#Ominis deserve happiness
ceru-at-hogwarts · 2 years
Your hand in his (Ominis x Reader)
Based on this musing I had a few whiles ago about Ominis’ hands. Dedicated to Reece Lavellan♥️
Fiction Masterlist
The first time Ominis tended his hand toward you was on your first day at Hogwarts. You had just beaten Sebastian in a duel in Professor Hecat’s class earlier that day, and you were lost in the massive castle, looking your way to Charms class. You had not noticed a slippery spot on the floor and before you realize it, you had disgracefully fallen on the floor with the loudest thud ever, your books flying everywhere.
As you laid spread-eagle, cursing yourself, you see a hand extended to you. It was the boy you had seen earlier walking around with his arm stretched in front of him, his wand pulsating with a characteristic red glow. He held his wand in one hand and offered his free hand to help you back on your feet. You murmured your gratitude while accepting his hand, feeling your face burning and thankful that he could not see how your face had turned as red as a beet. Ominis’ hand was cool, yet you felt a strange warmth as your fingers touched his.
“Based on the chatter around you, I’m guessing you are the new fifth year who had beaten Sallow in a duel today. I’m Ominis, Ominis Gaunt,” he said as he let go of your hand, a small playful grin on his face as he tilted his head toward you.  
“Thank you, Ominis, you definitely found me in such… situation,” you said, happy that he could not see you blushing. “I believe I am lost while trying to find my way to the Charms classroom.”
“I am also heading to the Charms class, should we walk together?” he offered graciously, and you smiled, accepting his offer. Both of you walked together as Ominis navigated the interminable corridors, moving stairs, and all obstacle with ease. He told you a lot about the castle’s hidden secrets, and how to reach any points within it faster.
“Pleasure’s all mine. Don’t be a stranger. Do let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here,” he said, his head tilted, giving you his signature playful grin as you thanked him once again in front of the Charms classroom. You smiled as you watched him across the classroom as he left you to take his own usual seat.
The second time Ominis offered his hand to you, he had just beaten you badly on a round of Crossed Wands duel a few weeks later. You were surprised that Lucan set you in a match against him, but Ominis proved to be a formidable opponent. You were even more surprised to find yourself locked in a full body-bind curse on the floor, barely minutes after the duel started. Ominis tended his hand toward you as soon as the duel ended, removing his curse. Gingerly, you accepted his hand as he helped you back to your feet.
“You fell a lot,” he said playfully with a grin. “I could hear your moving and falling even from across the room.”
Once again, his hand felt cool, yet there is warmth in his finger as your hand touched his. Intrigued, you followed him to the courtyard after the duel, spending what’s left of your lunch break with him. Somehow, you could feel a tiny seed of friendships that had been cultivated a few weeks ago started to grow.
The third time Ominis took your hand in his, you were laying on the floor in the corridor leading to Slytherin’s Scriptorium. You regretted bitterly to allow Sebastian to talk you into pressuring Ominis into helping to find this cursed Scriptorium. As the door locked behind you, you had bravely offered to be in the receiving end of the Cruciatus Curse.
As you screamed from the pain as the curse hit you squarely on the chest, you could hear Ominis shouting your name in panic, before everything went dark when Sebastian’s wand fell to the floor, stopping the curse. You woke up to see both Sebastian and Ominis hovering over you, their faces grave, calling your name. Slowly you realized that Ominis was holding your hand in his, an indescribable sadness in his face, a sadness you had never seen before.
You put a brave face, trying to sound brave even if you know he was not one to be fooled. Ominis knew what you had just went through. Somehow, he could see within you. Without further ado, Ominis did not let go of your hand but put your arm around his shoulder and helped you back to your feet. Sebastian quickly took your other arm, and both helped you into the Scriptorium. Ominis and you sat on the floor near the entrance as Sebastian roamed the room in wonder. Not once did Ominis let your hand go, as if he was afraid that something bad would happen if he did. You tried to reassure him that you were fine, that the curse was painful, but you were fine now. He did not buy it. He knew how it felt to be on the receiving end, and that there would be lingering pain for a while longer.
Not once did Ominis let your hand go as both of you climbed out of the Scriptorium, not even when he chastised Sebastian for being reckless and for the use of Dark Magic. You would never forget how soft his hand was that day.
The fourth time Ominis held your hand in his was when you found him sitting on the floor in the Defense Against the Dark Art tower, the day after your escapade to the Scriptorium. He looked sad, and he tilted his head toward you as he recognized your footsteps.
“Never again,” he said quietly as you sat beside him. You touched his arm, and he took your hand in his. He kept your hand in his for a very long time, without a word. Never would you forget the sadness in his face that day.
The fifth time your hand was in his, Ominis was laying in the Hospital Wing in the winter after catching a bad case of cold that refused to go even after a few doses of Nurse Blainey’s Pepperup Potion. You watched him waking up from a fitful sleep. He could tell you were there, the scent of the soap you used gave you away. Quietly he tended his hand toward you. This time, you took his hand in yours as you sit beside him and letting him know that he was not alone. Quietly he put his other hand on top of yours and both of you stayed together until Nurse Blainey chased you out of the Hospital Wing to let him rest.
Slowly, a quiet friendship blossomed between both of you, as you both tried to stop Sebastian from descending into darkness. A friendship that bloomed further into something more in the years to come, knowing that whatever lies ahead, both of you must face it together. That Ominis never doubted even once. Not even when both of you had to made the hardest decisions together.
Ominis would always offer his hand to you as you walked together hand in hand on each step of life, as he knew you would never ask for it first. Your hand was in his as both of you walked together to vow your life to each other during your wedding ceremony. He never let go of you as both of you faced the storm of life together, the good and the bad.
The last time he took your hand in his, both of you were smiling, remembering all those decades spent together, a time when his hair was still blonde and yours wasn’t all grey. It had all started many years ago as he kindly offered his hand to you on your first day at Hogwarts. After all this time, you always remembered the coolness of his hand that first day, and the warmth on the tips of his fingers. That night, for the last time both of you would depart for the last one of life’s next great adventure together, your hand in his.
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kasieli · 1 year
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Poppy and Ominis deserve the world thank you and goodnight
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shingodzilla98 · 7 months
7th Year Ominis Gaunt
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Adult Ominis Gaunt
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princeisolde · 1 year
Very happy indeed that the HL fandom is seeming to agree that Ominis will grow up to have long blonde hair. That’s a headcanon I fully stand behind.
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catohphm · 1 year
It's interesting there are people who are interested in seeing Ominis become an Unspeakable. This though is my opinion and everyone else's will be different. I deeply disagree that an Unspeakable would be a job that Ominis would take. Given it's tightly controlled secrecy and the dangerous, unpredictable nature of the magic the Department of Mysteries studies, he'd more than likely be very comfortable with the work. Ominis strikes me as a lad who strives for much freedom and independence as he has already dropped and denounced the dark arts and bigoted, disgusting ways of the Gaunt family.
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i-choose-the-danger · 2 years
Sebastian telling Ominis to sleep with one eye open - I outright guffawed because I can TOTALLY see him being that ridiculous and not thinking clearly (especially after being wrecked like that!). These boys are hot messes and I am HERE for it lololol. After playing the game myself, I don't feel bad for Sebastian, he 100% deserves that torture.
It was the first threat that came to mind and I was like that's awful, no wait that's a totally Sebastian mistake to make. 🤣 Ugh, they are hot messes aren't they?
And after playing, like... yes, bad choices were made, repeatedly... but the reasons were RIGHT. Know what I mean? (I'm trying not to spoil storyline here lol) Every time, I was quoting Molly Weasley and Narcissa Malfoy at my screen like, "HE'S JUST A BOY!" These two have so much family trauma and it hurts my soul... which is why I needed to write them some fluffy nonsense, because dammit they deserve fluff!
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Can somebody please just draw Ominis hanging out with his toad 😭🥰
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morelikeravenbore · 8 months
Good Boy
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC | Needy Sebastian | spicy one shot 🔞
Needy/slightly unhinged/traumatised Sebastian, post-uncle murdering. All sexual acts are consensual, good ol' P in V against a wall.
Warning: SMUT. 18+ CHARACTERS. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Contains sexual content, reader discretion is advised.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
Word count: 1.4k
[WATTPAD] [AO3] [HL fic masterlist]
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Sebastian Sallow was whimpering as he pressed his girlfriend against the wall of the empty classroom, pinning her small body between the cold stone and the urgent heat of his much-larger frame.
His day had been bad from the moment he'd woken up, exhausted after a long night of intrusive thoughts and horrific nightmares. Sweat-soaked from thrashing about for eight hours straight (and not in a fun way), he'd disentangled himself from his sheets and dragged himself, grumbling and dishevelled, into a day that had steadily gotten worse and worse.
First, he'd endured the wrath of Ominis Gaunt, who'd been in so foul a mood that even Salazar Slytherin himself would've quaked in his boots to witness it, then sat through all of his least favourite subjects in a row - including a double period of History of Magic - and finally, been forced to spend several hours flying around the Quidditch pitch in the pouring rain while Imelda Reyes shouted at him that he a useless sack of ugly, half-sprouted potatoes.
As if all that wasn't bad enough, he'd trudged into the Great Hall for dinner so late that he'd only gotten scraps to eat, stubbed his toe on the Slytherin table on the way out, and when he'd finally tracked down his girlfriend in the library, he'd been forced to wait, silent and brooding, for her study group to fuck off so he could finally be alone with her.
When finally - finally - she'd bid them goodnight, Sebastian had marched her directly out of the library, pulled her into the nearest empty room by her elbow, and whined, petulant and needy, into her open mouth, barely able to form the word 'please' as his fingers dug into her waist.
There wasn't much Sebastian couldn't handle; he was an orphan, after all, had survived a foray into the Dark Arts (though hardly unscathed), used all three Unforgivables without much moral objection, and - since there's no point beating round the bush about it - had used said Unforgivables to murder someone.
Yet despite all the tragedies he'd endured in his comparatively short life, the insurmountable odds stacked against his own happiness, and the way he seemed to possess a natural proclivity for fucking things up, the only thing that ever truly unraveled him was love. Or, more specifically, the acute sting that came when he felt himself in danger of losing it; a sting which manifested as a singular, all-consuming need to find relief in physical intimacy.
In other words, Sebastian Sallow liked to fuck his pain away.
'Bad day?' asked his girlfriend, her sweet voice muffled against his chest as he caged her against the wall.
Unable to form a coherent reply, he leaned his full weight against her, groaning into her hair as he rolled his hips against her navel, pressing, pressing, pressing into her warm body until all her breath squeezed out in a tiny huff. He backed up a bit, giving her just enough space to breathe without letting the heat between them cool, but he was too far gone the way of desperation to allow more than a few inches of separation.
Wordless, he yanked the hem of her blouse free from her skirt and slid it up to her chest, groaning at the feel of her soft skin beneath his calloused palm.
She felt like fucking flower petals. Wings of a fucking butterfly.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
'It's alright, I'm here.' Wiggling some space between them, she stretched up to kiss the underside of his chin; the only part of his face she could reach, even on her tiptoes 'What do you need?'
He whined again, all decorum lost as his lips grazed her temple, his breath hot on her skin. He cradled her face, pressed a kiss to her forehead, her eyebrows, her nose, breathed in the scent of her hair, lost his fucking mind - but he couldn't speak. Not with his words, at least.
'Sebastian, look at me.'
With great effort, he peeled his lips from her neck and looked her in the eyes. Love stared back at him, bright and pure and clear.
Love so brilliant it was staggering.
'Have you been good?' asked love.
No, answered the darkness in his head.
Good? Had he ever been good?
He dropped his head to her shoulder.
'No,' he moaned, 'I haven't.' He licked his way up the slender column of her throat - 'I'm not good' - nibbled her jawline, kissed her chin, pressed his aching cock against her stomach - 'I'm sorry.' His voice was small, unfamiliar. 'I want to be good. You know I want to be good, you know it.'
This wasn't entirely true; he did want to be good, but only when he was with her.
'Why haven't you been good?'
'Wanted to... Hex your study group...' he moaned. 'Wanted to destroy everyone... To keep you... For myself.'
He was panting now, his words broken between frantic kisses as he worked off her blouse. He tossed it carelessly over his shoulder, discarding the first barrier that stood between him and love.
'Called Ominis a twat,' he went on, thrusting against her stomach with increasing urgency. 'Purposely let a Bludger knock Imelda off-course... Enjoyed both... Immensely.'
When she made a sound of disapproval into his mouth, he only became more frantic, desperate to find the places where love dwelt in her body and coax it out with his mouth, his fingers; to suck on it, roll it around on his tongue, sink into its warm, wet depths.
Her bra was the next barrier to be eliminated. If love lived in her nipples, his lips would surely draw it out.
'What about - the dreams?' she moaned, arching into him, sweetness in his mouth.
'Yes,' he whimpered, ashamed.
Yes, the dreams. Fucking Merlin, those awful visions of forbidden curses, of Dark Magic flowing like poison through his veins, green and red lights flashing intermittently.
Visions, so like premonitions, of being bad, rotten.
'Tell me about them.' She tangled her hands through his hair and pulled. He hardly felt it.
'Dream - b-bad.' Speech was hard. 'Dream of being bad.'
He looked her leg around his hip, bunched her skirt up to her waist, rutted mindlessly against the warm, damp spot between her legs.
That's where love lived.
His cock ached for admittance.
'I'm bad.' His voice was strained, hoarse. 'N-not a good boy.'
Then his cock was out, hot and throbbing in his hand.
Fuck, love was so close. Fuck, he needed it.
Her underwear pushed to the side. Slick heat coated his swollen tip.
Crying out against her skin, 'I'm bad, I'm sorry, I'm bad.'
Sinking in slowly.
Frenzied and stupid with need, Sebastian pounded her against the wall until he was too fuck-drunk to hear the cruel voices in his head, until all he knew was blissful, wonderful, perfect her.
When her first orgasm shattered through her, he watched, entranced, as love shone from her every pore and gushed over his cock and rang like music from her mouth. His knees buckled with the force of it but he couldn't stop, not now - not until he was drenched it in, drowning in her love, soaked through.
He couldn't stop through her second orgasm.
Nor her third.
Not even when she was limp and blissfully spent in his arms, eyes rolling back in her head and mouth agape.
Not even then.
Because even if he was bad, he would always be a good boy for her.
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
can you write one where f!MC is being pursued by an annoying guy she doesn’t like who won’t take no for an answer. it annoys sebastian just as much as it annoys her, so next time it happens he pretends to be her boyfriend and suggests they start fake dating for good measure. eventually they make it for real.
thank you! i love the fake relationship trope sooo much and i’ve yet to see anyone write one with sebastian.
of course, lovely anon!! i haven't seen any fake relationship fic either so i'm happy to contribute a lil something! tbh i sincerely thought this would be a short ficlet but it ended up being just over 2.5k fluffy words of dummies in love 🤩
Title: rumor has it
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Summary: Eric Northcott is relentlessly pursuing you, so Sebastian offers to act as your heroic boyfriend to get him off your back.
"Northcott," Sebastian greets him, leaning against your potions station and resting a hand possessively on the small of your back. "Is there something my girlfriend can help you with?" "Your girlfriend?" Eric asks skeptically. "That's new." "I suppose it is," Sebastian agrees, nonplussed. "Been a long time coming, though." Across the room, Ominis laughs under his breath.
Sebastian Sallow is an excellent young wizard. Clever, well-read, focused – by all accounts, he should be a brilliant strategist.
But sometimes he comes up with the worst ideas you’ve ever heard.
“You musn’t be serious, Sebastian,” you laugh, closing your potions textbook to appreciate the actual madness of what he’d just suggested.
“Why not?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes as you tell him, “You can’t just pretend to be my boyfriend.”
Earlier that afternoon, the two of you had met up with Ominis in the Undercroft to study after staging a quick exit from the library. While Sebastian was hunting down a book on ancient runes, Eric Northcott had cornered you in the stacks and tried for the second time to convince you to have a Butterbeer with him at the Three Broomsticks instead of “hiding that gorgeous face behind those dusty books like you always do.”
When Sebastian had returned, you were shoving the Gryffindor boy away from you with a tense look on your face, and if he hadn’t just finished a stint of evening detentions for slipping a Puffskein into Duncan Hobhouse’s schoolbag, he would have hexed the amorous git himself.
Since then, he’d been suggesting ways to make him pay, with each idea more fantastical than the last.
“Sure I can, and we can even make a real show of it,” he says with a charming grin. “If you want to get Northcott off your back for good, let’s allow him to think your handsome, roguish boyfriend is the type who would challenge him to a duel if he tries anything untoward.”
“That is a terrible plan,” you deadpan.
“It’s actually not a bad idea,” Ominis chimes in.
You glare at him, because Ominis never thinks that Sebastian’s ideas are any good – even the ones that aren’t completely bonkers.
“What are you playing at, Gaunt?” you accuse him.
“I’m merely suggesting that Northcott may actually accept your contempt for him if it’s for a reason that allows him to save face,” he explains with a secretive smile. “Simply telling him that you’re not interested hasn’t seemed to work thus far, so why not be creative?”
“Creative?” you snort. “Wouldn’t ‘creative’ be blasting him myself the next time he lays a hand on me?”
“As if you need any worse of a reputation,” Ominis drawls, and he has a point.
“Come on, let’s really mess with him,” Sebastian pleads. “You know he deserves to be taken down a peg or two.”
You’re not surprised that Sebastian is able to get you on board so quickly. Truthfully, you think you’d follow him on his harebrained schemes just about anywhere.
“Fine,” you cautiously agree. “But just to scare him off, alright?”
You swear you can see the gears in Sebastian’s head start to turn immediately.
He kicks off his brilliant plan the next day during your N.E.W.T.-level potions class. You’re supposed to be brewing an antidote to Veritaserum, and while the draught itself isn’t necessarily difficult, some of the ingredients are a little tricky to prepare.
You’re focused on trying to carefully slit open some Sopophorous beans when you felt a presence behind you, and then Eric Northcott is draping his arm across your shoulders.
“Need a hand with those?” he offers, trying to sound congenial.
“I’m fine, Eric,” you insist.
“I’m really quite good at potions, you know,” he reminds you, grabbing one of the paring knives off the table and haphazardly slicing one of the beans you’d laid out. “I’d be happy to give you some hands-on lessons if you’d like, one-on-one of course.”
“Sebastian,” Ominis hisses from across the room, having picked up on the conversation while the other boy poured over his notes on wormwood. “Now might be a good time to offer some gentlemanly assistance.”
His eyes narrow when he spots Northcott leaning over your cauldron, clearly trying to sneak a look down your top.
“Don’t let my antidote burn,” Sebastian mumbles as he storms across the room, as if Ominis would ever spare a thought for Sebastian’s cauldron when the show is about to begin.
You bite the inside of your cheek as you watch him notice your predicament, silently pleading him with your eyes to do something to get you out of it.
“Northcott,” Sebastian greets him, leaning against your potions station and resting a hand possessively on the small of your back. “Is there something my girlfriend can help you with?”
“Your girlfriend?” Eric asks skeptically. “That’s new.”
“I suppose it is,” Sebastian agrees, nonplussed. “Been a long time coming, though.”
Across the room, Ominous laughs under his breath.
“Really?” Eric asks dubiously, briefly glancing at your expression. “I was under the impression that the two of you were just ‘best friends.’”
“Well, shouldn’t a good relationship start out as a friendship?” you counter, though you don’t sound entirely convincing.
“Right,” he says slowly.
“Mate, you know how tough she is,” Sebastian says with a charming grin. “Took me ages to convince her to give me a chance, she strung me right along for months.”
You jump slightly when Sebastian slides his hand across your back to your waist, tugging you closer to his side – and out from under Eric’s arm.
“But she finally took pity on me,” he says with a lovelorn sigh, and you narrow your eyes at his dramatics.
“Oh, Sebastian,” you reply, laughing nervously. “You’re hopeless.”
“Hopelessly in love with you,” he says, quickly leaning in to kiss the corner of your mouth.
Before you can react, Professor Sharp wanders by and instructs you all to stop your dallying and focus on your draughts. Eric spares one more skeptical look at the two of you before returning to his cauldron.
Sebastian’s hand on your waist lingers for a moment even after he’s gone, but then he lets it fall.
“Sorry about that,” he says under his breath. “Had to sell it, you’re really a bad liar, you know.”
You think Sebastian doesn’t know the half of it.
(Sebastian’s just glad you avoided his gaze long enough to miss his deep red blush.)
As it turns out, the kiss wasn’t enough to convince Northcott that you were properly off the market.
The rumor mill quickly focuses on you and Sebastian – specifically whether or not it’s true that your platonic friendship has become something more.
“I don’t really believe it,” Nerida claims whenever the subject comes up. “Sebastian has always seemed like the bachelor type.”
“He could have had a girlfriend all this time and never has,” Violet agrees, trying to hide her bitterness. “I don’t think he really wants to be in a relationship.”
“Are you joking?” Imelda scoffs. “Sallow’s been a lovesick puppy over that girl for years, I’m just glad she finally came around.”
“She is very protective of him,” Grace speculates. “I remember when Samantha Dale asked him out last fall, I thought she was going to Depulso the poor girl clear across the courtyard!”
You do your best to ignore it, but Ominis stubbornly insists on telling you everything he’s heard.
“I would have thought that the two of you would be better at pulling off a ruse as simple as this,” he says, disappointment dripping from his words. “How hard can it be to pretend to like Sebastian? I don’t have to see him to know that the whole school thinks he’s handsome.”
“You don’t understand,” you sigh, walking alongside him on the way to arithmancy. “It’s… I don’t have to pretend, if you know what I mean.”
“Come now,” he says quietly. “I’m blind, not dim.”
“Then you do understand!” you whine. “How am I supposed to just let him pretend to be my boyfriend to ward off Eric and not go mad from knowing that it’s all a lie?”
“I suppose me telling you to be honest with him about how you feel would go in one ear and right out the other,” Ominis suggests, smirking to himself when you curse at him under your breath.
“Buck up, then,” he says simply. “I’m sure this whole thing will blow up in some spectacular way sooner than later – it is Sebastian, after all.”
As per usual, Ominis is correct.
Not even a full day goes by before Sebastian corners you outside the Hufflepuff common room and asks to walk you to dinner, taking your hand in his as soon as he notices some fifth-years studiously watching the two of you as you make your way to the Great Hall.
“I missed you this afternoon,” he tells you as he walks you upstairs, putting on a good show. “How come you didn’t want to study with Ominis and me after class?”
“I just needed to lie down for a little while,” you tell him, not wanting to admit to avoiding the way he’s been so unbearably charming lately.
“Feeling alright?” he asks concernedly.
“Yes,” you tell him. “Just… I don’t know. Out of sorts, I guess.”
“Anything I can do to help?” he asks.
You get distracted by the feeling of him stroking his thumb along your wristbone reassuringly.
“Um… n-no, I don’t think so,” you stutter.
“Surely there’s something I can do to help,” he says, and you wonder if you’re imagining the way his eyes look a little darker than usual, as if his pupils have entirely taken over.
“Like what?” you breathe.
Then he gets that look on his face that he always gets when he’s about to do something stupid.
“Come with me,” he says, tugging you over to a spot along the wall in the reception hall, next to one of those empty cabinets you’d looted for Nellie Oggspire back in your fifth year.
“Sebastian, w-what–” you stammer.
He presses you against the wall, one hand pressed to your waist and the other flat against the stone behind you, boxing you in. He glances around again and clearly spots whatever it was he was looking for, grinning mischievously before he leans in and traces his nose across your cheek.
“Don’t hex me for this,” he murmurs against your lips, and then he’s kissing you.
You melt against the cool stone wall, tipping your head back so Sebastian can tilt his head against yours and completely overtake your senses with his demanding kisses. Without consciously deciding to, you wrap your arms around his shoulders to hold him close to you, desperate to ensure he stays right where he is.
He kisses you well, you think. You know he’s always been a huge flirt, and that he has taken some girls in your year on dates to Hogsmeade over the years, but you’ve desperately avoided any post-date conversations with him because you did not want to know what he and those girls had gotten up to afterward.
Now you know, you think bitterly, but just as quickly you realize you don’t actually care. He’s skilled at this – nipping at your bottom lip to get you to open up for him, sliding his hand between your robes and your dress shirt so he can feel the curve of your waist, nudging a knee between your thighs to pin you even further to the wall.
“Bastian,” you murmur, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He groans against your mouth like he can’t help himself, and you whine a touch too loudly when he grinds his hips against yours.
Then you hear Eric’s voice call out, “Sallow!”
Sebastian looks like sin when he pulls away from you, and not just because his hair is a little mussed from your helpless tugging and his lips are red and swollen.
It’s because he’s smirking, and you quickly realize he’d planned this entire thing.
He’d pulled you to a spot where the Gryffindors on their way to dinner could easily see you being ravished, and it’s not just Eric he’s caught up in it – it’s Leander and Cressida too, some of the worst gossips in the entire castle.
…You are absolutely going to hex him for this, you think.
“Northcott,” Sebastian drawls as he turns around. “Can I help you?”
Eric looks furious, but at least he doesn’t look skeptical anymore.
“You might want to consider someplace a bit more private,” he offers, seething. “I am a prefect, after all. Could send you to detention for being so lewd in public.”
“Fair point,” Sebastian says easily. “In fact, maybe you ought to send us both. Hardly anywhere’s as private as the dungeons.”
You quickly smack Sebastian in the chest with the back of your hand, wordlessly begging him to stop before you actually do have to report to detention.
Mercifully, Eric simply throws a few choice words at Sebastian and stomps off to the Great Hall, Leander and Cressida on his heels to undoubtedly tell the entire school what just happened.
“You’re evil,” you hiss, still catching your breath. “You arranged all that just to embarrass Eric? To embarrass me like that?”
He frowns, confused. “No I didn’t, and I would never embarrass you.”
“You did!” you whine, shoving at his shoulders so he’ll step back. “They’re going to tell everyone and it’s going to make me sound like – like some pathetic girl who’s so desperate to avoid Eric’s attention that she’ll let her best friend feel her up in a busy hallway.”
“That’s not what they’ll think,” Sebastian argues. “And if anyone’s pathetic, love, it’s me.”
You scoff and wrap your arms around yourself, ashamed at how badly you wish you were still wrapped up in his arms instead despite everything you’re saying.
“You think I’m lying?” he asks derisively. “I’m a fool for you, and I would never hurt you. I kissed you like that because I wanted to, and if it happened to embarrass Northcott in the process, that’s even better.”
“Y-you wanted to?” you ask softly.
“I’ve wanted to for so long,” he finally admits.
His hands twitch at his sides like he wants to reach out for you, but he forces himself to behave.
“It’s the reason I came up with this stupid plan in the first place,” he sighs. “So that if anyone at this damn school gets to have the pleasure of walking you to class, or taking you to the Three Broomsticks or – or even kissing you senseless somewhere everyone could see, it would be me.”
You don’t have any words. But even if you did, there’s nothing you’d want to say to him that you couldn’t communicate by tugging him in by his collar and kissing him like you can’t think straight without his touch, so you do just that.
When you both break away to breathe, Sebastian quickly asks, “Are you actually hungry?”
“Not anymore,” you admit, your gaze still on his lips.
Sebastian barely manages to utter the words “Undercroft” and “hurry” in between kisses, but while he determinedly works a claiming bruise into the side of your neck, you whine, “Your common room’s closer.”
Once Ominis overhears Cressida waxing poetic about Sebastian Sallow practically mounting his new girlfriend in the hallway by the Grand Staircase, he doesn’t wonder why the two of you never show up for dinner.
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A/N: because consent is sexy
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He gives MC a devilish smirk. "I don't know. Do you deserve one? My kisses are quite special. Wouldn't want you spoiled rotten on them, would you?" He chuckles at MC's pout and gently holds their face. "I'm only joking, MC. Of course you can have one." He gently kisses their lips.
OMINIS GAUNT: He smiles warmly. He loves it when they ask. He could almost feel their anticipation for an answer. He leans in close, his hand guiding him to MC's chin. He traces their lips with his thumb. "Your kisses are like a breath of fresh air in this rotten world." He kisses them before he starts waxing poetic.
ANNE SALLOW: No matter how long they've been in a relationship, she still gets a little pink when MC asks for her kiss. She coyly kisses their cheek. "What? Was that not what you wanted?" She breaks out in a fit of giggles when MC tries kissing her lips and she keeps turning her head to make them miss.
IMELDA REYES: "Hmm...I guess." She shrugs and gives them a peck on the lips. She'll leave them at that unless MC takes a more assertive approach. If they grab her before she walks away, she can be convinced to give them more.
NATSAI ONAI: "As if you have to ask." She's an enthusiastic kisser. What could be just a request for a simple sweet kiss can become a hot and bothered make out very quickly if MC doesn't reign her in. She'll kiss MC breathless every chance she gets.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He feels all giddy inside when MC asks to kiss him. He's happy they want him. He's happy they desire him. He's just happy! "Come here, you!" His kisses can be a bit sloppy but in a fun way. If he misses their lips, that's okay. He wanted to kiss them there anyway.
LEANDER PREWETT: "A true gentleman always obliges." He takes MC's hand and kisses it first. Then he kisses their cheek, then lips. If he can do all of that without messing it up, he considers it a win. He wants to impress. Maybe they'll give him more kisses if he does well.
AMIT THAKKAR: His heart beats fast, his knees feel weak, palms sweaty. MC wants to kiss him. He's done it before. It's not a big deal, right? They must have liked the last one to ask for another. His might stand there a bit too long processing what MC just asked. MC may have to take matters into their own hands and kiss him before he loses his nerve.
EVERETT CLOPTON: No hesitation. The words barely finish leaving MC's mouth before he connects his lips to theirs. It's a good long kiss, too. He loves the taste of them. He's addicted. Please, keep kissing him.
POPPY SWEETING: She smiles so big and launches herself into their arms. The best kisses in the world are from MC holding her in their arms. They'll have to be careful. She may kiss MC dizzy and they'll fall over.
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myokk · 4 months
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Ominis is just happy to be included🥹
Since his childhood was so awful, I like to think he finally got the crazy sibling energy and friendship he deserves from Sebastian and Anne🥹🤧♥️
I was walking home and then I started thinking about this promo picture of Malcolm in the middle and here we are🧍‍♀️this is what I think (I have a 30-min walk home and all I do is think to myself jajajajajaja):
Ominis -> Dewey 😇
Anne -> Reese (two goblins…Reese is my favorite sibling and I will fight over this unpopular opinion lol)
Sebastian -> Malcolm👹
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This is the promo pic I based this off of 😂😂 I know my picture isn’t super accurate but I just scribbled it up super fast🥲
I might do more because that show honestly has the funniest and most awkward promo pics of all time and I love all of them with my whole heart!! I remember running home from school every day as fast as I could to be able to watch Malcolm in the Middle as I ate my merienda 🥹💓
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myrachondria · 1 year
Hogwart Legacy Cast - Inaccurate Quotes
(Let's be honest, they're probably accurate)
MC: You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up
Sebastian: Haha. You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
MC: And so what if I do?
Sebastian: 👀👀👀
Sebastian: wake up sluts, it's time to sin
MC: found a man with the same attitude as me, this boy annoying
Imelda: If you think I'm mean, you should hear my thoughts
Sebastian: I told Ominis to fight his demons and he punched me??? I'm confused
Sebastian: What that mouth do?
Ominis: Hurt your feelings
Imedla: The hottest thing a man can be is a little afraid of me
Sebastian: You deserve to be happy, but if it's not with me, then you don't deserve it
Ominis: I find out everything. Do not ever think that you're a slick bitch
Sebastian: Every day I try so hard not to be a crazy bitch
Ominis: Stop it, Sebastian. You're better than that.
Sebastian: No I'm not. So anyways, I was saying
Poppy: Why don't you try being his peace?
MC: First of all, he's the one that starts shit to make me mad.
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shingodzilla98 · 7 months
Andrew had to get his own pics by the Ominis portraits!
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Now I got my sweet crumpet and my cinnamon roll together!
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orqheuss · 10 months
Snake Charmer
(Ominis Gaunt x F!Gorgon!Reader) Fluff? World building? Set up? Who knows tbh. It's a story.
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Ominis could hear her pulse quicken as she stilled. Everything else in the cramped space fell away, leaving just the two slytherin’s, each one with their own morose history that has been broadcasted for all the world to hear. Two peas in a pod— two sides to the same coin— two scales on the same snake. *** Why was everyone so interested in the new girl? Ominis Gaunt was about to find out.
Word count: 3.8k
AN: because I wanted to write a story about Ominis and a Gorgon falling in love
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Ominis was sure he was going mad. In fact, he was positive— some point between the end of his fourth year and the beginning of his fifth, he had gone absolutely batty. That was the only logical conclusion to the fact that he was hearing voices at all hours of the day. 
It started the day the new fifth year won in a duel against his best friend, Sebastian. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was moving at the same pace it always did: introduction to the new spell, practice on a small object, practice on a larger, vaguely person shaped object, and then finally a duel between each pair of students to prove their mastery. This day, though, took a different turn than what the young blond was expecting. Ever since starting at Hogwarts, Sebastian Sallow was Ominis’ dueling partner; there was never any question about it. It became such a habit that no one dared approach the pair once Professor Hecat announced the beginnings of the school sanctioned battles— you would never see one Slytherin without the other. So, when Hecat decided to pair the new fifth year with his best friend, well, it could be seen quite plainly that Ominis was not happy about the matter. 
As the duelists took their positions across from each other, the blond haired boy leaned against the nearest wall, a distinct look of annoyance turning down the corners of his lips and narrowing his eyebrows into a straight line. Most people would consider the look on his face a pout— not that anyone would ever dare at mentioning this to the boy. Ominis Gaunt did not pout, and he certainly did not scoff under his breath at the sound of his friend joking around with the new girl. What a preposterous idea. He wasn’t jealous, don’t be absurd. 
Though, it was nice hearing Sebastian get knocked down a peg by someone who had never held a wand in her life up until that point. 
Once the class was over, all Ominis wanted to do was slump himself into the Undercroft and take a well deserved nap. His head was pounding, and the near constant whispers of his classmates about the new girl were driving him up the wall. He couldn’t help but make snarky remarks in his head, quietly laughing to himself at the ridiculous questions his classmates were mumbling.
“Why do you think she wears that head scarf? I wonder what’s under there.” 
Hair, probably. 
“Did you hear her accent? Where do you think she’s from? Certainly not around here!”
Ten points to Ravenclaw for stating the obvious.
“Did you see how she was looking at Sallow? She just got here and already thinks she can take the most attractive boy in our year. The nerve!” 
Sebastian has the emotional range of a teaspoon, but best of luck!
“How could you even tell where she was looking? I couldn’t see a thing through those glasses of hers! Why is she wearing shaders inside?” 
Bold style choice, but alright. Not that he could really judge, of course. 
“Do you think she’s blind like Gaunt? Great, another person I have to make sure I don’t trip over.” 
That statement got his attention. Could she be blind like him? He didn’t hear any echolocation charm on her wand, nor did he sense a seeing eye animal or a cane around her. A very small part of him warmed slightly at the idea that he wasn’t alone in his struggles anymore. He craned his head more to the side, trying to catch more of the gossip as everyone began to file out of the classroom.
“No, she can’t be blind. It looks like she can get around just fine on her own— no charm blinking on her wand or anything. Still quite weird, though.” 
Ominis’ shoulders sank minutely at the news, the warmth in his chest freezing over once again. He sighed to himself before pushing away from the wall, deciding to just let his body carry him to the Undercroft on autopilot while he stewed in his thoughts. Sebastian was off talking to the new girl, so he would likely not be joining him until well after his next round of Crossed Wands later that day. Normally he would join the boy, cheering him on from the sidelines with the rest of his fawning fangirl club, and he was about to turn in the direction of the clock tower when the brunette’s voice broke through the haze. 
“Suppose I could interest you in some unsanctioned fun?” 
Well, if his new best friend was going to be there, then he wouldn’t miss Ominis’ presence all that much.
Just as the blond had resigned himself to an afternoon of solitude, another voice came through the crowded musings of his classmates. 
“Gods, I’m starving.” 
A completely mundane statement, one that had likely been uttered by half of the class as they left, but something about the voice drew him in. It was low in tone, like they were trying to hide their voice instead of projecting it to their friends, and had a slight hiss to it just under the words like the person was speaking through a mouthful of fangs. Ominis paused in his steps just outside the doorway, his ear turned towards the classroom as he tried to find the voice again. All he found was silence and the tiny ticks of professor Hecat’s dark magic detectors. 
Shaking his head, he leaned away from the door and made his way down the stairs, his mind puzzling through what just happened. He must have been imagining it, he thought to himself. The voice hardly sounded human, let alone familiar. Must have just been a trick of his mind, he had slept terribly the night before so it was logical he was just tired. Rounding the corner towards his secret alcove, Ominis stepped through the clockwork door to the Undercroft and began to climb down the winding staircase, hopeful that a bit more sleep would do him good. 
Fortunately, he had a lovely nap on the chaise lounge he conjured. Rather unfortunately though, the voice persisted. Morning, noon, and night he heard that incessant hissing tone in his ears, each day getting louder and more bold with what it was saying. First it was small things, things that most people would think to themselves throughout a normal day. 
“Where’s the bathroom in this place?” “My head itches.” “What I would give to take a nap right about now.” 
Normal things. But then, the statements started to get a bit…odd. 
“There’s something under my scale!” “He was rude, I want to bite him.” “I can hear a mouse somewhere. Can I eat it? Please?”
While Ominis was tired of hearing the random, grating voice slither through his ears at a constant rate, he was happy to report that he no longer thought he was going mad. The voice belonged to a snake— that much he was sure of. But, where was the snake? Did it know he could hear it? How was it somehow always in his vicinity? 
That was the question that was currently keeping him up at night. 
Everything culminated one faithful day when he next had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Today was lecture, and much like the rest of his classmates, he bemoaned having to sit and listen to professor Hecat go on and on about some unknown entity or creature that he could never encounter for the rest of his days. It wasn’t that she wasn’t a good teacher, far from it! But, much like any professor in the castle, she was not immune to the dreaded monotonous lecture voice. 
Upon entering the classroom, the first thing Ominis heard was Hecat’s voice speaking in hushed tones to someone. He would never admit it outloud, but the boy was dreadfully nosy. Honing his ears in the direction of the whispering, he caught on to her tone first— caring, soft, gentle, words that normally wouldn’t be found within one hundred feet of the professor— then the tail end of her words. 
“—if you are uncomfortable with today’s lesson, please know that you can leave at any time.” 
An equally soft voice replied in turn, a hint of uncomfort lacing their words. “Thank you, professor. I appreciate the sentiment, but I will be fine. It is not the first time I have been a part of such a lecture.” 
Ominis stilled in his seat, the hairs on the back of his neck standing at attention when he recognized the voice. It was the new girl again. Merlin, it seemed she had everyone wrapped around her little finger, even the formidable Dinah Hecat! 
It wasn’t that he had a problem with the new fifth year, in fact she had been quite nice to him when they met in the common room, it was just that all the rumors surrounding her made her sound a bit big for her britches. First she beat Sebastian in a duel, something no one has done since he started going to Crossed Wands and honing his talent, then she invites him to Hogsmeade with her and suddenly a troll is hellbent on clobbering up the street? Not to mention all the other things Ominis had heard about: taking out Ashwinder camps in her spare time? Flying all over the sodding Scottish Highlands and getting into all kinds of trouble against the Ranrok Loyalists? Sneaking into the restricted section with Sebastian and earning him another bloody detention, because what, she batted her eyelashes at him and he folded like a cheap suit? Who was this girl, and why did trouble follow at her heels like a pack of hellhounds? No, Ominis didn’t have a problem with her, he was suspicious of her, and the fact that the voice started soon after she got here certainly didn’t help. 
The blond sat back in his seat, arms crossed across his chest and a befuddled look clouding his expression as the professor took her spot at the front of the room, tapping her wand on the rickety old chalkboard and writing out the subject of the lecture for today. 
“Today, class, we will be discussing Gorgons, another creature traditionally deemed mythological but in fact walks among us magic folk unseen. Though, they very rarely make the journey across the sea to our backyard.” 
Ominis’ eyebrows narrowed more in confusion as he thought about Hecat’s words to the new girl. Why would she be uncomfortable with this lesson? What secret was she hiding that was related to Gorgons of all things? He tuned back into the lesson, hoping to answer some of his questions. 
Professor Hecat paced around the room as she talked, taking strides up and down the lengths of desks and weaving through her collections of artifacts from her time as an Unspeakable. 
“Gorgons, or ‘gorgos,’ meaning ‘fierce, terrible and grim’ in Greek, are inherently female creatures with snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who meets their gaze into stone. Many of you are likely familiar with the myth of Medusa, the only mortal Gorgon that was callously slayed by the Greecian hero, Perseus. But, there are two other Gorgons known in history: Stheno, the mighty or strong, and Euryale, the Far Springer.” 
The room was bathed in silence as Hecat paused in her speech, giving the class time to take notes on the creatures. Ominis sat still, his mind awash with possibilities for why the new girl would need to be excused from this lesson. Her accent was Greek, that was for sure. Could she have a history with Gorgons? That wouldn’t make sense, though. Many students have had run-ins with the creatures discussed in DADA, but they were never offered to skip that lesson. So, why was the new girl so special? 
A sharp, insistent sound shook the blond from his thought spiral, causing him to wince at the volume suddenly ricochetting in his ears. A terrible hiss filled the room, slithering throughout the encompassing space and echoing off the tall, vaulted cathedral ceiling. It was haunting, eerie, constant, like the creak of the floor in an abandoned house or a busted pipe in the middle of the night when you’re the only one home. A shiver ran up Ominis’ spine at the sound, trying desperately to block it out while also listening to those around him to see if they heard it too. He heard no whisperings, but with a quick flick of his wand, sparking the wood to life, he could see the silhouette of his classmates looking around like they were trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. Ominis relaxed slightly, relieved that he wasn’t the only one hearing the incessant hissing. 
His relaxed posture only lasted for a moment as a voice suddenly cut through all the noise, low and dangerous like a rattlesnake's tail in the tall grass. It was similar to the snake he had been hearing, but different somehow— richer, more human sounding. Ominis’ heart stilled in his chest when he recognized the cadence, knowing it intimately from all the times he spoke it while living at home. Parseltongue. 
“Be quiet. Everything is fine, no one is going to hurt us.” 
At once, the hissing stopped, shrouding the room in a blanket of silence once again. Dread began to curl its way around Ominis’ chest at the understanding of what that meant— what that could mean for the future of Hogwarts in general. 
Someone in the room was a parselmouth like him, and he would bet all of his galleons on it being the new girl. 
But, what did she mean by “no one is going to hurt us?” Who was “us?”
The professor continued her lecture, drowning the never ending list of questions permeating in his mind that seemed to grow longer by the second. 
“Gorgons are the children of Phorcys, a primordial sea god, and Ceto, a sea goddess, who happen to be brother and sister.” 
A snicker came from the back of the classroom, followed by the voice of none other than Andrew Larson, the class’ resident moonmind. “Purebloods know all about that!” 
Hecat leveled him with a glare, not an ounce of amusement present in her tone as she spoke. “Must you make that joke whenever we talk about Greek history? I dare say it wasn’t funny the first handful of times you’ve said it, Mister Larson.” 
Ominis could almost see the embarrassment on Larson’s face when he stuttered his reply. “Um, n-no, professor. I j-just meant—”
“We all know what you meant.” She silenced him quickly, her smirk present in her voice. “Now, back to what I was saying. Phorcys and Ceto had a large family together, including the Graeae, the trio of elderly sisters that share an eye, Echidna, a being of half-human, half-snake, Ladon, a fearsome dragon who was tasked with guarding the golden apples of the Hesperides, and Scylla, a woman with dog-headed loins. Because of Ceto’s reputation for giving birth to terrors, each larger and more colorful than the last, she became known as the “mother of sea-monsters.” Ominis could feel Hecat’s eyes linger on him for a moment, her speech stilling slightly as she took in his deeply puzzled expression. “Of course, among those children were also the Gorgons.” 
The aging professor continued, her steps ebbing and flowing around the classroom like a steady stream. “According to myth, Medusa did not begin life as a Gorgon. She was Ceto’s only mortal born child— human as any other babe. Some even say she may have been of magical nature, like all of you in this very room.” 
The blond slytherin heard Hecat’s steps falter for a moment, the soft swish of her hand running along a desk off to his right. He craned his ears in the direction, his wand picking up the movement as he tried to discern the student that the former Unspeakable was paying special attention to. The silhouette of a girl filled his mindseye, her form slumping down slightly in her desk as she tugged lightly on the scarf wrapped around her head. Ominis’ frown stretched deeper across his face at the realization that the professor was checking on the new girl, again. What was so special about her? Why was everyone so enraptured by her presence? She didn’t seem all that remarkable when in the school building at least. She was just mysterious. He was mysterious at first, but the fascination with him soon dwindled as his peers realized he was the same as everyone else. 
So, the slytherin pondered, why was she still the talk of the halls? 
Why was Hecat teaching this lesson?
Why was it important for a group of pubescent teenagers to know about something that existed across the ocean from them?
Ominis had more questions than answers, and each one confounded him more and more by the second.
“Medusa was a devout follower of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and war. One night, while praying to her goddess, she captured the attention of Athena’s brother, Poseidon. He appeared to her, intent on taking what he believed should be ‘his.’” Hecat paused, her stony gaze sweeping across the classroom as if challenging anyone to so much as breathe too loud. “He took her there, in the temple, leaving her on the floor as she sobbed and prayed to her goddess for forgiveness.” 
Ominis could cut the tension coating the air of the room like a thick, viscous fog with a knife. No one dared make a sound, enraptured by the words of their wise mentor.
“Some myths say that Athena took pity on the girl and transformed her into something that no man could ever gaze on again. Some say she punished her for leading a man into her sacred temple and letting him defile it. No one knows the true story except those who were there, and the old gods have long since left our realm for their own paradise on Olympus.” 
The apprehension screaming in every magical mind surrounding the dearly loved, and feared, elder was palpable in the tiny class space. 
“Now, some of you may be wondering why I teach this lesson.” As if reading his mind, Ominis felt Hecat level him with a stare that burned hotter than even the most blistering fire poker. “The answer, of course, is that no one knows what happened to the child of Medusa and Poseidon.”
The young Gaunt felt all the air get sucked from his lungs as if a dementor escaped from Azkaban just to find him specifically. A child of a god and a witch? It was unheard of— it was disastrous. Their magic would be unstoppable; nothing in their world would ever match the power of a child brimming with that much otherworldly energy. Whether they used their powers for good or evil, or even some mix of the two, they would be legendary all the same. At that moment, a thought came to Ominis. Would they also be part Gorgon? If Medusa was transformed while with child, who's to say that the babe would not share the same affliction. 
As suddenly as a strike of lightning, or a downpour in April, Ominis Gaunt answered the question that had been on his mind since the start of term.
  The new girl was a Gorgon. 
How had he not realized before? The snakes that were always around when she was— how her head and eyes were always covered— how no one knew where she hailed from and had no hint other than the fact that her accent was vaguely Greecian? It was right in front of his blind eyes from the beginning; he was just too much of a jealous fool to see it. 
Just then the bell chimed across the campus, signaling the impending class change. Professor Hecat’s voice broke through the bustle of his peers standing and gathering their things in preparation for their trek to their next lesson. 
“We will continue our discussion on mythos and magic next week. Please remember to study for the upcoming OWLs! They are written and practical, so be sure to practice the physical spells as well as memorize the theory!” 
Ominis scrambled to gather his things, determined to catch the new girl before she disappeared into the crowd. Dodging around a loitering Sebastian— the brunette’s hand raised as if gearing to make some idiotic, yet somehow still brilliant, point— he all but sprinted into the congested hallway. His wand waved in front of him as he scanned each person he passed, his ears tuned to any noise that sounded vaguely serpentine in the hopes that her reptilian tresses would sound out as they always did this close to lunch time. Alas, they were as silent as a dead rodent in a viper pit. 
Just then, the young boy caught sight of the girl, her silhouette moving ferociously  among the masses as if she would rather be anywhere but there. Underneath all his confusion, morbid curiosity, and pulsating anger at how she has been endangering, and possibly enchanting, his best friend, Ominis felt a pang of pity. He didn’t blame her one bit for wanting to leave as quickly as possible— not at all. He knew all too well how it felt to have all eyes burning through his skin at every turn, even if no one else seemed to figure out her secret other than him. He couldn’t let her escape, though; he needed answers, he needed closure. Halting in his tracks, he racked his mind for what he could do to get her attention. She wouldn’t hear him call her name in the ruckus around them, nor could he keep up with her brusk pace. There was really only one option to choose, and as much as he hated to do it, snakes had an incredible sense of hearing, or rather, in their case, an excellent sense for vibrations. 
His voice flowed from his lips in a strong hiss, the air seeming to break just for the words to slither their way to their target like a bush adder in a pile of leaves. “I know what you are.” 
Ominis could hear her pulse quicken as she stilled. Everything else in the cramped space fell away, leaving just the two slytherin’s, each one with their own morose history that has been broadcasted for all the world to hear. Two peas in a pod— two sides to the same coin— two scales on the same snake. 
Her “pets” were startlingly silent as her hung head raised from its slumped position against her chest, her sigh heaving her shoulders into proper posture— a constrictor poised to strangle. 
The boy felt her words before he heard them— the air stilling around him like a world born anew. 
“I suppose it’s my turn to explain things, then.”
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Shes baaaaaacccckkkkkkk :)
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radical-ghostface · 1 year
How do you think Sebastian would react after getting released/escaping Azkaban and finding out MC was pregnant when he got sent away?
Alright so i thought this was gonne be way harder. But i jumped on this so fast.
Warnings: A little angst. Implied depression/ptsd.
Obvious implied Sebastian × MC , implied Ominis x MC.
10 years. Its been 10 years since MC reported Sebastian for Solomon's death, getting him sent to Azkaban and ripping his heart out in the process. 10 years, and he was finally getting out. He thought about this day countless times. Though about getting to see MC and Ominis again. Thought about getting the revenge he deserved. Thought about ripping their hearts out. And now he finally could.
He may have to crucio a few people to get their location, but it was oh so worth it. His vengeance and hurt numbing him to others pain.
He walked up to their shared house. Oh how betrayed he felt. Is this why they sent him to Azkaban? The sheer idea of it setting him ablaze. They would get whats coming to them.
He peeked inside the window and was shocked at what he saw.
MC was braiding a little girls hair as she smiled happily, Ominis sat across from them.
In that moment all Sebastian could do was watch. His anger giving away to curiosity. Whos kid was that? Had they had a child together while he was rotting away in Azkaban?? The idea killed him and he found himself unable to breath. Not tonight. He can't do it tonight. But he resolved to come back tomorrow. He MUST have justice for what was done to him.
And he did return, the next night and every night after. But found himself unable to do anything but watch. Watch them from the outside while they were so happy together.
He did notice from all the watching that MC and Ominis didn't seem to be.. intimate. Their relationship seemed more like one of platonic soulmates. They were always there for eachother but not in the way MC and Sebastian were. But if that were the case then whos child is this? Who had MC had a baby with? Who would she? Other than Ominis, and that seemed to be very nuch not the case. The idea of MC with anyone else still set a fire inside him. After everything, even when she turned him in, he couldnt help but love her.
His thoughts were cut short
"Hi! Who are you?"
He turned around slowly to see the little girl hes seen every day for the past month
"Im.. and old friend of your parents"
"Nice to meet you! If you know my parents.. does that mean you know my dad?!"
He took a really good look at her face for the first time and noticed something.
She had curly brown hair and freckles all over her face. Brown eyes too. Curious.
"Ominis isn't your father?" He knew the answer to that already. Why did he even ask?
She laughed "no, of course not! Hes my uncle! He just stays with my mom to help out. She gets really sad sometimes"
He hated the idea of her being sad. How could he have ever wanted revenge? She didn't do this to him. He did it to himself. And he dragged her into it like he always did. He should leave them alone. Stop watching them. Let them be happy.
"Oh! My names Anne by the way! I just realized I never told you" she held her hand out to him.
Then it dawned on him. Oh merlin. How could he be so foolish. Anne..
"How old are you?" He asked taking her hand and shaking it lightly.
"Im 10!" She beamed.
It was like he was hexed. His mind swirling wildly. It can't be.. but it is.
"I.. i have to go. But it was a pleasure meeting you Anne"
He decided he would be back tomorrow. And not just to watch. He had missed enough. He wanted to be with his.. daughter. And MC, and Ominis. Every ounce of anger and betrayal gone. He would be back tomorrow.
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slytherin-paramour · 1 year
Ok random headcanon of the day.
After all of the awful things that happen at the end of the game, MC is just absolutely broken. Losing Fig, losing Sebastian to the Dark Arts, it's all just too much. She's just numb.
She goes to talk to the closest authoritative person to her that's left, Professor Weasley, and breaks down, telling her that she wants the hurting to stop. She decides that she wants to return to the Muggle World.
Professor Weasley is visibly concerned about this decision but says that if it's what she really wants, she'll support her. She also informs her that the decision will mean that the Ministry will probably want to erase her memory of the Wizarding World via Obliviate. MC had already considered this and feels sad but also thinks that it will be a relief to finally forget.
The only person she tells of her plans is Ominis. She feels he deserves to know, as one of her closest friends. Ominis hasn't really spoken to her or anyone since what happened, but when he listens to what she wants to do, he is utterly heartbroken.
On the day that MC is due to have her memory wiped, she's sitting in a room at the Ministry with a few official witches and wizards around. They go over the details of what is about to transpire with her one last time, also producing her wand, ready to be snapped as a finality to her losing her magic.
They give her a last chance to back out. MC just stares numbly at the wall, giving a little shake of her head.
One of them, an elderly wizard, approaches her side and pats her on the shoulder with sympathy before pressing his wand against her temple gently, the tip of it beginning to glow blue.
MC feels a tear roll over her cheek, and she closes her eyes.
A loud bang reverberates around the room as the door is flung open, followed by the sound of angry voices, shouting and footsteps. The wand is removed from MCs head and everyone in the room turns to see the commotion.
A heavy body suddenly slams into MC, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her face to rest in the crook of his neck. She takes in a deep breath, inhaling his scent. A scent she'd know anywhere. Sebastian. Tears fill her eyes.
Sebastian clings to her desperately and tells her not to give up. Not to leave him behind. He knows that he's hurt her beyond repair and that she's suffering, but he'll be there for her from now on in any capacity that she desired. She was everything to him, and she was loved by so many people in the wizarding world. That even though there was darkness, she couldn't just forget all of the light that she'd wrought into the world around her.
He's sobbing as he presses his face into her hair, softly stroking the back of her head. The officials in the room have remained silent, but the elderly man was gently trying to pry Sebastian away from MC.
Professor Weasley, who had until now remained out in the corridor, stepped briskly into the room, followed by Garreth, Imelda, Poppy and Natty, all of whom looked a little ruffled, but when MC made eye contact with them, ran toward her and all piled in for a hug. Imelda reprimanding her tearfully for not telling them about everything.
The officials allow MC some time alone with her friends to discuss things. Apparently Ominis had gathered the troops, telling them of her plans and each of them were dumbstruck and shattered by the thought of it.
None more so than Sebastian, who physically couldn't bear the thought of MC losing her memories. He'd demanded from some of the Hogwarts faculty (Professor Hecat was more than happy to help her favourite student) that they tell him the date of her Obliviation. And here he was.
MC realises just how devestated her friends would be if she went through with this, and feeling their warmth around her, she sobs and decides to stay with them. Her eyes open to meet the familiar dark ones that she loves so much, his eyes a bit puffy from crying. She smiles a genuine smile, silently conveying how grateful she is. He takes her hand in his and squeezes, a quiet promise that they can talk in privacy later.
She takes a deep inhale. She really must repay Ominis for this.
PT.2 .
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Sorry for the angst! I'm an angsty person 🙃
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