#But if It IS Kaito. Why is he dragging it out like this? Why is he pretending to be kokichi? and doing it so well?
g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
All signs are currently pointing to Kaito being dead, there's overwhelming evidence in support of it, but there's two truth bullets that are giving me this horrible feeling that something's wrong and we're missing something important. But How On EARTH could it be Kaito in the exisal instead? You don't understnad I'm losing it here
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aayakashii · 1 month
How would they react if you received a confession from some random student?
Warning: yandere behavior, possessiveness, A LOT of manipulation etc etc you know the drill
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Gasp! You received a confession! A human student fell for you and confessed that they have had a huge crush on you ever since they saw you in the admission ceremony. They even invited you on a date! You're so excited! But... wait... how will your ghouls react to that...?
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Fuji Kaito
Absolutely distraught.
He knew you first! He was supposed to be your first option!
He doesn't try to hide how desperately jealous he is.
Bombards you with self-deprecating messages that do more harm than good because it gets super annoying after a while.
Stops eating properly and pays even less attention to class, which makes him take even more remedial classes.
Asks you for your help immediately. He's so insistent on you tutoring him, that you end up saying yes just so he'll stop whining.
He happily creates a schedule that eats up most of your time, so you can only see him every single day. After all, he has such a hard time learning! You gotta help him a lot 🥺 and no, Luca isn't an option.
It's almost like he planned this... but nah, that's Kaito we're talking about. He wouldn't do this, right
Lucas Errant
He doesn't really understand what he's feeling at the moment
At first, he has a positive reaction – after all, you're an amazing person! It's only obvious you'd have admirers.
But then he finds himself thinking more and more about it.
Is that person capable of protecting you? Do they possess any type of skill in combat so they can fend off anomalies? Will they pay attention to your needs? Will they hold your hand when they walk you home? Will they actually walk you home when it's late??????
He starts worrying more and more about your safety until he can't brush off his concerns any longer.
He will not approve of this relationship. He's pretty sure that person isn't capable of providing you with all you need and deserve.
At least not like he can. He knows he can protect you. So... stay with him instead, will you?
Ishibashi Tohma
Hm... Really. So you have a little admirer. How cute.
Tohma couldn't be more obvious with the disdain and contempt towards the person who confessed to you.
He always manages to spot you wherever you are, just to steal you away and drag you with him to do something 'important'.
"Why yes, you must come with me to pick up this order of tea leaves I have put on. Of course I can't do this alone, you have to learn the ropes of my work since you're my dear helper."
You better not be thinking about going on dates. Tohma will ruin all your plans by summoning you to his side as soon as you step out of your dorm.
He will control your time and your schedule until you forget entirely about that silly little person who tried to take you away from him.
And when you hear the first whispers of awful rumors about that person, Tohma already has his hands on you, permanently dragging you away from them and their terrible influence.
As if he wasn't the one that spurred the gossip in Frostheim from the very beginning.
Kamurai Jin
No. Just no.
Don't even think about it.
You just aren't allowed any distractions from your work for him. You're his servant.
Actually, sratch that. You're his, period.
The fact that someone would be so bold to try and take you away from him is unbelievable.
And you're CONSIDERING their confession? Are you insane? What do they have to offer you? How can you even begin to think of them as more important than him?
You're crazy if you think he'll just let you go and date some peasant.
Jin WILL bribe the person who confessed to you to make them go away in a heartbeat.
He's convinced that everyone will fold when they're faced with money. Everyone but himself, because he already has it all.
All except you, apparently.
Jin will offer them a life changing amount of money just to keep them away from you.
Don't worry, he'll be right there to see your little heartbroken face when you're walk back to him after all that.
He'll take his sweet time picking up your pieces and putting you back together.
Mido Alan
Alan stuffs his hands inside his pockets and scowls as soon as you let him know about someone confessing to you.
Oh, he despises that idea.
At first, he wonders whether it is because he might see you as a little sibling or... some other platonic thing... that activates his protective instinct.
But then he sees you crack a little smile as you talk about actually going on dates, and the jealousy he feels is simply undeniable.
Alan may be stoic, but he's very well acquainted with his ugliest feelings.
And this jealousy is simply the most hideous thing.
Do you know that person? Do you think they truly care about you? No. They don't. At least not like him.
Alan doesn't say all that openly, but he hangs around you for longer and longer, like a guard dog. Arms crossed and scowling, ready to pounce at anyone crazy enough to invade his space.
And obviously, you're in his space. You're the only one allowed in it. The only one he wants attached at his hip.
He eventually wins by wearing down his competition. After all, no one is brave enough to poke this lion with a short stick.
You're just not worth them risking their lives like that...
Don't worry, Alan is right by your side to pet your little head and comfort you.
He'll always be by your side.
Haizono Sho
Well, look at you. Being popular and shit. Gotta be feeling good, huh?
Kinda upsetting that the one who likes you is a loser that definitely doesn't deserve you.
Who said that.
Sho immediately bans you from eating at his food truck.
If you're gonna play these dumb games, then he has his own cards to play, too.
Even if you have zero intention of making him jealous and genuinely just want to go on a cute date, he WILL see it as a challenge.
He would rather get hit by a car than see you taking some random ass dude to HIS food truck to eat HIS food during a date. You're supposed to eat his food only if you go on dates with HIM.
He's gonna make you choose between him and your stupid new guy as soon as you tell him about the confession.
Are you going to abandon him? Are you really going to choose some dude instead of a friend? Someone who needs your support and ideas? Someone who ACTUALLY cares about you and didn't just randomly appear out of nowhere?
There is a correct answer for his ultimatum, and you better choose wisely.
Kurosagi Leo
Some people do have awful taste, huh.
Cannot fathom why someone would ever fall for you.
You're plain and boring, just a stupid NPC. That person must be just as boring as you, if not worse.
He makes sure to tell you all of this so you know your place.
But then you decide to give that person a chance and begin to ignore his messages.
How fucking dare you answer him only in the end of the day. You're supposed to be at his beck and call. You're supposed to be by his side whenever he needs you, like a good NPC.
He gets antsy. He's bouncing his legs, biting his nails and feeling his stomach flip flop inside him.
Okay he GETS it. You can stop trying to make him jealous now, god. You're so fucking desperate for his attention, aren't you?
Just... answer his fucking texts for once, okay?
Otherwise, he's gonna have to handle that rando that's been glued to your side on his own terms, and you don't want that.
Don't make him do something both of you will regret <3
Sagara Haru
Of course someone would fall for you! Who wouldn't?
You're so sweet, strong, patient, helpful, comforting, and you always do your best to spend time with him so he feels less overworked and...
If you have a s/o, this means you won't be able to help him and spend time by his side, huh...
That is a problem.
Haru needs your company. He needs to know your whereabouts and what you're doing. You won't leave him hanging behind on his own, right?
He knows that you care for the animals and you wouldn't abandon them, but what about him?
Will you really leave him behind?
Haru is busy with everything in Jabberwock, so it's not like he can neglect his job to follow you around, but... Maybe he can keep an eye on you through his little gps.
Whenever he sees you out and about, he'll shoot you the cutest, most heartwrenching message about how he the animals miss you.
It never fails.
After all, you're so sweet. He knows exactly how to tug on your heartstrings until you run back to him.
Otonashi Towa
You're not going to date anyone.
Towa loves romance, yes, but only if it doesn't involve you with someone else.
You're his Dandelion! You're his. You're not going to leave him, ever. Why are you even thinking about someone else? You're so silly, Dandelion.
Towa doesn't try to be subtle. He will threaten the other person and kick them out of your life immediately.
If he needs to strike them down with a dozen lightnings, he will do it. Do not doubt him whatsoever.
Don't be sad, though. If you wanted to go on dates, you should have just said so!
He will take you to every pretty place he finds in Darkwick – cave systems, flower fields, dense woods, and anywhere else you feel like going!
As long as you go with him.
He's not letting anyone steal you from him, ever.
Shiranami Ren
Whines and whines and whines and whines.
He becomes actually insufferable.
"You're actually going to become one of those disgusting people that flaunt their relationship everywhere, aren't you?"
"Ren, I don't even know if I'll accept the date..."
You don't get it, though. He thought you were different. He thought you weren't like everyone else! But you got A CONFESSION?
That's like the most normie thing in the whole world...
And who's gonna watch B-horror movies with him now? Who's gonna play his mobile games and do his dailies with him?
You're gonna be just like those assholes that forget their friends when they start dating, aren't you?
He knew you were just too good to be true. That's on him, though. He was stupid to believe you would stick around.
Wait, no, please don't go. Please don't get mad at him.
He just doesn't want you to spend your time with someone else... but also, he would rather die than straight up tell you that.
Maybe read between the lines of all his whiny ass messages and forget about that other guy, how about it? It's almost time for a raid anyway.
Hoshibami Taiga
Oh honey. I don't know why you think you can even leave Taiga's side for long enough to receive a whole confession.
Although, if someone is crazy enough to mess with TAIGA'S little kitten, they are very brave.
Taiga may let them shoot their shot just to amuse himself and see how the dumbass would try to woo you.
But if they got even a little bit closer, his gun would fire immediately.
It would either end in someone getting terribly traumatized and/or wounded, or in death.
Getting away is just not an option if you're Taiga's.
You're always in his reach. No reason to think about silly little scenarios like "receiving a confession".
Pffft. Don't be stupid.
Romeo Lucci
Are you fucking insane? Shut up and go fetch him a face mask.
Of course he's not letting you date anyone. You're his assistant. You dont have time for shit like that.
What do you mean you don't need permission? Oh that's RICH.
Romeo isn't very patient about this whole situation.
If you try to argue too much, he just pushes you into his secret room and then inside one of his cages until you understand your place.
He's never letting you just walk away and spend your precious time with some broke asshole. Your time is HIS. YOU are his. Don't get any funny ideas.
It doesn't matter if you get mad at him. He will keep you locked up until you're sweet and compliant again. Just the way you're supposed to be.
And if that doesn't work quickly enough, he can always order his men around and beat whoever tries to get too close to you.
No one fucking steals from Romeo. Much less what is the most valuable to him.
Shinjo Ritsu
Ritsu is incredibly confused once you bring up going on dates with someone who confessed to you.
Did you forget you are legally binded to him by the terms of your partnership?
You have no time to go on dates. During working hours you have to be fulfilling your part of the contract right beside him.
It's not his fault that there's so much work to do that you end up needing to work overtime...
Yes, he IS very against unpaid overtime, obviously.
But it's not like you're not getting anything from this! You'll have the best lawyer in Japan always ready to help you.
But you'll only have this rare privilege if you stop being foolish and forget about dating that silly student.
You have to focus. Focus on your partnership.
Focus on him.
Focus on Ritsu alone.
Kusanagi Haku
Oh, so you hesitate to accept his invitations, but you're quick to go on a date with some other random person?
Ouch. Yikes.
Immediately lets you know that the person a very nasty spirit posessing them.
But you'd be a bit silly if you believed what he says because Haku is going to blatantly lie.
If that's what it takes to keep you far from anyone trying to get their hands on you, you BET Haku will try to manipulate you.
"Exorcising them? Nah, can't do it. Too strong of a spirit, you know? Better just keep your distance ;)"
He's honestly shameless. Doesn't stop following you around for a second and always manages to barge into every conversation you have with a general student, even if it's not even the person who confessed to you.
Can't be too careful, you know? After all, you're so sweet, what if more people fall for you?
He hates competition, so it's best to just cull everyone that gets too close to you. Makes things a lot easier for him.
And you know, since you're so eager to go out on a date with someone, why don't you choose him for once?
It's not like he'll ever let you have another option besides himself after all.
Kagami Subaru
Oh, he's guilt tripping you right away. All those years of acting are SHOWING.
Have you watched a kabuki play? There are some SAD ones, you know.
And you best believe Subaru is going to look like you've just ripped his heart apart as soon as you tell him about the confession.
You're the only actual friend he has besides Lyca... Do you really want to leave him in the dust like that? All for some dates? He really thought he mattered more to you than that...
It doesn't matter how much you try to reassure him you won't abandon him, he'll only stop being gloomy once you tell him word for word that you are not going to date anyone else.
And as soon as you do that, it'll be like clouds letting the sun shine again. He'll smile and cling to you like a magnet, gently feeding you the softest daifuku.
All while subtly touching you and checking your memories for the face of whoever dared to confess to you.
His good relationship with Darkwick will definitely come in handy to keep them far away from you.
Kotodama Zenji
He is having such a hard time with this!
He is more than happy to know you're appreciated! You are such a wonderful person! His lovely little human!
However... he can't help but feel awful about it all too. What if you stop talking to him?
After all, besides you, only Haku and Subaru see him. He knows you wouldn't be able to talk to him if you had someone unrelated right next to you. Much less someone who isn't even a ghoul!
His late night visits become more frequent. He stands at the foot of your bed, looking at your sleeping figure, very conflicted.
Is he allowed to be a little selfish, even though he's a spirit?
Soon enough, you stop hearing from the person who confessed to you. It's not that big of a deal, but you ARE curious as to why they up and vanished.
You'll never know how they suddenly got prophetic nightmares about how they shouldn't date you, complete with some bloodied messages on their wall...
Mizuki Rui
He's absolutely distraught. Not only he cannot touch you, now he must be tortured by the sight of you touching someone else?
Even worse: someone else touching YOU?
His days just keep on getting worse.
Will you still please visit him at his bar then? You won't completely starve him of your company, right?
Maybe he should just touch this crush of yours.
Haha, just kidding! He wouldn't do that.
He will, however, hide in the darkness for as much as he needs until he's sure that he approves of that date of yours.
Spoiler: he will never approve of anyone that isn't him.
Rui will bombard you with messages until you understand that his jealousy will never subside unless you reject that person once and for all.
And maybe, for some peace, you should. Because Rui is nothing if not insistent.
From the corner of your eyes, you see the way he lurks in the shadows of every place you visit.
Give yourself a break and mend the shinigami's heart for once, please?
Edward Hart
Oh dear. Who's going to take care of him now 😔
You're heartless, you know. Wasting your finite human time with a pointless date, instead of helping an old man when he needs you... You wound him so...
Ed is the king of emotional blackmail. He will moan and groan on and on about how weak and alone he is (even though Rui does everything for him) and how cruel you are for not spending your days in his room, tending to all his whims.
It doesn't matter if Rui can help him with this malware-riddled website. He wants YOU to help him. His plain but pretty little thing.
Didn't you learn you must respect your elders, love?
Then go lay down on his bed with him, thread your fingers through his hair, and shush him when he's tired and in pain. You're his walking balm, dear.
Don't leave him hanging. That would be so rude of you.
Lyca Colt
No no no no no no no no
You're not gonna date anyone!! You're not going to hang out with anyone else, ever!!!
Lyca is another one that's not subtle.
He'll just cling to you 24/7 and growl at the person who confessed to you until they run away.
He'll NEVER let you spend a single minute longer with some boring human. You have to spend time with him and teach him more about... well, about everything! You're his caretaker, aren't you?
The fact that he used to protest every time someone called you his babysitter does not matter anymore!
He is going to stay by your side and chase everyone away. How dare they try to do those disgusting things with HIS human!
It's overwhelming how clingy and possessive he gets – even more than before.
Lyca won't let you breathe peacefully. He'll be clinging to your arm, your hand, your neck, your shoulders, anywhere he can grab just to show everyone that you belong WITH HIM ALONE.
It's best if you just accept it. They do say it's hard to teach older dogs how to behave, don't they...
Isami Yuri
He didn't expect much from you, but to waste your time with meaningless endeavors... Disappointing!
You better never sleep then! Because he's not letting you off the hook! You're still spending more than half of your day in Mortkranken, under HIS watchful eye!
And if he sees you texting some random guy, well. He'll just have to snatch your phone away from you.
How dare you think of anything else besides your apprenticeship under him?! Him, Isami Yuri, the best doctor in Darkwick. You're so ungrateful!
Yuri will wring you dry. He's so merciless, it'll be honestly best if you just focus on him...
He wants your full attention and focus. If you go on... *retches* dates... your mind won't be into your work.
Stop this insanity, worm, and pay attention to him. Pay attention and praise him. Don't go praising some random, worthless person. They don't deserve it.
But Yuri does. Yuri deserves your praise.
Praise him.
And forget all about anyone else.
Kirisaki Jiro
Hm... will going on dates affect your health positively? Your mental health, maybe? Huh.
Jiro doesn't really understand what he feels about you spending time with someone else.
What he does know is that he likes having you around, as much as he can process how "liking something" feels.
He likes how you take care of him after he showers and how you worry about him, no matter how many times he tells you it's pointless. He likes your reactions and how you try to be helpful. He likes you.
If you spending time with someone else means he won't have you doing all this anymore, or at least not as much as he'd like, he can't say he approves it.
Jiro straight up tells you he doesn't want you to go on dates and why.
It'd be wise to listen to him. Otherwise, he'll try to get his fix of you by following you around.
Not sure you'd want the tallest and strongest man in Darkwick following you around like a shadow... but you do you.
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I just realized the fifth trial of v3 could have gone COMPLETELY different in my ghost au oh no
// SPOILERS for Danganronpa V3
I rewatched the trial recently and just got to the end when Kaito exits the Exisal to stop everyone from reaching the wrong vote, and it got me thinking.
We aren't completely sure whether Kokichi was killed by the hydraulic press or by the poison. It could've been totally possible for him to succumb to the poison while he was laying on the press waiting for it to lower.
We have no idea how long it actually takes for the Strike-9 poison to circulate through the body, and after Kaito and Kokichi switched places, he could've succumbed to the poison while Kaito was getting back up to the controls and setting back up to lower the press.
It's totally possible for him to have died of the poison and for Maki to be the actual Blackened, but as the player we had no way of confirming his cause of death. Not even Monokuma knew because the cameras were disabled! That was the whole shtick of the case! Monokuma relied completely on Shuichis deduction for this, and he concluded that Kokichi was killed with the press.
BUT in ghost au, we WOULD get confirmation of the killer and victim but not until that moment that Kaito exited the Exisal.
Kokichis ghost could've been hanging out in there through the whole trial until that point and exited with Kaito to see everyone's expressions up close. No one would really have made the conclusion that killers see their victims ghost until they became a Blackened themselves, but Kaito didn't know that so he wouldn't have been off put by not seeing Kokichis ghost. Dude was scared of ghosts after all so it would've sent him into a panic attack anyway.
But imagine when Kaito exits the Exisal and Kokichi's bloodied ghost follows, only visible to Maki. Imagine her shock when she sees both of them still supposedly alive in front of her. Imagine the rage that would boil her blood and send her bolting over to Kokichi to try to strangle or stab him, reaching out for his spindly neck to take him down-
Only for her to phase right through him.
She falls to the floor, to her hands and knees and is hit with an entirely new shock at the realization. Oh. Oh no. Shuichi and Kaito are moving to help her up and pay no attention to the bloodied Kokichi standing beside them, asking her if she's okay after tripping like that.
That's why Gonta was acting so weird in the previous trial, saying that Miu was still with them and even more confused about why there was a trial being held. They dismissed it as her being with them in spirit, but the others had no clue how literal that was.
Kaede didn't kill Rantaro, but if she had, it would've been a dead giveaway if she was freaking out about a ghost.
Kirumis spiral at the end of her trial was probably driven by Ryoma teasing her with the occasional quip until she lost it.
Korekiyo has probably seen enough ghosts to last a lifetime, so two more would've been nothing.
Only when Gonta had killed Miu did things click.
Maki would look at Kokichi in abject horror, and he would stare back with the exact same expression because this would completely ruin his plan. She would absolutely take the chance to give up her own life to save Kaito. She had done it so many times throughout the trial already, but that was just denial. Denial that Kaito could've been dead and that she could've been the one that killed him.
The trial would drag on for longer, and Shuichi would reach the same conclusion that killers saw their victims ghost. Kaito's skin would go cold because, if that's true, then why couldn't he see Kokichi? He was supposed to be the Blackened. Not Maki. Not Maki.
Maki and Kaito would argue for both stances, desperate to save the other, until Monokuma confirms that, yes, the Blackeneds can see the ghost of their respective victim, because hey, Tsumugi has been able to see Rantaro this entire time. On the cameras, the other culprits have been talking to themselves after killing their victims, but not in a mental spiral. More of a conversation with the dead body before them, except the victim was responding.
Maki would be executed because of this, and Kaito's moral would tank because he a) just lost the love of his life, b) survived when he wasn't supposed to and c) all of that work, all of that planning Kokichi had put into this trial to end the killing game once and for all was completely wasted. He would go numb. He was ready to give up his own life for this, but Maki didn't deserve this. Maki was supposed to live, not him. This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. The only thing trusting Kokichi got him was the love of his life dying before his very eyes when it was supposed to be him.
Oh God now i wanna write a fic where this happens
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ya know how jin usually wears his jacket uniform around his shoulders? my brain literally does not shut up abt this so would it be possible to request a romantic headcanon/drabble with frostheim and vagastrom boys where they give their jacket to the reader (and ur reasons for why you think they do) :’)
Thank you for sending in a request!
he doesn't give his jacket up easily, just be aware. And as stated before He's not big on PDA but I think he'd get a little jealous if they were out and about together. If they were really cold He'd give it up, but he'd absolutely complain about it first. (CAPTAIN! DRABBLE SPOTTED ON STARBURD SIDE!)
Jin glared around at the dirty Vagastrom pit. If it wasn't for MC being there for a mission, he wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this for fun. He didn't trust those thugs to make sure MC got back to their dorm okay. When he finally spotted them, he made a B line for them, noticing some general students getting too close for comfort. He stepped in, using his powerful voice and stigma, saying,
"Stand down you thugs!"
Jin swiftly walked up to a shocked looking MC, taking off his jacket and throwing it over their shoulders. He placed a hand on their shoulder, glaring daggers at the general students and guiding MC out of there. When they were out he grabbed their hand and started leading them. Without taking his eyes off of where he was going he said,
"From now on, whenever you come to this shit hole. You take my jacket, is that clear?"
Okay, Tohma would give them his jacket if they were cold but I think it would be more of a shield from others if that makes sense. Like to cover them up or to comfort them when something is happening. (WELCOME TO THE DRABBLE DOME!)
Tohma narrowed his eyes as he watched MC leaving Frostheim for the day. He had spotted some general students milling about and getting closer to MC. He stayed where he was until one of the students had tried to grab their arm. In what seemed like a flash, Tohma was there with his typical smile. He held on to the offending students wrist tightly, his composure never cracking. After a moment he let go of the students wrist, and slipped off his jacket, placing it over MC's shoulders. He looked down at them saying,
"Please do forgive them MC. It seems I will have to teach them proper guest etiquette"
Kaito would TRY to give MC his jacket like he's seen in movies and magazines. But he would get WAY too worried about if there was some sort of stain on it from lunch or if it smelled weird. Like if its raining, he'd be too worried about the condition of the jacket to realize MC either ran for cover already.....or is already soaked from the rain. (WE ARE LIVING IN A DRABBLE WORLD! AND I AM JUST A DRABBLE GORL!)
Kaito took a deep breath and shifted his uniform jacket as he walked MC back to their dorm. He saw on his phone that it was supposed to rain today and he purposefully 'forgot' his umbrella. As they were walking it started to drizzle, before quickly turning into a downpour. Kaito thanked whatever diety was out there for this chance. He swiftly took off his jacket, draping it over their shoulders and grabbing their hand to run back to MC's dorm. He laughed along the way, picturing what it looked like to MC. what he thought was a cute scene from a movie.....was really him dragging MC by the hand in the pouring rain. When they finally DO make it back to MC's dorm, they're both sopping wet and MC says,
"Thanks for lending me your jacket and all Kaito.....but i hope you know there's a hole in one of the sleeves."
Kaito died a little inside when MC told him that.
Luca, being the lovely English gentlemen he is. He will always give MC his jacket even if it's just a little windy. He would beat himself up if MC got sick when they were with him. (EXTRY EXTRY! DRABBLE FOR ENGLISH BOI!)
Lucas had sent MC a message to meet him in the library to do more research on both their curse and demons. He was making his way to the library, when he spotted them. He waved and jogged up to them, a small smile on his face. He grabbed their hand and gently squeezed it. Keeping their fingers interlocked while they walked together.
MC was mentioning something that happened in one of their classes when Luca felt a drop of something hit his nose. He looked up, noticing clouds overhead. Without hesitating he took off his jacket and placed it on top of MC's head to shield them from the rain. He pressed his hand against their lower back gently guiding them into the building. MC fussed over how he was wet, but he brushed it off with a smile and a soft hand on their cheek, saying,
"I'll be fine MC. I was more worried about you. I wouldn't ever want you to get sick. I promised to protect you after all"
Okay to start with, Alan doesn't wear his jacket. He HAS one, he just doesn't wear it. He has a vest though so its CLOSE ENOUGH! But with his vest, they HAVE to tell him that they're cold AND ask him for his vest. He has no objection to give it to them if they're cold. But his mind is on other things, he's not gonna get the hint if they just tell him that they're cold.
Alan was on his back, working on one of the cars in the Vagastrom garage while he waited for his partner to show up. Tonight was supposed to be date night and they agreed to spend some time together doing seperate things (its called parallel play for those who don't know!). He rolled out to grab a drink of water and a different tool when MC walked in. They were holding their arms and shivering slightly. He greeted them and went back under to work on the car.
MC sat down on the couch and cleared their throat. Alan rolled back out and asked them what was wrong. When they told him it was cold, he offered to get them a blanket or something. When they refused that offer, he didn't know what else to do and went back under. MC sighed and got his attention by calling his name. He rolled back out and asked,
"Did you change your mind on that blanket?"
MC had not and just asked him straightforward,
"Alan sweetie, I'm cold. Can I please borrow your vest?"
He thought about it for a moment before telling them no, then getting up and walking away. MC sat there SHOCKED. For a moment they were upset, but after a minute or two, Alan came back with a uniform jacket, tossing it towards MC, saying,
"Wear that. It'll look better on you than me anyways"
I feel like Sho would hand MC his jacket whenever he's either about to cook, or about to fight. He'd give it to them if they were cold sure, but he'd complain about them not being prepared.
Sho made his way back to the Vagastrom dorms with bags full of ingredients. He texted his partner MC to show up with an appetite. He was glad to see MC already at the dorms by the time he got back and parked Bonnie (his bike) properly. He raced past them into the Vagastrom kitchen, urging them to follow.
When they came in, they saw Sho adjusting his bandana to keep the hair out of his face and taking off his jacket. He held it out to MC saying,
"Hang onto this for me babe. I'm about to make a master piece"
Seeing the fire in his eyes, MC gladly took his jacket, slipping it on and sitting down at the kitchen counter. They watched as he expertly cooked: cutting vegetables, frying and double frying meats, even his plating was mesmerizing to watch. When he was finished he set the hot plate down in front of MC with a smirk.
Leo would NOT give them the jacket he wears. Its a very expensive jacket that he got from a brand deal. The only time he would willingly give MC his jacket is if something happened and they were really really upset (not at him though)
Leo sighed as he walked to MC's dorm. He didn't bother knocking as he came into the old cathedral. He looked around calling for MC. He eventually found them curled up in bed, sobbing. He cringed a bit, not entirely comfortable with such intense emotions. He took a minute to think before sighing dramatically. He sat down on the edge of the bed and threw his jacket over their sobbing form. He put a gentle hand on their back, saying,
"Just try not to get any tear streaks on it, okay?"
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leonawriter · 4 months
A Freaky Friday bodyswap with Kaito would be fun. Like, he'd have an unfair advantage at playing the other person, buy whoever's being him has the disadvantage of not being supernaturally gifted at magic and disguise, y'know?
My first thought was that it'd be Hakuba, and he ends up walking a while in Kaito's shoes. Kaito spends this time as Hakuba getting dragged into various kinds of cases and having to play detective, which he's actually pretty good at.
I figure Kaito would get found out by Saguru's Baaya, because Kaito just... doesn't know how to get into the guy's head when it comes to his thoughts on either Kid or "himself" and she's just "you haven't brought that thief of yours up once?" or even that he didn't have the right expression when he did, because let's face it she might not get the young master's fondness for that thief but who is she to judge? She's just his nanny.
So now has a thief in her charge's place, who keeps talking strangely because he's used to being able to do all sorts of things with his voice that Saguru's not trained in now that she knows it's not him and she's not immediately calling the police (why would she? if she did, then Saguru's body would be in custody, not the thief's!).
Saguru meanwhile has to attempt to... act like Kaito. Which he isn't very good at. Not the attitude (how is he meant to act like that? it goes against- well- he's not rude and he isn't a pervert!) or the pranks (subtle things, perhaps, but not the over the top things Kaito is known for) and not the... mop fights with Aoko when she gets frustrated with him for not reacting properly (although he has to admit, that was rather fun).
Nor, he thinks, would he be any good at a god damn HEIST. It isn't even the law-breaking that bothers him as much as the prospect of people staring at him and expecting him to pull off Kaito's kind of miracles that he... has no idea how to reproduce. Break apart and sabotage? Easy enough. But set up in the first place? That's totally different!
It'd be a frustrated and annoyed Akako who sets them to rights, I think (maybe it was one of her spells that made it happen in the first place), and... I don't know how, but in a way that'd have Saguru still in Kid's suit (and grateful he didn't have to DO anything) and Kaito still in, I dunno, the deerstalker or something (he wanted to have some fun with the whole detective thing).
Kaito's dumbfounded because he'd expected to have the dumb detective readying handcuffs the moment they're back to normal since he knows where all the evidence is now and... what. WHAT. Hakubastard, EXPLAIN?! What are you DOING dressed like that?!
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silverteacups · 9 months
The Metamorphosis and Nightcord at 25
Part 2
LYRICS "How do I look like now? Am I unsightly? Of course I am."
This doesn't just represent Mizuki, but Mafuyu. This is also why they were the two to sing Villain - and no, I'm not talking about the trans Mafuyu headcanons. I'd love for that to happen, but I don't think that's what it's about. For Mizuki, it's about how people feel about their secret. They disgust people by being themself, and if Mafuyu were her "true self", she'd probably do the same. A lot of people - namely her mum - accept as the person she's forced to be, not the person she is. In the 3DMV, Mizuki holds up their hand, looks at it, then faces the camera and smiles. I am still human. I am still myself. I can see it clearly. What do you see that I don't? ""I beg you, please don't throw the apples at me." They Lock up, Lock up to themselves-""
In The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa's father throws apples at him. One badly injures him, and this line is referring to exactly that. Don't hurt me. Don't turn your backs on me. Don't treat me like filth.
"Of course, I couldn't even have a proper fight with you."
This, obviously, refers to Mafuyu and her mum. When it comes to Gregor Samsa, it might refer to how he can't even communicate with his family. He has no way to defend himself, to explain what he's doing, to explain how much he's struggling. He is suffering, his family is pretty much shaming him for it, and he can't even tell them.
"It's not a joke! Don't eat my dreams away!"
Ena and Mafuyu both got the full line, just to clarify (+ KAITO). I'm not gonna link it to Gregor this time, just point out how this links to Mafuyu's mum not letting her have the career she wants, and Ena's dad discouraging her in terms of her art.
"It's as if you're biting into the apple, Sa-sa-Samsa."
Again, Mafuyu and Mizuki both sang the full line (+ KAITO). Gregor never took out that apple, I don't think - he left it to rot. To me, this symbolises self-sabotage, feeding off something that has hurt you beyond repair. Mafuyu and her mum, for instance - despite everything leading up to the events in Immiscible Discord (and then Saying Goodbye to My Masked Self), she can't hate her. In fact, multiple times before this event, Mafuyu has tried to make it clear that she still very much loves her.
"Even if I'll become a shadow of my former self, I'm right here."
Kanade got this line, but I still think it suits Mafuyu more. Even if she's not the person she acted like she was, even if she'll never be seen the same way, she's still Mafuyu. She can change her name, she can change her appearance, whatever she wants, but that shouldn't change how people feel about her. That shouldn't make her mum turn on her. That shouldn't change anything. In the 3DMV, for this and the next line, the focus is on Kanade and Mafuyu only. These lines are about them. What I've said about Mafuyu, but also Kanade's determination to save her.
"Even if I'm poisoned by the fringed iris."
I spoke about this here. TL;DR: The fringed iris (otherwise know as the butterfly flower) is poisonous and was used around castles to slow enemies. Here, it could refer to Mafuyu's mum again. Putting up walls to protect herself will only do so much, and eventually they'll come crashing down, and it'll only hurt her more. In the 3DMV, she also does a motion like eating an apple, which links back to the biting into the apple point I made. "The light is there, at 25:00 (1 a.m.). Now drag along your tail, Sa-sa-sa-sa-Samsa."
Again, the Samsa is sang by everyone at the same time. Gregor Samsa, as time goes on, finds it far harder to even move. Struggle through your pain, basically, because you'll find that light at the end, at 25:00 - when their group meets up. Again, probably a reference to Kanade trying to save her. Also, During her line, Ena's the only one shown reaching for the light. This could be because she's the only one who's been really and truly saved. Does her art frustrate her? Does she still encounter hardships? Of course she does. But she can face them now, properly. She doesn't have that desire to disappear anymore. Look at I nandesu - she sees beauty in the world, in herself, in love, in her art, in everything.
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I've already pointed out the fringed iris, but also that it could be a japanese iris, which represents hope. Then you have Mafuyu, the butterfly. Unlike Samsa, she hasn't changed into a "hideous" creature. She's a beautiful one, in fact. There are other butterflies put on display. I don't think this represents Mafuyu's true self - it shows her "masked self". The one that everyone admires. In this event, Kanade is trying to save Mafuyu from her mum, but from the perspective of her mum, she's not doing that. She's only holding her back. Trapping her. The way I see it, this set is seeing them the way Mafuyu's mum would. Kanade, the charwoman, with her white hair and the almost completely vertical feathers in her hat. At first, the charwoman is the only one not disgusted by Gregor, the only one who has seen the worst and isn't fazed by him, but she turns his room into a dump. A cave. That's what Mafuyu's mum is seeing - someone with good intentions, maybe, but she is ruining Mafuyu's life by making music with her and distracting her from her studies, and Mafuyu sees it only as kindness. Also, unlike the charwoman, she's kept the furniture there. She's keeping what makes Mafuyu comfortable, even if (at least in her mum's eyes) it restricts her.
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When Mafuyu's mum interacted with Ena, she actually got a good impression of her. Ena had to force herself to mention her dad. She told her mum she'd be using Mafuyu as a model. Ena doesn't represent someone from the Metamorphosis, I don't think. Rather, she draws what Mafuyu's mum can't see - her daughter's pain. The fringed iris that keeps her mother from her true self. The apples she's thrown at her so many times. The mirror that Mafuyu has looked into so many times, and seen the same thing each time. She draws these in books, because Mafuyu's studying, the pressure from her mum, all of it, that's where a lot of that pain comes from.
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Don't think they've ever interacted with Mafuyu's mum, but if she knew their secret, this is what she'd see. Someone who seems like a friend, trying to poison her. The opposite of Kanade, basically. This is also a good way to show how people in general see Mizuki, or, certainly, trans people. Mizuki and Mafuyu are both Samsa, and Ena and Kanade are both the charwoman (if you ignore the part where she dehumanises Gregor and such). Also, note the spider necklace. Ena is the only other one with this, with some sort of insect. Gregor finds, at some point, that he can just climb up walls and onto ceilings. In fact, he quite enjoys it. Even then, though space would help, part of him didn't want to have the furniture taken because he's still attached to it. He's still human. That's the thing here. Mizuki has been dehumanised. Mizuki has disgusted people for being themself. They're no less human, yet people continue to act like that's the case.
Samsa, Mafuyu and Mafuyu's Mum
Mafuyu's mum is everyone, really, who isn't Samsa. Maybe not all to start with, but definitely towards the end of the story. I'll go through the list:
Grete, his sister - she started to see taking care of him as a chore, and was the one to propose letting him die.
His dad - after a series of events, he mistakes Gregor's actions for being harmful, throws the apples at him like I mentioned previously. He never cared about his son - he cared about the man who made them money, who provided for them, who was a human. Not the man who didn't appear human, nor the man who loved him even if he couldn't say so, even if he could do nothing to show it.
His mum - so desperate to see him, but disgusted when she did. She loved him still, but she didn't grieve his loss. Rather, she was relieved.
The charwoman later on - She's blunt. She doesn't care about how Gregor feels, because he's been reduced to just a thing. He's dead? Happens to every other insect. No big deal.
And then Mafuyu, of course is Samsa.
Even if other people can accept who she is, what about her parents? Her mum, especially. Will she ever see her the same? Will she ever love her again? Will she ever get that approval again? What happens if she stops meeting the high expectations she set? What happens when she tries to run, when she tries to talk, when she tries to rebel? Will she die thinking of her mum, still, rather than those who truly care for her, and herself? Will her mum continue to hurt her? Is it even intentional? If she could just speak properly, find the right words, could that solve everything, or will it never be enough? If she gives herself away, does that erase any chance she ever had of coming back from it, if that chance was even there to begin with?
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justdalek · 7 months
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Here’s the next gen cast of p5!
More in for below cut
Hikari Kitagawa
Daughter of Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke Kitagawa
Arcana: Pentacles
Persona: Comnena
Was the “final contract” creation of Satanel, William, and Gorokichi before they reverted back to their first form (Arsene, Captain Kidd, and Goemon)
Is training to be both a professional ice and roller skater
Pottery is her hobby
While stoic, she can be a bit of a troll if given the opportunity
Leader of the Phantom Crusaders
Is closest with Ren
Yes, her tricolor hair is natural, no dyes
Kaito Takamaki
Son of Makoto, Haru, and Ann Takamaki
Arcana: Swords
Persona: J.L. Casey
Was the “final contract” creation of Celestine, Agnes, and Lucy before they reverted back to their first forms (Carmen, Johanna, and Milady)
Aspiring thespian, master dancer
He loves over dramatizing events
A crybaby, but he can pull his own in a fight if he has to
Powerhouse and moral booster of the Phantom Crusaders
Closest to Haru
His tricolor hair, like Hikari’s, is all natural
Minato Sakura
Adopted son of Futaba Sakura
Arcana: Wands
Persona: Hayden
Futaba discovered he was living in an alleyway behind her house to escape his foster family who mistreated him
A music prodigy, he plays cello, violin, string bass, piano, flute, and baritone
Rather snarky in behavior, but has a very present caring side
Him, Futaba, and Sojiro have family dinner on Saturday nights
He is the navigator for the Phantom Crusaders
No one knows why he wears gloves, but he never takes them off in front of anyone, including Futaba
Fuyuki Izumi Kitagawa
Taken in by Morgana, later adopted by Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke
Arcana: Cups
Persona: Holliday
Was physically stuck in Mementos and later a Palace for over a year before Morgana found them and dragged them out of the Metaverse
It was because of that rescue that the original Phantom Thieves discovered that the Metaverse had somehow opened back up again after sealing itself nearly two decades ago
It’s unknown how they got into the Metaverse, but Fuyuki thinks it might’ve had something to do with their parents kicking them out after a fight
Stays with the Kitagawas post rescue and is eventually adopted by them
Isn’t sure what they want to do, but they do love hanging out with their new friends and learning about the good of the world after living in so much negativity
Strategist of the Phantom Crusaders
Sometimes has a very weird ability where when they fall asleep, they will wake up in a Metaverse variant of the Kitagawa house and has to have somebody get them back to the real world
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hayaku14 · 2 years
my fave hc about hakuba is that he thinks he's all prim and proper. he certainly tries to present himself as one, but the moment he's with hattori he gets sucked into their petty competitiveness where they end up throwing playground insults and basically devolving into grade schoolers; he lets himself be dragged into whatever mess kaito is cooking up, even though he should know better, because he thinks he should act as the voice of reason when in reality he's just really curious and would deny ever joining in the said act if he ever did (he does); and when he's with shinichi you'd think they'd be all fine and dandy because they both love mysteries and sherlock holmes but they quickly realize that their type of mystery books besides sherlock holmes are completely different. they also discover that they love sherlock holmes for vastly different reasons and so every Sherlock Talk turns into a heated Sherlock Debate and according to kaito and hattori, it is seriously one of the nerdiest exchanges they've ever witnessed in their entire lives.
at one point someone finally points it out to him, "hey hakuba i thought you were a really calm and unapproachable dude but you actually have no fucking chill lol"
he brings this up to shinichi and shinichi's like, "yeah you don't, why do you think hattori and kaito still likes hanging out with you even when they claim that, and i quote, "your existence is insufferable and that you have a stick up your ass."
"gee thanks, kudou."
"you're welcome."
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toxicpineapple · 1 year
"it's all been a lie, hasn't it?"
For erm,, Kokichi x Kaito (if that's a ship you do)
Or "go on, cry" if you think that'd be easier
Kokichi is confident in his ability to lose Kaito as he sprints down the hall, keycard tucked into his palm, mostly because they’ve played this game before. Kokichi cuts through the courtyard and then doubles back to the main building, giggling to himself at the familiar sound of Kaito cursing behind him.
There’s something nice about it—not that running away like this is usually all that fun, but it’s fun enough being chased. And it reminds Kokichi of their earlier chases, the way Kaito had snarked at him ages ago back when Kirumi was alive, insisting that he’d eventually hunt him down and figure out what his deal was.
Obviously, Kokichi can’t let that happen… but just to himself, Kokichi can admit that the thought had been a little bit exciting, of Kaito grabbing the scruff of his shirt and demanding he spill all his secrets. The stuff of fantasies, y’know? Anyway, that’s not the reality right now, and there’s no way Kokichi’s letting Kaito have this keycard, but he can’t help laughing anyway as he cuts a corner and starts up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
He pauses on the third floor, turning around to blow a raspberry. Gotta add some excitement to the chase, after all! Kaito, two flights down, scowls up at him and goes faster, so Kokichi quickly swivels on his heel and tears back down the hall.
It is odd, Kokichi thinks, that there’s so much distance between them already. Kaito’s pretty quick, albeit not as fast as Kokichi is. It makes sense for an astronaut in training to be in good shape, after all. Kokichi doesn’t have much time to think on it, though, because he goes so quickly he nearly slams right into a wall before forcefully righting himself and sucking in a sharp breath. Sheesh.
Behind him, he hears a thud, as if Kaito fell too. Too bad for him, he really could’ve used that pause to his advantage. Kokichi turns around to gloat again, one finger already raised to drag down his lower eyelid, but stops short.
Kaito is kneeling on the tile, one hand bracing himself against the wall while the other holds his mouth, muffling bone-rattling coughs. His hand isn’t enough to keep vibrant pink blood from dripping down onto the floor, though, stark against the bright lighting.
Kokichi stares, his blood running cold. Kaito keeps coughing until he looks up and they make eye contact, at which point he hastily scrubs his mouth with his sleeve, flattening his palm against the small pools on the floor.
“Ouma, it’s not what it—”
“Wow,” Kokichi breathes out. “You’re properly dying, huh?”
Kaito flinches. Kokich finds he doesn’t feel all that bad about it. He creeps nearer, not close enough for Kaito to grab him but just close enough that he can pull a handkerchief from his pocket and throw it onto the floor.
It makes sense why Kaito wouldn’t have said anything. An illness like this makes him a target, after all. Of course, it’s possible that he might have told his sidekicks, but… nah, Kokichi doubts that. Not from the way that Shuichi and Maki look at him. They’re as clueless as everyone else.
A bitter smile creeps onto Kokichi’s expression. He can use this, he knows—and he’ll have to find a way to, because his plan is going to require people to die, and if he can… maybe he can minimise casualties by having Kaito be one of them. But for right now his heart is beating a little abnormally fast, and as he watches Kaito grasp the handkerchief and wipe the stains off the tile, Kokichi can’t help but speak.
“It’s all been a lie, hasn’t it?” Kokichi raises an eyebrow. “This hero act of yours. You’re just as vulnerable as everyone else.”
Kaito growls under his breath. “Cut the bullcrap. I’m gonna catch you.”
“Doubt it!” Kokichi leaps back a few steps, then swivels on his heel, throwing up a peace sign before he takes off down the hallway again. “But you can go ahead and keep trying, space boy!”
Yeah, this can’t matter to him. It’s just something else he needs to use for his plan. It might even be a part of the game, Kaito being sick—who better to give this kind of illness? It makes Kokichi feel nauseous, but he can’t linger on that thought. He can’t linger on any of it, no matter how unfair or unjust it all is.
He just has to keep moving. There’s too much to do now for him to falter for even a moment.
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meimi-haneoka · 4 months
The center of gravity - Kaito/Akiho ficlet
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It's time for another combo fanart + ficlet!!
You can find the full fanart inspired by this ficlet (or is it the other way around??) here.
I alllllways wanted to talk about this aspect. This time I won't explore Kaito and Akiho's future (not entirely), but rather their past.
As JP fans bought volume 16 of the Clear Card manga and came to the conclusion of this story that lasted 7 years and half, I've seen many people rejoicing about the relatively happy ending for Kaito and Akiho too. The incontrovertible confirmation (right at the last moment) that Kaito reciprocated Akiho's feelings was received positively by anyone I've seen commenting on it. And along with those comments, many expressed their desire to know more. "I wish we could've seen how Kaito came to cherish Akiho to that point".
I share their same sentiment, and I tried to visualize, both in art and words, what very likely happened on that fateful day when little Kaito saw Akiho in the glass ball. What did Kaito see in her, to the point of prompting him to act in someone else's interest? Why him, a child who never wanted anything and considered getting involved with anyone a nuisance? CLAMP haven't shown in details the "trigger", but along the years I strongly felt that the relationship between Kaito and Akiho is one of those guided by fate. After their first meeting, none of them stayed the same, and both felt inevitably drawn to one another. Of course that attraction presented itself in a variety of forms that changed throughout their journey together. And as you can well imagine, it hasn't always been romantic.
In this ficlet, Kaito is 9 years old, Akiho is 2. I also vaguely included speculations regarding the death of Lilie and her husband.
He felt something snapping and stirring, inside of him. It felt as if the little girl had turned into the center of gravity of Earth and the entire universe was pushing him towards her, despite his reluctance. For the first time ever, he found himself reflected in the eyes of someone else.
Under the cut!
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He had been called in again.
Without asking him if he was already busy with something else, or if it was okay with him to do it at all. They just told him "You're wanted at the rituals hall. Hurry up."
Following the orders, little Yuna D. Kaito walked down the disturbing hallways of the Magic Association's headquarters, dragging the heavy tails of the extravagant dark robe along, as he headed towards his destination.
He didn't have it in him to satisfy their umpteenth request. He never had it in him, but at the same time, he couldn't even find in him the will to leave those godforsaken hallways behind, and together with them, everyone who hung out in there too.
His core felt more empty and dead than ever, especially ever since they informed him of her passing, one year prior.
Every single day he just went through the motions of life, without truly feeling any of it. Fulfilling orders on command, eating whatever solid food he could find around - another passive response to his survival instinct. None of that came from his own will. His mind had recently started wandering to places a 9-year-old should never go.
But he didn't care. All he knew was that he just didn't care. About anything, or anyone. Not even about he himself.
The boy reached the so-called "rituals hall", a spacious room just as dark and ominous as the rest of that damned place was, if not more. A couple of Higher Mages were waiting for him at the altar. He walked past a small group of Comrades whispering among themselves - his ears passively overheard the words "it's quite weird" and "she should've shown signs by now", before reaching the altar. At the center of it, a magic glass orb rested on a crystal support. Kaito noticed they already had magically adapted it to his height.
"Yuna D., we want you to check at a distance a young child, for any possible trace of magic developing in her body."
"...Why me? It is a very simple task that any of the other Comrades could effortlessly do."
The brow of the Higher Mage who had issued the order twitched, slightly irritated by the child's insolence. Kaito's impudence was well-known among the congregation, yet the older magicians usually just ignored it in exchange for the child's services. This time was no exception, and the Higher Mage simply replied "It is a quite complex case. The ones who commissioned this task to us want to be absolutely sure of the verdict, therefore they requested for the intervention of our most powerful magician. Which happens to be you."
Kaito lowered his eyes. They had specifically requested for him, for a service apparently only he could offer. He stood out among all the other magicians of the Association for his innate astonishing abilities. He could do almost anything with no effort. The feeling stirred by that acknowledgement should've made him feel proud...appreciated...wanted. ...But it only made him feel worse. He couldn't help but hear a voice inside his head whispering...
"Am I being wanted, or...am I being used?"
But ultimately, little Kaito didn't care. That's all he knew. So he looked up and climbed the altar's stairs, reaching the glass orb. He circled it with his small hands covered by the robe, and started the spell to summon the image of the target of the check-up he was ordered to perform. The orb emitted a strong beam of light, reflecting a small figure at the center of it. A little girl, dressed in a light blue pinafore.
And then, he saw them.
Two blue eyes staring straight at the core of his soul, piercing through the thick glass.
He froze on the spot, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach.
He would've recognized those facial features anywhere. That ash blonde hair, those eyes resembling blue topaz stones. Nobody told him the name of the little girl beforehand, nor which clan she belonged to, but he didn't need any of that. He immediately knew who she was.
It's easy, when in your whole young life you've only met one person who didn't look at you like a property to exploit or a menace to keep at arm's length. And suddenly, his mind played back the images of a pregnant Lilie, eyes glowing with a peculiar light, while she proudly informed him that she carried a very precious love inside herself. Love born out of love, she said. He remembered staring at the baby bump, confused as it always happened when it came to whatever that powerful magician said. She invited him to touch the little bump, but he refused, grossed out by the idea. That was the last time he saw her.
Kaito quickly estimated the toddler could be about 2 years old, which matched with the other info he had. He had heard the baby Lilie had given birth to wasn't even one year old when the incident happened.
The boy peered deeply into those blue eyes and the knot in his stomach slowly turned into a cold grip when he realized something was off. Way too off.
The little girl's eyes held emotions he never saw on Lilie before. She wasn't smiling like her mother always did, and frankly she looked quite confused and scared by the examination she was being subjected to. She looked lost. Rootless. Lonely. Just like.....
He felt something snapping and stirring, inside of him. It felt as if the little girl had turned into the center of gravity of Earth and the entire universe was pushing him towards her, despite his reluctance. For the first time ever, he found himself reflected in the eyes of someone else.
From outside, Kaito looked as deadpan as ever. But inside, he felt that organ that barely kept him alive beating much faster than he had ever experienced in his pathetic, dull life.
A comrade snapped him out of his trance, soliciting him: "So, what about the fragments of magic?" Kaito remembered why he was there in the first place and activated another spell. His eyes sparkled while he analyzed throughly the toddler reflected in the orb.
He searched and searched...and as an alien feeling took possession of his body, making him feel anxiety for the first time, the world came crushing down on him.
None of it. Not a single speck of magic in the child's body. Not a sign she would ever develop any, even in the future.
He knew it. He knew what that meant, for that ruthless clan composed by nothing but greedy, heartless people. Shame and contempt. An affront to a centuries-old lineage of brilliant magicians. A blemish on the one thing they could take pride on.
This little girl's life had barely just began and she was already condemned to suffer a shame she had no blame for.
But it didn't have to be that way. Not if he could help it. For the first time in his life (oh, how many first times he experienced in a handful of minutes just because of those sad blue eyes) he felt compelled to actually do something. Something more than the mere warnings he used to give to the mother of this little child, warnings that for his entire life he would be afraid to find out were warranted and connected to the powerful magician's early demise, and that of her beloved husband.
He would've just needed to tell the truth. Because the thing her blood relatives would've most likely done, once they found out she didn't have any trace of magic, was to kick her out of their clan. And as despicable as that sounded, it actually seemed like liberation to him. An innocent girl without magic powers like her had no means to defend herself against the greed of the rest of her family. But out of that toxic environment, she would've been able to live a normal life. She could've had a chance to live a life where she would've been blessed with the love of a family who truly appreciated and respected her. That love that Lilie always used to talk about and that was stripped from this child too soon. That love that he still couldn't understand and, so early on at this stage of his life, he was resigned to never completely grasp for himself.
He didn't really know this little girl and he probably wouldn't have seen her ever again, but for the sake of the only person who treated him like a human being, and for those familiar blue eyes he felt he could relate to, he knew he wanted something better for her. So he turned around, feigning condescension:
"There's nothing at all, here. She's just like a 'blank book' ".
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
Kaito groggily opened his eyes, finding himself reflected in another pair of eyes that were staring back at him.
Those beautiful eyes, blue like topaz stones. The same ones he saw in the dream that revisited his childhood.
"Akiho-san....?" he said, his voice hoarse from the heavy sleep.
Akiho was lying on her left side, on Kaito's bed, right in front of him. "I'm sorry...I came to check on you after your seizure and when I saw you didn't answer at the door, I realized you were still sleeping...but I couldn't stop being anxious. So I came in...and decided to wait here for you to wake up."
Kaito could spot traces of unrest in her eyes. She had been afraid to lose him, once again.
She lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry for taking the liberty".
"Nothing to apologize for", he answered with a drowsy smile. She looked up again, her own face breaking into a beaming smile.
He could feel it again, that irresistible pull towards her, like she was Earth's center of gravity. She was the answer to the question that haunted him a lifetime ago. She was the one who wanted him, not used him.
Despite the 'blank book' comment in the end had backfired tragically, the dream made him realize that ever since his eyes met hers in the glass orb, that fateful day of many years ago, there hadn't been a single moment he hadn't loved her. Even when he still didn't know what love was, even when he still hadn't understood what love entailed. Even when it still wasn't the "love" everybody praised endlessly in their romantic songs, the one he certainly was feeling now. It wasn't that love, but he now was sure it was a kind of love nonetheless. His love for her changed and evolved from the very first moment and had the power to change him too, along with it.
Ever since he met her, he felt the inexplicable urge to act in her interest. That gravitational pull shook him from the torpor of his depression, proactively participating to the dance called "life", rather than going through the motions. How or why he came to feel that way didn't matter, it just happened. And he would've been grateful for it for the rest of his life.
"You changed several expressions on your face while you were sleeping. What were you dreaming about?" Akiho inquired with curiosity, propping herself up on her elbow.
Kaito stared tenderly at her.
"The center of gravity of my world"
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enplaysims · 6 months
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Isabelle Chapman
Age: Teen (17) Traits: Quick Learner, Genius & Overachiever
Isabelle Chapman is a massive nerd, in the nicest way possible.
She's the least likely to show up to parties and the most likely to be found in hiding away at the library at Dresden House whilst everyone is laying by the pool.
Regardless, that doesn't make anyone like her any less. Although Issy can be quite reserved, and distant at times, she really is the best friend anyone could ask for. She's always willing to tutor her friends, no matter how long it takes. She single handedly could be the reason that Serena ends up graduating High School.
You see, Isabelle wants to take after her Dad, Julian and become a doctor. Although he and her mother Melissa, a luxury events planner, never pressure her, Issy can't help but put pressure on herself.
Despite this she's lucky to have friends that are pretty different from her and often prevent her from hiding away in textbooks by dragging her out to parties, much to the relief of her parents.
Most recently Serena Redmond was able to hook her up with Kaito Aioki, her now boyfriend, who whilst being quite similar to Issy, is not quite as uptight, which has definitely helped her calm down a little bit.
Issy desperately wants to be successful, and to one day open her own practice, or travel around providing free medical care, or both! So you can see why she puts so much pressure on herself.
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manofmanymons · 8 months
Hey I don’t know if you’re still into Digimon Survive but if you are could you do some headcanons on Minoru x Ryo? Maybe like first kiss headcanons or something? But if you’re not into it anymore or don’t want to that’s totally okay! I just have brainrot over them lol
Have a good day!
all my thoughts about their general dynamic I already kinda ranted about that one time here. But a lot of that was more "once they're in an established relationship" hcs
so let's talk about early relationship and lots of firsts
I think them confessing would be repeated attempts by both of them that continuously end in them chickening out last second. Minoru tries to sound serious with a "I need to tell you something important " but Ryo shuts him down with "if you're gonna tell me about some random superhero thing again, don't," and he panics and says nevermind
Meanwhile Ryo only said that because he was about to try to confess and Minoru saying he was going to say something important made him get in his own head and he also panicked aldkfaj he didn't want to look too nervous or excited so he settled on mean instead ToT
Eventually Minoru just keeps texting this genre of picture
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until Ryo gets confused enough to ask if he's trying to ask him out (he is)
Very big "oh no I fell for an idiot" moment for our dearest Ryo, but hey, he still says yes XD
And here's my reason for thinking they'd have such a rough time confessing right (besides the fact that I personally just think confessing to someone you truly care about and are close friends with is always probably hard). I think in part because they both Caught Feelings they'd be a little scared to drop their acts around each other, so sometimes Ryo still can't tell if Minoru is joking or not and Minoru can't tell if Ryo is actually mad or not. They're both afraid of reading too deep into the other's reactions and getting their hopes up and that makes it hard to gauge each other's reactions to their failed confessions.
They get past it once they're together though ofc.
Idiots trying too hard bc their friends, possibly even partners, got in their heads insisting the way they normally talk to each other isn't romantic at all and that they can't keep messing with each other so much now that they're dating. It doesn't take them all too long to realize that that's stupid actually bc they like their dynamic and they didn't fall for each other by not liking the way the other talks.
Also think some of the awkwardness would come from the fact that it would be both of their first real date ever (no, "bro dates" don't count. no, the time Ryo was dragged to a mixer and was flirted with doesn't count either) and neither of them knows how to act. All is well once they both agree to be normal.
Their first kiss would be significantly less awkward. They have officially escaped the awkward zone, good for them. Genuinely think it would just happened. Y'know like a casual kiss goodbye after spending a day together that they only fully process happened and freak out over after they're alone.
They don't really talk about it. Minoru lies awake at night regretting his life choices and wondering "why did I do that" until Ryo kisses him back the next time they're together.
they kissed one time before that in the other world when they thought they were gonna die and then NEVER acknowledged it. Maybe it was a real kiss, maybe it was a "I don't wanna die before having my first kiss" kiss. Happened so fast neither of them really knows for sure who initiated it. Get cheesy teen drama'd.
First romantic holiday as a couple...Ryo does not think twice before making chocolates for Minoru. That's his boyfriend, why wouldn't he do that for him? Minoru has significantly more of a dumbass crisis of "but he's a guy, what are the rules if we're both guys?!" Luckily Takuma (nicely), Kaito (not nicely), and Falcomon (somehow even less nicely) all tell him not to overthink it.
Lowkey think Minoru would have a FEW moments like that in the very beginning. Wanting to do a gentlemanly thing like hold a door open or offer up his jacket only to worry too much about if he's accidentally treating his bf "like a girl." This time Ryo talks some sense into him. He admits that okay yeah maybe it's a little embarrassing, but only because he's not really used to being doted on by someone other than his parents, not because he's offended that his bf loves him and wants to do nice things for him adlkfaj
TLDR: I think they're both insecure little overthinkers who really don't want to do things wrong, but once they get past that they're really not much different as a couple than they were as friends (with the exception that they're a lot more open with each other now and also kith sometimes lmao)
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aayakashii · 1 month
❤3 and ❤42 with Yuri please, I need something fluffy with him right now
3❤️ a kiss on the forehead
42❤️ a clumsy kiss
Warning: this is not a drabble at all but I can't shut up so here take this fic 🫳 also not very proofread YET so I apologize if it's a bit wonky
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One thing about Mortkranken’s underground: it’s cold. It makes sense, though. There were tons of biological samples being analyzed by students every single day, so it’s not like it could have a warm and comfortable temperature.
Still, you weren’t expecting it to be so cold.
It was kind of ironic, knowing how Yuri hated the other extremely cold dorm of Darkwick. But while Frostheim was freezing because of its natural weather (or as natural as a place created by an anomalous island could be), Mortkranken had all the air conditioners and freezers to create that artificial bubble of icy and dry climate.
Yuri’s personal office wasn’t exempt from the cold. Despite how spacious it was, the air still hung heavy while a split system blasted glacial wind mercilessly.
You trembled slightly as you went through paper after paper, doing inventory of all of Yuri’s books. Despite being a genius, apparently he couldn’t organize all the dozens of bookshelves he kept carelessly stacked with medical tomes, articles and notes.
Sometimes you wondered if he would just carry on, working in a terribly messy office, if you had never come around and offered your help - which he begrudgingly accepted.
However, it’s not like you were doing that entirely out of the good of your heart. You liked spending time with Yuri, despite how snappy he was, yes. You saw how lonely and starved of appreciation he was and it tugged on your heartstrings. Probably no one ever tried to go past that wall of arrogance he had built for himself as a protection, and you were set on trying to give him a little bit of comfort.
Maybe you also thought that the way his hair fell on his face was very pretty, that his sea-green eyes were gorgeous, and that everytime he blushed you wanted to grab his shoulders and pull him into a kiss so you could watch him have a meltdown and turn into putty in your hands. Yes. Maybe. But that’s not why you were there.
You were there because Frostheim was throwing one of their fancy balls that night and you desperately wanted to escape. You were invited, or better yet, subpoenaed by Jin and Tohma and you wanted nothing to do with it. You already had to deal with a tragic curse, thank you very much. Mingling with stuck up rich students was the last thing you wanted to do.
So, mentally apologizing to Kaito and Luca, you lied through your teeth and said you already had a job to do. At that point, you didn’t; but you found yourself in Yuri’s office, annotating his every dusty book just in case they sent someone to grab you by the hair and drag you to the ball. They wouldn’t try to come close to Mortkranken, after all - too much drama between the captains.
And work you did. Being around a cute doctor was just a bonus.
Yuri scrolled through his phone mindlessly for a few minutes, allowing himself to rest his brain after another day of working until his eyes were crossing. He wasn’t much of a social media guy, but he understood quite well the importance of taking breaks every so often in order to have his thoughts reorganize themselves. Even if he went around and then spent three days wide awake just to compensate for a 15 minute break.
It’s not like he was actually relaxing, however. He was very much aware of your presence in his office, just a few steps away from him, as you organized his books. You had offered yourself to catalog his tomes and clean them up out of nowhere and, despite his hesitance, deep down he was grateful for that. After all, an organized workplace works wonders for inspiration and concentration - he was just… very bad at doing the organization thing when it wasn’t directly related to his duties as a doctor.
He also wasn’t quite sure why you had suddenly offered to spend the evening working, but he just decided to chalk it up to you being grateful for his brilliance and infinite generosity. He DID offer to train you in anomalous medicine, didn’t he? Maybe you were just wise and trying to repay his kindness.
He huffed, a smug smile on his face, clearly satisfied with his own answer, but quickly turned his attention back to his phone after noticing you heard him and looked his way.
After scrolling mindlessly through posts about scientific innovations, articles, new hospitals and a bunch of ads for questionable medicines that claim to cure people of everything and anything at all, Yuri stopped at a photo of a familiar place.
It had been posted only 10 minutes before and showed a grand ballroom, filled with young people in fancy garments and expensive flower bouquets placed in tall vases that decorated every corner. Some people appeared to be dancing, while others chatted with a drink in their hand.
It was a familiar place because he had been in this exact same setting before – it was Frostheim and apparently they were throwing a ball at that very moment.
Yuri's lips curled down in disgust at the sight of the dorm.
“These mindless pricks just can't spend a single day without flaunting their wealth, can they?” Yuri grumbled audibly, scowling at his phone.
“Did you say something, Yuri?” you asked, turning to face him while you meticulously noted down another batch of book titles in your handbook.
“These wannabe nobles from Frostheim!” he spat “They can't do a single useful thing for society, but still try to intimidate others by showing off how rich they are! Disgusting!” Yuri slammed his phone on the desk, getting up from his seat, and pranced around the large room, as if he could not contain his anger quietly.
He didn't quite understand the reasoning behind his own anger. All he knew was that he felt enraged, an ironically icy feeling crawling up his chest. And that he needed a Frostheim student in front of him right at that moment so he could punch them. Too bad he was so physically weak.
“Oh, are you talking about the ball they're throwing today?” you asked, nonchalantly.
Yuri stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around towards you, an expression of disgust and betrayal on his face.
How would you even know about this ball? Frostheim prided in excluding everyone else that didn't wear that godawful blue lapel pin from every social event. So how would you, a puny little student with no association to any dorm at all, know about a big event such as that ball?
Yuri chose to blatantly ignore your friendships with Luca and Kaito for the benefit of his own theory.
You swallowed hard, realizing by his behavior that you probably should not have said that at all.
“How do you know about that ball?!” he said, through gritted teeth.
You cleared your throat.
“Um… I heard Luca and Kaito mention it earlier today…”
Yuri slowly walked towards you, as if he was a predator gauging your movements in order to know when to attack.
“Lies. I see how you are blinking fast. You also have flared nostrils and you are unconsciously biting your lips! Body language 101! You cannot fool a doctor like me, I see everything!”
You sighed.
“Okay, okay. Sorry. I was invited.” you mumbled, grabbing a tome and wiping the dust from its cover, avoiding Yuri's accusatory gaze.
His jaw went slack. His theory was correct then, after all! But of course it was. He was Yuri Isami, the captain of Mortkranken and the best doctor on that campus. Of course he was correct.
And so you were indeed a filthy traitor.
“Oh, so you're so connected to that despicable dorm that you were even INVITED to their ball?!” How dare you, he wanted to say, how dare you give them the time of the day when HE– when Mortkranken was the one doing all the important work in that place.
You raised an eyebrow at Yuri's dramatics, side-eyeing him while you still dusted books.
“Darkwick made me the inspector, remember? I have to have proper relationships with every single dorm and it's not like I want that either. It's all because of my curse.”
Yuri scoffed, throwing his arms up in disbelief.
“As if you need anything else besides Mortkranken's assistance! We are the only ones who are qualified to undo your curse once and for all! And yet, you still mingle with those Frostheimers…” he clenched his fists.
“Yuri, I think you're forgetting the fact that I chose not to go to the ball and spend my night here organizing your books.” you wiggled a book on your hand to make your point clearer, fully turning towards him.
That little detail seemed to have finally been processed in Yuri's mind right after you said it.
He went silent, staring at you with narrowed eyes. As if he didn't trust you yet. As if you could stab him in the back as soon as he turned around.
You sighed, putting the book on the shelf and then resting your hands on your hips.
“Why are you so angry at them for throwing a ball? You know they always do that.”
He didn't know why he was angry, actually. It was like Frostheim was a trigger word for him. He heard it and fury just freely ran through his veins like molten iron. It burned and hurt because he didn't know why it felt like that.
He just did.
It wasn't in Yuri's nature to be quiet. To be speechless. And when he didn't answer your question, you knew something deep, deeper than you could reach, had been brewing for too long.
He stood still like a statue, mouth pressed in a thin line as he turned your question around in his mind, like he would an unsolved rubrik cube. Only this time, he wasn't able to finish it in record time like he used to finish all of his real cubes.
You took a deep breath.
“Look.” you snapped him out of his daze “I'm gonna prove to you that balls are boring and that you aren't missing anything.”
You knew he wasn't upset because of FOMO, but seeing him struggle with his thoughts like that made you pity him just a little bit. So you would pretend, for now.
You went to his desk and grabbed your phone, scrolling through something.
“What are you planning to do?” he observed your movements, still as tense as ever.
“What's your favorite song again? It's The Blue Danube Waltz, by Strauss isn't it?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes… I'm surprised a worm like you knows classical music and– no, what does this have to do with anything?” he asked, baffled at the sudden change of topic.
You walked towards him, gaze locked at your phone.
“You like waltzes then. Okay, then this one will have to do.”
You clicked on something on your phone and placed it carefully on one of the bookrack's shelves. Soon enough, some music started playing on the phone's speakers.
Yuri stared dumbly at the hand you were holding out towards him.
“What is this?”
“It's the Masquerade Waltz, by Aram Khachaturian.” You replied flatly, shoving your hand closer to his face.
“I- I know that!” Yuri sputtered, defensively “I want to know what you're doing!”
You shrugged, smirking at your own silly idea that seemed to have badly thrown him off “I want to prove to you how balls are kinda stupid when you can very well just waltz as much as you want at home. Come on. Dance with me?”
Yuri blinked, still staring at your hand.
“W-why should I?!”
“Well… you'll have the satisfaction of doing something Jin wanted to do but can't because I'm here.”
He immediately grabbed your hand, all hesitation left behind. You laughed and restarted the song.
“You better dance properly, worm!”
“I promise nothing.”
Yuri's hands were hot. He had them stuffed in his black gloves like always, but they seemed even warmer against your skin as you held him firmly.
He knew very well all of the waltz etiquette, of course. He was a cultured, refined man who knew how to be a proper partner when dancing with someone in a ballroom. He knew he was supposed to maintain eye contact with his dance partner.
But goddamn it, was it hard to keep looking into your eyes. Even though you weren't always looking at him – as expected of an impolite worm – whenever your eyes met, he felt his insides stir and he wondered in passing if he had to start taking some type of anxiety medication.
Sometimes he'd relax for a second when you looked down at your feet to count 1, 2 ,3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. He used that moment to breathe deeply and then grimace at how shaky his exhale sounded.
His heart drummed inside his ribcage, and he hoped you'd keep your little grubby fingers far away from his radial artery, otherwise you'd feel how fast his heart was beating. He couldn't have you thinking he was nervous. He wasn't nervous! The situation was just… unexpected.
And then you started humming along with the song.
Yuri swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and cleared his throat.
“You… you like this waltz?” he managed to say. He shoved the thought that you sounded cute, humming a song just like he always did, deep, deep inside the corners of his mind.
You widened your eyes for a second.
“Oh! I was humming, wasn't I? Sorry. But yeah, it's my favorite. I guess I can't say I don't understand you when you hum too” you laughed nervously.
The both of you kept on clumsily stepping side to side, front to back, as the song reached its last notes.
Yuri knew the song was ending, and his anxiety peaked. It was like he wanted something to happen – no, like he needed to do something, but he didn't know what it was.
His stomach churned as the song faded out, and your feet came to a halt. Your hand left his own, and so did the one on his shoulder. He could feel the warmth of your body leaving him as he forced himself to step back.
You cleared your throat and gave him an exaggerated curtsy, lifting the hem of an imaginary dress.
“Thank you so much for this dance, Lord Isami” you said with a grin, in a fake posh accent.
And after that, it was like he became possessed by some trickster spirit who had it out for him.
Yuri didn't really know what thought process led him to suddenly grab your shoulders and awkwardly place his lips on your forehead, but when you gasped under him, he finally came back to his senses.
“GAH! I don't know why I did that!” he yelled, taking a few long steps back and away from you.
He stared at his own hands, like they were monsters with a life of their own. Some cruel, awful things that made him act on an impulse he didn't even know he had.
His thoughts ran wild and tumbled one over the other, each and every one yelling some reasoning for his stupid actions and turning his mind into a deafening cacophony that made his head fuzzy and his ears ring.
“Um...” you voiced out, and Yuri finally looked at you again, quickly halting his spiral towards a panic attack. His eyes fluttered, taking in the sight in front of him.
You covered your cheeks with your hands, looking to the side as you pressed your lips in a thin line. Yuri swore he could see the ghost of a smile on the corner of your lips, gone in the blink of an eye.
Yuri was screwed. That immediately became the only thought that blared inside his brain after looking at you, all flustered and embarrassed.
“I'm screwed” he murmured unconsciously and you had the gall to chuckle.
“Sorry?” you asked, a smile warming your voice in a way that made Yuri dizzy.
He shook his head, pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes, and took a deep breath.
“You can go to your quarters now. Continue your work here later.” he announced, secretly celebrating how his voice sounded stable again.
You slowly grabbed your phone, still smiling like you knew something he didn't. Preposterous.
“Okay.” you replied, without much protest.
Yuri watched as you picked up the rest of your belongings and made the way towards his door.
“I hope I convinced you of all that stuff we talked about, by the way. See you tomorrow, Yuri” you said, looking over your shoulder before you left.
Yuri had absolutely no idea of what you were even talking about. All he knew was that his room was hot. He felt incredibly hot and his heart still hammered mercilessly inside his ribs. Was he having a heat stroke? Yeah, maybe it was that. Maybe he was having a heat stroke because you made him dance and sweat when he didn't need to.
He looked at the thermometer under his AC.
It read 5°C/40°F.
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sailorsplatoon · 7 days
Can we have a written scenario of the kids having fun at The Grand Festival?
Sure thing!
As the kids each got off the bus to the Grand Festival venue, their splatfest tees sitting loosely over their normal clothes, their attetion was immediately drawn to the rainbow of ink raining down along the entrance. Before any of them could even get another word in, they had rushed under the shower of color. 
They stayed there for nearly fifteen minutes straight, their clothes and entire bodies getting soaked in ink. Gibbous, Cassie, and Sage refused to leave until Kaito noticed something at a booth nearby. 
“Hey does that look like Octavio to you guys?” Kaito asked, pointing to a booth. “Oh my cod it is!” Megan shouted in surprise. “Let’s go bother him!”
“Wait is that really a good idea?!” Don interjected, but it was already far too late.
Over at the booth, Octavio and Cuttlefish could see a gaggle of small children running at them, and a moment later were bombared with questions. It took them both a moment to even understand that these were kids they knew. 
“Octavio, can we ride in your mech again sometime?” Cassie asked with excitement, talking over the other kids. “You let them do what?!” Cuttlefish asked with an accusing tone, turning to face the giant octopus.
“Why don’t we just buy these and go,” Lyra interjected, placing a few CDs in front of the two men and a wad of money with them. 
As Lyra dragged the mass of kids away from the CD stand, Gibbous broke off from the group and veered to the left. “Guys look, it’s my mom!” He shouted as he ran, heading straight for where Acht stood off to the side of the Urchin Stage.
“Oh, hey kids,” Acht said with a small wave. “You wanna walk to the Giant Clam Stage with me? The big performance is about to start and I can get you into the VIP area.”
All they were met with was a chorus of excited cheers and shouts. 
The music began to play just as Acht brought the group into the VIP section. The stage lights turned on, and the Squid Sisters started singing, followed by Off the Hook, and then Deep Cut. 
Each kid cheered even more when their parents came onstage, singing along with the lyrics as loudly as they could. Acht smiled as they did, watching the lights of the stage sweep over the crowd, illuminating each of their excited faces.
I had kind of wanted to make this longer, but I ran out of ideas >.< The creative juice is running a little dry today apparently. I blame my homework for sucking it out of me.
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ahh since ur requests are open may I pls request the frostheim ghouls (and possibly leo? LOL) and how you think they would make it up to mc after making them upset? Preferably some hurt/comfort if possible but whatever is easiest for you!
Ahhhh my first request! Thank you for sending it in! Also I'm so sorry for any typos in these headcanons, I'm just dumb (so sorry to the Jin Kamurai fans) and this is assuming you guys are at least good friends (if not more) at this point in time.
Okay, real talk. I think Jin is terrible with emotions. Even worse when he's done something wrong. I don't think he'd ever SAY that he's wrong or that he's sorry. But we all know he's got that cash money, so I think he'd order MC to go somewhere with/for him and treat them as a unspoken apology. Like he's ordering them to pick something up for him, somewhere in the academy, and gives them some 'pocket change' to buy their lunch. (STOP! DRABBLE TIME!)
MC was considering telling Jin to shove it, but they knew it would end up biting them in the ass, so they walked through Frostheim, dragging their feet. They were less than thrilled to be going back to the Frostheim captain's room. Sooner than they'd like, they were standing outside of his door. Before they could knock like they usually did, the door swung open, revealing Jin, his eyes narrowed, he held out a small stack of documents to them, dropping them in their hands. He turned his back to them curtly saying,
"Get these to Professor Dante. Now."
MC wanted to say something. To snap back at him but they paused when they felt something at the bottom of the stack of documents. Upon further inspection, it was a wad of big bills. At a glance it was at least 100,000 yen (about 1,000 USD). MC's eyes went wide at the stack of bills, they looked back up at Jin's retreating figure. They were about to question why, when all he said was,
"Get something to eat once your done. Thats an order"
With that, he closed the door and ended the discussion.
Okay, Tohma on the other hand I think is better with emotions than Jin. But he's still not the best. He at least knows how to apologize...he's just bad at saying it. I feel like Tohma is more of an acts of service person (duh) than a verbal person if that makes sense. If he's upset MC its easier for him to do small things to apologize than to actually say the words. (here is your order of drabble, freshly written)
Tohma watched MC carefully behind his monocle, he knew they were upset and why. But he hadn't expected them to stay upset for this long. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he waited until they would return the next day to finalize some documents with the second year ghouls. When the time came, Tohma took their jacket and prepared the a special blend of tea and biscuits for them while they worked on the papers. The practiced smile always on his face. After some time he returned with a tray, presenting it in front of them, his expression softer than before. When he set it down, all he said was,
"I've taken the liberty of bringing you something to eat. You've been working diligently as of late, among...other reasons. I hope you enjoy your meal"
With that, he swiftly left them to their work and their thoughts, giving them space.
Kaito here is on the entire opposite side of that spectrum. He has absolutely no problem saying the words, but even if he was forgiven the first time, he still doesn't think its enough. So if anything, he does too much. He'll buy them flowers and chocolates to gain their forgiveness. It almost seems insincere how much he apologizes but he really does mean. Its more that his insecurities get the better of him and he doubts himself, so they might need to knock some sense into him for it to actually get through to him that he's been forgiven. Please be patient with him, he just really likes MC and he gets most of his advice from crappy magazines. (TO THE DRABBLE!)
Kaito held the bouquet of flowers in his arms tightly and held out the box of chocolates to MC. They had already told him that it was okay, but it didn't *feel* okay to him. There was a small voice in his head telling him that they were still upset with him. He had sent them a text, asking to meet in the library of DA academy. When MC arrived however, they sighed deeply, walking directly up to Kaito with a scowl on their face, saying,
"Kaito. I told you that its okay, you don't need to keep doing these kinds of gestures. If I was still upset with you, I wouldn't have shown up here to begin with"
Kaito's face went pale. He should have known they were smart enough to see right through him and his plan. He sighed, saying.
"I know you did i just-...I just wanted to be sure we were still cool....I'm sorry"
MC shook their head, their expression getting softer, they pulled out a chair from one of the tables in the library and sat down, saying,
"I'll forgive you, if you promise not to do anymore of these gestures....and you split those chocolates with me"
Kaito softly smiled and sat beside them, setting the flowers aside and the chocolates between them, he was so glad to know someone as sweet as MC.
Lucas I think is closer to the middle of the spectrum. He's pretty literal and like I said before, he's not the best with social cues. From what I gather, he's more used to people saying what they mean. So if MC told them they were fine, he might worry at first, but he'd let it go, trusting MC enough to think they'd always tell him what was on their mind. If they do however tell him that they're still upset, that's different. If they were still upset I think he'd give them another apology and some bisuits. If that wasn't enough, then I think he's the type of guy to tell them stories about himself. Either about him and or his twin brother when they were little. Like really be vulnerable with them. (YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD! DRABBLE! YOU TAKE 420 LIFE POINTS WORTH OF DAMAGE!)
Lucas had been worried about MC ever since they last saw eachother. Something about them had seemed off in a way. He was even more worried when he got a text from them asking to meet him in Frostheim's main entrance. He quickly grabbed his things and raced off to Frostheim. When he arrived MC was standing inside, their face somber. He reached them, immediately asking,
"MC! Are you alright? Did something happen?"
He gave them a quick once over, even gently grabbing their wrist to look it over, making sure they weren't injured. When MC snapped their arm out of his grasp, he looked up at them surprised. When they explained that they were still upset with him, he understood. He asked them to follow him to one of the secluded balconies at Frostheim. When they arrived, it was silent for the first few moments. Luca pressing his hands against the balcony railing and looking up at the sky. Before MC could break the silence, Luca softly spoke,
"I've never been the best at putting myself in the shoes of others...at least not without guidance....Jin has told me so, and even my brother....when we were little I would always have trouble whenever he would get upset with me. He told me he was fine, but he never was. I suppose I still have quite a bit to learn about others around me...I'm truly sorry MC. I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me"
Leo won't apologize. Let's be honest. If you think Jin is bad, Leo is WORSE. I think because of his fame and looks, that he's used to getting his way, even if he's a dick about it. I feel like he learned early on that the world is a cold cruel place and that saying you're sorry is admitting that you were wrong about something. Leo is 100% the kind of guy to expect them to get over whatever it is he did, even if it was something really bad. Man has like no moral compass, anything is on the table, even if it's deeply personal. I he'd get bored and keep sending you dumb tiktoks or meme's to get you to talk to him and hang out again. At MOST I think he'd trap you into going out somewhere with him and he'd treat you. Like get you a Starbucks drink or something, but thats it. And if MC won't go out with him, he'll come to them with two new trendy Starbucks drinks and his tablet ready to watch some shitty reality TV and make fun of the cast.
Leo glared down at his phone with a huff, MC hadn't reacted to any of his tiktoks or memes, not even the sad cat ones! It had been a few days since they'd went out. Sho was busy with his own thing so Leo had no one else to bet with. He dramatically sighed and immediately started to look through MC'S social media on his phone. He noticed that they'd like a post on the new drinks at Starbucks and started to formulate a plan. He dragged Sho away from him project and got to work.
MC sat on their bed, relaxing after a long day of classes, waiting to hear from professor Hyde which house they were going to be assigned to next. A knock at the front door echoed throughout the old cathedral, startling them. When MC got up and answered the door, Leo stood there with a cup holder and his signature impish smile,
"Hey MC! You didn't show up so I came here!"
Leo pushed past them and looked around, visible disgust on his face before turning to MC, his smile slapping back onto his face, saying,
"I can't believe you live like this! But whatever! Come one i brought my tablet with the new housewives season and the new spicy dragon fruit drink from Starbucks. Where has the best lighting in this shithole? I need to post about it before we start watching"
Leo handed them the drink, looking around before he found their bedroom, making himself comfortable and moving some of their things around to make a mini photo shoot for the drink. Once he was done, MC had finally found him, sitting on her bed and drinking what he brought. He saw them and gently pat beside him on the bed, saying,
"C'mon! How can you stay mad at a handsome devil like me? Now come here, I NEED to know what happens to Bethenny Frankel!"
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leonawriter · 3 months
hakuba for the send u a character thing!
First impression
It was a long time ago- but I think I used to see him as a lot more logic-minded than I do now.
Impression now
At this point I see him as rather more flexible - as long as it fits the evidence, he'll go with it. Also... when you haven't pissed him off at first meeting (like Kaito and Hattori did) he's a real sweetheart. A good boy.
Favorite moment
Asking Kaitou Kid "Why did you do it?" at the end of the Adam's Smile heist. His very first. It's just... a character defining moment, and so iconic, especially with how Kid replies with "Isn't it your job to find out?"
I think it's got to be that moment that redefined who he was for himself, or the start of it, too.
Idea for a story
I've been coming up with a lot, but... oohhh.
Saguru being in Japan and calling his mother back home who he gets along with better than he does with his father, and chatting away about how things are going until she tells him that she thinks Japan is good for him, because she's not heard him this animated before.
(One I've suggested before is "Hakuba's time away from Japan being his time spent coming to terms with his deductions about Kid," but that'd take longer.)
Unpopular opinion
I think that the reason we mostly see him as a stuck up and kind of stand-offish person is that his first real appearances in MK had him as a gag manga detective who was let onto the crime scene via nepotism, the Twilight Mansion where he's introduced as having a pet hawk and a housekeeper, and... Detective Koushien, where he's on the back foot from the get go, before he's even arrived. Not to mention that in MK the story is told from the perspective of someone who should be wary of him.
I think that his natural state is probably that of someone who's naturally empathetic in spite of his supposed Lawful Good alignment. I don't think it's as much of an unpopular opinion to say he doesn't have many friends back home or in Japan, but... huh, hm.
I also don't think he's actually all that much of a womaniser/flirt. I think that's just how he thinks you're supposed to interact with women, and if someone flirted back, he wouldn't know how to handle the script being turned on him and he'd bluescreen. It's easier to interact with people if you're at a distance.
Favorite relationship
Kaito, because Kaito just pushes his buttons and forces Saguru out of his comfort zone, and off script. Quite literally, sometimes! In the sense of how Saguru has found himself thinking "hang on, that's- that's not how this goes? You aren't supposed to turn it on me?"
It also means he'll end up being dragged into things and into experiencing things he otherwise wouldn't.
Like... Kaito makes him go "I have no idea how to solve you." And it's so easy to see Saguru go "Am I about to do something very illegal because I just realised that I care about Kaito more than I care about the law? Unfortunately, yes" and it's wild to think that this could have already happened in canon (before the Chat Noir heist).
Favorite headcanon
Currently? The one I made about his Sherlock Bear.
The idea of him being a precocious little boy who isn't just trying to look smart to everyone (that comes later) but who really and honestly just... loved mystery stories. And then later wanted to use his abilities as a detective to help people.
But it all started with him as a little boy, reading aloud to his teddy bear.
Thanks! These are fun~
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