#Nya x pixal
jayninjago · 4 months
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My part of an art trade with @capyfroyo ^^
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basicallytravus · 1 year
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girls love girls
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Sammurai has been infecting me slowly sigh credits to the art I don’t own!! I’ll link them laterrr @garmaballs winkies
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Let’s go lesbians 🥳
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I promised Pixal and Pixal you shall get! I like to think since she's the child/invention of one of Ninjago's largest tech businesses AND Samurai-X people are definitely interested in talking to her. This is kind of a fun what if kinda thing!
I know the way I draw Pixal isn't really how I've seen most of the fandom draws her but like Pixal is just a character I love to have fun with ESPECIALLY with her glowing purple markings ugh I just love them! Also expect some samurai shipping posts sometime in the near future because I've recently become a fan of them!
However the next thing on the list is more Carmen Sandiego redesigns + the release of the prologue of the re-write since I'm also excited for that. I'm still doing Ninjago stuff but I'm also doing Carmen Sandiego stuff and maybe just MAYBE one day I'll combine them (I think that Carmen would make a great green ninja and Lloyd could make an interesting VILE agent wink wink).
But anyways that's all for now, feel free to ask questions about my art, or the re-wrote or whatever in my comments! I hope yall have a great day/night PEACE OUT!
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amalsoappickle · 2 years
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Sorry they were too busy kissing to have a reaction /j
(Im exposed as a samuraishipper real 😔)
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x-catspace-x · 1 year
Finished making my part for a MEP!
Took a bit of my brain power :P
Hope you guys like it!
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beetlecakes · 3 months
Rip Nya Smith and Pixal, you guys would’ve loved Chappell Roan
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Oh you want hot buff lady? Well I am VERY happy to oblige because I like hot buff ladies too!
So from the first time Nya came on screen I immediately got "Chill tall girl energy" and I just love her so much. I love that fact that she's constantly saving the guy's sorry asses and they're just like "Sorry Nya". And you can NOT tell me this gal ain't buff as hell, like she saw everyone else training and she was like "gimme a piece of that!"
I love her dynamic with Kai it's just so sweet and her relationship with Jay is the epitome of "Tall girlfriend/short boyfriend" and also "Two very ADHD goblins but in very different ways" though Idk if I ship it but I don't have any major problem with it, though her and Pixel might have been cute idk. (Also lets be honest with ourselves Cole and Nya were literally never gonna happen but I do think that she taught him how to do eyeliner).
I feel as if I should mention that Ninjago does indeed pass the Bechdel test because her and Pixel talk mechanics a lot and she also talks to Skylor multiple times about a variety of things! So yeah bet y'all weren't expecting that one!  
Anyhow as for her outfit I went with a very tech-wear aesthetic because I just though it fit, I threw her ninja symbol fucking everywhere and I had so much  fun with her shoes. I don't think she would wear this while working or anything, more like an out on the town ordeal or just generally when she doesn't have to get her hands dirty.
In conclusion I love Nya she carries literally and figuratively!
(PS. if you’ve already seen this elsewhere it’s because that was my other account cause I thought I lost this one)
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reedoku · 2 years
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💜Love this two💙
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dontlookforme00 · 2 years
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Happy Valentines with these two gay people that I drew in 5 hours apparently
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Hi.What is the relationship between Nya and Pixal?Apart from allies on battlefield and co-creators(?) of Samurai X.Also,what about Wojira duo?Especially during Seabound bc if Morro is there,his powers are going crazy too.
In VT, Samuraishipping is one of the endgame ships I was settled on from the beginning. Nya and Pixal become fast friends and then have a bit of a slow-burn. If I can stay patient long enough to do a slow-burn.
And as for Nya and Morro, things are complicated.
I still haven't settled on exactly how the Preeminent is defeated and what state Morro would even be in directly after. Ultimately Morro will be alive and officially part of the family team, but while things could go almost identical to cannon just with him sticking around after DotD, things could also be a lot messier.
Like, one of the potential 'routes' things could go down would have Morro still possessing Kai, with the two being Merged to the point They can't willingly break apart anymore, with the Rift of Return being able to separate Them by giving Morro his own body.
Nya's feelings towards Morro and Morro's feelings towards Nya are entirely dependant on how much Kai and Morro Merged.
The closer they get to losing Kai, whether to Merging or to one of the other hazards of possession, the less Nya likes Morro. But, the more Kai rubs off on Morro, the more...affection? for lack of a better word? Morro has towards Nya.
Like, Kai's care for his younger siblings rubs off on Morro. When the two of them are Merging, all of their individual memories and feelings are shared, and even once they're fully separated there's still some lingering echoes. Kai's love and care for his younger siblings is such a big part of who he is as a person that it leaves an echo like that on Morro (which honestly just exacerbates some issues that were already there).
So right off the bat Morro has a bit of...like I said 'affection' isn't quite right, but it's the closest word I can think to use. Except bc he knows this is just the echo of him possessing Kai, Morro tries to ignore it and avoid Nya and Lloyd. Which is fine by Nya, who isn't too happy with Morro's survival initially.
So right off the bat things with the Wojira Duo are...messy.
But they do get closer! Especially during the events of HoT and the Island.
Maya actually has her powers all out of whack thanks to Wojira as well, since she still has them in this au!
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butterpony100 · 2 years
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Mmm samurai au for the soul
Walking backstage after the concert, Nya definitely felt out of place.
In a huge music festival for indie artists, it was definitely an event with people from all walks of life.
There was even a group that had based their entire band’s theme on one of the fritz donagan movies.
In the end, she was stuck following behind Lloyd, one of her best friends, through the crowds until they spotted a familiar streak of green hair standing by a booth.
“FSM, finally! How the hell do you guys work in these crowds??” Lloyd asked his cousin with disbelief. Morro just wore a smug grin.
“When your in the music industry, you get used to it kid.” He turned to face Nya. “Your this brat’s friend right? Name’s Morro.”
Ignoring Lloyds protests at the namecalling, Nya shook the older man’s hand with an excited gin. Lloyd has showed her some of Morro’s demo tracks afterschool durning band practice, but it was a whole other experience seeing the man behind the music. Ripped leather jacket covered with various colorful buttons and pins matching a black and yellow color scheme with the rest of his outfit.
Of course, he wasn’t the only person Nya was interested in meeting.
“Uh, if it’s ok that I ask-“ Nya starts. “Who was the singer during your performance? I thought you guys had Tox on vocals?” Nya remembered clearly the obnoxiously neon senior from last year with a strange taste in fashion.
“Eh, she quit on us.” Morro commented. “Great singer but she moved out’a town to go to collage with her girlfriend. The new chick is Pix.” He says, pointing over his shoulder.
Behind the desk of the booth they stood at was the same singer Nya couldn’t take her eyes off of. Sleek silver skin with chrome dreads and curls tied high up in a bun. A cyan, tuxedo dress making her emerald green eyes pop like starbursts.
“Full name is Pixal Borg. She’s an android who actually just enrolled at school.”
Nya took a moment to pick her jaw up off the floor. “Wait- she’s going to the same school as us!?”
Lloyd let out an obnoxious snicker at the flushing girl who returned the laughter with a sharp punch to his shoulder.
“Why not just go talk to her like a normal person?” Lloyd teased, cat like eyes gazing at her with a knowing look.
“Garmadon I swear to god you do not want to keep this up.” Nya threatened under her breath, marching over to the booth and prominently ignoring the jeers from her ‘friend’ behind her.
‘Course, many things are easier said than done, as walking up to the desk, Nya could get a much closer look at the robot’s features and felt her face heating up by the second.
Pixal lifted her head up with a polite smile. “Hello! Welcome to the StarWire booth! Would you like some merchandise or an autograph?”
Calling this au StarWire AU and might write/doodle more for it later
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cure-coral213 · 1 year
YOU HAVE GIVEN ME POWER!!(messing around)(having fun)(joking) (kinda...)
could you draw a ship for me? if you comfortable, if not just like, lloyd, pixal, akita, or brad
I like a lot of character and love your artstyle<3
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have a quick pixal x nya doodle!
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Songs the Ninjago Fandom is Sleeping on.
Okay so while I do art there's only so much my chronic pain ridden hands can produce and so animatics/animations aren't really in my wheelhouse BUT I have a bunch of ideas and songs that the Ninjago fandom should use + some ideas that yall can totally use (@ me or send them to me though if you do cause I want to see them)
The Songs in question (it's be song-artist btw):
Always Gold-Radical Face: Is literally a perfect song for Wu and Garmadon, like it's literally about two opposite brothers treading wildly different paths like what more could you want
Brutus- The Buttress: Yall please I am begging that someone does something with this song relating to Morro's hatred/jealousy towards Lloyd because this song is absolutely perfect for it! Lines such as "-and if you want I'll call you king but why do I lie awake each night thinking "instead of you it should be me"" and "Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy, I to have a destiny" there are so many more but I'll let yall do the rest of the work (Also you could kinda do it with Wu and Garmadon but ehhhh)
Human Enough- ONR: This could work for multiple of the characters if you ask me but if you ship anyone with Zane or Pixal the song could totally work those two them specifically cause it talks about the singers partner/love interest being "made perfect" and idk we need more Pixal content soooo. Honestly any of the characters that get de-human-ed (for longer than one episode) would do great with this song, like Cole in his ghost arc, Nya after Seabound or Garmadon at like any point in the story. Line examples: "Cause you are made of perfect stars and I was built from broken parts" and "I'm not human enough to love yo right now/ I'm not human enough to cry or cry for" are my personal favorites.
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)-Will Wood: Lloyd, Sora or Wu (Specifically the young version of him from the Spinjitzu Brothers books) song about the weight of the world being on your shoulders and not knowing what to do and like the consequences of actions and fun stuff like that
Easier- Crane Wives: Misako, like seriously so many Crane Wives songs work well for this woman because A) her whole attempt to change destiny or B) Her failure as a mother and you know the whole kinda cheating on her husband thing, but this one specifically cause it's a song about leaving someone behind and feeling bad while also not being able to stay. Lyrics such as "If you woke and I was gone from the house that we made our home would it bend yo, break you, overtake your heart?" and "I won't move but I can't stay here. So what the hell am I supposed to do?" and "If I were someone else, would this be easier?"
Stranglers Fig- This could definitely be a Cole (specifically relating to his father and dance backstory) or Kai song, many of the lyrics involve someone being pushed to do more and more and finally snapping because they've done everything they can and there's nothing left but their desire to be better. Lyrics "You bult your kingdom around me, now I'm trapped within your walls and all I want is to be free" and "Climb me to the canopy, higher, higher 'till there's nothing left of me." and "You're the culprit so don't blame me."
And that's all for tonight cause I'm tired BUT I will be posting a couple more of these cause I have a bunch of these floating in my brain and I'd love it if some of these idea's inspire people. I really wish I could do it myself but chronic pain is a bitch so instead I'll throw it out for yall to try out! Anyways I hope you have a great day/night! Peace out!
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