leclercskiesahead · 8 months
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Excuse me?! This view of this moment???
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bussyslayer333 · 4 months
‘cause you’re so smooth
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summary: phoenix invites the boys to her salsa class, big mistake.
pairing: bob floyd x fem!reader
word count: 3k+
warnings: swearing, alcohol mentions, suggestive nature lols, me not knowing anything about salsa
my return to writing with a fic i teased over a year ago!! i hope you all enjoy
ps requests r open :p
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“Nix, if you think I want to spend my Sunday evening learning to salsa dance with a bunch of soccer moms then I think your concussion hasn’t healed properly.” Jake sasses in response to Nat’s invitation.
“Yeah, I’m sorry Nat but Sunday is my chill out day, when else am I gonna beat Fitch’s ass on cod?” Fanboy reasons.
Natasha knew it was a stretch asking the boys to join her salsa dancing class, but she thought it was important for them to get out more. At the moment, seemingly all they did was trudge from work to the Hard Deck over and over again.
She sighs, “it would be good for you guys to get out more, y’know?”
“I’ll go, Nat,” Bob smiles, nodding to her from where he is perched on a stool behind her.
“Thank you, Bob.” Nat nods back to him, “the rest of you can suck it.”
“Hey!” Bradley yells as he appears back from the bar, beers in tow, “what did we say about using that type of language?”
“Shut up Dadley,” Nat rolls her eyes as Bradley flicks his tongue out before handing her a beer.
“As much as I’d truly love to attend that class ‘Nix, I’m already a salsa pro and I wouldn’t want you to feel embarrassed about your skills,” Bradley declares, before taking an obnoxious sip of his beer.
“Yeah fuckin’ right, and my dad is prima ballerina,” Jake snorts.
“Let’s not discredit Papa Seresin, I saw him tear Boogie Wonderland up at your sister’s wedding.” Coyote nods.
“Yeah and even that shit was better than what Rooster could pull off,” Jake decides.
Bradley only shrugs at the jibe, a lazy smirk plastered onto his face, which serves only to piss Jake off more.
“Dance off?” Fanboy proposes, standing to head to the jukebox.
“No?” Jake frowns.
Fanboy drops back to his seat with a sigh, “was worth a shot.”
Nat shakes her head with a snort and brings the conversation back to the matter at hand.
“Look it’s fine, I’m just saying I think you guys would enjoy it!” She reasons.
“I’m sure it’ll be fun!” Bob adds happily.
Nat can only sigh at the lack of response.
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Bob is already waiting outside the community centre when Nat arrives, looking down and nervously picking at a thread on the bottom of his gym shorts.
“You ready?” Nat questions, trying to alleviate his nerves.
When Bob looks up his brows unfurl and he lets a small smile sip onto his face.
“Yeah, sure, let’s do this!” He pumps his fist a little awkwardly.
Nat can only chuckle in response as she makes her way to the room at the left of the reception where the class is held. You’re stood by the door chatting with one of the older women in your class when Nat comes into your view.
“Natasha! How’s my best student?” You tease, stepping towards her.
“I’m great, thanks!” Nat blushes before gesturing to Bob, “I hope you don’t mind, I brought a friend.”
Bob sucks in a breath as you finally lock eyes with him. Shit. You were beautiful and those leggings were doing you an undoubted amount of favours.
Sadly, Bob had an incredibly annoying habit he was unable to shake. It was known as “embarrassing himself in front of beautiful women” and that seemed to strike him just as you stuck your manicured hand out to shake his own.
The breath that Bob had sucked in caught in his throat which was drying up increasingly as he took you in, leading to an unprecedented coughing fit doubling him over. What seemed to make it worse was your shocked gasp and immediate move to lean over him and pay his back gently. Bob tried not to focus on your cleavage directly next to his face and instead on regulating his breathing. It was proving difficult, especially when he could hear Nat cackling at his misfortune from behind him.
Once almost fully back to normal, you squeeze his bicep and chuckle,
“I don’t think I’ve ever quite literally taken someone’s breath away!” You giggle, voice oh so sweet.
Bob can’t even let himself feel embarrassed with the way your soft hand feels on his arm.
“I’m so sorry about that,” he cringes.
“Don’t worry about it,” you smile reassuringly.
Nat is growing seemingly agitated by Bob’s lingering near the door so she steers him forwards away from you.
“Best get set up!” She announces, dragging him into the room.
The classroom is spacious, a high ceiling and large windows on the left wall. The wall facing the door is covered in mirrors that amplify the light in the area.
Before Bob can speak up again, two men who look to be in their late 40s rush over towards Natasha. They’re the complete opposite of one another, the first who reaches for Natasha is tanned and has dark curling hair with flecks of grey throughout.
“Natasha! Darling it is so great to see you!” He exclaims with a slight accent, holding her hand in his.
The other has embraced the grey in his hair, he’s relatively pale but has clearly kept his physique, he nods towards Bob with a glint of something in his eye, “I thought he wasn’t your type?”
Nat snorts, clueing Bob in finally on what the two men were hinting at.
“My best friend, boys don’t worry,” she teases.
“Thank God, I’ve been trying to set you up with my niece for how long now?” The dark haired man smiles.
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m always busy at the moment,” she shrugs apologetically before turning back to Bob, “Bob this is Marco and Luke.”
They both shake his hand and size him up as they do so, the grey haired one (Luke) declares.
“He’s cute, Nat, where have you been hiding him?” He prods.
Bob exhales at the approval and watches as Nat breaks out into laughter. “Away from you!”
Marco and Luke break into laughter alongside Nat and Bob can’t help himself but join. Just as they’re all catching their breath, Bob jumps out of his skin again as he feels his hand on his shoulder.
“Boys, we’re being welcoming to our newcomer aren’t we?” You hum.
Your hip is touching Bob’s and the soft skin of your hand on his shoulder has him malfunctioning, luckily he isn’t forced into replying (or choking) this time.
“Of course we are beautiful, what do you think of us?” Marco gasps in faux shock.
“I think that I know what you two are like,” you roll your eyes before making your way to the front of the room.
You send Bob a sly wink before finally beginning, “It’s so great to see you all again!”
Everyone in the room blurts out greetings at you as you begin, “We’ll continue on from last week,” you strut over to the stereo in the corner and a latin pop track floats out into the room and Bob vaguely recognises the tune.
Marco and Luke are quick to start fluidly moving around the floor space and Bob notices that others in the room are doing the same. You make your way quickly over to him and place your hand on the small of his back, straightening his posture.
“I don’t expect you to get it immediately,” you smile into his ear, “we’ll start off with some basics and turn variations.”
Bob hopes you can’t see the nervous perspiration already forming on the back of his neck and nods a little too eagerly at your words. He looks back to Nat for some encouragement but she’s already dancing and chatting with a group of women next to the tall windows.
“I don’t bite,” You giggle, shocking Bob who looks back to see you holding your hand out for him to grab onto.
“Sorry, I’m not the best dancer-” Bob’s self depreciation is swiftly disrupted by you placing his hand on your waist and the other in your own.
“All the more for me to work with,” you smile, and Bob feels himself smiling back.
Although a tad clunky, Bob manages not to step on your toes and has some surprisingly fluid hip movement which intrigues you ever so slightly.
By the last ten minutes of the class, Bob is twirling Marco around as Luke and Nat chat to you about technique.
“What were you nervous about?” Marco probes Bob, “you’re a natural!”
Bob can only chuckle shyly in response and he glances over at your frame. Marco seems to notice Bob’s longing glances and slowly stops their dance.
“Go for it.”
“What?” Bob splutters.
“She’s been making googoo eyes at you the whole time mister, don’t pretend you haven’t noticed.”
Bob reels for a moment at Marcos admission before straightening up. “You think?”
Marco rolls his eyes. “I know.”
Before Bob can reach you you’re already strutting back towards the stereo to lower the volume of the music and gather everyone’s attention.
“Thank you so much everyone! You’ve all been brilliant today and I can’t wait to see you next week!” You beam at everyone.
People begin to gather to chat and start to disperse and you begin to gather your own belongings, stopping to make conversation with others as you do so. Luke and Nat join Bob and Marco with sly smirks on their faces.
“So…” Nat begins, “You’ll be coming back next week I presume?”
Bob flushes at Nat’s knowing look. “Yeah,” he looks to you, “definitely.”
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Bob didn’t mean to let it slip. Like seriously, his lips were so sealed. Air tight.
“But HOW hot are we talking?” Mickey slurs over the nth shot he’d done with Bob at the Hard Deck’s happy hour.
So maybe not air tight.
It was Thursday evening and the rest of the daggers had politely declined drinks with Fanboy, but Bob (the ever dutiful friend) had accepted, hoping to be in and out within the hour. But alas, here they were.
“Fuckin’ smoking,” Bob mimes an explosion with his hands as Mickey nods enthusiastically to his answer.
“I choked on air when I saw her and almost popped a boner during a Justin Timberlake song,” Bob continues to ramble, once given the chance to talk about you he clearly wasn’t going to stop.
“And when is this class?” Mickey slumps closer to Bob, tequila breath hot on his neck.
“Ummmm, Sunday evening at 6 I think?” Bob nods, remembering the details Nat had sent him in a text the week previous.
“Good to know,” Mickey hums, reaching his hand forward to signal for another round, knocking someone’s drink over in the process. “Oops.”
Bob is quick to drag Mickey away from the bar top after that, realising they’d probably overdone it a tad for a weekday evening.
As the cool sea breeze hits Bob’s flushed face whilst him and Mickey wait outside the Hard Deck for their uber, he can’t help but let his mind drift to you, what you were potentially up to, do you teach other classes during the week? Do you dance professionally? God, you definitely could, the way your hips moved-
Bob shook his head, as if to get the image of you stuck in his mind out. He looked to Mickey hanging off of his arm, he was looking to the ground and shaking as if to stave off the imminent vomit that was about to leave his mouth any second now.
“Let’s get you home man,” Bob pats Mickey on the head, dragging him towards their Uber pulling up.
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“Hey, Bob!” Nat yells across the parking lot, catching the back of her friend’s tall frame leant against a pillar near the front of the community center.
When Bob turns around, Nat notices two people next to him who she was not expecting to see.
“Fitch? Fanboy?” Nat cocks her head to the side. “I thought you guys were too busy to come?”
Nat’s accusatory eyes meet Bob’s sheepish expression as he awkwardly clears his throat.
“We heard the teacher was hot as fuck.” Payback shrugs.
Fanboy giggles next to him in excitement, “I’ve been practicing-”
“Bob I swear-” Natasha begins, finger pointing right into Bob’s chest.
“Sup, biatches!” Jake yells, alerting everyone of his and Javy’s presence. “Who’s ready to get their salsa on?”
Nat spins around on her heel, eyes shooting daggers into Jake and Javy.
“Bob, I’m going to kill you.” She states, eerily calm.
“Oh come on Phe! You wanted us here just last week!” Jake exclaims, walking round to slap Bob on the shoulder and greet Payback and Fanboy behind him.
“Yeah! When I wanted you guys to get out and do something productive! Not fuck my lovely salsa teacher, who by the way, was not socialised by wolves! So will absolutely not be charmed by any of you fools!”
With that, Nat turns and walks into the community center, leaving the boys to sprint in after her.
“At least this can’t get any worse,” Nat mutters to herself, pulling the door to your studio open.
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“Are you fucking kidding me?” Nat stills in the doorway, the rest of the boys behind her peeking their heads in.
“What now?” Bob asks guiltily.
Nat opens the door fully and allows the men behind her to file into the studio, where her fellow classmates are stood in a semi circle whooping and hollering at you dancing in the middle with none other than Bradley Bradshaw.
“Fucking Bradshaw,” Jake scoffs, pushing his way ahead whilst checking himself out in the full length mirrors that line the opposite wall of the room.
“Chicken never told us he could dance!” Jake yells over the latin music filling the room, successfully interrupting your dance with Bradley.
Bradley’s head whips to the side at the sound of that familiar ear grating voice. He gives you an apologetic look as he walks over to begin squabbling with a man you presume he knows. The commotion between the boys alerts you to the presence of Natasha and Bob as well as three other unfamiliar men. When Bradley had introduced himself with a smirk and a drawling voice as a friend of Natasha’s you had to wonder whether all of her colleagues were so handsome and by the looks of it, they were.
Nat is quick to walk over to you with an apologetic smile. “I want to apologise in advance for the next hour. They are insufferable.”
You look behind her to where the gaggle of men she calls her close friends are stood, you can see Marco and Luke itching to get their claws in and you have to giggle. This should be interesting.
After instructing the rest of your class to continue practicing the routine you had been working on, you figure it was only fair to come and personally consult your newest joiners.
As the boys (and Nat) notice you wandering towards them, they all begin to elbow each other like school boys giggling amongst themselves. Bob and Nat can only keep their embarrassment internal for so long.
When you come to a stop in front of them, the man you’ve come to learn as Jake smiles dazzlingly and stretches his arms above his head,
“God it is hot in here!” He begins to reach for the bottom of his shirt, aiming to impress you with his toned stomach.
“The A/C is on full blast dumbass.” Nat swats at the back of Jake’s head, causing him to drop his shirt again and rub at his temple. “Ow!”
Snickers fall from Javy and Mickey, who quickly straighten themselves up when they see you casting your eyes over them.
“As I said to Bob last week, with all my new starters I’ll begin with some basics for you guys and then we can ease into a routine,” you smile, heading towards Bradley and Nat.
“Since you two already have some experience you can help me teach!”
Bradley preens under your praise, already assuming the role of teacher’s pet, whilst Nat looks mildly irritated at having to teach her imbecilic friends how to dance.
“Alright guys! let’s partner up!” you shout at them, giggling as they all rush towards you, you note how Bob lingers back behind his more extroverted friends and grin.
“I should clarify, I meant with each other.” You shoo them backwards and watch as they couple up.
Mickey and Reuben clap each other on the back and Javy and Jake nod at one another leaving Bob, stood on his own. You saunter towards him and grab at arm, dragging him to the front with you.
“Looks like you’re with me,” you tease.
“Uh, who do you want me to partner up with?” Bradley scratches at his head obliviously.
You cock your head to the side with a confused laugh.
“I hate you so much right now,” Nat spews, gripping Bradley’s arm and pulling him into position with her.
“Oh, yeah. Right, sorry Nat.” Bradley chuckles.
Your lessons continues with explaining how someone will have to take the lead and the other will follow, and you wander around positioning their hands and postures correctly.
“Javy, you are like a brother to me, but your hands are too fucking low right now.” Jake grits through this teeth.
“Right! Ha, sorry man,” Javy’s hands shoots back up towards the middle of Jake’s back.
Bob is still apprehensive when he places his hands on your waist, but you’re quick to affirm him in his position. Leaning towards him you whisper, “don’t worry you’re still my favourite.”
A smile graces his face at that and he relaxes in your grip.
“Right guys! We’re gonna start with some turns and variations now!”
You quickly learn that trying to wrangle these men is proving difficult, as Payback almost spins Fanboy into a wall after zoning out stating at how your hips moved.
“I’m good bro, don’t worry,” Mickey is quick to readjust himself, hoping the room stops spinning soon.
You can’t help but laugh when Javy attempts to dip Jake to the floor in a move he thought would impress you, but it seems he forgot to account for how tall and heavy Jake is, as he goes toppling down with him.
“Fuck dude! You’re heavy!” Javy groans, rubbing his knee. Jake clearly didn’t take kindly to his words as he shoves back at Javy childishly.
“Boys! Come on get up!” You snap, trying to sound stern but still fighting off giggles.
Jake and Javy are quick to get back on their feet, but you catch them in your peripheral poking and pinching each other when they think you aren’t looking.
Even Bradley who was so light on his feet when he was showing you his moves earlier, is clearly distracted, constantly stepping on Nat’s feet as they practice variations.
“If you step on my toe one more time, Rooster I swear to God, you will not see daylight again,” Nat threatens.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! She’s just so…” Bradley trails off as he watches you dance slowly with Bob, stopping every now and then to correct him kindly or answer questions from others in your class.
“I know! And you guys are scaring her off by acting crazy.” Nat sighs, moving back as she senses Bradley’s feet heading for her toes again.
“I mean I wouldn’t say crazy…” Bradley scratches the back of his neck.
“Well I walked in to see you spinning her around like you’re a pro on dancing with the stars so maybe you should reevaluate.”
“You think I’m that good?” Bradley smirks to himself.
“Oh shut up,” Nat rolls her eyes and looks back to the rest of her friends around the room.
Payback and Fanboy were continually stumbling around in circles as they each try to catch your eye, pissing off everyone else in the room as they bumped and knocked into others. She caught Marco and Luke’s judgy eyes flicking back and forth between her and her friends and groaned.
Jake and Javy looked either one wrong move away from fucking or fighting, Nat couldn’t really tell.
God this was embarrassing.
Luckily, your voice rings out across the room, interrupting her moping.
“Thank you guys for today! And Thank you to my newcomers!” you gesture to the group of men stumbling over each other and stifle a laugh.
“I’ll see you all next week!”
Your regular attenders start filing out slowly, some coming over to chat and collect their things. You can see Nat trying to drag her friends away out they seem intent on lingering long enough to catch some time alone with you.
“You guys might as well go, she clearly wants me.” Jake shrugs, pulling the front of his shirt up to wipe his face.
Mickey is quick to dispute, “Are you kidding me? I twirled like a ballerina, I’m so in.”
Nat is moments away from body slamming her friends who she once loved when it goes silent around her. She figures you finally made you way over.
“Hey guys, thanks so much for joining today! I’m really sorry I’ve got to get going but um- ”
You pause and sense eyes on you.
“Bob, I was just wondering if I could get your number?” you smile, walking towards him and squeezing his arm. “You know, to talk about how we can improve your technique,” your reasoning clear as day even with your coverup
“Yeah! Yes, of course I mean,” Bob composes himself, taking your phone with shaking hands and typing in his number.
“Great,” you wink, retrieving your phone, “I’ll text you.”
You end with that, sauntering past the group and waving goodbye to Nat with a knowing look.
Everyone seems stunned by your words, but mostly Bob who blinks slowly, seemingly still in shock by your acknowledgement.
Nat finally breaks into laughter, doubling over at the confused faces of her other friends.
“Man!” She shouts through her giggles, “you just cannot make that shit up!”
The grumbles around her don’t even phase her as she goes to pick up her bag and head for the door, a group of downtrodden looking men following her and Bob with a newfound pep in his step.
“By the way Rooster, how come you actually are so good?” Nat asks as they make their way into the parking lot.
Bradley stills, silent as he contemplates answering.
“If I tell you, you have to promise to not go searching for anything.” He looks around at his friends.
Following their nods he continues, “I used to compete professionally, when I was like 13, my mom forced me to.” Bradley cringes at the memory of his tween self in sparkly shirts his mom always hand picked out for him in the most hideous colours.
Bradley looks back up to see Jake grinning mischievously at his phone, and his stomach drops.
“Is this you?” Jake smirks, turning his phone around to show everyone an old video on youtube titled.
Bob suddenly felt as though his coughing fit over you wasn’t the most embarrassing thing he had to witness anymore.
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a/n: it is great to be back gang xx i’ve missed writing and ofc i had to bring back the bob agenda!! it’s what i stand for :) i’m thinking mayhaps a part 2 where i explore the dynamic between sexy salsa teacher and bob bc atm this was just a chance for me to make fun of the daggers 😣
i hope you enjoyed reading and tysm!!
pls reblog, comment or drop me an ask and tell me what you thought!! feedback means sm to me considering i’m a lil rusty
anyways thank u again for reading!!!!
- honey xoxo
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
consider yourself warned: sfw. agonizing fluff. depending on how much of a sap you are, you may want to have some tissue handy?
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♡ when the massive doors of the cathedral open, it’s a long walk to the altar where he’s waiting for you. 
♡ what feels like half the city of mond turns to look at you as you make your way down the aisle, but the whole world disappears when you see him. 
♡ as though casting a spotlight on him, a lone sunbeam illuminates the space where your fiancée stands, proud and tall.
♡ the sight of him takes your breath away. 
♡ he’s decked out in his knights of favonius-issued dress uniform, complete with his captain rank insignia displayed on the shoulder and breast of his coat - a rare sight indeed. 
♡ (you can thank jean later.) 
♡ he even had a matching white eyepatch with gold trim tailored especially for the occasion. 
♡ he looks so noble and distinguished, regal even: a prince, ready to receive his princess.
♡ pinches the bridge of his nose when he sees you, inwardly cursing himself bc he swore he wouldn’t cry. 
♡ (he wasn’t crying, his eyes were sparkling. there’s a difference, he’ll tell you later.) 
♡ his fingers swipe under his eyepatch to wipe his tears away before they can betray him.
♡ he honestly never thought he’d find himself here - standing at the altar, watching someone who loves him - the real him - walk towards him with a wide grin, glowing, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him. him, of all people. 
♡ before he met you, he was terminally alone, resigned to a life of bachelor-hood. 
♡ because who could he even be honest with? to whom could he ever tell the truth about his identity, his past, his ancestry, and still be accepted? 
♡ he took a huge gamble the night he told you - not everything, but enough - and he’ll never forget the way you looked at him and said, “i’m so sorry you were abandoned like that. you were just a child, groomed to be played as a pawn in an old man’s war game. that should’ve never happened to you, kaeya.” 
♡ then you brushed his cerulean hair away from his right eye, smiled at him, and told him the words he never dreamed he would hear in response to his truth. “i love you, kaeya, and i’ll never abandon you. i want you to know that.”
♡ when you finally make it to the altar and he takes your hand in his, the dam breaks and your muffled sobs can be heard throughout the congregation, several of whom join you. 
♡ “you look so handsome, kaeya,” you tell him in a choked whisper. 
♡ “and you look stunning as always, my love," he mouths back, his thick eyelashes wet with unshed tears.
♡ nearly every elderly lady in mondstat is in attendance and CRYING HER FUCKING EYES OUT.
♡ if your own grandmother is in attendance, she’s crying even harder bc she’s the lucky one who gets to have kaeya alberich as her grandson-in-law.
♡ the knights host an “official” reception for the entire city. it’s too formal and stuffy for your and kaeya's taste. but the two of you remain in your wedding attire and play the part, maintaining decorum as you receive the city's well-wishes and gifts.
♡ but as soon as it’s over, you both breathe sighs of relief, change into your street clothes and head over to angel’s share for your “personal” reception where only your closest friends and loved ones gather for a night of drinking and shenanigans.
♡ even diluc finds an opportunity to pull kaeya aside and bid him congratulations. and for once kaeya genuinely thanks him without tacking on a cheeky comment afterward. it’s a heartfelt exchange between brothers, man to man.
♡ just before midnight, kaeya brushes past you, stealthily telling you to meet him on the balcony before continuing on up the spiral staircase. 
♡ moments later, you find an excuse to break from the conversation you’ve been stuck in and follow him. 
♡ you ease the balcony door open to find your husband leaning with his elbows on the wooden railing, looking out onto the street below. 
♡ he turns his head to look at you with pure adoration in his eye and a genuine smile that says he’s happy that you’ve managed to join him there. 
♡ he stands up straight and reaches into his coat to pull out a bottle of champagne. 
♡ “kaeya! did you sneak that from the bar stash?” 
♡ “sshhhh. it’s better if you don’t know. plausible deniability.” 
♡ “i can’t take you anywhere.” 
♡ “now what kind of pirate would i be if i didn’t steal some booze?” 
♡ you shake your head at him and giggle as he pops the top, a little of the bubbly spilling over the bottleneck. 
♡ “to us”, he toasts simply. 
♡ “to us,” you agree. 
♡ he kisses you there on the tiny balcony of angel’s share, sweet and tender, and it becomes the most memorable moment of your entire wedding day. 
♡ after all the fanfare and the hooplah, it is on the balcony of an old, dusty tavern where it’s just the two of you, and you finally have a quiet moment of romantic respite. 
♡ he calls you mrs. alberich for the first time and asks you for a dance. 
♡ the music and atmosphere downstairs is cheery and upbeat, but you dance slowly together to the beat of your own hearts. 
♡ with your head tucked under his chin, your ear pressed to his chest, you look over and see the hand that holds yours and there’s a golden ring. 
♡ it has your name engraved inside the band ‘y/n alberich’, just as yours does his. 
♡ and so with a stolen bottle of champagne as your witness, you dance hand in hand, cheek to cheek, whispering the first of the same promises to each other that you will for years to come.
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kaeya m.list
♡ reblog, if you please? i kiss.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Forever Valentine
Pairing: Rooster x Fiancée!Reader
Author’s Note: It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written anything for the Bradshaws, huh? I had a weird anxiety about writing this one, which I think was due in part to the fact that I haven’t written for them since Christmas. But I’m happy with how this little story came out! It was written for @roosterforme​’s #love is in the air tgm challenge! The song that inspired it is Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Pre-wedding stress, a smidge of angst, and a whole lot of fluff.
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You felt like you were going to cry.
You couldn’t remember ever feeling so stressed out about anything in your life, and that included the time you registered for that anthropology class in the spring semester of your senior year thinking it would be an easy three credits, only for it to end up being more work than all four years of college combined. At least your stress had made sense then—bioarchaeology wasn’t necessarily the most chipper of topics. But now? This was supposed to be the most exciting time of your life, and you felt like you were ruining all the joy by letting yourself get so worked up.
In a little over a week, you would be walking down the aisle to join your life forevermore to the man you loved more than anything in the world.
And yet, you were frantic.
Despite the fact that you and Bradley had been engaged for over a year, and that you’d been planning your wedding for nearly as long, it still felt like there wasn’t enough time to get everything done. The past month alone had felt like a whirlwind, an endless marathon where you kept running and pushing, and yet somehow never made it past the finish line.
Bradley had been amazing, as he always was. While he couldn’t really care less about wedding details—he would have been just as happy getting married in bathing suits at The Hard Deck as he was to get married in his dress whites at the church you’d booked last year—he never failed to offer his unending support and encouragement. He went with you on every venue tour, tasted every flavor of cake imaginable, let you drive him to the brink of insanity comparing floral arrangements, sat up with you all night making seating charts, left you encouraging notes when you went dress shopping, and held you tightly whenever the stress of it all became too much and you just needed to bawl your eyes out.
If you had ever doubted that Bradley Bradshaw was the man for you—which you hadn’t—his devotion and patience during the wedding planning process would have sealed the deal for you. You still weren’t sure how you had ever gotten so blessed, but at least now you’d have the rest of your life to thank your lucky stars for it.
At the moment, however, you weren’t exactly feeling blessed. Stressed was probably the more appropriate term.
In just a week and a day, you and Bradley would finally be saying “I do,” but it felt like there were a million things that needed to be done before that time. Penny and Phoenix had been an amazing help, and your mom would be here in a few days to help tie up some of the last minute details, but you’d always had a hard time delegating and ended up putting too much pressure on your own shoulders. Bradley affectionately scolded you about it all the time.
“Honey, why don’t you let Penny help you with this?” he’d asked one night, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he watched you fuss over the menu options for the reception. “You know she’d be happy to.”
“I know,” you’d nodded in response, brow furrowed in concentration. “But I don’t want to bother her.”
“Can I do anything?” he asked on other occasions, always looking a bit terrified by all the checklists and folders you had scattered around you at any given time.
“No, no, it’s okay,” you always rushed to reassure him. “I’ve got it.”
Still, he always stayed with you and made sure, in the midst of everything, that you were eating enough and drinking plenty of water. And that mattered so much more than anything else he could have done.
Your heart was pierced with guilt now as you sat in the living room of your apartment, making final confirmations with vendors and going over your checklists for the one hundred millionth time. Your fiancé was such a good man—the best man you had ever known. And he had been your rock through all of this. Not only were you concerned about the wedding and your honeymoon plans, but you and Bradley had also recently closed on the apartment where you were going to begin your lives together as husband and wife, and planning for that move was taking up a good chunk of space in your brain. Still, he had never once complained about how scatter-brained you’d been recently. On the contrary, he’d spent the past several weeks trying everything in his power to lift some of your self-imposed pressure off your shoulders. Bradley had done nothing but show his love for you at every turn.
And how did you repay all that love and kindness? You’d forgotten that today was Valentine’s Day.
Bradley had stayed over at your place the night before, as he often did, but you had been up so late, talking on the phone with your mom for hours, that you’d slept through both of his alarms this morning. Evidently he hadn’t wanted to disturb you, because you had no memory at all of him climbing out of bed and getting ready for work. When you did wake up a few hours later, however, you walked into the kitchen to find a yellow rose—your favorite—sitting beside the coffee pot, along with a little handwritten Post-it note stuck to the machine.
Happy Valentine’s Day, honey! I love you so much and I can’t wait to be your husband. Just 8 more days!
You felt like you’d been hit by a freight train. Despite all your careful planning and compulsive checklists, you’d somehow completely overlooked the fact that today was February 14th. You felt like the world’s worst fiancée.
In all fairness, you and Bradley had already talked about how you weren’t going to do anything big for Valentine’s Day this year.
“I know it’ll be a week before the wedding, and you’ve got so much going on, so we can keep it simple this year,” Bradley had murmured as the two of you had been lying in bed together. “We’ll just get to celebrate double next year,” he added with a grin, kissing your forehead.
“Sounds like a plan,” you had laughed in response, snuggling against his chest.
But this went beyond keeping it simple. You hadn’t even remembered. Bradley had been sweet enough to still find a way to make you feel special, and you hadn’t even woken up to give him a kiss goodbye this morning.
Hurrying back to your bedroom, you snatched up your phone and immediately opened your messages with Bradley.
Happy Valentine’s Day, baby! I love you! ♥️
A few minutes later, you heard your phone buzz and glanced down to see your fiancé’s response.
See you tonight, honey 😘
Bradley didn’t even necessarily know you had forgotten, but you still felt horribly guilty all the same. That afternoon, in between making phone calls, you raced out to the store and picked up some of his favorites candies and treats. You also placed a take-out order for dinner from his favorite restaurant, knowing you wouldn’t have time to cook for him this year.
You loved him more than anything, and you wanted him to know that. As special as he always made you feel, you wanted him to be confident in the knowledge that he was just as special and precious to you.
Thankfully, you managed to arrive back to your apartment with dinner before Bradley returned from work. Having already set out the candy you’d bought for him on the kitchen table, you popped the food into the oven to keep it warm for when he was ready to eat.
Plopping back down on the couch, you only had a few minutes to review your venue contract before you heard the front door to your apartment opening, Bradley using the key you’d given him before the two of you had even gotten engaged.
“Honey?” he called out, his deep voice causing goosebumps to rise on your arms immediately. You could definitely get used to hearing that greeting every night for the rest of your life.
Dropping the contract and jumping up off the couch, you hurried to the entryway to greet him, flinging your arms around him and kissing him deeply. You could feel his mustache tickling your upper lip, which made you giggle against his mouth.
“Well hello,” Bradley grinned when you finally pulled back, his arms settling snugly around your waist. “That was quite a greeting after a long day of flight maneuvers,” he chuckled, nuzzling his nose against yours as he leaned in closer.
“I missed you,” you told him, cupping his face in your hands and brushing another kiss, softer this time, against his lips.
Bradley smiled into the kiss, squeezing your hip affectionately. “Mmm, I missed you, too. You looked so tired that I didn’t want to disturb you this morning, but I missed getting to give you a proper goodbye before I left,” he admitted, peppering your jawline with gentle pecks.
His words were full of tenderness, but you felt a stab of guilt once more. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, burying your face in his neck as you wrapped your arms around him more tightly and hugged him close.
Surprised, Bradley chuckled lightly and dropped a kiss on the top of your head. “You don’t have to be sorry, baby. I know you were up late.” His large fingers brushed up and down your spine comfortingly. “Hope you treated yourself to a nice, big cup of coffee this morning.”
You nodded, your face still pressed in the crook between his neck and his shoulder. “I did. Thank you for the rose and the note. It made my day,” you said softly, your lips ghosting across his shoulder.
“Of course,” he murmured, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair. “I know we said we weren’t going to do anything too big, but I still wanted to do something for you for Valentine’s Day. I’m sorry it wasn’t much,” he apologized.
“Don’t say sorry,” you insisted, pulling back and looking up into his dark brown eyes. “It was perfect.”
“So are you,” Bradley grinned, kissing you gently.
Trying to push away the minor guilt that was still gnawing uncomfortably at you, you took his hand and led him into the kitchen. “I picked up dinner for you, if you’re hungry now,” you told him, thinking of the chicken pot pie that was resting in the oven. Bradley always said that it was the only pot pie he’d ever tasted at a restaurant that reminded him of his mom’s. “Chicken pot pie from Duncan’s.”
“Oh, wow, really? Thank you, honey!” he said excitedly, squeezing your hand as he stepped into the kitchen with you. “Damn, and all this, too?” he added, his eyes widening as they took in all the candy and snacks you’d laid out on the table. “You’re spoiling me tonight, baby. You definitely beat me at the Valentine’s Day game this year.”
You weren’t expecting it, but Bradley’s words suddenly had you bursting into tears, covering your face with your hands as you stood over by the oven.
Dropping the pack of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups that he’d been holding, Bradley was by your side in an instant, wrapping you up in his arms and tucking your head underneath his chin. “Hey, hey, shh,” he murmured soothingly, rocking back and forth lightly. “What’s the matter, baby? What’s wrong?”
“I’m the worst fiancée ever!” you sobbed, hiccupping into his chest. “I don’t want you to think I’m so good! I totally forgot it was Valentine’s Day,” you confessed, sniffling loudly. “I only remembered when I saw your note this morning. So trust me, I most definitely did not beat you at the Valentine’s Day game.”
Bradley’s eyes widened as he listened to you ramble, one large hand moving up and down your back with firm strokes. Then, without warning, he started to laugh.
“It’s not funny!” you exclaimed, your face mottled with tears as you pulled back to glare up at him. “You do everything for me, and you’ve been so amazing, especially with all my wedding craziness, and I can’t even remember to buy you a piece of candy on Valentine’s Day? Some wife I’m going to make!” you cried irrationally.
Bradley sobered immediately at your outburst, holding your face in his hands and forcing you to look up at him. “Hey, I’m sorry,” he said, waiting until you made direct eye contact with him. “I’m sorry, honey. I shouldn’t have laughed. I know you’ve been under so much pressure lately,” he went on, brushing your tears away with his thumbs. “Between the wedding and the new apartment and everything else that you have going on, who cares that you forgot Valentine’s Day? I certainly don’t!”
“But I do,” you sniffled, reaching up to wipe your nose with the back of your hand. “I love you. I love you so much. And I want you to know that,” you explained, your voice trembling with further unshed tears.
“I do know that,” Bradley replied gently, caressing your cheek with a gentle hand. “It would be kind of crazy of me to doubt it considering we’re getting married next week,” he added with a soft chuckle. “Baby, you forgot one Valentine’s Day. Considering everything else you’ve been juggling—and juggling perfectly, I might add—it’s pretty amazing what you’re able to do on a daily basis. It doesn’t bother me at all that this slipped your mind.”
Crumpling, you buried your face in his chest and started to cry all over again.
“I think I know what this is really about,” Bradley murmured, resting his cheek against the top of your head and holding you close. “You’ve been way too stressed out about the wedding lately. And that’s my fault. I’ve been too preoccupied with work, and letting you deal with too much on your own.”
“No, that’s not true. You’ve been—”
Bradley silenced your interruption with a kiss, stroking your hair tenderly. “Our wedding is supposed to be a happy day, baby. The happiest day of our lives. I know it’s going to be for me because it’s the day I get to call you mine forever. And I want it to be for you, too. I want you to get to enjoy all the hard work you’ve been putting into making this such a special day for everyone. It should be a special day for you above everyone else.”
“It will be,” you promised, offering him a watery smile. “Because I can’t wait to marry you.”
He smiled, dropping another soft kiss on your lips. “No more stress, honey. No more worrying. No more planning. No more checklists. No more trying to do everything by yourself. I’m here for you. And I want to help you. It is our wedding, after all,” he told you with a teasing grin.
You let out a breathy laugh, nodding your head slowly. “You’re right,” you agreed softly.
“And no more beating yourself up about forgetting Valentine’s Day either,” Bradley insisted, resting his hands on your shoulders and shooting you a pointed look. “We’re going to have so many Valentine’s Days together, baby. If we remembered every single one, we’d run out of things to do. Trust me, I’m more than satisfied knowing that you’re my forever Valentine,” he smiled, curling his finger under your chin and lifting your face so that your eyes met.
“How do you always know the right thing to say?” you pouted playfully, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Bradley threw back his head and laughed at that, beaming. “You know, my mom used to say that she would ask my dad that same exact question. Usually, it was when he was managing to get out of trouble. Guess it’s just a Bradshaw quality.”
“Oh, well, thank goodness I’m marrying into such a good family then,” you giggled, leaning up to kiss him sweetly.
“You’re going to be the perfect addition to the Bradshaw clan,” Bradley smiled, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose.
You sighed softly, contentedly, as you snuggled up against his chest, resting your head on his shoulder. “I love you so much,” you whispered.
“I love you right back. More than words could ever say,” Bradley responded, turning his head so that his lips could brush against your forehead.
The two of you stood like that for a while, perfectly content to remain wrapped in each other’s arms as the tension of a long day seeped out of your bones. There was no place that felt safer than one another’s embrace.
You finally pulled back, giggling, when you heard Bradley’s stomach rumble.
“Sorry,” he grinned sheepishly, the tips of his ears turning pink. “Guess I’m hungrier than I realized.”
“Let me get dinner on the table for you,” you told him, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Why don’t you go freshen up?”
He nodded, dropping a quick succession of kisses on your mouth before stepping out of the kitchen.
Smiling, you cleared the kitchen table of all the candy you’d purchased, setting out plates and utensils before moving over to the oven to take out the food you’d ordered. Before you could place the food on the table, however, you suddenly heard music begin blaring from the speakers in the living room. You recognized those familiar strains.
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At that moment, Bradley reappeared in the entryway to the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear.
“What’s this? A little mood music for dinner?” you laughed, resting a hand on your hip.
Stepping towards you, Bradley held out his hand with an infectious smile. “Dance with me,” he said, waiting patiently.
You didn’t hesitate as you slipped your hand into his, letting him pull you close to his chest as he spun you around the kitchen to the musical stylings of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.
“I love you, baby,” he sang against your ear, his voice melding with the music so perfectly that you were tempted to tease him about becoming the Fifth Season. But instead, you closed your eyes and let his soothing voice drift over you, washing away all the stress and anxiety that had been building up inside you these past few weeks.
You couldn’t wait to marry this man, this man who danced with you in the kitchen even when you had forgotten Valentine’s Day, and who spent every moment of every day reminding you how loved and cherished you were.
The day you became Mrs. Bradshaw would be the happiest day of your life. And it would have nothing to do with the floral arrangements or the wedding venue or the flavor of the cake. Instead, it would have everything to do with the man who was waiting for you at the end of the aisle. The man who wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off you, the same way you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off him.
“I love you, Bradley Bradshaw,” you told him, beaming up at him as the song slowly started to come to an end.
“I love you, too, honey,” he smiled, kissing you deeply. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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decorativetrashbag · 11 months
Prompt by @vespidphoenix
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Did read the ficlet they mentioned, LOVED IT, VERY CUTE. i reblogged it, so it'll be a post or two down from this one on my blog if you wanna read it
As for your prompt, *rolls up my sleeves* I gotchu bestie, I'll try my best. Let's place us on the day of the wedding, at the reception. Let's get those romantic feelings rolling 💛🩵
The day had felt like everything moved in slow motion, but it also felt like it had gone by so fast. Either way, it was a day you'll never forget. It was a day you thought would never happen either, but you were living it. It felt like just yesterday Sanji had asked you to marry him, a whole lavish thing, really. Brook playing music and trying not to spoil the surprise, roses everywhere on the deck of the Sunny, and when he asked, and you of course said yes, the entire crew came out crying, well everyone but Zoro but he did give a small smile to you in approval.
Of course, months passed, and Nami, Robin, Franky, and Ussop offered to help plan the wedding, and you had to admit, it went pretty swimmingly. The ceremony was beautiful, emotional, and full of joy. The reception was lining up to be even more so. Lively music, Luffy, Ussop, Chopper, and Franky dancing with the crowd as Nami, Robbin, and Zoro drank and laughed watching on. Dinner had gone over well. Of course, there was still more food knowing Luffy's appetite. Sanji was most stressed about that. He worked hard to craft that menu and made sure everything was just right, but no cooking for him today. His old friends from Baratie said so.
You and Sanji sat at the sweetheart table, watching the party carry on as you finished up your dinner, and Sanji put out his cigarette to sip his wine. He leaned over to you, putting his arm around you and setting his glass down. You set down your fork and leaned towards him as well, smiling on both your faces as you looked at one another.
"Are you having fun?" Sanji asked over the music.
"Of course! It's our wedding day! It's been one of the best days of my life!" You beamed. Sanji kissed your cheek and smiled.
"I'm having a ball," he then put both hands on your face and sighed lovingly.
"You look… beyond beautiful," He purred, making you blush.
"You look stunning," you smiled back, "You've told me maybe a hundred times today that I look beautiful," you laughed. Sanji laughed in reply.
"Well, for the one hundredth time, you look gorgeous," He smiled, and you kissed his lips gently. His left hand meets yours in your lap, your wedding bands gently rubbing together. After a moment, you pulled away, looking at your new husband, and took his hand.
"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" Sanji asked with a smirk.
"And leave our own wedding reception?" You laughed with a raised eyebrow.
"Just for a minute, no one will notice," he said, standing.
"I think people will notice we're gone. You better not be whisking me away for anything scandalous," you teased, standing with him, his hand in one and the skirt of your dress in the other.
"Is it scandalous if we're married?" Sanji smirked, pulling you close by the waist.
"Sanji!!" You squeaked as he laughed and picked you up bridal style.
"That's not why I'm whisking you away, I just want a little quiet with you," he said, looking back at Nami, giving her a nod. She nodded in reply as if to say, "I'll hold the fort," as Sanji carried you to the Sunny. The Sunny was still decorated from this morning. All the chairs were put away from the ceremony, but the archway, banners, and flowers all still gently swayed in the wind. Sanji set you down on the deck as you looked around.
"I can hardly believe we got married here, just what? Hours ago?" You said, walking to the archway and admiring the flowers as Sanji followed close behind, hands in his pockets.
"I know. It feels like it was days ago," he said, standing next to you. "But with you, I'd go back and do it over and over again." He smiled.
"Oh? Why's that? Everything went well this morning," You said, looking up at him.
"Oh yeah, no, everything went perfect. I just wouldn't mind marrying you all over again," He smirked, and you chuckled. You picked off a flower from the archway and put it in the chest pocket of his blazer.
"I wouldn't mind it either," you smiled, "I could live this day forever. But then we couldn't be excited for the married life after."
"That's true," Sanji said, pulling you in by the waist and leading you in a dance across the deck. "Our honeymoon will be amazing."
"I look forward to it. Do you think the crew will be okay without us for that long?" You chuckled, dancing along with him.
"Oh, they'll be fine. Took the necessary steps and made food and recipes for the time we're gone." Sanji chuckled.
"Clever, Prince," you teased, and he smiled back.
"Well, every prince needs a princess," he purred, leaning down and peppering your cheek and neck with kisses.
"Sanji," you swooned, "I thought this wasn't the main reason we snuck away." Sanji laughed against your skin, and it made a chill run up your spine.
"It isn't, but you're my wife, I have to shower you with love and affection," He purred, kissing along your jawline.
"Well since you're my husband, shouldn't I give you the same showering of love and affection?" You teased as Sanji blushed a little as he stood back up to look at you.
"I guess you're right," he said with a smile. "But I thought we weren't sneaking away for that," He teased, pulling you closer as you both laughed.
"I never said we couldn't sneak away to make out," you said, throwing your arms around his neck. "I'm sure no one wants to see that anyway."
"So.. we'll save that for later," he said, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"We have a whole week ahead of us to do anything like that. What happens happens." You say.
"Good point." Sanji said, putting his hands on the small of your back. "Whatever happens, as long as I'm with you."
"And as long as I'm with you," you whispered as the two of you met for a passionate kiss. Your fingers play with his hair at the base of his neck, his hands moving to your hips and giving a gentle squeeze. The kisses kept becoming deeper, heavier, and hotter, to the point where you had to pull Sanji off you as he had pinned you to the wall next to the kitchen door.
"Okay, it's been like maybe 15 minutes. And as much as I love…this." You trailed off, panting a little, both your lips feeling a little raw.
"We should get back to our wedding party," Sanji finished.
"Exactly, we still have to cut the cake, do our first dance, throw the bouquet..." You listed as you and Sanji walked back to your reception, hand in hand as you'll be til death parts you both.
My ask box is open, so if you have a Sanji x reader prompt, I'll do my best to write for it!
If you're looking for more Sanji x Reader stuff, check out my Prove You Love Me series on Wattpad and Ao3!
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chaoticallywriting · 2 years
A Merciful King ☼ Chapter One
Pairing: Aegon Targaryen II x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, minors dni! 18+, Dubious consent, non-con, breeding kink, porn with plot, virgin!reader, virgin sex, slight choking kink, vaginal fingering, creampie, unprotected p n v sex, cockwarming, Aegon loves boobies, shitty marriage? Oh and cheating.
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: I originally posted this series on TheGreensWhore. Unfortunately I got shadowbanned on there so I’m reposting all of amk onto here and will be posting further chapters on here instead of there.
Synopsis: The war is over, the blacks have lost, and as Rhaenrya’s daughter it is your duty to marry a green to secure your younger brothers safety. If only Aemond paid attention to you like his brother does.
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Marriage has been something you spent your whole life dreaming about. A beautiful wedding with a traditional Valyrian ceremony and a reception decked out in bundles of the best flowers the realm could offer. There would be laughter ringing through the great hall as you looked upon your beloved, who would sit beside you, eyes meeting as you think of the night ahead. You had planned it to a T, even down to the bards that would at such an event, but with war comes great sacrifice and far too much suffering.
Your mother was not there for the big day, nor your father or your brothers. Instead of a joyous occasion, a somber feeling had thickly coated the day in a dreadful way that left all tense. There was no Valyrian ceremony, and the man that gave you away was practically a stranger to you as he handed you off to one of your uncles.
Upon the death of Rheanyra, Daemon, and Jacaerys Targaryen, the war finally ended with Aegon successfully staying on the throne with a smug look on his face. Your younger brothers had been locked in the nursery, for they were too young for the occasion and did not understand where their mother had gone. The poor toddlers were to grow up as orphans with the greens in their ears, plaguing their minds with lies about their parents.
And you? You were to marry Aemond Targaryen to stop the rumors of him harboring a bastard son at Harrenhal and to keep you in a cage. As Rheanrya’s oldest living child many had looked to you to continue the ghastly war that tore your family apart. But with so few dragons and a grief-stricken heart you had surrendered like the coward you were. Now you were to spend your days with a man who hated you and once teased you for your strong looks despite being in love with a strong bastard himself. Just not you.
He looked positively livid the day he found out, and all could hear Vhagar roar in anguish as he rode off on her. He did not return for quite some time before listening to the pleas of his mother and the demands of his king brother. Part of you thinks Aegon was punishing everyone for his own loveless marriage. It was no secret that Aegon was not in love with his wife, nor even particularly interested in her existence.
“You shall pay for the sins of your mother” had been a sentence passed around by many before and even after the wedding. Everyone could see the one-eyed prince's clear disdain towards you, and rumors spread quickly of an unconsummated marriage and frequent flights back to Harrenhal. Many moons dragged on as you spent your days with your brothers, trying to fill the unending void of the loveless marriage you had been forced into.
You had grown desperate as the gossip grew louder after your first anniversary, still with no child to claim as your own. You had tried many times to try to seduce Aemond whenever he visited and failed in such a humiliating manner that left a ghastly wound on your ego. Furthermore, you had once stalked these halls with pride, and now you hide away as you feel yourself slip into a deep depression that you could hardly claw yourself out of.
Maybe that’s what led to the truly idiotic plan you were currently conducting, or perhaps it had been the three glasses of dornish wine, but either way, you had become truly desperate for a change. For something to end the mockery and your torment, to finally feel a sliver of happiness again.
“My king,” you say with a shaky voice. Internally, you cringe at yourself while you stand from your curtsy, head still lowered in respect. “I was hoping to speak to you on a matter most private if you would only grant me your time.”
You had asked to speak to him in the council room but instead were told he would only see you in his chambers, which had left you with a feeling of unease. Whispers traveled throughout the land of his insatiable habits, and you only hoped your union with his brother would protect you. Or maybe even the mockery he used to cast towards you as children. As you said, you were desperate.
“My beautiful good sister, how surprising that you finally left your room. It’ll be nice to no longer hear my mother rant about your seclusion.” He says it all so cockily as he pours himself a chalice of wine and when he’s done he pours a second glass, one you can only assume will be for you.
You keep your eyes on the ground when he turns with a chalice in his hand, sipping his wine as he eyes you up and down. Your own self-conscious tendencies that came with Aemond’s constant rejection screamed at you to fold your arms around yourself, but the last of your dignity whispered not to.
“I wish to seek an annulment-” he begins to laugh, your sliver of confidence begins to crumble, “it is no secret that my marriage was never consummated. The whole keep knows it, and therefore the kingdom itself must as well. I know Alys Rivers has been gifted Harrenhal and shall soon become its Lady, I’m sure your brother wishes to be free of me when that time comes.”
You let out a deep sigh and finally meet his eyes as you take a step closer to him. “Please grant us both this kindness. I will go to Dragonstone with my brothers where we will live out the rest of our days in peace, I swear to you on my own mother's grave that I shall cause no unrest nor rebellion and all will know that I sta-”
“No” he rolls his eyes as tears well in your own, gulping down the rest of his wine he slams the chalice onto the table beside him. “My brother has spent his whole life speaking of honor and now expects us all to stand back and shame our family after such tumultuous times.” He strides towards you, causing you to stumble back with fright.
“He is my mother's favorite, always gaining praise as she shamed me for not wanting this life. Even after one of my children died, he still gained her affections over me! Even with a title such as kin slayer and even now as he blatantly abandons you and flaunts in Harrenhal! I am tired of him getting his way.”
With each word, you took a step back until you felt the cool stone wall against your back, your heart racing as he stood before you, almost nose to nose.
“I cannot be the only one wallowing in a life of misery while he gets to be happy. I will not bear this burden alone just for being born first,” he practically spits the last part out, a hand shooting up to roughly grab your jaw.
Your whimper of pain only seems to spur him on, and he inches closer, his lips almost touching yours. Something in you screams to try to run, but you don’t. There’s a weird, fiery feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’ve never felt before as his thumb traces your bottom lip.
“If it’s a consummation you wish for, then I shall be a merciful king and grant you that.” His lips crash against yours in a bruising manner. He tastes of wine, endless wine, and his hand on your jaw slides down to your neck and squeezes ever so slightly. You don’t realize you’ve stayed frozen in place until he squeezes harder, and you're brought back to reality. This man killed your mother. He smiled during her beheading, and now he’s kissing you like he’s a starving man, and you're his feast.
You struggle to push him away, hands pushing against his chest which makes him chuckle against your lips, your head begins to feel light as you struggle for air, and finally, he pulls away and loosens his hold to let you breathe. You bend with a hand delicately placed where his once was and struggle for air.
You think maybe he’s come to his senses, but soon his hands are on your waist as he pushes you, you stumble backwards as he pulls you away from the wall and struggle against him, hands shoving at his own and try to wiggle out of his grasp, but soon your knees meet something soft and your falling.
Your back meets the cushioned mattress of his four-poster bed, and you try to scramble away, but he grabs your ankles before you can get far and pulls you back to the edge, slotting himself between your legs. His hands slide up your legs, pushing your dress up in the process as he eyes your panicked form.
“No one will know,” he says as he crawls onto the bed. By now your skirts are pushed up to your hips, and he has one leg between yours and the other on your side, hands on either side of your face to support himself. “That your beautiful Targaryen babies aren’t his.”
Tears slide down your cheeks as he kisses down your neck, nipping at the hand shaped bruise forming on your neck, which sparks something deep inside you. You try to ignore the feeling as he unlaces your bindings and pulls your breasts out of your corset, tongue licking them and circling your nipples.
“You will no longer be humiliated, and you will have the children you desire to secure yourself here,” one of his hands goes lower until they reach between your thighs. You try to squirm away from him, but his other hand grips your hip in a way that will surely leave a nasty bruise. “While he will live the miserable life of a cuckold and I will finally have something all to myself.”
His hand touches a place no one has ever touched before, long fingers sliding up and rubbing in a spot you didn’t know existed. Your breath hitches as your eyes squeeze shut, that spark slowly burns brighter inside you at his ministrations. “I will have you, and no one will stop me. I will give you as many sons and daughters as I please, and I will make sure he never touches you or speaks out, for I am the king.”
You gasp out in shock when he pushes one of his fingers inside of you, a hand shooting out to grip his forearm and eyes flying open. Your brain is screaming at you to try to escape again, but the feeling of him slowly pushing his finger in and out brings a haze to your mind, and the words of protest die on your tongue. There’s a tinge of pain with the intrusion of his finger that slowly subsides into something else. Something you have a hard time admitting you like.
Instead, you roughly bite your bottom lip and look at the ceiling above, you can tell he’s trying to make you look at him, but you can’t bring yourself to do such a thing. This is far too intimate for someone who caused you so much despair. He pushes a second finger into you, and you whine at the slight increase in pain it causes you.
Aegon begins to pick up his pace to something that makes all the negative thoughts fly out of your brain and instinctively you push your pelvis against his hand which causes him to let out a mocking laugh, you feel your cheeks flush and close your eyes to try to hide. You continue to grind against his hand without even thinking about it. A hand grabs your jaw and jerks your head, the grip bruising.
“Open those pretty eyes and look at the whore you are” his words are demanding, and his voice leaves no room for objections. When you don’t open your eyes immediately, he impatiently shoves his fingers in harder, causing a moan to escape you and his grip tightens. You finally open your eyes and find him hovering above you, hair framing his face in a way that makes your body continue to betray you.
His eyes have darkened, and you stare into his as that spark in your stomach starts to become unbearable. You're openly moaning now, and you find yourself mentally berating yourself for sounding so desperate for him, but you can’t help the breathy noises that leave your mouth as you feel yourself being pushed toward a feeling you’ve never felt before.
Aegon cockily smirks before directing your gaze with his grip on your jaw to look down, and you see his fingers working themselves in and out of you, fingers coated with your slick. You find yourself beyond embarrassed at the sight, but it doesn’t deter the fast-approaching feeling. He must know you're close because he forces you to look at him once more, his hand leaving your jaw to place itself beside your head, eyes gazing into your own.
“You better come within the next minute, or I shall let the whole keep know that you have become my whore,” his lips crash onto yours again, teeth biting your bottom lip and his thumb finds that place he had rubbed earlier.
With his fingers thrusting into you at such a bruising pace and his thumb rubbing against you, a feeling you’ve never felt before crashes into you. So violently you find yourself arching your back and squeezing your eyes shut, the snap that’s happened within you can only be described as pure heaven, and you find yourself gripping his forearm so tightly that your knuckles have turned white. He pulls away from the kiss and watches you come undone underneath him, the feel of your walls against his fingers driving him mad.
All patience is out the window at such a delicious sight such as yourself, and he finds himself pulling his fingers out of you, hands flying to undo his breeches and pull himself out of his pants. You whine at the loss of him inside you, but quickly quiet at the feel of something against you. Something bigger than his fingers.
“Ae-Aegon?” Your voice is rough and full of panic. He looks up from between your thighs and smirks at the look of confusion on your face. Such an innocent, beautiful thing for him to corrupt. He leans over you once more, a hand cupping your cheek as he looks down at you. For a second, there’s something almost loving in his eyes. But it vanishes just as quickly.
“That was not the consummation, but simply an act of kindness” he says and with that, he slowly pushes himself inside of you. Your head falls back against the mattress once more, eyes squeezing shut and whining at the pain. This is far different from his fingers, this feels like being split in two, and you almost hate it. Almost.
His head falls in the juncture between your neck and shoulder and groans. The sound vibrates against his chest and one hand tightly grips the sheet beside you as he tries as hard as possible not to push in too fast. He thinks of lessons in his youth, being taught about how patience is a virtue, and tries his hardest to follow that teaching. Once he’s fully in you, he stills. You grip his shoulders as the seconds tick by, and slowly the invasive feeling lessens into something dull.
The ache remains, but so does the need that you feel building inside of you again. You can tell he’s trying to be gentle in this moment, something that truly shocks you, and so you do something that will shock him in return. Slowly you grind your hips against his and moan at the feeling it brings, he looks up from your neck and smirks at the desperate look on your face.
“Such a needy little whore,” he whispers against your neck, lips trailing to your breasts as he begins to pull out.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, lips opening to say something, but the protest dies in your throat when he slams back into you. A choked gasp leaves your throat as you throw your head back, he begins to thrust at a brutal pace, the gentleness is gone and at first, all you feel is an intrusive pain. His patience has worn thin and all he wants is to feel all of you.
“So fucking desperate for my cock” he moans out, eyes looking between the both of you and moaning louder at the sight. “Look at you sucking my cock in, your body is begging for me.”
You flush at his words, your gaze shifting down, and you gasp at the sight of you two connected. Slowly, the pain fades. Not completely, but simply stays in the background, a faint feeling with each thrust that is overpowered by that same feeling you felt when his fingers were inside you. You can only describe this other feeling as otherworldly and filling, it’s crashing back into you so unexpectedly, and you find yourself begging for more.
“P-Please” you moan, head thrown back and hands gripping the sheets. Aegon must not have expected you to like this part as his head snaps up to look at your face full of desperation, a smirk creeping onto his lips as he takes in your flushed cheeks and blown-out eyes.
“What?” he grunts out, nipping at your breasts. “What does my brother's wife want?” His mouth engulfs your nipple, sucking it between his lips, tongue lapping at it, and the feeling simply adds to that familiar feeling that licks at your insides. A burning fire with increasing volume and speed sits inside your stomach, his tongue, lips, hands, him, they all stoke the flames.
“Please, please make it happen again…. I want it…. I-I” you moan, letting go of the sheets and finding purchase on Aegon’s back, pulling him closer as your nails dig into his skin. The feeling is euphoric and addicting, you find yourself babbling like a common whore. The begging you begin to stoop to is embarrassing, but you're desperate for that same feeling again.
He seems to like your abuse as he moans around your nipple before letting it go, mouth moving to the other to give it that same attention. He’s a good man, he can’t simply leave it untouched. That would be cruel.
“Say that you are mine” he says, tongue flicking at your nipple, eyes dark and voice demanding. It terrifies you in the best way, a shiver creeping up your spine as the feeling nears again. His thrusts have started to turn sloppy and something tells you this moment is soon to be over. His brows are furrowed, forehead crinkled, and sweat beading across his face as he tries to keep his composure. “Say it!”
You come around him at his demands, repeatedly moaning out “yours! Yours!” With the tightening of your walls around him, Aegon finds him burying his face between your breasts and moaning while coming inside you.
The feeling is hot and almost possessive as if he’s fully claimed you as his for all the realm to see in this heated act. You find yourself worn out and hot as you lay in his bed, his cock still inside you and sweat covering both of your bodies. He nestles your breasts and wraps his arms around you, making no move to push you away or leave you.
Your whole body feels exhausted, and you find yourself wishing for sleep, but you know you must leave. It was late at night when you entered his chambers, and there’s no telling how much time has passed since then. There is little left of your reputation after the war, your surrender and your failed marriage, to be found in the king's bed, will all but seal your fate as a failure to your mother and a whore to the realm.
You try to wiggle free from his grasp, pushing against him and trying to peel his arms away from you. Aegon groans at your struggle, tightening his grip and thrusting into you again in warning. You groan, overly sensitive after what had just occurred, and continue trying.
“I…” your voice sounded hoarse, it was barely above a whisper. “I have to go.” He shakes his head at your words, pulling you closer if that were even possible. “Aegon I cannot stay, they’ll find me here and have my head.”
His face snaps up at your words, scowling. “No one will lay a hand on you, for I am the king.”
“But he has Vhagar, he may not love me nor even like me but we both know he does not do well with humiliation… T-This was a mistake” at your words, Aegon brings his face to yours, nose to nose and lips barely apart. You shiver at the dark look in his eyes. “He will know it's not his, Aegon.”
“When I complained about marrying my sister, Aemond told me he would perform his duty if it were him. He’s spent his whole life reminding all of us how dutiful of a son he truly was, and yet he’s ignored his duties as a husband when it truly counts.” That anger within his eyes, scares you in some ways, but in others, it begins to stoke that fire within you once more.
“I did not wish to be king, and yet he forced me onto the throne. I will kill Vhagar if I must, but you are not leaving this bed until I am certain that my seed has found purchase within your womb.”
With the finality of his words sinking in, Aegon rests his head on your chest once more, nestling closer to you and sighing. All you can do as you hear his soft snores is think of how your life has truly changed in just a matter of hours. And how you do not know if it is for better or worse.
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coneyislandbabey · 1 year
light of the love that i found. -> w.rojas
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WARNINGS: maybe profanities?
SYNOPSIS: Yours and Warren's wedding. (Part of the mariposaverse, other related fics can be found on my masterlist.) word count: 2,368
NOTES: Written for this request! Me panicking when I realized writing this request meant I had to write believable wedding vows lmfao
“How about this weekend?”
Warren was sitting with you on the deck of the Laurel Canyon house, Mariposa sleeping on his chest. It was a hot August evening, the last vestiges of sunlight disappearing beneath the horizon, and she was wearing the cutest little baby-sized sunhat that Camila had bought for Julia when she was a baby and passed on to you guys, now that her own daughter was grown. You couldn’t stop taking pictures of them. 
“For the wedding?” you asked. 
“Yeah, why not?” You and Warren had been half-heartedly planning your wedding for the last four months, ever since Mariposa was born. Back when you’d told him you were pregnant, you had both decided to get married soon after she was born, but frankly being new parents had hit you like a truck, and there was hardly enough energy left in either of you at the end of the day to try to plan anything. You talked about it a lot, though; Warren reminded you every day how excited he was to get married to you. 
“Where would we have it?” you asked. “You know, you usually have to plan these things at least a little bit ahead of time with the venue.”
Warren started to laugh and then stopped himself, peering down at the sleeping baby bouncing on his chest with wide eyes. “Actually, I was thinking we could just do it on the beach. The vows and the ceremony and all that. And Camila said we could have our reception at their house!”
“That sounds… kind of perfect, baby,” you said, after giving it some thought. You hadn’t ever wanted a big, elaborate wedding, and now that your four month old baby would be in attendance, a long ceremony and a big party were out of the question, anyway. Just your little family on the beach, an officiant, and the band who had become your family out here in Los Angeles sounded like the perfect wedding. And you knew that Camila would take care to make the house look as beautiful as any official venue would be for the reception. 
“So? Saturday?” Warren asked, the smile growing on his face. 
“Saturday,” you agreed. 
On Saturday morning, you woke before the sun. And for once, it wasn’t because the baby was crying– rather, it was because you were nervous, excited, strung taut with restless energy regarding the day ahead. The ceremony was scheduled for late afternoon, so you had an impossible stretch of hours to cover in between. 
You sat up in bed, looking over in the gray dawn light at Warren’s sleeping form. He was laying on his stomach, face obscured by his unruly hair and the soft surface of the pillow. Even unconscious, one of his hands was reaching out towards your side of the bed. A grin so wide it strained your cheeks bloomed on your face, and you wore it unabashedly, chest fuzzy with overwhelming love. You were getting to marry him today. This wonderful enigma of a man, your favorite person in the whole world, would be yours forever by the time the sun set. 
You were all the more overwhelmed by the fact of it all, because there was a while there that you weren’t sure it would happen. When Warren had told you he wanted to marry you the night you told him you were pregnant, you had wanted to believe it more than anything. And you thought maybe he really believed it. But who knew what would change over the course of the pregnancy? Who knew what would change once the baby arrived? You loved Warren for committing himself to being there for you, but wanting to marry you, wanting to be tied to you in another way than the baby that shared your genes, another way than being your best friend– well, you weren’t sure that would still be true when the time came. 
But Mariposa arrived, and Warreen only doubled down on telling you he wanted to get married. Hell, you were still in the hospital, having freshly given birth, and Warren was already asking you when you wanted to tie the knot. You had laughed, exhausted, then, and told him to ask again after you’d gotten a full night’s sleep. That didn’t happen until after Mariposa was at least a month old, and had started to be better at sleeping. And then he was asking again, and you were thrilled to still be talking about it, thrilled that he still wanted this family. You wanted it more than anything, but that whole time you had been too scared to let your heart believe in it. You should have known better, that Warren would never have said it if he hadn’t fully meant it. 
“You’re staring,” Warren mumbled into the pillow, startling you into a jump. 
“God, War, you scared me,” you said, laughing. “I didn’t think you were awake.”
Warren rolled over just enough so that his face was no longer smothered in the pillow. “Don’t think I slept much at all last night. I’m too excited.”
You shuffled over the bed until you got to him and laid down, his arms immediately coming to circle you in a tight snuggle. “I can’t believe the day is actually here.”
“It’s about time,” Warren exclaimed. “It’s almost been a year since I told you I wanted to marry you, and I’ve been itching to get a ring on that finger ever since.”
“Oh, believe me, I’ve been waiting to get to call you my husband that entire time,” you responded. 
“You didn’t have to wait! I’ve been telling strangers that you’re my wife the whole time.”
“Warren!” you said, smacking him on the arm. “I feel like I’ve been missing out.”
“Well, after today you won’t be missing out anymore,” he said, pressing a kiss to your temple before sitting up. “Come with me to smoke a joint and watch the rest of the sunrise?”
You felt beautiful. 
There hadn’t been enough time for you to do the whole proper wedding dress thing, but you weren’t sure that a big, classic white dress would have been the right choice for you anyway. Instead, a few weeks ago you had been shopping with Camila and Karen on a rare day off, and you had come across a beautiful floor-length sundress in a pattern of deep green and cream. You ogled it in the window, and Karen had insisted you try it on. When you came out of the dressing room adorned in it, both women had gushed over it. Looking in the mirror, you had offhandedly mentioned that it could be a good candidate for your wedding dress, whenever the wedding happened. Immediately, Karen and Camila agreed, and it had been hanging in your closet waiting for your special day ever since.
Now, with the dress on, you couldn’t imagine wearing anything else for the occasion. You had paired it with your favorite sandals and jewelry, and Karen had done your makeup while Camila did your hair. You looked ethereal, and you couldn’t wait to see what Warren thought of it. 
You emerged from Karen’s room, where you had been getting ready, and walked down into the living room, where Warren was waiting for you, looking handsome as ever in a cream linen suit. When Warren caught sight of you, his mouth dropped wide open for a second before morphing into that giant grin of his that you loved so much. 
He brought his hand to his lips and let out a loud wolf whistle. “My wife is fucking foxy as hell!”
You laughed, shaking your head at him. “Foxy, yes, but not your wife yet, Rojas.”
“Every way except legally you are, Rojas,” he retorted quickly. Then, quieter, he said, “Really, baby, you look… I mean, Aphrodite herself could be standing next to you and I wouldn’t notice.”
You felt your cheeks heat with blush, and wanted to let out a giddy giggle over the fact that you were getting to marry a man that still gave you butterflies as though you were a schoolgirl with a crush. Instead, you crossed the few steps between you and grabbed his face, bringing his lips to yours. 
“Hey! No kissing before the wedding!” Graham said as he entered the room. 
“That’s not a rule!”
There was no aisle, so you and Warren walked through the sand hand in hand. Eddie followed behind you, carrying Mariposa in her little sunbeam yellow dress, the rest of the band, Camila and Julia, and Teddy and Rod following behind. The late afternoon sun was golden in the sky, the ocean a brilliant blue. The two of you stopped in front of the officiant, everyone else settling into the small grouping of wooden chairs. 
“Okay, I know none of you want this to be elaborate, so let’s get into it, shall we?” The officiant said, causing the group to laugh. “Warren, your vows.”
Warren cleared his throat, squeezing your hands with his. He was smiling in a way you’d never seen before, so softly that it made your heart ache. “(y/n), when I met you we were twelve years old. I was a stupid kid back then, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life or who I wanted to be. But you? Even then, you had such a way about you. You knew exactly what you wanted, exactly who you were, and there was nothing I could do except be drawn to you, even then. You have always been so bright and untouchable, and I couldn’t believe you even wanted to be my friend. And now I’m standing here at the friggin’ alter across from you? Getting to pledge myself to you for the rest of our lives is my biggest privilege. This life we’ve built together is bigger than anything I could have hoped for. You’ve given me so much– all of your love, our kickass daughter– and I cannot wait to spend every minute I have left on this planet proving to you that I’m worth all of it, and pouring all the love I have within me into you and Mariposa. Te amo, mi corazón. Forever.”
You gave a watery smile, doing your best to keep the tears in so your words are clear and your makeup doesn’t run. “Warren Rojas, you are every dream come true. You’ve been my truest friend since we were kids, and there’s never been any doubt in my mind that we would stand by each other’s sides for life– I just didn’t guess that I’d have the utter privilege of calling you my husband through all of that. You wear your heart on your sleeve, you always have, and I feel like the luckiest person in the world that you’ve chosen me to be the one to guard it. Every day I feel like I couldn’t possibly love you more than I already do, and then I watch you be an amazing father to our daughter, I watch you be so incredibly passionate about your art, I watch you take on life with this inspiring vigor, and somehow my heart grows even larger to accommodate your presence inside of it. I love you, Warren. I’m here promising to love you today, and tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives and everything that comes after.”
You were crying by the time you were finished with your vows, and so was Warren. His grip on your hands was ironclad, and you squeezed back as tightly as you could, pouring as much love into the simple contact as you possibly could. 
“(y/n) (l/n), do you take Warren Rojas to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the officiant asked. 
“I do,” you said, nodding your head vigorously. 
“And do you, Warren Rojas, take (y/n) (l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“Hell yes I do,” he grinned. 
“Then I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride.”
In half a second, Warren pulled on your hands until you were flush against him. One arm went around your waist, his wide hand spread across the small of your back, his other hand went to cradle your neck as he dipped you backward in a theatrical, passionate kiss. You wound your arms tightly around his neck, smiling into the kiss. Dimly, you were aware of your friends– your family, really– cheering in the background. 
Later, at the reception, you were sitting at one of the little tables Camila had set up, sipping at a flute of the best champagne you’d ever had. You felt warm and bubbly, impossibly bathed in love. Not just yours and Warren’s love, either, but the incredible love of your friends and the little family you had cobbled together so far away from where you’d grown up. You couldn’t fathom how lucky you’d gotten, having all these people in your life. 
“May I have this dance?” Warren asked, standing in front of you with his hand out to you, a soft grin on his face. 
“Why, of course,” you responded, putting your champagne flute on the table and accepting his hand. He led you out to the tiny makeshift dance floor, and you began swaying together to the music and background laughter and conversation. 
“We’re doin’ alright for ourselves, aren’t we?” Warren asked after a moment. He was looking over to the side, where Graham was standing, Mariposa in his arms. Eddie was standing with him, half in conversation with Graham, but his eyes never leaving his little goddaughter. Billy was on the dance floor, holding Julia and pretending to slow dance with her, and Camila was snapping a photo of them. Karen stood at the little bar conversing with Teddy and Rod, who you were absolutely pleased had stuck around for the reception. 
“Baby, we’re doing more than alright for ourselves,” you laughed. “This life we have is better than anything I could have asked for.” 
“Yeah, we’re killin’ it,” Warren nodded seriously, sending you into laughter again. 
“We are,” you hummed. “I love you, Rojas.”
“I love you more, Rojas.”
tags: @eonnyx @xleiaorgana
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bellaireland1981 · 2 years
Stubborn Hearts | First Deployment
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Summary: Part of the Stubborn Hearts Universe!  Sunshine and Bradley have a wedding to plan. Anxieties and some old feelings bubble when the Navy surprises Bradley with a 6 week deployment. Bradley and Sunshine navigating their first deployment together. 
Word Count: 10156 -- do we really expect me to have self control??
Warnings:  Fluff, bit of angst if you squint, kissing.
Pairings: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mitchell! Reader, Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Mitchell! Reader (Platonic), OC Shay Benjamin, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, Penny Benjamin, Dagger Squad
A/N: A/N: I do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other platforms. All OC’s belong to me but I do NOT own Top Gun Maverick characters. Reblogs and comments ALWAYS welcomed!  THANK YOU as always to @waywardodysseys​ for letting me bounce ideas and for reading and editing for me!!  
Immediately after returning from Big Sur, you launched into wedding planning mode. Neither you nor Bradley wanted a long engagement. One thing you both new well was that deployments came out of nowhere and rather than have your wedding derailed, you’d both agreed to keep it simple, keep it small, and make it happen that year.
“Have you thought about where you want to have the wedding, Sweetheart?” Your Aunt Sarah asked over brunch later in the week when you’d returned with Bradley.
“We want to keep it small and not have to wait a million years for something to be available.” You replied, “Other than that? No ideas… Do you have any ideas?”
“Well…” She said, “Both you and Bradley love flying, so you could have it at Mav’s hangar… the wedding itself could be outside and then we can clear the hangar of planes to decorate for your dinner and dance. Or, there’s always the backyard here. It’s big enough to accommodate everyone. Bonus is that neither place has a waiting list.”
“We could also set up the actual ceremony on the beach behind the Hard Deck and close the bar for the night to use for your reception.” Penny offered.
“I love all of those suggestions!” You exclaimed, “Let me ask Bradley and we can let you know! Thank you !”
“Have you talked about when you want to get married?” Aunt Sarah asked.
“As soon as we can get something planned and for it to be what we want it to be.” You replied. “Honestly, we’d both be just as happy eloping.”
“Absolutely not!” Both Penny and Sarah exclaimed.
“And that’s why we’re not” You laughed.
“One thing we can do immediately is dress shopping!” Aunt Sarah said.
“I was hoping you’d both want to go with me.” You replied, “Could use some stand in moms.”
“We would love nothing more, Kiddo.” Penny said, “I’m available this weekend if that works for you both?”
“Yes! I’m going to ask Shay to be my maid of honor and Nat to be my bridesmaid.” you replied, “I’ll see if they’re free too.”
“That’s perfect.” Aunt Sarah said, “I’ll get us a reservation at the cute bridal boutique downtown.”
“I can’t wait!” You said, everything starting to feel really….real.
After brunch you headed back to your house. Bradley and Jake were playing some video game when you walked in. Not surprisingly it was a flying game.
“Hey, Sunshine!” Bradley said, smiling when he saw you, “Did you have fun?”
“I did!” You replied, “We started talking about wedding ideas.”
“What did you ladies come up with, Sweets?” Jake asked, “Are we hitting up Las Vegas?”
“Nope, that got an immediate ‘Absolutely not’ from both of them.” You laughed, “They had really good ideas for venues though.”
“Where did they suggest?” Bradley asked, pulling you down to sit on his lap. “Nothing that requires an obnoxious wait, right?”
“Nope…. All of these options are wide open and available as early as tomorrow.” You laughed. “Although, we need a little longer than 24 hours to pull together a wedding.”
“Sunshine, I’d marry you right this minute at the courthouse or in Vegas.” He replied.
“I know, Roo. But I think our family wants to be there with us.” You replied.
“Damn straight!” Jake added. “Try and keep us away.”
“Ok, so venue options…” You said, “Aunt Sarah suggested her backyard, or Dad’s hangar since we’ve both grown up around planes and are both pilots. Penny offered the beach behind the Hard Deck and then she’d close the bar for us to use the Hard Deck for the reception.”
“Those are all fantastic and fitting.” Jake commented, setting his controller down, the game forgotten.
“I like the idea of the Hangar or the beach.” Bradley said. “What are you thinking, Sunshine?”
“I love the idea of using Dad’s hangar. It just feels like it’s the best fit for us.” You replied. “It makes it feel like even those who can’t be with us will be with us… “
“A tribute to dad and Ice?” Bradley asks, kissing the side of your head. “I think it would be perfect.”
“And our moms too.” You add.
“Let’s do it.” Bradley said, “We can call Mav right now and ask him. I’m sure he’ll say yes though.”
“I know he will. He’ll love it.” You replied.
“Ok venue…check.” Jake said, “What’s next on the list? Operation Bradshaw Wedding is in full effect.”
“I love you, Jakey” You replied, laughing.
“Love you too, Sweets.” He answered, flashing his signature smile your way. “I’ve gotta make sure my favorite new baby sister has the best wedding ever!”
“How many new baby sisters do you have, Hangman?” Bradley teased. He actually loved that Jake was so protective of you. He knew no matter what, Jake would be there to take care of you if he wasn’t.
“Just this perfect ray of sunshine!” He said proudly.
“I have to call Shay and Nix to see if they’re available to go dress shopping this weekend with Aunt Sarah, Penny and me.” You said, “I’m asking Shay to be my maid of honor and Nix a bridesmaid… or maybe I’ll just call them my wingwomen!”
“That’s perfect, Sunshine.” Bradley said, then leaned in and whispered to you to hop up. You obliged, moving next to him on the couch, eyes curiously following him as he stood up.
He went over to his flight bag and pulled something out then came back over to the couch. Instead of coming back to where he’d been, he walked around to the other side where Jake was sitting.
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing as soon as you realized what was happening. Bradley stood in front of Jake before he very dramatically dropped to one knee. You quickly pulled your phone out to record this moment.
“Hangman, much to my surprise, you’ve become one of my closest friends. You’ve had my back and  saved my life… Nobody I trust more to fly with. There’s also nobody I’d want more standing with me as I marry my Sunshine. Will you do me the honor of being my best wingman?” He asked, holding out a set of his wings from his flight uniform.
“Wow…” Jake said beaming, you could see a sheen of unshed tears in his bright green eyes, knowing that even though Bradley had been a goofball about it, this meant the absolute world to Jake. You also know that Bradley was sincere. “I would be absolutely honored to be your best wingman, Rooster. Thank you.”
He accepted the wings from Bradley. Both boys stood up and did the typical bro hug, pounding each other on the back.
You stopped recording and had to wipe away your own tears that had started to fall.  Your two favorite aviators turned to see you with tears on your face and held their arms out to pull you into a big group hug.
“That was the sweetest best man proposal ever.” You gushed.
“Have you seen many of them, Sweets?” Jake joked, pulling back.
“Well…no, but still the sweetest.” You defended. “Who are you thinking for your second wingman, Roo?”
“You already stole Phoenix,” He replied, giving a mock pout. “I’m going to ask Bob. I’d ask Mav but he’ll be doing Father of my beautiful Bride duties.”
“I think Bob is perfect.” You replied. “Dad would happily do double duty too, so it’s up to you.”
“He would, but I want him to be by your side.” Bradley said, “It’s important.”
“I love you, Roo.” You said stealing a quick kiss.
The next day you met up with Shay and Nix at the Hard Deck for lunch. Penny let the three of you meet at the bar with takeout so you could ask them to stand up in your wedding. You managed to pull together small gifts for them with notes asking them to be your Wingwoman of Honor and Wingwoman.
“What are you guys doing Saturday? Any plans?” You asked them when you had all finished eating.
“Nothing that I know of.” Shay said, “Jake hasn’t said anything about us having plans.”
“Just catching up on laundry and stuff around the apartment. Nothing that can’t wait.” Nat replied.
“Would you be interested in going dress shopping?” You asked
“Oh my God, of COURSE!” Shay exclaimed
“Absolutely!” Nat said.
“Perfect.” You replied, then pulled out their gifts and handed them to them. “These are for you guys.”
You watched as they opened them, both with very curious looks on their faces. Shay pulled out the card first, reading it. A smile immediately plastered to her face. You glanced at Nat who was also reading the card first, her smile mirroring Shay’s.
“Y/N!” Shay giddily replied, “This is adorable. I will definitely be your wingwoman of honor. Thank you!”
“Thank you for all of your support since I moved back and for being such an amazing friend” You replied.
“I am so down to be the co-wingwoman.” Nat beamed, “I’m so honored to be included, Y/N. You two are my only really good female friends. I’m always surrounded by the boys!”
“Before moving here I didn't even have any real friends so I can’t thank you both enough for being my people. I don’t know how I’d have survived the last six months without you.” You said.
“You’re stuck with us for life now.” Nat assured.
“Who is Bradley asking?” Shay asked.
“OHMYGOD you both have to watch this video!” You pulled out your phone and found the video you’d taken of the Best Man proposal.
They watched as Bradley dropped to his knee and asked Jake to be his best Wingman and you teared up all over again.
“That.” Nat said, laughing and wiping her eyes, “Was the best thing I’ve ever seen. You need to show that at the wedding.”
“It was the sweetest.” You gushed. “It meant so much to Jake. I know he came off as a total asshole to you when y’all first met, but he’s really got the biggest heart of anyone I know. He just built up walls to protect himself.”
“He’s definitely let his guard down the past several months and has let us see the real Jake.” Nat confirmed, “He has changed a lot. I think that’s in part to the mission and everything that happened, but it’s also meeting the two of you. Falling in love with you, Shay….that’s been a huge influence in his change. And having you, Y/N take him in and love him unconditionally as your adopted  big brother… damn, you gave him a whole family.”
“I one hundred percent agree with that assessment.” Shay said. “I love that the squad gets to know the Jake I’ve known since the first time meeting him.”
“There shouldn’t be tears when talking about weddings!” Penny laughed, coming over to your table. “You three are a sentimental group today.”
“Just talking about our men!” You replied, “We’re set for dress shopping on Saturday, Pen!”
“Perfect.” She smiled warmly. “I’m looking forward to it. Amelia asked if she can tag along too?”
“Of course!” You said immediately. “She’s always welcome to join us!”
“I’ll let her know.”
By the time Saturday rolled around you were a bundle of nervous, excited energy. You couldn’t wait to find your perfect dress and watch the girls find their dresses. You decided on navy blue and rose gold for colors so you’d decided to give them free reign on styles of dresses within the color scheme. You wanted them to be comfortable and not wearing a dress they hated.
You arrived at the boutique mid morning. Penny arranged for you to have Mimosas as you dress shopped. You’d given the owner of the shop a rough idea of what you were looking for and she pulled a bunch of dresses for you to try. The first several dresses, while very pretty, weren’t what you were looking for…they didn’t feel right.
“Don’t get discouraged, Sweetheart.” Your aunt said, “It’s here. We just need to hunt it down.”
“I guess I didn’t realize it would be this … frustrating.” You complained, “I’m not overly picky about style and dresses, so I figured I’d just find the perfect dress without much effort.”
“It’s different when it’s your wedding dress, Kiddo.” Penny added, “You’re supposed to be picky.”
“They’re right!” Shay added. “We’ll find it with you, Y/N. We’ve got plenty of time.”
“And if it’s not here, or not already made, we find someone who can design and bring it to life.” Nat said.
“That would take too long.” You sighed, “We want to get married before the end of the year.”
“Then let’s get you into some more dresses and see what shakes out.” Your aunt replied.
“Here are some more that I think you’ll love.” The boutique owner said, bringing in three more dresses. “The first two that I put in the fitting room are perfect. We wouldn’t need to special order either of them and I have a feeling neither will even require alterations. But most importantly I believe these two are everything you’re looking for.”
You had to admit the dresses were absolutely stunning hanging in the fitting room. She helped you to get into the first dress, zipping it up once you were in. You turned, looking in the floor length mirror and gasped. It was everything you’d ever imagined in a wedding dress. It was an a-line fit with applique and lace that flowed perfectly. It was a simple tank style scoop neck front with a low back.
“This is… perfect.” You whispered, tears brimming in your eyes.
“I have to agree.” She said, “Let’s have you step out and show your group.”
You carefully stepped out of the fitting room, beaming in happiness.
“What do you think?” You asked, stepping onto the small podium in front of mirrors.
“Oh, Sweetheart.” Your aunt said, tears filling her eyes, “It’s perfect. You are absolutely beautiful.”
“That is definitely the one, Y/N.” Phoenix said, “You’re so beautiful.”
“Bradley is going to melt when he sees you.” Shay added.
“Your dad… he’s going to cry the whole way down the aisle with you.” Penny confirmed.
“This is definitely the dress.” You said, wiping tears from your eyes.
“Are you thinking you’ll want a second dress option perhaps?” The lady helping you asked. “Many of my brides opt for a separate dress to change into for the reception.”
“Our wedding is so small and intimate,” You said, “I don’t know that I need a second dress…”
“You should try the other one on.” Your aunt suggested, “You never know. And you might find you want something different for the reception.”
“Ok, I’ll try it on. While I do that though..” You said, looking at Shay and Phoenix, “You two go find dresses.”
Both playfully saluted you and then popped up to go look through bridesmaids dresses.
You followed the lady back into the fitting room and she helped you out of the current dress and into the second option she’d picked out. This one was a satin gown in an a-line with spaghetti straps with a lower cut neckline and thin straps that crossed at the lower back. Honestly, it was breathtaking as well. You loved it.
“Ok… I wasn’t really thinking of a wardrobe change before the reception, but I might be now.” You said.
“I had a feeling you’d be swayed.” She smiled knowingly.
You stepped out of the room to where your Aunt and Penny were seated and they both gave you a smile that said they knew you’d be going home with two dresses.
“It’s perfect for the reception.” Penny winked, “This one is on me, Kiddo.”
“Penny, that’s way too much, I can’t ask that of you.” You exclaimed.
“Kiddo you didn’t ask, and I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer.” Penny replied.
“And I made your uncle a promise that we would buy your wedding dress.” Aunt Sarah said, smiling tearfully at you. “He knew you’d be marrying Bradley…and he told me to make sure to get your wedding dress. His exact words were, ‘Maverick can pay for the rest of it, but I get to buy my Little Bird her wedding dress.’”
You wiped the tears, now freely falling from your eyes. Your heart still had an enormous hole the size of your Uncle Tommy in it. Sometimes it hit you more than others, that your uncle really was gone. This was one of those moments.
“Oh, Sweetheart.” Your Aunt said, putting her arms out. You stepped off the podium by the mirror, straight into her arms, accepting the much needed comfort. “He’d be so happy to see you this happy and to watch you live your life. He is watching over you and smiling ear to ear, Sweetheart.”
“Thank you” You whispered, stepping back carefully and wiping your eyes, “I love you both so much.”
“We love you too, Kiddo.” Penny said, offering a loving smile. You may have lost your own mom at a very young age…too young to really remember much… but you’d been blessed with amazing women in your life to fill that role.
“We’ve found a selection of dresses!” Phoenix said coming back with Shay, and several dresses in hand between the pair of them. “Holy Shit you look HOT!”
“Bradley is going to possibly need a defibrillator for that one.” Shay agreed, “So, are you  going with a wardrobe change then?”
“I am.” You smiled at your friends. “It was decided for me. I can’t wait to see your dresses! Wait until I’m changed and back out!”
You headed back in to change out of the gown and into your regular clothes before sitting with Penny and your Aunt to watch the girls try on dresses.
In the end, they both went with dresses in navy blue. Phoenix opted for a chiffon, v-neck, spaghetti strap, A-line dress with a split up the side. Shay went with an illusion lace scoop neckline and sweetheart bodice, with a full chiffon skirt, a side slit and pockets.
Shay and Phoenix placed orders for their dresses. The owner of the boutique put a rush on their dresses so they’d be in within a month. Your own two dresses would be steam cleaned and pressed and ready for pick up within the week. With dresses taken care of, your group headed out to lunch before you made your way back home.
“Babe!” You called, coming into the house. Both Bradley’s Bronco and Jake’s truck were out front so you knew they were home.
“Hey, Sweets.” Jake said coming into the living room from the kitchen. “How did dress shopping go?”
“Perfect!” You gushed, “I said ‘yes’ to the dress… twice!”
“The same dress?” He asked, confused.
“Nope” You laughed, “I got two dresses. One for the ceremony and one for the reception.”
“Very nice.” He replied, “I’m glad you were able to find your dress, Sweets. Girls have luck too?”
“Yup!” You answered, before pausing to really look at him. Something was off. He was smiling but it wasn’t reaching his eyes. “Jakey, is everything OK?”
“Yeah,” He responded, unconvincingly, “Everything is fine Sweets. I’m going to head over to Shay’s for a bit now that y’all are done shoppin’. I’ll be back later.” He stopped in front of you, dropping a kiss on your head and giving you a quick hug before he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
You stood where you were for a moment, trying to piece together what just happened. The fact that Bradley was still MIA in the house on top of Jake’s weird behavior, you knew something wasn’t right.
“Baby?” You called, walking further into the house. A quick peek into the kitchen revealed no fiance, so you headed for the bedroom. “Bradley?”
“I’m in here, Sunshine.” he finally responded, quietly, his voice wavering a bit.  You opened the door to your bedroom to reveal Bradley sitting on the bed, his head in his hands, shoulders slumped.
“Baby, are you OK?” You asked worriedly, walking in and dropping down to your knees in front of him, your hands on his knees. “Roo… what’s wrong?”
“Jake and I got a call…” He whispered, you could see he was struggling with getting the words out.
“From base?” You asked, a sinking feeling settling in your gut.
“Yeah. Admiral Simpson called.” He answered, “We have orders for a 6 week deployment with a special mission. Coyote was called too.”
“Fuck.” You said, getting up and sitting down next to Bradley. “Well… this sucks.”
“It does indeed.” He sighed, “Sunshine, I know this is the worst timing. I’m so sorry. “
“No… nope,”You replied, snapping out of your shock. You turned so you were facing Bradley, “Baby, look at me.”
Reluctantly, Bradley lifted his head, turning his body to face yours. Once he finally made eye contact you could see the red rims around his eyes and knew he was struggling to keep tears back.
“Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw.” You said, “You’ve worked too long and too hard to be the amazing damn aviator that you are. You’ve dreamed of this career and you love your job. I am SO fucking proud of you and all you’ve accomplished. I will never begrudge you doing your job. I came into this fully knowing what life is like when in a relationship or married to a Navy Aviator. You never have to apologize for doing your job.”
You paused to make sure he was really listening to you.
“Does the timing kinda suck?” You asked, “A little… but we both know it could be a whole lot worse. It’s a 6 week deployment with a mission… 6 weeks will fly by. We can facetime and text or email when you’re able on the ship. We can plan our perfect wedding over the phone. When you get back, we’ll get married. Gives us something to look forward to.”
“I love you so much, Sunshine.” He replied, pulling you over closer and kissing you fiercely. “We are absolutely getting married as soon as humanly possible once I’m back in San Diego.”
“You’ll get no arguments from me, my love.” You smiled reassuringly at him. “When do you leave?”
“First thing Monday morning.” He replied, “We ship out with the carrier from the Naval Base.”
“Ok, so we still have the rest of the weekend.” You replied, “You can pack while I get some dinner thrown together for us and then we can spend the rest of the night cuddled up watching movies. Then tomorrow we can have the team over to cookout and spend time with our little family.”
“Seriously, Sunshine…” Bradley said, “How did I get so lucky and get such a perfect, beautiful woman to spend the rest of my life with?”
“I think we both hit the jackpot.” You smiled, “It’s kinda what happens when you end up with your best friend.”
“I love you, Sunshine.” He said, leaning in to softly kiss your lips.
“I love you too, Roo.” You replied, smiling against his lips. “Get packing, Flyboy. We’ve got 6 weeks worth of lovin’ and cuddling to fit in and not a lot of time to do it.”
After spending the rest of the day snuggled together and fitting in six weeks of orgasms, the two of you spent the following day surrounded by your makeshift family. Jake had returned with Shay early in the morning so he could pack and you could all get stuff ready for everyone invading. It was a much needed night with your makeshift family.
The night before deployment you spent wrapped in Bradley’s arms. This was the first real deployment for you both as a couple. The Uranium Mission had only been a few days long, but a lot had gone wrong in that short time. You didn’t know anything about this deployment or special mission and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t anxious. You’d just gotten Bradley back and everything had been going so perfectly…you were afraid the other shoe was about to drop.
“I can feel you thinking, Sunshine.” Bradley whispered, kissing your forehead. “What’s on your beautiful mind?”
“I’m just…worried.” You admitted, “Promise me you’ll do everything you can to come back to me.”
“Always, Baby.” He said, holding you tighter to him, “I will always do everything I can to get back home to you.”
“And make sure Jake doesn’t do anything stupid or overly dangerous?” You asked, already knowing Bradley would do everything he could to protect the other pilot as well.
“I promise.” He said, “And when I get home, you and I are getting married, Sunshine. It’s what’s going to keep me going for 6 weeks without my best girl.”
“I love you Bradley.” You whispered, lifting your head to kiss him.
“I love you too, Sunshine.” He replied, capturing your lips again.
The morning came too quickly. You were in the kitchen with Shay getting breakfast ready for the guys so they’d have something filling and warm to eat before they shipped out with the carrier. Bradley and Jake were getting showered and dressed in their uniforms and making sure they had everything packed.
“Something smells amazing.” Bradley said, walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around you.
“You ladies have been busy.” Jake said, dropping a kiss on Shay’s head before grabbing a mug down to get coffee.
“Just making sure we send our men off with a hearty home cooked meal.” You replied, “It seems it’s turning into a tradition of sorts.”
“One that I am not sad that we continue.” Bradley replied, turning you around and leaning down to capture your lips with his. “Although I could do without the whole deployment bit.”
“That’s literally your job, Roo.” You laughed, “And your own fault for being so damn good at what you do.”
“She’s got you there, Rooster.” Jake laughed, “Although, I admit, I used to be fine deploying for however long was needed, it never bothered me… now… I’m hoping the six weeks go fast.”
“Us too, Babe.” Shay said, wrapping her arms around him, “You’ll both be back to us in no time.”
“In one piece.” You clarified, leveling them both with a look before aiming it at Bradley, “WITH your planes INTACT this time.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Jake laughed. He loved how fiercely protective you were of those you loved, and he was happy he’d made it on your list.
“You crash one plane…”Bradley sighed, rolling his eyes playfully.
“It was technically two.” You sassed, “You may have had help from my dad on the second one but that landing on the carrier was classified as a crash landing.”
“Again, she’s got you there, Rooster.” Jake said, proudly taking your side.
“No injuries, no broken planes.” Shay said, “Just our two favorite aviators safe and sound.”
“Have I finally cracked the top of the list, Sweets?” Jake asked, pouting sweetly and batting his bright green eyes at you. He knew you had a soft spot for him and was using it against you.
“If it’ll make you fly safer and get you home in one piece…” You replied, laughing, “Then, yes, Jakey. You’re my second favorite currently mission bound Top Gun Aviator.”
“That was extremely specific, Sweets.” He pouted, “I’m getting demoted to lower on the list when we’re back, aren’t I?”
“Come home safely and we’ll negotiate.” You teased, “Shay, you have your hands full with this one.”
“I do.” She agreed, smirking, “But he’s worth it.”
“I’ll give you that one.” You agreed, “He is worth it.”
Once the guys had eaten, it was time to get them to the carrier. This is the part you hated the most. It had always been the part you hated with your dad too. You’d said enough goodbyes to last a lifetime already.
You stood on the deck surrounded by families saying goodbye to their sailors and aviators.
“I’ll see you in six weeks, Sunshine.” Bradley said, his voice thick with emotion. “I love you, Y/N Mitchell.”
“I love you too, Bradley Bradshaw.” You said, trying to smile through your tears, but failing miserably. “Be safe, Roo. I need you to come home. You promised I could steal your last name.”
“Sunshine, you don’t have to steal it, it’s yours.” He replied, kissing you sofly. It was though he was trying to pour every ounce of his love into that kiss. “I’ll call as often as I can and we can keep nailing down wedding plans. I’ll be home before you know it.”
“I’m holding you to that, Flyboy.” You replied.
“Stay safe, Rooster.” Your dad said joining your group. You’d had a feeling he’d be here to see his aviators off, but especially to be here to say goodbye to Bradley and provide moral support to you once he’d left.
“Will do, Mav.” He replied, turning to hug your dad. “Can you keep my Sunshine out of trouble while I’m gone?”
“I’ve been trying to do that since the day she was born, Kid.” Mav laughed, “Firecracker has always had a mind of her own.”
“I’ll keep her busy with wedding plans.” Shay offered, laughing, “That should curb some of the trouble.”
“Or create more.” Jake laughed.
“Hey!” You exclaimed, “I’m not the one getting into trouble when you’re gone, Bradshaw! YOU are the one getting into trouble when left unsupervised.”
“I want to point out that I had supervision on the last mission.” He said, defending himself.
“My dad does not count as supervision when in a plane, Roo.” You rolled your eyes, “I thought it was you supervising, but you were just as crazy as he was.”
“I’ll keep an eye on him, Sweets.” Jake promised, “No worries. Just plan the perfect wedding and I’ll make sure he’s at the altar for you.”
“Thank you, Jakey.” You replied, smiling warmly at him. You turned, pulling him into a hug. “I need you to come back safely too. I love you.”
“I love you too, Sweets” he whispered, holding you tightly, “I promise not to do anything stupid. I’ve got people to come home to now.”
After several more tearful hugs and a final kiss with your fiance, they headed off towards the gangway to board the carrier. You stood with Shay and your dad watching them walk away, taking a piece of your heart with them.
“Wow.” Mav said standing with his arm around you, “You’re right, Firecracker… this is awful. I’ve never been on this side of the goodbye before.”
“Welcome to the club, Dad.” You remarked, trying to keep the bitterness from your voice. You’d forgiven him, you truly had, but old feelings bubbled to the surface sometimes…especially times like this when you were once again sending someone you loved off on a ship.
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart.” He said softly, pulling you close to him. He dropped a kiss on your head, doing his best to offer you comfort.
“It’s ok, Daddy.” You sighed, “Guess this means you’re on wedding plan duty with me since my fiance is now unavailable.”
“Firecracker, I’d be more than honored to help you with anything you need.” He said. “Have you two eaten yet?”
“Yeah, we made the boys breakfast before bringing them here.” You replied, “Do you have to work today?”
“I do, but it’s a classroom day for a new group of recruits.” He replied, “So I’ll be done early.”
“Want to come over for dinner?” You asked, “You can see if Penny wants to come, if she’s got help at the bar.”
“Sounds good, Sweetheart.” He replied, “I’ll let you know when I’m done today and I’ll call Penny to see if she’s available.”
“Perfect,” You said, “Amelia too. We’ll make it a family dinner. Shay… that means you too.”
“I will happily accept.” She said, “I’ve got to go to work for a bit today… I tried to get the day off but my boss was being an ass. I am so ready to quit.”
“How much longer before you’re REALLY ready?” You asked, knowing she was waiting to be closer to completing her novel. “Maybe quitting would actually help you get more writing time… and less stress might help your writing inspiration too.”
“That’s what Jake said too.” She laughed, “We’ll see. Just let me know what time and what you’d like me to bring.”
“I’ll let you know the time, but just bring you…and maybe stuff to stay the night.” You replied, “Being in Jake’s bed might help a little tonight.”
“I would actually love that.” She replied, “I’m not looking forward to 6 weeks without him.”
“You can stay with me as much as you want, because honestly… I’m not looking forward to being alone.” You said, “I went from two roomies to zero.”
“It’ll go fast, girls.” Mav offered, “They’ll be back annoying you in no time.”
“Holding you to that, Dad.” You said.
The first week of deployment went by fairly quickly and uneventfully. You’d managed to Facetime with Bradley and Jake a few times. The calls were never long enough but it was good to be able to see them and hear their voices. Even with the shorter calls you had been able to iron out a few details for the wedding.
“Dad said he’d be happy to move stuff from the hangar and we could use it for the wedding.” You told Bradley, “Do we want to do the ceremony and reception at the hangar or ceremony at the hangar and then everyone go to the Hard Deck and beach for the reception?”
“It might be easier for everyone to be closer to town and with access to Ubers than to try to get everyone safely home from the hangar.” Bradley rationalized.
“Good point.” You laughed, “I’ll talk to Penny. Do you want me to wait for you to get home to find a caterer and get the cake ordered?”
“Not unless they can pull it all off in a week because I wanna marry you immediately, Sunshine.” He replied, pouting. “That's all that’s gonna get me through this.”
“Ok.” You agreed, “I will take care of it and get us a caterer and cake. What flavor do you want?”
“Can we do a layer of chocolate?” He asked, “Or maybe we just have a small cake for us to cut and then like cupcakes or something for the rest…it’s a small enough guest list, it should work.”
“I like that idea, Roo!” You replied, “Easier too if we just have a tower of cupcakes for everyone.”
“I request coconut!” Jake said leaning over Bradley’s shoulder, “Or Strawberry.”
“I got it, Jakey.” You laughed, “I will make sure you have one of those!”
“We’ve really got to stop spoiling him so much, Sunshine.” Bradley teased, “He’s becoming quite the diva.”
“He’s your diva for the time being.” You laughed, “I’m allowed to spoil my adopted big brother.”
“Love you, Sweets!” Jake yelled.
“Love you too, Jakey.” You replied. “And I love you, Bradley. Stay safe please. Only 5 more weeks!”
In week 2 of deployment you managed to iron out a caterer who also did cakes so you’d killed two birds with one stone. You did chocolate with a mousse filling for the small cake you and Bradley would cut and eat together, then an assortment of flavors in cupcakes, including strawberry and coconut for Jake.
Penny had been thrilled to have you host the reception at the bar and said she’d handle ordering the drinks and set up in the bar. Your dad had jumped in helping when he wasn’t at work with ironing out a set up for the hangar for the actual ceremony, including building a makeshift altar with an arch you and Bradley would stand under.
“What about if we talk to Frank about chartering a plane for everyone to get from the ceremony back to his airport then we charter a party bus to get everyone safely to the Hard Deck.” Mav suggested, “What way we don’t have to worry about transportation. You can send the wedding party and guests on the chartered plane and you and Bradley can take the Mustang or even your plane and fly together.”
“That’s a perfect idea, Dad.” You said, “I love the idea of Bradley and I flying together too.”
“I’ll call Frank.” he offered, “What’s left on the list?”
“I think just little stuff now. Bradley and I will need to get our marriage license when he gets home but that only takes a day or two.” You said, “We’ve got the jukebox at the Hard Deck for music, so we wouldn’t really need a DJ… CRAP! We need someone to officiate the wedding!”
“Firecracker, you know enough Naval officers, that’s not a major detail.” Your dad laughed, “We can ask one of the admirals… maybe not Cyclone though.”
“I dunno…” You laughed, “That could be funny.”
“So you have almost everything planned with a month to go….” Your dad pointed out, “Firecracker, we may need to invent things to plan or do to keep you from going crazy.”
“I don’t want the wedding to get too crazy or big.” You said, “If need be, I’ll just pick up extra charters from Frank to stay busy.”
“That’s probably a better plan.” He acknowledged.
Week three, the halfway point, seemed to be the hardest. By then you were really missing Bradley and you were feeling more anxious. Facetime calls had gotten even shorter. You got an occasional email from him letting you know he was safe, just busy. You’d sent pictures to try to help keep him from being too homesick.
“This sucks!” You sighed, throwing yourself down onto the couch next to Shay. It was the end of the 3rd week. You had three full weeks to go and both of the men had gone radio silent. “This is when my imagination gets the best of me.”
“I’m sure they’re just training or maybe in an area with really bad reception” Shay reasoned, “No news is good news.”
“I’m sure you’re right.” You replied, “I just…. Miss them.”
“Me too.” She replied, “Rather than us both sit here and sulk, let’s go bug Aunt Penny at the Hard Deck.”
“Deal.” You said, “I’ll call Phoenix and see if she and the rest of the squad will be there.”
“Perfect.” Shay replied, “We can celebrate me turning in my two week notice at the clinic.”
“WHAT?” You exclaimed, “SHAY! Congratulations! Full time writer!”
“Yup.” She laughed, “Thanks, Y/N. I’m nervous though… I’ve still got bills to pay, so being unemployed is scary.”
“First of all, you’re not unemployed,” You rolled your eyes, “Second of all, you can always move in here with us! You and Jake can share a room, or we have an extra bedroom if you’d rather.”
“That’s something I’d have to talk to Jake about.” She replied, “I don’t just want to encroach on his space like a crazy girlfriend.”
“I’d be willing to bet a paycheck…or my plane… that Jake wouldn’t mind you moving in here.” You said, “I definitely won’t be surprised when you’re planning a wedding not too far in the future here.”
“As much as I would love that…” Shay said, “I don’t know if Jake is ready for that yet, and I’m honestly perfectly happy just being with him.”
“We’ll see.” You shrugged, “Either way, you’ve got a place to land if you need it.”
“Thank you!” Shay said, hugging you. “Let’s go get drunk with friends.”
“Let’s!” You replied, laughing.
Week four brought you more charters from Frank to keep yourself busy. You found yourself getting more and more anxious the longer you were without Bradley. It didn’t help matters that you hadn’t been able to talk to him in three days. You did your best to not automatically think the worst, but you had a very overactive imagination.
“Firecracker, you know more than anyone that no news is good news.” Your dad said, “If something had happened we’d know.”
“You and I both know that the Navy doesn’t care that I’m his fiance, Dad.” You said, “Until we’re married, I’m not his family. And Jake’s POS parents would find out something happened before us too.”
“You’re listed as Bradley’s emergency contact and next of kin, Sweetheart.” Mav said, “I watched him file the paperwork myself. Jake listed you and Shay as his. Trust me, if anything bad had happened, you’d know.”
“I just…. I can’t shake the feeling that everything is going too smoothly.” You said, “Our wedding is all planned and just waiting for my groom to come home. We’ve been all smooth sailing since you all came back from the big mission. I guess…I’m just scared, Dad.”
“What are you scared of?” He asked
“I’m scared something is going to happen and I’m going to lose everything again.” You said quietly. “I feel like I’m finally living the life I’ve always dreamed of… except for not having Uncle Tommy still here. I’ve got you in my life again, I’ve got the big brother I always wanted in Jake, I’ve got actual real friends who’ve become my extended family… but mostly, I’ve got Bradley back…and not just as my best friend. I’m in love with him, and he loves me. He’s my soulmate, Dad. I’ve lived a life without him, I dunno that I’m strong enough to do it again.”
“I understand where these feelings are coming from… it’s all very valid, Sweetheart.” Your dad said, pulling you into his arms and holding you. “None of that is going anywhere though. Jake and Bradley will be back in a little over 2 weeks now. A week after that you’ll be married. I’m not going anywhere, Firecracker. You’ll always have me. And you Uncle is most definitely watching over everyone, keeping everyone safe.”
“Thanks, Dad.” You said, sniffling and trying to stop the tears from flowing.
“It’s my job…one that I’ve not always been good at… but my job nonetheless, to be here to support you when you need it.” He replied, “Come on, let’s go for a ride and to get some milkshakes.”
Week five was a little more bearable. You were in the home stretch. You hadn’t heard from either Bradley or Jake, but you kept telling yourself your dad was right and you’d know if something had happened. You decided to throw yourself into cleaning the house top to bottom so the men would have a nice clean home to come home to. You also reorganized anything you could find that needed reorganizing.
“Ok, I’m staging an intervention.” Shay said, at the end of the week while you were alphabetizing the canned goods in the pantry, “It’s time to get you out of the house. I called your Aunt Sarah and Penny. Phoenix is joining us too. We’re having an impromptu spa day followed by drinks. It’s time to get you out of this house.”
“What if Bradley or Jake try calling us and we’re unable to answer because we’re neck deep in mud or have wet nails?” You asked.
“Y/N.” Shay said, “If they happen to call, I’m sure one of the nice people at the spa will hold the phone up so we can talk to them. This is non-negotiable, Chick. You’re literally losing your mind here.”
“You’re probably right.” You sighed, “If I can’t get through a 6 week deployment without losing it, how am I going to survive a 6 month or YEAR deployment?”
“Well, let’s just hope you have a kid or five by that point so you have something to keep you occupied.” She laughed.
“FIVE?” You exclaimed, “That is a lot of Bradshaw children, Shay! Especially if they take after their dad!”
“Yeah, but you could handle it.” She said, “Besides, maybe by then they’ll have Seresin cousins.”
“YES!” You said, “We have to have babies that become best friends and cousins too!”
“I’ll let you tell Jake that.” She said, “I don’t want to scare him off.”
“Oh, I will” You promised, “And he’ll be all over that.”
“Ok, let’s go. It’s spa time.” She laughed.
The two of you arrived at the spa, your aunt, Penny, and Phoenix were already there waiting.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” Your aunt greeted, hugging you. “I’ve been hearing this first deployment is a little rough. You should have told me. I’d have talked you down.”
“I didn’t want to bother you.” You said, “You’re busy with the kids.”
“I am never too busy for my Godbaby.” She said, leveling you with a look that meant business.
“Yes, Ma’am.” You smiled.
“Come here, Kiddo.” Penny said, pulling you into a hug. “Let’s get you all pampered and relaxed.”
“Yes please.” You laughed, “Apparently I need it.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m anxious for them to get back too.” Phoenix said, hugging you, “It sucks being on the part of the crew left behind.”
“You’d tell us if there was anything to report, right?” You asked, “I just… I’m worried something happened again and I won’t know…”
“I promise, if I heard anything I’d tell you.” She said, “They’re fine, and I know both of them will be blowing up your phones the second they’re able to.”
You all spent the day being pampered. They’d surprised you with a trial run for your wedding hair, complete with a trim and color. The stylist had curled your hair, pulling half up and pinning it back. Your veil would clip in and hang down your back on your wedding day. A makeup artist did your make up in soft natural colors, giving you just a little color but not being overstated. After the spa you’d all gone to the Hard Deck for a couple of drinks. Your aunt left after one beer to get home to the kids. Penny made her way behind the bar, leaving just you, Shay and Phoenix to grab a corner booth.
In the middle of Phoenix telling a funny story of the Daggers from their training days, your phone rang, playing Bradley’s ringtone.
“Bradley!” You gasped, digging your phone from your pocket and moving out of the booth. “Be right back!”
You tapped to answer the FaceTime call as you sprinted out of the bar to the back patio where it was quieter but there was still light.
“Hey, Sunshine.” Bradley said , smiling tiredly when you’d connected. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, beautiful!”
“Bradley!” You exclaimed, soaking in the sight of him, feeling some of the tension release from your shoulders. “I’ve missed your face so much, Roo.”
“I miss you too, Sunshine.” He sighed, “Do damn much.”
“Are you ok?” You asked, anxiously.
“I’m ok.” He assured you, “Just really tired. It’s been… a lot here. I can’t wait to get home to you.”
“We’re almost there, Roo.” You replied, “Just two more weeks. How did the mission go? I’ve been really worried.”
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart.” He said, “We were on radio silence so I couldn’t call. The mission went alright. It went according to plan, no lost planes.”
“Good.” You smiled, “I’m glad you’re not costing the US government more planes. But even happier that you’re safe.”
“Have to get home to my girl.” He smiled, “She promised to marry me when I get there.”
“Lucky girl!” You smirked.
“It’s me that’s the lucky one, Sunshine.” He replied, “Hope you’re ready for an amazing Honeymoon. Just the two of us.”
“I can’t wait, Bradley.” You said. “Everything is ready for us to get married. I just need my groom.”
“I’ll be there, Sunshine.” He promised. “You look absolutely beautiful, Y/N. Are you at the Hard Deck?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, heart melting at the way he was looking at you. “Shay staged an intervention for me today. We did a spa day with Phoenix, Penny and Aunt Sarah. Then we ended up here for some drinks.”
“Intervention?” He asked, raising his eyebrows in confusion, “What’s that about?”
“I may have had a little too much nervous energy…” You replied, “I cleaned the whole house, reorganized, and had moved on to alphabetizing the pantry…”
“Sunshine, is everything ok?” He asked, concerned, “Why so much nervous energy?”
“I just miss you, and the house is too quiet.” You sighed, “I started to get into my head, kept imagining the worst. Dad had to talk me down a couple of times. I guess now that I have you, I’m scared to lose you.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Sunshine.” He said, “I refuse to miss the chance to spend forever with the person I love most in this world.”
“I love you too, Bradley.” You said, desperately fighting the tears threatening to fall. You didn’t want to cry while on the phone with him. “So, so much.”
“I’ll be home soon, Baby.” He said, “You’ll be back in my arms and I will never let go.”
“Holding you to that, Flyboy.” You smiled, “Be safe.”
“Always.” He replied, “I should be able to call or email regularly now until we hit port. I’ll see you at the dock in two weeks.”
“I’ll be there.” You promised. “Tell Jakey I love him and to stay safe too. And have him call Shay if he hasn’t already.”
“Will do. He was grabbing a shower first then planned to call her.” He said, “Have fun tonight, Sunshine. Drink a beer for me.”
“I will.” You promised, “Love you.”
“Love you too” He replied, before you both ended the call.
You sat there a minute collecting yourself and drying your eyes not wanting to have a tear streaked face going back in.
You sent a quick text to your dad letting him know you’d just talked to Bradley and everything was ok, then got up and walked back into the bar. Before heading back to the table, you went to the bar to get another beer.
“Everything ok?” Penny asked, “I saw you light out of here.”
“Yeah,” You beamed, “Bradley called. I wanted to be able to hear him. He’s good. Really tired, but good.”
“I’m happy he was finally able to call.” She smiled, “It’ll be nice when he’s back home playing away on the piano.”
“I can’t wait.” You agreed, “I’m going to head back over. Shay may be running out shortly. Jake is calling after his shower.”
“She’ll be relieved to hear his voice.” Penny said, “This is still really new to her.”
“She’s doing better than me I think” You laughed, “Or really good at hiding it.”
You headed back to the booth with the girls, setting your beer down.
“Be ready to run out.” You told Shay, smiling, “Bradley said Jake would be calling you as soon as he was out of the showers.”
“Thank FUCK!” She exclaimed, “They’re good though, right? All in one piece?”
“Yup!” You said, laughing, “Exhausted but good.”
“Ok!” She replied, “Exhausted is acceptable. I’m going to go outside and wait for him to call.”
Week 6 went much faster than the previous weeks. You made sure everything was ready for the wedding the following week, double checking with all the vendors to make sure nothing went wrong. Frank confirmed he’d have a chartered plane and pilot ready to get your guests where they needed to be. He also said he’d have your plane fueled and ready for you to head out on your honeymoon after the wedding. Bradley was planning that one with the help of the squad. It was a super secret mission so you had no idea where you were heading. You knew now you’d be taking your own plane though.
When you weren’t double and triple checking details, you were flying charters for Frank. You figured the busier you stayed the faster the week went.
“I can’t believe our men are finally home tomorrow!” Shay exclaimed the night before you were scheduled to be on the docks to welcome home your men.
“The last six weeks have felt like an eternity.” You sighed, plopping down onto the couch. “We got lucky too… the deployment didn’t get extended.”
“Wait… that’s a thing?” She asked, joining you on the couch. “Even when they say a specific timeline?”
“Yup” You confirmed, “I can’t tell you how many times my dad was only supposed to be gone on a ‘short’ deployment, only for it to end up getting extended. Once he was only supposed to be deployed for 6 months and it kept extending until he’d been gone an entire year.”
“That’s shitty!” Shay exclaimed, “No wonder you have resentment towards the Navy.”
“Yeah… but this time I kinda did sign up for it.” You laughed at the irony. “As a kid, it was just the hand I was dealt with having a dad in the Navy. As an adult… I chose this life.”
“Regrets?” She asked
“Absolutely zero.” You replied firmly, “I choose Bradley. I’ll always choose him. Flying is part of who he is and I love him completely. I will happily wait for him, holding down the homefront while he does his thing. I just might need to find more to keep me occupied while he’s gone.”
“What are the odds they all get to stay together to finish out their careers?” Shay asked.
“Slim to none.” You sighed, “They can keep requesting Top Gun or San Diego as their duty stations but if they want to keep promoting and are in this for life… they’ll be split and sent off at some point.”
“Well that sucks.” Shay said, “I’ve kinda grown attached to these hooligans.”
“Me too” You laughed, “But we don’t have to worry just yet. They just got reassigned to Top Gun 6 months ago as a squadron so I’m sure they’ve got a bit before anyone has to worry about relocation.”
“Let’s hope so!” She replied, “Everything ready here for them?”
“Yup!” You said, “Kitchen is stocked with all their favorite foods, the house is cleaned, all of Bradley’s Hawaiian shirts are clean and ready for him…”
“I made sure Jake’s room was all clean too.” Shay said, “Clean sheets and all.”
“I’m sure he’s loved that you’ve been sleeping in his bed while he’s gone” You teased, “At this point, for real… Please move in!”
“Let’s see how it all shakes out when they’re back.” She replied. “If Jake wants me to move in…or to get a place together… I’m more than happy to. I’m sure you and Rooster are going to want time alone when you’re married to settle in. An extra person living here might be annoying.”
“We love you guys and there’s plenty of room here.” You insisted.
“For now.” She winked, “We’ve got bets going on how long after the wedding it takes for you two to start your family.”
“Wow.” You laughed, “I’m not opposed to jumping right in. Lord knows we’ve waited long enough and we both know that life’s too short. It’s definitely something Bradley and I need to talk about though.”
The next day stood on the dock waiting for them to be dismissed and allowed to leave the ship. Your dad and Penny were there, mostly to keep you and Shay from overtaking the ship to get to your men, but also because they wanted to see the guys. You and Shay alternated between pacing and fidgeting, both ready to tackle your men the second you could.
“I see movement.” Your dad said, bringing your attention back to the deck of the carrier. The gangway was now in place and you could in fact see people starting to make their way down to the dock. Your eyes stayed glued to the gangway watching for either Bradley or Jake.
“Ugh, why can’t they just hop in their jets and meet us at the air base?” You complained, “Finding them would be easier.”
“Patience, Firecracker.” Mav laughed, “They’ll be just as anxious to get off the boat and to you both as you are for them to get off. Trust that they’re hurrying.”
“They need to hurry faster.” Shay said, now on her tiptoes to get a better view. “They need more pep in their step!”
“There they are!” You exclaimed, pointing to a pair of very familiar aviators. “Holy shit, they’re in dress whites. I’m dead.”
Your dad and Penny laughed, rolling their eyes.
“Can’t they just push their way to the front?” Shay asked, “They’re officers after all.”
“You two are hilarious.” Penny said laughing, “I’m really glad I’m here to witness this.”
“I could do without the lusting after officers in dress whites.” Your dad replied dryly.
“Not just any officer.” You corrected, “Just MY officer.”
They finally found a pocket and were able to slip past, now making double time towards you and Shay.
“SUNSHINE” Bradley called as soon as he spotted you. You took off running towards him, launching into his arms when you got to him. His arms came around you to hold you steady, your legs wrapping around his waist. “Fuck, you feel so good, Baby. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Bradley.” You replied, tears steadily falling down your cheeks. You pulled away to look at him before slamming your lips against his in a searing kiss. Your arms were locked around his neck, fingers lacing together. His cover was knocked back, off kilter on his head but he didn’t care. He had his Sunshine in his arms and he was too invested in the kiss.
Finally needing air, you pulled back slightly, not enough to put real space between the two of you, but enough where you could look into his warm, honey eyes. You smiled, taking him all in.
“Welcome home, Flyboy.” You finally said, fixing his cover on his head for him. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Sunshine.” He smiled widely, “It’s so fucking good to be home.”
He carefully set you down, making sure you were steady. You both moved closer to where Mav and Penny were standing.
“Welcome home, Bradley,” Mav said, pulling him into a hug.
“Thanks, Mav.” He replied, “I’ve never been happier to get off a carrier before.”
“I bet.” He laughed. “I honestly thought I was going to have to block these two from charging the ship in search of you and Jake.”
“We were getting ready stampede everyone ahead of us.” Bradley laughed, winking at you. “Needed to get to our girls.”
“SWEETS!” Jake exclaimed, having joined the group after his own reunion with Shay. He held his arms out, “Come here!”
You laughed quickly moving into his outstretched arms. “I missed you Jakey!”
“Missed you too Sweets.” He replied, squeezing you tightly. You hugged him back just as tightly knowing this was probably the first time he’d ever had a welcoming committee upon returning from a longer deployment. Bradley too. That’s why you’d planned a welcome home party for them all at the Hard Deck the next night.
“Alright, I’ll bet the two of you want showers, to change clothes and a decent meal.” Penny said, “Not getting any of that here on this dock.”
“Yes, Ma’am!” Bradley said, “And I promised my girl I’d be holding her once I got off the ship, and I wouldn’t be letting go.”
“Take me home, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw.” You said, laughing.
“Happily, soon to be Mrs. Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw.” He replied. “I can’t wait until next week, Sunshine.”
“Me either.” You answered, kissing him.  
Later that night tucked in bed, held tightly in Bradley’s arms the two of you were finally able to fully relax.
“I think I missed this the most.” You said quietly, tracing patterns over Bradley’s bare chest with your fingers. “Just being in your arms, hearing your heartbeat, being able to touch you.”
“Me too, Sunshine.” He said, dipping his head to kiss the top of your head. “I haven’t slept for shit in six weeks. I need you snuggled into me, to smell the flowery lotion you use before bed, the feel of your breath on my skin. I honestly don’t know how I survived without you for so damn long.”
“Good thing we never have to go back to being without one another.” You said, “We get forever, Roo.”
“I’m banking on longer than forever, Sunshine.” He replied, “I love you”
“I love you too, Roo.” You said, turning your head to kiss his chest. You snuggled in closer, your hand over his heart, and the two of you drifted off into a restful sleep.         
A/N: Next up for Sunshine and Bradley is their wedding!!! I hope you’re still enjoying these two as much as I love them! Please let me know what you think!! 
Taglist: @gracespicybradshaw​ @memoriesat30​, @khaylin27​, @snekssss, @shanimallina87​ @atarmychick007​  @jstarr86​  @marantha​  @taytaylala12​ @theweekndhistorybook​ @happylittlereader​ @hobiismyhopeu​ @krismdavis​ @itsdesiree86​                                                         
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winchesterwild78 · 4 months
Chance Meeting pt 25
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18+ Minors DO NOT interact
Please be kind and all mistakes are my own. All work is mine. Please don’t take or copy it.
Warnings: fluff, Lots of feelings, soft smut
A/N: Reader and Jensen are getting married!! This chapter is long. I edited this quickly, so please overlook any errors.
The next day you woke up to an empty bed. You felt his side of the bed and it was cold. He had been up for a while. You stretched and crawled out of bed. Once you showered and got dressed you went downstairs to find Jensen sitting on the back deck with a cup of coffee and his laptop and phone. He was on the phone and looking at something on the computer. You watched him from the kitchen as you grabbed a cup of coffee.
Once you saw he was off the phone you went outside to join him. “Good morning babe” you said as you opened the door. Jensen stood and threw his arms around you “good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?” You nuzzled into his chest and said “better than I have in a long time.” You gave him a soft smile. Since you’d been back home you had occasional night terrors that woke you and Jensen up. You offered to sleep in the guest room but Jensen wouldn’t have it. He said your place was beside him in y’all’s bed and he was going to help you through everything you were going through.
Jensen had been incredible since the attack and when you got out of the hospital. He didn’t push you to even kiss him. Last night was amazing. You hoped it was the first of many times you two could be together again. You missed his touch and just being close to him.
Jensen sat down again looking at his laptop. “So I have the honeymoon rescheduled, but we have to leave right after the wedding. Then when we come back I have to leave to go back to finish filming.” He said. You sat across from him and your leg was bouncing nervously. “What’s wrong baby” he asked. “I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you leaving again. I’m scared to stay alone right now.” You whispered. Jensen came over and sat on the table in front of you. He lifted your chin to look at him. “Hey, come with me. Come and stay with me while I film.” He said. You looked at him confused. “Really, you want me to go with you” you asked. “Of course I do. It’ll be amazing. I can film and then come home to you. I might even get you to come with me to set.” He smiled.
“That sounds amazing baby. I can’t wait to see you in action” you chuckled. “So we’ve rescheduled our honeymoon and the wedding. I can’t believe we finally are getting married next month. I hate that we had to postpone it.” You said. Jensen took your hand and said “baby, it’s not your fault we had to, and I’m glad we are too. I can’t wait to see you in your dress.” “Oh my god, my dress. I was putting it in the car when I was grabbed. Where is it” you asked. “Gen got it after we got your car back. Don’t worry. I didn’t see it” he said reassuring. You smiled softly and gave him a kiss. “I’m glad you didn’t see it. It’s perfect and I can’t wait for you to see me in it.” “Me either” he whispered on your lips.
*Time jump 3 days before the wedding*
“Gen, do you have the table settings for the reception? I can’t find them anywhere.” You called from the guest room. “Yep, already in the car. Let’s go to the brewery before it gets too late. We need to help set up and get things ready” she called from downstairs. You came down the stairs in a light blue sundress and sandals. You were glowing and the excitement was all over your face.
Gen drove to the brewery and you followed behind her in your new car. You told Jensen you didn’t need one but he insisted you had a new one since you sold your other one. After the attack it was too difficult to even look at your car without being reminded of what happened. As you pulled into the parking lot you noticed Jensen’s truck was already there.
Jensen came outside to help bring things in. When he saw you he stopped moving and just stared. “God you’re so beautiful, sweetheart” he said as he kissed you. You blushed and told him thank you. You, Gen and Jensen carried things in to start setting up. The reception was going to be inside because it was warmer now and you didn’t want the cake or the guests to melt. The employees at the brewery were amazing and helpful with set up and helping your vision come to life. Jensen let you take the lead on decorating.
The baker you ordered the wedding cake from was so supportive with the change in date. You were excited because Jensen still had no idea what the cake looked like. You ordered it and asked the baker to keep it a secret. You had a small table to the side set up for the cake and you placed the knife and cake server you had made on it. Jensen walked over and saw the knife and server and chuckled. The knife and cake server were wrapped in red plaid and it had the date you met engraved on them with both of your initials under it.
The set up took a few hours and when you all were finished Jensen insisted on taking everyone to the local BBQ restaurant to eat. He had called ahead and reserved their party room. Jensen told everyone to bring their families too. He wanted to thank them for all their help and celebrate with them. You loved so many things about him, but his huge heart was on the top of the list.
The room was filled with chatter, laughter and the sound of silverware on the plates. Everyone was having an amazing time and the food was delicious. You looked around the room and smiled. Jensen was sitting beside you and leaned over whispering in your ear “you okay sweetheart”. You smiled and shook your head yes. Jensen clinked his glass and stood. The room went quiet and everyone looked at him. Raising his glass he said “on behalf of myself and my beautiful fiancé I want to thank you all for everything you’ve done to help us these past few months. With everything we’ve been through, especially Y/N, it means a lot to have so much support and love from you all. Thank you for taking time out of your day to help us get the brewery ready for the wedding. We are truly grateful and humbled by all of the support and love we’ve received. So here’s to all of you” he said as he lifted his glass higher. Glasses were clinked and Jensen leaned down and kissed your forehead.
The night wore on and soon it was time to say goodbye to everyone. You and Jensen made your way home and you both were giddy and excited about the next few days. Your families were coming in town tomorrow for the rehearsal and for the wedding the next day. As Jensen got ready for bed you laid on your side and watched him. Even in the dimly lit room he was absolutely stunning. You still couldn’t believe he was going to marry you. He turned off the bathroom light and climbed into bed.
You giggled as he let out a small grunt. “What’s so funny” he chuckled. “Nothing” you giggled again. Jensen leaned over you and said “oh yeah” and he started kissing and tickling you. The room filled with giggles and squeals. Jensen kept kissing you and you squirmed under him. He stopped tickling you and just leaned over you and smiled. “God I love your laugh. I’m so incredibly proud of you, baby. You’ve been through hell and back and you still laugh and smile. You are the strongest, bravest woman I know and I’m so proud to call you my wife.” “I love you Jensen. Thank you for helping me get my laugh and smile back.” You leaned up and kissed him.
He pulled you in his arms. There was no need for sex tonight. The intimacy tonight was just being in each other’s arms and kissing each other. Jensen held you and you held him. He rubbed circles on your arm and back and you laid on his chest. Both of you drifting off to sleep.
The next morning you both were up early getting last minute things done before your family came in town and the rehearsal tonight. The excitement in the air was thick and you were a little nervous too. Jensen was on cloud nine all day. Every time he walked past you he would touch you in some way or give you a quick kiss. When Gen and Jared came over to help load the rest of the stuff in the car they noticed it too.
“Dude, what’s gotten into you” Jared asked playfully. “I love her so much and I’m so happy she’s okay and still willing to marry me.” Jensen said with huge smile. Jared gave him a hug and told him so was he.
Gen was helping you get things you would need for the rehearsal and was helping you pack for the honeymoon. “I can’t believe tomorrow is the day, Y/N. I know we are all thankful you’re safe and the day has finally come. So are you going with Jensen when he leaves for filming” she asked. “Yeah, I’m really excited about it too. I’ve been anxious about him leaving but we decided I’d go with him.” You said bustling around getting things ready.
The day flew by and it was time for the rehearsal. You and Jensen drove to the brewery and your kids followed. His ex was bringing the kids so they could be part of the rehearsal. Since they were in the wedding. The field where the ceremony was being held was absolutely beautiful. Chairs were lined up on either side of a dark blue runner, twinkle lights were strung above the chairs and over the area. At the end of the aisle was a beautiful arch covered in gorgeous flowers all shades of blue, and white. Lights were woven between them too. Off to the side was a table that had 7 tall bottles of different colored sand, and in the middle was a huge glass heart with “forever family” engraved on it. The 7 bottles were for Jensen, you, his 3 children and your 2. The 7 of you were going to pour the sand together into the heart. Signifying the joining of your families.
When you walked towards the field it took your breath away. Everything was so beautiful and better than you imagined. Jensen hugged you from behind and kissed your neck. “You did amazing, Y/N. It’s beautiful.” You smiled at him and whispered thank you as you kissed his lips.
The rehearsal went pretty quick and it was time to eat and hang out. Everyone had an amazing time and soon it was time to go home.
Jensen was staying with Jared tonight and you were at home. Jensen held on to you and didn’t want to let you go. He kept kissing you and making you giggle. The kids told him to stop being gross and Jared agreed. Which caused you to laugh harder. Jensen walked you to your car and leaned you against it. He cupped your face and leaned in kissing you. As he pulled back he said “I love you so much and I can’t wait to call you my wife. I’ll see you at the end of that aisle over there tomorrow.” He said with one last kiss. As he walked away you sighed softly and climbed in your car.
Once you got home you made sure everything was locked and you took a shower. After the shower you sent Jensen a text.
You: Hey babe. Just laying in our bed thinking about you and missing you. I love you.
J: I miss you too baby. I wish I was there with you. Just one night away before I call you my wife forever. I love you!
You: I know. One more night and I finally get to call you my husband. I love you so much. Try and get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow. 💜😘
J: Good night my love. I love you too and I’ll see you tomorrow. 😘💙
You put your phone down and stared at the ceiling for a while. You thought about tomorrow and the future with Jensen. You’ve both had a failed marriage before but you had absolutely no doubt this one would last. You were having a little trouble falling asleep so you rolled over and held his pillow. It smelled like him and it made you smile. You took a deep breath in and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Your alarm went off early and you leaped out of bed. Today was the day you had been waiting for and you were so excited. In a few short hours you were going to be Mrs Jensen Ackles. You jumped in the shower and put on some comfy clothes. There was a room set up for you at the brewery to get ready in. Gen was bringing your dress and everything else. All you had to bring was yourself. You made a cup of coffee and some toast and headed out the door. You sent your bridal party a text that you were on your way. Gen was at the brewery when you arrived and other people started trickling in too. The caterer was there setting up and the food smelled amazing. The menu was a traditional Texas BBQ with all the sides you could dream of. The baker brought the cake and it turned out better than you imagined. Her attention to detail was amazing. Jensen was going to love the cake.
Gen hurried you into the room to start getting ready. You had hired someone to do your hair and makeup because you wanted it to be perfect. The stylist was setting up when you got a text.
J: good morning my beautiful bride. I missed you last night and can’t wait to see you today. I have something for you. Jared should be bringing it shortly.
Me: I missed you too my handsome husband. I’ll send something for you with him then.
You smiled and set your phone down. “Jared’s bringing something from Jensen shortly” you said. She smiled because she knew what it was. Once your hair and makeup were done it was time to put on your dress. Gen helped you in it and it fit perfectly. You looked at yourself in the mirror and got misty eyed. “Oh no, don’t you dare start crying” Gen laughed. She hugged you and there was a knock on the door. It was Jared. “Can I come in” he asked. “Yep. All clear” you laughed. He stepped in and said “wow, Y/N. You look absolutely beautiful. Jensen isn’t going to know what to say.” You blushed and smiled. He handed you a box with a note. You saw it was Jensen’s writing. “Can you give him this please” you handed Jared a small bag. He gave you a hug and left the room.
You opened the note and it said “To my beautiful bride. You came into my life so unexpectedly and I’m thankful for that every day. You were the missing piece in my heart and in our family. My kids became your kids and your kids became mine. We all fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. I’ll love you beyond my last breath. I can’t wait to marry you. Love, J”. You opened the box and there was a gold heart made up of 7 puzzle pieces. You smiled and asked Gen to help you put it on.
Jared made his way back to Jensen and handed him the bag. “Dude she’s stunning” Jared said smiling. He smiled and pulled out the note from the bag. “My dearest J. Before we get caught up in the craziness of the wedding I wanted to take a minute to say thank you. Thank you for following me off the elevator, thank you for choosing me, for this incredible life we have, for the 3 beautiful children I get to call mine too, for never giving up on me when times got rough and for loving me through the darkness. You and all our children are my world. I will love you beyond my last breath. I can’t wait to see you at the end of the aisle. I love you, Y/N.” He pulled out a small box and inside it was a custom made watch. The watch was made from whiskey barrels and was engraved with the date you met. He put it on.
The officiant knocked and told him it was time. Jensen and Jared made their way outside and as they walked out they greeted everyone there. The sun was setting and the twinkle lights looked amazing. The music started and the kids walked out, followed by Gen, your daughter and then it was your turn. Your son was walking you down the aisle. You smiled at him and nodded.
The music played for you to start walking out. As you turned and faced Jensen his eyes lit up and you could see tears. When you got to him and your son gave him your hand, Jensen leaned over and whispered “you’re stunning baby. So incredibly beautiful”. You smiled and thanked him. You opted for traditional vows and ceremony. When it was time to kiss Jensen smiled, grabbed you and dipped you as he kissed you.
As he helped you up you giggled and the officiant said “Now it is my pleasure to introduce to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Jensen Ackles.” Everyone cheered and you and Jensen walked back down the aisle.
The two of you walked into the building and he pulled you into the room he was waiting in. He grabbed you by the waist and kissed you again. The kiss deep and full of longing. He pulled back and looked at you. “God you look absolutely stunning in this dress baby. I can’t wait to see it off of you” he smirked. You smirked and kissed him. His hands started running up the dress and you could feel his growing excitement pushing against you. There was a knock at the door and Jared said they were ready for pictures.
You and Jensen walked out and took some pictures of just the two of you and then some really fun group and family pictures. You saw his ex standing to the side and you motioned for her to join in. She was hesitant but you walked over and told her to come on.
Once pictures were taken it was time to party. Everyone was eating, drinking and enjoying themselves. Jensen got up with you and you showed him the cake. He loved it. It was half chocolate and half yellow. The cake on one side looked like traditional wedding cake and the other was chocolate with chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate dripping. It was more beautiful than you could have imagined. “Wow baby. This cake is amazing. You did great. I love the little tuxedo chocolate covered strawberries. That’s a cute touch” he said.
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You smiled and kissed him. The night was absolutely perfect. Between the dancing, stolen glances, lots of laughter and being with your family and friends. Jensen leaned over and asked if you were ready to go. You smiled and nodded. He clinked his glass one last time and thanked everyone for coming and being part of your special day. It was time for you two to leave and get ready to go on your honeymoon.
Sparklers lit the path as you and Jensen walked arm and arm to the car. Hugs were exchanged and you got in the car. Jensen climbed in, took your hand kissing it and said “let’s go home my beautiful wife”. You smiled as he drove.
Your flight was scheduled to leave first thing in the morning. You two were already packed so tonight you two could relax. Jensen pulled in the driveway and came around to open your door. You smiled as you took his hand to get out of the car. You both walked up the steps and he unlocked the door. Before you could walk in he stopped you and picked you up bridal style. “I have to carry my bride over the threshold” he said as you laughed.
When you got inside he locked the door and smirked lifting an eyebrow. “Come here my beautiful wife” he said. He kissed your lips and deepened it as he took your head in his hand. You moaned into his mouth. “Come on baby. Let’s go upstairs.” You said taking his hand.
He chased you up the stairs as the house filled with laughter. Before you went into the room Jensen took you in his arms, leaned you against the wall, lifted your arms above your head and kissed your lips and down your neck. You moaned his name and he pressed his hardness against you.
He released your arms and you led him in the bedroom. The two of you kissed and removed each other’s clothes like you were performing a dance. Every movement fluid and intricate. His fingers danced over the zipper to your dress as he slowly pulled it down. Your fingers slowly unbuttoned his shirt. As his shirt opened your hands went in his shirt and moved up his tone chest taking his shirt off and sliding it off his shoulders and down over his strong biceps.
Jensen slid your dress down your shoulders and placed a kiss on each shoulder as they were exposed. Your dress fell down around your feet leaving you in your bra and panties. Jensen bit his bottom lip as he looked at you. Your hands went to his belt trying to remove it. Jensen began kissing you and pulling your body to his. You moaned and forgot how to unhook a belt. Jensen smirked against your skin. He helped you out by removing his belt and pulling his pants down.
He walked you back to the bed and laid you down gently. “I love you so much and you’re so beautiful. If you get uncomfortable please let me know. I don’t care about anything but you being comfortable.” He said as he kissed you gently. “I love you too, Jensen. I’m okay. I promise I’ll let you know, but I trust you” you said looking in his beautiful green eyes.
The rest of your clothes and his were removed and Jensen hovered over you. He kissed you as his hands ran over your body. His lips made a trail down your body and your fingers and hands danced down his arms and on his chest. You moved your hips telling him you wanted him. He positioned himself between your legs and captured your lips again. He slowly pushed inside you and you moaned. He grunted as he bottomed out. Neither of you were in a hurry. A slow, loving pace was creating a dance of love and passion.
“I love you, Jensen. You feel so good” you whispered. Jensen kissed you and said “I love you too, Y/N. Thank you for trusting me.” The two of you made love for what seemed like hours. It was pure, raw and beautiful. You trusted Jensen and he never took advantage of it. When you two were cleaned up you laid in the safety of his arms. Jensen’s fingers danced on your arm and you had placed your hand on his chest.
His kissed the top of your head and pulled you close. “Today was absolutely perfect. I love you so much Mrs Ackles.” He whispered. “Yes it was. Thank you for choosing me. I love you too, Mr Ackles” you said as you kissed his lips softly. The two of you slipped off to sleep as the blissful events of the day settled in your mind. You were completely and deeply in love and the best was yet to come.
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373
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kelyon · 2 months
Courtship 19: Reception
Mrs. Gold dances the night away
Read on AO3
By the time Mr. and Mrs. Gold arrived at their wedding reception, the party had already started. The creme de la creme of Storybroke was decked out in sharp suits and elegant evening gowns. Most of the crowd wore black, which was sophisticated, but not exactly celebratory. Mr. Gold had provided an open bar, so everyone had a drink in their hands. On the bandstand, Storybrooke’s own Firehouse Five played subdued lounge music. The songs were barely audible over the dull roar of more than a hundred different conversations going on at the same time. All twelve of the Dodici sisters were wearing out their shoes passing out hors d’oeuvres among the mingling throng.  
The round tables were set with china and silver. White linen tablecloths and pressed cloth napkins. Every centerpiece was a tasteful explosion of crystal and gold ribbon so thin it looked like thread. There were candles and mirrors on every table, reflecting the light that reflected itself in a one-color kaleidoscope. The effect was more than elegant, it was opulent. It was dazzling. The entire hall was decorated in white and gold and black--and not a single flower in sight.
Standing in the doorway under a ribboned arch, Mrs. Gold took a moment to let it sink in. All of this--all the grandeur, all the expense--it was all for her. All because she was marrying Mr. Gold. He had chosen her. He had decided that she had potential. This night was all her potential realized. 
She took a breath, a shallow one because of her tight wedding gown. Mr. Gold squeezed her hand.
“Is it everything you expected, Mrs. Gold?”
She gazed up at him. If a fraction of the adoration in her heart made it to her face, he could see the answer. 
“This is more than I could have ever dreamed of, Mr. Gold.”
Her husband scoffed. “You’re going to have to start dreaming bigger, my dear. You’re not in Old Town anymore.”
Technically they were, but she knew what he meant. The sad, limited life of Lacey French was gone. Mrs. Gold was more than that girl ever could have been.
Just then, she heard a voice shout, “Smile!” and then there was a blinding flash. 
Blinking through the spots in her eyes, Mrs. Gold squinted at the man with the camera. 
“Sydney Glass?” She kept blinking. “Are we gonna be in the newspaper?”
The editor of the Storybrooke Daily Mirror was a middle-aged man whose smile was usually more fawning than friendly. He took it for granted that everyone wanted to show up in his paper and was often confused when they were less than happy about his surprise appearances. He acted like if he offered a good write-up, that should be his ticket to getting people to tell him whatever he wanted to know. 
“Can I get another?” he asked eagerly. “Storybrooke’s most eligible bachelor tying the knot with a nobody is front page news.”
Fragments of Lacey French bristled at that. She wasn’t a nobody! She’d had her picture in the paper before. She was the valedictorian of her graduating class! She was the heir to a beloved family business! She was--
But she wasn’t any of those things anymore, was she? She had put that all behind her. How could Mrs. Gold be angry that these people didn’t know Lacey French? Forgetting that life was what she wanted. It was what Mr. Gold wanted. 
It occurred to her suddenly that this party was really a funeral: The death of who she had been, the birth of who she would be.  
Dazed, she posed for the newspaperman, let him take his little pictures. She waved to the crowd when band leader Kim Ward announced their arrival. She walked on Mr. Gold’s arm to the two-person table on a raised platform in front of the dance floor. She turned a blind eye to the round table closest to the front, the one that had been set aside for her friends and family, the one that was completely empty. 
This was what she wanted. This was who she was. Mrs. Gold had won. Who cared that Lacey French was lost forever?
Dinner was a multi-course meal: a winter kale salad, Italian wedding soup, steamed broccolini, truffle risotto, whole lobsters and filet mignon. Each course was served with its own wine pairing. It was a feast like Lacey French had never seen before--but Mr. Gold acted like it was nothing special. He would take a few bites of each dish then have the waitress take it away. He always seemed to be waiting for something actually remarkable. 
Taking the cue from her husband, Mrs. Gold buried her delight and acted like all this extravagance was beneath them. Of course everything was excellent, it was for Mr. Gold. He wouldn’t tolerate anything but excellence, not in his lifestyle and not in the people he associated with. Anything that wasn’t absolutely perfect might as well be trash.
Throughout the meal, she kept stealing glances at her husband, making sure everything was good enough for him. He seemed pleased enough, if not particularly impressed. He did grin every time one of the Dodici girls served Mrs. Gold another glass of wine or champagne. 
“You’re still underage, aren’t you?” he asked when they were alone.
Mrs. Gold took a bubbly sip. Even dry alcohol tasted better the more you drank. “Yeah, my birthday’s in March.” 
He nodded out into the crowd. “District Attorney Spencer is here tonight. There are judges and lawyers, Sheriff Graham. And of course, Mayor Mills herself.” He smirked. “You’re breaking the law in front of all of them.”
Mrs. Gold burst into giggles that she didn’t try to hide. “And I’m getting away with it!”
“Yes you are.” Mr. Gold pressed a lingering kiss against her cheek. “As long as you’re mine, you can do anything I want you to. Damn everyone else.”
She pulled away, just far enough to look into his eyes. They were just as dark as they ever were, just as cool and considering. That darkness was her home now, the whole of her world.
“I’ll be yours forever, Mr. Gold.”
“Yes you will.” He kissed her again, on the lips this time. 
Someone below noticed them kissing and let out a woop. That garnered attention. People began to clap for the bride and groom. By the time the kiss was over, all the guests were cheering or ringing their spoons against their glasses. 
When her husband let her break away, Mrs. Gold beamed. 
After dinner, Mrs. Gold descended from the high table so she could mingle with the guests. Mr. Gold had given her strict instructions and she was eager to obey. She kept her legs close together as she walked in her short dress. The ‘results’ of Mr. Gold fucking her in the limo were at the front of her mind and the tops of her thighs. If she wasn’t careful, everyone would know what a slutty little bride she was.  
Mrs. Gold shivered. God, this whole night was delicious!
The round table closest to where she and Mr. Gold had eaten was empty. None of her family had come, not even for free food and booze. Well screw them. Mrs. Gold strutted past to the second table, where the actual important people were sitting. 
“Mayor Mills?”
The Mayor turned to her when she spoke. She was a graceful woman, with a hard, sleek beauty that came from power and skill. Even though Mayor Mills was a woman and younger than anyone else in Storybrooke politics, she knew she was the queen of this jungle. That confidence wafted off of her like an intoxicating perfume. 
When she saw Mrs. Gold, the Mayor smiled with red lips and white teeth. 
“There’s the blushing bride!” Graciously, she stood up and put her hands on Mrs. Gold’s shoulders to look at her. “Now you’ll have to forgive me, your first name…?”
“Mrs. Gold is fine,” she said. “That’s all I need to be anymore.”
“Of course,” Mayor Mills nodded. “Everyone has their place in this world. You are so lucky to have found yours so young.”
“Yes.” Mrs. Gold found herself a little breathless. Being this close to her was as intimidating as it was thrilling. “Yes, Madame Mayor. I’m very lucky to be where I am now.”
“Weddings are always such joyful occasions,” Mayor Mills spoke to the whole table--and the tables around them who had stopped their own conversations to look at what the Mayor was doing. She took one hand off Mrs. Gold’s arm and held her by the chin. “I hope you always cherish the memory of this happy, happy day.”
“I will, Madame Mayor,” she said obediently. “Um, Mr. Gold instructed me to ask you something.”
The Mayor raised one black eyebrow in amused curiosity. “What’s that, dear?”
Mrs. Gold pressed her nails into her palms. This was harder than she had thought it would be. 
“He told me to ask you who I should dance with first tonight.”
Mayor Mills smirked. “Your husband is leaving that decision to me?”
“Well, he said that I should start by dancing with the most important man in Storybrooke. Normally, that would be the mayor, but--”
“Oh yes, gods forbid two women do anything romantic together!” 
There was contempt in the Mayor’s laughter, but she seemed to take her task seriously. She looked around the table for her substitute, then broadened her search until she found the perfect man.
“Hunter!” Mayor Mills called to a few tables down the line. “Hunter Duke, come over here.” 
Immediately, there was a scraping of chairs and a hulking mass of muscles and hair gel thudded forward. Mrs. Gold’s stomach sank. Of all the men in this room, Mayor Mills had to pick Lacey French’s ex-boyfriend.  
The Mayor squeezed Mrs. Gold’s bare arm, “He’s a handsome fella, isn’t he? About the only man in town as beautiful as you are.”
He was handsome alright. And dumb. And conceited. He had never been for her.
“Lacey!” Hunter’s voice boomed out even though he was now standing in front of her. His broad smile revealed a bit of broccolini stuck in his teeth.
“It’s Mrs. Gold now,” she said evenly. She forced herself to take this oversized child by his clumsy meathook of a hand. “Let’s dance.” 
Hunter Duke slow-danced like a Homecoming King--stiff and graceless. For all the athleticism he’d displayed on the football field and the wrestling mat, he’d never known what to do with his body if it wasn’t colliding into another boy. Lacey French had always hoped that he’d improve after they broke up. It had to just be immaturity. He would learn how to be a decent boyfriend. Eventually, he’d have to be some kind of useful to someone, right?
Maybe, but not yet.
She had to reach up to put her hands on his musk-ox shoulders. She didn’t even try to wrap her arms around his thick neck. His grip on her waist was heavy--not strong and possessive like Mr. Gold’s, but a limp, dead weight. His palms were sweaty. Throughout the dance, she kept looking down to make sure he didn’t step on her feet. Tromping around wearing boots--to a wedding!--he was liable to break her ankle. 
“You’re really hot tonight. How come you never wore stuff like this when we were dating?”
Mrs. Gold rolled her eyes. “Should I have worn a wedding dress when you took me back-roading through the woods? Or to a rager on the beach?”
“I’m just saying, you could have done something to make yourself look like a girl. If you had, we might still be together.”
“Oh, I… don’t deserve that.”
Hunter’s laugh was so friendly it was clear he didn’t know what she meant. “Hey, as long as you figured out what you wanted. Though I gotta say, I never thought Gold would be the man of your dreams.”    
“What would you know about my dreams, Hunter?”
“Not much, I guess.”
Even that much conversation was exhausting, and she wasn’t even pretending she liked him anymore. What had Lacey French ever seen in this guy? Had she really been so low that spending time with him had seemed worthwhile?
Never again. She was better than that now. 
Before the song had properly ended, Hunter’s father tapped him on the shoulder.
“That’s enough kiddy time,” said Richard “Big Dick” Duke. “I’m sure the lovely lady is ready for a real man.”
The tops of Hunter’s ears turned red, a thing that only happened when his dad was being an asshole. Lacey French had spent too many hours of her life watching father take digs at son and then listening to son vent about father. Thank God that wasn’t her problem anymore. Hunter muttered some vague assent and then sulked away from the dance floor.
Dick swept Mrs. Gold into his arms. He had more flair than his son, but no more actual skill at dancing. In most ways, he looked like what Hunter would become as he got older and let himself go. He had a receding hairline and a beer belly, and jowls around the cleft in his chin. Most importantly, he had an uncomfortable habit of trying to flirt with very young girls when he was a married man.
“Is there anything more beautiful than a bride?” He danced with his hands just far enough away from her ass to say he wasn’t groping her. “And you look like you stepped right out of a porno, sweetie. God, that boy was an idiot for letting you get away from him.”
Mrs. Gold smiled brightly. She ran her hand over his lapel. “You know, Dick, I think Mr. Gold and I both owe you some thanks.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Well, if I hadn’t seen for myself what kind of man you are, and what kind of husband you are to Karen, I might have thought there was still some hope for me and Hunter.” Her smile deepened. “I might have settled for him and wasted my life in a tacky McMansion spending every holiday with you.” Mrs. Gold began to giggle. “Can you imagine anything more horrible?” 
Big Dick’s face froze. He began to look around for someone else who might want to cut in. Mrs. Gold kept smiling and didn’t let him go. She forced him to stay in that awkward moment for the rest of the song.
It was strange how un-wedding-like everything seemed. Lacey French had helped with floral arrangements for plenty of weddings, and none of them had ever been this serious. 
True, there was dancing, fast songs and slow. But the Firehouse Five seemed determined to only play couple dances. There were none of the party songs that always got people up on their feet--everybody from kids to grandparents. No corny novelty songs that people could laugh at but go along with because of tradition. Not even any rock ballads for everybody to belt out at the top of their lungs. It was all music for ballroom dancing. Very classy, but not as much fun as it could have been.
After an hour or so of music, the band took a break and the Dodici sisters passed out cake. Mrs. Gold had seen her wedding cake, a multi-tiered  masterpiece of gilded fondant. But she had expected that she and Mr. Gold would cut the first slice together. It was a kind of ceremony at most weddings. She’d always liked the symbolism of the bride and groom feeding each other all the sweet things of life. Now, at her own wedding, someone else had cut her cake without her even knowing about it. She went back to her seat beside Mr. Gold and saw that he wasn’t eating any. 
Of course not. Mr. Gold didn’t like sweets. 
She didn’t have a bouquet, so there was no bouquet toss. No opportunity for her to share her joy and good fortune to all the girls who wanted their own weddings. 
She was wearing real garters, which was more than most brides in Storybrooke could say. But she knew without asking that Mr. Gold was too dignified to reach under her skirt to remove a garter and then toss it to all the bachelors in the room. When he took her underwear off in public, it would be because he wanted to, not because a crowd of people expected him to.
Maybe that was what the dancing was for. Maybe sharing her was his way of sharing his luck with every other man in town. Or maybe it was showing off. Yes, that seemed much more characteristic of Mr. Gold.
Because of course her husband was different from any other groom she could have had. Of course he was better. Obviously their wedding had to be different. It had to be better. They couldn’t bother with ordinary traditions. They wouldn’t make promises of everlasting love, promises nobody ever ended up keeping. They knew each other better than that. This wasn’t going to be a regular marriage. She was stupid for even thinking about a regular wedding.   
“So settle a bet for me,” Sean Herman said as they bopped along to a fast dance. “My dad says you’ve gotta be pregnant to get Gold to marry you. Are you?”
Mrs. Gold laughed at the boy. “Your dad would think that, wouldn’t he? He’s such an asshole.” 
“Hey!” He stopped dancing. “You can’t say that!”
Pouting, Mrs. Gold flung her arm around his neck. “I can say whatever I want!” She moved against him. “It’s my wedding day!”
He sighed but began to bounce again to the music. Mrs. Gold rewarded him by resting her head on his shoulder. 
Sean Herman was one of Hunter’s friends, another rich and pretty prince of high school. He hadn’t done much since graduation. He didn’t work, lived with his dad, and took just enough gen ed classes to stay enrolled at Storybrooke Community College. The most interesting thing about Sean was his moderate rebellion of dating Ashley Boyd, a poor girl from Old Town. 
Mrs. Gold had a sudden flash, a memory of the last time she had seen Ashley. She began to laugh.
“What’s up?” Sean asked. 
“Did Ashley ever get a hold of you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like two weeks ago she asked me if I’d heard from you. She said you weren’t returning her calls.”
Sean shrugged. “I’ve been busy.”
“You should call her,” Mrs. Gold giggled. “I think she has some big news for you.”
“What kinda news?”
God, this kid was a bag of bricks! Mrs. Gold patted him on the cheek.
“Let’s just say your dad is wrong about me, but he’s not wrong about her.”
Sean stepped back. His blonde eyebrows had fused together in confusion. “What?”
Mrs. Gold shook her head. “There are pay phones in the lobby outside. I’d give you a quarter myself if I had one. Go call Ashley. She’ll be so happy to hear from you.”
Still looking like he was just barely putting the pieces together, Sean backed away off the dance floor. He moved faster the closer he got to the payphones. 
Mrs. Gold rolled her eyes and looked around for her next partner. Who hadn’t she danced with yet? District Attorney Spencer had barely moved when she’d danced with him. Sheriff Graham was surprisingly sensual in his dancing, but too embarrassed to look her in the eye. He’d kept glancing over at Mayor Mills, like he thought she was going to have some kind of objection. Too bad Mrs. Gold had already danced with Mitchell Herman, Sean’s father. Seeing his reaction to Ashley’s big news would have been a treat. 
Finally, she settled on a tall, burly man with long white hair. He had the weathered face of a sea captain, but was actually a titan of Storybrooke industry. It was Ken Andersen, the owner of the cannery. The Fish King himself. 
Uncle Peter had been at the cannery for twenty years. Andrew had just started but people said he had lots of promise, lots of opportunity to rise through the ranks. When they died, the company sent Aunt Terri a fruit basket, but no one had come to the funeral. Did Ken Andersen even know they had worked for him? 
Mrs. Gold pushed aside Lacey French’s grievances. She made herself smile as she danced a slow waltz with him. 
“You’re absolutely lovely,” Ken said in a deep but gentle voice. “You remind me of my Jodi.”
Everyone knew about Jodi Andersen. She’d disappeared when she was sixteen. No one knew exactly what had happened to her--if she had run away with a boy or been kidnapped or grown fins and swam out into the ocean. What they did know was that Ken Anderson had all but killed himself trying to find her. He’d neglected his six older daughters, took out second mortgages on his house and his factory. He’d poured everything he had of time, money, and effort into bringing his daughter home. But it had all been useless.
“I hope she’s as happy as you are,” he said sadly. “Wherever she is, I hope she’s found someone who loves her.” 
Mrs. Gold said nothing. She just barely managed to keep from rolling her eyes. It had been years since Jodi Andersen’s mysterious disappearance. By now, the only place anyone was going to find that girl was at the bottom of the harbor.  
While she danced with a different man every song, Mrs. Gold kept her eyes on her husband. Sometimes he watched her, with that cool-but-not-cold look of distant approval. He didn’t seem to care what she was doing, except that she was doing what he’d told her to. That was all that mattered. 
More often when she looked at Mr. Gold, she found him in conversation with someone--usually someone she had just finished dancing with. They seemed to think that paying their respects to her granted them access to her husband. Maybe it did. Mrs. Gold had no doubt that she was just a small piece of the grand and complex puzzle of Mr. Gold’s life. These men came up to her husband like he was a mob boss--did everything short of kiss his ring. Mr. Gold remained seated at the high table. The supplicants stood on the platform, but in order to be at his level, most of them had to stoop or bend or at least take a knee. 
Mrs. Gold cackled at that. The most powerful men in Storybrooke, on their knees for her husband. They were no better than she was, groveling for his scraps. Only she had the privilege of actually sucking his cock, instead of just sucking up to him. She was Old Town trash and she was his wife. These fine men in their expensive suits with their piddling power and money--these were the beggars. Mr. Gold was better than all of them and she belonged to him.
Something inside her clenched. A wave of heat bloomed under her tight skirt. Mrs. Gold pressed against whatever man she was dancing with, but she never lost sight of the man who really mattered. 
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alpydk · 4 months
Hi! Can I ask your wedding tag 5, 6 & 19 ♡♡
5. Formal or informal affair? - Is the wedding elaborate and grand, or simple and sweet? Is it a tenday-long series of parties or is it a quick vow exchange in front of Withers?
The wedding had been arranged as a grand affair, Gale and Morena working together to bring the entire Dekarios family together for the first time in many years. The plan was to have an elaborate ceremony on the docks. Everyone would gather around to watch him and Nana share their own written vows under the built-up altar decked with flowers before retreating inside for the many Waterdhavian dishes as custom dictated, and then afterwards would be the reception of music and dancing. The wedding would be an event to remember, one of which he had, over many years, he’d imagined.
He wanted it to be perfect for her. Flowers, family, love. Everything that in her life she had lacked, he wanted to give it all to her. He would give her the universe if he could.
6. Venue - Where is the ceremony and/or reception? Inside? Outside? A warehouse on the docks had been the final verdict. Unlikely, but with an excellent view of the sea had won over Gale’s heart. He had a vision of grand windows letting in sunlight, a large area to dance and guests from all over Faerûn meeting and celebrating together. Long tables had been placed, covered with cotton sheets, and deep purple lilies seemed to line every surface from the backs of the many seats set up for the guests invited to the bases of the torches hung on the walls. They’d been chosen to complement Gale’s choice of suit, but the pollen in the air bothered Nana’s eyes.
19. Guests - Who else is there? Are there any special details about how the guests are arranged, what they are wearing, or what they are doing? Invitations had been sent out all over the lands, Gale’s family considerably larger than Nana had expected. How can you remove a cousin? Twice removed? They must be horrible. Why are we inviting them again? Nana had been left to write one card from the considerable amount being sent out. Whereas the others had been written of egg-white cards, embossed with the finest print, she’d gone for hand making a small card with a drawing of her and Gale on. Operation: True Love. The card would go to the Underdark and, and with any luck, would reach the pale hands of one of the few friends she had left. She’d tried to reach the three in Avernus many times but had proven unsuccessful, leaving only the vampire to support her; albeit unwillingly.
Clothes were simply to be colourful. Morena had wanted to keep a theme but on seeing the clashing of the purple flowers with Nana's (human formed) hair, she had relented a little on this rule. They were simply to be presentable enough for any artwork produced of the day, much to the future mother-in-law's annoyance.
Thanks for the ask - I'll be honest some of these details I've not thought about as this wedding is not going to go to plan at all.
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Tom and Maddie go on a date.. while Wade babysits
Valentine’s Day has arrived. Tom and Maddie made arrangements for the boys to go to Wades house while they go out on a date and just generally spend the day together. They hadn’t gotten much alone time since welcoming Sonic to the family, so this is a long time coming!
Wade is more than happy to watch the boys! Knuckles and Sonic are a bit peeved that their parents think they need a babysitter, but doesn’t blame them for wanting some alone time at home.
Tom and Maddie start off the day by driving to a boardwalk along a lake. They walk along the decks hand in hand, deeply in love.
“This is just what the doctor ordered.. thank you for suggesting this, Maddie.” Tom kisses his wife’s temple whilst she chuckles “I’m an animal doctor, Tom.”
“Yea. Doctor. It counts!” Tom swings their arms, “I hope the boys aren’t too offended.”
“Mmm Sonic did give me a weird face when we dropped em off with Wade.” Maddie recalls. Sonic had in fact given her a weird face. He reads enough books to know what a date entails normally, but the gears haven’t turned long enough to understand why he should be out of the house. He thought dates meant going out. He mentioned this.
“Y’know, Sonic did ask why he and the other two had to leave the house. He looked shocked when I told him that sometimes couples like to be alone in the house to do small things like cuddling on the couch, or even playing a board game.” Tom says, “Knuckles was there when I told him. I can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was along the lines of ‘mother and father deserve complete freedom on this day of loving.’”
Maddie chuckles “Knux is right. Mother and Father deserve freedom! I just hope Wade can handle them.”
Tom hums in thought “I hope so too..”
The two end up tossing some rice for some very happy ducks. The ducks followed them down the boardwalk when they ran out of rice.
They later go to a restaurant outside of town that they had made reservations for a few weeks back. They’re glad they did, the place was packed with couples young and old. At some point, a slow sweet song played over the speaker. An old couple got up and started dancing together. Some other couples get up and join them, slow dancing with their partners.
“May I have this dance, handsome?” Maddie stands and holds her hand out to Tom with a smile. Tom takes her hand and they join the dance. Tom looks at the elderly couple “that’ll be us one day.” He said, pulling Maddie closer. Maddie blushes “that sounds amazing.” The two press their foreheads against each other, eyes locked on each other until the song ends. The waiters and waitresses applaud the couples. The elderly couple thank everyone for joining them. They share that they had their first dance at their wedding to this song. This gives Tom and Maddie an idea!
They go home and turn down the lights. They turn on the song they played at their own first dance. Maddie kept the playlist that played the entire reception, so they blast that and dance the night away, unable to keep their hands off of each other.
. . .
Wade and the boys are having a grand time. The kitchen is a mess from their efforts to make a group meal together. It didn’t turn out exactly how they wanted, but it was worth the fun they had to get there.
During a movie, Tails turns to Wade “Uncle Wade?”
“Yeah, lil man?” Wade answers.
Tails twiddles his fingers a little “why did mom and dad want us to be out of the house?” he asks.
Wade simply answers “well kiddo, mom and dad need some alone time.”
“Why? What are they doing?” Tails looks up at Wade with the most innocent eyes. Wade freezes. Sonic is now getting why a married couple wants alone time at home. His eyes widen and he sinks down into the couch. He wishes Tails had never asked.
Wade stutters a few “um” and “well-“
Sonic sits up “well, this should be good.” He raises his eyebrows at poor Wade who is internally freaking out.
Tails tilts his head “what do you mean?” He questions the two. Wade takes a deep breath “ask your mom.” He takes a sip of his drink.
Tails grumbles a little in disappointment. Knuckles whispers to Wade “good save.. however that was a cowardly approach.”
Wade looks at Knuckles “how bout you tell him then?” He whispers back.
Sonic tells them to shut up. Tails is left without an answer.
. . .
Later that night, closer to midnight, Tom and Maddie come to retrieve their boys. They thank Wade for doing this for them. The boys sleepily stumble to their parents to greet them.
The boys fall asleep on the car ride home. Tails and Sonic are carried inside, but Knuckles had to wake up since he is far too heavy to be carried.
Needless to say, everyone slept incredibly well that night. Especially the happy couple. They really needed this.
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emilylawsons · 6 months
Hey 👋🏼 For the kiss ficlet prompts, I would love to see Polivia #11 kisses in the rain
This turned into a wedding fic oops. Hope you enjoy!
Kissing Prompts
They have a summer wedding.
Most of the day promises sunny, warm weather. The drive from the church to the reception finds the two of them rolling down the windows of the town car transporting them to enjoy blue skies. Etta, now two years old, sits on Olivia’s lap during the ride, all three Bishops in the back seat. Flower petals left over from Etta’s basket are thrown out the window, flying into the wind.
When they reach the yacht where they’re hosting their guests, the only clue to the change in weather is a few gray clouds looming over the water on the horizon. Within a few hours, however, the sky is overcast.
Luckily, they’ve planned for a short event. Neither Peter nor Olivia had been interested in a huge to-do, and they figured the money would be of better use for their honeymoon in Greece.
By the time dinner is served and the champagne is flowing, the pitter-patter of rain droplets can be heard over the roof of the boat. Most guests stay inside, opting for the dance floor since they cannot stray out onto the deck
Walter requests a dance with Olivia, insisting, “You’re my daughter now. I’d be remiss not to welcome you to our family as such.”
Peter dances with Etta, too, spinning around the dance floor with her in his arms, eventually pulling his wife in to join them. Beneath a canopy of lights to a soundtrack nearly drowned out by the downpour outside, they dance as a family.
The rain doesn’t let up by the end of the night, prompting guests to send off the bride and groom into the wet and rain.
They give Etta kisses, and she waves at them from where her grandfather is holding her. Rachel and Ella flank them, officially on auntie and cousin duty all week. Astrid hands them both an oversized umbrella before returning to her girlfriend’s side. On the other side of the crowd, Nina places her hands over her chest before blowing a kiss to them both. Opposite her, Broyles gazes on them both fondly in his own quiet way.
Everyone cheers and shouts their love and congratulations as the couple speed down the dock, the lights of the party boat bright as ever through the water pouring around them.
Olivia is thankful she opted for a reception outfit—a much shorter and simpler dress—as they slosh through water on their way to the car. High on love and champagne, their laughter rings out across the marina and into the harbor.
As they near the lot and can see their driver waiting, Peter means to flank him down to make sure he can see them. However, the wind picks up at the wrong time, and the umbrella flies out of his hand, leaving them both exposed to the elements as it lands in the harbor.
“One way to start a honeymoon, I guess,” Peter laughs, removing his suit jacket to shield them as they bound toward the car.
The driver opens the back door for them, and Peter means to allow Olivia in first.
But when she stumbles, pulling him with her, something giddy takes over them both. And she’s kissing him. Not for the first time tonight, but in a certain sweet way that only a kiss in the rain on your wedding night can be.
The way Olivia smiles at him when they part is bright enough to make up for the stars and moon currently hidden behind the clouds. The rain droplets in her eye lashes sparkle in the street lights. His heart races out of his chest as he considers the fact that this beautiful, incredible woman his wife.
His wife.
Soaked and not giving a damn, they climb into the vehicle together. They won’t need these clothes when they make it to the hotel anyway.
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gennyanydots · 2 years
Show me the way home, honey Ch. 23
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f!reader soulmate!au
Show me the way home, honey masterlist
The best part of your day on the weekend is waking up next to Bradley. Getting to lay in bed with him all snuggled up was so nice. Sadly that isn’t what happened this morning. Your best friend woke you up by jumping on your bed.
Bradley had decided that you both should follow all those silly wedding traditions, including not seeing each other the night before the wedding and then not seeing each other until the wedding. You pouted about it but he didn’t budge on it.
Not only did you not wake up next to Bradley but you weren’t even at your own house! You stayed the night at your best friend’s house and Bradley and his buddies were all at the Bungalow. You pouted even harder about that because you sleep like shit anywhere but home but you still let him have the house for the night, it was his technically after all.
To top it all off you had to wake up early. Way too early. The wedding wasn’t until late this afternoon but for some reason you still had to wake up around 7? This is bullshit. You’re gonna be sleepy and grumpy all day. You just know it.
Yes today is supposed to be the happiest day of your life but like why couldn’t it have started at 11? Or better yet 2? This whole wedding timeline thing is silly. Damn the sun for setting at an inconvenient time. The wedding starts at 4:15 since the sun will set around 4:45. The pictures will end up being gorgeous but still. So sleepy.
It’s going to be a fake it till you make it kind of day and you’ll just have to ignore your own grumpiness. You don’t want anyone thinking you’re some kind of Bridezilla. You’re definitely not. You’re just a toddler when it comes to sleep. And food. Bradley has started keeping granola bars in the Bronco in case you start having an attitude with him and your attitude magically stops as soon as you have something in your belly.
So here you are at 8 am trying really hard not to scream at your best friend for being an annoying little shit and jumping on your bed. Bradley always wakes you with soft kisses. You miss him. You immediately grab your phone and text him that. And to complain about how you were woken up. You throw your phone down on the bed and roll out and grab your shower things and head into the bathroom. You make quick work of your shower and soon you’re sitting at the kitchen table happily eating a bagel doing a little happy wiggle as you eat. If you HAVE to wake up you’re glad you at least got a yummy bagel.
Your best friend starts the rundown of your day. Next is hair at 9:30. Then makeup at 11. Then off to the Hard Deck to finish getting ready. Then pictures. Then the wedding. Then more pictures. Then the reception. Then hopefully going to sleep in Brad Brad’s arms.
Your mom and sister arrived shortly after you started to get your hair done. All of your bridesmaids arrived soon after that and it was a whirlwind of everyone getting ready together and having fun. Champagne was freely flowing and the music was loud. Maybe you wouldn’t be a grump all day.
Soon you were off to the Hard Deck. This is definitely the most dressed up you’ve ever been going to the Hard Deck.
Penny had a back area where the staff keep their things that she set up nicely for you for the wedding. You had rented a big tent off to the side of the bar for the guys to get ready and hang out in.
You had taken lots of pictures with everyone so far and now you were just waiting a little while before the first look. You decided to keep with the tradition and not see Brad Brad before the wedding and instead decided to do a first look with your dad. You did however tell the photographer to take a picture of Bradley’s face when he first sees you. You don’t want him to cry but at the same time you hope he cries.
Your best friend comes running into the room giggling and you look at her funny, “Where were you?”
“Delivering your gift!” She says excitedly and you blush immediately.
“You didn’t tell me!” You say back.
“And let you back out? No way! He loves it by the way,” she says teasingly.
“Shut up!” You whisper yell to her. “Did you ask him?”
“Oh I could just tell…..” she says then giggles.
Bradley and his friends were out in the tent waiting for instruction from the wedding planner. He knew there was still some more pictures to take. Today there always seemed to be more pictures to take. Not that he minded too much. He was excited to be able to relive this as much as possible. It’s one of the best days he’s ever had. Take a few pictures between drinking beer with his friends? No problem. Plus by the end of the day he’ll have his very own wife. He’s very excited about that.
He’s playing on his phone, trying hard not to bug his future wife, when he hears some of his friends talking at the entrance to the tent. He stands up and goes over and sees your best friend holding a small box.
“Hey Brad Brad! I brought you a present from your wifey,” she says with a smile that seems to be just a bit off to him.
“Oh okay,” he says taking it and looking it over. Nothing looks off about it but he doesn’t completely trust that look that your best friend was giving him. She’s still eagerly watching him as he looks over the box.
“Well aren’t you going to open it?” She says excitedly.
“Yeah I can do that I guess,” Bradley says and starts to unwrap the present.
Under the paper is just a slim plain brown box. He looks up and your best friend is grinning at him and nodding her head. He looks down at the box and opens the lid leading to a plain black book. Still nothing suspicious. He pulls the book out and turns it over. He sets the box down on a nearby table and opens the book. Inside in your handwriting reads, “For the times when you miss me in the future.” Well that’s sweet of you to get him something when he misses you. He turns to the first page and there’s a picture of you smiling. Holding the uniform jacket that he’s wearing right now in front of your mostly naked body in one hand and pushing your hair up in the other. Holy shit. He turns the page. Another picture of you in a cute little white babydoll nightie laying back on a bed winking at the camera. Is he dead? Bradley is pretty sure he’s dead and gone to heaven. The next picture is a posed picture of you unlatching your bra. Yep. He’s dead. He has to be at least brain dead. There’s definitely no blood left in his brain. It all went south. The next picture you have the jacket on and your pushing your boobs up but tastefully not letting anything show directly. Thank god he’s been keeping this book close to himself so nobody can see. The next picture is just one of you laying on a bed in heels from behind so all he can see is your ass. This is the best present he’s ever gotten. The final page is an artsy black and white photo. Well it would be artsy if it wasn’t a picture of you arching your back off the bed biting your bottom lip and holding your breasts in your hands so your nipples are covered. Okay. Fuck not seeing each other before the wedding. He needs to fuck you. Now. Right now. Immediately. He shuts the book and starts towards the opening in the tent and your best friend puts out her hand.
“Hey there slow your roll, Brad Brad,” she says as she blocks his exit.
“I gotta go,” he says and takes another step.
“No can do,” she says shaking her head. “You have an hour until the wedding. She has first look with her dad soon and then you need to be in position ready to go. Guests are arriving. You cannot fuck her right now.”
“But the pictures!” Bradley says with a whine.
“Yeah I know. I was there. It was hot,” she says with a chuckle. “But still no. Go into the bathroom. Take care of that. Will it away. I don’t know. Just get your dick under control. It’s almost go time. You can fuck her later. I promise.”
He huffs and nods. Fine. He’ll fuck you later. He watches as your best friend heads back inside and he groans.
“What’s up, Roo?” Bob asks him coming yo to stand in front of him.
“I just got the best present in the world and I can’t properly thank my wife for it yet,” Bradley explains sighing.
“Well not long now before you’re married to her and can thank her as much as you want,” Bob says chuckling having a vague idea of what Bradley got. Phoenix may have bragged about her own wife’s pictures to Bob earlier this week.
“But I wanna do that nowwwww,” Bradley says whining.
“In front of her dad? That’s weird, Rooster,” Fanboy says laughing.
Bradley grumbles and crosses his arms then grabs his new book and puts it in his backpack for safe keeping. Nobody gets to see his wife like that but him.
It was time for first look with your dad and oddly you’re more nervous for him to see you than Bradley. Maybe because Bradley will for sure have a fantastic reaction to you all dressed up.
When your dad turns around in the bar he instantly has tears in his eyes and he’s rushing over to hug you. You clearly had nothing to be worried about. Your eyes start to water as he kisses your cheek and tells you how beautiful you look. Your mom soon joins you both and it turns into a big group hug, both your parents telling you how proud of you they are and how happy they are to see you with Bradley. They say they couldn’t hav me chosen a better man to love you and you know it’s true. There’s nobody else in the world more perfect than Bradley. Clearly the universe knows what it’s doing with the whole soulmate thing.
You hear your sister call your name and you turn around wiping some tears from your eyes. You notice she’s holding a gift bag.
“What’s that?” You ask.
“Your husband to be got you a little something,” she says with a giggle and walks over and hands it to you.
You smile and open it pulling out a white bag. You turn it over and it’s a white loungefly backpack with a bow that has a tiny veil and two rings. That man really is perfect.
“Should I carry this instead of my bouquet?” You ask jokingly and your mom playfully smacks your arm.
“Absolutely not. That would be silly. Walk into the reception with it on obviously,” your mom says.
You laugh, “Great idea!”
Just then you hear your wedding planner call your name. You look up and she quickly explains that it’s time. You nod and look at your family who are all smiles.
“Okay let’s go get you married!” Your best friend says coming out of the back room with your other bridesmaids and you laugh.
AN: why are the pictures so specific? Because they definitely do not exist in real life but with an army jacket instead. Definitely not real.
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adminbryantsaki · 2 months
Honeymoon on the Beach.
Alpha! Oboro Shirakumo X Omega! Reader
(I do not own Oboro Shirakumo/Loud Cloud or any other characters in the My Hero Academia universe. They all belong to Horikoshi Kohei. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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TW: Marriage, Sex scene, Honeymoon, wedding ceremony, Omegaverse shenanigans, blood.
Alpha! Oboro Shirakumo X Omega! Reader
(I do not own Oboro Shirakumo/Loud Cloud or any other characters in the My Hero Academia universe. They all belong to Horikoshi Kohei. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
TW: Marriage, Sex scene, Honeymoon, wedding ceremony, Omegaverse shenanigans, blood.
WC: 2,021
“Do you take Oboro Shirakumo as your husband, to have and told, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” You heard the preacher say as you gripped the hands of your soon-to-be husband. “I do.” You responded. The preacher turned to Oboro and asked him the same question. “I do.” He responded as he looked you in the eyes. “Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The preacher spoke and Oboro kissed you deeply, hearing the cheers from the crowd of people gathered behind you to witness this matrimony.
You were led by your new husband back up the aisle and into the changing room where he helped you change into your reception dress. “You know that I should be ripping this dress off of you, not helping you into another one.” He spoke before he slid his hands around your waist and placed a kiss on your neck. “Easy there, darling. You’ll be able to rip off other clothes of mine once we’re on our honeymoon. Okay?” You told him and he huffed in protest as he didn’t want to wait any longer. “We have to get through the reception. Do you think you can do that?” You asked as you turned to face him.
“I’ll do my best. But be warned that I’m going to tease you as much as I can throughout the reception.” He told you and kissed you deeply before someone knocked on the door. “I hope the two of you are clothed in there! The guests are waiting for the two of you.” You heard one of your husband’s friends say from the other side of the door. Oboro laughed and opened the door. “We’re clothed, Shouta. We will be out in a moment.” He spoke and led you out of the changing room and down the hall after Shouta and into the reception hall which had been done up wonderfully. “This is exactly how I dreamed it would look like.” You spoke and looked at the reception hall. Oboro tugged on your hand and showed you the cake which was also designed beautifully. You were able to get some photos of just you and your husband with the cake and other areas of the reception hall that you wanted to have taken before your guests joined you in the hall.
After the events of your reception played out and you had been sent off, you were finally alone with your husband again. You kissed him deeply when you parked in front of your apartment complex to get him back for all the teasing he did during the cake cutting, the retrieval of the garter, and during all the toasts that seemed to take forever.  This time you were in his car and he was driving back to your apartment to grab the last of your things, get changed, and head to the airport to catch your flight to Hawaii.
Once on the plane to your honeymoon destination, you set your suitcase in the master bedroom and looked out onto the deck to see the ocean right there. You kept exploring the room, locating the living area, the kitchen, the bathroom, and a private pool that led out to the ocean. You were fixated on the view you had from the private pool house until you had been pulled out of your trance by Oboro wrapping his arms around your waist and biting softly on your neck. “We’re alone and we’re at our honeymoon destination. I want you do damn badly that I can’t help it anymore.” He whispered into your ear. You gasped and let him drag his teeth over your earlobe. You hesitated before speaking. “Then let go. Don’t hold back anymore.” You told him. He chuckled darkly before turning you around and throwing you over his shoulder to carry you off to the master bedroom to toss you on the bed and strip you of your clothes. He did manage to rip off your thin tank top and toss it to the far corner of the room as he buried his face into your neck and nipped at the bonding mark that he gave you when he proposed to you two years ago.
“Are you ready, darling?” He asked as he pulled away for a moment to look you in the eyes before he would give you, his mating mark. You matched his eyes and nodded. He kissed you deeply before he went to your neck and bit down hard, holding onto your neck until he tasted blood in his mouth, and pulled away with small trickles of blood coming from the corners of his mouth. He watched the bite turn into a sealed-over mating mark and give the permanent design that would tell others who his mate belonged to. Your mark turned from the plain, black ring on your neck to a raised black ring with a simple cartoon-style cloud inside the ring. He laid on the bed and traced the mark with his finger. “Its pretty. Now the whole world will know you’re mine.” He spoke and kissed your cheek before he sat up again and spread your legs which you let him do, knowing what was to come. He kissed your legs, going down to your thighs and biting softly just before your private area.  He looked up at you with lust-filled eyes and breathing on your clit, making you gasp and squirm under him. He held your legs in place as he went down on you. You enjoyed yourself, gripping the blankets below you as he ate you out.
After he made you cum a few times, cleaned you up while maintaining eye contact with you, he sat up and eased his cock out of his boxer shorts before he stroked himself to full hardness while taking the sight of you laying out in front of him in. “You ready, princess?” He asked. You nodded and he slid into you, not hesitating to get straight to business as he kept a steady pace of thrusting in and out of you. Only a few minutes passed before he got his knot stuck in you and his thrusts became shorter and more rapid as he pounded into you. “Ah~ fuck. I’m gonna-“ He grunted before coming deep inside of you, releasing all of his knot into your womb. He panted and pulled out of you, earning a whine from you as you didn’t want him to leave you just yet. He laid next to you and pulled you close before passing out hard. You smiled and kissed his head before you got comfortable and watched him sleep for a bit until you grew sleepy and passed out too.
A few hours later, you woke up in the arms of your husband. You rolled over to kiss him awake. He woke up and kissed you back before hiding his face into your neck. “Did we sleep all night?” He asked. “I think we did. Can you make breakfast? I don’t want to leave the bed yet.” You asked. “Sure, what do you want?” He asked. “Eggs, toast, bacon, and coffee.” You told him. He chuckled and kissed your cheek before getting up and going to make breakfast for you and something for himself. You sat up and leaned against the headboard. You watched as Oboro walked over carefully with a mug of coffee in his hands. He set it on the nightstand and kissed you. “Food will be ready soon. Think about what you want to do today and we will do just that.” He spoke before going back into the kitchen.
You enjoyed your hot coffee and looked out the window to the ocean and relaxed with the noise of the waves crashing against the shore. The water was bright blue and crystal clear. It looked inviting and relaxing. You decided that you wanted to go for a walk on the beach after breakfast and soak in your private pool and hot tub afterwards. Oboro walked over with a plate on a tray and set it on your lap. On the plate was two pieces of toast, scrambled eggs with cheese, and crispy bacon.
“Thank you, love.” You spoke and began to eat as he ran off to get his food to eat with you. He sat next to you with a breakfast burrito on a plate and he began to eat next to you. “Did you think of what you want to do today?” He asked between bites. “Yeah, I’d like to walk on the beach and in the waves before soaking in the hot tub and relaxing in the pool this evening.” You told him. “Sounds like a good idea.” He spoke and finished up his food and taking your plate into the kitchen to do the dishes while you got changed.
You waited for him at the back door that led to your private beach access where you wanted to build a sand castle and splash around in the shallows of the ocean. Oboro walked up to you with a large plastic bucket and a shovel. “I figured that we could make a sand castle so I got this from the front desk when we checked in.” He told you and you thanked him before walking down the steps onto the white, sugar sand of the island you were staying at. You did hear that there were other beaches that had black sand from the volcanic activity in the area and you would want to see them later during your stay here in Hawaii. You enjoyed watching Oboro look around the beach for a good place to build his sand castle as you walked along the shore, enjoying the refreshing feeling of the ocean water wash over your feet. You watched as your husband found a spot to build between some extrusive igneous rock.  
You walked over to him and helped him dig in the sand and follow his instructions as to the type of castle he wanted to build. You went with the bucket and shovel to collect some of the wetter sand to mix with the dryer sand for easier molding and construction. You also found some pretty shells and rocks to add to the sand castle when it was done.  Soon, he finished on the construction of the sand castle with your help and began working on the details, like adding doors, windows, and other small details as you added the items you found on the beach in different places on the sandcastle.  You took a picture of your creation once it was done. Oboro carried the bucket with him, knowing that you’d want to collect rocks and shells on your walk and take the back home with you as keepsakes from your honeymoon. You found some rocks and shells, placing them into the bucket as you walked until you were growing tired and wanted to head back to the room to change and go soak in the hot tub. You changed into your bathing suit and slid into the hot water while you waited for your husband to join you.  Oboro came out of the bedroom in his blue swim trunks and no shirt on. He climbed into the hot tub with you and let you cuddle up against him. You rested your head on his shoulder and looked out to the horizon, still fixated on the waves crashing against the shore. You felt Oboro’s arm wrap around your shoulders. “I’m glad I got married to you, Y/n. Especially after all that happened.” He told you. You smiled and kissed him “I’m glad too. The end
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 years
Heart Of Glass- Rooster Bradshaw
Chapter Thirteen
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WC: 1,767.
C/W: None?
HOG Masterlist!
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Mazy had graduated high school literally two days before today.
She packed all of her stuff up and had a ride to the airport. Where was she going? Virginia. She was finishing out high school on the base in California.
Mav was active still and Mazy wanted to break loose so badly. She couldn't stand to be around him one more day.
It was between teenage angst, resentment, their lack of communication, and singed off father-daughter relationship.
Mazy had walked across the stage gotten her diploma. Went home had lunch with her dad. Then took her two suit cases and a backpack to the airport after he had fallen asleep.
Mazy wanted to be with Bradley till it was her turn to go to the academy the both following in their parents footsteps. Bradley had joined up two years prior, Finally getting in after Mav pulled his papers.
Bradley had promised to wait for Mazy as long as it took. On her 18th birthday over a long call Mazy admitted after all these years she was in love with him.
She felt guilty as she was literally a teenager still and he was 23. But he was willing to try a relationship since she was of age now.
So now six months later they were both ready to commit to each other and the Navy.
Bradley stood at the airport in a pair of slightly tattered blue vans, Kahki shorts, and a Navy shirt in. His dads aviator sunglasses folded hanging from the neck of his shirt. He looked around awkwardly as he waited for Mazy. He knew her flight was supposed to come in around 2. It was now 2:15ish.
He checked his phone sliding out the keyboard in and out of it nervously.
Then he saw her.
Mazy dragged two suitcases and a backpack slugged across her shoulders.
She had on dirty white high top converse, denim shorts, and a Fall Out Boy shirt on. Her dark brown hair in two French braids something that wouldn't change about her appearance.
She looked around and spotted the tall man with sandy blonde hair.
Her face lit up as she dashed the best she could with two suit cases towards him. Right infront of them she dropped them and flung herself into his arms.
"Bradley," she hugged him tight as he spun her around taking in her scent of bath and body works perfume.
He set her back down and they embraced each other in a tight hug. She was just as short as he remembered her being.
"Mazy," Bradley smiled staring down at her.
"I'm so, I can't believe I'm here and you're here." Mazy caressed his arm.
"I can't believe you're here too," he smiled and kissed her. Both kind of sucked at kissing from the time they had spent as just an online relationship.
Mazy sat at the bar of the Hard Deck before they opened planning out the wedding.
Nat, Amelia, and Penny all sat at the bar with her as they folded up the last minute invitations as they went through the list of guests and addresses.
"I can't believe you're inviting Hangman," Nat chuckled as she sealed the blue envelope and put one of the white bouquet stickers on it. Then wrote out his name and address.
"He may be kind of a dick but he is my friend, let's not forget he actually saved my father and fiancé's life. It would be kind of a slap in the face to not invite him." Mazy leaned down looking at her friend.
"Ice and Mav used to absolutely hate each other. Till they flew together. Maybe this is a time for Jake and Bradley to become friends." Penny shrugged.
"Maybe," Mazy hummed. They decided on a pot luck style wedding. Everyone brought their own dish it saved money for everyone.
They'd have the ceremony and reception at the Hard Deck with the Ceremony being outside on the beach.
They would string up some white Christmas lights around the Hard Deck and some on the deck outside.
It was last minute by Mazy was so excited for this chapter of her life.
     It had been a year of uncertainty and uneasy times. Bradley and Mazy had both been discharged home at the beginning of March because of the virus. They stocked up on grocery's and promptly only left to pick up grocery orders for around 3 months.
It was August and they were itching for something. Anything! Both had been strict with covid regulations not being able to see Nat or Penny was hard for the both of them. But Mazy showed Bradley the ropes of living a boring life.
She literally spent her whole childhood living on bases in other countries/different parts of the US. Where she had no one but herself, never around long enough to make life long friends.
Being stationed in San Diego as a kid was the only place Mazy felt comfortable she had Uncle Ice and Uncle Hondo. Along with some other navy brat kids.
Mazy and Bradley had never been more happier they’d bought a house on the beach.
It was another night sitting on a bedsheet on the beach. They shared some home made margaritas watching the sunset.
“I never thought in a million years I’d be spending this much time locked in a house with my boyfriend.” Mazy chuckled taking a sip of the strawberry margarita. The horizon was dipping below the ocean line. The orange and pink sky perfect for the mood.
“I can’t believe I witnessed you turn 30 where it was just me and you.” Bradley smiled about the late July day.
They FaceTimed with Nat, Iceman, Penny, and Amelia and had lunch over the call.
After Mazy and Bradley got super shit faced and had sex on their back deck.
“Don’t remind me I feel so old,” Mazy whined moving closer to Bradley taking a king drink of her drink.
“I’m glad out of anyone I could’ve been locked up with it’s you. You’ve made it fun, it’s gonna be more fun because hell if I know the next time we’re gonna be able to really do anything.” Bradley smirked looking at her, oh god she was so beautiful.
Bradley was so deeply in love with her, he had planned to do it tonight but now he had to do it right now because Mazy had him under her spell.
She has cut her hair a few days ago so it was a little bit shorter than shoulder length and the way she had it pushed back was so hot. The way her green eyes shimmered in the sunset, her summer sun freckles prominent.
“Oh god you’re so beautiful,” Bradley got up and offered his hands to pull her up.
Mazy smile and set her glass on the cooler and took his hands.
They smiled as they ran towards the water and began splashing each other, “It’s already getting cold out here you Dick head.” Mazy laughed as she kicked water at Bradley. He had on one of his far too man Hawaiian shirts on the water collided with his bare chest as the shirt hung open.
“Hey!” Bradley giggled and splashed her back. Mazy came charging at him to tackle him into the water and she did.
His eyes widened as he came up…the box. He picked her up from on top of him. He dashed them out of the water.
“What’s wrong Bradley?” Mazy picked up her towel as he set her down.
Bradley sighed and got down on one knee as he grabbed the soggy box from his pocket.
Mazy dropped her towel from her hands as her jaw hit the sand as well.
“Mazy Mitchell…where do I even begin. Since the day you called me on your birthday and confessed your feelings I’d know it would be forever; Although, we’ve had Rocky upbringings we have safety and security in each other. So Mazy Charlotte Mitchell, will you be my forever Wingman and marry me?” Bradley smiled up at the girl he’d love for forever. She had her hands pulled up covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face.
“Yes, oh my fucking god yes.” Mazy smiled through her tears as Bradley pushed the band onto her finger. She threw her arms around Bradley as he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him as they let their lips connect. His mustache brushing the top of her lip, a familiar comfortable feeling she’d come to learn and find safety in.
Everything was perfect in a time of tragedy.
“So have you gone dress shopping?” Penny asked getting up and grabbing herself a drink, “Nat? Mazy? You girls want anything to drink.” Penny asked.
“No thanks,” Nat smiled.
“I’ll just take some water I forgot my water bottle in the car.” Mazy nodded.
“So the dress?” Penny handed her the glass of water as she leaned on the bar.
“I bought one in 2021 that I still have. You know when we were first going to have the wedding then we got called on a mission.” Mazy sighed. She was a little thankful they had to wait because now her father could be here but now Ice was gone. Her original plan was to have him hand her off, time seemed to not have them in mind, “I don’t know if it’ll still fit but when me and Nat go back to mine I’ll try it on.”
“Sounds good, if it doesn’t I can help you trade it in and we can go get a new one tomorrow.” Penny smiled.
“Thank you Penny, how’re you and my father?” Mazy chuckled. Nat and Amelia laughed at the question as Penny raised an eyebrow and titled her head to the side taking a long sip of her glass of wine.
“Well he’s moving in soon I’m sure you know that since he’s been crashing at yours. But I think it’s good, I think we’ll be the next ones marrying if everything goes the way we want it too.” Penny nodded.
“Well I can only wish for the best,” Mazy wanted her dad to be happy and he really did seem happy with Penny. She knew that they’d tried dating time and time again with no success because of her dads habit of flaking.
But he had changed and seemed to want to get his life back in control. She just hoped he would stay happy with whatever could happen.
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