#Online Physical Therapy
What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?| Access Health Services
CBT is a form of talk therapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative patterns of thinking and behaviour. It is based on the premise that the way we think about ourselves, others, and the world around us can impact our emotions and behaviours. By changing negative thought patterns, we can change our emotional responses and behaviours, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.
CBT has been extensively researched and has been shown to be highly effective for a range of mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Visit More: https://www.accesshealthservices.org/cognitive-behavior-therapy/
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aropride · 5 months
met someone today who was born in 2006. please stay safe out there it could happen to anyone
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azol-otl · 23 days
Just a silly little jaytim involving never died! Jason's big fat crush on his new friend.
Jason twirls in front of Babs again in case her Oracle eyes see something that he's missed. He worked hard on this, and he'd die of mortification if he there was a mistake he hadn't seen. He won't lie, he's kind of nervous about tonight. It's been...awhile since he's gone to do something social beyond school (and boy doesn't that make him sound like a loser) and he thinks he might have gotten a little too overenthusiastic about it. Well, Dick said it was fine but even after the coma Dick's only here every once in a blue moon and Jason isn't sure if he should take Dick's advice to heart when the man's been running around in tights since the day he was born. Plus Jason still remembers that Dick is a lying liar who lies when he thinks something would be funny or was trying to cover his ass. (Yes, he still holds that mask acne incident against him! Barbie laughed at him, Dick! Sure he now has photo evidence of Pizza Face Grayson, but still!) Everything fits him perfectly despite that last second growth spurt that finally started showing up. A tiny thing, barely an inch but it was enough to finally push him past 5ft so he's happy. His tunic fits perfectly and the stitching has an Alfred seal of approval. His armor is light, the leather looks good despite being made from old scraps of Bruce and Dick's outgrown clothes that have too much wear and tear to pass down. The cape swishes just the way he remembers, though a deep red instead of canary yellow. He decided against only tights by wearing some sturdy shorts over them, like an adventurer would, everything color matched for the time period. He looks up at Babs who's giving him a bemused look and he puffs out his chest indigently. "What?" he says tersely. "Nothing nothing," comes the amused sing song, the kind she gets when she's teasing Dick. "I just didn't expect this to be the result of introducing you to online gaming." Jason's cheeks warm but he has nothing to be ashamed of. Sure he's become...a geek after the accident. But he has friends, like actual friends close to his age that go to his school and not just co-workers six years older than him or a penpal from across the country. Plus Jason can admit he was a nerd before becoming a combo nerd/geek so it's not like his reputation took a hit. "Nothing wrong with immersion," he says. Babs gives him a wry grin. "Nothing wrong with impressing Tim you mean?"
And Jason couldn't even be mad at Barbie about that because she's absolutely right. Tabletop was Tim's thing, and Jason was excited to try it out, but it was absolutely a new thing for him. All of this was new to Jason. After being stuck with nothing but a computer for months on end any social skills Jason might have had have atrophied and what little that remains has made Jason the picture perfect geek. And he really didn't want to screw up this friendship when it was the lifeline that Jason used to actually talk to people in real life and not in front of a screen. Well, people that aren't maladjusted larpers punching criminals. "Seriously Barbie, does it look good? I don't wanna embarrass myself," Jason mumbles. This time Barbara does laugh and its just as embarrassing as the last time. "Ah, what's the world come to. Robin, the boy wonder himself, worried that he's going to embarrass his best friend in front of his Wizards and Warlocks group," she says wiping an imaginary tear from her eye. "It's Trailblazer," Jason says automatically, already having corrected Bruce, Dick, and Alfred about this for weeks. Barbara starts laughing again and Jason resists the urge to stomp out like a child. It wouldn't be dramatic anyhow, he isn't wearing shoes and he refuses to stomp in his fantasy footwear that's basically just a metal band around his arch for support. Once she stops laughing she finally takes pity on Jason. "You look fine Little Bird. I don't see anything sticking out, and the outfit looks amazing. Your little fey prince character is gonna knock it out of the park," she says and Jason feels warm enough that he doesn't even correct her that he's a halfling-changeling and not a fey anything, much less a prince.
 That warmth stays with him until he's in front of Tim's door. It's then that he thinks that maybe going all out was a terrible idea. He knows that some people dress up, but it isn't like a mandatory thing. And Tim didn't say anything about needing to dress up for Jason's first tabletop night. But Jason had been so excited. Tim didn't even finish his invitation before Jason already had a dozen designs scrambling in his head and started creating a character piece by piece. He was dragging out knowledge he hasn't touched since he was Robin. Fashion design, historical trends, and how to use them to create something tangible with the sewing lessons he had begged Alfred for back when he wanted to learn every practical skill he could. In case he got dropped like a sack of steaming shit. Crap what if they think Jason's a nerd? He had read that Traiblazer book cover to cover and made notes like it was a reading assignment! To be authentic to the setting! In case Tim's friend Ives wanted to "Um actually" Jason's meticulously created backstory and full lineage and npcs he built and sent to Tim weeks ago. Shit, maybe Jason's more of a loser than he thought if he thinks a wizards and warlocks group is too cool for him.
 He thinks about calling Alfred to pick him up and make a lie about the campaign being cancelled. Maybe he can persuade Bruce to send him back to public school instead of Gotham Academy. Then he can forget all about Tim and his goofy smile and how he puts his foot in his mouth and how cute he looked when he asked Jason to join in this game because he wanted to share something about himself with— Jason's thoughts are cut off when the door opens. He looks up, eyes wide with anxiety in his stupid changeling halfling outfit without any shoes because he wanted to be authentic. The guy across the doorway was tall, taller than Jason (but who isn't) and taller than Tim (also not an accomplishment), blonde with glasses. "Are you sure this guy's a senior, Tim," he says and Jason has to stop himself from punching out Tim's other friend.
Tim's head then pokes out of the door, funny wizard hat and all and just stares at Jason. For a full minute. It gets awkward fast but neither Jason or the other guy know what to say before Jason takes the plunge. "Hey, I'm Jason, you must be Ives?" he says forcing all his nerves as deep down as he can. Ives nods, "Sebastian Ives, don't call me by my first name." It isn't until introductions are done that Tim comes back online. "Hey! Jason! Wow! Your costume is really good! A changeling right?!" he says loudly, cheeks and ears a bright pink.
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prohaloplayer · 3 months
the one crowning achievement of youtube is that you can go get free physical therapy appointments at any moment and they make your body feel better
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astridthevalkyrie · 8 months
everything you see ab being the oldest daughter is true btw why am i the family therapist AND punching bag smh
long ass depressing rant in the tags srry i got a wee bit emotional
#my dad has something going on where there's a ringing in his ear my mom has tendonitis and neck pain now#and i feel for both of them i'm goin to cvs to get the meds giving my mom massages every night talking to my dad to distract him#they're both going to the correct doctors#but just throwing it out there i have had tendonitis and chronic upper back pain for 5-6 years and no one gave a shit most i've gotten is#jokes that i'm faking it#i'm in physical therapy for my back NOW but that's bc i finally crawled out of the depression long enough to do it myself#which is fine whatever i'm 22 i should be the one making my own appointments and it'd be weird if i wasn't#but when i was 16 or 17???#being hospitalized for STRESS HEADACHES at 14 too???#who gets hospitalized for that shit and how were my parents not concerned that i at the age of 14 was#so stressed out that my head was pounding all the time#and bc i'm the third parent who has to be the only emotional safe space#i don't say anything if my sisters are rude to me bc at least they feel safe enough around me to be rude to me#i have to listen to everyone and their momma's problems#i'm in law school!!! i do not need this i'm anxious all the time!!!#and if i'm not anxious i'm depressed!!!#my therapist point blank tells me shit like 'you're incredibly lonely' or 'you have way too much on your shoulders' and it makes me CRY#the most basic fucking observations that i KNOW but hearing someone else acknowledge it and not berate me fucking sends me into TEARS#i get messages from online friends here like 'hey i saw your post you don't deserve that' i physically cannot keep my eyes dry!!#every time i have any interaction ever i am at least a little uncomfortable bc i am always trying so hard to make sure i come off as kind#and not awkward or mean#i feel like everyone around me was given some kind of how to manual on life that i wasn't#and i KNOW this is not unique tons and tons of people feel like this#i know this is the depression and the anxiety and the possible autism i'm well aware#but then every couple of days my mom gets the brilliant idea to tell me i'm rude or lazy or whatever and i lose my shit#i just wanna sleep and write fanfics in the nicest way possible i hate everyone#i will try my best to not be mean to anyone bc no one deserves it but i am angry and i am constantly feeling the hurt of my inner child#my MOTHER threw a hardcover book at my HEAD when i was ten bc i had been reading and hid the book under the pillow#what the actual fuck????#my dad's response to any and everything is to deal with it
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pyrokitten284 · 1 year
Hello their! I'm someone who is completely obsessed with emperors new groove! I've seen the movie over 80 times. Would you like to draw kuzco x kronk
Heck yeah! Honestly, it’s a fantastic movie- I think I’ve seen both it and The Road to El Dorado more times than a single person should haha.
Figured Kuzco and Kronk would eventually swap stories about that time Yzma tried to usurp him and Kuzco would ask to get a piggyback ride on an inflatable throne the *moment* he heard about that tent backpack contraption. Hope you like how it came out! :D
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lupismaris · 5 months
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nikidanger · 5 months
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aceofstars16 · 1 year
Kind of a prayer request, kind of a “I’m not sure what to think and if someone has insight I could use some”?
I started going to physical therapy at the beginning of June, and I worked with one lady, my therapist. But then she went on a vacation and an intern worked with me despite the receptionist making it sound like some of the other therapists were going to be taking over (and they are who I set up my appointments with). However, when she got back, she worked with me once, but today he worked with me again and she barely even said “hi”. I also noticed that each therapist seems to be working with two patients at the same time, which would explain why an intern is working with me but it just seems…wrong? Like, I’m paying almost a hundred dollars a visit to work with a full time therapist, not an intern. And it seems like they should only be working with one patient per appointment slot?
So, prayer request: That I’d know what to do, and have the ability to do it. I uh…am not good with confrontation or even just saying how I’m feeling, especially in this setting when I feel like I don’t really know either of the people that well at all. I don’t want to make the intern feel bad but like…this really doesn’t seem like what I was expecting or signed up for? So I’m just 🫠
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constant-humorliation · 7 months
after long and hard ponder i realized i dont think i am an introvert. i love going out, talking to people, socializing. i think im an extrovert thats fallen out of my habits. thats forgotten how to be. i wanna get back there but i dont know how but i loved it and i still do but like i dont know. or i cant anymore somehow?
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nerdsandbabyteeth · 1 year
Constantly trapped between I can’t wait to live away from my family and spend more time alone because I feel like my thoughts will have time to settle and I will lose my mind if I live alone because I am starting to lose a sense of self this week simply because two of my friends are away and I don’t speak to anyone much in school.
#noggin time#I also cannot stand the fact that people I know follow me online or people I respect even#because I have a constant nagging feeling I’m completely and utterly embarrassing I see people posting abt things in their life and like#venting or whatever and I could never do that I think bc so many people follow me that I see face to face#I mean I’m doing this right now but tumblr is it’s own beast I have like one person I know irl on here I think#also it’s not like I have no friends I still talk to teachers and other people but it’s my best friend who I meet every morning and my new#friend I made this year who is in all the same free periods as me and also likes talking about tv shows so it’s like two people I talktomost#if this were a therapy session which it now is I would trace back my feeling of pure unfiltered embarrassment at simply being online back to#when I used framecast when I was like 9 and I drew a character inspired by someone’s oc and they vague posted quite civil abt it like please#don’t copy my ocs guys and I cried about it for hours and hours and I’ve never been the same since not to sound dramatic but it’s true#I delete Instagram every 3 days because it starts to make me feel physically unwell and then I re-download it because I miss everyone#I didnr consider i might have some sort of mental issues other than autism until recently because I just convinced myself this isn’t a prope#r issue I should just get over it but at this point it’s violently affecting my moods when I’m not immediately talking to anyone
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screechthemighty · 2 years
Also I’ve opened back up all lines of communication on my blog now that I’m no longer at spoilers risk lol
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orcelito · 2 years
Puttin a lil check mark in my back problem like Dealt With ✅
Now I just have my shoulder pains (which I've had for like 7 years now lol), the rib pains (which I've had for like 2 and a half years, give or take), and the possible fibromyalgia
One win is still progress
#speculation nation#like it's not 100% gone but it no longer hurts for general range of motion#and i can manage general upkeep on my own from now on#i realized that my shoulders problem could probably be solved with physical therapy. or at least made better#in which case i'd want to go back to this place. theyve been very nice to me#but i think my ribs thing is a bit more pressing lol. i used up all my old meds for it in the past few months to manage it#so for a time it wasnt as bad. but ive run out of the meds and it's definitely flaring again#doesnt hurt for general existence (most of the time) but basically my whole sternum hurts to touch lol#& the rib popping is always disconcerting. even if it makes my ribs feel better in the moment.#this at least is smth that should be solvable with inflammation drugs. much lower effort.#i just need to set up the appointment.#and also apply for medicare... im aging out of my dad's insurance next year (not this year as i'd previously feared lol)#so we'll see for the shoulders. ribs should be easier. i just need to set up the appointment.#should be easiest to go thru the school's medical stuff. much less wait time.#i just need to call lol bc the online portal Uhhh doesnt actually have an option for this lol#siiiince this is apparently an uncommon issue. gotta love it.#the possible fibro is probably later on my list just bc . idk it's just not a priority.#it's speculation to explain the general fatigue sensitivity to temperature and frequent aches#+ this rib problem is apparently common within fibro lol#also the fact that my mom has it and it's definitely hereditary 🤔🤔🤔🤔#lmao hope u guys love hearing about my medical problems bc i sure am sharing#honestly as someone who was essentially on mental illness tumblr in my teens it's kinda wild that the physical is much more of a problem#spent so long trying to deal with the hellhole of my mind. and ive healed i guess#so NOW it's dealing with the bullshit of the body. which is certainly not fun to deal with either lmao#definitely glad to have graduated pt for my back tho. AND i got out early enough i can go home and eat#very glad.... i wasnt looking forward to 6 hours of work without eating after pt........
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physioneedsacademy · 2 months
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what-even-is-sleep · 5 months
We KNOW I’m on break from college cause ya bish is reading for fun again!!!!! (Atm: The Martian by Andy Weir— VERY GOOD!!!)
#yay!!!#I knew it’d be good but OUGH ITS SO GOOD#and then I have lots of stuff on hold heuhuehue#and lots of huge fanfics in my Read Later on ao3#and Baldurs gate to play…#gotta keep the boredom at bay when I get boobie reduction surgery in OUGGGGG MONDAYYYYYY#(I am not mentally prepared and I have to be ok with that)#mypost#also…. I technically don’t have a summer job for realsies it feels…#like I occasionally help this one person clean our houses (pays super well yay)#and technically have some hours at my industrial arts job… but they’re on the verge of bankruptcy (like not being able to get everyone’s#paychecks out sorta moment)#but I can’t do heavy lifting/strenuous exercise for 6 weeks after surgery (that’s the whole house-cleaning job ngl)#(cause by house-cleaning I mean like complete clean from organize-to-recycle/landfill for like dead or overwhelmed ppl)#and uhhhh aforementioned brink of bankruptcy meaning that job isn’t realizable#*reliable#and I can’t go back to the café cause hand eczema ;((((#and no online work (until summer bio course in July)#and few friends back in town….#but lots of stressful small/big things to do (visa and physical therapy for multiple things and argh Ough etc etc etc)#and switching the game on mi mamma bc she can’t really support me af the moment and I really gotta be the one kinda supporting her#but all that’s complaining!!!#it’ll be ok!!#and then I’m going to Thailand in the fall!!!!#and hopefully will follow thru on my Coursera writing course cause gd bitch do I need to relearn basic grammar T-T
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pediatric-therapy · 5 months
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