#On Her Father's Wings
prince-sawgrass · 2 months
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ft @junkfood-jester’s garnet and gale :D
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maysrinn · 9 days
I’m a ✨DAD✨
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Daddy duck and his MINI BORBS ✨
wanna know which one is who? fear not, I’m here to help!
From left to right:
Audree & Aubrey ??
Janus Crimson
Rosie Aurelian
Clementine Auburn (On top)
Cedar Fern
Xanthos Olive
They hatched the following spring after his little summer romance with Goosey Gray, she had to stay the winter after breaking her wing and not being able to follow the covey south. Coriolanus made her the prettiest and warmest of nests, with the best hay and his most beautiful plumage! Food in bed, the best view and well needed rest, How can she say no to that??
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So, talking about my au with a friend of mine and-
Basically, I can imagine Vaggie, Charlie, and Emily all bantering and arguing about which bird is the best cause;
Charlie: Duck
Vaggie: Hawk(stealing that from the HEF au)
Emily: Dove
So they always banter which bird is the best, Emily has a great sense of direction and only need to look at a map once, Charlie has waterproof wings, and Vaggie can fly super fast
They eventually drag Husk in, specifically Emily liek "Dad!! Dad what type of brid are you!?" Dragging dad into your fights is a must
He responds "Dracula Parrot." And the girls immediately stopa nd spend the next 2 hours researching and Emily asks him a bunch of questions
"They eat flowe- is that what happened to those father day flowers I gave you!?" "Was I....not supposed to eat those??" "I mean- it's your flowers you can do whatever you want with them but like- I- I just thought you took them up to your room!!" ".....they tasted good with that helps??" "....it does actually"
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 6 months
Taking them Home to Meet the Parents (Marius, Artem, Vyn)
This was originally two parts, but I don't think splitting them up makes much sense. Not when both are written and part two was only Vyn
Requests are OPEN, pls check rules before requesting
Cw: just fluff, a shovel talk
Marius x Fem!reader, Artem x Fem!reader, Vyn x fem!reader
Your parents are split when you bring him home for the first time
He easily charms your mother who thinks he’s “just such a nice boy, you should keep him y/n”
Mentally you’re like “uh huh. sure. Such a nice boy and the biggest tease in Stellis.” Not that you’d mention it. There’s no point in enlightening your mother during their first meeting
Your father is a different story
He’s heard rumors of the younger von Hagen boy and is  suspicious. Very suspicious. though you’re sure his mood is more about the boyfriend bit, not the von Hagen bit. He’s your father after all
The three of you have dinner, while, Marius chats with your mother and your father subtly not grills him on every topic imaginable
When dinner is done, your father drags him outside for a little talk. Before they leave your mother tells him to “be nice to the poor boy, he’s probably terrified” yes, yes he is, but he leads meetings in front of cranky old men all the time. He’s not going to show your dad just how terrified he is, lol
The shovel talk goes about as well as can be expected
“If you hurt my daughter, I’ll make sure you’re a permanent missing person’s case.”
nope, nope, not terrified at all to which Marius responds with a very quiet, “Yes sir, I wouldn’t dream of hurting your daughter”
Your father would be satisfied with the response and the rest of the night goes very well
Before he leaves, Marius definitely gives you a kiss that has your mother blushing, you breathless, and your father reaching for the shovel. It’s something your should have expected, really. Marius wasn’t going to be able to pretend all night. He never can.
If your parents would be of split opinions about Marius, the opposite is true if you brought Artem home
Your mother would be very pleased with the way Artem cares for you and how much he respects you. Of course, he treats her with the same courtesy, if not with the same openness. 
Your mother does remark that he seems a little distant and very formal. You merely shrug and tell her that Artem is just like that. 
Even with the distance your mother is easily won over
Your father is even easier to please. It’s painfully obvious that Artem respects you no shovel talk needed
He’s even happier when you tell him about his accolades. He wants someone who can take care of his daughter, who can support her no matter what she decides to do in live and Artem is certainly capable of doing so 
After dinner, Artem insists on being the one to drive you home (you came together anyway), which pleases your parents immensely. 
Vyn Richter 
Your dad was seriously trying to find fault with Vyn, he really was
After all, only the best of the best get to date his daughter
But this is Vyn. Despite his god complex, he has his good points and he knows full well how to put those on display
So instead of seeing “your daughter calls me professor in bed” he sees “successful psychiatrist, professor, and someone who will treat his daughter right”
And he will. Red flags aside, his distaste read: hatred of PUAs shows that he will not descend to that level of manipulation
What only you see is that Vyn is genuinely nervous. He doesn’t have a lot of experience at this stage of a relationship I wouldn’t think anyway and he is not nearly as perfect as he’d like to be (you spent an hour trying to convince him that it was going to be fine
So he results to assuaging your dad’s doubts and charming your mother
Boy howdy does he charm your Mom. His polished and refined manner, strict adherence to etiquette, and the gentlemanly way he treats you has her over the moon
So while your Dad is like, “he’s dating my daughter, I don’t like him. But damn it he treats her like a queen” Mom is like “great job, Y/n, he’s a keeper”
Actually, for a moment your mom is a little self conscious over the homely dinner she spent some much time on. I mean, this is fine dining, best of the best, Vyn and he can’t totally dampen that vibe.
But once things really get going, your dad stops interrogating Vyn and your mom stopped feeling so self conscious (a genuine  “compliments to the chef” from Vyn did the trick) things go fairly smoothly
Vyn soon stops being so nervous, to which you think “about damn time” and you end up having a very interesting dinner time discussion
By the time Vyn leaves, all mistrust has been dispelled
As far as you’re concerned, it’s a resounding success
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liothebiblioklept · 3 months
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WIP :D!! Suggest some NightWings you'd like to see!
(Starflight, Darkstalker, and Whiteout are possible candidates but Im open to all!)
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Something something Nico dies. And years down the line, when Hazel has lived a fulfilled life and it’s time for her to reunite with her brother, her children watch as a young boy just appears out of nowhere - invisible to the other’s eyes but theirs - and takes the old woman’s hand the same moment her breaths stop.
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shadow-dragon-fr · 4 months
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doodled this for a au I had but idk what i’m doing so here it is.
Basically in the au Darkstalker and Whiteout never actually hatch, their eggs reveal nothing buy dry shell.
Instead they are made into more or less the embodiments of the ice vs night thing.
Darkstalker represents the actual conflict. The mistrust, hate, and desire to kill. As those are more present he’s bigger and more powerful.
Whiteout meanwhile represents the hope that the two queendoms can get along. So is smaller and weaker and curls up on Dark’s shoulders.
It would go pretty similar to canon, Darkstalker is the reason the nightwings hide. The twins then hibernate. And when they wake up again they haunt the heck out of the school.
So not only does Moon have a semi-murderous (but weaken) ghost kinda helping her?? But Winter has the terrifying specter that is a icewing hybrid that’s encouraging him to do extremely un-icewing things. Like be friends with other tribes and not feeling guilty for existing.
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silver-dragonborn · 2 months
Rhaena is captured by the Greens during her journey to the Vale and brought back to King's Landing as a "ward" of the Crown. A weak-willed daughter of Daemon Targaryen with no dragon of her own and none of her father's fire is hardly a threat to anyone, right? A shame the Greens never learned that even without wings a dragon is still a dragon. Out of all Daemon's children, Rhaena is the most dangerous.
“PROTECT YOUR KING! PROTECT--argh!” Ser Criston had started to draw his sword, and one of the Gold Cloaks stepped calmly forward and smashed his skull to mush with a sharp blow of a mace. More screams. Steel rang and grated. Bodies fell. Plates shattered. Aegon saw one of the harpists he'd hired to entertain him slit one of his Kingsguard's throat open with a jagged knife and saw him fumble his sword as he coughed blood, saw another Goldcloak shove the point of his spear in the back of Aemond's leg while the other cut off his sword hand with an axe.
Panic and madness spread through the family dining hall like fire. Gold Cloaks and cutthroats appeared like shadows, swords drawn, expressions coldly grim. One of them, a Flea Bottom gutter rat was flinging knives, flying metal clattering about the dining hall, thudding into flesh with horrifying ease.
Someone grabbed hold of Aegon's sword arm and without thinking, he elbowed them viciously in the face, lifted his sword to hack at them, and realized, it was the Queen Mother, Alicent, blood running from her once perfect nose as she tugged at him, screaming that they had to run only to be seized from behind by one of the men, her wrists bound, mouth gagged as she thrashed and sobbed.
Rhaena continued to sit at the table, sipping her wine, violet eyes dark with contemplation and malice as she watched the bloodbath unfold with a smile, the ruby ring on her middle finger glittering ominously. "That will be all, my hounds," she crooned. "Tie him up and have cousin Aemond's wound bound. I shan't have him bleed out before my step-mother arrives. After all, we have a coronation to prepare."
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Aegon shrieked only to be laid low by a punch in his soft gut by a mailed fist. He retched so hard he could hardly breathe, a long string of bitter drool dangling from his lip and spattering against the floor. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Helaena being gently escorted out of the dining hall by one of the men, her expression of gentle relief and hopeful expectation.
Rhaena hummed and turned her wine glass slowly round and round by the stem. "What needed to be done. You were too busy feasting and celebrating my capture to pay attention to me. Honestly, cousin, the cell you placed me in had a hidden passage that led directly to my father's contacts. Did you truly believe I wouldn't provide his beloved Gold Cloaks access to the Red Keep?" She tsked and shook her head, red lips pooched in a small pout. "As for the cutthroats...well, the poor girls you took advantage of have fathers, brothers, and uncles who were just desperate for their pound of flesh." She shrugged one slender shoulder. "And who was I to deny them their vengeance?"
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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why so serious?
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liquidstar · 4 months
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wanted to post the royals and co. as a set for reference, though the only new things here are the king+queen and koe's updated design :p also most of them didn't get little infoboxes so those will be a first under the cut here ^_^
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Name: Andromeda (Andy)
Name origin: The Andromeda Galaxy, named for the mythical princess
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 20
Title: Heir apparent
Weapon: Flamberge (Same as her mom's)
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: She wants to go on adventures someday, and make a lot of friends, and be normal. So please drop the "Your highness" and call her Andy!
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Name: Cepheus
Name origin: The constellation Cepheus, the king
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 54
Title: King
Weapon: Scepter
Ethos (Power): Authority (The ability to control people’s actions through his words, but not their minds)
Flaw power is based on: His controlling and paranoid nature
Notes: He prefers not to use his ability unless it seems necessary, but ends will justify the means.
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Name: Cassiopeia
Name origin: The constellation Cassiopeia, the queen
Pronouns: She/her
Age: -
Title: Queen
Weapon: Flamberge
Ethos (Power): Alis (The ability to generate wings)
Flaw power is based on: Her overconfidence in her own abilities, ironically like a completely different winged mythological figure...
Notes: Before being the Queen, she was the Hero.
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Name: Koeia/Koe
Name origin: The star Koeia, whose name literally means "Star"
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 20
Title: Maid/Andromeda's lady in waiting
Weapon: Twin Sickles
Ethos (Power): Blessing (She can make others more powerful through cheering them on)
Flaw power is based on: Her Obsequiousness
Notes: She assures you her devotion to the princess is strictly for non-homosexual reasons
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Name: Perseus/Percy
Name origin: The constellation Perseus, the hero
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 21
Title: 1st Knight/Andromeda's personal guard
Weapon: Harpē sword
Ethos (Power): Divine swordstrike (An all-powerful swing of the sword with no limit)
Flaw power is based on: His incredible arrogance and show-offishness
Notes: He assures you that his showy devotion to the princess is as heterosexual as it seems. Also he's the cousin Io from Nova Stella
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Name: Ursa
Name origin: Ursa major, the big dipper.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 38
Title: Major
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): Bear-handed (Her claws are unbreakable and can slice through any material)
Flaw power is based on: Her hyper-diligence. Her ruthless devotion and adherence. Literally nothing could ever stand in her way.
Notes: She’s the mama bear of Kochab (Ursa minor) from the timber scouts
#reason i wanted to change koe's design was bc i felt like the first one was a bit too basic ig?#wanted to give it more personality beyond being a maid outfit#so a funkier skirt and shorter sleeves and gloves and stuff. idk its more koe and less maid. but still maid#other than that obviously are the two wholly new characters#honestly designing them was interesting in a way bc it was like reverse engineering andys face#i think she takes after her mom more tho#but she also does try to emulate her so thats also part of it#honestly andy is really similar to amary in a lot of ways not just bc of the whole princess thing but the family dynamics to a degree too#there are still some pretty big differences (andy wasnt abused but her father is still really strict and constraining out of worry#and amary's mom was actually kinda the polar opposite of andy's and their emulations are completely different too)#BUT#look read cepheus's flaw. hes not going to be a good guy lol#hes the type that starts out nice enough on the surface but when pushed it will become. again. ends justify the means#very.... 'my way or the highway' type guy i guess. but with power#cassiopeia s more noble than that though despite any arrogance in her skills#its like one side of a balancing act lost#again look at her power. its wings! wings mean freedom! no restraint! touch the sky!#unfortunately kingdoms arent usually about that is the thing#maybe andy can fix it now though#but honestly andy percy and ursa are pretty much all just here for convenience#it wouldve been easier to have a ref post lumping all royals and andy's entourage together. and ursa i guess idk where else shed go lol#i thought abt putting her w the zodiac knights but their theme is too uniform. background color is the same tho so same affiliation#w the royals#also does anyone get my amazing joke. shes a major. major ursa. ursa major. i know i know#ill be here all week#finn's ocs#oc references#finn's art
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adamanteine · 21 days
many thoughts about shams being able to sympathize with her mother but still being angry at her father (and having this one part of her that isn't able to forgive him) despite the fact that she is much closer to her father
#ethnic oldest daughter things!#her relationship with her mother is strained#yes!#but even tho shams feels a very good connection to her father due to the fact that he actually acted like a father#she feels angry at almost everything#at the fact that she lost her wings bc of the feud her father has#which deep down shams can understand is not entirely his fault#but its not something she can control#so even though her and her father spend a lot of time together and she trust him greatly there is still this part of her that cannot do it#100%...... she loves him YES but she is angry with him#i wouldnt say her relationship with him is bad in any way tho just a bit more complicated#and then you have her mother#who never actually acted like a mother#who just did her responsibilities without the actual motherly aspect of caring#who had her life ruined due to the misogyny of their society#and decided to reflect that same misogyny unto shams#(which took shams some time to genuinely be able to get rid off and make a choice for herself)#but she???? understands where her mother is coming from#she's helped so many women in her lifetime that she understands enough of what they go through in a society like theirs#and she knows her father may have been a good father but he was not a good husband#so any time she thinks of her mother its more sadness than anger#bc she wants so bad for them to have a better relationship#but at some points she also had to step back bc of how draining dealing with her is#but she understands in the end!!! where her mother is coming from#sorry i'm listening to ethel cain i'm just insane rn#&̲.   ¹   out of character.
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multivstx · 1 year
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“i’m not that scared little girl anymore” -yes but to a father you’ll always be his little girl
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kiwiwi-art-aaa · 2 years
She never knew who her father was, although I don't know about you but I think that's a good thing
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mosaicfangs · 5 months
Something completely inconsequential but mildly annoying about arc 3 so far is glass being a Pantalan invention, like I can understand mass produced, cheap, high quality glass for like prescription lenses etc being a Pantalan thing, but like surely at some point some Sandwings accidentally breathed fire onto some sand and figured out a basic method of glass production
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deva-arts · 2 months
Is Nate technically a carnivore since he has fangs?
While this would have worked for other variant species, Nathaniel doesn't abide by the rules of nature in any respect, especially as an atypical-form shifter.
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His body has a predisposition towards humanoid forms, so it's safe to assume he'd have the same overall conditions that a human would- omnivorous. He's made a nutritional plan for himself that incorporates more veggies and less saturated fats. Ew! boring!
(Can you tell I love talking about Variant physiology)
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gramophoneturtle · 1 year
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I've got my Eyes on you.
Despite him being an Angel, I've yet to draw him with his wings! So here are Perfectly Normal Angel Wings.
I don't know what the background is supposed to be but the sky is meant to be a little broken cause why not.
Edit: Mother and Father OCs Master Post
I thought about having the skeletal bits staying hidden inside the feathers but Father doesn't care. If he's showing his wings you've earned some trust or whatever but in this case it's trouble.
I haven't quite decided on his wing design but it's a start. Mother's I think will look like what they did in this Composer Neku comic. Father's are inspired by the Jellyfish Noise, so long arm bits that I debated having them all connect, or leave them oddly disjointed like this.
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