unfogged · 11 months
hi all! i am... probably not coming back. i would still love to write, just not here on tumblr. i'm happy to write on discord (sebmoron) if you are! if not, find me there ooc as well as @algifs on my personal! love y'all.
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comhaontas · 1 year
heading to a doc appointment to hopefully figure how why i've been so headachey/migrainey and so physically exhausted/weak!
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amadaans · 7 months
okay finished my book and mad about the ending. [redacted man] does not deserve [redacted woman] and [redacted woman] deserves much better than him. don't get me wrong i love the main character but buddy you are all sorts of fucked up and introducing [redacted character] to the ending sure uhhhh seems like a cop out.
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codename-adler · 11 months
My 2 niche aftg takes are that I love and accept Nora’s extra content, just because they don’t get married or say I love u or any of that stuff, doesn’t mean they are not healing and that they can never truly be healed without those things, it’s just that those are not important to them and that’s valid, their happy ending doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s (I also love and accept Nora’s writing, not a fan of when everyone jokingly bashes her books as if she didn’t capture all our hearts, art is meant to make you feel, and she succeeded in that a lot more than a lot of other ‘good’ writing)
Number two is that I’m not a fan of a lot of the fanon characterisation of Andrew and Neil, I know it’s par for the course in queer media that a fandom will feminise one character and masculinise the other (and make one the ‘bottom’ and one the ‘top’ respectively) , and I even expected it, obviously that’s weird in itself but that’s not even the part that bothers me that much since I knew it would happen, the part that does is that they clearly have done it the wrong way round, because like, if any one of those boys is going to wear a skirt, it’s Andrew, he’s the one that likes fashion and might decide to experiment, not Neil. If anyone is a ‘submissive’ it’s Andrew, the way he acts in the books, he literally does anything neil wants to make him happy, and if anyone gives top energy, it’s Neil josten, and I know this is silly but I guess it made the whole thing a lot more jarring for me when I went on to read fanfic and it felt even more ooc than it usually would. Anyway that’s all.
that damn extra content... Okay. i have barely read any of it.
i've read Wymack's story / Dan's recruitment; me likes. i just love that man. nora knows how to build her men.
i've read Jean's drafts and his abuse at the Nest; me hates. the SA just thrown in there for what? Riko's already dead, it's pointless to further villainize him when the series is over. i hate SA as an afterthought, something that gives character, something being used as a plot device. with the announcement of TSC however? we'll see...
i've read Allison's future; me irks. see previous ask.
andreil stuff, i've read about here and there but not directly from the source; some me laughs, some me don't care. that's literally it. i don't give it much, if any, thought at all.
i've heard of Renee's future in the peace corps and marrying a man; me ew ew ew. she is so queer-coded it's baffling how that was achieved with Renee/Jean in mind. and the peace corps?? that toxic american white savior bullshit?? baby no. there are much better religious orgs and rep out there.
the rest is mystery to me. i'm cumulating more and more reasons to thoroughly read through the EC, but it's not like... an urge. i'll get to it when i get to it. i appreciate nora sakavic for writing it, but also for not pushing it everywhere. she doesn't mind whether one considers it canon or not. i really, really appreciate that of her. SO DO NOT COME FOR HER AND HER WRITING. aftg is GOOD. it was never badly written. it's just so out of left field that it is difficult not to be made to feel ashamed for liking the series by mainstream lit and lit. corps. honestly give me a work of literature that has had a stronger grip on its readers than aftg and that you consider being 'well-written' in comparison. i will never, ever say it's bad. because it isn't. i will not be taking any question.
as for the second part of this ask... i am uncomfortable discussing sexual fanon content, and i simply do not read that kind of stuff very often, again because it's not for me, so i won't be able to add to this. perhaps other mutuals can reach out to you on this?
thank you for your contribution @doctorwhomybae and sorry for the tardiness!
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spyskater · 2 years
I have so many thoughts about how the fandom reacts to characters in this show and I don’t really wanna take the time to unravel them. However, if you call any of the leads irredeemable, but then stan others who have murdered people or any other awful thing that none of us would forgive in the real world, you’re not keeping the same energy. You don’t like the character, fine, but look at each character with the same amount of judgment. 
The last two seasons, I’ve seen far too much hatred and lack of empathy for characters of color (especially women) on this site. I didn’t forget a lot of y’all calling Lila abusive and toxic last season as if she’s not just as traumatized as the Umbrella siblings. And now the hate toward Allison? No one’s saying what she did was right. But to say she’s the worst character and irredeemable? The Umbrella Academy series has never been shy about exploring the horrible ways that trauma affects people to its fullest extent. That includes Allison.
Shout out to all the people who are engaging with this season arc critically and in a nuanced manner, because this arc was probably intended to start conversation about how we handle our darkest emotions.
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vanishcd · 7 years
[[ nolan and aaron are drama placeholders they pull out when they need “conflict” that isnt gerard/tamora. js ]]
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usermischief · 4 years
The most hilarious thing about the Scott McCall delusional squad toxic bunch coming at Sterek, Steter, and Thiam shippers and accusing them of “sleeping on Scott and Kira’s love” is that:
1• Neither Sterek, Steter, Steo, nor Thiam writers are obligated to include Scott McCall or Scott’s canonical heterosexual love life in their stories if they don’t want to
2• Statistics show that Sterek and Steter writers write about and include Kira Yukimura the most in their works (more than Scott/Posey fans and Sceo shippers ever did, actually)
3• The only one who thinks Kira Yukimura is just a replacement for Allison Argent is Tyler “Kira is a good distraction for Scott, you will not see Isaac thrown into anymore walls” Posey, and he says as much in these interviews
4• @princeescaluswords and his Scott McCall defense squad colleagues are the only ones who reduce WOC Kira Yukimura as a placeholder for a certain type of villain – Theo Reaken – and find new, disgusting ways to erase her and Malia from their own narrative (and from Scott’s life) in every single one of their Scott McCall centric wankfics in order to make all their OOC, self insert Sceo power fantasies/delusions with 0 basis in canon “happen”
5• @princeescaluswords (Escalus on AO3) never wrote a single Scira or Kira Yukimura centric fic, despite whining about the lack of Scira and Kira centric content 24/7 and pretending to give a shit about racist and misogyny in an attempt to cover his own racist, misogynistic ass
In conclusion: Stop projecting your own racism and hatred for women onto others, Scott Stans! Everyone can see through your bullshit & cheap deflection tactics
mischief: I mean the point of shipping is that canon will be changed, and that includes canon relationships. I don’t get why this is a problem. Every shipper does it. When I write about Steo, I usually make Malia the ex-girlfriend, or she doesn’t exist at all. It depends on how closely I stick to canon. If they write about Sceo, they have to find a solution for Kira and Malia. That’s just how this works, so I don’t think any side should be scandalised about Shippers excluding canonical partners. 
And maybe, just maybe, some people aren’t the biggest fan of Scira because of the way their relationship ended. Nobody liked that Kira was simply written off just like that, or that Scott dated Malia without ever breaking up with her. 
Tumblr media
What’s hilarious to me is that we’re in the wrong, and they’re in the right although we’re all doing the same thing. Nobody is obligated to include any character they don’t want to include. But Sterek shippers (I can’t speak on behalf of Steter and Thiam) and a bunch of Steo shippers actually include a lot of people to various degrees. Sterek shippers especially. The Hale Pack is almost always around, and Berica developed a lot of the time.
Do Sceo shippers do that as well? 
I don’t know. Why don’t I know? Because I don’t waste my time with stuff I don’t care about. Simple as that. Instead of accusing everyone of being racist or being such a big meanie to Scott, he should perhaps try to build a safe space for other Scott fans instead of constantly attacking other Teen Wolf fans in his rants. Have fun. Put your energy in being creative. That’s much more worthwhile.  
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thehollowprince · 4 years
1/2 complete fabrications made up by fanon to make a character same more likeable or relatable or to simply usurp Scott’s role as the titular hero, the Teen Wolf // Unlike Scott Stans, Stiles & Derek fans don’t need to erase canon or rewrite our favs as a completely different characters than they are in the actual show in order to make them more likable or relatable: they already are. So much that even ur whiny, bitter, OBSESSED fav Posey keeps gushing all over Stiles and Dylan O’Brien’s acting
2/2 completely unprompted and openly admitted that he wanted to play Derek because he was jealous of Sterek/Hobrien and desperately wanted Teen Wolf fans to ship Stiles with HIS character Scott instead. So yeah: if you think that Teen Wolf fans and viewers are ‘racist’ for preferring objectively talented actors and unique fictional characters to your bland, whiny, boring, toxic, irrelevant fav Tyler Posey/Scott McCall, then Tyler Posey must be the racist of them all. 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽
I worry about you, I really do. It can't be healthy for your mind to be this obsessed with how other people view 1: a fiction character, and 2: an actor you've never met and probably will never meet.
Like, are you okay? Seriously?
Because if you actually watched the show there's no way you can write all of those things and not understand how racist your being by going out of your way to remove any kind of context just so that you can paint the brown boy as a horrible, evil person. A brown boy you later go on to describe as bland and boring. I mean, which is it? He's either evil or he's boring? I'm getting mixed signals here.
I mean, the very thought that Stiles and Derek fans don't erase canon and rewrite it to makes them look better is so laughable that I'm actually kind of nauseous. I really do wonder what fandom you interacted with, because it wasn't the Teen Wolf fandom that I saw on Tumblr.
Tyler liking Dylan's acting isn't news to anyone. They were best friends both on screen and off. Do you not support your friends?
Althoughthat does bring us to the weird part of these asks. I'm seriously confused as to where and why Hoechlin and O'Brien came into this "conversation"? I never mentioned them. But this all just goes to further prove that you seem to have this mindset that if anyone likes Scott/Posey, then obviously they must hate Stiles/O'Brien and Derek/Hoechlin. That's not how that works. I can like Tyler Posey and Scott McCall without it reflecting negatively on the other two.
You do understand that, right? Please tell me you understand that?
I actually really like Hoechlin, and since we're speaking objectively, I can say with all honesty that I don't think that O'Brien is all that and a bag of potato chips the way some of you do.
As for all your other bullshit, please supply me with links to where Posey said all this stuff about wanting to play Derek and get in on Sterek, because I don't remember anything like that happening. I remember him dissing Sterek (in a way too polite for some of you) because he got tired of being constantly harassed by fans over a crack ship.
But we've already gone round and round on that one, so well just slide right past that and address your accusations against Scott's character.
We recognize that it was extremely OOC for Scott to do so we turn to canon to try and find some reasoning behind that move within the context of the story. Otherwise, such an incident doesn’t make any sense / Scott assaulting someone out of jealousy is neither OOC nor an isolated accident, though. Canon Scott McCall repeatedly assaulted Jackson over Allison, violated a rape victim’s boundaries, bodily autonomy and consent, mind-raped Corey, used Hayden as bait against without her consent, etc...
Scott threw down with Jackson when the latter was physically/sexually assaulting Allison at the time. Or did you block that out of your mind? Yes, it was actually what's-his-name that was controlling Jackson, but Scott didn't know who it was at the time. Should he have just let Jackson-not-Jackson continue? No, because then you'd be hear telling me how Scott did nothing while his girlfriend was assaulted.
You people really are a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". You are fully committed to twisting anything and everything Scott ever did paint him in a negative light.
I honestly don't know which "rape victim" you're referring to, but here's a better analysis of what Scott did to Corey which is better than anything I could come up with. Full credit to @princeescaluswords
Per the Hayden thing, where was this outrage when Stiles stole a police vehicle to hold a kidnapped Jackson in? When he killed Donovan? When he illegally made copy keycards for the police station despite knowing it could cost his dad his job? The time he purposely got his father drunk so that he could find out more about a murder case that he had no right to? How about the fact that he knew Lydia's body size without ever having really talked to her before? What about him trusting Theo? What about him assaulting Scott after he had literally died?
What about Derek taking advantage of three emotionally compromised teenagers in order to build up his own strength and then pretty much abandoning them when they didn't worship him as alpha? What about him physically assaulting a bunch of teenagers more than once?
I'm not making these up. They're all there if you actually watched the show.
All of these characters have done morally questionable things throughout the course of the show to beat the bad guys, but for some reason its only the brown boy that's being held to such a ridiculously high standard.
Hmmm? I wonder why that is? 🤔
Does it explain why Scott threw Isaac? No. There is no excuse for what Scott did, but the ritual that awoke the Nemeton does offer an explanation. And see, that’s the difference between you and me, in that I understand the difference between an explanation and an excuse / Your fabricated and already debunked “the Nemeton made him do it!” crap sounds an awful lot like an excuse for Scott’s canonical shitty actions and violent behavior tbh. Even Posey said that Scott abused Isaac out of jealousy
I really don't have time to again explain to you the difference between an explanation and an excuse. I've never excused what Scott did to Isaac. It's actually one of the few times I didnt like him, which is why I looked for any reason as to explain that reaction. It's not perfect, but it is plausible.
The funniest thing about all of these to me is that you are very clearly a Sterek shipper who worships those two characters and tears down Scott in an attempt to boost them up, but in canon, Stiles and Derek were two of Scott's biggest supporters/cheerleaders. So, y'know, sleep well knowing the characters you love were big fans of a character you hate.
I mean, that's so sweet it has to be fattening.
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adobe-outdesign · 5 years
DCTL Liveblog: Chapters 4-8
The character interactions in this are really good for the most part.
Spoilers under the cut:
Chapter 4
why is Buddy describing Sammy as “pointy” so funny to me
also this further proves Susie has shit taste in men
I was worried Buddy and Dot might get together in this - while not inherently bad it’s super annoying that every single book that puts a man and woman together forces them to be in a relationship by the end because of the Heteros (TM). Here Buddy’s like “I thought she was into me at first because I didn’t know why else she would want to hang out but it turns out she just wanted to be friends and I am super grateful about that” and it’s really sweet
While I like it because it makes for a 3-dimensional character there’s also something amusing about Joey of all people being the one to be the least judgemental about race/gender and whatnot
“Of course everyone’s welcome here! All are equal in the eyes of Satan!” “what”
I was going to make a joke about Dot stealing Wally’s keys but it turns out she literally did that
I really like Dot’s character - she has a ton of personality and she has a lot of chemistry with Buddy. I was/am worried that the novel’s going to be too dark for it’s own good compared to the games, but Dot seems to be offering some much-needed relief in that regard.
Chapter 5
"you wanna be a cartoon character when you grow up” I love foreshadowing dialogue like that
Chapter 6
Mrs. Lambert has strong Lesbian vibes
Richie/Dave/Jacob might be another “set” of the Butcher Gang - three people, one old guy that doesn’t give a fuck and two more engaging younger guys.
Sammy confirmed to just be a weird bird that somehow made it’s way into the building
Susie did say he was handsome right what what the fuck is up with your tastes girl
Norman also confirmed to be the smartest person in the studio yet again
“Allison. Alice. It’s close see” huehuehue
Cowboy Bendy is a thing. Showdown Bandit crossover writes itself
Dot is confirmed to be 18 and Buddy a bit younger. I don’t remember if his age was given earlier but I was picturing them more in their early 20s? Them still being kiddens is cute but it also makes things so much more sad
Chapter 7
oh boy, the racist bullshit, I’m so excited to read this (y’all better realize the sarcasm here)
also the problem is Sammy here, even if you ignore the bigoted shit, is that he’s like a feral asshole. In the games and whatnot he could be an asshole when annoyed but he was fairly amicable otherwise - Susie liked him, he talked normally during the Q&A, even as a ink creature he’s crazy but not an asshole. so even if you take out the bigoted shit he still seems wildly OOC
For those wondering: It doesn’t outright state Tom is black, but he says “What’s the matter? Not used to giving someone like me respect?” (Sammy was yelling at him and calling him by his first name only when Tom told him to fuck off) and when Sammy asks what that means Tom replies “you know what it means”. So it’s pretty heavily implied, as I don’t know what else it could really be referring to.
Sammy: *takes a long swig from a flask* Buddy: I don’t think we’re allowed to have alcohol in here Sammy, hoarsely: this is ink
Chapter 8
Don’t have much to say about the scenes of Buddy and his Grandpa, but I like the interactions so far
“Buddy, our Head of Finances already wants to die, we don’t need you making his life harder”
also this is actually correct - the ink wouldn’t matter because it’s mass produced but heavy weight high-cotton drawing paper is hella expensive
“only one janitor for the entire studio” can we get an F in the chat for Wally
While I was saying that Sammy feels majorly OOC in this, Joey is majorly in character. I can usually tell by how easily I can read their dialogue in their voice - with Sammy I had to force it, but with Joey I’m reading it in his voice without even having to try to do it. It’s good shit
Pretty sure Susie’s already dead at this point. While it’s a bit disappointing to not hear from her here it sounds like the entire second book will be centered around her so that’s fair
Joey, breaking into the theatre next door to spy on everyone: “HEY WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO PUT ON JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR”
huehue tite drop
Joey, nearly killing Buddy: it was just a prank bro
I wonder if Joey was going to use the stage to put on performances with the perfect cartoons?
TL;DR: Still good so far save for the racist bullshit
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Unpopular Opinions: Fandom Edition
Hey none of you asked but I’m here to deliver so here are some unpopular opinions for the fandoms I’m in. Spoilers, duh.
I don’t like Natasha. Or Steve.
Pepper Potts is a top.
As much as I love Loki, his death was nessicary in Infinity War.
Steve should have killed Bucky in Civil War. He was a threat, plain and simple.
I ship Ironstrange/Supremefamily.
Clint should have died in Infinity War.
I love Tony Stark with my whole heart. (Not an unpopular opinion but you needed to know that)
I’m not happy with the end of Endgame.
10 years in the making....for you to do Thor like that?
Not because he’s fat or because he’s dealing with trauma, that’s totally acceptable.
What’s not acceptable is them making Thor into the butt of the joke because he’s fat.
I love the Antman movies.
I’m totally not biased because I loved lost.
(I’m kinda biased)
Shuri is the best Marvel character and would beat Tony Stark in a battle of wits.
(I’m so gay I love her.)
With as many years as Marvel has had the MCU, I am disgusted at the lack of diversity within the movies.
Like it’s 2019 and we JUST got a female empowerment scene in Endgame.
Like I want a gay superhero.
(We have a disabled one thank god. Love you Stephen.)
And don’t give me that Valkyrie/Captain Marvel BS because they never blatantly stated or showed it in their movies.
I want an Asian superhero bitch.
A superhero who is Muslim/Islam/and religion besides Christian.
I think that, as much as I hate Natasha and Steve, they should have been the ones that Bruce first sees in Infinity War. I know it set up the whole “earth is closed today” sequence but it didn’t make sense and was OOC.
I love Stephen Strange and he’s never done a single thing wrong ever in his life I would die for this man.
I like MCU Peter Parker over the origional movie Spider-Man.
Fight me.
I also like the Tony Stark/Peter Parker better than the Uncle Ben/Peter Parker so @ me.
The 100
I don’t ship Bellarke that hard.
Like yes, I think they’re obviously being groomed to end up together. I know the show runners will make them official before the end of the series. I’m not mad about that, I just don’t really care to be honest. It’s like, too obvious.
But there are some cute bellarke scenes
What they did to Monty was bullshit but what they did to Jasper was worse.
I feel no guilt whatsoever in saying that I think that killing all of Mount Weather was what they should have done from the beginning.
Yes, even the kids. Because if you kill their leaders, the men and women will fight back. The colony would have been left with a handful of adults, and a bunch of kids if the origional plan had worked. This is doomed to fail and honestly just killing them all would be better than seeing them kill eachother for food, power, whatever. If that makes sense.
I think that Finn deserved to die.
I think that Murphey deserves the world.
Charlotte fucking killed Wells. Yes she’s young but she knows better than to kill someone. Maybe not kill her, but we all know that Clarke wouldn’t have banished her like she did Murphey. Clarke has a gender bias because Murphey didn’t do anything and she wouldn’t have punished Charlotte as hard because she’s a young girl. I rest my case
Even though what he did was bad and wrong, I don’t think Murphey should have been banished. He’s right. They were all compliant and even excited when he was being hung, but when it’s a little girl all bets are off.
Like Bellamy brought the whole hostage thing upon himself because he fucking tied a noose around Murphey’s throat.
Again, not that what Murphey did was right. He didn’t have to act like that. Jasper didn’t do anything to him.
Also this segment is getting long but the show writers and everyone else just casually forgot that Murphey was TORTURED? Hello? Are we not going to acknowledge that?
I shipped Clexa with my whole heart.
Another actually popular opinion: what they’ve done to Raven’s character this season is bullshit. Her only role is Abby’s moral compass. This is the same girl who shuttled to earth in a Tin Can. She’s better than this.
What the fuck??? Happened to??? Jordan???
Like Madi stabbed him
And then they proceeded to not talk about it for like four episodes and then casually mention it in passing like “oh he saved Pria that means he gets to live”
Like they set up his character to be really important this season.
But he’s not.
I think that Murphey/Emori is the best ship.
I also think that Either Murphey or Emori or Both are secretly double crossing the Primes. (This comes out before the finale of season six)
They didn’t have to do Onyia like that
The opening of season three is so weak that I actually stopped watching the show around that time (I’d been watching since the beginning of season two) because there’s just nothing there in the first like 10 minutes and I couldn’t do it.
Maybe I’m just impatient but it’s bad.
I think that Octavia did the best that she could with what she had available and I think that’s she’s not a bad person for what she did with the fighting pits/cannabalism. And I know that if Bellamy had been in her place, he would have eventually done the same.
Kane was a whiny bitch in season 5.
Why’d the kill Diyoza(I can’t spell) like that?
I liked Joesephine. It was really fun to see Eliza Taylor be able to get a new character in the show. Also props to her for that last episode with pretending to be Joesephine and being Clarke at the same time.
I called the dude being Gabriel from the first time I saw him you peasants.
Octavia’s redemption arc this season is beautiful.
They did....that.....to Kane. I’m angerey.
Lost In space
Not enough people watch this show. (The Netflix remake or the origional)
Seriously guys it’s a good show.
Absolutely nothing is wrong with it.
I love Don West with my whole heart.
I love Dr. Smith with my half heart.
I love the robot with my two hearts.
I love Penny Robinson with all the stars in the galaxy.
I love all of them okay.
There are no plot holes, no inconsistencies, no faulty science and anyone who says (or proves) otherwise is wrong.
It’s confirmed for a season two which should air in like the December-February time area.
It’s a Netflix show so you can binge the entire season in like a weekend.
Seriously watch it.
The Umbrella Academy
Five x Delores is weird.
Luther x Allison is illegal.
Klaus deserves all the push pops in the world.
The handler is hot.
The Comission killed Dave.
Luther is the most boring, Unorigional, straight white guy character I’ve seen in a long time. I hate him so much.
Allison is a queen but her character is brought down by her weird relationship with her brother.
Tbh if I was Allison you know I’d be telling my kids that I heard a rumor that theyd go the fuck to sleep. Like that’s a good thing. Idk maybe I’m just a sociopath.
Istanbul not Constantinople being played over a scene where five murders a squad of Commission people is the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever conceived by man.
“Where are you going” “to save the world” “oh is that all?” Iconic.
None of these are really unpopular but the show writers seem to think differently.
Diego has never done anything wrong in his life like yaaaasss bitch kill your brother at yo daddy’s funeral!!! Work!!!
Big Theif - Mary is the perfect song to play over Klaus returning from Vietnam.
Will you love me, like you loved me in the January rain?
It’s up there with Goodbye July.
Speaking of Goodbye July....
Z Nation
Many people haven’t watched it
It’s like if The Walking Dead and Zombieland had a baby....and then the baby did a line of cocaine.
It’s wild.
Watching Garnet die ruined every sliver of hope I had in humanity.
I have a special place in my heart for this show because it’s the first show that me and my mom would stay up and watch the new episodes air every Friday. It brought us closer and I can’t thank the cast and show runners enough for this.
So maybe I’m biased, but you should watch it.
Having Murphey switch from being an anti-hero to a villain back to an anti-hero and then to a regular hero, amazing. Astonishing. The peak of human existence.
Even though he’s not entirely human.
What color is Murphey today? Is he pale, discolored, grey, blue, red? We don’t know!
Roberta Warren is the Black Goddess main protagonist that we deserve.
Addison Carver is a functional Bi.
10k is tragic backstory central but other than that, his character development is pretty lacking other than him persuing love interests.
None of these are really unpopular opinions but I doubt any of you have watched the show. It’s on Netflix. Watch it.
Oooooohhhhh George.
Georgia St. Clair could stomp me to death and my ghost would still want to fuck her.
Anyways I’m gay
God damn I have a lot of pent up Gay energy.
Murphey and Lucy have a realistic enstranged father/daughter relationship and it’s heartwarming.
And then they killed her off to save him.
Honestly if you name a character Murphey they can only be assholish bad boys with a good heart deep down sorry I don’t make the rules.
Also if you name a character Murphey I will love them with my whole soul.
I’m so mad they cancelled the show.
I’m infinitely more mad that they named that disgrace of a show Black Summer and claimed that it was a prequel....but it didn’t follow the same cast and had they not advertised it as a prequel I would never have guessed.
Black Summer gives totally opposite vibes than Z Nation does. I get that black summer is supposed to be the worst time that the zombie apocalypse ever had, with cannibals and no food, but it feels like s completely different show.
It’s like if The Walking Dead claimed that it is a prequel/occurs during Shaun of the Dead.
Like....no. They’re....no.
Anyway watch it it’s good.
Detroit: Become Human
Connor isn’t the best character.
This is an unpopular opinion post deal with it.
Markus has to be my favorite.
Honestly this game is so good and not even just graphics-wise.
It’s the same robotic sentience story we’ve been fed for years, but this time it’s from the Android’s perspective and this time all they want is to be free. That’s it.
I fucking hate North.
Hank is literally if Rick from Rick and Morty were serious.
The only correct way to play Connor is to walk the thin line between deviant and regular A.I. Without leaving out Hank. The correct thing to do is make Conner deviant at Jericho.
The only correct way to play Kara is to protect Alice with every fiber of your being. Meanwhile, get close to her. Do not get caught, even if that means dissappointing her.
The only correct way to play Markus is to lead a peaceful revolution. Also tell North to fuck off.
The border patrol guy who either gets Kara and Alice caught or knowingly lets Androids cross the border is the best character. Forget about Markus, this guy sees either “oh fuck androids are killing people, maybe we shouldn’t let this one cross the border” or “Androids just want to be free and are peacefully fighting for this. Let this one and her daughter through.” I love him.
Let Out The Bear He Just Wants To Say Hi :)
Even though I think Conner is overrated by the fandom, I do like him.
But he’s not a pure innocent cinnamon roll either.
It depends on how you play, but he has really violent options so stop the “He wouldn’t harm a fly” attitude.
But he is cute.
The home screen for the game is revolutionary (no pun intended) and I hope future game follow suit in making the first impression of the game something cool.
Stealing clothes/money/the fence cutters is literally okay.
Also if you put Kara in white hair you can die.
If in your first actual play through you got the Kara lives at the recycling plant ending but Alice dies, you can die too.
I’ve never actually seen the steal money and go to motel option play out because it’s stupid, especially if you don’t steal clothes. Like that’s begging to be caught.
Stranger things
Billy Hargrove is bad and just because he’s abused does not make what he does okay.
Harringrove is gross and I’m gay so my opinion counts as double.
That being said, there are some really cute fics about Harringrove and I can see the appeal of “good boy falls for mysterious bad boy with a dark past and trauma”
I’ve said I’m gay this whole post because I say it a lot, but I don’t like actually labeling myself but I like girls and boys and everything in between and I say I’m gay kinda as a joke when girls are hot.
That being said...
Steve Harrington calling himself Daddy made me feel things.
Strange things.
Haha get it I’m making a joke to distract you from the daddy part.
Steve Harrington is a good person now, but he was still an asshole before and he can still be criticized for his past.
I used to be hardcore Jancy but after season three I feel like Nancy needs and deserves a break from boys so she can figure out herself and who she is now and what she wants to do without the weight of boys and boyfriends constantly around her.
That being said i still don’t like Nancy because she was flirting/slept in the same bed with Jonathan whilst obviously having feelings for him while she and Steve were still a thing. It’s not cheating but to me it’s close enough to raise red flags.
Robin is perfect in every way.
I don’t like Jonathan. He’s creepy in s1, fine in s2, but then is s3 he doesn’t do anything to or about his male bosses when Nancy is being made fun of because she’s a woman.
Seeing Nancy’s class priveledge/Jonathan’s male priveledge clashing was so cool tbh
Elmax > Mileven > Lumax
Jim Hopper, with all his faults, is still a caring dad.
Plus him threatening Mike made me laugh so hard sksksksks
Steve Harrington deserves the world and then some.
Low key I really want s4 to give in insight on his family life.
I also want him to get an apartment with Robin.
Robins cute tbh but for half the season I though she was a Russian spy. I guess I was wrong.
Mrs. Wheeler shouldn’t sleep with billy (not that she can now) because it’s wrong, but the reason she wanted to is because her husband is so boring and she gave up on her dreams to be his perfect housewife. She wanted a challenge with Billy. Instead, she should leave her pushover of a husband and find someone better.
Anyway Steve Harrington deserves the world.
Yeah okay hate me whatever.
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marsmadness · 5 years
ok one more ooc post but im going on a rlly long car ride n would love some Internet Company so add me on discor.d allison#4999 to bullshit abt characters or rp or talk about life idk
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unfogged · 1 year
ALSO MY OVERWATCH MUSES ARE BACK HERE ON THIS BLOG because two different blogs was a mistake smh
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comhaontas · 1 year
i wanna write all the characters for you guys, i want everyone to have the character they want to write with!! i will try anything for you guys!!!!!
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yumearashi · 6 years
Fic: Choices
by YumeArashi
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV) Rating: Teen+ Warnings: Spoilers for all of S1, possibly OOC
Summary: What happens when Vanya wakes up
Read on AO3 or
Whenever they emerged, the theater was still standing - much newer looking, and luckily empty.  After a moment to recover from the nausea and disorientation of time travel, Allison tugged on Luther’s arm.  “Put her down.”
“Allison, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
"Why, so you can choke her out again if you need to?" Allison said tartly.  "If she wakes up in your arms she's going to be terrified."
"And that will end badly for us and also for the world," Five added, "And then I'll need to try to do this again and it'll probably go even worse.  So unless you want to end up in diapers, put her the fuck down, give her plenty of space, sit in a corner and think about what you've done."
Luther scowled, but set Vanya down and backed well away.
Alison wrapped her unconscious sister in her arms and looked around at their brothers fiercely.  "Okay, here's what's going to happen.  No more attacking Vanya.  No more locking her up.  No more trying to force her to do things.  No more tricking her.  No more excluding her.  When she wakes up, the first thing she's going to hear is that we love her and we're sorry and we are never going to do anything like that ever again.  She's our sister and we are going to treat her like family, not a threat or a nonentity.  Understand?"
She glared until she received nods from all of them, some of them more willing than others.
"Did you mean that?" came the very quiet question.
Allison looked down to see Vanya blinking groggily up at her.  She hugged Vanya tightly, stroking her hair.  "Of course I did.  You're my sister and I love you and I'd never want to hurt you.  I meant it when I said I love you, every single time.  And I was an ass to keep pushing when you obviously weren't ready to hear what I was telling you, and I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for all the times we didn't include you and I'm so, so, so sorry I Rumored you into thinking you were normal." Tears ran down her face and trickled through Vanya's hair.
Vanya started to cry as well.  "I'm sorry too, I'm so sorry I hurt you, I didn't want to, I didn't mean to, when I thought I'd killed you, I…" she broke off, sobbing.
"It's okay, it's okay sis, I'm fine, see, I'm not even hurt, it's okay.  And this time we're going to help you, we're going to help you learn about your powers in a healthy way and you'll never have to worry about accidentally hurting someone again.  No one's going to try to make you normal ever again."
Klaus came over, carefully dabbing at Vanya's tears with a corner of his shirt.  "I know it's a rough time you're going through.  Scary new powers you can't control.  The people who should understand not listening and not helping when you try to reach out.  But we're not gonna do that anymore.  Dad fucked us up six ways from Sunday, but like you said, he's gone now, so now we can decide whether to be the assholes.  And we're not gonna, not anymore."
"Especially not a certain someone who owes you a extra apology for going with the asshole Dad playbook on how to treat you," Diego gave Luther a hard look.
"With his own added dash of extra asshole for telling you that you were forgiven and welcome and safe and offering comfort, then turning on you and betraying you," Five added, glaring.
Luther's expression was somewhere between sulky and embarrassed.  "I shouldn't have done that," he admitted.  "I shouldn't have let Dad's opinions be more important to me than your own well-being. I should have tried to help you."
Vanya considered him.  "I don't think I can accept that apology.  At least not right now.  But I appreciate it.  And if you really do change, maybe in time I can."
"Fair enough," Luther mumbled.
"A second chance like this is huge," Ben spoke up quietly.  "People don't get a chance to redo their lives every day.  It won't be easy to let go of the past, of the way he shaped us all.  But we can.  Things can be different this time.  We can choose another way, a better way."
"We can be a real family," Allison nodded.  "Siblings, not just teammates."
"Support and help each other," Five agreed.
"No more excluding and neglecting," Klaus added softly.
"No more ranks and superiority," Diego gave Luther a pointed look.
"No more competing and jealousy," Luther returned evenly.
"No more being turned into weapons," Ben spoke up.  "No more being experiments.  No more being pushed to develop powers beyond what we can handle.  We're people, not numbers or tools or pawns."
"And we're not valued by our powers alone.  No one is 'just' anything," Vanya said firmly.
"From now on we're in this together - all of us," Allison nodded decisively, giving Vanya a reassuring smile.  "We love each other, we listen to each other, we take care of each other.  We watch ourselves and each other for the bullshit behaviors that Dad developed in us, and when we see them, we stop them.  Does that sound like a family you want to be a part of?"
"This isn't a 'welcome to the team' speech," Five spoke up before Vanya could answer.  "We're not just accepting you now that we know you have powers.  You were always family, and we should have acted like that from the start."
Vanya looked around at the familiar young faces around her, nodding agreement solemnly.  She smiled - a small, tired, but genuine smile.  "Yeah.  Yeah, that's the family I want."
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rumorsabound · 6 years
FILL  IN : i like to be called :  maya, my dude, my pal, friendo, anything works really my favorite color is : anything pastel, baby blue, lavender etc. i will wave my girly girl flag high gender : cis  female one thing you should know about me : lol self confidence what self confidence. the last shred of it got eaten up in art school one thing you should know about my muse : allison can be extremely nosey, judge-y, argumentative and will not take no for an answer unless she comes to the conclusion she’s in the wrong on her own terms. she can be self-reflective but she’s not perfect as much as she tries to be and it’s still a work in progress. first language : english second language : bullshit HIGHLIGHT : age range : under 13 | 14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 70+ am i okay with nsfw? : yes | no | sometimes | not for this muse my favorite/most common thing to rp is : angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other oc friendly? : yes | no | depends | always rp blog : does | doesn’t contain ooc posts TAGGED BY : @thekrakn <3 TAGGING : @the-number-five, @allurfavesrtrans, @seancetm idk who hasn’t done this yet so if you haven’t and u wanna steal ftw!
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wxldchxld · 6 years
OOC Rant: 
So rather than spend my day finishing drafts on all my blogs and working on completing Victarion’s setup, I binged the Umbrella Academy. Mostly because I was (surprise surprise) an enormous MCR fan as a teenager, and in fact I met my first girlfriend through their online MCR forum, which I frequented regularly. I was kind of a die hard. 
For the most part I was really pleased with UA though I have to say that’s mostly because it’s so pretty. Like a lot of shows try to make shit dark and edgy by using dim lighting and shit, but the entire first season was filled with beautiful, surreal imagery that made it very engaging. And while I was disappointed that they didn’t even begin or end with one MCR song, the music was brilliant. Starting out with violin shit from Phantom of the Opera? Oh that shit is my JAM. I felt in general they had strong characters and actors that did pretty well. Especially Ellen Page,  Emmy Raver-Lampman, and Aidan Gallagher (and child actors usually annoy the SHIT out of me). Were there cliches? Yes. Was is really cheesy in some places? Yes. But... superhero shit is so overworked rn that there was no way it wouldn’t be, and I don’t think that was what GW was even going for. He didn’t want 100 percent original. He just wanted to see the genre through his own “lens” as he put it.
So there was a lot I liked. Which I need to point out because as a big MCR fan, I know what they’re like and I don’t want this to turn into a bloodbath if somehow it makes its way into the tags.
What I didn’t like was the LGBTQ representation. Well---that and the weird adopted brother/sister romance but that’s beside the point. The point is that I was really shocked by Klaus. Certain scenes, especially in the first episode, imply that he’s a gender fluid character, and it’s later explicitly shown that he prefers relationships with men (though we haven’t been told he’s explicitly gay as far as I know). He’s also a drug addict, family fuck up, comic relief, tragic-sassy-scene-kid cliche. And he’s the only LGBT representation we get on this show. That’s not ok.
First off, I didn’t read the comics, and I don’t plan to because I find comics really annoying to read anyway. I don’t know if he was in relationships with men in the comics, and I don’t care. So don’t give me bullshit over “they’re staying true to the source material.” It doesn’t matter if he was gay/bi/pan in the original series, it doesn’t matter if that was ok when it was written, all that matters is that right now in the current climate, LGBTQ people don’t want the fuck up character to be their only representation in a show/book/movie.
Second, this could have very easily been solved by just---adding more representation. Rather than Patrick, Allison could have been in a failed relationship with another woman, and they could have still done her weird romance arc with Luther. Rather than the dude whose name I literally don’t remember because his character was so forgettable, Vanya could have been seduced and manipulated by another woman. Rather than the sexy female cop, it could have just as easily been a sexy male/trans/nonbianary cop Diego dated and it wouldn’t have mattered. This problem was an easy fix. Hell Page is a lesbian woman!!! She would have been willing to play that part, I’m sure. 
Third, this feels really fetishy. I can already see the straight girls writing horrible hurt/comfort category yoai bullshit on Ao3 and if it hasn’t started I’m positive it will. Do you know why? Because Klaus is the type of character they fetishize. Look at Bucky Barnes, look at Loki, look at the people in super hero movies that are the focus of those fics and tell me that Klaus doesn’t sit at the apex of that category. It’s not ok. 
Look I’m sure that Klaus’ character has something to do with Gerard’s own struggle with gender identity, and I understand the circumstances that surrounded him as he was writing UA that likely influenced the character that came out of it. Because if he doesn’t scream Black Parade I don’t fuckin know what does. But that doesn’t make it ok that he’s the only LGBTQ representation in the show.
What scares me is that while I haven’t looked at any official numbers I can see this show having a large teenage audience, as well as the older audience that likely tuned in for similar reasons that I did. The visuals, the characterization, the plot, it’s all very appealing to a teenage audience. And we need to be careful how we portray people in minority communities on shows with large teenage demographics.  
This character is literally plagued by tortured spirits. That’s not ok when you have people who believe LGBTQ kids have demons inside of them or are literally mentally ill. I was told the latter growing up and it did serious damage to me as a person. This sort of material is the stuff facebook moms and pastors quote mine for their sermons that they use to indoctrinate the parents of young children. This stuff is perfect for their fear mongering. 
I’m not going to touch on it in depth because this post is about LGBTQ rep specifically, but the way they portrayed his drug habit was also really upsetting to see. Addiction is a disease that can devastate lives and the “if you just suck it up and get over it” message really disgusted me. Again, it sends a bad message to kids that might be in a situation where they’re using drugs. You don’t just tie someone up in an attic to go through that shit by themselves. It’s very dangerous.
And yes, Klaus got sober by the end of the season, which was great, but I don’t have any hopes that he’ll stay that way or that his dynamic in his own family will change, and that doesn’t change the fact that they already spent a whole season like this.
Overall I’m really disappointed that I don’t see more people angry about this. I’m also really disappointed in Gerard Way, who I would have thought would have been more sensitive to these sorts of issues. And I’m shocked that Ellen Page, as vocal as she is about LGBTQ issues hasn’t said anything about how potentially harmful how this character is portrayed is.
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