#OTP: Fire and Gasoline
hardcourtsterektrash · 2 months
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Suicide Squad // Gotham // Joker 2 Folie a Deux
Joker and Harley Quinn
Jeremiah and Ecco
Arthur Fleck and Harleen Quinzel
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5ivebyfive · 4 months
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Trimberly insta, ft. fire meet gasoline
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iwantyoudeadsd · 9 months
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When I'm away from you, I feel so alone, so alone I'm hopelessly drowning and all I can do is count down the days I'm counting the days time I've wasted, I will make it up to you.
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
Ask for OTPs and Self Ships
copied from a now gone post and blog: original url https://glitter-and-gasoline-deactivate.tumblr.com/post/687208822931095552
TW: angst, suggestive content, etc.
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
Describe their cozy night in.
Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
What happens if one of them gets sick?
What are their thoughts on having children?
Describe their first date.
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Who’s the bigger tease?
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Do they always say ‘i love you’ before leaving?
Can they stay up all night just talking?
Who’s more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
How do they feel about PDA?
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Who would get into a fight to defend the other’s honor? Who tends to the other’s wounds?
What reminds each of their partner?
Who’s more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning?
Who’s more likely to give the other a massage?
Do they have any hobbies they share?
What are their vices?
Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
What are there thoughts on pet names? Do they have any?
Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
Who’s the better story teller?
Who’s the better cook?
Who’s more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush?
Who’s more artistic?
Who’s more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Which is more likely to swear?
Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla?
Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help?
Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Who would give their life for the other without a second thought?
Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
Can they fall asleep without the other?
Would they get frisky at the movies by themselves?
Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?
Who’s the better driver?
Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
who’s more likely to do something out of spite?
What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Describe their weekend getaway?
Would they ever go skinny dipping?
Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
Who tops? Who bottoms?
Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
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astromechs · 4 months
rebelcaptain + 1, 12 and 45
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
i see this scenario playing out at a time when neither have actually said the words yet, and they just... explode out in the middle of this very heated argument. and the one i'm envisioning actually saying it is cassian, because — counter to what some may believe, i actually think jyn is in better control of herself during an argument, and employs the vicious things she says while mad as very deliberate strikes. but cassian? cassian spends so much time holding things back that when the anger does boil over, he's in less control and so something like this is more likely to explode out. so it does, he's stunned by what he just said, they're both stunned, and things go REALLY quiet. so he actually didn't intend to end it this way, but it ended nevertheless.
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
they had a testy beginning, but to be honest, once they sort their shit out, they really don't argue that much; they happen to be on the same wavelength about a lot of things, they work well together, and there's a lot of that silent understanding that passes back and forth between them. that being said, when they do argue, it can get really nasty really quickly. they're both strong-willed people, they've both struggled a lot with relationships in their own ways, they've both never met a fire they didn't want to throw gasoline on, and especially after being together for a while, would know exactly what words would hurt and exactly how to strike with them.
if it was one of those really nasty arguments, it might take them a while to come back from it, because they're both stubborn as fuck and basically daring the other to blink first — and then the more time drags on, the more both of their insecurities start rearing their heads, so, yay. at that point, it probably takes some outside intervention from of their friends to make them both put the fucking proverbial weapons down even though every second during this standoff has been absolutely miserable for the both of them, but eventually, they exchange their i'm sorrys, then hold onto each other tightly and don't let go for a while.
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
at the very least, not well. and, if i'm really being honest — not at all. it's the trauma and the codependency.
otp asks!
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showmey0urfangs · 1 year
Why do a lot of people make fun of Loumand and its fans, and then love Lesmand and hope the show gives more space to their relationship?
Hi there nonnie! Listen, I've long since made peace with the fact that Loumand is the underdog when it comes to VC ships and there are many reasons to it—some valid some not, but it is what it is. I'll keep loving them regardless, and keep writing fics about them that no one reads but me. 🥲 I understand the appeal of Lesmand because their dynamic is so fascinating, but personally, I've never thought of them as a romantic ship, more like frenemies turned bitter rivals turned frenemies again and so on and so forth.
Armand THINKS he loves Lestat but really it's born from envy and desperation because Lestat was the only thing he had left to cling to after his coven and entire way of life was destroyed. There's a savage but accurate line that Lestat tells him in TVL when he rejects him: ❝You were the slave of Marius and then of the Children of Darkness. You fell under the spell of one and then the other. What you suffer now is the absence of a spell.❞
Armand thinks having Lestat would resolve his existential crisis but really, he wouldn't know what to do with all that Jazz if he ever got it (insert he doesn't even know what the tip feels like jokes). As for Lestat, he does care for Armand but in an aww what a cute little weirdo kind of way and he wants nothing to do with him romantically because Armand is too unhinged, even for him. And yet Louis took one look at him and said, alright, bet! and within a few days, had him making grand declarations, committing child murder and sitting by as Louis burned his house and everyone he knew in it. Armand and Lestat are fire and gasoline, the same facet of the same coin—two needy traumatized children who desperately want love but don't know how to ask for it without being manipulative and controlling. It would never work! And maybe that's what people like, because Lesmand is a fun hypothetical what if but it will never actually happen and so it doesn't threaten any of their other "OTP" ships. I think this all merits further investigation and hopefully, some Lesmand truthers can reblog this and offer some clarification to this mystery. 😂
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zephfair · 2 years
Ronan for the character game! 🥰 Sorry you're in pain. 😔
Thank you so much for asking! And for the concern! 😅 (I finally got my SI joint popped back into place today after five weeks of suffering so I just have to wait out the pain and muscle spasms...hopefully it stays in!)
Ah, Ronan Lynch. One of my favorite characters in literature.😉
favorite thing about them: I like that he’s funny and a drama queen at times and I adore him when he’s overly dramatic (although it’s probably tiresome irl). He definitely feels like the most fleshed-out character in the entire series with all the mentions of his past likes and interests as well as his complex personality (obviously he's the author’s pet😜). He puts on a front a lot, but getting the chapters of Dream Thieves from his pov was so illuminating after the first book. I love how he takes care of his friends like killing the wasp in The Raven Boys for Gansey or all the things he does for Adam, but also cheering up Blue when she’s suspended from school. He loves deeply and shows it by his actions. Also he loves animals and Chainsaw seems like such an extension of him, I love it. And I like handcat too.😂
least favorite thing about them: Sometimes he makes really dumb choices and says really dumb, hurtful things--but then I sigh and realize that I was a kid once too and so did I. He isn’t perfect by any means, and I like that in a character. Oh, there’s that mention in the first book that he’s peeing on the woods to mark his territory and how Gansey jokes about never actually seeing him pee inside which is...kinda disturbing.🤣 And if it turns out that he's not a real boy but is instead some kind of ancient magical entity trapped in a boy suit, I might riot. That would definitely be my least favorite thing. I won't rant here.😁
favorite line: Oh man, Ronan gets some of the best lines in the series. I was just thinking about the time he taunted Whelk about "what they say about a man with a big bag" and how he’d show him his if Whelk showed him his. Or some of the things he said about Mallory being old—that was a hoot. He’s such a smartass and I love that about him.
BrOTP: Ronan and Blue 5eva.
OTP: with Adam, ofc. But I also ship him with Gansey (all that "I know what my dog needs" stuff🥵.) Or the three of them together (no, I don’t know the meaning of One True Pairing). I just love a good love story! Or PWP!😏😈
nOTP: I’ve read really good fic shipping Ronan with just about everyone but I don’t ship him with Blue other than besties who can bitch with each other.
random headcanon: I think that Ronan would love education on his own time, just not in a structured environment like Aglionby or a university. I could see him taking random college classes just for fun because they sound interesting and then really enjoying them (like a world mythology course or comparative religion). Or hands-on technical classes like welding because playing with fire (kinda) is cool but he proves good at it. I think he would love to learn for his own sake, but never for a grade or a degree.
unpopular opinion: I honestly don’t know what the popular opinion is in fandom but I don’t see Opal as Ronan’s daughter. Like at all. I think they’re more like weird siblings because he’s “known” her most of his life as he dreamed and even though she’s frozen at that age, I don’t think it’s a fatherly connection. She’s more like a little sister/part of him/kind of a pet that needs attention and care given to her but not as a full-time father. I don’t think he or Adam are anywhere near ready for fatherhood.
song i associate with them: I think of Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia when I think about Ronan and Adam.
favorite picture of them: ANYTHING by @catbishonen or @picapicae or @cassandrajp And this gorgeous one by @sikenpilled 😍😍😍
Thanks again for the ask! 😘 If anyone else wants to play, ask away!
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canonerarecsonly · 2 years
You know that feeling when you get into a new pairing and you know its going to be a passing fancy, but that makes it so much better because your OTP’s have already ruined you and the last thing you need is more gasoline on that dumpster fire?
I love that feeling.
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silvervalkyrie · 3 years
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All my scars don't seem to matter anymore 'Cause they led me here to you
Valkyrie was never good at instruments, let alone guitar, but after hearing several Samurai songs and feeling the itch Johnny had to play every time they walked past a music store...Well, it wasn’t that hard to get a guitar to start practicing. One of her practice sessions with him was definitely a point where Johnny felt a really sharp something pierce his heart.
Gorgeous piece of johnny and valkyrie by squared2theroot on twitter <3</p>
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5ivebyfive · 10 months
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fire meet gasoline - chapter nine: and it feels stupendous
Kimberly Hart, professional women's soccer/football star, gets transferred to a new team. Their star goalkeeper, Trini Gomez, isn't the most welcoming, but there's something about Trini that Kim can't shake. They have to learn how to go from rivals to teammates, and they have to find a way to get along. But it's not easy. Especially not with a mutual attraction and a one night stand standing between them. Can they learn to work together? Or will the fact that they're both stubborn and argumentative continue to cause trouble between them? And what about that attraction...
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captainderyn · 5 years
"I'm pretty good at providing distractions" dealer's choice :)))
Thank you for the ask @lumielles! I’m sorry this took a fair bit of time to answer :’) But I couldn’t use anyone but Wren and Trix for this let’s be honest...
As per usual with them and in line with this prompts there’s a sprinkling of spice in this... 
Trix belongs to @delavairesslegacy
“Stars damn it all!” Trix pushed her small mountain of datapads away from her perhaps a little more aggressively than she had intended, sending her little mug of pencils and pens and styluses falling off the desk and onto the floor.
 Growl rumbling from her throat she dragged her hands through her hair, muttering another soft curse, glaring daggers at the datapads. Her line of work had been on too much of a high for it to keep going strong, but watching a carefully cultivated and planned objective crumble to dust with one message and a single person’s mistake sent a sharp jab of frustration through her. 
She felt more than heard Wren come down the hallway, feeling her presence slide closer–probing curiously–when she stopped in the door frame. “Everything alright?” 
“Everything is fine.” Trix sighed, pressing her palm to her forehead without turning around. “Just stuck playing a waiting game now that I hadn’t planned for.” 
Wren hummed, padding closer. Her hands slipped around her shoulders, her kiss warm against the ridges along the back of her neck in a way that made her involuntarily shiver. Her wife did it intentionally, she always did, always drifted there ever since she learned that they were sensitive. “Well, what a shame.” she paused, resting her chin on Trix’s shoulders. 
She could practically hear the sarcastic dripping from her voice. “What a damn shame.” she nuzzled her face closer to Trix’s neck, teeth teasing the skin there. Trix kept herself carefully still, arching a browstalk just to see exactly was Wren would do. She was never the most patient, never the one to play a game of teasing for more than a few exchanges before she grew impatient. “I imagine you could use a distraction.” 
Wren was decidedly blunt in her insinuations, for all the verbal battles she had to fight in the Dark Council chambers and Trix bit back an amused breath of a laugh. Instead she sighed, leaning forward in her chair and reached out further towards her desk like she was going to gather her datapads once again. “You’re quite right, there are other countless messages I should really respond to...” 
Wren’s indignation flared in the force bond between them and in the next beat she was in front of Trix, one hand lightly pushing her away from her desk. Wren sidled her way onto Trix’s lap, green eyes darkened to emerald in the stormy light from outside. “Or...” she conveniently ignored Trix’s hedged words--she knew just as well as Trix did that she was just pushing her buttons. “I’m pretty good at providing distractions.” 
“Are you now?” Trix’s other browstalk arched, though she couldn’t keep her eyes from darting down to Wren’s lips as her wife’s hands began to wander, ghosting over the exposed ridges on her arms and shoulders as they did. She growled lowly at Wren’s deliberate tease, something heating in her at the smirk she was given and the way Wren raised an eyebrow. 
She cut off any smart, sly comment her wife may offered, catching Wren’s lower lip between her teeth and dragging a hand through her hair, shaking it free of its braid and relishing the way that Wren melted into her touch.
When her comm chimed from the place it had fallen on the floor later she let it chirp--they had made her wait and now they could wait for her; she had far more important matters on her mind. After the third ring Wren grumbled against her lips and with a flick of her hand sent the device flying, silencing it by either distance or the soft thud of it hitting the wall.  
“Let them wait.” 
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tokugou · 3 years
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BAKUGOU and TODOROKI in episode 92
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pagesfrank · 7 years
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kastle aesthetic - now i think we are saving eachother.
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rocknrolleigns · 3 years
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You’ve been struck by… a smooth criminal: part 10/?
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
#a look for tulia #going to zhorrid's funeral #on jadus's arm
oh. okay. that's fine. everything is fine.
#and there probably isn't any enquiry into her death #or even if there is it ends with acina congratulating/thanking her
this is fine. i'm okay with the events currently unfolding. Tulia definitely didn't just lose the last tattered fragment of her soul when she demurely accepted Acina's praise and gratitude.
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You’re welcome
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hvproductions · 4 years
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“I never had known love before I met you. It was the worst day and the best day of my living days.”
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