#Obey Me Matchup
obeymematches · 17 days
🌟 How they massage you 🌟
gn mc, SFW, brothers only
His hands are strong but sore, his touch can be rough. He doesn't get tired easily though so your session can last 20-30 minutes. I also think he'd go all out, he starts at your shoulders & doesn't stop until he reaches down to your feet.
Tell me if it hurts too much MC, I don't want it to be painful.
Okay he prefers massaging your feet/leg the most, he only massages anywhere else if you specifically ask him to or pay him. Isn't as strong as Lucifer but he is definitely not the weakest. He can't last long though unless you give him some extra cash. In that case he really goes all out which makes it worth it for you as well!
How did ya like it MC? If ya want more ya can pay me in cash but I also accept kisses!
Okay I think he'd give S tier head massages but that's his only strong point. Maybe a good hand massage as well? Of course if you ask him he tries to do it anywhere else but he gets tired way too early; let's be honest, he is not the fittest.
Do you want me to do it more? Is this good? What do you think MC?
If he is in the mood to please you he is superb at massaging you anywhere you want. Can only last about 15 minutes but that is very good quality at least!! Does a lil research and gets you oils, stones, etc. if you like this kind of activity.
Did you know if you have a knot right here it means poor posture? You should pay more attention to it.
Asmo baby tries his damn best okay!! Your best bet is making him walk on your back.... very enthusiastic but he is just not strong plus he also gets tired quick. It's usually him who asks for a massage.
Is it good MC? This must be your best massage ever!!
His hands are very strong also and he doesn't get tired so quickly! A session esily lasts 30 minutes or even more!! Very passionate about making you feel better! All he wants in turn is to cuddle him. 🩷
Should we do this every Tuesday? It is actually healthy for you to have a throughout massage regularly.
Okay listen even if he does his best he can't last more than 10 minutes so you are not going to enjoy it much. He has suprisingly strong hands though so despite not lasting long, it is rather intense.
I'm sorry MC, is this enough? My hands are tired
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kemistre · 1 month
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐏 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ୨୧┊i haven't done an event on this blog yet so why not do one today! CLOSED
-> this will be an appearance matchup event! all you have to do is send in a picture or picrew of yourself and i will match you with a character i think suits you best! (note :: i will not be showing your faces!!! just thought I’d clarify🥰)
-> i will match you from one of these fandoms: haikyuu!!, bnha, jujutsu kaisen, tokyo revengers, genshin impact, obey me, or blue lock
-> you can ask for matchup from three different fandoms at most, one at least
-> if there are any characters that you're uncomfortable with, let me know!
-> anons are welcome!
-> please only send in one request! it makes my job a whole lot easier!
-> you don’t have to be following me to join! though i hope you enjoy your stay here <3
-> please for polite!
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nauticalnova · 5 days
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Throw a wish in the well ~match up event~
Romantic and Platonic matchups are open for a limited time, from 9:00 am (pacific standard time) on 30th May to 9:00 am, 5th June. Matchups are available for Ouran Highschool Host Club, Twisted Wonderland, Obey Me and Genshin Impact. Things to include in your matchups are under the cut
Preferred ages (eg, first year, seniors, teachers); not applicable for romantic matchups for Obey me.
Likes and Dislikes
Hobbies (optional)
Gender Preference (or lack thereof)
3 positive and 3 negative qualities
What you consider a green flag and red flag
Preferred pronouns
Favourite character (or multiple of your favourites!)
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shxtodxroki · 2 months
Hi hi guys, so once again I'm trying to do more writing since I have a few less busy weeks of school coming up, and I was wondering if there are any fellow authors on here for any of the fandoms tagged in this post that would wanna do a match-up exchange? I always love doing those kinds of exchanges and getting to interact with other bloggers, so if you're interested in doing a match-up exchange where I give you a match-up of any of the tagged fandoms on this post and you give me one then please send an ask/DM me because I love doing exchanges like that! :D
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softxsuki · 10 months
Hey I'm here for a matchup if that's okay?
I'm an INTP-T who uses she/her pronouns~ willing to be romantically paired with any male person from Obey me, Mystic Messenger or Tokyo Revengers.
I'm a January aquarius, so I am very sensitive. I am a really good person at heart, like- no joke here, I'd probably go out of my way to help others. My moonsign is Taurus- so yk how aggressive i can be if I want, but I only show aggression if I see some injustice happening ( no, not the "heroic" kind of injustice: I'll just probably help you if I saw someone being a Karen to you). I'm basically the kind of anon who sends asks to just check on you🤷‍♀️
Personality wise, I am kinda fluid. I generally match the energy of the person with whom I'm interacting- you wanna be an introvert, imma be an introvert. You wanna party? I'll get the drinks. That's the sort of person I am. So far, I've had no problem making friends (thank god for that). I do have my Karen moments tho. I am not the type of person who will be rude to someone randomly, but if you wanna pick a fight then square up~
One bad trait about me is that I can talk too much. Like, sometimes I do not even realise! And I end up over sharing with strangers?
Moving on..ahem...I don't have any set hobbies and I think saying "I LiKe tO rEaD" is too basic at this age😭. I like to do online shopping? Ig that's my only hobby altho it makes me broke.
A few random things about me- I love furry things, and that includes all sorts of furry animals and plushies. I love to cuddle but I don't like people touching me much so I cuddle with my pillow. I swear I started personifying my pillow at some point?
Coming to my lover, I'd like a person who would give me forehead kisses. I really need a partner who would let me cling onto him like a koala while I'm crying. I love all guys with glasses, no hinting at any particular character tho. I am fully capable of doing things on my own but sometimes I can't help imagining a lover who would do little things like carrying grocery bags with me, letting me walk on the inside of the sidewalk, making sure I don't hit my head while sleeping in the car. These little things are really cute yk?
I have no actual type besides guys with a bit of chivalry and sense of responsibility.
That's all ig. I hope it wasn't too long...and if it's too long then I'm so so sorry! I tend to get carried away sometimes!
Congrats on 1000 followers! Where's the party?
1000 Follower Event Matchup #24
This event is CLOSED. You van view the event masterlist here.
Note: Hey! This wasn't too long at all, I hope you enjoy who I matched you with :D
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I match you with: LUCIFER, SAEYOUNG, and MITSUYA
Runner-ups were: Mammon, Jumin, and Chifuyu
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Let me quickly just start with the main reason why I matched you with him
I can just picture him at his desk doing some paperwork as you sit in his office rambling on and on about something, and I CAN JUST PICTURE HIM SMILING WHILE SILENTLY LISTENING TO YOU. like yes, he’s busy doing work, but he finds it so cute that you actually enjoy sitting with him and talking to him, keeping him company while he works 
Will buy you whatever you want, spoils you rotten, gives you his card so you can do your online shopping that you love so much
I find Lucifer really old fashioned, so chivalry would definitely be very much alive with him as your partner
He pulls a chair out for you during dinner time, holds the door open for you, gives you his coat when it’s cold out, HOLDS AN UMBRELLA OVER YOU TO MAKE SURE YOU’RE COMPLETELY DRY WHILE HIS SHOULDER GETS WET (i clearly watch too many kdrams im sorry)
HE WEARS GLASSES WHEN HE DOES PAPER WORK, are you sold that he’s perfect for you yet?
Lucifer is always doing little things for you; whether it be buying you flowers or carrying you to bed if you fall asleep on the couch. HE’S ALWAYS GIVING 100000% for you okay?
Expect many forehead kisses with him, it’s his favorite place to kiss you aside from your lips :p 
Saeyoung (707):
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Glasses? Check
Furry animals? He loves cats and would probably kidnap one so you could have a furry friend. Check
Responsible guy?....kinda check? He has a serious job so he can definitely be responsible, but sometimes he just likes to be silly and laid back :) 
Idk, I just think you’d be a really fun match together
He knows what it’s like to feel bad, so he’d always welcome you to cling to him whenever you’re having a bad day and can’t help but cry it out, he’ll always be your shoulder to cry on
Learns how to make stuffed animals so he can surprise you and make you your very own Saeyoung original stuffed animal lol
Struggles with giving you your personal space, but he’ll learn to not be so touchy with you if it truly bothers you or makes you uncomfortable; however, if you’re the first to initiate it, he welcomes it very happily
He admire how kind you are and sometimes feels like he doesn’t deserve you, but regardless he’s too far in now and can’t risk losing you
Also pretty chivalrous in doing little things for you to make you feel special like tying your shoe for you if he notices it's untied, and even placing his hand on the table to make sure you don't bump it if you bend down to pick something up off the floor
He's a great guy, just give him all your love and he'd make sure to love you just as much <3
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I’m so mad, I match so many people with Mitsuya and it feels like I’m not giving anyone else a chance BUT I CAN’T HELP IT, HE’S SO PERFECT
He’s as responsible and chivalrous as they come
Perfect man, 10/10, would introduce him to your parents, he’s great
Mitsuya loves your sensitive side, but he’s very much attracted to how willing you are to defend anyone that needs it, your tough side coming out to protect another soul…yeah he’s in love
He’s a little jealous of your pillows that you love cuddling instead of him, so when you willingly run into his arms whenever you’re sad, he holds you tight, savoring you in his arms
Your ability to adapt to whoever you’re with is super helpful with him, especially when you’re around some of his friends who can be more rowdy, he’s always keeping an eye on you, thinking you may feel uncomfortable, but you always deal with everything just fine
But really, Mitsuya is just husband material at this point
He goes out of his way all the time to surprise you with little things; whether it be arranging a romantic picnic for you, or waking you up with breakfast in bed whenever you spend the night, you will NEVER, be disappointed with him
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Posted: 7/24/2023
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stinkylittleanon · 1 year
I’ll be opening matchup trades again!
I won’t be doing normal matchups, but if you wanna do a matchup trade then feel free to dm me! 
The information I will need:
Physical traits that stand out about you! (Positive, ofc) but not everything about your appearance!
Your personality in 5 positive and 5 negative words! Flaws are accepted here!
Likes and dislikes!
Your gender identity/pronouns and sexual orientation (or if you have a gender pref!)
3 or more words of what you’d want in a relationship! (Or tell me if you have no pref!)
If you have any disabilities then please do tell me! 
PLEASE SPECIFY YOUR AGE!! You could give me an age range, but make sure I can tell if you’re a minor or an adult. 
Please make sure it’s not too long! I will get overwhelmed and have trouble finding information!
Obey Me (Adults only)
Pokemon (SM/USUM, ScaVio, SwSh)
Legend of Zelda (Botw, Lbw, OoT)
Eddsworld (Adults only) 
TBHK (minors only, since most of the characters are in school!)
Marble Hornets (Adult only) 
The reason I have some for adults only and one for minors only is because I will not be pairing people with characters that will make the relationship illegal. 
I will not be afraid to tell you that I need your information edited or that I won’t do the trade if anything is uncomfortable or uneasy for me. I might also ask you to change fandoms if your age is too high or low for any characters.
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bonkers-4-hatter · 1 year
Anon asked: Hi sweetie!I hope it's ok if I request a matchup for black butler, Tokyo Ghoul and obey me(if u want u can just do BB and tg)! I'm a bisexual girl,5'9,I'm very lanky and skinny,I dress kind of emo,I have pink and blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes. I suffer with bipolar,anxiety and anger issues but Im pretty nice,it's easy for me to get into fights,I have just a few friends. I have a dark sense of humor,and I don't like too much affection,I like art and baking! I hope you're doing well!
-If you enjoyed this work, please consider buying me a coffee.  
I match you with:
Prince Soma from Black Butler
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Likes your style and he’ll be your biggest hype man for sure! He thinks you’re the coolest and he’ll tell you that every day. Even though the man adores affection, he’ll lay off when you tell him, he respects you and your boundaries.
Uta from Tokyo Ghoul
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Of course finds your apparel right up his alley and he’ll for sure buy you clothes that match your style. Doesn’t interfere with your fights unless you’re in danger or you ask for his help, he knows you’re capable of taking care of yourself.
Lucifer from Obey Me
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Enjoys your sense of humor as he cracks some of those jokes himself once he feels comfortable around you. He’ll be there to try and help with your anxiety, bi-polar disorder and anger issues, he’s dealt with his brothers and their issues so he knows what to do.
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suneeater · 1 year
Hi! Could I please have an Obey Me Matchup?
My Name is Rachel, Im 18, heterosexual, and my pronouns are she/her. 
I’m a really optimistic person, and I try to help others as much as I can! I’m good at giving advice, and making people feel better. I’m also very charismatic and very outgoing! I love trying out new activities, But, I can get impatient easily and I tend to be stubborn. I’m very affectionate and I tend to make sure that everyone around me is feeling alright before making sure that I am. Basically, I’m like the mom friend. 
I really enjoy fashion design. I love sewing and coming up with a new ideas of something I can make! I’m also really passionate about music. I’ve played piano since second grade, and it really helps me to express myself! Some of my other hobbies include baking, crocheting and shopping. My personal style is a kind of mix between softie and angelcore. I love clothes that are pink, ruffly or have some sort of lace on them.
I hope that’s good, thank you so much!! <33
Hiii!!! Thank you so much for sending this in darling!
I match you with Mammon!
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You would have to be an optimistic person to put up with him tbh, but it's a trait that he just absolutely adores. No matter what he puts you through, you can always find the bright side smile for him, and oh my does it fluster him. He goes completely red every time without fail whenever you check up on him and make sure he's doing alright, no matter how ridiculous his predicament may be
Fashion design? Count him in! Not only is he just interested in general, but he begs for you to pick something out for him. Leave your personal touch on him, share your hobby with him by giving him the coolest outfit ever
As for your style, he loves it. While it doesn't really match his, he likes the contrast, and thinks it's absolutely adorable. He loves to help you put outfits together, and is always looking for cute things that he thinks matches you
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belphegorspillow · 1 year
hi sweetheart! I hope you doing good! can I have a music obey me matchup please? <3 my fav songs are:
taylor swift - daylight
lana del rey - smarty
lana del rey - cherry
hope it’s okay! have a wonderful day dear! ♡
Hi Beautiful~ Here is your match up~
taylor swift - daylight [Simeon]
Simeon enjoys listening to the beat of the song and has it on his everyday playlist. He will happily take your hand and dance to the beat. Or go out together on a picnic as your favourite songs are on a playlist that can be heard softly in the background
lana del rey - smarty [Solomon]
Solomon has this song playing on his 'study' playlist. He listens to it while he is busy so if he gets out of focus, he can listen to some tunes. You two listen to it together when he is trying to teach you new spells
lana del rey - cherry [Mammon]
Mammon has this song on his playlist for when he goes out on long drives alone to cool off or just to be alone. The first time you hear the song with him is after you are stressing over something and he takes you out on a drive to cool down and relax.
Overall: I believe the best suit with this playlist would be
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He will always be up to listen to a bunch of songs that he doesn't know - it expands his music taste.
He is always up to just sit and relax to some of your favourite music together~
"Mc, I am going to make some dinner. Would you like to join? You can pick the playlist this time." ~ Solomon
Enjoy your day my love~!
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sassy-stupid · 2 years
Ah, hope I’m not a bother but I’d like to request a Matchup if you wouldn’t mind! I’m a 5’9 female with waist length chestnut hair. I have a natural blonde streak in the back of my hair and I have hazel eyes. I’m littered in freckles and I absolutely love all of Tolkien’s works. I ice skate and play hockey and can be found most often in a library. I’m in love with the victorian era aesthetic as well as the baroque aesthetic. I’m good at handling money and I can cook amazingly, according to some
"(2nd part to matchup) I absolutely love swimming and I have been praised for my writing. Most of my time is actually spent on writing if I’m honest. I’m Wiccan so I practice witchcraft and I work with Aphrodite and Dionysus. (If that even matters in this situation). I pretty timid and I backdown easily if I feel threatened but in important topics I will speak my mind. I’m very articulate when I need to be but I have a tendency to talk/write more than necessary. Thank you so much for your time!"
Okay so small preface I accidentally opened my inbox at like 2am after not writing ANYTHING for months so this might suck but I HAVE to do this now because my first ideas with these match-ups are ALWAYS better than the overcalculated bullshit I would come up with if I spend too long on it. (Also I have no clue how old this request is lol oops sorry if it's old)
My first thought was Asmo, he'd simply love showing off someone as widely talented and uniquely beautiful as you (I mean tall, hazel eyes, freckles AND a natural blonde streak? You're better for him than he could've ever imagined). He'd adapt to any aesthetic you like so expect him to perfectly match it at any given time.
He might try to make use of your timid nature sometimes but luckily you know to speak up when it matters, and with others Asmo will NOT just back down if he feels like YOU feel threatened. He'll do it subtly but he'll absolutely destroy anyone verbally if they make you feel like that.
Now my immediate thought after this was Lucifer, which is not one of the demons I tend to think of a lot so that is saying something.
Lucifer needs someone he can learn to respect (given his pride that's difficult for him buuuut) because you're generally a widely talented and capable person that won't be as hard as it would be with some.
While he won't easily adapt to your aesthetic like Asmo, he won't really need to. The Victorian aesthetic just naturally suits him.
Another way he differs from Asmo would be how he helps you in a conversation where you feel the need to back off. He'd generally try not to speak for you, knowing that if it really mattered to you, you wouldn't let go that easy. So instead he'd back you up whenever you DO think something matters enough.
As for hobbies, Lucifer might not be as avid of a reader as Satan but he sure as hell is knowledgeable enough about books to hold a good conversation about them with you, and since he respects you more than he would most, he might even take recommendations from you.
Hope you liked it! (and again sorry if it's an old request lol)
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wisterialilies · 2 years
Event Special for @yvonne67 !!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・
Hiiiiii! Thank you for participating in my event! I do apologize for the rather long wait ^^’ I got a bunch of ideas while I was doing this, so I ended up typing some, deleting them, typing more, delete, and type, lol. Hope you like how it turned out! Also, your English is wonderful! Had you not told me, I would’ve assumed it was your first language. :)
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・
What your relationship would be like with…Leviathan!
- Oh boy, a hikikomori and a party loving, social butterfly, together? Now that’s going to be one interesting relationship indeed! As surprising as the combination may seem, however, you are just Levi’s type! Remember how he once said in a chat that his type is ‘someone whom [he] can be in the same room with but feel worlds apart from’? That’s exactly how he feels with you – in the best possible way, of course!
- I think he would really admire, if not envy, your outlook on life and how you wish to live it to its fullest, as well as how you’re brave enough to always be trying new things. Levi’s view on life is definitely on the pessimistic side and although he may seem content with his anime and games, deep down, he’s probably yearning for something more. There may be times where he’d feel jealous of how well you seem to be living life, but at the end of the day, those negative feelings will fade away and he’ll just be happy for you. Happy that you’re having fun and filling your life with all sorts of experiences. After all, isn’t that what life is about? Trying new things and making the most of everyday.
- When it comes to your love for parties, Levi is pretty neutral. While he may not regard it as the best thing ever, he certainly doesn’t think badly of it either. After all, with Asmo as his brother, he already sort of knows what to expect. Besides, who’s he to judge you for liking parties so much when he himself is utterly obsessed with anime? So long as you don’t try to drag him along to them, that is. If you do want to take him to the parties you attend, well… All I can is, good luck! Unless it’s an anime convention or something, Levi will vehemently refuse to go to any sort of social event. But if you’re up for the task, you could try to get him to change his mind by bribing him with some special limited-edition merchandise. Or, you could just pester and give him puppy eyes until he finally relents and agrees to attend. The latter option will take much, much longer, but at least it’ll save your wallet. However, once you actually manage to bring him to a party, Levi really won’t do much except stick by your side like glue or be a wallflower and try to practice the art of becoming invisible. Do except that for the following weeks afterwards – yes, weeks – Levi will be holing himself up in his room and slowly recharge his social battery by watching anime and playing games. Cuddles with you is an absolute must as well. Oh, and keep in mind that if you actually succeed in dragging him along to a party, he’s going to return the ‘favor’ by bringing you to the next cosplay convention he goes to – in a couple’s cosplay too!
- Physical touch is a rather foreign thing for Levi, considering how Levi is almost never physically affectionate with his brothers and the obvious fact that he hardly ever leaves his room, So when you start initiating physical contact with him, whether it be simply holding hands or trying to cuddle, he’ll get extremely flustered. And when I say flustered, I mean to the point where his entire face and ears are completely red. He’ll also be extremely tense as well, though he won’t try to reject your touch. Just give him enough time and he’ll get used to it soon enough. You’ll still be able to see a faint blush on his cheeks, but Levi will be much more relaxed and will even be the one initiating physical contact at times. His favorite form of physical touch with you would probably be having you be in his arms and sitting on his lap while he plays games. Or if he’s watching anime and it doesn’t require much concentration, he’ll also make himself comfy by rest his chin on your shoulder.
- Oh, and speaking of touching, if you’re physically affectionate with not just your loved ones but to friends and acquaintances as well, be careful! As harmless as Levi may seem, he’s still the Avatar of Envy and is prone to getting jealous very easily. So if he sees you having physical contact with another man, you can bet that’ll spark his jealousy. Even if it’s just a friendly pat on the back, he still won’t like it. Try not to overdo it, or he may just end up summoning Lotan.
- Depending on whether you hail from the Devildom, Human World, or Celestial Realm, Levi’s feelings vary when it comes to you putting yourself in risky situations simply for the thrill of it. If you’re from the Human Realm, Levi is going to be extremely concerned about you and your safety. To him, humans are very fragile creatures, so even the thought of you possibly putting yourself into harm’s way sets him into a panic. He’ll try to convince you to go for something safer, like playing a video game that simulates similar risky situations. From his experience, those can give some major adrenaline rushes too! But if you’re insistent on sticking to the real thing, then be prepared to have him follow you around like a worried mother hen to make sure you stay safe. Congrats! You’ve just made him break a new record for the amount of times he’s left his room in an entire year! Now, if you’re from the Devildom or Celestial Realm, he won’t be as worried or overprotective. Demons and angels are both quite hardy creatures, so even if you do end up hurting yourself in the process, it won’t be life-threatening and you’ll heal quickly. Of course, he'd still prefer you to not get hurt at all. Sometimes, just sometimes, he’ll join you and observe what kind of risky things you’ll do for an adrenaline rush. He doesn’t really consider this as a ‘normie’ thing since it’s not something everybody is willing to try, so this hobby of yours definitely piques some of his interest.
- Since Levi is good at sewing, there’s no doubt that at one point in your relationship, he’ll end up sewing you an outfit for you to wear to a party. You can bet that he probably got inspired to do that from one of his games. But you can rest assured that it’ll look very stylish and flamboyant, thanks to Asmo’s fashion tips. You should treasure it well, because it’ll most certainly be the very first non-cosplay outfit he’s ever sewn. And if you like it a lot and ask him to create you more outfits, he’ll gladly do so. Just, don’t be surprised if you start seeing some anime references being added to them. They’ll still be great for parties though, not to worry. He’ll just add a Ruri-chan inspired bow here and there or a long piece of fabric at the back that’d resemble a cape when you walk a certain way (but doesn’t look awkward or anything at other times). Who knows? Maybe somebody at one of the parties will recognize those references and your outfit could end up starting a fun conversation!
- Although this may come as a surprise to many, Levi actually finds your hobby of fixing cars and motorcycles to be quite interesting. He’s definitely played at least one or two car simulation games and has some knowledge about the real ones. He’ll often watch you as you repair the vehicles, sometimes repeating the information he’s learned from his games. At first, it was just to test out the knowledge that he learned from his games, but overtime it turned into a way to try and impress you. He’ll act confident when he says them, though inside, he’s completely uncertain whether it’s actually true or not. If he’s actually right and you tell him, Levi will definitely be caught off-guard. For a moment or two, you’ll be able to see him act rather flustered (like, ‘Wait. That was true?? It sounded so unbelievable that I was sure it was some made up thing.’) but once he regains his composure, he’ll try to act smug – sort of like ‘See? I know about cars and motorcycles too, just like you! Feel free to praise me!’. It’ll be very easy to tell that aside from what he’s seen in his games, he doesn’t know anything about them. But depending on how you look at it, he can be quite cute when he pretends like that.
- One of the few things that would make him take a very rare trip out of his room would be to be in your company as you fix a vehicle. He’ll bring along one of his portable game devices and just make himself comfortable in a corner of the room/garage, playing away without disturbing you. Just being able to be in the same room as you while playing his game makes Levi very happy. Plus, after enough times of coming down from his room to join you, the tinkering noises you make have started to become relaxing background noises to him – provided he’s not listening to some important game dialogue.
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obeymematches · 2 months
Hi there ,I really like your writing! So I wanted to ask you how the demon brothers would react to a MC turning into a little toddler ? (Because of some spell/forbidden book curse etc,you choose) MC being super adorable and sweet like the "perfect" toddler somewhat? Being a little funny too and giggling/smiling a lot ,also loving the brothers and being very comforting with them!
ahhh i wish my own toddler was so nice and sweet lmao
he is though but only if i let him get what he wanted
Toddler MC
• Sigh
• The only other person not out of their mind in this house turned into a toddler somehow
• Pretty sure it was a curse against him
• Listen dear I doubt he gets along with a toddler for an entire day
• Though you being nice to him, showing him daffodils, rocks with your sticky little hands, hugging his leg until he picks you up helps a lot.
• He is in his prime during bedtime; reading you stories is his favourite part of the day. You are a good, curious kid & never throw a tantrum when he is with you. It is so peaceful he doesn’t actually want it to end. He tells you another story even if he has already told you 4.
• Oh jesus thank God you were turned into a toddler and not him!
• At first he isn’t too sure about what to do with you but quickly gets the hang of playing a bit roughly
• You know the kind of playtime moms don’t wanna see
• He spins you around, hangs you upside down, throws you into a pile of pillows, lets you sit on his neck, throws you in the air, stuff like this.
• It does good for your confidence levels regarding child development plus! you get tired super fast after spending time with him.
• You, him and Levi have a freeze dance competition every afternoon! Sometimes they won’t let you win though.
• Doesn’t really know what to do with you either. In fact he is scared of you a little.
• You clinging to him, throwing kisses etc. melts him eventually, you are just so adorable he was an idiot to be scared of you.
• Definitely loves to roleplay with you. Comes up with the cutest storylines, though sometimes it gets so complicated you miss it here and there.
• He can easily keep you busy for 3 hours a day and never ever complains
• Highkey concerned about the situation
• Never ever seen a toddler before
• His concerns leave him once he sees that you are actually a good little one.
• So now it is his duty to teach you mischief!
• He spends lots of time teaching you to speak as you haven’t said a comprehensible word yet.
• His strategy is referring to himself as „Tantan” but he calls everybody else „The Avatar of” or „The sixth born”, you know, so there is absolutely 0% chance your first word isn’t Tantan. Or maybe kitty/cat, that’s also a phrase you hear quite frequently.
• I think he is the only one who gushes over you right away.
• Doesn’t want you to turn back, look at how adorable your cheeks are!!!
• Spends most of his money on new clothes for you, you have to be the all time most fashionable toddler in the city.
• Loves to have tea parties but tbh that’s pretty much it, not sure what/how else to play but he does everything else!! Very enthusiastic and overprotective!!
• He also gets you this helmet so everytime you might fall you’re not going to hit your head. You are so spoiled my dear
• Also thinks you are super adorable. Might eat you if you are with him too much.
• Takes you out to the city with him, you must learn how to get food!
• Introduces you to ketchup
• He takes you to the playground the most.
• He is def not the most violent of the guys but trust me you are very well protected and safe!
• Doesn’t really like what’s going on right now to be fair
• But at least you are nice so that makes it easier
• His preference is cuddling and having a snack with you as you watch TV
• One time he got you chicken to eat.
-Mr.Belphie I don’t like chicken...
-Ah. But it’s not chicken, actually it’s dolphin!
-Oh! Y/N loves dolphin!
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kemistre · 1 month
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐏 𝐅𝐎𝐑…! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ୨୧┊@ithseem
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AHHHH omg lucifer would literally be so in love with you!!!! you look like such a sweet person and i think your personality and his would match very well together! he would absolutely fall head over heels for your smile!
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writingandmore · 2 years
Could I get a match-up for Obey Me, Arcane, and The Arcana? I’m good with either female or male
I’m a 5’1, stocky person but like where I have chub on my legs and on my stomach but my arms are a little bit skinnier- I have thick ass shoulders though-. I’ve got curves here or there which are accompanied by stretch marks or a bunch of scars since I’m accident prone. I have a few on my arms and chest, a bigger one on the bottom of my chin as well. Mostly from crashing into stuff, trying to play with wild animals, or some other reason. I have long black hair that kinda always poofs up, I have to take hours to just straighten strands out. It’s like around 3A but frizzy, I’m dark skinned around a ‘golden brown’ but a cool rather than warm tone. Black eyes with long lashes and I have short legs.
As for personality, I’m an INTP-T. I’m lazy most of the time but I usually either cook, sleep, or work. I do make myself useful but I usually get burnt out easily, so my energy is really spontaneous and whenever I do something is likely out of nowhere. As much as I am lazy, I do like to walk around and sometimes venture through forests and that’s where I get all my scars and scratches from. I have a big ole dual personality where I can go from either or and fit into any sort of situation easily. I’m a people pleaser, really, I match my personality, interests, everything to someone else’s because I don’t know how to interact properly. I end up feeling void after the interaction and why I prefer to spend time alone rather than with people. I find myself in daydreams and fantasies beyond, usually going into writing or drawing sprees before getting burnt out again. However, when I meet someone who makes me feel happy I begin to find inspiration and would die for them.
Obey Me: Belphie!
-Belphie is also definitely on the lazier side, so he'd never get upset with you if you don't have the energy to do something-he'd be really understanding and wouldn't push you unless it's extremely important. Essentially, he'd be a really respectful partner.
Arcane: Caitlyn!
-Caitlyn is also a very spontaneous person, so she would enjoy having a partner like you who is similar! She really does enjoy surprises (as long as they're happy ones), so deciding on a whim to go out on a date or to dinner would make her really happy.
Arcana: Portia!
Portia loves to explore the world around her, especially in places not many others have been before or visit often, so she'd love to go out with you to hike or just walk around you surroundings. She's a very positive and excitable person, so it would be a lot of fun!
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shxtodxroki · 2 months
Appearance Match-Up For @averagetoyakinnie
Read appearance match-up guidelines here and send in your request!
For your JJK appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Megumi Fushiguro! :D
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He really loves your style, he’s really interested by how much you like to switch things up and how many different outfit combinations you can create, and of course he thinks you look good in everything you wear :)
For your AOT appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Reiner Braun! :D
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I think he’d find the dimple on your chin super cute! He’s definitely one of those guys that leans in and kisses it all the time since it’s just where his eyes gravitate to lol
For your Demon Slayer appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Shinobu Kocho! :D
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She loves how well you accessorize! I feel like a more modern Shinobu would absolutely be super into accessories, and she’d totally be a k-pop stan so she loves that you carry around photocards and other merch too :>
For your BSD appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Chuuya Nakahara! :D
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He thinks your tattoo idea is super sick and think you’d look great with it! And if you ever feel ready to go get it he happily goes with you because he wants to be the first one to see it on you and tell you how awesome it looks
For your Mystic Messenger appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Kim Jihyun/V! :D
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He really likes your eyes :> Any kind of green/hazel eyes used to make him anxious because they’d remind him of his past, but now that he knows you, your eyes have replaced those awful memories with gentle, calm and loving ones, and he feels calm and serene now whenever he looks into your eyes <3
For your Obey Me appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Lucifer! :D
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He really likes the hair, he loves the color and thinks the cut looks super cool and it just suits you really well in his opinion. And he especially likes running his hand through it as a stress reliever on long, busy nights while he works :>
For your Danganronpa appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Leon Kuwata! :D
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This one’s obvious lol but he love love LOVES all your piercings :) He thinks they just look so good on you and can’t go a day without complimenting you on them
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hii can i request Obey me, Tokyo revengers and jujutsu kaisen romantic matchup? I liked your event so i decided to participate.
I'm female she/her pronouns, I'm fine with any gender.
My mbti is intj 5w4 548; my horoscope is Sun:leo Moon: libra, Rising: Capricorn, Medium Coeli:Scorpio, Mercury: leo, Venus: leo, Mars: gemini, Jupiter: Sagittarius, Saturn: leo, Uranus: Pisces, Neptune: Aquarius, Pluto: Sagittarius, Lunar Nodes: Pisces, Lilith: Scorpio, Chiron: Aquarius
I'm ambivert,I'm very laid back and prefer to go with the flow of life but sometimes come off as ego-centric and domineering. I have to admit I’m a lazy person who prefers having a leisure more than anything else. But once i find my motivation I'm actually pretty hardworking, I won't stop or take breaks until i completely finish what I started. I mostly spends my time as a stoic and a calm person and i might even come off as apathetic towards the world around me [even tho I’m not]. I’m usually perceived as being insensitive because i generally prefer to deal with emotions in my own head rather than openly [and somehow I'm still well liked?!] tbh I often think I’m above others, yet I am always willing to acknowledge that I’m a total piece of shit [very rarely tho] Sometimes i have fantasies and ideals that I want to start creating or becoming but i give myself a reality check and let the dream fade away. I’m very innovative but still choose the practical route a lot. It’s easy for me to create goals and envision the end results but it’s ridiculously hard for me to remain committed to the process. I have a very big ego but one word alone is enough to destroy it. i Will never admit my wrong, unless internally. I'm playful around people i like [friends, family, classmates] and if I believe I'm right I'll passive agressivly fight you to prove my point [even if I'm wrong]. Like i said i have hard time committing to something i loose interest, motivation and get bored rather easily. If I'm stressed about something i bottle everything up and worry about it alone. Not because I don't want to burden other or anything simply because my pride and ego is getting in my way. I'm not really a jealous person and even if i get jealous i keep it to myself and try my best to hide it. I care about what others think of me [more like what others think of my parents] so towards strangers and people that know my parents I'm very polite.
I like horror genre [movies, books, analogue horror and etc], watching movies, listening to true crime, reading books and listening to music. I love indie and alternative rock, gothic novels, Victorian and vampire goth aesthetic, grunge aesthetic. Researching and learning more about myself. I love reading greek mythology and Japanese urban legends, reading about horror/supernatural creatures such as vampires, sirens, wendigos and etc. I'm interested in psychology and prehistory [especially prehistoric religions even though I'm not really religious person myself]. I wouldn't really consider this as a hobby cause i do it once or twice a year but i also play volleyball and piano.
I value honesty and loyalty, I'm more attracted [romantically or platonically] to people who are confident in themselves and their abilities. I also value partner/friend that isn't overprotective and allows me my independence and let's me do things my way.
I don't think i have a specific type i just want my partner to keep me entertained as i tend to get bored rather easily.
i love colour red, i sometimes even gatekeep it.
i want to get pet snake in the future
i might not have a best relationship with my parents but I value and respect them a lot.
i might act as a mean older sister most of the time with my siblings but I'm willing to get agressive if someone besides me or my parents upsets them.
i went to music school for 6 years, art school 2 years [with completely different teachers] and i went to dancing classes for 2 years, 1 month and 5 days [with four different teachers]
i speak three languages [English, Georgian and russian] and I'm planning to learn greek.
them reaction to their partner showing cute aggression.
Like when i find something cute or Adorable i want to pinch their cheeks & squeeze them to death lovingly and kiss and bite all over them.
1000 Follower Event Matchup #18
This event is CLOSED. You can see the masterlist here.
Note: Hey! Sorry for the delay on your matchup, life has been crazy. Hope you enjoy :)
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I match you with RAN, ASMO, GETO
No runner ups, these are literally perfect for you :D
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(I don’t write for him so I don’t want to edit a pic so here’s a gif instead lo. Enjoy him and his brother 🫠l)
I’ll be honest, I struggled a little finding your perfect match but then Ran came to mind
I’ve seen him in only a few manga panels, but based off what I’ve seen I think he’s everything you’re asking for
He lets you do your own thing so long as it isn’t blatantly dangerous, then he’d have to step in and try to reason you out of doing it, but he loves the way you carry yourself
Others may misunderstand you and your intentions but Ran knows you like the back of his thumb
How does he react to your cute aggression?
He’s obsessed with it and kinda craves to see it
Honestly he finds any aggression from you very attractive and might go out of his way to bring it out of you 
Not in a bad way ofc, but he’ll wear something he knows you’re crazy about just to get a reaction out of you
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I feel like his aesthetic is the complete opposite of yours, but opposites attract, right?
I think you’d both bond over being misunderstood
Everyone thinks he’s nothing more than a pretty boy who only cares about himself, but he too also cares deeply about his family and you and would do anything to make sure they're safe and happy
The other brothers are so overprotective, but Asmodeus is more carefree about things
Obviously he’d make sure you’re accompanied whenever you want to go out, because the Devildom can be dangerous for a human like you
But you can dress and act however you please with him–he encourages it all
How does he respond to your cute aggression?
Another one who is obsessed with it
He responds similarly when he finds something cute, so you both have that in common
Bite his cheek in excitement, he likes it lol
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(Again I don’t write for him so enjoy this gif)
I don’t know much about him, but he gives off “i don’t care” vibes along with lots of confidence so…I think it matches
As for your fantasies that you just brush off, yeah, Geto works to make those fantasies become reality for you
You’re his queen and probably the only person he’d take orders from, so literally whatever you want, he’d make it happen
You won’t have to work for anything with him around (unless of course, you’d want to. He won’t stop you)
Literally doesn’t care what you do, he’s backing you up all the way
He keeps things exciting for you so there’s never a dull moment with him
How does he react to your cute aggression?
He doesn’t get it really
What’s so cute about that thing?
But as long as you’re happy, he doesn’t mind it
Might like to see you react like that to him one day…even if it is only once, he wants to know what he feels like to be on the receiving end of your aggression
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Posted: 5/25/2023
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