#Ok no like I do think Id be fine with it if it wasnt fucking NIGHTWING
waywardsalt · 1 year
now bc of that one post abt zelda getting fridged whenever that one guy directs a zelda game im thinking abt tetra just getting turned to stone in ph and like. what would it have been like if she were an actual character in ph. what would she have done how would this have changed the story
#not gonna do a whole lot of tagging im just musing. if you wanna rb or reply with ideas thats great#im not the person to figure this out bc i dont actually care much abt tetra#not like oh i hate her but like. i only played ph and what i see of her beyond that has not endeared me to her#shes fine i just dont get it. ig cuz i didnt play ww but eh#cuz like. ok. pretty much the majority of phs plot relies on tetra having been turned to stone and fixing that#and me being the autistic little freak i am the psrt that also makes it hard for me to wonder what could happen if#tetra werent stone and that making the game better is like. ok what about linebeck and his arc#listen his arc is so fucking good and hes great and i dont think his arc would have been so good if link wasnt the character he was put wit#cuz link is a great foil and despite having minimal characterization has just the right personality to nudge linebeck along#cuz hes def part of what inspires some of that change in linebeck so idk what might have happened#if tetra was an active player interacting with him in ph too. cuz like idk most of the time when i see people#do stuff where they interact its usually tetra one upping linebeck or whatever and thars like. ok thats whar ciela does#maybe im reading into it too much and focusing on linebeck. idk how you couldve done and changed#the plot of ph to include tetra without just straight up rewriting the whole thing or putting link away#bc look me in the eyes. i do not think linebeck would have developed the way he did without having met link specifically#salty talks#idk i feel like linebecks arc is the best bit of story in ph so i want that to remain more or less intact bc thats where a lot of#the emotional stuff comes in at the end. his dialogue in the ghost ship battle and the final boss. its important#i dont think about tetra much cant you tell. so id leave this to someone who actually cares abt her as a character
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I haven't read it yet but here's my announcement my friend sent me screenshots of the new titans beast worlds where Peacemaker calls Nightwing pretty. I was right about how they're gonna write him being bi exclusively as him flirting with other men in a slightly boundary breaking way like how Deadpool was written for like 20 years. Dont fucking text.
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
its also like . ok sry im going on bc im tired and ive upset myself lol but its like. to have somebody who knows i grew up in poverty call me greedy and selfish bc he pressured me into moving up here when i didnt have the money so i Had to rely on him financially. and then i couldnt pay him back while i was literally unemployed. to have him call me greedy and selfish and entitled and lazy was. insanely upsetting
#like he knew that a lot of the money i earned went directly to paying my families bills and literally feeding them and he still. said that#to me. and then when i got upset he spun it as me being irrational and playing the victim and always guilttripping him like. idk. idk.#i try rly hard not to think abt that bc it just makes me feel horrific but like. i was already so insanely paranoid about spending money#any Non essential purchase made me spiral and then that just made it. so much worse . i told him from the start i didnt have much money and#he said it was fine and i told him from the start id pay him back as quickly as i could and he said it was fine and then he just#he completely ghosted me he never talked to me he slept downstairs and he spent more time with one of our roommates than he did me#and now i. know why he did that lol#but whatever. but he iced me out and the only time he ever talked to me was to tell me i was being greedy for not paying him back#or if i literally fuckjng. begged him to do skmething with me#and then hed spend like 1 hour completely checked out but technically sitting in the same room as me and i just. idk. that relationship#genuinely like. fucked me up. and now i reakize it wasnt Just since i moved here and a lot of the like. stripping me of.my identity and#pressuring me into doing. certain things when i wasnt comfortable with them and guilttripping me if i did try to stand up for myself. now i#realize that had been going on nearly since the start but it fucking. rly hurts. basically#and to top it all of he knew i struggle with very severe depression and i have since i was a kid and he knew i specifically struggle a lot#with hygiene and he knew how gross that makes me feel. and he still called me disgusting for it. and in every argument he had he would#hold the fact i owed him money over my head and i judt. i dont know what i was supposed to do. and i realize now there was jothing bc he#was already. yk. and probably had been for a while but it just. rly fucking sucks basically.#like even now a few months out i get genuinely nauseous when i buy something that isnt Absolutely essential.#and i try to force myself to buy like. a small nice thing for myself every once in a while i buy 1 coffee and 1 breakfast food every week#on saturday to try n like. make sure i know its ok 4 me to do that and it doesnt make me selfish but like. it still makes me feel sick
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skinnymeanfaggot · 8 months
#im making huge huge changes in my life and i think the next logical step would be to cut off jamie. ive already been ghosting him but thats#just me avoiding the problem. i just like. it feels fucked to be like hey i told you i was ok with what you did but i Changed my mind#i just think like. i have next to no contact with him and i feel fucking fantastic. we talk like every couple months on the rare occurrence#he can text and then i answer in vague short sentences and ghost. and now that i finally have firm boundaries with him and havent engaged#with him sexually its like. i feel like basically all my ties are cut. and i feel like im ready to let go for the first time. like ive#always felt like i just wasnt ready but now i like i Am ready its just a matter of like. doing it. thats difficult. even though i know hell#accept it because hes matured. and like. idk. i think its fine like this#and idk i think its fine like this. being the absolute barest form of acquaintances. i cannot stress how little we interact and how little#affect he has on my life at this point outside of what happened in the past. like i am in a good place he is 99% cut off i just need to do#the last bit. but like also fuck. you know. its hard to kinda finish it off. and its also like ooh it would hurt his feelings but now i#fucking. dont care lol. after everything. with blue i realize every day just how much more respected i feel and less gross and shitty#even with being jamies friend which we never were because whenever i was single we were sexual. i just felt bad. i never wanted to fuck#either. and he would say he loved me and id be like hahaha yeahhhh and now that ive finally drawn that boundary and said he cant do that#anymore i feel so much lighter and i just feel so happy and safe with blue in a way ive never felt with jamie and its like. im almost there#i feel like i might be able to cut him off by the end of the year. and thats crazy to me. i just also have a lot of like shit to unpack#in general too also. with what he did. and i just have a lot. but i feel like im progressing
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charliesinfern0 · 1 year
stupid fucking animation software compressing my files to shit for no reason
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seaslugdisco · 4 months
FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK (translation: i watched season three of sonic prime also i know im literally a month late shhhhhh)
where do i start
i must say, episode one was definitely the best one, but the last is a close second for me, i’d like it more if it weren’t for the ending.
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this whole sequence where shadow realizes sonic is in danger? MASTERPEICE
the whole fight with nine felt pretty drawn out, it was like most of the season. bbuuuuuutttt it was pretty cool
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and. ok. fine. let’s address the elephant in the room,
im so sad he wasnt in more, but the scene of them in the ravine was nice
is it weird for me to say that i kinda wish that sails and mangey did die in that scene? like it was good motivation for sonic and just a good part of the show and for them to be revealed to be fine was kinda a letdown for me.
also shadow finally got to say his line hehehheeh
but all in all, i LOVED this season. if youre thinking about watching the show, id totally go for it! :)
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danvillecheese · 1 year
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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terrifaecapathy · 1 month
dont ansswer thiss if you dont want to drag yoursself into it, but your moirail sseemss to think our friendsship iss a flaw of yourss~ ;3
so i assk~ ;3
what do you think of me? or uss ass friendss rather~ ;3
and while youre at it, your proper thoughtss on the hemospectrum?~ ;3
# wow ok ## so the anon wasnt kidding ### youve been busy
# well youre my closest friend. id put you above anyone else ## weve known each other the longest ### i know you can handle yourself better than i handle myself even but that doesnt mean i like it when trolls get on your case
# if we really are airing out everything though then fine ## youre way too pushy sometimes ### im not a wriggler anymore its my choice what i do and it isnt your job to prevent me from fucking up
# im good at that regardless of if you want to say you told me so
# and the hemospectrum ## is definitely a thing that exists ### theres not much to say on it?? its like asking what i think about being helmed eventually
# i dont care because what do you expect me to do either way ## and just like it isnt your business to argue with my moirail or fight trolls over me ### its not my business what you do or think either
# i dont control you
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webslingingslasher · 2 months
j i cant omg theres this guy i lowkey have had a crush on for the past like year. known fuckboy, absolutely gorgeous (for my uni’s standard ig lol). we talked for a couple weeks when we first met but it was pretty clear he wasnt interested in me so i kinda pulled away. BUT, because he is a known fuckboy, he talked to one of my friends AND she told me that he uploads music like publicly and that it was bad. and i was like how bad could it be?
its bad. its baaaaaad. ive somehow got the ick and also the obsession has reached tenfold. id love to send the link but right now each song has less than ten streams and i dont wanna give the poor boy a heart attack.
how do i get over this guyyyy im so done with thissss (im hella ovulating rn i think this is a major factor)
please send me the fucking link. i won't post it but please god i need to hear this. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ok fine, i'm kidding -
how do you get over him? imagine him singing to you when you're alone and he's staring at you the whole time.
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vanillatalc · 10 months
VERY quick post bc im literally so fucking exhausted that i ran away from my own party at like 10.30 pm lmfao but im MARRIED, it went really well, i love my friends + my husband x ben's speech was amazing + my dad's speech was rly nice too. my school friends were all like fucking sobbing it was great. i was fully convinced i wouldnt cry at all but when ben started crying when he was reading his vows i was like ok fine ill cry as well
the first look was also like so emotional im really happy it was a private thing bc ben was SOBBING + i couldnt stop crying either like after the ceremony i actually went back to the airbnb and watched some romesh ranganathan to calm down LOOOL so i wasnt just a crying mess
it was really difficult to talk to everyone just bc like there were so many people + it was like so hard to just find the time to give everyone the proper attention so i feel a bit bad about that but i mean i am only on eperson and i did th ebet i could lol
my mum - this was honestly completely a surprise to me - gave me my gran's wedding ring afterwards + i was very moved honestly
i wasnt brave enough to eat any of the catered food - i guess i dont feel any way about this really like i was really brave all day and sometimes you just cant do everything. i think i would have been less exhauted if id eaten proper meals but like i legit just couldnt do it
i will post some pics tmr but they're all on my phone which is charging
but yeah it was a massive massive succes and i am now mrs allfree lol how crazy
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desudog · 5 months
wait you HATED sweet pool omg. its my least fave out of the n+c releases ive read so far mainly for how flat the characters felt to me and how clumsy a lot of the plot felt but i rlly loved the aesthetic/general vibe it had so thats rlly interesting to me,if ur up for it id love to know what didnt click for u ^_^
when i judge how bad a VN is with my brother (avid VN reader as well) we use Sweet Pool as a basically "zero" on the scale of professional, large VNs.
Sweet Pool's writing was WEIRD. I can do some weird, thats fine. Weird ass-birth stillborn meatslugs? ... okay, ill... look past that. ok i wont lie, the constant ass-birth was hard for me. i really did try to not judge it on that but like, there was almost constant buttbirth going on. ive made peace with this by now, kinda making a link to myself about the connections of it to being an unintentional trans narrative in many ways and all but like. it was WEIRD. and kinda hard to read. it didnt strike me as horror, it struck me as "weird fetish i have to sit through. oh my god is he licking tha- PUT IT DOWN Z-DAWG. Ok christ."
The characters were also weird. I laughed out loud in surprise at how stupid the "i saved you from being raped <3 SO I CAN RAPE YOU, PSYCH!" scene was. like wtf was that??????
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(I hope you werent planning on USING that butthole, mister!)
i did not enjoy the art style, i think its the ugliest N+C art style yet and since. not my thing. many angles and proportions look weird. the CGs looked stiff and uninspired. it NEVER grew on me. no shade to people who liked it or the artist it just.. wasnt my thing. not unbearable but just. not. as good as it could have been and def took away from the experience.
i didnt like any of the endings. it wasnt scary it was weird. the pacing was weird. for being a BL, it had very little love just... wtf. and im so sad abt what they did to mikoto bc i liked him before uuuUuUuUu yandere plot twwwwist. bleh.... dollar store keisuke! they would FORCE the true end so you maybe go, "maybe the true end is satisfying and good an-" no. its not. fuck yoU!
sweet pool was painful. i dont know how else to put my experience. i 100%d it because i 100% everything when i can, and i was literally pushing through like a hiker in a snow storm to finish it. every 3 seconds was secondhand embarrassment. the "jerking off in the classroom" scene comes to mind. i got up and took a break for that one because it was just unbearable. idk how anyone could slap one out to this vn. im not sure if anyone ever has. which makes the sex weird. actually, i dont think there was a single consensual ero scene unless u count the true end fusion scene.
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(proof god does not love us)
the aesthetic/vibe was... ehhh... not super unique IMO. school setting immediately put me off, a more gritty and cool toned, dark palate made things interesting but, its still a "weird thing happens in high school" story. kinda bored to death of HS settings in VNs.
i did like the protag tho! he was interesting and it was nice having a chronically ill protag even if it was just a plot device to make him be able to miss school while going on a... dark apartment birth marathon.
sweet pool felt like a bizarre, amateur fanfiction for a fetish i dont have.
the soundtrack is very memorable as well as the opening pre-game sequence, i liked the concept of the choice button meanings, but they were very rough in actual use.
this is my favorite CG i appreciate the aquarium set up instead of a fish bowl (though he could do better...)
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(shame about them turning into meat popcorn tho...)
i liked the iguana lol
i didnt care about these guys so much i dont even remember their names most of the time. except zenya. i liked him cus hes so cute and batshit crazy and has intersex swag.
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(does this shade match my festering flesheye?)
all in all?
i give sweet pool a 2/10 butt babies.
--------- CONS:
no shortage of buttbirth stuff
seems to have lost the "love" in "BL".
some characters arent even original... FROM THEIR OWN STUDIO.
boring, hard to follow story
character focus on a character who has no personality. this guy is the gijinka of the hair that gathers at the drain of your shower.
designs that just are not very memorable or unique, without the personality to work with
story has routes but none of them were thought much of, should have just been a kinetic
confusing choice buttons
WAY too many choices for a VN with 3 candidates. makes 100%ing a drag.
predictable story
no shortage of buttbirth stuff, i mean, if youre into that
a soundtrack that makes up for the lack of good ero because this OST FUCKS
still a better love story than twilight
note: i read it in offical ENG, so i was no doubt getting a lower quality version. i dont think the original text would have helped getting it more than a single grade higher.
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puppysdog · 8 months
fuck all your haters, tell me about your saw-sona
FUCK YEAHHHH ok under the cut cause its probably gonna be long + saw trap details
Her name is Isabella, Izzy for short and preferred. Shes in her mid 20s, home cut choppy straight black hair thats a bit past her shoulders with short bangs. Her style id say is a bit casual 2000s goth/emo (big cargo pants + tight black shirt, black choker, fingerless gloves, big work boots). personality wise shes very nervous/paranoid and has pretty rapid mood swings from being antsy to extreme anger. after she gets out of her trap she gains a little more confidence and channels her anger better, but still isnt the best at speaking up or talking without tripping over her words
her backstory is shes still living at home with her abusive dad and is a prop designer for a small theatre company. shes had a long history of abusive partners and hanging out with manipulative “friends” and such, as well as some pretty severe substance issues. she never tried to solve her problems and instead ran away from everything but still came back to the same bad situations. after driving off crying upset and angry and inebriated after a fight with her dad, she ends up running over (basically bisecting) a pedestrian that ended up being some doctor that was supposed to perform an organ transplant thatd save someones life, leading to two deaths total. she gets away with it in court through sleazy lawyers arguing things like the pedestrian wasnt on a crosswalk and etc.
Amanda is the one that chooses her for one of Kramers traps. i think amanda has a bit of a soft side for her considering her circumstances, but kramer is still the one who makes the trap. the best way i can describe it is its like a giant clock with a vertical pole in the middle. Izzy is attached to the pole by her ankles being chained, her neck being chained, and a long rebar wrapped once around her torso. the rebar extends out to a gear wheel at the edge of the clock, so when the gear wheel starts to move, the rebar begins to wrap around the center (aka where Izzy is trapped). In front of her hanging from the ceiling is the jigsaw tape and a tire iron. extended out of her reach and a bit lower hanging from the ceiling is an off switch. the switch is only reachable by leg length. to escape her trap, she has to break her foot out of the chains by bashing it with the tire iron, and slamming it against the off button. during her trial after she debates in throwing the tire iron at the switch, but realizes if she misses she’ll have no backup plan. she begins to bash her foot, but the tire iron slips from her hands anyways. at this point, she has about a minute left before the rebar wraps tight enough around her to break her ribs and crush her insides. frustrated and screaming that she was going to do it and that she doesnt want to die, she twists and snaps her already damaged ankle out of the chains, and flings her leg forwards, disarming the trap. she makes it out with one severly fucked up foot and a couple of broken ribs. shes wheelchair bound for a bit after and eventually switches to a cane
shes very eagerly takes on the role of John’s apprentice as she sees him not killing her as one of the first kindnesses in her life, and she immediately wants to put her dad in a trap. her traps are decently theatrical due to her prop making skills with a rube Goldberg style premise to them, but they arent always the most stable (at least once or twice has one broken/a victim has broken it)
like i said earlier she gets along with Amanda pretty well. they dont see each other as a threat to John’s legacy since Izzy is just fine with being a follower with no want to actually become Jigsaw, and Amanda is empathetic towards her problems and the fact that shes younger
her and hoffman do NOT get along. hoffman already disliked her based on the fact that amanda chose her, and isnt a fan of her erratic behavior which he considers a liability. she hates him on instinct and doesnt believe he understands kramers ideals, and despises him even more after learning about him switching amandas letter post johns death. he definitely tries to kill her and vice versa after kramer dies
her and john get along great. he has empathy for her being younger and is proud of how she escaped her trap + believes she understands his ideals. its very saw x kramer and amanda relationship but shes a little more obsessive over him and sees him as a mentor figure
her and gordon end up teaming up after kramers death and get along decent. she believes he understands john’s ideals and feels fine following him, theyre both in the fucked up foot club, and both want hoffman dead. shes sees him sort of as a fatherly figure and he sees her kind of as a daughter figure but their work is too fucked up to fully establish that
since im an adam is alive truther and he also works for gordon, i think Izzy and him get along fine as well. they definitely have nasty t4t sex
hehe anyways ty for asking :)
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Pgs. 385 - 445
TG: skepticism is the crutch of cinematic troglodytes TG: like hey mom dad theres a dinosaur or a ghost or whatever in my room. "yeah right junior go back to bed" TG: fuck you mom and dad how many times are we going to watch this trope unfold it wasnt goddamn funny the first time i saw it TG: just once id like to see dad crap his pants when a kid says theres a vampire in his closet TG: "OH SHIT EVERYONE IN THE MINIVAN" TG: be fuckin dad of the year right there
so fucking true Dave, keep spitting.
EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. that's all i'm saying.
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oh hey it’s the page I used to showcase Hussie’s affinity for slurs.
still bad.
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me when I fucking sTAB MY MOTHER.
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I’m having rough flashbacks to HS^2 and I don’t like it.
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also I just gotta say that Mom is the coolest looking person in this entire comic I mean just look at this fucking POSE.
it just screams “hello daughter you are going to get fuckin served.”
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yes. the pony. beloved Maplehoof.
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I’ve always seen this idea that the process of creating Earth, and by extension Universe B, involved taking the attributes and interests of the 12 trolls and morphing them into brand new instances and ideas, like how Gamzee’s Juggalo religion manifested as ICP on Earth.
I like to think that the entirety of the For Assholes book series exists through a recycling of Karkat’s personality.
also that fucking Asshole Note is comedy gold.
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aw yeah time to fucking beat the shit out of an imp let’s
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W magnet.
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alright for real this time let’s kick the shit out of this imp.
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also another White John can be found in this flash, collect all 7 to turn Super White.
also the Egbert Centipede I guess.
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Tip: I am so fucking mad.
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he did it. he destroyed the fucker. John man.
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fuck you cat I am about to revive.
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TG: i mean dont get me wrong i think its cool and all TG: the semi-ironic puppet thing or whatever TG: or semi-semi ironic TG: man i dont even know TG: im just starting to think some of this shit is going a little far and its kind of fucked up TT: I've seen his websites. TT: I like them.
what did she mean by this.
what did she mean by this?
what did she mean by this?!
TG: oh man i wish lil cal wouldnt look at me like that TG: with those dead eyes jesus TG: sometimes i dream that hes real and hes talking to me and i wake up in a cold sweat and basically flip the fuck out
not saying it.
Page 422, titled “[S] GO ON. ==>” completely underrated flash, just listen to this fuckin song.
it captures the feeling of a big expository RPG cutscene so damn well I love it, it’s like I’m a kid again.
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this is also just one of my favorite Sburb mechanics, I love the concept of basically deciding the abilities and aesthetics of the NPCs via prototyping, it’s such a cool little thing and opens up a lot of possibility for any fan-sessions.
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JOHN: ok, i think i get it now! JOHN: so i guess the battle against good and evil is sort of irrelevant? well, i don't know, that all sounds kind of weird, but in any case, we build the house to get to these gates, and then i can save my dad! NANNASPRITE: Yes, John! JOHN: and then after that, we solve this ultimate riddle thing and save earth from destruction!!! NANNASPRITE: Oh no, I'm afraid not!
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NANNASPRITE: Your planet is done for, dear! There is nothing you can do about that! JOHN: oh...
I fucking love this sequence because John activates the Cheery Protagonist Mode ready to assemble a team of teens with attitude in order to save the world from Dark Chess and whatever only to hear that the entire world will end and his response is just “aw..... :(”
I went on this entire shpeel about the potential of writing an isolationist John based off of willy nilly prose narration at the beginning but MAN do the early versions of the kids not give a SHIT about what’s going on.
“John Egbert, the Earth is doomed, it is going to explode, all life will die, you and your friends will be the last living things remaining.”
this is a very weird moment that sticks out when looking at the comic as a whole because the weight of literally all life dying at once is nonexistent, but at the same time, this is fucking hilarious.
it makes think about a lot of rewrites I’ve seen where they try, emphasis on try, to give the fact that world ends more emotional relevance, and they basically kinda force this by introducing random background characters who are obviously going to die immediately.
like “oh hi my name is Huma Nfriend I’ve been besties with John Egbert since childhood we’re very close and cool and we’re gonna play a game called Sburb!!!” and then they just
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I understand y’all want to make the characters actually feel something in regards to the entire home blowing the fuck up but there’s gotta be better ways than inventing some characters just to fridge.
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also John does this.
uh, yeah. I don’t know.
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he’s having a moment.
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just give him some space.
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ok now that’s just rude.
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god Rose’s house during the winter is so pretty.
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holy shit a Jade and Rose conversation, I hope we get plenty of these! (we do not.)
Jade knows about Sburb??? and it could bring Jaspers back to life???? what could it me- ok this joke already fucking sucks.
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ah yeah it’s time to beat the shit out of the local whiteboy.
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this shit is so fucking cool oh my god.
also there are literally meteors falling as Dave looks out and I guess he does give a shit.
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energywarning · 2 years
... Tell me about 3 and their scar please
Hyuuuu OK lets Gooooo
. Contrary to eight s scar. Three s scar heals Nasty. She goes afk for a while in a way where its like:
3 is immediately transfered to an hospital post oe
> doctors take a look at her face and go "what the fuck is that bro its FUCKING glowing???" And 3 is like "UHH a chemical yes."
> they do what they can. Which is like . Basic burn treatment+ bandage it up but 3 leaves the hospital the day shes allowed to move (like 4-5 days in)
> no real attempt at anything that could help like for the scar tissue or whatever the hell bc MONEYYY and she. Does not have money . She doesnt want to touch the scar because she still has her bandages on
> Just takes her prescribed painkillers. feels Out of it.. Enough to have callie come over and check on her. Wow! That is actually. A pretty strong prescription you got there 3. my bad 3 sorry. (Also 3 what are all these overdue balance letters- oh you paid them off. well if you say so.)
> 3 removes her bandages
> it is painful still. Air hurts it.
> "WELL it will heal. It has to. it has to heal. Please God let it heal."
> it heals...( she is scared of touching it (because it could get re infected. And the scar itself is scaring her)) ... but there is some nerve damage. In certain ways. Both painful and lack of feeling. Bad mix
> "ok its fine. fuck my entire life. But this is fine"
goes back to agent work fully at this point.
The scar is also a reminder of the Hijackiiiiing which
1. Messed her up good for a while . The not permanent damage: . The way i see it when the goo took control of her body it did not like. Have the inherent self restrict a human body does like "if i spend too much energy i will pass out or whatever" so her body was used to its "full capacity" kind of like. Taking a wood puppet and throwing it it at a wall again and again. but turns out that when you push yourself too far you break ! Because cephalopods aint machines. So at the end of the hijacked 3 fight she was p much just about to die of exhaustion or smth.
So she had to rest... a lot to properly recover (but she did not do so, for a while at least)
2. but the physical aspects that stayed permanenty are like. Level 10 Migraines and nosebleeds (not painful this one). And moments where it hurt when it shouldnt ( dare i say for the nosebleed, funny) actually so whatever.
Now the Brain problems like they say...
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For a while more than not 3 just looks out of it. It feels like its still on her head. No one picks up on whats going on tbh. They all just think shes tired or thinking or smth.
The hijacking was very parasitical to her, she was not in control of her body, she was not there but somehow she was watching because those were her eyes, but she could not think or react or do anything, but she was terrified, but couldnt have been because she wasnt there, but she was watching, but her eyes werent hers. Her hands werent hers- i think you get the idea.
The months following octo expansion were the most tough id say. Nightmares every nights for a while but she was sleeping alone so nobody saw this cringe, PHEW! thank God no one saw me suffer in my bed sweating and yet so cold. except for callie once or twice 3 thinks. Like a normal individual.
The other Big Issue was 8. 8 is a nice girl who is very kind. Whom they think of. A certain amounts . Of guilt only for sure [alarms in her head start blasting "DO NOT GET NEAR HER YOU ARE TOXIC TO LIFE ITSELF"] now of course they become friend. (Bc 3 found themself unable to keep up their insane social interaction rules i wrote abt in another ask. Tldr : 3 thinks they do not deserve to talk to people. Sort of)
But 3 is so scared of hurting her somehow. And 3 also becomes friend with 4. And 8 notices that 3 actually touches 4 physically like they will high five eachother or whatever. And 8 hugs 3 sometimes but its like hugging a wood log because they do not move? And 8 starts to wonder if 3 does not like her or if she did something wrong.
So one day she tries to like give 3 a normal pat on the shoulder and 3 immediately looks at her hand as it lays on them and thats where 8 kind of asks them if she did something wrong only to be met with a very erratic "no no no."
3 realises they have to give a reason but they dont know how to turn this around so they just tell her "im scared" hoping itll be vague enough but enough of an answer?
It kind of isnt because then 8 asks "oh... You are scared of me? I am so sorry-" and oh boyy they have to say why now dont they OOPS. "No no. No i am not scared of you. I am scared of myself. I am scared of myself!" And 8 kinds of not get it at the beginning because ????
But then 3 starts to try to talk about their fear of being put in another hijack goo situation as vaguely as possible bc they dont know if 8 wants/should hear about this and then 8 gets it, and hugs them
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And 3 lets themself hug her back. And its like this picture basically
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Id say another aspect of the scar that has affected 3's life is like. The fact that its on their face.
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they will probably never admit this but it stings a little when people look at them with a kind of freaked out look. And they see the person looking at them like this
Ok i think thats all i got for now...
Thanks for the ask ! ^_^
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the-ark-awaits · 1 year
im well aware this is an irrational and stupid hill to die on, but again, i need to state, marble hornets is not creepypasta, at least in my opinion
this is what i think qualifies creepypasta ok? Written internet horror story. thats it. but the qualifier there is written. can there be a video series based on/to pair with a written creepypasta? hell yeah there can! can there be a larger story/arg elements around a creepypasta besides the main written story! hell the fuck yeah, just look at ben drowned! but i dont think marble hornets hits that qualifier, at least in my opinion
theres only really one written portion of the entire story, and well. you dont need it. its not a written story, its basically the exact same thing as the introduction video. i dont think it counts. marble hornets is something different, its a found footage horror and suspense series posted to youtube, its an arg, its what fans commonly refer to as ‘slenderverse’ (though i always thought that was a little funny considering its the only series with that term applied to it that isnt connected to any of the other series. im pretty sure multiple other slenderverse series have canonically stated that mh is a fictional series in their universes)
and heres another argument. ive never seen anyone argue that everymanhybrid is creepypasta. ive never seen anyone try and tell me that, idk, the walten files or mystery flesh pit national park are creepypasta. and heres why i think that is, and its just a theory but. back in 2009 and later when slenderman was new and marble hornets was new and creepypasta wasnt really a thing yet, the internet saw marble hornets clips out of context. fans of the series would post screencaps or clips of masky and hoodie, people would see them without knowing what it was from. in the nature of internet horror, someone saw a spooky image and ran with it, kind of like how jeff the killer happened. but marble hornets is its own horror story. so taking a character from that and just making them completely different from canon its like. well. if you took fucking, i dunno, spongebob, and were like ‘well i found out about this character from a story i read online which makes him the Internets Property!’ and someone else was like ‘hey just so you know, hes actually from an existing tv series, you should check it out if you like the character’ and then you were like ‘but hes my internet story character and i wanna keep him that way!’ like
like thats fine, i promise, but when yknow. its a character from something other people enjoy, theres like. a few common sense options to not be a dick here, yknow? either redeisgn the character enough that theres a clear difference between the original and the new version, or stop tagging the new version as the original. its not hard.
but yeah in conclusion, marble hornets isnt creepypasta imo, and once again id like to ask creepypasta artists to maybe please stop tagging your creepypasta posts as marble hornets, its a courtesy thing yknow? no ones asking you to stop using masky and hoodie, but we are literally begging you to stop tagging creepypasta posts with marble hornets. you know theres a difference, i know you do, and if you can look me in the eye and tell me a compelling argument for why there isnt and why you should be allowed to post about ticci toby and jeff in the mh tag ill eat my fucking hat
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
ep 51-52 spoilers but i gotta get the thoughts out man (also some for ep 2 of the black rose pirates oneshot)
ok so im going to do it all at once but like the amount of times i panicked with gill and shit over things like the moment the arm was mentioned i KNEW it was jon and how gillion risked so much to save him
(imagine a world where gillion didnt make it and slowly froze to death and was comforted by the ideas of jay and chip making it yet felt ashamed and disappointed as he couldn't save jon or pretzel and on the other side it could be either jay or chip wanting to stay longer and trying to get them back or them both just sobbing at the door because gills fucking dead and- i should stop hurting me emotionally huh)
back to what actually happened im so happy they all ended up fine and shit and id help gill with a villain arc if they did both die (both being jon and pretzel)
more about gillion its just something with how his "insult" wasnt really an insult but rather something he believed that he knew would hurt chip. something how grizzly also used the word sin for dark secret and then gillion talks how he got banished and he probably was very nervous about it going south yet they thought his punching of the navy was kickass.
the fact that gillion hugged jay thinking she was his sister is so sweet yet i could tell from the beginning that edyn wasnt real. i just got the sense for pain man
take gill giving chip a ring and him getting flustered about it whatever way ya want, im just thinking how fucked hed be if jay and chip did indeed fight each other (also you cant tell me that he wasnt taught it by his sister and his test was pretzel who knew how dangerous it could have been yet he could tell she wanted to bond it and so gill has a ring on him somewhere and they pretend that the magic is still in effect and it makes them even closer then before)
chip was a fucking bastard with the whole secret pressuring thing, and grizzly knew. and he used it to fuck up their friendship harder. making the people chip cares for the most (which btw thats so fucking cute writing bout that next) attack him and having someone jay cares about attack someone she also cares about maybe even more while giving gill such a tame one is grizz's plan. worst part is gillion would be used to them teasing each other so he may brush the growing hatred off as just something human friends do. GOD GRIZZLY WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS
theres something sweet about bizly telling grizz the people chip cared for the most was jay and gillion because it sounds like he didn't mention arlin, implying chip cares for gillion and jay more then arlin and thats beautiful.
my heart hurts seeing the idea of chip having such bad trust issues and wondering if these guys actually care for him yet he pulls up the wall with insults manned and ready just so that he doesn't need to accept that people he cares about exist and doesn't need to worry about them going away and i made myself pain again AHHHHHHHH
i remember seeing a post about jay being an easy crier and how it doesnt make her any less a girlboss and i fully heartedly agree because aprt of her girlbossness she can acknowledge her barriers and when shit crosses the line and she doesnt hide it up and maybe that inspires chip and gill to be more open about their boundaries and emotions and ill stop before i make more pain but yeah def proven by the flesh room
i dont know if anyone else made the comparison but yall know when finn arlin and dray were going down the hallway and each got flashbacks and shit? the mirages were probs a reference and it was the same order too (charlie, bizly, then condi) and i freaked when i realized!
of course jon is what got gillion pumped up and bsck to his gill self because theyre gay af guys
that ring thing between gill and chip was so fucking gay omfg i hope they keep them happy pride month
the fact that gill just had to be in the middle of chip and jay fighting and idk why i do this to me but maybe he felt bad cause of the shit he said cause while jay and chip said a ton of things and they did feel bad a bit what if gillion felt like he had fucking sinned with this insult because of how bad chip seemed to feel and he just cant help but feel like he helped and all that and god how let me be a fan fic writer
okay comfort for me now (its poly pirates i love them ok) but since gill believed jay enjoyed the clown outfit (plus she mentiondd that she gave up on her dreams) he ends up trying to make one and hes a lil nervous but he asks chip for help and jay just finds them in the room with gill practicing sowing as chip helps him make a clown outfit and jay just is mesmerized by how hard gillion is trying and how chip is just so calm with him and they seem as though this is one of the most important tasks of their lives (for chip its more of making gill happy by helping him learn to sow) and after a bit jay goes back up and what do you know 1 or 2 hours later jay is given a wrapped box by gill who seems very excited and ahe opens it and finds the clown outfit chip helped make and she glances up to see chip give gill a thumbs up and wink and she smiles and tears up at how much effort they spent into making this
more poly pirates comfort coming next post but its really just gonna be writing fanfic ideas that i WILL make after i write a couple moee chapters of my scu fic
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