#Oak Settle Bench
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Where can you find a memorial bench?
Classic Benches are handcrafted to order in our workshop in the Lancashire village of Lathom.
A memorial bench should be strong, perfectly proportioned, and built to last. We've created a beautiful collection of benches that have been designed to complement and enhance their surroundings for decades.
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joonsmagicshop · 6 months
Stress Relief Series Part 4- KSJ
 Summary: A couple weeks ago Taehyung asked a favor. For you to have sex with his bandmates to relieve some tension and stress. How can you say no to that
Paring: Jin/Reader
Rating: 18+/M
Word Count: 6k
Tags: Smut, fingering, eating out, fucking against a mirror, wrap it before you tap it people, spanking, dirty talk, Jin calls her princess.
Authors Note: You can not tell me Seokjin wouldn't love to fuck someone against a mirror so he could look at himself. I rest my case.
In case you missed it
Part 1 (intro)
Part 2
Part 3
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Spring had finally decided to make an appearance four days after your steamy night with Jungkook and you were going to take full advantage of the beautiful weather.
Right as the clock struck noon you grabbed your bag and your light pink spring coat making your way out of your stuffy office and crossing the busy street to the park which had many beautiful trees that were just starting to bloom, bringing the promise of longer days and balmy temperatures.
You found yourself smiling as you spotted the perfect bench under a giant oak tree and you snagged it before anyone else could, setting out your lunch and deciding to people-watch instead of scrolling your phone like you usually did during your hour-long lunch.
The park was full of people, mostly kids playing around, some runners and bike riders, and of course, many couples holding hands and taking pictures as the sun beamed down on them.
You smiled at the happy couples feeling joy blooming in your chest.
You had been happy all week which was totally due to the sudden nice weather and definitely not because you had not stopped thinking of that night with Jungkook.
Nope, that wasn't it at all.
You were so lost in your thoughts of that night that you hardly noticed your phone vibrating on your lap.
You scooped it up last minute and saw someone was calling you
more specifically an unknown number was calling you
“Hello?” You answered settling into the bench and throwing your head back to let the rays of sun that were peaking through the branches hit your face.
“Hey Y/N right?” Came a suave male voice you sort of recognized.
“Yes, this is her.” You answer trying to match his suaveness.
“It's Kim Seokjin. How are you?”
You jolt your head up so fast the world spins for a moment.
You really thought you'd be used to this by now but you still felt your heart race in your chest at the prospect that he was reaching out to you.
Tae never said who would contact you when so it was always a surprise.
“I'm good just on my lunch break how about you?” You ask trying to seem as chill as possible.
“Good we are just on a break here and I figured I'd reach out.” He says voice dropping low which has your eyebrow quirking up and arousal flooding your veins.
“Hmm and what did you want to reach out about?” You almost purr which has him softly chuckling on the other line.
“Well as you are very aware we have a tour coming up and there are things I'd like to do before we leave, things that make me feel less stressed you know.” He teases which has your thighs clenching together.
You pushed your hair back from your face and smiled deviously.
“And what would those things be hmm?” You inquire biting at your lips.
“Well, so here's the thing.” He says, his voice no longer an octave lower, and has you sitting up in your seat.
“I have a reservation booked at Lalune tomorrow night and wanted to know if you wanted to go with me. I know one of the chefs and he told me to come anytime but we have our tour coming up so I want to go before I leave. What do you say?”
You are speechless
Lalune was known as one of the top-end restaurants and was rated the best restaurant for the past three years. It was in a fancier part of the city and you had walked by it before. You remembered seeing people sitting at small quaint tables lined with black tablecloths drinking and eating food that was probably half your rent. There was a massive fireplace and a giant chandelier with small crescent moons hanging from it. The place screamed money and you never thought you'd even be allowed to step foot in there.
“I...um? Are you sure?” You ask as you fiddle with your dress pants and top, mentally going through your entire closet to try to remember if you have anything fancy to wear.
“If I wasn't sure I wouldn't ask. Yes, I'm sure. It's always more fun to share a meal with other people. I tried to get Namjoon to come with me but he already has plans...some art thing.” Seokjin explains as you feel your heart hammer in your chest.
“Oh yeah, the new exhibit is supposed to be really cool, about light refraction in art.” You say as you gather your things and head back towards the office.
“Impressive. I'll have to let Namjoon know our girl knows her art.” Seokjin teases as you feel yourself blush.
Our girl
“Anyway please say yes. I'm going to be honest I'm not someone who can just... hook up with someone I don't know. I'd love to take you out to dinner and get to know you better. I don't want you to think I'm using this dinner to get in your pants at all! Like I said earlier it's always fun to eat with company. And if we don't end up hooking up I hope I make a really good friend.” He says which has you smiling as you enter the office.
“Of course, I'll go with you.” You say heading towards the elevator and trying to keep the giddiness in your chest at bay.
“Okay! I'll come pick you up around six! Oh, you're going to love it!” Seokjin says his voice laced with excitement.
You say your goodbyes and hang up and by the time you make it back to your office, you can't stop grinning.
And here you are now.
Standing in front of a mirror wearing a little black dress adorned with gold jewelry. Your hair is pinned up in a half up-do and you are nervously pacing your living room waiting for his car to arrive.
You try your best not to pick at your lips or nails as you wait, instead, you focus on straightening everything out in case he does want to come up after dinner.
Right at six you hear a car outside and race to the window to see a black van with the license plate he texted you earlier.
You hastily grab your bag and your tan pea coat before locking the door to your apartment, your heels click-clacking on the concrete steps as you make your way to the car.
Seokjin is standing outside of it holding the door open and your jaw almost drops.
There is a reason he is called worldwide handsome.
His hair is dark and pushed back from his forehead with a few stay pieces flopping forward giving him an effortlessly disheveled look. He is wearing a black leather jacket with a low-cut black shirt underneath and multiple necklaces. His dress pants are also dark and something about the way he looks makes your heart race fast and your stomach flip in arousal.
“You look beautiful.” He says as a way of greeting you as he helps you into the van and slides in the back seat alongside you.
Before you can comment on how good he looks, the van is already pulling away from the curb and he is talking excitedly about this restaurant and the menu.
You let him chat the whole ride there taking in every word. It was obvious he knew a lot about different foods and different flavor combinations and you soaked it all in as the driver pulled the car in behind the restaurant and Seokjin got out to get your door for you.
A classic gentleman.
“I had the chef get us a private room with a private menu too. I hope you don't mind.” He says as you step out of the vehicle and he takes your hand to lead you to a back door.
He slips his phone out of his jacket and sends a quick text and stares down at you.
“I did mean what I said earlier. You are very beautiful. No wonder Taehyung wouldn't stop talking my ear off until I pushed him to approach you.” He teases which has your jaw-dropping.
“Wait what? I didn't know that.” You respond as the door opens and Seokjin puts a hand on your back to usher you inside.
A waitress takes you down a narrow hallway and soon enough you are in a fairly large room that has the lights dimmed and a couple tables decorated with black tablecloths and small pillar candles that have tiny moons and suns carved into them.
Other couples are sitting at these tables but none of them look up when you and Seokjin get seated at your table.
“This is called the parlor, it's very private and you are only allowed in if you know the chef or the owner.” He explains as he pulls out the chair for you and you graciously sit down.
You stare around the room taking it all in. The fireplace is lit and throwing light around the room which is catching the small stars and moons hanging from the ceiling, their reflections illuminated on the walls.
“This place is amazing. I mean. Wow Seokjin.” You breathe out still taking your time to look around.
He smiles at you in a way that makes you suddenly feel shy.
“Please call me Jin. Seokjin is much too formal.” He says as the waitress from earlier comes back and brings a bottle of wine to the table.
You both drink slowly as you take in the atmosphere and the soft music playing in the background.
“I'm just honored you'd want to take me here. Like genuinely honored.” You say staring at his handsome face and trying not to blush under the low light.
“Well, you are much prettier to look at than Namjoon.” Jin teases as his hand traces the stem of the wine glass and you smirk and shake your head at his boldness.
“So you were there the night Taehyung and I first met?” You ask as your first course gets delivered to the table.
Jin smiles softly and begins to tell the story as you both eat.
Six courses and a bottle of wine later you are feeling full and happy. It turns out you and Jin had a lot to talk about and the conversation and atmosphere were both wonderful.
When the check came Jin slipped his black card to the waitress and smiled softly at you as you finished the last sips of your wine. You wanted to take it easy on the alcohol tonight as you wanted to remember this entire night.
“I'm just going to text the driver to let him know we are finished,” Jin said pulling out his phone and smiling as he typed away.
The parlor slowly started to empty out and after a couple quick messages Jin announced the driver was there and it was time to go.
You stood up and his hand was soft and warm on your back as he directed you out into the hallway and out the back door where the car was already waiting.
Even though spring had arrived the nights were still cool so you wrapped your coat tighter around yourself as Jin rushed forward to open the door for you.
You climbed in with him right behind you and the van made its way back to your apartment.
The drive back was mostly quiet. You watched the city lights from the window as Jin typed on his phone. You weren't offended at all, instead, you were grateful for the silence as you tried to remember every single detail of tonight and commit it to memory.
“Sorry, Namjoon is sending me pictures of the exhibit to show me what I'm missing out on,” Jin said with a laugh as he showed you his phone and the very artsy pictures Namjoon had taken.
“Looks nice.” You say slowly resting your head on his shoulder, feeling sleepy from all the food.
“Better than a dinner date with me?” He teases as he fishes his arm out from your body to wrap it around your shoulders.
“That depends. Would the exhibit have that great toffee dessert we had?” You tease as the car pulls up to your apartment.
Jin laughs at your joke and you slowly remove your head from his shoulder when you feel the car stop.
“I know the exhibit wouldn't but maybe your apartment would? Should I come inside to check?” Jin answers smoothly as your eyes widen and you nod.
He smirks at you.
You both make your way into the apartment and you kick off your shoes as Jin looks around. You let him take his time as you shuck off your coat and begin to walk around turning on lamps to cast the space in a warm cozy glow.
“This space is beautiful! Except there is something wrong with your couch.” He says as he also takes off his shoes and shucks off his jacket.
You stare at the couch seeing absolutely nothing wrong with it.
“What do you mean?” You ask him still staring at the couch confused.
“There's a Tata plush on it.” Jin points out and you bite back a laugh.
The day after Jungkook came over you found a strange white package on your doorstep. You didn't order anything but it had your address on it so you carefully tore it open to see a small Tata plush wrapped in tissue paper and bubble wrap.
You shook your head at Taehyung's antics and grinned when you saw a note fall out.
Just a reminder of who was here first baby girl. Missing you
You texted Taehyung thanking him for the gift and he sent a kissy emoji back. You decided to keep Tata on your couch as decoration from then on.
“Yeah, Tae sent that to me as a kind of joke.” You answer as Jin walks over and he rolls his eyes.
“It should be an RJ plush. So much better you know.” He teases with a tilt of his eyebrow.
You laugh as he pulls you in closer and your breath hitches. He is even more beautiful up close as his warm hands wrap around your middle bringing you flush against his strong chest.
You smile up at him and before you know it he pulls you even closer causing your noses to brush and his lips to meet yours halfway.
You kiss him softly and slowly, letting him take control as he takes his time exploring your mouth. His hands run up and down your back making goosebumps rise on your skin.
He pushes harder against you and you gasp which gives him time to lick at the seam of your mouth. You feel your body tingle with desire when you run your hands up and down his broad shoulders and his hands tangle in your hair.
His hand comes up to cup your jaw and hold it steady as he very slowly tilts your head back so your jaw and neck as exposed to his soft lips.
His kisses are warm against your skin and he sucks light marks into your neck which has you pushing your body into his.
When he sucks harder his name falls from your lips in a drawn-out moan and he pulls away grinning at you.
“I wanted to do that since the moment I first saw you.” He admits as you blush under his gaze.
He confidently grabs your hand and takes you through your apartment until you are both standing in the bathroom.
You can't help but laugh.
“Jin my bedroom is the next door over.” You say as he steps towards you until your body is flush against the bathroom counter.
Jin's eyes are dark and his tongue darts out to lick at his lips.
“I was thinking we could fuck right here. If you'd be up for that.” He responds darkly as you shiver under his gaze and he grabs your arm to spin you around so you are facing your own reflection.
“You mean shower sex?” You almost whisper as you can feel the tension in the room rise. His eyes are dark and staring into yours through the mirror as his hands come up to trace your curves over your dress.
“I mean I want to fuck you against this mirror so you can watch how good I make you cum.” He answers as you shiver and nod.
“Use your words, princess.” He demands as his hand plays with the zipper at the top of your dress. Your eyes are blown wide with lust and you answer him, your eyes never leaving his piercing stare through the mirror.
He chuckles and his hand tugs on the zipper of your dress. He takes his time dragging it down, so slowly you are squirming when he finally gets it zipped down to your hips.
“Step out of it for me princess.” He commands as you comply and kick the fabric out the door.
“God your body is perfect.” He mutters as his hands explore your body. He takes his time with you, hands lightly grazing your skin making goosebumps appear as he unclips your bra and throws it to the floor.
His hands replace the bra as he cups your breasts and lets his thumbs flick over your sensitive nipples and you arch your back into his body as a moan falls from your lips.
“Such a pretty girl.” Jin coos as his hands massage and grope at your breasts. You grip the counter for support and your eyes roll back when he pinches a nipple between two fingers.
“And so responsive too.”
You don't bother to answer instead you let him explore your body. His hands begin to massage the underside of your breasts and soon enough they are moving down to your underwear.
You tilt your head back to rest it on his shoulder and try to keep your eyes open to stare at what is happening through the mirror.
You have never had an out-of-body experience before but you feel like this is as close as you'd ever be to getting on.
“Can I take these off?” He asks motioning to your underwear and you nod frantically.
As he did with your dress he takes his time taking off your underwear, sliding them painfully slowly down your butt and thighs until you can take them off and kick them out of the way.
You are stark naked in front of him and he is grinning at you like he just won the lottery.
“Gotta be honest. I'm really glad Namjoon couldn't attend tonight. This view. Better than any art exhibit.” He says as he places a soft kiss on your shoulder and you melt into his touch.
You whine out his name and his eyes snap to yours in the mirror reflection.
“Didn't I tell you, princess? You have to use your words.” He teases as his hands run up and down your hips and you once again arch back into him, delighted to feel his hard-on pressing against your back.
The feeling of his hard cock trapped in his slacks has you gasping as Jin continues to pepper kisses along your shoulders, his hands still exploring the expanse of your naked body.
“Want to see you too Jin. Wanna see you naked.” You whimper as his lips leave your neck and he grins at you through the reflection.
He takes his time taking off his necklaces and placing them on the counter and when he finally gets his shirt over his head you gasp.
His body is tanned and toned. His shoulders look even broader without a shirt and you can't stop your eyes from wandering down to the very obvious bulge in his pants.
“Pants too. Wanna make you cum.” You plead as you try to spin around to help him take off his belt but he's too strong and keeps you caged against the counter, his breath fanning over the shell of your ear as he pushes his hard cock into your back, keeping you pinned.
“Let me make you cum first.” He says as his hands start to move towards your core which is soaked with arousal.
You spread your legs to give him better access and he chuckles against the damp skin of your neck.
“I wanna eat you out. Is that okay?” He asks as his hand finally comes to your center and he drags his finger through your arousal.
You throw your head back and whine loudly as Jin's finger comes up to play with your aching clit.
“Please. Fuck. Please Jin.” You beg as he smiles and swipes your arousal on his finger and pops it in his mouth.
You watch him suck his index finger and wink at you and you are pretty sure you have acceded and gone to heaven.
Once he cleans his finger he grabs your hips to angle them backwards and grabs a bath towel to kneel on.
You step back to give him some room to kneel in front of you and grip onto the counter for support.
“I told you I wanted you to watch yourself cum. Your eyes close. I stop.” He says as he presses warm kisses up your thighs and you spread your legs wide.
He doesn't give you a chance to answer as he dives right in and starts to lick at your pussy.
You groan and try your best to keep your eyes open as he licks and sucks at your clit, making pleasure shoot through your veins and your legs shake.
His hands come around to grab at your ass and push your pussy onto his face and you struggle to stay upright when he switches between long strokes and quick ones.
“Eyes open love.” He reminds you before diving right back in.
His hands are kneading your ass and trying to hold you steady as you are a mess of moans above him. Everything feels so sensitive and so good and you know you aren't going to last as long as you would like to.
His tongue circles your clit and your hand reaches down to card though his feather-soft hair. His eyes lock on yours and he dares to wink at you as he eats you out with such precision you are sure your neighbors are going to put in a noise complaint.
You feel the coil of pleasure getting tighter and you try to hold off. You try to savor it as much as possible and not cum on his tongue after only a short while of him eating you out.
But of course, Jin is not having any of that and he pulls his tongue away and quickly replaces it with his long fingers.
One finger enters you and you feel your eyes flutter closed at the sensation.
You snap your eyes open when he delivers a harsh slap to your thigh and you stare down at him in shock.
“I only had one rule princess. Come on now keep those pretty eyes open for me. Watch how good I make you feel.” He demands as you steel yourself and try your best to keep your eyes locked on your reflection.
Something about watching yourself get pleasured is super erotic. You've never watched yourself have sex but seeing your nipples tighten, seeing how your body shakes when he curls a finger deep inside and adds his mouth to your clit which has you moaning and grinding your pussy on his face is super erotic and bringing you close to release.
“Jin. Fuck. Close. So close.” You cry out as your hands tangle in his hair and he adds in another finger and begins to scissor them, stretching you out as his tongue laps at everything your body is giving him.
Your toes curl against the tile floor and you cry out his name as you cum. You arch your pussy into his face and try your best to keep your eyes open as you ride out your high.
One hand is gripping his hair the other is gripping the sink and your legs shake uncontrollably when you realize he is not stopping.
“Jin.” You pant out, voice shaky and fucked out as he removes his hands but is still lapping at your clit at lightning speed.
“Too-mu-much Jin, please. Fuck.” You beg out as you stare at him in awe. He is not stopping and you can already feel the overstimulation take over as your legs shake violently.
You are on fire and you try warning him that it's too much. That you cannot handle another orgasm but the words are punched out of you when another orgasm steamrolls its way through your body.
Your eyes close as you ride his face and he pulls you even closer to him as he laps and sucks at your dripping core, cleaning up all of your desire.
Your hand leaves his hair to grip at the counter for dear life and you slump down pressing your naked torso against it and try your best to calm your breathing.
Your legs are shaky and unstable as Jin gets up from the floor to hold you steady as you come down from your high.
Once you feel stable you open your eyes to peer at him and you whine when you see your arousal coating his plump pink lips. He grins at you and releases your body as he works his belt open and pulls his pants down.
His boxers are dark blue but you can still see a pre-cum stain on the front as he pulls them down and lets his hard cock slap up against his abdomen.
“You gotta. You gotta give me a minute.” You pant out as you watch his hand circle his cock and lazily pump it.
“That was so hot.” He said as he continued to pump his cock and watch you through the mirror.
His hair was sweaty and pushed back, his eyes were wide and dark with arousal and his lips were pink and glossy from your cum.
And his cock
God his cock.
Standing hard and proud in his hand as he jerked himself slowly, thumb flicking over the head to smear pre-cum down the shaft.
He was beautiful.
“Gotta warn a girl before you make her cum twice.” You tease as he comes to stand next to you and you swat his hand away.
You circle his cock with your own hand and copy the movements he was doing earlier.
His dark eyes flutter closed when you rub your thumb over the slit and you squeeze his cock a little harder which has him groaning.
“Keep your eyes open Jin. Don't you wanna see how pretty you look when you cum?” You tease as his eyes open and he glares at you through the mirror.
“Smart mouth huh? I should put it to good use and shut you up.” He utters which has you pumping his cock harder.
“I mean if you want me to suck your cock you could just ask. Use your words.” You mock as he swats your hand away and steps behind you, pressing his hard cock against your ass.
“I'd rather cum in your pussy than cum in your mouth.” He says.
“Then do it.” You goad as you arch back pushing your ass into his cock teasingly.
Just as he is about to reach for his pants you move to the side to slide open the cupboard that is above your toilet. Mostly it has medicine and some everyday makeup products but you also keep condoms in there just in case.
His eyebrows raise in surprise when you hand him the foil packet and he opens it and rolls the condom down his hard cock with ease.
He positions the tip of his cock at your entrance and you whine as he runs it up and down your slit.
“Jin don't tease.” You beg as his free hand comes up to squeeze at your breast again.
He doesn't respond, instead, he continues to tease at your slit with the head of his cock, soaking it in your juices and making you whine and push your hips back, trying to get him to enter you.
“Jin I swear to god.” You threaten as he laughs at your impatience and finally slips himself inside.
The stretch is tight and he takes his time inching into you until his torso is flush against your back and you both are panting hard, staring at your reflections.
“Fuck Jin.” You whine as you bow forward head hanging low as you take deep breaths to try to calm down the sting.
Slowly he brings a hand up to your left shoulder and pushes on it so you are forced to lean back into his body, your head thrown back so it rests on his shoulder as you open your eyes to see him staring at you in absolute awe.
“Relax around me, princess. That's it.” He praises you as he draws patterns on your bare skin and kisses your shoulders.
“God you are so beautiful. Keep those eyes open for me. Want you to see how good you look when you take my cock.” He mutters as you very slowly start to push back on his cock to move him inside of you.
“And you're....fuck... Jin.” You moan out as he starts to shallowly thrust inside of you. His hands come to rest on your hips for support as he takes his time with you, letting you adjust to his cock.
“Handsome? Yeah, I know.” He teases with a sly grin as you roll your eyes at him.
“Is that why you wanted to fuck in front of a mirror. So you could stare at yourself?” You say as you shoot your hips back to keep in time with his shallow thrusts.
“Nah I wanted to stare at you. My reflection is just an added bonus.” He responds as you smack his arm and laugh.
“There you go princess your relaxing against me.” He says as his thrusts start to pick up the pace and you whine and feel your eyes start to roll in the back of your head.
“Jin. Please just fuck me.” You beg out feeling the uncomfortable stretch be replaced by slow delicious pleasure.
He looks at you in the mirror and you nod before he grips your hips and fucks up into you.
You whine out as he starts to build at a steady pace. The sound of slapping skin echoes in the bathroom and you push back in time to meet his thrusts.
“God your pussy is so good.” He grits out as he angles his hips and hits that spot inside of you that has you crying out his name and fluttering your eyes closed at the sensation.
“Eyes open love.” He demands that it takes everything in you to open your eyes and stare at yourself in the mirror.
His cock is fucking into you and hitting your g-spot with every thrust. It's not long before you feel the coil of pleasure starts to build again. Your hand grips the counter and you can see the faint blush on your chest and cheeks as he fucks up into you.
Jin looks so beautiful behind you. His body is covered in a sheen of sweat and his hair is pushed back from his forehead. His lips are bitten in concentration and his hands are holding your hips roughly as he picks the pace.
“Fuck.” You cry out when you feel his free hand come down to smack your ass. He starts to fuck into you harder spurred on by your moans and whines.
“Please Jin fuck.” You cry out not even sure what you are begging for as you feel yourself get closer and closer to the edge.
He must understand because one arm wraps around your chest and pulls you back into him so your bodies are flushed together once more, and the other hand snakes down between your legs to find your clit.
You cry out when he circles your clit with his skilled fingers and you are grateful he is holding you tight against him because you are so sure if you were to stand on your own you would fall to the floor.
“God baby you're squeezing me so tight. Gonna cum soon? Cum around my cock like a good princess?” He asks as you cry out and feel arousal shoot through your body at an alarming pace.
Your body is on fire with need and when he pinches your clit between two deft fingers you lose it. You throw your head back and cry out his name as you cum around his hard cock. You try your best to keep your eyes open and watch as you come undone around him.
Sweet whines and moans fall from your lips as he continues to pump inside you as your walls flutter around his cock and squeeze him.
“C-Close.” He groans out and you can hardly hear him over the blood pounding in your ears he grabs your hips and starts to fuck up into you at a wild pace which has you moaning and whining his name, not long after you feel him twitch inside of you and cum hard inside the condom.
The feeling alone has your toes curling against the floor and you gasping as Jin rides out his high with his face pushed into your back and small pants and whines leaving his plush parted lips.
How long you both stood there you weren't sure, his arms were still wrapped around you holding you upright and the room reeked of sex and desire as you both waited for your breathing to even out.
After a short while he pulled his already softening cock out of you and disposed of the condom in your garbage pail.
You stared at him through the reflection and smiled shyly as you both reached for your clothes.
You dressed in silence letting the euphoria wash over you both and once you were dressed you were walking him to the door.
He put on his shoes and grabbed his coat and you smiled up at him. He pulled you in for a soft and slow kiss which had your heart once again racing.
Gone was the fiery need and desire and instead this kiss was slow and sweet. He took his time exploring your lips as if it was the first time you both were kissing and that thought alone had you smiling against his mouth.
He pulled away and grinned down at you, a cute pink flush covering his cheeks.
“Thank you for dinner.” You said to him softly.
“Thank you for...well thank you. That was...wow.” He replied running a hand through his hair and pressing another kiss to your cheek.
His phone vibrated in his pocket as he pulled away and he smiled at you.
“That's my ride the driver must already be here.” He said softly.
You nodded as he gave you another soft kiss and promised to text you again.
When you woke up the next morning you were convinced the whole thing was a dream, the only proof of it happening was the ache between your legs and the dress that was pooled on your bedroom floor because, after your night with Jin, you were too tired to properly hang it up.
You got ready for work and just as you were about to leave someone knocked on your door.
Confused you answered it to see the mailman standing there with a package for you to sign. It was a box, a large box.
“I didn't order anything?” You said in absolute confusion as the man double-checked the address and handed you the box.
You closed the door and set it down on the counter. You grabbed for the kitchen scissors to open the box and when you did you laughed in surprise.
The box was full, and I mean full of RJ memorabilia.
A note was taped to the top of the box which made you shake your head and grin.
Found something better to replace that tata on your couch. Thank you for last night- Jin. 
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seoulzie · 2 months
neighbour antics
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WHEREIN: a playful exchange of notes with the boy next door turns into a connection
彡 pairing: hyuka x gn!reader 彡 genre: fluff 彡 warnings: none :)
༘˚🌻⋆ read the whole collection here!
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moving into the neighborhood at the beginning of summer felt like a fresh start. the air was fragrant with blooming flowers, and the sun bathed everything in a warm glow. your new house had a cozy, inviting feel, with a large window in your room overlooking the street. as you unpacked your belongings, you heard the sound of laughter from outside. curious, you peeked out the window and saw a boy about your age playing basketball in the driveway next door. his smile was infectious, and you couldn't help but watch him for a while. suddenly, he looked up and caught your eye. you quickly ducked out of sight, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment.
the next day, as you were settling into your new home, you heard a knock on the door. opening it, you were greeted by the boy from next door, holding a plate of freshly baked cookies. "hi, i'm huening kai. my family and i live next door. we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood," he said with a warm smile.
you introduced yourself and accepted the cookies, feeling a flutter in your chest at his kindness. over the next few days, you noticed kai often playing outside or helping his parents with chores. you exchanged shy waves and smiles, but neither of you made a move to talk further. one lazy afternoon, as you were reading by your window, you noticed kai's window was directly opposite yours. an idea sparked in your mind, and you grabbed a whiteboard and marker. writing a quick message, you held it up to your window: "hi, neighbor!"
kai looked up from his desk and broke into a grin. he rummaged around his room before holding up his own whiteboard: "hi there! what's up?" and so it began – the start of your unique window messages. every morning, you would wake up to see a new message from kai, and you would reply with your own. it became a cherished routine, one that made you look forward to each day.
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as weeks turned into months, your conversations grew longer and more personal. you shared stories, secrets, and dreams through your window. kai's sweet and thoughtful nature shone through in every message, and you found yourself drawn to him more and more. one evening, as the sun set, you heard a soft tapping on your window. you looked up to see kai holding up a sign: "want to go for a walk?"
your heart skipped a beat as you grabbed your whiteboard and wrote back, "yes!" minutes later, you found yourself outside, walking side by side with kai under the starry night sky. the air was cool and crisp, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves overhead. the stars twinkled above, creating a magical backdrop for your stroll.
"i really enjoy our little notes," kai said, his voice soft. "but i think i like spending time with you even more."
you felt a blush creep up your cheeks. "me too, kai."
as you walked, the two of you fell into an easy rhythm, talking about everything and nothing. you shared your favorite memories from childhood, your dreams for the future, and the little things that made you happy. kai listened intently, his eyes never leaving yours.
after a while, you reached a small park and decided to sit on a bench under a large oak tree. the park was quiet, with only the sound of crickets and the occasional rustle of leaves. you leaned back, taking in the serene surroundings, and glanced at kai.
"isn't this technically a date?" you teased, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
kai's eyes widened in surprise, and a blush spread across his cheeks. "i... i guess it is," he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "i didn't really think about it that way, but... yeah, it does feel like one."
you giggled, finding his flustered reaction adorable. "well, if it is a date, it's a pretty good one," you said, giving him a reassuring smile.
kai's eyes softened, and he relaxed a little. "i'm glad you think so," he replied, his voice warm. "i wanted to spend time with you, just the two of us."
you sat in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. kai's presence was calming, and you felt a sense of contentment wash over you. as the night grew colder, kai noticed you shivering slightly and draped his jacket over your shoulders.
"here, this should help," he said, his voice full of concern.
"thanks, kai," you replied, pulling the jacket tighter around you. the gesture warmed your heart, and you couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness.
as you walked back home, you felt a sense of happiness and anticipation. this night had brought you closer to kai, and you couldn't wait to see what the future held for the two of you. kai's gestures of kindness were endless – he always made sure you were comfortable, always knew how to make you smile.
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life with kai was simple yet filled with heartfelt moments. as you watched the raindrops race down your window, you saw kai holding up a sign: "want to play in the rain?" you laughed and nodded, grabbing your raincoat and boots. soon, you were both outside, the rain soaking you almost immediately.
kai took your hand and pulled you towards the backyard. the rain fell steadily, creating little rivers along the sidewalks and puddles in the grass. the sound of the raindrops hitting the leaves and the ground was like a soothing melody, and you couldn't help but smile at the refreshing feeling of the rain on your skin.
kai's laughter was infectious as he splashed through the puddles, his boyish grin lighting up his face. "come on!" he shouted, kicking up water as he ran ahead. you chased after him, giggling as you both darted through the yard, the cool rain invigorating and freeing.
at one point, you slipped on the wet grass, and kai was there in an instant, helping you up with a concerned look in his eyes. "are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.
you laughed, brushing off the mud from your clothes. "i'm fine, kai. this is so much fun!"
relieved, he grinned and pulled you into a spontaneous dance, spinning you around as the rain continued to fall. the world around you seemed to blur, the only thing in focus was kai's joyful face and the warmth of his hand in yours.
as you twirled together, you realized how magical this moment was. the rain, the laughter, and the simple act of playing together made everything else fade away. it was just you and kai, sharing a perfect moment in the rain.
after a while, you both started to feel the chill, and kai suggested, "how about we go inside and dry off? i'll make us some hot chocolate."
you nodded, and hand in hand, you both made your way back to the house, dripping wet but filled with happiness.
another time, you were studying for an important exam and feeling incredibly stressed. your notes were scattered around you, and your head was pounding from hours of trying to cram information. just when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, you heard a knock on your door.
opening it, you found kai standing there with a container in his hands. "hey," he said with a warm smile, holding up the container. "we had some leftovers, and i know how much you like my mom’s baking, so i thought you might need a break."
your heart melted at his thoughtfulness. "thank you, kai. you have no idea how much i needed this."
he handed you the container, and the familiar aroma of your favorite pastry filled the room. "i figured you'd be tired of studying, so i hope this helps."
you sat down together, and as you ate, the delicious food and kai's company eased your stress. "this is amazing," you said, savoring each bite. "you always know just how to make things better."
kai's eyes twinkled with affection. "i'm glad. just remember to take breaks, okay? you've got this!"
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one evening, as the winter chill seeped into the air, you and kai found yourselves once again cuddled up on the couch, watching another movie. the snow outside was falling in thick, fluffy flakes, creating a serene scene beyond the window. the fire crackled warmly in the hearth, casting a cozy glow around the room.
as the movie reached its emotional climax, you noticed kai fidgeting slightly beside you. his usual calm demeanor seemed a bit off, and you couldn't help but wonder what was on his mind. when the credits began to roll, he turned to you, his eyes full of a mix of determination and nervousness.
"hey," he began softly, his voice a bit shaky. "there's something i need to tell you."
you looked at him, concern and curiosity in your eyes. "what is it, kai?"
he took a deep breath, clearly gathering his courage. "we've been spending a lot of time together, and i... i really enjoy it. more than anything, really."
you smiled, your heart swelling at his words. "i do too, kai."
he nodded, his expression serious. "and, well, i can't stop thinking about you. you're always on my mind, and i realize that... i want us to be more than just friends."
your heart began to race as you understood where he was going with this. "kai..."
he held up a hand, stopping you gently. "wait, let me finish. i... i really like you, and i want to be with you. so, um..." he paused, his cheeks flushing with a deep blush as he stumbled over his words. "can i be your girlfriend? wait, no! i mean, can i be your boyfriend? i mean... will you be my girlfriend?"
you couldn't help but laugh at his adorable mix-up, feeling a wave of affection wash over you. his earnestness and vulnerability were incredibly endearing.
"kai," you said, reaching out to take his hand. "of course, i'll be your girlfriend."
relief and joy flooded his face, and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "really?"
"really," you confirmed, squeezing his hand gently. "i like you too, kai. i've been hoping you felt the same way."
his eyes lit up with pure happiness, and he moved closer to you, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "i'm so glad," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
he leaned in slowly, giving you plenty of time to back away if you wanted to. but you didn't. you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a soft, tender kiss. it was sweet and innocent, filled with all the unspoken feelings that had been building between you for so long.
when you finally pulled away, both of you were smiling, your foreheads resting against each other. "i promise i'll do my best to make you happy," kai said softly.
"i know you will," you said, your heart overflowing with affection. "you already do."
as you settled back into the warmth of the couch, kai wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. you snuggled against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. the world outside continued to be a wintry wonderland, but inside, everything felt perfect. with kai by your side and the promise of a beautiful relationship ahead, you knew that this was just the beginning of something truly special.
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© 2024 seoulzie
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minhosbitterriver · 17 days
──── *ੈ♡⸝⸝ THROUGH MY EYES ( newjeans )
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❛ In a quiet moment beneath the shade of an oak tree, you and Hyein discover the depth of your love for each other through a heartfelt drawing that captures the beauty you see in Hyein’s soul, leading to your first tender confessions.
𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐢𝐧 + female reader ೯ ( 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 )
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.9k 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 11 mins
꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ Here's another wonderful request made by @dgybbvrcsacgswtcbkyv! I hope you guys enjoy, reblogs and feedback are much appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 )
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Non-Idol AU, High School AU, insecurities and self-esteem issues, mild anger, brief crying, two school girls in love, let me know if I missed anything!
( 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞��𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ) ( 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 & 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ) ( 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ) ( 𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐣𝐚𝐫 )
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The late afternoon sun lingers low in the sky, casting a warm, honeyed glow over the park. Its golden light filters through the thick canopy of leaves above, creating a dappled pattern that dances gently on the ground beneath the sprawling oak tree where you and Hyein have settled. A soft breeze stirs the branches, carrying with it the fresh scent of grass mingled with the faint sweetness of wildflowers blooming nearby. The air feels alive with the gentle promise of twilight, a perfect blend of warmth and coolness that makes everything seem to slow down, inviting a quiet moment of reflection.
You and Hyein, still in your school uniforms, occupy a well-worn wooden bench that has become your chosen spot for the afternoon. Your bags are carelessly tossed on the ground beside you, forgotten for now. Hyein sits with one leg tucked beneath her, her back resting against the bench’s armrest, giving her posture a laid-back elegance. Her school blouse is slightly untucked, a small rebellion against the neatness expected within classroom walls. The sleeves of her crisp, white shirt are rolled up to her elbows, revealing slender arms that are now comfortably exposed to the cooling air. Her tie hangs loosely around her neck, a simple gesture that hints at the relief of finally being free from the day’s structured demands. Her plaid skirt is carefully smoothed over her legs, creating soft pleats that fall in tidy lines. On her lap, her sketchpad rests, her pencil hovering uncertainly above the paper as she contemplates the self-portrait assigned by your art teacher, her brow furrowed in concentration.
Beside her, you sit close, your own school blazer draped over the back of the bench, as if marking your shared territory. Your sketchbook leans against your knee, pages already filled with faint outlines and shadows as you work on your own portrait. Your tie remains knotted around your neck, though it has shifted slightly askew from the day's wear, giving you a slightly disheveled look. Every so often, your eyes drift from your drawing to Hyein's face, watching the way the sun caresses her features. The light catches the delicate curve of her cheekbones, casting soft shadows that emphasize the natural beauty in her expression. Strands of her hair, gently tousled by the breeze, frame her face in a way that makes her seem almost ethereal, like a subject from an old painting.
Between the two of you rests a small pocket mirror, perched precariously on the bench. It's a shared tool, held between the brief pauses as you both glance into its reflective surface, examining your own faces with analytical intent before returning to the delicate lines of your portraits. The mirror catches the sun at certain angles, sending tiny flecks of light dancing around you, adding to the atmosphere of quiet intimacy.
Around you, the park is alive with the gentle sounds of a late afternoon drifting toward evening. The leaves rustle softly above, their movement creating a soothing, whispering melody. In the distance, the high-pitched laughter of children playing reaches your ears, mingling with the occasional chirp of birds hidden among the branches. Nearby, a small stream gurgles over smooth stones, its waters sparkling under the sun’s fading rays, creating a soft, calming background melody that weaves through the other sounds like a thread of tranquility. Occasionally, a few families or students from your school pass by on the gravel path, but their presence is like a distant hum—momentary and insignificant compared to the bubble of serenity you and Hyein have created around yourselves.
In this golden hour, time seems to stretch and bend, and you find yourselves lost in this quiet corner of the world, where every small detail becomes a story, every breath a shared moment of peace.
Hyein's usual bright expression seems dimmed today, like a cloud passing over the sun. As you sit side by side, sketching in the warm afternoon light, you notice her growing quieter, her brows knitting together in a frown of concentration—or perhaps something deeper. Her pencil hovers uncertainly over the page, and she has been staring at her sketch for what feels like too long. You can't help but watch her from the corner of your eye, a sense of concern tightening in your chest as you pick up on the faint tension in her posture, the way her movements have lost their usual fluidity. It's as if a storm is brewing beneath her surface, and you're close enough to feel its subtle tremors.
Moments pass, and you see the frustration begin to well up within her. Her lips press into a thin line, her grip on the pencil tightening as if she's trying to hold back a wave of emotion. Then, almost without warning, the dam breaks. Her hand moves with a sudden, furious energy, and the once-delicate lines of her sketch are obliterated by harsh, jagged strokes. The pencil becomes a weapon, each slash cutting across the page in a frenzy. The soft contours of what was supposed to be her self-portrait are lost beneath a chaotic lattice of dark, aggressive lines—an explosion of raw emotion laid bare in graphite.
The sound of the pencil's sharp edge scraping against the paper is grating, almost violent. You flinch, startled by the intensity of her actions, the suddenness of her discontent erupting into a crescendo that seems to scar the very essence of her drawing. The erratic marks dig deep into the paper, a physical manifestation of her inner turmoil, each stroke bolder and darker than the last. It's as if she's not just covering the image of her face but trying to erase something deeper—something that words alone cannot touch. Finally, with a sigh that trembles at the edges, she drops the pencil, her shoulders slumping as her eyes lower to the mangled sketch in her lap.
You’ve been watching her with furrowed brows and eyes full of concern, unable to ignore the heaviness settling between you. "Hey, what's wrong? It was looking pretty good!" you offer gently, trying to coax a smile from her, but your words seem to fall flat.
Hyein turns away slightly, her profile guarded, as if shielding herself from your gaze. "I don't know..." she murmurs, so quietly that you have to lean in closer to catch her words. "Sometimes I just feel...I feel like I don't measure up."
Hearing this, you feel a pang in your chest. Setting the pocket mirror that had been resting between you on top of your sketchbook, you shift it all aside to scoot closer to her. Gently, you drape an arm around her shoulders and use your free hand to softly guide her face back toward yours. When you see her eyes brimming with unshed tears, your heart aches, confusion swirling within you as you try to piece together what could be making her feel this way. "Babe," you begin softly, your voice a tender whisper, "What do you mean you feel like you 'don't measure up'? I mean, look at me—I’m no Frida Kahlo. I’m kind of a mess, really. So, there’s no way your self-portrait could be worse than mine."
Your attempt to lighten the mood is met with a small, huffed-out chuckle from her, but her gaze drops again, her fingers fidgeting with her skirt in her lap. "It's not about my obviously superior art skills," she mumbles, a weak smile tugging at her lips. You let out a soft giggle at her attempt at humor, but your face quickly returns to its earlier expression of concern.
Hyein sighs again, the sound almost embarrassed, and her voice becomes quieter, as if she's confessing something she finds foolish. "I just...it’s so stupid, but I feel like I don’t look good...like, at all." She glances away, her words lingering in the space between you, heavy with vulnerability.
You pause, leaning in slightly, trying to catch her eyes and understand the meaning behind her words. "What do you mean?" you ask softly, a hint of confusion threading through your voice. You don’t bother hiding the bewilderment anymore; instead, you gently cup her cheek with your hand, thumb tracing delicate circles over her soft skin, hoping to offer some comfort. Yet, there’s a lingering frustration in the air—your failure to grasp her feelings only seems to add to it.
With a sudden surge of emotion, Hyein pushes your hands away, her touch firm but not harsh, and scoots further down the bench, putting distance between you. She crosses her arms tightly over her chest, her posture defensive. Even in her irritation, you can't help but notice the blush rising to her cheeks, a deep, rosy hue of embarrassment spreading like fire. For a moment, she hesitates, her eyes downcast, her fingers fiddling with the edge of her skirt in a nervous dance. Then, almost as if the words had been yanked out of her, she snaps, "I feel ugly, okay?"
Her voice is sharper than you expected, cutting through the afternoon air like a blade, and it takes you by surprise. You blink, momentarily stunned by the harshness of her tone and the weight of her confession. It’s such a rare thing for her to admit; she’s always been the effortlessly confident girl who caught your eye with her carefree spirit and bright energy—the very things that had drawn you to her and made you fall for her.
But as the initial shock fades, a wave of tenderness washes over you. Your heart swells with affection, and a soft smile tugs at your lips. Without thinking, you scoot closer again, your knee brushing against hers. You reach out with both hands, a light giggle escaping your lips as you gently grasp her face, guiding her closer. You press a firm kiss to her forehead, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath your lips. Then, without pause, you move to her nose, planting another gentle kiss there, before finally capturing her lips in a brief, tender kiss that speaks volumes in its simplicity.
When you pull back, your eyes fluttering open, you’re met with her adorable pout. She glares at you weakly, her irritation still lingering, though softened by the corners of her lips threatening to curve upward. There's a mixture of annoyance and reluctant amusement in her eyes, and you can't help but chuckle softly at the sight, finding an undeniable charm in her reaction.
"Love," you begin, your voice a soft murmur, steady yet filled with a raw earnestness. You pause, searching for the right words, though your gaze never wavers from hers—deep, unwavering, and filled with affection. "I wish you could see what I see...I wish you could feel the way my heart squeezes every single time I look at you."
Without giving her time to respond, you let your hands slide from her cheeks to her shoulders, fingers pressing gently but firmly into her skin as if anchoring her to this moment. Your voice, like a gentle breeze weaving through the leaves overhead, carries the weight of every unsaid thought, every unspoken feeling. "Hyein," you continue, each word a carefully placed step forward, "I don’t think you’d be able to handle what you do to my heart whenever your eyes light up while you talk about the things you love. You wouldn't last a day if your knees buckled the way mine do when I hear your laughter. It’s like a melody that always finds a way to brighten my dullest days, so contagious it lingers in the air long after you stop. If only you could see the way your kindness radiates, the way it makes you shine. Sometimes, it almost convinces me that you must be some kind of angel, not just a girl."
As you speak, you watch her closely, noting the way her eyes begin to shimmer with unshed tears. But this time, they aren't tears of frustration or insecurity—there's a smile blooming there, soft and wide, spreading across her face like the first light of dawn. Your words seem to float between you, almost tangible, as if they could reach out and wrap around her, pulling her into your heart.
Even so, a shadow of doubt lingers on her face, her gaze dropping down, her lips trembling between a smile and something more unsure. You can see she's still caught in that place between believing your words and believing her own inner critic. Without another thought, you decide to show her exactly what you mean.
Reaching for your sketchbook, the pages whisper as they turn, the rustle a soft accompaniment to the tender atmosphere. You flip to a blank page and take a deep breath, feeling a rare determination settle within you. You’ve never been one to put much effort into drawing before, but now, you silently plead with whatever gods might be listening, praying to any divine force in this endless universe for a miracle. Just this once, you beg, let me draw something that captures even a fraction of her beauty.
Without another word, you begin. The pencil moves across the page with a certainty you’ve never felt before, your hand guided by something deeper than skill or practice. As you draw, you start to speak again, narrating each careful stroke, each delicate line. "See here," you say softly, "the way your smile curves—it’s not just about the shape, but the warmth it carries. It’s like a quiet promise, like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm." You glance at her, catching the way her eyes follow each movement of your hand, her curiosity breaking through the last of her hesitation.
"And the way your eyes crinkle at the corners," you continue, your voice a soft, steady rhythm, "like they’re holding some secret joy. It’s more than just a detail; it’s a glimpse into your soul, into all the light you carry inside you." You shade in a section of the drawing, gesturing gently to the lines. "And the light in your hair here, it catches like it’s framing you, like you’re glowing from within."
As you bring her likeness to life, the world around you seems to hold its breath. The rustling of the leaves in the trees above, the distant laughter of children playing nearby—all of it fades into a soft, distant hum, creating a cocoon of quiet intimacy around the two of you. Hyein’s eyes remain fixed on the sketch, her expression softening, her lips parting slightly as she takes it all in, as if she’s finally beginning to see herself through your eyes.
When you finish, you pause, staring down at the drawing in your hands—a surprisingly good sketch that, despite your usual lack of artistic prowess, manages to capture not just her features but the light within her. It reveals the subtle expressions that make her so uniquely beautiful, the quiet moments that often go unnoticed by anyone but you. It’s more than a likeness; it’s a glimpse of her soul, the way you see her through the lens of your own affection.
Turning the sketchbook around, you hold it out to her like a precious offering, your heart pounding in your chest. Her eyes widen, the uncertainty in them shifting to something softer, something almost vulnerable. She studies the drawing intently, her gaze flicking back and forth between the lines and shades that capture the curve of her smile, the light in her eyes. Then, slowly, her eyes lift to meet yours, searching, as if seeking the truth behind your words.
"This is what Lee Hyein looks like through my eyes," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper, suddenly shy in the face of your own revelation. You hadn’t realized just how deeply your feelings for her ran until this moment, how much of your heart you’d poured into this drawing. It feels like you’ve handed her a piece of yourself, raw and unfiltered.
For a moment, there is only the soft rustling of leaves above and the distant murmur of the world around you. Then, a small, genuine smile begins to bloom on her lips, delicate and fragile, like the first flower breaking through the snow after a long, cold winter. She leans in closer, her shoulder brushing against yours, warm and familiar. She hesitates, just for a heartbeat, before pressing a tender, electrifying kiss against your cheek.
"I love you," she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion, gratitude, and sincerity, each word weighted with a depth that sends a shiver through you. Your eyes widen slightly, your breath catching in your throat as you realize the significance of her words. This is the first time either of you has said those three sacred words. But Hyein’s expression is steady, unwavering, filled with a quiet certainty.
In that golden hour, under the shade of the old oak tree, time seems to stretch and slow. The world around you softens into a hazy blur of colors and distant sounds, fading away to grant you both this stolen moment of pure, unadulterated connection. It’s as if the universe itself pauses, holding its breath, to witness the spark that ignites between you.
With a surge of bravery, your heart swelling with a newfound courage, you lean in closer, your voice steady and clear despite the wild fluttering in your chest. "I love you, too," you reply, the words falling from your lips like a promise, firm and sure.
And there you sit, side by side, the world reduced to just the two of you. Her head gently comes to rest against your shoulder, and your heartbeats fall into a quiet, rhythmic sync, as if they were always meant to beat in time with each other. In that moment, you both feel like the only two people in the world, wrapped in a warmth that nothing could ever touch.
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brummiereader · 2 days
Uptown Girl (Part Nine/ Final Chapter)
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Summary: As the gathering of guests in the small bricked church, wait on your stuttering response. Tommy is also left, holding his breath for the finale of his carefully timed plans to come to fruition. Will things pan out as he intended? Or will fate be the ruling decider over the day's events?
Warnings: Language, angst, violence, mutual pining, use of one racial slur.
Word Count: 5500
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Fuck, fuck, FUCK...where are they?! Tommy's panicked eyes darted between the large oak doors to you stood at the altar as your stuttering response torturously echoed back to him.
Hands clammy, ears ringing. His heart rattled furiously against its bony enclosure as a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins. Forcing him onto his feet just as you let your long awaited response slip past your lips.
" I...don't" your wobbly voice answered, head shaking in unison with the internal thoughts that had spurred on your response as Cal's grip on your fingers tightened, crushing them between the pads of his palms.
Rather poor and homeless, you thought to yourself as your answer settled among the many guests attending the supposedly joyous day. The very same answer, you'd be a fool to deny you hadn't already settled your mind on, ever since the day you learned of the promise your father had selfishly made on your behalf.
A life of hard labor suddenly sounded as peaceful, as comforting as the last rays of summer glittering through the technicolour stained windows warming your skin.
Your willingness to take on the burdens of others had finally made way for something you had shown throughout the entirety of your troubled life. Will power. Backed with a shit tonne of your famously brooding stubbornness, of course.
"Now, sweetpea..." Cal's teeth gritted together, pulling you into him like a flimsy rag doll, limp from hours of play as a sudden dread of fear rolled up your spine, eclipsing your renewed confidence as he made his intentions clear.
" Father, proceed" his head snapped towards the cloaked man, brazenly ignoring your protests and the wave of startled gasps from the members of high society watching from the pews.
"I'm sorry sir, but we..."
"I said proceed, goddamit!" Cal's voice snapped with fury, holding you tightly in place when a bellowing voice boomed from the far end of the small chapel, swiftly commanding Cal's attention.
" Enough!" Tommy yelled, hands clasped fiercely onto the back of the wooden bench in front of him. " You heard her. Now, let her go" he warned, his menacing tone of voice accompanied by the two gloomy shadows sat beside him. Teeth baring as they excitedly awaited to draw the blood of any man who dared to pick a fight with them.
"Him?" Cal scoffed as he snapped his eyes back to you, refusing to accept that less than a month's worth of time spent with a cutthroat gangster was enough to sway your mind from a life of unimaginable riches and titles that he had to offer " A gypsy thief?"
As your eyes turned to Tommy, a watery cloud of unspent tears settled in front of your vision as those present waited on your answer for a second time. An answer you found yourself unable to give under the suffocating sea of eyes, drowning you under the pressure of their stares. An answer you would flee from in a flowing stream of taffeta and lace down the aisle you had solemnly walked mere moments ago.
Running past the lure of Tommy's eyes, you crashed through the church doors and away from the answer he waited on berated breath for.
" I think it would be best if we postpone..." the priest turned to the many guests as the heavy tension you had left at the doors of the chapel in your dramatic departure, weaved its way through the sounds of shuffling feet and hushed whispers.
" Wait!" Cal stopped him as he smoothed back the stray hairs, greased with lacquer that had fallen In front of his darkening eyes.
" She just needs a little convincing, is all" his attention narrowed in on the towering wooden doors, sharply turning on his polished heel with an unstoppable determination to have his way.
Unwilling to sit idle, to see for a second time the bruising damage a private conversation with Cal ended in. Tommy stepped over his brothers, rapidly following after the echoes of raised voices that distanced him from you.
"Hold up, gents" Arthur's long body lurched in front of the exit, stopping the two pompous friends of Cal from interfering in the scrap undoubtedly about to take place.
" By the order of who?" Dicky, the son of the notorious butcher of Bordesley Green spat as a heavy hand settled on his shoulder, a quick smirk of enjoyment flashing across its owners face as he looked to his younger brother. Prolonging the schooling of the self-righteous twat in front of him on just who he was up against.
" By order of the Peaky fucking Blinders. That's who"
Dragging your body outside, you let your gasping lungs inhale the welcome chill of Autumn approaching as you let the weight of your body rest against the hood of one of the many cars lined up along the browning hedgerow.
Finally, it was over. Your refusal of marriage made known to all those present. For if god was your witness, then so were they. And soon the joyful chattering of gossip would rapidly make its way among high society. With tales of Cal's abhorrent temper unmasked under the watchful eye of the almighty and all those attending.
" Please, just a moment" you briefly looked up to the sound of concerned footsteps making their way across the cemented ground as you rested your trembling hand on your heaving chest. But concern was far from what was coming your way.
Within a blink of an eye, you felt the full force of Cal's body slamming you into the car. His fingers wrapping tightly around your throat.
" You little bitch!" he seethed through gritted teeth, releasing the shame, the anger he felt for having been shown up in front of the many noble faces of high society he deemed more important than the sentiments of the woman he was supposedly in love with.
"You dare to show me up? Me?!" he spat, inches from your face as his fingers curled around your throat.
" Cal..." you mumbled, desperately scrambling for air as you watched the dimming rays of sun cower behind the looming frightful sight in front of you.
" Now, we're going to go back in there. And you're going to tell everyone how you were overcome with a touch of the old cold feet. Ok sweetpea?" he squeezed his fingers around the protruding veins of your neck, impatient for your response his ignorance and straining grasp hadn't realised he was delaying.
"No..." you wept, furiously shaking your head as your hands searched for something, anything to hinder him from squeezing the last breaths of life you so desperately wanted to live.
" When will you understand, Y/N. I always get my..."
His damning words were abruptly delayed as you felt his body being pulled off you, his grip releasing from your neck through searing gashes as his nails dragged along your reddening skin.
With dazed eyes, and rattling lungs, you pulled yourself up to the sound of feet shuffling along the gritted ground, bodies grappling in a bloody fight, dulling out the ringing in your ears. Tommy.
"Lard" Arthur noted, pointing at the neatly curled moustache sported by one of Cal's lackeys as he internally weighed up who had the mightiest tash of whiskers out of the two of them.
" I beg your pardon?" the gentlemen's brows scrunched with insult that he, a man of such standing would use a kitchen staple intended for the roasting of spuds on his pampered face.
"To keep the strays in place" Arthur replied, smoothing down his own perfectly trimmed moustache with the pads of his fingers.
" Lanolin" the pompous man turned his head up and away from the gangster and his accompanying guard dog keeping a strong hold on the church doors.
" Beggars can't be choosers" Arthur sniffed as he straightened his tailored suit, raising his chin above his competition. Still bloody taller.
" At least he doesn't smell like Aunt Pols Sunday roast though, ay Arthur?" John sniggered, earning him a sharp blow to the side. The toothpick twirling between his teeth, dangerously close to making its way down his throat from the force of his brothers strategically placed knobbly elbow.
" Fuck off, John boy"
"Stop!" You screamed watching Cal and Tommy throw fists at each other, the flaps of their tailored suits casting shadows under their scuffling feet with every dodge of their bodies.
"Tommy, please!" you tumbled forward, trying to calm the rage within him before he left you with the slaughtered image of a dead body sprawled onto a guests' car as he held the upper hand over Cal. His gun swiftly pulled from its holster, now firmly nestled into the neck of his opponent.
" Y/N, back!" He pushed you away from the line of fire with his free hand. Bloody knuckles staining your ivory gown as his finger squeezed around the beckoning lull of the trigger, seconds from blowing a bullet through Cal's skull.
" Mr Shelby?" A meek voice broke Tommy away from his gory endeavor as you turned in unison to see a veiled woman holding the hand of a dark haired tot, tearfully sobbing through her wobbling bottom lip.
"Can't hear anything" John mumbled with his ear pressed up against the wooden doors as a small crowd of inquisitive eyes gathered around him.
" It's gone quiet" Arthur smirked to his brother, satisfied the grave Tommy had personally dug that morning would soon be filled with the body of the bastard that had delayed his punishment in the back alleys of Small Heath.
" Perhaps an ambulance is warranted?" One of Cal's acquaintances stepped forward before swiftly being pushed back into his rightful place in the newly established pecking order, void of status and wealth but instead, muscle and crazed instability.
" Are you doubting my brother's ability to get the job done, ay?" Arthur squared up to the mumbling man, offended by the mere suggestion that a Shelby, reared from fighting stock would acquire backup to take down one lone man.
" Wha...?" the pompous prick replied, suddenly realising that the only call worthy of being made was that to the foreboding sound of a horse-drawn hearse.
"Alright, alright! Give us some space. Bloody hell" John rolled his shoulders as the many guests pushed forward, eager to see the gruesome sight like the jeering crowds that waited on the ax mans delivering blow from times before.
" Anybody would think they've never seen a scrap before!" John shouted over the murmurs and growing excitement as he looked to his brother.
" Well, brother..." Arthur's smile deepened into a mischievous grin as he pushed the doors open, freeing the crowd like a King would his loyal subjects. " '...'ave at it boys and girls!"
"Tommy? What's going on?" Your eyes darted from the small child's whimpers to Tommy lowering his gun as he released his grip from around Cal's collar.
Plagued with his own childhood horrors, he'd be damned to inflict such nightmares on another innocent mind caught in the cross fire between the affairs of adults, their fragile minds were too young to understand.
" Y/N, meet Jayne. Cal's daughter" Tommy pulled away, resting his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
" Daughter...?" Your brows knitted together, your attention pulled back to the sweet girl standing patiently next to her guardian.
" Our Jayne's only surviving family" the sister from the convent informed you as the sound of the crowds footsteps came to a stop, curious by the unexpected change of events.
" Utter nonsense!" Cal straightened the lapels of his suit as he eyed the rosy cheeked toddler from the corner of his eye. Seething with disdain for the image of himself he saw in her.
" Dear god...she's the spit of you" Johnathan remarked as Cal's head snapped away with a scoff.
" Only surviving family? But her mother...where's her mother?" Your curiosity peaked for the small child and the unusual tale her presence brought as you noted the subtle exchange of glances between Tommy and the woman that cared for her.
" Dead" Tommy straightened his back, his eyes snapping to the gulping man whose hidden lies, now held the attention of all those present.
" Found strangled to death in her bedsit two years ago, with her newborn daughter screaming in her bassinet beside her. Cal's daughter" Tommy looked to you as the horror of the childs early life came to light.
"Her murderer stood here, a free man, with us today" Tommy let the darkness that Cal had hidden from his life of riches be known as the sudden realisation that you could have shared the same fate rattled your nerves.
" A troubled life she led, but we are not ones to judge. Little Jayne is in our care now, away from danger" the sister revealed as she caressed the plump cheek of the small child, before her eyes snapped to Cal shuffling away from the growing whispers and stares of those stood watching.
His liking for visiting the back alleys of Birmingham and the service's they had to offer, was now laid bare for all to see. How he had dodged the repercussions of the horrors he had inflicted with the help of his wealth and status, avoiding the deadly drop of the hangman's nose as punishment for the life he taken from a woman few cared for, exposed. His most favourite choice of punishment, brushing down the film of sweat sitting on his forehead, those of the hands he used to squeeze the life from Jaynes' mother.
As Cal's reputation in high society came crashing down around him, so did his body as his widening eyes darted from face to face to the sound of scum and bastard leaving their mouths. All thanks to the strategically placed cane of an elderly woman, intent on seeing him take his fall from grace in a more... physical sense.
" Ever so sorry. Shakey hands" your grandmother looked down past her nose to Cal slumped on the ground at her feet, her fingers as steady as a meadow of flowers on a windless day clutching around the top of her cane.
" Now where in the bloody hell does Meredith think he's going?" Arthur's moustache twitched at the scrambling man, formerly known as Cal, running through the gritted ground away from Arrow House.
" I'll get him" John swiftly pulled out his gun, closing one eye as he honed in on Cal heading for the small pasture of galloping horses.
" Steady on, John! You'll take one of the bloody toffs' heads off" Arthur lowered his brother's revolver as the herd of guests ran forward, keen to see how the day's thrilling events would end.
Stood back, Tommy's eyes drifted to yours. Desperate for your acknowledgment, for you to seek comfort and refuge in him. But as he watched your eyes cast down to your shuffling feet, he was met with the glistening flicker of unspent tears, pooled under your batting lashes. Shit.
" Bloody hell, that horse is as skittish as a Catholic girl on confession day. She'll buck him off" Arthur's eyes narrowed in across the field to Cal precariously sat on your white mare.
" Five says she won't"John put his hand out, keen for the day to not got to waste as he waited for his brother to take the bet.
" Go on then" the two brothers shook on it in a slimy spit-covered pact as serious as any pinky promise.
Gripping onto the ivory mane of your horse, Nelly violently bucked with her hind legs as Cal desperately tried to control her erratic movements. The crowd of people that had gathered by the rickety wooden fence, encouraging the theatrical display with waving hands and hurling cheers until she delivered one mighty kick, throwing Cal off head first into the muddied ground below him.
With a satisfied flare of her nostrils, notorious Nelly gave one last boot into the face of her unwanted rider for good measure before happily trotting off to join the others grazing.
" 'ere" John relented, pulling five coppers from his pocket to a gloating Arthur.
" Five bleeding shilling!" Arthur looked down at the jingling coins in his hand, expecting the feeling of crisp pound notes to warm his fingers.
" Tit" Arthur mumbled, smacking the back of his younger brother's shaved head as the crowd's laughter grew to a roaring thunder at the sight of Cal, muddy and dazed, slumped in the grass feet from them.
Stood away from the crowd, their echos of laughter, their grinning smiles of amusement tapered back to you. Your life had been turned into a circus, on display for the enjoyment of others.
Pulling up the dragging ends of your dress, you turned and leave, running from the laughter of those who would soon be gossiping about the pitiful life you led during their afternoon luncheons in the most prestigious of tearooms.
" Y/N!" Tommy called after you, watching the cascade of tears that you had desperately kept from the peering eyes of others, trickle down your cheeks.
Shit, shit, shit, Tommy thought to himself as he ran after the rippling ends of your muddied dress, suddenly realising he had taken it one step too far in his fondness for a dramatic conclusion.
" Darling..." Tommy's feet came to a stop behind you, his hands gently cupping your waist as you sought solitude behind the small bricked chapel away from the lingering sounds of laughter.
" Go away, Tommy!" You snapped your head back to him as he raised his hands in surrender. Carelessly brazen enough to approach you without precaution like he would with your jittery horse that shared your guarded nature.
" Y/N, I'm sorr.."
"I'm glad you all find this funny. My life, the grand finale to your finishing act" you cut off his intended apology, pulling the netted veil from your head, the pearl necklace from around your neck through frustrated sobs." Would you like me to get up and dance for you all too?"
" Hey, c'mere" Tommy sighed as he tested the waters with an apprehensive step in your direction, unable to withstand the upsetting sight he was responsible for.
" No!" You snapped back, unapologetic with your adamant refusal to be comforted by the day's event and the harrowing fate that could have awaited you if your response had been two letters short.
" No, Tommy. Not this time " you shook your head, watching the hurt of your rejection pull down the corners of his eyes as you turned to leave. Shunning him out like he had done to you without the slightest possibility for reconciliation.
" Don't fret dear, she'll come around" Grannie made her presence known as she turned the corner to see the internal battle Tommy was inflicting upon himself as he watched you leave.
" I'm not so sure, Dowager" he turned back to see the gentle smile, creased with fine lines of wisdom greeting him.
" Call me, Grannie" she placed her cane in front of her, slowly stepping towards a man whose fractured heart had taken another self-imposed blow.
" I'm afraid she comes from a long line of stubbornness, Mr Shelby. Best let that steam cool off, or I'm afraid you may get burnt. And nobody likes the sting of that" she patted his arm, drawing his attention away from you marching down the dusty path his longing eyes desperately wanted to follow after.
"That was quite the finish, Mr Shelby. Are you sure you're not classically trained?" your grandmother teased, earning her the boyish smirk of amusement she had grown fond of.
" Not too much, then?" Tommy's eyes playfully asked as he gave her his arm to take, leading her back to the ruckus you had fled from.
" Goodness no. What's life without a little show, hm?" Grannie giggled as a loud wave of cheers came from the enclosed paddock.
" Seems we're not so different after all" your grandmother nodded to John sat on Nelly riding her one handed like a bucking bronco as Arthur worked the cheering crowds collecting bets.
" Five shillings says she kicks him off" Grannie turned to the grinning gangster with her hand out, lightening the heavy mood that shadowed above you both.
" You're on"
Sat back at your brooding spot in the bay window of your grandmother's cottage, you watched as the maple tree in front of her house disheveled its crisp leaves from its branches one by one into a high enough heap to jump in to, in a fit of giggles. But laughter had escaped you for more than eight weeks since Tommy dramatically exposed Cal's secret. And although you were safe from ever feeling his heavy hand strike you again, you let yourself slip into your solemn thoughts, relentlessly mulling over what had been unearthed.
Cal was gone. His life ended by Tommy with a bullet through his head. Buried by his hand in a six-foot deep hole in an unmarked grave. His name forgotten for an eternity. No flowers laced in tears sitting beside his earthy tomb. And like everything in your life, you were faced with an unexpected twist of fate.
Arrogantly bold enough to assume you would be his wife, Cal had prematurely signed his estate over to you until you birthed a son.
A child that never came to be, a demise quicker than expected, you were left with his thousands and the harrowing reminder of the young child he had fathered. Jayne.
Relinquishing the hefty sum of money left in your name, you forwent a life of unimaginable riches, and set up a trust fund for the orphaned child in the hope she would be able to carve her own future, free from the ruling hands of greedy men.
But with all matters settled, one still occupied your every waking breath. Tommy.
" Speak of the devil!" Grannie announced, suspiciously in tune with your internal thoughts of melancholy as she turned her head to the sound of a Bentley steadily driving up to her gated home.
" Right on time" she giggled as you flew up from your seat, eyes darting in a frantic panic to the weathered window.
" Into the closest she goes!" she teased as you hurried passed her, making a beeline for your trusted hiding space in the cramped hallway. A spot you had cowered yourself in each week over the past two months.
"Mr Shelby" Grannie opened the door, the gentle autumn breeze bringing notes of whisky and tobacco, with a handful of ribbon tied hydrangeas along with it.
" Grannie" he greeted her, kissing her cheek in a loving familiarity as his eyes searched behind her for a sign of you.
" Y/N?" He sighed, questioning your whereabouts as you battled with a precariously placed broom beside you in the darkened room, the door ajar enough to see the shine of his blue eyes longing for a glimpse of you.
" Indisposed I'm afraid" your grandmother gave the disappointing weekly response he'd become accustomed to.
" In the closest" she quietly mouthed, rolling her eyes as Tommy's darting gaze met yours through the thin line of light. Taking you aback enough for you to stumble into the aged broom with a thud. Oh, bollocks.
" Tell her I came by" Tommy left the bouquet of flowers in the hands of your grandmother, his pining eyes still firmly fixed on the shadow of your body behind the door.
" You have my word" your Grannie patted his hand before he turned to leave with one last glimpse of your batting eyes through the rays of sun shining through the glass-framed door he'd opened.
Never staying for long. Never intruding into your life without your welcome. Tommy would make the long drive to your Grans home in Cheltenham, arriving on the dot at exactly 12.05 every Friday.
Like a delivered telegram, like a small hello. He made it his weekly routine to show you how much he still longed to have you back in his life. How much he missed you.
" No sense in hiding anymore, dear. Your inherited clumsiness gave it away" your grandmother shut the front door, turning to see the irritated pout sitting on your lips.
" For you" she handed the freshly picked bouquet of flowers, you ceremoniously tossed in the bin along with the others.
" My sweet summer child, sit with me" Grannie sighed, ushering you to her favourite armchair beside the window of her garden.
" Before you say anything, it will never work" you stopped the words of advice your stubbornness was intent on ignoring.
" I don't even like him...that much" you started to ramble, releasing the many excuses you had convinced yourself of one by one to your grandmother's stuttering lips as she tried to get a word in. " He's so pig headed, so cocky. So..so stubborn!"
" Stubborn?" your grandmother raised her brow, a pursed smile of amusement for the characteristic he shared with you. " You're more alike than you care to realise, my dear"
" I'm nothing like him. We come from two completely different worlds, Grannie" you crossed your arms, blowing the lock of hair from in front of your eyes as you fell back into your seat like a stroppy child. " God, why won't he just let me be..."
" That's where you're wrong, my dear" Grannie leaned forward, taking your hand.
" I have a confession" she whispered. An urgent enough secret that she felt it best said in a hushed voice to you, the only person within close proximity to her home, if not miles from the nearest sign of life. " We're counterfeits"
" Counterfeits?' you voiced louder than intended as you scooted forward in your plush seat.
" Good heavens, child. Do you want the whole of the county to hear?" she scolded you and your rolling eyes as she returned to her story
" His name was Jack. Known to some as, Jack the lad from Digbeth" she divulged into her past, reliving her younger years through the memories she cherished.
" A strapping stable boy who worked on my father's land. We had taken a fancying to each other, and after a summer's night in 1847 I found myself in a rather troublesome ballooning predicament.
" Grannie..." your cheeks blushed, hearing the details of your grandmother's risky teen years hidden behind the prudishness she had shown throughout her entire adult life.
" Don't think I don't know how my favourite afternoon treat was void of its jammy filling, dear" her brows raised, reddening your cheeks to the same shade of her favourite jelly before returning to the tales of her younger years.
" He asked me to marry him, said we'd run away together and join the fair...a hopeless romantic. Of course, when my father caught wind of our plans, my Jack was banished from the home, and I was quickly arranged to marry into a noble family before my growing secret revealed itself before my wedding night" she finished, feeling a pang of sadness for her long-lost love she'd never see again and the son they shared, your father.
" My dear, we're not of blue blood, not even a hint of turquoise" she wrapped her fingers around your young hands, free from the wrinkles that creased hers.
"You come from the same cobbled streets of the man whose heart and your own you're breaking. Fate brought you together, my child. Best not to piss it off with your shared stubbornness and start off on the wrong foot, dear. Bygones be bygones, hm? She sent you a gentle smile of encouragement as your brain scrambled to reevaluate your life after yet another exposed secret.
A family of commoners. The most freeing of revelation you could have ever discovered. Not only were you free of Cal, you were free of the restraints high society held on you. Free to love and live the way you wanted, with the man you wanted. If you would let your bullheadedness be buried with the troubled past you still held on to, of course.
"Easy girl" Tommy brushed his hand along the mane of your horse, calming her jittery nerves when something, or rather, someone caught his attention in the dark orbs of her eyes.
As the smell of your sweet perfume filled his senses, the sound of your heels clicking along the cobbled stable floor sang in his ears. His hand, unsteady as your horse's temper, rested on her back, fingers rising with each calming, heavy breath she took.
"Am I in hell?" He teased, the curling lilt of his black country accent heard through the small smile of playfulness on his lips as he stood with his back to you.
Slowly approaching, you rested your hand gently on his coated arm as his shoulders relaxed in response to the comforting feeling of your touch. Only for the skin prickling reaction to be swiftly snatched away when you poked him in the ribs shortly after.
"Nope. Still alive" Tommy grunted, a hint of a throaty laugh heard through his wincing breath.
" Hey" his voice pattered out upon seeing your radiating beauty, his eyes had gone too long without gazing upon as he turned around.
"Hi" you quietly replied, apprehensive as to how he'd take your sudden appearance back into his life you'd hidden yourself away from for two months.
"You came home" his lips softened into a loving smile as he stepped towards you, desperate to pull you into him.
" Is it my home, Tommy?" Your eyes lowered, darting with every quickened breath back up to his gaze as he took in the fading sun's glittering film of light on your wind-nipped cheeks.
"Ours" he soothed the redness from your skin as his thumb brushed over the slopes of your face down to your plump lips as an unknowing silence of how things would pan out, settled between your bodies.
" New horse?" Tommy broke the quietness hovering over you both, lightening the mood before a heavy discussion of hurt feelings ensued.
For now, he wanted to bask in the moment as you stood in unison with him. And with your relieved sigh of acknowledgment to the black stallion stood outside the stables, he was reassured to know that you too, welcomed the distraction. Let bygones be bygones, as your Gran would say.
" Moody looking thing, what's his name?" Tommy led you forward for introductions, resting his hand on the slope of your back.
" Tommy. And I ride him every day" the corners of your smiling lips turned into an amused grin as a scoffing laugh loudly responded to your choice of name.
" Tommy, eh? Sorry mate, but we can't have that. I'm gonna have to steal your girl back" he patted down the muscled body of your stallion before guiding your giggles outside to the front of Arrow House.
"Still in tact, I see" you looked up at the bricks of your childhood home, feeling his eyes roam over your face, hand holding you tightly next to him. " Seems you managed fine without me"
" The house hasn't been the issue" Tommy turned you to face him as your hands brushed up his chest, fingers curling around the lapels of his tailored jacket.
" It's me. I've been bored. Got me gardening, it's been that bad" he revealed his newly-founded hobby as your eyes drifted down to the potted flower, miserably limp with a stubbed out cigarette in its earthy soil.
"Goodness, going well I see" an amused smile for the green thumb he didn't inherit from his Aunt pulled at your lips as you felt him raise your eyes to meet him, his thumb hooked gently under your chin.
"No more avoiding me, sweetheart" His fingers brushed along your skin, cupping your cheek in his hand as he searched for reassurance that things wouldn't slip into how the past two months had panned out.
"Especially not in closets, eh?" he teased as you matched his toying smile, closing your eyes as he pressed his smiling lips into yours in a tender embrace.
" I lov.." you both stumbled to give your confessions of loyalty as you broke apart.
" Ladies first" Tommy shot you a wink, his playful response echoing the moments you had spent together in blissful torment of each other.
" I love you" the three-worded confession slipped past the draw bridge of stubbornness you had lowered to welcome him back in.
" I love you too"
Pulled into the warmth of his chest, an intoxicating sense of calm and comfort pulsed through your bodies.
For as the saying goes, home is where the heart is. And your hearts had finally found a home, in each other. Always.
The end.
Thank you to everyone that commented, reblogged and liked this series. Your interactions helped me finish this final, long awaited chapter. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the ending in the comments below! Thank you again, my lovelies ❤️.
Brummie xxx
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johnwickb1tsch · 8 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 13 all chapters
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-Later that evening he picks you up near your hostel in a gorgeous wooden water taxi. You’d gotten more than a few odd looks from the scruffy backpackers hanging out in the courtyard, as you’d exited in your chic new dress and heels. You wonder if you look utterly ridiculous, until you see the way John looks at you. There is a heat in his dark eyes that could burn the city down, and you flush all over, knowing the evening hasn’t even begun and you’ve already soaked through your new silk panties.
He waves away the driver, lifting you down by your waist into the boat. It surprises you, and you cling to him, though you never feel for a second that he might drop you. The strength in his arms is unyielding as an oak.
He’s changed into a black suit for the evening, and he’s so fucking handsome you could die. When you’re settled in the bench seat in the back of the boat he lifts his arm for you in invitation, and you nestle in. The night air is a little chilly once the boat gets going, but you are pressed to the long lean length of John’s side, and he keeps you warm. He drives you a little crazy, drawing slow circles with his fingertips on your bare arm.
You go to dinner, and it’s everything you’d hoped and feared. The light is low, the food is delectable, the wine is good, and Mr. Wick is the very picture of dark temptation in the candlelight. He is charming, and sweet, and he touches your fingertips lightly with his from across the table. You always knew he had a wry sense of humor, but loosened up with an aperitivo, he is downright funny, and you find yourself laughing at his comments with purest joy.
You brought that leather-bound notebook from Florence in your new little handbag. When you present it to John he cradles it in his big hands like you have gifted him with something made of pure gold, his dark eyes shining like high-polished mahogany. He looks at you with a tenderness that makes your knees weak, and you are glad you are already sitting down.  
“I know it’s not much…” You feel a little sheepish suddenly, thinking about what he spent on you earlier that day.
“I love it,” he assures you adamantly, and tucks it into his inside pocket, where it will rest over his heart. “Thank you.” He reaches for your hands across the table again, and as if you weren’t gone enough already, you feel yourself steadily, inexorably, falling in love with this man.
Afterwards you go for a walk. He smiles down at you, amused when you stumble on a raised cobblestone, steadying you with an arm around your waist.
“I think you are a bit drunk, Miss y/n,” he teases you.  
You like wine, but you don’t drink it often. You’d had half a bottle with dinner, plus a negroni aperitivo, and a digestivo of grappa after dessert… Yes. Yes you are, and maybe it will hurt in the morning, but right now it feels wonderful.  
“And whose fault is that?” you fire back with an insouciant smile, winning real laughter. The rare sound warms you to the bottom of your soul.
“Guilty.” He’d ordered the drinks, after all.
There is a mischievous sparkle in his jet-black eyes, and you think maybe he’s a bit drunk too. Or maybe it’s just this fucking country, that’s so goddamn romantic. You’re not sure why that annoys you in that moment.
You pause on a bridge, and he reaches up to lightly touch your hair, sweeping it behind your ear, tracing the curve of your neck. It’s almost like he’s petting you, and you cannot help but close your eyes.
Is this man finally going to kiss you?
A small, feral sound escapes you with the thought, and you are too tipsy to be embarrassed about it. It makes him smile knowingly, and now you think he might actually have an inkling of what he’s been doing to you.
You do not know it, but over your shoulder, John sees a suspicious shadow move in an enclave in the distance. He does not like the look of it at all.
“I should probably get you back to your hostel.”
You stick your lips out in a pout, mildly infuriated and currently lacking any healthy inhibitions.
“Are you really going to make me tell you how much I want you, Mr. Wick?” What an effective truth serum a good chianti makes. Your hands find his tie, pulling him closer towards you. He lets you, of course, until your bodies are nearly pressed in a line.
It’s almost enough, but not quite. Never quite, it seems.
He lowers his forehead to rest on the top of your head, and you sense that he is coiled tight as a spring, practically vibrating with the effort of holding himself back. You can feel it in his hands on your sides, as though he can’t decide if he should pull you closer, or push you away.
 “Do you?” he asks, his voice gone low.
“As if you don’t already know,” you grouse petulantly. There is a part of you deep down that knows, as you look up at him, that you are pulling the tail of a tiger. You just don’t possess the self-control at the moment to stop.
He narrows his eyes at you. “It’s hard to read you,” he confesses in a rare moment of vulnerability, which you find utterly absurd.
“Hard to read me? Mr. Tall Dark and Broody? Mr. Hot and Cold? Mr. I’ll Take You Out On My Bike For The Ride of Your Life on Your Birthday Then Barely Speak To You?”
Again, he laughs, though this time there is an edge to it. He frames your face in his big hands, and you know he could crush you if he wanted, but you still cannot suppress a sigh. You crave the strength in those hands on you with every fibre of your being.
You’d let him pull you apart, so long as he promises to put you back together again.
“Sweet girl…my love is a curse. I don't want to hurt you—but I don’t think I’m strong enough to let you go.”
It almost sounds like a warning.
You pause at that, listening to your heartbeat pounding in your ears. There is a hint of darkness in that sentiment that would have scared you a little, had you been in your right mind. As it is…you are too far gone, and you are desperate to have it all out at last.
“Are you talking about your wife?” you dare ask, your voice hushed as though she could overhear you. Maybe she can. Maybe her spectre would have the mercy to let this man who still walks among the living go. “John…she got sick, and that is not your fault. You can't blame yourself for that.” 
He just shakes his head slowly against you, his long fingers sliding into your hair, tightening at the base of your skull.
“You don't understand.” 
He has you firmly in his grasp, and it sends the most delicious thrill down your spine, right to your loins. You can’t help but squirm against him, closing that distance at last. The line of heat between your bodies pressed is maddening, and you marvel that you can think at all.
“I'm trying to.” 
“I know.” There’s something in his tone that cracks your heart in two, and you find you are afraid. You’re afraid that he still might backpedal on you after all, after all this, and you’re not sure your heart will survive it.
“Please don’t let me go?”
He tilts your head back, in full control of you. You do not fight him, too entranced by his mouth hovering over yours.  
“Remember that you asked.”
You don’t get the chance to formulate a response, because at last his mouth presses to yours, and you forget everything but the feeling of his soft lips and the tantalizing intrusion of his tongue. You would have surged to meet him, but he holds you immobile in his strong hands, taking you just the way he wants you. Yet you are a greedy thing, and your fingers seek the flat planes of his chest, running over the muscled contours beneath his jacket, up the column of his neck to grab fistfuls of his soft hair, the way you’ve craved practically since the first time you laid eyes on him.  
You fancy you almost hear it snap, when at last you manage to break this man’s iron-clad self-control.
Or perhaps it is you, your fragile body, that makes an audible pop when he grabs you up in those strong arms, his fingers digging into your waist as he practically lifts you from the ground in the desperation his ardor. You meet the fury of his kiss with a matching passion, with lips and teeth and tongue, so caught up in the whirlwind that you entirely forget where you are, that you’re in public, that you’re probably not alone. The focus of your world narrows to the single pinpoint that is him, and maybe it’s been that way for you for a while now.
It’s over all too soon, when he tears himself away, breathing heavily in the bend of your neck. You make a small sound of protest, needy for more of his delectable mouth, and he nips your shoulder, maybe hard enough to bruise. You jump with surprise, but you don’t exactly mind the feeling of his teeth in your skin, as though you are something sweet he wishes to devour.
In that moment you reckon you would let him eat you whole, and lick the bones clean.
You are aware of it this time, when he lifts his head to look beyond you, his hawkish gaze sweeping the shadows beyond. It seems like he’s worried about something. But you are wrapped up in his arms, tucked perfectly against his larger body like you are puzzle pieces finally found—you feel as though nothing could possibly touch you.  
“I should get you back,” he says, his voice pure gravel.
“I don’t want—”
“Don't fight me, y/n.”
He uses a tone of voice you've never heard from him before. It is hard as granite, utterly forbidding, and your blood turns to ice in your veins. Feeling this change in you, he sighs and kisses your forehead in apology. “Come on.”
Slightly comforted, you let him lead you with your hand in his, though you still feel more than a little unbalanced, and not because of the height of your heels on the uneven paving stones, or the tremor in your limbs from that hurricane of a kiss.   
This man…
You are not sure what unsettles you more. The whiplash of his mood, or the fact that you’re not sure you wouldn’t follow him to the depths of Hell anyway, so long as he held out his hand to you.
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itsnotsoobiebobbie · 5 months
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not fluent in english, forgive me for any mistakes!
genre: angst, fluff
photo credits: @renjwoo
Synopsis: The blue sky stretched infinitely above, dotted with white clouds like cotton, lazily drifting towards the horizon. The sun poured its golden rays over the idyllic scene, bathing everything in a soft, warm light that seemed to bring life to every leaf and flower.
In the distance, children laughed and ran, their happy giggles mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves. Couples strolled hand in hand, lost in intimate conversations, while the elderly reclined on wooden benches, soaking in the gentle afternoon sun with a serene smile on their lips.
Meanwhile, you hid behind a tree, tears streaming down your face. You were overwhelmed with the emotions that Cheol's confession had triggered. You cherished your friendship and didn't want to hurt him, but you also couldn't deny the feelings you harbored within yourself.
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On a sunny spring day, you and Cheol decided to have a picnic in the park. You brought along a basket filled with delights, including sushi rolls he had skillfully prepared at home, and your painting materials. You had been friends since childhood and shared many passions, including art and cooking.
Sitting on the green grass under the shade of a leafy tree, you and Cheol began to paint. The park was peaceful, with only the gentle sound of birds and the whisper of the wind. As you dipped your brushes into the vibrant paints, you chatted enthusiastically about everything and nothing at the same time, enjoying each other's company.
To you, Cheol was more than just someone you shared laughs and conversations with. He was like an anchor in your life, a constant presence that helped you navigate the ups and downs of existence.
Every significant moment in your life was intertwined with his comforting presence. From the early days of school, when he stood up for you against bullies on the playground, to the summer nights spent chatting until the early hours about your deepest dreams and fears, you always knew you could rely on him.
Seungcheol understood you like no one else, even when you didn't understand yourself. You couldn't imagine your life without him by your side. He was an indelible part of who you were, a golden thread weaving through all facets of your existence. He challenged you to be a better version of yourself, always believing in you when you doubted yourself. His friendship was an invaluable treasure, a precious gift that you cherished more than words could express.
However, the feelings you harbored for your best friend went beyond friendship; they were like a silent storm roaring inside you, carefully kept hidden behind a facade. You couldn't help but feel your heart beat faster whenever you were near him, or smile wider when he told a silly joke. Every gentle gesture, every affectionate glance fueled the flame of your unrequited love, but it also filled you with paralyzing fear.
You feared that by confessing your true feelings, you might risk losing the preciousness of your friendship. The idea of jeopardizing the bond you had built over the years was like a tight knot in your stomach, causing you to retreat whenever you found yourself on the verge of revealing the truth.
Thus, you kept your feelings locked away in a deep place in your heart, holding onto them like a precious secret that you feared to reveal. You settled for being just his friend, even if it meant stifling the sighs of unrequited love that threatened to escape with every exchanged glance.
"Ah, what a beautiful contrast of light and shadow! I think I'll paint that imposing oak tree over there," you said excitedly, as you carefully observed the landscape.
"Sounds like a great choice," Cheol responded as he savored a piece of sushi. "That oak tree has an aura of mystery."
"And what about you, what are you going to paint?" you asked distractedly, as you dipped your brush into one of the paints.
"I think I'll portray the lake. I love how the water reflects the colors of the sky," Cheol responded thoughtfully, gazing out at the horizon.
Seungcheol felt a growing nervousness within him. He admired you not only for your beauty but also for your intelligence and kindness. Cheol watched you with a mixture of admiration and tenderness. To him, you were more than just a friend; you were the embodiment of everything he valued in a person. His eyes sparkled whenever you smiled, and his heart warmed at your mere presence. With each brushstroke, he found himself more and more in love with you. Finally, gathering all the courage he had, Seungcheol decided to open up.
"(Y/N)," he began, his voice slightly trembling, "there's something I need to tell you."
You looked at him, your eyes curious, waiting.
"I… I like you. More than just as a friend. I've fallen in love with you," he confessed, the words coming out in a whisper.
There was a moment of tense silence, where time seemed to stand still. You remained still, looking at Cheol with a mixture of surprise and confusion. Your heart began to beat faster as you tried to process what you had just heard.
You found yourself engulfed in a storm of emotions, a complex mix of joy, hope, and fear. Because, despite deeply wishing to express your feelings to him, you felt a tight knot in your throat every time you considered that possibility. You feared that a confession of love could ruin the precious friendship you shared. The fear of losing what you had built over the years paralyzed you, leaving you in a painful deadlock. You found yourself caught in an emotional dilemma, torn between the courage to move forward and the comfort of the familiarity of friendship.
Then, without saying a word, you abruptly stood up and ran towards the lake, leaving behind your painting materials and the picnic basket.
Seungcheol stood there, stunned and heartbroken. He couldn't understand what had just happened. Had he ruined their friendship with his confession?
Meanwhile, you hid behind a tree, tears streaming down your face. You were overwhelmed with the emotions that Cheol's confession had triggered. You cherished your friendship and didn't want to hurt him, but you also couldn't deny the feelings you harbored within yourself.
After some time, you decided to slowly make your way back to where they were. Your heart was racing, but a silent determination shone in your eyes.
With each step taken towards Cheol, your resolve strengthened. You thought of all the times you had shared laughter, tears, dreams, and secrets. You remembered the moments when your gazes met, creating a connection that transcended friendship.
He was sitting in the same spot, with a somber expression on his face. As you approached him, you felt a lump form in your throat, but you forced yourself to take a deep breath and remember what you had decided. You sat down beside him, unsure of what to say.
"I'm sorry for running away like that," you finally said, your voice faltering slightly. "I… I don't know what to say."
He looked at you, his eyes filled with sadness. "You don't need to say anything, (Y/N). I understand," he murmured, forcing a smile.
Summoning all the courage you had, you said, "Choi Seungcheol, I feel the same way too. I like you, more than just as a friend. I didn't know how to deal with what you said… I was scared and confused. The reason I ran… is because I also feel the same for you, for a long time."
A smile of relief spread across Cheol's face, lighting up his eyes. You looked at each other for a moment, sharing a mutual understanding and a sense of relief for finally having expressed your feelings to each other. Without hesitation, he leaned towards you and kissed you gently. It was a kiss filled with tenderness and complicity, a moment that sealed your special connection in a new and meaningful way.
When you pulled away, your eyes met, shining with a mix of happiness and mutual affection. You knew you had found something special in each other, something that went beyond friendship and opened the doors to an exciting new chapter in your lives.
Together, you continued to enjoy the picnic as the sun slowly set on the horizon, illuminating your newly discovered love with golden hues and promises of a bright future.
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starry-eyes-love · 3 months
Farewell Ballad- One-shot
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Masterlist    Joel Masterlist
Summary | Joel takes one final walk in the park before his spirit passes on. Written from Joel’s point of view.
Pairing | Husband Joel Miller x Wife F!Reader- AU, No Outbreak, One-Shot
Warnings:  Death of a major character (no descriptions of how he died), Joel speaking about moving on to the afterlife, battle with pancreatic cancer for Joel, Joel’s point of view, heavy angst.
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: This came from a deep, soulful place in my heart. I needed to work through some major things in my personal life, and this was my therapy. Grab your tissues; this one hurts.
“I have so much I need to say,” you whispered, trying to choke back your sobs behind your hand. “I know, baby, I know,” he said.
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Joel’s steps were slow and deliberate as he walked down the narrow pathway, winding himself through the park.  It was a cold, crisp October morning as he hugged his jacket to his body, letting light coughs out of his lungs. His breaths were shallow, uneven gasps as the cool, crisp air stung his lungs. 
Joel pulled his worn construction coat tighter around his frail body to ward off the chill that was settling deep within his bones. He always loved this park; it’s where he met you 18 years ago. Joel had a million memories here. He remembered the days he’d run along these paths for exercise, the sunny afternoons he’d toss his daughter, Sarah, high up in the air as she laughed.  And the times he’d kiss you softly and passionately underneath the old, worn Oak tree. But those days felt like a distant dream now, a memory. Once, the vibrant green trees were now skeletal, matching the look that Joel felt within himself as he continued along his path.
Dr. Johnston had informed Joel, a man who was 42 years old, that he had stage IV pancreatic cancer.  The horrible prognosis came back in May, five months prior.  His doctor had informed Joel that treatments wouldn’t work and that his cancer was too aggressive.
“Joel, treatments won’t work for you; your cancer’s too aggressive. My advice, just live life the best you can with the limited time you have left.”
Now Joel could feel the cancer eating away his bones.  His once strong, muscular self was no more. Now, he was frail, feeling like just a husk of the man he once was. Joel’s strength was no longer there, and his days were slowly becoming numbered before him. 
As Joel continued to walk, he felt himself having to pause by a bench and rest his body. When he lowered himself down onto the cold wood, he found himself letting out a hiss at the pain he felt deep in his abdomen.  When Joel closed his eyes, he felt all his memories wash over him: Sarah's laughter as they played in the grass and your hand's gentle touch as you walked together. Each memory he saw was a fleeting moment of light in the growing darkness of his current reality.
When Joel opened his eyes again, he looked around, and as he did, he felt a tear slowly slip down his face. The park was quiet in the early morning; no one was around, and the only sound heard was from the leaves rustling in the breeze. Joel couldn’t voice it, but he felt an overwhelming sense of isolation, as if the world had already moved on without him, leaving him in a cocoon of sorrow and regret. He had known this day was coming for a long time; the doctors had been very clear about that. But knowing that hadn’t made any of this easier.
As Joel sat, he thought about the days he had wasted, of his petty arguments with Tommy, Sarah, and you over dumb things. He thought about all the dreams he had yet to fulfill, of how his life and time were ending prematurely. Joel’s regret gnawed at him, a constant reminder of missed choices and failed opportunities that existed. How he’d never see Sarah get married and have a family. How the life he had promised you, his wife, would now be cut short.  All the places he wanted to travel to, visit, and experience were now all taken from him and gone.  Joel had always believed that there would be more time, that he’d have more chances to make things right, to experience new things. But now, as he sat alone on this bench, he realized how precious life was and how wrong he had been.
The weight of Joel’s impending death weighed down on him, suffocating him with fear and despair. He was never a religious man, but now he found himself praying for a miracle, for some way to hold on just a little longer, if not for himself, for you. Joel selfishly wanted to see his grandchildren grow up and feel the warmth of your embrace again.  He tried to find inner peace within himself before it was too late, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t.
Joel continued to sit silently as he suddenly felt a single tear roll down his cheek, followed by another. Eventually, he let out a deep sob that had escaped his mouth in a cry of desperation—a man who didn’t want to die. 
“I don’t want to go; I don’t want to die. I can’t leave them,” Joel yelled, sobbing into his hand as all of his pent-up emotions flowed freely.  The once strong man felt himself breaking into a million pieces. As the tears continued to escape his eyes, Joel found his hand trembling as he gently wiped them away. He knew he didn’t have much time left. 
With another shaky breath, Joel wiped a hand down his face, mumbling “fuck” to himself, knowing that he only had moments left before his soul would start the journey to the beyond. As he stood on wobbly legs, he forced himself forward for one last walk around, wanting to commit every detail of his life to memory. With each step forward, he felt a flashback of a memory that made him smile and one that gave him a sense of calm.  
When Joel finally found himself at the end of the park’s path, it was at that moment he took one last steadying breath, trying to savor the scent of the Earth, and the smell of the leaves one last time. As he turned away, he felt his footsteps become weightless; it was time. Joel slowly left his physical form with each stride, freeing his soul and the heavy burdens that he had carried for a lifetime. 
The longer he walked, the more his surroundings blurred and faded away, colors and shapes melding into a soft, hazy glow. Joel glanced down at his hands and saw them shimmering, becoming less of a physical form. He felt a lightness start to take over in his chest, a calmness, erasing all fear and regret plaguing his human form, dissipating like mist.
As Joel continued forward, he felt another gentle pull within him, something unresolved, something that he needed to accomplish before he could cross the threshold between life and death itself. Joel knew he was leaving this world, that his journey was not ending but was transforming. And with one final glance back, he felt himself change entirely to his spirit form. Joel was no longer bound by the physical limitations of his sick, frail body. He felt whole, complete, and for once at peace.  And it was at that moment that he saw you.
“Joel!” you yelled, running towards him, tears streaming down your face. 
“I know,” Joel whispered, standing before you, knowing you couldn’t see him anymore as he was now a spirit on this Earth.
“I have so much I need to say,” you whispered, trying to choke back your sobs behind your hand.
“I know, baby, I know,” he said, standing before you, trying to find a way to comfort the heartbreak you were feeling at losing your soulmate so suddenly.
As you stood there, tears streaming down your face at the sorrow and heartache you felt of losing him, of losing your Joel.  Sensing your struggle, Joel slowly reached out and cupped your cheek with his spirit hand.  He gently leaned forward and kissed your forehead, whispering, “I love you now and forever, my darling. But you have to live, baby, live for me. I’ll see you again soon. I promise,” and he gave you one final kiss.
You couldn’t see Joel standing before you but could feel his presence around you, holding you tight one final time. “I love you,” you whispered for him to hear.
“I know, baby; I love you too,” he whispered in return. 
As Joel turned, he saw those who had passed on before him holding their hands out for him to take. As he did, he felt himself leave behind all of life's pain and sorrow, all of the regrets and missed opportunities. Joel found the strength and courage he once longed for in this new existence. As he continued walking, he felt himself, his spirit, finally being free. At that moment, after feeling Joel’s presence leave, your knees buckled, and you screamed in agony at the loss of your soulmate, who had finally crossed over. Joel had finally left this Earth to go to his final resting place without you, leaving you behind with the feeling of being utterly alone. 
The End
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gong-fourz · 4 months
The Secret Idol
Pairing: idol!Jeongin x reader Summary: It was a great feeling to know that he felt comfortable enough to share his biggest secret with you. WC: 1.3k Genre: fluff Nets: @blossomnet
taglist - m.list
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You strolled through the park, your mind lost in a tangle of thoughts and worries. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant murmur of laughter. But amidst the tranquility of the park, a soft melody drifted through the air, beckoning her closer.
Intrigued, you followed the sound until you came upon a secluded bench nestled beneath the shade of a towering oak tree. There, you found a young man with a guitar cradled in his arms, his fingers dancing across the strings with practiced ease. His voice, soft and soulful, filled the air with an enchanting allure, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
Mesmerized, you approached cautiously, not wanting to disrupt the serene atmosphere that surrounded him. You settled onto an adjacent bench, content to simply listen and absorb the music that seemed to emanate from his very soul.
As the melody continued to weave its spell, the young man glanced up, his eyes meeting yours with a warm, inviting gaze. Without a word, he continued to play, his voice joining the guitar in perfect harmony. His lyrics were like poetry, painting vivid pictures in your mind and stirring emotions you had long kept buried.
Time seemed to stand still as you sat there, lost in the music and the moment. The worries that had weighed so heavily on your mind melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment you hadn't felt in ages.
Eventually, the song came to an end, the final notes hanging in the air like a lingering echo. You found yourself holding your breath, not wanting to break the spell that had enveloped you both.
The young man set aside his guitar and turned to face you fully, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I hope you enjoyed the music," he said, his voice soft and gentle.
You nodded, unable to find your voice just yet. You was still caught up in the magic of the moment, the music still echoing in your ears and your heart.
"I'm glad," the young man replied, his smile widening. "It's not often I find someone who appreciates the beauty of a melody as much as you seem to."
You finally found your voice, though it was little more than a whisper. "Thank you," you said, your words carrying a depth of emotion you hadn't realized was there. "Your music…it touched something deep inside me."
The young man's smile grew even brighter, and he reached out a hand, offering it to you. "I'm glad I could bring a little joy into your day," he said. "My name's Jeongin, by the way."
You took his hand, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I'm Y/N," you replied, returning his smile with one of your own.
For a moment, you both simply sat there, hands clasped and smiles shared, the world around you fading into the background. It was as if you were the only two people in the park, cocooned in your own little bubble of music and magic.
But eventually, the spell had to be broken. With a reluctant sigh, you pulled your hand away, though you couldn't bring yourself to tear your gaze away from Jeongin's.
"I should probably be going," you said, your voice tinged with regret.
Jeongin nodded, though his smile never faltered. "I understand," he said. "But perhaps we'll meet again someday."
You nodded, a flicker of hope sparking in your chest. "I'd like that," you said, rising from the bench and gathering your things. As you turned to leave, you glanced back at Jeongin one last time, committing the memory of him and his music to your heart.
And as you walked away, the gentle melody of his guitar followed you, a reminder of the fleeting but beautiful encounter you had shared with the mysterious young man in the park.
Days turned into weeks, and you found yourself returning to the park more often than you ever had before. Each time, you hoped to catch another glimpse of Jeongin and his mesmerizing music. And more often than not, your wish was granted.
Your encounters became more frequent, and before long, you were spending countless hours together, sharing laughter, secrets, and dreams. You discovered that Jeongin was not just a talented musician, but also a kind-hearted soul with a passion for life.
You talked about everything and nothing, your conversations flowing effortlessly from one topic to the next. From your favorite books and movies to your hopes and aspirations, there was no subject too trivial or too profound for you to explore together.
As you grew closer, you couldn't help but admire Jeongin's gentle nature, his intelligence, and his unwavering determination. He had a way of seeing the beauty in the world, even in the darkest of times, and his optimism was infectious.
One evening, as you sat beneath the twinkling stars, Jeongin turned to you with a hesitant smile. "There's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice tinged with nervousness.
Your heart skipped a beat, sensing the weight of his words before he even spoke them. "What is it?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jeongin took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the ground. "My name isn't actually Jeongin," he confessed. "It's…It's I.N."
Your brow furrowed in confusion. "I.N?" you repeated, trying to make sense of the sudden revelation.
Jeongin nodded, his eyes shining with vulnerability. "Yeah," he said quietly. "It's…a nickname. It's what everyone calls me."
Realization dawned on you, and you felt a rush of understanding flood through you. "Wait," you said, your eyes widening in surprise. "Are you…are you a member of Stray Kids?"
Jeongin's eyes widened in shock, his gaze darting up to meet yours. "How did you…?" he began, but his voice trailed off as he realized the truth was already written on your face.
You couldn't help but smile at his reaction, though you could sense the underlying tension in the air. "I'm a fan," you admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment color your cheeks. "I've followed your group since your debut."
Jeongin seemed to relax slightly at your confession, though the tension didn't completely dissipate. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "I wanted to, but…I couldn't risk it."
You reached out a comforting hand, gently squeezing his shoulder. "It's okay," you said softly. "I understand. Your safety comes first."
Jeongin nodded, a grateful smile spreading across his face. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "It means a lot to me that you're so understanding."
You sat in companionable silence for a moment, the weight of the revelation hanging in the air between you both. You couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the realization that the young musician you had encountered in the park was actually a member of one of the biggest idol groups in the industry.
Eventually, Jeongin broke the silence, his voice hesitant but determined. "I wanted to tell you because…I trust you," he said, his gaze meeting your with unwavering sincerity. "And it feels good to finally be able to share this part of my life with someone outside of my group."
You felt a surge of warmth fill your chest at his words, touched by the depth of trust he was placing in you. "I'm honored," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "Truly."
As you both sat there, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, you couldn't help but marvel at the twist of fate that had brought you together. What had started as a chance encounter in the park had blossomed into something far more meaningful—a bond forged through music, trust, and shared secrets.
And as you sat there, lost in conversation and the quiet beauty of the park, You couldn't help but feel grateful for the serendipitous moment that had brought I.N into your life.
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Personalised Memorial Benches
Personalized memorial benches are a unique and meaningful way to honor the memory of a loved one. These benches are typically made from high-quality materials such as wood, metal or stone, and can be customized with engravings, plaques, or other personal touches.
Personalized memorial benches can include the name and dates of the person being remembered, as well as other personal details such as favorite quotes, hobbies, or interests. The engravings or plaques can be created in a variety of materials, including brass, bronze, or stainless steel, to ensure they withstand the elements and maintain their beauty over time.
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
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𓆩 ♱ 𓆪 WORD COUNT: 4K
𓆩 ♱ 𓆪 AUTHOR’S NOTE: i had so much fun writing this one, i know this isn't everyone's cup of tea but i hope you enjoy it as much as i did <333 
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The sound of thunder rumbled through the dark halls of the church. The fragile stained-glass windows vibrated under the weight of the wind from the storm outside. The dim light from the dying candles flickering, casting shadows against the mahogany-stained oak wood that creaked with every whistle of the wind that escaped through the cold halls.
Picking up another bible, Father Bakugou makes his way through the rows of seats as he collects the last of the discarded bibles from his evening service, the wood groaning under the weight of his polished black oxfords. Noticing how the wind had snuffed the majority of the candles, making the mental note to blow out the remaining ones before settling in for the night.
His steps echoed through the lonely church, the silence of the night bringing him comfort after a long day of service and confessionals. His ears perked at the sound of another set of footsteps paddling along the wooden floors, lifting his gaze towards the entrance of the church, his brows frowning when he didn't notice anyone. Laying the bibles in his hand down on the bench as he makes his way towards the lunette doors, twisting the handle to ensure  it's locked. A low hum vibrating in his throat, figuring it must've been the heavy wind.
Turning around to return to his tasks, he stops in his tracks at the sight of a woman standing in front of him. His brows rose momentarily from shock before frowning back down at the woman. Questions flooded his mind, confused as to how you got inside if the door remained locked, and how had he not heard you sneak up on him. He took in your appearance, a long black corduroy dress taut against your figure, hugging your curves in all the right spots. A matching black scarf adorning your hair, clasped with perfectly manicured hands just below your chin as you stared softly up at him, a soft smile plastered on your glossy lips. He takes a moment to look down at your feet, the short black heeled boots peeking from under the seam of your dress, those were sure to make a sound on these old wooden floors.
He wondered just how a delicate thing like you made its way past him as his eyes met yours again. He's about to open his mouth to ask you how you managed to enter, but the sound of your voice stops him.
“Forgive the late interruption, Father… I hope I'm not bothering you too much”, your words are soft as they spill past your lips, dipped in honey as you end your sentence with a candied smile.
“It's past service hours, they're done for the evening”, he says in a low voice as he makes his way past you, unease is starting to settle under his skin, noticing how your clothes were completely dry, not a single stain of water on you in contrast to the uncontrollable pour of rain outside.
An affirmative hum sounded from behind him as you followed him through the center of the church. “I'm aware of that, Father”, he briefly looked at you over his shoulder, noticing how you were following close behind him, as he picked up the bibles again and headed towards the altar to store them.
“I just seemed to be in need of some…” you trailed off as you peered over to the side searching for the correct words, “...guidance”.
“Mhm”, you quickly nod as you look up at him from the bottom steps of the altar.
There was something about you that Bakugou couldn't quite decipher, your presence made him feel anxious. It made the clerical collar around his neck feel tighter than it should, his throat going dry with every syllable that spilled from your sultry lips. He stared down at you for a few moments before sighing.
“Guidance, huh?”, you continued to look up at him through your lashes as you nod softly to answer him.
“Come on”, he beckoned you over with his fingers as he led you through the wooden arches leading towards the sacristy. He opened the door and you followed in behind him, entering the dark room as you waited for him to light a candle. The flames illuminate his fair skin as he leans the candle over another, repeating the action until the room is bright enough to see. Taking in the old books across the bookshelves against the soft chestnut walls. Chairs stacked one on top of the other in the corner in case more were needed for service, and a table with priestly vestments neatly folded over it. Stepping further into the room as you notice him step behind the table to put away the matches he used for the candles.
“What are we doing here, Father?... I thought you'd help me in a more formal area like the confessional”, you say as you take in the old gray rug placed neatly in the center of the room.
“I will”, he says with a more stern voice. “Just gotta gather some things”.
“Oh…”, your curiosity peaks as you step closer to the table, “...what thi-”, your words die down in your throat as it dawns on you what just happened.
Bakugou smirks back at you as he circles around the table, stopping a few steps away from you. Your soft smile now replaced with a deep frown as you glare back at him, how could you have fallen for such a cheap trick.
“What's the matter, sweetheart?... didn't think I'd notice?”, he says as sharp vermilion eyes stare hard at your darkening ones.
Kicking the rug at his feet as it reveals a pentagram painted against the wooden floor. A devil's trap, a symbol used to trap demons. Once inside, whether on the floor or the ceiling, a demon cannot pass out of the circle.
“How?”, you ask through gritted teeth as he continues looking down at you smugly.
“Just had a hunch”
“A hunch?”
You stare at him momentarily before sighing loudly through your mouth, returning that sultry smirk to your features and softening your eyes as you speak to him, your words coated with honey again.
“So what now, Father?... what are you gonna do to a poor little defenseless demon like me?”
An airy chuckle escapes through his nose before he steps closer to you, stepping right in front of you, towering over you making sure not to step into the pentagram, his nose barely touching yours while his lips hover above yours as he speaks in a soft whisper.
“I'm gonna give you what you asked for, sweetheart…”, he trails off as he lets his eyes roam over your body, settling on your lips, causing you to lick them subconsciously, watching you intently as the pink muscle coats your lips with a thin layer of saliva before disappearing back into your mouth, meeting your eyes again, pools of red darkened by the dim light staring deeply into yours as he whispers again.
“...Guidance”. His mischievous grin is the last thing you see before darkness consumes you.
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You groan at the ache in your muscles as your eyes flutter open, you awake in a different room than the previous one, the wood on the walls replaced by old, rusted bricks. Surrounded by candles, too many to count as you take in your surroundings. Twisting your wrist to pull them towards you, feeling the strain against your delicate skin as you notice you're unable to move them.
Chained to the two large columns on each side of you, trailing your eyes upwards spotting the pentagram above you, figuring you must be below the sacristy. A cold wind brushing past you, causing goosebumps to prickle at your skin, looking down to your body as your brows frown at the realization that you're naked.
“You're finally awake” a voice rasps a few feet away from you. Father Bakugou emits from the dark where not many candles are stationed, rolling up the sleeves of his black button up shirt as he gets closer to you.
“Thought I'd lost you for a second”, he says as he grabs you by the chin, lifting your face to look at him as he peers down at you.
“Mm, this isn't your true form, is it?”, you remain silent as you just stare back at him.
“Reveal yourself to me”, he orders while adding pressure to where his fingers are pressing against your chin, letting you know it's not a request, it's a demand. Shooting him a smirk as he backs a few steps away from you.
Large black wings emit from your back, stretching them wide behind your back causing some candles to go out under their strength. Horns revealing themselves from between your hair at the sides of your head. Dark, sharp claws extending from your fingertips, replacing your delicately manicured ones. A long, pointed tail swaying from side to side behind you while you open your eyes to meet his gawking ones. Black pooling in the white of your eyes before settling in your irises as you swipe a forked tongue across your bottom lip.
Bakugou lets his eyes roam freely along your exposed skin, ogling at you. In all his years of service, he's seen many unholy things step in and out of his church, but he's never seen anything as captivating as you. So alluring he might be bewitched, actually considering going against all his vows and sparing your life once he's done with you, maybe even keep you as his new pet and break you over and over until you devote yourself to him.
Stepping closer towards you, his hands stroking your hips before dragging them up against your curves, the cold from the rings adorning his fingers causing shivers in their wake. Making their way up, stopping on your breast as his digits flick your pierced nipples. The hard metal clicking softly against his blunt nails as he traps your erect buds between his fingertips. Rolling them before pinching and pulling them harshly, a mewl escaping your throat before a chuckle leaves your lips.
His eyes dart towards your hooded ones as he continues his ministrations on your chest. “Something funny?”, he asks while raising a brow at you. A smile adorns your features as you tilt your head to the side.
“No, just excited I guess…” you say as your eyes trail down his figure before meeting his expecting ones again. “...Curious as to what a devoted priest like yourself has up his sleeve, indulging in such naughty actions''.
This time it's his turn to laugh, suddenly pulling on your chest harder as he brings you closer to him, a gasp erupting from you while you stare up at his towering figure. “Why don't I just show you, yeah?”, he whispers against your lips before stepping away from you.
“On your knees”, he orders while he unbuckles his belt. Following his demand as you drop to your knees, the chains keeping your arms above your head, waiting as he removes his bottoms completely, discarding them to the side along with his shoes as he walks towards you. Giving his cock a few pumps before pressing the tip against your lips.
“Worship it”, he commands while staring down at you. Looking up at him briefly before turning your attention back to the growing cock in front of you. Darting your tongue out as you slide it up and down his slit before wrapping your lips around the tip. Sucking on it softly while slowly taking more and more of him into your mouth, his cock twitching slowly against your tongue while you feel it grow larger inside your drooling mouth.
Leaning back to spit on it before taking him completely in your mouth, bopping your head back and forth as much as you could with your restraints. Dragging your tongue against the bulging veins under his shaft that pulse with every swipe of your forked muscle, causing soft grunts to emit from the man above you.
Backing away to catch your breath but before your lips could leave his tip, you feel two large hands wrap around your horns, shoving you down on his cock again. Forcing his length deeper down your throat with each thrust of his hips, moaning in protest around his cock as you struggle to breathe through your nose.
“Relax for me, sweetheart… mhm that’s it, open wide for me”, he says between grunts as your jaw starts to go slack under the force of his hands pushing you back and forth to meet his rapid thrust. Webs of saliva pooling from the sides of your mouth as they dribble down your chin, traveling down the valley of your breast and pooling on your throbbing cunt, mixing in with your juices that drip from your pussy onto the floor.
The sensation of being used for his pleasure making every nerve in your body vibrate as he continues chasing his release. Feeling his cock pulsate inside your mouth as he forces you all the way down on him, nose flush against the blonde tuft of hair connecting with his happy trail as you feel his balls throb against your chin. Thick ropes of cum spilling down your throat while you try to swallow them as much as you could, deep grunts resonating from above you muffled by the buzzing in your ears from the lack of oxygen.
Slowly slipping his cock from your mouth as he leans back, gasping for air as you greedily gulp hair back into your lungs while he catches his breath as he looks down at you. “Aw did I go too hard on you, sweetheart?”, he coos while dragging his fingers across your cheek before lowering it towards your lips as you take his thumb inside your mouth. Sucking on his digit while breathing heavily through your nose, still recuperating from the ache in your lungs while he smirks down at you.
His eyes trailing down your body, noticing the wet patches on your skin leading down towards your cunt, laughing at the puddle of juices on the floor. “Look… at… that'', he says, emphasizing each word while he lowers himself to your level. Crouching down before you while he drags his fingers through your wet folds, causing your thigh to shake under his touch as he grips one with his other hand. Kneading the skin on them while his digits draw circles through your cunt, panting as you stare at him with lust, silently begging for more of his touch.
“Look at you, such a mess when I've barely even touched you”, a smirk still adorning his face as a breathy chuckle expels from his nose. A whine erupting from your throat when he rises from his position, the loss of his fingers against your needy cunt making your legs bulge as you writhe against your restraints.
“Relax, I'll be right back”, he chirps while sucking your juices from his digits, the action making his steps falter slightly as the sweet taste of your juices hit his taste buds, making his eyes roll as he continues making his way towards the wooden table at the end of the room. Grabbing his flask and a crucifix before making his way back to you. Removing the last of his clothing before he kneels in front of you, placing his flask down beside him as he fondles with the crucifix in his hands.
Vermillion irises meeting your pitch-black ones as you stare at him impatiently, your chest rising and falling rapidly with the amount of lust that's coursing through your body. Bringing the crucifix down on your skin, dragging it from your collarbone all the way down to your abdomen, leaving red marks along your smooth skin before dragging it down onto your cunt. Stroking the long end of the object through your folds as soft mewls vibrate in your throat.
Angling the cross upwards as he starts inserting it into your spasming walls, a shiver running your body at the feeling of the cold metal inside of your warm pussy. Slowly thrusting it in and out of you as he drags it perfectly against your sweet spot, causing moans to erupt from your throat as he gradually speeds up his movements. Lowering his other hand down onto your clit as his digits start to rub fast circles against your swollen nub. The knot in your lower abdomen tightening as you get closer to your orgasm.
“You're close, aren't you?... I can feel your walls fighting against the cross”, the wet sound of your pussy against the crucifix mixing in with his words as you near the edge of your climax. “Beg for it, beg for me to let you cum”, he whispers against your ear as tears start to blur your vision.
“Pl-please, please Father, let me cum”, you whisper back to him, struggling to get your voice out with the intensity of your building orgasm.
“Louder”, he orders.
“Please Father! Please please please let me cum!”, a toothy grin escapes his lips as he gives you permission to cum while biting your earlobe. The knot inside of you bursting as you cum all over the crucifix and his hand, his fingers on your clit never stopping as they press hard against you. Feeling your orgasm rising again while he continues inserting the metal object in and out of you, feeling it hit against your cervix with each hard thrust as you pull on your restraints.
The chains click against each other while your entire body shakes as warm clear liquid splashes from between your legs, squirting all over his forearm, dripping down your thighs and spattering on him as it puddles under you. Slowing down his movements before removing the cross from between your legs, bringing it towards your face while your juices drip from its sides.
Opening your mouth as he presses the metal down against your tongue before wrapping your lips around it, cleaning your juices off of it while he watches intently. Pulling the cross from your lips, a wet pop echoing before he places it down to the side. Picking up his flask, unscrewing the top as he brings it to his lips, taking long sips of its contents before leaning up above you.
“What is that?”, you asked confused as to what he just drank, but before you could question any further, he pried your mouth open with his fingers as he spits the liquid down your throat. The burning in your throat immediately hits you as he continues spilling the holy water from his mouth down into your open one. Tears spilling from the side of your eyes as you struggle against his grip on your mouth, his other hand wrapping around your throat to keep you in place as you're forced to swallow down the fiery liquid.
Spitting the last of the liquid before he brings his lips down onto yours, kissing you with such ardor you almost forget the burning sensation coursing through your body. Leaning back as he drags his tongue on your cheeks, licking your tears before switching to the other one. Your body was shaking, the burning inside of you making it hard to breathe and the stinging on your neck and chest where the water spilled was starting to throb.
Rising from his position as he pulls you up with him, his hands wrapping on the back of your thighs as he wraps them around his waist. Aligning his cock with you before he shoves his length completely into you, a hoarse cry bursting from your throat as he starts thrusting into you at an animalistic pace. Your entire body jerks under his force as he takes another gulp from his flask, downing the last of its contents before discarding it to the side as he pulls you towards him, nails digging in your nape as he presses his lips to yours again.
Whining against him while the holy water travels down your throat, causing the burning sensation to return while you grip on the chains around your wrist, feeling the cold metal start to break the skin as you pull on them harder. Your orgasm builds rapidly as your head falls back when he lets go of your neck.
Not staying like that for long before you feel something wrap around your throat, followed by another sting that remains constant against your delicate skin. Bakugou wrapped his rosary around your throat to keep your head from falling back so he could get a good look at you. Pulling you closer to him by the rosary as he presses his sweaty forehead to your damped one, continuing to ram his cock into you, his mushroom head smashing against your cervix as he pants against you. Hot breaths mixing in with each other as you both get closer to your release.
“Submit to me”, he grunts against your lips as your eyes widen at his request.
“Submit to me… make a deal with me and submit to me”.
Does he have any idea what he's asking for? Once you make a deal with a demon you are bonded till death, selling your soul until it's time to collect it.
“Do it!”, he commands in between pants. “Do it and then you can cum”.
The knot in your stomach was near its breaking point and he felt too good to risk losing it. “Wh-where?”, you ask as guttural moans continue to spill from your lips.
“My- ooh fuck, my cock… I-I wanna feel it when I fuck you”.
Those words are all you need to hear before you form a contract with him, burning the seal with one on his tip and the other on your cervix. Sealing the contract as you both cum at the sudden burning on your already sensitive regions. Your wings flutter behind you as he presses his cock against your cervix while hot spurts of cum stain your insides, spilling from the sides of your pussy from the large amount as your walls pulse around him, milking him of every last drop.
Pulling him into a kiss as you moan into each other's mouths, the seals still fresh and vibrating against each other as you both remin flush against the other. Panting as he softly kisses away the spilled tears staining your cheeks, untangling the rosary as he lowers his lips down into your neck leaving kisses along the tender skin as it starts to slowly heal under his touch.
Reaching up to unchain your wrists as your arms wrap around his neck while he carries you back up the stairs and through the secret passage hidden behind the bookshelves of the sacristy. Placing you down on the spare altar inside the sacristy as his fingers tangle with the hairs in the back of your head. Taking you in while your heavy breaths start to slow, pressing your forehead against his again, as you whisper softly against his soft lips.
“So what now?”
“Now, my little pet, you’re mine to play with…”, he says while lying kisses down your neck, lowering until he is kneeling between your legs. “... as much as I am yours to fulfill all your deepest desires that roam inside that pretty, devilish head of yours”. He adds while laying kisses along your inner thighs, before coming down to give a long lick from your tight rim all the way up to your clit, giving it a quick suck before diving in between your legs.
Your mind goes hazy as the pleasure starts to build inside your core again, a content sigh vibrating inside your chest as your eyes meet his hooded ones. Understanding now why you felt such a strong pull towards the church earlier while passing by.
Excited for your adventures with the sinister priest that was on his knees for you, lapping up your cunt like a starved man. Worshiping you like the very God he swore to follow, said God long forgotten as you took his spot upon his throne inside the heart of the pretty blonde priest.
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
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Image by wallpaper flare
Priest AU
Priest! John McTavish x AFAB! Reader
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, heavy religious themes being used in a very blasphemous way lmao, if you’re easily offended by sexualised religion this ain’t for you chief
Mass had long since finished, the congregation had left and the sun was setting. The sky was a beautiful orange which pierced through the stained glass windows at the back of the church. Frankincense still hung in the air, swirls of smoke drifted in the warm summer air as it blew around you.
The sound of a door opening quickly pulled you from your thoughts. Father McTavish emerged from the priests chamber, dressed in a white shirt and black trousers. His muscles bulged against the white material with every movement. He was completely in his own world having not noticed you were still sat on one of the benches.
‘Father McTavish!’ You called out as you waved to get his attention. As he looked over towards you his brow furrowed slightly, ‘is everything ok? I was just locking up.’ Nodding you offered him a warm smile, ‘the homily was lovely today Father, I was just wondering if you had a spare minute for confession?’ He mulled it over in his mind for a second before guesting you to follow him.
He smelt of frankincense and sandalwood, a strong musky scent but one that made you feel giddy. You watched as he led you to the confessional box which sat in the corner of the church. It was a deep oak colour, intricate patterns carved into the wood adorned the edges as two arches exposed the booths. Deep maroon velvet curtains hung lazily on gold rails to offer some feeling of privacy.
His hand brushed the small of your back as he guided you into the booth, you shot him an innocent look as he pulled the heavy curtain across. The sounds of his footsteps echoed in the booth as he took his position, the wood creaking beneath his weight.
The wood settled as he let out a breath, ‘how long has it been since your last confession?’ Smiling to yourself in the solitude of your booth you bit your lip. ‘I’ve never been Father, this is my first.’
‘And what sin would you like to confess?’
You licked your lips slowly. ‘It’s not a sin I have committed, but one I’m about to.’
You heard him take in a sharp breath, ‘what are you going to do?’
You didn’t answer.
You both sat there drowning in the silence, each of you waiting for the other to break first. The atmosphere shifted in that moment. It became thick, suffocating. He shifted in his seat.
‘Do you touch yourself Father?’ You whispered, finally breaking the silence. ‘I … what?’ He stammered.
‘Do you ever touch yourself? I’ve seen how you look at me. It’s ok if you do. I’ve thought about you too.’
‘This … this isn’t appropriate.’ He muttered, his voice cracking under the pressure you were putting him under. ‘Neither is the way you undress me during mass. You can look if you want to. I don’t mind.’ He exhaled, breath shaking violently as he did so. ‘Are you touching yourself Father?’
‘I’m touching myself, and it feels so good. So fucking good.’
‘I … I can’t. It’s a sin.’
‘Yes you can, touch yourself for me’ you whispered.
Silence weighed heavy on the booth again, crushing you both. You could imagine how he was sitting in the booth, squirming at your request, chewing his cheek, just like he did when you smiled at him. You heard the sound of his belt buckle being unfastened.
‘Good boy’ you drawled softly, ‘you hard for me?’
A soft whimper fell from his lips, ‘yes’, images of his chest rising and falling as strained noises exuded from his chest filled your mind. ‘I’m so wet for you John. Can you hear it?’ You slid your fingers along your wet cunt, allowing the noises to fill the confessional box. The sound of pure sin, the sound of lust.
Inserting a finger you began to fuck yourself, moving your fingers in and out, moaning softly. You added another ‘it feels so good, I’m just thinking about it being your cock Father. Filling my pussy, fucking me so hard. Are you thinking of me?’ You could hear him pumping his cock next to you, laboured breathing echoing in the confines of the wooden walls.
You picked up your pace, the palm of your hand hitting against your clit. ‘I wanna hear you. I wanna hear you fucking your hand thinking it’s me.’ Doing as he was told he allowed himself to become more vocal, muffled moans and whimpers, strained cried and heavy breathing. ‘You’re such a good boy for me father’ you muttered as you threw your head back, bucking your hips you craved for more friction. Desperately wanting to feel him pressed against you, bodies intertwined in a wicked mess of sexual desire.
Adding a third finger you screwed your eyes shut, moaning his name like a prayer. You imagined his face, flushed with pleasure, his azure eyes clenched shut, biting his supple lips. The sound of him pumping his cock consumed you, his swollen throbbing cock. It made you salivate as you pinched your nipple through your clothes. ‘Father I’m so close, so so close. Are you?’
‘I … god … yes’ he whimpered through clenched teeth. ‘Say my name when you cum Father. I want you to say it, I want you to think of filling me, making me feel so full.’ Your own voice was starting to crack, your orgasm beckoning you closer and closer. The booth felt like it was shrinking as you chased your high, closer and closer. ‘Do it Johnny. Let me hear you.’
That was enough to push him over the edge, a guttural whine burst from the back of his throat as he came. Your name danced across his lips as he rode out his high, muttering it over and over again. A string of curses left him as he tried to catch his breath. Your own orgasm soon followed, your back arched off the oak wood as you clenched your thighs together. Biting your lip you writhed in your seat, ‘fuck Father, please it feels so good.’
White noise filled your senses as the coil snapped within you. As your cunt pulsated around your fingers you felt your arousal trickle out of you. Staining the velvet cushion you sat on, a perfect reminder for him every time he gave confession. A perfect reminder of the sin he committed, one that you didn’t have the power to forgive.
That was up to God.
Quite a short one but masturbation only lasts so long lmao
@luminousbeings-crudematter @deadbranch @glitterypirateduck @villainsoftheweek @soapyghost @cowyolks
196 notes · View notes
fieldofdaisiies · 7 months
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azriel x eris | 1,6k words | warnings: none | masterlist
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Snow crunches beneath his Illyrian boots, wisps of breath twirl in front of his face, matching his swirling shadows that have slowed around him due to the cold.
A sheet of fresh snow covers the ground, sunlight dancing upon the otherwise barren landscape.
Azriel feels how his heart thunders deep within his chest – coming here is never easy. It always brings up memories, memories he has always hoped to keep locked away behind iron bars within his mind. But once again he has returned here. For her. Always for her.
Azriel's mother lives out here – in the Illyrian steppes, far from the camps where unspeakable things had been done to her. Here, she lives in solitude, in peace, only surrounded by nature and animals. 
Azriel blinks at the sunlight when he tips his head back, a sigh parting his cold lips. Frost adorns the branches of the looming trees around him, their barren limbs reaching skyward. He draws in a deep inhale, filling his lungs with the fresh air that feels like a soothing balm to his insides. 
Wisps of smoke billow lazily from the chimney of the small, in ivy covered, hut in front him, and Azriel cradles the chunks of wood he formerly collected tighter under his arm. He doesn’t want his mother to have to do everything alone up here, but he can’t always be there for her. And moving to the Library...she doesn’t want that. I was born in Illyria, I will die in Illyria, is what she keeps saying and it makes Azriel angry.
How can she like a place that has been nothing but cruel to her?
But she is stubborn, just like her son, and won't change her mind.
The shadowsinger shakes his head and takes the last steps towards the door. His gloved hand rasps against it and he waits. He waits for a long moment and unease coils in his stomach. Slowly, he lowers the firewood to the ground, placing it beside the door, easily accessible for his mother. 
Whenever he comes up here, he is always worried that something had happened to his mother in the time he couldn’t be there. Couldn’t be there for her.
But relief settles upon him, the moment the door opens and arms wrap around his neck, pulling him into the warmth of his mother'. 
"My little boy," Eleni expresses, her tone edging on a sob. She is trembling in her son’s embrace, Azriel’s arms curling tighter around her. 
"You haven’t been here in so long, I was so worried about you." 
He embraces her tighter. "I am here now, mother." His hand moves to her shoulder and squeezes, her body still trembling – either from the cold, or her silent sobs.
She worries too much, Azriel thinks. But he can’t blame her. He hasn’t been here in too long –weeks or maybe even more than a month–, of course she would start to question if something has happened to her son.
Only after a while, she steps out of the embrace, her bandaged hand reaching for Azriel. He won’t ask her where she hurt herself again, knowing she would lie to not concern him anyway. She has always done so. 
But his gaze once again moves to her limp. She has been limping…for as long as Azriel can remember. He hopes the pain won’t get worse, hopes he could help her. But she doesn’t allow him to help. She is stubborn - a trait he most definitely inherited.
"You must be hungry, my boy, let us eat."
The small hut carries the faint scent of cedar, and of herbs and baked bread, reminiding Azriel of his childhood, of the time where he used to cry himself to sleep every night. It always looks the same when he comes here. There is a small oak table with two benches in the corner of the room, and a similarly small kitchen across it, only consisting of a stove and a wooden counter for her to prepare things. The windows are curtain-framed, frost adorning the windows, spreading over them like spiderwebs. 
Azriel takes a seat on the wooden bench, the fur on top warm and soft, feeling like a cloud that he sits atop. His wings are folded in, the space between the wall and the table just enough to fit him.  
"How have you been? Where have you been?" Eleni places a bowl of hot stew in front of the shadowsinger, her hand reaching out to brush over his head. She brushes a few strands of hair back, looking at him like he is still her little boy, barely reaching her hip bone. "You look tired, my boy."
I am tired, Azriel wants to say, but only shakes his head. "I‘ve been working a lot. Rhys needed me."
"Of course he did, the busy High Lord he is." The corners of her lips tip up, but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. "You have to tell him that he–” 
She inhales deeply.  “don’t work so much, Azriel. This is not good for you. Your eyes, they look empty. I don’t want them to be a mirror of your soul. Of your heart."
She claims the seat opposite him, her hand moving to his, clasping it tightly.
"It is alright, mother." Azriel’s voice has turned a little hoarse, his throat all of a sudden so very dry. "I am alright."
"And how are Cassian and his mate? What was her name again…Nes-"
"Nesta," Azriel says around a spoonful of stew. He swallows. "Her name is Nesta. And they are very happy."
Banging on top of every possible surface in the house, every moment of every day. He leaves out that detail, but once again frustration starts to boil inside of him. Only the thought of it—
"And little Nyx?" Her thumb strokes over the back of his hand, over the marred skin. 
Azriel eats another spoonful of stew. "Happy. He seems like a very happy child. He is learning very quickly."
What else is there to say, Azriel thinks. The little boy eats, drinks, poops, giggles and blabbers. That‘s it. And everyone is delighted about it. 
"I want you to be happy." He looks at her through his lashes when puts the spoon away, lifts the bowl to his lips and drinks the rest of the soup.
Once done, he wipes the back of his hand over his mouth and leans back. "I am happy, mother."
She frowns, and then shakes her head. "I hate it when you lie to me. Especially when you lie to me about your wellbeing. You know this."
He knows it. But he can’t tell her about how empty he feels. How sad he is most days. How much he yearns for a mate. For love. For the one person in his life to love him unconditionally.
He has no idea if he will ever have such a person in his life. 
Once he hoped for Mor to be his person.
Then Elain. His thoughts wander, eyes trained on the little mark in the wood on the opposite wall. Memories bubble up in his mind. Memories of a recent conversation.
"About the necklace—"
"Did you apologise to her?"
Azriel startles. He has not expected this question, and most definitely not the tone in which she said it.
Elain frowns. "Don’t look at me like that. Regifting any kind of present is not noble."
He knows this.
The shadowsinger dips his chin, letting his head hang an inch lower. "No, it isn’t."
"Then apologise to her as well."
He nods again and watches how she turns to the sink with a graceful sway of her hips, not deigning him another look.
"Are you angry with me, Elain?"
She turns to look at him over shoulder, giving him a long look. Then she shakes her head a little. "No, Azriel, I am not angry."
With that being said she turns back to the sink, focusing on the task at hand - doing the dishes. 
"Good night, Azriel." For her the conversation is over. And even though, her voice did not once waver, the hurt in it was loud and clear.
This is a lost battle, Azriel knows this. It already was before he started it. Elain has a mate - nothing will ever change that. Amd he…he doesn’t love her. Not in the way he had loved Mor. He found Elain attractive, still does, but…He won’t bother her again. He has come to accept that over the past year.
Azriel shakes his head, hoping the memory fades, leaving his mind once again blank. Dull. Empty.
"I want you to find love, Azriel."
His eyes return to his mother, empathy written all over her face.
"What if love isn’t meant for me? What if I am undeserving of it?" he asks her before he can stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth. 
"Bullshit," his mother says and it is the first time he has ever heard her curse. "Everyone is deserving of love and I know that one day it will find you."
It will find him. Or he has to go look for it. He can’t sit around each and every day hoping love stumbles on him. He has to go out there and search for it.
But before he can focus on that, there is still work to do. There is still unresolved business with a certain heir to a certain court. And a spying mission ahead for Azriel. One that will bring him right into the middle of the nearly southern-most court, one where rain dances on scarlet leaves, and where ancient trees loom in large forests that whisper tales of old times. The Autumn Court.
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tag list for ACOCD @hnyclover @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @queercontrarian @fandomsmultiverse @acourtofbatboydreams @chunkypossum @baileybird71 @beckkthewreck @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival @owllover123 @acotarobsessed @goldenmagnolias @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @v3lv3tf0x @talibunny30 @allyhill
general Azris tag list: @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @brekkershadowsinger @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams
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writeriguess · 17 days
Five hargreaves x reader where he and fem reader go on a date
The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the city. You glanced at the clock on your bedside table, the anticipation making your heart race. Tonight was special—Five Hargreeves had actually agreed to a date. Not just any date, but one you had meticulously planned to make the most of your evening together. Five, with his usual aloof demeanor and tendency for time-traveling adventures, had surprised you by agreeing to a simple, yet charming, evening out.
You had chosen a quaint little bistro known for its cozy atmosphere and excellent cuisine. It was the perfect place for a casual date where the focus could be on each other, rather than grand gestures or extravagant settings. You had taken care to dress in something elegant yet comfortable, and now, as you looked in the mirror, you hoped Five would appreciate the effort.
The sound of the doorbell echoed through your apartment, causing a flutter of nerves to settle in your stomach. You took a deep breath and went to answer it, your heart skipping a beat as you opened the door to find Five standing there, impeccably dressed in a sharp suit.
Five’s usual smirk was replaced with a look of genuine appreciation as he took in your appearance. “You look… well, not entirely terrible,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of a compliment buried beneath his trademark sarcasm.
You laughed, stepping aside to let him in. “I’ll take that as a win. Shall we?”
Five nodded, his gaze softening as he followed you to the door. “Lead the way.”
The drive to the bistro was filled with comfortable conversation, as you navigated the city streets under the soft glow of streetlights. Five, usually so preoccupied with his own thoughts, seemed to relax in your presence, occasionally glancing at you with a curious mix of admiration and intrigue.
When you arrived at the bistro, the atmosphere was everything you had hoped for: dim lighting, soft jazz playing in the background, and a warm, welcoming ambiance. The maitre d’ greeted you with a smile and led you to a cozy corner table, away from the main crowd.
As you both settled into your seats, Five took a moment to look around, his expression reflecting a rare sense of contentment. “This place is actually nice,” he admitted, surprising you with his candidness.
“I’m glad you think so,” you said, smiling. “I thought it would be a good spot for a relaxing evening.”
The evening progressed smoothly, with laughter and light-hearted conversation flowing easily between you. Five, despite his usual reserved nature, opened up about his experiences and adventures, sharing stories that were both fascinating and endearing. You found yourself drawn to his intelligence and vulnerability, qualities that were often overshadowed by his more abrasive traits.
Dinner arrived, and you both enjoyed the meal, exchanging playful banter and savoring each bite. Five’s usual sarcasm was softened by genuine curiosity and interest in your thoughts, making the evening feel effortless and enjoyable.
As the meal came to an end, Five’s eyes met yours, a rare softness in his gaze. “I have to admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect from this evening. But I’ve actually enjoyed myself.”
You reached across the table, taking his hand in yours. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ve enjoyed it too.”
The night was still young, and after dinner, you suggested a walk through a nearby park. Five agreed, and the two of you strolled side by side, the night air crisp and refreshing. The park was peaceful, illuminated by the soft glow of streetlamps and the occasional flicker of fireflies.
As you walked, you talked about everything and nothing—hopes, dreams, and even mundane details of your daily lives. The connection between you deepened with each step, and you could sense Five’s guard gradually lowering, revealing more of the person behind the enigmatic exterior.
Eventually, you reached a small, secluded bench under a large oak tree. You both sat down, and the silence that followed was filled with a comfortable intimacy. Five turned to you, his eyes reflecting the soft light of the moon.
“I’ve always been a bit of a loner,” he began, his voice more serious than before. “But tonight, being with you… it feels different. Better.”
You looked at him, your heart swelling with warmth. “I’m glad, Five. I think you’re incredible just as you are.”
Without another word, Five leaned in, closing the distance between you. His lips met yours in a tender, heartfelt kiss, a contrast to the intensity and chaos that often defined his life. The kiss was gentle yet filled with unspoken emotions, a silent acknowledgment of the feelings that had grown between you.
When he finally pulled away, his expression was one of quiet satisfaction. “Thank you for tonight,” he said softly. “It’s been... nice.”
You smiled, resting your forehead against his. “You’re welcome. I’ve enjoyed every moment.”
The night ended with a sense of peaceful contentment. As you both made your way back to the car, the connection between you felt stronger, more profound. Five’s usual aloofness had been tempered by a genuine affection that had emerged through the course of the evening.
As you said your goodbyes at your apartment, Five took your hand once more, his gaze lingering on yours. “I’ll see you soon,” he promised, a rare sincerity in his voice.
You nodded, a smile playing on your lips. “I look forward to it.”
With that, Five turned and walked away, leaving you with a heart full of hope and a newfound sense of connection. The evening had been more than just a date; it had been a glimpse into the deeper, more vulnerable side of Five Hargreeves, and a testament to the growing bond that was forming between you.
And as you closed the door and prepared for bed, you couldn’t help but feel that this was just the beginning of something truly special.
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kodaloveschris · 2 months
This Town
The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the quiet streets of their hometown. Chris Sturniolo found himself wandering through familiar neighborhoods, the soft melody of “This Town” playing through his headphones. The song’s gentle guitar strums and nostalgic lyrics seemed to paint the very essence of the evening.
As he walked, Chris couldn’t help but reflect on how much had changed since they first started their YouTube journey. The rush of filming, the thrill of exploring abandoned places—all of it had shaped their lives in ways he never imagined.
He passed by the park where they used to hang out as kids, memories flooding back of carefree days spent playing football and sharing secrets under the old oak tree. A fond smile crossed his face as he paused by the swings, recalling laughter echoing through the air.
Finding a bench nearby, Chris settled down, watching the world go by. The song in his ears continued to weave its magic, evoking a sense of gratitude for the friendships forged and the adventures shared.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice Olivia approaching until he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Looking up, Chris’s smile widened at the sight of Olivia standing there, a soft expression in her eyes that mirrored the warmth of the fading sunlight.
“Hey,” Olivia greeted, sitting down beside him. “Enjoying the evening?”
Chris nodded, removing his headphones and letting the song play softly from his phone. “Yeah, just taking it all in,” he replied, his voice soft with emotion.
Olivia leaned back, gazing out at the park. “It’s moments like these that make you appreciate where we came from,” she mused, her tone nostalgic.
Chris nodded again, feeling a rush of gratitude for the journey they’d been on together. “Definitely,” he agreed, turning to Olivia with a smile. “Remember when we used to come here after school?”
Olivia chuckled softly, the sound like music to Chris’s ears. “Yeah, those were good times,” she replied, her gaze lingering on Chris. “I’m glad we still have moments like this.”
They sat together in companionable silence, the song providing a soundtrack to their shared memories and the bond that had only grown stronger over the years.
As the sky painted itself in hues of orange and pink, Chris felt a sense of peace settle over him. He reached out, squeezing Olivia’s hand gently. “Thanks for being here,” he said softly, his heart full.
Olivia smiled, squeezing back. “Always,” she replied, her eyes holding a promise of more moments like these to come.
They stayed until the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a blanket of stars over the town they called home. And as they finally rose to leave, Chris knew that this town held not just memories, but the people who made those memories worth cherishing—the ones who walked beside him through every adventure, both on and off camera.
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saphiraarts · 4 months
Prologue: A Return of a friend and Accidental Toddler Trauma
It was a perfect day. It was the middle of July in northern Illinois in Amity Park. It was hot but not the scorching heat that suffocated you the moment you stepped aside. It was warm enough to build up a sweat after a bit of movement though. A perfect day to settle down under the shadow of a large oak tree with a cone of ice cream and watch the clouds drift by. It was partly cloudy so the clouds would give you respite from the summer sun radiating down on you. A breeze blew the tended lawn of the park with the maze of concrete walkways and park benches. Trees and bushes were in clusters to give the illusion of a forest in the growing town. A tall, hulking figure of a man stood under a tree with a hand on a stroller with a sleeping two year old. The man and the sleeping toddler both had a shaggy mess of black hair and you could see the resemblance. The man wore an orange jumpsuit and black gloves despite the heat. People swore up and down it was a second skin to him. While Jack Fenton may not be the sharpest tool in the shed he had a heart of gold and loyalty like a golden retriever. He was watching over his daughter who was kicking a ball around. She had ginger hair tied up in pigtails and resembled her mother who was out running errands. She wore a pink dress and purple shorts with barbie strap on shoes. She was four years old and she had been playing with Danny but he got tired especially after he fell. Jazz was giggling happily.
“Come on Jazzy kick it with all your might!” Jack bellowed.
Despite his father’s booming voice Danny remained fast asleep clinging to his sippy cup of iced juice. Jazz looked to her father and giggled nodding and she charged back her foot and kicked the ball. The momentum caused her weight to shift and she slipped and fell, her eyes going wide with surprise at this unexpected outcome. Jack rushed over leaving Danny for just a moment.
“You okay there Jazz?” Jack asked.
She looked dazed and just smiled laughing and Jack grinned helping his little girl up.
“Let me show you how to do a proper kick! Go to your brother, I'll grab the ball!” He called and he stood and jogged over beginning to pant much like a dog caught outside.
“Okey!!!” Jazz called as she walked back to the stroller as her father followed where her ball went walking back carefully to not fall. She was going to start kindergarten that coming september and Jack was not ready for his little girl to grow up so quickly.
Jack entered the brush shifting around to look for the family soccer ball when he saw something that made his smile evaporate. The grass was smeared with red blood and he steeled himself as he crept further. Stealth wasn’t his strong suit but he felt a knot in his throat as he crept closer and found the soccer ball along with a man. It was a man he hadn’t seen in 8 years since he was rushed to the hospital after the accident in the lab. He became much more fit and toned but still couldn’t grow a lot of muscle unlike Jack. His long silver hair was unkept and splayed out under his head that was splattered with blood. His black suit was torn with a massive gash in his chest and cuts on his arms, legs, you name it. He lay in a crater as if thrown and Jack could tell his arm and leg were broken. He pulled out his phone panicked so he called his wife.
When Maddy picked up she said, “What is it jackie poo?” She had warmth to her tone and was clearly in a good mood.
“Maddy! Call an ambulance to the park it’s Vlad!” Jack yelled. He heard a groan in response and an eye opened and he swore he saw red.
“Wait what do you mean it’s Vlad?!” Maddy called her tone immediately shifting.
“He is bad!” Jack was clearly anxious as he threw down the phone and tore off his jumpsuit. “Stay with me Vlad!”
He pressed what was practically his second skin into the wound showing his undergarments of a large white tank top stretched thin by the large man and shorts. He applied pressure as Maddy hung up. He was sweating and felt tears prick his eyes and Vlad just groaned. He heard footsteps and the leaves moving.
“Daddy? What’s wrong?” Jazz asked, sounding worried and she held herself close. “W-what’s that r-red stuff?!” She called. Despite being so young she was hardly shaking and picked up on sentences quite quickly.
“Sweetie, wait by your brother! This man is hurt! I will help my friend until the doctors arrive!” Jack called and he swore he heard a scoff before his eyes rolled back into his head.
Jack was sweating under his gloves and he heard leaves rustling and footsteps running off. Flashes of the past and present were blending together and he saw his vision blur but kept his focus. He heard screeching tires followed by a stop and the sounds of sirens from the local hospital could be heard. Jack heard Maddy with the kids and the footsteps of his wife as she peered at Vlad and gasped. Together the two helped do some treatment before the ambulance pulled up to the park. Jack bolted over surprisingly fast fueled by adrenaline.
“Follow me!” Jack bellowed and he ran back where Vlad was with Maddy.
The emergency responders went into the bush and began to transport and treat vlad while he rushed over. Maddy held Jazz in her arms and held her close and Jack watched Vlad moved to the stretcher.
“I’ll go with him,” Jack said to Maddy who nodded knowingly.
“I’ll take the kids home,” Maddy said as Danny was awake and alert and crying and Jazz was shaking her skin now white.
Jack gave Maddy a kiss then Jazz one and he rushed to the ambulance, “Do you know who this man is Mr. Fenton?” An emt asked.
“V-Vlad Masters. I fo-found him when my daughter kicked a ball o-over and I went to get it… He is an old friend,” Jack said his voice lacking its normal confidence and he took off his glove juggling it in his hands.
The attendant wore the traditional uniform and pulled down his cap as the guy had tufts of light brown hair coming out of his cap against his pale skin and he kept pushing Vlad to the ambulance and his partner was a short female with dreadlocks tied into a ponytail and had a darker shade of brown skin.
“Don’t worry we will,” The female said as she pushed the gurney into the back of the ambulance and Jack was allowed inside climbing in after the attendants as the two began to work.
The two worked like a machine on treating Vlad and put a breathing mask on to help him breathe. After ten minutes Jack climbed out and did as he was told by the staff of the hospital and ended up writing down his report and then waiting for the news when he could see Vlad to make sure he was okay. Flashes of what happened in college kept entering his mind as he waited for some form of news feeling old guilt writhe and twist his insides into countless knots. He felt like he was going to throw up and he vowed he would never abandon his friend again. He would visit him everyday until he was better!
After 24 hours the hospital finally allowed Vlad to have visitors and Jack with Maddy by his side walking into the room. He was in a fresh pair of clothes and Vlad looked surprised seeing them. Vlad was awake and his hair had been tied back. He had an iv drip in his right arm and his left arm and right leg were in a cast. His chest and stomach were bandaged heavily under his hospital gown. Jack carried his son Danny and Jazz held on to Maddy’s hand.
“Maddy?” Vlad said perking up then he saw Jack looming over her like a tower of idiocy and his smile became much more forced. “Jack.” He said then he noticed the children and his eyes widened in surprise.
Jack looked away fiddling with his glove and Maddy sighed, elbowing him hard after he set Danny down. “Jack dear,” She said, giving him a smile as if reminding him when he stayed quiet.
Vlad arched an eyebrow as he watched his friend look like he did before he asked Maddy out on their first date and he watched him lose his chance at the love of his life. A love that had twisted him into a monster. ‘Holy shit they had children. That idiot had children… They have a family that should be mine,’ That bitter thought emerged from Vlad and he cocked his head at the exchange. He knew that well. When Jack needed to saw something that required any sort of emotional intelligence it was always Maddy that urged him to do it often with a sharp elbow to the ribs.
“Um Vladie… Vlad I… um am sorry,” Jack said forcing himself to look at Jack.
Vlad blinked as it was the least painful reaction he could give right now, “E-excuse me?” Jack Fenton? Apologizing? That idiot didn’t know how to apologize!
Danny looked amazed by the cast and was poking it and Jazz hit his hand lightly, “Don’t poke that idiot!”
“I no idit!” Danny huffed.
“Be nice you two,” Maddy scolded, kneeling down. “Danny Don’t mess with Vlad’s cast.”
Jazz stuck her tongue out and so did Danny but Vlad was focused on Jack utterly bewildered.
“I am sorry for the accident that happened all those years ago,” Jack said looking at him now. “I have had a lot of time to reflect lately and well.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he trailed off for a moment. “What I did to you without even thinking was horrible. Seeing you injured brought it all back. I just didn’t want to accept that I nearly killed my best friend and made you suffer.” His voice was shaky as he said it and his eyes shined with tears
“Am I actually dead or is this some medical induced fever dream?” Vlad asked himself.
“No it isn’t fake,” Maddy said, rising as she approached him now and placed her hands on the frame of his bed. “We should have seen you back then but we are here to make up for it now. I am sorry as well for leaving you alone. It was both of our faults…” She bowed her head showing her shame. It hurt Vlad’s heart but he was in disbelief.
“Mommy don’t forget the card!” Jazz reminded and she looked down to her four year old and nodded.
Maddy dug into her purse and pulled out a card and she opened it for him and held it out. Vlad took it with his good arm and he looked at the card. His eyes widened seeing it wasn’t a store bought card feeling the flimsy computer paper. On the front was a drawing of a hospital cross with other doodles around it and on the inside was the clear handwriting of a child: Get well Soon Mister Vlad! Under it were the signatures of Maddy, Jack, Danny, and Jasmine. It… It was the best gift he had ever gotten.
“T-thank you…” Vlad stammered genuinely surprised. None of this felt real.
“It was my idea!” Jazz beamed. “Homemade is best!” She declared with such certainty and Vlad chuckled.
“Yes it is,” Vlad said warmly to Jazz looking down at her.
“Momma I am thirsty,” Danny said.
“Okay let’s go get a drink you two,” Maddy said and she gave a look to Jack and she walked out and it was now Jack and Vlad in his room.
“Do you really think a simple apology can make up for it?” Vlad asked Jack after taking a moment to process this.
“N-no… When you needed us most we weren’t there. Some friends we both are,” Jack said looking down. “You deserved better friends than us. Maddy and I both want to fix things with you.”
Vlad looked to him with wide eyes hearing that as he knew one thing that Jack was incapable of lying even if he had the intelligence of a Golden Retriever. Vlad wasn’t sure he could forgive Jack but Maddy? He would be willing to give a chance and those kids needed at least someone else with intelligence in their lives.
“I would be happy to,” Vlad said to Jack who grew a big smile.
I am resuming my danny phantom fanfic which is a what if Vlad, Jack, and Maddy acknowledged the problems of their friendship and actually made up (for the most part). This is due to me realizing they never mentioned once visiting Vlad in the hospital and seemed to just drift apart leaving him after his ecto acne.
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