#One thing that points to it not being Kaito is all the talk ''kokichi'' had about what his goal is for this case
g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
All signs are currently pointing to Kaito being dead, there's overwhelming evidence in support of it, but there's two truth bullets that are giving me this horrible feeling that something's wrong and we're missing something important. But How On EARTH could it be Kaito in the exisal instead? You don't understnad I'm losing it here
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I just realized the fifth trial of v3 could have gone COMPLETELY different in my ghost au oh no
// SPOILERS for Danganronpa V3
I rewatched the trial recently and just got to the end when Kaito exits the Exisal to stop everyone from reaching the wrong vote, and it got me thinking.
We aren't completely sure whether Kokichi was killed by the hydraulic press or by the poison. It could've been totally possible for him to succumb to the poison while he was laying on the press waiting for it to lower.
We have no idea how long it actually takes for the Strike-9 poison to circulate through the body, and after Kaito and Kokichi switched places, he could've succumbed to the poison while Kaito was getting back up to the controls and setting back up to lower the press.
It's totally possible for him to have died of the poison and for Maki to be the actual Blackened, but as the player we had no way of confirming his cause of death. Not even Monokuma knew because the cameras were disabled! That was the whole shtick of the case! Monokuma relied completely on Shuichis deduction for this, and he concluded that Kokichi was killed with the press.
BUT in ghost au, we WOULD get confirmation of the killer and victim but not until that moment that Kaito exited the Exisal.
Kokichis ghost could've been hanging out in there through the whole trial until that point and exited with Kaito to see everyone's expressions up close. No one would really have made the conclusion that killers see their victims ghost until they became a Blackened themselves, but Kaito didn't know that so he wouldn't have been off put by not seeing Kokichis ghost. Dude was scared of ghosts after all so it would've sent him into a panic attack anyway.
But imagine when Kaito exits the Exisal and Kokichi's bloodied ghost follows, only visible to Maki. Imagine her shock when she sees both of them still supposedly alive in front of her. Imagine the rage that would boil her blood and send her bolting over to Kokichi to try to strangle or stab him, reaching out for his spindly neck to take him down-
Only for her to phase right through him.
She falls to the floor, to her hands and knees and is hit with an entirely new shock at the realization. Oh. Oh no. Shuichi and Kaito are moving to help her up and pay no attention to the bloodied Kokichi standing beside them, asking her if she's okay after tripping like that.
That's why Gonta was acting so weird in the previous trial, saying that Miu was still with them and even more confused about why there was a trial being held. They dismissed it as her being with them in spirit, but the others had no clue how literal that was.
Kaede didn't kill Rantaro, but if she had, it would've been a dead giveaway if she was freaking out about a ghost.
Kirumis spiral at the end of her trial was probably driven by Ryoma teasing her with the occasional quip until she lost it.
Korekiyo has probably seen enough ghosts to last a lifetime, so two more would've been nothing.
Only when Gonta had killed Miu did things click.
Maki would look at Kokichi in abject horror, and he would stare back with the exact same expression because this would completely ruin his plan. She would absolutely take the chance to give up her own life to save Kaito. She had done it so many times throughout the trial already, but that was just denial. Denial that Kaito could've been dead and that she could've been the one that killed him.
The trial would drag on for longer, and Shuichi would reach the same conclusion that killers saw their victims ghost. Kaito's skin would go cold because, if that's true, then why couldn't he see Kokichi? He was supposed to be the Blackened. Not Maki. Not Maki.
Maki and Kaito would argue for both stances, desperate to save the other, until Monokuma confirms that, yes, the Blackeneds can see the ghost of their respective victim, because hey, Tsumugi has been able to see Rantaro this entire time. On the cameras, the other culprits have been talking to themselves after killing their victims, but not in a mental spiral. More of a conversation with the dead body before them, except the victim was responding.
Maki would be executed because of this, and Kaito's moral would tank because he a) just lost the love of his life, b) survived when he wasn't supposed to and c) all of that work, all of that planning Kokichi had put into this trial to end the killing game once and for all was completely wasted. He would go numb. He was ready to give up his own life for this, but Maki didn't deserve this. Maki was supposed to live, not him. This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. The only thing trusting Kokichi got him was the love of his life dying before his very eyes when it was supposed to be him.
Oh God now i wanna write a fic where this happens
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lampochkaart · 1 year
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Kokichi is asexual and you can't change my mind (and Kaito is an ace too 'cause i said so)
Here is why i think that way
Disclaimer! This post is not created to judge or shame anyone. I created it to explain why i think about them in that way and maybe try to make this headcanon to be more popular. I might sound kinda salty at times here but in general I don't mean to hurt anybody.
It kinda confuses me why so often Kokichi portrayed a little bit too intrested in making sexual comments and jokes. I probably shouldn't be surprised, because I know that we live in a sex obsessed world. I'm kinda used to it at this point. But I think people kinda exaggerate it.
In actual game he doesn't make sexual comments and jokes THAT often and 90% of the time they are directed at Miu who is the MAIN sourse of them in game. I even think that he would not say so many of those things if Miu wouldn't be starting it first.
He even get's confused for a second when Gonta tells him he couldn't catch Miu for Insect Meet and Greet because his "face got hot".
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And in bonus mode Dangan Salmon Team he isn't particularly intrested in that either. In most cases when the player chooses sexual option even though the game states that it was a good option Kokichi will often just change the coversation to a different topic. Yeah, they had fun, but they didn't really talk that much about initial chosen option.
"Let's read a dirty book."
"How about joining my organization instead?" *starts rambling about his organization*
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And yes, I REFUSE to call this protag Shuichi. This is NOT my favorite protagonist. He would not fucking say this.
Look how they massacred my boy *cries*
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One thing Kokichi also does very often is being sarcastic. I really like this scene. But surprisingly I've seen people taking his excitement as genuine and was like ??? How? Have you gone so crazy after you've seen his first phrase that you blacked out and missed part when he went "nope :)". He literally was like "Is that what you wanted me to say? You wish😊🖕"
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I also like how sometimes when the protagonist say something sexual Ouma redirects topic from himself. And he often suggests Tenko as alternative. For a long time I couldn't understand why it was her specifically. And then I realised. It's because Tenko will beat up any man who says something like that to her. He literally indirectly tells player to fuck off.
I can't belive how often those moments are overlooked.
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I think that's all my main points regarding Kokichi. Everything else is not very convincing and can be dismissed. But I just want to point out that his color palette basically resembles asexual flag, because I think that's a neat detail.
Now Kaito. I'm gonna be honest. The main reason I headcanon him as ace is because I headcanon all my favorite characters as asexual. But there is a reason I fully accepted him as ace.
The scene in Talent Development Plan where he's discussing "man's passion" with Leon and Teruteru. While they were talking about girls it turned out Kaito this whole time was talking about chasing passion in more philosophical sense. And by exploring "unknown worlds" he probably meant space (they really should've seen that coming).
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That's pretty much it. I just saw 1 (one) reason to make it canon for me and immediatly jumped on it.
I think that's it for both of them. They're not the only characters i headcanon to be on the ace spectrum (and i also have some on the aro spectrum too!) but they're the ones I think about the most, so I thought I'd explain it.
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pottedplant53 · 3 months
Oumota Post [Contains Spoilers]
Something I don’t hear talked about enough in relation to Oumota (or just Kokichi and Kaito in general) is the SHEER NUMBER of parallels that they have with eachother, beyond just their narrative roles. Their philosophies of Faith VS Logic and their respective Hero/Villain personas are undoubtably the most interesting part of it, but there’s so much more to be said than just that. Even their physical appearances are designed to contrast. Here's a list of some of the similarities I found.
•Kaito is tall with broad shoulders, while Kokichi is short with a small frame.
•Their hair colours are almost exact opposites on the colour wheel. On top of this, while you don’t really see it due to their respective hairstyles, they both have roughly shoulder-length hair.
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•Tying into the previous point, they have very similar colour schemes. They both wear white shirts, and have red, yellow, grey, and white accents scattered around their outfits. They’re also both heavily associated with the colour purple, with Kaito being more aligned with magenta (pink) and Kokichi being more aligned with indigo (blue).
•Kokichi is especially pale compared to the rest of the cast, while Kaito is noticeably tan.
•Kaito’s eyes are upturned, and Kokichi’s are downturned. I’m not sure how to word it but it’s almost like their eyebrows are going in different directions, too.
•They both wear capes that fan out in their splash arts. Kaito’s is a coat, but it has the same effect.
•They’re both bilingual. Kaito can speak English, Japanese, and Russian thanks to his astronaut training, and while it’s unclear why Kokichi can speak multiple languages, we know that he can thanks to his second FTE with Kaede, wherein he says ‘common sense’ in English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. ‘Common sense’ isn’t a commonplace word that new speakers of a language would know, implying some level of fluency.
•In the original Japanese script, Kaito had quite a few homophobic, misogynistic, and transphobic undertones, all seemingly stemming from internalized toxic masculinity. Kokichi was very much the opposite of this (read: not straight), as is discussed in-depth in the trivia section of his Wiki page. [We do not talk about Japanese Kaito in this household].
•Kokichi’s birthday is the 21st, an inversion of Kaito’s birthday, which is the 12th.
•Neither of them portray themselves 100% authentically. Depending on how you read their characters, you could almost argue that deep down, they’re more similar to the other’s persona than they are to their own.
Though he’s often referred to as an idiot due to his stubbornness in the trials, Kaito is actually rather analytical when he so chooses to be, seeing straight through Maki’s lone-wolf act and understanding her needs startlingly fast. He was intelligent enough to pass his astronaut entrance exam (which would’ve involved extremely complicated scientific concepts and a basic understanding of medicine) and has proved himself willing to cheat and lie to get what he wants (i.e, forging an I.D to get early acceptance).
This isn’t the only instance of him lying when it wasn’t strictly necessary, another notable example being the entirety of his Free Time Events; he lies about his impossible summer escapades and brags about how many famous people achieved success because of his influence, seemingly just to boost his own ego and to make himself look more impressive to Saihara. Shuichi internally calls him out for this, more or less verifying that it was all a lie.
He repeatedly lies in the trials (like when he tried to insist that he was the one in women’s underwear in chapter 2), and of course, hid his illness from the others by pretending he was fine, when in actuality, he was on death’s door.
None of this makes Kaito’s passion and kindness any less real, but it’s important to note how he’s not as saintly as he seems. He’s a lot of things, but he’s also an Egotistical Liar, much like Kokichi promotes himself to be.
Moving on to Kokichi, while it’s hard to say with 100% certainty what kind of person he is, we’ve seen him become emotional a number of times throughout the game, most notably in Gonta’s trial. There’s a lot of debate over whether his tears were genuine or not, but the general consensus is that they were. He shows anger here, at both Gonta, the situation, and more likely than not, himself. He clearly feels a lot of shame and grief, but ultimately continues to push on with his plan for everyone else’s sake.
He shows mercy to Yumeno in chapter 3, when he asks her what she was holding back at the end of the trial. This is seemingly done in an attempt to help get her in touch with her feelings, with no obvious ulterior motives or mocking undertones. Him calling her out earlier in the trial can be chocked up to his hatred of hypocrites – as is seen with his overall relationship with the rest of the cast, specifically surrounding how they gang up on him and treat him like a monster for lying when it’s something that they themselves do – but this interaction shows that he sympathises with her, proving that he has some level of empathy.
Kokichi is EXTREMELY selfless, something that’s proven over and over again to the point that if I sat here and tried to list every example, we’d be here until the release of the V3 anime [forever]. He actively plays devil's advocate, knowing that this would lead to the rest of the group disliking him, and his entire plan to end the killing game centred around villainizing himself, all so that he could die to save the rest of the cast. He’s shown to have spent time, likely days upon days, thinking about how to end the killing game – if his room is any indication, he’s poured a lot of toil into making that a reality. Much like with Kaito, none of this changes how Kokichi chose to act – he’s still a bad person who did inexcusable things, but there’s some merit to the fact that beneath all of that, he’s a human being.
 In the end, he dies as a Selfless Hero, trying to save a group who he surely must’ve known would feel no gratitude for his sacrifice. He's the exact kind of person that Kaito would approve of, were it not for the other, less pleasant aspects of his personality.
Again this is all just my interrpretation and what do I know but I thought it was interesting so here :3
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silicon-tmblr · 9 months
[Reposting this because I'm dumb stupid and don't know how reblogs work! This was supposed to be a reblog of this post by @g0nta-g0kuhara, a multi-part analysis of Kokichi Oma in Chapter 4]
Ooh a meta post! Sends me back to when I was first researching the DRV3 fandom before playing the game (I'm a little backwards, I know...). I only read the one part, but I wanted to chime in with some additions on top of the existing analysis.
Interestingly, the "neutral Kokichi face" that's highlighted in this post is one of two "neutral faces" that Kokichi makes throughout the game. That would be stand_005_037, or Kokichi's 37th sprite.
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The other "neutral face" is the next sprite over, stand_005_038, which appears in a different context from the previous sprite. The difference between the two is really not terribly noticeable at a glance, so here's a visual.
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Up to now, I've considered sprite 37 to be Kokichi's "unserious neutral", as his expression appears more relaxed than that of sprite 38, what I've thought to be his "serious neutral".
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You know he's not serious when he's agreeing with Maki.
With the information from this analysis, though, it might be more accurate to call it his "masking neutral". Kokichi will use sprite 38 in low-emotion situations when he has a point to get across, like here in the Chapter 3 post-trial.
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However, in high-emotion situations, as said in the initial analysis post, Kokichi is likely trying to hold himself back. That's when sprite 37 comes in.
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Bro is either stifling a laugh or seething with anger in there
Regarding Kokichi's sprite 38, there's some stuff I've come across which loosely implies that it initially had a different design. When Kaito recaps his conversation with Kokichi in the hangar in the Chapter 5 post-trial, the conversation is portrayed with a sepia tone. The sprites for this conversation aren't really "sprites", per-se -- the entire scenario is actually stored as a series of background images in the game files.
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One image that caught my attention, however, was bg_201_11:
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On my first playthrough of the game, I dubbed this sprite "Kokichi angy"
This image stands out at a glance because of the Kokichi sprite, which isn't seen anywhere else in the entire game. Compared to the other images in the set, this image actually seems to be from an older build of the game, as the shadows in the background, shading on the sprites, and position of Kokichi's arm-belt-things are different.
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bg_201_11 vs bg_201_01
My guess is that this unused sprite was an older version of sprite 38, especially since the current sprite 38 has similar errors as the older sprite.
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Personally, I'm glad "Kokichi angy" wasn't actually used in the final game. He looks a little too much like a wet cat.
On another topic, also related to the linked analysis: let's talk about the ever controversial whiteboard note written by Kokichi under Shuichi's photo which, in the English localization, reads "trustworthy?"
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As many people have pointed out, both now and in the past, this note was translated oddly and the original text was 「油断ならない?」 (yudan naranai?).
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Though it's often translated by fans as “sneaky or cunning”, the literal translation is actually “don't be careless”, with “yudan” meaning “careless” and “naranai” meaning “must not (be)”. This is translateable in most situations as “dangerous”, hence that being the stock translation supplied by Jisho.org.
After all, "don't be careless" has essentially the same meaning as "this is dangerous", in most situations at least (think mountain climbing, or traveling through a dark alley; you wouldn't want to be careless because it is dangerous, you don't know what to expect so it's treacherous and sneaky).
When translating a note regarding a person, though, I would think "don't be careless" would be more appropriate, especially considering Shuichi isn't particularly dangerous compared to some other people in the academy whose dangers are well known (*cough cough* Maki)
You can find the independent translated meanings of yudan and naranai on Jisho as well as on Wikitionary (yudan, naranai).
So, Kokichi is essentially telling himself to stay on his guard around Shuichi, since he doesn't know what to expect from him. His attempt to team up with Shuichi in Chapter 4 was probably his confirmation that Shuichi wanted nothing to do with him, and that he should formulate his plans accordingly. It would probably have been ideal for him to have Shuichi on his side, as he saw Shuichi as a wild card (rather ironically; I'd imagine the group perceives Kokichi as the wild card of the group). So despite the translation error, the points made by the linked analysis still hold decent ground.
All in all, despite my belief that Chapter 4 is absolutely ridiculous, the linked analysis is quite good when one assumes Chapter 4 is logically sound (it's not), and still holds up even to someone like me who really dislikes Chapter 4 for its severe logical fallacies (my suspension of disbelief was absolutely thrown out the window when I played it... but maybe that's a matter for another day)
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Alright, just a Danganronpa hot take, and a venting post as well. (It contains spoilers of the whole game up to Chapter 5, you've been warned!) Also, psychology rant but I think you're used to that by now x)
Ready? Here I go.
I am talking about a very simple thing: Kokichi's treatment by the others.
Maybe it's just my empathic psychology student self, but I find them extremely cruel towards him for... No reason? Even his "friends" (Miu and Gonta) don't help him. NOT. ONCE.
Can somebody explained to me why no one at least tried to help him stop getting choked by Maki? Alright the state of shock exist, but not for so long! Someone should have snapped out of it and go help him out at some point!
Liking someone or not shouldn't be a criteria WHEN THEIR LIVES ARE APPARENTLY IN DANGER.
And the second time, alright I get it, him pretending to be the mastermind, so the enemy, they're angry. Fine. But it's still a dick move to just... let someone get choked in front of you.
The Insect Meets and Greet, can we talk about that? Alright, Kokichi planned the whole thing and lied to Gonta for it, but he had a purpose. It wasn't plain cruelty, it was to make everyone watch the motives videos which was TO STOP A MURDER FROM HAPPENING MAY I ADD.
But he can just be left in there with swarms of insects by the others students just... Because? Fuck him basically, it's "payback"? Yikes. And they still pretend to be all friends after that?
Maybe I'm taking that way too seriously, but the others only have a bad memory of the thing. In the game Oma looked traumatized by it, but everyone ignores it.
And the others times are not any better.
The least problematic behavior is Kaito punching him in front of everyone. Again, it might be just me being a way too empathetic person, but in my opinion words never justify physical assault, never. (It happens twice by the way -well Kaito only managed to hit him once but he intended to do it another time.) No, being "a hothead" is not a fucking excuse either. When you know you're a hothead, you try to NOT engage, it's the responsible thing to do.
But the worst is -in my opinion- in Chapter 3.
I don't exactly expect Maki to help him after what happen -obviously- but... Shuichi?
...The protagonist? The one that promised to Kaede to carry on her wish, her wish which is LITERALLY "PROTECT EVERYONE"?
...I got a bit carried away I think.
My point is: no one helped Oma who is in clear, dire need of medical help. I don't know if he crossed paths with anyone else, and frankly I hope not. Considering how nobody gives a fuck about him, not even Gonta apparently.
Again I'm going to repeat it, but liking someone shouldn't be a criteria to help them if their lives are on the line.
And let's not talk about Chapter 5 when he literally got tortured (that's not an exageration, strychnine (Strike-9 lol, gottem) is sometimes called "the torture poison". But at that point he's considered the mastermind and act like the villain so...
But before Gonta's trial it's not an excuse. Alright, he's a liar. Alright he can be annoying -and he is at some points, I don't deny it. Alright, he pretends that he likes the killing game -not even from the begining, he only start after the second trial I believe?- because he doesn't trust anyone.
But still. I may be too soft -because therapist- but I still don't think it's okay to just assault someone, ESPECIALLY in a stressing situation like a killing game when the adrenaline and stress can get to you and you might kill the person by accident.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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lowcosmic · 9 months
Kokichi ouma with an amab reader although it can also be read as gn
It's about when they are in a relationship and for their anniversary Kokichi came up with the great idea of spending their night in a haunted house to try some invocations, just because it would be an original and unforgettable anniversary (spoiler: yes it was)
So he invites Shuichi and Kaede, although then Kaede invited Rantaro and Shuichi invited Kaito and Maki
The joke is that in some way or another they convinced those mentioned to participate (without obviously telling them the reason)
Instead of doing the ritual, most are scared by the sounds of terror that the abandoned house/hospital presents, and in less than 3 hours or 2 hours less they leave the place!
I imagine a scared Kokichi jumping towards the reader, like a hug when he hears the loud sound of something falling and breaking (Kaito accidentally pushed the plate into the darkness)
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—— anniversary in a haunted house .
— 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : kokichi has the genius idea to spend the night of your guys’ anniversary in a haunted house , also inviting some other people to tag along. what’s the outcome?
— 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff
— 𝐜𝐰 : nothing
— 𝐚/𝐧 : mwahahaha gn! reader
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chaotic energy fr
you , kokichi , shuichi , kaede , rantaro , maki , and kaito in a haunted house together ?? something’s bound to happen
i think that maki and rantaro would be chill and cool about it , not believing that it’s truly haunted , more like some prank kokichi came up with to scare you all.
kaito and kaede … yeah , they’re probably the ones clinging on someone else while every single noise screams “ ghost alert ” in their ears —
although , kaito is much , much more scared. kaede’s more of like an “ oh , i see someone else scared. i should be scared too. ” kind of reaction. i think that it’d cloud her logical mind , though , if shuichi made a point that something’s just a coincidence or something , she’d agree and back him up.
now , you and kokichi? kokichi radiates fake confidence. but i imagine him deep down to also being a bit paranoid. he’d most likely pull pranks on the others like screaming out of nowhere and claiming he saw something move in the shadows , stuff like that ; just to calm his nerves a bit due to kaito’s shrieks.
depending on how you’d take the situation , you and kokichi just go hand in hand together. expect hugging and clinging from kokichi , and if you get scared easily , he’ll expect the same from you.
exploring would be nerve wracking , with the creaks of the floorboards and chill in the air. the vintage look made the scene seem like a horror movie , so kokichi would bring you forth numerous times ( if you disagreed , then he’d pick someone else ) to act out a scary movie scene.
a few times , you all would witness things falling out of nowhere and things levitating briefly. there were also some small echoes and shrill noises that made the hairs on everyone’s limbs stand tall. kokichi would leap into your arms playfully , saying for you to protect him.
now the challenge was to stay a night there. yeah you all sure as heck weren’t doing that , but kokichi convinced them to at least try.
the bedding was , besides the dust and apparent vacancy of cleaning , comfortable —to say the least. since none of you had the intention to actually sleep , you all just talked.
then the light flickered a few times …
“ ooooh , maybe a ghost is trying to talk to us! ” kokichi shook you a bit by the shoulders. “ stop scaring kaito , kokichi. ” maki glared. “ those flickering lights can mean anything , it doesn’t necessarily mean that a supernatural force is at foot. ” shuichi added. something fell near kaito , landing on the floor with a smash. he screamed in reply. “ g - ghost !!!! ” “ you … probably accidentally knocked it down , kaito !! there’s no poltergeists here … right shuichi? ” kaede said. “ y - yeah. what she said. ” shuichi nodded , a bit shaken up himself.
you’d all leave a few hours later , since kaito was having panic attacks and knocking everything over like a klutz.
kokichi would tell everyone that you and him were staying — much to your dismay. but with a subtle wink your way , you understood somewhat of his plan.
so you watched as they all ran away , and once they were out of sight , the lights all flickered on.
it was an elaborate prank pulled by kokichi and his fellow dice members.
the cobwebs and such were all decoration , and the place had actually been a sort of family heirloom that one of the dice members inherited.
the actual anniversary celebration part was set up in a hidden room , invisible to those who don’t look for it. the room was decorated for royalty ; with a comfy loveseat , a glass table , and a fireplace on one side of the room.
the glass table was full of food and drinks , so that anniversary surely was a night never to be forgotten.
extra :
the days following you and kokichi acted like you both were possessed
kaito tried spraying you both with water in a hose —
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please don’t repost , translate , or claim my works as your own.
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*gently holds out mic*
Want to share any DICE headcanons?
Im sick so lets talk dice
The main dice members all have multiple nicknames with a few running themes like chess pieces, clown titles, card suits, and also just random things like puns or things that stuck, also every member is queer in some way and only 3 are cis (though they think its 4 before kokichi realizes that they are egg) and they get teased over it all "oh look a bus is coming Emi you better hide"
The missing member from the picture was Kokichi's first real failure, back before dice was AS serious they had that extra member, but he got tracked down by a certain private detective and forced back to his abusive family and none of them has seen Toharu since. Kokichi refuses to not still speak of him as a member, and insists one day they'll find him.
Everyone they meet more then once tends to get at chess piece nickname, but because they've long since run out of standard chess pieces it's all fairy chess names at this point like Kaito being "anti-pawn"
No one has the queen nickname though, this is to confuse and boggle people and let kokichi go "all women are queens actually"
The group you see in game is the "main" group, but dice actually has a lot of members because basically any kid or teen they help or hang out with becomes an honorary member and then stays an honorary member unless they do something to have them removed. Komaeda and the warriors of hope actually used to be some, but then they started doing ~crimes against humanity~
I always see Dice and kokichi as like, people who live in like a port town or a city with a lot of fishing culture, kokichi just kinda has boardwalk ocean eating ice cream vibes.
A good chunk of honorary members are random feral pets they've caught, got them proper shots and treatment and spayed, slapped a checked collar or other accessory on, and then given to random people and random other honorary members
They're all very much skilled at scams and cons. Jam auction? badger game? three-card monte? they know it all
The reason they wear bandanas is not just a logo, but so they can wrap it around their hands in case they need to handle something hot or use it to slide down something
They all know JSL and have a lot of loaded phrases that make no fucking sense to anyone else all
"man this is a pretty cold cage huh?" "i dunno, gazing at all these rails are getting pretty boring" "you're really going to pip like a pigeon?" "i dunno, its so fishy its getting me tilted." "if you keep this up Loki's gonna have you cleaning tanks"
^ a completely sensical conversation if you know what any of those words mean, but utter nonsense if you don't
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Danganronpa Blackened plans from best to worst:
(disclaimer: I'm including attempted murders on here, and counting certain double murders separately because it makes sense) I'd love to talk about how you would rank these, so please give your thoughts!
Sakura- since this one is a suicide, I'm not sure it counts. But if Monokuma has to actively interfere to get a case to go to trial, then you did a good job. I can't think of a mistake she made at the top of my head. She wanted to make things as easy as possible for everyone, and she succeeded.
Nagito chapter 5- He didn't plan for the traitor to give herself up, which is a reasonable mistake to make considering the only thing he knew about the traitor was that she WASN'T an ult. despair.
Tsumugi- when you have someone actively confessing to a murder that you committed, you are pretty much scot free. That being said, taking Kaede to the location of your secret passage, even if there weren't any consequences, was needlessly risky. I'd say this is one of those cases where it'd be better to have no alibi at all, since Kiibo and Ryoma didn't have one either.
Gundam- when halfway through the trial you still don't know how the victim died, the murderer did a pretty decent job. His main mistake was that he heard the commotion when he shouldn't have, and that was a calculated risk. He could have easily pushed the "Nagito = lying" agenda more then he did to combat that. He totally gave himself up.
Kiyo's murder of Angie: The locked room murder was a good trick that brought suspicion on the student council. I think that if he stopped here, he likely would have gotten away with it. Even with the duct tape, that doesn't bring suspicion on Kiyo specifically. Since it was nighttime, nobody had an alibi. There is no evidence that incriminates him at all.
Kaito and Kokichi- for attempting to create an unsolvable murder, showing that tape of Kaito being crushed sure did create a lot of problems. I don't think Shuichi would have solved it had that evidence not been handed over by the blackened in the beginning of the trial.
Junko- She made no mistakes during her murder itself. If she took herself to trial in chapter one, there's a 0% chance of her getting caught. Having the victim be impersonating herself means everyone would come to the conclusion it's a suicide. She gets points for trying to destroy the body too, thats not a strategy we see killers use often. She makes a few small mistakes in the body disposal, namely not covering her hand when she attacks Makoto and removing Mukuro's fake nails before placing the bomb. However, her biggest glaring mistake was revealing the true number of students in the first place.
Teruteru- For a rushed plan, this was pretty well thought out. His mistake was trying to attack when the rest of the group were together while he could have attacked someone before the party. That being said, attacking from the floorboards during a blackout he knew would happen is a good plan. I also think he should have destroyed or hid the list of kitchen items, so nobody would notice an iron skewer was missing. He could have easily flushed it down the toilet.
Mondo- in terms of plan he had no plan. However, he didn't make any glaring mistakes at the crime scene. There's not much he could have done about the protein coffee stain and the blood spatter. If you add on Togami's interference, there is no way he would have been caught if he had just kept his mouth shut. For the broken monopad, Taka is equally suspicious. Kyoko was the only one that suspected him, and in chapter two she may not have enough influence over the group to single handedly get him eliminated. The fact that a guy who killed in the heat of the moment places decently shows how little brain cells some of them have.
Gonta and Kokichi- this one is very hard to rank because 90% of the reason Gonta was suspected is Kokichi's testimony, and can you really call the memory error a mistake since it was before Gonta was plotting murder? Either way, I'm putting it here. Gonta made a mistake by being seen in the same area as the toilet paper when he could have easily hidden it on him like Miu did with the phone. However, Kokichi made the majority of mistakes in this case by turning on Gonta for denying he even entered the virtual world. (my dude, its Gonta. This is probably the level of lies you would have gotten had there not been a memory error.)
Kirumi- She made one very big mistake: moving the body. If she had just left Ryoma in his lab, this crime would be near impossible to trace back to her. Depending on if she removed the handcuffs and the severity of his head wound, this could be argued to be a suicide. She couldn't have known that Kokichi or Gonta wouldn't have gone into Ryoma's lab looking for him, but even so that could have been traced back to a lot of different people.
Peko- I think her biggest mistake was agreeing to meet up with the rest of the girls if she suspected Fuyuhiko was going to try something. With a cast this large, not having an alibi is more suspicious than something being weird about your alibi. Her mistake with the gummies is understandable, since we don't know how recently she last say Hiyoko eating them. However, why did she get sparkling justice involved? Fuyuhiko was more suspicious than her throughout most of the case, so people would have likely voted for him. If she wanted him to survive the trial, she should have confessed! Her motives in this case confuse me tbh.
Kaede- her murder is overcomplicated, but in a way that makes sense because she didn't know who she was killing. It also would have been quite difficult to test beforehand due to all of the moving parts and the mastermind possibly being in the library at any time. From a tactical level, her mistake was not taking the first blood perk, but thats due to moral reasons. Since this murder failed, I don't think I can rank it any higher.
Mikan- She shouldn't have tried to record that video for Hajime. She also shouldn't have strangled Ibuki when she just could have hanged her. Why obscure the cause of death? That being said, I think killing Hiyoko was the right choice and was done decently. Still the smartest chapter three killer by a longshot.
Chapter 1 Nagito- Bad plan, which makes sense since he was likely trying to get caught. The bad part of causing a blackout is that whoever was closest to the body would be suspected, since it takes the smallest leap in logic for him to be accused. In the trial, he also caved way too quickly.
Sayaka- Makoto would realistically suspect her, but she was counting on being more charismatic than him for it not to matter. That being said, she made quite a lot of mistakes. She took the murder weapon even though she knew Hina and Sakura were watching and it could be traced back to her. In the au where Makoto gets blamed for killing Leon, that would have been incredibly fishy. She also didn't remove potential weapons from the area before attacking Leon, which is a huge oversight considering he's physically stronger than her. The note she sent was also traced back to her. If she actually made it to the class trial, she would have been caught quite easily.
Miu: The moment Shuichi notices the poison doesn't match the symptoms of the death, she's suspect number one. Her strange behavior before that would have definitely been a clue.
Celeste- Where do I even start. Using Hifumi at all made things needlessly complicated, and he made the majority of mistakes in the murder case. If Hifumi can kill Taka and she can kill Hifumi, than she could have killed Taka easily, especially considering his mental state at the time. I'd go farther and saying having Hifumi alive in the class trial would be an asset, since he'd believe everything she says.
Leon- He removed all of the hair from the crime scene, but didn't bother to... I don't know, go back and look at the body once during that? Did he not bother to clean the bathroom. He also took risks with disposing of the evidence when he could have just as easily hidden it in his room, where nobody would think to look for it.
Kiyo's murder of Tenko- Not only did he make a fuckton of mistakes, this murder was completely pointless. The whole murder was a mistake. I understand he wanted to bolster his kill count, but doing nothing was the best option. If he wanted to axe off someone useful to the group, like Shuichi or Kaito, then this murder might make sense from a strategic perspective. He made horrible choices for seance members, arguably choosing the two smartest in the group to help him. I also think he could have likely found his way to the center of the room based off muscle memory, and those lines he added were unnecessary.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 month
re: the maki ask. i think people talk about misogyny with maki’s arc because where shuichi is touched and tangibly impacted by the presence of kaito in his life, maki goes from point a to point a with a boyfriend. like her characterization doesn’t move beyond her threatening to kill people and responding to situations with violence, she doesn’t apologize for trying to kill everyone and betraying shuichi, she just is suddenly said to have “changed” because she loved a man. and she hasn’t changed. and every moment that she’s on screen becomes about the impact that kaito has had on her in the meantime. (maki and himiko also kind of get shafted in trial six and spend a lot of time just regurgitating words and phrases, outside of maki’s moment where she says she’ll sacrifice herself to kill tsumugi and proves she hasn’t changed even a little bit because she’s still trying to kill the mastermind.) i don’t know. i don’t think people mean to say it’s misogynistic that maki loves kaito i think people mean to say her writing wouldn’t be like this if she wasn’t a woman. because we get to see fuyuhiko whose arc also revolves around his love for another person visibly grow and shift and spend time with OTHER people who he then values and apologizes for hurting. there’s actual growth there, a real character arc. the most you could say about maki is she touched grass :(
Anon while you have a point about Himiko and Maki's characterization in trial 6, I completely disagree that maki doesn't change at all throughout the game. I'm shocked you can even say that? How can you look at chapter 1 Maki and pre-trial chapter 5 Maki and say "this is the exact same character. Nothing significant has happened to her over the course of the game."
I have been a long time hater of forced romance plots as an aro ace person who, as a kid especially, really wanted to connect to female characters without a romance plot overtaking their whole personality. So believe me, I am usually very critical of this kind of plot. And while I would agree it is probably not shown as well as Fuyuhiko's, I would also argue that Fuyuhiko's character arc's climax is in chapter 2, while Maki's is in chapter 5. We don't get to see how Maki interacts with the others differently for nearly as long as we do Fuyuhiko. And she does interact with them SUBSTANTIALLY differently for the short time we see it pre-trial in chapter 6!
Not to mention, its not like she acts one way and completely shifts because of her confession to Kaito. You can slowly see her change from being completely walled off in chapter 1 and 2, to slowly opening to the idea of being around other people, trusting them, and giving them her heart. Its not just with Kaito, but with Shuichi, and Himiko too.
While I agree and I wish she could have apologized to the others after trial 5 for trying to sacrifice them all for her own vendetta against Kokichi, I think the reason it might feel like she doesn't change up to that point is that in chapter 5, she's relapsing on character growth. She's acting how she did in chapter 1 because of an extremely traumatic thing happening to her. Notice how she is with Shuichi in chapter 4, right before this. Shes opening up to him, too, in her own awkward way, and trying to support him as a friend for the first time in her life. How is that not character growth?
And also, while the way she voices the change in chapter 5 post trial does ring similar to romance-poisoned characters I disliked so much as a kid, I think there's more to it than just what she's saying in the moment. From a watsonian perspective, you have to keep in mind that kaito is actively dying, so everything she says is going to be filtered through the fact that he has about 10 minutes before he keels over. And from a doylist perspective, the changes in her character are extremely visible outside of him and outside of that moment, just a bit more subtly than her post-trial confession.
Is it perfect? No. There's definitely some misogyny in how she is written, I won't deny this. DR is DR, after all. But I don't think it's nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.
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eternal-love-song · 3 months
Slow Forward Steps
Maki has a hard time moving on from the killing game.
[Maki/Shuichi] [Post VR AU, Coping, Crushes, Maki POV, NB Shuichi]
Written for @dr-rarepair-week-blog
Maki cuts her hair two weeks after waking up. She sees the image of herself everywhere, the assassin girl that killed two people and managed to win the killing game. There are posters of her aiming a crossbow at Kokichi, advertising to join Danganronpa, and they make her feel sick every time she sees them. The girl in the mirror isn't the person she wants to be, she's a killer that never atoned for her crimes and everyone around her let her get away with it.
Kaito may have saved her, but he also enabled her. He allowed her to close her eyes without having to change and even though it wasn't his responsibility to change her, she still resented him. He made it his responsibility and then did nothing for her and then he died.
She's being too harsh, she knows that. But she's bitter and mad at the world and if she's going to hate herself then she sees no reason that she can't hate him too.
So she cuts her hair.
Initially, she chops it off unevenly in a fit of rage and recently, and then ends up crying on the floor in a pile of hair. Kirumi and Kaede find her that way, pick her up, brush her off, and tame her hair into something more manageable. Something cute. Her hair just barely brushed her shoulders now and when she looked at it, she thought of the people that had helped her to create it instead of the girl that had wanted to kill until the very moment every kill had been stolen away from her.
Shuichi tried to talk to her before they were supposed to be released from Team Danganronpa's care, but refused him. He had failed her too, by being too weak to stand up to her and too much of a yes man to tell her off. Even as she thought that though, she knew that the real reason she avoided him was because she thought she would make him worse. Shuichi was very easy to influence and absorbed those around him like they were water and he was a sponge. She didn't want him exposed to anymore of the black bitterness that seethed in her heart.
They provided her housing. As one of the winners, she was entitled to that, financial compensation, and a handful of other prizes that she wasn't remotely interested in. She accepted, of course, because she didn't have anywhere else to go. The upside to this was that it was one less thing she had to worry about. There was security, since DR contestants were basically celebrities, it was all paid and furnished for her, and it was just isolated enough from the rest of the world that she could shut everything out if she wanted to.
The downside was the fanmail. Even when she said she didn't want it, DR still left bags of fanmail on her doorstep that they received for her. The letters made her sick. It was a wild mix of admonishment and praise, but the worst was one letter she could never forget. It was one of the shortest letters that she'd received, the person just telling her that her character inspired them to sign up for Danganronpa. She cried when she read it and resolved to burn all the mail she received from that point forward.
They wanted her to do interviews. She wasn't obligated, but as a "winner" it was highly encouraged, meaning they called her at least three times a week asking her to change her mind. It didn't really matter whether she did or not. Within a month of leaving the game, there was a lookalike of her on tv doing an interview anyway. She didn't know if Team DR had hired an actress or if it was an imposter, but it pissed her off all the same. It made her feel sick and sad and sour in her soul. She kept thinking of inspiring people to sign up for a killing game and she wished that she could punch her past self in the face.
She bleached her hair, a platinum blonde color that she kind of hated, but was the furthest that she could get from the way she looked in game. She made sure to never wear red or black. She was the furthest from her in game that she could think to be and she hated every minute of it.
No one recognized her when she went out, but she recognized herself. On billboards, in video clips, sometimes she even saw her likeness in ads. It was inescapable some days. She stopped going out, just so that she could avoid as much of it as she could.
Three months after the end of the killing game, she got a visitor. Maki didn't get visitors. She hadn't talked to anyone in weeks and no one had come to talk to her. She pushed Kaito and Shuichi away, and neither one of them had tried to reach out to her again. Probably for the best, but she wasn't sure what she felt about it regardless.
She almost didn't recognize the person at her door. The girl had long dark hair, with bangs that almost covered her eyes, looking nervous and gripping the strap of her purse for deer life. A few moments of careful inspection made her realize that it was a wig and the dark eyes that were looking at her were contacts.
Maki narrowed her eyes in suspicion. What do you want?"
Surprisingly, the girl seemed to relax when Maki spoke, standing up straighter and smiling weakly at her. "H-hi. I, uh, hope that I'm not bothering you?"
It was only the voice that clued her in and even then , Maki had to do a double take. "Shuichi?" It wasn't just the wig and dress that made him nearly unrecognizable. He was dressed in a soft yellow with sunflowers on it, bright colors when all she had ever associated him with were dark.
"Um, just Shui, if you don't mind?" He shuffled in place a little, keeping his head down and hiding his eyes behind his bangs instead of a hat.
"What are you doing here?" She wanted to say that she didn't know how he had found her, but if anything about him had been true, then he was either a detective or lived with one, so it wasn't that hard to imagine. And even if that wasn't true, she didn't imagine Team DR would hide her location from other participants if they asked.
"I just… didn't want to leave things as they were," he admitted. "Can we, um, can we talk?"
Maki debated for a moment, taking a step to the side to let him in.
Shuichi shook his head. "I'd prefer it if we walked, maybe? If that's okay."
Maki raised an eyebrow. Even if it was weak, even if he was keeping his head down and his voice was shaky, this was still more than she was used to him being. Well, outside of trials at least. It was odd though, he was n't the person she remembered from the killing game nor the person that had been with her at the end. That person had been a mess of trembling limbs and then ended as hard glares and a firm voice. The Shuichi in front of her was neither of those things, and yet, somehow both?
"Sure," she said, stepping out of her apartment and locking the door behind her. "By the way, what's with the whole…" she gestures at him.
He blushes, holding onto the strap of his purse as he shrank. It was actually kind of pretty on him. "It's, um, kinda complicated?"
Maki continued to give him a skeptical look. "What's so complicated about it?" she asked.
"W-well…" he looked around for a moment, then he very determinedly started walking away from her. She blinked in surprise as she followed him. "You changed your look too."
Maki's eyes widened. "Are you saying this is your normal look?"
His hand clutched the strap of his purse tighter. "Sometimes, I guess?"
"Sometimes," she repeated. Maki continued to stare at him and though the hold on his purse only got tighter, he continued walking ahead as if he didn't notice it. Maybe it's because she had been by herself for a while, her instincts and intuition being dulled by lack of exposure, or maybe she had always lacked a certain awareness of others, but it took her far too long to put the pieces together. They had walked out of her apartment and were nearly to the park ten minutes away when she blurted out her thoughts. "Are you a girl?"
Shuichi ducked his head again. "Maybe. Kinda? It's not really… that's not what I wanted to talk about."
Shuichi stopped walking, turning on his heel to face her. "I've been asking around, you haven't talked to anyone, have you?"
Maki guessed that she shouldn't be surprised. Being nosy went hand and hand with being a detective and Shuichi… Shui… had always been on the nosy side.
"Why do you care?" she couldn't help asking.
The expression on his face instantly morphed into hurt, familiar enough that she could see his in game self beneath all the changes. "We're friends Maki, of course I care."
"But I said-"
"You were hurting," Shui said immediately, stepping closer and reaching out to take her hand. He hesitated for a moment, but only a moment before gripping Maki's hand between both of his. "I'm not going to hold something against you that you said just after waking up from the most traumatizing event in your life."
Maki's eyes were glued to their hands. She wasn't really sure what to do with this. In retrospect, she knew that she had always been a pretty bad friend to him. To him and to Kaito. She didn't think she knew how to be a better one. "You'd be better off without me," she told him. She believed that pretty firmly.
Shui shook his head. "I don't care. You wouldn't be. I don't like that."
Maki couldn't help but stare at him once more, thinking of how much they had both changed. In Maki's case, the changes were all superficial. She had short hair, she was blonde, but inside she was the same scared and hateful girl that she had walked into the killing game. Whereas Shui… so much about them was different that she didn't even know where to start. Yet, so much was the same that she still found some comfort in his presence.
"Sometimes," Maki said, looking him over once more. "I never took you for a sometimes yellow kinda person."
Shui laughed, seeming a bit more at ease. "Yeah, the dark colors don't really feel at home to me." He looked down at their hands again, stroking the back of her hand with his tum. It felt oddly intimate. They'd never touched much, had they? "Sometimes, it's just to escape the crowds, you know? They're… everywhere and they always want to bring up the worst things."
Maki nodded. She did know. She wondered if Shui got fan mail like she did. "It sucks."
Shui laughed again. "Yeah, it does. Sometimes, I just want to escape myself. Other times, it's like finding myself." He looked up then. "So yeah, complicated."
"I don't think that sounds all the complicated, actually," she told him, smiling.
The look of relief and joy that lit his eyes was unexpected as was the way it made her heart pound, just a little. Maki hadn't realized how much she was used to him looking miserable. Seeing joy on his face, there was something very pretty about it.
Shui tugged on her hand. "It's just a disguise today. Mostly. I wanted to get ou out of that place and I didn't want anyone recognizing me and saying something."
Maki smiled more as she followed him. It was almost novel to be dragged around by him of all people. This could have never happened in the game and something about that made it all the more special to her. She held onto his hand just a bit tighter. She wanted to know who this new Shui person was. Maybe she wouldn't make him worse after all. Maybe the only kind thing she had ever managed to do for him had been giving him space after the game.
"Hey," he looked over his shoulder at her. "Let's have a good time together."
Something about the sincere sentiment had Maki's cheeks heating up a bit. She couldn't hold his gaze, but she nodded all the same.
"Y-yeah. Let's…"
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wisheduponastar · 1 year
Recovering (Gen, M/M, 658 words)
For Day 5 of @oumamiweek.
Inspired by the prompt : Pregame / Postgame
Kokichi still has a lot of gripes with Team Danganronpa, and he still hasn't fully recovered. But he is recovering, and that's what really matters. He's trying, and reflecting
Referenced temporary death (non-graphic)
Cats aren't the only beings to have multiple lives. Once Kokichi had been told everything, that was one of his first coherent thoughts. He still remembered everything about his last moments in the ‘game’, and his first moments in the ‘real world’. Both worlds were real to him. Their so-called game had made him, shaped his life and personality and contained everything he loved and remembered. It made Rantaro, his Rantaro. It made Shuichi. It made everyone.
Kokichi still raised the issue of his death to Team Danganronpa, no matter how many times they would try and shame him for being petty. His main issue with it was that it had hurt. It had hurt. The feeling of bones breaking, and a small part of him glad he was dying because the pain was so bad. Kokichi raised the point they really didn’t need to make him feel that pain - he was already dying. They gave the excuse that Kaito might have saved him. Kokichi almost hit the person who said that, but Rantaro got there first.
Waking up was something Kokichi also remembered. Being in some darkened place, but without the pain. Well, there had been phantom pain for a few second - but then it went away. He felt pressure around his head, although it was barely pinching. He felt something in his arm as well, although that was more odd than painful. Yet it was the same black and oppressive darkness as the press, as his death, and Kokichi began to thrash around.
“Kokichi!” Keebo’s voice, ironically, made him too shocked to panic, “Do not worry, you are safe. You have a helmet on currently, can a friend take it off?”
Even though it was no less frightening, the presence of Keebo allowed Kokichi to gather himself. You can’t let anyone see you like this.He tried to speak loudly, cheerfully, but when he called out his voice broke, “Kee-”
Kokichi coughed, then pushed through, “Kee-boy, you reaalllly care about me? And you don’t need to lie - I know you don’t have friends!”
“That is not true! And robophobic!”
Keebo’s voice distracted Kokichi from the pain in his own, almost as if he hadn’t been talking for ages. But the pain didn’t distract him from hearing a low laugh in the background. He was just about to question it before Kee-boy spoke again, “Can I take the helmet off?”
Making sure his relief didn’t seep into his voice, Kokichi answered, “Yeah, sure. Whatevs. No big deal.”
Hands were placed by his helmet, and Kokichi shivered. The instructions came again, “This may hurt. And please do not panic!”
Kokichi remembered the helmet being pulled off, and then suddenly seeing Rantaro. Dropping the ugly thing and looking at him with eyes of love and concern. Kokichi tried to stumble out into his arms, but instead collapsed half way through - being caught by the green haired boy. A jolt of pain shot through him as he hit the floor, but it was mainly happiness. Weakly, he had looked up, “You’re… alive.”
“Yeah… hey ‘Kichi.”
“Love you.”
And on those momentous words, Kokichi had passed out. But it wasn’t all bad, Kokichi had started to recover. The group as a whole was getting better, and now they were getting matching tattoos. Or, almost matching tattoos. They had decided to get two circles, one coloured and one just an outline - to represent their lives. They had two, one was gone - but now they had a new one. Except the surviving trio, both of their circles would be silhouettes. Because they were pretty lame, surviving so long. Kokichi liked to tease them by calling them ‘try-hards’ and then hiding behind Rantaro when Maki glared at him.
Looking up, Kokichi smiles at Rantaro. His first words out of the simulation were an odd confession, but their relationship is working. And, as Kokichi squeezes his boyfriend’s hand, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dangan-kagura · 6 months
Things I Wanted to Include for My V3 Rewrite - Part 4
So now we’re at the class trial. Who killed Keebo and Korekiyo?
If I could, I’d explain all the truth bullets that would lead to the culprit. I guess most of them, but not all, would be similar to the truth bullets when Miu was killed. But this was probably the hardest murder since it’s slightly different from the original game. So I’ll do my best to explain the details.
They determine that Keebo died in the Virtual World. I wrote that he dies via self-destruct, like that explosion he did at the end of the original game. If he self-destructed in the real world, the explosion would’ve destroyed the computer room along with everyone in it. I had an idea for a scene where Kokichi blames my OC for killing Keebo, tricking everyone into thinking my OC killed Keebo via KO. But my OC points out that Keebo won the match and my OC wasn’t able to get a single hit on him. But I also wrote that in the real world, Keebo’s chest was bleeding and his left arm was dismembered, meaning that someone in the real world attacked him while Keebo was logged in. Now, halfway through the trial, I had an idea for a scene where...
Kaito starts vomiting blood during the trial.
He faints, causing Maki who was worried, to get out of her seat and help him up. Kaito is now too sick and weak to continue the trial. In response...
Monokuma sends in Doctor Killgood from SDR2 to send Kaito to the nurse’s office.
I literally wanted him to bring in the ambulance and say the same thing from SDR2, something like, “We gotta get this patient to the Monokuma Hospital ER and get him under 24 hour observation, stat!” With Kaito no longer taking part in the trial, I think I wanted a scene where the students start to suspect Kaito. They probably would’ve thought that he faked his sickness just so he could not be part of the trial.
Now let’s talk about Korekiyo’s death. I wrote that his chest and belly suffered from something like third-degree burns. What could’ve caused that? I guess I might as well reveal Korekiyo’s culprit.
It was Keebo!
My OC thinks back to the laser arm Keebo equipped. He realized that that was one of Keebo’s special moves in the Virtual World fighting game. They determine that that’s the closest thing to being the murder weapon that killed Korekiyo. Keebo used his laser arm to blast Korekiyo across the room, smashing the door leading to the hallway. The blast was strong enough to kill someone like Korekiyo.
Now that just leaves Keebo, who killed him? I’ll reveal the answer now if I made it look a little obvious.
It was Korekiyo!
They determine that Korekiyo had special moves that involved using his arm to thrust towards the opponent's chest and also something like a karate-chop move. After Kaito logged out, Korekiyo logged out but didn’t kill Keebo immediately. Maki then logged out and states in the trial that she witnessed Korekiyo in the hallway practicing the moves he learned in the Virtual World fighting game. Maki then hides in a locker (yes, a locker) to wait for what happens next.
Korekiyo then steps back into the computer room. He decides to use his new moves to commit a murder. And who does he kill? Keebo! He uses a karate-chop to dismember Keebo’s arm and then thrusted his arm at Keebo’s chest. This causes Keebo’s avatar in the Virtual World to malfunction, making him go haywire. Keebo’s brain has difficulties determining what’s real and what’s not, but he gets an idea that someone in the real world is attacking him. In the Virtual World, he uses his laser arm as part of his avatar for the fighting game, but this causes his real body to do the same thing. He blasts his laser arm at Korekiyo, killing him. This is a kind of case Danganronpa has never attempted.
They determine that the victims killed each other.
But wait, there’s more to this case then you may think. Tune in next time.
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
you mentioned character studies a lot in a prev ask, would you be willing to share your interpretations of saihara and ouma?
oh my god yes. i fucking LOVE these two. some of this might be pretty common and easy to spot but im going to try and do a brain dump under the cut. this is gonna be a mess and a lot of my notes dont source a lot of what im talking about. its really just me tearing through the game and writing what i can observe about them and relying on memory so. Yeah 👍
okay so lets get one thing out of the way the common interpretation that shuichi is a symbol of TRUTH and kokichi is PURE LIES is just not real ITS NOT FUCKING REAL shuichi not only lies during trials through the gameplay mechanic of perjury but also just canonically he is hiding from the truth. early on we get that backstory of how he doesnt like the truth or people's eyes because of that case he solved, he feels really guilty (another big part of his character), and so he tells kaede and confides in her that he wears his stupid emo hat because he doesnt want to see people's eyes. eyes are the window to the soul, another thing he is hiding from. we know hes hiding from the truth because he knew basically the whole first trial that kaede was fucking lying through her teeth about what happened but said NOTHING. when all hope seems lost shuichi holes himself up in his room while maki gets shit done. shuichi doesnt want to know the truth of what happened to kaito. these are REALLY big moments which is why im covering them and not every single instance of him hiding from the truth
a lot of his character choices centre on guilt. he hides from the truth because hes guilty about the things hes done earlier in his life. he hides from the truth because every time he DOES tell the truth someone in his class dies. hes guilty about being unable to save people or being unable to prevent death. hes guilty about kaede's death because maybe if he spoke up or did this or that nothing wouldve played out the way it did and i feel like in the final trial, this guilt finally leaves him. like is it still there? a little bit. in a small amount. but most of the fight is still in him and he fucking hates hope and he hates despair and he fucking hates danganronpa and he fucking HATES this FUCKING KILLING GAME so all the guilt from before about being unable to save his friends? this was all scripted. he never had a chance. the only way to save everyone is to reject the script, reject the plot, reject hope and despair and whatever the audience wants of them, and do what THEY want.
so what makes them narrative foils because they are STILL narrative foils. its not who lies and who tells the truth. its what they BELIEVE about lying that makes them foils.
know that shuichi doesnt like lying he is often awkward about it during class trials and when kokichi lies to him, he sometimes doesnt even know its happening but when he DOES know its happening its just confusing. shuichi doesnt know why kokichi lies so much. hes not quite as extreme about his stance on lying as kaito is (who just absolutely truly hates the fucking lies that kokichi tells despite telling a pretty big lie throughout the entire game but i Love Him) but we know hes not opposed to it. we know that he is most likely to HIDE the truth, not outright lie. like in the first trial, he just stays silent when he senses that kaede has lied. that doesnt make him any better than her when she lies, though. hes still just a fucking liar.
kokichi is just not awkward about it at all lies are really easy for him to tell and we know this because weve seen it before. his feelings on lying are basically neutral in that he doesnt like being lied to (which we see in chapter 4 when shuichi lies to the group) but he also lies about ANYTHING. EVER.
one thing that also differentiates shuichi and kokichi is WHY they lie. shuichi is lying out of what he believes is necessity. when i say this, i mean shuichi lies to get a point across or to convince the class of everything to move past something he cant logic his way out of. kokichi is lying to save lives. is he misled in doing this? i would fuckin say so i dont think he needs to lie to stay alive in this game and i think he wouldve been better off had he kept the lying to a minimum, but i do genuinely believe that a lot of what he lies about is to protect the group. we see him lie to steer them away from topics that later come to hurt them, lies about whos dead and whos alive to save everyone from the killing game; the most honest moment we get out of kokichi is when hes on the brink of death, in a panic trying to write a whole script for kaito to read out before he dies from poison and thus make MAKI the killer, and he says to kaito I HATE THIS KILLING GAME I HATED DOING ALL OF THIS THIS WAS THE WORST EVER and in saying this he also reveals that. he did LOVE these people.
kokichis humanity is scrubbed away by himself but you have to keep in mind that he was able to plan out EVERYTHING. he was able to figure out what the fuck was going on long before anyone else did. he had his suspicions and he had things pretty well figured out. like he outsmarted tsumugi and monokuma a couple of times. he knew that miu was going to kill him before the plan even launched into action. like kokichi is smart do NOT get it twisted. so when he makes himself inhuman and scary and tries to convince everyone to stay away from him, that hes annoying, hes not worth talking to or trying to make sense of, thats part of the plan also. kokichi is a character that plans out nearly EVERYTHING. im one of those people that thinks he really did cry over gonta but we have no way to prove that other than Look at everything he lies about during the game and then please look me in my eyes and tell me I'm wrong (which is very easy to do). i mean if he didnt act evil and scary and inhuman, his plans wouldve fallen apart. the only thing he didnt account for was shuichi choosing to solve what hed done. because shuichi is JUST AS MUCH OF A WILD CARD AS KOKICHI. BOOM
kokichis whole goal throughout the game is to stop it. at ANY cost. and he did a whole lot of set-up to make sure it happened. and inevitably, because of his efforts and the clues he left behind, it DID stop. it DID end. and it was because of the one person he decided to trust.
so like my thoughts on kokichi are he was pretty fucked up during the game but i understand his reasons. does that absolve him No but i dont care because hes a fictional character so yes hes my little guy and yes i love him dearly. he has borderline personality disorder TO ME and im not going to explain because i feel like going into canon and being like "this is why kokichi ouma has borderline personality disorder" is too much for me at this time so shout out to anyone who wants to make that post because they agree with me
ultimately shuichi and kokichi are not truth vs lie. they are not good vs evil. kokichi is not a bad person just like no one else in this game is necessarily a bad person and i think that judging daganronpa characters on who is bad and who is good is just focusing on the wrong fucking thing. shuichi and kokichi are holding hands because they are the same basic concept, fully actualised only in the end of the game when shuichi rejects hope and despair. fulfilling his wild card. kokichi fulfils his wild card by trying to end the killing game with all the tools at his disposal. two crazy kids i love them so dearly. ugh
theyre like everything to me. so thank you for asking it also gave me an excuse to go through my character analysis notebook. i do need to revisit the source material and think a little more about it because my friends did also bring up the ideas of faith and logic, that kaito doesnt hate lying necessarily, but that he wants people to have faith in him, which i do think goes with his hero complex. a hero who wants people to have faith in him. so fucking tragic that he teams up with kokichi who has fucking NO faith in him. i do still think that kaito does hate lies in a way because he does have a problem with them but yes faith does also play a part in it. kokichi really isnt a faithful character to anyone but shuichi honestly. shuichi is the only person kokichi truly TRUSTS. god. i seriously need to play drv3 over again
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
Working on a danganronpa x fear street au because I'm bored and I got nothing else to do, so here's a short character list for this AU! I'll be starting off with Fear Street Part 1: 1994, Part 2: 1987 & Part 3: 1666 will come at a later point.
I really recommend watching Fear Street, it's a good movie trilogy! With that, onto the list!
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Heather Watkins – Sayaka Maizono
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Reason I chose her is because she's the first girl you meet in game and the first girl who dies. Heather's the same way.
Ryan Torres – Leon Kuwata
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I chose Leon because of both he and Ryan have some girl catcher thing going on, not to mention they both become killers. (albeit one was possessed, the other was forced)
Deena Johnson – Shuichi Saihara
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In reality because the Fear Street Trilogy also counts as a LGBTQ+ film (Deena & Sam used to date), you could put anyone besides Shuichi as the main character. Reason I chose Shuichi was because Deena associates with the color blue, and she's also pessimistic and depressed at the start of the movie until the end.
Samantha Fraser – Kokichi Oma
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Now, Sam and Kokichi are very different characters. One's manipulative and childish while the other doesn't like to cause trouble while being quiet. The only reason I chose Kokichi is due to a couple things, one of them being Sam living in Sunnyvale (which is a rich and safe town, and since Kokichi is the Ultimate Supreme Leader, I just put two and two together.) Second, Saiouma is a popular ship and since Shuichi is Deena in this AU, I might as well make Sam Kokichi. (But other options such as Kiibo or Kaito or any other male character Shuichi's shipped with could work too.)
Josh Johnson – Yasuhiro Hagakure
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In the movie, Josh is the nerd who's all about conspiracy theories, and he's smart because he's able to piece together what's been going on with Shadyside and the killers it pumps out every decade or so. Yasuhiro's all about that conspiracy stuff, and he's somewhat of a nerd (alongside Hifumi), hence why he's Josh. His best friends that he talks to like Josh does in the movie with AOL would probably be Hifumi and Gundham.
Kate Schmidt – Miu Iruma
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Kate's not an inventor, I'll give you that. But in the movie she's very smart and has a good sense of what she's doing (even after she dies). She's also a very attractive girl, so who else could fit her other than the genius with good looks and golden brains herself?
Simon Kalivoda – Kazuichi Soda
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In my personal opinion, I could've chosen Mikan for Simon due to both of them being cowards and having knowledge of over the counter medicine and drugs, but it just didn't feel right given Mikan also cries a lot... which is something Simon doesn't do. So I chose Kazuichi because I thought it would be more fitting in terms of personality. (Also, both of them are simps in a way)
Sheriff Nick Goode – Nagito Komaeda
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While it doesn't make much sense for Nagito to be Nick, I chose Nagito because both of them wield guns (/hj) and because both of them live a lavish lifestyle where nothing bad ever happens to them. (With some exception as an Ultimate Lucky Student aka Nagito) Then again, he could also work for Sarah Fier given both of them had one hand cut off from their body...
C. Berman – Hajime Hinata
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It's implied in 1978 that C. Berman and Nick Goode had a thing for each other when they were kids, and C. Berman was very pessimistic (almost like Deena) during most of the movie. It fits very well for Hajime just like Shuichi does with Deena.
Ruby Lane – Sonia Nevermind
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Halfway in the movie, Simon ends up entranced by Ruby Lane's singing which is how he ends up getting tackled and almost killed by her. I don't like to doubt that Sonia would do something similar to draw out Kazuichi if she ever decided to kill someone.
Sarah Fier – Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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While it may not make sense for Ishimaru to be the witch, It's the only character I could think that would work for this AU since, and there are spoilers so don't read if you haven't seen Fear Street, Sarah Fier in the movie is a lesbian who was hung for witchcraft and had rejected a dude who loved her when she loved another woman.
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vespertin-y · 2 years
here’s part two of my ch2 liveblog! motive video time :0
-there being actual interviews with the student’s loved ones is v cool and i’m forever mad it only happens in kaito’s video!!
-”y-yeah! why gonta get tsumugi’s video-” y’know, i really do wonder what was in that.
-”don’t get the wrong idea. i’m not saying we shouldn’t care about killing or dying...but i think it’d be better if we didn’t cooperate with each other...actually, we *definitely* shouldn’t cooperate with each other!” “we shouldn’t cooperate? why not!?” “think back to all of monokuma’s actions so far. whenever we tried to work together, monokuma would retaliate with a plan to make us suffer. it happened when kaede wanted us to cooperate, and again with these motive videos, right? which means, the more we try to cooperate, the more he’ll try to make us suffer.” god i really forgot how often early game kokichi just. Explains Things. he is shockingly honest in some of these scenes.
-even MORE interestingly, we get a little insight into why shuichi is kind of just...ignoring kokichi’s warnings: [it’s *because* we’re trying to cooperate that monokuma is making us suffer...? but what about...everything we went through..? what was the point of kaede sacrificing herself...?] deep down, i think he knows kokichi is right about monokuma. but he’s already made a promise! the reason he doesn’t pull away from the group like kokichi is because of kaede’s wish. he has a responsibility to make her death *mean* something - he feels like he killed her, after all.
-they did one of kirumi’s FTEs! the most important things i took from it are a) shuichi and kirumi have an absolutely terrible dynamic where shuichi tries to get kirumi to take care of herself, kirumi firmly refuses, and shuichi just...wilts under the pressure and lets her keep going, and b) shuichi said he prefers tea over coffee, i fucking told u so.
-they did one of miu’s next and just. just fuckigf look at this dialogue: “i call this baby the “hookup counter”! it counts how many people you’ve fucked! or how many have fucked you!” “d-don’t point that at me!” “too late! let’s see the result, shall we? HAH-HAHAHA! no fuckin’ way! you kiddin’ me!?” [what did it say? what did it say!?] SHUICHI WHY DON’T YOU KNOW. DON’T JUST MOVE ON TO THE UNDERWEAR TELEPORTER I HAVE QUESTIONS GODAMNIT!!!
-ok we got to the bit where shuichi says “...i wouldn’t eat that greasy food even if they threatened to kill me.” and u know what? He’s Right. i completely forgot how much mayonnaise was on that kimchi, absolutely horrific.
-kaito smacking the doorbell one billion times remains iconic.
-”what are you doing up at this hour?” “nyeeeh...well, just thinking. but it’s pretty late now. hmm, i think i’ll sleep well tonight. if i knew it’d be like this...i woulda had her undo my brainwashing a long time ago.” hey just for the record if anyone tells you everyone is brainwashed except for them and their group: Run.
-it’s clear you’re meant to laugh at shuichi here, but fifty push-ups is actually pretty impressive!? i can barely manage one......
-”when i look at you...i can’t help but feel frustrated. i ask myself...is the one kaede entrusted her wish to really this weak?” and here we see the beginning of kaito’s jealousy toward shuchi! it’s such an important part of his arc, and it frustrates me that so few people talk about it beyond his blowup in ch4. he admired kaede, and deep down he’s pissed that she chose shuichi to carry her wish instead of him, because *he’s* supposed to be the hero! he cares about shuichi, sure, but i think a lot of the sidekick bit is more about him wanting to feel like a savior. he’s big-hearted, but also has a strong tendency toward self-centeredness. he’s a lot like kokichi in that way.
-kaito is already “slacking” during the first training session, so he probably has the disease already. i wonder if he had it through ch1, or if it’s more recent?
-[i worked out for the first time in a long while...] so he did use to work out! if i had to guess, i’d say he probably stopped during his depressive episode after the murder case,,,still, it makes him reaching fifty push-ups make more sense.
-that’s the end of day seven! i’ll see you guys next time :]
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