four-color-words · 1 year
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Chris having his daddy's little curlicue brings me no end of joy
I really don't like that they speed-aged him to push this weird romance thing that wasn't a thing for pretty much any other iteration of Nightwing and Flamebird, but I do like the idea of him growing up to look more like Clark. He should get to have that.
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zepskies · 10 months
Hey could I please request headcanons for how Dean would react to reader texting him "she's busy" as a joke, yk kind of like
Dean: Hey baby
Reader: She's busy
I really hope this makes sense and isn't so confusing 😭😭
Ooh I think I know what you mean. 😏
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader Word Count: 850
Imagine: Texting Dean when he's on a hunt.
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Once again, Dean sighed while he waited on his brother.
They were stopped at a 7-Eleven gas station after a hunt, but Dean had long ago filled up Baby's tank. Sam was inside, grabbing a few snacks for the road tomorrow. Supposedly.
Dean fished out his phone from his pocket and texted him.
Hey, Driving Miss Daisy. You good in there?
A couple of minutes later, Sam responded.
Yeah, just getting a few things.
Dean rolled his eyes. Right.
For half an hour? What, you taking a shit or something?
Sam's response was testy, just as Dean predicted.
Dean, give me a minute. Jesus.
Dean sighed, with a roll of his eyes. He scrolled back into his texts and found your name. He was a couple of states over from Lebanon, but still within the same timezone. You should still be awake back at the bunker.
He decided he wanted to hear your voice, let you know that he and Sam were going to catch one more night of rest here at the motel before they made the long drive back home.
But...you didn't answer when he called.
Weird. You were typically a night owl, either watching something or plugging away at your laptop. He tried texting you instead.
Hey, baby. You up?
He eventually saw the three gray dots pop up. You were typing...
She's busy.
Dean frowned. What the hell?
Had you invited someone over? Like Jody or Donna?
But neither of them would've replied like that...so he texted back.
Stop messing around.
Dean tried calling you again, but it went directly to voicemail this time. In came another text from "you."
She'll call you back, dude.
Dean's jaw ticked with annoyance. And despite himself, unease began to creep in and churn his stomach.
What the fuck is this?
She's in the shower. I'll tell her to call you back, no worries.
All right. WHO is this?
Ooh, are you the boyfriend? Yikes lol.
A deep, slow breath made it through Dean's nose. He closed his eyes, counted to ten, reminded himself that he did, in fact, love you.
Then he responded.
Babe, if you don't call me in the next 30 seconds, there's gonna be hell to pay when I get home.
Dean checked his watch and actually counted. About ten seconds passed before his phone rang with an incoming call...from you. He answered.
"Promise?" came your teasing voice. When it ended on a giggle, Dean rolled his eyes and rested his head back on the seat. He blew out a frustrated breath.
"Oh, trust and believe. You're gonna fuckin' get it this time," he said, though his lips curved on a reluctant smirk. You full on laughed at him then.
"You make it too easy," you replied.
He knew this. It wasn't the first time you'd teased him, and he knew it wouldn't be the last.
Still, he couldn't help being a bit irritated this time.
"You know, how would you like it if I did that to you?" he asked. "Wouldn't be so fucking funny then, would it?"
"...Okay. You're right. I'm sorry, baby," came your more contrite voice. But he could still hear your smile. Could imagine the way you might soothe a hand along his arm, if you were here.
"How about I make it up to you?" you offered.
That worked a slow smirk onto his face. "Yeah? What did you have in mind?"
For the next few minutes, you purred into his ear about all the things you'd been thinking of while he was gone. Daydreaming about the talents of his hands, lips, and tongue.
In particular, you reminded him about a certain birthday wish that he still hadn't claimed from a couple weeks ago, when he and Sam got wind of this hunt.
Two weeks really was too damn long, in your opinion. (He agreed with you.)
Now with a half-straining bulge in his jeans, Dean licked his lips and tightened his hand on the leather wheel of the car.
"All right. Sounds like a plan to me, sweetheart," he said, deceptively breezy. As if you'd just told him you planned to make tacos for dinner.
"When are you getting home?" you asked.
He heard the tone of your voice, like black silk. It sent a tendril of heat down his spine, raising the hairs on his forearms.
"Tonight," Dean said. Deeper, a note of gravel in his words. "I'll see you tonight."
"Good." Once again, he heard the smile in your voice. "I love you."
He sighed, and raised a hand to card through his hair.
"Love you too...even though you play too fucking much," he muttered the latter bit.
Your laughter once again reached his ears, reluctantly making him smile.
He hung up with you just before Sam finally opened the passenger seat door and climbed in with two hefty grocery bags. Did he do a whole damn shopping spree in there?
...Whatever. Dean shook his head and started the car.
"Change of plan," he said. "We're heading home."
"What? Thought we were gonna catch a few hours of sleep. It's a long drive, Dean," Sam said, earning his brother's gaze.
"Yeah, well, you'll live," Dean snarked. A more devious grin spread across his face. "I've got a date."
And she's about to get punished.
The Impala's tires screeched as Dean pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
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AN: Ha! This one was fun. 😘 Thanks for the prompt!
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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minispidey · 10 months
02: Barbie and the Giftshopist.
Steven Grant x f!bimbo!reader. previous part. series masterlist. next part.
02. He's just Steven (and Marc, and Jake)
a/n: i'm not like fully knowledgeable of DID but i did some research! if u guys can give me some tips/ point out my mistakes, i'd be happy to hear it and edit. i just really do need some help 🙏🏻 i've never written a system before and i'd love to hear some advice
(series tags are open!) tags: @3zae-zae3
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"Morning, Stevie!" you started calling him Stevie not even a week after you moved in. Sure, he hates it when Donna calls him that, but god did it sound so beautiful when you say it.
You two walk out at the same time everyday, bothered by some of the sellers on the street blocking the door "Excuse us." you say as they made way for you and Steven. A vintage pink corvette was your way of transportation while Steven chooses the bus, but you weren't in a rush today "Stevie! I'll give you a ride. Get in."
Steven blushed, shaking his head "No no, it's fine, love." hearing him call you love made you accidentally kick your leg up. You stared confused at your leg before turning your head towards Steven again "Come on." you pouted.
"I'm serious— oh, bollocks." he drops his keys by accident "I'm alright."
You drove by his side slowly "Stevieee get in. I'm not letting you take the bus when I have a car."
"It's just-"
"Is it because it's pink?"
"No! No, not at all. I don't want to be a bother, that's all." he sighed.
"Steven. Get in." you pull down your sunglasses "I'm not taking a no for an answer."
"Yes, ma'am." seeing you so serious had him flustered. Maybe it's a weird kink he developed after knowing you were a lawyer.
He sat in the passenger's seat and buckled his seatbelt. You smiled at him before fixing your sunglasses "Okay! First stop, the museum."
Steven knew everyone's going to stare at your pink car. He just never expected so many people turning their heads towards you too. You were beautiful and radiated beauty and sunshine, you were an attention grabber.
He just imagines you in all pink in your firm, in a room filled with blue and black suits. He thought it was cute.
"Do you have like, a license? You can take my car on my days off."
"You don't have to." Steven shook his head "Really, you're too kind."
"It's alright! Whatever makes your life easier." you flashed him one of your bright smiles "I can drop you off every day if you wanna. I'm not as busy anyways."
"Take the offer, Steven. Beats having to cramp in every day." Marc says from the reflection of the right side mirror. Steven shook his head before turning towards you "It's fine, love."
"Come on. Rent's hell. Let me save you some commute money, okay? I may be fashionable, but I can be such a cheapskate-" the car comes to a sudden halt as you snap your head towards a shop window. Steven was pushed forward but thankfully held by the seatbelt "What's wrong?" he breathed out.
"What time do you have to go to work?"
"Before ten. Why?"
"It's eight. Do you mind making a short stop with me?"
Shop assistants surrounded you as you worked your magic "Ooh, and this one. Do you have it in pink?" you giggled as you slipped on another heel "Okay so like, the trick is to ignore the assistants." you whisper to Steven "They'll sell you anything in full price. Head straight to the expensive ones before slowly going to the ones on sale."
Steven nodded as he listened to the advice you gave. He felt a bit nervous as you spoke to the shop assistants, you seemed so confident as well. In contrast, Steven felt fairly awkward and he was just observing how you interacted with the people around you.
He was very intrigued by the way you were trying on shoes, the way you were talking about it with the shop staff— he couldn't explain what exactly it was that he found attractive about you, and it was slightly annoying him.
"Chica está loca..." Steven looks at the full-length mirror, Jake was staring right back at him. He raises an eyebrow at Jake "She's crazy. I've never met a girl who wears so much... pink."
Steven was about to talk back when you pull him to the counter, swiping your card and taking your shopping bags "Okay, so like, I got fourty percent off. I have a loyalty voucher." you two made your way back to your car, stuffing your bags in the back "Thanks for coming with me, Stevie. Well, you didn't have a choice anyways."
"It's alright, really. It was... fun." he smiled at you, getting inside the car "Never really shopped with anyone before."
"Really? Not even with friends?"
"Don't have any."
"Aw, how come? You're so fun to be with."
Steven's heart skipped a beat. He stared at you with bright eyes as you drove. He felt his face heat up. When he turns his head to face the side mirror, he finds Marc judging him.
"You've just met her, huh?"
"Shut it..." Steven mumbled under his breath, looking away from the mirror. He watched you, still smiling as you drove. It was like you weren't real, like you were too good to be true. If he had known years ago a woman like you existed, he would've searched for you everywhere. But you landed right outside his flat.
"I don't think I can pick you up after your work, training interns and all." you stopped near the steps "I'll see you later, Stevie."
"You don't have to, it's really okay." he blushed "I'll see you around, love." he got out of your car, looking back at you as he walked up the steps. You pushed your sunglasses down and waved back before driving away.
After an exhausting day, you drove back at 1 am. You shoved your files in the back seat with your shopping bags and rested your face, your signature smile falling from fatigue.
The streets of London were quiet, only the crickets' mating call filling the cold air. You rub your eyes, some of your mascara rubbing off "So tired..." you sighed as you turned the car to the right.
Though your sleepiness immediately went away when you spot a ridiculous ugly-patterned shirt. It was Steven walking back.
"This late?" you whispered to yourself. You sped up a bit to catch up with him "Stevie!" your cheery voice halted the quiet night.
His head turned towards you, a scowl displayed on his face. Though his eyebrows softened upon realizing it was you.
"Don't they have buses out late? You poor thing. Get in." you smiled as you unlocked your car, allowing him to enter.
"I should've totally given you my number. If I only knew you'd be out late like me I would've picked you up." you let out a yawn before continuing "I'm not that busy, I swear. Like, I'm a lawyer but I know how to manage my time."
As you went on and on, Steven just sat there and listened to you.
You parked your car and stepped out, trying to get all your shopping bags in one go. But Steven stepped in and helped "Aw, Stevie, thanks so much!" Steven looked exhausted too.
You talked more in the elevator, detailing how frustrating your day was at your firm before walking to your doors.
"-and he was like no and I was like totes! And he was like noooo and I was like, definitely!" you giggled "Whoever said orange is the new pink is totally disturbed."
You unlocked your door and let Steven in to set your bags down. He went to step out afterwards when you pulled on his sleeve "Thanks so much again, Stevie. You are like, too good to me. We should totally shop again some other time! Goodnight!" you placed a kiss on his cheek before closing your door.
He froze in place, staring at your door before unlocking his own door and getting in. He breathed in the cold air before walking to his fish tank, feeding the two fishes before his vision focused, looking at his reflection on the glass.
"Marc! What was that?!"
Marc looked back at Steven "It's nothing."
"Back off. I really like her, okay? There. I said it."
"You kissed my wife and your crush kissed me on the cheek."
"I said I was sorry."
Jake spoke up, appearing from a small mirror "You like her? Dios mío, that woman wears a lot of pink. What is it about her? Is it because of the car? I have a limousine."
"No! She's- she's really nice."
"Be more specific, amigo. Nice isn't how you like someone."
"Enough." Marc shakes his head "Steven, if you like her then go ahead. But just don't get attached."
"What do you mean?"
"I have Layla— we have Layla. I'm married to her. You can have a crush on your little neighbor, sure, but it's not like you can date her."
"Marc... come on, I have my own life... we have our own lives. What if I decide I want to date her? What if I really really like her, you know?"
"I don't know." he sighed, scratching his eyebrow "It's gonna be complicated, you know that."
Steven let out a sigh, looking down "I-I know... but I just... I just really like her."
Jake on the other hand was deep in this own thoughts. Marc heads to bed when Jake fronts, taking over the body. He cracks his neck before walking out and knocking on your door.
You were just about to take off your makeup when you head his knock. Your fluffy pink slippers squeaked as you made your way to the door, opening it "Stevie? Did you miss me already?" you giggled.
"Do you want to go out with me?" Jake put on his best performance, speaking in a kind of shy British accent.
"Out? Like, a date?" you blinked twice.
Jake understood now. He saw the way your eyes sparkled and your blinding smile "Oh my gosh, yes!" you squealed before covering your mouth, looking side to side across the halls, worried you might've woken up your neighbors "Yes. Let's go out. Uh, maybe lunch? I'm free."
"That's alright with me." he nodded.
"Alright." you couldn't help but smile like a fool "Goodnight, Stevie."
After closing your door, you silently screamed, jumping up and down in excitement. Your exhaustion suddenly disappears as you start planning out your outfit for the morning.
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sirrat · 2 days
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help even the kid uses a gun- kate why lmao
oh shit wait wtf the tardis is not bigger on the inside- now thats terrifying
omg thatrs so COOL- the tardis is going through her villain era
ooh sorry about that- didnt comment on a lot of things but im at the point where the doctor says that the earth is dying over n over again
cant you not hear someone scream in space- ah i dunno- but damn.. the universe looks so dead
metal metal- there was one classic who ep where metal was valuable- fours seasons??
oh- oh that- damn- OH SHIT SHE DUSTED
AWH RUBES- giggling like a little kid omg- i miss sarah so much
mel? no dont tell me youve got the dust- please dont :(
who is rubys momMMMMMMMM got damn i need the answer so bad
awugh the way mel has sevens lil jumper- vest- not sure sorry lmao
but what did sutekh mean when he could see through the dead- is mel dead? man idk
pe teacher fifteen gotta love that-
what are they gonna do about skaro? bring life to that one too? WAIT- COULDNT THEY BRING LIFE TO GALLIFREY? NO- NO I DONT THINK SO MAYBE THATS IMPOSSIBLE-
didnt comment on the whole sutekh being life and the doctor being death ahem- mb mb- i was too in awe to comment
so anyway
kate really trying to employ anyone istg - also what abt donna? doesnt she work in unit? and 14 what about that soggy piece of paper
was he restraining demons not to do anything about the dust
oh no- ruby -
is ruby gonna leave?? or is fifteen gonna say she can leave- oh no
i was right :( i will start balling my eyes out
whose narrating- oop- mrs flood hello-
man im- i- heu
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Happy (early) Birthday!
Could you do 17 "want to please you.” with Steven? I would love to please that lovely lil brit
On My Knees
Steven Grant X f!Reader
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Thank you Nonnie! Ugh, the thot of being on my knees for Steven sends me into a deep spiral of yearning, so that's what I did lol. Hope you like it!
Tags/Warnings: NSFW, cum swallowing, oral m receiving, Steven is adorable and so so so Steven.
Word Count: 641
“S-sorry love, but…” Steven let out a small chuckle, “what are you doin’?”
You were on your knees in his favorite panties of yours. He had just come home from work at the giftshop. You’d been planning this since you got the text.
Steven: Had a rough day. Donna was being a cunt.
Steven: Sorry love, shouldn’t have said that, it’s not very nice.
Steven: She was just really terrible today.
Steven wasn’t above swearing, but he rarely used the word cunt. When he did, you knew he was exceptionally upset. With all the kind things he did for you, you were more than happy to return the favor. You used your finger to beckon him over. He dropped his bags and shuffled over to you.
“You look so beautiful dove.” You rose up on your knees and started on his button and zipper immediately. “You’re an eager little one aren’t you?”
“I want to please you, Steven.” You started shimmying the denim to his thighs.
“Oh, love I’m already so thrilled just-” He stopped as you ran a hand over the bulge in his boxer-briefs, “oh.”
“Just what?” You tugged the underwear down, letting his cock bob out right in front of your eyes.
“N-nothin’, you can just…keep doing that thing you’re…oh.”
You lapped the little bit of precum that formed at the tip, enjoying the salty-sweet flavor as it coated your tongue. You looked up, his eyes were closed and he was biting his lip. His fists were clenched at his sides. You decided to reach up and interlock your fingers into his. He looked down at you and smiled.
“Love, I mean it you really don’t have to-”
You had a way of cutting Steven off with your mouth, but it was usually with kisses. This time you were taking his cock in past your lips, all the way until your face was pressed against his pubic hair. You inhaled, taking in his musky scent. You felt his body shudder as you leaned back again to the tip. His eyes were closed again, brows drawn together tightly, as though he were focusing.
You went down again, this time faster, gagging on the length. He moaned at the sensation. You felt him squeeze your hands tightly. When he looked back down at you, it encouraged you to move faster, sliding back and forth, choking over his girth.
“Y-you really know how to…how to do that yeah? Ooh.” He started churning his hips in rhythm with the way you bobbed your head.
You looked up and his lips were making an, O, shape. You felt him start rubbing his thumbs over the backs of your hands while he sped up even faster, fucking your throat a little rougher than usual. You wondered if it was the intimacy that did it, or if it was the frustrations of the day that made him thrust so hard.
He released one of your hands so he could grab the back of your head and guide you to his own motion. He looked down at you again.
“You look so pretty, love.”
You watched his eyes roll back as he filled your throat with that delicious flavor you craved. Steven’s cum tasted so good to you. You thought you’d swallowed it all, but when he pulled out a little bit dribbled onto your chin. Steven sighed, satisfied, and he looked down at you.
“Oh, love you missed a little…” He knelt down, cupped your cheek and licked it off your chin before kissing you.
You moaned into his mouth, tasting more of that sweet cum over both of your tongues. When your lips parted, he gave you his usual dopey smile. “Thank you, darling. Needed that. Now, go lay down for me yeah? Jake’s hollering that he wants to do somethin’ for you now.”
Melody's Birthday Celebration
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bisexualamy · 9 months
ooh im intrigued 👀 go on, what would you change to fix utopia/ sod/ lottl?
I'm so glad you asked!! These changes are in order of importance. I have a few stylistic things that just make the episodes more my taste, but that's not fixing so I'm gonna stick to things structural.
#1: Martha needs the big win
People joke about "tinkerbell Jesus Doctor" but I truly think the resolution of LOTTL is the biggest thing keeping it from being truly great. The special effect really isn't the issue (this is Doctor Who after all). The issue for me is that the final scene on the Valiant, the scene that's concluding the whole plot arc of the serial, falls emotionally flat. Why does the Doctor get Martha's big win? Why was Martha's whole task to tell everyone how great the Doctor is? Every other RTD era companion gets a chance to be the hero by the end of their season. They get to save the Doctor. Rose becomes the Bad Wolf, and later becomes a badass in Pete's World. Donna saves the Doctor in Turn Left and again in Journey's End. Martha saves the Doctor by... talking up how great he is. She keeps morale up by telling stories about him.
This is so so fixable and it wouldn't change basically anything about the plot. The original plan can even stay the same! She uses the countdown to concentrate all that psychic power routing through the existing Archangel satellites. She can even still keep the people of Earth hopeful by telling them fantastic stories about the Doctor. But here's the thing. To them, the Doctor is a mythical figure. Martha is real. Martha walked the Earth, she got out of Japan alive, she has managed to walk through warzones without Toclafane detection. She is a legend of flesh and blood who sits at their dinner tables and around their campfires and tells them how to trick Toclafane and stretch their resources and she's a doctor who can treat their people and keep them alive longer.
The people's faith should be in Martha. That psychic energy should be Martha's. Instead of chanting for the Doctor they're chanting for Martha. It concludes her character arc and the episode's plot arc so well! Martha has spent the whole season feeling like she's second best. The Master kidnapped and tortured Martha's family. Who is the Doctor to forgive the Master? Martha deserves to have the win. Maybe from her time with the Doctor she chooses to spare him, only for Lucy to shoot him later, and everything stays the same. But imagine how Martha's already amazing speech would sound after a scene like this. Martha became the Doctor, only to decide that she'd rather be herself.
#2: Tweaking/nerfing the Master's drums
I used to be in camp "get rid of these completely" but I've come around on them since I saw TWEAT/TDF. The drums need to exist in some capacity to make End of Time work, and now that it's canon (as of s10) that Simm!Master no longer has his drums after they served their purpose, fine. The thing that has always bothered me about the drums is how heavily it's implied (if not explicitly stated) that much of the Master's "madness" comes from the drums. I think that's a big disservice to his character and from all the amazing groundwork previous actors did to build up the Master.
Simm!Master in TWEAT/TDF is still self-destructive, chaotic, and violent. He didn't need any drums to make him that way. I'd revise it in the Utopia arc so that the Master still has his drums, but they're treated more like a migraine disorder or tinnitus. They're painful. They bother the hell out of him. But instead of "he saw the time vortex and they made him lose his mind" it's much more akin to that feeling of losing control when your own body is working against you and there's nothing you can do to stop it. That would certainly make him meaner, more chaotic, more resentful and angry, but now it's just an amplification of what he already is.
(I also think this makes his decision for the subliminal Archangel signal to be his drums a much more telling decision. This sound is weaponized against him, and in turn he's weaponizing it against humanity.)
#3 Tweaking the Master's relationship to Gallifrey/incorporate the Time War in a smoother way
The Master has suffered a major trauma and I think the episodes try, but do not commit, to that. Instead it's more "will the drumming stop." I have always disliked that the Master's ultimate plan was to put "a new Gallifrey in the sky." Historically, the Master has not given a shit about Gallifrey unless he rules it. His rhetoric about the glory of the time lords makes no sense to me... unless it's a response to the Time War.
From the Master's perspective, he has just fled the Battle of the Cruciform to the end of the universe. He was so terrified he fobwatched himself so they'd never find him. The next memory he has as The Master is the end of Utopia, which goes straight into Sound of Drums. He has seen the Cruciform fall days ago. It makes sense he's not acting quite like himself. (I believe this is TV canon, but he was also literally taken out of the matrix to fight in the Time War, so he was quite literally dead -> Time War -> Utopia). I wish his plan, drums, and his relationship with Gallifrey was more pointed in this direction.
These are the big ones. I think this is maybe 15-20% different from what's written and I think it makes the whole arc much stronger. BBC hire me as script editor.
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trashboatprince · 5 months
Hey, remember a while back when I was making art and stuff of Ten in a skirt because fashion has no gender and the Doctor would look cute in one? And I wrote a whole one-shot about Ten buying one with Donna being there as support? This one?
I decided to do a part-two with Fourteen and Rose Noble.
As always for me, I write Fourteen as enby going by they/them, but doesn't care what pronouns people use for them. However, Rose is not aware of this at first, so she uses he/him before she learns.
On with the fic!
"Do you ever sit still?" Rose snickered, watching as the Doctor shifted in his seat on the bus, looking at whatever was going on through the windows on either side of the vehicle.
"Impossible for me, clearly." The Doctor said. "Your mum and grandmother won't stop complaining about me fidgeting at the table. Just yesterday, Sylvia told me not to sit cross-legged at the table! Much more comfortable, if you ask me."
"Yeah, and when you put your feet on the floor, she told you to stop tapping your feet on it." Rose grinned and the Doctor grinned back.
The Doctor had been living with the Noble-Temple family in their temporary home provided by UNIT for two weeks now, and Rose was getting used to the alien being around. He was actually really cool, once you got past his odd quirks. But she had developed some of his quirks from previous incarnations throughout her life, so she couldn't say anything.
Today was Saturday, and Rose was looking forward to a shopping trip in town. She had gotten paid well from a few sales and wanted to celebrate with getting some supplies. And a few new items of clothing, her closet could do with it. The Doctor had tagged along because he wanted out of the house, and Mum had the key to the TARDIS so he couldn't go in there to do whatever it was he did in there.
Also, hence why they were on the bus.
But it wasn't like the Doctor couldn't just get into the TARDIS without the key. He had the sonic, and he said she'd open for him easily, but Mum was strict about the retirement thing. No running off for adventures or whatnot!
Still, the Doctor happily had agreed to come along with Rose into town, saying it wouldn't hurt to do a bit of shopping for himself. Yeah, he said he had a lot of clothing in the TARDIS, but Mum and Gran were getting on him about dressing like a human, not as... well... Mum said he looked like someone who 'worked in men's wear'. And this made the Doctor bristle, saying something about how she's never gonna let that one go.
Whatever that meant.
"Ooh, this is our stop." The Doctor said as the bus came to a slow stop and the two of them got off when the doors opened.
He was grinning, bouncing on his feet as he glanced about. "Ah! I know where we are!"
"You do?" Rose asked as she adjusted her backpack purse.
"Yeah! I came here years ago with Donna! This is where I bought-" He stopped and looked a bit flushed.
Rose raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"Uhh... I know, I know, dumb to get embarrassed about, considering I was a Time Lady before this face, and you're under a similar flag..."
She blinked and gasped. "Oh! Did you get some feminine clothing from a shop here?"
"Yep." He said, popping the P. "Bought my first skirt here, was nervous as hell about it, didn't know what your mum would say about it. But she encouraged it, said that it was my choice to dress how I wanted and all that. Especially cause I basically came out as, well, genderfluid? Non-binary? One of those to her."
"Oh shi- wait, you're non-binary? Crap, have I been getting your pronouns wrong?"
"What do you use?"
The Doctor shrugged. "I can understand why. I've never corrected any of you guys on it, everyone uses those for me, considering the face and all. Look rather boyish, honestly, even at my old age." There was a bright grin at this.
"Ah, but I personally don't actually see my gender as really a big deal nowadays. I honestly just use they/them when I think about myself now, but I'm not offended or opposed to the use of male or even female pronouns. Though being called 'miss' again with this face would be fun."
Rose nodded, listening. "So... you're fine with me using whatever? Do you have a preference? I remember you telling the Meep you used the definite article."
"That I do! I mean, the Doctor, that's as good of a gender as any! But you can use whatever, I don't care." The Doctor said, shoving hi- their hands into their pockets. Might be better to go with the ones they used for themself.
"Right, got it." She nodded and started to walk with them to the thrift shop down the street. "What are you looking to buy anyway?"
"I dunno, I'll see whatever catches my fancy. Might get some new shoes, I love these ones, but my future self ran off with the ones I got when I regenerated and these ones," The Doctor gestured to the very worn and slightly burnt converses they wore, "were damaged when I went from this face to Chinny. At least he was nice enough to bring them back to the TARDIS."
She laughed a bit at their grumbling as the two entered into the shop. "Thinkin' about maybe getting another skirt or two from here? Since this is where you found your first one, as you said?"
The Doctor paused and looked back at her. "Should I? Think I can still pull it off?"
"Oh yeah! I think you can! If you want, I can help you pick out things."
The Doctor smiled at her, in that soft way she sees them do when they're relaxing, loosening up and not having their hackles up. She grinned. "Come on, let's doll you up!"
They were in there for over an hour, and so far Rose had found more clothing for herself than the Doctor. It wasn't their fault that a lot of things in thrift stores weren't always to their tastes. And this one seemed a bit picky.
Pinstripes weren't for them this time around, they rather liked tartan better, but it wasn't easy to find anything that fit them right. Sizes were also a problem. They were a skinny thing, as Donna put it, so things often were a bit big, and the Doctor liked tighter clothing, there was a sensory comfort there.
But, they had found some silly shirts with ridiculous sayings on them, including one that had Rose and them laughing. It said 'I'm no rocket surgeon', and it went right into their little cart.
They had even found a new pair of converse to wear, not white this time, but they were a really nice dark blue. They even found a pair in hot pink, which reminded them of the two Rose's in their life. Ah, but those ones were too small, oh well.
A few comfy looking sweaters and some buttons up went into the cart as the Doctor browsed, and as they examined a really fuzzy ones in pink and green stripes, they heard Rose call out to them, waving her hand.
"Find something good?" They smiled as she came over and they stared at the item in her hands.
It was a surprise to find a skirt that match their old pinstripe suit perfectly all those years ago, but to find a second perfect skirt, in their tartan? Well... that was...
Probably best not to question the universe, honestly. Not when it came to being around the Nobles.
"It's perfect! It might even be your size!" Rose said, holding it out to them.
The Doctor took it, looking it over. "You think so?"
"Oh yeah, and I think I found a few more in other styles and colors you might like that could work with some of those tops you've picked out. But that one? That's perfect for you!"
They looked at the skirt, checked the size, and put it into the cart. "Thank you." They said, and she looked delighted. "Now, show me these other ones you found!"
"-gonna keep sticking the googly eyes to yourself, I'm removing you from eye duty."
"You sound like your mother."
"Okay, just for that, give me the jar of eyes."
Donna paused in removing her shoes at the door, hearing her daughter and her adopted alien sibling from the living room. There was some noises followed by laughter and a comment of 'oh dang, we made a mess'.
She sighed and set her jacket on the hook, along with her purse. She walked into the living room a moment later, finding Rose with some of her sewing material on the coffee table and on the floor, where she sat with a half-made plush toy in her lap. The Doctor was seated next to her, trying to scoop up a mess of googly eyes that had fallen out of their designated jar.
Donna noticed that the Doctor did in fact have some googly eyes glued to their arms, clearly meant to mess with Rose or to be part of a telling of a fantastical story of some alien or whatnot. But she also noticed what their were wearing.
"You're in a skirt again." Donna said instead of a greeting.
The Doctor looked up at her, blinking behind their glasses. "Oh! Yes, I am! Rose and I went shopping today for craft stuff and clothing. She found it in a shop, it's that little shop you and I visited. Remember that? Where I got my first skirt?"
"I remember it, you had been so nervous, and once you tried it on, you didn't want to take it off. You even considered finding those ugly galaxy-printed leggings to go with it. Glad to see you didn't give into that desire again." She replied as she sat down on the couch.
The Doctor laughed. "I did get those eventually, remember? Ooh, I think Bill stole 'em from me though, sneaky granddaughter. Anyway," They stood up, knocking some eyes to the floor that had been in their lap, "whatcha think?"
They did a little spin, and Rose laughed at this as more eyes fell to the floor. Donna sniffed. "It's cute, very fitting of you. However, are you ever, EVER going to wear socks that actually match the pattern of your clothes!? Or even just match in general?"
The Doctor looked at their feet, as if for the first time noticing that they were wearing one blue, white and pink sock that was stripped and a red and green sock that was decorated it what looked like hot sauce bottles and chili peppers.
"Nah." The Doctor shrugged and sat back down, knowing that Donna would never win that battle. Still, at least the Doctor could coordinate the other parts of their clothes at least. And besides, the skirt was what mattered, Donna thought as she watched two of the most important people in their life try to pick up their little mess.
Two people sitting happily and comfortably in clothing that made them feel good about themselves.
She could forgive the horrendous sock combo for that.
I love the idea of Rose and Fourteen picking out outfits for each other after this trip.
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blackjack-15 · 6 months
syd you're doing great! and carmy on her right hand the whole shot, i'm so happy
using the notes! and richie working the tables! amazing!!
it's tense but it's good. carmy getting between marcus and syd (marcus baby you gotta chill it's okay she said no) was beautifully done -- firm, no yelling, and he's back at syd's right hand. where the EFF is josh carmy can't cover two stations all night
wheels are coming off. carmy off to serve, syd angry about it, and things are going Off
carmy now is not the time to hallucinate chef joel. please baby
good deescalation there. and tina picking up the 'i'm sorry' ASL. beautifully done
okay that was an effing rush. richie is incredible, syd's incredible, tina's incredible -- everyone pulled together, well done
all season carmy was sending people out to be trained, keeping people on focus, etc etc. and they can operate! he did it! he has a functioning kitchen!
but he feels like he failed everyone. this poor boy.
and of course it's not the NYC chef. but carmy's so haunted it doesn't matter.
CLAIRE YOU SHOULD NOT BE GOING BACK THERE. like fak what the eff you don't tell her he's in the walk in, but hey, true to form, she wasn't accepting 'no' for an answer, so...
yeah. so if you hear your boyfriend who you Love So Much having a complete mental breakdown, you...let him know you're sad and then walk away? ooh. ooooh. absolutely not. go eff yourself claire
richie now is not the time to white knight. i get the protectiveness, richie's like that, and he's mad b/c he wants carmy to have Nice Things, but like. calling him donna? absolutely not called for. he's immediately sorry, but the damage is done. there's gonna be a Talk about that next season i'm feeling -- those two are family but they're dysfunctional family
lovely scene with syd and her dad!
incredible closer. give season 3. get carmy out of the EFFING FREEZER please
can we please see the last of claire soon, and let's get back to the kitchen. the bear's got a lot more to do.
22 notes · View notes
elianamarie-blog · 1 year
The Things You Give Pt. 29
Woooooooww. It's been WAY too long! I'm so sorry my loves. Thank you for still reading my content though! I can't tell youhow much it means to me. You all are amazing and make my day by your likes and comments! I lost a lot of inspiration towards the end of last year and it was hard to write when you don't have that or any of the creative juices flowing, but I fought it because of you guys, so thank you for keeping me writing! Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Much love!
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February 28, 1979
Point Place, Wisconsin
Forman Residence
Eric Forman’s Basement
“You guys, listen to this ad,” Eric announced. “Do you like to draw? Well, I have been known to trace my hand and turn it into a turkey. If so, have your artistic ability evaluated by the cartoon academy of Fort Lauderdale.”
“Ooh, I think Picasso went there,” Kelso said.
“All I have to do is send in my drawing of Sanchez the turtle and a money order for $19.95. 20 bucks to get judged by a panel of cartoon experts? I'd pay twice that,” Eric said, grabbing a pad and pen.
“Okay, besides that, Donna…how’s the radio station going?” Jackie asked.
“It’s good,” she responded. “I get to host Tuesdays and Thursday’s from one to five A.M. Boss man is even thinking of letting me cohost with—get this—Jerry Thunder!”
“That’s awesome!” Kelso cried out excitedly. “You get to work with ‘The Sound!’” He lowered his voice, imitating the radio station announcement.
“Do you have any idea what this could mean for my career?” Donna continued.
"Oh, my God! You're going to be famous!" Jackie squealed.
“Exactly,” Eric responded. “Awe, my girl is going to be radio famous.”
“What about you, Steven?” Jackie asked, turning to him. “How’s work going?”
“Fine?” Hyde questioned, eyeing her. “Why are you so interested in other people’s lives?”
“Can’t I be interested in my friends’ lives?” she asked innocently.
“No,” he said flatly. “You’ve never have. What’s gotten into you?”
She sighed. “Well, Markus told me that I need to start taking an interest in other people’s lives other than my own, otherwise people won’t really love me like they say they do. And when I said that they do actually love me, he said they were lying to me. Is that true?”
Everyone went silent; not knowing how to respond.
Y/n clicked her tongue. “Um…well…”
“Who’s going to tell her?” Hyde asked. “Because I’m about to hurt her feelings."
“Oh, it’s true!” Jackie whined. “I thought I was being lovable. You know—like the nice princess from The Wizard of Oz.”
“Yeah,” Eric said slowly. “You’re not. You’re more like the wicked witch of the west.”   
“Alright, as fun as this is, I need to get to work,” Hyde announced.
“Who’s running the store while you’re here?” Donna asked.
“Angie. She’s really wound tight on when we open,” he responded, rolling his eyes. “She’s always bitching about me not being there early and opening up on time and not closing early. It’s stupid.”
“Man, Angie is so pretty,” Kelso cooed.
“What have I said when talking about my sister?” Hyde asked gruffly.
“Don’t put her name or pretty or anything of the like in the same sentence,” he responded, not making eye contact.
“That’s right,” Hyde responded. “Anyway, Angie likes to jump my ass about everything. I didn’t close last night so now it’s apparently my fault that the store looked like a mess this morning.”
“Well, then who closed?” Y/n asked.
“Me. I closed six hours early and apparently that’s bad business. But in my defense, I had an important appointment to go to.”
“Oh, your baby appointments?” Kelso asked as he started throwing a ball into the air.
“No, I had an appointment at my darts tournament.”
  “Steven,” Y/n lectured. “I know your sister is hard to work with but maybe you shouldn’t make her make your life more miserable.”
“Betrayal!” Steven cried out, pretending to be offended at his wife.
Y/n shook her head at him.
“I thought you guys didn’t get along?” Fez asked. “Why are you defending her?”
“Hey, right is right and wrong is wrong,” she replied. “And right now, Steven is wrong.”
“I think this calls for a divorce,” Eric said.
“Shut up, Eric,” Y/n said, propping her feet up on the table. “Steven, if you want her to get off your ass, maybe try pulling your weight around the store. It’s called running a business.”
“I’d hate to admit it, Hyde, but she’s right,” Donna said.
 “What’s going on here?” Hyde asked. “I can’t believe you’re on her side!”
“Normally I wouldn’t be, but this time she’s right,” Y/n responded. “It’s like me doing all the cooking and cleaning around the house and taking care of the kids while you’re away at work, and then coming home just to go to bed.”
Steven blinked at her. “Okay, where’s the lesson in that?”
“Steven!” she screeched. “My point is you can’t just show up and not expect to do any work. Especially at your own store.”
Steven made a face and sighed. “Fine. But I’m going to complain the whole time.”
She shook her head at him. “That’s fine. As long as work gets done. And I expect the same at home too!”
“Sure. But just so you know you’re going to have pay me too.”
“I can’t. It’s illegal if I do,” she sassed.
He smirked at her. “I love you.”
She smiled. “Love you, too.”
“Alright, well, I’m going.”
“Oh, don’t forget, we have a class later tonight.”
  “What class?”
 “A class on how to take care of a baby,” she said. “Remember? I signed us up for it with my mom. The same class Kelso and Brooke took.”
He groaned. “Come on, Y/n, do I really have to go?”
“Yes,” she said. “I’m not going to be the only one changing poopy diapers.”
“See, I was thinking I could be in charge of what goes into the babies and you’re in charge of what comes out.” The look on her face said otherwise. “Fine.”
She perked up immediately. “Thank you. It’s at 6. Be here by 5:30.”
He huffed. “Okay.” With that, he walked out the basement, leaving the rest behind.
 “And I’m hungry,” Y/n said and brought her feet down. “Babies and I want a snack. Maybe a bowl of fruit. And then some ice cream.” As she struggled to get up, Donna reached out to her. “No, no I got it.” She pushed herself up, but fell back into the chair. She sucked in a breath and launched herself out of the chair, barley landing on her feet. “See,” she said, breathing hard. “I got it.” She wobbled upstairs.
“What did she mean by that?” Fez asked innocently.
“What do you mean?” Jackie asked.
“When she said it’s illegal if she pays him. I thought getting an allowance was normal?”
Everyone giggled.
“What? What’s so funny?”
“Think about it, Fez,” Jackie said. “Really think. Long and hard.”
Fez was quiet as everyone looked at him, waiting for him to get it. It didn’t take a long for a sly smile to break out on his face. He giggled. “I get it.”
“We should probably go too,” Kelso said and tapped Fez’s shoulder. “We have an apartment that we’re going to go look at.”
“You guys haven’t found an apartment yet?” Jackie asked. “Fez, where have you been sleeping this whole time?”
 “With me,” Kelso responded. “But I think my parents are getting sick of us.”
“What—you guys giggle like a bunch of school girls all night?” Donna chuckled.
Fez’s eyes grew a fraction. “Have you guys been spying on us?!”
“It’s true?!” Eric said, laughing.
“You know what? We really need to get going,” Kelso said and grabbed the scruff of Fez’s jacket. “See ya!”
“I swear, they’re in love or something,” Donna chuckled.
“Eh,” Eric shrugged. “Wouldn’t surprise me.”
                                    --Time Skip—
Y/n and Steven walked into the classroom that night. Plastic babies littered the room and a few other soon-to-be parents were all there and seated.
“Come on, Y/n, do we really have to do this?” Steven whined.
“I think it’s a good idea,” she said. “We’ve never been around babies before so we need to be prepared.”
Just as she said that, a large impregnated woman waddled by them and sat in a seat farthest away from them.
“Oh, my God,” Y/n said under her breath. “She has to be in her third trimester. That looks painful.”
“Either she’s having multiple kids or her baby is going to rip her apart.”
“Not helping, Steven.”
“Hey, you two,” Kitty cooed excitedly as she walked up to the couple. “Steven, you ready to talk about burps, boo-boo’s, and binkies?”
“Yeah, sure,” he responded flatly.
“Oh, come on don’t be such a sour puss,” Kitty said. “You should be glad to be here! Especially since I’m going to be the one to guide you into parenthood.” She gave them an excited, crinkled smile.
“I wouldn’t say I’m glad—” Steven started, but was cut off by Y/n.
“Shut up, Steven.”
He clamped his jaw shut as Kitty continued.
“Well, I am so glad that you’re here anyway,” she said. “It makes it better knowing that I’m guiding you to become better parents for my grandbabies!”
“Thanks, Mrs. Forman,” Steven said genuinely.
“You’re welcome, dear.” She turned to address the rest of the class. “Okay, everyone have a seat!” Kitty announced from the front. As everyone sat down, Kitty began. “Now, when your little bundle of joy is first born, they will spend almost 20 hours a day pooping and sleeping. Who else can tell me what else they’ll be doing?”
Y/n raised her hand eagerly. “Eating.”
“Great job, Y/n!” Kitty praised. “Now, what do babies eat?”
“Breast milk and formula!” a red-headed woman said eagerly.
“Yes, great job! Now, when your baby is born and it’s time to breastfeed, don’t be alarmed when the first couple of feedings may feel uncomfortable. Once the baby latches on properly to the nipple, it should feel less uncomfortable and more of a tugging on the breast.”
As Kitty continued her teaching, Steven leaned into Y/n’s ear and smirked. “So…nothing new for you then, right?”
“Shut up, Steven,” Y/n said, blushing.
He snickered and leaned away, eyes forward.
“And just so you know,” Y/n whispered, leaning into his side this time. “You just burned yourself.”
“What? How so?”
She chuckled breathlessly. “You basically said that all you do is tug…like a baby.”
 His smirk dropped immediately. “I didn’t say that.”
“Yes, you did,” she chuckled. “You just got burned, sucka!”
The room went dead silent as Kitty stared at them.
“Is there something you two would like to share?” she asked the couple who looked at like deer caught in the headlights.
“No,” Steven said.
“No, ma’am,” Y/n said in unison.
Kitty gave a curt nod before returning to the board.
“Hey, this place is nice!” Kelso exclaimed as he and Fez walked through the empty apartment. “Big enough to bring the ladies over.” He smirked at his friend.
“And your daughter?” Fez reminded him.
“Oh, yeah, that too.”
The two young men walked around the two-bedroom apartment, admiring it. The living room was spacious with the bathroom and master bedroom immediately to the left of entering. Straight ahead was a decent sized kitchen with a half wall bar looking straight into it. There was a hall to the left of it that lead to the smaller bedroom and a sliding door.
“I think we should go fill out an application before someone else nabs it,” Fez said and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m going to go find the landlord before I—oof!” As he had turned around to leave, he had bumped straight into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry—oh, it’s you.”
The man stood there with a disgusted look on his face and folded arms across his chest. He was skinny with short thinning brown hair with a matching mustache. “Fez,” he said.
“Fenton,” Fez replied in the same tone and matched his stance.
“What are you doing in my apartment?”
Fez brought his eyebrows together. “What do you mean ‘your’ apartment?”
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Fenton smirked. “I’m the landlord of this joint. And before you fill out an application, the answer is no.”
“What? Why?” Fez asked, disappointed.
“You know why,” he responded and turned to Kelso. “But…I’d give it to you in a heartbeat.”
Kelso shifted uncomfortably in his place. “Uh…thanks man, but I don’t swing that way.”
“You don’t have to for me to give you this apartment. You’re way too pretty to pass that easily.”
A smug smile pressed into Kelso’s lips. “I know.”
“I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you this apartment right here, right now under one condition: You don’t make him your roommate.”
Kelso looked between the two men, stumbling for words. “I don’t—I can’t—”
“Are you serious? You can’t decide right now?” Fez asked, hurt.
“Well, I mean—I need a place, man. A place to raise my daughter.”
“But you can’t just leave me! You need a roommate to help pay the rent and I need a place a live!”
“I know, man, but I got to think of me and my daughter,” Kelso admitted sheepishly.
“I can’t believe this,” Fez said. “I thought you were my friend.”
“Fez, I am your friend!”
“No, you’re not, you son of a bitch!” He stomped out the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
“Fez!” Kelso called and started to run out the door, but Fenton caught him by the shoulder.
“Hey, the offer is still on the table, my friend.”
Kelso shook his head. “No. Not from you.” He walked out, to go find his friend.
“Oh, that’s great Kyra,” Kitty said, watching the redhead wrap a cloth diaper around a baby doll. “Snug so that it fits well and comfortable, but not too snug to cause rash and discomfort. And certainly not too loose! You can imagine what happens when it is!” Kitty laughed and moved onto to the next couple—Y/n and Hyde.
Y/n was struggling to wrap the diaper correctly around the plastic baby. The diaper wouldn’t stay pinned, or it wouldn’t fit right. She was beginning to get flustered and frustrated.
“I don’t think that’s how you do it,” Steven muttered.
“I know how it’s done, Steven!” Y/n snapped.
“Really? ‘Cause it doesn’t look like it.”
“Shut up,” she grumbled and finally pinned the diaper. “There!” She held up the baby in the air, showcasing it to her husband.
Kitty stepped up to their side with a look of concern. “Well, that’s very good, Y/n, but the needle of the pin isn’t supposed to go into the baby’ stomach.”
Tears pricked the corner of her eyes. “Oh, forget it!” She threw the baby down onto the table. “I’m going to be a terrible mother!”
“No, no, you’re not,” Steven said gently and picked up the baby. “I’m probably going to be a worse father—” Y/n shot him a glare. “I mean…a bad father while you…my darling…are you going to be the best gosh darn mother out there.”
She made a face at him, not believing him.
“L-look, it’s not that hard, see?” he stammered and unpinned the needle from the baby. With gentle hands, he undid the diaper and folded the bottom up, then left, and then right. He carefully pinned the diaper down and brought the baby up.
“Wow, great job, Steven!” Kitty cheered. “This looks amazing!”
“Where did you learn to do this?” Y/n asked, confused and marveled at the diaper.
“Well, when my mom would bring home one of my ‘uncles’, he sometimes would bring a kid and my mom, being the terrible person that she is, would make me in charge of watching these kids. Sometimes they were still in diapers. And if I didn’t want my house smelling like crap, then I had to learn how to change a diaper. So…viola.” He held the baby in the palm of his hand.
Y/n stared at it for a second with watery eyes before turning around and stomped out the room.
Steven sighed and set down the baby. “I better go after her. I’ll see you at home, Mrs. Forman.”
Y/n was about to exit the building when Steven called after her.
“Y/n, wait!”
“Please, leave me alone,” she said. “I don’t want to talk to anybody right now.”
“Look, come on,” he said, now at her side and grabbed her elbow. “You know you’re going to be the best mom you can be.”
“How can you know that? If I can’t put on a simple diaper, what makes you think I can do anything else?”
Steven chuckled at her.
“This isn’t funny, Steven!”
“No, no, it’s just that I find humorous that it’s you instead of me.”
“What?” she spat.
“I mean I thought it’d me feeling this way instead of you. I always thought you’d be the one to know what to do before me.”
“Well, I’m glad I could to be of service,” she deadpanned.
“Look, Doll,” he said and grabbed her hands. “You’re going to be great, I promise.”
“I’m not so sure,” she said solemnly and withdrew her hands. “I need to go, I’ll see you at home.”
“Where you going?”
“There’s someone I need to go talk to.” She pushed open the door to walk out.
“You can’t go!”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because we drove here together!”
“Oh, right.”
Y/n raised her fist and nervously knocked on the door in front of her. Padded footsteps could be heard from inside before the door swung open.
Brooke stood in front of her in a pink night gown, hair brushed and braided down her back. “Y/n…what are you doing here?”
“I’m so sorry to bother you this late, but…I was wondering if I can talk to you?”
“Uh…sure,” Brooke replied, a little surprised to see someone she barley spoke to standing on her doorstep. She opened the door wider, gesturing for Y/n to come in. She made her way to the kitchen. “Have a seat and make yourself at home. Would you like some tea?”
“Um…no thank you,” she replied and closed the door behind her. “I won’t be here long.”
“Okay,” Brooke said, grabbing a mug of hot tea and sat down next to Y/n. She smiled at the visibly bothered girl who sat down beside her and crossed her legs. “What’s up?”
Y/n sighed, struggling to find the right words. “When—when you were pregnant with Betsy…were you nervous?”
Brooke tilted her head in thought, jutting her lower lip out. “Well…sure. I mean, who isn’t when it’s their first child?” She chuckled, remembering the thought. “Especially when the father of your child is…well…Michael.”
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, I can imagine.” Her gaze dropped to her hands that laid in her lap. “Did you ever feel like you were going to be a bad mom? Because you had no idea what the hell you’d be doing?”
Brooke nodded. “Yeah…I did. Michael and I went to that baby class Mrs. Forman teaches and I could barley put the diaper on that stupid plastic baby.”
Y/n perked up. “Me too! How did you learn to do it?”
Brooke smiled gently at her. “It became second nature once I held Betsy in my arms.”
Y/n was silent for a minute. “But what if it doesn’t? What if—what if I do everything wrong and fail my babies?”
“You’re not going to,” Brooke soothed and tapped Y/n’s knee. “Once they are born, your motherly instincts will kick in. It’s expected.”
“Wasn’t for Steven’s mom.”
“Steven’s mom is a special case,” she responded, rolling her eyes. “You’re not going to be like her.”
“Well, I know that!” Y/n exclaimed, making Brooke laugh. “I just don’t want to be dunce that can’t figure out how to keep a baby happy.”
“You want to know the secret to a happy baby?” Brooke asked, leaning in.
Y/n perked up. “Yes!”
“There isn’t,” she deadpanned. “You’re never going to have a happy baby 100 percent of the time. They’re going to cry when they’re hungry, tired, have a full diaper, or just want to be held. Sometimes, they’re gonna cry just to cry.”
“Oh, yeah. At some point they’re going to get old enough to throw a fit. Betsy is old enough now to scream when she gets mad.”
“Really?” Y/n asked, most surprised than the last time she asked.
“Yeah,” Brooke sighed and rubbed her temples. “I love that little girl with all my heart, but sometimes I just want to give her a small taste of my mother’s bourbon in her milk so she can go to sleep.”
“Wait…do you?” she asked, taken aback and if she were being honest…a little amused.
“No,” Brooke chuckled and took a sip of her tea. “It’s tempting though when it’s three a.m. and she still isn’t asleep.”
Y/n chuckled. “I can imagine.” She looked down into her lap as a sudden pressure formed on her chest. “You know what? I think I’ll take that tea now.”
Brooke noticed her sudden change in demeanor, nodded quickly and rushed to the kitchen to grab her a cup of tea. When she rushed back in with a hot cup, she saw Y/n taking slow, steady breaths. Y/n accepted the cup graciously.
“I’m don’t think I’m ready to have kids,” she quivered, taking a sip from her tea.
Brooke looked at her awkwardly. “Erm…wouldn’t you rather be talking about this with your friends—"
Y/n didn’t even bother to hear what she was saying. “I’m going to make a terrible mother. I mean—I don’t know anything about babies! I read in the book Eric got me for Christmas that babies have six different cries. SIX! How am I supposed to know which ones which?”
“Okay, I guess we’re talking about it.”
“And then top of that, if I somehow manage to keep them alive, I have no idea what kind of parent I’m going to be.”
“Y/n, it’s going to be okay,” Brooke said nervously, trying to soothe her.
“No, it’s not,” Y/n practically sobbed. “I have no idea what I’m going to do!”
“I felt the same way,” she responded calmly.
“You did?”
“Oh, yeah. I had no idea what I was doing when Betsy was born. But eventually, it got easier.”
Y/n let out a small breath of relief. “Maybe I have a chance.”
“Of course you do. Every mom that is worried about being a good mom is a good mom.”
She moved the corner of her mouth upwards. “You think so?”
“I know so.” Brooke scooted a little closer to her. “Listen, becoming a new parent is stressful enough as it is. It doesn’t help when you’re eighteen and just starting your career at the library and you get knocked up at a Molly Hatchet concert.” She clicked her tongue, staring off angrily in the distance and shook her head. “Stupid Michael.”
Y/n’s gaze flicked to her and then anywhere else in the room, confused. “I assume we’re no longer talking about me.”
Brooke shook her head. “Sorry. Look, my point is, you’re going to make an amazing mom. I was scared too, but now I can’t imagine my life without my daughter. Regardless of how you feel, you’re going to make mistakes, but that’s not going to make your children love you any less.”
She smiled at Brooke. “Thanks, Brooke. That means a lot.”
“Anytime,” she hummed and leaned back. “So…what’s it like being married to one of the stooges?”
Y/n chuckled. “You got some time?”
“Push, Y/n, push!” Steven encouraged as he held his wife’s hand.
Y/n sat there with her legs hiked up on a table, a female nurse sitting between her legs.
“Steven, before we continue, I just wanted to say that you’re the best sex I’ve ever had,” Y/n said with a certain twinkle in her eyes.
Steven smirked. “I know. Now, come on just a couple more pushes!”
She hunched forward and barley pushed before a squealing baby could be heard.
“Congratulations it’s a boy!” the nurse exclaimed.
“Oh, my God,” the couple breathed together as they watched another nurse take the baby away.
“Okay, one more time,” the nurse said and had Y/n push once again. As easily as the first, another baby popped out, it’s cries echoing the room. “Congrats, it’s another boy!”
As the Hyde’s sat back to relax, satisfied smile on their faces, the doctor perked up.
“What?” Y/n asked. “What is it?”
The nurse’s eyes lifted to meet Steven’s and Y/n’s. “Another baby is coming out…”
“WHAT?!” the couple yelled in unison.
“That’s impossible,” Y/n panicked.
“No one told you were having triplets?” the nurse asked.
“NO!” the couple once again said in unison.
“Okay, this is almost unheard of!” she exclaimed almost excitedly. “Okay, Y/n I’m going to need you to push one more time.”
“N-no! I’m not ready to have another baby!” she cried out.
“It’s a little late for that now!” Kitty said from the corner of the room. “You should’ve used a condom!”
“Mom?” Y/n asked through her quickened breaths. “When did you get here?”
“What are you talking about? I’ve been here the whole time!” she said. “Now, saddle up and push!”
All Y/n had to do was barley push for the baby to come out.
“It’s another boy!” The nurse held the baby in her hands before her eyes grew wide. “Another one is coming!”
“NO!” the couple screamed together.
“It’s a girl! Oh…another one!”
The couple screamed as the baby came out without Y/n needing to push.
As the baby girl came out, another one came out, and then another, and another…and another. They kept on coming until there was a total of 100 babies—crying, screaming, pooping, and drooling.
“Look, Steven,” Y/n gushed. “Look at our beautiful family.” As she spoke, her voice grew deeper and distorted.
Steven stared at her in disbelief at her sudden attitude change when not even a minute ago she was panicking.
“Wait—what?” he asked through bated breaths. “This isn’t—this isn’t real. This isn’t happening.”
“Oh, but it is,” she replied, her smile growing in a distorted and an unnatural way. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think she was possessed—or the joker. “Steven, there’s no way out of this. You did this to me and now you must face before your consequences.”
“I didn’t say I was going anywhere. I—you’re not Y/n. My Y/n knows that.”
“You’re right,” she replied, now standing up. Her body seemed lankier, her limbs longer now. Her eyes grew dark as her skin paled. “Y/n is not here anymore.”
“Steven…” a weak, fragile voice came from behind him. He spun around to see a mirror facing him. Instead of seeing his own reflection, he saw his wife standing there. She looked small and frail, but it was her. Her hair once beautiful hair was dull and lacked life. Her face looked gaunt and her eyes were sunken—exhausted. What once was life and happiness and love in her eyes now only showed sadness.  “Steven, I want out.”
He ambled over to the mirror, scared and confused in what appeared in front of him. “What the hell is happening?”
“I need help,” she cried. “Please, I need help!”
“With what?! Just tell me what you need and I’ll do it!”
“You should know! You caused this!” Y/n screamed at him, tears rolling down her face.
“Caused what?!”
“This,” the other Y/n croaked in a deep voice and pointed a long finger at the mountain of screaming babies. “You failed your family.”
“No! I—I swear I didn’t—I don’t want to!”
“But you did!” The real Y/n screamed. “You left me! I was drowning and you did nothing but watch me! Now, I’m nothing but an empty shell of what I once was! How could you do this to me?! You promised me!”
“But I’m still here!”
“For now,” the ugly, creepy Y/n said. “You’re going to leave just like the man who raised you did.”
“This is all your fault!” his real wife screamed, eyes now wide and erratic. She pointed her finger at him, tears still streaming down her face. “Your fault! Look what you made of me! This is your fault!”
“No!” Steven cried out. He screwed his eyes shut, shaking his head. “This isn’t real! This can’t be.”
“But it is,” a familiar voice came from the mirror. Steven opened his eyes to not see his wife anymore, but to see the one person he thought he’d never see.
“Dad?” He asked, shakily.
“Hey, Steven,” Bud said, shoving his hands in his pockets casually. His shaggy brown hair still hung passed his ears and he wore a flannel shirt and jeans—the last outfit he saw him in before he left him.
Steven couldn’t respond. He ran his hands through his hair, but when he did he saw Bud mimic his movements. As he brought his hands back down to his side, Bud did the same. He waved at the mirror only to his horror to see his supposed father wave his hand. When Steven inched closer to it, Bud followed suit.
“I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Bud continued, a smirk painting his face. “Get a grip on reality, Steven. This is your future!”
“No, I am nothing like you!”
Bud clicked his tongue. “Then why did you do what you did?”
Steven shook his head. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Yeah, you keep thinking that. But you’ll eventually end up just like your dad.”
“No, I won’t!” Steven seethed. “You don’t know me.”
“But I do. You’re just like everybody else in this family—a lowlife. You’ve got nothing to bring to the table.”
Steven’s chest was heaving from anger. “Go to hell, Bud.”
“I’ll see you there.”
Before Steven could finish his sentence, the ground beneath him disappeared and swallowed him whole. He screamed as he fell through the never-ending darkness.
“No!” Steven screamed as he jerked awake. It took him a minute to take in his surroundings, gathering his bearings. When he realized it was just a dream, he was heaving and his heart was racing. He glanced over at the bedside clock and it read 4:40am. He looked to his left to see his wife sleeping peacefully beside him. Seeing her there and looking healthy and not possessed brought him a wave of peace and relief. His sudden jerking movements must have wakened her because she stirred awake.
“Babe?” she asked groggy. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, his racing heart calming down. “Just a bad dream.”
She hummed, her eyes fluttering shut. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He stared down at her, taking her in, trying to forget the image of her from his dream. "No, I'm okay."
"Come here.” She opened her arms and he graciously fell into them. She rubbed his back and caressed his hair, making him feel safe. “It was just a nightmare. It’s over now. You’re safe.”
His grip around her tightened and her belly pressed into his stomach. “I know.”
As they began to fall back into their slumber, Steven felt something move across his stomach. At first, he thought Y/n had shifted her position. But it wasn’t until he felt a little poke to his stomach.
“What the—” Steven said, scrambling away from his wife. “Did you feel that?!”
The feeling jolted her awake as well. “Yeah, I did.” She felt more movement and another poke to her stomach. “Oh, my God…I think the babies are kicking!”
“Seriously?!” he asked, surprised. He pressed his hands to her stomach, waiting for another kick. When it came, his heart skipped a beat. “Oh, my God. There’s actually something in there.”
“Yeah,” she replied, holding her stomach in awe. “There is.”
Steven looked up to meet her loving gaze. She cupped his face before he kissed her belly. “Does it feel weird?”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “But a good weird.”
Another kick to her stomach. “Man, these kids are kicking like crazy!”
“I know! This is incredible.”
“It really is,” he whispered.
Y/n tilted her head. “You okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah…just. Makes it real, you know?”
She placed her hands over his. “I do.”
He huffed through his nose and pressed his lips to her belly once more. “I promise to be the best dad I can be.”
Y/n’s heart and stomach filled with butterflies. “And I promise to be the best mom I can be.”
He looked at her once more before reaching up and placing a sweet kiss to her lips.
“So, he’s not talking to you now?” Donna asked Kelso as he, Jackie, Eric, Y/n, Steven and Kitty sat in the kitchen waiting for brunch to finish cooking.
  “No,” Kelso responded. “He packed up his stuff and left. I called his host parents and they haven’t heard anything from him. He hasn’t called me to make sure he’s okay. I don’t know, I’m worried about him guys.”
“Hey, Kelso, if things don’t work out with Angie, you and Fez should get together,” Y/n joked.
 “Wait, why Angie?” Steven asked, glaring at his friend. “Kelso, what does she mean by that?”
  “Nothing. It was a joke,” Kelso chuckled nervously and shot a glare to Y/n.
“Was it?” Steven pushed and turned to his wife. “Now, darling, were you joking? You wouldn’t lie to your husband, would you?”
Y/n gulped nervously. “N-no, of course not.”
“Then what did you mean by that?”
“Nothing,” she stuttered. “I was just…making a poor joke.”
Hyde squinted at her behind his glasses. “I don’t believe you.”
“Wow! Look at the time I really should be going!” She tried to get up quickly, but the new weight of her stomach slowed her down. She achingly stood and tried to stand, but Steven grabbed her wrist, stopping her.
  “Y/n,” he said sternly. “Tell me the truth. Or I’m going to stop doing the thing that you like.”
“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear that,” Kitty said, stirring the pan of the food.
Y/n stared into her husband’s eyes before cracking. “Kelso has been secretly dating your sister!”
“Y/n!” Kelso shouted. “What the hell?!”
“I’m sorry!” she cried out. “I can’t lie to him! He’s my husband. Besides, when he threatens to take certain things away, he means it.”
Steven smiled proudly. “Damn straight.”
“Look, man, I—” Kelso began, but was cut off by Hyde.
“Nah, you listen to me. I told you to stay away from Angie and you went behind my back and did it anyway. Now, you’re going to pay.”
“Wow, this sounds familiar,” Eric piped up, pretending to think. He looked at Hyde, smirking. “Oh, yeah.”
“Shut up, Forman!” Steven snapped and turned his attention back to Kelso. “Look, I’m not going to tell you again. You’re going to end it, and you’re going to end it now.”
“What? C’mon, man it’s not like we did it or anything!” Kelso defended. “Yet at least.” He stuck his tongue out and nudged Y/n.
“Yeah…I’m not going to do that,” she responded, resting her hand on her stomach.
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want you knocking her up too,” Hyde said. “And if you do, I will put you six feet under.”
“Yeah, how terrible would that be?” Eric mocked, still smirking.
Hyde glared at his brother-in-law. “I said shut up.” He turned back to Kelso. “I mean it. You and her? Are done.”
“Alright, man, jeez,” Kelso said and leaned back in his chair.
“Alright,” Steven said, satisfied with the answer. “Now, Y/n…”
“Yes, dear?” she asked nervously.
“I’d like to know why you tried to cover Kelso��s ass.”
“I didn’t,” she said, her voice getting higher.
“Yes, you did.” He leaned back in his chair, slinging his arm down the back, and cocked his head to the side. “You want to tell me why?”
“Uh…” she stuttered, her mouth going dry. “Guys, the babies kicked last night!”
“What?!” Everyone shouted, her diversion successful.
Kitty ran over to her and placed her hand on her daughter’s belly. “Oh, my God! My grandbabies kicked!” After a few seconds of no movement, her eyebrows furrowed. “C’mon, babies. Kick for Grandma. Kick!”
“Mom, I don’t think that’s how th—” Eric began, but Kitty cut him off with her joyous screeching.
  “One of them kicked!” she cried out. “I can’t believe it! One of them kicked! Red! Red, honey, get in here!”
“What?” he asked calmly, entering the kitchen.
“The babies kicked!” she replied excitedly.
“Oh, that’s great,” he said with a grin.
 “Come feel it!”
Red cleared his throat and stayed near the door. “No, it’s okay. I believe you.”
 “Red, come feel your grandchildren,” Kitty scolded.
   “No, I really don’t want to.”
   “Red Forman, come feel the life your daughter is bringing into this world right now!”
“But…it’s so awkward,” he whined and cautiously stepped over to Y/n. His hand hovered over her bulging belly.
“It’s okay, Dad, it’s not going to bite,” Y/n chuckled.
Red sighed grumpily before barley placing his fingertips on her stomach. He stood there for a few seconds before he felt movement. His eyes widened slightly before pressing more of his hand onto her belly. Another kick to his hand caused him to withdraw.
He cleared his throat. “Well, uh, there’s that.”
“Red, those are your grandchildren and that’s all you got to say?” Kitty asked.
“Well…there really are babies in there.”
“Yeah, and in three months they’ll be here,” Kitty mentioned, but when she did Hyde’s and Y/n’s faces dropped.
“Th-three months?” Hyde stuttered; his previous frustration complete dissipated.
“Well, yeah!” Kitty answered. She gave them an astonished look as they stared back in panic. “Did you guys think that they weren’t just going to come?”
“No, I-I just thought that w-we had more time,” Y/n said and looked to her husband in a panic.
“What do you mean by that?” Kitty asked, straightening up.
“We, uh, we don’t exactly—” Hyde started.
 “Oh, my God!” Kitty yelled. “You guys don’t have anything for the babies?”
“Not exactly…” Y/n answered, looking down.
“Okay, then what do you have?” Kitty asked, standing straight and put her hands on her hips.
“We…have the onesies…that Eric gave us,Y/n said hesitantly.
 “That’s all you have?!” Kitty screeched, causing Eric, Y/n, and Steven to cover their ears closest to her.
 “Mom, please…dogs can hear you,” Eric said, walking away.
  “Steven, what are we going to do?” Y/n asked, worryingly looking to her husband.
He sighed and rubbed his neck. “I don’t know. I can ask WB if he can give me an advance on my paycheck. I can’t imagine how much this stuff is going to cost.”
“No need,” Kitty said, excited. “This gives us a perfect opportunity to have a baby shower!”
“No!” Red shouted. “No. More. Parties!”
“Red, it won’t be for us,” Kitty argued. “It’ll be for them.” She placed both hands on her daughter’s belly.
 “Don’t do this,” Red said. “Don’t use our unborn grandchildren as a way to get your way.”
“I’m not!” she responded and stood straight. “We can have this baby shower and get everything that we need! We won’t have to spend a dime!”
“We still have to spend money on the party!”
“Actually, we can cover that. Right, Steven?” Y/n asked.
“Uh…do I have to be there?” he asked.
“No,” Y/n answered, knowing the answer will satisfy her husband.
“Then yes we can!” he said, more upbeat.
“There you go!” Kitty said, facing her husband. “And I think this calls for the godmother to get everything ready.” She eyed Donna who was chewing on a piece of bacon.
“By myself?” she responded with wide eyes.
“Wait, what?!” Jackie screeched. “You made her godmother?!”
“Well, yeah,” Y/n answered honestly. “She’s my brother’s girlfriend and my best friend.”
 “I’m your best friend!”
“I told you not to tell her,” Y/n said to Kitty who looked away awkwardly and busied herself with preparing more food. “Jackie, you are my best friend. But I can’t make you my maid of honor and the godmother of my children.”
“Well, why not?”
Y/n made a face at her. “Because I have other friends.”
“Yeah, but I’m the best one!”
"Y/n, let me handle this one,” Eric said and turned to the petite brunette. “Nobody cares. Alright, moving on.”
Jackie clicked her tongue and huffed, sitting down at the counter.
“Okay, back to the topic at hand,” Kitty said. “We need to decide when we can have the party.”
“Hey, are we just going to forget about my problem?” Kelso piped up.
“Oh, yeah,” Steven said. “Kelso, the best thing you can do is…to stop talking about it.” He grinned at his friend when he shot him a glare.
 “Steven,” Y/n said firmly and turned back to Kelso. “Just give him a couple days. He’ll come back around.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he mumbled.
A beat passed when the sliding door opened and Fez walked in.
 “Hello beautiful people,” he greeted cheerfully before his eyes landed on Kelso. “Oh, hello.”
“Hey, buddy. We need to figure this out,” Kelso said.
“There’s nothing to figure out,” Fez said bitterly. “You picked an apartment over me! From my arch nemesis out of all people!”
“Fez, he’s not your arch nemesis,” Eric pointed out. “He just gets on your nerves.”
“It doesn’t matter; he still chose the apartment over me!”
“So I can have a place to raise my daughter!” Kelso defended. “Fez, man, you’re my best friend, but I got to think about my kid.”
“Alright, I’ve had enough,” Red said. “I’m going down to the apartment with you and talking to that damn landlord.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Red. That means a lot,” Fez said sweetly.
“Don’t think I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart,” Red replied. “I don’t want you moving back into my house!”
“Also, a fair point,” Steven said in a taunting way and got up to put his plate in the sink.
“Be ready in five minutes,” Red said, grabbing his keys. “I don’t want to deal with this crap any longer.”
“Can we please get back to the topic at hand?” Kitty asked. “When should we have the shower?”
“How ‘bout next Saturday?” Donna suggested. “Gives us enough time to plan and not scatter like we did for the wedding.”
“We’re having a party?” Fez asked. “I want to go to a party.”
“Well, I think that’s a wonderful idea!” Kitty cheered, ignoring Fez. “Oh, I am so excited! I’ll start the guest list!”
“And I’ll start the food and decorations!” Donna said.
  “Make sure you put cake on that list,” Y/n said. “I’m on a chocolate kick.”
 “Oh, and finger sandwiches!” Kitty exclaimed. She gasped. “And tea!”
“Are we having a baby shower or a tea party?” Fez asked.
“Are you coming?” Y/n asked.
“Why wouldn’t I?” he responded. “I love planning parties!”
“Fez, it’s a baby shower,” Jackie said. “It’s not going to be a party.”
“Awe, party poopers,” he responded disappointed.
“Well, we could use you,” Donna said. “We could use your theme expertise.”
“What about me?!” Jackie said. “I have a good taste!”
 “Fine, Jackie and Fez can work together,” Y/n said, exhausted already.
   “Yay!” Jackie cheered, clapping her hands. “Oh, Fez we have so much to go over!”
“While this is going on, me and the boys will be at the bar,” Steven smirked and continued eating his food.
“Can you guys take Markus with you?” Jackie asked. “I’m trying to get him ‘in’ with the group.”
“Doesn’t he have any of his own friends?” Steven asked, annoyed.
  “Duh, but I’d like him to get closer to you guys because I don’t like his friends,” she said candidly.
“Why not?” Y/n asked, grabbing for a strawberry.
 “They’re just…eck,” she responded.
“What do you mean ‘eck’?” Eric asked.
“I mean…they’re weird!”
“Weirder than us?” Donna asked.
“Yeah, believe it or not!”
“Jackie, I don’t want to take my ex’s new boyfriend out on guy’s night,” Steven said. “It’s almost like returning to the scene of the crime.”
“No, it’s not!” she protested.
“I second what Hyde said,” Eric said, “It’s weird.”
“Ah, c’mon guys, please!” she begged. “I’d like for him to be here more often.”
“Then, he can just be here more often,” Donna said, pointing out the obvious.
“Alright, let’s go,” Red called out. “I want to get back to catch the Packer’s game.”
“But I want to talk about the party!” Fez whined.
 “You want join in on some tooty frooty baby shower or do you want to get a house that has a roof and running water unlike the hut you came from?” Red threatened.
Fez’s eyes widened. “See ya.” He ran out the door to meet Red at the car.
                                                  --Time Skip—
“Are you Fenton?” Red asked as he walked into the empty apartment. In the middle of the room stood the familiar bald man with a mousy moustache. “I’m here to talk about the apartment.”
“Well, you’re in luck,” Fenton responded, flamboyantly and smiled. “It’s still available. And F.Y.I so am I.”
Red scrunched his face at him. “Look, I have a wife.”
“And I have a football, but I never use it.”
“Red!” Kelso called out, storming into the room. “I know you told us to wait in the car, but Fez keep playing his bongo music!”
“It’s called jazz, you philistine!” Fez yelled, trailing behind him.
“Oh, you’re with him,” Fenton responded, unpleased. “Deals off. I gotta get to yoga.”
“Hey, can’t we talk about this?” Red asked.
“No,” he said shortly.
“See, I told you he was going to be—” Fez started, but was cut off by Red.
“Just shut it, or I’ll shut it for you!”
Fenton looked at Red, impressed and if he was being honest, maybe a little turned on. “Well, you just don't take crap from anyone, do you, Mr. Man?”
Kelso sighed. “I knew this was gonna be a waste of time. Come on, Fez. We'll go figure out some other place to live with the baby.” He and Fez walked out in a huff leaving Red and Fenton.
“Baby? No one mentioned they had a baby. That... that's so progressive,” Fenton said.
Red cocked an eyebrow at him. “Progressive?”
“Well, how can I not give the apartment to two men raising a child together?”
Red smiled, understanding what Fenton was implying. “Oh. Yeah, progressive. Yeah, that's what they are. They're as progressive as hell. Why, they're likenewlyweds."
“Mhm,” Fenton hummed. “I wish I knew what that was like. Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride.”
Red nodded. “Right. So, we got a deal?”
“Alright, fine, but they mess up once and they’re out of here.”
Red wanted to open his mouth, but chose to keep it shut. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
                                     --Later in the basement—
“Guys, I can’t believe I graduate in a few months,” Jackie mentioned while the gang hung out. “I’ll finally become a woman!”
“Jackie, you became a woman the night you lost it to Kelso,” Y/n responded, leaning back against the couch. Her big belly now starting to cause her back pain and ankle pain.
“Man, I can’t believe I graduated a year ago,” Eric said. “Man, time really flies when you take two naps a day. I didn’t really do anything.”
“I don’t really think you…I mean you did do…man, you really sat on your ass,” Donna said, giving on trying to comfort her boyfriend.
  “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Eric said glumly. “I mean, I got a letter from the contest and they think I have no artistic talent. You know, I’m starting to think that the cartoon academy of Fort Lauderdale isn’t legitimate.”
“Yeah? What gave it away?” Y/n deadpanned.
“Yep, Forman, we’ve all passed you by,” Hyde said smugly. “I’m running a record store. All the while banging your sister—”
“‘Banging?’” Y/n glared at her husband. “Don’t you mean ‘married?’ I mean, I’m even carrying your kids for God’s sake!”
“You didn’t let me finish,” he said calmly and turned back to Eric. “I’m also hitched and about to have kids, Donna’s a deejay, Kelso’s a cop…even Fez has a job now. What’s it again, man? Shower girl? Makeup lady?”
“Shampoo boy!” Fez said loudly and shortly.
“Eh, I was close.”
“What did you being married to Y/n and her carrying your kids have anything to do with the conversation?” Eric asked.
Hyde shrugged. “Just another thing to rub in your face that I’m much further along than you.”
“Wait, so I’m the loser of the group now?” Eric asked, pointing to himself.
“I mean, you’re the one still living with your mommy,” Kelso said.
“Hey, I still live with my mommy,” Y/n said.
“Yeah, but you’re still married to someone who is successful,” Jackie said, leaning against the washing machine. Y/n furrowed her brows, not feeling any better. “Eric just stays home who’s mommy still cuts the crust off his sandwiches.”
Eric ignored Jackie and turned to Kelso. “Man, you’re still living with your mommy.”
“Not for long. Me and Fez are looking for an apartment and the only thing I’ll need my mom for is to do my cooking, laundry, and taking me to the dentist.”
“Well, Eric I feel kinda bad,” Jackie said. “You wouldn’t even be thinking of this kind of stuff if you hadn’t been caught in the brightness of my future.”
“You know what else is scary? If this year went by really fast, imagine where Eric will be in ten years,” Fez said.
                          Eric’s crappy future, ten years later…
The Vista Cruiser rolled into the Forman driveway in the late afternoon. Eric and Donna exited the car, dressed in Star Trek outfits, coming home from a convention. Eric wore the traditional fleet command uniform while Donna sported a black wig and red general commander dress.
“Thank you for coming to the Star Trek convention with me…Uhura.”
“You can call me Donna now,” she said displeased and walked into the house.
“That’s good, Fez,” Kelso said,  coming back to present time. “But I think it’s going to be more like this…”
                          Eric’s crappy future, ten years from now…
The Vista Cruiser rolled into the Forman driveway in the late afternoon. Eric and Donna exited the car, dressed in Star Wars outfits, coming home from a convention. Eric dressed as Luke Skywalker and Donna dressed in the familiar gown and rolled side buns.
“Thank you for coming to the Star Wars convention…Leia,” Eric said proudly.
“You can call me Donna now,” she said and shuffled back into the house.
“No, you’re both wrong,” Hyde said, smirking. “It’ll be more like this…”
The Vista Cruiser once again rolled into the Forman driveway. The doors to the car opened, Eric jumping out and rounding the car.
“Thanks for coming to the convention with me…Leia,” he said.
Kitty got out of the car and walked over to Eric wearing Leia’s gown and her hair in the same style. She stared at him displeased. “You can call me Mom now.” She hurried inside, eager to get out of the itchy costume.
The gang laughed at Hyde’s theory, upsetting Eric.
“Whoa!” Eric screeched, jumping off the couch.
“They’re just joking around, Eric,” Donna said calmly. “It’s funny.”
“No, it’s not!” he defended, inching towards the stairs. “In fact,…it’s completely possible!” He bounded up the stairs, freaking out.
Y/n laughed and high-fived her husband. “Nice.”
                              A few moments later…
“All of my friends are on career paths. Even Kelso. Kelso! The kid who thinks N.A.T.O is Japanese for neato,” Eric ranted to his parents who sat in the kitchen. Red was reading the newspaper and Kitty was reading a magazine.
“You know it’s just not fair,” Red said, sarcasm heavy in his tone. “You sleep late, you watch TV all day…the job offers should be pouring in.”
“Why don’t you look into that chiropractic school I suggested?” Kitty asked. “They’re having an enrollment seminar. You know, being a chiropractor is a very prestigious job. Even if you move somewhere where there’s no real doctors.”
“Well, I guess chiropractor is as good as anything I've come up with. I have wasted an entire year doing absolutely nothing.”
“Hey, how bout a job stating the obvious?” Red asked, giving Eric a fake smile. “Because you’re really good at that!”
“So, you’re going to the school, huh?” Y/n asked as they once again gathered in the basement. This time, Markus had joined them who was sitting next to Jackie and Y/n on the couch, with his arm around her. “When do you start?”
“Well, they start Monday, so…probably then,” Eric responded sarcastically.
“Want me to come with you?” Donna asked.
“Wait, really?” Eric asked and turned to his girlfriend.
“Yeah. I think it’d be fun.”
“Awe, you’re such a good girlfriend,” Fez cooed before pretending to gag.
“What was that about?” Hyde asked, leaning back in his usual chair.
“All of you are in loving relationships and I’m over here more single than a freakin’ pringle,” he responded bitterly.
“Hey, I’m single too,” Kelso piped up from the lawn chair.
“Yeah, but knowing you, you’ll have a new girlfriend in, like, five minutes,” Fez replied and slumped on the couch. "I'm going to die alone."
"No, you're not,” Y/n comforted, rubbing his shoulder. “You’ll find someone.”
“Why are you lying?” Eric asked.
“Yeah,” Jackie agreed with Eric. “He is one freaky, horny little dude.”
“Just ask the couch,” Hyde added in.
“I’m right here!” Fez whined. “Can’t even have the decency to wait until I walk out the room!”
“Jackie, what did we talk about comforting friends?” Markus asked, like he was talking to a toddler.
Jackie looked at the ground. “Don’t be mean.”
Jackie rolled her eyes and sighed. “And if I can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.”
Markus nodded and looked up to everyone. “We’re working on talking nicely to others.”
“Wow,” Eric said amazed. “I like him. Can he stay?”
“Don’t listen to them, Fez,” Donna said. “They’re just being jerks.”
“Hey, I have an idea,” Y/n said. “Why don’t one of us set you up?”
“How?” Fez asked. “Do you know anybody?”
“Wait, wait…you’re not going to set up a party with all women are you?” Hyde said. “Because that was annoying.”
“No, no. Something better than that,” Y/n said. “Donna, are there any single ladies at the radio station?”
“The only lady we have there is the receptionist and she’s eighty-eight years old,” she responded.
“Is she single?” Fez asked seriously.
“She’s a widow…does that count?”
“Hm, no,” he shook his head and sat back. “I don’t want to be second choice.”
“That’s what’s stopping you?” Eric asked. “Not the fact that she’s seventy years older than you?”
“Yeah, and you won’t be able to have sex without thinking she’s going to break a hip,” Kelso said. “Or a heart attack.”
“Okay, gross,” Y/n said. “Anyone else that knows a single girl?”
“Well, I mean there’s Simpson from the police academy,” Kelso said.
“No, we all know how that turned out,” Y/n said and turned to her husband. “Do you know anyone at the store?”
“Aren’t you going to ask me?” Eric asked.
“Do you know anyone from staying at home all day?” his twin sassed. “Oh, yeah, you must’ve met someone at the Bum Factory.”
“Damn, did you have bitch flakes this morning?”
“Yeah, along with your sitting-on-your-ass-all-day scrambled eggs,” she snipped.
“Is this about what happened earlier?” Eric asked. “I already said I was sorry!”
“What else would it be?!”
“What happened earlier?” Hyde asked, scrunching his eyebrows together.
“Your idiot brother-in-law happened!”
“It wasn’t that bad!” Eric argued.
“If it wasn’t, then I wouldn’t be pissed!”
“You’re so dramatic!”
“Will you two shut up and just tell us what happened?” Hyde snapped. “I need to know if it’s funny so I can make fun of you or kick your ass. It depends.”
“It was just a slice of cake!” Eric said, turning his attention back to Y/n.
“The last slice!” she cried out.
“Just go buy a cake,” Jackie said calmly. “What’s so special about this one?”
“My mom made it! And no one else can make it as good as she can!” Y/n said.
“She probably puts kalua in it,” Jackie said. “She taught me how to make fudge once, and she said kalua was the secret recipe. That’s when I learned that she may have a bit of a drinking problem.”
“Shut up, Jackie. You’re not making it any better,” Y/n said angrily.
“Well, damn. Pregnancy has made you bitchier than before,” Jackie said and got up from the couch to grab a popsicle.
“I’m sure she’ll make it again,” Donna said. “If you ask her nicely, I bet she will.”
“No,” Y/n whined and leaned her head against the headrest of the couch. “I want it now.”
“God, you’re needy,” Eric said. “When are you going to stop?”
“When I get some damn chocolate!” she replied.
“Okay, would it be better if I ran to the store and got you something similar?” Hyde offered. “Anything to make you happy so you can stop whining?”
“I second that,” Eric said.
“No, Eric should go buy it for me,” she pouted. “He’s the one that ate my cake. And he should buy me Fatso Burger because I’m hungry. I’ll call it square then.”
“But I don’t have any money!” he whined.
“That sounds like a you problem,” Y/n said. “Want me to quit being needy? Get me food.”
“Well, why don’t you borrow money from Hyde?” Kelso asked, ignoring the fact that Hyde was moving his hand sharply against his throat, saying to stop. Talking. “Hyde has a lot of it!”
“What?” Y/n asked, looking at Kelso. “Steven and I don’t have a lot of money.”
“Of course, he does!” he continued, still ignoring Hyde as he was now waving his hands.
Y/n looked behind her and Steven stopped quickly, pretending he was just as confused.
“Steven, what’s he talking about?” she asked.
“I have no idea,” he replied. He glared at Kelso through his aviators and when his wife turned back around, he mouthed: Shut. Up.
“Yes, you do!” Kelso said. At this point he was amused and continued. “You’ve been telling me that you’ve been stashing money in your secret savings.”
“In your what?!” Y/n screeched.
“No, no, Kelso doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Hyde defended. “He’s talking nonsense from his concussion.”
Kelso scrunched his eyebrows together. “I don’t have a concu—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Hyde threw a soda can at his head. It flew across the room at an impressive speed and smacked Kelso right in the face. No one moved as it was a day-to-day occurrence. At this point, even Markus was desensitized.
“Ow, my eye!” Kelso yelled, dropping to the floor.
“Wow, that was incredibly fast,” Donna said.
“That’s gonna leave a mark,” Jackie commented, covering her mouth with her fist.
“Hyde, you jerk!” Kelso yelled, stumbling back up to his feet. “I’m going to have a black eye and picture day at the academy is tomorrow!”
“First off: Kelso, here,” Y/n said and grabbed a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and tossed it across the room. It thumped against his chest before he caught it and pressed it against his face. “And now you,” she growled at her husband. “A secret savings?! Are you kidding me?!”
“It’s not so much of a secret savings as—” he started, now standing from his seat but was interrupted.
“How much is in it?” she asked, her eyes burning a hole in his head.
“Not much,” he replied. “And it doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter?!” she yelled, angrier than before. “You’re hiding money from me!”
“Actually, you said you have about two grand—” Kelso began but was cut off by Hyde.
“Do you want me to blacken the other eye?!” he barked at him.
“Two thousand dollars?!” Y/n screamed. “I can’t believe this! Do you have any idea what we can do with that money?”
“Yes, that’s why it’s in there!” Hyde yelled back.
“Now, does this happen every day?” Markus whispered to Jackie.
“No…no this is not,” she whispered back.
“What do you mean that’s why it’s in there?!” Y/n asked, bringing everyone’s attention back on them. “Why are you hiding it from me?!”
“Because of…reasons,” Hyde said.
“Reasons like what?! You don’t trust me?”
“No, I don’t!” he yelled back.
 "The air in the room dropped. It was like it was sucked out, leaving everyone completely breathless. Y/n felt like she had been punched in the gut.
She was so hurt and angry that she couldn’t speak. She stared at him as the silence grew louder. He refused to break eye contact with her, but his body language—turned halfway away from her and his hands on his hips—said he regretted what he told her.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/n finally broke eye contact and stomped her way upstairs without saying another word. After a minute of still silence, Markus decided to speak up.
“So…what else do you guys do for fun?”
“And this is where we’ve talked about speaking in awkward moments,” Jackie said from the corner of her mouth.
Fez sat there, frowning. "Are we supposed to just forget about my problem?!”
Taglist: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @maddieschampagneproblems @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-004 @lieswithoutfairytales @chloem4a1 @srhxpc @zhonglibxitch
126 notes · View notes
pitbullwithaship · 5 months
Okay, it's been a few days since I've watched I am very glad to get back and see the awesomeness that is the Doctor and Donna again.
Ooh creepy academy
That's mean of them
I like her
he's a childish dick then who is also working for aliens
Oh shit assassin AI
Ooh Donna's learning how to drive
Don't dent the 1980s
Ooh Martha yay!!
Western face-off complete with dramatic music
Girly bonding time
That's a aggressive operation
Poor Donna is out of her depth
I love her like so much
OH RIGHT ME yes doctor you are in fact the expert on this kind of stuffs
Those soldiers are dicks
Those mind controlled people walk like NPCs
Okay but I don't want then to die that is some ominous banging
It's Ooblek lol
Okay that's creepy as hell
Okay dickhead is smart
The alien has a very posh voice
Smartie smartie pants Donna
The warning talk then
Oh wow Sontaran dude is very short
Aww sad lonely dude
Oof that seems like a really fast heartbeat
Oh dearie me
War flashbacks
Aww gets to huggy her grandpa
Oh no Martha oh no
Oh Donna
Doctor at a science fair lol
All the best geniuses are a bit insane
Jealous dude
Wow he is tempting fate
He's very frowny
Don't bodyshame my dude
Yknow they're a very toxicly masculine society
Oh dearie me Martha
Okay that's creepy as hell
Teeny explosion lol
Aww he gets to meet Wilf
He's so sweet
Oh shit fake Martha
Damn that's a lot of cars oh damn
Shoots at an exhaust pipe jeez
Teen genius is creepy
Nooo noo nooo what nooo cliffhanger I hate those
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sheepkebby · 2 months
Helloooo!!!! I loved Virgil in the latest KVTW chapter, very kind and encouraging guy :) (as someone who’s been on boats a bit these last few years, it can be a pretty big deal for a captain to let you on their deck or in their cabin!). Any fun little tidbits about his character you enjoyed that you couldn’t fit into the story?
And DAVE. Is Dave a carrier as well? You’ve drawn him running and hiding from zombies, but I wasn’t sure if that was “canon.” If he is, where is he in all of this?
WWAAAHGGHHGGHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad people liked Virgil. I've always wanted to give him a design since he's such an underrated gem.
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I like to imagine Virgil plays harmonica, and he definitely likes to hum or whistle little tunes. He's for sure takes pride in his moustache and has a special little comb for it. He'd definitely tell a lot of long-winded stories if you let him, similar to Ellis, but he's less hyperactive about it. If you asked him how he met his wife Donna he'd tell you a beautiful story about meeting her on the shore, and he'd tell you what the weather was like, and how he worked his sailor charms on her. Ooh!
I also imagine he's got a bad ankle from some incidents in his youth + the wear and tear of aging, which is why he walks with a cane and keeps spares all around the ship. (You can even see one in the background of the artwork!)
I was really happy to add in a character that could be extremely empathetic towards Keith's disability. I know Keith's strong, but he's still disabled, and he really needed the support. I'd say something like "He'll treasure that cane like nothing else" but let's be real, Keith carries around gifts from every single friend he's met on his travels. He treasures all of them!
Back on topic; I dunno if Virgil and Donna ever had kids, but if they did, those kids were most likely old enough to have moved away from their Cajun parents. Who knows where they are (if they even exist)... I like to think they do, maybe, somewhere far far away :)
As for Dave... He's a carrier! And he's still kicking!... But where is he indeed? How odd! He hasn't shown up at the military base that the other survivors were taken to, because surely Ellis would've mentioned him! And Keith hasn't passed by him on his adventures, either. Weird! Sure hope the little fella hasn't gotten lost!
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saintsofwarding · 1 year
Header by @trout-scout 
Chapter 11: An Honorable Death
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Shadow enclosed them, the cleft of light at their backs fading by the step. Rose tried to keep down the plashing echoes of her breathing, but this place took all sound and conducted it three times its size, surrounding them, impossible to hide.
"You okay?" Rose whispered.
Donna inclined her head.
"We're thinking about all the nasty little ways Alcina is going to kill us," Angie said from her backpack. "She could drain us dry. She could crush us beneath her great clawed talons. Ooh! What about this? She could disarticulate us, Donna, like she said she would that one time!"
"That one time?"
"Yes, yes! She asked us to do some sewing for her! Donna's such a talented seamstress, and Alcina's usual modiste...well. Alcina didn't think her latest gown was very flattering to her continent-sized decolletage. So, the next week...she brought Mother Miranda an extra batch of wine." A low, unpleasant little giggle came from the doll. "She still needed a new dress- it was our nieces' communal birthday, and Mother Miranda was blessing us all with her presence- so she commissioned a gown from Donna."
"And?" Rose couldn't imagine anything Donna produced being ugly, given the embroidery she'd seen.
"And she asked for red. Her favorite. I suppose because if she happens to spill anything on it, it doesn't show?" Angie paused, her eyes rolling back, seemingly lost in thought. "She wanted it plain. So boring! So Donna...spruced it up a bit. She embroidered some flowers and what-have-you around the hem and the bustline...oooh, Alcina didn't like that. She ripped Donna's work to shreds with her talons! She screamed and screamed and her muscles got all bulgy and she told Donna if she ever pulled anything like that again, she'd disarticulate her and have Daniela re-string her into a marionette! Make her into a kind of doll and then maybe she'd stop moping around all the time! So scary."
"She...she threatened to tear you to pieces because you put some flowers on her dress?"
"Man," Rose said. She believed it, given her memories of Dimitrescu. "Issues much?"
"It was Miranda," Angie said. Her voice dropped, becoming raspy. "She always had to look good for Miranda."
"How come?"
"She wanted to be her favorite."
"What? Why wasn't she?"
"Because none of us were her favorite," Donna said softly.
The darkness had swallowed them completely, and in it, Rose no longer saw Donna or Angie, even though they were close enough to touch. Ahead- no, that wasn't light, but a kind of haze against her vision, a glow like phosphorescent paint in the bowling alley she and Heisenberg had occasionally gone to back in Regent City, and at which he always, spectacularly, cheated. The glow consolidated, becoming-
"Oh," Rose breathed.
The passageway up ahead glittered with crystal, the walls and cave roof warped with faceted growths. They swelled in fantastical forms from the stone itself, milky and aglow with that strange inner light.
As Rose and Donna entered the crystal corridor, Rose shivered. Her reflection moved with her, mirrored tenfold in the crystal facets, so her own pale face seemed to watch her from every angle.
The air changed, too, prickling at her skin. Warm, Rose realized; her face was no longer numb, her breath no longer visible.
And the smell...
Sticky, and organic. Metallic on the back of her tongue, and under it, the tell-tale fug of something rotting, something hidden in the dark, far from the reach of the sun.
"Is that..." she whispered.
Donna gave a slow nod. She'd know it, too, and well.
Just breathe, Rose. You can do this. Memories rose thick and fast despite her efforts to keep calm. Dimitrescu atop the wall, pallid and magnificent, wings spread through the snowstorm. The ground shaking as she leapt from her high perch, as those vast jaws splayed wide, as she cried with mad, manic glee will you die screaming, child? She'd flung Heisenberg off the side of the mountain; there was no one to save her then, no one to stop Dimitrescu as those vast jaws closed around Rose, devouring her in darkness with a single snap.
Now, there was no one to save her, to help her, again. Just her. Just Donna, she reminded herself, though for all Donna's proclamations of lordliness she couldn't help but not feel terribly comforted by her presence.
Heisenberg can't save you now, child.
She stepped over a crystalline growth and into the vast cavern within. A great, crystal cave, like the interior of some vast geode; the soft glow of the crystal played over the far reaches of the place, the stalactite pillars ancient as the world that grew from floor and ceiling, joining in their centers. Somewhere distant came the plash of water.
Everywhere, everywhere, the choking smell of blood.
It seemed to infect this place, concentrated and awful; Rose's gorge rose as she struggled to breathe the noxious air, and even Donna looked paler than usual.
"She's here?" Rose whispered.
Donna nodded.
Rose crept forward, her boots crunching on the crystal at her feet. She stared around the darkness, rigid, alert for- for anything.
"Lady Dimitrescu?" she said.
Her throat was dry. She cleared it. "Lady...Lady Dimitrescu, I...I don't know if you remember me, but..."
A low, rippling growl issued from the darkness. Rose flinched back, her heart hammering. The growl rose into a hum, a kind of subsonic tremor that shook the very walls of this place.
And then-
Oh, god-
A voice.
Rose blinked. Who was she talking about? "No, I'm not Bela."
"Oh, no, no, no. I was sorely mistaken. My daughter would never address me so timidly, and a scent like that," the voice said, rich and contralto, edged in an animal snarl, "stale, and sick, and oh, so...mmm...familiar...I could never forget."
Movement. A dragging, rasping rumble. Part of the wall seemed to shift away from itself. Golden eyes glimmered. Rose's hands flexed. She ached to reach for her sword, but stopped herself. She wasn't here to fight.
Not yet, anyway.
"Then you do know who I am," she called.
"Little Rose." A low laugh, throaty and echoing. "Rose, Rose, Rose. The child who began the end."
"Me? No way. I was just a baby. A stolen baby. Miranda brought about your downfall, not me."
"And now have you come back to gloat?" Dimitrescu said. "What am I thinking! Of course you have. Why else would a child fostered by my foolish, foul-minded brother ever return to me? Why else would you wake me from my hibernation? You needn't bother. Heisenberg lay waste to my pride fifteen years ago, and now I languish in this...in this place. Drained, diminished, defeated." A curl of self-loathing darkened her tone. "Haven't you done enough?"
"I guess not." Rose made herself inch a step closer to the massive shape in the darkness. She made out a long, trailing tail, the faint writhe of tentacles covering the monster's pale, dead-white form, a hunched torso rising from a nest of furled wings. Rose's hand brushed the flashlight Chris had given her, stuck in her coat pocket. Not yet. Not yet. "I'm back. Like a bad penny."
A hiss emanated from the shadows. "Indeed. I should have strangled you in your crib. Drank you dry before that father of yours ever darkened my door. Driven him mad with despair when he found your pathetic little corpse, bloodless. Lifeless."
"Well..." Rose shrugged. "You didn't. And you'd better be glad you didn't."
The golden eyes narrowed. Impact hit the floor; there came the scree of talons against crystal, the shudder of the air parting around a vast form.
Rose kept her ground; sweat prickled her hairline. A wave of bloody wind washed over her, and with a jolt deep in her guts she registered the slick gleam of teeth before her in the darkness, the crackle of cartilage that meant those jaws were opening, unfurling as if to close around her, and this time there would be no nightmare, only death-
"Had I?" Dimitrescu snarled, her voice choked with loathing.
"Don't you want to know why I brought Donna Beneviento all this way?" Rose said in a rush. Her heartbeat shocked in her eyes. "Because I did. I did. And if you kill me- if you kill me, you'll never know why."
Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was the prospect of anticipation, a drawn-out terror before the kill. Maybe Rose was just lucky.
But Lady Dimitrescu hesitated.
"Donna," she said, letting the name roll between her fangs.
"Yeah." Donna was there, at once, standing by Rose's side. "Looks like you're out of the loop, Dimitrescu."
"Where is my idiot brother? Where is Heisenberg?"
"Worse," Rose said. She took a small, steadying breath. "The mortals have him."
Lady Dimitrescu let out a howl, a shriek of rage and surprise that tore through Rose's head like someone had taken her sword and chopped it straight into her skull. She stumbled back, Donna catching her before she could fall.
Dimitrescu was thrashing, her great tail whipping back and forth, smashing the crystal walls to pieces. Wet crackles and tearing sounds echoed through the crystal cave, the vast draconic shape shrinking in on itself, chunks of flesh dropping off and disintegrating into pools of blood and mutagen on the floor.
Flies buzzed in the darkness, the sound rising, falling, and within it-
"How?" Her beautiful voice became a raw growl, scraping claws down Rose's spine. Rose fumbled for her flashlight as massive, heavy footsteps stomped toward them. She tore it free and flicked it on; the light burst forth, illuminating nine feet of muscle and pale skin, rags of what used to be a white gown, long, ragged tangles of once-elegantly-set black hair.
"They captured him. They want to take something from the village for their own," Rose cried. Dimitrescu stopped short, her chest heaving, her hands crooked, as if she was preparing to unsheathe those deadly talons. "They need him as their guide. They want...they want to desecrate it, take your rightful territory as their own."
Inspiration flashed. "Filthy mortals. Always coming in and putting their grubby hands all over what they don't deserve. Like...like my father did to your property. You don't want that again, do you? Listen to me-"
"Liar!" Lady Dimitrescu roared. "Murderer's spawn!"
Her hand shot forward and closed around Rose's waist, heaving her into the air. There was no time to scream, to stop her, before she drew her arm back and lobbed Rose like a baseball. She shot through the darkness, tumbling head over heels; her back scraped crystal; she rolled, crystal shearing her skin, scraping agony from where it caught her face.
She burst from the cave mouth and onto snow with a yelp of pain, Dimitrescu's howl of anger echoing after her.
"Rose!" Chris gathered her up, checking her over. He touched the raw gash on her cheek, pouring blood. "Shit- what happened?"
"Wait," Rose panted. The screams had died down, the roars fading. Come on, Donna. "Just- just wait, okay?"
Her heart hammered as she clambered to her feet. Despite the pain, there was exhilaration, there was- she didn't want to call it hope, not yet. But Dimitrescu had stopped. She had before; would she now?
You can do this, Beneviento.
The silence hung, tense and awful-
Footsteps echoed from the cave, heavy as drumbeats. Chris brought up his rifle. Teodora stood, eyes narrowed.
A great pale shape swam in the cave mouth.
Lady Dimitrescu ducked from the darkness, Donna stumbling behind her. With a shake of her tangled hair, Dimitrescu straightened, soaring to her full height. In the weak sunlight her skin seemed to glisten like marble, riven with countless tiny cracks and scars, her lips drawn back from perfect teeth.
"Fight with you?" she cried. She rounded on Rose. "What arrogance Heisenberg must have imparted to you during your absence! You come here, dragging my sister, this...whelp-" She looked Teodora up and down. "-and a filthy man-thing into my presence. You think I would fight for you? You're playing a foolish game, child, one you barely understand-"
"It's not a game," Rose said. She lifted her chin. "It's a challenge."
She reached up and drew her sword. The sun struck it, flaring a burst of light off its point. Rose whirled it around her head and brought it down, point-first, into the ground between her and Lady Dimitrescu.
"You want to regain your pride?" Rose called. "You want your dignity back after Heisenberg took it from you? Then take it now. I challenge you. Fight me. Right here. We'll see who has the most honor between us."
She gave Dimitrescu a hard grin, teeth bared. "And when we fight Ouroboros...you can have as much blood as you want."
Dimitrescu's eyes flashed. She tilted her head. "An honorable death," she murmured.
"What the hell, Rose?"
Chris shoved forward. "No," he went on. "Fuck this. No, Rose. I draw the line here." He cocked his rifle, aiming it upward for Dimitrescu's center mass. "You know what's in here, Countess? You ever heard of RAMRODS? Anti-regen rounds. You have three seconds to back the fuck down or you find out just how-"
"Teo," Rose said.
Teodora swept up behind Chris and cracked her rifle stock into the back of his head. His eyes sprang wide; he crumpled mid-sentence, falling with a crash like a felled tree to the snow. He lay there, unmoving, unconscious.
Teodora was instantly on him, relieving him of his combat knife and various paraphernalia, lashing him hand and foot with a length of nylon cording.
"Sorry, Chris," Rose told him, softly. "I can't let you stop me now. You know what it's like to not give up for anything."
She faced Dimitrescu again.
"Do you accept?" Rose said.
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu's smile would haunt her dreams for years to come, provided she survived the next five minutes.
"Oh, little Winters," she purred. "I've been waiting for this for a long, long time."
Mist unfurled from the snow as Rose peeled off her coat and tossed it over a rock, then gripped the hilt of her sword in both gloved hands, flexing her fingers, steadying her breathing.
The cold stung at her exposed arms, her face, but all she could focus on was the clean stretch of snow before her, and, at the far end of the mountain shelf, the still, calm form of Lady Dimitrescu.
She stood poised, all nine feet of her. Only a faint lift of her chin told Rose she hadn't become a statue against the oncoming day. To one side stood Teodora, Donna, Chris's bound, unconscious form, but Rose didn't look at them. They were spectators, neutral.
This, now, was the fight.
She lifted her sword. "Come on, Dimitrescu," she called. Her voice echoed, thin and small, across the snowy mountainside. "Show me what you've got."
Dimitrescu lifted her hand, as if in answer. "En garde," she snarled. "Winters."
With a clean, ringing peal as if of metal against metal, her claws arced free: five long, curved blades of mutagen and keratin, pale fading to black by their razor tips. Without them, she cut an intimidating figure. With them, all of her seemed transformed. Brutal, monstrous, a spark of savagery kindled in her eyes.
She drew her lips back from her teeth, and all at once, she roared, a howl of challenge not too far from her draconic form. Rose barely had time to brace, to think of her first action before- oh god- she was moving.
Pale muscle rippled; Dimitrescu threw herself into a lunge that shook the ground. Rose screamed; she couldn't help it. She spun to the side as Dimitrescu thundered past, churning the snow into mist in her wake. Rose stumbled back, back, getting mired in the calf-deep snow, shaking her head to clear the ice from her eyes.
Dimitrescu was rising; the weak daylight struck flares of gold off her eyes, off her teeth, all on display in a rictus grin.
"Done so soon?" she called. "Poor little thing. Your father was the far superior fighter!"
"I'm not finished yet," Rose called back.
Dimitrescu laughed as she stalked forward, toward Rose, lifting her blades once more so the one sprouting from her middle finger seemed to bisect her face, her bright eyes staring out from either side of the talon.
"We'll see soon enough," she said. "Won't we?"
She struck. A sweeping lash of her claws, not toward Rose's torso but aimed for her legs. Rose leaped over them- like a freaking jumprope, she thought. Her heart pounded as she dodged, the air transformed to a humming storm of talons. Another strike slashed forth, and another. Rose ducked out of their way, but they were slow, almost lazy. Like Lady Dimitrescu wasn't even trying.
Not too slow. A backlash slashed through the icy air, and Rose wasn't quite quick enough; the tip of Dimitrescu's claw snagged her cheek, so fast and so sharp she only felt it by the warm spill of blood down her face.
She stumbled back, gasping, hands slick inside her gloves. Jumprope was right, dammit. Dimitrescu was playing with her.
"First blood," Dimitrescu cried. She lifted her claws to her face and licked Rose's blood from the curve, shuddering in ecstasy. "You're not as stale as your father."
"Not as breakable as him, either," Rose called back. Heat pulsed behind her eyes- not tears, but anger. Fuck this. Fuck Alci. She thought she'd play with her, toy with her, so assured of her own victory?
Lady Dimitrescu might be strong, might be twice her height, but Rose could be faster. And she could be smarter.
"And I can do all kinds of stuff he couldn't," she yelled.
"Like what? Die to me?"
"No." Rose dropped her hand from her sword's hilt, already clenched into a fist. She felt the mold squirm through her skin, felt the instant her eyes turned black. "Like- this!"
She dropped to her knees and slammed her fist into the snow. Mold exploded from the ground, a black, leaping fountain; it lunged for Dimitrescu, thick ropes lashing around her legs and hips, miring her in place.
Rose sprang off into a leap, her enhanced strength sending her catapulting toward the sky. She kicked off Dimitrescu's arm with a single foot and flipped in midair; her sword slashed out, a bright flash of steel-
She tumbled over Dimitrescu's head and landed in a crouch behind her, whirling in the same movement. Dimitrescu howled; she rounded on Rose, a gash spurting dark blood down one side of her face. As Rose watched, pallid tentacles burst from the wound, already sealing it back together, but the damage was done.
And damn, if it didn't feel good.
"You little cheat," Dimitrescu hissed. A slash of claws freed her from Rose's mold.
"Want another?" Rose said.
This time, when Dimitrescu attacked, it was for real. Her blow came from nowhere, so fast Rose felt it like a shockwave in the air. She threw herself to the ground; that would have taken her head off, it would have torn her in half.
The backswing pealed off her sword, scraping a shower of sparks off the blade. Rose skidded back with a cry; her shoulder throbbed white and red. She blocked the next strike, but on its way past she felt the shoulder tear, felt it leave its socket.
Her vision sheeted white. Her hand dropped off the hilt the moment Dimitrescu's claws met her sword.
The blow ripped her off the ground. She hit the ground hard and skidded, leaving a furrow of blood and mold in the snow. Her vision pulsed, her heartbeat a wet slosh in her head; her arm hung off her body like a doll's- she thought of Angie's story, and in her pain-addled mind it was absolutely hilarious to imagine herself as a little blonde doll, dangling from strings-
Then who's gonna save you?
First it had been her father. I won't let those weird fairy-tale monsters get you. And he never had. Wasn't she divided into pieces then? Next it was Heisenberg. Us monsters have to stick together. Which was she? A puppet on strings, an empty jar, Chris's little success story, a saint for all the desperate to pin their hopes on?
Footsteps shook the ground. She struggled to her feet. Her sword shone on the snow a few feet before her, streaked with Dimitrescu's near-black blood.
"Is this what Heisenberg taught you?" Dimitrescu said, laughing. "To kneel in deference to what you know will destroy you?"
"Yeah," Rose whispered. "Pretty much."
Dimitrescu stepped over her fallen sword.
Rose clenched her fist.
The mold-tentacle snaked around the sword as Dimitrescu stood over her, as she lifted her claws to take off Rose's head. Rose flung her arm skyward; the tentacle flung the sword; Dimitrescu's eyes widened- maybe she'd caught the flare of sunlight, real sunlight, off the blade as day broke through the clouds, as the sword spun over her head, as it slapped into Rose's good hand and she surged off her feet, bringing the blade forward and angled up, up, straight for Lady Dimitrescu's throat.
Dimitrescu's claws stopped, hovering a breath from Rose's neck. Rose's swordpoint halted, poised against the smooth, pale flesh over Dimitrescu's jugular. She made out the pulse of her heartbeat against the point. She felt the cold of Dimitrescu's claws against her skin.
"He also taught me how to survive at all costs," she panted. She tilted her head back, and grinned, as much like her stepdad as she could muster. "Unlike you."
For an instant, Rose thought Dimitrescu would kill her anyway and damn the consequences. Then-
"So I see," she said.
She lifted her claws and stepped back, giving a short, elegant bow. "Were you of the village," she said, "I might consider making you one of my daughters."
And that, Rose guessed, was about the best she could do. "So..." She stopped, breathing hard, to wipe blood from her face. The cold air stung on her cut cheek. "Does that mean you'll fight with me?"
Lady Dimitrescu looked down at her, unblinking, unmoving. A chill rippled through Rose's nerves. It had been, over the years, all too easy to forget what Heisenberg was. When they were up too late, sick on junk food, watching the next shitty movie, he might have been human; only when the game face went on and the sparks started flying was she reminded that he was a monster. With Lady Dimitrescu, there was no forgetting. Her gaze was heavy, alien. Full of fury, banked like a fire. Calculating.
But then- there was a crack in it. A flicker. Her gaze didn't soften, but it shifted.
"I remember when you first came to us," she said. "When Miranda brought you before us. So small, you were. My daughters...Bela, Cassandra, Daniela...I never knew them as children. They were born as they were, and remained so. But you...you were fragile. So human. And yet, something else. And I knew that in my long life I had never seen a creature such as you before."
"I hope that's a good thing." "Never fear, child." The corner of her gorgeous lips quirked up in a smile, and despite the ache in her healing shoulder, the hell Dimitrescu had just unleashed on her, Rose couldn't stop her blush. "Whatever you were then, you're one of us now."
"So will you fight?"
"Tell me one thing, Winters."
"That you won't stop me when I reclaim my castle," Dimitrescu said. "When I take back what was given to me."
Rose nodded and shrugged one-shouldered. Her other throbbed with heat as it began to mend itself. "I mean, I don't want it."
Dimitrescu inclined her head. Her claws sheathed themselves, sliding back into her skin. "Then those mortals you claim are coming will rue the day they dreamed of impugning upon what is rightfully mine."
Rose nodded, managed a smile, then backed off. Her shoulder snapped back into joint with a sickening pop as she limped over to the others.
"Nice one," Teodora said, with a wry grin. Donna brushed her bloodied hair from her face, a worried look in her eye, and before she could protest, Rose caught her up in a quick hug.
"Good job in the cave," Rose whispered to her, and pretended not to notice Donna's blush.
This was Teodora again. She'd faced the horizon with a battered pair of binoculars, the valley below slowly illuminated by the breaking winter sunlight, burning off the cloud bank. Rose gathered up her coat, wincing as she pulled it around her shoulders like a cape; she wasn't quite up to contorting her arm through a sleeve yet.
"What's up?" Rose joined her.
Wordless, she handed Rose the binoculars. Through them, Rose made out the ruined town, the distant forest, the gap between two mountains-
"Oh," she whispered. "Shit."
Helicopters. They looked tiny as wasps at this distance, but that would soon change. She tried to count- half a dozen? Ten? More? No one had called in the BSAA, neither her nor Chris before Teo had conked him out. That meant-
Ouroboros was coming.
"This place is gonna be a war zone once they hit," Teodora muttered. "You think you've seen lycans attack before...when there's fresh human flesh en masse like those walking chicken nuggets in those helicopters, it'll be a bloodbath."
"With the town and the survivors right in the middle," Rose said.
Teodora's eyes reflected the daylight, their green glimmer muted. In this light, she nearly looked human again, a scared girl unable to save everything she loved.
"This land was won for us by warrior saints," she said quietly. "My people have lived on it for thousands of years. Raised their children here, sang their songs, worshipped their gods. It's claimed my entire family in the defense of it. It's claimed me."
She paused for a while.
"Now..." she went on. "Now, I have to ask my people to leave it behind. Maybe forever."
"The saint has spoken," Rose said, nudging her lightly with an elbow.
Teodora's lips twitched. She sniffed.
"So she has," she said. "Better call 'em in."
Rose turned and knelt by Chris's side. He'd woken up sometime during the fight. Now, he struggled against his ropes, and against his gag, but Teodora had done her job well. The knots didn't budge. His blue eyes tracked her as Rose unhooked the radio from his belt.
"Tundra?" she said. "Tundra, this is Puppy. Do you read?"
A hiss of static. "Loud and clear, Puppy. Where's Alpha?"
"Right here." Chris twisted against his ropes, a muffled voice coming from under his gag. "Listen, I need you and the Squad to do something for us, okay? There's a big group of civilians we're sending your way that need babysitters, and stat."
"What? Put Alpha on-"
"He...he can't talk right now. Tundra, please, listen to me. It's children, villagers, innocents. They've been hit bad by the lycans and they need evacuation."
"Where the hell is Alpha?"
"Everything's okay. They'll be here-" Rose gave her the coordinates she and Teodora had agreed on, a clearing a few miles outside of the ruined town that wasn't through too-rough terrain. They'd make it there well before night, well before the lycans returned, and before this whole region became a total shitshow. "-before dusk. I'm serious. They need you."
She hooked the radio back on Chris's belt as Tundra's voice burst out of it, demanding Chris, and answers. Chris wasn't yelling anymore. He slumped against his bonds, sorrow in his eyes. Rose remembered what he'd said the night before. I've been betrayed over these things, over power. Maybe he'd never understand. Maybe, after this, he would always hunt her down, and that cut Rose like a knife.
But still she straightened from Chris's side, and instead faced Donna and Dimitrescu, the two of them standing against the sunlit sky- so different, and yet fundamentally the same.
And so was she.
"Teo," Rose said. "Look after him?"
"Of course."
Rose yanked her sword from the snow. "Then let's go."
"Into the fray," Dimitrescu said, her voice rich with satisfaction. "At last."
"How're we gonna get there?" Angie chattered. "More hiking?"
"Oh, darling, no," Dimitrescu said. "We arrive home in style."
Deep within her, something crackled. She reared, and as she did, she transformed. Muscle upon muscle, wings unfurling from her flesh, widening to blot out the skies as she gained mass. By the time she struck the ground she stood on four legs, her sharp teeth agrin, the breeze thrumming against her great wings.
"We fly," she said, with a lash of her tail across the snow.
Rose nodded. She grabbed a tentacle near Dimitrescu's foreleg; it was cold, slick and hard with muscle, squirming against her skin.
She hesitated, looked back, toward Chris-
Then swung up and onto Dimitrescu's back, a pair of tentacles sliding round her waist, holding her in place. Donna followed, hanging onto Rose's shoulders.
Dimitrescu lifted her wings, facing the northern sky.
Rose didn't look back again.
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Belated Talk Shop Tuesday - from one Whovian to another, are you going to be writing any more Doctor Who fics and if so, what? Even just any ideas you have floating around??
Ooh, I don't know? I have no specific ideas right now, but it's a never say never situation I think, the last few episodes have been so good, and I do like Fifteen and Ruby very much. I think after the Trickster mention last episode if he properly shows up and the Bannerman Road gang don't there's the possibility I go write that meeting (I think Ruby would like K-9. Who wouldn't like K-9 though?).
I've definitely got Doctor Who on the mind though, mostly who's under that hood- the cloak is certainly reminiscent of the Trickster so somehow connected to him makes sense, but I'm currently leaning to with the Susan mentions and assumptions, it's Susan who dropped Ruby off at the church- though I'm in two minds about how I feel if that means Ruby is related to the Doctor, so we'll see on that. Alternatively with the Doctor's line to Kate about Susan's parents not being born, after all the other references back to him having children (inculding in this series), maybe it's Jenny/someone and Ruby is Susan (though I really don't know how I feel about that)? Or maybe it's Rogue's ex mysterious partner, and all the Susan things were red herrings. Or it's Missy/someone and Ruby is The Master's granddaughter instead. My crack idea is can't see their face for the shadows so obviously it's the Vastra Nerada (spelling mistake here I'm pretty sure) who've escaped the Library, and that does seem like something I might write, though I'm not sure quite on an actual plot yet.
Or possibly if Donna and Fourteen miss the whole thing next episode (and I kind of hope they do, let Fifteen have the whole of the limelight) it might be fun to write what they were up to while all that was going on. Or Rose very much not telling them how her work experience went.
So maybe! Maybe, maybe Ruby meeting Bill and Heather, maybe something with the Ponds... I'm definitely excited about Doctor Who again right now. I did debate a Doctor Who reference in the Flash fic I'm writing, and I have a few more paragraphs so there's still time, they have been talking about time travel again.
But I have no specific plans.
I can tell you about the Doctor Who fic I never wrote though! So this is long enough ago I was just using FFN, was in my teens, and the idea was a Sherlock crossover, basically a really long way to save the Ponds where instead of the Weeping Angels sending Rory back in time they send him to the wrong universe, where he ended up in this kind of role as the Sherlock Holmes character in a double act with Molly Hooper running around London solving mysteries except the answer was always "it's aliens" (with Amy, River, and Eleven all try and find a way to save Rory, and Sherlock and John go do canon stuff in the background completely missing all the aliens showing up). But because it was Sherlock Holmes based, and because of River's book in Angels Take Manhattan it felt right it should be in first person, only there seemed to be a general negative feeling to first person pov in fanfic which made me nervous and I tried switching it to third person but it just didn't feel right and it seemed ambitious and I hadn't been writing fic long enough to feel confident enough I could write it, so it got shoved aside and I wrote other things and then my hard drive it was saved on broke and I lost the notes for it so it never got written, and it probably won't ever be now. But there was once almost a fic that now would be a cringy teenager wrote it crossover and instead it sits there as a reminder not to cave to peer pressure on what is the 'correct' way to write and let it stop you because it's so much more fun to take the writing rules and try and figure out how to break them.
Thank you!
[Talk Shop Tuesday Wednesday]
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einsteinsugly · 2 months
Thursday, May 26, 1983. You Make My Dreams Come True.
Madison, Wisconsin
5:30 pm
Briefcase in hand, Donna enters the tiny abode. Paper thin walls and all.
It's not much, but it's something. It's an emerging relic from their early college days, and they're beginning to outgrow it, especially since she has scored a starting position at the Wisconsin State Journal.
But Eric is two semesters behind, and is still firmly entrenched in his college days. Albeit, with a bit of a summer break.
Thus, music is blasting, as she rounds the corner.
It's not The Beatles, Pink Floyd, or even Styx. Instead, it's Hall and Oates.
Yeah, I, I'll do anything
That you want me to
Yeah, I'll do almost anything
That you want me to, ooh
She catches him red-handed, in the act. Dancing the day away. "Eric!"
He nearly jumps out of his skin, before skidding to a stop. Sans pants. "You...you said you were going to the store after work."
"I brought some leftover pizza," She explains, holding out a box, "There was a pizza party at work."
An awkward silence permeates, and Eric nervously sighs. "Well, this is embarrassing."
But Donna can't help but laugh. "I think it's adorable."
"I think you mean handsome." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Unconvincingly. "Like, Spencer Tracy handsome."
Still, she continues to chuckle. "I don't think so."
5:45 pm
Now, they're having a makeshift pizza party.
Donna has scored the prized pepperoni, with some meat lovers for Eric. And fine, maybe a slice for herself.
"So, how was work?" He attempts some futile small talk. "Y'know, your real job."
That's what he's been calling it, her "real job." He's been working retail on and off, and he bartends on Saturday nights. His justification for the latter is simple; he wants to toughen himself up for the trenches. His future.
As a result, he has broken up a few bar fights. And he's become strangely good at pool. And Space Invaders.
"It's fine..." She chuckles, once again, his day off being far from fruitful. "Did you have fun lying around the house, with no pants?"
"Do you like wearing your fancy pants?"
"Yes..." She trails off, trapped in an uncomfortable cage. "In theory. They're kind of uncomfortable."
"Then take them off."
Then, Eric starts to put everything on the counter, clearing the table.
"Wait a second."
He suggestively wiggles his eyebrows, with a smirk. "I'm The Flash, remember?"
She inevitably smirks, kissing him. "Yes, I remember."
If you want to join the game that I have been playing, all by myself, click here.
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
Got my DW magazines (including the latest where all those brainmelting quotes are coming from) and there really is so much loveliness in them, including a letter from RTD:
"The First Great Seismic Shift in Doctor Who was in 1966 when the lead character slumped to the floor and... what? He did what?! He changed into a different actor? For good?! Can you imagine that happening unannounced now? in 1966, there seems to be comparatively little record of the reaction. Did we question less, then? Did we just... watch?
I've got clearer memories of Seismic Shift 2, 1970, the move into colour. Though that didn't mean much; we didn't buy colour TVs overnight, I was still watching in black and white until, ooh, Planet of the Daleks...?"
Things happened, and we simply kept on watching. We might complain about today's online world, but aren't we wiser now? Less passive, more engaged?
You probably know the later Seismic Shifts. The return, in 2005. Steven Moffat's astonishing, brilliant, glittering Doctors from 2010 onwards, with the Master becoming Missy. And with a slinky Seismic Shuffle, the Eighth Doctor, who'd disappeared off screen in 1996, finally got to regenerate in 2013 but only on the BBC Red Button! And then Jodie Whittaker fell through the roof of a Sheffield-bound train with an impact so great, it bumped the entire show on to Sunday night, and then she stood up in the wreckage and smiled a smile so bright, it changed the Time Lord and television drama and the whole bloody culture for good and for better.
It really is the most fascinating show because it changes, changes, changes... and yet, it stays the same. 'Doctor Who is all about to change!' say the fans, but I sit here planning the next story in which a police box lands and the Doctor steps out and foils an invasion of Earth thinking to myself, well, is it? But I know what you mean. The feel of the show changes, the essence. Jo and the Doctor and that silver car are a different world, a different style, almost a different genre to Clara facing a Raven on Trap Street.
And now, in 2023, that high-wire-tension of approaching change is in the air. The Doctor mysteriously has a face he's had before. And by the time December rolls around, he'll have yet another new face, in a show that now drops worldwide on a vast streaming platform -- new and old at the same time, as it still stays cradled in its Saturday night home of the good old BBC.
But as I said. Voices are louder this year. Shouting and rage and horror sometimes circle around Doctor Who. And often, that's not about Doctor Who itself, it's expressing anger and fear about life, about love, about self. And I get that! These discussions are us, growing up. In the old days we'd sit in our bedroom and work out the world all on our own. We could only sing along to pop songs to express our lovely,lonely hearts. Now, we type it out, and that's always going to be clumsy. Because expressing yourself isn't easy. Even birthday cards are hard work! So trying to say what you think about life and love and sex and telly in the form of words typed on a page and read by strangers, oh, nightmare! No wonder it goes wrong. But now...
I think there's only one way to meet the changes to come.
With joy.
I'm not asking for good reviews (I've got myself for that, I think these episodes are FABULOUS!) But if you don't like the something, don't exhaust yourself. Just smile and be glad that some people are happy and wait for the next Seismic Shift to come.
Because this programme has trained us well! We have embraced flying cars and the Red Button and the Watcher and the Garm and hey, maybe 'granddaughter' is Gallifreyan for 'friend' (though I don't think so) which means we can delight in anything. And right now, the TARDIS is heading for Skaro, and a wounded spaceship is heading for London, and Shaun is taking an extra shift in his taxi cos he's short of money, and Sylvia is delivering a curry and Donna Noble's daughter needs to go shopping for eyes -- for eyes?! -- and as all these things converge, hold on tight, clutch those tins of beans, cos the next earthquake is rumbling away on the horizon.
Here we go again!
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ranchracoon · 2 months
Ch. 19 One Last Time
You couldn't move faster out of the castle, Alcina offered a carriage to take you to the edge of Donna's property but you vetoed it. The news from Mother Miranda ignited a fire inside you and gave you a surge of adrenaline that you used to propel yourself from the castle grounds. People in the village scurried to move out of your way, some of them recognizing you and giving you glances of worry but you paid them no mind. In the distance you saw the altar, which meant you were so close to the gate but life wasn't kind to you for long. The gate opened as you approached, making you skid to halt and panic set it for a brief moment. Panic turned to contempt when you recognized the pasty, scrawny, pathetic excuse for a human come into view.
"Salvatore." You nearly spat.
Mother Miranda warned you, maybe you could beg on your knees for forgiveness, but what could she really do? Throw you out of the village to be exposed to the elements? You would live as a hermit with Donna, because you knew she would rescue you. She always recused you. Before he could speak you approached him, fist clenched, you wanted nothing more than to put him in the dirt where he belonged. You swung your first toward his head, it would have hit him in the nose but he dodged at the last moment, before you could rewind he grabbed your hand with his own. He smirked at you, flashing his yellowing teeth as he tightened his grip enough to make you flinch.
"Nice try sweetie, but I've done this-"
He was cut off by another fist flying through the air and hitting him square in the jaw, the impact enough to send him stumbling to the ground. He sat up rubbing the spot, groaning loudly as the few villagers around gasped and made 'ooh' sounds. You looked over to see Cassandra shaking her hand then bringing it up to her lips to kiss her knuckles.
"Wow, that felt good." She giggled.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were in trouble with your mother."
"I am but Mother thought you might run into a certain pest and didn't want you to make any rash decisions."
"And this was the solution?" You motioned toward Salvatore.
"She didn't say I couldn't do anything." She said dramatically while emphasizing the 'I'.
Salvatore spat near your feet and growled, "you'll regret this! Wait until Mother Miranda hears about this."
"You know, I think you deserve another punch because obviously you can still speak." Cassandra threatened.
She turned toward Salvatore, from where you stood it was kind of humorous to see how Cassandra towered over him. She had a good six or seven inches on him easily, and judging from how hard the hit sounded, outmatched him in strength. She looked over her shoulder at you and winked as you smiled in return and went through the gate. On your way to the manor you paused at the sound of other footsteps, you were near Claudia's grave which didn't give you many options as far as hiding. You took a dive into the brush behind a tree, squatting down and peeking through the bushes to see Mother Miranda come into view through the fog.
She paused in front of Claudia's grave, kneeling down in front of the name plate as she ran a hand over it to brush away some fallen leaves. You couldn't hear what she said but could see her mouth moving, probably saying a prayer. Mother Miranda stood up from the grave and turned around to leave the way you came, once you were certain that she was out of range you darted for the path to the manor.
The manor stood in all of its doom and gloom, shrouded in mist from the waterfall but to you it was beautiful. You were finally home again. You slowed down and worked on catching your breath rather than controlling your descending thoughts. You guessed that the manor would be called your home now, obviously you weren't returning back to the states or leaving in general. Did you really want to leave? It seemed like that would be the best course, if you left all of this behind you could start fresh.
Before this you were always cautious, sheltered, didn't go out of your comfort zone, and never dreamed of shaking the boat. Since being here you've punched someone, yelled at someone superior to you, got involved in a murder, and currently are head over heels for a woman far out of your league. Maybe being here is a bad influence on you. You looked up at the manor one more time, thinking about Donna and how she looked at you, how she trusted you, and how much you longed to be in her arms again. Alcina was right, this may be the last night you have together and you couldn't waste it.
You stopped at the large metal gate, when you pushed it open it announced your arrival by creaking loudly. You stepped through the gate as the door opened to Angie, she looked you over with not a hint of of surprise at seeing you once again.
"Hi Angie. Miss me?" You asked with fake enthusiasm.
"As much as a cat misses a flea." She remarked.
"Oh come on, you like me."
"I-" She grumbled and waddled toward the stairs, "it has been quiet with you gone. Lord-Donna has gone back to her old habits: bedroom, workshop, repeat."
She whipped around suddenly, making you jump back to avoid being hit by the broom she held in her hand.
"You go down there and tell her that if her workshop is still a mess, I will personally drag her by the ear and make her clean until that floor shines." Angie threatened.
"Will do."
"You too! Scampering around with the lords has made you lazier than ever." She scorned.
You gasped and tried to protest but she held her broom threateningly and you decided that you would not win in a fight against Angie. She turned back around and started her slow ascend up the stairs, while you scurried off downstairs. The first spot to check was the workshop, which unfortunately was still destroyed, but that was a future problem. That meant Donna was in her bedroom. You approached her bedroom door, seeing an untouched tray of mystery food in front of it, you gently scooted it with your food and knocked on the door. No answer. You knocked again and heard some shuffling around but still no answer after waiting for a moment. You huffed and tried the door discreetly to find it locked.
"Donna?" You called quietly.
There was a shift in noise, you heard some clattering and some words that you couldn't make out followed by some more shuffling around before silence. The door swung open to expose Donna who stood there in a button down shirt, some type of slacks, and black socks. Even when she was lounging she still looked so good. You bit your lip softly and chuckled nervously, losing the nerve you once had at seeing her without her mask again. She looked so beautiful in the lamp light, the light perfectly highlighted her jaw and the shadows didn't help.
Her eyes were shadowed, the pure white one like a beacon in the night while the other pulled you into the ocean of darkness. She reached down and pulled you into the bedroom, locking the door behind you before she engulfed you in a tight hug, her nose burying into your neck.
"I miss the way you smell." A kiss on your neck.
"The way you touch." Another kiss on your jaw.
"The way to taste." A kiss behind your ear.
"The way you say my name." She whispered in your ear.
Goosebumps covered your skin as your hands traveled up her back to her shoulders, pulling her in tightly. You whimpered a little as her fingers dug into the small of your back, pressing you impossibly closer to her. She continued to plant kisses against your skin, you tilted your head and managed to see a book on her bed. Upon narrowing your eyes you saw it was the same book she gifted you, Mountain Flowers and How to Care for Them.
"Doing some light reading?" You questioned teasingly.
Donna stopped kissing you and shot her head up, you frowned when she released you and stretched over to grab the book. She tossed it into one of the nightstands, closing the drawer and standing in front of it. You giggled a little at how she toyed with her fingers nervously, not looking in your direction.
"I...we started all that work in the greenhouse so..I didn't want that to go to waste."
You smiled at her sweetly, taking her hands in yours and pressing kisses to her knuckles, "that's very sweet of you."
The two of you stood in an awkward silence, you sigh and rub your thumbs against her soft skin. She leaned forward and rested her head against your shoulder, you inhaled her scent deeply while you let go of her hands in order to wrap yours around her neck. You opened your eyes and lowered your head so that your forehead was on her chest, holding in a giggle at seeing her toes wiggle.
"Donna...we need to talk."
"Not tonight."
She sighed, a low rumbling resembling a growl came from her throat, "it's about Miranda isn't it?" She asked, hinting on annoyance.
Donna sat down on the bed, sighing again as she planted her hands firmly on each side of her on the bed. She shook her head a little, you pushed her legs apart and held her head against your abdomen, stroking your fingers through her hair after untying it from its bun.
"I heard her speaking with Angie. She thinks that I had something to do with the maid showing up dead and asked Angie where I was. Angie of course was an open book on where I was." Donna said.
"Did Mother Miranda say anything else?"
"That she'll consider Angie's testimony and that she'll call us tomorrow about her decision."
"So, tonight might be our last night together." You mumble.
You could feel Donna smirk against you as she wrapped her arms around your torso and pulled you down onto her lap. She kissed underneath your jaw and down your neck, her hands slipping underneath your shirt.
"Mhm, which is why I'm going to worship you as if it is." She growled.
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