#On the plus I am feeling so much more vibe for actually focusing on writing now I've got an actual schedule in the works
cxpperhead · 4 months
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Overtime is hard but going well. In other news, I found a video featuring every clip of our boy and got so many new icons out of it so keep an eye out for more posts very soon!
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obsidiancreates · 5 months
Okay so like my username actually comes from when I was like 12-13 and made up some Sanders Sides OCs of my own and named the creativity "Obsidian", fun fact, and well as y'all may have noticed I've been rewatching Sanders Sides and I've Reformulated my lil' OC troop.
Let's meet the OG versions first though.
Originally I went with the same general setup as Thomas lays out: Creativity, Morality, Logic, Anxiety. Notable exception was Jessa- I didn't think Deceit really fit with my lineup so Jessa was instead Irrationality.
Obsidian, as previously mentioned, being creativity with a sort of Punk Vibe. I think literally had her have a bag shaped like a skullette from Monster High.
Morality was named Jadea- which was my Wattpad name at the time. Basically just, who I was when I was 12. Probably lots of bright colors and jeans and like... just, 12 year old girl aesthetic, I wasn't trying to stand out back then and also was trying to really fit with the sort of Formula that existed in Thomas's Sides Content.
Logic was named Empress. So basically my username on Wattpad was PrincessJadea and originally I made a Darkiplier-type "evil me" named Empress Obsidian and then I went "Mmmm don't like that, repurpose!" so split her in two as Obsidian and Empress. Anyway she was refined, regal, cold, and just kinda. That general vibe you'd expect from a "Logicality Personified As A Monarch" thing. She also encapsulated ego/confidence because when I was younger my main source of ego/confidence was Being Smart.
Anxiety had no name for a long time but eventually settled on Ash. Everyone had like a Purple vibe because I'm Autistic and purple is required in Everything Always so this wasssss basically just Virgil. But a girl. And I think she cried a lot? So. Yeah.
And then Jessa, who in her original iteration was a manic, one-red-eye-one-blue-eye, chaotic, constantly trouble causing and extremely active antagonistic force. Like a tiny, hyperactive puppy who wanted me to just Do Shit.
So that's the original versions.
And now the updated group.
Obsidian is largely the same but now she's not restrained to a Punk aesthetic, she still favors it but like she can be and do Whatever. She now, alongside the original Creativity role, encapsulates Ego/Confidence instead of Empress. My ego has definitely shifted to be focused on my Creations rather than Feeling Smart. I'm fucking awesome at writing and makeup and I know it and so she does too.
Empress is now both Logic and Morality/Compassion. I've kind of come to the conclusion that these two are Inextricable from each other for Good and for Bad. I don't mean My Morality Is Purely Logical but more your morals will influence how you think logically and the way you process logic will justify your moral stances and it's impossible to be Objective from either endpoint. When I was falling down the alt-right rabbit hole I was using Flawed Logic to try and justify the moral stances I was taking on, and when I escaped that and became As I Am Now I used compassion/moral consideration to help break down the flawed logic I'd built. Plus, it's Illogical to try and view the world as a Purely Logical Place uninfluenced by Emotion and Moral Holdings, Emotion bleeds into absolutely everything and Moral Holdings both good and bad influence even the smallest decisions. Separating Logic and Emotion leads to just The Worst Stances cropping up, so yeah, she's both now. She's still very regal, but much less cold, like an elegant nanny who's probably royalty in disguise after a coup.
Jadea is now, and please read this to the tune of Deep Into Your Mind from Phineas and Ferb; Repression, Regression, avoidant deep obsession. Basically she's personifying my tendency to Repress, Regress in terms of things like falling back into Not Eating when I'm emotionally overwhelmed, and of course Hyperfixation/Special Interests being used as Escapism to an unhealthy degree. She's still quite peppy and bright but it's all Toxic Positivity, and she has a very Dominating Presence. In particular her relationship with another side is very strained and very... Oppressive, but not without Reason. She does associate with Obsidian a lot since Fixation + Creativity = Fanfic. She's not disliked, but she's not liked either, she's just... there.
Ash is now General Emotional Disregulation- which does include Anxiety, because I have Problems. She's now much more... Grunge-like, and I don't mean the glamorized version, I mean the straight-up raggedy old dirty clothes that don't fit well and unwashed hair and dirty face version. Jadea interacts with Ash a lot, but Ash is not the side I previously mentioned being Jadea's main focus of Repression. Ash basically constantly teetering between Depressive and Manic, always either a barley withheld Sob or Laugh to her voice, and the other sides find her difficult to deal with because despite wanting to help her she's prone to Ignoring and Overriding them.
I'm introducing New Ones next before I introduce the Updated Jessa.
Our first new peep is Chip. She is Anger/Stubbornness/Spite, because those are... huge, parts, of my personality. Even if I don't really want them to be. I guess she probably also encompasses Passion but, not her main thing. Her name is Chip because most of the chips and cracks in my teeth are from clenching them in Rage, and boy, there are a lot of them. My teeth are fucked. Anyway, this is the Side that Jadea focuses on the most. Chip is constantly on the fucking brink and though she's not yelling, pretty much everything she says is Seethed through her teeth and her snarl is constant (save for when she gets So Fucking Mad she starts laughing, but that's a Bad and Scary Smile). Unsure of her aesthetic at this moment, but I'm leaning towards something similar to Ash with the Grunge Vibes but a little Sharper and Tougher- where Ash may have a large hoodie to hide in, Chip has a heavy jacket. Where Ash may wear just old sneakers, Chip wears thick combat boots. Things like that. But Chip isn't all bad- she's The Reason I'm Alive Right Now. While sometimes she... accidentally, feeds into Jessa's new role, she's also Stubbornness and Spite and I use those as a Big Motivator to stay, alive. So she's very important and very helpful, while also being a pretty big issue. Not really good, not really bad, but Significant.
Ferox- y'all may recognize this one, Des's bestie and currently being featured in the Sia Character RP over on @a-vamp-and-a-half. I've already gone over her- a personification of Catharsis, punk-emo type aesthetic and often absolutely covered in blood because she rips her own limbs off and shit. She feels like she belongs here, not just as Catharsis, but also Maladaptive Daydreaming and I guess... okay so I have issues surrounding the word Coping because of some shit my 4th grade teacher put me through but I guess that's what Ferox represents also. She's important, and valuable, and really only an actual Problem when she tries to push for her Fantasies to become Reality, a problem usually taken from Easily Ignorable to Actual Concern by...
Do not read farther if you are sensitive to discussions of suicidal thoughts, self-harm urges, or cruel language.
Jessa, is, straight-up evil. Because Jessa, is a personification of Mental Illness. She is my suicidal thoughts, my depression, my paranoias, my SH urges, all of that. Nothing valuable or "Maybe she's not so bad," about her, she is just flat-out evil.
She is no longer a manic energetic figure, she's more... Coming Of Age Movie Bully With A Phone Addiction. Uninterested, throwing out horrible things without any care, leaning back and paying attention to something else while spewing as vile suggestions as she can. Like she'll sit back in a chair shopping on her phone and go "You should just like, carve yourself up. Why are you even sticking around anyway? Literally nothing will ever get better and life can only possibly go downhill and you're like, kinda just stuck suffering so... yeah. Like, kill yourself. Bitch."
Ferox, who wants me to have A Good Fufilling Life but in the sense of "Punch people who make you mad! Take a joyride and crash the car and then get out and run through the woods! TAKE LIFE BY THE BALLS!" disagrees with EVERYTHING Jessa stands for, but unfortunately Ferox's fantasies of Catharsis that involve stuff like Getting Shot And Surviving sometimes feed into Jessa's whole deal. Then Obsidian steps in and suggests "Hey let's work together to do Gore Makeup and drown Jessa out." Ferox and Obsidian are actually quite close, good friends.
So that's my Updates Sid's Sides! Sorry for how depressing it got at the end, but, tbh my brain is a hot mess and I just Live Like This.
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minnieposting · 5 months
hsr ramblings to get out of my system
sunday and aventurine focused. also about how sunday's totally dying in 2.2. and some other stuff
⚠️lots of talking out of one's own ass⚠️
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prefacing this with saying this is just my stream of consciousness tbh, things might be all over the place. i am again literally just talking out of my ass tbh! i love stories and thinking about narrative as a system, so ive been going a lil nuts with penacony and its characters
but i decided to write this because i keep realizing so many things about both sunday and aventurine. i've been making a huge list in my notes and mainly my head about it so lets just get into it...
1. my friend and i were talking about it being hinted that sunday is not his real name. when sunday is first introduced, we have the option to ask if everyone in the family has a strange name. march says it might just be a stage name.
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i've seen lots of talk about sunday's connection with dominicus, usually either about sunday actually being him or channeling him somehow. but either way, im very 👀👀
just earlier, i was thinking about how both sunday and aventurine are putting on grand final shows and how they're both bosses. the fact 'stage name' is being used here is very interesting in that case. just something im also very 👀👀 about
2. following up on aventurine and sunday and how they're both bosses putting on a 'show'... im now gonna talk abt their insane similarities and also their opposing traits. i feel like every single similarity i notice is also paired with an opposite
for example, their losses
sunday - older brother, lost his sister + family recently
aventurine - younger brother, lost his sister + family a long time ago
this is actually one of the reasons i think sunday will be gone forever 🫡 with the two of them being opposites, sunday is the older brother who won't survive, while aventurine is the younger brother who did. plus, if aven's sister is dead, and robin ends up being fine, that just further proves to me sunday has to die. theyre flipped!!
along with that, aventurine will come out of this fine, because we know he's blessed and he's said it himself, he always comes out as the final victor, and we see that he's coming out of this with a new reason to keep going. between sunday and aventurine, it's pretty clear who's going to come out on top. speaking in terms of their roles in the narrative again
which makes me curious about sunday's end goal, as we all must be... which brings me to
3. the shared goal of freedom
this actually expands to pretty much everyone. i noticed that freedom is a very big theme in penacony. prisoners were once held there, aventurine is a prisoner himself (both figuratively and literally), the family's shady shit as a whole and how some people are literally just being forced to stay, firefly's whole thing about feeling trapped, so on... and of course, there's aventurine again, with his thoughts of suicide and wanting to be free
a while ago i was thinking about all this in relation to sunday specifically, the family as a whole, and harmony specifically too. to unite as one harmonious beautiful being, free from chaos. i wonder if sunday's boss will be related to freeing people. it's clear he has connections to the order, which also doesn't welcome chaos and strife.
may be totally far fetched especially since the story will be complete in just a few days, but!! sunday boss being meant to get everyone absorbed into the choir, free from all those exact things. i think a lot about how the charmony festival invited out all the factions for the first time, but i'm not sure where to place it. could've just happened because 'the right time has finally come', aka, dominicus' arrival? whatever tho i have other things to talk about that im more excited over. sunday sacrificial lamb vibes? who knows
honorary mention to the siblings maybe feeling trapped by family, or actually straight up being trapped, WHO KNOWS! i dont know anything actually, i've never known a single fact in my life, but i will on may 8
4. more sunday aventurine similarities and opposites
- both described as madmen, sunday literally being told by ratio he needs to see a shrink because he thinks the same way as aventurine
- both extremely logical, always pulling damn tricks up their sleeves, infinite amount of room in those sleeves
- as mentioned before, both lost their sisters, although in a different order. both lost their parents around the same time though
- (from gagwanju on twt) aventurine utilizing and working with those around him to achieve his goal, while sunday has been working alone. again, another thing that makes me think that sunday will be the unsuccessful one in the end. not that sure what i mean by 'unsuccessful' currently, tbh.
- (from someone else on twt but i cant remember or find the post 💀) sunday and aventurine both brought into high institution and forced into a role
i'm getting tired so i'm gonna cut it short here but
honorary mention to yesterday night? where i was thinking about how they both put up fronts. inside, aventurine is tired, fearful. just being a struggler ykyk. sunday is described as having a twisted personality... aka just ocd, and getting worse everyday after losing his sister and being told he can't do anything about it bc charmony festival. ocd makes you have lots and lots of anxiety, so i wonder what's going on underneath. is he the opposite of aventurine in this case? instead of being just Exhausted, he might be fired up completely. an irritable mess, potentially very angry, etc etc, since his grief is so recent. maybe he's experiencing everything aventurine did back when he first lost his sister in particular, since they are two sides of the same coin (AGAIN).
uugjrjajd i feel my brain getting stupider as i type, but the final thing i wanna bring up is the name of the charmony festival. i was just wondering what it could possibly mean, and why it isn't just called the Harmony festival. whats the ch? is it CHARM ony festival? makes sense to me if the choir is just going to hypnotize people and try and absorb everyone, but im not too sure bc the order is also involved here. idk i dont know anything i actually only started playing this game a month ago
ending this with: sorry if i got anything wrong or confused. im very bad at explaining myself properly and may have remembered things wrong but also i have bad anxiety all the time so IDK
these r just stuff ive been brainrotting over for the past week, and its not even everything, i just needed it out of me 😭😭😭 i am very excited for 2.2. didnt even get into all those damn BABY SUNDAY AND ROBIN TRAILER IMPLICATIONS like omfg... goodbye. why is the sunday boss a childhood drawing why did sunday hesitate when saying 'right! both of us' WHAT HAPPENED. i think he knew he was never going to sing with robin, but why???? ahhhdhdbf
to those who may have read all of this.... DAMN i cant believe u did that, fun fact scallops have eyes
omg... editing this a while after posting, but i totally forgot about the lore of the xipe emanators, and how they can assume the form of any family member when necessary???? not sure where to place that in ^^^^ all that, but something i just wanted to add in... ACKNOWLEDGED.......... 2.2 is going to be a wild ride. hwat the fuck do u mean they can just do that.
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pikahlua · 1 year
I love the way you write about this story and these characters, it's just so wonderful.
Other than your own meta, who else do you recommend? Any fanfics? What about video essays? I trust your opinions 🙇
There is no one who will agree with me 100% on everything, and no one will write or talk about something in the exact same way as another person. I'm sure you realize that.
I see eye-to-eye with @siflshonen on most everything in MHA, and I enjoy the different ways we often approach expressing similar opinions. @makeste has been on break from the manga as of late, but I vibe with her old metas.
@greenhappyseed @class1akids @transhawks write often about sections of the MHA story I am less inclined to examine as closely, and I regularly consider or even defer to their opinions in those areas (All Might-, Todoroki family-, and Hawks/LoV-focused perspectives).
On YouTube, Semblance of Sanity have the takes I agree the most with or find the most interesting. Next would be A Goodwin TV's takes. Blind Wave (reactions on their website) and K&K Anime have reactions and some discussions that I enjoy as well. I'm not really into any video essayists at the moment, though I think there is a lot of potential in the medium itself for good discussion. It's just harder to produce a video in a reasonable amount of time when writing and screenshots get the job done just as well, and most of the essayists I've seen have a more...power-scaling focus that I rarely agree with. (Yes, I have power-scaling opinions based in meta, and they're correct.)
Fanfics are a different beast. A lot of writers lean heavily on western perspectives, which I think is entirely valid to do for whatever type of story you're trying to write. For me personally, a lot of western-based tropes I often see in fanfic just don't mesh as well with canon-focused MHA stories, and many characters end up either out-of-character or at best something like their anime-only filler episode selves. Fanfic is often an avenue of self-exploration, and that means many good stories will reflect the writer's personal experiences more than anything. Those are enjoyable to read, but they don't scratch my itch for more content that explores the canon characterization even in shipping fics. And yes, I guess this is me being a half-hearted snob. There are just some things no one will bat an eye at that I will cringe reading merely because I know Japanese social mores a tiny bit better than most westerners (for example, I very much doubt canon Katsuki would ever get a tattoo, let alone Izuku). I never expect writers to know these things, but I can't help but raise an eyebrow whenever they come up.
I Want What I Don't Deserve (hi sifl, I'm plugging you again!) actually scratches the itch for me. Even in the moments where the author may be inserting their personal experiences or adding more depth to characters that isn't present in the manga, all these author additions make sense with the characters as they present in canon. I whole-heartedly recommend this story to Bakugou fans, Todoroki family fans, and even BakuDeku fans (there is a poetically tragic element to their relationship--though it is not the primary "ship" in the fic--and I think the fandom could use more of this specific take to spice up the ship). Plus Katsuki's opportunities for narration strike the perfect balance of self-deprecation, arrogance, teenage flippancy, and hilarity to keep me entertained for literal months now. (Fuck, just read everything by sifl, because their works reflect the care and craft they jam-pack into everything they write. Do it!)
I don't have many fics I'm currently reading or following. I feel like there was a period a few years ago when I really enjoyed the MHA fanfic world, but lately it's been hard to find anything that grabs me. I could probably use more recommendations myself.
This got way longer than I expected. Oops.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
4, 24, 36, 48 :)
(Fanfiction Writing Asks)
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
Vibes? Haha. Most of my fics are definitely focused around missing scenes within the existing story framework, expanding on character relationships and adding detail to events. So I look for places where it feels like something could be expanded upon or where there's missing detail or emotional implications. (My liveblogging adventures have been very good for helping me notice where these points are I think.)
Plus requests when I am lucky enough to have some in the backlog. :D Which I do at the moment yay!
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I was actually just thinking about this the other day as I was working on "Broken Little Puppets"; I'm much more practiced/familiar with Karlach's POV so I was a bit surprised that I ended up writing from Astarion's. "Open Your Eyes" was also originally going to be a Rasaad POV except I just randomly started writing it from Jaheira's instead (and this was before I really went down my current Jaheira fan rabbit hole XD ). A number of little liveblogging ficlets in Hector's run (this one and this one come to mind) were about his emotional turmoil but all ended up being from Karlach's perspective watching how that turmoil manifested outwardly.
Ultimately I'm not entirely sure I ever actively CHOOSE if that makes sense? I just sort of start writing and see which perspective starts centering itself, and I often surprise myself. XD
36. What fic are you proudest of?
Ahh, the dreaded self-compliment, my greatest struggle. XD
I think probably "The Two Sides of the Coin" is at the top of the heap right now. It's the deepest I've gone so far into exploring Karlach and Jaheira's friendship, it's one of the more emotionally intense things I've written, and I made a lot of strides forward in my writing and editing while working on it.
"Prayers and Hellfire" (nsfw) also pushed me way outside my comfort zone and I think turned out really well so I'm pretty proud of that too.
And if we wanna do a big throwback to my Mass Effect fic days many years ago, "Huerta Memorial" was the only longfic I've ever actually completed (hopefully "Open Your Eyes" and the as-yet-unnamed Nine-Fingers fic will join it eventually) and I'm still pretty proud of it.
48. Who is your favorite character to write for? Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
It should surprise no one to learn that my answer for this is Karlach and Jaheira. XD
One thing that I've noticed about the fanfic community that I find kind of fun is that even within the niche of writing about a particular fandom, different authors seem to carve out their own little niches within that fandom, and I think Karlach content and Jaheira content have definitely become my particular niche corner.
This is fun partly because it's nice having a little area that I am comfortable exploring in great depth, and also because it makes trying other things (like my recent Astarion experiments - Astariments?) feel like a fun challenge/change of pace. :)
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whathappenstotheheart · 4 months
35, 17 and 7 from those fun "weird writer" asks 🥳
I've been pondering how to answer #17 for so long that's it's become tomorrow, twice. Anyway, here we are:
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
I think for me it's a pretty even split between two things:
Realizing a vision. Getting that scene to move just like I imagined. Getting that dialogue to flow just like it does in my head. Getting that one line to be just as pretty or poignant as the feeling behind it.
Reader impact. Someone reading my words and feeling them deeply. Someone seeing themselves or their emotions or experiences reflected in my writing. Or for fic, someone seeing something they love or resonate with in a character in how I render them.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
This is a tricky one! I feel like I should talk about fic (since this is a fandom blog primarily, though I should make a sideblog for my original stuff soon) and honestly I have so many fic WIPs that are roughly at the same stage of production that I'm not sure which to pick.
Plus, with fic I tend to be so focused around whatever details (canon or headcanon) that draws me to a character or dynamic that not much gets left out, because if I can't fit it in the main fic I will write a fluff snippet or something with it. Also, most of my long-form fic are pre-production or very early days, so it's hard to say what might have been left out.
So instead, since my Beverly/Deanna fic is the only long-form one that actually has chapters up on AO3, let me regale you with some random Beverly Crusher headcanons that will probably end up in the fic eventually, but have not yet:
Beverly is bi/pan. The end of the Host says nothing about her sexuality and everything about the mindfuck of your lover suddenly dying and being told this new person is them, and I will die on that hill.
Beverly has ADHD and/or whatever neurospiciness I have (jury is still out on that. In fact, jury has not yet been assembled). Like, seriously. The impulse control that makes you fly into a literal sun to prove a point. The teenage experience of saying something and not realizing you'd hurt someone's feelings. Just her vibe is the vibe of someone who is making a real effort not to move more. Do I project onto her? Yes! Am I still right? Also yes.
Beverly has very specific comfort foods and whenever she moves, she always spends a period of time wrangling the replicator into making them right. Am I still projecting because I'd probably do that? Yes.
Beverly speaks some Portuguese. Why? Because I like to make chars bilingual whenever I can, and also I speak some Portuguese so there you are.
Relatedly, I have a sorta lore-headcanon that some subset of people would struggle with listening to music through the universal translator because of the disconnect between the relative mismatch between the length of the music for a given line and the length of the (translated) lyrics (which would be more obvious with some language pairs that others, obviously). I imagine like a lot of things, some people's brains would be able to compensate for and ignore this mismatch better than others. For some reason, I hc Bev as one of those people who always switch the UT off for music because it makes her brain itch otherwise.
Beverly will always love Jack but struggles with accepting that not all her feelings for him are as noble. And reasonably so, because uuuh... he sounds like kind of a crummy spouse. Like, between canon and inference from the infrequency of promotions in Trek broadly, there's a good chance he fucked off into space while Wes was still an infant. Maybe even before he was born. And iirc the way the years work out, there's a chance Bev was still in med school while basically single mom-ing a newborn. I side-eye that man, I tell you.
I really should stop there especially since I am not actually answering the question XDD.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Hmmm, tricky. Probably the idea that adverbs should be avoided. Love me some adverbs! Same for the passive voice. Well-used passives can be so impactful!
Oh also (though I haven't seen this one as much) the idea that you shouldn't use a buncha different verbs as speech tags! Yes, they can definitely be overused but used well, you can pry "murmurs", "sighs", "grumbles" etc. from my cold, dead hands.
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at-thestillpoint · 7 months
40 questions meme: 11,13 and 37👀
[forty questions!]
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
I don't really think of writing as a passion or a hobby. Rather, it's something I feel compelled to do. (I realize this is incredibly self-aggrandizing phrasing. I don't mean that I feel called to it, but rather that there are questions or scenes or potential worlds I'm moved by and can't get out of my head, except by writing them.) But also, I love words and language and picking apart how we put them together to make people feel things. I enjoy playing in that sandbox—the act of writing—and at the end of the day, I write because it's what I want to do most with my free time (and even more with my not-free time). So I guess, in that sense, it is both.
Though, really, is writing actually fun?
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Deeply paraphrasing here, and others have said this much more eloquently, but simply: You can't edit nothing. None of the other advice matters until you have that first, scrappy draft, so get it down on paper and go from there. (I am not taking this advice very well right now.)
37. Talk about your current wips.
My current WIPs are, unfortunately for all of us, the same WIPs I have been talking about for a good six months, plus a few more! Below the cut because I have SO MANY??? (Send help.)
We have on the TG:M docket:
The other FWB fic (love you like a lover should): The Google doc for this was created in March 2023! It is still nowhere close to being done! This is the story that started as a foray into Rooster/Phoenix and quickly evolved into an exploration of Hangman/Phoenix if Phoenix had an unrequited crush on Rooster but started banging Hangman instead.
The Olympics AU (no rules in breakable heaven): Exactly what it sounds like! And also a past lovers to exes/enemies to angry lovers to second chance romance fic. (How many tropes is too many tropes?) I had a good two-day run with this during NaNo, but then work knocked me on my figurative ass, and I haven't been able to make progress since then. My goal is to finish this before the opening ceremony this summer. This is looking less and less achievable.
The politics AU: This is mostly just vibes right now. It's very roughly outlined, but the words aren't flowing yet. I got the idea futzing around on Pinterest and realizing Glen Powell really does look Like That. I'm also just really compelled by different permutations of ambitious woman/arrogant asshole, and the political world is made for stories like that.
wreck my sundays: I heard Maggie Rogers's new single and needed to write something, because "My friend Sally's getting married / And to me that sounds so scary" resonated a little too hard, while "take my money, wreck my Sundays" wrecked me. This will have a spot of fake dating. I want to keep this in the 6,000-7,000 word range, which is ironically what's keeping me from writing it, because my deep-seated need to provide context and world build is making it too verbose, and that is not a rabbit hole I want to go down.
For other universes, we have:
the truth about dreams: A Sally-focused companion piece to i dreamed you a sin and a lie. For some reason, it's been a lot harder to write this one. (Some reason: Poseidon's POV is much more interior, because it's all speculative. To give Sally's POV justice, I actually need to build the world.) And yes, I did have fun looking up songs with "horse" in the title, because I am hilarious. What serendipity that Horses fits so well.
An untitled coda to The Artful Dodger that explores what would happen if Governor Fox gave Jack a pardon, from the Governor's perspective. Governor Fox's "my wife and daughters think I'm a simpleton, and they're probably right" got to me the same way Daisy Buchanan's "a beautiful little fool" line did. There is something there and it is incredibly compelling!
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storytime-reviews · 1 year
The Friend Zone Book Review
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Kristen Petersen doesn't do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don't get her. She's also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children. Planning her best friend's wedding is bittersweet for Kristen -- especially when she meets the best man, Josh Copeland. The only catch: Josh wants a big family someday. Kristen knows he'd be better off with someone else, but as their attraction grows, it's harder and harder to keep him at arm's length.
Rating: ★★★
The Friend Zone is an easy enough story to get through, although I cannot say it was particularly engaging. There were of course moments I enjoyed more than others, and I do feel like the main characters came across as having chemistry. Lack of chemistry is a complaint I often find myself having with these kinds of books, so at least that was a plus. However, I cannot say that I especially liked either of the main characters, and Kristen in particular had very much of a ‘cool girl’ and ‘I’m not like other girls’ vibe. This came not just from her perspective, but Josh’s also, and it was irritating.
I can appreciate the struggles that she was going through, including the medical diagnoses, made certain aspects of her life difficult. But I must admit that I found it hard to sympathise with certain aspects of this due to the way she let it too often colour her relationships and impact on other people, without actually informing them of the issues which I felt would be relevant to their relationship.
I think my main problem with the narrative is that it felt very much the same – it dragged on by focusing on the same thing over and over again, until the main traumatic moment later in the novel. I also felt that some of the sex scenes were incredibly weird and uncomfortable to read, but maybe that’s just me.
I initially had issues with the magical pregnancy because I felt it defeated the purpose of the infertility issues and the struggles Kristen and Josh went through in order to be on the same page, only for a solution to arise from nowhere. However, on reading the author’s note, it became clear that Kristen’s medical journey closely mirrored what a friend of the author went through, so that was completely understandable. It was grating at first precisely because these kinds of story conclusions are rampant in both written and visual media, without consideration for character development.
Similarly, I disliked how the main traumatic event appeared to be constructed to create drama for the main characters, and further relationship issues between them. Again, this is another common lazy writing technique, however, I have since learned that the second novel in the series, in which this secondary character was already deceased, was written first. So I cannot accuse the author of that either.
Apologies to Jimenez for my original reactions to her content, it’s unfortunate that by coincidence her main plot points happen to mirror very common (and in my opinion, lazy) writing. That’s why we cannot simply discount a narrative because it doesn’t exactly fit into our own worldview – there are plenty of stories to tell, and even ones that we may not like may actually be reflective of reality for some people, and it’s not ok to discard their truth.
That being said, either way I felt that The Friend Zone was a bit too bland for me, and aside from my initial issues with some of the main plot points, I just didn’t really like the main characters. I might read the second novel though, because I am interested to see how Sloan’s story turns out after everything. 
Warnings: sexual harassment, sexism & misogyny, sex scenes, infertility, drunk driving, car accident, strokes, character death, emotional cheating
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xian1na · 1 year
buncha words 'bout some spring animes #4
I shuffled some things around this past week, although I’m starting to regret it. I decided to skip Heavenly Delusion for an episode or two - it’s a mystery show, and a pretty dense one too, so it’s more bingeable than some of the other shows I’m watching. Plus, I don’t know, I feel like I don’t have all that much to write about it, other than “I’m enjoying it, go check it out”. That said, I really regret not watching it now because frankly, I was a bit disappointed with some other shows I watched instead and am now considering dropping something from my list. Well, let’s jump right into it.
Oshi no Ko (ep. 5) - I’m just gonna go ahead and say it right away, I didn’t like episode five at all. Not that it was bad. If you’ve been reading these posts from the beginning (and btw if you have - thank you so much!!) then you know that I was a bit on the fence on the whole series. There was usually at least one thing in each episode which piqued my interest despite everything I didn’t like. This time though? Nothing. I think poor Pieyon is what finally settled the matter. The moment he showed up I was like ‘ah, a comic relief’ and then watched the whole rest of the episode with a completely straight face, cringing the longer it went on. There was one funny joke when Kana asked him how much he earns, and the rest of that, the song, the voice (the VA did a great job but GOD was the voice irritating)? Completely missed the mark for me. And there wasn’t even any good cliff-hanger which would make me hope something great could happen next time. I think this series’s just not for me.
Hell’s Paradise (ep. 6) - I think it’s interesting that Jigokuraku is frontloading so much character stuff in the beginning. That’s not how it usually is, isn’t it? Usually we get a character, we learn what their basic deal is and then we get a major character development and emotional climax at the end of the series. Here, we spent so many episodes learning what Sagiri’s deal is. There is a lot of emphasis on characters’ spirituality, philosophy and all that. The question is, is it any good? Arguably, no. I’m definitely missing on many references to Buddhism but I feel like all the characters constantly monologue at each other about themselves, instead of simply be themselves. I quite like philosophical discussions (to an extent) but the way it is in this show doesn’t feel like an invitation, like food-for-thought, but just weak writing. But, well. It seems that the characters are finally about to find some plot. Just in time, really, we don’t have that many episodes left. I’ll probably keep watching, but I don’t have high hopes.
Skip and Loafer (ep. 6) - Skip and Loafer, meanwhile, is just as good as always. Episode 6 focuses on Mitsumi and Shima, their little miscommunication and making up. I really loved the moment when Mitsumi realized the reason she berated Shima for skipping school was that she missed him. Gosh darn they’re just so CUTE.
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999! (ep. 7) - A Yamada-centric episode for a change, didn’t expect that but it was nice to see. I like that even though we saw things from his perspective, it was still very distinctly HIS perspective - not really focusing on words but rather vibes, images and suggestions. It’s a nice contrast to usual episodes. And there was some real nice direction in this episode too. It’s kinda interesting that Yamada has enough emotional intelligence to handle Akane’s ex well but is completely clueless whenever women/girls show interest in him (and gosh, so many adult women hit on this poor boy). I wonder if there’s a reason for that, or is it just the writing being a bit inconsistent.
Insomniacs after school (ep. 1-3) - Yeah, I actually watched something new this week. To be honest I’m a bit surprised at the direction this series took in those first three episodes. I thought it’d be about Nakami and Magari’s nightly adventures in town but for now it turned into an astronomy club anime. It’s a cool idea - that the kids can take something that was a huge problem for both of them and use it to their advantage - but I’m not sure how exciting it will be to watch. I’ll definitely give this series a couple more episodes though.
And in the backlog section:
The Witch from Mercury (season 1, ep. 10-12) - OMG SHE SQUASHED A MAN LIKE A TOMATO SULETTA BABY ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!!???
Spy x Family (ep. 8-9) - I’m not a fan of ‘haha this person is REALLY weird about their sibling’ kind of jokes, but I gotta say, these episodes were still hilarious. Maybe because Yuri is even dumber than Yor is. There was also some real nice development of Yor and Loid’s relationship. Next time, dodgeball. I am apparently supposed to look forward to Bill Watkins (age 6) the greatest dodgeball player of his generation. Can't wait!
And that’s the end of this week’s post. I’m sorry if I was too negative in the beginning but I wasted way too much time on watching series I don’t really care about in the past and I’m trying to be more selective now. Anyway, that’s it for me, thanks so much for reading and see you next week.
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defiantdreemurrs · 2 years
bussyween, part one: halloween (1978)
bussyween is simultaneously a terrible idea on my part as well as an excuse for me to post more to non-twitter social media sites. as the name hopefully suggests, im slogging my way thru the entire halloween film series, all thirteen films, and posting reviews for each one. for this first installment, we have none other than the obvious first film in the series: 1978s halloween, directed by john carpenter.
of the thirteen films in this series this is one of only two that i have actually already seen before. ive seen it a small handful of times over the last few years and its easily one of my favorite films of all time. because of that i may have some bias towards this one but if you go into reading a review of a piece of media *not* expecting some kind of bias from the reviewer then you're probably an idiot.
the film opens with arguably one of its most effective scenes. following the beautifully presented opening credits we have a roughly four minute unbroken shot of a 6 year old michael myers sneaking back into his house and murdering his sister judith. you can see the extent to which carpenter and crew took advantage of their scant (at the time) budget, most notably in the way the first person perspective carefully hides the various crew members moving things around as needed while the young michael makes his way thru the house. theres also the wonderfully hammy "dying" movements that judith makes as shes stabbed to death, or the way the camera looks away from her while michael continues to stab so the crew can presumably cover the actress in blood. its sort of a microcosm of the entire rest of the film, with many more such examples occurring throughout the runtime.
the hamminess and somewhat cheap looking murders in this film dont particularly ruin the experience though. a notable aspect of this film that its many, many sequels and imitators dont really seem to get is that its ultimately not a particularly violent film. instead if anything its more of a thriller than the typical slasher film. so much of the film is focused on creating a tense, suspenseful atmosphere instead of shocking the viewer with endless gore and violence. its one of the many things about this movie that i feel help it continue to hold up nearly 45 years later.
another one of those aspects is how little explanation we get for michael. the sequels go out of their way to explain as many things about him and his motivation as they possibly can, but this movie keeps him a mystery. at most hes a random guy killing teenagers in his hometown. something like this could happen to just about anyone. thats why it feels so effective, so unsettling, even so many years later. granted part of that is i am a scared little bitch who has a hard time with horror movies, but still.
something else i appreciate about this film is just how *good* it looks. its shot so beautifully, and even though it really doesnt look remotely like the illinois suburb it claims to take place in, it still manages to give off the *vibes* of a chill little suburb. it feels believable. it feels like my little neighborhood. the shots are framed beautifully too. carpenter and cinematographer dean cundey make such incredibly effective use out of the wide frame they were working with, especially when it comes to michael himself. so many of the scenes he appears in thru the film, he occupies such a small amount of the frame as to almost be unnoticeable, and it makes him even more terrifying as a result.
im gonna end this here because i honestly cant think of anything else that hasnt already been said. this movie is almost 45 years old and almost every aspect of it has been covered to death. theres so many things id like to say about the music or the finale or other aspects but there doesnt feel like much else *to* be said. plus i wanna keep these fairly short, i dont feel like spending 8 years writing an entire novel. i still have 12 more movies to get thru, i dont have time to write too extensively.
tune in next time where we cover the very first in a long line of sequels, the aptly-named halloween ii.
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seventeendeer · 2 years
As an adult with a love for Sonic, and adult money now at my disposal. I am considering buying Sonic Forces. You seemed to quite enjoy it, how does it play?
I haven't played any sonic games other than Shadow the Hedgehog, ages ago. Getting to see my blorbos on screen is so very tempting.
Forces is definitely one of my favorite Sonic games!! I'd highly recommend it to anyone who loves post-2000's Sonic's many characters, cheesy writing, kid-friendly-just-for-fun "edge" and banger music. Here's a short overview for you:
- Gameplay is divided into three types of levels: ones featuring 'modern' Sonic (3D movement, camera usually behind the back), 'classic' Sonic (plays mostly like the sidescrollers from the 90's) and your own character (like modern Sonic, but with third-person shooter elements). For ONCE in Sonic's career, the three game modes are juggled very well, all three of them work as intended, they're all actually fun to play. Controls are tight, I haven't encountered any glitches at all. While I enjoy other Sonic games for their messy coding and awful gameplay, it was actually very nice to play a Sonic game that for once 1) worked and 2) was a genuine joy to play. If you want a Sonic game that works instead of the usual wet cardboard box of glitches and rushed developer tears, Forces is ... almost your only option lol.
- And yeah, a new gimmick in Forces is that you make your own character in a character creator! And your character becomes friends with Sonic and is a major part of the plot! It's super cute and feel-good. The absolute indulgent sincerity with which the game treats this feature is so, so lovable to me.
- The story features the majority of the animal characters introduced across the series' lifespan and almost all of them are written true to their characters! Shadow even has his own mini-campaign (I think it's a DLC, if I recall correctly?)!
- Of course, the writing is very silly and cheesy, and the plot is all over the place, but that's a huge part of the games' charm to me personally. Nothing really makes sense and its tone slippy-slides all over the place. Very similar to Shadow the Hedgehog in that way. I know some people long for actually good writing in Sonic games and if you're in that camp you'll probably be disappointed, but if you're anything like me, trying to imagine what the hell went on in the writers' room to make this fucking thing happen is an integral part of the Sonic Enjoyment Experience
- The soundtrack is heavy on dubstep and many levels feature music with lyrics. This is another aspect I absolutely love, Forces has one of my favorite soundtracks in the series. The main villain's theme stands out as my favorite.
- Forces' main flaw, in my opinion, is that it is a very simple, easy game and quite short. It's got bonus missions, but the most interesting stuff you get out of those is more clothes for your character. When the game first came out, I got so excited and had so much fun I finished it in a day, plus DLC, no problem. It seems to me the developers finally stopped biting off more than they could chew and focused on making a polished, compact game instead of a grandiose mess like so many other Sonic games turned out to be. But of course the triple-A game price tag remains. Whether or not a game you can finish in under 10 hours (not counting bonus missions) is worth that amount of money is up to you. I don't regret it in the slightest, but I'm also a massive Sonic nerd and Forces was exactly the kind of Sonic game I'd been missing for many, many years at the time of its release. Now that I think about it, you could probably find it secondhand somewhere for half the money ... Unfortunately, it's not exactly universally loved, so a lot of other fans will probably sell it to you for cheap, whoops
Overall, for an adult who is familiar with+loves the Sonic cast, and who's presumably here for the fun vibe more than a mindblowing Gaming Experience, Sonic Forces is absolutely at the top of my rec list. I think it is objectively the best modern Sonic game. There are a couple other Sonic games I personally enjoy more, but that's because I'm a masochist and I have an intense morbid fascination with the games that barely function and feel awful to play (Sonic 06 might just be my personal favorite).
If you do decide to get it, I hope you'll enjoy Forces! It's not for everyone, but at least one person in the world thinks it friggin rules (me).
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adolin-is-best-boy · 2 years
ranking four queer stranger things ships on how likely i think they are to become cannon!
Ships in question: ronance, byler, jargyle, steddie
from least likely to most likely
note: i’m more focusing on the thematic and meta stuff to determine whether it gonna happen or not
4. Jargyle
i mean, it’s cute, but there is very little evidence for this happening. the only reason i could see the writers doing it would be to give jonathan another love interest after a likely jancy breakup. I mean, neither of them seem the most straight to me, but not in a way that makes it seem that their relationship could be anything more than platonic. besides, if half of the ships on this list end up being canon, when you add it to the other canon ships, then adding jargyle would really make it a bit cramped in the romance department
3. Ronance
the chemistry is there! nancy and robin are looking at eachother in those posters, the same way all the other (basically) canon ships are. it might be a thing relating to getting the other person unvecna’d, but then it’s kinda weird that jopper is doing it. also, i feel like nancy being queer could also lead to some actual sibling bonding with you-know-who. good vibes here all around, plus it’s one of my favorite w/w ships ever!
however, there are some things that make me less sure it’ll happen. first of all, vickie. the only reasons i see robin and vickie not happening is A. vickie dies (lame), or B. vickie doesn’t like girls (unlikely). from the way it’s been building up it’s nigh impossible some sort of romantic confrontation (or something like that) between them won’t happen, and it would be kinda weird if it was built of that robin liked vickie only for her to end up with nancy, unless vickie dies, which would be not very cool (but i could see happening in vol 2).
second of all, i have a feeling nancy is gonna die, if not in vol2 then in season 5. but that’s an entire other post, so i won’t say much else. i’d really like this ship to happen, but i won’t be surprised if it doesn’t.
2. Steddie (bisexual steve)
steddie just makes sense for a lot of reasons! steve having an arc where he realizes he’s bisexual has been set up SO well, it works perfectly with his character, it would be a shame if it were wasted. eddie is heavily gay/queer coded, making it perfect for steve to realize things about himself. plus, it would be perfect for the kids to have someone they already look up to be queer, and make them more comfortable with themselves. im about 75% sure that steve is bisexual.
the only problem here is that eddie has some massive death flags in vol2. i really don’t want this to happen, but i can’t ignore the signs. but if he DOES survive vol2, then i believe it’s extremely likely we’ll get steddie in s5. if he doesn’t live, then it’s possible that steve could end up with jonathan, bc of the likely jancy breakup and the fact that it would be poor writing if stancy got back together. i think we’ll for sure see some queer steve stuff in s5.
1. Byler
it’s happening 100%. i have never been this confident in a queer ship (or any ship for that matter) before. i am so confident in byler happening that i am going to schedule a post on july 1st celebrating it. there is no doubt in my mind. too me it’s so obvious it’s happening that i feel like it’s redundant to explain to anybody who’s seen the show why. there are so many reasons (both external and internal) why byler is going to happen that im not even going to list them, just watch the show.
the question is not IF byler is happening, but WHEN byler is happening. In my opinion it would be better if they are established by the end of vol2, not only to haze out the homophobes early, but to give the relationship time to grow so we can see them as a fully fledged couple in s5 before it ends. there are other reasons, but those are the main ones. however i could also see the writers not having them get together yet, and only confirm that they both have feelings for eachother so they can get together early/mid s5 and we can watch them navigate a new relationship and what it means.
okay im done, let me know what y’all think
Edit: I fucking hate it here
Edit 2: never mind im gaining hope again
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having come clean about being single for a very long time now and considering herself completely out of the dating scene, Y/N’s confession is taken and responded to with a ton of kindness, especially from a special someone...
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was such a joy to write! I’m so sorry for the long wait you had to go through but the fic is finally here and I hope you enjoy reading it! Love, Vy ❤
I roll out of bed with little to no desire to start my day. We haven’t got a scheduled stream for today and the clouds glooming in the sky seem to be promising rain so really what do I have to get up for except that it’s a rule society installed?
Just kidding, I’m basically stalling and that’s all.
So what happened was the streamer gang and I were playing Among Us last night and our conversation during the pause between rounds somehow swerved into relationship territory. I stayed quiet the majority of if not all the time because I had no valid input to offer. 
If you know me you know I’m not one of the performers on the dating scene. I have never really confirmed it with my fans - well, until last night, that is - but I bet they have picked up on that fact considering I’ve been on YouTube for around a decade and have never had a partner. That being said, I’d have to also mention that I have in fact dated but someone but it was before my YouTube era started. Me choosing this career path, which back then was just a hobby, had nothing to do with the relationship ending but it still motivated me to not to actively look for a relationship while I’m still focused on my career. It’s too much work, too much stress and requires a lot of balance I most certainly either don’t have or I don’t have the energy to put in balancing my romantic and professional lives. Luckily, no one’s ever pressured me into finding a significant other, not yet at least, so no societal pressure for me!
But I gotta admit I felt real awkward admitting all this last night.
“Hey Y/N what do you think? You’ve been awfully quiet?“ Rae asks, causing me to jolt in my seat from where I’ve been reading my chat for the past five minutes, my mic muted.
I quickly unmute to reply, blushing ever so slightly, “Um, sorry I was reading my chat. What do I think about what?”
“The gesture of giving flowers to your significant other, is it romantic or a waste of money and plant murder?“ Rae explains, still managing to catch me off-guard with her question.
I ponder what my response should be for a little bit before deciding to level it to a neutral level where I almost sound indifferent, “It is in fact plant murder basically and artificial flowers would definitely be a better gift - plus they’ll last longer.”
“Mhmm yeah that’s true.“ Poki agrees with me, “But there’s still the question of whether it’s a romantic gesture or not. I personally don’t think it’s overrated or cheesy, I actually quite like it. What about you, Y/N?“
And now she’s got me in a real trap that I can’t wiggle out of without speaking my truth. I don’t know where this sudden anxiety around the subject came from but it now resides within me rent free and makes me feel self-conscious and embarrassed of the confession I’m inevitably make.
“Um, I wouldn’t know for certain, I’ve never received flowers myself...“ I say sheepishly, cringing at the sound of my own voice, “It’s not like I’ve dated plenty of people and the one guy I did date wasn’t really romantic or anything, I mean - we were teenagers, after all. But when I think about it in theory I think I’d like the gesture: it’s thoughtful, plus you get a temporary but beautiful piece of décor out of it.“
I’m gonna hope I didn’t sound too pitiful or desperate. Of course I’m not gonna check afterward on the stream cause I’d rather live in the illusion of having sounded humorous rather than be given the confirmation that I didn’t.
“Wait, wait, wait, did you date your last boyfriend like a decade ago?“ Corpse is now the one talking and that makes me feel even more anxious. This is not the impression one would want to give to their crush, is it? Oh well, no turning back now.
“Correct.“ I reply with a laugh that I hope didn’t sound as nervous as it was.
“And you’ve never, like in your whole life, received flowers from someone?“ He sounds astonished which sort of makes me want to shrink up in my shell like a turtle. Too bad I don’t have a shell though. I’m genuinely thinking of the option to rip the router out of the outlet right now to save me the troubles but I’m not that immature. I’m surprised I’m even reacting this way - this topic doesn’t usually bother me at all but now for some reason I’m red as a tomato and shrinking in my chair. 
I know what the obvious answer is but I’d rather die than admit to it.
“Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds bad but I really don’t care.“ I make an attempt at changing the subject, swerving it back to the main topic rather than my lack of a love life, “I do, in fact, find the gesture sweet - it adds vibrancy to the relationship just like the flowers would add vibrancy and color to the space they’re put in.“
“Oh my gosh, that’s such a cool analogy!“ Rae gushes, “You’re totally right, it might be an old trick, but it’s aged like fine wine.“
Phew, God bless you Rae.
“Exactly, exactly.“ Corpse agrees as well but I don’t think he’s fully heard what Rae said since he sounds to have fallen in deep thought.
At least I got away with it with only making a SLIGHT nervous wreck of myself.
Yikes, was that horrible, though I don’t people will remember it for long. Sure, my fans have sent me thousands of lovely messages and pictures of bouquets and will maybe continue sending them for another day or two - which I highly appreciate, don’t get me wrong. I’m severely touched by this gesture of theirs and it almost makes me glad I finally ‘came clean’ about my romance-less life - however, it’ll fade overtime. I mean, who the heck cares if I’m single or not?
As I pour the milk over my cheerios which I’ve been snacking on dry for the past half hour as I rifled through the many notifications clogging up my lock screen, I hear the doorbell ring. I’m understandably puzzled by this, seeing as how I never get visitors so that doorbell rings only when I’ve ordered something, be it takeout or a random item off Amazon. However, I can’t remember ordering anything, at least not anything that should be arriving at the moment or even anytime soon - that glow-in-the dark curtain isn’t supposed to arrive until next week.  I make my way to the door, unbothered by the fact I’m still in my pajamas, and take a look through the peephole.
It’s a delivery guy...and he happens to be holding a huge-ass bouquet.
“What the...“ I mutter to myself as I unlock and swing open the door in the blink of an eye, “Hi?“
“Hi there, are you Y/N L/N?“ The delivery guy, who I’ve seen many times before and who I’m on pretty friendly terms with, asks me jokingly, sending a wink my way.
“I sure am.“ I reply, my gaze fixated on the breathtaking flowers he’s holding, “But those can’t be for me, that’s for sure.“
He fishes looks at his clipboard one more time, nodding before he looks back at me, “I double and triple checked, Y/N, they’re for you. Here, have a look if you don’t believe me.” He turns the clipboard  for me to see and he is actually telling the truth. I mean, I doubt he’d have any reason to lie to me but mix-ups happen all the time.
“Um, ok thanks. Sorry for the halt, it’s just...I’d hate to be the recipient of the flowers meant for another girl.” I apologize as I take the bouquet for him, still in awe of the fact I’m the one it was made and meant for and sent to.
I say a quick ‘bye’ to the delivery guy before practically running inside to inspect this bouquet for a card from the sender. I have my guesses: it has to be someone who was present during the stream last night and someone who knows my address. Hopefully it’s someone from my friend group and not a fan who watched the stream and just happens to know my address. I’d still appreciate the gesture, but I’d also install security cameras if that was the case.
Something about the color scheme of the flowers - pink and black - gives me Rae vibes since she constantly teases me about my aesthetics contradicting each other. But then again, Poki does it too so it could be her as well....
                                                               ~ ~ ~
I’ve been sitting here, keeping myself a safe distance from my phone so I’m not the first one to send her a text. So I don’t ask if she got what I sent her. So I don’t ask what she thought of it, how the bouquet looks in her living room, how it smells, how it makes her feel. I have so many questions so that phone is best off at a major distance from me. I’m the one who’s better off with such a huge distance between me and the device, to be perfectly honest.
Was it a bad idea? Should I have slept on it - or just thought about it longer cause sleep and I don’t get along? Should I have at least waited a day or two? Should I-
My phone vibrates with a notification and I practically fly to it from across the room, grabbing it and unlocking it asap. My heart sinks and takes off like a rocket simultaneously when I see I’ve been tagged in Y/N’s Instagram story. I nervously tap the notification that sends me to the picture of the bouquet I sent her with some text written over it.
“Thank you, Romeo ;)“
Somehow that one sentence answers all those aforementioned questions.
Is this what people refer to as butterflies in one’s stomach? Cause it feels significantly more like a crush...oh wait.
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heloflor · 2 years
Giving off my thoughts after watching the first few episodes of Hamster and Gretel (this is gonna be a long one) :
- So far, it’s a very fun show ! I don’t find it as good as PnF or MML, and it definitely feels more “kiddy” than those shows when focusing on Gretel, but it’s still a lot of fun. The writing’s pretty good so far and the jokes especially work well. Being initially part of the sceptic crowd, I was very pleasantly surprised by those episodes.
- Regarding the characters, it’s great so far.
Kevin is probably my favorite character for now. I think my favorite thing about him is how they didn’t try to make him jealous or resentful over his sister having super powers. Like sure, he’s not happy about it at first, but he’s also extremely quick to plan out a system that makes him help Gretel while letting her do her job. I also adore how much he clearly loves his sister and is so quick to jump in to protect her. They really handled his character well on this front !
And aside from that, I’d say he really feels like an older teen from the way he acts, so that’s a plus too. Lastly, I’m glad him looking like a brown-haired Jeremy wearing the Slushy Dogs’ outfit actually isn’t distracting and you very quickly forget about the design similitudes due to Kevin having his own personality that’s incredibly distinct from Jeremy.
Gretel is a pretty sweet character who works perfectly as a child character. You can tell from the way she acts that she’s young, but at the same time she’s not annoying, which is often the trap with children characters acting like children. As for her ADHD, I’m not on the spectrum so I can’t really talk much about it but, from what I know, she seems to be pretty good rep. She struggles to stay attentive with things such as homework or long plans her brother comes up with, and would rather do things her way or in a way that’s fun. Plus she has an active imagination.
And I also really like how this plays into the whole “she needs to learn that she can’t punch all her problems away” situation. Speaking of which, I would say “I hope they won’t ‘cure’ her ADHD by making her more focused, and instead will make her and Kevin able to come up with plans that are both effective and easy/fun for her to do (kinda like how in “Wander Over Yo//nder” Peepers started explaining his plans using toys because it made it easier for Hater to stay attentive)” but given Dan’s ability to make every character he writes neurodivergent, including by mistake, on top of writing Gretel based on his own daughter, I’m not too worried about that.
One criticism I have tho is the voice acting. Am I the only one who really struggles to enjoy her voice ? Like, no offense to Melissa Povenmire but you can tell she’s not a voice actor. Heck, at first I thought my issue with her voice was that she doesn’t sound enough like a child, but thinking a bit more about it, the issue is actually that she doesn’t sound expressive enough, making some moments of excitement or anger sound off. Basically her voice sounding adult is a bit distracting but if the voice acting was more expressive, it would work without issue. But because she’s not expressive enough, her having a more adult voice feels aggravating.
But other than that, really good character and great protagonist !
Hamster is a very fun mostly-silent character. I especially like how at the beginning he was mostly there to “clean up the mess” in a sense, which really makes me wonder if at some point he’ll be incapacitated in a way that will force Gretel to be more careful in her plans. And even in later episodes, he’s mostly there “just in case” so to speak, letting Gretel do most of the work without just abandoning her. Also, him having a deeper voice really works with that “caretaker” vibe he has (again, him stepping up to save the others when needed).
Fred is fucking amazing. Second favorite character right here. She’s an absolute mood and I love her. She also reminds me of characters like Maud Pie from MLP who isn’t as emotionless as people who don’t know them think, they just express their emotions differently. On that note, I really like how her being “inexpressive” isn’t portrayed as a bad thing. Even in the cheerleader’s episode, it was more of a “in this specific situation you need to smile” kind of thing. Kevin and Gretel weren’t judging her for who she is (heck, just look at how their react in understanding when she explains why she quitted gym).
On little thing that bothers me about her character tho is the fact that she’s Kevin cousin, which felt unnecessary. For those wondering what the hell I’m going on about, it’s just that, in the scene introducing her, we meet Himori, aka Kevin’s love interest. And it’s also at that moment that Fred’s introduced as Kevin’s cousin.
Thing is, this is a Disney show, and given how romance-oriented Disney is, I can definitely see the execs have the belief of “a man and a woman can’t have known each other their whole lives without any romance going on between them”, and that’s why the two being cousins bothers me. I’m very likely overinterpreting here, but I can’t help but wonder if them being cousins was done in order to shut down any possible romance between them, as if them being childhood best friends but having other love interests wasn’t enough proof that nothing was going on there…
But yeah, aside from that, amazing support character and I love how they managed to include her into the crime-fighting without taking away from the main siblings !
Bailey is…kinda meh ? The issue is that this character literally has zero personality outside of admiring Gretel. It’s kinda sad honestly given how she’s meant to be Gretel’s best friend. 😕 This girl was done dirty so far and I hope they give her an actual personality at some point.
Hiromi is pretty nice. We haven’t seen that much of her so far aside from being a comic books nerd and not minding seeing Kevin be ridiculous, but she’s still a good character, and I’m sure we’ll get more of her in the future (and I wouldn’t be surprised that she’s sooner or later going to learn about Gretel’s secret).
Carolina and Dave (the parents) are very fun characters, and I really like the scenes they’re included in ! Little fun fact : I usually don’t care about who does the voice-acting in cartoons so didn’t look it up and at first I was convinced that Dave was voiced by Dan. I mean, the actor uses a raspy voice that sounds so much like Dan doing his Doof voice but with his normal tone of voice ! But apparently, Dave is actually voiced by Matt Jones (whoever that is, I don’t know shit about voice actors).
Speaking of which, between Gretel being voiced by Dan’s daughter and having ADHD like her, and the fact that Dave has a design that reminds me a bit of Dan’s own self-insert (aside from the hair color), plus the voice sounding a bit like him as well, I started wondering if Dan took some inspiration from his own family in this show. And looking it up, he apparently did ! According to Wikipedia, Kevin and Gretel are based on his relationship with his younger sister, plus Carolina being Venezuelan is apparently due to Dan’s own wife being Venezuelan.
So yeah, it seems the whole family is inspired by Dan’s home life, which could also explain why this show seemingly focuses more on the family as a whole compared to PnF and MML in which the parents didn’t interact with the kids all that much, at least in comparison 🤔 (I mean Linda Flynn-Fletcher talks to her kids everyday but it’s more about the whole “busted” gimmick and less about them being wholesome or domestic).
The Destructress and FistPuncher (yes I’m including at least those two since they’re introduced like they are important villains) are kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, I like the thought of some random people getting super powers and being told to use them for evil. I also like the idea of one of them being an influencer. But at the same time, I didn’t find them all that interesting as villains so far, and FistPuncher’s gimmick is pretty annoying after a while.
So yeah, for the most part, good cast of main/major characters !
- Probably a bit related to the humor but I love how down-to-earth the villains are so far. For example, you have Professor Exclamation having no issue stopping in his tracks to let the siblings talk, or Thunderpants being completely fine with casually explaining his story to a journalist. And all the other villains are like that ! Idk, it just amuses me a lot.
- It’s pretty impressive how this show is very obviously set in our time while at the same time not feeling cringy about it, at least in my opinion. Like, you get Fred saying “ok boomer”, you have a keyboard cat reference, Gretel and Kevin communicate through their phones and watching the news, The Destructress is an influencer, the characters in general talk and act like you’d expect teens nowadays to act etc. I really like how they manage to make so many modern references without them becoming a pain.
- The songs are very catchy, though I didn’t expect anything less from Povenmire. Also the theme song is a bop and probably my favorite of the three shows Dan made.
- While I’m part of the people who get a bit worried about Dwampyverse crossovers due to the whole “Doof in MML” situation turning out very meh, I still can’t help but wonder if at some point Gretel is going to fight against a LOVEMUFFIN scientist. It would be pretty funny if she did ! (Btw yes I’m aware of Doof being present in the poster)
Now, to conclude with even more rambling, here’s a mini-review of each episode :
- Episode 1 (“Empower Failure”) was pretty good although it has a huge pacing problem. Like, the first 2 minutes are about the kids meeting the aliens and getting the powers, then we jump immediately to “the whole town knows about Hamster and Gretel being heroes”, and the whole conflict of Kevin being worried for his sister is shown through a few lines he says without Gretel around and then the whole thing is resolved in less than a minute.
Honestly, in order to have better pacing in 10-minutes-long episodes, I feel like they should have either pushed this episode to be 20 minutes instead of 15 + a 5 mins ep, or they could’ve done like Ducktales17 did with their pilot and have it last two episodes/40 mins.
Now the good news is, so far, the other episodes don’t have such a pacing problem since everything is already set up by the pilot, so the other eps can focus on their condensed stories more easily.
- Episode 2 ("Oakey Dokey") was short but pretty good. I like how they’re really setting up how Gretel needs to understand that she can’t punch every problem away. Also, when they first started rebuilding the tree I was getting a bit upset, but the ending of the episode actually works very well with that, showing that Gretel still has a long way to go to learn how to use her powers.
- Episode 3 ("Recipe for Disaster") was very wholesome. The joke of Kevin doing stuff he finds embarrassing felt a bit repetitive but at least it wasn’t cringe-worthy, I’ll give them that. And it did give the setup for a wholesome moment with his mom. And the plot with Hamster and Gretel trying to find the food was pretty good as well. Sure the whole fight is a bit ridiculous, but by now it’s pretty clear that this show doesn’t take itself that seriously and is more about fun episodic stories.
Overall, just a wholesome time.
- Episode 4 ("Math Punch") was also a lot of fun. For some reason I really like the whole thing with the dad trying to give the best gift, especially how the episode ends in that regard. The fact that this episode is so focused on the family as a whole is also what started making me wonder if it was based on Dan’s own family.
And going back to the episode, the whole conflict with the villain was fun. It’s also kinda funny to have the citizens complain about social media stuff being lost, as a “people rely too much on their social accounts” joke, given how much time Dan spends on Tiktok. But yeah, fun villain. And I also like how the whole “a train is going from point a to point b…” stuff is used at the end. It’s yet again a good episode setting up how Gretel struggles to stay focused but can slowly learn ways to make it work.
- Episode 5 ("Superhero Sibling Rivalry") was very cute. I really like how it shows that Kevin and Gretel aren’t perfect siblings and, like in all families, get into dumb fights sometimes. And I especially love how, despite those fights, Kevin spends the whole day worried about his little sister and immediately jumps in when she’s in danger. It’s all incredibly sweet. Oh, and again I love how down-to-earth the villains are in the beginning montage. I also like the office joke with the manual, it’s a good example of a completely random repetitive joke that doesn’t overstate its welcome.
Also Fred was very much stoned in this episode and I love it.
- Episode 6 ("Close Shave") is the one that made me laugh the most so far, which is a bit surprising considering the plot. Like, there was this Powerpuff Girls episode that also has the “evil teacher is actually nice” plot and I remember finding it very cringe even as a kid, but here all of Gretel’s suspicions were funny. I think it might be due to the dialogue/writing being handled better.
As for Kevin’s plot, I like the teacher getting more and more tired of the interruptions. The shit Fred was saying when taking over the presentation were great too (and that “ok boomer” at the end tho ! 😆)
As for the villain, first of all the fake teacher guy had such a weird design compared to the rest ! Like, even Gretel doesn’t stand out as much ! This aside, the villain was fun. He was a bit more on the cartoony side with his intent but the idea still worked and the fight was pretty fun ! And the way he figured out who Gretel was is very funny (and kinda fitting given how many Dwampyverse characters are left-handed). Also, the “finally growing facial hair like a normal man !” is such a transmasc mood (except no one told this guy about HRT apparently).
- Not much to say about episode 7 ("Cheer Cheer Bang Bang"), it was a lot of fun with good jokes. Fred is an absolute mood and I love her, and the villain of the episode was a bit weak but worked for what they were going for. Also the ending is making me wonder if Fred’s going to get a girlfriend, but knowing Disney I won’t get my hopes up for now. That being said, looking at duos like Buford and Baljeet from PnF, it seems that Dan would be open to making a gay couple (I mean, you’ve seen the way Dan talks about Doof and Perry), so not all hope might be lost.
- Episode 8 ("La Ballad of La Cebolla") was pretty good. I like the idea of a villain that gets underestimated due to her powers (also the more it goes the more I’m starting to love the journalist character that gets roped in every time), although the ending was a bit anticlimactic. Well, aside from the reveal that the aliens are preparing something bigger, not just giving people powers for shit and giggles/to watch chaos ensue. Also, the villain music slapped.
- Not much to say about episode 9 ("Comic Shop CopyCat") either. Fun action, villain with an interesting gimmick (I especially like the whole “I’m not going to have the same weaknesses ! I’m not an idiot !”) although the implications of his weapon are pretty horrifying.
One thing I would say though is that the relationship between Kevin and Hiromi feels like it’s going a bit too quick, but at the same time I’m kind of fine with it.
Thing is, looking at the Dwampyverse, it’s obvious that Dan isn’t used to write romances in which the characters barely know each other. In his previous works, either the characters were an established couple (the parent characters) or they were longtime friends or at least knew each other for a while (Candace and Jeremy, Phineas and Isabella, Milo and Amanda, Sara and Neil, Melissa and Zack since their relationship came very late into the show, way after they became friends).
But here, while the two know each other’s names, Hiromi didn’t know Gretel apparently and Kevin is constantly afraid of giving off a bad impression of himself to her. And those facts combined really makes you wonder how long they’ve known each other and when and why Kevin likes her if they haven’t interacted enough for Hiromi to know he has a sister.
What I’m getting at here is that, before this episode, you had the impression that they’ve known each other for a while. But here, it feels like they actually barely know each other.
And at the same time, that’s why I’m fine with this relationship actually going fast. The beginning of this episode makes their relationship pretty confusing, but now that we’re past this “awkward” phase, it’s likely their relationship is going to start being portrayed the same way other Dwampyverse relationships are, which is something Dan is likely more comfortable in writing and as a result will work better.
- Episode 10 ("Neigh, It Ain't So!") has to be my least favorite episode so far. The whole “oblivious bestie” gimmick got very old very fast, not helped by Bailey having pretty much no personality. I did enjoy Kevin as per usual tho, with his interactions with Fred but also him getting worried not only for Gretel’s cover but also for Bailey’s safety.
Also the horses party looked absolutely ridiculous and I love it (and at the very beginning of the rap battle, one of the horses kinda has Sunny’s color scheme). The rap battle was an unwelcomed surprise tho…
Overall, a very fun show so far. And looking at the first few episodes, I find it interesting how the main arc seems to be “Gretel needs to learn to think more before she acts”, but it’s presented in a way that shows how this issue can be brought up in several different manners. Then there’s also a few episodes not really focusing on this conflict but that are still very welcome in order to give other characters the spotlight.
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Taking Care of Their Drunk S/O After a Girls’ Night Out
with Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou 
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genre : [ ☀︎ ]  fluff!! & a tiny bitta steam~
hc prompt : how would he take care of you if you come home wasted after a girls’ night out?
author’s note : this is my first time writing headcanons!! idk if this is good hc material but lemme know what you think! :) **gif not mine!!
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first of all, blasty is annoyed that you’re going out and ditching his elderly ass at home. it’s a wednesday night so who in their right mind would be going to the club?? sure it’s your close friend’s birthday but they couldn’t just push the celebration to the weekend like a normal person?
sure you have work tomorrow but you’re young enough and it’s your friend’s birthday, they just went through a breakup so you just wanna be there for them, physically and emotionally. and bakugou gets that, but he’s still gonna be crabby about it cuz he usually drags you into bed at like ten pm.
more importantly, he likes to have you tucked up in his arms, nose in your hair and tbh your ass on his crotch. it’s just so much easier to fall asleep knowing you’re safe and there with him, and even though he complains about it, the sound of your gentle snores really lull him into slumber.
therefore he has a hard time falling asleep just because you’re not with him, but then the fact that he’s in his large bed and you’re out and about, looking killer in that sexy clubbing number... he’s gnashing his teeth and twisting in the sheets no doubt. knowing you’re most likely very far from sober doesn't really help either. and just thinking of all the creeps that’re probably eyeing up every inch of skin, every curve hugged perfectly by that black sleek dress he usually loves but really despises right now… ugh, he just can’t sleep with his blood boiling like this.
so of course he’s still awake, very agitated may i add, when scratching noises at the door start at two thirty in the morning.
you’re pathetically attempting to open the front door, but the key to the apartment is almost identical to the lobby key and then… the elevator key is there too and oh my goshhh the mailbox key is so small it’s hilarious!! like it’s a baby or something and idk you’re just vibing, laughing at the mini object drunk off your ass.
and a disgruntled katsuki swings the door wide open while you’re giggling at your fucking keychain like an idiot.
caught like a deer in headlights, your expression actually makes his frown melt into an amused smirk, the corner of his lip twitching upwards. “hey dopey, what’s so funny?”
shaking off the embarrassment, you throw your arms into the air and close your eyes, a great big grin on your lips as you loudly cheer his name.
katsuki has a huge weak spot for you and you just look so genuinely happy to see him that he doesn’t bother to make fun of you further, he just slips an arm around your waist and gathers you inside.
he asks how your night was while he bends down to take off your shoes, instructing you to lean on the door for support because you’re all wobbly and clearly not capable of standing upright on your own. god, how did you even make it back by yourself in one piece?
once the shoes are off, he scoops you up like you weigh nothing. years of training have paid off, i mean, his biceps are probably the same circumference as your skull so… it makes sense that he’s able to carry you so easily but it still blows your mind every time he does it.
sets you on the edge of the bed, kissing your forehead when you ask if he’s always had such sparkly eyes. oh, how they shine in the moonlight. lmao you’re a cheesy drunk. he shakes it off with the classic bakugou tch but you know deep down he loves it.
he takes off your constrictive clothing so all you’re left in is your underwear, and yeah his eyes linger because you’re literally perfect to him. but it’s like three am now and he just wants to get you ready for bed, so he puts one of his ground zero shirts on you because he doesn’t trust himself to not escalate the situation with you sitting naked in front of him like that.
has you sit on the sink counter in the bathroom while he hands you your toothbrush, toothpaste already squeezed out and bristles wettened. as you very sloppily brush your teeth, complaining about how the mint flavor is “too spicy”, he’s busy getting out the makeup remover and wipes.
he watches you do your little routine every night so he’s well versed in what to do. he ties your hair back and you’re surprised, like, how does he know how to tie a girl’s hair?? you figure it’s from past experience so you let him know your thoughts.
he’s red from ear to ear with blush, and he adamantly explains that “it’s not that hard to do, smartass, i didn’t learn from that.”
is all pouty and grumbly as he swipes the cotton pad across your face but his touch is sweet and so careful, loving. you lean into him like a cat, and he gets even redder because fuck you’re really cute.
after you’re done brushing your teeth, katsuki hands you a glass of water and tells you to drink it, or else you’re not getting any cuddles tonight.
“slow down dopey— i didn’t mean all in one go!”
he puts on your skincare stuff too, and he even rubs it into your skin in the right direction and pressure.
you just kinda sit there and then suddenly you’re tearing up because your man is so considerate ?? and gentle?? and he’s just, ugh, perfect and all yours and you’re just really in your feelings all the sudden.
katsuki is shook when he stops focusing on rubbing the moisturizer into your neck to see tears gathering along your lower lashes.
“hey, what’s wrong, princess? did something happen? do you feel alright?”
you just pull him close and hold him tight. and katsuki is the smartest guy you know, he picks up all your social cues. so he softly wraps his strong arms around you, calloused fingers rubbing into your scalp.
“i just really love you,” you whimper, muffled his now damp shirt. “i’m sorry for keeping you up, i meant to just sneak in and slide into bed. you don’t have to do all this.”
he’s quiet for a moment before he squeezes you carefully, letting out a low sigh. “you worry too much, baby. you know i’d do anything for you...” he leans back and his thumb rolls over your wet cheek, eyes half lidded and a small, sincere smile on his lips, “and, i really love you too.”
kiri isn’t really the type to get super overprotective, and he does his fair share of partying so he is more than understanding when you tell him you’re going to the club with the girls.
he does pout a little when you tell him he can’t come, but he quickly accepts the fact because he understands it’s “girls’ night” and he probably wouldn’t want to be there for that anyway. although he does quip out a small comment about how sexy you look in your clubbing outfit, and how much sexier it’s gonna look on your bedroom floor later on.
safe to say you leave the house with a blush on your cheeks and a little heat between your legs.
you’re out with the 1A girls tonight— you’d all stayed pretty close after graduation and somehow you’d finally managed to get a night that all of you could attend. you can’t remember how many rounds of shots go by, and by the time the club is closing, your friends are all in various stages of drunkenness.
tsuyu and ochaco are playing some children’s hand game and singing along to it while they clap their hands together incessantly, jirou and hagakure are stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk as some kind of competition and yelling in indignation, and mina and momo have their arms around your shoulders as they debate what would be tastier right now: takoyaki or taiyaki.
honestly you keep tripping up on the words because they sound so similar, so the conversation just keeps going in circles until one of you finally decides to call a cab.
it’s about one in the morning— the group had left the club to get a snack before the easy mart across the street closed and you’d each gotten probably too many foods, your eyes bigger than your stomach.
kirishima laughs when you walk into the apartment, wobbling a bit with the (surprisingly full) plastic “thank you!” bag swinging around in the air.
“hey babe, whatcha got there? woah now—“
he reaches out and catches you before you tumble over, a red brow raised teasingly at your questionable balance.
“you alright baby?”
his voice is always deep, but it sounds even more intoxicatingly velvety in your drunken stupor, and all you do is give him the eyes with your tongue poking out between your lips.
he laughs at you again, nodding and whispering a “later, eager girl” in your ear as he sits you down on the couch, large hands fiddling with the straps on your ankles.
kiri frowns as the heel comes off, angry red marks marring the top of your foot, the back of your ankle faring even worse with a blister rubbed raw laying there.
you hiss when he touches it experimentally, a look of surprise on your face and frustration on his.
“y’know you’re really deadly in those heels babe, but if i’d known they’d hurt ‘ya i wouldn’t have let ‘ya wear ‘em out for so long…”
he disappears into the bathroom for a moment only to come back with the first aid kit. he gingerly holds your foot with one hand, the other dabbing some antibacterial cream onto the wound. he rips the wrapper with his pointy teeth, and you stifle a laugh at his red hero logo littered across the bandage.
he chuckles at your laughter, pressing a gentle kiss to your knee as he repeats the action on the other foot.
once he’s done and you’re all bandaged up, he sits next to you on the sofa, pulling your legs up across his lap.
he is not afraid to stay up late with you— actually, he prefers it because he just loves talking with you, especially when you’re all giggly and blushy because of the alcohol. plus he doesn’t want you to go to sleep still drunk (which he can tell you clearly still are), cuz he thinks you’ll have more of a hangover and it’s not that he doesn’t wanna take care of you tomorrow, it’s that he doesn’t want you to be in any pain if you can avoid it. he is a gentleman after all.
kiri inquires how your night out was, and you inform him of all the fun you’d had with the girls. he nods as he listens, big hands coming to rub your feet with the tiniest bit of strength— just enough to soothe your aching feet.
he tends to your every need;
fetching you an icy water bottle and encouraging you to drink from it frequently— “take another sip for me baby, I’ll add another minute to your massage if ‘ya do— haha that’s it, good girl!”
turning on the fan when you say you’re a little warm— “you’re hot? yeah i know. kidding. lemme get the fan for ‘ya.”
flicking on the TV and putting on your choice of entertainment. he doesn’t mind that it’s that show you love, even if it’s his third time watching this particular episode— “great choice babe, this one’s funny… hey, what’s that look for? of course it’s alright, i love this show!”  
it’s more of a background noise anyway as he talks with you, genuinely enjoying your company and just being there with you. he just wants to chat with you; share your smiles and hear your thoughts from the night, make silly jokes about the show and hear your laugh, lay his cheesy pickup lines on you even though you’ve been his for quite some time now.
and it’s so cute to him how you stumble on your words and amuse yourself when you’re drunk like this, and then when you remember you had bought snacks he swears his heart skips a beat at your squeal of excitement.
“this one’s for you!” you chime happily, hand outstretched and offering the box of pocky to him. his heart melts a little (okay maybe a lot) at your gift— he’d said he was craving chocolate last night and you had remembered, even in your intoxicated state.
gosh, he really loves you.
he’s about to voice the emotion when his thumb brushes over the perfect spot on the arch of your foot particularly hard, and a loud moan erupts from your lips, your brow furrowing and your lip pinching between your teeth.
you share a heated look before he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“thanks babe, but the pocky’ll have to wait,” he murmurs as he tosses the box aside, pushing the bag of snacks onto the floor. crawling over your legs with a sharp-toothed smirk on his lips, he growls lowly, a glint in his crimson eyes. “there’s something else i needa taste of now…”
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➥ masterlist — thanks for reading as always :)
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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lululawrence · 3 years
hello!! i was wondering if u had a werewolf tag for fics? i would search it but not sure how to use tumblr that well :)) if not do u have recs? LOVE U HAVE A NICE DAY<333
hi babes! i don't have one here... damn that's a fucking great idea. hahaha i'm HORRIBLY unorganized when it comes to tags for fics on tumblr. i mostly use ao3 for the organization of fics. so! that said, i defo DO have recs for you!
you didn't specify pairing, which makes me smile because i get to rec rare pairs in addition to larry and hope you read them hehe okay, here we go!
He Carries The Key by me (8k, NR, niall/louis) - this fic is the only one of mine i'll include, okay? promise haha but it is also one i wrote for wordplay just a week or two ago and it's werewolves and a pack fic and i just had a lot of fun. very soft. much fluff. many feels. i hope you enjoy. lol
There's Fur Everywhere by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (4k, G, Harry/Louis) - this is a 5 times fic, and it's HYSTERICAL. it feels slightly spoilery for me to even be including it on this list, but also... it's still fucking hilarious. emmu is queen of the crack fic that makes you feel all the soft and wonderful things, and she doesn't disappoint with this one.
I Hear Them Calling for You by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis) - this fic is... not for everyone. like at all. please please please read the tags and the summary and if you don't like it or it makes you uncomfortable, then close right out of it. as for ME i loved what she explored with it, all the emotions and the story and worldbuilding of it all. i thought it was fantastic and incredibly interesting. it is A/B/O, pack fic with claiming and... yeah. it's amazing.
Campus Creatures by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything and @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld (25k, E, Harry/Louis) - werewolves! vampires! fae! university! frat houses! science research positions being vied for! enemies to lovers! like... not sure what more you could ASK for, but there's also a fuck ton of humor and nudity and sexual tension and... it's just a lot of fun. can't go wrong, really. haha
From What I've Tasted of Desire by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (72k, T, Harry/Louis) - okay so i'm including this one even though like... harry and louis aren't werewolves. but it's a twilight au, so there ARE werewolves and i'm ASSUMING you know twilight and therefore know that means you know they're pretty involved and... that's true for this fic too. ahha for real, though, i love evi's writing and this fic was one of my first introductions to it and it was a fun read, so i wanted to include it in case it had enough of the werewolf flair to entice you haha
Compete Against the Stars by @daggerandrose / amomentoflove (31k, M, Harry/Louis) - omg okay so this one is like ANGSTY AF and i FUCKING LOVE IT because it's one of those fics that you HOPE you have figured out, and you probably do, but also there's SO many twists and turns to it all that you just have NO idea how it's all gonna work out and omg are they gonna just ruin it all for themselves by being stupid and ahhhhh the tension of just FIGURING OUT HOW THEY GET IT ALL TO WORK OUT!!! and of course it does. hahaha but HOW??? this is a RIDE and in my mind feels like a longer fic than 31k in the best of ways, they did an amazing job of packing a LOT of world building and storytelling into those 31k.
the straight for your heart (wolfpack au) series by foreverkneeld and foundfamilyvevo (96k, T/G, Multiple or No pairings including Niall/Louis, Zayn/Liam, OT5, and Shawn/Niall) - This series is the ultimate hurt/comfort and healing pack fic series omg. it was recommended to me when i was in a super hard time and my anxiety was so bad i couldn't focus on anything. These short fics that all focused so much on healing and found family were exactly what i needed. so so soft, so lovely. I still haven't read them all because i'm saving them for when i need them. they're glorious.
when the air ran out and we both started running wild by darlingjustdont (48k, M, Nick/Louis) - OMG OKAY LISTEN THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVS. a tomlinshaw werewolf pack fic?! ahhhhhhhhh i was SO happy when i discovered this one. louis is alpha of the pack and things are... shaky, shall we say. there's a lot going on that he's worried about and then he meets nick and it's kind of enemies to lovers? okay, more than kind of. but omg the FEELS. SO. MANY. FEELS. but also danger and a;lsdgkhas;ldfkja just please read this and rave with me because i don't have many i can talk about this one with and i LOVE IT.
You Smell Like by mystic_believexx (185k, M, Harry/Louis) - i had no idea this fic was so long hahahaha wow ANYWAY louis is human, but he's always been close with harry and therefore basically a part of his pack. but then one day harry leaves and louis kind of accidentally becomes the pack alpha. even though he's human. but there's SO much more to it. there's just sooooo much with the friendship and the pack bond as well as the danger and trying to figure out what the hell is going on... it's just a LOT and one of those epic fics that i still think about even though i read it...a year and a half ago i guess. but it's amazing and i highly recommend it if the word count doesn't scare you away haha
Canyon Moon by @eeveelou / delsicle (41k, E, Harry/Louis) - this is a lion king au, made a/b/o werewolves! i really enjoyed this one a lot, actually, because i could absolutely see the parallels, but also the way it was adapted made it so it wasn't always obvious how it would all play out. it was a really interesting and cool world building as well.
The Truth I Can't Explain (Smoke and Mirrors) by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (9k, M, Harry/Louis) - ohhhhh this one is SO cool cause it's by tabby so she made it incredibly fun and fascinating to try to figure out. there's magic and mages and werewolves and feuds and they're basically on the eve of battle and holy cow it's just SO cool.
One Touch Is Never Enough by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (4k, E, Harry/Louis) - once again lauren delivers and there's just so much i keep giggling about with this because it is SO fun. there's a lot that louis is dealing with in this fic hahaha and the way she writes it all is so funny. the poor man just wants a fucking massage! lololol it's lighthearted, humorous, and basically filled with fluff, crack, and smut. hahaha
Knot Safe For Work by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis) - a;sldkgha;lfdkjas listen i forgot about this fic until i found it in my bookmarks for werewolves because jenna writes so many fucking amazing fics that when i think of werewolves, i think of at least two others first, but i could NOT do this rec without this fic because now that i remember it exists i am going to have to go and read it again! hahaha harry's a werewolf, louis is a wizard, there's knotting dildos and table sex and... just read it. lolol
Saving's What I Need by @jaerie / jaerie (17k, M, Harry/Louis) - writer louis is out for a drive one day and he hits a dog. THIS POOR DOG! he takes it to the vet and tries his best to take care of it... but things are not as they seem. because yeah, harry is defo not a dog. lollllll this fic was hilarious and sweet and omg there's just so much to love about it. there were so many more emotions in it than i expected. loooove!
Out of the Wild by @jaerie / jaerie (22k, E, Harry/Louis) - this fic has such fun world building, which is actually a huge strength of jenna's fics and you'll hear me rave about it with all 50 of her fics that will end up on this rec list (not really 50, but ya know lol). louis is a fairly wild and undomesticated wolf and harry's from the city and they end up as roommates during the x factor process. oh my word this fic is so fun because of all the challenges they're going through PLUS the wolf side of things and just... the way they work together and navigate it all as well as falling for each other is pure gold.
Out With The Old, In With The New by, you guessed it, @jaerie / jaerie (7k, E, Harry/Louis) - listen, just. this one is smutty as hell and it's gonna take you some places that some people will be uncomfortable with, which is totally valid and fair. please be sure to read the tags and make your decision on whether or not to read accordingly, but also know that its written in a super interesting way that is also pretty amazing if you do decide to give it a shot. lol
Instincts by @marastarfar / StarFar ( 100k so far - it's a WIP!, T, Harry/Louis) - omg listen. i LOVE mara's fics so much and when this first posted it was a one shot little thing that was FASCINATING. i loved it! and then i was happily surprised when i learned more was added to it. and then it was turned into a wip and omg i am so far behind now but i trust mara with my life because i love everything i've read by them and what i've read of this so far is INCREDIBLE so just. yeah. lollll
There's a Power in What You Do by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (7k, T, Harry/Louis) - i just read my comment i left on this one and it was just mainly me begging for time stamps because there wasn't any way for her to improve upon the perfection of this fic (nesting! softness! even a silly comment in her endnotes to perfectly cap it all!), but i still wanted to remain in the story just a bit longer and learn more about them. hahaha anyway, those time stamps aren't happening, but this fic is still complete perfection.
amaryllis by @hattalove / hattalove (147k, E, Harry/Louis) - for a long time this was thought of as THE werewolf fic. if anyone was talking about a werewolf fic, it was probably this one. is that still the case? probably. i'm not sure. ANYWAY. there's a REASON it was THE werewolf fic and that's because this is amazing. it sucks you in and you feel like you're truly a part of the action. it's filled with the vibe of found family and wanting to figure out what happened while also adjusting to your new life and just... so many feelings. so much angst. SO fantastically epic.
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