bimb0-brat · 1 year
Instead of any sex toys, I want someone to tie me up and bring out a tool box. Use vice grips to squash my tits. Clamp my nipples and skin with pliers, stick a screwdriver in my ass. Use a drill against my skin. Shove a hammer in my cunt and make me stand up until it falls out of me, and punish me for it. Use a wrench and hammer to bruise my body. Stick as many allen keys in my cunt as you can and watch them all fall out. Shove all the little drill bits in my cunt and ass and punish me if i cant push out every single one. Make me fuck every handle of every tool and then lick them clean for you. Keep me in your garage and make sure i intimately know every tool you own..
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002yb · 3 months
Jason’s “please don’t pull out I have abandonment issues” vs Dick’s “not pulling out because I have separation anxiety”
( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
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astraystayyh · 1 year
calling all bang chan stans i saw this pic and my brain went -> sitting on channie's lap while his back is against the headboard and applying ur moisturizer to his face and gently massaging it in and then peppering his glowy skin with the tiniest kisses and him doing it in return and then having the best sleep in his arms
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padmesbox · 2 months
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Hangman Page birthday week → Day seven:
Happy birthday to my favorite wrestler teacher 🎉
Not taking bullshit boomer, condescending advice from nobody but giving evergreen advice that can only come from a millennial [former] teacher:
"Have a plan B [...] I think a lot of people would say like, if you have a plan B, you know, 'you can't give all to plan A, so you're gonna fail at plan A, anyway'. That's not true, I was a high school teacher and I did this, and I'm the effin' World Champion, and at one time I was a high school teacher to make it through this, I had a plan B and I don't need it anymore... have a plan B, life is much more important than, you know, what career you want to follow or what, you know, oh you want people to say about your accomplishments [...] life is much more important than that and you will need to make money to survive, so always have a plan B. That's like, what I feel, people don't press that upon people enough in telling you to chase your dreams —you absolutely, absolutely should— but to also know like you have to reckon with the fact that you probably, statistically will not make much money at this, if any. You have to know that, and you have to be okay with that [...] if you don't reckon with that like, reality, you're setting yourself up for heartbreak one way or the other"
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hogwartslegacypics · 1 year
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Sebastian carrying MC (@choccy-milky’s Clora) bridal style
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ringosmistress · 2 months
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kajibunny · 1 month
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wind breaker official art by satoru nii
i take you KAJI REN to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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ajearthlinggg · 3 months
every actress in this movie is my wife ong
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ray935sworld · 5 days
Just gonna leave this here
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The pasta and daughter honor helmets
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mrghostrat · 8 months
Me switching between your WIP updates:
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alssjhKASKFHAhkgj live footage of me switching between gdocs!!!! we are the same
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osamusriceballs · 9 months
The Accident - Part XIV
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: Alcohol
Words: ~ 2.3 k
About: Meeting Atsumu- not in the way you planned though >.<
Part I II -> Next Part
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"How would you feel about maybe going out tonight? Hinata and Kageyama will be there too. They would love to see you again, y/n!" You press the phone against your ear and listen to Yachi's cheerful voice while you get a glass of water. "I'd rather stay at home, if that's alright with you." Yachi breaths out deeply at your reply, and you embarrassedly scratch the back of your head.
"That's okay. Is it... because you're still thinking about him?" She carefully asks, and your heart skips a beat when your thoughts drift to him.
She's talking about Atsumu, who still hasn't tried to contact you after more than a month- and you still stalk his Instagram every day, kind of hoping that he'll notice you. A part of you finds yourself very pathetic for that, but you know that you'll let him go eventually. Or at least you hope that you'll be able to. You still feel a pang in your heart whenever you receive a letter addressed to "Mrs. Miya" or when you look at the diamond ring that you finally put aside in a box in your nightstand.
"A bit, yeah. But it's not because of him. I'm just a bit tired. I'll probably go to bed early today."
She hums and hesitates for a second. "If you need me, or if you need to talk about him again, you know that you can always reach out to me, 'kay?" You smile fondly at her words, her concern for you making you feel a bit more at ease, because you know she'll always be on your side. "Thank you. Have fun and say hello to Hinata and Kageyama!"
"I will!"
You both say goodbye, and then you end the call. A relaxing night with a good TV show and a facial mask sounds just perfect to you. And this also might help you to get Atsumu off your mind.
The shrill ringing sound of your phone wakes you in the middle of the night, and you're alert when you blindly reach out for the phone and see the contact's name.
Osamu Miya is calling
You remember when he had given you his card back then at Onigiri Miya's while Atsumu was using the restroom, just in case anything ever happens, and you had saved his contact without giving it much thought but never reached out to him. Why would he call you in the middle of the night?
You hesitate but finally take the call.
"Y/n? It's Osamu. I know you probably don't wanna talk to me too, but can I ask for a favor?"
You're in shock when you hear his familiar voice, even more so when you hear his request. "Uhm... what favor?"
"It's about—ya know. Tsumu. He's... kinda unstable ever since ya ignored him. I wanted—" You frown at his words and can't help yourself but to interrupt him.
"Wait a second. What do you mean ignored him?"
You sit up straight in your bed, all your fatigue gone instantly. "The message he left last week? Listen, I get it, he is an idiot, and he is a little pain in the ass, I wouldn't listen to him either."
You blink confused, having no clue what he's talking about and he seems to interpret your silence as agreement.
"Forget it. Y/n, the favor. Can ya come over at Onigiri Miya's? He's drunk and dumb, and I can't do this anymore. I don't know what'll happen if he keeps up with that attitude."
You hold your breath while you listen to him, and your jaw drops at his words. "I- I don't know what to say. If you really need me, I'll come. I don't know if I can be much of a help though."
"Yes. Yes, we need ya here. Ya need a taxi? I can get ya one." He is quick to offer and you hear him sigh in relief.
"Uhm... yes, that would be good. Thanks." You hear a loud shout in the back and the sound of a shattering glass and flinch subconsciously. Osamu curses and yells something inaudible before you hear him clearly again.
"You're welcome. Thank ya for helpin' me out."
"Uhm... sure? I Shouldn't you call his girlfriend though?" Osamu yells another time and you nervously fidget with the blanket in your hands.
"His girlfriend? Wait. Ya actually met her? No wonder ya never tried to reach out. Forget that freak real quick, just come here. He can explain that whole thing to ya."
You stay silent and then nod. This might be the only way for you to find out what really happened back then. "Okay. He'll have a lot of explaining to do, though."
You nod and hang up the call to get off the bed, your whole body feeling electrified. You definitely wouldn't have thought that you'd meet him so soon- leave alone tonight. But thinking about how you've been feeling during these past few weeks, you know that you need this. You need to talk to Atsumu Miya, and you need to talk to him tonight.
You take a deep breath when you finally stand in front of Onigiri Miya. Not exactly how you expected your Saturday night to go, but here you are. At 2:10 am.
You hesitantly reach out for the door and pause. How will he react when he sees you? Has Osamu already told him that you'll come? How will you react when you see him? You push the door open with sweaty palms and you're met with a sight you did not expect.
Atsumu is sitting at the counter of the restaurant with Osamu standing right next to him, both of them yelling at each other and Osamu wildly gesticulating and throwing a towel. You spot two bottles of beer behind them on the counter and you're pretty sure that they are both from Atsumu. They both don't seem to notice you, still too absorbed into their fight.
The door loudly falls shut behind you and both suddenly stop yelling—not that you could even get a single word—but the sudden silence is almost awkward. They turn to you, and they both just look at you like you're a ghost, without saying anything. You wait for a few seconds, but can't stand any more awkwardness when the silence stretches longer.
"Uhm... hello?"
Atsumu suddenly gets on his feet and approaches you, and you stand there frozen when you see his red-rimmed eyes and the way he's almost stumbling while trying to reach you. Before he gets even close to you, he suddenly falls to the ground, his feet clumsily tangling with each other.
"Atsumu!" you quickly get closer and kneel next to him, concern evident in your voice, and he heavily gets on his arms and lifts his upper body just enough to look at you. You stare wide-eyed at him, your hands hesitantly reaching out for him but pausing mid-air while you look down at him.
"Y/n?" It sounds a bit slurred, and you nod with a frown.
"Yeah." You awkwardly stare at him while he clumsily takes a seat on his ass, his eyes now shining happily while he watches you. "I missed ya." You force a smile on your lips that you hope doesn't look too bitter. He pinches his eyes together, and one of his hands comes to your cheek—almost slapping you, and you flinch a bit when he leans a bit closer, the strong alcohol in his breath evident when he exhales deeply. "Ya don't look happy." He looks sad while he watches your face, and you suddenly feel tears in your eyes. "I'm... you hurt me, Atsumu." You know that he is intoxicated, and that he is in no state to give you a proper answer, but you still needed to get this off your chest.
"Hurt?" he echoes, his eyebrows furrowed while he's trying to understand your words. "Don't wanna hurt ya."
You nod and gently take his hand to remove it from your cheek and hold it. He looks kind of cute sitting there on his ass, and you simply stare at him, a part of you wanting to cry while another part wants to yell at him, but you just stay silent.
You hear someone clear his throat and look at Osamu standing behind him and watching you both attentively. "Don't wanna interrupt, but I wanna go home. I couldn't get him to leave tonight. It's gotten worse since last week. Since that message he left ya."
"What message?" You frown and direct your attention to Osamu. He raises an eyebrow and gestures towards Atsumu. "The one in which he pathetically asked ya to talk to him?"
You shake your head. "I didn't get a message from him."
"Oh." You look blankly at Osamu, and he looks blankly at you. Atsumu's hand suddenly tightens around you, and he whines cutely. "Y/n! Talk to me- yer here for me!" Osamu rolls his eyes and sighs deeply.
"I'm sorry. I was just so annoyed, couldn't stand him. It's fine if ya don't wanna give me a hand here."
"No, I can... I can help you out. What do you want me to do?" You try to ignore how your skin prickles where Atsumu starts to rub circles on the back of your hand, something that feels surprisingly way too intimate for you.
"Can ya help me get him home? I can get ya a taxi or- wait. Do you have a driver's license?"
You nod, and Osamu smiles happily. "Ya wanna drive his car then? Don't worry about the insurance, it's all good. You're officially married after all." He snorts at that and grabs Atsumu's bag to search for the keys. "It's only fair that ya get to drive his damn car then."
Your eyes go wide when you think about driving Atsumu's luxurious car, but you know that Atsumu does not live too far away, so you hesitantly nod, thinking about how nice Osamu has always been to you and how you want to help him out of this misery. And since you're already here, you can at least help him get Atsumu back.
You turn to Atsumu and try to smile as sweetly as you can. "Atsumu? Will you come with me then?" Atsumu seems to have a hard time understanding what you want from him, but finally nods and grabs your hand tighter while he tries to get on his feet. Osamu is quick to come from behind and to pull on his shoulders until he's fully standing, and you raise your brows when you see Atsumu barely pulling himself together. "I'll help ya get him in the car. I need to close the store; will you manage on your own after that? You can call if you need me."
You nod wearily and watch him carry Atsumu basically to the front door, when Atsumu starts complaining. "Y/n, come with us—" he whines and grabs your hand tighter, and you actually smile a bit when he's pouting adorably. "I'm here. Don't worry."
It feels like an eternity to get Atsumu in the car when he calls for you every few seconds and wants to make sure you're still with him, but Osamu finally managed to get Atsumu on the passenger seat where he starts snoring after a few moments.
Osamu sighs and rubs his eyes. "If he's not waking up when yer at his place, ya can call me. I'll take care of him then."
You nod and take the car keys with a slight hint of nervousness. You're just glad that the streets are basically empty at this time, so it should be fine for just a few minutes of driving. And technically, you're still his wife, so this should be fine, even if you scratch it accidentally. Osamu looks at you and nods, and you grab the keys tighter. "Thank you." Osamu opens the car door for you, and you slowly get on the seat. "I really appreciate it. Yer gettin' a free meal when yer comin' to Onigiri Miya next." You softly laugh at his comment and nod. "I'll come back to that offer."
He grins and yawns tiredly. "Drive safely."
You turn on the engine, and you wave at him. "You too. See ya."
"See ya."
The ride went smoothly, and you couldn't be more thankful when you finally park the car in the spacious garage. Atsumu has simply been snoring next to you, just mumbling a few inaudible things every now and then and the streets were basically empty at this time. You exit the car and open the door on his side, softly shaking his shoulder. "Atsumu? Can you come with me? Atsumu?" You coo, trying to softly wake him up, and he finally opens his eyes, still groggy and sleepy. "Y/n?"
"Yes, it's me. Will you come with me?"
He seems to have a hard time understanding what you want from him again, but he nods.
"Come here." You wrap Atsumu's arm around your shoulders and desperately pull him with you, and he finally gives in and lets you take him out of the car. "Y/n... missed ya. Yer gonna stay the night? Ya can have my bed. We can share. Share with my pretty- wife." He hiccups, and you take a deep breath to suppress your feelings. He sounds so genuine and cute, you almost want to believe his words. "Come on. We can talk about that later."
You have no idea how long it takes you to bring him to the elevator—more like drag him to the elevator—but you sigh in relief when you press the familiar number, even though the elevator has brought you so many painful memories by now. He mumbles some barely understandable words in your neck, his weight heavily resting on your body while you pull him with you as soon as the doors open.
"Come on, we're almost there."
"Hmm... coming." He lulls, following your direction, and you both finally make it around the corner—only to find someone already standing there. A familiar face that you hoped to never see again.
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the-paris-of-people · 2 months
The past couple days online have been... interesting. I consider myself a leftist, think capitalism is corrupt, and think that it needs to be seriously reformed/overthrown. I admit that while I've thrown around phrases and terms like "burn it all down" and "the revolution needs to come" out of frustration without actually thinking about what a revolution entails: excellent organization, unity, and strategy to defeat the United States, the world's largest military superpower which has inflicted political and social destabilization across the majority of countries around the world. There also needs to be superb infrastructure and community to support the disabled, elderly, and poor populations who rely on government assistance and programs, healthcare, and accommodations while this so-called revolution rages on.
All I've received from the far leftist movement are lectures from condescending intellectuals who rattle off academic citations regarding ideological theory rather than practical, tangible steps to advocate for change in our local and regional communities. I have not seen one of them actually discuss conversations they've had with their friends, family, or Americans about what they want to see reflected for the future of the country. I have not seen one of them discussed how destructive, detrimental and traumatic a Trump presidency was for social prejudice and morale in the United States. I understand that for many marginalized groups they've been living in a facist state for centuries so the possibility Project 2025 doesn't galvanize them to see the two parties differently, but I don't think it is fair to white leftists falsely equivocate the election of both parties for the entire American population at all??? Or like at least specify the issues you're referring to in which you view both parties as the same????? Literally one TikTok creator who I used to follow talked about how true leftists are so much better than liberals because they aren't waiting for a presidential candidate to save the world NOW due to the accelerated apocalypse due to climate change but when asked how to change the world they suggest sharing ideas of your future utopia with other leftist groups. How the fuck is sitting around talking about living in a walkable community is great considered "saving the world now"? How are you going to dismantle and restructure American infrastructure to create these communities? How are you going to remove existing racial and social tensions to create a community where everyone lives happily side by side? Do people not consider reality at all?????
And is it not wrong for people to have a fucking sliver of optimism and hope at incremental change that's achieved within the corrupt bipartisan system of American politics, even if they know it's propaganda??? Is it wrong for people to have a singular fucking moment of relief in feeling like their values, beliefs, and lives will be better protected and THEY can advocate for change better??? Is it wrong when there's a couple months until the most pressing election in recent history for people to make the choice they feel will reduce the most amount of harm???
#literally i've seen some leftists post like the people in the us could never handle the torture that the us inflicts in other countries#like seriously what the actual fuck do you not think most people are struggling here and dying of preventable diseases and being subjected#to hate crimes mental health crisis systemic racism sexism etc.#why the fuck arent you actually helping your community and helping them see how foreign and domestic policy are tied instead of screaming#like so much of this virtue signaling and not being grounded in reality drives me crazy#and im fucking tired of not being allowed to feel happiness about anything unless it's morally socially perfect how the fuck are we suppose#to move the needle if we never fucking feel happy????? like what after your disorganized revolution the way your room is disorganized i can#be happy that i live in a perfect utopia?? NO! that's not how the fucking world works get a grip#i never believed in working within the system but at least other more reasonable leftists have offered tangible solutions to sway politicia#in our favor and retain a little bit of our rights#like this one woman was saying union organizers align themselves with democrats strategically not because they agree with the party but#so that democrats will count on their vote and money and in turn advocate for union rights#like i feel like a far leftist would be like omg how dare you align with the democrats!!! but like honey!!! what the fuck are we supposed t#do??? stick our fucking nose up at the current political system unless we get everything we want to move the party further to the right and#then wake up one day and realize because we were waiting for a perfect system all our fucking rights are gone?????#bffr#i know i am going to lose all of my followers for this post#grace rants#politics#donald trump#kamala harris#joe biden#jd vance#project 2025#2024 elections#also to be clear this is what i feel right now because of the delayed discussion of far-leftism and options and campaigning for candidates#if leftists actually get together and UNIFY and fucking do something i'll consider inching forward to the revolution#but screaming the system is corrupt without giving people solutions or action steps and just giving them severe anxiety is unhelpful
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medicalunprofessional · 9 months
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sorry for greebleposting but you should download stimuli with me.
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Vincent Price and Gene Tierney - Leave Her To Heaven (1945)
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Jiara, they’re like a rollercoaster ride through the Outer Banks. Buckle up, because we’re diving into the wild world of JJ and Kie!
JJ’s Been Crushing Since Day One:
You know that feeling when you spot someone across the room, and your heart does a little salsa? JJ’s been doing that since Season 1. He’s got those puppy-dog eyes for Kie, and it’s adorable.
Maybe it’s the script, the characters, or just plain old magic, but their chemistry is like a secret handshake. You can’t fake that stuff.
Awkward Beginnings:
So, they finally cross that friendship boundary. It’s like tiptoeing through a minefield. JJ and Kie are both about as sensitive as a cactus, so their relationship starts off awkwardly.
The Great Debate: Chemistry or Nah?:
Now, here’s where it gets spicy. Some folks say they’re like PB&J—perfectly matched. Others are side-eyeing, going, “Where’s the sizzle?”
JJ’s all about self-sabotage, and Kie’s got her walls up. It’s like they’re playing emotional Tetris. But hey, real relationships aren’t always fireworks; sometimes they’re slow-burning campfires.
The Underwhelm Factor:
Season 3 rolls in, and we’re expecting fireworks. But it’s more like a sparkler. Sure, that reunion in Episode 2? Pure gold. Madison Bailey’s got heart eyes for days.
But Rudy’s holding back a bit. Maybe JJ’s inner demons are whispering, “Dude, don’t mess this up.” And Kie’s like, “I’ve got trust issues, but you’re cute.”
Even with the godforsaken time jump, I’m hoping for more gusto in Season 4. JJ, please show us that romantic side without tripping over your own shoelaces.
The Jiara Equation:
JJ + Kie = Awkwardly Adorable
JJ + Kie + Cocaine Adventures = Outer Banks Drama
JJ + Kie + Sand Between Toes = Beachy Bliss
In conclusion, Jiara’s chemistry might not be as explosive as John B and Sarah’s, but it’s got that slow-burn charm. They’re like mismatched puzzle pieces—awkward, imperfect, but somehow fitting together. So, here’s to more Jiara moments, sunsets, and maybe a stolen kiss or two. 🌅💕
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he is so cute and funny i can’t handle this anymore 😩
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