inbarfink · 1 year
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shinemon311 · 2 months
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Episode 46 - Revival!? Fossil Pokemon!
Despite the title, Ash has not reached the Lab on Cinnabar Island. No revivals of Fossil Pokemon take place. Instead, Ash gets attacked by members of all five Kanto Fossil species that have somehow hibernated underground to this day.
And they are tough. Pikachu's Thunderbolt barely even scratches Kabutops despite being a weakness Type. Bulbasaur would certainly fare better against Rock/Water Pokemon, having 4x Type Advantage. But Ash being Ash, he makes the objectively worst possible choice for multiple reasons: Charmeleon.
The main event, of course, is an inexplicably colossal Aerodactyl. The other Fossils skedaddle when they enter the picture. Battered by Aerodactyl's arrival, Charmeleon gets so worked up wanting to fight that they evolve into Charizard. But it doesn't matter; They never even land a hit on Aerodactyl, and Aerodactyl resists Fire anyways so it's not like Charizard could do much damage.
(If Pikachu, Ash's ace, was too low-level to scratch Kabutops, then none of Ash's Pokemon ever had a chance against an Aerodactyl that made Kabutops flee in terror.)
It's ultimately Jigglypuff who saves the day! Putting all of the Fossils back into hibernation with their enchanting song, Jigglypuff's status ailments triumph where simply slugging it out failed. A valuable lesson for anyone, really.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
luke fumbling in recruiting percy has to be one of his greatest failures. a beautiful thing the show does regarding luke and percy's relationship is building rapport between them through shared moments like settling into camp, eating meals together, but especially through swordfighting lessons. the swordfighting scene at the beginning of episode 8 not only reveals that percy and luke already share similar beliefs about the fear-based system the gods have cultivated, but it's clear the conversation stays with percy when he fights ares and later calls out zeus on his waning skills as a father and a king. however, luke's plan fell through the moment percy learned that the winged-shoes were meant to drag him to tartarus. not only that, but the shoes nearly killed grover, a friend percy cared for deeply. if nourishing loyalty and trust was the key to ensuring a partnership with percy, then it was luke's faulty planning, arrogance, and impatience that cost him the greatest ally he could ask for.
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captaiinobvious · 2 years
i hate how weirdly prudish paleoart is about genitals tbh. like its always tastefully covered by a leaf in the foreground or a carefully placed leg. sorry but is that not an important part? youre just gonna ignore the penis flappin around down there cuz u dont like it? how fucking weird do u hav 2 b 2 sexualize not just early human genitals but animal genitals lmfao like put a penis or vulva on that beast draw the asshole and if it had nipples draw those what are you christian???
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moonkitty · 11 months
*rubs the on buton on my computer omniter like im rubbing her clit* good girl u can run that videogame baby
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comshipbracket · 1 year
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Antis DNI
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
SatouShio Propaganda (Underage, Age Gap - Satou is 15 and Shio is 8, Unhealthy dynamic - Satou keeps Shio locked inside constantly)
"Those that know Happy Sugar Life might be looking at this ship with the question of "How does a fifteen year old yandere kidnapping and isolating an eight year old child make it a good ship?" - To begin with, there's the fact that Satou's love is based on love alone, rather than lust. Before meeting Shio, she'd go through hundreds of boys using lust (not as an emotion, but tactic) to try and figure out if any could spark love, but none did. Due to her past with her aunt, she wasn't able to spark any emotion, all of it was falsified. Upon meeting Shio, and Shio explaining what she felt love was, Satou felt her first true emotions in a long time.
On top of that, out of every character in Happy Sugar Life, as bad as Satou can be, she is the best person for Shio to be with - and there is no arguing otherwise. If she heads back to her father, she'll be beaten and abused. If she goes with her brother Asahi and her mother, she'd be starving and impoverished - on top of that, Shio's mother outright openly stated she was abandoning Shio when Satou first met her, and Taiyou almost outright states he desires Shio physically, unlike Satou's emotional-focused desires. If we look at the scenes Shio goes outside, the streets are as dangerous for her as Satou's claiming during Shio's isolation. Satou taking Shio back to the apartment they stay in was the best case scenario for Shio.
In episode 5, Shio even states that she loves Satou - more than anyone in her family - and that Satou is warmer than her family. It's hard to make an argument that Shio should be with anyone but Satou, despite the nature of the anime. Shio wants to be there, and is better off there than she would be with anyone else. Satou may be a murderer, but in all cases of murder it's either to protect Shio's safety outright, or to protect their relationship together - Satou loves Shio romantically, and Shio loves Satou back. While some may argue Satou's love is familial, they kiss on the lips in episode 2, recite wedding vows every night, and have another more intimate chaste kiss in episode 11 during a pseudo-wedding where they exchange rings."
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"Satou also doesn't see this reason for murder as a bad thing, nor the murder as a bad thing - it's justified to her because she's protecting Shio and their love. The first thing she ever apologises to Shio for is kissing another girl and telling someone else she loves them - it was a lie to the other girl, but Satou still breaks down apologising to Shio for betraying their love this way. The only thing that matters to her is that she treats Shio with true love. Being with Satou brings Shio happiness and joy, and being with Shio is the only thing bringing Satou any form of emotion. Shio is her light and her reason for continuing on, she'd give up without her. The two are doomed from the start, with Satou dying and Shio keeping both wedding rings and Satou's ribbon, claiming Satou is in her heart and they're together forever now, but I am near certain if Shio didn't ask Satou to die together, they would've been able to find a way to retain a happy love life after leaving the town."
Bwen Propaganda (Incest - Cousins, Species Difference - Gwen is part Anodite)
"During the original series, Ben and Gwen were almost always bickering, arguing, name-calling (calling each other "Doofus" or "Dweebs"), making fun of each other, or fighting. They had a love/hate relationship. However, deep down they really do care about each other as shown on various occasions throughout the show. Especially in Secret of The Omnitrix, when Ben would go far lengths to keep Gwen out of danger. Such as transforming into Four Arms, despite the fact that the Omnitrix's self-destruct mode countdown would only accelerate. When he found out that she was still alive, he ran through the open field of heavy fire in order to hug her.
In the Omniverse continuation, even though Gwen went to college early in the show, both have openly stated that they miss each other a lot (hugging one another before she left in The More Things Change: Part 1). Gwen ALSO runs to hug Ben when he returns to Earth in The Frogs of War: Part 2. While I'm also very much an original continuation type of girl, their bickering relationship is toned down immensely in the 2016 reboot with more heartfelt and considerate moments between Ben and Gwen looking out for each other."
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anonmothgod · 1 month
Worldbuilding; Furry Edition pt 2
(Okay this is for the werewolves, and yes I will be ret-coning some things)
Oh this is a very, very long post. This focuses on the physical features and some history of the werewolfs. Gonna post a part 2.5 for social/culture.
Werewolves and Mewf'ias either have "our families have been friends for decades, a bond forged from the history that we both endured" or "we cannot stand eachother and it is on sight" when it comes to interaction.
The history between the two spawn back INCREDIBLY far, with early records showing greek-esque pottery of the families getting along or waging personal wars for decades.
Werewolves are around 50-60% furred, having usually a thinner coat and located on the back, back of the neck, side of the face, and usually on the arms and legs but everyone can be different.
Tails comes in many different shapes! Some are narrow and short, long and fluffy, some are even curled.
This is the same with ears. Some are floppy, some are to a point, some are very thin and others are much thicker. This amount of variation also means that "traditional dressing" is WIDELY different from where you come from.
In the US alone, there are 15 recongized sections of werewolf families. 15 different cultures that are all connected by the physical features that make a werewolf. An example are the Sea Wolf Tribe, who are soley pesicatrian and have the traits of an incredibly thick coat, thick ears, and a docked tail as part of a coming to age cerimoney. They are found in the Pacific Northwest, and is deemed a medium clan with a estimated 1,500 memebers. (I am so down to do all the North American Wolf Clans/Tribes if anyone wants to hear it.)
Similar to Mewf'ia's, piercings are hit and miss. Nose piecrings and snake bites are impossible and painful, but ear and lip piercings are more common with werewolves.
Werewolves are hyper-sensetive to cayanne and capsin. Most resturants have effectively different areas where they prepare food for those who are sensetive to spice. Some receipes online advertise as "Werewolf Friendly" where they omnit heat for more flavorful spices.
Best way to fight a werewolf is to punch it square in the nose. They crumble and fold like a wet napkin.
Werewolves have to trim their nails usually using dog nail clippers. Alot of dog care works wonders with werewolves; slicker brushes, nail grinders/nail clippers, pet clippers for haircuts, and even some shower acessories. But this was mostly accidental discovery.
It is highly insulted to be compared to a dog, however. Mutt is a frequent (and unacceptable) insult thrown at them.
Unlike Mewf'ias, Werewolves have "normal" hands, where their nails are just claws and their palms are rougher where the theroetical beans would be. Their feet are still different, but instead of wraps they have specalized shoes (think dog booties but human sized).
Coats are all variation of "wolves", but not necessarly all in the Canius genus. A great example is the coat of the Maned Wolf, which can be found in South American Clans, or the Afrian Wild Dog coat found in sub-Saharan Africa.
In a urban city on the East Coast in the U.S, the average coats you will find are that of the Grey Wolf, Northern Rocky Moutian, and The Eastern Wolf Coat.
There are some much rarer coats, those that usually come from royal or pretiged bloodlines. The coat of the Red Wolf, Some even rumored that a singular family has the coat of the extinct borophaginae, the Bone-Crushers.
There are even rumors of the Great Blessed Family still alive, hidden in secrect.
Then there is the incredibly unquie Mewv'ali; a Mewf'ia and Werewolf desentant. They are frequently reffered to a Golden Foxes due to having fox-like traits rather then cat or wolf. (They get a whole post for them soon!)
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depressednoises · 4 months
I cant stop thinking
About something
Feel free to ignore, not serious, just sorting my thoughts.
And i need to lwt it out
It just doesnt make sense to me
So im 18, right? Alnost 19?
Im young
I dont feel that age
Sometimes i feel like im in my twenties -- 22-24
Sometimes 23
Sometimes i feel like im a prwteen again
Back in the worst yeara of my life, just surrpunded by new people
From the time i was 11 to thw tine i was 13 my life was hell
Or maybe it ended at 12
I dont
I dont know
I guess i should give an offical vers. My version of my timeline. Some events will be omittwd for lrivqcy reasons and for the fact its really sad. 2ell, not omnitted, thetll be lavelled, just not expandes on
Overarching - life from 1 year to now. We'll call this sad era which may continuw for a long time. Or itll stop soon. Hard to predjct
0-1 - birth the one year. Typical family stuff
1-4 - nothing special, apparently had a few playdates but no one stuck with me. The beginning of sad days
5 years - first traumatic event. I remember it clearlt but iys also foggy. Hars to explain. Has hurt me for a while but im over it. As much i can be, anyway made a friend though. Or maybe i already knew hwr. Tried white popcorn for the first time by a black man who could have been of druggie of some kind. He never shows up again, but i remember he was very kind. I dont know wherw he went.
5-9. Nothing special here. Mostly playdates. No new traumas other than what startwd when j was 1. Mostly was isolated from everyone else excwpt someone ill call N. N being my childhood best friend. Had yet to speak up aboht anything.
10-11 - i got a phone ! Internwt accszs! So thats cool. Beginning of the worst yearsTM, also began depression arc. Has yet to be resolved. Self worth issues beginning to develop. Lots of empathy from friends that hurt my psyche and made me se erely suicidal
12(?) - pajn stopped. The second lain anyway. Still had very bad self worth ossues and continued depression and anxiety. 3Ds though so thats cool. Still suicidal and had planned an attempt
13 - moving year. Moved where i am now. Sevwre psychosis and severe depression. Almost admitted to mental hospital. Began dissociating heavily and threatening to hurt pwople. Threatwning of bldily harm to social workers. Unknown cause.
15 - still depressed. 2 - 3 atrempts by this point. No longer self harms. Less dissociation and violent tendancies. Auditory hallucinatjons prevalent
15- 18 - now! Moatly fine for the most part with occassional depression episodes, bht trying my best. Up to 5 serioue attempts, only one alnost succeeefing but stopped myself. No ausitory halkucinations. Occassional violent outbursts, usually via yelling and the like. Lots of pent up hatred
Now everything from above but 11-12 felt like, idk, longer? 11-13. I fwlt like it ended later than it did.
13 doesnt feel like moving year
10-13 - never felt those ages. I always fwlt older. I always felt like i was 15 or 16. Dunno why.
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rolaplayor101 · 6 years
Gwen: I can't find Ben
Rex: *raises hand in air and starts shaking a cup he got from Mr. Smoothies*
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stationhousesix · 6 years
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A religion that has existed far longer than anyone can remember. The name has never really been set in stone and has changed throughout the centuries but the ideals and symbols have stayed relatively the same.
Saint Ingo the connector is generally agreed to be one of the originators of this religion. After going on a pilgrimage to the far corners of the world and composing a book on the names of the all the gods he was said to have spoken with many of them before they took their slumber. Although a form of this belief system existed before his pilgrimage it wasn’t till after that most of these scattered beliefs became one fleshed out religion.
“He was a simple man who found me lost and alone. He asked a simple question, “who are you?”, and I realized then I had no answer.
“Are you a mother?”
“No” “Then you know who you are not, and so you shall learn who you are.””
~ Saint Requence recounting the first time he met Saint Ingo.
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“Who are you?”
This question is the foundation of belief for those who follow the Omnitence star. It is a question that is aimed at self reflection. There is no right answer and the answer is always changing. When asked that himself, Saint Ingo is known to have said many different things throughout his life: son, carpenter, husband, widower, jester,  wander, student, teacher, father, pilgrim.  Even his name is said to have changed at least three times, Ingo was the name he went by at the end of his life and so he is referred to by it in all the texts.
One of the easiest ways to explain Saint Ingo’s question is to take the word tree. When the word tree is spoken what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the color of the leaves? The scent of pine? The texture of bark on your finger tips? Or the shape if a tree that is commonly grown in your area?  Like the tree a person isn’t just their actions, their beliefs, their looks or their ancestry but a combination of all things. Unlike the gods-mortals do not know who they are, and must eventually come to understand that they are who they are.
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The beginning
In the beginning there was one, one became two, two became four, four became eight and eight became the world.
The world was created in the image of the gods, most people can never agree on which god came first but after one was created more followed in its footsteps. Traditionally those of the Omnitence star believe the beginning went something like this:
First came Kalclok sten and unchanging, he thought and the formless thought became Nux but once that thought settled it became Lumas, the revelation. Drekorin was the idea heat, dedication in an unchanging universe. But to recognize the unchanging universe was to bring Wessera-change- into existence. One cannot un-change something and so in trying to return the universe to its previous state Ceilo was born- preservation, protection but what good could his shield hold against Wessera, the very force that universe was doomed to flow with now.  With change brought Engae-life- into the world. Engae must be thanked for the peoples  lives. Engae helped create the peoples to tend the ancient world. The peoples asked for aid from  Kalclok for fertile soil. Prayed to Wessera to water their crops, asked Nux and Lumas to guard the fields day and night, and Drekorin to keep the grounds warm. Ceilo brought them seeds from across the world. But when a human sat down to eat at the people's table it told a story about the end to the paradise the people had lived in for so long.
With creation there must also be an end and so The Stranger got its name, and humans were cursed with creating the first blight. The Original Sin.
The end- the afterlife
Those who follow the omnitence star believe that when they die they might be blessed by a god and become part of the gods domain in the afterlife.  Often times this ascension is referred to as the Seven heavens while the failure to ascend is referred to as being damned to the eight hells. There is a belief that if you have done no wrong but also have inspired no gods you might end up stuck in the world as a spector till one of the gods notices you.
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Teachings of Saint Ingo
“Let not your forebearers sin’s be yours to burden as well.”
~ Volume 3 of the pilgrimage
Omnitence star is normally practiced by humans living in the Dominion due to the fact many of the humans of the dominion ended up there, banished from their homelands on the old continent during the great diaspora of the 4th era. Saint Ingo was one such human banished from his home in Jam d’gai after the death of his wife. He started to wander the world growing a family by helping other humans who had also lost their homes.  His teachings are about self reflection, acceptance and forgiveness preached at a time when humanity needed it the most.
In the Omnitence star each god isn’t just an element but also represents and aspect of humanity.
Kolcok being patience,  Nux being wisdom and Lumas being knowledge, Drekorin being passion, Wessera being change, Ceilo being preservation and Engae creativity. These are aspects followers of the star try to balance in their lives along with the compassion that Saint Ingo displayed in his pilgrimage. To uphold any of these ideals is to work your way into one of the seven heavens.
Nowadays those who worship under the omnitence star often attend temple where statues or symbols to the seven divines are often located. Some temples have places to worship lesser gods or those that are said to rule over smaller areas of the world.
Every day of the week is usually given to worship of a god. There is a special mass held in the temple for the community to come when they so desire. But often people will go to the nearest temple when they can and say a solitary prayer to the god of their choosing.  Most people only attend a mass once a week and so they can attend for whichever god they choose. Having symbols of the interlocking star is of grave importance to worshipers and often these stars can be seen hanging on walls in offices, homes, or on public buildings. The star is said to grant luck as it acknowledges all aspects of the world are connected.
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thedavidking401 · 4 years
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carriealena · 5 years
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Boycott products ambiguously labeled “vegetarian/vegan”.
Vegetarian food at a vegan table increases the likelihood of a vegan accidentally selecting the food and cross-contamination from the utensils and food spillage.  Let’s eat free without being preoccupied with worry, etc.
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nerds-yearbook · 3 years
2116 AD The population is only allowed to live until their 21st birthday. On the 21st birthday (or Lastday as it is called) they are to report to the Sleepshop where they are euthanized using gas. They are able to keep track of their age (as well as their age being shown to others) by a crystal embedded in their palm that changes colors (0-6 yellow, 7-13 blue, 14-20 red, and then as Lastday approaches it flashes red and black until it goes black on Lastday). If they attempt to avoid the Sleepshop then they are hunted down by a Sandman. Not only are the Sandmen armed with a weapon that can fire a variety of deadly projectiles but they are also masters of the martial art Omnite. If a runner is able to escape they might find sanctuary if they can find a rocket and get to Argos Colony near Mars. (Logan’s Run, Bk)
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luxordiri · 4 years
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What part of omnition you guys don’t understand? I control space and time. They think they can kill me?
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joylessnightsky · 4 years
So if Remus can intrude everywhere, if Janus can make people do lies of omnition and if Virgil is the fight-flight-freez reflex...
... Can Virgil just make everyone freeze? Like, Virge gets really anxious and doesn’t know what to do, so no one can move until he calms down enough?
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