#Okay removing the link to see if I can get this thing to show up in the tags lol
scarlettlawyer · 2 years
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Please read the Phantoms and Mirages series by Meowzy
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catgirltoofies · 7 days
link shortening
okay. let me tell you one of my pet peeves. it's when you send a link to something and the link takes up a full paragraph. amazon is especially egregious with this; as an example, i'm going to use the sweet essentials goat milk & honey perfume. here's the link i get if i just copy/paste it:
do you see this shit? that link is longer than my introduction paragraph. and most of it is totally unnecessary and just gives amazon tracking data. so i'm going to quick breakdown the link:
https://www.amazon.com/ is the domain. this tells your browser to go to the internet, to amazon's address. can't do without.
Goat-Honey-Fragrance-Perfume-Organic/dp/B07D5N4XRP/ is the sort of directory. this is where the meat of the link is; it gives the browser the information of where in the amazon domain it should look for what you're looking for. sort of like when you ask a librarian where a book is and they say "it's in this area of the library, i can show you if you like"
every single thing after that is optional. most, if not all, of it is just tracking data that tells amazon who looked it up, how, where they found it, etc. etc. and you can totally safely remove it.
so, our final, shortened link is:
and you can test it for yourself, both the really long link and this nice clipped link lead to the same page. this is generally applicable to most websites; if a link feels a little too long, experiment and start removing bits off the end. generally anything that shows up after "?[text]=" is probably safe to remove, as with "&[text]=". sometimes those have particular jobs, though; for example, youtube links with a particular timestamp will include "&t=[number]s" and while removing this will keep the link to the video, it will remove the timestamp. similarly, youtube sometimes uses "&v=[text]" to encode the id of a video, so without that you're left with just the youtube homepage. if a link has "?si=[text]", that's all safe to remove, because that's pure tracking data.
in short: clip your links. don't give them any more than you need to. experiment a little. have fun and be yourself. i love you
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sadienita · 11 months
SKZ Reaction - When you’re not very cuddly or touchy
Okay he, like, kinda likes it. We already know he loves the members that run from his affection. How many times have we seen him capture Minho or Seungmin with the biggest grin on his face the whole time? If you don't mind a hug from time to time he’ll honestly have a lot of fun. He kinda loves that you don’t want his cuddles every second of the day but it will lead to him sneaking up on you for a surprise hug and kiss or else chasing you down the hall, giggling the whole way until he tackles you onto the bed. He will let you go quickly each time though, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. And he’ll always assess your mood before playing around too, if he sees you’re having a rough day he’ll ask how he can make it better, only ever touching you if you request physical comfort. He is a little sad that you aren’t up for bedtime cuddles most nights but more than once you’ve rolled over in your sleep and somehow ended up in his arms and it always melts his heart when it happens. Some part of you will always seek out some form of comfort from him no matter the situation.
He’s very okay with this. He doesn’t like being touchy all the time and honestly prefers small touches here and there to constantly being in contact. He will be a little sad if you don’t want to sit on his lap often, that’s maybe the one thing he would like but he respects your boundaries and he wouldn’t be happy knowing you were uncomfortable on his lap anyway. He loves the interactions you do have. He loves staring at you and giving you a soft smile and a slow blink when you catch him, a silent way to say “I love you.” He loves the light way you touch his arm to get his attention, like a feather. He likes the way you’ll absentmindedly link your pinkie with his if you’re both quietly taking in a beautiful view. He loves the gentle, soft way you touch his face to move his hair or remove the eyelash that’s fallen on his cheek. He likes your small, quiet way of loving each other.
He doesn’t mind it too much. He likes a more casual touch with you so at first it’s not an issue but over time he has to find where the line is. He likes having an arm around you but knows you get uncomfortable if he does it for too long. It ends up getting reserved for when you’re out at a party together, a quiet reassurance that he’s right beside you. He does like holding your hand but he won’t initiate if it isn’t your thing. He will, however, giggle like a lovesick fool if you lace your fingers with his no matter the situation. He really adores it and cherishes those moments. He can be playful with it too. When he can tell you’re in a good mood he’ll suddenly try to scoop you up or if you’re very unlucky, he’ll run at you and grab you so he can use the momentum to spin you around; he is not always careful of your surroundings. He thinks it's fun to catch you off guard and make you squeal or yell, chuckling to himself every time.
He’s honestly somewhat similar. He doesn’t need to be in contact with you 24/7 and he likes that you feel the same way. It takes so much pressure off that you don’t constantly expect hand-holding or cuddling. In fact, his favourite thing is being alone together with you. When you get to the point of comfortable silence he’ll start inviting you to come sit with him while he paints, or to come and hang out in the dance studio while he practices. Your presence makes him feel so calm and happy and he knows if he wants your attention it’ll be easy to get. When he’s painting he likes to reach over and touch you from time to time, just to remind you he’s right there. He’ll show you what he’s working on from time to time. He loves when you bring something to work on yourself and share your own progress with him. The fact that you value his opinion makes him feel so incredibly special. When he’s dancing he can be a bit silly, a grin drawing over his face before he flops his sweaty body on top of you simply to annoy. He does delight in that. When he does touch you it’s always so gentle, adjusting your clothes, fixing your hair or head covering, pressing a very soft kiss to your nose, forehead, or knuckles. He loves treating you with the utmost gentleness.
It’s all fine at first. He’s nervous when you first get together, not wanting to screw it all up. And knowing that you’re not that into skinship means he can just avoid it. But as time goes on he wants to. He wants to hold your hand and hug you and kiss you and cuddle with you. For a long time he’ll just try to swallow those needs down, as if they aren’t filling him to the brim. But eventually, during a particularly hard week, he’s desperate to ask you for comfort. He still doesn’t call you over but when he misses plans with you you show up at his place and take no time at all to cradle him, wrapping him in your arms and slowly calming him down. He finally admits after that that he wants some contact sometimes. It takes negotiations and trial and error to find where the most comfortable boundaries are. He likes sitting next to you during movies, feeling your leg pressed against his, and he likes when you fall asleep on his shoulder. He likes when you doodle along his skin sometimes, absentmindedly. He likes when you play with his hair, it always makes him feel so cozy and sleepy. And he loves that when he’s struggling that he doesn’t even need to ask, you’re quick to wrap him in a warm hug and give him the comfort he craves, holding him together whenever he’s close to falling apart.
He has by far the most trouble with it. He wants contact with you all the time. He wants to put his arms around you. He wants to cuddle you. He wants to feel close to you. He does his best to respect your boundaries because the last thing he wants is for you to be uncomfortable with him. He stops himself every time he goes to touch you absentmindedly, bringing his hands back to himself. But he doesn’t consider his own desires much and over time it puts a strain on your relationship. He gets very needy for verbal affirmations of your love and constantly tries to do everything for you to prove that he cares. It’s when you get annoyed with how overbearing he can be about it and ask him to stop that he breaks down crying, admitting that he doesn’t know how to love you the right way. It devolves into both of you crying and sitting with each other, holding his hands the whole time. It takes more tears before he admits that he doesn’t feel loved, that he needs some form of contact and it makes you realize that he’s been so wrapped up in your needs and you’ve neglected his. From that point on you try to find where your comfort lies and what feels okay. You find that a quick hug and soft kiss feels alright. You find that holding hands for a little while feels alright. You find that small things like feeding each other food and letting him do small tasks for you makes him so happy. And you find that in cold weather, a little bit of cuddling for a short while is nice. You both pay attention both to your own levels of comfort and the other’s feelings much more.
He thought he would be fine with it but he realizes he touches you absentmindedly a lot more than he thought he would. A gentle hand on your back to let you know he’s passing behind you in the kitchen, reaching out to cup your cheek and run his thumb over it, grabbing your hand in crowded place, a back hug when he wakes up to find that despite you sleeping over, you’ve gone wandering off somewhere else in the apartment and he comes to find you. It definitely causes tension, feeling and seeing the way you tense up when his fingertips find your skin. It reminds him quickly but he seems to have a hard time not initiating in the first place. It takes you getting frustrated with him before you two agree to sit down and talk through where the boundaries actually are. In time he realizes that you certainly don’t like surprise touches and you realize that he feels a little unloved if you never touch him at all. You adopt little touches, petting or playing with his hair, pressing stray kisses to him as you pass, pulling his hand into your lap and gently playing with it while you watch dramas. He grows to tell you when he’s going to touch you, giving you a verbal indication that he’s nearby first and keeping his touches more brief when he does give them to you.
He ends up pretty comfortable with this. He likes to hug you or to hold your hand from time to time but it makes him shy to do it too much. And he doesn’t like doing it in public or around other people, feeling a bit embarrassed every time it happens. Instead, he loves other ways to show you he cares. He loves dressing you up. He will beg you to let him pick your outfits and gets so excited when you say yes. He’ll leave gentle touches on you when he helps you with any jewelry he’s picked out. He ends up touching you the most while posing for pics, both of you invested in getting a good picture. He does like to play with your rings if you’re wearing any but he lets you give him your hand before he does so. He also loves when you fix his outfit or hair; reaching out to straighten or adjust something. He’ll keep hugs brief and likes just to be near you more than anything. You bring him a sense of comfort whether touching him or not and relishes that.
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snailmail444 · 9 months
Silent Night
NSFW ⭐️ 18+ ⭐️ MDNI
It’s your first winter star with Sam’s family! Everything is going great, except for the fact that you two can’t get a moment of privacy.
For @beet-roots Merry Kinkmas
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“Okay now let’s do Sammy’s girlfriend’s present!” Vincent squirms in your lap with excitement, looking upside down at you. His big blue eyes sparkle with adoration, and you think he takes after his brother.
Sam beside you looks playfully dejected. He pushes out his lip in a pout, shoving his hand into Vincent’s hair and down his face.
“Bro, stop,” he whines, and you think maybe his jealousy isn’t all for show, “you’re rizzing her up too much! She’s gonna leave me for you, dude!”
Sam’s playing, but you know he is at least a little perturbed because Vince can sit in your lap and he can’t. It’s a wonder he’s not climbing the walls right now, all things considered.
With deadly efficiency you use one hand to tickle his ribs, and Sam cringes back in a cry of surrender.
Kent rolls his eyes and coughs to hide a laugh while Jodi giggles. She gives you a sweet smile as she passes over a silver wrapped box. It says ‘from all of us’ in swooping calligraphy, and you know that means it’s from Jodi.
“You wanna unwrap it bud?” You ask, and Sam’s hand twitches out to the package before he realizes you were talking to Vince. Another pout, and you smirk at him while Vince annihilates the beautiful wrapping job Jodi did.
Dutifully, he passes back the unassuming cardboard box and crawls off your lap so you can open it properly.
You pull the top away and don’t delay in pushing back the tissue and removing the deep red nightgown, holding it up to the light to see better.
“I know it’s not very hip,” Jodi says, her voice quiet and maybe a little insecure, “but I—uh, we—just couldn’t leave it. Sammy sent those gorgeous pictures of you and I kept thinking how lovely you would look in it.”
It is pretty, albeit more conservative than you would ever pick for yourself. The gown is ankle length, with sleeves that hit the wrist. Lace and gold beading trim the edges, and you think Jodi has good taste.
You can feel Sam’s eyes heavy on you, on the nightgown, and you have to bite back a grin. He’s so desperate for you at this point, you know exactly where his brain is. Poor baby hasn’t gone over a day without sex since you two got together about four months ago, and with prepping and visiting it’s been a week since he had his hands on you.
“It’s perfect Jodi, thank you,” you say, winking at her conspiratorially before saying, “all of you have excellent fashion sense.”
In a show of good faith you change into it after dinner. Jodi was right—the color complements your complexion perfectly. And while it’s long, and shows no skin, it clings to your curves and drapes in such a way that you still look shapely. You look sexy in a prudish sort of way.
You’re not the only one that seems to think so. The moment you emerge from the bedroom to show Jodi the final product, Sam’s back to staring at you hard. As Jodi ooh’s and ah’s over you with the affection only a mother has, and Vincent stares with big round eyes and tells you you’re beautiful with a nervous little blush, Sam begins to fidget.
A glance at him and you think he might drag you out to his truck for some privacy and rail you in the passenger seat. Your cunt pulses with excitement. Vincent is going to be too distracted with his toys to bother you, and Jodi and Kent are going to take the Mullner’s Christmas cookies, so you’ll have time for a quickie if all goes well.
“And what about you, Sammy, don’t you think that—“ there’s a knock on the door, startling Jodi into silence. She presses a hand against her chest. “Goodness, now who could that be so late?”
Jodi wanders off towards the door and Sam circles in on you like a predator, fingers skimming the fabric where it hits your waist. He leans in close, and his voice is raspy in your ear. “I like this,” he says, giving it a small, affectionate tug, and you know that tone. That’s the tone he uses when he’s going to fuck you like an animal. A shiver of anticipatory arousal claws its way down your spine, and you smile.
“I can't say I approve of you coming all the way out here in the cold so late, but you know I’m always happy to see you Sebastian,” Jodi giggles, opening the door wider and letting in a pink cheeked, crookedly grinning Sebastian. He’s got a small present wrapped in his hands, and his eyes are positively glittering as he stares up at Sam’s mom.
“You know I can’t go a Winter Star without seeing you, Miss Jodi,” he says, savoring the words Miss Jodi. Sam retracts from your space while Jodi giggles and blushes, and he throws up his hands with a groan.
“Dude stop flirting with my mom,” he whines, and Sebastian laughs once before shaking his head and giving Jodi a sweet smile.
“I’m not flirting Sammy, I’m being polite. You should try it once in a while,” he says, and he winks before coming up to you and Sam.
“Why are you here?” Irritation drips off his every word, and you know Sam is properly annoyed. Pent up, desperate, and cockblocked by his best friend who’s also hitting on his mom.
Bad day for Samson.
“Other than I wanted to give you your present? I needed a break from the ‘festivities,’” he makes air quotes around festivities, and you can feel Sam unwind in resignation. “Come with me for a walk?”
“What’s the magic word?” Sam’s already stepping towards the door to his room, presumably to get dressed for the outside, and you feel a tug of disappointment. Maybe it’s not Sam getting cockblocked.
“I’ll say please if it makes you happy Samson.”
Your face must be doing something by the time Sam’s dressed and ready for the cold, because Sebastian frowns apologetically and Sam twists his mouth. Once Jodi finishes fussing over her boys and departs with Kent, Sam approaches with a sheepish smile.
“I’ll make it up to you,” he says, and you stare at him hard in a way that hopes to convey your emotions.
“You better,” You respond, and maybe it’s a little more irritable than you meant for it to be because Sam looks like a kicked puppy as he follows Sebastian out the door. You’d feel worse if you weren’t babysitting Vincent alone on Winter Star when you could be getting railed.
It doesn’t take long for Jodi and Kent to get back—an hour said and done—and everyone readies for bed pretty immediately, too exhausted from the fact that Vince woke everybody at the godless hour of five am for presents. Sam still isn’t back by the time you crawl into his bed, and you glare at the air mattress where he should be and hope he can feel the phantom pain wherever he is.
You’re drifting off when a swoop of cold air chills you to the bone. There’s a light commotion, and you hear Sam go “fucking shit ass,” before you fully process that he’s stumbling in the window. You sit back, burrowing into his blankets as he regains his footing.
“Later Seb,” he calls outside with a wave, and you wave too, tight and irritable.
“See you Sammy. If you need me I’ll be in the master bedroom,” Sebastian calls back, and you hear his footsteps recede along with maniacal laughter, a faint call of bye to you billowing in the wind as an afterthought.
“Remind me to kick his ass,” Sam looks at you once he snaps the windowpane shut with a big grin, his cheeks pink and snow dusting his eyelashes. It makes you angry how good he looks right now, how disgustingly cute and charming.
“Sure,” you cross your arms and pout, averting your gaze as Sam comes up and kneels by the side of the bed.
“Baby please, I’m sorry,” he reaches for your hand, and when you don’t give it he settles for your gripping the nightgown, and it doesn’t go unnoticed that it’s right at the apex of your thigh, “what was I supposed to do? Say no to Seb in front of everybody?”
He buries his face in the sheets beside you and you finally spare him a glance. He senses it and looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes he can muster, and you feel yourself melting under his gaze.
“Please, let me make it up to you,” he says, and there’s a little whine in his voice. Desperation, maybe. “I need you so bad, you look so hot right now, please.”
The chill of the room mingles with the sensation of watching Sam beg on his knees and makes your nipples hard, and you decide to go on with it for a minute. “It’s just a shame. I’m not even wearing any underwear, Sammy, because I was so excited to finally get a minute alone with you.”
He whines, shifts, and you can see the excited bulge growing in his pants.
“Too bad everybody’s home now so we can’t do anything. I’m really horny too.”
“No we can, please,” he grabs your hand now, chilly fingers insistent on yours, “we just have to be quiet. Everybody’s asleep. Come on, please?”
You almost break right now, but you hold out. If you can get him that much more worked up, it’ll be worth your while. “I dunno if you’d be able to keep it down Sammy. For your Winter Star present I was gonna let you fuck me without a condom—you know, an unwrapped gift kinda thing.”
It’s something you’ve been saving specifically for a moment like this. Truthfully you know Sam’s clean and you have reliable birth control, and would have let him hit raw months ago, but making him twitch with anticipation has been more fun than anything else.
And oh, it’s worth it to watch the way his eyes widen and his face slackens. He sits up that much taller, and you’re almost surprised he doesn’t clasp his hands together and shake them.
“Baby, I promise I’ll be good. I need you so bad. I really want my present, I’ll do anything.”
You gesture for him to stand, and he does because he’s a puppet on strings, and you arch your eyebrow at him. “You can start by putting your money where your mouth is. Sit at the foot of the bed for me and prove you can stay quiet by touching yourself.”
Sam’s clothes shlump to the floor unceremoniously as he peels off his layers, and you feel a pang of guilt because he’s shivering and flushed since he’s not warm yet. In a show of good faith, you kick the blanket towards him and scoot until you’re rested on the headboard.
It’s alright, you reason, because he won’t be left alone for long.
Sam wraps the blanket around his shoulders, and you watch with enthusiasm as he shifts. His cock is hard and flushed, his nipples pink and pert from the cold, and he’s wearing that shy expression he always has before he truly gets into it. You might be drooling.
It’s hard to tell if he’s teasing you or if he’s warming himself up when he runs his hand down his chest and across his stomach painfully slow. Your breath catches in your throat when he finally wraps a hand around his cock, deliberate as he spreads a bead of precome from his tip down with his thumb.
His teeth sink into his lip on the first stroke, cheeks darkening while his eyebrows scrunch inwards. He watches you watch him, and one corner of his mouth ticks upwards while he spreads his knees that much more and arches his back.
Stage fright gone, Sam’s putting on a show now, and god do you ever watch. You lose yourself in it—in the way his abs tighten and his breath puffs out intermittently like he might’ve moaned in another situation. His head falls back on his shoulders, eyes screwed shut, until finally he tightens his hand around the base of his cock and looks at you with pure desperation.
“Please,” his voice is hoarse when he whispers, and he’s squirming. For just a second you think you should tell him no, keep going, because you’re so into watching him you want to see his come paint his beautiful stomach. But then he’s blinking at you, big blue eyes pleading. “Baby?” His voice cracks when he prods for a response, and you decide he should be put out of his misery.
“Remember to be qui—“ Sam cuts you off in a bruising kiss. He doesn’t waste a second, licking into your mouth while he fumbles between your legs, rucking up the nightgown in the process.
“Quiet,” he pants while he rips the hem up past your breasts, leaving you suddenly cold and exposed, save the places where his fingers trail blazing paths towards your cunt. “Quiet, uh huh, I’ll be so—quiet—“ he nods into your skin, latching his mouth to your neck and sucking while he slips a finger into your eager cunt.
Sam’s fingers are expert, long and dexterous and callused from years of playing the guitar, and you’re the one struggling not to make any noise now while he fingers you open for him. Every glance of his fingers has your thighs twitching and you biting back little wanton moans.
“Shit, I can’t,” Sam withdraws his fingers after barely a minute, still managing a throaty murmur, “I’m so sorry, fuck, I just can’t wait. You’re so goddamn wet.”
And then he’s lining himself up and thrusting into you slowly. Inching in while he huffs air through his clenched teeth. You can tell he’s really trying to hold himself back, to be gentle, but then his forehead drops to your shoulder and he looses a high whine when his hips snap all the way forward seemingly against his volition.
You freeze, heart hammering in your chest as you hold him still and listen for any sounds that somebody in the house has woken up. Sam’s doing his best, but he’s gyrating against your cunt frivolously and begging against your chest.
“Just couldn’t help it, I’m sorry. Sorry, please baby,” he’s much quieter in his whisper now, “you just felt better— ah —than I expected—please let me move, I’ll be good I swear.”
After another moment of nothing, you finally relax your grip, and Sam wastes no time, fucking into you so hard and fast your eyes roll back in your head.
“Thank you baby— nngh —thank you,” the words are spoken against your breasts as he presses his mouth to them, sucking and nipping the skin while he humps you like an animal in heat. “Best Winter Star gift ever, swear. Thank you, oh God.”
You’re actually surprised when his thumb finds its way to your clit. Sam’s one track minded on his best days, and you would’ve thought he’d be too overwhelmed to even think of it.
“Wanna— hah —feel you come. Can you come on my cock baby?”
You go to say yes, you’re right there, and a too loud moan slips from your chest instead when he slams right into your g-spot. Sam’s free hand closes over your mouth, eyes wide and hips stuttering as he tries and fails to still to a stop.
He either doesn’t give a fuck or can’t bring himself to slow down anymore, because a moment later he’s back to absolutely railing you, making little tiny grunting whines as he does his best to keep himself quiet. “Gonna come,” he manages, strained, and that’s what finishes you.
You ride wave after wave of delicious white heat as Sam stuffs you with his come, shaking and muffling himself against your skin. He doesn’t stop thrusting, greedy and prolonging your mutual pleasure as long as he can before he collapses onto you, limp.
When you finally get your bearings back you take stock of the situation: Sam draped over you, cock still inside, nightgown around your armpits, bruises beginning to purple in the places where Sam used you as his silencer. A ripple of perverse arousal trickles through your overstimulated body at the sheer wrongness of it all, and you twitch.
That’s enough to rouse Sam, who kisses your cheek and pulls out of you, lovingly tucking the nightgown back down to your ankles and pulling up the blanket before snuggling into your side.
When you two wake, you’re horrified to find come staining the inside of the nice garment. Sam sees it over your shoulder while you’re changing and packing, and he tugs you close to him, purring into your ear, “I want you to wear that again when we get home tonight. I’m not finished ruining it.”
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tekumaniac311 · 2 months
Gala talk
At a Space Rider gala event. All Space Rider groups were socializing, chilling out, singing or dancing in their fancy gala outfits. One among them was Dogbite sipping his own drink as he watched with..annoyance?
Dancing together out on the dance floor was his own second in command, Drago Kitano and with him, Craftycorn, the archivist for his brother's team. Drago was calmly smiling as he slow danced with her, Crafty looked transfixed in Drago's gaze as she went with the flow, a soft blush showing on her white cheeks.
Dogbite had been trying to get his team to avoid his brothers own squad, claiming that because they were "better" they have better things to do than hang out with "amateurs" unfortunately for him the "competition" have been growing closer and closer to eachother forming friendships, much to his dismay.
He then looked to his left to see another of Dogday's team Bubba Bubbaphant, socializing with his chef and communicator Mama Mammoth, from the looks they were walking together with her arm linked with his and giggling, sharing a nice conversation. Close to them was his medical expert Prettybird lending a hand to KickinChicken, with a smile on her beak Pretty winked at him, showing a makeup covered eyelid.
Nearby out on the dance floor, Leopardaisy was jamming out with Hoppy Hopscotch, at the refreshment table Catnap and Lean Lemur looked like they were just chatting, Catnap looked like he was giving words of assurance and Lemur was smiling through, understanding how things can be sometime. PickyPiggy was pouring FixFox a glass of punch for her, with FixFox thanking her and pouring a glass of punch for her in return.
As for Berserkerine, he was leaning against a wall, arms crossed. His usual place for he didn't like gala events, up til Bobby Bearhug came up to him, wanting to dance "Pweeeaaase." She asked the wolverine. "Sorry but..i don't do dancing, redbear." Berserk said to her. "TOO BAD!" Bobby shouted, startling Berserk as she took his hands "If you can "dance" around with those fists, surely you can dance with me." Berserkerine gave annoyed snarl at Bobby "Fine."
Dogday, Dogbite's brother and leader of the other team walked up next to him, amused. "It's nice that our teammates are getting along, huh?" Dogbite growled and took a sip of his drink, squeezing it and causing it to crack. "Hm." Was all he could mutter "Come on, what's the matter little bro?" Dogday asked smirking. "The matter, big brother? Okay, WHY exactly is my team, who i've built from the ground up, and lead into combat numerous times is hanging out with YOUR pack of clowns?" "Come on, Dogbite. Alienating your team ain't good, after all we're alike and on the same side--" Dogbite cut him off "No way, we're RIVALS, wanting to take out the Prototype first before the other can."
Strutting up to them was a cat in a masquerade mask, it was of course, Z. "What's going on here?" The masked cat asked "Oh god, it's him...What do YOU want?" The masqueraded cat just chuckled at the younger brothers spitefulness "Just to chill, besides Dogbite. You should really listen to your brother."
As Z began to explain, some of the gala guests began to put on...cult masks!!! And pull out weapons, they were prepared to attack. Z continued to talk to the two dogs unaware what was transpiring behind them.
"And from personal experience, who you call the pack of "clowns" I consider allies and buddies. You both maybe separate teams, but your both on the same SIDE." Z finished with a smile. "Watchout!!!" Shouted Drago from a distance, the three looked just in time to see Drago and Crafty duck to avoid a laser shot from a cultist before fighting back, and all around them they see the secret cult members attack the guests and other party goers.
Berserkerine and Bobby stopped dancing hearing the chaos "Alright! My kind of party!" He grinned and removed his blazer, ready to bash down some skulls and rushed at them. "And there he goes. :3" Bobby huffed amused, she saw a cultist come at her and ducked a swing, without a second thought, she reached for the punch bowl and tossed it at the cultist.
Leopardaisy and Hoppy already began to fight back, as did Prettybird, FixFox, Picky, Kickin, Catnap and Lemur. Bubba took a stick and whacked at the cultist who came at him and Mama, Mama meanwhile picked up the cake that she baked for this gala and slammed it onto the cultist's face. "Mama, didn't you bake that??" Bubba asked "I can bake another, baby." Mama said.
"Well, let's not let them have all the fun, I'll talk to ya later, captains." Z winked and strutted to the fighting, leaving Dogday a little bit flustered, Dogbite facepalmed "Ugh, let's just take em out! Betcha me and my pals will take out more cultists than yours!" A small batch of cultists approached the brothers "Always the competitive type, little brother.."
The two brothers stood side to side about to attack "As said, I ain't resting till I hear 'Little brother, you've always been better than me'." Dogbite said "Hmph, someday you'll see the bigger picture." Dogday commented.
And with that, the two dogs punch the POV of a cultist.
space riders belong to @onyxonline
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lemotmo · 2 months
Hey everyone!
Okay, here's the run down of what happened. I figured out (thanks to a mutual) that one of the anon OP's posts was posted on Twitter and they linked my Tumblr account to it. They did it to be polite as they just wanted to cite the source of the post, but that attracted some unwanted visitors to my blog and my ask box.
I asked the Twitter accounts to remove the link to my blog, so people wouldn't follow it here. They very graciously removed it and I can already see a huge difference in my ask box. So that's good.
I'm also going to add a big disclaimer to each OP post in the future, telling people to not post my things on Twitter. Twitter is very different from Tumblr in so many ways. I just like it better here.
I wanted to say thank you to all the people that sent me those kind messages through my ask box and in my DMs. I was a bit overwhelmed by all the love you sent me. I won't reply to each message in my ask box seperately, but know that I read it all and that it is really appreciated.
I've also gotten a few asks reacting to the post that I made this morning about both fandoms. I'm not going to respond to those posts right now, because I fear it might stir up some things again and everything is just settling down right now. Maybe I'll get back to those posts some day, but not any time soon.
To the anon that sent me an ask with a question about a specific detail the anon OP talked about in her posts: I can't answer it. I am not the one writing those posts, so I don't have all the details.
The Nonnies that so kindly sent me the anon OP's messages, sent me a message earlier whether or not I still wanted to continue posting. I told them 'yes, of course.' I will keep posting the anon OP asks, because they are very interesting to get some insight into the intricacies of a fandom's inner workings and just overall to understand how these TV-shows work.
That's the whole reason why I post these asks in the first place. They are interesting posts. Most of the time I agree with them, but once in a while I disagree with the OP. And that's okay too. Having an opinion and talking about it is okay.
Now, that being said, I am taking a little break from posting the OP's messages for a few days to get my inner balance back and hopefully some of these people will forget I exist and leave my ask box alone. I blocked all of them, so it should be okay.
But right now I'm quite angry and I need to cool down for a while. Don't worry, I won't be too long. In the mean time I will just keep on answering asks and posting fandom things.
When things have cooled down a little, I will resume posting the OP's posts. Sorry that you might have to wait for a few days. Won't be too long. I promise.
Now let's get back to fandom business. :) I can't wait for the cast to start posting their bts shenanigans again. I'm so ready for some new content. Also, that Ryan podcast that is coming up? I'm very curious what that is going to be about. Does anyone know when that podcast is supposed to drop?
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katzkinder · 2 months
Okay so the dichotomy between your Sakuya Cherry Bomb idea and Yarra's Kuro vtuber is hilarious to me because like.
Sakuya: Fans only know him as Cherry Bomb and don't know anything about him outside of his music.
Kuro: Vtuber Lore is literally just his life but it should be fine because people dont know vampires are real.
Anyway one of the reasons for the difference is I headcanon Sakuya as being a 90s kid! as in, he died in the 90s--
This, naturally, makes him a lot more wary about the info he puts out there on the internet, but it also means his internet experience was molded by Ye Olden Days when creators were a lot less available to their fanbases and interacted with them very little, if at all.
He doesn't even have a fanart hub, and his icon is just a random street in tokyo he thought looked nice.
His classmates REALLY do not get why Sakuya is so paranoid, so Sakuya shows them how easy it would be for a super dedicated person to figure out exactly where Mahiru’s apartment is using his cooking tutorial videos (uploaded under the channel name "Sunny Mama" courtesy of Kuro) and basic realtor research
Things like Mahiru apologizing for any construction noise and using the time stamp to figure out which apartment complexes had construction in their vicinity during that time, floor plans, how even his living situation and the model of his appliances can all be used to narrow down the area he lives in.
“He lives with his uncle and the camera man, which means at least two rooms. We can see the stove top and the front of the oven, so I take a screenshot of that and… Ah, this is the brand. Now I research the model. Okay, I have two components. He mentions that he walks to school, so that’s a two bedroom apartment in Tokyo within walking distance of a high school with good quality appliances, which means I can rule out a lot of run down complexes. This grocery bag was in frame during this video, and a high school kid Mahiru’s age wouldn’t have a license, so now I add that name of the store to my list of things I know are around the complex because when you go grocery shopping, you don’t want to carry the bags a long distance home…”
The faces of his friends are full of horror.
"And that’s not even getting into the drinking with uncle segment that happens in their living room, with full view of the balcony because Mahiru hates the place getting musty so he leaves the curtains open a lot. Knowing what buildings are viewable from there can also tell someone where a place is, especially if you’re thorough enough to consider the angle you’re seeing everything at.” Sakuya glances up and closes his laptop. “So, yeah.”
Mahiru makes a Noise, fretting, "Wait, so what do I do now??"
Sakuya feels a little bad for scaring his friend, but it's for his own good! “Keep your curtains closed, make sure the screws in your door frame are the really long kind to prevent someone from just kicking the door off its hinges, don’t get electronic locks because it’s stupid easy to trick those into unlocking, and just… Be more careful? Wear a mask from now on and go back and edit footage to remove your face from the visible shot. Try and keep things focused on your hands instead, maybe…”
"Should I get rid of the drinking with uncle part? Since that always focuses on Uncle Tooru's reactions..."
"He’s a grown up and an old man. Nobody’s going to be interested in pulling him into a windowless white van unless it’s those creep show friends of his…”
"Wh--Why would anyone be interested in pulling me into a windowless white van?!"
"Sex trafficking."
"Or stealing your organs."
“Or even just some obsessive pervert who’s built up some kind of fantasy in their head that you’re fated for one another but you just don’t realize it yet.”
As you can tell. Yeah. Sakuya really internalized those 90s internet safety psas. He's also well acquainted with the idea of a very dedicated stalker for. Reasons.
Tsubaki voice: that boy just isn't right...
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m-jelly · 11 months
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I know people don't like this genre too much, but I am a huge Batman fan and I want to place Levi in that type of world. So, here is a snippet into that world. No tagging either as I know this isn't well liked.
Heavy wings
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, inspired by Gotham, hero Levi, fluff, romance, falling in love, caring reader, flirtatious Levi.
Moving to Paradis City was a big deal for you, you were very aware of the dangers but also the good. You keep meeting the masked hero of the city and help him along the way, while also falling madly in love with each other. A few moments of the two of you together.
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It was a normal rainy day in the city, but there were fires across the city tonight due to an uprising. The soft hum of your TV was behind you as you gazed longingly out your double doors. The reporter talked about a great battle between the city's wonderful knight and the chaotic villain burning things.
"Our wonderful golden knight, protector of Paradis city and the beacon of hope known as Legion has saved the city again!"
It was wonderful news that the hero made it, but you couldn't help but be concerned. There was a lot of carnage and he was bound to be hurt. The villain had pushed Legion close to his limits. Sometimes you wondered if the man under the mask was tired of this all.
A little flash of movement piqued your interest. You pushed open your slide doors and moved onto your balcony. The rain was cold against your skin but the air smelt like ash. Your eyes scanned the skies to see their movement wasn't smooth.
You gasped and began waving. Instinct took over and you wanted to help. You knew very well getting yourself involved with the city's hero would mean danger, but you wanted to help him. You dodged to the side as he flew over and dropped onto your balcony, rolled and slammed against the glass door.
Levi winced a little and rolled onto his back. "Tch, shit." He looked up at you. "Now I'm embarrassed."
You knelt at his side. "I have some medical things in my home to help you."
He looked at you. "I wish my landing was better so I could have impressed you."
You put his arm over your shoulders and helped him to stand. "You don't need to impress me."
He grunted and limped with you into your home. "Already a fan, huh?"
You hummed a laugh. "You're a flirt."
He winced. "I've never flirted like this before. You're just...very pretty." He gulped hard and admired you. "I enjoy your streams. The bunny theme is adorable."
You gasped a little. "You watch my stuff?"
"I do."
Your cheeks burned as you led him to your bathroom. "Thank you." You sat him in your shower and sighed. "Okay, let's see how we can do this."
He eyed you. "I have medical things on me. You can use them. They'll heal me fast."
You reached for his belt. "Okay."
You pulled his medical pack off him. "Why? You gonna bite?"
He hummed. "I might." He fumbled with his armour. "Mind helping me take this shit off? Leave the mask, of course, I like the mystery."
The armour Levi wore was impressive. It was a full a full-body thing that moved and breathed with his body. The interlocking joints connected together causing the plates of armour to move with his body, so he could remain agile. The material was carbon fibre with titanium armour plating. It went up his neck and protected him there which then linked with the mask that covered his eyes and hid his identity. There was just the right amount on his mask to hide who he was but to show how handsome he was.
The two of you worked together to remove as much of his armour as was needed so he was topless but still had his mask and armoured trousers. It was hard to focus on cleaning him up because he was watching you very closely.
You flinched at his cry of pain. "A-Ah! Sorry!"
He hummed a laugh. "I'm joking. There's nothing wrong with me."
You huffed. "Legion."
He pointed at a bottle. "Use that to extract the bullet and then the blue injector to heal me."
You nodded and did exactly as he asked of you. You powered through when he let out a strangled yelp as if he was trying not to seem weak in front of you. You smiled when you were done. "Do you want to take a shower?"
"You trying to get me naked and see me without my mask?"
You stood up and smiled. "Maybe I am. I'm curious about the man behind the mask. Does his confidence match what's in his boxers?"
He ruffled his hair and smiled a little. "Tch, shit brat you've got me all flustered now."
You pointed to a towel. "Use this." You waved to him. "Take your time."
"I appreciate the help." He cleaned up quickly with you on the brain. Once he was dry he replaced his armour and approached you now in fresh clothes. He called your name. "Thank you."
You looked up at him. "I'm just glad you're okay."
He got down on one knee in front of you. "Now, you can tell me to fuck off, but I want to see you again."
You gripped your trousers. "I would like that, but..."
"You think I'm just using you." He tilted his head. "Fooling around?"
You hummed. "I worry."
He reached up and pulled his mask off its attachments. He sighed and then looked up at you. "I have admired you on your streams for a while. I hope in time you come to like me as much as I've liked you from afar." He groaned. "Tch, look at me. I can't believe I'm all flustered like this. I hope I don't make you uncomfortable liking you like I do."
You reached over and caressed his cheek. "Levi Ackerman."
You pulled back a bit. "Why trust me? Why reveal who you are so soon?"
He hummed. "Well, you welcomed me into your home while I was hurt, didn't you? You also healed me up when you could have handed me over. You looked after me and flirted with me." He took your hands in his gloved ones. "Besides, I've been a big fan of your work." He kissed your fingers. "I'm a big admirer of you, but you know my alter ego name, Levi."
You felt your cheeks burn. "I have seen large donations to my streams with your name. You've been a viewer for a few weeks."
"I'll take care of you" he softly said your name. "I promise."
You picked up his mask and locked it back into place. "I believe you." You leaned closer and kissed him. "Please, be careful."
He smiled a little. "I'll be extra careful now thanks to that little good luck charm."
You escorted him to the balcony and watched him adjust the cape he used to glide around the city. "Le...I mean, Legion."
He turned and looked down at you. "Yes?"
You reached over and gripped his upper arm. "Don't push yourself too hard, okay? I would like a date with you."
He placed his hand on your lower back and yanked you against him. "Don't worry, my priority now is you." He leaned closer and kissed you. "For luck and strength. I'll see you very soon."
"You going to nail the landing next time?"
He walked onto your balcony and pulled out his grapple hook. "Of course, I have to impress the woman I have a massive crush on and like."
You giggled. "Well, I think you flying away gracefully might make me forget about the bad landing."
"I'll do my best."
You watched him fly up with the grapple, release himself and glide off. "Mm, perfect."
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rorywritesjunk · 5 months
There's no race, no ending in sight
r rating. title comes from "two of us on the run" by lucius
(two maybe three more parts? it's time for some fun okay, sunny deserves it. she's so burnt out now she doesn't care. there's gotta be some fluff and i think this got long i'm so sorry. matchmaker alvida and mihawk. it had to happen.)
Taglist: @hey-august @thoraeth
pt 1 + pt 2 + p3 + p4 + pt 5 + p6 + pt 7 +Pt 8 + Pt 9 + Pt 10 + Pt 11 + Pt 12 + Pt 13 + Pt 14 + Pt 15 + pt 16 + Pt 17 (End)
Pt 12
"You have a date?" Sunny repeated as she walked along with Alvida to Buggy's tent. "Here?"
"I do, she's from a nearby island." Alvida told her, arms linked with Sunny as she patted her on the arm. "I thought you'd like a distraction so I need your help picking an outfit."
"Oh, well, I'm not really good at that, I think that's more Buggy's thing." Sunny said as she followed along. "But um, I'm happy to help."
"Honey, you'll do fine." Alvida assured her as she led her to her room. "I'd like to practice my makeup on you, if that's alright. It makes it easier to see what I need to do."
"Um, sure?" Sunny just went along with it, not really understanding what Alvida wanted to do. She didn't like wearing makeup, her husband preferred it and often brought someone in to get Sunny ready when they had parties and he wanted to show her off. She appreciated Alvida asking for her help, however, as it was nice to do something different.
Alvida had her sit down on her bed before she went to pull out a few outfit choices. Admittedly, Sunny felt she didn't know Alvida that well, but when she saw the outfit choices coming out of the closet, floral dresses of different styles and patterns, she wondered what this girl was like if Alvida was wanting to change her style.
"Can you try this on for me?" Alvida asked as she held one up. "I'm not sure if it would look good on me."
Sunny took the dress and held it up with a frown. "It's not really your size, Alvida. It would be too big on you, but if you'd like, if you put it on I can see where the adjustments need to be made."
"No, no, I want to see if on you first." She insisted, directing Sunny to the privacy screen nearby to change. The blonde frowned at the captain but did as she was requested, wondering why Alvida preferred to see it on her than on herself. Sunny took a few minutes to remove her own clothes, her favorite overalls always on with a fitted crop top underneath. She had been working out in the garden again and found the overalls had the right amount of pockets.
When she was finally done, she stepped out, looking a little sheepish as she finished buttoning up the front of it. "I think it looks okay, but really, it would be better to see it on you."
Alvida looked her over, gesturing for her to spin around a few times before nodding in approval. "That one is perfect."
"Yea? Okay, I'll take it off-"
"No, no, keep it on." She insisted as she pulled Sunny over to her makeup vanity and making her sit down. "I need to figure out the makup first."
"We look completely different, I don't think it's going to look good on me, Alvida." Sunny said as she watched her pull out various shades of lipstick, blush, and eye shadow. "I don't know..."
"Come on, just a little?" Alvida asked as she picked out the lipstick first. "Pucker up, sweetheart."
Sunny sighed softly and let her play around with her face, trying out different colors and shades of makeup before deciding on a look. Alvida gave her a thumbs up before holding a small mirror out for her to look at herself. Sunny took it, frowning when she saw her reflection.
"Maybe? I still think it would be better on you." Sunny said as she reached for a tissue to start wiping it off, but Alvida stopped her.
"Let me play with your hair next."
"My hair?" Sunny frowned. "What's going on, Alvida? Why aren't you doing this to yourself?"
"I like having a model and Cabaji wasn't available." Alvida told her as Sunny took her pigtails out. Alvida grabbed her hairbrush, running it over her hair carefully to smooth it out. Sunny sighed and let her, making a face the entire time. At least Alvida was gentle, previous people weren't as kind, often pulling Sunny's hair to put it up just the right way or applying the makeup so heavily it irritated her skin. She barely noticed the makeup on her face and she couldn't help but pick up the small mirror again to look at herself.
"I just need to take this off before heading home." Sunny said. "I don't mind it, though. You did a good job. I can't wait to see it on yourself."
"Mmm, of course." The pirate captain agreed as she gave Sunny a look for. "Now, for hair styles..."
"Maybe a crown braid?" Sunny suggested, looking up at her. "I think it would look beautiful in your hair, and if you're going to go with this floral dress we could even stick some flowers in it."
"Flowers? That's perfect!"
"Yes! I'll have Mohji get some when we're done in here." Alvida made quick work of Sunny's hair, gently twisting it into a braid around her head before securing it. She gently tugged a few wisps at her forehead, not wanting the style to look too formal. It needed to be comfortable and casual. "So, what do you think?"
"I think it looks wonderful." Sunny chuckled as she turned her head to look. "Are you able to do this on yourself or do you need help?"
"I'll be fine." Alvida said as she pulled Sunny to her feet. "Now I need you to come see the set up and make sure it's romantic."
"Oh, I'm sure it's fine-"
"No, no, I need another woman's opinion." She insisted as she led Sunny along to the main area of the tent. "If I asked the boys they'd either say it was fine or that I needed more. They're not helpful in the slightest."
"If you're certain..." Sunny frowned and followed along. She wondered how much Alvida liked this woman to need Sunny's help like this. It wasn't really her kind of thing. Whenever there had been parties, it fell to her husband to figure out everything as he wanted it to be perfect. She was just there as decoration. It was nice of Alvida to want her help but it was a little much. "I don't know much about this."
"Nonsense." She said as she stopped in the center ring. There was a little table with two chairs in the middle. Poles were erected around with a string of lights strung across them, providing a soft, gentle light for whoever sat there. A striped table cloth adorned the table while a candle in a bottle sat on top of it, wax dripping down the neck, collecting along it.
Alvida led Sunny over and pulled a chair out for her, beckoning her to sit. It was... weird, were they going to pretend they were on a date? As long as it wasn't Buggy, maybe Crocodile wouldn't be mad if he found out.
"Stay put." The pirate told Sunny before she headed off. "Let me get you a snack."
Sunny didn't know what to say, left alone and hoping Alvida's date didn't show up and get the wrong idea. It was a nice setup, reminding Sunny of a little cafe on the island she had apprenticed at, one she never got to go to before she was married.
Someone cleared their throat and she jumped out of her seat, heart in her throat when she saw Mihawk. She didn't know how to really explain this, but since Buggy wasn't there, it would be okay, right?
"You have twenty minutes." The swordsman told her as he stepped aside to show Buggy standing there. He was wearing the same outfit from the party when they danced. What was going on?
"I'm sorry, there's... a misunderstanding." Sunny said as she moved away from the table. "Alvida asked for my help with her date, and... and I'm sorry, I'll leave."
"No, Alvida tricked you to come here so the two of you can talk." Mihawk explained as Buggy approached her. "This isn't a date, just a small get together, understand?"
"R-Right..." Sunny wasn't sure about this. Buggy looked nervous, glancing back at the swordsman as he left, heading back to the entrance of the tent. She clasped her hands together, unsure what to do, before turning to Buggy. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? For what?" He asked, scratching his cheek as he looked away. "The damn swordsman tricked me. Asked me to show him some fun tricks for training. Should have known it was a lie."
"Dressed like this?" Sunny gestured to his outfit. Buggy crossed his arms and huffed.
"He said to dress up or he wouldn't take me seriously!" Buggy shot back, frowning at her. "What about you? You... you look nice." He paused for a moment, still frowning as he looked her up and down. "Actually, you, uh, look beautiful."
"Oh, um, Alvida asked me to help her get ready for a date... which... I'm realizing now was her way of tricking me to dress like this." Sunny laughed nervously. "I feel ridiculous for falling for it."
"You're not ridiculous." Buggy told her. "You're... very sweet, okay? And I think you look more beautiful in this than Alvida would have anyway!"
"Oh, no, she would look lovely in it." Sunny smiled. "I guess... she planned this since she had several dresses ready."
Buggy took a step forward, looking her over again, before reaching up to fix the top button that had come undone. Sunny let him, breath caught in her throat, casting a nervous look behind him to make sure her husband wouldn't show up.
"Relax, he's busy." He assured her. "Mihawk said some birds got into office and disrupted all the papers in there. Croc's going to be busy taking care of that."
"Oh, well, I should go back and help-"
"But do you want to?"
Sunny hesitated and shook her head. Buggy grinned and clapped his hands together. "Wonderful! We can have our get together then!"
"That's what we're going to call this then?" She asked, smiling a bit. "Because it's not a date, it can't be."
"As Mihawk said, it's a get together." Buggy grinned. "No dating. We have twenty minutes." He wanted to say more, to help Sunny feel more comfortable, when the sound of an accordian caught their attention. One of his men entered the ring, looking nervously at Alvida who stood beside him with her arms crossed as she watched Buggy and Sunny.
"What's going on, Buggy?" Sunny asked.
"Beats me." He shrugged before turning his attention back to her. "Look, do you want to dance? I think that's the best idea right now, y'know, because we missed out on several songs back at that party."
Sunny hesitated but Buggy was already taking her by the hand, placing one on his shoulder, putting his hand on her hip, and taking her hand in his before he started to spin her around. She was caught off guard, stumbling into him before he steadied her. She turned red, letting him take the lead as he spun her around to the music, dipping her, pulling her back up, causing her to laugh.
She was started to relax, smiling at him as the music changed to something faster, more beats, and Buggy kept up with it, holding Sunny closer, squeezing her hand gently.
And she allowed it, even as the music slowed down, looking up at him. It was hard right to not kiss him, he seemed to think the same, because she saw him started to lean down only to stop himself after a moment. He sighed and pulled back but Sunny just gave his hand a squeeze again.
"Thank you."
Buggy shrugged, pulling his hand from her waist but holding onto her hand. "So, uh, you in love with me yet?"
"What?" Sunny asked. He ran his thumb over her knuckles gently, glanced over at her.
"You told me the other day that if we had one more dance you might have fallen in love with me." Buggy said as he started to grin. "Well, we just had several more dances, so I need to know."
"Oh." Sunny felt her face grow hot and she glanced over at Alvida. The pirate just gave her an encouraging thumbs up so Sunny looked back at Buggy. "I... maybe. Slowly, I suppose, but I need you to be patient."
"Patient? Really?" He huffed. Sunny smiled and reached up to put her hand on his face, running her fingers over his stubble. He caught her hand and held it against her face. "Is this okay?"
"It's not kissing." She chuckled. "I think it's okay."
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lorwolf-salt · 11 months
Okay, Coop7011 here, SaltyLoria staff, ignore my first post. Weird vore person here (she for those who don't know), not sure if I should be doing this but I figured it's better that people hear from me instead of talking about me and making things up, plus whatever the frick happened in that thread. Keep in mind all of this (besides the thread issue yesterday) happened months ago. And it started in that thread yesterday because I merely said something along the lines of 'I am not in the official Lorwolf Discord for private reasons, and never will be' and random curseword guy got butthurt about that for some reason, even though it's against the rules to discuss moderator actions. I don't know who he is, but I can only assume it was just a guy who really hates vore. And I suspect a lot of people here also hate vore, and that's fine. I just hope some of you can see past that hate and see the truth of what really happened.
Yes, I was banned from the discord, but not because I 'wanted to show little kids NSFW'. Keep in mind that while I was ON the server, my username was not Wholesome Vore Writer, it was Coop7011, the same as it was on the website. You would only see Wholesome Vore Writer if you DMed me. At the time, I did not have Nitro, so when the staff asked me to remove the link to my Ao3 (that nobody has to click, nobody is forced to read, and has warnings and tags everywhere about the content of the stories) then I'd be changing it for every single discord server I was in. They were also forcing me to change my base username, and not just my nickname on the discord server (which was Coop7011 anyway). I felt this was unreasonable, but changed it for a time so I could conclude some trade deals on the discord server. Then, after some time, I admit that I got salty about the staff of one discord server (LW) forcing me to change so much on an account that I use for so many other things. So I changed it back. Things were fine for awhile (because that's how unnoticeable it is, unless someone snoops through my profile or DMs me) but then eventually I was banned without word. I don't agree with this choice, but I've long since accepted it as a fact that I didn't heed to their requests/went back on it and thus they had their right to get rid of me. I didn't care that much as long as I was able to play on Lorwolf itself. Keep in mind that no word of my writing is on the server or the website, all of this is about my base Discord username (hidden since I set my nickname on server to be my Lorwolf username) and a link to my stories on my discord profile. Personally, I also don't agree with calling my work NSFW, as they are not sexual and I don't write them with sexual intent. They are emotional comfort stories to cope with trauma, where no one is harmed (yes vore is people being swallowed, but they're safe in my work). I won't get into too much detail about this, because frankly, I don't think it should matter what I write about off-website. It's not using Lorwolf characters and it's not being posted directly on Lorwolf anything. This is the most I've ever talked about it in a semi public space about this pet sim game. So there you go, that's what happened. And I am deeply sorry to VNX for what happened to the thread, I purposely didn't take part in discussing back and forth because I knew it would go nowhere and would just result in countless removed posts, but I guess someone else did argue about it.
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fangbangerghoul · 7 months
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Header originally made by @thatsgoodsquishy0
Hello everyone! I am pleased to share a great event we had in our Comrade Coe's Spouses discord server for Valetine's Day!
This server is full of wonderful creatives who all share one thing in common, our love for Starfield. Okay...maybe two and our love for the bisexual single dad space cowboy! We love to support each other in our creative endeavors and to showcase this this post is going to have all the pieces from our Valetine's Day Art Trade!
Each person who signed up was randomly paired with another. We had a channel to fill out a small form of what they preferred, what they were willing to create, and their do's and don'ts in receiving other creations! We allowed about 8 weeks for people to discuss, plan, and create their own masterpieces!
Our server is always open for incoming members and there are only a few things that you need to know before requesting to join.
You must be over 21
You must love or at least appreciate Starfield
And you are joining for a good time, some creative vibes, and with an open mind!
Just tap or click on the link embedded in the server's name above for more information on how to join!
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banner made by @bearlytolerant
Everything you will see below is crafted by a member of our server! There will be links to their Tumblr and ao3 links to check more of their work out!
Please feel free to show their blogs some love and their fics on ao3 as well! You can also check out their other works under the tag The Coemancer Crew. One of the core values of our community is supporting each other's creative pieces and we hope you all would love to participate in doing the same!
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Anton x Sam Astral Haze
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From Death; A Life
You almost died. Sam's grateful you're alive.
“Wait until Constellation hears about this,” you say, accompanied by a shaky laugh. “I wonder if they’ll even believe us.” He shakes his head. “They should, they don’t have to. We were there. We survived. You survived. That’s all that matters in my book.” His realism brings your gaze to the table, though a swirl of gratitude rises in the back of your mouth, coming out in a weak smile. This was nice. Peaceful, but not enough. There was still untouched territory to discuss. You lift your head, eyes soft and sincere. Unsure. “I wouldn’t be here without your help, Sam.” A pink flush spreads across his cheeks as he smiles. Averting his gaze, his pupils dart across the wall, and you notice they focus on nothing in particular. He shuts his eyes, and you suspected he was replaying the evening. You cock your head, curious. If you could pry open the contents of Sam Coe’s brain, you would, and you would soak up everything about that man, a fact you hadn’t truly believed until tonight.
Crimson Slut
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Paint It Crimson
Delgado is tired of Ghoul not resting so he takes matters into his own hands. His attempt means trying to teach her a new hobby.
She chuckles and he chooses not to engage any longer. He’s been toyed with enough. Even if that’s what they do. Argue and bicker. Pull their claws and bare their fangs until eventually he walks away with enough of his pride beaten down, dragging his ego behind him a little broken and worse for wear. It happens often enough that he can’t say he always comes out the winner. But he is weary of the game today. He wants to be nice. Try to be nice. He is determined to be nice. Another step and he reaches around her head and tugs at the blindfold. The knot unravels. Unfurls. He removes it in one smooth motion, tossing it to the floor. Then he thumbs her chin, tilting her head up to get a good glimpse of her. He gazes into her citrine eyes. The warm glow from his hanging lamp, hovering over the tall snake tongued leaves of the sansevieria in the corner of the room, reflects off her irises and they glimmer and shine just like a gemstone. Thoughts waxing poetic, he blinks them away before he speaks them aloud. “I wanted to surprise you.” He releases her chin.
So coy
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Twisted Towards the Light
Seren and Sam run into a little bit more excitement than they expected when taking down Tawny Adams...
Sam leaned against the wall. "We having fun yet?" He was breathing a little harder than usual; she gave him a quick once-over, but his suit seemed intact. He caught her look and gave her the grin she'd come to love. "I know you like what you see," he purred, "but maybe look a little less like you want to rip my suit right off until we're done? Mercs might get the wrong idea." Seren couldn't help but laugh. "Arse," she growled. "And a fine one," he agreed. "Though yours," he eyed her up and down, "might be even finer. Pity that your suit hides it, or we could do a real close comparison. Hands-on, even." "Focus, Sam," she reminded him, hitting the 'cycle' button. "Bad guys that way." "I am focused," he said, sounding innocent as the day was long. (In the case of this misbegotten little moon, that was only 4.5 UT hours, so… not all that innocent.) "I'm just a busy man. I have to work in all that quality time of thinking about me and you."
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Can I have early 2000's Edge x Fem reader with prompt 13 along with "I love you simply because you're you" + “I got you" with soft smut and fluff after he sees her scares from a tsunami?
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13: “no, no I’m not ready for it to end yet. Not like this”
Word count: 1678
Warnings: panic attack, fingering
Fic type: fluff and smut
Link to masterlist
Tag: @judgementdaysunshine
Hope this is okay! Haven’t written anything in a while as I’ve had a deadline I desperately needed to focus on but that’s done, I’m finished with uni for a few months now, and I’m going to slowly ease myself back into writing! Sorry if this one is a bit shabby, my brain still needs to kick in first
Edit 29/05: so I’m starting the writing today but I’m gonna do something a little cheeky. I’m going to merge the three requests into one as I feel that’ll make my job easier! Hopefully this makes sense lmao. It’s not a full smut just foreplay btw!
Happy reading 🩷
Arriving home after a long stretch of weeks away was always appreciated. Sure, there were a million and one things to do but you both enjoyed the mundane life after the hectic travelling and living out of a suitcase life. Although you enjoyed being back in your shared space with Adam, you were still fixated on your most recent match with the Right To Censor. Unfortunately it ended with a loss on your end. A particularly rough one too. You were lucky not to walk away with any injuries, but let’s just say that Ivory had left you in a bit of a state. Sporting green and purple bruises, you also had red scratches all over your upper body and lower legs from where she had dug her claws in. The shame of both losing and wearing that loss had really brought your confidence down.
Adam had repeatedly tried to get you to tell him what was wrong so he could help but to no avail. Getting the words out of you was like pulling teeth. It wasn’t until you both got into the bathroom, intending to share a relaxing bath together that he was finally able to get through to you.
“Don’t look a second…” you said, waiting for him to turn around while you slowly began to lift your shirt. Adam raised his eyebrow and sighed, walking over to you instead.
“Baby, I’ve seen you naked so many times, you know I don’t care about bruising, stretch marks, or whatever. It’s natural!” He cooed, gently running his hand over your soft hair. Still, you recoiled your hands to cover your face.
“No, don't hide away from me. Let me see your face!" He chuckled, slipping fingers under your palms to pull them back down, “I love you simply because you're you. Here. Let me show you.”
He leant in to plant a soft kiss on your lips, his mouth warm and wet as it made contact. It wasn’t long before you melted fully into it. Slowly removing your clothes for you, he dropped them on the cool floor beside you as he worked on removing your bra. Once that was gone and flung out of the way, he moved his lips to your soft breasts allowing his tongue to circle over your perked up nipples. You gasped in pleasure feeling his hot breath tickle the skin. But before he could get even further with enjoying his time there, the phone in the bedroom rang. The shrill tone made you both jump out of your skin. Grumbling, he planted a quick kiss on the valley between your breasts before walking over to answer the phone. Although you couldn’t hear him, you quickly figured out it was his best friend, Jay. You gleaned this information by the smirk and rolling eyes as soon as he started speaking on the other end.
“What do you mean we have to leave, what are you talking about?”
That sentence piqued your interest. Jay was suggesting that they left? Why?
“Are you sure? But that doesn’t…really happen here man.” It seemed that Adam was, well, adamant that Jay was ribbing him about something. But his raised eyebrows and smirk disappeared when he got his response.
“Shit, okay. Okay. Thank you for letting me know, I really appreciate it…no we’ll be okay, thank you for the offer though. I think there’s a hotel that’s not too far away we can go to…thankfully my mom is looking after her so it’ll be okay. Even if she was here, they accept dogs.”
You wondered what on Earth they were talking about until they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.
“Okay I know we just got back, but get dressed, pack the important stuff. We have to go now.”
“Why, what’s going on?”
“I’ll explain in the car, please just trust me.”
So you did as you were told, spending the next 15 minutes preparing for something unknown. When in the car, Adam explained that there were concerns of a possible tsunami in the area. It wasn’t easy to predict nor was it that frequent where you both lived but apparently there was a high probability of one occurring nearby. It wasn’t like you guys lived that close to the coastline, but you were close enough that you would be affected by it. You felt a shock of anxiety and panic overcome your body as Adam drove you both to a hotel further inland in hopes of getting a room until it was safe to return home. You were never that great with dealing with natural disasters like that. Being an over-thinker did have its quirks: you would typically be exceptionally prepared for any situation no matter how unlikely, but you also had to deal with the terrible voice in your head that told you all about the horrible things that could go wrong.
“No, no I’m not ready for it to end yet. Not like this.” You mumbled to yourself with eyes squeezed shut, gripping the soft fabric of your trousers. Even if it was to be a minor tsunami, it still rocked you the wrong way regardless. Trying his best to calm you, Adam reached over with his spare hand to gently squeeze your thigh. It was a small gesture but it still meant the world to you. Even if you couldn’t reciprocate or assure him you were fine.
Finally after an unusually long car ride, you reached the hotel and got yourselves a room for three nights. It seemed lots of other people who live in your area had the same idea as the line for booking a room almost led out the door.
“Thank god they had a room available!” Adam sighed, dropping the bags you both had packed on the carpeted floor and plopping himself down in the bed.
“Weren’t we going to share a bath?” You asked, voice higher than usual. The anxiety was still raging inside of your chest but you hoped that by keeping the topic away from current events it would help you return to your regular calm state. Adam simply smiled at you with a sympathetic gleam in his eye.
“Will it help you calm down?” He questioned, pushing himself back up to walk over to you. Nodding quickly you took his hand to pull him into the bathroom as he chuckled. Any and all distractions would be sufficient for you at this point.
For a hotel that didn’t cost an arm and a leg to book, the bathroom was surprisingly fancy! There was a deep bath tucked up against the wall along with a large standing shower next to it. You were used to being in cheaper hotels that either had a combination bath and shower, or just a shower. So this was a nice change! The rest of the room had lovely decorations that were in good taste too. Adam had begun to fill the bath with warm water, shedding his clothes to throw in a forgotten corner. Stepping behind you, he planted slow and gentle kisses to the back of your head, neck, and shoulders as he removed your hastily thrown-on attire. The moist softness of his pink lips sent shivers down your body as he kissed down the middle of your back.
“The bath’s taking a while to fill…” you remarked, “maybe we could…have some fun. While we wait?”
Shuffling around, he now stood in front of you with cheeks flushed red and a cheeky grin plastered on his face. He wasted no time in continuing his actions from earlier before a certain someone decided to interrupt the pair of you. Except this time he went straight for that area that you so desperately needed him. Feeling his open mouth hook onto your nipple almost sent you over the edge right there and then. His hands caressed your body, gripping your thighs and pulling one of your legs up to lean against his hip.
“Let me give you a little idea of what I’m going to do to you later.” He whispered, his lips just barely ghosting over your ear. You felt his hand slide between your legs, gasping as he began to rub small circles over your clit. He didn’t rub for too long as he was focused on giving you exactly what you needed. So it didn’t take long before his long, warm fingers slipped inside the wetness of your cunt. That simple feeling of being stretched caused you to moan loudly, gripping his arms tight as he moved his lips to your exposed neck, kissing and nibbling at the sensitive skin. The room began to warm up and not just because of the hot water. The excitement of getting the pleasure from your boyfriend made it difficult to focus on anything. Hell, you even forgot why you were in the hotel in the first place!
“I got you, baby.” He groaned, feeling you tighten around his pumping fingers. Whines fell from your mouth with the faster he fingered you. In all honesty, you wanted his cock more but with how long his fingers were, it calmed the desperation for him. At least for now. But just as you felt your stomach thing itself in knots over the pleasure, he pulled his fingers out.
“You’re such a dick…” you mumbled, annoyed and horny for him. He let out a soft giggle as he maintained eye contact, bringing his fingers to his mouth to lick off your desperation, taking his sweet time. He always knew how to tease you and keep you yearning for more. By now the bath was filled and at the right temperature so you both got yourselves ready to relax together. The heat of the water made your skin sting as it made contact but it was just perfect enough that you almost completely forgot about the anxiety you experienced that day. Sure, you knew it would come back afterwards but as long as you had Adam on your side, you knew you’d be okay.
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vitanithepure · 1 year
Gale and Mystra
Ok, first thing I wanna talk about, what absolutely lives rent-free in my mind since I finished my first run is how much I love the companion's personal stories. I will for sure make an Origin run with most of them. I want to know every last detail about those pixel people.
With no surprise on nobody's part - I want to talk about Gale first. I believe I once said my OC Vitani and I share exactly one brain cell and it is consumed with thoughts about that wizard.
He did get a bit of a lift up when it comes to the story we knew from EA and it turned out absolutely fabulous. I won't be focusing on our relationship with the man as much as his with Mystra, the goddess of magic. This would be far too long otherwise, there is just too much to say.
Regardless, this will also be a long one, and full of spoilers for his story, so be warned. Placing it all under the cut.
First, some facts. It turns out, from my understanding, that Gale was not after Mystra's godhood, quite contrary to his bio on the website (which I find…weird) but rather tried to ascend by himself. He was impatient; he wanted more, and he wanted it now - and Mystra was not willing to grant his wishes. It goes without saying he was in the wrong, no explanation needed.
So, to convince Mystra to share even more with him, he decided to "screw flowers" and tried to get her what turned out to be that cursed Netherese orb. At least, that is what he thought. We know that this went horribly wrong and Gale was not only stuck with magic he can barely control, but severed from means to stop it - as Mystra, understandably, abandoned him.
Which is also to say how little she actually cares about other mortals, leaving a ticking bomb to run free in the Realms. We could assume that, in her "infinite wisdom" she trusted Gale to do the right thing and just go on and die somewhere remote, like he planned to if he ever started to lose control of the orb. Not really sure what lesson is there to give through such a punishment, that is for Mystra to answer, I don't get it :)
This is when we meet Gale, humbled, but not giving up. I don't want to repeat myself too much as I did a breakdown of his EA content a while back [link here] and not much changed in that regard, his slight rewrite didn't change my opinion on how and why he does and says to us.
So, moving on:
The juicy part truly begins when Elminster shows up and drops the bomb (heh…) about what Mystra expects of Gale… I instantly went with "ok, yeah, here it is, my heartbreak I've been waiting for". And from that point, he seems so…resigned. I can't imagine what a person in his position goes through? Not sure I want to. Can you imagine that? Someone you genuinely looked up to, perhaps even loved, in the past, someone holding infinite power over magic in this world, hell, someone holding power over you asks you to forfeit your life to deserve forgiveness? Damn, D&D gods are stone cold.
Like, I get it, and I try not to excuse Gale. He did a terrible thing, a horrible breach of trust and who knows what kind of person it would make him if he succeeded. As it is, though, it shows such an awful imbalance in power. Mystra was never in any real danger, she proves this by being able to control the orb, decides that this - already humbled and regretful - man has to die to make it okay with her? 
Even though she clearly sees he learned his lesson? And she could remove the orb at literally any time? Because that is what she presents him with if he refuses to just lie down and die for her. She will remove the orb if he brings her Karsus's Crown, along with the netherstones - the thing the Elder Brain possesses.
I don't know what happens if we go along Gale's plan to control the crown himself, possibly nothing good (I am about to find out, I so desperately want to see his whole arc, from every perspective), so here I want to finish off with how it ended for me on my first run - with a complete redemption, both in his and Mystra's eyes. 
Gale recognized his folly and, in hindsight, agreed he had everything a mortal man could ever possess and lost it to his arrogance and ambition. But also him realizing "no love was lost between them" makes me simply happy, he is healed at this point.
From what I gathered, he finishes his story by becoming the Chosen of Mystra once again. Still curious, because how could he not be with his love for magic, but knowing his limits. No longer known as Gale of Waterdeep, but Gale Dekarios, your neighborhood nerdy wizard with a good tale to spin over some wine in the Yawning Portal.
And seriously, fuck the D&D gods with their mortal flaws.
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part 10 to the omegaverse au, part 9 in the reblog by @winterspiderpurrs
link to work on AO3
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Only a few hours after Peter and Stephen came up with a plan, the family gathers to carry it out. All four of them are heading to talk to Tony before he is taken to jail. They have to convince Tony to consent to testing.
Ben and Harley are obvious apprehensive about seeing their father, but they know it has to be done. They still love him, although that love is breaking their hearts now.
Stephen and a nurse help Peter into a wheelchair, then cover him comfortably with a blanket. Ben wants to push the chair, and Harley holds Peter’s hand as they walk.
The securiy ward is below ground level, and as they get off the elevator, they notice right away the lack of walls. Security guards are evenly spread out everywhere, their eyes keen, bodies erect and ready for action in a split second.
A nurse shows them to the right room. Peter also notices another difference down here, besides the obvious prison look of the whole ward. All the staff members are Alphas.
“Here we are. Now, a few rules before you head inside. Do not touch or remove any restraints, no matter what the patient says. The restraints are there for everyone’s safety, including the patient’s. Do not hand them anything under any circumstances. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to call for a member of staff. It is better to call once too many than for someone to get hurt. All right? Any questions?”
The family are a little stunned, so Stephen speaks for them and thanks the nurse. Then, he opens the door.
“The door will remain open. I will stand in the doorway and the guard is right outside. You can head in now. You can touch him too.”
Ben wheels Peter slowly inside. Everyone is wide eyed and quiet.
Tony is on a hospital bed, but compared to Peter’s one upstairs, it is a large and sterdy one. Tony’s hands and ankles have tight leather restraints, and on his head, he has a muzzle. A few monitors on his body show slightly elevated vitals, but his eyes are closed where he is resting on the pillow.
Ben wheels Peter closer, and now the Omega can see the bruises and cuts on his hands. It is hard for Peter to believe that Tony would attack their family friend Stephen like he did. But, it is true. A true nightmare.
Tony’s eyes flutter open. He inhales deeply through his nose. The scents of his family members must have awaken him. His red eyes flicker around the room, then settle on Peter. His chest heaves a few times, and the heart monitor picks up.
“Yes, I’m here, Alpha.” Peter says, leaning a little forward to take one of Tony’s hands. “I’m okay, I’m okay.”
“I thought…”
“I know. You must have been scared.”
Tony looks at his sons. His eyes soften a little, but it is hard to see his smile behind the muzzle.
“Hi, boys.” His voice is soft.
“Hi, Papa.”
“Hey. You, you okay?”
“They keep giving me something that makes my head hazy.” Tony says, sighing a little. “It- it’s a little hard to think, but… I feel, calm, yeah.”
“Tony… We need to talk.” Peter says more seriously now.
Tony looks up at the ceiling.
“I-I don’t know what’s happened. It’s- it’s like there’s someone else inside me. And- it all goes black.”
“I know.”
“I think- I need help.” Tony says, his voice detached and flat. Ben and Harley look away, unable to see their father like this. Peter has his eyes fixed on his Alpha.
“We’ll get you help.” Peter says, holding back tears. “Stephen’s here, I’m here, the boys are here. Pepper’s calling- well, everyone it seems.”
“Okay, good.” Tony sighs tiredly. “I’m glad.”
It seems convincing Tony to get help was easier than it first seemed. Agreeing to do it is one thing, but to actually following through on that is another.
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the-silly-urge · 11 months
Hag-Eyed and Volo's Ersatz Eye cosmetics
Okay making this post because I haven't seen anyone do it and I've wanted it to be a thing so many times I might as well do it myself! This will include images of the cosmetics on all viable companions as well as player races with unique eyes.
Volo's Ersatz Eye:
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Player races (Dragonborn, Githyanki, Tiefling) Volo cares not for the color of your sclera.
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Origin Characters Karlach's has the slit pupil! As does Lae'zel's!
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Player races (Dragonborn, Githyanki, Tiefling) The eye didn't show up in Magic Mirror for my Tiefling so this is a dialog screenshot- sorry
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Origin Characters
Wyll isn't included due to not having a good eye to spare and as such being barred from both eye replacements. Minthara, Halsin, and Jaheira will refuse to obtain Volo's eye, and I'm not sure it's possible to get any of them to the Hag. Minthara maybe... But I don't have a file in which I could test it.
Additional context below + how to obtain both eyes if you need it. -(Will contain a GIF)
Volo's Ersatz Eye: You will first find Volo in the Emerald Grove, and if you talk to him, he will explain that he's going to visit the Goblin Camp. When you find him there, interact with him, and then rescue him. He'll eventually be at your camp, and you can talk to him about your affliction and he'll say he can fix it. Once you've had a Long Rest, talk to him again and he'll propose to do surgery on you. From what I understand, the scene is very graphic both visually and in narration, and is also pretty long. If you have issues with eye trauma like I do, I recommend covering your screen with a sheet or enlisting a more confident friend to tell you when it's done... (You do need to pick dialog options though) Anyways, once you've had that impromptu surgery, Volo will offer to replace your eye with a relic as payback. This eye gives you a permanent See Invisibility condition, as well as the cosmetic change, which makes it a net positive. Though I believe companions do disapprove of the surgery.
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Little bit of a closer look at the Ersatz eye on a Dragonborn... It doesn't glow and it's not animated, but doesn't have a visible sclera. You can get this effect normally by selecting "human" eye colors. It doesn't really match with classic DB eyes though. EDIT - The Ersatz Eye seems to always have a slightly green-tinted sclera when the sclera is visible. You can only really tell up close, but it's worth noting I guess.
Hag's Eye: The Hag's Eye can be obtained in the Sunlit Wetlands after talking to Auntie Ethel in the Emerald Grove. Just go to the quest marker there. Going through with this will give you the Hag-Eyed tag and the "Paid the Price" condition. Unlike with Volo's Ersatz Eye, you get to pick which of your eyes is replaced. The condition will give you a +1 to Intimidation, Disadvantage on perception checks, and Disadvantage on attacks against Hags. In Early Access, it made it impossible to land Critical Hits, but as far as I can tell this is no longer a thing! (Also fun fact- After giving the Hag their eye, all the companions have custom overworld dialog. I'll leave you to look at that yourself though!)
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For Dragonborns, the eye has a very visible black sclera, and is unanimated, as you can see here. It's up to you whether you think that matches well with classic DB eyes or not.
If you want the effects but not the cosmetics, there are mods on Nexus which remove the visual component in both cases. I may add links to those mods down here later, but Nexus is down right now so it'll have to wait.
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jkftkth · 2 months
say that 🙂‍↕️ people are being vile right now and you can tell it doesn't come from a place of "activism." i've seen people spreading the photo of him censoring his iphone as proof of him censoring brands and im like...are yall dumb? he censored his phone because he was in a contract with samsung and apple is their competitor. and people are also saying that he was paid to do so??? that the post feels random?? like first of all tae is notorious for posting random shit (and i love him for it) like if anything this is completely on brand for him or do yall just not pay attention to him? also, i could be wrong because im not korean, but ive seen several sources talk about how you can't accept brand deals will enlisted because you can't really earn money while serving? which makes sense to me so i wanna know why these people think he's being paid off by mcds. these people are blatantly lying at this point and that's how you know the plot is lost. if you have to make up shit or twist the narrative to get your point across then maybe you need to reevaluate why you're making this point. people can be disappointed all they want but what's not okay is being 10x harsher to him than any other member when they aren't necessarily "innocent" either.
i think it's also unfair to assume he knows everything regarding the boycott to begin with. the mcds boycott specifically didn't really start picking up until the end of last year and he enlisted in early december, and before that he probably was focused on spending time with friends and family. most people i know don't know anything about this, so yes it's possible. and why would he even post it in the first place if he knew it was controversial?
like sorry if this sounds rude but people saying that this is him taking a stance are not being very smart like this whole thing is so nuanced and not black and white at all. people are now just creating the worst scenarios possible and for what? why do you have that opinion of him? i'm just so tired
i think there is a lot of rightful anger in general but right now it’s being misplaced. this isn’t me “tone policing” anyone because it doesn’t matter who you are, if you’re “expressing yourself” through a bunch of lies and misinfo that get mass spread around as the truth you’re going to need to take responsibility for that.
was i disappointed seeing that pic in his post? definitely. did i assume it was him finally speaking up about the genocide? that would be an insane reach. imagine submitting that as evidence to a legal case, it’d be dropped within seconds because there is little to no basis.
i’ve been feeling helpless since last year.
when the usher remix came out, when joon posted on his ig a pic with cola in the shot, when the screening of d day didn’t get cancelled, when hobi’s album was released with a zio on one of the tracks, when the travel show was announced on disney, when it became obvious weverse was censoring pro pal posts, when hybe made a statement calling scooter’s stance his personal opinion, when jin went to represent the olympics, when jimin on fallon was announced and the credits of muse were released, the list is incredibly long.
in any of these examples do i blame a member? no. i blame their company. is this removing responsibility from “grown ass men?” by this logic every grown up in the world is in the wrong and needs to be cancelled if they haven’t reached the level of education you need them to have regarding global issues and what to boycott. nearly every industry is complicit all the way up to the top and at some point, it becomes unavoidable being linked or having to interact w zios. not all saying there’s nothing wrong in all those examples, just that these things weren’t surprising to have happened.
and i might sound cynical here, but i don’t think fans are going to be successful in getting bts to speak up the way they need the members to. and i don’t think they’ve reached bts online in the way they think they have for all their effort so far. bts are far removed from the online and offline world right now.
i also think a lot of them would like to believe bts have full freedom of expression, but truth is bts remain one of the biggest global representatives of sk. and whilst they stay at hybe, that’ll stay the case. it’s what hybe has made of them. and it’s what hybe will continue to take advantage of.
besides that, there’s the fact they’re in the military. i know a lot of fans believe the “conscripted” justification for silence is just an excuse being thrown around “because look at exo look at nct” but how about we look at this recent example with tae.
blown out of proportion and it wasn’t even intentional.
you cannot compare any other idol who may have “spoken up” to the public reaction tae just received. they’ll never attract a similar level of response. now add the context of bts’ sensitive relationship with their government, and how they’re basically a political soft power for them, plus what their military’s stance on palestine is and the rules soldiers need to abide by…there’s little to no freedom of self expression here. not for now, and not for when they get out.
fans don’t want to accept this, because to them that’ll mean bts are tied down in more ways than one. well…
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