#One of Stormpaw's sisters
kirisclangen · 9 months
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She/her, 7 moons, cis molly
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joshy-tomato · 26 days
I kinda made a warrior cats au centered around Furina because Warrior Cats is one of my hyper fixations and I like combining my hyperfixations together
it starts with Furina and Focalors being littermates and they're named Tidekit and Wavekit and they're just silly little kittens together for a bit
also another queen(female cats with kits for those who don't know about warrior cats terminology) has three kits but two of them are stillborn and the last one kind of freaks cats out due to her size and how she looks and it turns out that queen had kits with a bobcat and so her kits are half bobcat and the clan doesn't like that so she takes her one kit and leaves (this is a surprise tool that'll come up later)
back to Tidekit and Wavekit; Tidekit convinces Wavekit to sneak out of camp with her (kits aren't allowed to leave camp) and so they go on a little adventure. Tidekit is too caught up with all the new things around her that she doesn't notice the hawk swooping down to grab her. Wavekit does however. Wavekit pushes Tidekit out of the way, resulting in Wavekit getting taken away by the hawk and Tidekit with a notch taken out of her ear due to the hawk almost grabbing her. Tidekit then sits there, traumatized until a patrol finds her and brings her back to camp. Tidekit then grows up, becoming an apprentice and being named Tidepaw and eventually becoming a warrior and being named Tideflurry due to the fact she has white fur that continues to spread over her body, like flurries of snow causing things to turn white(yes, kitty Furina has vitiligo)
One day, Tideflurry is on her own outside of camp when a rogue she-cat attacks her. This she-cat looks quite familiar and she recognizes the she-cat as the half bobcat kit that was taken to leave with her mother. She learns the cats name as Arlecchino and the two bond and become friends, secretly meeting up with each other many times
Tideflurry ends up getting an apprentice named Stormpaw(who is Clorinde in this au) and while hunting Stormpaw catches a rabbit that was acting a bit strange and when taken back to camp and eaten by some cats they get sick and die, one of those cats being kitty Navia's dad and so the Clorivia drama happens, yippee!
eventually Stormpaw gets her warrior name and something happens which leads to Tideflurry becoming deputy(the second in command of the clan)! At first she's excited before she remembers her littermate, Wavekit and how Wavekit died saving her from the hawk. She wonders if she should really be here instead of Wavekit and so she confides in her rogue friend, Arlecchino about her insecurity.
Things happen and eventually Tideflurry and Arlecchino secretly become mates, against the warrior code which says a cat must be loyal to their clan.
More things happen and the current leader dies, which makes Tideflurry leader. She goes to receive her nine lives from Starclan(leaders have nine lives and Starclan is their ancestors) but during her leader ceremony she is given some devastating news. She was never meant to have this life. Wavekit was the one who was supposed to be standing here and that she was supposed to die from the hawk instead of her sister. Starclan refuses to give Tideflurry her nine lives and gives her a prophecy of a flood that would destroy her clan, a flood that Wavekit was supposed to save the clan from. Basically Starclan punishes Tideflurry for being there instead of her sister and this causes Tideflurry to lose all her faith in Starclan and she becomes stressed as she has to pretend she was approved by Starclan and was given her nine lives.
Tideflurry, now going by Tidestar as she pretends to be the true leader of her clan constantly seeks comfort in Arlecchino while she also desperately tries to find ways to prevent the prophecy she was given from coming true.
However, eventually the flood comes and Tidestar is devastated that she's failed her clan. That is until a she-cat rushes in to help. A fully grown Wavekit! It turns out that Wavekit was saved from the hawk, being nursed back to health by twolegs(humans) and being guided by a spirit cat to fulfill her destiny. Wavekit saves the clan from the flood and Tidestar is overjoyed at the fact her sister is alive. However, now the truth of Tidestar not being the true leader is out. Tidestar steps down, going back to being known as Tideflurry and leaves Wavekit to be the rightful leader, now becoming Wavestar. Tideflurry however says she no longer has any faith in Starclan after they punished her just for surviving and not being taken by the hawk as a kit and that she's going to leave the clan so she can fully be with her mate, Arlecchino and Wavestar let's her do this, promising that she will always be welcome in the clan should she need it.
So yeah, Furina's story x Warrior Cats with a side of Arlefuri. Yippee
~ Arlefuri Anon
I dont know much about Warrior cats, but this was an interesting read.
Also, that starclan is a fucking asshole wtf.
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
I’m gonna try and make my point again but on anon bc worried of harassment if Certain People don’t agree.
the christofascist themes in warriors I’ve only been able to notice because they align pretty well with patterns I’ve noticed in my own life. clan life (and starclan) HAS to be the only way for cats. it has to be accepted willingly, or forced upon the “lesser” groups (see, atheist or simply non christian) or they will be destroyed in some way. chased off their own land, killed, assimilated, etc. the clan cats are colonists just like eropean christians. see, squirrelflight’s hope. why does no one challenge the clan’s ideas that they are entitled to land, any land, that would benefit them? even if other cats live there? because they aren’t christia- I mean clan cats so they’re lesser and their lives are expendable. see again, squirrel flight’s hope.
I know the conflict of that book that everyone remembers (other than the abuse apologists and kids who don’t understand) is bramblestar abusing squirrelflight for 464 pages (and then getting her sister killed but he’s a man so it’s okay), but the glaring problem is the author’s bias on people different from them. there was absolutely no reason the only cat loudly protesting the slaughter of expecting mothers and children was the protagonist. and she was treated as though she were in the wrong, and punished over and over again in this book alone. remember they hate squirrelstar and her ideals. heinous, genuinely. and there wasn’t even a good resolution to that! moonlight died! the sisters had to leave! and then helped them in the next arc! what the fuck! anyway
one will note how christians are known to refer to non christians as “wicked” “evil” “dark” “lost” or other terms to make it pretty clear they think less of you for not sharing their faith. the clans the same. even through uncontrollable circumstances such as birth you are shamed in this society and downright humiliated on a good day, attempted murder on a bad one (stormpaw, featherpaw and stonefur)
and the victim mentality the clans have along with the paranoia that they are constantly at risk of being wiped out despite there being like 30 cats in their fucking colonies at all times. there is always a war on christianity. there is always a fight the clans have to win to survive. they always have to kill someone else, lately someone minding their business, to survive. they have to impose themselves on other cultures because they are the True way of life and they never have to be confronted with the idea that they are just as flawed if not more than their counterparts. and if they are, conveniently their opposition is killed off or written to submit later on proving them right. I will not include bloodclan and the kin in this because they were legitimate threats, even if in a way they were also caused by clan culture.
the most glaringly obvious example of why I believe warriors and christofascism overlap outside of the need to force themselves on everyone, is the inability to question anything without severe punishment. you cannot question god without threat of eternal damnation or being ostracized from peers and even attacked. you cannot question starclan without threat of eternal damnation and the same. even when there is no logical solution but to admit that they’re wrong and cruel and just as petty and dangerous as the dark forest, in the end the lesson is that you should listen to starclan, never doubt, never question, or you will be punished. and there is no hope for redemption even if you offer yourself to be used.
that is the issue I have. and it’s a very obvious one that I’m sure I’m not the only one who says something about it, but depending on where you live, I live in southern america, it’s not hard to see parallels. do I think it will ever escalate to the severity of reality? no. probably not ever. but the fact that I can see it is what worries me.
again not very well written, and I even got anxious towards the end so my apologies if it’s hard to follow or too sloppy! just wanted to share my thoughts even if people don’t agree.
This is really interesting, thanks for sharing!! I thought it was pretty illuminating, as I'm someone who's never heard of the term Christofascism. I don't know enough about Christian discourses or the subject at hand to commentate too much unfortunately, but I really appreciate your taking the time to write this out for me. If you're interested in expanding this further, I'd actually recommend looking into some texts on decolonization, as a lot of what you wrote hit on points similar to that (in my opinion of course).
I'm not really the best person to asks for texts like that so I'm gonna link you to communistkenobi's reading recommendations on the subject.
edit: missed it so thank you to cicadaclan for pointing this out but i'd argue against the separation of bloodclan and the kin in this. bloodclan are literally written to be godless outsiders who hate families. the kin are the continuation of the evil outsider intent on destroying the clans. the kin, whether or not they were a threat, still fall into the evil outsider trope.
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bonefall · 2 years
Better reasons that all the scarred cats are named like that
Casually making scars, injuries, and congenital abnormalities points of pride in the WC universe by changing the reasons they have those names
After breaking his jaw, Rainflower refused to feed him. Between the neglect and the injury, the clan did not expect him to heal, let alone make it to his warrior name ceremony. Stormpaw surviving his kithood and his apprenticeship was a sign of strength, resourcefulness, and blessing from StarClan. His warrior name, Crookedjaw, is a mark of pride.
Born Hopkit and later becoming an excellent hunter named Hoprunner, it wasn’t expected that he would ever be a good fighter. That would be perfectly respectable, but ambitious Hoprunner had his eyes on deputyship. In order to have that position, he needed to be an exceptional warrior in both hunting AND fighting.
So at first, he trained to ‘overcome‘ his twisted paw. It wasn’t working, until he realized, it didn’t HAVE to be a weakness to overcome. In a fateful battle with ShadowClan, he used his ‘good‘ paw to distract his opponent, reared up, and clobbered them with the dead foot like a club. Upon becoming deputy, he was renamed to Deadfoot in honor of the battle move he’d founded.
When a cat becomes an elder, it’s customary for them to name something they’ve “given“ to their clan in exchange for finally being allowed to rest. She’s given One-Eye, he’s given Half-a-Tail. This is optional, and goes in and out of popularity between generations.
Additional cats for fun:
Clawface = Was Duskfur, renamed for an injury sustained during a very bloody fight with WindClan, to raise Clan morale
Ratscar = Was Meltpelt (because it’s fun that he’s Melt and his sister is Snow). Survived being literally buried in angry rats at the carrionplace.
Shredtail = Was Thornstripe, lost his kits to a mother badger, lost his tail while getting revenge slaughtering the badger’s kits in turn.
Redscar = Was Redberry, a warrior turned medicine cat. For the life he’d lived before medicine, his proud mentor gave him a new name once he was fully trained.
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ghostwaffleheimer · 2 months
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Snowstripe's eyes swept across the gathering spot, snagging on the familiar black and white pelt of his colony's healer as he sat very cozily next to a stocky tom with thick grey fur. He squinted, trying to recall if he'd ever interacted with this cat, let alone what his name was.
Who but Robinswoop would hop by to sit next to him, chirping helpfully when he noticed Snowstripe's confused expression, "Oh, the grey tom is my brother's mate. Sootear."
"Hm?" Snowstripe blinked, getting Robinswoop's full attention now. Sootear... He sniffed thoughtfully, remembering how he'd been the first to pick up the scent of the cove near their borders. A sandy, salty scent, with something akin to seagulls mixed in. Then Mallowcloud had a large shell in his den and feathers in his nest, and he knew that Mallow, with his limp and preference for mice, was not one to be high-leaping for seafaring birds. "...Explains why his scent is familiar."
Being deputy and not much of a talker, Snowstripe had a reputation for being a stoic, closed-off character. Robinswoop, who had a way of making friends with ease, had known better. It was nice, actually, to just have someone to casually talk to. Robin had a tendency for making others comfortable around him, so happened upon all sorts of information by chance. Having family in charge must've made it easy, though his family was... eccentric, Snow had come to realize.
"Between my brother and your sister being... terrible parents..." It was a harsh way to put it, but he wasn't sure of another way. Smokestep was always a fool, and Honeysnap... well that wasn't his place to speak, but he'd noticed how Hallowpaw would stare after her, while Honeysnap blithely ignored her existence. Mallowcloud and Sootear were probably better parent figures to her. "And your brother being with a cove cat, that sounds--"
"Like quite a life, huh? Hahaha!" Robinswoop laughed, finding it funnier. He looked up at Snowstripe with sincerity. "But really, Snowy, I think you'd be a good dad. I see how Stormpaw looks up to you, and you're so gentle with him."
Snowstripe was taken aback. He knew about Stormpaw, that he idolized him from kithood, always talking about how he wanted to be deputy someday just like him. But he had never considered parenthood himself. Kits, huh? It didn't sound like a terrible idea. But there wasn't anybody... "...Thanks." After a moment of sitting with it, he figured he may as well be polite and return the conversation. "What about you?"
He thought he saw Robin's whiskers twitch as the small tom laughed again. "Me? No way! I'll stick with being the fun uncle!"
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so i noticed in the allegiances one of Leopardstar's siblings was saved. Will she be like Leopardstar?
Yes! Waterfern is Leopardstar's sister who I saved because Riverclan has a SHOCKINGLY shallow genetic pool. So many cats just appear and disappear, and though I will occasionally have characters with No Discernable Heritage, Riverclan has it ticked up to a degree that is painful.
Waterfern is a major character in Leopardstar's Strength, a shy trans molly who only starts finding her feet when she stops trying to emulate her sister. Leopardstar will tell you that she is weak, but as we know, Leopardstar is wrong, and though her Super Edition is guided by her arrogant thoughts, you physically see that Waterfern is happy. She is loved. She really likes being "outdoorsy" (as much as a Clan Cat can be) and has some friends, namely Reedtail and Lilystem.
She builds connections where Leopardstar burns them down.
She is extremely uncomfortable with Tigerclan, and is terrified of what will happen to everyone around her, opposing her sister. She is probably the only cat who got a genuine good thing out of Tigerclan. She meets Tangleburr, daughter of Lizardstripe who enjoys being posted in Riverclan's camp. The 2 hate what is going on and decide to help the imprisoned cats, freeing Mistyfoot, Perchcloud, Silverstream, Featherpaw and Stormpaw with an elaborate little trick.
Tangleburr stays in Riverclan after everything falls apart, and is Waterfern's mate! They have 2 litters of their own, the first being only child Mintwhisker (Mintfur RC), and the second, much later litter being Flykit, Blackwater, and Whistlekit. Flykit and Whistlekit were stillborn, but Blackwater makes it! Whereas Leopardstar fell in love with Sunfish, and never got over the love she had for her, despite Sunfish never being interested in her that way.
Waterfern is very much not like her bigger, meaner sister, and that makes her a very happy cat.
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sapphic-catz · 1 year
BTB!Crookedstar I’m changing a lot. He’s a trans guy now, transitioning at the barn when he runs away as well as having a different name that I’m trying to work out.
Since they are a battle cult names that represent a cats harsh injury they survived are a honor instead of something to feel bad about. So the name Crookedjaw would instead be a honor title in this world. Which means I gotta come up with a new name for him since Rainflower still renames him
Stormkit is Rainflower’s little baby and absolutely does everything to try and get her praise, sneaking out to bring her special flowers, catching pretty dragonflies, showing off his hunting by getting fish or even bird eggs from a nest near camp. While she’s a lot to handle she always praises her for it even telling her to go farther. She loves Oakkit as well ofc but is definitely biased towards her strong daughter
When Stormkit gets out shes specifically trying to get blooming hydrangea that’s at the river’s edge, Oakkit tries to stop her but tags along to try and keep his rambunctious sister safe. But as the kit snaps the flower off the branch Goosefeather pops out and scares the two kits, as they try to run away the scraggly oracle attempts to pull them back and Stormkit slips. She falls into the river, smacks her jaw on the river stone, and drifts down stream
She was supposed to die here. Drowning with her body surfacing right at the camp’s edge with that flower in her twisted jaw. But something saved her, pushing her up with a strange currant to get a breathe and drifting the water right to a Shellheart’s paws that were trying desperately to find his daughter
BTB has strong themes of fate that isn’t exact but has a vague outline. Starclan knew that one of the two kits were to be leader and seeing how Stormkit was they wanted Oakkit to be it instead. He would be far more controllable then Stormkit ever would’ve been so the kit magically being saved even thought they could feel her small spirit half in their realm was a shock.
It was a long rough recovery setting Stormkit behind multiple moons compared to the rest of the kits but even so Brambleberry was shocked by how well the kit did recover. She had no herbs and yet just as Stormkit started showing symptoms of sickness she would find the exact herb that she needed. The medic believed the kit had a much bigger fate from this
Rainflower meanwhile was a mess. Her beloved baby was now twisted and barely conscious for over a moon. She was both overbearing and distant, trying desperately to fix her kit but not providing the love that Stormkit needed. She was blaming every other cat around but inside entirely herself. When Storm actually started recovering and was adjusting to her new life Rainflower stepped back and tried to just forget it all. Forget her baby was now broken in her mind forget that she’d never get to see her the same forget she was even her daughter. She gave Stormkit her own nest because she couldn’t bare to look at the kit let alone let it lay next to her which caused fights between her and Shellheart along with Oakkit squirming away from her
When Stormkit at last was becoming a apprentice (at around 8 1/2 moons instead of the normal 6) she very publicly screamed that she could never be a normal apprentice for her broken jaw. While Hailstar hated seeing his sister like this he couldn’t just stop the ceremony so he made Stormkit into Stormpaw but right after agreed to change her name into what Rainflower wanted, which I also haven’t decided but it’s gotta be a harsh name like a detachment title from Rainflower’s family maybe Solepaw? Idk
The now changed Stormpaw fights with Rainflower where she says she should’ve never survived the accident and Storm runs away
She ends up at the farm and just calls herself Storm but after meeting Fleck and Mitzi finds more self acceptance as well as actually learning how to work with her jaw instead of working against it. This is also where he comes out as trans and starts transition fully! Yay!
After saving Mitzi’s kits he sees that same ghost again who says his fate resides back with the clans and that now which himself figured out he can fix their way of life while before he would’ve refused now he feels it, a pull to go back and not keep running
Storm goes back and is accepted back in by his dad and brother who both accept him as their son/brother, and Hailstar lets him back in as he felt guilty every since the cat disappeared believing it was because he foolishly forced that name onto his own nephew just to appease his sister. But he keeps the name in spite of his mother Rainflower who doesn’t accept him back anyways. As Solepaw (temp name) he quickly excels since he actually knows how to use his jaw in a way that works and is named Solestorm for both his old name as well as his attitude that’s as strong as the storm that once fell upon their camp
As a apprentice tho he was close with the older apprentice Willowpaw who’d come from Windclan and had been a apprentice almost as long as he had been to try and prove herself. When she finally becomes a warrior she is named Willowbreeze and the two get even closer. They’d already been kinda crushing on each other but now as warriors they announced their love quickly
The whole camp cheered for them except Rainflower who just straight up walked out of camp. Solestorm chases after her and finds her looking over hydrangeas, the same ones he once tried to get for her. A voice whispers to kill her but it’s not familiar, colder but sweet in his ear. But the echoey water noise of a wraith he’s known much longer tells him to follow his heart. Not a forceful counter but a clear message. Solestorm drops his head and sits beside his mother that same aching he felt as kit for her attention a faint Mew in his mind.
While she pleads for forgiveness he doesn’t accept her full apology but does let her in slightly. The damage she’s done is irreversible and he can’t ever trust her fully but he wants to know his mom
Eventually Solestorm or whatever I’ll make his name becomes deputy after his dad retires and Willowbreeze has their litter (by the help of Oakheart) but she does die along with the two other kits leaving just their lone daughter to his care. It hurts having them gone especially as his brother is still distant but he loves her anyway and names her something either after Shell or after Mapleshade-
Haven’t decided! But if you’ve read this far plz give ideas on not only his name but also what BTB!Silverstream’s could be
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readerofoddities · 3 months
More warriors OC art!!! I love rambling about my silly little guys!!!
Warning for some gore :D
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These two had a pretty okay relationship as mentor and apprentice. Heronsight (first cat) is pretty sullen and closed off due to some unfortunate circumstances in her past, such as her mom and godmother dying when she was an apprentice and her sisters dying before she did, but she did her best to be a good mentor. Opalpaw (second cat) really looks up to Heronsight and wants to be a great warrior like her. She also appreciates Heronsight's softer side, as Heron helped Opalpaw (now Opalblaze) through some tough emotions when her mom died.
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These two also got along really well! Ratclaw (first cat) has trained a lot of cats in his day and Oakpaw (second cat) was nothing he couldn't handle. Ratclaw has lost a lot of people in his life, from his wife to his children to his mom and aunt, but he doesn't let that get him down. He's lived a nice long life and he's come to terms with those deaths. Oakpaw really admires Ratclaw and they were really close while Oakpaw was training. Even after Oakpaw became Oakclaw, they were buds
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Anyways, he's dead now lol
Ratclaw died in the fire I mentioned in the last post because he got trapped in a fox trap and couldn't escape. The first thing he saw when he died was his wife, Silvershine (silver ghost w/ orange eyes), and his kids: Swankit (white & black), Batkit (brown & black) and Stormpaw (silver w/ scars). BTW, kits & apprentices who die young get to grow up in SpiritClan because I think it's horrible and morbid that they don't in the books. I only mention that because Swan, Bat & Storm look grown up here
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Back to semi-normal stuff.
Coalwing (first cat) has been mentioned before. She is Jadepaw’s aunt. Coalwing is aroace and has never wanted kits of her own. But, when her brother, Firestorm (second cat), and his mate, Onion (third cat), started discussing having kits, she offered to carry them so that they wouldn't have to both with finding a surrogate mom outside of the Clans. She had a stressful pregnancy, what with the fire and having to share a camp with victims of said fire, she is thrilled to get out of the damn nursery. She's only around because she needs to nurse the kits and because these are technically her niece and nephew since they're officially her brother's kits
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Now it's time to discuss some family drama. First of all, these are all the kids born around the same time. They're all cousins and we're born in the same moon.
There's Spotpaw (first) and Swanpaw (second) who are littermates. Then there's Wolfpaw (third), Peachpaw (fourth), Brightpaw (fifth) and Tornpaw (sixth)
Wolf, Peach, Bright and Torn are Halffur (who I mentioned in my last post) and Sapphireeyes's kits.
I'll also use this section to let you know about the kits's disabilities because their mom had a pretty complicated pregnancy and it affected them. Wolfpaw has bad eyesight (which actually runs in his family on his mom's side) and is practically blind. Peachpaw is polydactyl (she has an extra toe) but her extra toe sticks up to far to really be useful and it causes her a lot of pain in her paws that she doesn't complain about. Brightpaw has a tightness in her chest that makes it hard to breathe (she has kitty asthma) and talk, so as a result she has decided she is mute and uses a makeshift sign language that the rest of the Clan has come to learn by now. And finally is Tornpaw, whose disability is the most obvious. He was born with a crooked jaw that causes him to have a lisp and it makes it hard to chew and hunt.
Sapphireeyes has always told her kits not to think too much about their differences and to embrace them. Halffur on the other hand...
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Halffur noticed Tornkit's jaw when visiting his kits one day and became irate. "No kit of mine will look like this" "he's a freak and he needs to be put out of his misery" etc.
Halffur was going to drown Tornkit when he was attacked by Sapphireeyes's mom, his mother-in-law, Mirrorpool. Mirrorpool and Sapphireeyes teamed up to beat the hell out of Halffur and he was later killed while the battle was in full swing (Fallenbranch dealt the final blow, btw)
Tornkit was luckily unharmed, but hearing about the event as he grew up made him nervous about his jaw.
Peachpaw always jokes that she was next if Halffur had succeeded in his endeavor. No one really likes this joke but her
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The kits are honestly just living life now and they like to make light of their situation sometimes.
Wolfpaw especially likes to say that one day he'll go fully blind and he'll be able to use his hearing to catch all the prey in the forest.
Most of the time, at Gatherings (which are called Meetings in my story), the siblings try not to draw attention to themselves and don't really talk about their dad. They don't even acknowledge him as their father, even, just the guy who happened to be half of their DNA (or cat-slang equivalent, ig)
What a nice note to end on. More art to come later!
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Dark Forest Residences: Blackstar & Rimewhisker
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Aliases / Nicknames: Blackfeather, Cub
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Family: Veronica (mother), Scorchclaw (father), Rabbitfall, Stormpaw, Fidgetlilac, Kitespots, Claydapple (sisters), Caveshade, Amberflow, Treepoppy (brothers), Rimewhisker (mate [complicated]), several unnamed kits
Other Relations: Jubiechase (mentor), Ploverchase, Alderprance, Pythonstripe, Tawnythud, Bushmuzzle (apprentices)
Clan: WhistleClan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: wise, deep Dark Forest bond, carries a teddy bear given by his mother
Murder Motive: BR Legacy
Number of Victims: 9
Number of Murders: 9
Murder Method: varies
Known Victims: Kitespot, Trouble Nuggets, Nettlesummit, Stonespot, Darkpurr, Hazelfur, Rapidstar, Oddram, Rimewhisker
Victim Profile: murderers, abusers
Cause of Death: suicide via deathberry poisoning
Cautionary Tale: ??
"Killer. My own mate, is a killer."
"Blackstar, I swear, I can explain!"
"Rimewhisker. In the name of Scorchclaw, and the cats who have given their afterlives before him, I end your life."
".....Blackstar? What did you do?"
"Shrikeslash, lead my Clan well."
"....I do not know what lead you to do this. I wish you peace, wherever you may go."
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Aliases / Nicknames: ??
Gender: male
Sexuality: undecided
Family: Bliss (mother), Ghostpelt (adoptive father), Rapidstar (adoptive parent), Blackstar (mate [complicated]), several unnamed kits
Other Relations: Coyotemark (mentor), Kitespots, Firestream, Greenpaw (apprentices)
Clan: WhistleClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: fierce, great speaker
Murder Motive: impulse
Number of Victims: 1
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: drowning
Known Victims: Cedarecho
Victim Profile: those who got on his nerves
Cause of Death: brute force bludgeoning, killed by Blackstar
Cautionary Tale: ??
Story: unwritten
Additional Information:
--Submission by @frightnightindustries
--Rimewhisker regrets it. He's really pissed at Blackstar for killing him, though.
--Caveshade is also a BR Legacy cat, along with his mate, Merengue! Scorchclaw is the BR mentor and dad.
--Frightnight: "At one point, Kitespots murdered someone, but then I murdered the wrong Kitespots, when I realized my mistake I exiled the other Kitespots."
--Treepoppy killed someone, then Merengue killed someone, then Caveshade was like "heart eyes".
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xstarvibezx · 1 year
Stormpaws backstory...and information
Well, she was a rogue once and grew up with her sister who's named Ivy. The two lived with their father who was a former Mommyclan cat but left to be with Katrina(Stormpaws mother). One day she just kind of entered the Mommyclan camp and never really left, she just kind of ended up staying.
Ivy stayed as a rogue and is uncomfortable with the thought of Clan life. She is also deeply betrayed and hurt by the fact that Stormpaw/Storm preferred clan life instead of being a outsider. Which Ivy resented Stormpaw.
However, Stormpaw doesn't care. (She rarely does about anything really). Her father, Figdetminnow, used to tell her and Ivy stories about Mommyclan. Stormpaw does have low self-esteem but due to her careless and laid-back personality, its hard to tell that she has low self-esteem.
She is very lazy and often can be found asleep or just kind of bread loafing, completely spaced out. She is observant though but is often not really helpful. It's easy to find silent comfort from her, but she is kind of bad at comforting so she usually offers as silence as a way of comfort.
Stormpaw rarely socializes but when she does, she's usually the listener and will occasionally nod or just reply with simple answers like "No" "Mhm" "Sure" "I guess" "Hi" etc!
Tl;dr: Stormpaw used to be a rogue and is now a Mommyclan apprentice that is just vibing and has low self-esteem.
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wildfire-rewrite · 11 months
instead of actually finishing the work i have to do, I have been working on Cloudberry, Goosefeather, Featherwhisker, and their many Sentry issues.
big wall of text under the cut!
Cloudberry is Goosefeather's mentor, and is actually only there on full moon days. She was the Cold Creekbay Sect's Sentry. This means that Goosefeather doesn't have a stable mentor or parental figure after his parents' deaths. When Cloudberry dies, Goosefeather is indifferent. He's more upset at the ghost of his predecessor, Oatspeckle, who didn't bother to look for a Sentry's apprentice until he was already dead. Cloudberry is succeeded by Brambleberry in Cold Creekbay, who is very old by the time that Feathertail ends up training under her.
Goosefeather is such an interesting character. He has a single sister who dies during childbirth, and who claims to see spirits and of whom talk to him often. He and his sister, Lilybloom, are isolated together. He first trains as a Basekeeper's apprentice. However, when Lilypaw starts pursuing the older apprentice named Stormpaw, he gets a vision. Heavy rainfall and blood stained grasses. A stone silhouetted in the distance with a wilting lily at it's base. Gooseclaw knew this was horrible for everyone involved, and with the sect down a Sentry, Gooseclaw told someone. Sun Pineheart understood and made a treaty with Cold Creekbay for their sentry's training, in return for Sunningrocks during the wintertime. They agreed, and training began. That's also when the teasing and anger began. The circumstances to the vision itself were hidden from the clan, but the metaphor was not lost to them. A storm and a wilting lily? Their apprentices are hurting each other, so the sect 'separates' them. They sleep in separate dens and aren't given time alone with each other. Stormclaw reacts with bullying and assault, actually attacking Gooseclaw at one point. Lilyclaw expresses her anger with her brother and cuts him off almost entirely. It completely isolates Gooseclaw. When he is named Goosefeather after his late father, Rookfeather, that's his breaking point. After this, he claims he can see ghosts and actively talks to them. Often. During a meeting with the other Sentries, he will talk to spirits in front of them. In the base, in front of others, anywhere. They are with him.
This is one of the reasons I will never imply anything would be from Goosefeather's perspective. Does he actually see spirits, or not? Thus, we head to Featherwhisker. Goosefeather's "little cousin" as he called him.
Featherwhisker was found dying on the edge of the territory, and Goosefeather brought him back to the clan. He claimed it was a divine choice that this kitten be allowed into the sect.
As he aged, Goosefeather basically raised them, but refused to be called the kitten's parent. Due to that, the sects cannot actually call this adoption, and this is also how Goosefeather ends up calling Featherwhisker "little cousin" and such nicknames. Featherwhisker thought it meant that they were on the same level of importance, and that included the family generation and mutual respect. Goosefeather meant it in a sillier way that he refused to comment on. Conversations often went like this --
Branchgaze: So.. why do you call Featherwhisker 'little cousin'
Goosefeather: I'm just that silly. No extra comment.
Branchgaze: what??? Please elaborate?
Goosefeather: Nope!
(btw, Goosefeather and Branchgaze totally have homoerotic tension but since Goosefeather can't get cat married, they don't becomes mates)
Featherwhisker actually trained fully to be an herbalist before he was given to Goosefeather as a Sentry. Goosefeather was in denial about the whole situation, and was actually dealing with a barrage of visions about the Breezemoor-Nightfall conflict happening. He hated that his little cousin was going to end up like him, isolated.
Being a religious figure is hard work, especially when nobody treats you as a real organism. You are just a figure for them, and nothing more. Isolation is apart of the job, and when death calls, at least a Sentry knows what to expect. After Goosefeather died, Featherwhisker realized that he was right, in many ways.
So, they ended up realizing many things about themselves. They were a catte at birth, but once they realized that being a kattu was an option, they took it.
They also ended up pregnant and gave birth to Speckletail and adopted Whitetail when she was found. As of right The Forest Calls, they are a great-great-grandfather and are very old.
They do know who the next Sentry will be, and as they gaze longingly at the nursery during their last week, they hope for the future, and beg the stars that she'll do the right thing.
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Appearance : blue-gray tabby molly with ice-blue eyes, a torn right ear, and a scar across her shoulders
The tear in Bluestar's ear was given to her by Stormstar while they were both still apprentices. RiverClan and ThunderClan had gotten into a border skirmish over Sunningrocks, and while ThunderClan ultimately won, Stormstar—then Stormpaw—managed to give her the injury before RiverClan retreated.
The scar on her shoulders is also from battle, this one with a badger that had moved onto ThunderClan territory during her Deputyship. Bluestar was badly hurt by the badger in the process of driving it off and had to spend almost two moons in the Healer's den to recover; much to her relief, Sunstar allowed Thrushpelt to stand in as Deputy instead of Thistleclaw.
Highest Rank Achieved : Leader
Other Notable Ranks : Deputy, Queen, Mentor
Other Names : Bluekit, Bluepaw, Blueflame
Mentors : Stonepelt, Sunstar
Bluestar was originally mentored by Stonepelt, who would later become her first Deputy. However, after ThunderClan raided WindClan, Stonepelt was severely injured and needed the time to recover, so Sunstar—then Sunfall—took over as her mentor.
Apprentices : Brindleface, Badgerpaw
As a warrior, Bluestar mentored Brindleface. Not long after she became leader, she mentored Badgerpaw, who didn't survive long enough to gain his warrior name. Badgerpaw's death hurt Bluestar deeply and made her swear to never take on another apprentice.
Father : Stormtail
Mother : Silverflower
Littermates : Snowblossom
Nephew : Whitestorm
Aunts : Petalpaw, Jaykit
Uncles : Goosefeather
Mates : Oakheart (RiverClan), Thrushpelt
Kits : Ripplestrike (RiverClan), Brookheart (RiverClan), Cloverpatch (RiverClan), Sprucewhisker, Aspenleaf
Ripplestrike, Brookheart, and Cloverpatch—born Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit—were Bluestar's first litter by Oakheart, a RiverClan warrior. When ThunderClan was hit by a famine during a particularly harsh winter, Bluestar gave her kits to Oakheart to raise in RiverClan so they had a better chance of surviving. They were renamed Ripplekit, Brookkit, and Cloverkit by their foster mother, Graypool.
Other Facts and Information :
As of the beginning of Into the Wild, Bluestar is one of the older cats in ThunderClan and pretty wizened after her many moons as Leader. She's mostly calm and collected, but will still occasionally experience the debilitating anxiety that plagued her during her warriorhood. She is also naturally trusting, preferring to rely on her Clanmates, which gets her into trouble later in her life.
Bluestar takes after her mother in personality and her father in coloring. She grew to resent her father more and more as time went on, and because of that she always wished she looked more like her mother and sister.
Ever since Goosefeather, the Clan seer and her maternal uncle, gave her a prophecy as an apprentice about being "quenched," Bluestar has been terrified of water.
Bluestar lost her nine lives to many causes over the seasons, mostly sickness and battle wounds. However, one notable life was lost after a difficult labor with Sprucewhisker and Aspenleaf, and she loses her final life to drowning—one of many possible interpretations of Goosefeather's prophecy.
Last Living Appearance : A Dangerous Path (The Prophecies Begin)
Bluestar lost her last life to drowning after tackling the leader of the dog pack into the gorge. While she was rescued by Ripplestrike and Brookheart, there was too much water in her lungs after the fact for her to survive.
Afterlife : StarClan
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blooming-fire-au · 2 years
Content warning: non-graphic references to rape/CSA (not to character)
Names: Frostkit, Frostpaw, Frostfur
Canon Counterpart: Frostfur
Gender and Pronouns: Cis molly, she/her
Orientation: Grey-aromantic salietian (wlw/wlm), theoretically prefers women
Clan(s): ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior, queen [REDACTED]
Former Rank(s): Kit, apprentice
Description: A beautiful pure-white molly with dark sapphire-blue eyes. Her fur is long, silky, and well-groomed. Until [REDACTED], she had a small nick in her left ear. After [REDACTED], both of her ears are torn--practically shredded--and she has heavy scarring on her back and hind legs, which usually make moving painful.
Frostkit and her sister Brindlekit were born to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt--though based on appearances some cats suspected a different sire. Indeed, the sisters would later find out they were sired by a loner, and their father knew and approved because he couldn't have kits himself. Frostkit was very close to her sister and her eventual foster brother Whitekit, and was quick to befriend the other kits in the nursery. She formed a particularly close bond with Swiftbreeze's daughters, Spottedkit and Willowkit. Frostpaw was apprenticed to Bluefur, and while she became a fine hunter and fighter under her mentor, where Frostpaw particularly excelled at was guarding and defending others. With unusually sharp hearing for a blue-eyed white cat, she was always quick to alert others to danger.
When it was discovered Spottedpaw and Willowpaw were both expecting Thistleclaw's kits against their wills, she stood by her friends, even refusing her own warrior ceremony until Willowpaw could earn her name as well. Had she been older, she likely would have guarded Thistleclaw until his execution. Once he was gone, Frostpaw devoted as much time as she could to her friends in the nursery, though it was crowded with three queens and ten kits in there.
Frostfur was named a warrior alongside her sister Brindleface, friend Willowpelt, and Willowpelt's brother Redtail. Soon after, White-eye's kits were apprenticed and she moved out of the nursery. Frostfur doubled down on her support for Spottedpaw and Willowpelt, even moving into the nursery to keep them company and watch over their kits. Spottedpaw's oldest kit, Dawnkit, formed a strong bond with her, even expressing he wanted her to be his mentor. Frostfur couldn't guarantee him that, but she promised she would still be there for him.
Moons passed. Brindleface and Redtail got together and adopted Speckletail's last kit, Sandkit, as their own. Between that and caring for her friends' kits, Frostfur realized she really wanted kits of her own. However, her romantic interests felt limited. Spottedpaw, now Spottedleaf, had no desire for relationships, and Willowpelt was still recovering from her trauma. Whitestorm was more interested in Willowpelt, and Tigerclaw didn't interest her at all. In fact, most cats didn't interest her at all, around her age or not. Then, she became close to Lionheart, after Dawnpaw's original mentor died and she requested to finish mentoring him. Lionheart was mentoring Dawnpaw's sister, Stormpaw, and so they worked together often. He was charming and kind, but firm with apprentices and determined to make them succeed. There was a reason he was close with the newly-named Bluestar, after all.
Lionheart and Frostfur's closeness extended beyond mentoring, as when their apprentices became Dawnfoot and Stormclaw, they still made an effort to spend time together. Frostfur was eventually the one to suggest becoming mates, and to her overwhelming joy, Lionheart said yes. Soon, Frostfur moved into the nursery and had a litter of four kits with him. She loved her kits the moment she laid eyes on them. Cinderkit looked like a darker, non-tabby Brindleface with Frostfur's eyes and Lionheart's fluff. Brackenkit--initially called a molly at birth, but recognized as a tom--looked just like Lionheart, though not as fluffy and more slender like Frostfur, and his kit-blue eyes turned amber rather than green. Brightkit bore striking resemblance to Frostfur, though with ginger patches on her white pelt, and her eyes lighter and a bit green-tinted. Thornkit was the smallest, though he was stocky, with Lionheart's fluffy golden tabby fur and much paler versions of Frostfur's blue eyes. They were perfect.
Alas, life could not stay perfect. Lionheart was killed before their kits left the nursery, and the litter was kidnapped by ShadowClan not long after. Spottedleaf tried to stop them from being taken, but lost her life doing so. Frostfur didn't have time to grieve for her friend, though, as she was worried sick about her kits. She had seen how young the ShadowClan apprentices looked, and feared that would be her kits' fates. Yellowfang had been scented at the scene, and Frostfur could only hope she wasn't involved. It was thanks to the work of Flickerpaw, Greypaw, Ravenpaw, Fireheart, and Honeyflower that Yellowfang's name was cleared and the kits were brought back to ThunderClan safely.
Frostfur thought it might be a little better once her kits were apprenticed: Cinderpaw to Fireheart, Brackenpaw to the recently-named Flickerflower, Brightpaw to Sandstorm, and Thornpaw to Mousefur. Unfortunately, she was wrong. Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw decide to disobey orders and meet Tigerclaw by the Thunderpath in Bluestar's place, as she was sick with greencough. A monster struck Cinderpaw, breaking one of her hind legs. Though Yellowfang and Laceflight believed they could save Cinderpaw, her leg was beyond repair, and she would not be named a warrior with her siblings as a result. Brackenpaw wouldn't stop apologizing, saying he was trying to stop her and call her off the Thunderpath, but it had been too late. Frostfur stayed with both of them, bringing Brightpaw and Thornpaw with them when she could. She was never upset at them for what happened.
Things settled down some after that--yes, Brokenstar and his rogue followers attacked, but they were stopped and Brokentail was blinded and taken prisoner. Cinderpaw was recovering, slowly learning how to hunt and fight again. Fireheart was a good mentor, patient and willing to work out alternatives for Cinderpaw that didn't cause as many issues with her leg. Frostfur was happy to see her daughter beginning to thrive again. And then... Tigerclaw attacked ThunderClan with Brokentail's rogues and attempted to kill Bluestar. Frostfur herself had been on patrol at the time, and rushed back as soon as she heard the camp was being invaded. Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw were both there, and though Cinderpaw had made progress, she wasn't going to be very good at fighting for a while yet. She had to protect her kits. Brightpaw and Thornpaw were with their mentors, and she trusted them to keep them safe. Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw were with their mentors as well, yes, but they were also in the middle of a battle.
Frostfur arrived in time to help her kits drive away a rogue, impressed with how well Cinderpaw was doing with her brother helping her. They worked as an incredible team. It didn't surprise Frostfur too much that, after Tigerclaw was exiled, they were named warriors early, becoming Cinderpelt and Brackenfur. Brightpaw and Thornpaw were jealous, but Frostfur couldn't be more proud of all of her kits. The other two would get their names in time, she was sure of it... until Bluestar stripped Redtail of his deputy position and named Flickerflower her new deputy. Frostfur could see her former mentor's paranoia developing, how she was spiraling quickly.
Bluestar's paranoia meant Brightpaw and Thornpaw stayed apprenticed for far longer than they should have, and both were incredibly frustrated about it. At one point, Thornpaw snaps at his siblings, almost clawing Brackenfur. By then, Frostfur realized two of her kits were named warriors not because they were ready, but because their mentors were among the only cats Bluestar trusted now. Most of the Clan treated Brightpaw and Thornpaw as warriors in all but name, and there was a movement to make them warriors officially--one that new deputy Flickerflower agreed with. After much debate, plus a fire ravaging ThunderClan's territory, Bluestar reluctantly agrees to name them warriors, and they become Brightheart and Thornclaw.
Mentor(s): Bluestar
Apprentice(s): Dawnfoot
Parents: Fuzzypelt (father/deceased), Robinwing (mother/deceased), unknown loner (sire/status unknown)
Sibling(s): Chestnutkit (brother/deceased), Cherrypaw (sister/deceased), Brindleface (sister), Whitestorm (foster brother), Dustpelt (adopted brother), Ravenheart (adopted brother)
Mate(s): Spottedleaf (ex-crush/deceased), Willowpelt (ex-crush), Lionheart (deceased)
Kit(s): Cinderpelt (daughter), Brackenfur (son), Brightheart (daughter), Thornclaw (son)
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
I can only imagine the traumatic aftermath.
Some cats definitely died or critically injured for rebelling.
Frostfur, her daughters and sister were either killed or injured thanks to him.
Cloudtail is a target obviously. Maybe Cinderpelt too.
Mistyfoot, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw be right back on the chopping block.
Tallstar was absolutely killed and maybe Deadfoot was incapacitated.
I can only imagine Firestar’s injuries from Tigerstar. Like he’s definitely half-blinded, a broken leg, scars everywhere on his pelt. Sandstorm and Graystripe definitely covered in their own but doing their best to support him.
TNP is definitely looking interesting as well as Po3.
I’ve taken to calling this the fallen stars au.
I love these :eyes: I think Cloudtail might just be straight up chased out after almost being killed by Tigerstar and his gang. He and Brightheart could be the ones who meet up with Firestar, Sandstorm, and Graystripe in the city to tell them what Tigerstar's planning on doing to the half-Clan cats.
Tallstar being killed would add a ton of drama, especially if Deadfoot was the last one to hear his dying wishes and swiftly was incapacitated and unable to deliver them. I could see that being that drawn into TNP for sure.
I love the idea of Firestar being physically mangled after the event. Once Tigerstar lowered his guard enough, he just wailed on him. StarClan could barely get him awake before Tigerstar tried to go for another life. I can totally see him in the care of Princess just hopeless, depressed, and wondering what the point even is. His Clanmates didn't help him, they've never sided with him until they have to. To them, he's always just been a kittypet....and of course, eventually, after meeting with BloodClan, he realizes that...so what? There's nothing separating a warrior from a house cat, Tigerstar's ideas of blood purity and honor only being for wild cats are all nonsense! What matters is doing what's right, code or no code.
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blorboclaw · 2 years
What if Mosskit had lived?
copy pasting part of another AU then expanding it so if it's familiar it's normal.
So Oakheart brings three kits to Graypool and we're considering as the only valid option that she has enough milk for all three and Mosskit still survives until adulthood. Let's call her Mosslight.
There are three BlueOak siblings. So for narrative parallels purposes, the Erins give Silverstream three kits who will be apprenticed to Mistyfoot (Featherpaw), Stonefur (Stormpaw) and Mosslight (Willowpaw).
Feathertail and Stormfur are not each other's whole kin since they've got another sibling (let's say Willow is female and warrior name is Willowbark). Stormfur doesn't go with Feathertail in Midnight. There's no Chosen One to get back to Riverclan after Feathertail's death. Willowbark and Stormfur are now each other's whole kin, which means Stormfur will not stay with the tribe. He was ready to leave everything behind for Feathertail when she was all he had left: he's going to do it for Willowbark.
Alternatively Willowbark goes with her littermates and we now have a majority of Riverclan cats in the Chosen Group. Let's go as far as imagining that Willowbark develops feelings for Brambleclaw and he reciprocates them, angering Squirrelpaw who decides to welcome Stormfur's advances.
It's a mess. The Chosen Group has more drama than Friends.
Mosslight's survival also means Hawkfrost is not the first in line to be temporary deputy. She becomes temporary deputy and leads search patrols. When Mistyfoot is freed, she resigns from deputyship and lets Mistyfoot get her role back.
Everything else happens, except Stormfur is not kicked out of Riverclan. Mosslight becomes Mistystar’s deputy, but is killed in the Great Battle. Mistystar then choses Reedwhisker and the rest is history.
Concerning the Brambleclaw x Willowbark thing, I mostly said it as a joke. But if it did happen, then I can imagine that Willowbark would break things up as she’s witnessed first hand that half-clan families don’t always end well.
Brambleclaw is heartbroken and Squirrelflight ends up with Ashfur. He doesn’t confront her in the fire scene because he got what he wanted and there’s nothing to confront. Brambleclaw is Lionblaze’s mentor (swapping roles with Ashfur).
Ashfur doesn’t die. Hollyleaf doesn’t disappear. She becomes Ivypool’s mentor and helps her deal with not being the prophecy sibling yadda yadda. Molepaw and Cherrypaw are killed by the fox that Hollyleaf had chased off, Ivypool and Dovewing are AlderSpark’s mentors. Nothing else changes, really.
TL;DR: If Mosskit had lived, Squirrelflight would have gone with Ashfur and Stormfur would have had two sisters.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
The Cats of RiverClan: Grassfeather
Name: Grassfeather
Meaning: Determined and Swift Footed
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Pansexual
Rank: Guard
Former Rank(s): N/A
A pale gray sleek coated molly with pale green eyes and a rossetted coat. She has a lean muscular build more suited for swimming than fighting and she’s rather proud of that. Her nose and pads are brick red and tougher than they look at first clan - she’s known for trodding over sharp stones and shell shards without it breaking the skin or her noticing until the pieces are dislodged.
Grassfeather has always been incredibly self-conscious about their unknown father despite their mother’s insistence that he was a RiverClan warrior, just one that was deeply unpopular. The whispers followed her around until she’s an adult and she internalized every harsh word and sharp comment, Though she was never violent like some cats became, Grassfeather began to take out her irritation on anyone with suspicious bloodline making snide comments of her own. It felt good to do the whispering instead of being the one whispered about.
Grassfeather has always been disdainful of her foster sister and her half-windclan ancestry, something she only grudgingly lets slide at the confirmation that Willowbreeze had been RiverClan born but given up. Her opinion of her foster sister dropped even lower when the truth of her pregnacy was revealed - all she saw was three generations of half-breed kits and she goes out of her way to remind Silverstream that she broke the code. She holds no affection for her nephlings, fully believing that with three half-clan mothers, it’s only a matter of time before they betray RiverClan too.
She cannot believe that Leopardstar is not only allowing these half-breed cats to stay but she’s also choosing to train one of them herself. With the famine an the unfair death of her brother’s kits while Silverstream’s half breeds eat their food and sleep in their dens, Grassfeather has resolved to return RiverClan to the warmth of the Souls and take an honorable disposition once more. ShadowClan can help she figures - they’re the only other clan she knows for sure is as devoted to the gods as she is. 
Mentor(s): Pebbleskip (deceased)
Apprentice(s): N/A
Parents: Dawnlight (mother), Sire Unnamed
Auncle(s): N/A
Sibling(s): Eelmane (brother), Silverstream (foster sister)
Cousin(s): N/A
Nephling(s): Stormpaw (nephew), Featherpaw (niece)
Mate(s): N/A
Crush(es): N/A
Kit(s): N/A
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