#I just love Ominis and I wish him a long happy life
ceru-at-hogwarts · 2 years
Your hand in his (Ominis x Reader)
Based on this musing I had a few whiles ago about Ominis’ hands. Dedicated to Reece Lavellan♥️
Fiction Masterlist
The first time Ominis tended his hand toward you was on your first day at Hogwarts. You had just beaten Sebastian in a duel in Professor Hecat’s class earlier that day, and you were lost in the massive castle, looking your way to Charms class. You had not noticed a slippery spot on the floor and before you realize it, you had disgracefully fallen on the floor with the loudest thud ever, your books flying everywhere.
As you laid spread-eagle, cursing yourself, you see a hand extended to you. It was the boy you had seen earlier walking around with his arm stretched in front of him, his wand pulsating with a characteristic red glow. He held his wand in one hand and offered his free hand to help you back on your feet. You murmured your gratitude while accepting his hand, feeling your face burning and thankful that he could not see how your face had turned as red as a beet. Ominis’ hand was cool, yet you felt a strange warmth as your fingers touched his.
“Based on the chatter around you, I’m guessing you are the new fifth year who had beaten Sallow in a duel today. I’m Ominis, Ominis Gaunt,” he said as he let go of your hand, a small playful grin on his face as he tilted his head toward you.  
“Thank you, Ominis, you definitely found me in such… situation,” you said, happy that he could not see you blushing. “I believe I am lost while trying to find my way to the Charms classroom.”
“I am also heading to the Charms class, should we walk together?” he offered graciously, and you smiled, accepting his offer. Both of you walked together as Ominis navigated the interminable corridors, moving stairs, and all obstacle with ease. He told you a lot about the castle’s hidden secrets, and how to reach any points within it faster.
“Pleasure’s all mine. Don’t be a stranger. Do let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here,” he said, his head tilted, giving you his signature playful grin as you thanked him once again in front of the Charms classroom. You smiled as you watched him across the classroom as he left you to take his own usual seat.
The second time Ominis offered his hand to you, he had just beaten you badly on a round of Crossed Wands duel a few weeks later. You were surprised that Lucan set you in a match against him, but Ominis proved to be a formidable opponent. You were even more surprised to find yourself locked in a full body-bind curse on the floor, barely minutes after the duel started. Ominis tended his hand toward you as soon as the duel ended, removing his curse. Gingerly, you accepted his hand as he helped you back to your feet.
“You fell a lot,” he said playfully with a grin. “I could hear your moving and falling even from across the room.”
Once again, his hand felt cool, yet there is warmth in his finger as your hand touched his. Intrigued, you followed him to the courtyard after the duel, spending what’s left of your lunch break with him. Somehow, you could feel a tiny seed of friendships that had been cultivated a few weeks ago started to grow.
The third time Ominis took your hand in his, you were laying on the floor in the corridor leading to Slytherin’s Scriptorium. You regretted bitterly to allow Sebastian to talk you into pressuring Ominis into helping to find this cursed Scriptorium. As the door locked behind you, you had bravely offered to be in the receiving end of the Cruciatus Curse.
As you screamed from the pain as the curse hit you squarely on the chest, you could hear Ominis shouting your name in panic, before everything went dark when Sebastian’s wand fell to the floor, stopping the curse. You woke up to see both Sebastian and Ominis hovering over you, their faces grave, calling your name. Slowly you realized that Ominis was holding your hand in his, an indescribable sadness in his face, a sadness you had never seen before.
You put a brave face, trying to sound brave even if you know he was not one to be fooled. Ominis knew what you had just went through. Somehow, he could see within you. Without further ado, Ominis did not let go of your hand but put your arm around his shoulder and helped you back to your feet. Sebastian quickly took your other arm, and both helped you into the Scriptorium. Ominis and you sat on the floor near the entrance as Sebastian roamed the room in wonder. Not once did Ominis let your hand go, as if he was afraid that something bad would happen if he did. You tried to reassure him that you were fine, that the curse was painful, but you were fine now. He did not buy it. He knew how it felt to be on the receiving end, and that there would be lingering pain for a while longer.
Not once did Ominis let your hand go as both of you climbed out of the Scriptorium, not even when he chastised Sebastian for being reckless and for the use of Dark Magic. You would never forget how soft his hand was that day.
The fourth time Ominis held your hand in his was when you found him sitting on the floor in the Defense Against the Dark Art tower, the day after your escapade to the Scriptorium. He looked sad, and he tilted his head toward you as he recognized your footsteps.
“Never again,” he said quietly as you sat beside him. You touched his arm, and he took your hand in his. He kept your hand in his for a very long time, without a word. Never would you forget the sadness in his face that day.
The fifth time your hand was in his, Ominis was laying in the Hospital Wing in the winter after catching a bad case of cold that refused to go even after a few doses of Nurse Blainey’s Pepperup Potion. You watched him waking up from a fitful sleep. He could tell you were there, the scent of the soap you used gave you away. Quietly he tended his hand toward you. This time, you took his hand in yours as you sit beside him and letting him know that he was not alone. Quietly he put his other hand on top of yours and both of you stayed together until Nurse Blainey chased you out of the Hospital Wing to let him rest.
Slowly, a quiet friendship blossomed between both of you, as you both tried to stop Sebastian from descending into darkness. A friendship that bloomed further into something more in the years to come, knowing that whatever lies ahead, both of you must face it together. That Ominis never doubted even once. Not even when both of you had to made the hardest decisions together.
Ominis would always offer his hand to you as you walked together hand in hand on each step of life, as he knew you would never ask for it first. Your hand was in his as both of you walked together to vow your life to each other during your wedding ceremony. He never let go of you as both of you faced the storm of life together, the good and the bad.
The last time he took your hand in his, both of you were smiling, remembering all those decades spent together, a time when his hair was still blonde and yours wasn’t all grey. It had all started many years ago as he kindly offered his hand to you on your first day at Hogwarts. After all this time, you always remembered the coolness of his hand that first day, and the warmth on the tips of his fingers. That night, for the last time both of you would depart for the last one of life’s next great adventure together, your hand in his.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
How do you think Ominis and/or Sebastian would react to the reader being stood up for a date, especially when they absolutely adore us? Would they comfort us by taking us on a date they've ran through their minds a million times so we can forget about being stood up by a loser and finally confess their love for us? Ugh I'm a sucker for fluffy writings like that ❤️‍🩹
This doesn't need to be a full-blown work, I just wanted your thoughts/opinions since you've been dubbed the Patron Saint of Ominis works.
Too bad, you're getting a full blown work with Ominis because I love this. And him. He's all I think about. Thank you for this prompt!!! I love it so much!
Warnings: Feelings of inadequacy, being stood up on a date, making Andrew Larson the bad guy (as always)
Word Count: 1.6k
Ominis laid out on his bed, trying not to let his spiraling thoughts consume him. He should be happy for her. That’s what good friends do, right? Celebrate things with one another, cheer each other on as they try things, grow, find their place in life?
He wanted to do all that. He just couldn’t stop wishing her current place wasn’t with Andrew Larson. 
He was fully aware of how idiotic he was being. He had never asked her on any sort of date, never even hinted at his deep feelings toward her in the two years they had known each other. All of this made the fact that he couldn’t help his thoughts from wandering to her every two seconds all the more pathetic. 
They were close. He’d dare say that he was even closer to her than Sebastian in some aspects, even though they’d had less time to know each other. But there had always been something about her that drew him in, allowed him to open himself up to her. It had scared him at first—but as he slowly gave in, he found himself wondering how he had ever lived a day without her. 
He’d just never expected this level of aching to come with it. 
She’d asked Larson out a few days before—it had come as a complete shock to him. Despite their closeness, she had never mentioned any feelings she’d had toward him. When he carefully asked why she’d done it, she just said she’d heard he might be interested in her, and wanted to see where it would go. The days had passed like agony, and finally, the evening of their outing had arrived. 
He wondered if she had come back yet. Were her and Larson slowly making their way back to the castle, laughing at newfound jokes? Had he held her hand as they walked, daring to capture her soft skin in his grasp, or—Ominis sucked in a sharp breath—had he kissed her goodnight, with a promise of see you again soon?
It was that thought that finally pulled him out of his bed. He couldn’t stay there, thinking those sorts of things. He’d only drive himself mad. He shouldn’t care. He should just hope she was having fun. That he was treating her well. But he couldn’t help it. 
His feet carried him through the halls of the castle. It was past curfew now—surely she was back in her room. Larson wasn’t a rulebreaker, unlike him and Sebastian. He wondered for a brief moment if that's what she liked about him, but shook the thought before it could take any true form. It wasn’t long until he was entering the Undercroft. But then he froze. 
Crying. Someone was crying. 
He knew that tone of voice. It was hers. Why on earth was she here, when she was supposed to have had a perfect evening out? 
He called out her name, walking to her. His wand let him sense her figure, hunched over as she sat atop one of the crates in the room. She responded to his voice, trying to take a deep breath before answering. 
“O-ominis,” she said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be down here. I was just… I needed someplace to be alone.”
“Alone?” Ominis asked. “I thought… did your date not go well?”
She sniffled. “It didn’t go at all, actually.”
Ominis’s mind raced. What had happened? Why was she here crying instead of up in her dorm room telling her roommates how wonderful her time was? But he reached the most likely conclusion—one that was quick to make his blood boil. “He stood you up?” The anger was barely masked in his voice. 
He heard her choke back another sob instead of speaking. That was answer enough for him. 
How dare he? Various choice words rushed through his head, and he bit his tongue to stop himself from cursing the git out loud. Did he not realize he’d just lost? Ominis had just spent hours pacing the floor of his room, sick at the thought of her giving Larson any ounce of her love, and he’d went and burned it all. His hand twitched, and he found himself wondering how easy it might be to break into the Ravenclaw common room. 
But as he heard her shuddering breaths, he was reminded of why he was so upset in the first place. 
There would be time to deal with the prick later. She needed him now. 
He rushed to move beside her, sitting next to her and carefully placing an arm around her shoulder. She leaned into the contact as he rubbed his hand up and down her bicep, trying to help her breathe properly. After a few moments, he spoke quietly. “What happened?”
He felt her shrug under his arm. “I told him we’d meet near the north entrance, and he just… didn’t come. I waited until it was dark out and nothing. He didn’t even send me an owl.” She brought her knees up, curling into a ball as if she was ready to disappear. His arm around her tightened as he silently reassured her. 
She went on; now that she was talking about it, the words all came spilling out. “I didn’t even want to go out with him. I just asked him because Poppy said I haven’t been out with someone in too long, and I didn’t know who to ask, but she insisted he liked me…” She huffed. “I suppose we can say she was wrong about that.” She buried her face in her knees. “I shouldn’t have asked him. I don’t know why I try anymore. No one’s ever liked me like that, why would that be any different now?”
She was spiraling, pushed off the edge by the events of the evening. Ominis knew this habit of hers, and sadness and anger anew washed over him at the thought that Larson had set it off. He said her name, repeating it until he felt her lift her head, facing him. “Don’t say that. It’s not true.”
She let out a sigh. “It feels true.” 
He shifted, finally taking his arm from around her to place his hand firmly on her shoulder, facing her. “You are worth all the love in the world. To assume you aren’t is preposterous. Frankly, it’s a wonder how everyone in the whole of Hogwarts isn’t dueling for the chance to court you. You are brilliant, kind, and know how to make anyone laugh—including me. Sebastian has told me on more than one occasion how beautiful you are.” 
His next words made his heart ache—would she hear the longing in his voice? Would he fully reveal himself? “There will be a day when someone deserving of you realizes all of that. They’ll come and sweep you off your feet, and give you all the love and commitment you are due. They’ll love you completely. Even the parts you’re afraid to show them. They’ll love you like…” 
The words died in his throat. He couldn’t say it. He couldn’t disrupt their friendship, the careful thing they had built together out of some selfish need of being wanted by her. But… but she was across from him, feeling as if no one would ever care for her. He could prove her wrong. It didn’t matter if she didn’t feel the same—he’d deal with that later. All she needed now was to know. So he took a deep breath. 
“They’ll love you like I do.” 
The silence was suffocating. He wished he could see her face, read whatever emotion lied there. It was several long seconds later before her faint voice finally uttered something.
“Come again?”
“I…” He hung his head, hand still gripping her shoulder, trying to keep himself grounded. “You said no one has ever like you… like that. You’re wrong. You’ll capture many hearts. I know it, because you’ve already taken mine—even if it’s not one that you want.” 
He began to let his hand fall from away from her, but his eyes widened as she gripped onto his wrist. “What if it is the one I want?” 
Her words were hardly more than a whisper, and he could have sworn he had imagined it out of pure desperation. “Do you really—”
“Yes,” she said, laughing lightly. “Yes, Ominis. I mean that. Merlin, I’m an idiot. I should have just asked you, I’ve been wanting to for ages, I just never thought—”
He couldn’t stand it a moment longer. His hand reached forward, and before either of them had a moment to think, he was darting forward to kiss her. Even with his hand on her cheek, he missed, lips brushing on the side of her mouth as he let out a small noise of frustration. Any negative emotion washed away when a chuckle escaped her lips, the sound vibrating against his skin just before she pressed her lips to his. 
She kept her grip on his wrist as his hand traced its way from her shoulder to her jaw, letting him cup her face with both hands as he pulled her closer. The kiss was everything he expected it to be, and more. For countless nights, he had wondered what her lips might feel like, if they would match the warmth of her voice, if they would give him shelter just as her arms did, if they would make him feel alive just like every touch she gave him. 
Her kiss was not just warm—it was fire, flames running through every vein in his body, his heart pounding at the heat of it. It was not just shelter—it was home. The place he was meant to be all along. It was more than living. It was being reborn. 
When she pulled away, breathing hard, he knew he’d crave her taste for the rest of his days. 
She rested her forehead against his, letting their breath tangle together. “What would you say to coming to Hogsmeade with me?” she said. 
He grinned. “I’d say yes, a thousand times over.” 
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lovesicklovermia · 2 months
“I don’t get it, Clora.” Winifred’s gaze fell across the room, over to Sebastian. “He doesn’t know his arse from his elbow, but every time he so much as breathes, you act as if he’s cured dragonpox.” Sure, perhaps some inconsiderate words were used from the girl, but could you blame her? Clora was a bright-eyed, intelligent and kind girl, someone from a Grimms Brothers tale. An avid lover of Sherlock Holmes, yet clearly also an avid lover of some miserable sod, too. 
“I understand.” Clora was quick in her reply, yet not at all judgemental. Winnie wished she only had half the compassion the smaller girl beside her did, for she was quite sure she’d never shut up about her ‘good nature’ and ‘ability to withhold a relationship’. Those were, after all, some of the most feminine and ladylike traits one could possess. Not that she could ever blame Clora - after all, what was to be blamed? The entire female population? There was nothing to be ashamed of, after all. 
“Do you?” Winnie caught her nose wrinkling up in disgust. Currently, the man in question was simply sitting with Ominis, his arms folded. Heck, Sebastian seemed to be immune to any thoughts of uncomfortable eye contact, for he was staring Clora down like nobody’s business. It made Winifred shift uncomfortably on the spot, glancing from the Slytherin’s face, down to the Ravenclaw’s beside her. Clora seemed smiley, so maybe it was all alright.
“I mean, have you even told him that you like him?” Winifred tutted, a small smile tugging at her lips. 
“Pardon?” A splutter of laughter escaped Clora’s lips. Of course, the kind girl was never one to expect everyone to be keeping up with her daily life, the ins and outs of the ‘new students’ life. Except, she wasn’t the new student anymore. It was midway through seventh year, and Sebastian had just about cemented to everyone that Clora was his love. It was quite admirable, to a somewhat overconfident Gryffindor like Winnie.
A smile cracked across said Gyffindor’s face, patting Clora’s shoulder with such enthusiasm she immediately glanced back over to Sebastian, to make sure he hadn’t pulled out his kill list. “Joke, Clora, that’s a joke.” Clora seemed slightly relieved by that information, nodding and releasing a puff of laughter from her lips. “But, I mean, are you planning to spend forever with him? Personally, I think he likes Slytherin a bit too much. You don’t want to be dragging yourselves back to the cold quidditch field to watch the young ‘uns play in your eighties, do you?”
Clora seemed to ponder this for a moment, pink lips pursing together in thought. Winnie admired the girl ever so much, and of course was only teasing, so she provided a bright smile, as Clora replied. “I wouldn’t mind, actually!”
“Although green suits you well, red does too. Think of it, Clora. We could be cottage wives forever.” Winnie teased, running a hand through her long, dark curls, starkly different from Clora’s smooth, almost-white locks. 
“Although that does sound tempting,” Clora started, a small smile on her face, as she waved goodbye to Sebastian, who seemed all too eager to take that goodbye as a sign to follow him, “I’ll only be your cottage wife if we carry on the ‘Holmes continuation club’. So, please, Winnie, come on!” Clora giggled, and even more so at the look of pure shock on her dearest’s face, as he walked over, looping his arm around Clora’s, having heard the last snippets of the conversation.
Winifred was all too happy to walk behind the loved-up pair. After all, who wouldn’t want such declarations of love? Even as Winifred kicked up her feet, accidentally somewhat-harshly kicking Sebastian in the back of the legs, his confidence in making sure Clora was safe - despite the fact she was nowhere near - was enough for Winnie’s stamp of approval. The pair were as sweet as honey, and she could certainly imagine the pair growing old together.
this is of course for the lovely @choccy-milky !! your work has been a constant source of joy since i discovered it in march after a terrible breakup, and has continued to bring stability and joy to me and the entire fandom!! you inspired me to get more involved and im so glad i did, because this fandom is so lovely :,)
so i hope you like this tiny little fic!! i tried to include lots of moments from your fic, in honour of the amazing NOVEL that is your fanfiction!! hopefully people understand the references 🤭
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shadowtriovibes · 11 months
somewhere outside my life, babe
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Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x f!MC x Sebastian Sallow
Rating: M
Word Count: 3K
Summary: five times ominis gaunt was lovesick for the both of you (and the one time he finally figured it out)
Regardless, in many ways, Sebastian was his first “love,” if a young man such as himself could freely admit to such a thing. Perhaps that’s why he ultimately sighs and tells Sebastian that if it really means that much to him, of course he can take you to the ball. Sebastian nearly crushes him in the vice grip of his appreciative hug.
1: the yule ball
Late one night in the Slytherin common room, Sebastian eagerly fidgets with the single gold Galleon that rests in the palm of his hand.
“Shall we let fate decide?” he offers. “I’ll flip a Galleon, and if it lands on the dragon, I’ll ask her. If it lands on the wizard, you’ll ask her.”
Ominis folds his arms skeptically, sitting back in his armchair. “How do I know you won’t cheat and say it’s the dragon no matter what?”
“Fine, I’ll let you feel it when I catch it,” Sebastian says impatiently. “Go on, then, how else do you suggest we decide?”
The Yule Ball is less than a month away, yet nearly all the witches in your year have already excitedly ordered their gowns from the bespoke clothing shops in Diagon Alley – some even as far away as Paris. You’ve been quietly planning to visit Mister Hill in Hogsmeade to see about a dress for yourself, if only your thickheaded friends would sort out who precisely will be your date for the evening.
Both had eagerly volunteered, of course; you’d asked them to decide amongst themselves, so as to not get in the way of their friendship. A week later, Sebastian and Ominis are no closer to a decision.
Reluctantly, Ominis quietly agrees to the coinflip and listens to the gentle click of Sebastian’s thumbnail against the Galleon as he arcs it into the air. Rather than catching it neatly in his hand, Sebastian misses as the coin veers off course and tumbles to the floor, bouncing away to the corner of the room and under a bookshelf.
Sebastian curses under his breath. “Right, well… I swear, I’m usually more coordinated than that.”
“There’s no need to lie to me, Sebastian,” Ominis jokes. “I’ve known you for many years.”
The two sit in awkward silence for several long moments. While Sebastian mindlessly fidgets with his robes, Ominis finds himself revisiting the night his best friend in the world had confessed his feelings for you, the very girl for whom he himself has become thoroughly, pathetically lovesick.
“She’s just… brilliant, isn’t she?” he’d half-whispered from his bed late one night. “She’s endlessly clever, and strong, and so, so beautiful. Ominis, I really wish you could see her sometimes – she’s breathtaking.”
Ominis had thought to himself that he hardly needed to see you in order for his breath to be taken away.
Regardless, in many ways, Sebastian was his first “love,” if a young man such as himself could freely admit to such a thing. Perhaps that’s why he ultimately sighs and tells Sebastian that if it really means that much to him, of course he can take you to the ball.
Sebastian nearly crushes him in the vice grip of his appreciative hug.
Even though Ominis eventually joins you both at the ball as a reluctant third wheel – and dances with plenty of lovely girls who find him quite dashing in his tailored dress robes, mind you – he wishes he’d had the chance to take you properly himself. It’s not the first time he’d sabotaged his own happiness, nor will it be the last, but it’s probably the instance he regrets the most.
2: the first date
Shortly after the ball, Sebastian excitedly tells Ominis he’s asked you on a date.
“A real one this time, a proper one,” he insists. “ I think we’ll just pop down to Hogsmeade for some Butterbeer, which isn’t that exciting, but at least it’s a real date.”
Ominis says nothing as he presses his fingers more firmly into the pages of the book he’s reading.
“Er, Ominis?” Sebastian asks, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. “Would you like to join us?”
His hand halts abruptly. “What?”
“I was wondering – we both were, actually – if you’d like to come to the pub,” Sebastian offers once more. “It won’t be the same without you.”
Then I suppose you should have thought of that before asking her on a date, Ominis thinks bitterly. The audacity of Sebastian to suggest he’ll be missed while he woos you is nearly enough to provoke his temper; instead, he takes a long, deep breath before answering.
“I’m not sure that would be appropriate,” he says, purposefully leaning into the propriety of his posh tongue. “As a gentleman, I’ll respectfully pass.”
Sebastian opens his mouth as if to try to talk Ominis into reconsidering, but he remains silent, and Ominis remains ignorant of his heartsick expression.
You make a second attempt to convince him to join you when you come downstairs.
“Won’t you please come?” you ask softly as you tuck your hair into your scarf. “I know this is… different, but our friendship is what’s most important in all this, and–”
“Our friendship will be perfectly fine,” Ominis says curtly. “As it happens I have plans to study with Violet and Nerida this evening, but I hope the two of you have a lovely time.”
He closes his book a bit harder than is strictly necessary and storms off, leaving Sebastian to gently reach for your hand and murmur, “He’ll come around eventually, you’ll see.”
You aren’t as sure.
By the end of the school year, you and Sebastian have begun quite a serious courtship. Despite his very best attempts to retreat into his schoolwork, the two of you coax Ominis into warming to your relationship just enough to restore your friendship.
Months go by just like that, and eventually, the fiery jealousy that settles in Ominis’ stomach whenever he hears the two of you snogging settles into a dull ache that he can mostly ignore.
3: the engagement
Even in the soft, low light of the Leaky Cauldron, the emerald on your ring finger sparkles brilliantly. The singular flickering candle that rests on the table before you can’t possibly be enough to make it gleam like that, but nevertheless it shines.
Though Ominis can’t see for himself your new glimmering accessory, you’d gleefully taken his hand in yours as soon as he’d arrived and traced his fingertips over the petite stone. He’d nearly forgotten to breathe as you’d told him how Sebastian had proposed marriage on the shoreline near Feldcroft over a lovely picnic lunch.
He needn’t be surprised, he thinks. It’s been three years since the three of you finished school at Hogwarts and took up an apartment in London near the Ministry, and while Ominis can’t specifically recall the two of you discussing marriage, he admits that it felt sickeningly inevitable after a while. When Sebastian had announced that the two of you were taking a brief weekend trip back to Scotland to visit Anne, he should have suspected something like this could happen.
“I suppose congratulations are in order,” he manages to force out.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” you sigh dreamily. “Oh, Ominis, I can hardly believe it!”
Sebastian smiles proudly and rests his arm across your shoulders. With his other hand, he gently lifts your hand to his lips so he can press a soft kiss against the cool, green gem with which he’d asked for your hand.
“It’s not nearly as big as you deserve,” he begrudges. “But it’s the best I could on a Ministry salary.”
“Nonsense, it’s perfect,” you insist, unable to resist smiling to yourself as you tilt your hand this way and that, watching how it catches the light and even seems to glow from within.
Ominis’ stomach twists enviously as he allows himself a moment to fantasize about the ring he could have given you. An offensively huge diamond to start, and then perhaps several emeralds surrounding it in an ostentatious cluster, as if to prove that his monstrous family’s monstrous wealth could be used to bejewel something – someone – so stunning.
(Maybe you’d like a moonstone ring, he wonders, if you were his; you’d once said that his eyes remind you of moonstones, and he’s never forgotten.)
“Perhaps someday we’ll upgrade it,” Sebastian says, glancing sidelong at Ominis. “Or add a second one alongside it.”
“I suppose you’ll have to,” Ominis mumbles, pausing to take a long drink of his elderflower wine while the two of you exchange a hopeful glance.
Finally, he concludes, “At the wedding, hmm? The second band?”
“Right,” you sigh, pursing your lips and rolling your eyes fondly at Sebastian. “At the wedding.”
4: the honeymoon
For a full week, Ominis lays awake at night trying desperately to fall asleep to no avail.
He’s lived with the two of you as a couple for four years now, and it’s hardly the first time he’s heard you being intimate with each other. He’s found ways to cope after all this time – most of which involve leaving the apartment and going down to the pub around the corner until he’s sure you’re finished.
(Sometimes, usually when he’s already been to the pub that evening, he copes by pretending he’s not listening even though he leaves his bedroom door open just a crack. Only under Veritaserum would he admit that on those nights, when filthy noises drift down the hallway between your rooms, he touches himself and imagines joining you both.)
But here on this warm, secluded island off the coast of Spain, there’s no pub to which Ominis can simply disappear and scowl into his drink for an hour or two. He’s held hostage by the utterly maddening sounds of Sebastian eagerly pleasuring you in the next room over, and he wonders for the umpteenth time why he ever agreed to join you on this cursed trip.
“Come with us, won’t you?” you’d begged every day for a full week. “Ominis, you haven’t had a vacation in years! You must come, please.”
There had been promises of endless bottles of Spanish wine, afternoons spent lounging on the beach, and lovely walks through the foothills near the friendly Muggle towns. What had not been discussed was the nighttime routine, which always began with the two of you making a tipsy, not-so-subtle escape to your bedroom suite.
Now that he’s here, Ominis thinks, he can hardly ask the two of you not to be intimate with each other – it is your honeymoon trip, after all. But every night? For what seems like ages?
Surely this trip is going to be the death of him.
…If he didn’t know any better, he might think you’re trying to tempt him on purpose. To what end he couldn’t possibly imagine, but it seems as if you and Sebastian are almost trying to make sure that you’re overheard.
“Sebastian!” you wail through the walls. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
Ominis can only imagine how he’s undoing you. He’s uncharacteristically quiet; perhaps he has his mouth on you, taking you apart with his tongue while you cling to his messy, sun-lightened hair between your thighs.
Usually, when he’s not using his mouth on you, Sebastian’s just as loud. His low, desperate groans stir up heat in the pit of Ominis’ stomach, and the filth he talks… Ominis isn’t sure where he learned that kind of language, but he’s helpless to stop it echoing inside his head as he shamefully listens in.
Moments later, while Ominis tosses and turns fitfully as he resists the urge to shove his hand inside his pajamas, he hears Sebastian call out:
“That’s it, my love, be as loud as you can for me, you’re such a brilliant little temptress.”
Ominis groans in frustration and throws a stray pillow to the floor; he’s now positive that you’re doing this on purpose.
Your wanton moans carry on and on until Ominis, desperate from exhaustion and heartache and frustration, buries his face in his pillow and shoves his hand beneath his bedcovers, hoping the two of you will never find out about this.
5: the first home
Ominis’ wedding gift to the two of you had been a charming seaside cottage in the Highlands, It’s close enough to Feldcroft to allow for Anne to visit yet tucked away in peaceful seclusion, which ought to be well suited for a pair of broody newlyweds…
Or so he’d thought.
“You’ll come live with us, of course,” Sebastian says easily when Ominis asks him why he’s begun to pack up the entirety of your shared London flat.
“But I work in the city,” Ominis points out dumbly, as if that’s the biggest problem with his dear friend’s assumption.
“So do we,” you say with a cheerful laugh. “There’s a Floo fireplace, remember? You’re the one who showed it to us!”
“B-but… But it’s your home,” Ominis stammers. “I – I intended it as a gift, for your family… as it grows.”
“You are our family, Ominis,” Sebastian says nonchalantly as he charms a pile of Ominis’ Braille books into a moving crate, so casually as if he hasn’t just wrought havoc on his humble heart.
“Besides, no one’s family is growing just yet,” you add teasingly. “There will be plenty of time for all that once we’ve sorted out the house and… well, once we’ve sorted everything out.”
Ominis reddens while unbeknownst to him, you and Sebastian share a significant look.
“W-well, how am I supposed to meet anyone if I move out to the seaside?” Ominis demands. “I’ll have you know I don’t intend on remaining a bachelor forever, despite how much it might please you both.”
You and Sebastian both fall silent. Immediately Ominis regrets his words, regardless of how true they are. He’s dated occasionally, even met a lovely witch who works at Gringotts that he’d considered courting, but every time he introduced a “new friend” to his dearest roommates, none of the lot ever seemed to pass muster.
“I… I shouldn’t have said that,” Ominis murmurs. “I apologize.”
“No, you’re right,” Sebastian says quietly. “We should be the ones apologizing.”
“Ominis,” you whisper, and in a heartbeat Ominis knows he’d follow the two of you wherever you went, even at the expense of his own love life.
“Honestly, we’re truly sorry,” you tell him, taking his hands in yours. “Our selfishness has gone on for so long, and – and there’s so much more I want to say, but–”
“All’s forgiven, darling,” Ominis says faux-cheerfully, cracking a rare smile. “After all, you said it best – there will be plenty of time for all that once we’ve sorted out the house, hmm? Shall we pack my clothes?”
You press a lingering kiss to his cheek and thank him. Ominis feels not unlike a slowly sinking ship, as though the water around him is as intoxicatingly warm as a murlap bath.
+1. the confession
Ominis is perfectly made for seaside living, much to his surprise.
Each morning, he joins the two of you for breakfast in your cozy cottage kitchen. The three of you then join hands as you travel by Floo into the city, where upon arriving Ominis will insist on being brushed clean of any stray Floo powder before joining the throng of Londoners pushing through the city.
Each evening, you dine together and luxuriate in each others’ company by the fireplace, reading books and pressing herbs and making grand plans for your next great adventure, always just the three of you.
Weekends bring brisk morning walks by the beach and afternoon picnics, trips to Anne’s cottage and shopping in Diagon Alley. It’s a lovely little life – companionable, and good, and it doesn’t even matter to Ominis that he’s not in love.
At least not in the traditional sense.
In truth, Ominis has been deeply in love for a very long time: once since he was fourteen years old, with his first real friend, again when he was sixteen, with his second. He thinks his damned heart will probably always belong to them, though he couldn’t ask for a better pair to care for it.
So, perhaps he’s in love, but not loved.
…Except that indeed he is, and when he realizes it, it’s as if he’s finally sunk deep down into that warm water that’s been lulling him in like a siren’s song for nearly half a decade.
He sees love in how you tenderly stroke his hair when he rests his head in your lap after a long day at work. He sees love in how Sebastian loops his arm through his own when he joins Ominis for a walk along the beach, peacefully narrating the journey with a smile so wide Ominis can hear it in his voice.He sees love in how the both of you spin him around each morning and brush your hands over his cloak to rid him of that infernal powder.
He’s loved; he’s so loved.
No milestone marks the day Ominis’ world widens. No first date, no grand ball, no ornate moonstone ring (though you did eventually get one, and it barely puts a dent in the Gaunt family fortune).
Instead, two simply becomes three.
One evening, Ominis presses a gentle kiss to your lips, and then to Sebastian’s. There’d been no conversation; there’d been no need. Sebastian holds him in his arms while you pour every drop of love you’d held aside for him against his mouth; your husband works bruises Ominis will never see into his pale neck that seem to spell out ours, ours, finally ours.
“Always only yours,” Ominis gasps. “Yours, and yours.”
He joins your bed that night, leaving behind a trail of clothes dotted with whispered confessions of just how many times he’s imagined being taken apart by you both. He’s learned, pleasured, devoured in ways he’s never allowed himself to indulge in, even in his fantasies. Sebastian’s touch, your lips, his lewd words, your taste…
Afterward, tears shed for so many years wasted threaten to stain the bedsheets, but Sebastian wordlessly wipes them from Ominis’ cheeks.
“You understand now,” you whisper against the hollow of his throat. “We love you, Ominis.”
“I do,” he finally breathes. “I understand.”
“So brilliant and so oblivious,” Sebastian chuckles softly. “That’s our Ominis.”
Their Ominis. What a lovely little life indeed.
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fierymiasma · 1 year
〖 A Poetic Misunderstanding〗| Ominis Gaunt x Reader
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Summary: The last thing that Ominis expected from their ten year class reunion was to end up in the middle of Three Broomsticks kissing the savior of Hogwarts.  He only wished he was able to see just how beautiful she had become.
Ominis and female reader reconnect at their class reunion after 10 years of being apart.The AgedUp! Reunion of Ominis Gaunt x f!MC.
Content: Fluff with some angst, flustered Ominis, Victorian Era Flirting, Happy Ending, Kissing
Word Count: 3k
|| Masterlist || AO3 || | Reunion request with Sebastian x f!MC
Ominis had begun formerly courting her in the middle of the fall of their 6th year.  It became commonplace to see the 'new student' and him strolling along the Black Lake.  They would find a secluded area, set a blanket, and lay comfortably with their favorite books.  Ominis liked it especially when she read out loud to him, despite being perfectly capable himself.  He claimed, "the words just sound better coming from you."  She wasn't sure if that was entirely true, nevertheless, she indulged him in the late night reading.
They didn't talk about what life would be like after graduation.  It was one of touchy subjects in which neither party wanted to think too hard about their futures.  In which Ominis would no longer be shielded from the chains of his family name and in which she had to rise up and take her solemn duties as a Keeper of Ancient Magic.
Unfortunately, the passage of time did not stop for them. It wasn't long until Ominis got that ominous envelope from his mother that sealed their fault.
He had sent an urgent owl to her, asking to meet at their usual spot next to the Black Lake.  When she had arrived, Ominis was faithfully standing next to their favorite tree by the lake, just as he had for every day.  His back was turned, facing towards a lake that he could not see. Although she could not see his face, she could tell from the heavy weight on his shoulders, that he did not bear good news.  
"Ominis, you wanted to talk to me?"  She asked, approaching him quietly.  She gently brushed her fingers on his right shoulder, as a guide for him to see where she stood next to him.
She finally got a glimpse of his ashy expression. Her heart stopped.  Though it was spring, the lake brought an cold front, freezing the pair that was standing next to it.
"I just received a letter from my mother." Ominis said quietly.  His hand was clenched on his wand, its red tip seemingly duller than usual.  "She told me what my family has in store for me after I graduate Hogwarts."
"What did she say?"
Ominis turned his shoulder away from her, as if unable to face his lover.  "Mum and dad found me a betrothed."  His expression was angry.  "Someone who've I've never met that I am to marry by the end of the summer."
The air left her lungs, only to be replaced by the icy wind surrounding them.  They did not keep their relationship secret from Ominis's family, though they did not openly advertise either.  Still, it was not unknown to them that the girl Ominis had been seeing was a Muggleborn. Despite her ability to control a magic that few purebloods could even fathom, Ominis's lover was still of inferior origin.
"Is your betrothed Pureblood?"  The Keeper of ancient magic couldn't help but ask.
Ominis's brows crinkled in pain.  "Yes."
The two were silent for a bit, standing in the cold.  She couldn't stop herself from wringing her hands, afraid of the question she wanted to ask.
"Ominis, do you plan on going through with the marriage?"
The sharp-tongued man was utterly silent. His lack of words spoke volumes.
Something fiery in her clenched heart exploded.  "So, that's it?  Just like that, you acquiesce to their demands?  You, who had no love lost on your family, finally bend the knee to their wishes?"  She scoffed at Ominis's stony expression, willing him to say anything, to do anything, to deny these allegations she was making.
Before Ominis could speak, she felt herself being pulled back as if there was a hook in the middle of her gut dragging her elsewhere.
With a gasp, the Keeper of ancient magic returned from the memory in the pensieve.  She was now back in her research chambers, transported back to her reality from her days as a Hogwarts student.  She took a shaky breath, trying to even her respiratory rate.  It was far too painful to continue with the rest of the ten year old memory, too agonizing to hear Ominis's sad reply.  Wiping her nose, she looked at her reflection in the pensieve.  The makeup around her eyes were smudged with her tears.  She couldn't help but marvel.  It has been ten years since their 7th year.  Ten years since she last saw Ominis in person.  Ten years since they had lost what was once theirs.
Feeling tired as she often did, she turned her back to the pensieve, sliding down its column to sit on the hard stone floors. She rested her head against the cool pillar, lost as to what to do.
Poppy and Natty had arranged a ten year reunion of their closest classmates at the Three Broomsticks tonight.  It would be fun to catch up with old friends.
It would also be devastating to see what Ominis looked like now, no doubt with his wife hanging off his arms.  Merlin she hasn't seen him in ten years.  She couldn't even stomach going to their wedding (not that the Gaunts even wanted to invite her).
Thunking her head against the pensieve, she wondered if it was worth it to go to the reunion.
Ominis worried at the cufflinks to his dressrobes for the millionth time that night.  He had arrived early to the Three Broomsticks to help to set up.  He only found however that he was quite useless with decorations and that sort of things, and Natty and Poppy gently (but very firmly) sequestered him away from the various party assigned tasks.  So he sat in the corner nursing a butterbeer, alone with his thoughts.
He wondered how his old flame was doing, having not seen her in all this time.  Their departure was a painful one.  Ominis never went without a day regretting how they separated.  He spent many hours thinking of how different it could have been, had he made other choices that day.  
In their time apart, he had wrote to her frequently, as he did when they were still in school.  He filled the letters with familiar poems, just like the ones they used to share together.  He would pour all of his regret, his sorrow, and his love for her into those stanzas.
She would sometimes, on the rare occasion, write back.  Her letters provided him a terse update on her health and a polite inquiry as to the well-being of himself and his family.  If Ominis was lucky, she would tell him what recent adventures she was on, though they were never more informative than those written in the Daily Prophet.  
He wondered what she looked like now.
Funny enough, it was Amit who kept in touch with her the most.  Amit, the clever, hard-working Ravenclaw, had quickly ascended the ranks of the Ministry and was now the new Ministry-appointed ambassador between Goblin and wizardkind.  Amit and the hero of Hogwarts often worked closely together, solving wars before they could even start with well-placed diplomacy.
Amit had also arrived early, punctual as he had been in their youth.  Spotting Ominis by his lonesome, he eagerly approached the other man, sitting down on the unoccupied stool next to him.
Perhaps if Amit were someone who cared more about romance and settling down, Ominis would feel a tinge more jealous about the time they spent together.  Instead, it gave Ominis ample opportunity to ask, "What does she look like now? Has she changed?"
As obtuse as Amit could be sometimes, the Ravenclaw instantly knew who Ominis was talking about without having to ask. "Um, I guess she's taller, maybe? And doesn't wear school robes?" He shrugged.  "She wears these really fancy real-proper robes now."
Ominis sighed.  Well, it was a poor choice to ask Amit of all people to describe the beauty in people instead of dusty tomes.
Poppy grinned having overheard the conversation. She was always the other Hufflepuff's closest confidant while they were in school together.  Poppy was the one always pushing the shy Hufflepuff to be more bold and daring when it came to matters of the heart.  Patting her hands dry, she approached the two former students, eager to join in some light-hearted gossip.  "Well, Ominis, if you're asking about our savior of Hogwarts, she's doing quite well.  She grew her hair out.  It's super smooth and long now, though she has these beautiful braids that she puts it in when she goes out for any business.  Whenever, she visits my creature sancturary, she's always dressed in colorful robes like royalty, like a noble from some old Pureblood family." Her voice took a rather teasing tone. "She's very pretty if that's what you're asking."
Ominis flushed, "Um, thank you, Poppy."
Poppy giggled.  Before she returned back to her tasks around the tavern, she threw a wink behind her shoulder.  "Good luck tonight, Ominis."
Ominis flush deepened.
It was well into the night, after the rest of the crew had long arrived and gotten themselves well acquainted with the bar, that she made her entrance.  Ominis knew the second that she arrived when he heard the boisterous applause and cheering flood the small tavern.  Pausing his conversation with Everett, he turned, hoping that she would approach him.
It was in these moments, where Ominis was frustratingly reminded of his lack of sight.  He wished he was able to see what she looked like now.  If Poppy's words were able to hold a candle to the true beauty that she must be.  He wondered if her voice was unchanged, enchantingly mesmerizing.  He remembered falling asleep to the sound of her melodic words as she read from their favorite books.
His wand, almost like his a sentient companion, was able to map her movements as she made her way around the tavern.  It took no effort for it to follow her footsteps as she introduced herself politely to all the party members.  It wasn't long until she arrived right in front of him, coming to a standstill.
Even amongst the crowd at the Three Broomsticks Ominis could pinpoint her unique scent.  Honeywater, lavender, with a hint of ivy.
"Hello, Ominis."  She shyly greeted.
"Hello.  It is a pleasure to be with you again, after all of this time."
Her eyes roamed greedily over his appearance. He had grown so much since their last meeting, now a good head taller than her.  His cheekbones were sharper now, giving him an air of an aloof aristocrat. His blue eyes somehow never lost their dull, instead they were more piercing.  He was wearing black dress robes, freshly pressed, and accenting the long angles of his torso.  He had on black gloves that hid his long skillful fingers.  To her shock, there was no waifish, beautiful woman at his side. Ominis's wife was probably getting herself a drink.  Or she hadn't even bothered to show up for this whole silly affair.  
"So," the former Hufflepuff started awkwardly. She wasn't sure how to make small talk with the boy she once shared her deepest fears and secrets with. "What are you up to now?"
Ominis chuckled.  "Well, finally decided to listen to you and Sebastian for once and use my words for something other than yelling at the two of you.  I'm with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as a lawyer.  I prosecute dangerous dark wizards and witches who commit crimes of hate towards Muggles."
She blinked, not expecting that answer. "Ominis doesn't that mean…people like your family…"
Ominis nose crinkled.  "Yes, I prosecute Pureblood extremists like my siblings and the rest of the godforsaken lot." He shook his head.  "It hasn't been an easy journey."
She couldn't help but smile.  "Well, if you were anything like how we first met, I’m sure you give those dark wizards a run for their money.  Merlin, I still remember almost being brought to tears when you first shouted at me, I can't imagine you in the courtroom!"
Ominis flushed.  He apologized for his lack of manners back then, and he'd continue to apologize for them now.  "We did have a bit of a rocky start didn't we?  Still, as awkward as it was, I am glad you came to Hogwarts, and came into my life."  He frowned, "Though you haven't been in my life much recently."
She felt off balance.  She cradled her drink in her hands.  "Ominis, please do not be mistaken.  I cherish every single letter you have wrote to me.  Especially the beautiful poems.  But…" she started nervously, something like jealousy building in her gut.  "what would your wife think?  I hope she is okay with you writing such provocative words to an unwed, single woman."
Ominis' browns wrinkled.  "Wife?  I'm not married."
She blinked rapidly.  Ominis, unmarried?  The room was spinning, and the floor rocked beneath her.  Her heart was pounding.  "But…after graduation…your parents…the whole betrothal."
Ominis scowled.  "Oh, they tried to marry me off.  Tried to make sure I produced little Gaunts as quickly as possible."
She choked on her butterbeer.
"But as soon as I came back home after graduation, I could see how my family were trying to sink their claws into me, trying to get me to do their bidding.  I couldn't stand for it.  I left immediately."  Ominis snorted, crossing his arms.  "My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner."
Her hands covered her mouth in shock.  Had all this been just a silly misunderstanding? "So, you and your family are no longer speaking?"
He snorted.  "Hard to be on speaking terms when you've been estranged and put away your cousin in Azkaban."  He touched his chin in deep thought.  "Not sure if I can even call myself a Gaunt anymore. Probably not even allowed to use the family name.  I most likely would take my wife's last name, if she would allow it."
Again, she coughed into her drink.  The butterbeer kept going down the wrong pipe. Trying to recover with as much grace as possible, she asked quite forwardly, "So, you aren't with a wife currently, are you seeing anyone now?"
He had a small smile on his face. "Now, not now.  Though, I do hope that changes for me in the near future."  Her face burned at his words.  Ominis did not relent.  "I must confess, I had asked the others to describe how beautiful you were to me. I seem to recall you being the most beautiful girl in all of Hogwarts.  I'm sure you look even more lovely now."
"Ominis!"  She gasped, scandalized at his forwardness.  "You're not too bad yourself."  She admitted.
He laughed.  "Nothing, compared to what you must look like I'm sure."
She felt bold.  "Would you like to see?"
Ominis frowned.  Although his guiding wand was helpful in assisting him to see the rough hazy outlines of people, it was by no means perfect.  "Sorry, I'm not sure I entirely know what you mean."
She set aside her glass on a nearby table. Nervously fixing her hair, she approached him.  She was much closer than she should be for someone having a mere cordial conversation with an old friend.  She anxiously bit her bottom lip, "Do you trust me?"
"With my life." Ominis replied without a wasted second.
She stepped closer, small hands slowly moving into his larger ones.  Delicate fingers started taking off his skin-tight leather gloves.  He jumped at her unexpected behavior.  The sudden skin contact between their joined hands felt like electricity between.
"What, what are you doing?"  Ominis blushed, incredibly flustered.  While he didn't share the old-fashioned ideals of the Gaunts, some traces of social etiquette still lingered.  Merlin, doing…whatever it was she was doing… between two unsupervised, unwed young people?  In public?
She giggled, her lingering touch felt like scorching hot fire on his hands.  "Muggles don't have wands to help them around.  This is how blind muggles see: with their hands."  
In Ominis's opinion, muggles were entirely too improper.  
She continued taking off his gloves with no future protests.  His hands had not changed much since their childhood.  They were still cold and pale with long piano-player fingers.  Though all she wanted to do was lace their hands together and press kisses to his palms, she refrained.  Slowly, she guided his hands to her face.  Her eyes flickered upwards, looking at Ominis face to gauge his reaction.  With her hands on top of his, she gently pressed the pads of his fingers along the curve of her jaw, giving him permission to explore.
Ominis felt faint, unsure if what was happening was a dream.  Enraptured by this new form of sight, his fingers followed the soft curve of her jaw up to smooth transition to her cheeks.  He felt her flutter her eyelashes at the sensation and marveled at how long they were.  There was much he could do to learn from muggle kind.  The formalities fell away and social graces were entirely forgotten. He traced the contours of her face, eager to see what she looked like.  
"None of my poems ever come close to describing you," He concluded.  "Merlin, you transfix me."  
With his hands still on her cheeks, he could feel her sharp intake of air.  One of her trembling hands reached up to meet his.  She held his hands in place on her cheek, begging for him not to stay. "Ominis, I've missed you."
His thumb brushed her cheek in a soothing manner. He was unwilling to drop his hands away from her, less he let her go.  "I've missed this.  There isn't a day that goes by when I'm not thinking of you reading me your favorite books next to the Black Lake."
She slowly steered Ominis's hands to the one last place he still had not dared to touch.  He could feel the edge of his thumb meet the soft creases of her lips. "Ominis, what if we were to go back?  Go back to how it used to be, when we used to spend our days walking around the lake."
Ominis pulled himself closer to her face, his thumbs brushing the cupid's bow of her parted lips.  Before his eyes fluttered shut and before his lips met hers, he whispered softly,  "I would very much like that."
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msfantasy · 1 year
Time Traveller
Summary: a short on how Y/n travels back in time and meets her younger husband.
Ominis Gaunt x reader
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Ominis would typically wish that he was anywhere else but here.
Tonight, however, is different. Tonight the Gaunt family is joined at the diner table by a special guest, who just so happens to be a ‘distant’ relative from the future. When she first step through the manor, she had explained she is a Gaunt by marriage only to non-other than Ominis himself. He found it incredibly difficult to fathom such a concept.
Yet here we are.
Sitting next to her, he can smell a faint whiff of her intoxicating perfume. One cannot possibly smell this delightful.
She is obviously not capable of maintaining a refined composure as she continues to fidget in her seat as she fiddles with the objects around her. She often starts rattling off random pieces of small talk to fill the awkward silence which she is clearly not use to.
Ominis can sense his mothers growing irritations with the woman’s insistent restlessness. Afraid of the poor woman was about to suffer his mothers wrath. He reaches his hand out, placing a firm palm on her arm. He was about to gently tell her to ease up. Only she quickly shuts her mouth after muttering her apologies.
This takes Ominis aback. How had she known what he was about to say?
Regardless, Ominis mother makes an excuse and departs the dining table that evening along with his father.
Bored Marvolo bids a good evening, retiring to his room leaving Ominis and Y/n alone at the dinner table together.
“I’m sorry- I’m just not use to this level of quite.” She says leaning towards the milky eyed boy. A small smile crosses his face. “You know how it is… we’ll actually I suppose you don’t yet.” She heaves a heavy as leans in bonking her head into his shoulder. “Dear Merlin- I miss you so much. It’s odd isn’t it? Missing you and yet you’re next to me.”
“I suppose we have a loving marriage then?” He asks with amusement.
“Oh wow… if you knew what you’re like in future… you’d understand why that question is so funny.” A small laugh escapes him, finding great difficulty in imagining himself in a love sick state.
Ominis sits back in his seat, unable to comprehend a happy life. For such a long time, Ominis had come to terms with the cards life had dealt him. He was incredibly glad to hear that life does get better. “Please… I know you cannot overshare but please, tell me if I am happy… truely happy?”
The woman snakes her comforting arms around his shoulders and brings him into a tender hold against her chest. He was about to protest at her intrusive hold until he was cut off as she hushes his thoughts and pats loving strokes down his head. “This is how I hold our children when they’re upset or sick. Sometimes this is how I hold you at night when you had a bad day at work.” A blush of embarrassment crossed his cheeks. Surely, he doesn’t have his wife hold him in such a childish manner. Turning her head she places a chaste kiss on his temple the way mothers do when leaving their children on platform 9 3/4.
She’s so loving, so maternal, so safe. Ominis feels utterly safe in her arms. Merlin- he never wants her to let go of him, but she does release him from her grasp.
Her touch recedes leaving him desperate for her hold once again.
“Ominis my love?” She calls for his attention cupping his jaw. “I am filled with such sorrow, seeing how your life was. Just remember it won’t be long.” She stands pulling away from Ominis. His skin feels cold at her absence.
A colourful swirl opens up in the living room, a portal opens calling for the woman to return. “Wait! Tell me how I win your heart.” Ominis asked with slight desperation filling his voice.
A soft giggles escapes her lips. “The very first moment I beheld you, my heart was irrevocably gone.”
She steps through the swirl and was surrounded by darkness, she continues her journey in the aimless direction until a hazy imagine appears becoming more discernible with each step.
A man stands before her, his arms held open, patiently waiting for her to return into his embrace. Ramming into the man, she holds him in great desperation. “Offt!” He grunts at the force of her embrace. “You were only gone a day my love.” Ominis coos running his fingers through her rich hair.
J“A day too long.” She whispers as she buries her face into his shirt.
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seedsinmygarden · 1 year
HLC REACT: Watching MC Marry Someone Else
I think this was my very first one of Scarlet's that I did! It was a lot of fun, and I think it was meant to be sadder than it was, but I liked to think that most of them would be happy that MC found happiness.
Word Count: 1,622 words
Tags and Warnings: Some angst, mostly nice and fluffy (though platonic).
OMINIS GAUNT: He stood by Sebastian as he watched MC walk down the aisle in their gorgeous attire. He wished he was the one standing in Sebastian’s place, he wished he was the one speaking vows to MC, he wished he was the one wearing the grooms’ robes… but he had a smile on his face regardless because while he wished it was him, he was still ecstatic that his best friend had found happiness after such a tumultuous era in Hogwarts. He always knew that MC would never want to marry a Gaunt— truly, who would? It would only lead them to a future of pain. At least as a Sallow, they would have freedom.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He had less grace than Ominis did and when he watched MC walk up the aisle to Amit Thakkar. He had no clue why they had invited him, truly— MC and Sebastian’s relationship was strained after their time in Hogwarts. Perhaps they only invited him because Anne was in the wedding party? It didn’t matter— what mattered is that he wasn’t the one up there, holding MC’s hands as they spoke their vows softly to each other. As soon as the ceremony ended, Sebastian extended his wishes to the couple through Anne and left early, using the excuse of ‘work emergency’ to get out. Thank Merlin he was an Auror, because then it was actually a valid excuse…
AMIT THAKKAR: MC’s wedding with Garreth is absolutely lovely! It’s so quaint and cute and cozy and MERLIN he wished he could have taken some inspiration for his own wedding with Samantha Dale-Thakkar UGHHHHH. He laughs to himself a bit as he watches the lovely couple dance their first dance at the reception, remembering the schoolboy crush he had on MC back during their time in Hogwarts, and the one utterly disastrous date they had gone on before agreeing they were better off as friends. He was glad that he and MC were able to move on (in fact, it was MC who helped him get a date with Samantha in their seventh year!), but he would always find himself wondering what-ifs. Regardless, he was happy, MC was happy, and that’s all he could have ever asked for.
GARRETH WEASLEY: MC had asked Garreth to officiate their wedding with Imelda Reyes, and he had eagerly accepted. How he had the certification to do so? No one knows, not even Garreth himself, he knows he just woke up with it in his pocket after a night at the bar with the boys. After checking that it wasn’t just a false certification and seeing that there was a fee to reverse it, Garreth kept it and it made to be a great joke around town— if you get married by a Weasley, that means a lot of kids are to come in the future! Either way, here he stood, in front of MC and Imelda as they had linked hands and looked at him, ready to begin the ceremony. He grins and with a glance to his own husband, he takes a breath and sets off to marry his sixth-year crush to the love of their life. He didn’t mind it, really, he had moved on a long time ago and found love with a particular blond Slytherin.
NATSAI ONAI: Natty was in the wedding party as MC gets married to the lovely Adelaide Oakes. Natty and Addy had grown closer to the point that Addy had asked Natty to be one of her bridesmaids in the wedding when MC proposed. MC was excited, happy that Addy had grown to love all their friends just as much as they did to the point that she wanted to have some of them in the wedding party. Natty was excited as well, but when she went to bed that night, she had wondered if this was the right thing to do. She never wished their separation— she had lost her chance and accepted that fact a long time ago. She just could never get over MC. In time, she will. She knows that much. And so the wedding went on, with Natty smiling brightly as she watches Addy and MC share their first kiss as married partners.
POPPY SWEETING: Watching MC get married to Anne Sallow was certainly something she wasn’t expecting, especially seeing as Anne wasn’t even there during their fifth year. Yet they had met, through Sebastian, and, well… here they were, standing in front of each other at a makeshift altar in the fields near Hogsmeade. It was a beautiful summer wedding, a nice cool breeze passing through every so often. Poppy was partially working that wedding, but she had some assistance to be able to fully enjoy it— Eleazar (the Phoenix!) was going to fly their rings down the aisle, there was a little petting zoo of all the less-harmful animals in one corner, and then last but not least, Highwing would be flying the two away back to Feldcroft, where they would enjoy their first night together as a wedded couple after the dinner and reception. Poppy could almost imagine herself in Anne’s place— truthfully, she wished she was, but she had lost her chance long ago. Now, she was going to be happy that MC had found happiness.
IMELDA REYES: EVERETT. FUCKING. CLOPTON. First of all, HOW. Second of all, WHY? Third of all, MC, blink twice if you’re being held hostage and forced to marry him against your will. In all seriousness, though, Imelda could see how MC grew attracted to the guy in the first place. He may have still had his squeaky voice and not great hygiene when they first met in fifth year, but his voice had grown deeper and he finally cleaned up his routine by the time they graduated Hogwarts. Really, who WASN’T chasing Everett? He even cleaned up so well for his wedding that Imelda was almost jealous of MC! The feeling of a hand slipping into hers distracts her from the train of thought she was one and she looks over to her own wife, the former Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain and her partner-in-crime on the Hollyhead Harpies. Imelda fell in love with MC wayyy back in fifth year, but then she had also properly met the woman that would become her wife and, well, one thing led to another… Regardless, Imelda was happy for MC and her crush on them had long since diminished, long before her own wedding. EVERETT THOUGH??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN—
ANNE SALLOW: Watching MC marry Natty was much more painful than Anne had anticipated it being. She genuinely did believe that she had a chance with them, but that could have been the ‘rescue romance’ talking. Ever since MC had saved her life from the curse that had plagued her, the curse that had stolen an entire year at Hogwarts from her, she felt indebted to them in more ways than one. It wasn’t healthy to romanticize it, she knew that, but she couldn’t help herself— there were so many other things that furthered the connection she felt. And then her heart broke the day that it had gotten around school that MC was dating Natty. That they were the ‘it’ couple, that they were going to get married and have beautiful babies— why was that a topic of conversation, Anne will never know. Then, five years after that day, they got married. Anne was there in the audience, watching Sebastian as he stood by MC’s side with a proud grin and she matches his pride for MC with a smile of her own. She can mourn this loss, yes, but then she will move along. Perhaps she can see if Amit would like a dance…
EVERETT CLOPTON: Everett kind of expected it. He knows he was an ass with poor hygiene throughout school, there was no way that MC would have ever wanted to be with him. At least romantically— they were kind enough to be friends with him, which he was still so eternally grateful for. It’s how he landed an invite to their wedding, a witness to their marriage to Poppy Sweeting. Everett couldn’t deny, the wedding itself was beautiful and there was the promise of a little petting zoo at the reception, with a phoenix even! There had been times where he wished he was the one standing up there instead of Poppy, but he pushed those thoughts down. He should be happy for MC finding happiness, even if that happiness doesn’t quite lie with him.
LEANDER PREWETT: Like Everett, Leander expected it. He was also an ass but at least he had better hygiene than the Ravenclaw Quidditch-pro wannabe. But he was more of an ass than Everett, even if he didn’t actually mean it half the time, tormenting first-years was his primary form of entertainment. Regardless, he was still MC’s friend, and attended the wedding ceremony where they would get married to the loveliest Samantha Dale. How could he ever compete with the plant-loving beauty of Ravenclaw? Even he held a small liking for her at one point— who wouldn’t— and MC was lucky to have her hand in marriage. Leander wasn’t close enough to the couple to be standing up there with them, but he was invited to the ceremony and the dinner that would follow, and he happily went, eager to see some old friends as well. Unlike Everett, however, Leander had already come to terms with it— that MC had found happiness, and that it wasn’t with him. All too common in his lifetime, but hey, he had a great plus one partner in one of Sam’s friends from Hufflepuff, Leonora Everleigh.
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fukae-flwr · 7 months
Stained Hearts & Dark Desires:
Chapter 3 Gibes and Jests
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Summary: Ominis works through his emotions over Edith. He can't forgive her yet but can't bring himself to hate her. It's hard to work through
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: angst, conflicted feelings,
Rating: MATURE 18+!!! (NO MINORS)
Chapter: 4
“Was there anything else Penny can get you, Mr.Gaunt?” Penny's cheery voice questioned. Ominis had just finished examining the room he was to call home for now. His wand could make out enough to tell this place was much bigger than he had been expecting. It was just a lovely and cozy home. The dark wood structures matched with elegant patterns gave the room a pleasant feeling. He did notice though how empty it felt. This room was physically filled with everything necessary for a guest room, yet lacked any life or presence. This room wasn’t used often.
“That’ll be all, Penny. Thank you.” Ominis shook his head. He hadn’t expected Edith to have an elf, much less be so relaxed by her company. He heard the way her voice softened drastically once Penny arrived. Even the soft breath she had released while talking to Penny was a sure sign to him of how comfortable she felt in Penny’s presence. Almost a complete contrast to how she interacted with him or Sebastian. A small part of him envied the elf, a small enough part that he could ignore.
“Well then, Penny wishes you a goodnight, Mr.Gaunt.” The elf concluded as she began to close the door.
“Goodnight to you too, Penny.” Ominis smiled softly. With the door closed, Ominis sat in his current bed and let the events of the day start to wash over him.
They found her. They actually found her. She was alive and breathing. He felt…relieved yet conflicted. She had been lying to everyone except Anne from the looks of things. She was the masked wizard they hunted for so long partially because they were fooled to believe the masked wizard had killed her. That wasn’t even including the emotions that began to rise as a result of everything that happened back in their 7th year. The swirling of powerful emotions was overwhelming. He felt happy she was alive, angry for everything she had done, betrayed for the disappearance, and among so many others. At this rate, he was going to implode in on himself.
Thankfully there was a welcomed distraction from his thoughts at his door. Walking over to the door, he found his partner standing before him. His own personal breath of relief, most of the time.
“Hey. Did you get everything you need?” Sebastian asked, stepping into the room immediately. Ominis just chuckled to himself as he just waltzed right in.
“Hello, Sebastian. Yes, please come in.”
“Great thanks.”
Ominis closed the door behind him and moved further into the room. It wasn’t a very large room, but these townhomes rarely had very spacious rooms. A single bed with a metal frame stood against the wall to the left side of the room. Right across was the wooden dresser a good distance away from the small fireplace with a fireguard. It was a cozy small room, perfect for guests.
Sebastian sat on the edge of his bed, deep in thought. Ominis could practically hear his raging mind working double time.
“I did have Penny retrieve a few of my things. Though, I didn’t want to overwork the elf, so we will need to stop by the house tomorrow.” Sebastian barely acknowledged that Ominis had said anything.
“I dread ever asking, but care to share your thoughts with me?” Ominis tried to make light of the tense atmosphere but went over Sebastian’s head.
“I hate her.”
“Do you?”
“Well, that is a perfectly reasonable response, given everything.” Ominis moved to sit next to him. He wasn’t super big on being physical with anyone on normal occasions, but he tried in his own ways with Sebastian. Sitting close enough for his shoulders and legs to come in contact with Sebastian’s was enough for now. It was what he could offer right now, and Sebastian knew that. From years of being together, Sebastian was familiar with Ominis’s small gestures of warmth.
“What about you, Ominis?”
“Do I hate her?”
Ominis sat for a moment to think. Did he hate her? He was undoubtedly very angry with her, and his trust was broken for sure, but hate? He hated his family but had never really hated anyone before, aside from Hobhouse. He compared his emotions towards his family to Edith, and it was falling short.
“No. I don’t hate her.” Ominis sighed. If how he felt towards his family was directed at Edith, it lost its ire. He held no hate for her, but he was hurt by her. It was that pain she caused that made him mad and upset with her but not loathe her. He doubted he could hate her, even after everything. It was similar to how he felt about Sebastian all those years ago, after Solomon. He couldn't bring himself to hate Sebastian but couldn’t forgive him at that time either.
“Really?! After everything she’s done?” Sebastian questioned in disbelief.
“As if you have any room to speak. People do terrible things sometimes.” Ominis heard Sebastian slump in on himself.
“You don’t have to forgive her. I certainly haven’t. But we do need to work with her to find Anne.” Ominis comforted his partner. The heavy sigh Sebastian allowed to escape confirmed to Ominis how much his words helped him.
“You’re right.”
“You’re modesty is very becoming.”
“Please, modesty is for those unaware of their worth. I’m fully aware of my worth.” Ominis tsked confidently as he rose from the bed. It was uplifting to finally hear Sebastian laugh today. With how tense everything was currently, he was glad he could still get a chuckle from him.
“Perhaps along the way we can get the answers we’ve been looking for,” Ominis mentioned softly as he began to remove his coat, and vest for the night.
Sebastian didn’t respond to that, only joining him in getting comfortable as well.
~ * ~
Ominis learned two things in the night. One, the walls of this townhome were unbelievably thin. Ominis had amazing hearing, and if the walls had been thicker, things wouldn’t have sounded as clear as they did last night. Most times he could hear through walls to a degree. Often coming off much more muffled and disoriented but could still make out little things. These walls hardly did any of that. It was like he was present in the other room. Which led to the second thing he learned that night. Edith didn’t sleep.
She had her bath earlier in the evening, something abundantly clear thanks to the sounds of water he heard. He did his best to block out the sounds, feeling it was inappropriate of him to hear the water of her bath splashing around. He was a gentleman after all, and despite her transgressions, she was still an attractive young woman. After her bath, she paced around her room, constantly. He couldn’t quite make out what she was saying with how quietly she spoke but she was muttering a lot. Then at some point, she decided to rush upstairs to the third floor and move around in the room above. She was light-footed, but not enough to be silent. All night she was up there moving about, doing who knew what.
Ominis wasn’t sure what room she was in or what it was for. The two of them hadn’t been given a tour of the house yet. Penny assured them that Edith would do it today. They were only taken to their temporary rooms, though Sebastian quickly abandoned his room for Ominis’s. Not something he was complaining about, but just noted how quickly that idea went out the window.
After forcing himself to ignore her movements upstairs, Ominis could fall asleep, though not into a deep slumber. He was always acutely aware of where she was upstairs. She often moved between the two rooms upstairs, but nothing else that was noticeable. Now with the sun having risen, the light poking through the lace curtains, Ominis stretched out in bed. Sebastian started to stir awake from his movements, yawning and stretching as well.
“Did she ever go back to her room?” Sebastian slurred, half awake. Ominis wasn’t surprised he heard her as well. It wasn’t like she was trying to hide her footsteps. Sebastian may have slept better than Ominis but he wasn’t a deep sleeper when in unfamiliar places such as Edith’s home.
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, let's get up and get that tour then?” Sebastian threw the covers off and rose from the bed. Ominis couldn’t agree more. The sooner they could explore the house, the closer they’d be to finding possible answers. After getting dressed, both of the men walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. Using his wand, Ominis could get a vague image of the kitchen area.
It was a decently sized kitchen with a dark-colored metal stove. It was small enough for his wand to capture a good sense of everything around without him having to move much. Yet it was spacious enough to not give the sense it was crowded. The kitchen had a wooden island with all the kitchen items needed for prepping meals. Ominis could even make out what appeared to be an elf-sized step stool pushed up against the island. On said step stool, they found Penny, cleaning up the kitchen and using magic to prepare breakfast. She practically hummed in the kitchen with contentment. It was nice to know she was being treated kindly for her to be this happy with her life.
“Oh Good morning, gentlemen!” Penny greeted warmly. Ominis could hear the smile in her voice, “Penny is preparing breakfast now. Should be ready any moment, if you’d like to wait in the dining room.” She hopped off the step stool to throw whatever food she was prepping into the pan on the stove.
“Do you need any help?” Sebastian offered. Ominis knew Sebastian enjoyed cooking up meals. At their house, Sebastian was the chef between the two of them and his meals were quite delicious.
“Oh! Penny appreciates the offer! Thank you, Mr.Sallow!”
“Sebastian is fine.”
“Thank you, Mr.Sebastian!” Penny began to instruct Sebastian on what to do, while she prepared a separate tray.
“Is that for Edith?” Ominis pondered, wondering where she was. Had she still been in that room? He didn’t hear her ever leave nor come down from the third floor.
“Oh yes! Miss Edith often forgets meals, especially when she is busy with her research. So it’s Penny’s job to make sure Miss Edith doesn’t fall sick!” Penny spoke so casually as she snapped her fingers. Ominis could hear as the tray began to hover off the counter. He furrowed his brows at that. Research? What kind of research was she conducting so vehemently for her to continually neglect meals?
“What does she research?” Sebastian asked so casually, not missing a beat.
“Miss Edith explained it to Penny once. It was very complicated, but Penny remembers it involved a spell and…” Penny inhaled suddenly, stopping mid-sentence. Ominis turned, wondering if a silencing charm had been cast. He hadn’t heard any spell being performed but the elf had suddenly stopped and he wasn’t sure why.
“A..Are you holding your breath?” Sebastian inquired. Was she holding her breath? Ominis moved closer to see if his wand could pick up her image. The image was unique, to say the least, and much more vague than the nonliving things it depicted. His wand was much more suited for depicting structures and the environment around him rather than other people. The image he was able to barely see was a tiny elf holding both her hands to her mouth wide-eyed.
“Are…are you alright?”
“Oh yes! Penny just says things that shouldn’t be repeated. Miss Edith never gets angry but Penny knows she should practice learning when to stop talking!” Penny finally released her breath. So talking about Edith’s research was something that was not meant for others’ ears. Interesting.
“Well, Penny must bring Miss Edith’s breakfast now!” Penny quickly exited the kitchen bringing a tray. Ominis could barely call what was on it, breakfast. A pot of coffee with creamer and sugar and some toast. Not exactly a filling meal. He doubted it was something the elf had decided upon. Penny seemed like she would’ve been the one to overachieve what Edith wanted.
“So research on magic, for a spell…” Sebastian pondered aloud as he stirred whatever was in the pan.
“Any ideas?”
“Well, it's not like it's unheard of, for those who work in the ministry, that is. I even considered going to a similar field once this business with being an aurora is over.” Sebastian tapped the wooden spoon on the pan before moving the pan onto the counter. It was a discussion they had before. What they planned to do once they finished being auroras. Sebastian was leaning more toward studying magic scriptures, a job in the ministry involving his favorite thing, reading. Ominis, on the other hand, was more geared towards something a little less life-threatening than their current job as well. Perhaps he’d become a professor at Hogwarts; he wasn’t entirely sure what he wanted to do as of yet, but being aurora was not a lifetime thing. There had been only one reason they ever became auroras in the first place, and she was currently upstairs where they could easily find her.
“Dark wizards studying magic is rarely a good thing,” Ominis pointed out. For most dark wizards it was rarely a good thing, Ominis wasn’t quite sure about Edith yet. He just stood about the kitchen, thinking about what Edith could be working on as soft footsteps gave away the elf’s return. Sebastian had helped himself to the eggs and potatoes Penny had started. He even made a plate for Ominis as well.
“Miss Edith informed Penny that she would be down momentarily to give you the tour of the house.” Penny reported to them, “Penny also has another pot of coffee or tea if you’d like. Penny wasn’t sure which the gentlemen wanted so Penny made both!” Penny shuffled over to the stove, snapping her fingers to get the smaller pots to follow her. She moved over towards the dining room attached to the kitchen.
The dining room was just as roomy if not a tad smaller than the kitchen. In the center was her wooden round table, neatly set for guest use. The pots floated over to the table, and Sebastian placed the plates down in front of the seats. Ominis sat next to Sebastian as they ate their food.
“Does Edith get the Daily Prophet sent here?” Ominis questioned while he ate the eggs and potatoes graciously prepared for him by Sebastian and Penny.
“Oh, she does! Edith typically takes it up to the study. Penny remembers Miss Edith always enjoyed reading about the Ministry’s Duo. She even asks if Penny saw anything about them in the paper when Penny fetches it for her.”
Ominis couldn't help his smirk forming over the rim of his cup and heard the soft chuckle from Sebastian. How very interesting. Ominis perked a little as he heard the oh-so-subtle sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Did she ever comment on the Ministry’s Duo?” Sebastian inquired curiously.
“Only how amusing it would be to watch the fools chase after the Masked Wizard,” Edith answered pointedly before the elf could say anything. Finally, she had come down from her hiding hole. Ominis could hear her move out from behind him, over to the opposite side of the table. The furthest spot from the both of them.
“And yet those very same fools caught you in the end. How amusing,” Sebastian taunted as he sat back in his chair.
“Tch. Luck is all it is.”
“Perhaps I should try my hand at the lottery then.” Ominis thought out loud.
“If you two are done, I’ll show you around the house now. I have things needing to be done today.” Edith crossed her arms impatiently. Ominis slowly placed his cup down and folded his hands in his lap, turning in her direction.
“What lovely errands do you have planned for us today, Ms.Winterald? I, for one, would like to stop by my house to grab a few more of my belongings.” Ominis remarked casually. Anything they did now involved each other, or at least one of them being with Edith. They might as well get comfortable with it starting now.
“Well since stopping by your house is not urgent, that’ll be something we do last.”
“You might as well just tell us what you’re doing today. We’ll find out eventually.” Sebastian tried to coerce Edith into telling them right now. Didn’t seem like it was working with how she immediately responded, feigning kindness with an overly sweet voice.
“Well, I guess you’ll just find out eventually.” And with that turned on her heels. Seemed like breakfast was forcefully brought to an end. Ominis just sighed as he picked up his wand and followed behind. Sebastian grumbled as he joined.
“You already saw the kitchen and dining room. The parlor is off to the side here.” She marched off toward the parlor. It was to the side of the stairs, diagonal to the kitchen. It was an average terrace living room. A darkened fireplace at the center of the furthest wall, and furniture placed around the coffee table that centered the room. A small alcove against the window, that allowed for natural light to filter into the room. A couple of shelves with books on them. Nothing much. Ominis noticed the only thing that seemed used was a fraying blanket loosely hanging off the loveseat closest to the fireplace.
“And then of course the bedrooms on the first level,” Edith continued her guided tour up the stairs. She showed them their bathroom, the smallest room they had seen in this house.
“Merlin’s beard, how does anyone fit in here?” Sebastian gawked. He was much more familiar with the hamlets near Hogwarts. They could afford to have much more space out there than homes in the cities. Though Ominis recalled never having a bathroom quite this small in his life. If he was at Gaunt’s Manor, the restrooms were about three times as big due to their wealth. It was just barely large enough for the white clawfoot tub at the very end, the toilet right next to it, and then the wooden vanity with the hand bowl on top of it next to the door.
“Considering I’m one person, easily.” Edith retorted. Closing the door, she began to tread up the stairs once more.
“Not gonna show off your room?” Sebastian quipped as they passed by her bed chambers she didn’t use last night.
“My my my. Who knew you’d grow to be quite the debauchee, Sebastian?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sebastian hissed back, clearly irritated by her insinuation. Ominis selectively chose to keep how truthful her statement was, to a degree. Their private affairs weren’t any of her business for now.
“Hmm no thanks. My bed chambers are for an invited company only. And you're not invited.”
“Ah, so nightcaps,” Sebastian commented. Ominis couldn’t fight the grin on his face as he heard her heart lurch, and a sound similar to choking on air escaped her. She even nearly tripped over one step. Thankfully, his assistance to catch her was not needed, but he was ready nonetheless.
“That is none of your business!”
Edith just stomped up the rest of the stairs more feverishly. Moving his wand about, there wasn’t much to the third floor, just the two main rooms along the wall on the opposite side of the stairtop. She held open the door closest to the small window at the far end of the hallway, completely ignoring the first door.
“And finally this is the study. Everything pertaining to Anne is here.” Edith gestured towards the room. Upon entry, Ominis felt himself cringe at how utterly chaotic it was. The small room was filled with books and loose pieces of paper scattered about. It was spacious for how occupied it was currently with three grown adults standing amidst a librarian’s hell.
Ominis noticed quite a few clippings from the daily prophet regarding dark wizard activities, letters with Anne’s signature favorite wax seal, and other letters from others he didn’t immediately recognize. As the images of the room appeared in his mind, he slowly moved about, trying to avoid stepping on anything. It was proving to be almost as difficult as Sebastian’s study back home, or any room he claimed.
“And you thought I was messy, Ominis.” Sebastian broke the silence as he knelt on the ground behind him. He picked up a few letters closest to him, beginning to examine them. Ominis couldn’t tell what it was but knew they’d have plenty of time to examine every single piece of information offered to them.
“I stand by that statement. Edith must’ve picked up your nasty habits from years back.” He mused as he made his way to the desk covered in news clippings from the Daily Prophet. Holding his wand out front, he got a better image depicting how each clipping involved either him, Sebastian, or both of them. On the wall behind the desk were more clippings, not of just them, but other dark wizards as well. There was enough about the Ministry’s golden duo though to catch his attention. Penny’s words replayed in his mind. So the elf was speaking the truth, not that he ever doubted her.
“I like to think..”
“I seriously doubt that.” Ominis quipped absentmindedly.
“...of it as chaotically organized.” Sebastian finished pointedly.
“Call it whatever you'd like, it's still a mess.”
Ominis heard Edith step away to pick up a letter from the floor, attempting to hide her amusement. She thought she let out a small breathy chuckle quiet enough that they wouldn’t hear. She was wrong. It had been so long since the last time he heard her laugh. An annoyingly loud part of him wanted to hear it again, maybe get close enough to get a glimpse of that smile he had missed. He fought that part of him, reminding himself of all she had done. He couldn’t forgive her nor allow his guard to fall completely around her.
“You two haven’t changed,” Edith cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure, “Still fighting like an old married couple per usual.” She couldn’t have been further from the truth. At this point, they were practically a married couple, without all the paperwork and so forth. They lived together, worked together, and spent almost every waking moment together. He was very happy with his life, but it wasn’t perfect. He knew what it was missing but refused to acknowledge it right now.
“I'm beginning to see a pattern with these over here. A fan, I take it?” Ominis already knew that answer thanks to Penny. Yet he found himself teasing her gently about it. He turned to her direction as the telltale sound of arms crossing flooded his ears.
“Hilarious. As I said before, I find it entertaining to watch the fools who think they could catch the Masked Wizard run around like a pack of frightened diricawls.” She spoke with a grin and condescension, clearly returning his tease. Her steps moved towards him, closer and closer, till he could feel her presence brush past him. A sensual chill ran down his spine. The wooden desk creaked as she leaned up against it to the right of him. She was very close yet still far enough to not be anywhere near brushing her arms against his.
His wand allowed him to see the folded paper she picked up and held towards him. It was a more recent print of the Daily Prophet with a bold headline reading “Ministry’s Deadly Duo”. Ominis wasn’t too much of a fan of their alleged fame in the paper. It seemed every success of theirs, as well as the occasional failures, were published for all of the wizarding world.
“The papers just can’t seem to get enough of you two. Makes staying two steps ahead quite easy.” She made no effort to hide her supercilious tone as she softly waved the paper, emphasizing her point. Another reason to hate their names in the paper as often as they were.
“And yet we still managed to catch you, didn’t we?” Sebastian derided as he rose from the ground and stalked over to Edith. Ominis stood by, delighted as the scene unfolded before him. Something about the slight back and forth between them was entertaining, despite everything else.
He watched as the paper was moved over to where the assumed Sebastian figure stood, preventing him from getting any closer to Edith. She was still very much caged between him, and the desk yet she used the paper to keep him at bay. He recalled the way she practically lept away from him last night at the base of the stairs. He heard how her heart pounded and startled so easily. Was it the physical proximity?
“Please. If my attention hadn’t been so divided due to Anne’s disappearance, you would’ve never caught me off guard. Even back then, you couldn’t beat me in a duel in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.” She feigned confidence but her voice had a slight tremor that gave away her nervousness. It piqued Ominis’s interest in how nervous she was getting.
“Sebastian, perhaps, but I recall you having quite a difficult time against me, Edith,” Ominis reminded as he stepped closer to tower over her. He intentionally spoke with a softer voice on the off chance it might lead to something interesting. And his efforts were not in vain. He heard how rapidly her heart began to pound as he moved closer. His lowered voice just topped it all off.
“R..right…Well, I’ve improved my skills since Hogwarts.” Edith stammered momentarily as she quickly freed herself from the trapped corner she found herself in. She had moved over towards the door, putting distance between them. As much as he enjoyed how nervous she got around them, it probably was for the best. There was still much to discuss and heal from.
“As have I” Sebastian countered, taking the very same spot she had against the desk, by Ominis’s side.
“We shall see.” The way she spoke wasn’t malicious or coy. It was like she was far away, emotionally and mentally. As if she didn’t intend to find out how much they had grown since Hogwarts, similar to how she spoke that day back in their seventh year. She was far more melancholy then; now she was just devoided of emotions.
“I noticed you two seem to be sharing a room. Is something the matter with your room, Sebastian?” Edith swiftly changed the subject, what little jests they had gotten from her, were gone.
“Not particularly. Ominis and I share a room. It is of no use to me.” Sebastian informed so casually. As if two men sharing a room was a common occurrence. Ominis had no shame in his love for Sebastian, even still he felt his face flush ever so slightly with Sebastrian’s boldness.
“...I guess I can conjure another bed then?” Edith bemused. A reasonable reaction to what was just stated, though it didn’t stop Ominis’s cheeks from redding at Sebastian's immediate response.
“By all means but chances are I’ll just end up in bed with Ominis.”
“Sebastian! For Merlin’s sake do you have no decency?!” Ominis sighed, dropping the papers he had to cover his burning face. He loved the moron, he did, but he was doomed to be the death of him.
Edith remained quiet for a long time. It began to make his skin itch. Was she one of those people unaccepting of a man loving another man? He’d hate for this to be where their so-called friendship officially ends.
“You two are…courting?” Edith questioned. Ominis couldn’t quite make out the tone of her voice. It wasn’t disgusted as he feared it would be, but wasn’t exactly all accepting either. He couldn’t recognize exactly what she was feeling from her inquiry.
“Yea. Problem?” Sebastian had lost all the warmth in his voice and was back to his sharp tone. He was always quick to the defense when it came to the two of them. Ominis appreciated it most of the time, but he doubted this was one of those times when it was necessary. The Edith he remembered never cared about such things. He hoped that remained true.
“No. Just surprised is all.” Edith stated. She still sounded surprised by the revelation she just received, which was better than immediate ignorance and disgust. From what he could recall, Edith didn’t judge one by who they loved. She was a very accepting person. It was refreshing to know that remained true. Though her silence was off-putting once more. Clearing she was lost in her mind.
“I’m glad to see you two worked out your issues in my absence. I feared you’d stopped talking to each other just like 6th year all over again,” Edith sighed. Ominis remained silent. It was true without her, he probably wouldn’t have talked to Sebastian as quickly as he did. Her hand was forced for a while. She had been doing the best she could to divide what little free time she had between the two of them, practically running back and forth. She always made sure to mention how Sebastian was doing, despite him never asking. When word got out that Anne was coming back to Hogwarts, she started spending more time with Sebastian. She began to mention him more often to Ominis. He wanted to forgive him and knew eventually he would. The more he heard of him from Edith, the more he felt he needed to talk to Sebastian. Not completely forgive, but allow him to be present in his life once more.
Her disappearance in their seventh year, however, did almost break them. As ridiculous as it was, part of Ominis thought perhaps something had happened with Sebastian that had finally driven her away. Something he might’ve said or done leaving her to run away just as the school year was almost over. He blamed Sebastian for a short while, and they fought.
“Well, he stayed around so we could work through it. Didn’t take off.” Sebastian commented pointedly. Ominis could feel the room freeze over. He heard Edith's breath momentarily pause. Leave it to Sebastian to immediately point out the obvious. He wasn’t wrong, and yet Ominis felt the need to meditate ever so slightly.
“Sebastian..” Ominis warned darkly, but Edith cut him off. Her tone was empty and cold. The way she spoke was oddly familiar in a way. A way he would speak back when he was living in the Gaunt Manor. Guarded and distant so nothing could hurt him. It was a tone that gave off the feeling that nothing mattered to her. His purposely hurtful words appeared to not have hurt her, but he knew they did.
“It’s alright, Ominis. He’s not wrong.” Edith spoke so lightly as if it was amusing to her.
“Choose whoever you’d like to seek companionship in, the only thing that matters is finding Anne.” Her words returned with just as much spite and ire as Sebastian’s had. It was clear to him nothing did matter to her, nothing involving them two at least. She had her walls built and guard up.
He listened as her heels turned on the wood and moved towards the door. Ominis wasn’t sure why he began to call her name or what he would even say to her, but she quickly ended that for him by interrupting him.
“If you need anything else, Penny will assist you. I’ll be in my room.” And with a slam of the door, she was gone.
~ ♡ ~
( •̀ヮ•́) I've been so motivated to write these, like I already have the next 2 done, im just editing the fuck out of them.
Idk where the fuck i read an Ominis fic where he had like super human hearing, but I did and it has been my hc ever since soooo there you go.
Next his wand! ಠᗜ���
my hc is that the wand can project structures and things WAY better than people. Like walls, desks, papers, couches, etc, so he doesn't trip and can move around and read well. His wand deems it more important than "seeing" people. He can get glimpses of people, but they are like super blurry unless his wand is like almost directly in front of someone's face. Colors are muted too, more so on people.
Remember, this is all for fun, so be kind. Im doing my best to keep them in character and keep it interesting. This is an Ominis x Sebastian x Mc story, and Im trying to keep it slow burn, but im rusty at fanfics, so sorry.
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lorriiraine · 11 months
What would have happened if…
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… Sebastian never casted Imperio on that goblin?
A nightly thought of myself and my headcanon:
If Sebastian had never cast Imperio on that goblin who was attacking Anne, I’m pretty sure she would have died OR been badly injured.
If this were the case, I’m sure she would have died anyway, the curse taking her even weaker and injured body over; killing her after some time.
Not able to take Anne to the catacombs, Sebastian could never use the relic.
Loosing his sister would push him into a deep, dark hole, where he finds himself lost and trapped. Blaming himself for not being able to protect his sister. He would cry every night, never laugh again, and barely show up at Hogwarts during that time. Solomon, who’s heartbroken and worries about Sebastian, might reach out to Ominis and MC, hoping that they can fix things. 
Ominis and MC, both also mourning their loss of Anne, are shocked to see Sebastian’s state. They would take care of him, especially MC. She/He would take care that Sebastian would come back to his former self and fight him back to life.
MC would ask him to get himself together and return to Hogwarts. MCs words would include: "Sebastian, please. If not for me, then for Anne. Don’t let her die completely. She would urge you to return. You know I’m right“.
Eventually, he will return to his last year at Hogwarts. Would try a new beginning. Eventually, he would slowly realize his love for a girl/F!MC/M!MC, asking them out for the Yule ball and confessing one day.
He would get married and start his own family (No matter if he's with his wife or, if he’s with M!MC or Ominis, let’s make it clear - it would be totally fine, no matter if it’s not „well seen“ in this timeline). 
His first child would be a boy, looking like the mother. The second one would be another boy. The third pregnancy/adoption would be twins. One boy and one girl. The girl would be called Anne. Hearing his wife’s/husbands wish to name her after his sister made him cry again. One night, holding his baby girl, he would look out of the window, tell his daughter about his sister - a strong and brave woman he couldn’t protect. But that he will do it better this time. 
And eventually a bright star would shine more intensely at that moment as he spoke out that promise, like Anne did hear him and tell him that she’s his opinion; that she’s proud.
Sebastian would make peace with Solomon, inviting him over each second weekend, asking him for advice on raising children, and telling him about his fears of being a bad father. And Solomon would support him. "You're just as your father was - stubborn but loving. You carry much of him in you... becoming more and more like him. He and your mother would be proud, just as I am, Sebastian".
Sebastian would have had a hard time, but thanks to his friends and the love of his life, he returned to a healthy life and a happy family. He would become a healer or curse breaker in hope to help others who needs help - to be better than the healers and curse breakers when he needed them for Anne.
If he never casts Imperio...
Well, now I’m crying myself to sleep 🌹
Thought about the Imperio scene a long time and this is my personal headcanon. I will also try to write a one shot about this but since I’m sick this has to wait a bit longer 😂 still, I didn’t want to forget a thing so I quickly wrote it down 🙆🏻‍♀️
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cuffmeinblack · 5 months
Hey fam <3 How are your feelings towards Ominis and/or Amit and/or Leander? :3 I know I am being greedy so please pick whichever one you'd like 🤭🌷
Hi hi 🧀 my dear sorry for taking so long to answer. Mmmmm I think ima pick Omi for this!
How I feel about this character
Omi was the first HL character I really fell for and the first I wrote for. I suppose I can thank him for really cementing my interest in fanfic when I went on a mad binge in Spring last year writing a tonne of requests. I knew from the word Gaunt that I'd love his story and was so surprised and happy to see a representation of a Slytherin who abhors the dark arts and wants to do better than his family's reputation, shunning their legacy. There's so much to explore when writing his character and I'd really love to do something with his Aunt Noctua one day (either an AU or childhood fic). And he is of course one half of my OTP 🖤
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Mostly Garreth of course! I never really intended to fall for Garrinis as much as I did. I just had an idea of 'I wonder what would happen if Garreth helped Ominis in potions...' and it went from there. I said this in my answer for Garreth but I love the Slytherin x Gryffindor / sunshine x grumpy dynamic. Gar gives him the uncomplicated love Omi deserves and has never had, and a family who basically adopt him.
I did also begin writing a Sebinis fic ages ago which was (I think) beautiful in many ways, though for various reasons I dont really write Seb anymore. But I love soft Sebinis.
Also open to Andrew x Omi and Leander x Omi (thanks to @ellivenollivander and @pandanscafanfiction respectively).
Oddly enough I don't have an OC I ship with Omi (yet).
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ngl I love writing Omi and Seb bickering like an old married couple 🤣 if they're not romantically involved they're still absolute besties and inseparable despite their past. Bonded through trauma and all that.
I've not explored it myself but Anne absolutely deserves a mention. They were obviously very close. Would love fic recs for a platonic Omi and Anne relationship.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ehhhh I'm sure there's lots. The fandom is very divided on his...sexual preferences. I see Ominis mostly as a soft dom because I think after being controlled by his family for so long he would crave the ability to control the intimacy until he trusted his partner unequivocally. There's also the aspect of his blindness; unexpected sensations might be overwhelming for him.
Also food?? I absolutely agree this boy cannot handle spice however I think he has a refined palate. Despite his family being broke af I hc at that point the Gaunts were deeply in debt and had started selling their heirlooms to keep up appearances, to keep being able to afford the finer things in life as a matter of pride. They'd also still be invited to high society balls and banquets and the like so could expect a lot of fine cuisine with French influences.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I've have loved to explore his experiences and relationships with his family more. The hint at Gaunt manor as a potential location in game is such a tease. He deserved his own questline separate from Sebastian, and to be reunited with a healed Anne.
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sloanesallow · 1 year
invisible string
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Five years after their graduation from Hogwarts, Ominis travels to Siobhan Sloane’s home in Nottingham for an overdue visit. Having suppressed his feelings for her for years, the encounter causes chaos in his heart. And then, to his everlasting surprise, Siobhan says, “please take me to bed.” Who is he to deny her?
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC  Tags: Sexual Content
read on Ao3 | read on wattpad parts of this story have AI generated voice overs on TikTok @ siobhan_sloane
 August, 1898
Dearest Ominis,
I would be delighted to have you visit my home. It has been far too long. 
Your ever-patient friend, S. Sloane
Ominis read over the letter with his wand again and again as the carriage trotted along, finding humor in its brevity and warmth in its tone. Sloane— Siobhan , as he insisted on calling her—was right, it had been several months since he visited her last, and it was hard not to hate himself for it. Long gone were the school days in which they spent most of their time together, usually up to no good with their mutual friend Sebastian Sallow. It had been five years since their graduation from Hogwarts, and despite the assurances they’d stay close friends, fate had other plans. 
Sebastian had initially— surprisingly —accepted a professor’s position at the school, taking over for a retired Hecat in Defense Against the Dark Arts. After his sister Anne made a miraculous recovery, the two moved to America, and the last anyone heard from them they were gallivanting across the land, simply enjoying life. Siobhan was still living in her childhood home just outside Nottingham, devoting her time to magical research and muggle-wizard relations. As for Ominis, he’d accepted an Auror’s position with the Ministry of Magic, much to the chagrin of his family. Despite his estrangement, the harassment continued, his family sending letters threatening the severance of his inheritance if he didn’t accept one of the many unfavorable marriage contracts they’d drafted. He tossed all Gaunt correspondence to the fire. 
When he learned his new assignment would be taking him to Leicester, the first person he thought of was Siobhan, and sent an owl to inform her he’d be in the area. He’d be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t hoping for an invitation, struggling to remember the last time he saw her— figuratively . It had been Christmastime, the previous year, a somber affair with it being so shortly after her father’s death. His final wish, she’d said, was to see his only daughter married and happy, a promise she intended to keep. Ever since, the emotions he thought he’d quelled years ago resurfaced, plaguing his mind. Siobhan would soon be wed, and he’d have to put his lofty dreams of pursuing her romantically to bed for good. The visit would ache and soothe his heart all the same. 
Since she technically lived amongst the muggles in the countryside, he took care to transfigure his wand into a walking cane—a disguise he’d relied upon now for years while working for the Ministry. It was not as precise, but he could still easily get around without too much scrutiny by the common-folk. He had barely exited the carriage, paying the driver with what he hoped was the appropriate amount of muggle money, when he heard her boots along the cobblestone, rushing down the path to greet him. 
“Ominis!” He expected her excited demeanor, but did not anticipate the way her arms wrapped around his neck, the force of her hug nearly toppling them to the ground. He steadied himself, reaching his free hand around her back as he returned the embrace. It wasn’t that he had an aversion to physical affection, he just found it strange when people, especially Siobhan, wanted to touch him. If he had it his way, he’d stay wrapped up in her warmth forever. 
“Merlin’s beard, have you gotten even taller ?” He was sure he hadn’t, but Siobhan loved to tease him about it ever since he spouted up in seventh year, towering over her and Sebastian both. She was looking up at him, that much he could safely assume, and he angled his chin down to flash her a smirk. 
“Perhaps you’ve gotten shorter , my dear,” he teased, chuckling when she playfully pinched the back of his neck in mock offense. 
“Come along, the supper is almost ready,” she pulled away, and he followed closely behind. 
Once they were inside the cottage, he took stock of the surrounding environment, checking if anything had changed since he’d last been there. He touched the back of a settee, dragging his fingers along the wool of a blanket that had been there last winter. Siobhan had draped it over him when he fell asleep before the fireplace. It was empty now, unused due to the summer heat, but based on the sound of chickens in the garden and a slight breeze, she had opened the windows. 
“Sebastian sent me a lovely bottle of whiskey for my birthday,” her voice called from the kitchen a few paces away. Ominis frowned to himself—all he’d sent was his well wishes in a letter. “All the way from New York City, though, I’m not sure how it’ll taste with the duck.” 
Annoyance prickled his spine—he didn’t want to talk about Sallow. He had long moved past the turmoil the boy had put them through during their school years, but still did not enjoy it when he was the focus of conversation. “Might we stick to wine?” 
Siobhan hummed in thought, oblivious to his short-lived displeasure. “Good idea.”
Ominis made his way to the table, disappearing his cane to the magical ether in which the rest of his travel belongings were temporarily stored. He followed her movements around the space as best he could, listening as she set the table and poured the wine. He wished he could be of more assistance, but then again, Siobhan enjoyed being able to dote on and serve her guests. 
“This smells delightful,” he complimented, waiting until he was sure she’d taken a first bite before lifting his silverware. “Tastes wonderful, too.” 
“Thank you,” she replied. “It all came from the garden, and the local butcher gives me a discount.” 
Pleasantries aside, he struggled to think of a topic for casual conversation. There was so much he wanted to ask her, so much he wanted to say, but was unsure of where to start. Would she consider moving to London so he could visit her everyday? No , that was too forward, and assuming. She’d never leave the place where she grew up. What if he agreed to move to Nottingham? He had little experience with farm animals, but was willing to learn. Even if he had to smell like sheep everyday, and chop wood with an actual axe. 
Siobhan broke the silence for him, in an unexpected manner. “He proposed we get married.” 
Ominis nearly choked on his wine, snapping his hand to his mouth to wipe the spittle from his chin. “What— who proposed?” 
“The butcher, Mr. Nelson,” she explained, rather casually. He was truly at a loss for words, staring in her direction with a flabbergasted expression. Where did this come from? She sighed. “You disapprove.”
He scoffed, “I was unaware my opinion would be so valued when it came to potential suitors of yours.” 
“ Of course I want to know what you think,” she started. “He might be thirty years my senior, and already grey in the beard, but I suppose you could call him handsome. Oh, and he’s missing at least three fingers, lost to a mislaid cleaver. But he has a successful business, and is rather friendly with all the old bitties around town. How does Mrs. Siobhan Nelson sound?” 
He was going to be sick. “You can’t be serious.” “Definitely not,” she snickered. It suddenly dawned on him that she was having a laugh at his expense. Her laughter grew, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sound, despite his slight embarrassment. “The look on your face, Ominis.” 
“Please tell me the fifty-year old butcher didn’t really ask for your hand,” as preposterous as it sounded, and unlikely as it seemed, he still couldn’t bear the thought of her agreeing to be a butcher’s wife. 
“No,” she said. “But my options do seem to be dwindling. My father is rolling in his grave.” 
Ominis supplied his own joke, “Have you considered sending for Leander ? I hear Prewett is still a bachelor. A very successful one at that.” 
“And you aren’t?” 
Touche . Though, he would never suggest she marry him . At least not outside his fantasies. In reality, even if by some miracle she felt any romantic love for him, it could never work. His family would never allow it. A muggleborn? He was ashamed of what other, more unforgivable terms they would call her, terrified of the potential physical harm they could cause. 
She pulled him from the darkness again, a cheerful giggle lighting his senses. “Could you imagine ? Me and Leander ? Our poor children.” 
What a horrid thought. 
The rest of the meal was spent reminiscing and laughing about their past adventures and mishaps, catching up on what they’d been up to as of late. Ominis told her about his recent promotion with the Ministry, and Siobhan shared the details of her latest research on the curative properties of mallowseet leaves. As the conversation settled, he swallowed the last of the wine from his cup, licking the tart flavor from his lips. It was getting late, judging by the increased insect activity outside. His nose twitched—it smelled like it might rain. Siobhan let out a contented sigh, and he wished he didn’t have to leave. 
“When are you expected in Leicester?” she asked, as if reading his mind. There was a solemn edge to her tone. 
“By tomorrow afternoon, at the latest.” 
“And here I’d gone through the trouble of setting up the guest room.” So hospitable—once a Hufflepuff, always a Hufflepuff. “Shouldn’t you enjoy a hearty breakfast before chasing down wayward wizards?” 
That did sound appealing. As much as he wanted to stay, his worry about her reputation held him back from agreeing. It wouldn’t be proper, in or outside muggle society, now that they were grown. A small voice in the back of his head wondered if he’d be able to resist further temptations. “And what will your neighbors think about you having an overnight guest?” 
“I’m an unwed woman who lives on her own,” she countered. “I’ve already been labeled a spinster, might as well add harlot to the list.” 
Ominis let out a hearty laugh, tossing his head back in amusement. He reached out, thankful to the ease in which he found her hand. “I’ve missed you, Siobhan.” 
If she was surprised by his honesty, she quickly recovered, flipping her palm up to squeeze his fingers. “And I, you.”
Ominis awoke to the sound of summer rain and the pad of soft footsteps in the hall. He continued to listen through the sleepy haze of his mind, confused when the pacing didn’t fade away. What was Siobhan doing awake? Was she simply using the facilities, or had a bout of insomnia taken over? He knew she was prone to nightmares, just as he was, and couldn’t help but feel worried. Curiosity finally got the better of him and he sat up, hesitating before he stood and somewhat clumsily made his way to the door, leaning against the frame as he tried to parse out what Siobhan was mumbling beneath her breath. 
“Is it morning already?” he asked, sarcastically. 
She let out a startled gasp. “ Oh! I’m so sorry, Ominis. I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“The rainstorm is the more likely culprit,” he replied. “And what is your excuse?”
“I was—” she cleared her throat. “Just…closing the windows. Wouldn’t want the rain to get everything wet, now would we?” 
A lie? Interesting . 
“Are you sure ?” he questioned. 
Siobhan said nothing at first, the nervous shuffle of her feet placing him within arms reach. “You have to promise not to tease me.” 
“I promise,” he agreed without knowing the terms. 
“I was trying to find the courage to either join you, or ask you to my bed.”
Oh. His heart lodged in his throat, an instant wave of warmth awakening the more male parts of his body. It was the last thing he expected her to say, the last thing he expected to occur that evening. Her tone allowed him to assume, but he needed clarity. 
“You’ll have to be more specific than that.”
“Ominis.” His name, so soft on her lips, alluding to so much more. Her hand laced with his own, and she stepped closer. “Please take me to bed.” 
Gladly . 
Ominis pulled her back into the room, allowing her to lead until they were standing at the foot of the bed. Siobhan, to his everlasting surprise, had made the first move, but he wouldn’t be outdone. He hooked his arm around her waist, pressing his hand flat against the small of her back and scooting her closer to his body. With his other hand he reached up to face, cupping her cheek within his palm. He traced the line of her jaw, stretching his slender fingers so they curled around her neck and threaded into her soft hair. Her bottom lip quivered as he pressed the pad of his thumb to her mouth, a puff of hot breath meeting his skin as he slowly dragged it down. 
“Ominis…” There was his name again, coming out like a desperate whisper, her body arching to chase his touch. “ Please .” 
It was too easy to taunt her, “please, what ?” 
Siobhan inhaled sharply, unable to stifle a whimper. “ Kiss me .”
Who was he to deny her? 
Ominis did as she asked, slowly at first, acclimating to the feel and fit of her lips against his own. It was better than he could have ever imagined—soft, warm, and perfect . He traced his tongue along the seam of her lips, swallowing her sigh as he licked into her mouth. Siobhan slid her hands around him, eagerly accepting his kisses, one clinging to the fabric of his sleepshirt, the other threading through his hair. He grazed his teeth along her bottom lip, breaking away for the slightest gulp of air before returning in a fervor, languid kisses giving way to pure passion. 
She tugged at his shirt collar, nimble fingers loosening the buttons until she could slide her hand inside, pressing her palm flat against the skin above his heart. He reached down to cup the back of her knee, lifting it to hook her leg around his waist as he pulled her tight to his body. She moaned into his mouth, repeating the noise when he rolled his hips, creating a delightful friction between their partially clothed bodies. His conscience seemed to catch up to him, and he titled his head away, swallowing hard as he caught his breath. It would be too easy to give into temptation and simply bed her, especially given her seemingly pliable state. But Ominis wouldn’t allow himself this pleasure if it didn’t have a deeper meaning, or a promise he’d be able to make love to her again and again, in perpetuity. 
“Siobhan,” as painful as it was to detangle himself from her, he needed to be sincere without the distraction of her soft skin. 
“Is something wrong?” 
“No,” he disliked the anxiety in her voice, as if he was about to come up with an excuse to leave her. “Not at all.” 
“I need to know,” he licked his lips, swallowed his pride, and bared his soul. “I love you, Siobhan. I have loved you for what feels like a lifetime already. If we are to continue, I need to know if you feel remotely the same. I can’t—I won’t— do this if it meant to occur only this once. I’ll always want more. Call me selfish, call it what you want, I will always want more .”
Siobhan was quiet, worrying him until she closed the gap between them again, kissing him sweetly and softly as if for the first time. 
“I do. Feel the same way, that is. I have loved you as long as I can remember,” she said, the words whispered against his lips. There was no doubt to what she was saying. “I love you, Ominis. Never doubt that. I will always love you.” 
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him tightly as he deepened the kiss, unable to respond in any other way. She loved him— he scarcely believed it, clinging to her as if she’d disappear if he let go. She responded in kind, quickly undoing the remaining buttons of his shirt before sliding it off, tossing it to the floor. They paused, if only for air, Siobhan sliding her hands across his shoulders and down his chest. He hoped she could feel the wild beat of his heart. 
“You’ve done this before,” she hushed, and he sensed her trepidation. He understood her meaning, guilt tugging at his heart.  
“I—” he sighed, nodding once. Better not to explain the circumstances. “Yes. Does that bother you?” 
“Does it bother you that I haven’t?” 
“Of course not,” he assured, caressing her shoulders to calm her nerves. “I am at your whim, darling. Whatever you desire, you need only ask.” 
“I want…” the rest of her sentence went unfinished. 
Ominis hummed, sure he could elicit a better response. Despite her naïveté, Siobhan was a confident woman—after all, she had been the one to initiate this situation. He brushed the wild hair from her face, leaning to whisper in against her ear. “You’ll have to speak up, my dear. Do you want me to… kiss you ?” 
He did just that, softly, placing another along the nape of her neck, kissing along the hem of her nightgown. He tugged at the sleeve until the skin of her shoulder was exposed, tracing his tongue along the dip of her collar. 
“Yes,” she finally breathed. Progress . 
He curled his hand around her waistline. “Do you want me to touch you ?” 
“Where?” He slowly slid his hand upwards until he tentatively cupped her breast. “Here?” 
Siobhan made an agreeable sound, repeating it when he brushed his thumb across her clothed nipple. Ominis pulled at her nightgown again, this time lowering the fabric completely until it pooled around her feet. He kissed her neck, surely leaving bruises in his wake, her rapid pulse beating against his lips. With both hands he explored her body, groaning at the silken softness of her skin beneath his fingertips. He palmed her breasts once more, this time arching down to lick and suck at her nipples until they were pointed peaks beneath his tongue.  
Ominis trailed one hand lower, squeezing at her hip before sliding his hand around to fondle her buttocks, grinning at the little squeak that escaped her throat. He could do better than that. Lifting her leg again, he pressed his fingers into the flesh of her thigh, scraping his blunt nails down and up as he inched closer to her centere. 
“Here?” he asked again, hissing at the wet warmth that greeted his fingertips. “I already know the answer.” 
He traced along her seam as she clung to him, crying out as he curled one finger inside. M erlin preserve him , she was so hot and wet already, his briefest of touches already causing her legs to spasm. He pressed his clothed erection to her hip, moaning as he thrust up to mimic his hand’s movements. 
His voice was hoarse, “do you want me to fuck you?” 
“ Yes .” If she was scandalized by his term, she didn’t show it, gasping when he removed his hand. 
“All in good time.” 
She dug her nails into his arm, whining. “If I knew you’d be this much of an insufferable tease, I’d have never asked.” 
“Admit it,” he laughed, finding joy in the way she yelped as he plucked her from the ground to place her on the mattress. He leaned back to shed the rest of his clothing before kneeling on the edge of the bed. “You love it.” 
There was something else she wanted to say, he could sense it as he loomed over her. Ominis relaxed his expression, hoping his advances hadn’t startled her. “Tell me.” 
“I wish—” she cut off, and he could only assume what she was going to say. “I wish you could see me, Ominis. The way I’m seeing you now. You’re beautiful . I—I can’t believe you’re here, with me. I feel like I’ve been dreaming about this forever .” 
“What I wouldn’t give to see you, Siobhan,” he sighed, allowing her to pull him to her so their lips could meet. He rested his forehead against hers, hating that magic couldn’t give him this one thing. “I want to see what your mouth looks like after I’ve kissed you breathless. I want to know the expressions you make as I enter you for the first time, and I want to see my name on your lips as you’re screaming in ecstasy.”
“ Oh …” was her breathy reply, and he smirked—he’d stunned her into silence. He adjusted her so she was propped against the pillows before sliding down her body, leaving open-mouthed kisses in his wake. 
“Now, open for me, my love,” he kissed below her bellybutton, shifting his body to lie along the mattress between her legs. “I want to taste you.” 
Siobhan complied, spreading her knees further apart to accommodate the width of his shoulders. His hands firmly grasped her thighs as he licked along the jut of her hipbone before pressing the flat of his tongue against her, sliding her open to sample the wetness he found there. Ominis refrained from immediately devouring her, overcome by the heady scent and her soft mewls of pleasure. 
He continued, maneuvering one of her legs so her knee was hooked around his shoulder, allowing him greater access. Slow measured strokes turned into faster ones, darting his tongue to her clit and sucking until she was screaming in blissful agony. 
“Oh, God !” 
He paused, murmuring against her sensitive flesh, “Tell me, is it God that is giving you pleasure, or me?” 
Siobhan’s shaky laugh dissolved into another moan as he advanced, lapping at her like a starved man. With a gasp for air he replaced his mouth with his hand, sliding two fingers through the slick gathered at her entrance before pushing inside. He could hear her fingers grasping desperately at the bedsheets as she cried out. 
“ Ominis !” 
So she could say his name afterall. He curled his fingers up in a come-hither motion, and Siobhan writhed beneath him, legs frantically swishing across the sheets as she fought her end. That wouldn’t do , he thought—he’d help her find that sweet release. 
He nuzzled the soft flesh of her inner thigh, mouthing the words against her skin. “Be a good girl, and come for me.” 
He moved his lips to her center again, circling her clit as he thrust his fingers deeper, coaxing her to just let go . Her hips lifted from the bed, her fingers threading through his hair, tugging to keep him close. With one shuddering moan, she collapsed, trembling as the ecstasy washed over her senses. He could’ve found his own release just then, pressing his strained arousal hard against the mattress in a vain attempt to stave off his pleasure. Removing himself from her, he rested his cheek against her hip, and listened to the way she struggled to catch her breath. He grinned, allowing himself to momentarily indulge in his own ego— he’d done that. 
“Ominis,” she beckoned, combing what he assumed was disheveled hair from his brow. He lazily made his way back up to her, meeting her lips in a breathless kiss. She sighed as he trailed away, kissing along her jaw to her ear, down the slope of her neck and back again. She smoothed her hands against his shoulders, nails gently scraping at his back, and he lowered his body, stopping when he heard her surprised gasp. 
“You understand, don’t you darling?” He gradually dragged his hips down against hers so she could feel the heat of his cock between their bodies. “I need you,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. “Say you’ll have me, Siobhan. Please .” 
Ominis hadn’t meant to sound so desperate, but that’s exactly what he was. A desperate, foolish man who’d wasted so many years not ravishing the woman he loved. He needed to make up for lost time, starting tonight. 
“ Yes ,” she sighed, arms circling around his middle to pull him closer still. “I’ll always have you, Ominis.” 
A promise. It was more than what he could’ve asked for. He shifted, bracing his weight on one arm as he reached down to grasp his length, reminding himself to go slow for her sake. He pressed against her entrance, clenching his jaw at the overwhelming tight heat that encompassed him. She tensed, and he curled himself around her, embracing her and murmuring words of encouragement until she relaxed, allowing him to slide forward until he was fully sheathed inside. 
Ominis could feel his whole body thrumming to the unsteady rhythm of his heart—or maybe it was Siobhan he was sensing. He refrained from cursing, “you feel… incredible .” 
He moved, gradually retreating before pushing forward again, mustering all the willpower he could to not spend himself right away. It needed to last— he needed to last. Ominis would’ve been content to keep the leisurely pace, listening to the way her soft sighs mixed with the rain, the slight creak of the bed echoing through the room. 
Siobhan surprised him, turning her face to press a kiss near his ear. “ More .” 
Ominis eagerly complied, grasping her waist tightly with one hand as he fully withdrew, capturing her wondrous gasp as he lunged forward. He found a steady but quick rhythm, and with every thrust she hushed incoherent words, sending silent prayers sent to God and Merlin and him . Siobhan clung to him, attempting to stifle her whimpering sounds as he moved back to hook her legs around his hips. He leaned back over her, the change in angle allowing him to reach deeper, her cunt pulsating around his cock—it was torture, sweet, euphoric torture . 
“None of that now, darling,” he hissed, finding her hand pressed to her mouth. He laced their fingers and pressed them into the pillows above her head. “Don’t be shy… tell me .” 
Her nails scratched down his back before grasping tightly at his hips. “Make me feel like I did before,” she sighed. “I want that—I want you .” 
He fucks into her, more than willing to give her what she wished. He always would, given the opportunity—he’d worship her until the end of time. Determined, he thrusts harder, faster until the friction makes it difficult to focus. She was falling apart in his arms, limbs trembling as she crested a new climax. Mixed breaths shorten into gasps, urgent pleads and sharp whispers of I love yous pushed him to meet her. His hips stuttered and as he clamped his mouth and teeth along her throat he snapped forward, practically growling as he spilled inside her welcoming heat. 
In the aftermath, Ominis struggled to regain his composure, barely able to keep his body lifted so he wouldn't crush her. Siobhan was breathing deeply, softly humming as she floated back down to earth. With his last remaining strength he pulled away from her, rolling to his side, pulling her close so her back was flush against his chest. They could clean up momentarily—perhaps enjoy a shared bath—but for now he wanted to bask in the afterglow.
Siobhan was snickering as she traced a finger along his arm. He gathered it, locking their hands together. “And just why are you giggling ? Not the kindest reaction for a man’s ego.” 
“I’m not laughing at the performance ,” Siobhan clarified, though he had already assumed that wasn’t the case. “It’s the situation . I had hoped something like this would happen when I invited you to visit.” 
“Naughty girl,” he playfully scolded, tickling her sides so he could listen to her continued laughter. “Should I be worried that I’ve been taken advantage of?” 
“Heavens, no !” she shifted in his arms, likely to face him. “I love you, Ominis.”
“I love you ,” he replied, warmth enveloping him again as she pressed chaste kisses along his face before finding his lips. “I’d be honored to make an honest woman of you.” 
“That’s one way to propose marriage,” she teased. 
“I want nothing more than to be your husband, Siobhan,” he clasped her hand, holding it to his cheek as he kissed the underside of her wrist. All too familiar fears started to creep up and he struggled to steady his racing heart. “I may be estranged from my family, but that will not stop them from coming after us. We may never know peace.” 
“I understand,” was her quiet reply. “But the danger is worth it, if it means I am with you. I am not afraid, Ominis. I will gladly fight for you, run away with you. I want everything—to be your wife, to be the mother to our children and, God willing, I want to grow old with you.”    
“You are enough for me.” 
Ominis could find no other words to say, allowing her comfort and love to settle over him, deep within his bones. Despite feeling undeserving, and selfish for allowing it, he was happy—content. He always would be, as long as Siobhan was at his side.
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sivellevossen · 1 year
Just An Act
~part ten~!
Prompt: You and Sebastian broke up following the events of 5th year. Now it is 7th year, you and Ominis are together and all seems well… until you and Sebastian are casted as lovers in a play.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10/FINAL!!
You spent the next few days ignoring your confused heart by drowning yourself in rehearsals and studying. Thank Merlin you had the play to focus on, without it, you’re not sure how you’d be coping right now. Sebastian was fresh in your life again, bringing out emotions you thought were long gone. And on the other hand, you found out the last two years were a lie with Ominis. How did you even manage to get into this situation? You were happy you had Poppy and Natty to help practice in the confines of your own dorm, which was extremely helpful for you to forget your heavy heart, even if it was only for a few hours here and there.
Sebastian, similarly to you, engaged in the same activities. He was determined to make this play perfect for you. At this point, everyone knew he was only doing it for you. If Octavia didn’t let the whole school know, it was very apparent after your little duel in Crossed Wands. His heart fluttered every time the script abruptly stopped, meaning what followed was your kiss. The kiss he dreamed of for the past two years. Even if it was only acting, which he hoped it wasn’t, he was going to treat it like gold. Because he knew this time that it may be your last kiss for good and he was determined to savor it and treasure it. You were the love of his life, even if he wasn’t yours..
Ominis was also determined to make this the best experience for you. He was full of guilt and regrets for everything that had happened. This might be the last time he could do anything for you, and he needed to make sure he left you with one good memory of him. His actions during this play would prove to you that he truly did mean he would change and be authentic. Sure, the thought of sabotaging the ending of the play crossed his mind, but no matter how badly his heart would shatter, he couldnt do that to you. Not this time, not ever again..
Today was the day! You woke up feeling both determined and absolutely terrified. It didn’t quite hit you until today that you were kissing your ex-boyfriend in front of your other ex-boyfriend who used to be best friends with each other. ‘What a great girlfriend you were…’ You thought to yourself, chuckling at it. Natty and Poppy came to your room super early so that you guys could all get ready together.
“I’m so nervous!” Poppy exclaimed, attempting to put lipgloss without getting it everywhere.
“Poppy.. You have the least to be worried about” Natty chuckled, nudging you. You laughed, shaking your head “Shut up!”.
“MC! I’d probably be crying if I had to kiss that Sallow boy…I feel so bad for you!” Poppy sighed, completely oblivious to everything, yet again. You and Natty exchanged knowing looks, smiling as a blush crept up on you.
“Yeah..” You responded, your heart fluttering at the mention of Sebastian. You three finished up dolling yourselves up, Natty mostly just being there to hang out with you guys. With your heart in your throat, you started your journey to the auditorium, secretly wondering how Sebastian was feeling about this.
You arrived at the already bustling auditorium, everyone rehearsing their lines and setting up the stage frantically. You parted ways with your girls, before looking around and seeing Ominis hard at work. Your eyes widened, surprised he was still here after everything. You smiled, wishing you could wave at him but it’s not like he’d notice, opting to sit in a corner and reread your lines.
Sebastian was running extremely late. His head was plagued with doubts and worries about this kiss, nevermind what would happen after the kiss. He couldnt get his hair right, his clothes weren’t looking right, nothing was going right!! What if he messed up his lines, or choked up at the kiss. He ran his fingers through his hair, grabbing the script and running out the door. By the time he got to the auditorium, the show was starting in five minutes. He wasn’t ready! Why did he do this again!? His doubts were answered when he looked around and found you. You looked effortlessly gorgeous with your hair done and light makeup to accentuate your features. His heart started to race again, walking towards you and smoothing out his clothes. Normally, Sebastian was confident and cocky, but something about the intensity of this situation altered that immensely.
“Hey..” He greeted, the commotion behind him reminding him of just how soon this was all going down.
“Hey!” You smiled, looking up and already blushing. Your eyes sparkled looking up at him, causing him to swallow hard and fidget with his fingers.
“Good luck.” Was all he could manage to say before being cut off by the Professor calling everyone to the stage. You nodded at him, standing up and walking to your spot on the stage, him following behind as if he was lost.
The show started, curtains opening with you and Sebastian on stage with a few others, all dressed up in character. Although Sebastian always looked good, this time he was dressed in more formal clothes, which gave him a different essence. You could tell he was a man now, not a 5th year boy. The play went effortlessly smooth, the chemistry you and Sebastian had made everything feel so natural. The audience genuinely believed that your two characters were real people, and this wasnt just acting…even though it only half wasnt. Sebastian savored every scene with you, every bit of closeness, and every small touch you two exchanged during the show. Ominis listened with a heavy heart, knowing that you two were doing too good to only be acting. He bit the side of his cheek, holding back whatever motions were trying to flood his mind.
It was finally time, you finished saying your last line which left You and Sebastian just inches away from each other. Your heart felt like to could explode right then and there, and you almost wished you could just disappear right now due to the amount of emotions you were experiencing. Sebastian felt similarly, looking down at you with an admiring gaze. He was so proud of your performance, even helping him when he went off script slightly due to his own nerves. You looked at him with wide eyes, reminding him of the times you two had spent together back in the day. Silence fell upon you both, forgetting there was a whole crowd and Ominis watching you attentively. The spotlight fell on you both, darkness falling on the rest of the stage. Sebastian gave you a very slight look, making sure you were 100% okay with this, the last thing he wanted to do was force you…even if that would leave him with a fractured heart. You gave the slightest nod, barely even being able to breath due to the sheer amount of nerves you had flowing through your body. Without hesitation, Sebastian wrapped his arms around your waist, and you delicately placed yours around his neck sending shivers down his spine. He delicately bent down to your level and placed a passionate kiss on your lips, his heart exploding. You smiled into the kiss, returning it as the memories of him flooded your mind. You realized just how much you missed him, tightening your grasp around his neck. He returned with matching the tightness on your waist, wishing this would never end. Wishing you two didn’t have to part ways after this, wishing it was as simple as going back to normal immediately after.
You two were pulled out of your trance at the cheer from the audience minus one person. Ominis choked up, knowing what was happening and excused himself almost immediately. It took every ounce of his being to not storm off and make a scene. This was your guys’ moment, and he couldnt take anything away from you again. Once he was alone and hidden from wandering eyes, a single tear dropped…which turned into about one hundred shortly after. He knew he had no right to be upset, and this would not effect how he would treat either of you, it wasn’t fair to you guys. Everything he did wasnt fair, which lead him to sobbing even more in the depths of the auditorium.
The curtains closed while you two were still deep in your kiss. The commotion from inside breaking your trance and snapping you back to reality. You parted from each other delicately, both wishing it could have gone on for just a minute longer. You turned, trying to conceal your blush and rapid heart rate. Sebastian’s eyes lingered on you for a minute longer, his heart still beating ungodly fast. Just like that, it was over. All he wanted for the past two years happened…and now it was over for good. He gave a sad smile to you before turning to the other cast members who were now circling around him to line up for a final bow. The curtains opened again, everyone giving a bow while the crowd cheered for you and Sebastian. You smiled, looking over at him to find his gaze was to the ground, and he looked disheartened.
The play officially ended, leading everyone into an immediate cast party. Everyone was circling you with compliments and congratulations while you only had on thing on your mind…where Sebastian was. You looked around for him, realizing he was no where to be found. Your heart stung for a second, thinking that maybe he really was just acting all along. You bit your lip to hide your sadness, and once the crowd dissipated around you, you snuck out into the depths of the castle.
As you walked out, you immediately found a boy out in the hallway alone, a bouquet of flowers in hand. Ominis.. You walked over to him, hoping he was okay, seeing he wasnt celebrating with everyone.
“Hey..” You greeted hesitantly.
“MC…For you..” He offered a sad smile, handing you the small and elegant bouquet, “I…I was growing these for you before everything happened…I thought you should still have them, you did great tonight.” He said, bringing his head up and revealing his tear stained face. You smiled sadly, looking at the flowers and taking them gladly, “Thank you.. it means a lot Ominis.”.
“I hope he treats you better than I did..” He said, wiping his face again to try and mask the tears that fell. You nodded, opting to wrap him in a small and gentle hug. He returned it before parting after just a moment, “Go find him MC…”. You nodded, looking at the beautiful flowers in your hand and then back at him, “Seriously, thank you Ominis.” Before running off to find Sallow.
You checked everywhere you could think of, he wasnt with any of his friends and nobody had seen him after the play. Biting your lip, you made your way up to the Astronomy Tower, it was your last guess. At this point, the high from your kiss was replaced with an empty feeling of dread. Was it bad? Did he not care? How could you read the situation so wrongly?! It was almost embarrassing how hung up you were on this kiss that turned out to be just acting. You sighed, looking at the flowers as you made your way to the top. You were greeted with the view of a broad back, looking up at the stars silently. You bit your lip, this was a complete role reversal..usually he’s the one finding you up here.
“Is it stupid of me to be up here right now?” You call out from the entrance, ready to turn your heels around and descend down to your room. Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, heart aching at your voice and unsure of how to respond.
“No…” Was all he could muster up, refusing to face you and cursing himself for that stupid response. You bit your lip, gently walking up next to him and joining him in viewing the stars.
“Why’d you leave?” You asked, slightly nervous of the answer you were going to get.
“I uh..I didn’t want to ruin your night..” He sighed, knowing his feelings would have gotten in the way of you trying to enjoy your after party.
“You wouldn’t ruin my night!” You laugh, finally turning to look up at him and you immediately notice his somber expression… “Hey what’s wrong, seriously..?”
He bit his lip, not even wanting to look down at you but forcing himself to do so anyway, “Just… its over now.. you dont have to act like we’re friends or anything.. I understand.. You didn’t have to come find me..” He sighs, heart aching slightly. His words just cemented his reality.
“Sebastian what are you talking about?”
“The play..it’s over. You dont have to pretend like we’re friends or anything. I’m a big boy, I dont need to be coddled.” He replied, almost annoyed that you had still come up here to give him hope..false hope.
“What? Sebastian—“ You started but he just shook his head. You were so confused, why on earth would you come up here to find him if he meant nothing to him. You sighed, annoyed before blurting you,
“I missed you.”
His whole world basically stopped once those words left your mouth. He turned to you, wide eyed and confused.. “What?…”
“Sebastian… I’ve missed you. Maybe I’m reading the room wrong but I thought that kiss….nevermind.” You started, realizing you dont want to sound equally stupid and go too deep too fast. He shook his quickly, “I…MC.. I thought you wouldn’t want anything to do with—“ Noticing his change in demeanor and his frantic attempt at an explanation, you cut him off
“No..” You smiled, shaking your head slightly before standing on your tip toes and placing a light kiss on his cheek, your heart rate quickening again. He blushed slightly, not being able to resist the urge of cupping your pretty face in his large hands and returning your kiss with one on your forehead.
“I thought that was the end of us…” He smiled sadly, his brown eyes gazing down into yours.
“I…I would like to try again…” You said, nervous of rejection even though you knew it was unlikely.
“I’d love that..you have no idea MC..”
You two met each other in another delicate kiss, the stars and moon illuminating you both. Everything felt right, perfect even. This past week showed you everyone’s true colors..and the one person who hadn’t given up on you was right in front if you, offering their being to you wholeheartedly. 7th year had only just begun, and you had all year to pick up where you and Sebastian left off years ago…
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incendio22 · 2 years
Pt 2 Chapter 18: Plans In The Making
It's a morning in October when I see the massive snowflakes gliding towards the ground. It's a bit early for snow, but it's beautiful. It's only been a bit more than a month since I came back to Hogwarts, but it feels like a lifetime has passed. Within these days I've had time to see Garreth Weasley, make up with Sebastian, get abducted by goblins, win a game of quidditch and gone to a handful of parties. If I keep this pace up, I will have a hectic year. Therefore, the snow falling gives me a sense of calmness.
I tried to forget about the goblin part, mostly because that even traumatized me severely. However, I have a feeling that the story isn't finished just yet. Of course, they lost a few men in the battle. But I still wonder what they did to the container with my ancient magic and what they intend to do with it. This is a matter I need to deal with as soon as possible, but this time I'm not going alone.
I spend the day in classes, but I can't stop thinking about the goblin rebellion. Not even Poppy can take my mind away from it, despite her efforts.
''You wanna come with me to the forest?'' she asks after herbology class.
I agree to go with her, mostly because I don't like the thought of her going there alone after what happened to her not so long ago. As we enter the forest we need to fight off some spiders and I notice that Poppy's defensive skills have improved massively since we first fought people together.
''Good work,'' I tell her as we reach the part of the forest where she keeps Highwing.
''Thanks,'' she says with a proud look on her face. ''I started practicing after Milena and I broke up just to take my mind off things.''
I can relate to that. Maybe developing a skill is a better coping mechanism than kissing other people in front of the person you're trying to get over. I wouldn't know since I made my decision.
''When you disappeared,'' Poppy starts in a low voice as she's stroking the wings of Highwing. ''It had something to do with the goblins, right?''
I don't know what to say to her. Of course, she is one of my closest friends so I can tell her. But I also don't want to drag in too many people into this. Yet, not letting people know what happened was my mistake before.
''Yes,'' I tell her. ''How'd you know?''
''Well,'' she begins. ''You looked so extremely horrified when I told you about them in the Hospital Wing. I know you care about me, but you looked even more horrified after hearing about the goblins than you did before.''
''I'm sorry,'' I tell her, looking down in the ground.
''No, don't apologize,'' she says firmly. ''It's okay, it's just that I noticed you changing after I told you about the goblins.''
We head back to the castle together talking about life, relationships and beasts. I just wish I could give Poppy all of the happiness that exists in this world. She deserves it more than anyone. And most of all, I want her to find someone who can love her as much as she loves her beasts. Ever since Anne came back to Hogwarts, she is someone I pictured Poppy ending up with. But I'm not sure if either of them would be interested in each other. But if there's anyone, except for Sebastian, that would look out for Anne and her curse, it's Poppy.
I decide to find Ominis, Imelda and Sebastian to tell them that I need to find the container with my magic. But of course, it's a massive castle. I can just hope that I can find all three of them.
Sebastian is easy to find. Sitting in the common room, writing on his parchment like usual. It's like he's switched a book from parchment. I'm still wondering what he's writing, but I respect the fact that he doesn't want to share it with me.
''Hey,'' I tell him, squeezing his shoulder.
He quickly folds over the table, covering what he's writing on and turns his head to see me.
''Hi there,'' he says, looking rather uncomfortable.
''Can we meet with Ominis and Imelda?'' I ask. ''There is something I need to discuss with all of you.''
''Of course,'' he says with a smile. ''You find Ominis, I go look for Imelda.''
''Very well,'' I tell him. ''Let's meet in the Undercroft.''
What would be the best place to search for Ominis? If he's not in the common room, he's probably somewhere in the Defence Against Dark Arts tower or around the Great Hall. I decide to start with the Great Hall, since most people just had dinner. Very correctly, he's sitting in the Great Hall with some first years. As I approach, I hear him telling them about the mermaids in the Black Lake.
''I actually saw one just the other night,'' I tell them as I walk up to them. ''I was sitting at the window for hours when I saw one passing by.''
I hear them gasp and sound excited, running back towards the Slytherin Common Room.
''I need to talk to you,'' I tell Ominis seriously.
''Very well,'' he says and stands up.
''Sebastian and Imelda, too,'' I say and start leading him to the Undercroft.
We walk with rapid steps towards the Undercroft, feeling the coldness biting as we walk through the courtyard.
''I forgot,'' I stop quickly. ''Imelda doesn't know about the Undercroft.''
''Since Sebastian showed it to you without hesitation,'' Ominous begins. ''I think it's more than reasonable that Imelda can know about it, too.''
''Agreed,'' I say and start walking againg. ''Also, I heard about the kiss.''
''She told you?'' Ominis asks, sounding curious.
''She very much did,'' I say with a smirk.
''You know,'' Ominis starts. ''When I kissed her, it was like all the pieces fell into place. I knew I had kissed her before, even though I don't remember.''
''Well, how do you feel about her?'' I ask him, eager for details about what really matters.
''I feel as if she's everything I need in life, put together in the form of a person,'' Ominis says softly as we proceed to the Undercroft.
Sebastian and Imelda are waiting outside already, but Sebastian seemed to also remember that Imelda had no idea about the Undercroft.
''Go first, the two of you,'' Ominis says, referring to me and Sebastian.
We enter and stand there for a few seconds.
''Come here, new girl,'' he says with a smirk and kisses me quickly.
Quickly after, the entrance opens and Imelda and Ominis are coming in from behind us. Imelda looks around, rather confused.
''All of you knew about this, and no one told me?'' she asks in a jokingly upset voice.
''Well, I just want somewhere to hang out with Y/n alone,'' Sebastian says as he shrugs his shoulders. ''So if you go around telling people about this, I will fight you.''
''I'd beat you in a duel anyway,'' she says as she rolls her eyes.
Sebastian and Imelda argue for a moment as Imelda discovers the Undercroft. However, she seems to be impressed by the room as she explores it. The training dummies, the gobstones lying in a corner, Sebastian's pile of books and the wizarding chess. Eventually, I need to tell them why I brought them here.
''There's one thing I didn't tell you about when the goblins captured me,'' I say in a serious voice, facing the three of them. They exchange confused looks. ''I was forced to use my magic so they could contain it.''
''Wait,'' Imelda interrupts, looking very confused. ''What magic are you talking about?''
''She has some superpower magic,'' Ominis says in a short tone, wanting me to proceed.
''No,'' Imelda argues. ''Why haven't you told me?''
''Long story,'' I press my lips together and force a smile. ''I possess a very powerful magic that most people don't even know exists. And we need to keep it that way. You can't tell anyone.''
''I won't,'' she says quickly. ''I promise.''
''Very well,'' I continue in a serious tone. ''I was forced to use it and they stored it in a container. We need to find the container because I'm genuinely terrified of what they might do with it. And we need to find out more about what they're planning.''
They look at each other, once again confused. But Sebastian nods in agreement.
''I'm glad you're telling us,'' he says with a slight smile on his face. ''And this time, we need a plan.''
All of us nod in agreement.
''We need to be prepared to fight,'' I tell them.
We start making a plan, but Imelda and Ominis seem more interested in discussing how they are going to practice duelling together. Eventually, the two of them leaves so Sebastian and I are alone in the Undercroft.
''If we're gonna fight, you need to practice,'' I tell him with a smile. ''I remember our 5th year, how you had me do all the hard work, while you were just hiding in corners.''
''That's not what happened!'' Sebastian argues.
''Oh, I'll never forget,'' I tell him with a smirk. ''You bragging about being the best duelist in school, just to be more afraid than a little snidget when we faced trolls, goblins and Merlin knows whatnot.''
''Oh you did not,'' he says with a smirk.
He walks up to me and grabs my chin with his hand softly and kisses me passionately for a good moment, making me forget about time and space.
''I'll never forget either,'' Sebastian says with a smirk. ''But you don't have to rub it in like that.''
''That's just what I do,'' I argue with a smile.
''Good thing that I can just kiss you whenever I want to get you to stop talking,'' he says, still smirking and places yet another kiss on my lips.
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booburry · 1 year
Aesop Sharp Bodyguard Fic?
Classic writers block: Brain refuses to function for current WIP's but loooooooves creating and obsessing about NEW and SHINY things. *grumble*
Anywhooo, thought I may share a small snippet of what I have. Wanted to try my hand at a first person fic, but I did create an OC so it's not quite a reader insert.
Defs NSFW, like usual...but this time with a more vulgar narrator than my other work.
Summary: Aesop Sharp finds himself no longer employed by the ministry and in a desperate need to access the most precious and hard sought information on curses and their cures. There were two places he could think to obtain this information, and two job offers to match. A teaching position at Hogwarts OR personal body guard to Sylvia Gaunt, the eldest daughter of the esteemed Gaunt family.
I am Sylvia Gaunt:
I am 24 years old, born in 1859. I am the second eldest sibling of the Guant family, second to Marvolo who I have a distinct distaste for.
I grew up hating my family, and still very much do with the exception of my little brother Ominis; who I fear for greatly as he was sadly afflicted with a kind heart as myself. However, unlike Ominis, I was easy and willing to break.
I greatly feel powerless in the world I am surrounded in, never having a choice beyond the life ahead of me that is chosen by my heritage, family name, or parents.
My greatest pleasure’s in life is indulging in my vices, mostly sex. Feeling wanted, feeling powerful and in control—it was the closet feeling to love and safety I would ever know. It also put a smudge on my family name, my whorish reputation, and that brought me more pleasure than any cocks or cunts could.
In a plot to ensure I act more modest, to prepare me for a life of marriage to my eldest brother; ‘we need to keep the bloodline pure’, so my parent’s claim. The idea disgusted me and every day I wished they would just move on from the idea, but my brother seemed transfixed on the idea and they would do anything for their prized boy.
Besides Ominis, there was only one person in my life who managed to bring some light into this dark, depraved and depressing life of mine. Mr. Sharp, for the short while he was in it, he made quite the impact. But, like this story, not all things have a happy ending.
The fool…I had warned him.
Chapter 1:
“The matter is final.” Father’s tone was pointed enough that I knew I was a few more protests away from being cursed.
This wasn’t a battle worth enduring that punishment.
“Thank you, Father. I feel loved by how concerned you are for my safety and well being.” I said as forcefully sweet as I could, knowing fully that my words were an obvious lie no matter how they were spoken.
Father just grimaced before storming out of my bedroom, leaving my handmaidens to return to the task of getting me ready for the evening’s party. The moment I knew he was out of earshot, I let out a long, exasperated, groan.
“I don’t need a personal bodyguard. It’s ridiculous.” I hissed as a I fell into the chair in front of my vanity mirror. Hilda and Mathilda, my two personal servants, immediately at my side. “Hasn’t he learned from the last dozen that they never last and aren’t required?” I asked to the mirror, looking at the reflection of the two of them, expecting nothing but an agreement in response.
Hilda and Mathilda eagerly nodded, not daring speak any words out loud against the head of the Gaunt family. I couldn’t blame them for that—few were brave enough to attempt it and live to talk about it. I just sat back in my annoyance, determined to think of a way to get rid of this new bodyguard.
Normally the two maids just mumble on about nonsense as they worked on her; fashion, single men looking for a wife, or any bullshit my father wanted me to hear about. However…today, they could be of better use to me. I smiled widely as I admired my reflection, pleased with the view and my wit. They would give me some information before they began to bore me with their usual conversation.
“Have you heard anything about him?” I questioned in a soft, aloof, tone. I wanted to appear non-threatening, so that they wouldn’t just feed me information to please me; Hilda may not but Mathilda was nothing but a dimwitted whore who my father fucked in ‘secret’. I continued to watch myself in the mirror, ensuring to act self centered while watching their reactions closely.
“Not too much, other than he’s handsome.” Matilda enthusiastically informed as they delicately brushed my hair and applied lotion to my skin—I never liked to feel dry when being rubbed between strangers bodies. Although I wasn’t entirely displeased with her information—so long as it was true—I didn’t expect much else from her.
If I was going to be stuck with a man constantly watching me, he could at least be pleasant on the eyes.
“He’s an ex-Auror.” Hilda offered, her eyes watching me hungrily, eager to please—she was always my favorite. I reached out a soft hand to gently rub Hilda’s thigh, to let her know she was doing well.
“Anything else you know, my pretty thing?” I asked her while watching her in the mirror, a sickly-sweet smile forced upon my lips.
“Mr. Sharp injured himself on the job, rumor has it that he is trying to find a cure. Apparently his job was dealing with smugglers and dark wizards. I heard your father takes great pride to have such a person under his employment now.” I smiled—of course he would. My father wouldn’t care the risk of the ministry, as he would have more ties to it and ways to influence the institution than any ex-Auror could. However, for an Auror to stoop so low as to be employed for a family such as ours must mean we have something he desperately needs.
I had the information I needed.
“Thank you Hildy—promise to make it up to you.” I winked at her, enjoying the blush it brought to her cheeks while thinking of how red her others would be once I am through with her. “Now, let’s make sure I make a good first impression, shall we ladies?”
I smiled, honestly for the first time this evening. This ‘Mr. Sharp’ would be fun to play with.
While he lasted.
I stared at the brooding, expressionless, might-as-well-be-a-statue, man across from me with a heavy sigh.
“For an ex-Auror, you don’t exactly exude excitement.” He just looked at me before returning his gaze to the window to peer at their surroundings. I felt myself huff in annoyance—I never liked being ignored.
“And here I thought we were enjoying each other’s company.” He dryly retorted while adjusting himself within his seat.
“Your company is not the one I wish to enjoy.” I used my own digging tone, ensuring to sound dismissive and uninterested. I mean…I was uninterested, despite something pulling my attention towards the grouchy old man. It was perplexing, and annoying, but at least Mathilda had been right; he was handsome.
I would have to give her some praise as well.
“So I have heard.” His attention turned to me, his eyes piercing and intelligent. I couldn’t help but smirk and raise an eyebrow. I knew the only reputation I had, and I swore there seemed to be some life breathed into the statuesque ex-Auror when he had to reference my depraved reputation as well.
“Have you now?” I purred, already turned on knowing what awaited me at this party, yet feeling it ignite as I watched him torment himself for what he obviously was thinking. “You know what happens at these parties? At least with me?” I dropped my tone, winking at him as I brought my wand to my dress. “People are free to watch if they don’t want to partake.”
I had ensured to know this transfiguration spell without having to mutter the words. The amount of times I had to do this while walking into the entrance of the manor was astounding, and quickly became something of an urgent need. Slowly the spell removed the modest fabric that suffocated my body to become a revealing, almost non-existent, practically see-through, dress; that hugged all of my curves perfectly. I could see his eyes snap to me, unable to look away, unable to blink. Smiling, I raised a leg so that the slit parted enough that my pretty pussy would be in his direct view.
“Or would you want a taste now, hmn?” I taunted, my smile turning into a sneer. “Put this little rich bratty bitch in her place?” I could see his breath still as he stared briefly at my cunt before tearing his eyes away.
I audibly pouted, bringing my leg down with a loud stomp.
“I see my father found a man with morals.” I commented with disgust as the carriage stopped, sad that my easy way to get rid of Mr. Sharp was fouled. However, I was reassured that I would succeed in the long run. “Don’t worry, I will break you soon enough.” I kindly threatened, a pleasant and honest smile on my face, as I took the free hand available to me to assist me getting out of the carriage.
I did not wait for him to follow, nor did I look behind for him, as I was sure he would be there. I also did not care to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was on my mind.
It, surely, was only because I was plotting his end.
I shook my head, trying to release the thoughts of my newly appointed babysitter. Instead, I looked to the doors of the manor ahead, bright light pressing against the dark stained glass, excitement building within me. No matter how Mr. Sharp intended to spoil my night, as I was sure that was why my father enlisted him today specifically, I would still be able to get away with something.
And anytime I could bring disgrace to the Gaunt name excited me the most; I honestly get wet at just the thought of it.
The doors opened as I was about to enter, Pierre greeting me enthusiastically.
“Welcome my love.” He called everyone that, however he always said it with a bit more endearment towards me—at least that’s how I always heard it and I am sure nobody, not even Pierre, could convince me otherwise.
Pierre hugged me fiercely, grabbing at my flesh as his lips came to mine; hungry.
“Oh, I cannot wait to fuck you tonight, my darling. I have been waiting to taste that pretty little cunt of yours.” He smiled, his mustache tickling my face. I was about to respond when I heard a harsh, curt, audible clearing of a throat from behind me.
“Unfortunately, that may not happen.” I informed Pierre with a pained smile, pushing him away as I turned to look at Mr. Sharp. “A gift from my father.” I added, glancing back at the orchestrator of this here extravaganza. I quickly glanced around me to take in the beautiful view of people dancing, drinking, and fucking openly. Curious, I looked to Mr. Sharp to see he was taking in the same splendid scenery but with a much more…distasteful expression.
I felt myself linger too long in that look, and that I, also, took too much pleasure in that expression of his; it brought an urgent, almost violent, need to look elsewhere. My eyes fell to Pierre, who seemed to regard Mr. Sharp in the same way as I had.
“Not that kind of gift.” I warned, knowing very well what Pierre intended to do behind that stare. “When have you known my father to send such a thing?” I asked him credulously and in monotone.  Pierre just smirked at me, cupping my chin lightly.
“He sends you.” He purred, bringing his face closer to mine before the two of us were physically removed apart by Sharp. I just shook my head in disbelief before giving a pleading glance to Pierre; immediately something came to mind. I gave a short, forced, laugh.
“Where are my manners. Mr. Sharp, this is Pierre Lovelace, the organizer of this here event; Pierre’s Petting Palace.” I smirked as he grimaced at the name. “He always insists on giving new guests the ‘Grand Tour’.”
“I don’t—” Mr. Sharp began to say before getting swept up by Pierre and his many female companions, guiding him far away from me. I smiled with a sweet sense of revenge as Mr. Sharp glanced back at me, absolutely furious. Wanting to send him over the edge, I bit my lip and blew him a kiss. His face went red with rage as his lips pursed, in a way that reminded me of the carriage for a short moment.
As a nice farewell, for I knew I wouldn’t see him for at least a few hours, a flashed him one sweet look of what laid between my legs—something about the calm fury he looked at me with sent shivers down my spine.
I turned, smiling, as I walked to one of the rooms Pierre normally excluded from the tour’s he gave, greatly hoping that there would be other’s already partaking in what I came for.
I was so excited, I practically took my dress off before walking into the room.
“Enough of this!” Mr. Sharp’s voice boomed into the room, much earlier than I wanted yet later than I expected. I moved my face to be able to look to see his reaction, eager to know if he still held that vexing anger, and to see how he would react to seeing four men stuffing their cocks within me.
He stood still, mouth agape as he looked at me on this oversized bed, one man under me, one man over me, another between my legs and the last, desperately, trying to shove his dick back into my mouth. I smiled, my eyes locked to Mr. Sharp, as I slowly wrapped my tongue around the head of this strangers cock, guiding it into my throat.
Mr. Sharp watched with a twisted look of intrigue and disgust as the other three men returned to fucking me; a few others eagerly awaiting their turn.
“We will be returning.” He told me, taking a menacing step forwards but I just shook my lead lightly, removing the cock that was in my mouth to the displeasure of the owner.
“Careful Mr. Sharp,” I warned as a mindfully stroked the cock poking my cheek, “take a step closer and they may think you are here to partake.” It seemed my words pushed him over his prudish barrier, as he quickly brandished his wand and I knew, at that point, my fun was over. “Out, out.” I ordered the men, meaning for them to get out of me, not the room.
I scowled at Mr. Sharp as I walked towards him.
“There are three rules of this establishment, I assume you weren’t listening to Pierre, but they are this. One. Always ensure it’s consensual. Two. Always ensure it’s pleasurable, and three…” I reached out and lowered to tip of Mr. Sharp’s wooden stick. “No. Wands.” I glanced back at the nervous, masked, and naked men that had just previously been so confidently thrusting into me, before looking back at Mr. Sharp; who I noticed regarded the same individuals. “They are not as confident as I to let the world know who they are—many are fearful that some prudish individual, such as yourself, would out them in the world outside this manor. Let them have their peace.” I instructed as I walked past Mr. Sharp, grabbing the dress I had so casually tossed aside, preparing to leave.
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deepwaterdreams · 1 year
Dementors wake demons
Here's a snippet from Sebastian's point of view from my fic on ao3 ! Enjoy ;)
Summary : Dementors feed on happy memories until only the most horrible ones remains in someone's mind. Sebastian has to be careful with some of his precious memories, as those creatures tend to make him remember the biggest regrets in his life.
     Icy cold air burnt his skin. It hurt like thousands of frozen needles sinking in his skin. The air was humid, the floor was wet, the sound of angry waves against the rocks, of the violent rain against the walls, echoed in a way that made his skull pound. Drip drop drip drop from the raindrops, tick tock tick tock the time had stopped. What time was it? It was always so dark in here. How long has he been here? How long before it ends? That would be nice to die. He did not want to kill himself; he did not want anything anyway. But dying was a welcoming thought, relaxing even. He was tired.
     No, no, no sleeping, sleep meant dreams and dreams meant memories, he did not want to draw the dementors. He was taught in Hogwarts that dementors fed on happy memories, until the only things left in someone’s head was the worst memories to remember. It was incomplete teaching. He remembered having those memories, but he could actually remember. It was like trying to remember a dream that was so foggy you just remember you felt a certain way, without remembering how it really felt. You can just vaguely recall it was enjoyable, scary, disturbing, but you can’t remember why. Everything was a blur and out of reach. That was the effect of dementors to him. And he did not want to lose even more than he already had. The fragments he still had, he cherished.
     Anne and her little slap behind his head when he said something stupid, again, to mess with her, again. Ominis and his exaggerated disapproving sighs when Sebastian had an idea, or when he just answered cockily to their teachers. Agnes and her bright smile every time she saw him and that she rushed to him, her long, messy hair framing her face like a halo.
     Sebastian, there you are!
     He could still hear her voice clearly in his head. He remembered he loved hearing his name on her lips. He could not remember how it felt though. How he wished he could hear it again, just once, just to feel it again, just to remember it really. Or just to hear that mischievous little giggle or hers, this one he loved he recalled. He smiled.
     Sebastian jumped and curled up in fear when he heard a rale and when the cold became even more unsufferable. No, no, no, stop remembering, stop thinking, focus. It was cold, icy cold air burnt his skin, like thousands of frozen needles sinking in his skin. The air was humid, the floor was wet, the sound of angry waves against the rocks, of the violent rain against the walls, his head was hurting, his skin was hurting, he was hurting, stop remembering, stop thinking.
     But the memory of Agnes, of her little adorable giggle was stuck in his mind, to vivid. A dementor came to the door of his cage. That thing just opened its mouth, and he collapsed on the floor completely.
     “Noctua references painful and arduous challenges, but also rewards”.
     He saw Agnes coming back towards them, her wand pointed to an old parchment with a lumos to read it. He leaned towards her to be able to read as well. The writing was delicate, noble in a way, but it was difficult to actually read it, the dampness of the place having degraded the paper with time passing.
     “Painful”, Ominis started, “that’s the part I’m wary of”.
     “All I heard was rewards”, he said, half-jokingly. “Keep going”.
     As if he was going to let an old piece of ripped diary getting on his way of finding information that could be crucial to Anne! He would not let anything scare him, he would face anything for his twin.
     The air was heavy, charged with a kind of magic that send a chill to his very bones. Unfortunately, magic was not the only thing that had this effect. Sebastian could still feel disapproval and anger from Ominis. He did not understand why, of all people, his best friend was not on his side. He knew Ominis loved Anne, they had known each other forever, why was he not ready to fight a little to save her? Sebastian eyes went to the Ravenclaw girl leading the way, focused on her task in a rather academic and strategic way. Why was she ready to fight when she just arrived this year? This girl was amazing.
     “Another gate”, she sighed when they came across yet another closed one, near another riddle with an enchanted menacing snake.
     “Seems Slytherin liked to play games …”, Ominis grumbled. 
     “Must run in the family”, Sebastian could not help but tease.
     “Look in a mirror, Sebastian”.
     Agnes watched the symbols and started to spin them. She hesitated for a second and suddenly, the snake pounce on her. She took a step back with a small cry as the snake lied down again on the top of the spinning riddle.
     “What happen?”, Ominis asked.
     “Nothing, I was just startled, that is all”, she answered, holding her own hand.
     Without saying a word, Sebastian took her hand, pointing his own wand towards it to be able to see clearly the damages inflicted by the damn snake. Two little bloody wholes were on the back of her hand. The snake bit her. Agnes took away her hand and made a shushing gesture, making him understand she did not want to tell Ominis. Sebastian nodded and watched as she tried to solve the riddle again, worry all over his face. A loud click was heard, and the gate finally opened.
     “That sounded promising”, Ominis said, relieve evident in his tone.
     “Another dial solved”, Agnes proudly stated.
     “Impressive. Nice work”.
     She had a large smile on her face. She really was beautiful when she smiled like that, but she did not need to be that happy about Ominis’s compliment. She knew she was brilliant, did she not? Sebastian saw her bend and take another page of the diary. She seemed to read it quickly, before turning to face his best friend.
     “Ominis”, she exclaimed. “Your aunt wanted to change your family’s traditions”. 
     “Yes, that’s the reason why I loved her”.
     She opened another door, that one seemed different from the others though, Sebastian could feel they were about to find something, but he could not help but have an eerie feeling about this.
     “Excellent work”, he said. “We’re another step closer to the scriptorium”.
     Whatever that feeling was, he did not need to lose focus on why he came here: they came for Anne. He had no choice. But he took a closer look then.
     “I spotted something ahead. Looks troubling”, he said.
     “This whole place is troubling”, Ominis answered. “But, for my aunt, I cannot stop now”.
     On the other side of the corridor, something was gleaming on the floor, like ember in a hearth. They still continued to walk towards it, but a loud noise was heard, and when he turned around, Sebastian felt his heart stopped and his blood froze.
     “The gate! I think we’re locked in. Again”, he said.
     “Then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us”, Ominis concluded.
     Agnes approached the source of the gleaming light, and he went with her. In the wall, Sebastian could see a black door with tortured faces engraved. They seemed in pain, in so much pain. He could not turn his eyes away though, as if they called to him, desperately. He felt like he could hear their screams, in the distance, but coming closer and closer, little by little, like an echo. Was he really just imagining?
     “Ominis”, Agnes said, unsure. “A skeleton. And Noctua’s last journal entry”.
     Sebastian snaped back to reality and looked at the girl on his right. She was leaning over a skeleton and was reading the page. On the ground, he finally was able to read what was engraved in the ground and that was gleaming, almost burning. One word, clear, simple: Crucio. Now he knew why those faces seemed to endure so much suffering.
     “She mentions being trapped here, blocked by an Unforgivable Curse”, Agnes explained.
     “This … is where she died. This is where we’ll die. I shouldn’t have listened to either of you!”. Panic was obvious in his voice now; it was unusual to see his friend lose his composure.
     “Ominis, I’m truly sorry about your aunt”, Sebastian started. “But I know what to do. It’s going to be difficult”.
     Agnes carefully folded the page of the journal and put it in one of her robe pockets, with the other ones. She looked at Ominis, worried, but turned back to him. He could see she was afraid, but they had to keep going.
     “What should we do then?”, she asked in an almost whispering tone.
     “Tortured face on the door and Crucio is etched into the stone. My guess is if we cast the Cruciatus Curse, the door will open”, he explained. “That’s why Noctua died. She had no one to cast the curse on. Ominis has the most experience with this. He should cast it”.
     He watched her as she opened her eyes wide at his suggestion. He knew what it sounded like. But it was not as if they truly had the choice, the alternative was death. He’d rather be in pain than dead; the choice was easy enough. However, when he looked at his friend, on the other side of the corridor, he was not sure the choice was simple enough for everyone. And it was not as if Ominis was not shouting at him time and time again these days … He turned back to Agnes, who looked completely lost. It was strange to see her like this, she always seemed to know what to do, she always seemed to be able to face anything. He sighed.
     “You seem to be in Ominis’s favour”, he admitted. “Will you ask him about this?”
     “He does seem a bit cross with you …”, she agreed. “I’ll speak with him”.
     “Good, work your “magic”, so to speak”.
     She smiled a little. Good, he was still capable of making her smile with his jokes, even in a moment like this. As long as it gave her the strength to go on … She inhaled sharply and went to his best friend, pacing around in a small circle. She talked to him quietly, trying to be comforting, her voice full of her characteristic empathy. From where he stood, he could only hear fragments of their discussion, especially from Ominis, furious, scared, resigned.
     “I won’t do it”, Ominis insisted. “The Cruciatus Curse is pure torture, I would know”.
     Did Ominis really think he would force him to do this if it was not a life-or-death situation? What kind of friend would he be then? And it was not as if he would ask Ominis to endure it, he would never ask that. Besides, the only time Ominis casted it, he did not have a choice! How many times did he tell his friend that already? Yet again, they did not have a choice.   
     “Unforgivable Curses won’t work unless you really mean them’, Ominis said to answered something Agnes said, echoing what Sebastian was thinking. “I had to want to cause pain and for that I shall never forgive myself”.
     Agnes’s posture changed, Sebastian saw her shoulders going down a bit, before locking eyes with him. 
     “That spell is the reason why I have no family left. You and Sebastian will need to sort out another solution”, Ominis concluded. “If you cast Crucio, you will regret it forever”. 
     Agnes came back to him piteously. He could see her thoughts racing in her mind, trying to find another solution, when he knew there was none. How could Ominis be so blinkered and selfish? They were all going to die if nobody casted the bloody spell.
     “What do we do now?”, she asked as if he had all the answers. He would be lying if he said her did not enjoyed this, to see her counting on him that much, even though it was not the time for this. “Ominis is not going to cast the Cruciatus Curse again”.
     “Ridiculous”, he grumbled. “As if dying in here is a better option than casting a damn spell”.
     There was not an alternative. Ominis told him, again and again that there was always the choice when he talked about what he had to live as a child. He disagreed. He was not questioning the trauma caused by this experience, but there were things you simply could not choose. You could choose to be a coward and give up though. And Sebastian knew when not to stop.
     “It’s up to us”, he sighed. “I can teach you Crucio or I can cast it on you”.
     “Wait … you didn’t say you knew how to cast Crucio”.
     Again, he saw fear in her eyes. He did not like when she looked at him this way, he felt as if he was the bad guy, the villain of the story, when he was trying to save them all.
     “Because I’m not sure I do”, he tried to be honest, and maybe she would stop looking at him this way if he was. “Ominis knows that, yet he’s left us no choice. I don’t yearn to follow in Noctua Gaunt’s footsteps. I think I can cast it, if I have to”.
     Agnes looked down for a moment. He could have sworn she was shaking. She then stared at the door with the tortured faces. Could she hear them the way he did? She closed her eyes and put her hands on her face. He almost thought she was crying and was about to ask if she was alright when she just inhaled sharply again and locked her eyes back on him. She seemed determined.
     “I don’t want to learn the curse, but I can handle the pain. It’s fine. Cast it on me”.
     Sebastian blinked several times in disbelieve. He was not prepared to that. First, he thought Ominis would cast it on him. Then he thought Agnes would. He said he thought he could cast it if he had to, but not on her!
     “Are you sure?”, he asked weakly.
     Change your mind, he shouted in his mind. Ominis’s word echoed in his head, as if they had a new meaning now, or as if they finally had one entirely. Unforgivable Curses won’t work unless you really mean them. I had to want to cause pain and for that I shall never forgive myself. How would he be able o forgive himself after that?
     “I am. Cast it”, she said, and it felt like torture already.
     “Oh, Merlin”, he heard Ominis swear.
     Unforgivable Curses won’t work unless you really mean them. He had to mean to hurt her, to make her suffer. Torture her. How would he look in a mirror and not hate himself then? How would he not think about it every time he laid eyes on her, how would he be able to forget?
     “Fine. I shan’t forget this”, his words were filled with double meaning: gratitude towards her because he was sure she wanted to protect him, hatred toward himself for what he was about to do. “Ready?”
     She nodded and they both took steps back. He felt like he was looking at his reflection looking at her. He saw fear, uncertainty, apprehension of the pain that would soon strike her. Why in hell did he see trust? Why would she look at him like that? He had to hate her, he had to focus on what was truly important. Nothing was more important than his twin sister Anne. Agnes did not have the right to come in his life, during fifth year and take that much importance in his life, in his heart. She did not have the right to distract him from his mission to find a cure, to save Anne. Who was she, after all, to occupy all his thoughts? Again, in his mind, an echo: if you cast Crucio, you will regret it forever.
     A red lightning bolt came out of his wand and stroke directly the poor Agnes. He saw her face contorted, heard her groaned, but it was extremely far from the tormented expressions engraved on the door. He had to mean it, he had to really mean it. He really meant it.
     Another bolt stroke Agnes and she fell on her knees. It was more difficult than expected to stand still, not to rush to her to help, to comfort her, to tell her it would be over soon. The door stayed closed, and pain was already leaving the face of the girl in front of him. Harder.
     A harrowing scream came out of her. He was doing this to her. He had to mean it. She fell on her side, writhing in pain. He had to mean it a little bit longer. She curled up completely, shouting at the top of her voice, tears on her cheeks. A red light illuminated the tortured-face door for a brief moment and, finally, it opened. He stopped the curse. Agnes stopped screaming, but she did not move.
     “You casted it threetimes, are you out of your mind?”, Ominis shouted.
     “I had to!”, he defended himself.
     “Try telling yourself that. I never could”.
     If you cast Crucio, you will regret it forever. Ominis was right after all. There is always a choice, and a choice he made. Agnes was barely conscious on the ground. What had he done?
     He fell back from his contortioned body on the ground of his cell and curled up. The dementor, full and content, finally left him alone. He felt nothing else than the strong vertigo and the menacing dark that always lingered after a dementor’s visit. But he could not think of something else than Agnes’s scream of pain. He remembered he loved her laughter, her giggles, he remembered thinking that. Why could he not remember the sound of it then, but only the sound of her screams when he tortured her, again and again?
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bunnykass · 3 years
this was supposed to be funny but became very reflective and sorta emotional for me. therapeutic tho😌
TW: mentions of underage n*des, cursing, grammar and spell errors
KITA - the senior in my law class freshman year.
He was country, would wear cowboy boots to class and levi’s (i live in texas). He was a eagle scout. very sweet boy. always brought coffee in those cups to class,and he drove a range rover. i’d share sunflower seeds with him all the time and id make fun of him cause instead of breaking the shell and eating the inside, he’d just eat the shit whole. but like i said he was 18 and I was 14. more of crush we never really did anything, one time though he did argue with me on snapchat about immigration and the annexation of hawaii. He had a brother who was a freshman, and in the beginning of the second seamstress I would flirt with him but again me and never did anything.
OMINI - my freshman english teacher
(tw mentions of sexual assault, grooming, teacher-student relationship)
LMAOO. i had just gotten really into lolita (gross🤮) and so I would literally talk to older guys on the internet (one time i met up with marine even though I was like 15) ANYWAY, so when I started his class i was like damn we about to have a ezra and aria shit. he was super nice to “pretty girls” and “pretty boys” what I mean by that if you weren’t the beauty standard, he was kinda a dick to you. one time he pissed me off though cause he lost a assignment, made me re-do it but only gave me a 70, and i lost interest in him after that. he also accused me of defamation of character because i found his mugshot and was showing everyone.btw he was accused of SEXUAL ASSUALT??? but apparently the mugshot was fake or wasn’t him i don’t remember. he never counted me late or absent tho
ARAN - my best friend
been friends with this kid sense 8th grade. He was in love with this girl though that was leading him on all though out middle school but i really had a crush on him by the time high school started he had gotten over her. when we were freshmen’s he told the whole football team I was a whore cause i wouldn’t send him nudes (i know this sounds bad but i promise it wasn’t plus this was 3-4 years ago) so we didn’t talk to each other till summer going into sophomore year. me and him are still friends and we literally hang out almost every weekend, i love him and he’s loves me. he’s very thing i’d want in a boyfriend but because we’ve been friends for so long doing intimate things with each other like sex seems weird. While we both wish we could be in a relationship we both realstically know it wouldn’t work :(. <3
GINJIMA - my freshmen boyfriend
had fallen in love with me when like school started but like my best friend aran said, i was whoreing’ (not really tho cause i’m still a virgin) so when he asked me to homecoming I was like no. but eventually through out the school year me and him got closer we had like 3 classes together, 2 of them were back to back so we were jus cute like that. my first legit relationship, he was nerdy as hell and the biggest fucking dork. my freshmen year I was what the yt would call a hot cheeto girl and i weighed a lot more back then and he was 6’2-skinny white boy so we fucking looked like glora and melman from madagascar. were like discord moderator and daddy’s kitten shit. he was funny but he was really mean to me and because i was very insecure at the time i lacked setting boundary’s so i’d just take it. he also bought me a roku which i still have today, he was always buying me shit, and i taught him how to take dick pics. he was the first guy that didn’t just like me for my fat tits but i felt like the only way i could keep him around was by oversexualizing myself which ultimate let to him breaking up with me :( honestly no hard feelings though we were both like 15. him an his current girlfriend are so cute, and me and him are cool.
this is a conversation we had a few weeks ago.
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SUNA - my yubo boys
my take away from being in highschool is guys do not give a shit about what you look like or how you’re built, unless they’re insecure, and also self-worth. I got on yubo my sophomore year and had it till my junior year. if you don’t know what yubo is its essentially a teen dating app. now i never went to meet these guys irl i have friends who did... and i just want to stay ted bundy would’ve had a field day with these hoes but would engage in online sexting. which ig is illegals cause i was still under 18. at this point in my life i was just so insecure and seeking male validation that i was throwing ass for people over the internet to people i would never meet. this isn’t one person either this is a collective of i don’t even know how many boys. i feel sick thinking about this but i cant take it back and i just have to encourage my sister and potentially future daughters about this.
Miya twins - my tower moments
these two, like the miya twins are very similare but different. I consider them both tower moments because after them two i change completely how i viewed myself and life. if you aren’t familer with tarot the tower card represents sudden and necessary changes usually the situation tends to me negatives and the outcome following is good. these two are also my most recent compared to the other and i’m still dealing with them today which is why i wanted to give a lil intro. idk if yall believe in astrology but those two have gemini in there big 3 and idk i feel like that has a lot to do with our situationship
OSAMU- my theater teachers son
so technically majority of our relationship was middle school but it carried into high school.he was so mean to me up until 8th grade like i said he was my theater teachers son, and he hated her class. at that time his family had so many issues and i think he didn’t have a outlet. my brother had died around the same time so i too was going through shit. while our issues weren’t the same he definitely confined in me a lot and trusted me with so many things, i don’t think a boy/guy ever just laid everything on me like that and it wasn’t in a “be my therapist” kinda way. he fucked up though, we were in musical theater behind the stage in a closet. his mom was just a couple feet away in the audiences teaching class. me and him were talking per usual, and without a warning he put his tongue down in my mouth. and tried putting his hand down my bra. i was so fucking scared i had never been touched like that. it was my first kiss and i didn’t even tell him he could do that to me. i obviously stopped taking to him after that until the summer going into freshman year when we started sending nudes back snd forth. i don’t like to blame people for my problems but i think i began to hyper sexualize myself because of him. when i wouldn’t send him shit he’d block me, ive finally outgrown him as i now my self worth know occasionally i’ll unblock him and hang out with him for fun but it’s nothing serious. he’s stuck on me like tic though and always bring up the fact he kissed me once in 8th grade 🙄
ATSUMU - my “twinflame”
he was a year older then me and i met him on snap chat that should’ve been a red flag. we started by sending nudes but eventually we started to develop feelings however as soon as things got serious he’d pull out. when his relations with other girls wouldn’t work out he’d always come back to me during that time together he’d love bomb me. take me on dates make out with each other in front of hobby lobbies on sunday, my happiness started to depend on if he talked to me or not and this went on forever. by the time quaratine happened he blocked me because he got a girlfriend? idk if that’s why he blocked me but i assumed that eventually he unblocked me because pussy that good. i gave this man so much power over my life that when i took it back i truly learned by self worth. i will never tell this man this but because of all the shit he pulled on me i’m actually confident. i don’t regret meeting him. occasionally he does try to pull his shit on me and i play along with him. i think the reason i can’t let my gemini boys go is because i’m too scared for a relationship but i know that no matter what they’re both their for fun 😌.
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