#The Originals OC
seriesxwriting · 4 months
Let me show you who I really am
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Pairing- Kol Mikaelson
Series- vampire diaries
Summary- usually you’d get quite a few boys ask you to prom, but not this year. Apparently they were all scared of your admirer who wanted you all to himself.
Warnings- kissing, vampire killing, mentions of blood, detailed description of killing.
“I can’t believe it was over a month since I posted- I apologise! I will try to be more active but sitting A levels has apparently hindered my ability to come up with ideas. Just bare with me <3”
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It was finally the day of our school prom. I’d been stressing about what to wear, how to have my hair, what colour to use on my lips. But the biggest thing I was stressing about, was who I was going to go with. It’s not a flex but in the past I’ve had multiple offers from boys to go to dances or gatherings. But this time, nothing. Not one offer. I even went out my way asking hector wathe to come with me, seems we’d gone to a dance together last term. But he just shook his head and ran away from me. I would have been embarrassed if I wasn’t consumed with confusion about his behaviour.
So I gave up on the date thing, assumed I’d be going myself. But my girl’s picked me up, ditched their dates so they could come with me. Prom was about friendship anyway. Not a random boy I’d forget once I made a life for myself.
“Y/n? Is that you?” My mother called as I walked through the door. I smiled as she entered the hallway with a giant box in her arms. “This came for you sweetheart” she edged over to me passing the box into my arms. “What is it?” I questioned frowning. “We haven’t opened it, it’s private” she shrugged staring at the box. I could see her mind was racing with the possibilities of what could be inside. “Thanks mum” I swallowed joining in with her thinking myself. Who was it from. What was in it. I carried it up the stairs as my mum filtered back into the living room to watch whatever was on the tv. I put the box on my bed and then lifted the lid off it, curious about the details. There was a note on top of the white tissue paper.
“Saw this and it reminded me of you, thought you’d look good in it, like you do in everything” I whispered as I read it out to myself. My eyes flicked down to the bottom “from Kol” my eyes widened at the three letters of his name. Kol? Why would Kol send me a dress? What game was he playing? Sure id noticed his eyes lingering on me for a while too long before and noticed how his deep eyes compelled me to stare into them until I melted. But that doesn’t give him a reason to send me a dress. I placed the card on my bed and unwrapped the tissue paper. I pulled out this gorgeous emerald dress. It had a silver strip coming from the waistline all the way down the sides of the leg spilt. It looked as if they’d put the gems on by hand, one at a time taking precaution not to ruin or snag any part of it. The dress was slightly off the shoulders which would make my chest look great.
It was overwhelming. It must have cost a fortune. But here it was in my house, lying on my bed. All because of Kol? A Mikaelson was showing me more interest than any of the boys from school. He was supposed to be a sworn enemy, and because of that, I folded the dress back up and put it back in the box. I already had a dress. It was a lot simpler and less expensive but it was mine. And it wasn’t gifted to me by a deranged, gorgeous psychopath. No I meant a deranged, bloodthirsty, psychopath. Not gorgeous. I couldn’t have meant gorgeous. Putting the note back, I lifted the box putting it under my bed where no one would find it. I’d give it back to him if I ever got the chance. It wasn’t right to keep it let alone wear it. Plus I was running out of time overthinking this, I had to get ready.
I curled my hair after my shower and put on my red dress. It didn’t have sparkles on it, but it did have a cute leg slit and a nice tied up back. “Mum!! Can you come and do me up!!” I yelled out of my room. A minute or two later she came plodding up the stairs. She stopped in front of me smiling and her eyes filling up as she raised a finger to wipe her tear. “Oh y/n you look so gorgeous” she whimpered walking over to hug me. “Thanks mum” I whispered nuzzling my face into her neck with a grin across my cheeks. “Come on, let me tie the back” she smiled ushering me over to the mirror. “Oh- y/n have you noticed this rip?” She blinked looking at the back of me. “RIP?! Where!!” I turned around trying to have a look in the mirror. “Here?” She pointed looking stressed herself. “Oh god- what am I going to do- can you fix it?” I blinked at her in utter panic. “No- well yes- but not in time for your prom” she shook her head having a closer look at it. “Come on, I’ll need to work fast, you’ll only be a little late, take it off” she patted me on the back but I eyed the box sticking out from under my bed. “No- no it’s okay, I’ll wear something else” I blinked, not taking my eyes off it. “Something else? What else do you possibly have to wear to a prom?” She raised an eyebrow following my eyeline.
“I’ll meet you and dad downstairs, give me ten minutes” I smiled rubbing her shoulder. “Alright…” she trailed off leaving my room full of confusion. I didn’t move. I swallowed staring at the box. Would it be completely wrong to wear it? I had nothing else I could wear. Surely my friends would understand. I sighed walking over to it, clipping on the floor in my black heels. Taking it out from under my bed. I held it up over my body looking at it in the mirror. I put my head on one side thinking for a second. Before removing all the thoughts out of my head and putting it on. I walked down stairs to my parents sitting in the front room. Their eyes widened as I walked in. “Y/n! That dress is stunning where did you get it?” My mother gasped covering her mouth with her hand.
“It was a gift” I bit my lip not wanting to say anymore. “You look amazing darling, you’ll be the best dressed there” my dad smiled at me. With that the door bell rang. “That must be the girls” I smiled rushing out as fast as the dress would let me go. But when I opened the door the girls weren’t there. Kol was. He stood with his famous smirk, his hand held a big bunch of roses as his eyes looked me up and down. “So I was right, it does suit you” he joked, my jaw was ajar now staring at him. “What are you doing here- why are you wearing a suit and- why do you have flowers- why did you send me a dress?” I hissed coming outside closing the door so my parents wouldn’t hear us. “Because I’m taking you to prom” “erm- no you’re not!” I scoffed almost laughing. “You don’t have a date? So why can’t it take you?” He raised an eyebrow at me.
“There are a number! Of reasons why you can’t take me to prom kol” I laughed before the realisation sank in. “How the hell do you know I don’t have a date?” I whispered frowning at him. His brown eyes slimmed on me as his smirk widened. “I may have sent out a message to some guys- that you were taken” he shrugged his shoulders. “What?” I blinked in disbelief, my breath hitched. “I want to take you, I don’t want other guys putting their hand on you” he told me slamming his eyebrows down. “You’re serious?” I asked him in a quiet voice. “You’re a vampire kol- you’ve hurt my friend- not only that you’re an original…” I trailed off holding the door handle. “And what?” He shrugged laughing. “I’m here aren’t I? I’m not lying I’m not causing trouble- a vampire can’t admit his feelings for a girl?”. “Feelings? For me? I’m just an ordinary human Kol” “you’re not ordinary y/n- you’re different from your friends, different from all humans” he smiled staring into my eyes. “How” I slimmed my eyes at him shaking my head not believing a word that came out of his mouth.
“You think you can put me on the spot y/n?” Kol chuckled to himself. “The way you carry yourself, the way you stick to your morals, your loyalty to those you love, your way of seeing the best in people even if they have hurt your friends- you’re out here talking to me, you could have stayed in your house in the safety- so you must be slightly intrigued or trust me slightly- just give me a chance y/n” he put his head to the side as I consumed everything he dumped on me. “I will protect you- treat you right- I just want a chance to show you who I really am, I don’t want anything more to do with klaus and his mess- let me show you that” he begged, I saw it in his eyes. He wasn’t lying, if he was he was a damn good lier. I wasn’t wearing vvraine so he could have compelled me but, he didn’t. “Okay- you have one night to make me feel anything but uncomfortable around you” I raised my eye brow at him reaching out for the flowers. I smiled at them clutching them between my arms. “I’m gonna grab my bag and text the girls to meet me there- you can wait here” I told him with a little smile warming up to the idea of Kol Mikaelson liking me. If he was a normal boy this would be so much easier, he was attractive- he was gorgeous. But he wasn’t normal, he’s a vampire who’s been around 1000 years longer than me.
I did as I said I would before saying goodbye to my parents. I met Kol outside his car where he opened the door for me before getting in his own side. He drove us to prom while keeping up basic conversation, which just intrigued me more. I wanted to know what he was up to. We got to the prom location in under twenty minutes. When no one was looking Kol vamp ran round to my side and opened my door for me. “Kol!” I hissed shaking my head. “Don’t do that you could get caught” I whispered as he put his hand out for me. I took it gently. “They wouldn’t be alive very long if they did catch me darling” he whispered in my ear as I stepped out. “I don’t want any killings here tonight, or I’ll never forgive myself” I widened my eyes at him. “Yes mam” he smirked leaning in closer to me. There wasn’t much room between my back and the car or my front and kol. “I can hear your heart racing darling” he whispered tucking my hair behind my ear. “Don’t worry, I won’t kiss you until you ask me to, and you will” he winked before stepping back and putting his arm out for me.
“You’re delusional” I giggled rolling my eyes taking his arm. We walked towards the enterance and kitty Renfeild stood outside with a camera. “Hey y/n- and y/n’s handsome date” she winked at Kol who completely blanked her without him even knowing I was looking at him. His arm wrapped around my waist and he whispered “going have to get a little closer now love” he pulled me into his body. The flick of jealously I felt from kitty’s comment was what I blamed my actions on. I pressed my body against him putting my other hand on Kols chest. I heard him chuckle as I posed for the photo. “Have fun” she told us after snapping the photo and in we went. There were lot of people here even though we were maybe ten minutes early. There were flashing lights and drink tables everywhere. People were already dancing to the shit music playing. “Has Kol Mikaelson ever been to a high school prom?” I asked him smiling up. “Oh I’ve been to my fair share of dances, balls and whatever was going on in the 1920s but never a prom” he laughed catching my eyes. “And I’ve never had such a gorgeous date to attend any of these events with” he winked. “Quite the charmer ain’t you” I nudged him gently.
“Y/n? What’s this all about?”. I look up and see Elena, Bonnie and Caroline all staring at me like I’m an alien. Or, staring at Kol like he’s an alien. “Hey girls…” I trailed off as my heart started pounding. Kol clearly picked up on it because his grip round my waist became tighter. “I can explain, I have a thing for y/n- have done ever since I laid my eyes on her and i decided now was the time to tell her” “what” Carolin blinked in horror. “He’s a Mikaelson y/n” Elena widened her eyes at me. “He doesn’t want to be involved anymore” I shook my head at her hoping they’d find some way to look at this differently. “You can’t trust him- he’s a vampire” Bonnie hissed at me, her face pulled into disgust. “Well that’s why I’ve braught him- to see if I can trust him” I told them with a little bit of a shrug. The girls all looked round at each other. “I’m done with all klaus’s shit, I want to prove that- not necessarily to you guys but to y/n” he told them blankly. “I’m sorry y/n, but I don’t like it” Elena stepped back before rushing off into the crowd. Kol rolled his eyes at her “she’s always so dramatic”. “I…” Caroline trailed off not knowing what to say in this situation.
“I’m going to get some air, will you be alright for a second” I tapped Kol on the bicep. “Yes gorgeous” he nodded brushing my hand with his. That made me smile. Even within this mess. My friends hated the idea of me and Kol being together, on a serious level. Elena was ready to cry about it. But what made it worse was the fact that I thought I was really starting to like him. He was charming, he was handsome, he was bold and confident. He was my type. I made it outside to the side of the tent and took a deep breath. I had two options here, to lose my friends and continue on with Kol- or leave him now. And that was a hard decision. “Y/n, i didn’t expect to see you here”. I whipped around seeing klaus standing opposite me. He had a girl in his arms and blood was dripping all down his chin. Her neck had been torn open. Klaus’s eyes illuminated orange as fear spread across my face. “Klaus- what have you done…” I whispered blinking at the lifeless girl.
“I came to create a massacre, I’d say I’m going to start with you but I’ve already started” he chuckled throwing the body on the floor. Klaus walked a few steps towards me while I took a few back hitting the tent behind me. “Why are you doing this?” I gasped as he vamp ran in front of me. I could smell the blood that was smothered across his mouth and T-shirt he was that close. “Because i simply can” he smirked reaching out for my hair. I pushed his hand away from me scrunching my face up. “That was stupid” his eyes lit up again as anger starting to corse through his veins. I saw his jaw tighten emphasising his anger. “It was stupid to come out alone anyway” he grunted and my last thought was about to be ‘klaus is right’. As he lunged forwards towards my neck his body got ripped away from me and he flew backwards hitting a tree with a thud. I pannted looking around before finally seeing my hero. Kol stood there scowling at his brother who was in the process of standing up. “She didn’t come alone brother” Kol raised his eyebrows. Once klaus stood up he flicked his eyes between us assessing the situation.
“A human?” Klaus chuckled from a distance. “I thought you were into witches” “I thought you were into Caroline but we all know how that worked out” Kol walked closer to me standing in front of me as if he was a shield. “What are you playing at Kol?” “I like her, and you aren’t going to touch a hair on her head without going through me” Kol answered folding his arms across his chest. Klaus laughed, it went right through me making my blood boil. “I could easily get through you” “so do it” Kol shrugged letting his arms lose once again. “I’m sure we will see each other real soon little brother” klaus nodded before vamp running away into the forest. Kol turned around and came to me fussing and checking I was okay. “Kol! I’m fine- do you realise how many people you just saved” I questioned almost weak from the shock of his protection. “I don’t care y/n, you are my priority, when you’re with me you will be safe I’ll make sure of it” he told me brushing a finger down my cheek. I felt my cheeks going red. He made me feel emotions I’d never felt towards a guy before.
I pushed my body against his and wrapped my arms slowly around his neck gently pulling his head down to meet mine. Our lips met, gently at first but then Kol gripped my waist, pulling me even closer to his body. There’s something about almost dying that makes you do crazy things. Life is short, and I want to try life with Kol. No matter the repercussions.
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Kol masterlist
The vampire diarie masterlist
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Masterlist of Masterlists
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ex-coolgirl · 4 months
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nightingale2004 · 5 months
Meet my TVD/The originals oc:
Natalia Petrova Mikaelson: female
Age: 19 (turned), mid to late 500s
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Personality: ruthless, protective, loyal, caring, reliable, intelligent, calculating, blunt, stubborn, clever, confident, aggressive, generous, compassionate, fierce, respectful, honorable, cautious, feisty, devoted, determined, strong-willed
Family: Katherine Pierce (sister/dead), Nadia (niece/dead), Elijah Mikaelson (husband), The Mikaelsons (in laws), Hope (niece)
Species: Vampire
Extra: Natalia is the older sister of Katarina Petrova/ Katherine Pierce. After their family died, it was always Natalia and Katarina together against the world. For a century, they have always been stuck together and always were on the run. Natalia would protect Katherine and always get her out of trouble. It wasn't until she met the Salvatore brothers that she understood who her sister really was. So she was on her own and reunited with Elijah, who agreed to spare her in exchange that she worked for him and so she worked for Elijah doing whatever he asked and following his orders. Throughout the years, they've gotten closer to point where they had a secret marriage and she does not like sharing what is hers.
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superspookyjanelle · 5 months
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OC AESTHETIC: Cordelia Dare
❝ I think it's kinda funny that a vampire is trying to threaten me as if I'm not a child of powerful titan.❞ ︎︎
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @arrthurpendragon @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
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thatmagickjuju · 11 months
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The Originals fanfiction
@katiekinswrites @if-you-onlyknew @starcrossedjedis @arrthurpendragon @acabecca @jemmalynette @drbobbimorse @endless-oc-creations @kingsmakers
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ginger-grimm · 7 months
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Liliana Pietri & Elijah Mikaelson for @enchanted--roses
I hope you like it!
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ledarth · 5 months
Le Pretty Boy...
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Samee Rostami
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❝ Do good people never get tired of being so blandly moral ? What's an infringement to your own rules but a byway ? ❞
Age:: 21 years old.
Height:: 183 cm.
Born in Tangers, Morroco. He was raised there alongside his siblings until the age of 9, when his parents disappeared in circumstances that remain unclear. Afterwards he was taken in by his aunt who was the wife of a diplomat so they moved around a bit.
Polyglot:: Arabic (both darija and literary), English, French, Elementary Turkish and Urdu, and the most basic Korean.
Alignment:: Chaotic Neutral.
Sexuality:: Bisexual who values intellect most.
Hobbies:: He's learnt to play poker quite young, with his father and his friends, they'd sit on a small terrace with mint tea and never bet anything but cigarets. His dad also considered football his second religion, Zidane a god amongst men, so football, not only playing it but knowing the players and the surrounding culture naturally became a hobby of his that he kept on as an homage to his gone old man. He learnt cooking along with his younger sisters because his aunt believed it was just as instructive for a guy than for a girl and saw no reason for him not to learn how to make a good kefta. On his own, he developped his taste for cooking and got interested in other cultures. He particularly enjoy latkes and quiches.
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Specie:: Varies on the verse.
Riordanverse: Magician of the Fourteenth Nome, Follower of Toth.
TVD/TO: Witch with a specialisation as a clairvoyant. Much like Alexis, vampires drinking his blood are able to see bits of his visions with clarity and drinking directly from him helps him better forecast/prophesies someone's future. He is also, of course, capable of casting spells and making potions.
The Sandman (tv series): He had an accident and got stuck in a coma. After wandering beyond his own reveries and spending some time at Fiddler's Green, he started to explore more of the Dreaming, ending up in its ruler's castle, fairly confused because he hadn't ran into anybody else yet. He'd thought he was alone for a while after leaving his own dream behind. (Dead Boy Detectives Extension: He wakes up ultimately, able to see ghosts. Charles and Edwin are both wary of him because of the Monty debacle but he's just not sure who he is anymore and would appreciate their help figuring it out. He's been recommended by a ghost after a chat about his time wandering around Morpheus' realm, and how it was all he remembered now.)
Person of Interest: His number came up, as diplomats and their family do get assigned social security numbers in the U.S.A. Why did his number come up? He is to be abducted by a group of mercenaries paid by Algerian ultranationalists following some declarations of his uncle that have been interpreted as supporting the self-determination of Kabylia.
To Be Added.
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Personality:: At first glance, Samee is beautiful, an appearance that marks, all sharp and full features. He knows that, and that makes him cunning. Born with his eyes on the prize, his aim in life is to succeed. Now success can take different meanings throughout time, but he always is working in order to achieve a certain goal. He is crafty, meticulous really, when it comes down to do securing something for himself, thinking two steps ahead to ensure his success. As a result, he merely sees deceit as just another tool and poorly handles criticism. But he doesn't like to listen to people telling him how to improve himself. He'd rather reflect on it on his own than hear someone else point out what he did wrong for him. Interestingly though, he isn't materialistic. He has little interest for ostentatious displays of wealth that he mostly finds gaudy. He doesn't care about what people have, he cares about what they seek to obtain, what they're willing to fight for. Their aims, their purpose. Fundamentally optimistic, he likes to see the glass as half-full and is looking for a way to fill it to the brim. That makes him the successful social animal, able to draw in people and keep them entertained. It also makes him a passionate young man who believes in what he does and work tenaciously with the faith of someone who knows they will succeed if they try hard enough. Greatly helped by his retentive memory, his observation skills are impeccable. He excels at analyzing/cold reading people, easily able to understand what's driving them and what they expect from him. This perhaps makes him a little jaded, growing up surrounded by people who either wanted something from him/his family or had to play pretend for a living. Now he does the same, masks his intentions in indolent smiles and polite niceties. Though they are few people he holds close, Adil does love fiercely. Passionate in all things, his emotions are often heightened, himself being very eager to feel them fully, to relish in them, good or bad.
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Backstory:: To Be Written.
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ct1409lover · 1 year
Sam: Truth or dare?
Eeva: Truth.
Sam: I dare you to kiss Bucky.
Eeva, already getting up: Alright, fine.
Kol: They didn’t even pick dare?
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bloodieash · 2 years
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Introducing: Persephone James in Turning the Page Persephone was just your average Vampire Diaries fan right up until she woke up in the back of her car on the road into Mystic Falls. She soon finds out that girls with her face have been showing up in Mystic Falls off and on since 1864. So while attending high school, pretending to have amnesia, and working at the grill she has to rework the plot of one of her favorite shows and figure out just what is going on with her.
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ambroselaveau90 · 2 years
The Main Trio
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Caleb Mclaughlin|Matthias Sinclair
Supernatural Title:The Witch Queen
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The Wolf Prince
Vince Mattis|Elias"Eli"Hale
Supernatural Title:The Wolf Prince
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Iñaki Godoy|Antonio Salazar
Supernatural Title:The Red Gallow
Physical Age:21
Vampiric Age:502
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sweetest-wolf · 1 year
Hadley rests her head on Hope’s shoulder, trying to get a better look at her phone. “Oh,” she says in mock disappointment. “It’s only Kol, I was hoping for Rebekah.”
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seriesxwriting · 4 months
Kol mikealson masterlist
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𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐦
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ex-coolgirl · 21 days
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new Liza photoshoot dropped and it’s motivating me… been stuck writing chapter 10 of a new start for like 92737 years 😭
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antoniwrites · 2 years
open starter | estelle deveraux
tvd / the originals / legacies
“ I barely know how to do a locator spell, you want me to contact the Ancestors? I’m sure they’re laughing at the thought of the hybrid daughter of a serial killer being in their cemetery. A full moon feels less painful than that. ”
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superspookyjanelle · 1 year
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SHIP AESTHETIC: Boneniana ( Bonnie Bennett, Enzo St.John, and Diana Mikaelson )
Enzo: *finds a note* Hmm, whats this?
Diana: Hey, that's mine! *tries to grab it*
Enzo: Aww, it's a love note for Bonnie?
Diana: No-
Enzo: *opens it*
Enzo: And you guys say I’m bad
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @arrthurpendragon @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
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strategypillar · 7 days
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Older than history itself
What if the oldest vampire was a Neanderthal girl 🤔
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