “Dad” Turner (sour after Bennett Buxaplenty had convinced their troop leader, Pappy Turner, to boot his own son to the rear so Bennett could claim shotgun). Dad had a spiral-bound sketchbook with an elaborate red cover in his lap. It had a strap and a buckle too, because mostly, he refused to let anyone see what he was drawing, and always snapped at curious Sheldon for peeking.
Dad loved drawing and designing clothes almost as much as Louis loved wearing them. But for now, he struggled to focus on the sleek car he was sketching. The bouncing of the station wagon along the dirt road kept making his lines smear and his pencils snap. Every few minutes, he’d shove Sheldon with his elbow or kick his ankle, as if this were all his fault.
“At least there are just four of us,” Robert grunted when they bounced over another sloppy speedbump in the dirt road. The station wagon didn’t have belts to hold them in, and he grabbed the back of the seat as Mr. Turner took a turn too fast. Mud splattered against the window nearest Louis. Robert wrinkled his nose. “We’d have to fit another one of us in here if Denzel’s mom didn’t make him join the Sugar Cream Puffs.”
The car hit a sharp rock and bucked, Sheldon’s hand flew down and slid across Dad’s notebook. Half his page tore, right through the sad-looking cow in the middle. Dad’s hands flew up, breath sharp. “Sorry Dad,” Sheldon apologized in his quick and cheerful way. Too late. Dad shoved the curly-haired boy against the window and flipped to the next page with a grimace. He tapped his eraser against his teeth.
“Why is Denzel in the Cream Puffs?” he asked Robert.
“They get half off on most of the cookies they don’t sell, I think.” Gripping his pointy knees, Robert blew the air from his cheeks. “Pretty convenient, him dropping out of Scouts right before I came in. Lucky for me.”
Clearly, no one else found this suspicious connection interesting. Dad kept drawing, Sheldon gazed in rapture at passing cows and ranches through the window, Oliver was asleep with his blond hair sticking up like straw, and Louis still had “Stayin’ Alive” on the brain (even though that song had faded out two roads ago). Finally, Bennett switched the station to random Beethoven and turned around.
“Will you urchins exercise a little volume control? Some of us are trying to read.”
Sheldon threw his hands in the air. “Why read when you can party? Move along, move along!”
“Ooh!” Louis mimicked him on Robert’s other side. “It’s always been my dream to throw a big summer bash!”
Robert thought about it, then punched his hands up too. “Party! Party!”
I mean, who was going to stop him? A gush from a seltzer bottle in front of witnesses? He’d surely be punished for wearing anything colorful or raising his voice later, but he may as well enjoy himself while he could.
Dad folded his hands over his ears. “I can’t concentrate! You’re so loud! You’re way louder than trains on fire!”
Sheldon jabbed an elbow into his side. “Aww, cheer up. We’re just having a little fun.”
Dad scowled at him. “I know where you live.”
Louis broke into song again, bellowing lyrics from the radio. That woke up Oliver. He jerked up his head and yelled, “I didn’t do it!”
“Oh look,” Robert interrupted, wrapping a warning hand around Dad’s shoulder. “We’re here.”
Dimmsdale Flats had been founded in 1744, 80 years after the main town itself. Robert had never come this far along the outskirts before. He peered past Louis and through the dusty station wagon window. The tiny town was populated with wooden buildings and the occasional saloon. Men and women dressed in period outfits drifted back and forth across the road. Two horses build a carriage. It didn’t look much like a campsite, but the mountains were closer here than he’d ever seen them before. Robert couldn’t make out the famous Dimmsdale sign from where he sat, but he knew it was up there just a short hike away.
Pappy parked under the shade of a rather spindly-looking building. Oliver hopped out first, slapping the dirt with both sandals. His twin lingered in the front seat, pouting at the book in his lap.
Sheldon was the next to crawl out. He lowered a seat for the others in the back, but in an act of utter defiance, Dad flopped over the seat that was still up. Robert took the easier exit. The wrinkles of his uniform creased in the backs of his knees and practically cut off the flow of blood to his legs. Louis bounced out with a sunny spring to his step. He set one hand over his eyes.
“Ooh, this looks like a super fun place to spend the week! Maybe when I’m older, I’ll actually live here myself.”
“I hate it,” Bennett muttered, slamming the car door behind him. Dad was still inside, lying on his back with his sticky legs straight in the air. Pappy had turned around. His mouth was moving, but Robert couldn’t make out the words.
[Eventually they all get out, receive instructions from Pappy on how things are going to go down, and transition to the campground]
Oliver ran circles around Bennett, babbling about Skittles baked into cookies instead of chocolate chips. Dad hung back, fingering the strap of his sketchbook.
Louis tossed the poles and tarps on the ground and dropped to a crouch. “Okay, so how do we make a tent out of this? I want a dream house.”
“Let me help.” Sheldon knelt down and unfolded the instruction sheet. “Hmm. Okay, I’ll start putting the sticks together. You can get the mallets.”
Bennett tossed them all a snooty glare. “Well, you ruffian folk enjoy yourselves in the dirt. I’m getting a room in the inn.”
Oliver hopped on a boulder. “Yay! Camping indoors!”
“Oh, no you don’t!” Mr. Turner grabbed his walking stick and hurried after him. “Bring your heinie down here, you rich pansy! Your parents may let you get away with whatever you want, but I have rules!”
“Pappy?” Dad called after him, clinging to the canvas. “Aren’t you going to help me?”
No response but distant shouts.
Robert hooked him beneath the arm. “Come on, Dad,” he said, fighting to keep a more enthusiastic tone in his voice than he actually wanted to. “I’ll help you. You know I want to be a clown when I grow up, right? Putting up tents comes naturally to me.”
[Tents get up. Flappy rooms with Dad and possibly Louis. Not sure if sleep scene is timeskipped or if Dad stays up drawing / confessing feelings to Flappy. I could see him up all night with lantern angrily drawing or writing his feelings in his sketchbook like a diary while Flappy tosses and turns trying to sleep, and I can also see Flappy being aware he’s angry and trying to talk to him, but Dad flops over and refuses to talk. Maybe both.
Alt version is they go on their hike after putting up tents, so we know who is rooming with who but we don’t have a sleep scene. Also note that as soon as Flappy’s alone, the Pixies will douse him with the seltzer bottle for daring to be energetic with the fun-loving kids. Pixies are really bad at seltzer punishments b/c they have a tendency to wait until he’s alone and then squirt him, rather than squirting immediately after he does something they disapprove of. My guess is there are no indoor bathrooms at the campground. Wonder if they have a buddy system / if Flappy deliberately takes a buddy with him.
They go on their hike up the hill towards the DIMMSDALE sign. Somehow, they end up separated from Pappy. Possibly Pappy was going on ahead yakking about interesting birds and trees, and everyone fell back b/c they were dragging their feet. Then an argument started between someone... Either Bennett overreacting or Dad straight up pushing / tackling Sheldon over the edge of a small cliff. Also I need a joke in here about Pappy referring to his son by his embarrassing nickname, Tadpole. Oliver probably gleans how embarrassed Dad is by Dad covering his face and turning red, so he teases him mercilessly. It’s already established by age 9 that “Everyone calls him Dad” but things like this solidify his determination to abandon the name Tad.
Maybe Dad brought his sketchbook along and he fell behind b/c he wanted to draw a bird or deer he saw. Robert is our narrator, so he pauses beside him to look, and he and Dad have a nice bonding moment of staring quietly into the trees at the animals in the wake of their difficulties last night. Thinking Dad quietly tells Robert that his mom loves deer and he’s drawing a picture he wants to take to her in the hospital. Need to decide if Robert would know his mother’s condition is terminal and if Dad knows he and Pappy will soon be visiting her for the last time.
Maybe Dad just found out (either that it’s terminal or that this is her last week or two to live) and that’s why he’s been so cranky this entire trip. He’s coping in his own way. Dad’s coping mechanism has always been to physically remove himself from the situation (Ex: man cave in attic, retreating to the den / sewing room to cool off after Timmy melted his trophy, sneaking away from camp to cry in the woods, sobbing on the bathroom floor after dropping his invisible pencil, bongos underwater, “You’re mean! I’m telling my wife!”) and he tends to head out into nature alone. Putting him in a car with a bunch of loud kids is exactly how he does not cope. It’s natural he would either stick extremely close to Pappy up front, or fall behind. Thinking he falls behind to draw. Drawing is his escape as a kid. What can I say? He’s a pencil lover.
So he and Flappy bond. Then Sheldon comes running back b/c he’s nice and didn’t want them to get left behind, but he’s super oblivious and loud and scatters the deer or birds. Possibly he startles Dad, making him jump and scribble in the middle of a beautiful drawing, or tear it again like in the car. Maybe Dad jumps up (Flappy tries to hold him back) and all his rage comes out. He either pushes Sheldon over the edge of the small cliff, the two of them tumbling the extremely short way down, or he just runs off b/c his natural personality is probably flight > fight. 
Either way, they attract the attention of the other kids while somehow not attracting Pappy’s attention, and somehow they end up getting lost. So yes, pushing and rolling down the hill could work as long as we justify how angry he is. Talking about mom and showing how grumpy he is earlier (especially with Sheldon already ruining his drawing in the car / nosing in his stuff while he was using the bathroom or at breakfast or something) would work fine. They now get lost. Possibly Dad’s sketchbook fell in a stream and is now soaked. Maybe when Sheldon startled him, he dropped it and it tumbled down the hill and plopped into the water, ruining it, and then he pushed Sheldon.]
“I’m the one who lives in these woods! Are you guys really going to follow Sheldon Dinkleberg instead of me?”
[Alt: They’re not lost yet, change “follow” to “believe”]
“Dad, listen-”
Wiping boiling tears from each cheek with a swipe of his fist, Dad turned and bolted into the trees. “Dad,” Sheldon hollered after him, “don’t be like that!”
“You’ll get lost!” Louis shrieked.
“Good riddance,” grunted Bennett. Oliver shook his head.
Robert motioned to the others. “Come on. It’s not safe out here. We have to go after him.”
[They chase after him. Pappy has no idea.]
“Dad! Dad? Dad, where are you?”
“Funny,” Robert puffed, jogging after them. “The kid has one skill in life, and it’s that he’s an expert at getting away from people.”
“That’s not true,” Sheldon said cheerfully. “He’s also our ‘dad friend’ who lets us play video games, roughhouse, and eat snacks. That’s why everyone calls him ‘Dad.’”
[Keep running, scrambling over things and just generally veering from the path. Everyone is intent on chasing Dad and for some reason no one chooses to go back to Pappy, even if it’s an option they consider.]
“Wait.” Sheldon held out an arm. “Be careful of the circle of mushrooms. We don’t want to make the faefolk mad.”
“Faefolk? You mean like fairies?” Louis brought his hands near his face and squealed. “It’s always been my dream to see a fairy!”
Bennett rolled his eyes. “Geez louise, you middle-class people are gullible.”
Oliver poked his twin in the cheek. “His name’s Louis, not Louise.”
“I don’t believe in fairies,” Robert said, stiff-voiced.
Sheldon shrugged. “Well. I do. And they can disguise themselves, so that’s why you should always be nice to everyone, so they don’t curse you. That’s what my nana says. Come on, let’s go around.”
[They go around the mushrooms and keep exploring. Possibly split up. Obviously our narrator is the one who finds him in the end, possibly after Dad shifted and accidentally knocked a pine cone down on his head. Think they’re evergreens on the Dimmsdale hill, so pine cone > acorn]
Robert tilted back his head. There, in the branches, perched a huddled mass of torn blue clothes, bloody scrapes, and rising welts from bee stings.
Dad hugged the tree trunk tighter. “Go away. I’m staying up here for the rest of my life.”
“What will you eat?”
“What will you drink?”
“I can live a humble life with nothing but my own salty tears.”
Robert folded his arms. “What about when you have to go back to school on Monday?”
“I don’t care!”
“What about Mom? Won’t you miss her?”
Dad rubbed his face with his wrist and said nothing. Robert stretched up to the lowest fork in the tree and heaved himself up. “At least let me keep you company.”
[Include bonding scene here if we didn’t include it up by deer drawing scene. Possibly Dad started to open up to Flappy, but got cut off by Sheldon’s arrival. So here, they sit together for a moment of silence (Possibly even watching Louis search the area beneath them) and after a few moments, Dad opens up to Flappy again and wraps up their earlier discussion. 
For some reason, Dad falls out of the tree. Not sure if he was mad and tried to push Flappy off, or if he just slipped while climbing down. Either way, he ends up getting hurt on the way down. Sheldon volunteers to bandage Dad’s leg because “I’m a certified camp medic” / has Scout badge, to which Flappy responds either “Of course you are” or “Of course you do.” 
Playing on the idea that Sheldon is uncannily good at everything, but like... He literally works for everything he does. He pays close attention when they learn new things and he keeps practicing until he masters a skill, even after earning a badge or being praised. Ex: If he wants to become good at s’mores, he’ll be the first one to the campfire (even volunteer to get it set up while Pappy does other stuff) and he’ll spend the entire time experimenting and crafting s’mores for all his friends, whereas most kids would just make them for themselves. He finds everything interesting and wants to learn. 
His main weakness is that he has limited artistic ability- Dad has him beat when it comes to drawing, sewing, and even stuff like dancing / charades. Sheldon is good at academics, and Dad excels in artistic things but doesn’t get rewarded for that at school (and in fact gets teased for his girly talents, even though he adores sewing and designing clothes b/c those are things his mom taught him; she’s been sick and bedridden for most of his life and her teaching him to sew is the one thing they were able to do together). 
Emphasize how Pappy keeps wandering away / not listening to Dad, and Dad needs someone he can sit with and talk to. Add this into his character later with Timmy always getting distracted / wandering away / expressing boredom with Dad’s interests. Dad clicks with Mom so well b/c even if she doesn’t always understand his interests, she listens to and supports him (Think about how she keeps using his dangerous inventions in the kitchen, instead of complaining about them). Having someone take an interest in his interests is very important to Dad. Think about how obsessive he was of Timmy for his first eight years, video recording every moment of his life. That was his way of taking interest in Timmy’s life.
When writing present-day Dad, focus on how he’d love to take more of an interest in Timmy’s life, and he tends to bumble into Timmy’s business despite Timmy’s protests, or tends to push Timmy into joining his crazy activities, like building him a lousy bike or dragging him into projects like in “Lame Ducks.” He really wants to spend time with Timmy. Reasons he can’t include having to juggle work, time with his wife, and his own introverted need to relax alone and be artistic (Think about his personal sewing room in “Mice Capades”), and he also spends a lot of time building gifts (Possibly his way of trying to help his wife and son feel he loves them even when he’s too busy to be with them in person). Dad treats quality time as his way of receiving love, but he tends to express his love by giving gifts. 
Thinking that due to repeating timestream, Timmy went through an extended rebellious adolescent stage (during those 40 years of Season 7) and became a bit more snappish, often trying to push his dad away. This would hurt his dad deeply, and Dad would keep trying to be a part of Timmy’s life before Timmy’s repeated insistence he back off (both b/c he’s going through a teen phase and because he needs to keep his secret hidden) finally turns him to spending more and more time with his understanding wife and less time with the son who rolls his eyes, sighs, and sarcastically insults his interests. Need to figure out where to place that episode where Dad and Timmy bond over being scared of Mom’s cooking and Timmy wishes she could cook amazingly. Excellent episode for Timmy-Dad relationship.
Back to Sheldon, think about how he spent his money on an intestine-shaped secret lair. He could have built his own awesome lair, but instead, he heard Dad describe the secret lair and he thought, “Wow, that would be cool!” Sheldon spends money on things b/c he has no creativity. He looks at things and thinks, “Oh, I want to help” and he can research how to help (Ex: Turning his pool into turtle sanctuary, buying the Turners exact replicas of all their stuff instead of jumping on the opportunity to gift them fancy stuff), but he can’t innovate on his own very well. 
Note to self: Need to figure out what burglar in “Lame Ducks” did with everyone’s stuff. Seems like if they uncovered his lair, it would be easy for the Turners to get back their old stuff and have two of everything. Also still debating the legalities of an orphanage in Dimmsdale during Flappy’s youth b/c clearly we’re in a slight alternate universe here.]
Robert sighed as Sheldon began to bandage Tad’s shin.
“Come on, kiddo.” Robert took Tad in his arms. “Let’s get you back to camp.”
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petitelepus · 6 years
Decepticon For Life, Part. 7
New chapter!
’It was the last day of nursery school before summer and the first year of grade school. You had a fun time playing tag and hide-and-seek with your friends, building block houses, drawing dragons and craft peacocks from colorful paper. By the end of the day you all got juice and oatmeal cookies and everyone got their own floating helium balloon!
You were waiting for your mother inside the school while eating a cookie and talking with your friends.
”I hope we get into the same class!” Your friend smiled as she sipped her orange juice. You pouted and took a bit bite of your cookie before talking with your mouth full of it. ”If I don’t get to the same class as you I won’t eat at school!"
”You have to eat or you turn into a skeleton.” Your friend noted at you and you swallowed your cookie. ”Then I’ll be the cutest skeleton ever!”
She laughed and opened another juice box. ”Then I will become a ghost and we can be friends forever!”
You smiled widely and took a sip of your juice. ”Deal!”
”(Y/n)! Your mother is in here to pick you up!” The teacher called you from the doorway and sure enough, your mother was standing there right beside her. She was smiling kindly to you and patiently waited for you to come so you could all get home and start spending summer.
You glanced at your friend and smiled at her excitedly. ”Wanna come over to my place? We could play with my horses!” You meant your toys obviously, but sadly your friend shook her head.
”I can’t. Daddy takes me to piano lessons after this.”
”What about after your lessons?”
”I’m free then. I just need to ask my mommy if it’s okay.”
”Great, it’s a promise!” You cheered excitedly and jumped up from your little kiddy seat with your red balloon’s string in your hand. You waved to your friend as you went to your mom and teacher. They were talking to each other, but once you joined them the attention was purely on you.
”I hope you had fun today (Y/n).” Your teacher said as she smiled a little sadly to you. ”I hope you will have fun at your new school also.”
”I hope so.” You said and opened your arms. Your teacher took the hint and bent down to get a hug from you. She hugged you back just as happily and you smiled when you two pulled back. ”I hope you have fun with new children!”
”I will as long as you have fun at school learning.”
”I won’t make promises.”
Your teacher giggled and your mother pulled you to a side. ”Alright (Y/n), time to put the shoes on!”
You smiled and waved to your teacher. ”Bye-bye!”
She waved back at you and you and your mother took a seat on the bench to put your shoes on. You gave your balloon to your mother and started to put on your shoes.
”Do you want mommy to help you?” Your mom asked and you shook your head stubbornly. ”I’m a big girl, I wanna do it myself.”
Your mother giggled and with a little struggle on your part you got your shoes on. Your mother gave you your balloon back and took your free hand to hers as you both exited the school building. Once you were outside you were immediately struck by the sound of a child crying their eyes out.
You looked at the source of the voice and saw a boy, year or two younger than you, crying his eyes out while holding a string and popped balloon’s leftovers in his hand. His mother tried to cheer him up and make him stop crying by offering him ice cream, but the crying continued.
The farther you walked from the scene the worst you felt and with a little nudge of your hand, you got your mother’s attention. ”Mommy I’ll be back soon.” You promised as you let go of her hand and ran up to the other mother and her crying child.
The mother noticed you first and then her son and at the sight of your intact and flying balloon he sniffled sadly. With a happy smile, you offered your balloon to him. ”Here, you can have my balloon.”
The boy sniffled, but after a moment of just staring at you he took the balloon reluctantly from you and started to dry his eyes with the back of his hands. The mother smiled thankfully and kindly to you. ”Thank you so much…!”
You smiled brightly like a thousand suns. ”You’re welcome! Happy summer!” You wished before turning and running back to your mother. You linked your hands again and started walking again.
”That was really kind of you to give your balloon to that little boy.” Your mother said with a proud smile. You nodded and kicked your legs absentmindedly. ”If I was crying I wish someone would do same for me.” You confessed.
Your mother smiled. ”Since you were such a kind girl how about we get some ice cream on our way to home?”
You turned to look at your mother excitedly and jumped in joy. ”Can we?! You sure?”
Your mother nodded and you cheered happily at the idea of ice cream for lunch.
Suddenly a group of younger children ran straight through you and your mother. In their rush to get inside, they broke the hold you and your mother shared and shoved you on the ground.
You hit the hard surface painfully, the back of your head banging behind you. Your eyes snapped open more in shock than pain, but all you could see were bright blinding lights. You tried to look around and see where your mother was, but instead of a green nursery school parking lot, you saw a laboratory of some sort.
Your breath hitched in fear and you tried to sit up, but something held you back. You looked down the best you could and you saw steel cuffs wrapped around your neck, upper arms, wrists, ankles, and thighs, completely tying you down.
”Where am I!?” You called out, fear freezing the blood in your veins and making you shiver as tears threatened to fall down your cheeks. ”Help! Somebody help!”
”What did I say about screaming?” A monotone emotionless voice asked. You tried to whip your head towards the sound, but the cuff around your neck wouldn’t let you move your head enough. The owner of voice walked to your side and you saw he was a red giant robot with yellow glasses. You shivered at the sight of him, an act that he didn’t bother minding.
”You’re spending your energy on pointless screaming. There is no one here who will come to aid you. Your Decepticon allies can’t help you here.” The bot said as he wrote something down on the pad in his hands. You whimpered and tried to yank your arms and legs free, but the cuffs wouldn’t give in.
The door on another side of the room opened and another bot walked in, this one white with shades of grey, some green, and red crest and looked like it had a beard.
”What’s all the noise Percy? It’s like a cybercat is being killed here!” The robot said as he rubbed his head and gave a red bot annoyed look. The red robot returned the look with emotionless one. ”Subject has been screaming despite my suggestions to save her strength for our tests.”
The other bot looked at your scared form and smiled a little. ”Aww, you must have made her feel scared. Did you even explain what we were going to do to her?”
”I saw no reason to educate a Decepticon for what experiments we are going to perform on her frame.” The red bot said. The other one sighed and you cried out. ”Who are you!? Why are you doing this!?”
”Sorry, my habits. I’m Wheeljack, the most brilliant scientist ever lived—!”
”And this is my best friend Perceptor!” He laughed lightly, pulling a stool from under your table and took a seat next to you. ”Now, for your sake, we’ll keep this simple since you probably don’t understand science talk.”
You sobbed, tears gleaming in your eyes. ”Please, just let me go…! I won’t tell anyone anything…!”
”That we can’t do. Now you know you might be an evil galaxy ruling Decepticon, but the calmer and more relaxed you are then we’re more likely not going to have any complications. We don’t want any issues when your frame may try to fight against any modifications we are going to install on you.” Wheeljack didn’t offer you any sympathy, but at least he was educating you about your situation a little bit. Whatever your situation now was.
”I heard you got yourself land alt mode modifications installed when you sneaked into Cybertron! This is kinda like it, but our modifications come with high risks and dangers, but it’s all for science! If we succeed today you might be our newest invention against your kind! You understand that, don’t you?”
You sobbed more and tried your hardest to pull and fight against your retains. Wheeljack got up and pushed the stool under your table. ”Well, I guess it’s useless to talk sense to a Con.”
Perceptor walked up to his colleague with a little memory card pinched between his fingers. ”Would you mind shutting her for this? I believe it will be more  need to prepare forceps for operation.”
”You’re going to cut me open!?” Now you were full-blown crying in horror. Both scientists ignored you like you weren’t even there in favor of talking about what they were going to do to you.
”Should we reserve a surgeon already? We didn’t have a need for one with earlier volunteers since they were Autobots, but she’s a Decepticon, so…?”
”Once we’re certain that operation is successful. Then we have a valid reason to pull a surgeon from the battlefield or one from the capital hospital. Until then, we shall perform any operation necessary.”
”Sounds good to me.” The one who called himself Wheeljack turned to you and reached towards your head. You started crying harder and shake your head, but he took a hold of the head and with a snap and click you felt your head snap open. You screamed harder and both scientists made a face at the noises you made.
”Would you please silence her?” Perceptor asked as he picked up a sharp tool that looked like it was going to be used to both cut you open and spread your ribs open wide.
”I’m on it!” Wheeljack grunted and pushed tiny memory card into your bare brains. The reaction was instant, your body jumped on its own accord and suddenly went limp, and everything in your eyes turned into ones and zeros to darkness…’
You woke up with a jolt, your cooling fans running on high speed and your frame heated. You gasped for breath and moved your hand to your helm, fearing it was still open and your inner processor was out for the whole world to see. Your hands met your helm’s finials and you didn’t feel any different than normal.
You sighed in relief, but the adrenaline or whatever rush coding kept your spark jumping was still running through your lines and pipes. You checked the time and came to the conclusion that you had recharged enough for a mech your size. The clock was ticking and your recharge rhythm was messed up.
So you got up on your shaky pedes, left your chamber and walked towards the main chamber where your superiors must have been. Maybe lord Megatron could give you a mission, work or cleaning job, anything to drag your mind off from the horrible dream you had.
What was it? The first part felt so familiar like it was a memory, but it appeared to be a human being's memory when rest of the dream reminded you from the nightmare you had days ago when you fell to forest greenery.
In your thoughts, you run straight into something. Yelping in shock, you jumped backward and looked up. You run straight into Lugnut. You swallowed and quickly saluted your superior mech. ”S— sir Lugnut! I— I’m so sorry for running into you, I was just—!”
”Lord Megatron wants to see you.” He said and turned around to leave, but you were baffled. He wasn’t yelling like he usually was or snapping at you. That left you speechless. When you weren’t following him immediately he glanced back at you, his only optic zooming into you. ”Don’t keep our savior waiting!”
”N- no sir!” You yelped and quickly ran after him. Without looking at you Lugnut talked. ”This is a proud moment for you! When you get your chance you kneel before our glorious Lord and do as he says!”
”Yes, sir.” You said. You get walking until you and Lugnut were in the main chamber. Lord Megatron was there and so was Blitzwing. Lugnut joined Megatron’s other side and left you standing behind. All three Decepticons were standing in the middle of the room and looking at you, waiting for you to take your place.
Remembering what Lugnut told you, you walked before Lord Megatron. Your lord nodded in a pleasing manner and raised his hand. ”The time has come to officially initiate you in ranks of the Decepticons.”
Your motors stuttered. He was going to make you a real Decepticon now?! Oh no, you were so excited and nervous! Were you ready for this?
You were ready for this. This is all you wanted. You wanted to prove yourself to your lord and you had done it by shooting at Autobots and returning back to your lord’s side when you got separated from him. You took a deep breath, onlined your optics and immediately fell to your knees before Megatron.
Lord Megatron stood before you, tall, proud and almighty as he looked down at you. Sir Blitzwing and Lugnut stood by his sides, both holding purple lights in their hands. As soon as your knees hit the ground the ceremony started.
”Repeat after me! I pledge my unquestioning loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause.” Lord Megatron ordered. You bowed your head in respect and held your hand over your spark chamber as you repeated what your lord told you.
”I shall devote my spark to achieving our goal of a Decepticon controlled Cybertron… by any means necessary…!” You noticed that your leader put pressure on certain words and you took those words literally to your spark as you repeated his words perfectly.
”And annihilate all who have driven us from our rightful homeworld.” You were eager to learn what kind of place Cybertron was and even more to learn what kind of home Megatron would turn it for you.
”Surrender is not an option…!” Never. You swore you would fight for your lord with your whole being. He had been nothing but a kind, fair and amazing leader to you once he learned that you weren’t enemy, but his precious subordinate and he treated you as nothing less. Least you could do was to make sure that he would take his rightful place as ruler of Cybertron.
Your leader nodded, obviously pleased with you. ”Welcome brave Decepticon.” He reached to the side and picked up branding iron with Decepticon symbol sizzling and sparking with purple electricity licking the symbol.
Your spark skipped a pulse in fear, but you forced any doubt you had down. This was what you wanted and wished for. To be a Decepticon again! To serve your lord and savior Megatron!
”Raise your helm! Your destiny awaits…!”
With a deep inhale, you raised your head and moved your hand to your side. Lord Megatron offered no more words as he had blessed you with so many already and he jammed the burning hot branding iron straight in the middle of your chassis, right over the Autobot symbol.
You screeched in blinding pain. Everything went white as electricity wrecked through your body, the metal electrocuting every sensor in your frame and burning you from inside out. Megatron held the iron against you only a few seconds, but the pain was unreal. He pulled the iron off from your chassis and the pain went away, but the aftershock stayed.
You fell on your side on the ground, clutching your burning sides and whimpering in pain as your body slowly stopped spamming in pain. You focused on calming yourself, not caring or noticing how all optics were on your pathetic little form.
Megatron gave the cooling branding iron to Lugnut who took it humbly and then turned to look at you. ”Rise up and serve your master!”
New order in your processor, you forced yourself to push your frame up and rise up to your pedes until you stood before your lord. The Decepticon lord smirked in satisfaction and motioned Blitzwing briefly with his hand. ”Bring her a mirror. Let her see how she has been reborn.”
Blitzwing walked off to the side and quickly returned with a mirror in his hands. He was kind enough to hold the mirror for you as you walked up to him and took a first look at yourself.
What you saw took your breath away.
Your dirty grey frame had turned black and shiny, bright and gleaming raspberry colored biolights decorated your armor’s seams and lines, your previous golden optics had turned crimson like your superior’s optics and the wretched Autobot slave symbol was gone and in its place was your gorgeous Decepticon symbol.
”I— I— I’m…! Is that really me…?” You awed in wonder as you turned your helm to a side to side to see yourself from different angles. Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder, making you flinch and you looked over your shoulder to see lord Megatron standing behind you.
”This is you reborn as powerful Decepticon again.” Your leader gave your shoulder a tight squeeze and you visibly shivered under his hand. ”From this day onwards you shall be called Dreadtrap.”
”Dreadtrap…” You repeated like in trance. You glanced at Blitzwing and Lugnut in wonder and they both nodded at you. ”Velcome Dreadtrap.”
”Serve Lord Megatron well!”
You smiled and nodded. You were going to bring honor and greatness to Decepticons, you swore it on your life! Megatron let go of you and motioned everyone to leave. ”The ceremony is over. Go fetch yourself some oil and fuel up. Blitzwing and Lugnut! You two stay with me.”
You nodded and left the tree superiors alone as you went to your lord’s private chamber where he held the oil. You were more than happy to help yourself some, it had been ages since you last time tasted that delicious oil that satisfied the pickiest thirst you had ever had.
You gladly poured yourself a tiny goblet of oil, not daring to take too much of your lord’s oil in fear of him feeling disappointed or perhaps angry at you. You knew he would never raise his voice at you, or at least you hoped he wouldn’t, but you could never too careful as you didn’t want to use his generosity out.
Speaking of generosity, you should thank Megatron for allowing you a goblet of his best oil! You knew you could take him a goblet! He must have become thirsty after the ceremony! You downed your goblet in one delicious go and rushed to your lord’s seat where he held his personal goblet.
You filled the goblet and carefully took it upstairs to Megatron.
”Megatron, you old warmonger! It’s been stellar cycles!”
To your surprise, he wasn’t alone. Well, he was alone, but not. He was talking to someone over the comm screen. A mech you had never seen or then you had, but couldn’t remember. There wasn’t anything that really stuck out on him, but his big purple eyes really stuck you. Also, he had a voice with a certain charm in it.
”I can’t tell you how tickled I was when I heard that my favorite customer was still online!” The mech leaned in closer to the camera. ”You look great by the way.”
”Oh, spare me from platitudes Swindle.” Lord Megatron snapped. You shivered little in your spot out of sight. He didn’t sound so pleased. Was he angry? ”How did you get this frequency?”
”Mutual bounty-hunting friend provided it for an exchange of a weapon or two. Professional scruples prevent me from revealing his name.” The mech, Swindle smiled wide and you had a feeling it was about this bounty hunter he was talking about.
”Scruples? You’d sell your own motherboard to the highest bidder.” Megatron scoffed and Swindle laughed out loud with real joy. ”Ha ha ha! But enough about me! What would you say if I told you I had a machine that could shut down all electromechanical systems? We’re talking the perfect weapon to defeat and destroy your Autobot enemies.”
”I would say I might be interested if it truly does as you claim…!”
”Well as the vehicle dealers say here on Earth, you can’t expect the customer to buy a car without giving it a test drive! So I’ve arranged a little demo…!” Swindle walked up to a machine and pushed a button. An electric green wave flashed through the camera and you held your breath as you watched the whole Detroit city shut down.
”Are you seeing this? Are you loving this? Every machine, every robot in Detroit invulnerable! I could spring a leak, I’m so excited!” He truly sounded excited. You felt your oil bubbling in a weird manner in your system. He was genuinely so happy, you couldn’t almost handle it.
He kept his sale speak going. ”Now, picture this, all your enemies completely immobile, completely aware of everything around them, but completely helpless to move or speak! A fate even worse than going offline…! Eh, eh?” He leaned towards the camera, a big smile on his face. ”So? Do we have a deal or what?”
You held your fans quiet as silence fell between mechs. Finally, Megatron nodded. He opened his mouth to speak, but your fans stuttered suddenly and your lord whipped around to see who was intruding his private talk with an arms dealer. You froze in your place as his optics landed on you and you feared for your life as you saw him squint his optics at you in anger.
But just like that, it was gone. There was no anger or hate in his optics, only amusement as he beckoned you over. ”Dreadtrap. Come here.”
You gulped and with shaky legs made your way to your leader. Your hands were shaking like crazy, but you willed them to stay still as you offered the goblet of oil to great big mech before you. ”I— I thought you would like some oil lord Megatron…! I— I’m sorry if I intruded…!”
”My my, what do you have there you old turbofox!” Swindle laughed with a smile. ”Hello, there beauty! The name’s Swindle, the best arms dealer in the whole galaxy! If you’re ever looking for a gun, a forcefield, new set of wings or perhaps a total makeover I’m the mech you call for!”
For some reason, the oil in your face heated up. He was so smooth talking and despite being selling you his services, it sounded a lot like he was hitting on you. The act didn’t go unappreciated. ”T- thank you.”
Lord Megatron turned to you and took the oil from your hands. ”Thank you. That was thoughtful of you.”
You smiled shyly and nodded happily to him. ”Pleasure to serve.”
”Speaking of serving… I have a mission for you.”
”Anything my lord.”
”Go to Detroit and fetch this gun Swindle here is offering to provide for us,” Megatron said and Swindle butted in. ”For a price, of course!”
”Yes… Go and I’ll send you coordinates soon. If you succeed on this, the whole war may be won by Decepticons.”
”I’ll go right away, sir!” You twirled around on your heels, transformed midway and speeded off into the cave system that lead outside. You were so giddy, your first mission as a Decepticon and it was an important one! You didn’t have any room to screw this up! You sped up as fast as you could fly.
The night sky was out and you could see the city lights in the distance. There was a bing in your commlink and you received coordinates that were promised to you. It didn’t take you long to make it to the point of the meeting, but you noticed from far that something was wrong.
You transformed midair and landed on a close skyscraper near Sumdac tower to better see what was going on. All the machinery was working again and there were police cars and worse of all Autobots!
You looked around, trying to see Swindle but the mech didn’t catch your eyes. Was he taken by Autobots? You felt your oil boiling and your gun buzzing with electricity to be used. You thought your chances. Take a shot at Autobots and possibly take down one or two of them or run back to Megatron with your tail between your legs?
It wasn’t a hard decision for you to make. You took your gun out and took an aim. The yellow little Autobot looked like someone that would be easy to take out, purely by his small size. You were ready to take a shot when your commlink binged.
’Return to the base Dreadtrap. The Autobots have taken Swindle and the gun.’ It was lord Megatron and he didn’t sound so pleased. You tried to talk to him. ”Lord Megatron, I’m at the scene where Autobots are! I could—!”
’Return at once!’ The link went dead. You cursed in your mind, fear and anger burning and confusing your processor. You were fearful that Megatron would be mad or punish you and you were so mad for Autobots.
This was their fault! If they hadn’t stopped your plans then you would have gotten the gun and lord Megatron would be pleased with you! Now because of them lord Megatron would be angry and punish you…!
You wanted to take a shot, you wanted it so badly, but orders were meant to be followed. That in mind you transformed and took off. Little did you know someone saw you.
”What is it Sari?” Optimus asked from his little human friend. Sari scowled and glanced at her Autobot friends. ”Is it just me or did anyone else see something weird?”
”This night can’t get any weirder than it is.” Bumblebee jabbed and Sari gave him a look. ”I’m serious, I saw something!”
”Maybe it’s the clock getting to you. Man, I sure am sleepy!”
”Whatever it is, we should all head back to base for the night. We have a new day tomorrow.” Optimus ordered. The rest of the Autobots agreed with him, but Sari was left with an uneasy feeling in her gut. And her gut was never wrong.
Back in Decepticon base however…
”I’m so sorry Lord Megatron!” You cried in fear as you fell on your knees before your lord and begged forgiveness. ”If I had been just a little faster then I could have gotten the gun…! I’m so sorry I let you down!”
Megatron stared down at you with a scowl and you didn’t even dare to look up at him. You were so afraid for anything to happen. You were so nervous that you were actually squeezing your servos so hard that you almost felt them dent. You heard his heavy pedes as he walked up to you and you braced yourself for the worst.
Which never came. Lord Megatron walked past you and didn’t even look at you. Shocked as you were you raised your head a little and stole a peek at him from the corner of your optic. Megatron walked up to table and picked up something before he turned back to you.
You flinched and quickly moved your head back forwards. Your leader walked past you and you felt your spark skip when you saw him stop before you. You raised your head in shock and he scowled down at you.
”Raise your helm. It wasn’t your fault mission failed, but that fool Swindle’s fault.” He said as he took a sip of his oil, his optics never leaving your small form at his pedes. You swallowed and nodded shakily before your eyes lowered to the ground again.
”B- but—!”
”No buts! Get up and clean up!”
”B- but I’m not even—!” Your words were cut off as you felt something fall over your helm and trickle down your frame and through your armor’s seams. Your optics fizzled as you realized what had happened. Lord Megatron had poured his oil on you.
There was a clank as the goblet was dropped in front of your face on the ground and you just sat there on your knees as Megatron walked past you. ”Clean up and forget those Autobots. You will have your revenge on them. I ensure you that…!”
The chamber grew quiet as Megatron left and you slowly pushed yourself up on your pedes. You looked at your hands where oil pooled to your palms. You tilted them inwards and oil leaked down your hands to the ground.
Finally, you smiled and sighed in relief.
Lord Megatron wasn’t angry at you. He didn’t punish you. You were still his loyal Decepticon. You swore as you walked towards the cave that would take you to stream to clean up that next time you wouldn’t disappoint him.
Next time you would make him proud to call you his Decepticon.
13 notes · View notes
sabraeal · 7 years
Merry & Bright: Chapter 4
(Requested by @onepetal as her birthday gift! Look at that...less than two months late...)
Obi’s hands grip the wheel at ten and two, knuckles bone-white against the vinyl. It’s been fifteen miles, and the only sign of life in him is the way he breaks, slow and methodical, at every stop light.
There hasn’t been one for the last ten.
What’s more worrying is how the needle quivers at fifty as they cruise down the freeway, never ticking more than two miles per hour above the limit. She’s never known him to go less than ten above -- it’s all sort of ridiculous metric he has that’s part gamble, part superstition.
(”It’s a flat rate up to ten,” he tells her as they speed down 95 in the leftmost lane, definitely doing more than sixty-five. “So they don’t bust you unless you’re doing eleven or more.”
She’s not sure how to explain that speeding fines are not universal, so instead she settle for, “Even when you have out-of-state plates?”
The glare he sends her is nothing short of baleful, but the speedometer ticks back down to sixty, and she lets out a sigh of relief.)
For five miles, he cleaves to the rightmost lane, even when they get stuck behind what has to be the most elderly driver in the state. Shirayuki is known for her patience, but going thirty on a highway tests her limits.
“Obi,” Shirayuki starts, hesitant.
He flinches. Obi flinches.
“Obi.” Her voice is steel this time. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah.” His shoulders are a hard line against the driver’s seat. She’s in pain just looking at how tense he is. “This traffic, huh? It’s like no one’s ever heard of a Christmas tree until today --”
Her hand snakes over the center console, fingers grasping his thigh. “Don’t do that.”
His breath hisses out between his teeth. “Do what?”
“Don’t hide from me.”
He glances down at her, gold shuttered behind the black of his eyelashes. Carefully, purposefully, she squeezes the denim under her palm. He’s not knobby-kneed anymore, like back in undergrad, and the thick muscle beneath her palm twitches.
He huffs out a laugh, playfully knocking his thigh against the console. “Quit it,” he says, not meaning a word. “That feels weird.”
She squeezes again, tightening her thumb and pinky as she rubs down the belly of the muscle to his knee. He lets out a satisfied groan, and it’s -- it’s not supposed to be sexual, it’s just relief, but her skin crackles anyway, makes her feel like she’s dry tinder, waiting for a spark.
“You’re tense,” she tells him, his mouth pulling into a grimace.
“I’m not tense,” he protests, shoulders creeping up to his ears. “I’m focused.”
She sits back, fingers drumming on the denim. Cars are backed up for miles.
She can wait. She’s not the one who’s afraid of a little silence.
Heavy synth bells resonate in the car, followed by, it’s Christmas time, and there’s no need to be afraid –
Her fingers twitch. Why do they even play this song, it’s so reductive to –
She breathes slowly, in and out. Patience. She has to wait it out.
“Do you have bad tree shopping memories?” she tries, raising her voice to drown out  choir of 80′s stars yelling, can they know it’s Christmas time at all. “Or something like that?”
A laugh bursts out of Obi, until he bears down on it, trapping it behind  grin that cuts. “I have bad memories about everything, Doc.”
“Obi --”
“But no,” he continues, easing his shoulders down. “There’s no specific Christmas tree trauma.”
She leans back, eyeing him warily. “We could just go back. We don’t have to go, if this is too much for you.”
“No, it’s…” He sighs, letting the car lapse back into silence. Feed the world fades out to the beginning of a Frank Sinatra carol, and she leans back her head, thumb rubbing along the outer seam of his jeans. She waits.
“Kelly Ann and me don’t really see eye to eye,” Obi says finally, knuckles easing back into their tan color. “On anything.”
Shirayuki leans on the console, tucking one leg under her. Obi might be an open book to her, but he’s always been one light on exposition. What little she’d heard of before was either unpleasant or vague allusions to a better time, which recently turned into much more substantial stories about Bob and Gayle. He’d never talked about any other fosters.
She’d assumed there was a reason. “That seems almost aggressively normal.”
“Well.” The word’s clipped short, “it’s not. It’s not – sibling stuff. She just finds everything I do offensive, including breathing.”
She refrains from commenting how that sounds exactly like sibling stuff. “That was years ago.”
“It’s Kelly Ann,” he huffs, “her grudges don’t rot away, they age.”
“Did you both have to share a bathroom, or something?” Shirayuki’s never had a sibling, but there were days she wanted to strangle Kihal for hogging the sink, or leaving her side of the room like an explosion of a clothes factory.
“No, she was in college when I came.” He shrugged. “I don’t know, she came home for Thanksgiving and she just – didn’t like the look of me. Said I was trouble.”
She looks at him now, hoodie peeking out of his Florida-thin coat, hair still mussed from sleep, and wonders how anyone could see him as trouble. He’s just Obi, mischievous and mysterious, grin at the ready. The scar above his eyebrow lends him a little bit of menace, but that’s a souvenir from the ring; back then all of his scars were –
She swallows. They were all under his clothes, mostly.
“That doesn’t seem fair,” she says, wishing there wasn’t a hunk of vinyl between them. She wants to wrap her arms around him, remind him that the boy he was here doesn’t exist anymore. She can only squeeze his leg, giving him a weak smile when he glances toward her.
“Maybe. I don’t know. I wasn’t a very nice kid at that point.”
“You?” She presses a hand to her chest. “Not very nice? No.”
His mouth twitches at the corner. “Okay, you can turn down the sarcasm a couple notches there. I promise you, whatever you think you know, I was probably worse. Believe it or not, you met me when I was less of a little shit.”
“Were you mean to her?”
Her shrugs. “Probably? I was pretty much an asshole to everyone then.”
“I mean, specifically.” She gives him a long look. “You know, lock her out of any buildings…?”
He laughs. “No. It was just…general dickishness. She wasn’t home much. She wanted to finish college early to, you know, prove that foster kids were just as smart as everyone else. She’s that type of person.”
Shirayuki nods. “I can see that.”
“She had a boyfriend too. Cal. Coast Guard Cal,” he says, in the same way someone might say Malibu Ken. “He was…nice.”
“Nice?” There’s something hiding in that word when he says it. “Nice how?”
“He was just…” Obi hesitates. “I mean, he was something nice to look at. On holidays.”
She stares. “Things are suddenly so clear.”
He frowns. “What do you mean by that?”
“You flirted with him, didn’t you?”
“No!” Obi grimaces. “Well, I mean…I don’t know.”
She blinks. “You don’t know?”
Obi squirms under her hand. “I just…I don’t know. I told him he had, you know…good gains. In the military.”
“I was sixteen!” His voice goes a little shrill, and he catches himself with a laugh. “Listen, I knew where to put my dick with girls, I just didn’t – the guys thing was not easy.”
She hums, unconvinced.
“Anyway,” he says, clearing his throat. “I doubt that they’re even still together. She really wasn’t big into doing the whole military wife thing.” He coughs. “It probably won’t even come up.”
“Did he have nice eyes?” she asks, too innocent. Obi has a thing for eyes.
“First off,” he starts, laughter bubbling under the words, “screw you, and second, they were gray.” 
Being back in Virginia is like living in a constant state of déjà vu; he pulls into the farm’s lot and it’s like he’s in the back of Bob’s station wagon again, head pressed up against the glass, headphones blaring over the Christmas music they have on the radio.
In his memory the music is all a blur; he’d had such strong opinions on it then -- what was alt enough for his alt rock sensibilities, who was selling out to be mainstream -- but he doesn’t remember any of it now. It was never really about that anyway; it was about who was loud enough to block out the rest of his life.
Survival mechanism, the psych in Clarines would have called it. It had saved him from some of the more unpleasant parts of his childhood.
That wasn’t what it had been doing then.
His skin itches. Ever since he got here, it’s been like he’s wearing someone else’s, or maybe -- maybe his own. He’s wearing his past, and it just doesn’t fit, not anymore.
He’s outgrown the memories he made here, the person who he was. He’s not afraid, not of this, not anymore.
Maybe if he says it enough, he’ll really start believing it too.
It takes Doc a quarter of an hour to exit any vehicle – god knows why; he has to unfold himself like an accordion from any car under midsize, but Shirayuki is tiny, only hitting five-three on technicalities, and yet here they are. He idles by her door awkwardly, ass parked on his hood and heel kicked up on a tire, waiting for her to collect everything she’s intent on hauling with them.
He knows better than to remind her it’s going to be in-and-out, fifteen minutes tops; that’s just going to make her think harder about what to bring.
Obi scans the lot, wrinkling his nose at the tiny, pre-cut trees they have leaned against the side of the barn – little three foot things, better suited for a production of “Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown” than anyone’s living room. There’ll be bigger ones inside the barn; good five to six footers that will make Gayle happy. If he’s lucky, Kelly Ann will have scoped some out – she was always the one with opinions anyway. He just wants to strap that thing to top of his car and go home; anything to keep this little trip down memory lane short.
He huffs out a breath. Kelly Ann. Gayle had that coy little smile on her face when she said it, you can go help Kelly Ann, and he just –
It’s not going to help, whatever Gayle think she has up her sleeve. She may think six years of nothing will erase two of fighting, but Kelly Ann nurses grudges like pets, like children: she likes to see them get big and strong and take on a life of their own. She’ll forgive his trespasses over her cold dead corpse.
His eyes flickers over the crowd milling about outside. He probably won’t even recognize her, not after so long, and that’s only going to make her worse –
He sees her.
It’s like seeing her the first time all over again, being struck by the almost purposeful placement of her freckles on her cool brown skin, thinking that with that and the angle of her eyes she looks like one of the wild cats he saw on the Nat Geo channel as a kid. He wanted to draw whiskers on her, wanted to pull the tight coils of her ponytail out and make a mane big enough so that everyone could see what he saw: not some tame house cat, but something to be marveled at, something dangerous --
Something that survived where it shouldn’t have, just like him.
And she has a kid.
The little head bobbles at her side, hair pulled up in two little puffs, chattering away, and maybe, maybe this isn’t Kelly Ann –
The woman’s gaze fixes on him, two dark eyes going wide before they narrow, her mouth pitching into a frown. “Obi?”
Nope, it’s – it’s really her.
“Kelly Ann?” His gaze slips down to the kid at her side. She can’t be much more than four or five, all long limbs and baby teeth. “And guest?”
The girl tucks her head into her mom’s side, shy.
“Laila,” Kelly Ann says warningly, though Obi can’t say whether it’s for him or her daughter. Both, probably. “This the girl?”
Shirayuki spills out of the passenger side, smile bright. “Hi, yes! I’m – me. Shirayuki.” She sticks out a hand. “I’m happy to meet you.”
Kelly Ann hesitates, but Bob and Gayle didn’t raise any of them to be rude. She clasps Shirayuki’s hand, giving it a firm shake. “Good to meet you too. Kelly Ann.”
“Did you pick out a tree?” Obi asks, before they can do much more talking. Already he can tell this is going to be a shitshow. “I got a plastic card with my name on it that’s dying to have an evergreen purchase.”
“No.” His heart sinks. “Laila wants to go chop one down.”
“Ooh!” Shirayuki’s smile ups its wattage. “I love doing that!”
Of course she does, of course.
“Great,” Kelly Ann says before he can protest. “Let’s get to it.”
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Congress Calls Unsportsman Like Penalty for NFL- > End SPECIAL TAX BREAKS! and commentary by Rush Limbaugh.
No Tax Breaks for the NFL – Unsportsmanship Conduct at HoaxAndChange.com
“In America, if you want to play sports you’re free to do so. If you want to protest, you’re free to do so,” said Representative Matt Gaetz (Republican), a freshman from Florida’s Panhandle, in a floor speech Tuesday morning. “But you should do so on your own time and on your own dime.”
Representative Matt Gaeta calls to end the “special breaks” that sports leagues received in the tax code. “Some swamp creature of yesteryear cleverly defined sports leagues as ‘tax-exempt trade organizations,’ ” he said. “The public pays 70 percent of the cost of NFL stadiums. Tax-exempt sports leagues generate nearly $2 billion in revenue.”
No to NFL at HoaxAndChange.com
In Louisiana, where taxpayers shell out an estimated $165 million in tax breaks for the New Orleans Saints, state Representative  Kenny Havard (Republican) has asked for the state to cut it off.
“I believe in the right to protest, but not at a taxpayer-subsidized sporting event,” Havard said. “Do it on your own time. There are plenty of disabled children, elderly and veterans in this state that would appreciate the money.” > Rep. Harvard.
In 2015, the league had to “voluntarily” give up tax-exempt status, blaming bad Public Relations and hoping to end a “distraction.”
Kaepernick The NFL Millionaire at HoaxAndChange.com
  NFL Players Are Used to Getting Away with Whatever They Want
rush-limbaugh @ Old Guard Audio
Sep 26, 2017
  RUSH: We have Sean in Palm Beach Gardens. Great to have you, Sean. How you doing?
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you for taking my call.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: Well, I am so disgusted at these NFL football players like most of America right now. I can’t see straight (chuckles), and I’d like to make a couple of points. First of all, Tim Tebow was fined for praying. Okay? So he’s fine for praying, and we have Villanueva that does the right thing. He earns a bronze medal (sic), serves three tours of duty in Afghanistan, and Coach Tomlin, you know, says he should have been part of the team. Now we have Villanueva backtracking.
And you know what I think? I think that we have racism in the other direction. I think we have Coach Tomlin, an African-American, who looks at this man and says, “You know what? You are showing respect for the flag.” It’s the flag! It has nothing to do with the president. It’s the American flag. And what he’s saying is, “You know what? I’ve been under the…” Behind the scenes he’s saying, “If you ever want to play on this team again, if you ever want to actually make a play again, guess what, buddy?
“You better say what you did was a mistake and that you meant to be with the rest of the team.” Because I know. I know how it works. I have been around football. When I was in my younger days, I knew the football players of a national championship team. And, you know what? These guys, both black and white and Hispanic, they all get away with practically murder, okay? And it’s white men that are putting up the money that have literally said to the schools, “You know what? Even though he doesn’t make the cut…”
RUSH: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on just a second. I’m running out of time. I don’t mean to be rude. I’m gonna respond to you after the break here at the bottom. I don’t think Tomlin wants Villanueva to disrespect the flag. I don’t think that’s what that’s about. I will explain what that’s been. I’m very nervous when you use the word “murder,” even though… I know you’re using an expression of speech here.
But nobody’s been murdered yet, and nobody’s getting away with it, and I want to be… You know, when this issue comes up, it’s already charged enough without putting a cherry on top of it or a cherry bomb on top of it. But as to what you’re saying, I’ve got a story that pretty much makes your point. So I’m gonna end up making you look good here, Sean, and I want you to think about something. I’m gonna hold you through the break, okay? Can you hang on?
CALLER: Okay, I can, yes.
RUSH: Would you like a new iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus?
RUSH: Good. Don’t sound so excited. We’ll take a break and be back. Don’t hang up, Sean.
RUSH: Okay. We’re back, and we have Sean in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Tell me, are you aware of the new iPhone 8? Do you know anything about it?
CALLER: I am. Yes. I am actually excited. I’m sorry I didn’t sound excited. Thank you so much!
RUSH: That’s okay.
CALLER: I loved you before but I love you even more. (giggling)
RUSH: I know you were stunned beyond belief —
CALLER: You’re right! (giggling)
RUSH: — and were practically frozen into expressionlessness. I just… It came out of nowhere.
CALLER: (giggling)
RUSH: But do you know about the new iPhone 8s?
CALLER: No, I don’t. I’ve only heard about the weird one where you need your face (giggling) and I don’t even want that one.
RUSH: Well, then you don’t have to get it because I’ve got a brand-new iPhone 8 or 8 Plus for you. They come in three colors: gold, space gray, black, and silver — and the silver is so gorgeous, it’s almost white. Now, there are two sizes: 4.7-inch screen or 5.5-inch screen. Which one do you want?
CALLER: I’ll go with the five.
RUSH: Five and what color? Do you have a preference?
CALLER: I’ll go with gold.
RUSH: Go with gold. Okay, make a note in there. I have this story… I’ll get your address. Don’t hang up. Mr. Snerdley will get it. Make sure it’s a FedEx address. We don’t use the mail here.
CALLER: I thought you wanted me to do it on the air. I’m like, “I don’t know about that.” (laughing)
RUSH: No, no, no. If we… No, no, no. We don’t. We don’t. Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
CALLER: (laughing)
RUSH: It will work with any carrier you have. It doesn’t have a SIM card in it. You can take it to any provider — AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, whatever — and get it activated. Thanks very much, Sean. Here is the story. She said that the players are getting away with murder. What she meant by that is they’re never disciplined. But they are. They’re fined. This is one of the great contradictions. The coaches… When the Kaepernick stuff started, the coaches all said (impression), “I can’t tell them what to do!
“These are grown men. I can’t tell these boys what to do. I can’t say you shouldn’t do that! I can’t say you shouldn’t do this. I’m not…” But, Mr. Coach, you do it all the time. You demand they show up at a certain time of day for practice. If they’re not there, you fine ’em. You demand they show up for the pregame meal at a specific time so you know they’re out of bed and ready to play, and if they’re not there you fine ’em. You’ve got all kinds of behavioral codes. There’s a dress code for when the team travels on some teams. There’s all kinds of rules where you tell ’em what they can and can’t do.”
But when it comes to this (impression), “I can’t tell these boys that, Mr. Limbaugh! I can’t tell them what to do,” and then the league fines them. The league fines them for having too much fun after a touchdown. The league fines them for any number of reasons. Too hard a hit. The league fines ’em, suspends them, you know, for putting too much air in the football. You do all kinds of things, and yet, “We can’t control these boys! We can’t say what they can do.” But they do all the time. Now, there’s a story here in the New York Daily News. Mr. Snerdley… Oh, he’s getting the address from the super-excited Sean in Palm Beach Gardens.
Have you heard about the controversy with Odell Beckham Jr.? (interruption) You obviously haven’t. Well, the New York Giants played the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday. Beckham had a great game, had some spectacular catches, and after one of them, he pretended to be a dog and hiked his leg as though he were urinating in the end zone at Lincoln Financial Field. (interruption) Yeah, it’s been done before. Randy Moss when he was with the Vikings, scored a touchdown in Green Bay and acted as though he were defecating on the goalpost. Remember what Walter Williams said?
We’re dealing with an eighth-grade mentality, education level here. Okay. So, ladies and gentlemen, Odell Beckham. He’s in the last year of his contract with the New York Giants. He’s demanding a five-year, $100 million contract with $50 million guaranteed, and the Giants are determining whether or not they should pay it, and they didn’t re-up him last year ’cause they wanted to see if he would exhibit more maturity this year, before committing that kind of money. So the New York Daily News, one of the two tabloids, has this story:
“Giants Have a Tough Decision to Make with Odell Beckham Jr. Showing No Signs of Maturing.” The owners of the Giants “better give it a lot of thought before they p— away $100 million on Odell Beckham Jr.” That’s the lede. The writer here says — and his name is not mentioned; it didn’t print out. The writer says, “I hate to be so crass, but after Beckham’s disgraceful walking and peeing-like-a-dog, end-zone act Sunday in Philly, exactly what will he do next, and what are the Giants buying if they give Beckham a five-year, $100 million contract with $50 million guaranteed?
“They get an incredibly talented and unstoppable game changer, perhaps the best offensive player in team history…” By the way, the Giants are 0-3 despite Beckham’s talents. The New York Giants are 0-3. So “[t]hey get an incredibly talented and unstoppable game changer, perhaps the best offensive player in team history and the most explosive force in the game today, but also,” says the New York Daily News, they get “a high-maintenance volatile diva with a flair for turning everything around him into unnecessary drama, who also damages the team with his me-first solo acts and then makes no apologies or promises he won’t do it again.
“$100 million for that? Really?” The owners of the Giants “had not publicly commented on Beckham’s embarrassing behavior on Sunday,” cannot be happy with his “latest act of immaturity. It has to be humiliating for the organization that prides itself on being classy to answer questions why its best player is making believe he’s urinating on the field” in Philadelphia. Well, take the elements of this story. What do you have? You have a super-duper player, maybe the best offensive wide receiver at the moment in the NFL, genuinely a game-changer.
But the team on which he plays is 0-3. His contract is coming up, and you don’t want to lose the guy! After all, winning games and drawing people to pay the money to sit there, watch the games, watch ’em on TV, whatever… You need stars. Nobody denies that. But they got a guy that has repeatedly exhibited behavior way below the number of years of his age, and it’s gonna cost them $100 million with $50 million of it guaranteed — and once he’s got the money, there’s no stopping him. Whatever he does, you gotta live with.
This is not unique to the New York Giants, folks. This has been part and parcel of professional sports. The people that are able to do it are so few and so rare that it’s been tolerated. You know the bad boys that have played all these different sports, and you know they’re tolerated. They’re tolerated way beyond the level they would be in any other line of work. Odell Beckham Jr. is gonna get his money from the Giants. But look, nowhere else in America do you get money like this and do things like that. Nowhere else.
And now you’re not gonna stand for the flag, and you’re gonna do whatever that is gonna participate and drive some fans away from the game. This is what she meant when she said the caller, they get away with murder. She didn’t mean murder, and that’s why I had to step in there, because, you know, it’s already charged enough without adding — it may happen someday. You just never know. But it hasn’t yet. (interruption) No, that was off the field, and that’s still not —
At any rate, you see, my friends, what do they do? They’re gonna show him the money. You imagine them not paying — I think it’s really, really relevant that they are 0-3. They’re 0-3. (interruption) Hm-hm. Well, if the broadcast money shrinks away — that’s gonna be awhile. ‘Cause what else is gonna replace — the NFL’s always gonna be — this is the thing. What is there to replace it? Even if the ratings — and, by the way, last night’s game was up on ESPN. The Monday night games are up. Sunday night game was down again. Overall the ratings are down. Last night’s game was up. In fact, Monday Night Football’s the only thing that’s up this year.
But even with their ratings dropping, they’re still the most watched thing on TV. What’s gonna replace it on Sunday afternoon, Sunday night, Monday, what’s gonna replace it? Nothing. That money from the networks is gonna flow one way or the other and in certain amounts one way or the other. So that’s why the Beckham story, this is what she’s talking about, they get away with things that — and, by the way, there is a sense of entitlement after you get away with stuff like this. Why stop it? “By the way, I’m on the highlight roll on ESPN, everybody for two days saw that thing I did in the end zone.” Love it. Absolutely love it.
RUSH: Here is Gary Myers who wrote the New York Daily News piece that I quoted, and Gary Myers — well, let’s just say proud Obama supporter. And he still took Odell Beckham Jr. to task for imitating a dog urinating in the end zone in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia fans probably understood it. Maybe even enjoyed it.
Congress Calls Unsportsman Like Penalty for NFL- > End SPECIAL TAX BREAKS! and commentary by Rush Limbaugh. Congress Calls Unsportsman Like Penalty for NFL- > End SPECIAL TAX BREAKS! and commentary by Rush Limbaugh.
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