#Oli talks
misteria247 · 22 hours
The way Stanley??? Always looks out for his family??? Even when they've been mean to him???? Is honestly really admirable????
Like not everyone would look out for their sibling after they've cut them out of their life. Not everyone would try to be better for their niece and nephew because they wanted to leave originally. Not everyone would take a lonely boy under their wing and become essentially their parental figure. Not everyone would still try to make amends when their sibling is hellbent on holding onto a grudge nor willing to sacrifice themselves to protect their loved ones.
Stanley Pines is like the most selfless dude when it really comes down to it. He's a good man despite his fuck ups and it makes me adore him as both a character and a person. Wish we had more people like Stan out there in the world.
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atwocd · 1 year
I'm thinking about the fact that peter calls rocket his best friend multiple times throughout the movie, and with gamora gone, he's definitely the guardian peter is closest to.
rocket is currently the person peter loves most in this world. and it makes his desperation to save him hit so much harder. he just lost the person he loved most in the world, and he can't go through that pain again.
"i'm not letting him go!" he can't let him go. he wouldn't survive going through that again.
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oliverhobi · 4 months
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Day 1 of making minor edits to old comic books
(giving Conner Kent the piercings he deserves)
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bowserdyke · 1 year
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ouggghhh wives...
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somefuckingguysblog · 2 years
rating how fuckable the men in God of War are (as a dilf lover and also a queer gay man)
1. Kratos, 10/10. I love big beefy men. What else can i say. For reasons i cannot express, he seems like a switch who prefers to bottom. Not that'd he'll tell anyone that.
2. Thor, 9/10. Again, I love big men. Points taken off for the alcoholism, but dudes trying. I'll get him therapy bc he needs it.
3. Týr, 10/10. Silly little man. Hes so skrunkly skrimblo. Also the imitial scene where he stands up compleatly and overshadows Kratos does things to me. I more wanna be friends with him and smoke that zaza of asgard but im giving him a 10/10 as compenation for forgetting him when i initially made this post.
4. Sindri, 10/10. I love him so fucking much i cannot even begin to explain it. He'd proabbly be very sweet but shy, hes not very experienced. Bfok has more expereince than him. Also, praise kink.
5. Brok, 9/10. Again, i cannot beguin to explain how much i love him. However, im taking points off just because while i do love him, i like Sindri way more. Also, if i had a dime for everytime ive liked a blue, short, crude older brother type, i'd have two dimes. which isnt alot, but itd weird that it happened twice right? (/ref) But he'd proabbly be suprisingly gentle, and prefer to bottom. Though hes not used ot it, he dosent mind being taken care of and probably has alot of body image issues,
6. Freyr, 7/10. I personally wouldn't fuck him, but i can see the appeal. Just not my kinda guy.
7. Mimir, 8/10. Man can GET IT. He knows how to please both men and women, and hes exceptional at giving head. (see what i did there lol) Points taken off for being only a head.
8. Heimdall, 0/10. I hate Heimdall with a passion, and i want to curb stomp his head in. Bro is lirerally a grown ass man and he picked a fight with a 16 year old child. Fuck off. Heimdall lovers dni./j
9. Baldur, 6/10. I contimplated putting him here, but i decided to because why not. I can see the appeal, and while i do love crazy men, hes a bit too crazy for my liking. Yall continue to slay.
10. Odin, 0/10. Self explanitory. I like old men, but not asshole manipulatirs. I also want to curb stoml his head in, but in a way thats already been done for me. (thanks Sindri <3)
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faeheart · 3 months
i love being in a fandom where someone will ask me "what's your favorite fear?" and that's just a good and normal question
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catboy-supreme · 6 months
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Boop! ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
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misteria247 · 3 days
Okay but Ford trying to sneak monsters and cryptids onto his and Stan's boat to study. Like it's a habit, he sees it and immediately goes into nerd mode going-
"Oh my God gotta take this bad boy in a jar and put it in my pocket so I can study it and put it in my journal-"
And this leads to Stan finding random creatures in places like the dresser, the bathroom, their bedroom, on the deck, hell even the fridge. And Stan he wants to be mad but he sees Ford's giddy expression and bright smile at his discoveries so Stan just sighs and like an exhausted mother goes-
"Sixer, you forgot your weird creature again."
Que Ford busting in to retrieve it, apologizing while Stan waves him off and/or teases him.
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misteria247 · 3 days
So like Ford as a character to me as least, makes me feel hella mixed. Cuz like on one hand he's kinda of a jerk, is really rude and cruel to his little brother after the accident, and he sometimes completely disregards people's feelings cuz he's caught up in his own issues. And it frustrates me so much cuz like I completely understand where Stan comes from by doing your best only to pushed away. But on the other hand I also completely get and understand Ford.
He's the oldest out of them, there's unspoken pressure there from his parents and the adults around him. He's been bullied for his extra fingers and intelligence and the only friend he has besides Fiddleford later in life is his brother Stan. All Ford's life he's been out of place and then he finally gets a chance to make a space for himself, to distance himself from all this insanity. Only for it to be pulled out from under him. Like that's frustrating and devastating, especially when you've finally got some positive reception and attention because of it. It makes sense that he lashes out and when you're hurt, you do things you normally wouldn't do. Especially in a household where you've got Fillbrick as a dad, you're also bound to start believing things that you're told, especially when you want your parents approval.
And add in the toxic relationship with Bill who keeps reaffirming everything Ford's been told about Stan and helping him hold onto the grudge to a point where Ford unknowingly cut off all contact with people who actually love him and it all really makes sense in the long run.
Like what Ford did wasn't right, but Stan not telling Ford about his project also wasn't right. But as an eldest child myself I completely get Ford's reaction and his take on the situation while also feeling for Stan's own reaction on everything cuz I get that attachment and importance of family all too well. It's because of this stuff that makes both Ford and Stan's character growth so much more satisfying because they've learned to let go and heal with each other rather than tear one another down.
Idk man I love Ford but like I also want to affectionately noggie him till he begs for mercy does that make sense-?
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misteria247 · 2 days
Been watching Swooning over Stans today.....
Girl I be swooning so fucking bad, I'm talking swooning where I'm down bad-
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misteria247 · 23 days
Timmy at 10 watching Cosmo flirt with Wanda
Timmy: Ew those were terrible. How do you stand those Wanda??
Wanda smiling and brushing his bangs playfully: You'll understand when you're older sweetie.
Timmy at 16 listening to Jimmy flirt with him
Timmy smiling: Oh god Nerdtron that was awful.
Jimmy smirking: Yet you're smiling so I guess that you don't mind it.
Timmy immediately hit with Wanda's words: Omg I do-
Wanda sitting on the couch relaxing when Timmy bursts into the room causing her to look up startled
Wanda concerned: Timmy what-
Timmy panting: Mom. Mom I get it I fucking get it holy shit-
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misteria247 · 22 days
Okay but like what if Jimmy's parents like noticed little things about his friend Timmy? Like I imagine it'd be Jimmy's mom who notices things first.
It's just a normal day, her 11 year old son has brought home a friend from a different area who introduced himself as Timmy Turner. And she gives him a look over and something just sets her mom instincts off. Like there's a nagging feeling in the back of her head but she pushes it down because she just met this boy and she doesn't want to embarrass Jimmy. But she keeps a closer eye on him. And it's because of this Jimmy's mom notices a few things.
Timmy's always hungry. Kid can't get enough food and rarely ever turns down a meal if offered. It kinda startles her how much he'll eat sometimes. She also notices these pale marks on him, like he'd been in a horrible fall or something. She notices that if Jimmy's mad at Timmy, he'll get defensive and then slowly go quiet. As if he's used to these kinds of things. Though Jimmy's always quick to apologize shortly afterwards. Mrs. Neutron doesn't want to assume things, but God it's hard when she sees these little things.
Mr. Neutron on the other hand is slower on putting it together. But it's during one of Jimmy and Timmy's sleepovers that Mr. Neutron notices it. How tense Timmy gets whenever he gets a bit too close. Or how he seems to keep an eye on the adult and is extra careful with things. As if he's afraid of breaking something and upsetting him. Mr. Neutron will notice how if a noise is too loud Timmy will jump or yelp in surprise.
Mr. and Mrs. Neutron notice these things and a few more. And they can't help but feel a bit saddened at Timmy's reactions sometimes. Especially when they say something nice to him or praise him for something. It's like it takes a moment for him to process the genuine sincerity of their words. And they somehow know that Jimmy knows what's going on, why he's always seeming to be glued to Timmy's side, not just because he liked him and enjoyed being around him.
The Neutrons never really push either, not wanting to make Timmy uncomfortable or make Jimmy upset with them in trying to intervene in an obvious delicate situation. But if they keep an extra blanket and pillow in their hallway closet in case Timmy stops by for a surprise visit, or if they take the time to learn what foods he likes and that he's allergic to oranges. Or they keep the pantry a bit fuller to feed another mouth. Then it's for them to know and no one else.
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misteria247 · 6 days
Me watching the episode of Bill Cipher entering Stan's mind
Stan talking about how he was a crybaby and how he took boxing lessons due to his dad
Me: Wait.....do you think that the reason Stan stayed in these lessons wasn't just to impress his old man, but to also become strong enough to defend Ford from bullies and whatnot??? Like he forced himself to toughen up so Ford could rely on him instead of Stan not being able to do anything.
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misteria247 · 5 days
Firmly believe that after everything Ford becomes hella protective of Stan. Like I'm talking he'll fuck your shit up if you prove to be a threat to his little brother kind of protective. Like Ford immediately wants to let Stan know that he's got his back the way Stan's had his for their entire lives and it throws Stan for a loop everytime Ford steps up and throws hands.
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misteria247 · 25 days
You ever realize that Wanda and Cosmo are always willing to tell Timmy that they love him and are proud of him??? Like Wanda's constantly calling Timmy cute pet names like sport or sweetie or hun and she's always quick to tell him that she loves him. And Cosmo he's always up to hang out with Timmy and always gives him his undivided attention and is Timmy's go to for mischievous fun????
Like these fairies take the time to do things with Timmy, they're always jumping at the chance to be around him and spend time with him. They're affectionate towards him. Constantly hugging Timmy or rubbing his back or shoulders in a comforting manner. And when Timmy makes a mistake and owns up to it and apologizes Wanda and Cosmo are always so quick to tell him how proud they are of him. They tuck him into bed, and sit with him when he's anxious and give his forehead little kisses. Wanda's always ready to fight a bitch for Timmy and Cosmo's always ready to defend and protect him.
They're always standing up for him, and stay with him even when Timmy's having a bad day or he's in one of his moods. Whenever something happens or someone nearly gets hurt Wanda and Cosmo's first reaction is "Where's Timmy? We have to get Timmy." And if he's hurt or taken from them they're immediately in tears or in despair because they can't take their boy, not their wonderful boy away from them. It literally breaks their hearts.
Like these two magical creatures love this boy to bits and pieces and it's so clear that Timmy isn't the only one who's deeply attached to the couple. Cosmo and Wanda don't just see Timmy as another job. They've invested themselves so deeply into Timmy Turner's life and well-being that they'd essentially claimed him as one of their own. Like that's just so fucking beautiful when you think about it. When you think about Timmy, and how he thinks that no one wants him or wants to have him in their lives only to have Cosmo and Wanda be like "Fuck em, we want you. Flaws and all kiddo, till the end of time."
Like they kill me dude, literally sobbing right now thinking about them.
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misteria247 · 25 days
Timmy visiting his family: Hey guys, you won't believe the day I had-
Timmy sees Dev and Hazel:......
Wanda exhausted: Timmy-
Timmy: Mom. I've already adopted them you can't stop me-
Wanda: You can't take someone else's kids sport!
Cosmo, who's sitting with Peri, Dev, and Hazel in the background: He's not wrong, sweetheart.
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