#OC: Sky Face
shebbart · 1 year
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ArtFight overhaul! Updating thumbnails
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Kala is filing a complaint
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paarassha · 7 months
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sincerely-sofie · 4 months
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You're scared you'll never care about someone. You're scared you never have. You don't know how much love is held in your chest. You never will.
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warlordfelwinter · 4 months
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avoid the scrutiny of the hungry stars
lineart because i'm quite fond of it
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many-gay-magpies · 1 year
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Drawing of my Skykid/a yet-unnamed Skykid OC. I gave them a firework staff because even though I don’t have it yet, I thought it would make them look more majestic.
Possible concepts for them are that they’re a guide that travels mainly between Wasteland and Vault to help out Skykids in need, especially moths. They know all the best routes to avoid the krill, though they suck at dodging, and are very sweet despite their cold, silent exterior (really they’re just awkward/shy and use their mask to avoid having to show emotions LMAO).
(Click for better quality)
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oneluckydragon · 1 year
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✨Team Wish, my beloved.
An extra in case anyone was wondering about their dynamic:
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mushroomskykid · 2 months
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My attack on @locallygrowndaikon !
Pose from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken opening
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wishingly-mesh · 8 months
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Doodles from todays art study :D!!!
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lokiina · 5 months
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devinox-art · 3 days
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Kyle from the @sanguinesky-if. Listen, he's my favorite and no I won't take any criticisms. Ramblings under the cut:
Everyone talking about thirsting after the detective, but there's no way this man doesn't have a least one secret admirer (unless that was Kelly and that's why that random jealousy scene exists).
Fun Fact: I did not clock the "You're worried about Kelly" option as the Detective expressing jealousy towards Kelly the first few times I selected it and just thought the Detective was going "Aww, how sweet, he does care". I have since been picking the option right under to try and get this man to relax (a fruitless task since they start arguing immediately afterward 🤣)
(Side note: no hate against that jealousy moment, but you have to be holding some serious ill will against someone if your first thought in that situation is "oh no, is my man crushing on her?" and not "oh no, is she going to lose her job?" But I personally can't imagine my character being jealous either. In fact, Darcy would be highly amused if someone tried vying for Kyle's attention because she knows him all too well.
But if he decides the reciprocate for any reason? Pray for him.)
Kyle, wear you're damn glasses, you coward.
P.S. Sorry about his nose, the guy I was referencing had a really interesting nose and I couldn't resist drawing it 👉👈
More Ramblings
!!Spoilers for the end of Chapter Two if you take K's route!!
While I'm at it: that scene in Kyle's office is actually my favorite to dissect. Like, they're both kind of equally responsible for what happened. The Detective is the one that initiates it, first of all, but it's not entirely unreasonable. At this point of the story, the situation sounds like it will actively interfere with their job, on top of the stress of unsolved murders, and - depending on choices made, on top of grief. A lot people would want answers in this situation, and knowing there's someone who has them would point them in their direction.
But then you walk in and the Inspector is noticeably Stressed the Fuck Out. But you have a job to do and need a resolution to the problem that cropped up.
The Inspector does have the answers. They knew about the situation but either felt like you didn't need to know or couldn't know to avoid possible interference. This information is understandably above the Detective's pay grade. Maybe under different circumstances the Detective would've come to the same conclusion but they are also Stressed the Fuck Out and are feeling entitled to some answers since, from their POV, this is now directly involving them. Tensions rise and the resulting argument ends with the Inspector telling the Detective to quite.
This is, of course, A Dick Move.
But the way this line is delivered – not snapped out of anger or out of inpulse, but with a sort of disconnect that usually comes with a dawning realization, is so interesting to me.
At the end of the day, K didn't mean to say this, but whatever realization they came to, made them actively think, in that moment, that this was the safest resolution, and it slipped out. The Inspector actively doesn't want the Detective in harms way, but the Detective is acting too determined. The frustration both sides are feeling right now!
The Inspector just wants the Detective to act in their own best interests, but can't or won't say why out of this inexplicable fear, and the Detective is literally just trying to do their job but is either being judge as incapable of doing it by their offical Deputy Chief, is having to deal with outside interference who don't seem to respect anything the department is trying to do, and is purposefully being left out in the dark in a way that is preventing them from judging the risks themselves; everyone has taken it apon themselves to do this for them in this reguard! The Detective is literally just being told to stick to these strangers, even though these strangers are apart of the problem the Detective is having, and if they can't follow their orders they shouldn't be involved at all! The Drama ✨️
In Darcy's POV, she takes it upon herself to calm Kyle down, assuring him it's not his job to know EVERYTHING that is going in in the department. Kyle isn't the actual Deputy in Chief for one, and two he's not omnipotent. Then in the ensuing arguement, she snaps out "Because it's your job!"
This particular conversation feels very much like Darcy trying to point out he's taken on too much and is letting his actual duties fall to the wayside (I had a supervisor like this, and boy did I have to solve a lot of problems on my own that I probably shouldn't have). Whether this is a valid arguement to make in this particular context is debatable (again, this topic is probably above the Detective's pay grade, but there is an arguement to made about it directly impacting her), and it's not like either of them is thinking any of this through, I just find it interesting how these replies line up.
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melted-mercury · 8 months
raise your hand if your skykid oc has had a "stuck in eden" arc at some point ✋
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wolfasketch · 1 year
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Wow...I've honestly never gotten above a hundred something notes on a post. New record!
Cute Sky and Raph art below!!
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Sky helping Mutant Manhunt Raph get over his fear of cats and OG Raph giving kisses!
Honestly hesitated about posting the first cause I don't want people to think I'm trying to get likes and stuff by piggybacking off @baskeigh-ball's work/AU, I just love drawing this Raph and after reading the comic about his fear of cats, I got the feels!
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
I'm thinking of how funny it would be if Ark and Twig came across an outlaw that they don't actually know is an outlaw. And they tag along, hoping for the chance to steal their stuff for a quick buck.
And then they quickly realize just how bad of a situation they're I'm because these two adventurers, NEITHER of whom are registered under an official guild, are destroying these monsters with ease! For goodness sake, that creepy one just powderized that guy while discussing dinner plans! And he didn't skip a beat! Eventually they make their way out and, ever so thankfully, they're not infamous enough to be wanted in this somewhat isolated town. But now they're crashing at Twig's place because he let slip that they dont have a place to stay?? And they can't sneak out because that creepy floaty guy isn't going to bed???? And they have a kid that can transform but ISN'T a ditto!?!? Apparently they have guests coming later, that's good. Maybe they can slip out when they're distr- IS THAT CELEBI!?!?!?!??
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Anon you have NO idea how in love with this concept I am. It veered in a rather different direction than what you originally provided— hope I didn’t take too many liberties with your initial premise!
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Later on during a family get-together:
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harpyco · 11 months
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New oc droped. He’s skittish and gonna cry a lot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He’s innocent, but I made him cry for this.
I finally drew him after one year of leaving him in the dark.
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foxounderscorecube · 8 days
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[Image ID: digital artwork of an adventuring party. They stand on a grassy plain with a forest in the background; an owlbear peeks out through the trees. From left to right, the party consists of an elderly-looking white wizard with a wooden staff and purple-blue robes and wizard hat; a skinny, deathly pale human warlock with garish, oversized clothes and a head slightly too big for his body who holds a glass staff under his arm and proffers a red potion; a seated half-orc with plaited hair who draws in a notebook and a large brown spider with a flower crown sits partially in their lap; and a heavily muscled Goliath woman with bright green eyes, a frog statue tucked between her huge breasts, and extremely skimpy armour who leans on a silver sword and frowns sceptically at the potion held towards her by the warlock. Just behind the wizard and warlock is a patch of scorched ground, still smoking. End ID.]
I've been procrastinating this drawing for SO long, oh my god!!
This is one of the DnD parties I'm part of! We have Alzaar, a wizard cursed with old age for reasons yet to be uncovered by the party; Carlos, @jermagaunt's character, a charlatan warlock (well, sorlock now) with the catchphrase "It'th magic!" who makes shady potions that DO usually work but usually have some fun after-effects; Okanar, my half-orc ranger who loves animals (and who has, in fact, befriended the owlbear in the background; he is named Solomon) and would die before their beautiful giant wolf spider, Princess, ever faced pain or hardship; and the barbarian Virmaris, the obligatory thirst trap who tends to chat up the barmaids wherever the party is lodging. I started this after we finished The Lost Mine, and now we're nearing the end of Curse of Strahd, and given that we had a short-ish campaign between them AND it's taken us an absurd amount of time to do CoS.... yeah, suffice to say this drawing was waaaaay overdue being finished!
This drawing has been Glazed. UnGlazed versions of my art are available to my Ko-Fi supporters!
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