#Medication Management Therapy
What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?| Access Health Services
CBT is a form of talk therapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative patterns of thinking and behaviour. It is based on the premise that the way we think about ourselves, others, and the world around us can impact our emotions and behaviours. By changing negative thought patterns, we can change our emotional responses and behaviours, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.
CBT has been extensively researched and has been shown to be highly effective for a range of mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Visit More: https://www.accesshealthservices.org/cognitive-behavior-therapy/
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Adopting a Self-Care Routine to Improve Your Mental Health
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Mental health includes emotions, physical health, mental, and social well-being of ones. It is most concerning that the number of mental health patients is rising even after having expert mental health counselors and psychologists. The best way to uplift positive mental health is to plan and follow a self-care routine. For mental health treatment, self-care routine works as therapy more than medication management therapy, or any mental health services.
Self-care routine or daily schedule is a bunch of daily activities that a person must need to perform in any situation. It includes doing workouts, the time of sleep and waking up, fixing diet plans, and other worthy activities that create positive vibes surrounding. First, we take an eye on the situation when you need to go for professional help for a holistic consultation.
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fatetainted · 2 months
Clearing the air here though I'm genuinely afraid for my own safety to.
I didn't block @whitexdove "for no reason" and if they had an ounce of self awareness they would know they were an abusive, manipulative person who drove me to attempt suicide because "it's been a week now" and I "need to stop being so negative all the time." If I didn't respond to their messages they would ask me if I hated them or tell me I was ignoring them or I was making their paranoia worse so I would update them that I wasn't in a headspace because I was having a breakdown or a meltdown and would look later. Because of this they accused me of making their anxiety worse and I needed to get over it because I was having a very bad week with my life falling apart. I nearly killed myself because of years of manipulative abuse and them telling me to just get over it when I was suicidal.
But they've been suicidal for years and I was meant to comfort them every time and several times now they have threatened to cut me off multiple times over the most minor, insane little things. Instead of actually communicating what was wrong and how they felt they made essentially a break up playlist blaming me entirely and told me to listen to it to see what I did wrong and the only fault they would ever take was that they didn't say anything sooner. But suddenly when everything was fine again they would ask when I would send them a gift I bought them. However they had essentially convinced me we were over to the point where I grieved the friendship and returned the gift because I had no use for it anymore.
They hide behind mental illness and autism as if that excuses them being abusive to me and the things they've said to my friends. They blame my BPD for blocking them when it's their own actions and I'm sick of your annoying pity parties.
For years they have emotionally abused me and for years my therapist has been telling me they're not a good influence on my life and she was correct. I developed a THC and xanax dependency because they caused me so much anxiety with their abuse that I could not speak to them without using both daily (and of course, if I didn't speak to them or tell them why I wasn't going to be, they would tell me how paranoid I was making them, but if I DO tell them then I'm being too negative and ignoring their boundaries)
They were ALWAYS setting unreasonable boundaries and I bent over backwards to accommodate. Blocking them is my boundary. And now they're fishing for attention and sympathy for a situation they caused themselves and to drag me back into their abusive cycle.
In addition to this they would say very shitty things about my other friends that actually treated me well and tried to manipulate them into not only making them a LOT of free art but making the character details and backstory (which is a very similar thing they got mad at another artist for!). Most of my friends didn't even like them and were being cordial because I was their friend.
They are now refusing to remove characters based on my original work and flipping out on my friends for no reason other than jealousy and pettiness. Stop plagarizing me, stop claiming you just added to my lore when you added NOTHING and nearly everything is based on my ideas, including Dreameater who is literally the twin of my oc in my original work. And Caelum who is the brother of another oc of mine in my universe. You said you "won't throw away characters you worked hard on" but you have no lore that isn't mine and barely ever spoke of these characters or developed them. You added nothing to this universe or these characters. Don't you EVER use the design I made for the alien species (that is my lore and not yours!) again. It's no longer yours and you can have back that mime design you gave me, I truly do not care. But if you don't listen to me now then by your own logic I can bring back those ocs I made in your universe and I will use them because I worked "so hard" on them.
Before you pull the "I'm younger than you, how can I be manipulative?" Like you did before when you had a major fall out JUST like this (and yes! You also force shipped with me and guilt tripped just like you did with her!) Anyone of any age can manipulate someone else of any age. Just because you're younger doesn't make you the victim.
Stumpy. You are a toxic person the refuses to seek out ANY form of help and expected me to play therapist for you all the time but God forbid I need someone to listen and you expected me to accept how terribly you treated me forever. That's why I left.
You identify with and project heavily onto a character who has canonically killed her entire school and drugged her crush to get him to like her and you ship them despite the clear sexual assault and how canonically abusive and terrifying her obsession with him is. She's a genocidal white savior and that's fucking terrifying. Even more so terrifying is the way you joked about how you kill your rats and feed the dead rats to raccoons. And the fact you fetishize trans men being pregnant, it's a very clear very gross fetish you cannot let go of and forced on me constantly. The fact you seem to fetishize sexual assault and rape and ship people like that with their victims is vile. The way you talked about sleeping next to me in the same bed was disturbing as I look back on these things and I truly don't trust you to have not done things while I was unconscious. I have that little faith in you because of how you act and fetishize things.
You also told me you were going to whitewash a canon poc character and it's okay because it's you doing it. Genesis is Asian. He isn't white. You drew my Japanese character with yellow skin. You white knight in public but you're shitty to any race that isn't Korean or Native American.
For the record, I don't hate you. But I'm happier without you in my life and I don't feel anything for you anymore because of your own actions that broke our relationship irreparably. You're a toxic, vile person and completely self centered and extremely possessive.
Get help. And stop playing the fucking victim.
Allow me to return the favor. I take accountability for not saying anything sooner even though with your unreasonable boundaries and constantly telling me you're suicidal that I could never bring it up with you or any bad thing you were doing to me because you would probably kill yourself if I upset you.
Now you take accountability for your actions and deal with the consequences of abusing me.
You literally never loved me, you just miss having someone love you so much you didn't have to love them back (which you pretty much told me several times you were incapable of even with your own family).
Good riddance. Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great. I truly will not be returning to this blog so don't bother trying to contact me here or anywhere else. I'm done.
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deoidesign · 4 months
#ok finally making a post about meds#I've not ever tried taking medication before. I was sorta raised with that classic 'dont rely on meds you have to learn to manage without'#I mean I was also raised with the idea that therapy is stupid unless you have 'real' trauma. and also like idk.#can't stay home from school unless your temp is over 100 or you're throwing up. etc. very suck it up mindset#so I was just really nervous to start. also of course worried about losing myself or whatever I know that's a silly fear but#it's also a common fear for a reason!!! anyways#so I finally was like 'I need to do something' when I realized I was so anxious I couldnt even get myself to go outside alone#like I just don't want to do ANYTHING alone to a detrimental effect. and it was butting into my ability to do my work...#for various reasons. but then ALSO adhd has been a constant issue with my work as well!#it is SO hard to write and draw on a weekly pace like I am without being able to focus#my whole life I've had these terrible nightmares constantly and I've always woken up constantly in the night#sleep has always been terrible so I've always dreaded going to bed.. ESPECIALLy because it didnt even make me less tired#it was more something that I just did because I had to.#but going to bed was always terrible. there have been times I was too scared to go to sleep for weeks on end...#I've been mitigating this for years of course. and recently I've been taking melatonin which has been helping too.#but I've also always struggled to get up. because I've always been EXTREMELY exhausted#but also anxious of what the day might bring... idk.#anyways it has all hit a point that I was like okay. I am doing as many coping mechanisms as I can. the psych said they were good too#but... it just has never been enough. it's never been enough to make me not tired it's never been enough to make me not scared#so I finally talked to the doc about it. and she was like youve def got smth wrong basically. which yah I know.. but yknow#anyways so I started taking wellbutrin. and I am so frustrated now. because it's WORKING#that constant looming sense of dread is gone. I'm excited to get up. I'm excited to go to bed BECAUSE I'm excited to get up#I feel like for years I've been holding on to the idea that I have to get up because I have to put something good out into the world#and I've been clinging to knowing that if nothing else. I am able to help other people feel better.#but now for the first time in my life I'm like. free of it. I didnt even know it was possible... and I'm so sad how much I've lost out on#and so frustrated how my whole life I've been told to put up with it and push through it. and treated like a failure for it being too much.#and just. It has only been 2 weeks. but the lack of anxiety is SO noticeable I'm so...#I'll never miss it. the adhd is still pretty present but like whatever. I can manage that better.#and I'm just crying because of all this combined.#I just. I hope I get to finally be the best I can be now. for myself but also for you guys!
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overtake · 2 months
some of you are in a monogamous relationship with eternal misery. the way you manage to find negativity in everything is exhausting. you are not being a realist. you are just going out of your way to find the bad where it does not exist.
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crimeronan · 1 year
therapy is also not about giving a good first impression or being honest. therapy is about charismatically brightly and cheerfully checking all the buzzword boxes so that your therapist likes you enough to tell a psychiatrist to continue prescribing the medication that keeps you from killing yourself the same way basically every woman in your matrilineal line has since time immemorial.
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nat-20s · 9 months
2022 was an absolute shit year but it was the Start of me feeling less awful all the time. 2023 I doubled down on that and I do think I've made some progress. 2024 might reap (find a lot of joy in life) what I sow (actually work on my mental health and building the kind of life I want)
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mellaithwen · 11 months
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Nothing in the world without any reason and benefit. If one thing can harm you and make you sad, the same can be the reason for their happiness. Only the smile is the thing in the world that always make everyone happy, without harming anyone. Here are the most important benefits of a smile that everyone must need to consider.
Live life with Holistic Wellness that is loved by everyone and also God-like happy faces. There are many stars in the sky, but be the star of the earth, that shines itself, and makes others shine too.
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honey-skulls · 2 months
I'm sorry but i need to get this out, just please don't worry too much or take anything personally/gen
My routine these last two weeeks has been:
-Wake up at my 10 am alarm and spend the whole day in bed, mentally and physically exhausted, brain fog and no motivation for anything, only getting up to eat, having to wait for the "food time" hours to roll around that my therapist gave me because I'm not allowed to eat outside of those hours and if I'm hungry but missed the last food time then too bad, struggling to stay awake because again I'm not allowed to sleep out of the "sleep hours" she gave me and that includes naps, excitedly waiting for 21h30/22h to roll around so i can finally sleep
-Spend the evening mentally screaming in my mind because, while my body is still just as physically exhausted, my mind is suddenly sharp and full of ideas and motivation, but i'm still too tired to get up and draw
-Then spend midnight and onward rolling around in bed, hot and bored out of my mind because my physical tiredness also vanished, but i'm not allowed to get up and draw because it's "sleep hours" and i need to reschedule my body, and end up falling asleep at around 5 am
I'm totally not slowly loosing my mind 😃👍
Edit: Oh also the constant noise in my ears has gotten worse, i don't know what silence is anymore
Silence is actually worse than loud rooms
It's driving me insane
It's so loud
#literaly so mentally exhausted to the point that i forgot to ask a bunch of really important stuff and tests at my last gyneco appointement#i can't remember which med I'm supposed to take at a specific hour and which one is whenever. so i just take them both at the same time#i can't remember if i have still boxes of meds in advance and which one i need to go refill#because they're stuff i need to constantly take and not suddenly stop with#but i keep forgetting to check#and i can't remember where i put the prescriptions anyway#and which one are the right one and which one are old#I'm so tired#and I'm so tired of being tired#and I'm SO so so tired of constantly fighting to have my health and struggles acknowledge#i kinda just gave up and now i'm just mindlessly sitting there at the appointments for only 10 minutes being being told that i can leave#I've just been run in circles for way too long#and i get aggresively criticised every time i use advice and seek for help on the Internet. by the same doctors who don't give me ANY advic#or help#and my head has been pounding for two days#and my verbal ticks have gotten so bad that it genuinely gets hard to breathe sometimes#with a therapist that just made me talk in circles and lowkey criticised me for two hours#(this was our first real therapy meeting and they're supposed to only be 1 hour and are NOT reimbursed because the autism center will NOT#fucking answer to ANYONE. medical professional or not. so i had to go private 😃👍)#and the only thing she gave me at the end of those 2 hours was this schedule that I'm not allowed to bend#I've been trying to daydream about my AUs and develope them as usual to try to feel better#but now that i have time to draw. i just get more and more drawing ideas that keep pilling up and tear me apart from the inside because i#can't draw any of them thanks to this damn fatigue#i literally only did 1 af revenge and still need to do 3 more. and i genuinely don't know if I'll manage to do that#i told two friends that ill draw something for them. but nothing. because too tired and everything keeps slipping from my mind#i will daydream about Dimentio for hours straight. then forget that i did. and panic that the fixation is slipping because i “haven't#thought about him in a while“. ”a while“ was 40 seconds ago. I'm not exaggerating this keeps happening#i also keep spending the night DRENCHED in sweat because i just can't sleep without my blanket on me anymore. so more struggles#vent#negative
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spellbound-fanfics · 11 months
Writer's Block & Chronic Pain
I've been in a real slump recently. I've barely written a thing - just a paragraph here and there on various different projects but never anything substantial.
For the last month or so I've suffered quite badly with my lower back. Somehow (and I still don't really know how), I badly pulled a muscle in my lower back and it keeps spasming and essentially crushing my right sciatic nerve. The pain going through my right leg has been excruciating at times, sometimes even making me fall down when I'm walking. It just catches me off guard and suddenly my whole leg has this very intense burning ache. Other times, it's a very sharp pain that shoots down the back of my leg.
Sleeping with a firm cushion between my knees has been making it a bit easier, but I'm still having to take the stronger medication for it. I have physio booked for this Friday, the 20th. I'm trying to remain optimistic but it's hard.
Trying to write with this pain has been nigh-on impossible and it's making me feel like such a failure. I know that I'm more than my writing skills... I'm just struggling with it, I guess.
This morning I carefully rolled over in bed and saw my lovely kitten Loki watching me from my bedside table. He's such a good boy - he knows when I need him. And he's an excellent writing buddy.
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Loki says hello!
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The (not-so) little guy thinks he's helping me write... I don't have the heart to tell him otherwise!
Anyway - here's to hoping that things get better soon. Because I'm not sure I can handle the alternative. What are your best tips for Writer's Block? I tend to do some written (text-based) RP with friends on either Discord or World of Warcraft. But even that has been a bit of a struggle.
I hope you're all okay and having a great day!
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lesbiangiratina · 4 months
112/80 blood pressure i wasnt Fully careful with salt intake today and only took like 1/8 of a beta blocker. We’re so back. Hopefully.
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clint going to AA is a headcanon, and technically my exploration of his alcoholism is as well... but i mean look at [ this tag with on panel evidence ] and see /yeah/ but this blog is all about clint getting functional and having a recovery arc, it's is important, it is what he deserves; and he will never have enough comic plotlines for me and this would be a good one if writers cared about clint and telling meaningful stories
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kenobihater · 7 months
ACTUALLY gonna fucking kermit. my GP is out until the end of the month on fucking ACTIVE DUTY and her nurse team just called me to say they won't give the go-ahead on me getting a full blood work panel from walk-in bc she'll "want to talk about it first". like?????? she's fucked off to god knows where on the shitty government's dime for a MONTH and my walk-in clinic has the capacity to do this!! they just needed permission from my GP. i can't go to my GP, i can't go to walk-in, and i can't go to ER both bc i'm not actively dying AND bc i don't wanna go for a third fucking time and pay even MORE money to be told i'm fine, actually!!! i've had muscle twitches since september and we've pretty much ruled out medication as the culprit. routine blood work and chest x-rays have come back clean, i've been coughing for a month, i nearly fainted 3 weeks back from a rapid drop in blood pressure, and now my hair is fucking falling out and i'm getting mysterious hyperpigmentation. i'm so absolutely furious abt this rn. i'm stuck either trying to get in with an endocrinologist and a dermatologist without referral on my own bc i suspect a hormone imbalance is causing some of my symptoms, or just doing nothing until the end of the month as my health continues to decline
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bananonbinary · 1 year
hey i saw your tags on the mental health walk post and i have major Sensory Issues that can be exacerbated by being outdoors (and am literally allergic to uv lmao), if it's not weird can i ask what flavor of spd stuff you're dealing with? i have some Techniques that may be useful if we've got overlap
hm. that's a bit of a difficult question, because i'm still sort of figuring it out? i went diagnosed for most of my life (which is insane cause it turns out its pretty severe lmao), and even now that i've been diagnosed, the doctors/therapists i've spoken to about it either have no experience in the area or are worse than useless, so i'm sort of piecing it together all on my own here.
the main obstacle for Outside is the sun. i don't LOVE all the other uncontrollable Stuff out there (wind, temperature, bugs, etc), but i can manage it okay. meanwhile i hate almost any light at all, and spend a lot of time in my room with the lights off and the curtain drawn, on my computer with a yellow light filter. i can hang out in the rest of the house without a problem as long as i can return to my dark room when i need it, but to go outside on a sunny day for more than like 10 minutes results in a full meltdown and often physical illness just in case i missed the memo that my brain Did Not Like It. i mean, i do it, because it's always worth it, but it takes like a whole week at least to claw my way back to my baseline again.
i would love to hear about your techniques even if you don't think they're very applicable, like i said i'm sort of in the dark about "normal" coping and treatment for the whole condition. my current coping techniques consist of a weighted pack i wear around my neck that my mom made (which does help a lot, i wear it every time i leave the house), and taking benedryl until it knocks me out of an overstimulation spiral and i can pass tf out for the comedown.
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theygender · 1 year
*checking the tracking information for my package from under a pile of overpriced teas and vitamins* this next herbal supplement will fix me
#g o d what is up with my brain thats been making everything so hard recently#like. im in a job that im MUCH happier with now and loving it. im no longer living a waking trauma nightmare as a call center sup#...why is my brain acting like im forcing it on a trek through fucking mordor just trying to get through a normal day at work#im on break from school. why am i not able to do any of the things that i wanted to do during the semester but was too busy for#why am i not able to do anything that i want to do and if i DO manage to do it why am i not able to enjoy it#why am i living like every moment of my life in fear that im wasting my time or doing something wrong or not good enough#and like i KNOW the answers are adhd and depression and anxiety#but my buddy. my pal. @ the wrinkly fleshy thing in my skull#im on 6 different psychiatric medications with a total of up to 11 individual pills per day. im actively in therapy and have been for years#and my life is currently much better than it maybe has ever been! WHY am i still struggling so hard 😭#like i know recovery isnt a straight line and etc etc but like. it just feels like im doing everything im 'supposed' to do so what gives#so. gonna start drinking more plants i guess and see if that helps. im already on some that seem to help but i think i need more now#bc im having a bad time in my brain prison tbh :(#im not even like upset typing all this out either im just like. bewildered. incredulous. exhausted#lets hope this new overpriced tea fixes me i guess#rambling
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