#Okinawa Prefecture
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Tapic Stadium Nago, Nago, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
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softsoundingsea · 4 months
February 7, 2024 at 14:03 JST
Japan appears to be an exceptional case where the U.S. military has done almost nothing about cancer-causing organic fluorine compounds detected near U.S. military bases.
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) repel water and oil and have been used in various products, such as firefighting foam.
The Okinawa prefectural government has detected levels of PFAS exceeding the temporary standards set by the Environment Ministry in tests conducted near U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, in the prefecture.
Masaru Miyagi, 59, who has farmed for many years in Okinawa, is angered by what he is seeing.
“The land and water on which I grew up has been polluted,” he said. “I have put up with the noise pollution from U.S. military bases as well as the crimes committed by personnel there, but I can no longer control my anger.”
Because Miyagi took pride in his organic farming produce, he is no longer growing anything now that the water has been found to be contaminated.
PFAS contamination first came to light in Okinawa in January 2016 when the Okinawa prefectural government announced the results of its study of rivers and water treatment plants around the U.S. Kadena Air Base.
One finding was that perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), one of the PFAS compounds, was detected in the Chatan water treatment plant that provides water to about 440,000 locals. A maximum 80 nanograms per liter of water were found.
A river near Kadena Air Base had PFOS levels as high as 1,300 nanograms per liter.
Since 2016, the Okinawa prefectural government has made six separate requests at various U.S. military facilities to be allowed to investigate the cause of the contamination.
But the U.S. military has only allowed two on-site inspections because it admitted that accidents had occurred there. One involved 140,000 liters of firefighting foam leaking from the Futenma base in 2020.
Over the past eight years, the Okinawa prefectural government has spent a total of 3.2 billion yen ($21.6 million) to analyze and treat water contaminated with PFAS, of which the Okinawa Defense Bureau subsidized 1 billion yen.
The prefectural government believes at least 8 billion yen will be needed to deal with PFAS contamination over the next decade.
That means water bills in Okinawa will gradually increase by a total of 30 percent from October.
While part of the increase is due to rising consumer prices and to deal with aging water equipment, some of the money will also go toward combatting the PFAS problem.
Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki has asked central government officials to shoulder the burden of managing the PFAS since the central government provides the facilities to the U.S. military from which the contaminant comes.
Masafumi Teruya is secretary-general of a citizens’ group seeking clean water around the Futenma base.
“It is unreasonable to have Okinawa residents pay to handle the PFAS,” he said.
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akaijibrand · 2 years
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Gotta enjoy the summer vibes before we get into autumn... 📍: Cape Manzamo, Okinawa, Japan 📸: (unknown)
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touristinjapan · 4 days
Kabira Bay & Glass Bottom Boats
Kabira Bay is a stunningly beautiful bay and beach area in Ishigaki, Okinawa, worthy of the front page of a travel magazine. The bay and beach is known as one of the most beautiful in all of Okinawa, but also for it’s Glass Bottom Boat Tours which allow visitors to watch corals and fish in the crystal clear water. Hotels in Ishigaki Kabira Bay 1/2 Day Tour The blindingly white sand and the…
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March 2024 Japan trip. My mom and I went to visit my grandma and visit my grandfather's grave. We then went to Okinawa, my birthplace, for some sun.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The imperialists 7 seems not to be so welcomed in Japan,especially by the people of a city that was nuked by the N°1 imperialists,the US
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🤡 Nel mentre, al Vertice del G7 di Tokyo, i peggiori imperialisti, neo-colonialisti e reazionari del Pianeta rilasciano velenose dichiarazioni anti-Cinesi, colme di follia e ipocrisia, come quella sulla cosiddetta "militarizzazione Cinese" del Mar CINESE Meridionale, centinaia di manifestanti Giapponesi, nella Città di Hiroshima, dove gli USA - nel 1945 - lanciarono una bomba atomica, si sono riuniti per protestare e denunciare il bellicismo dei Paesi del Vertice 🔥
🤮 Gli imperialisti USA, i neo-colonialisti Britannici, i fascio-reazionari falsamente "sovranisti" Italiani, i menzogneri Francesi, i nostalgici del Reich Tedeschi, i servi Canadesi anti-Cinesi e i neo-Militaristi Giapponesi si sono riuniti a Tokyo, nel tentativo di fermare l'Ascesa della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, sciorinando dichiarazioni ridicole quali: «Non vi è una base legale per le rivendicazioni marittime della Cina sul Mar CINESE Meridionale, ci opponiamo alle attività di MILITARIZZAZIONE della Cina nella Regione» 😱
🤢 Il picco dell'ipocrisia: gli USA, negli anni, hanno edificato decine e decine di Basi Militari nella Regione, e - negli ultimi mesi - ne hanno aperte quattro nelle Filippine, hanno militarizzato Okinawa costituendo un possibile Teatro di Battaglia con la Cina, hanno lavorato per trasformare il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan in un gigantesco deposito di armi, hanno istituito l'AUKUS e fatto «scendere in campo» l'Australia contro la Cina, hanno tentato di coinvolgere la Repubblica Socialista del Vietnam contro la Cina, hanno venduto armi all'India e fornito Intelligence per azioni anti-Cinesi, ma è la Cina a non aver basi legali per il rafforzamento militare nella Regione? 🤔
🔺Mappa con le Basi Militari USA nel Mar Cinese Meridionale 🗺️
😡 Ciò è inaccettabile! Fuori gli Imperialisti dall'Asia-Pacifico! L'Asia non è una scacchiera per le mire geopolitiche di un impero in decadenza, aiutato dai suoi lacchè vendipatria, ma una terra per lo sviluppo e la cooperazione 😍
🇯🇵 I manifestanti Giapponesi hanno esposto cartelli, e - alcuni di loro - sono stati intervistati da giornalisti Cinesi 🇨🇳
💬 Un manifestante ha dichiarato: «Il Vertice del G7 si tiene per gli interessi dei paesi capitalisti guidati dagli USA. [...] Non è a beneficio dei loro [Paesi G7] cittadini, bensì per gli interessi di un piccolo gruppo. [...] Respingo un tale vertice» 🔥
💬 "Il G7 rappresenta gli interessi dell'imperialismo Occidentale, con gli USA al centro. Spesso propagandano lo Stato di Diritto e il cosiddetto Ordine Internazionale, che credo serva solo gli interessi degli USA", ha dichiarato un altro manifestante 🇯🇵
🇮🇹 Nel frattempo, la Marina Militare della Repubblica Italiana si dirige verso il Mar Cinese Meridionale. Il Governo Italiano, uno dei più genuflessi a USA e NATO, è al primo posto nel circo anti-Cinese dell'Occidente, tanto da aver programmato l'invio della Portaerei Cavour, con un Cacciatorpediniere, una Fregata e una Nave da Rifornimento nel Pacifico per la fine del 2023 / inizio del 2024.
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🤡 Meanwhile, at the Tokyo G7 Summit, the worst imperialists, neo-colonialists and reactionaries on the planet release poisonous anti-Chinese statements, full of madness and hypocrisy, such as the one on the so-called "Chinese militarization" of the South CHINA Sea, while there are hundreds of Japanese demonstrators, in the city of Hiroshima, where the USA - in 1945 - dropped an atomic bomb, gathered to protest and denounce the belligerence of the countries of the Summit 🔥
🤮 The US imperialists, the British neo-colonialists, the falsely "sovereign" Italian Fascist-reactionaries, the French liars, the German Reich-nostalgics, the anti-Chinese Canadian servants and the Japanese neo-militarists gathered in Tokyo, in an attempt to stop the rise of the People's Republic of China by making ridiculous statements such as: «There is no legal basis for China's maritime claims on the South CHINA Sea, we oppose China's MILITARIZATION activities in the Region» 😱
🤢 The peak of hypocrisy: over the years, the USA has built dozens and dozens of Military Bases in the Region, and - in recent months - they have opened four in the Philippines, they have militarized Okinawa constituting a possible Theater of Battle with China, they worked to turn the puppet regime of Taiwan into a gigantic arms depot, set up AUKUS and pitted Australia against China, tried to embroil the Socialist Republic of Vietnam against China, sold arms to India and provided intelligence for anti-Chinese actions, but is it China that has no legal basis for military build-up in the region? 🤔
🔺Map with US Military Bases in the South China Sea 🗺️
😡 This is unacceptable! Out with the Imperialists from Asia-Pacific! Asia is not a chessboard for the geopolitical aims of a decaying empire, aided by its vengeful lackeys, but a land for development and cooperation 😍
🇯🇵 Japanese protesters displayed placards, and - some of them - were interviewed by Chinese journalists 🇨🇳
💬 A protester said: «The G7 Summit is held for the interests of the US-led capitalist countries. [...] It is not for the benefit of their [G7 countries] citizens, but for the interests of a small group. [...] I reject such a summit» 🔥
💬 "The G7 represents the interests of Western imperialism, with the USA at the centre. They often promote the rule of law and the so-called international order, which I believe only serves the interests of the USA," said another protester 🇯🇵
🇮🇹 Meanwhile, the Italian Republic Navy heads towards the South China Sea. The Italian Government, one of the most genuflected to the USA and NATO, is in first place in the anti-Chinese circus of the West, so much so that it has planned to send the Cavour Aircraft Carrier, with a Destroyer, a Frigate and a Supply Ship to the Pacific for the end of 2023 / beginning of 2024.
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🇨🇳
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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kabutone · 6 months
i cant really make this into a poll actually cause theres so many possible answers but i am sooo interested in people and where they are from like ancestrally. but theres no way to ask someone like "where are you from" without sounding racist as hell . but anyway do you know where your ancestors are from and have you been there??? how connected are you to that culture? do you want to learn more?
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myjapan-me · 8 months
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Okinawa Prefectural Museum, Naha
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mobscribbles · 2 years
Makes both Serizawa and Reigen from Okinawa because one of my friends is from there. Seri grew up there while Reigen's parents are from the islands
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laurastudarus · 1 year
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It’s February, so we suspect that love might be on your mind. Maybe you enjoy Valentine’s Day in all its hearts, cards, and candy glory. Or perhaps for you, romance is more of a year-around vibe. Either way, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Japan has you covered. From sacred temples with love-inspired backstories, to otherworldly environments that you’ll have to see to believe, there are plenty of places scattered throughout the country that will leave you swooning. Whether you’re planning a special Valentine’s date with your significant other, or just looking to treat yourself right, read on to learn more about a few of our favorite romantic spots across Japan.  
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toranosukev · 3 months
Teruya Yuken: Heavy Pop
My latest trip to Okinawa happened, by chance, to align with the exhibition “Heavy Pop” at the Okinawa Prefectural Art Museum – the first large-scale solo show of Teruya Yuken’s work to be held in Okinawa. I have been fortunate to see Teruya’s work a number of times now, in smaller galleries in Okinawa, at the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, and elsewhere; seeing so many works all…
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softsoundingsea · 4 months
Uruma residents unconvinced by briefing on new SDF training site
URUMA, Okinawa Prefecture—The Defense Ministry tried to reassure residents here about safety and other issues concerning a planned new Ground Self-Defense Force training site, but the explanation was met largely with skepticism.
The ministry held a briefing session for about 280 residents on Feb. 11 about the project planned in their city. Local neighborhood associations, concerned about noise and accidents, have already demanded that the plan be scrapped.
The GSDF training site, adjacent to a residential area, will be part of the “southwest shift” of Japan’s defense capabilities, with China in mind.
The ministry said it will buy a 20-hectare former golf course in fiscal 2024, conduct a survey design in fiscal 2025, and start construction for the GSDF training site in fiscal 2026.
The acquisition cost was included in the proposed budget for the new fiscal year and communicated to the Uruma city and Okinawa prefectural governments. The budget amount has not been disclosed because negotiations with landowners are pending.
The planned site is designed for helicopter operations and training of new SDF members. They will not be firing live ammunition.
“We will do our best to minimize the impact on the surrounding area,” Defense Minister Minoru Kihara said at a news conference.
During the briefing, ministry officials emphasized that “no U.S. military training is envisioned,” and that helicopters will only fly in time of disaster or emergency.
Some residents raised questions.
One said: “It is strange to give an explanation after the planning decision has been made. Will the residents’ opinions be reflected from now on?”
Another resident criticized the ministry’s explanation as “completely unreliable,” citing the fact that its plan to deploy missile and other units at a GSDF garrison in Yonaguni, Okinawa Prefecture, was decided after the coastal surveillance unit was set up.
The development of the Uruma training site was initiated after three revised security-related documents were issued in December 2022. The documents included a policy to upgrade the Naha-based 15th Brigade, with about 2,000 personnel, to a division with more SDF members.
“In terms of defense strategy, it is highly significant to have a training site near the troops,” a senior ministry official.
However, the planned site is surrounded by residential neighborhoods and a prefectural youth facility, where elementary, junior high, and high school students stay and study.
In January, two local neighborhood associations passed a resolution opposing the construction of the training site, citing concerns about noise and accident risks associated with helicopter drills.
A council consisting of 15 neighborhood associations in the former Ishikawa city also unanimously voted against the project.
A 71-year-old resident who lives nearby said the training site “will destroy our lives.”
“The noise and accidents caused by the U.S. military alone are unbearable, and it is outrageous that the SDF will further increase the burden with the base,” he said.
The planned site is also in the district of Miyamori Elementary School, where 18 people, including children, were killed when a U.S. military jet crashed in 1959, before Okinawa’s reversion to Japan.
Many people still remember the tragedy.
The 71-year-old man was a first-grader in the area at the time.
“Every time there is an accident involving the U.S. military, it brings back memories of those days. I fear that the same thing may happen again,” he said.
In addition, a surface-to-ship missile unit will be deployed in March at the GSDF Vice Camp Katsuren in Uruma, located about 15 kilometers southeast of the new training site.
Deployment of long-range missiles at the site, for possible strikes against enemy bases that are attacking Japan, is also being considered.
The ministry said it has not yet decided on the deployment site for such missiles. But some Uruma residents are concerned the area may become a target of other countries in the event of a military emergency.
Uruma Mayor Masato Nakamura has yet to indicate his approval or disapproval of the planned GSDF training site.
Some Uruma city assembly members affiliated with the Liberal Democratic Party are sympathetic to the neighborhood associations.
Transcending party lines, a group of city assembly members plans to submit a petition opposing the project to the February assembly session.
In recent years, the GSDF has opened garrisons in the Sakishima isles, including on Yonagunijima, Miyakojima and Ishigakijima islands.
Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki said such moves make “the people of the prefecture feel danger and anxiety.”
Regarding the new training site in Uruma, Tamaki urged the ministry and the GSDF to “show respect for the wishes of the local community.”
(This article was written by Kaigo Narisawa and Satsuki Tanahashi.)
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melmika45 · 4 days
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processes · 1 year
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Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum
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touristinjapan · 1 month
Yonekoyaki Shisa Sculpture Park
The Shisa, a creature which is half dog half lion, is a deeply rooted and very popular part of Okinawan culture. At the Yonekoyaki Shisa Sculpture Park in Ishigaki you can experience a local artists trippy and colorful take on this piece of Okinawa tradition. Here dozens of enormous and colorful, lovable sculptures with wacky expressions have been put on display on a field near the popular…
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japaburo512masa · 2 years
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